VCC Waimate Rolling Wheels March 2025

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Committee Members for 2024-2025

Chairman Owen Duthie 021-2942158

Vice Chairman Wayne Hullen 027-3726263

Secretary Barry Anderson 027-4852032

Treasurer Robert Todd 689-8103

Club Captain

Parts Department Keith Blackman 689-8278

Peter Bootsma 027-9310209

Bill Ryan 689-7063

Richard Terry 022-6375813

Club Room Convener Suzanne Anderson 027-2275406


Coming Events

March 2025

1st NiftyFiftyScooterRun Waimate

23rd MotorcycleRally SCVCC

26th MidweekRun Waimate


5th SwapMeet SCVCC

12th MotorcycleRally NorthOtagoVCC



Next Meeting : 20th March 2025

7.30pm clubrooms

Hall Convenor

Dance Groups are using the Hall, advised that the clocks are not correct.

Trevor Will sort out

General Business

Bush Town Steam Up Day 8 & 9th March numbers required for those displaying Vehicles. Approx. 6-8 cars and 2 motorbikes

Wayne suggested we have a committee discussion on the new club Constitution to be Held Thursday 27th at 7.30

3 Passes Run to be organised by Brett

Garage Run we are hosting this year in July Peter is organising will ask other clubs for a estimate of numbers participating

Scooter Run 1 March $15 BBQ Lunch, starting 9.30

Keys to Long shed moved by Trevor and Seconded by steve that 2 Keys for the shed be cut carried

25 Year Badge for John Bryce to be given to Family

A Rooster for organising Midweek Run to be displayed in club rooms

Closed at 8.40 next meeting 20th March 2025

Waimate Vintage Car Club Meeting

Dated 20th February 2025

Welcome Owen Duthie

Present 14 members as per attached

Apologies Maureen, Sandra, Jill, Lorraine & Owen, Keith

Moved they be accepted Peter Seconded Steve carried

Minutes Minutes of the January 2025 meeting have been circulated taken as read and confirmed

moved Peter seconded Trevor carried Correspondence

Executive Meeting Christchurch 8,9 March

Moved that the Correspondence be approved Richard Seconded

Donald Carried


Financial : Robert Todd as attached

Moved the report be accepted and accounts paid Barry seconded

Richard Carried


Nil to Report

Jim Boaden will open parts shed on Wednesday 26th


Hi guys.

Quite a successful month. To kick off the Wallaby Rally ended up very successful with 31 entries. Thanks to all those people that attended and to our members for organizing both runs. We struck an awesome day and a perfect venue. A surprise at our last meeting with the return of Steve and Bill after recovering from their illness. Great to have you guy's back on board again.

Thanks to Trevor Peter Bland ,Suzanne and helpers for preparing and cooking the BBQ for lunch after the scooter run. The run started with 9 entries and ended up with 7 completing the run. Approximately 77kms of back roads and good scenery. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The sausage sizzle was much appreciated at the end along with some tall stories and conversation. Last but not least thanks to Tony and Isabell for being our back Cheers guy's.

Thanks to those members that have entered in the Bushtown show,6 cars and 3 Motorbikes .Hope you have a great weekend.

That's it for this month. We need a Club run l think Bring your ideas to the next meeting please.

Cheers Owen

Next meeting is 20th March 7.30pm.

2025 Wallaby Rally

The 2025 Wallaby Rally was held on Saturday 8th February 2025

31 cars and motorcycles participated in the rally on a fine sunny Waimate Day, of those 17 entered on the day.

The Short Route put together by Trevor and Linda consisted of all sealed roads of approx. 30 Miles.

The Long included put together by Suzanne included some gravel as well as tar sealed roads and was approx. 50 miles long.

The Lunch stop was at Knottingley Park where after a couple of field tests put together by Trevor, The shade offered by the trees was needed for the lunch break.

Thanks to all those who helped organize the Rally and run the Rally on the Day


Veteran 1st B O'Rourke

Vintage 1st Nevin Gough

PWV 1st Ewen Duthie

P80 1st Ron Hammer

P60V 1st Gil Edmunds

Motor Bike 1st Lex Westoby

verall Winner 1st Ewen Duthie 1st Nevin Gough

Navigator 1s Janeane Benfell Distance

E Ewen Duthie

Austin K2 wheels, 20 inch split rims, 6 stud, 4 required. Ph 0273726263 Wayne Hullen

Southland Rally

70th Southland Rally

Hi Guys on Friday the 31th of January Chris and I packed up the Mercedes and headed south to Invercargil to the 70th Southland Rally we had a nice trip down and got to our hotel at about 3 pm. After settling in to our room we had a good Blue Cod meal .We then set out to the Southland VCC club rooms Gee what a great set up they have After having drinks and nibbles and a good yarn to the very friendly locals we got our rally packs and went back to our hotel.Next morning we assembled at the car park at Queens park and what a wonderful turn out of many cars from very early cars to many others .We set off though Queens Park and were amazed by the number of people out to see the cars Our trip went out west to Otautau on wonderful roads so well maintained ,had a great look around and ended up at Riverton for lunch and field tests, a very nice spot and the weather was real nice we headed back to the club rooms stopping at Thornberry vintage club for a look around back at the amazing club rooms we had drinks and a look though the parts shed then we had a very nice meal and prize giving meet some more locals and had a good yarn .On Sunday

Chris and I went to the Motorbike Mecca gee that is a great display we then went to Bluff and brought some of the best Blue Cod and chip which we ate up on Bluff hill back to our hotel where we caught up with a old friend who I hadnt seen for 45 years .Monday we cruised home

All and all a great trip and a very good rally thank you Southland VCC Ross Brown

The Rally had an appearance of a movie Star !

Big Boots have many Uses

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