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1947 TRIUMPH SALOON JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2024 Ashburton Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.)

Mobile 0274 316 058 CLUB NIGHTS: 3rd Thursday of the Month, 7.30pm Clubrooms and Museum Maronan Road P.O. Box 382 ASHBURTON Telephone: (03) 308 4595 DISCLAMER


The opinions and views expressed in Blowout are not necessarily those of the Editor or The Vintage Car Club of Ashburton. No offence is intended, nor will the officers of this club be liable for any breach.

Bruce McIlroy Limited 309 Methven Highway ASHBURTON 7776 Tel: 03 308 7282 Email: 2


Patroness Chairman Secretary Treasurer

Diane Ross (Rob) Peter Jacob (Annette) Colin Sweetman (Cathy) Grant Cullimore (Judith)

308 2356 308 8940 307 7373 308 8119

Club Captain

Graeme Stevens (Margaret)

021 843 813


Trevor Begg

308 3803

Peter Lambie (Susan)

302 0899

Alan Begg (Jeanette)

308 6171

Rod McKimmie (Dawn) David Parkes (Linda )

302 5853 027 222 6758

Nat Exec Delegate

Colin Sweetman (Cathy)

307 7373

Museum Custodians

Les Bennett (Marie)

308 4705

Trevor Coulter John Wells (Deirdre) Colin Sweetman (Cathy)

308 4817 307 0009 307 7373

Jim Rooney (Audrey)

308 4441

Ron Winchester (Pam)

307 2981

Gavin Smith (Gaylene)

308 2297

Alan Begg (Jeanette) Tony Adams (Diane) Grant Cullimore Colin Read (Pauline)

308 6171 021 126 7992 308 8119 308 6989 0274 345 636

Blowout Editor Blowout Circulation

Owen Wilson (Lorraine) Chris Gulleford (Alan) Bernard Egan ( Marlene)

Commercial Convener Motorcycle Convener Vintage Convener Clubroom Custodians VCC ID Officer - Pre1960 VCC ID Officer P60V P80V VCC ID Officer P60V P80V Trophy Steward

Bernard Bradley John Wells (Deirdre) Peter Lambie (Susan) (Monthly Roster) Peter Lambie (Susan) Peter Jacob (Annette) Colin Sweetman (Cathy) Tony Adams (Diane)

308 9769 307 0009 302 0899 See list on last page 302 0899 308 8940 307 7373

Swap Meet Booking

Cathy Sweetman

307 7373

Swap Meet Co-ordinator

Noel Batty (Marie)

308 4003

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Trevor Begg

308 3803


Rod McKimmie (Dawn)

302 5853



Parts Custodians


0274 390 718 308 3999

021 1267 992

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Mid-Week Runs.last Thursday of each month. Details will be emailed to you with times and destination. For those who don’t have email please phone Colin on 307 7373 Or Graeme 021 843 813 for details.

2024 1 Jan 27 Jan

Mon NEW YEAR’S DAY RUN & BBQ DINNER. (Cathy & Colin Sweetman) Sat ANNUAL RALLY Details Pg 11 - 14(Club Capt)

18 Feb Sun

Chairmans Run 1pm Clubrooms leave 1.30pm (Peter Jacob)

17 Mar Sun

PV-PWV Run All classes welcome ( Club Captain)

31 Mar Sun Veteran & Vintage Only Run (Peter Lambie) 6 April Sat

Sth Canty Swap Meet

6 --7 Apr

Wheat & Wheels Rally VCC Veh Wtd Trev Begg)

20 -21 Apr

Ashburton Aviation Extravaganza VCC Vehicles Wanted (Trevor Begg)

4 May Sat

Ashburton Swap Meet

20 Jun

Ashburton AGM.

30 June

Solstice Run ( Club Captain)

18 July

Annual Dinner (Committee)


Your Committee 2023-2024 Back row Left to Right David Parkes, Graeme Stevens, Alan Begg, Trevor Begg, Grant Cullimore. Front row Left to Right Peter Lambie, Rod McKimmie, Colin Sweetman, Peter Jacob


Chairman’s Report We had a very busy November with quite a few activities that were well attended by one and all. For me the highlight was the Posh Picnic. This was the first time we have attended and from what I saw other people were also attending for the first time, what a great idea it was asking everyone(nearly everyone) to dress up in the period of their vehicles. A huge range of colour and fashion plus lots of laughs and reminiscing, all assembling with the wonderful surrounds of Coniston. Also another highlight of the day was driving through Locklea Lifestyle resort, there were a lot of people standing and sitting outside their homes to watch all the vehicles go past. Commercial Run was very a successful day attracting a diverse variety of commercial vehicles. We did a bit of a drive up through Mayfield and Ruapuna and finished up at Mahn’s Collection in Geraldine. It was the second time that I have been there but there was a lot more to see this time. The Collection is growing all the time, I did take a picture of a large International dump truck, being big and yellow it stood out. The following few days at home I was looking through the


old photos looking at what was worn in the 1960’s and came across a photo of me at 8, standing in front of a very similar truck at the Benmore open day in 1968. Barry Hayman from Patterson Funeral Services. Barry entertained us with a bit of his own history and the path he took to his present position at Pattersons. We also got a bit of an insight of what is involved in organising, arranging and paying for a funeral and the options that are available to you and families.

We had a reasonable number attending, but thought there would have been a lot more of our Members there to support the evening. Thank you to those people that displayed vehicles at the Plains Railway 50th Anniversary weekend. Another great success in waving the VCC flag and showing and talking to the public about our vehicles. Coming up we have the New Years Day Run, guaranteed to be a great day out and generally we get our biggest turnout of cars for this run. Please make a plan to participate. I am sure that Colin has arranged another exciting day with a few random questions on the Run Sheet for you to answer. This is a great chance to bring along other family members and/or friends to enjoy the cars and company of others and is also a great way to get rid of the last of the leftovers from the fridge. The Annual Rally follows at the end of January. This event is open to Members from neighbouring Branches and normally we do get a few from Christchurch, South Canterbury and Waimate, so it’s a great time to catch up with old friends. The start of another year is just a matter of days away, I am not a fan of New Year resolutions but I am a fan of making plans to do things, attend things and see and do new things. If you are able to, please try to attend as many VCC events as you can and if not to get your vehicle out, but to catch up with friends. Enjoy the festive season and we will see you in the New Year All the best for 2024, Peter. 7

MID WEEK RUN – 26/10/23 This month the weather provided an extra challenge with an old fashioned Nor/West gale adding some extra excitement. Rob and I were last to arrive at the start to find the rest of the group huddled under the porch at the VCC Museum. Graham handed us our instructions, well written in a font size easy for us oldies to read. They sent us down Ford’s Road into Boundary Road, down the Longbeach Road, and into Pole Road until we reached Ealing. From there we were lead onto SH1 for a short distance then onto Main Road to Geraldine. Across the Rangitata River again, then onto the Orari Back Road before turning right onto Bennett Road, until rejoining the Geraldine Road. We reached ‘The Farm Shop and Café’ where we were booked in for lunch. I can recommend the Whitebait Butties, but there was a very comprehensive menu to choose from. The occupants of the

12 cars attending, enjoyed a chat and catch up with the others while having lunch. It was hard to know the best way home as the wind had increased and even our heavy Chrysler was being blown about, but we arrived home pleased that all our trees on the section were still standing. While I write this, Rob is cleaning effluent from a stock truck shared with us when they overtook. Glad we had the hood up!!! Diane Rob’s Secretary 8

NEW YEAR'S DAY RUN Monday 1st January 2024. Meet at Clubrooms at 1.30pm for a 1.45pm departure. Bring afternoon tea and a pen to write down answers. BBQ at Club Museum from 5.30pm. Bring a salad and dessert to share Club will provide meat and BBQ


Commodore Motor Lodge

814 East Street, Ashburton Reservations: 0800 108 006 nz

 Garden Setting  All Ground Level Units  Non Smoking  All Refurbished & Affordable  Parking Outside Units  Expansive Off-street Parking  Children’s Playground  3 Star Plus Qualmark rating  AA Rewards  MANZ Member

For All your Rural Cartage Requirements Livestock General Freight Grain & Bulk Cartage Fertiliser Hiab Unit Contact us at: Ashburton 308 4079


proceeds are going to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Trust, so et’s have plenty of Veterans & Vintage vehicles there, all classes welcome.

Cell 027 608 3803

Dwarf joke I accidentally crashed into the back of a little car at the traffic light the other day and a dwarf got out of the car. He stormed around the car and looked at the damage then shouted “I’M NOT HAPPY”. I replied, “Oh, well which one are you?


Nelson Biennial Rally Two cars from Ashburton travelled to Murchison for the Nelson Biennial Rally, 22-24th September, and we met up with 19 from Nelson, 12 from Marlborough and 2 each from Canterbury and the West Coast. It rained from Hanmer to Murchison and there was plenty of water laying around when we went to the Registration and Noggin and Natter at the Bowling Club Rooms.The rain stopped early morning and we woke to an overcast morning and the puddles had all drained away. All cars met at Beachwoods Café carpark on the main highway, with a lot of people checking out the great variety of cars on display. At 9.30am we headed off north, and about 30 minutes later crossed the Gowan Bridge on the road to Lake Rotoroa. We stopped off at Mike and Gail Lyell's batch (Nelson Members) for morning tea and a 35 years presentation to Mike. From here the competitive part of the Rally started. We were let go in groups of five, driving down to Lake Rotoroa and then up and over the Braeburn Saddle, trying to find the answers to 20 questions. Our lunch stop was at the Matakitaki Lodge (belonging to Nelson Boys College) and under cover.

After lunch we visited a new local Agricultural Business currently under development at Mt Ella. A dairy farm was purchased and 300 hectares have been planted in HOPS and another 100 hectare will be planted soon . It was chosen as the winters are quite cold and summers rather hot, which is what hops like. They cannot get power from the grid, but have a small power source and the rest by a big diesel generator, for drying the hops. 12

They are harvested at about 80% moisture and dried down to about 12%. A tour and talk through the drying plant was very interesting. The dry hops are baled up and transported by truck to a Nelson cool store. From there it was a pleasant drive back to Murchison. A lovely two course meal was put on by Club Murchison, after which there was a fundraising auction and raffles drawn. This was followed by the Rally Trophy and prize presentations. It was raining again on Sunday, so we opted to come home instead of doing the Sunday Run. A lovely run and saw new country.


Small area of Hop plantings

Oldest car on the Rally

Below: Drying floor


Where hops are extracted


Post 60/80 Cruise On Sunday 5th November 2023, we made our way in our 1967 Chevy Impala, to the Hotel Ashburton for another of Owen and Lorraine Wilson’s Runs. Arriving three minutes late we were warmly greeted by Owen who stated that around 35 cars were booked in – with several others departing after us.

With instructions in hand, we set off. Of course, being fireworks night- we were treated to mother nature’s best

drizzle. From Methven, through the Rakaia Gorge – which was ssurprisingly clear given the amount of recent rain, then along SH72 towards Waimakariri Gorge.


The bridge was still down to one lane having been under repair for many years. At the picnic area we gathered as best we could under the covered area for morning tea and a catch up with other Club Members. The drizzle continued but it didn’t seem to dampen the spirits. Hitting the road, we headed out through Oxford towards Rangiora and the Five Stags Restaurant and Bar for lunch. a lovely eatery is tucked away in the Arlington subdivision. Meals were served in a well organised and timely manner and were delicious. Just after 1pm we departed for our afternoon visit, somehow though quite a few cars ended up 2.5 kms off course, us included – Sheep! Whoop whoop went the siren and up ahead were “disco lights”. Not for us but you know who you are – we were told that the police officer was a bit upset at being cut off at the intersection! After a total of 94.5 miles, we arrived at our destination Broadoak, Ohoka, but the weather still didn’t want to play ball. It is a beautiful venue inspired by British country gardens, unsurprisingly it is a very popular spot for weddings and other special events. Shaun Maloney (owner) gave us a brief history of the property, entertaining us in the “English Pub” he had brought over from the UK in a container! After meandering through the well-manicured gardens, we were then treated to the delights of Shaun’s man cave.


Here an array of British manufactured cars was on display in a pristine bijou shed. From a 1937 Austin A7 Special, a quirky 1950 Austin Atlantic to the glamorous Jaguars, including my all-time favourite -the graceful 1954 XK120 SE – along with many more impressive cars. After a quick cup of tea, we headed off home. Many thanks again to the organisers Lorraine and Owen for the diligent planning of this wonderful trip. Club members, make sure you don’t miss the next one. Sue & Phil Kenny.



Mopars in Ashburton Labour Weekend is the usual meeting up of Mopars in the South. This year Dunedin was supposed to host us, however they pulled out, so one of our Member’s put her hand up that Ashburton would be the host for 2023. The last time Ashburton hosted the weekend was 10 years ago. We took it on, with a small group being Chrissy and Gary Stratford, Owen and Lorraine Wilson and some other willing helpers when required. The whole weekend was based at Hotel Ashburton, who did us proud. . We had a free day on Saturday, with a list of things they could do during the day. For instance sheep milking display at Copland’s property. The list is far too long to list all suggestions given to attendees.

Sunday 22nd October we had a scavenger hunt and then a Show and Shine at the Vintage Car Club grounds.This being to attract Members’ of the public to come and view the 123 cars registered for the event Also,we welcolmed the Public to bring their Chryslers and ended up with 190 cars in attendance. St Joseph's School did the sausage sizzle and the Coffee Man catered well for all. The charity we chose for the Gold Coin donation was the local Hospice, we had also had a raffle at the Hotel .In total $2000.00 was the amount raised for Hospice. We would like to thank the Vintage Car Club for the use of their grounds and to several of their Members, for assisting with the parking of vehicles. Also Members for opening the Parts Shed and the Museum. This was all appreciated and all in all a very successful weekend.

Owen Wilson 20

Top: Cars Lined up for display Above:: Paul Galletly a new member of V.C.C brought his Grandson Above Right : VCC Members serving as Parking Wardens. Right: People Checking In 21

VCC National Commercial Rally October 2023 In 2021 my mate (Alistair Stevens) purchased a very straight rust free 1982 Datsun 1200 Utility. Although the engine and suspension had been refurbished the vehicle needed considerable work on the panels, painting, upholstery and tuning plus all the other things that pop up when you start a project like this. Work proceeded slowly for a time until I became aware of a VCC National Commercial Rally coming up in Wanganui later in the year and suggested that we finish the restoration and attend. Progress went into high gear with us finding a retired panel beater/painter willing to take on the job. After this was completed, it was sent to the upholsterer for the seats and carpets to be redone. As per the rules of VCC National Rally is we had to get the vehicle Vinned and this was done within plenty of time. All the final jobs were conducted by us at home over the next few weeks. This was not as easy as it sounds as I live in Christchurch and the Datsun owner lives near Methven approx. 120 Kms apart. Finally, we had completed the list of tasks, but when testing was undertaken, we found overheating problems. Out came the radiator for cleaning, a new thermostat, and a flush of the engine, seemed to fix the problem. The time came to take off on our trip to Wanganui where the Rally was to be held. We left a day early and stayed the night in Picton as we were not too sure of getting across Cooks Strait on the Ferrys, but we needed not to worry as it all went smooth and on time. After leaving Wellington we headed up SH 1 intending to go the old route near the sea but somehow, we ended up on the new Transmission Gully Highway, which is long, uphill for considerable amount of time and not as smooth as other new motorways we have driven on. This caused the Ute to overheat again with hot water coming out of the heater and onto our feet. 22

We finally made it over the top and down the other side and called into a garage to put in a bypass hose to eliminate the heater system. This fixed our overheating problems. We then had to backtrack a short distance to visit Southwards Auto Museum which I had not visited for several years. We were a little disappointed with the visit although the collection is great and holds a world class selection of rare, exotic vehicles and memorabilia, the overall effect has not changed much over the years.

Onwards to Wanganui through Levin, Foxton, and Bulls, finding our motel in Wanganui for the next four nights. Next day was spent visiting friends and sightseeing around the Wanganui area even climbing the lookout tower (176 steps) to gain a magnificent view over Wanganui before attending the Official Opening Ceremony at 6pm where we received our final rally instructions for the weekend. Next day we assembled at a local park for a Public Display and Concourse judging then proceeded to the Wanganui VCC Clubrooms for afternoon tea. Sunday was Rally day with an exceptionally long, rough, dusty route which took us on an interesting big loop around the outskirts of the Wanganui countryside arriving back at the VCC Club Rooms for lunch. Field tests were held in the park next door to the Club Rooms before heading home to our Motel for a clean up before heading to the Wanganui Racecourse complex for the final dinner and prize giving. Next morning (Monday) we assembled at the VCC club rooms again for a final morning tea then took a short drive to visit a large shed. Enclosed within was an enormous collection of old cars and a varied collection of other old collectable items. Although we had a wonderful time and tried our hardest with the competition aspect of the rally, we did not feature in the list of prize winners. On leaving Wanganui at lunchtime, we stopped in Palmerston North as we had a business meeting arranged, after that we then proceeded onwards to Shannon to visit friends.


Continuing southwards we stopped at Paekakariki to visit the Railway Museum, but it was closed, and all locked up. A bit sad as quite a few other people were also wanting to visit this establishment. Onto Wellington to find our accommodation then ventured out to sight see some of Wellington, taking a ride on the Cable Car, drove past the Beehive (saw Chris - do not know which one was packing or unpacking cardboard boxes through the window). Got told to move on by a Parking Officer, traffic was bad, and everyone seemed to know where they were going except us, but we got there.

Up early next morning to catch the Ferry. Breakfast on board with a smooth sailing. Visited a couple of friends in the Picton area before heading home to drop me off in Christchurch and Alistair to drive home to his Barrhill farm later in the evening. Apart from a couple of problems with the Datsun Ute which we overcame, the weather was good, we made some new friends, viewed some new country, and had a wonderful time. This was the first VCC Commercial Rally held for some time and moves are already being discussed by Rally entrants to hold another Rally in the future in the lower South Island. Lyndsey Saunders (Canterbury) Alistair Stevens (Ashburton)


50 years of The Plains Railway Ashburton

4 Engines at The Plains Railway

DEFINITION OF “POSH” Elegant or stylishly luxurious. A popular suggestion is the term Posh is an acronym for ‘port out, starboard home’ describing the cooler, northfacing cabins take, by the most aristocratisc or rich passengers travelling from Britain to India and back. 25

Posh Picnic 26.11.2023

Above: Phil Kenny & Sue Tanner with their Chev impala took 1st prize for best dressed .

Below: Donald and Carol Williamson hosts with the most.


The Hart's took the best Picnic setup


RICHARD BEGBIE PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING LIMITED Certified for ALL Plumbing Drain Laying & Gas Fitting For Prompt Efficient Service Anytime Town & Country

Phone 027 484 6000 or 308 4690 after hours RICHARD BEGBIE PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING LIMITED


WOF - Discount to VCC Members Tyres Servicing Full Workshop Service 24/7 Fuel Corner Harrison Street and Allens Road

Phone: 308 6194 28

Hyundai/Isuzu Mid Canterbury Workshop open 5-1/2 Days WOF *$5.00 Discount to VCC Members LPG Certificates

All work carried out by Qualified Tradesmen

Ph:307 2415






3 Tony Adams

2 Colin Read

13 Grant Cullimore

10 Owen Wilson

9 Alan Begg

20 Colin Read

17 Gavin Smith

16 Tony Adams

27 Alan Begg

24 Grant Cullimore 23 Owen Wilson 30 Gavin Smith


Gavin Smith

308 2297

Tony Adams

0211 267 992

Grant Cullimore 308 8119

Alan Begg

308 6171

Colin Read

Owen Wilson

0274 345 636

308 6989

Other Regions Parts Shed Hours Canterbury Every Wednesday, 1pm-4.30pm. 3rd & 4th Sundays 9am - 12 Noon. South Canterbury Phone John Campbell, 03 686 0282

ARTICLES FOR BLOWOUT BY 23rd OF MONTH PLEASE Please send to: or post to: Chris Gulleford 29 Bayview Street KAIKOURA 7300 Chris Ph: 0274 390 718






3 Jim Rooney

2 Les Bennett

13 John Wells

10 Trevor Coulter

9 Ron Winchester

20 Les Bennett

17 Colin Sweetman 16 Jim Rooney

27 Ron Winchester

24 John Wells

23 Trevor Coulter 30 Colin Sweetman


John Wells

307 0009

Colin Sweetman 307 7373

Trevor Coulter

308 4817

Les Bennett

308 4705

Ron Winchester

307 2981

Jim Rooney

308 4441

Clubroom Custodians Roster 2023/24 as per AGM If the month allocated to you does not suit please arrange to swap with someone else. June 2023




Phil Kenny & Sue Tanner

Roger & Isla Jones

Bernie & Kevin Harkness



John Wards & Jill Blacklock December

Ian & Sharon Moore

Anne & Stuart Hart

Noel & Marie Batty

Deirdre & John Wells

February February




Percy Percy & Heather Heather Ralston Ralston

Owen & Lorraine Wilson

Rod & Dawn McKimmie

David & Marion Oakley


January 2024

Two fully qualified restorers, dedicated to restorations only Insurance and Private Work Loan cars available Accepted by all insurance companies Locally owned and operated family business Phone: 03 3085238 or Duncan 0272831513, Debra 0272921969 104 South Street, Ashburton – email We work along side Goulds Towing and provide a HASSLE FREE SERVICE. 32

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