Committee Members for 2017-2018 Chairman
Steve Dyson
Vice Chairman
John Dawson
Owen & Lorraine Richardson
Robert Todd
Club Captain
Suzanne Anderson
Parts Department Keith Blackman
Peter Bootsma
Bill Ryan
Club Room Convener Barry Duff Newsletter
Barry Anderson
027-5299258 689-6355
Coming Events October 6-8th
Swap Meet Christchurch
Canterbury VCC
November 3rd
50 Year Presentations Makikihi Hotel
Swap Meet Oamaru
December 2nd
Windsor Rally
Nth Otago 2018
1st January New Year day Parade
10th February Wallaby Rally
Cuppa & Parts Morning 1st Thursday and 2nd Saturday of every month 9:45—12.00 noon
Chairman’s Report
50 Year Celebrations This a very important milestone for our two club members and made all the more special with a good attendance.
HI EVERYONE Well another month has gone by spring and daylight saving are here
November 3rd at the Makikihi Hotel.
So with so with better weather on the way we will be able to get out more
6-7pm drinks and social catchup
We had a good meeting with a good turnout and plenty of discussion We have decided to have a look at changing the format of our swap meet
Dinner to be seated by 7pm Excellent guest speaker Allan Dick has been arranged for the night. He's one of the country's original motoring journalists, has owned and edited several magazines, and of course has been one of New Zealand's foremost radio talkback hosts. Some time ago when he moved out of Auckland and settled at Oamaru, I figured that Allan had virtually retired. But no. He's still involved in various activities - the latest being as curator of a spanking new national motorsport museum at Cromwell in central Otago.
Maybe change the venue. A subcommittee has been set up to look into this The swat meet as you will know was not as good as other years but I feel The weather was the main cause. The result was not as bad as we thought with about $900 to 1000 being the total for the day Our roving secretary has been complaining about the computer not performing well for Some time now, so it was moved that we replace it, Robert and Owen to look into this
Kevin Clarkson – National Executive and Editor for the Beaded Wheels will be doing the presentations. Cost $35-00 per head Can we please have numbers to John and Steve by the ber
WE are having a display at the events centre, with up to 50 cars on display. Anyone who wishes to display their car can ring Steve at 6898711 or rob Aikman 6898094 At our next meeting we hope to have a games evening and have approached the Lions club
To see if they would like to join us I hope to hear back soon, so we will have to have a good turnout
John 689-7923
Steve 689-8711
Next Meeting: 19th October Business Meeting 7.00pm followed by General Business at 7.30pm and then a Games evening
Club Captains Report Was suggested that the President & Secretaries Board be upgraded.
Rather a quiet month, good to see Keith Blackman home again from his stint in hospital. Owen appears to have been busy in that department as well, and I had an unexpected trip away as well. Hopefully we will all be back to normal, what ever that means, as the weather warms up. Barry will be carting me off to see Bathurst, next month, he has been trying to get me there for years! I am paying him back by getting tickets to visit a HOLDEN museum, and I know he will love that. The details for the presentation dinner for Trevor and Lyndsay are coming together and we can look forward to a great meal and good company at the Makikhi Hotel on the 3rd of November.
Lyndsay Hossack said that there was to be an open day at Bushtown on Sunday 24th at 2pm for those that had bought & planted trees. Next steam up day11th March2018. John Dawson spoke at length on his thoughts of upgrading the Swap meet profile. He suggested that perhaps some thought should be given to holding it at the Bush town site. Lyndsay Hossack said that he was prepared to take the idea to a Bushtown meeting. The idea was discussed at length by the meeting; Motion;-“that a subcommittee of Steve Dyson, John Dawson, Lyndsay Hossack, & Robert Todd be formed to look into possibilities & report to the club” moved Owen Richardson & Geoff Bellman. passed John Dawson gave a report on the NZVCC ½ yearly meeting. Highlighting, A review of all the clubs constitutions to bring them up to date, Health & Safety requirements, & designing a new form for membership. Keith Blackman is home from hospital.
Planning for the Wallaby Rally, to be held on the 10th of Feb, is just getting under way. Will keep you posted.
Secretary reported that the time has come for us to look into a new computer, Motion,”That Owen & Robert look into the buying of computer”. Moved Steve Dyson & John Dawson.
Safe driving
Meeting closed 8.45pm.
Signed President
White Horse Motors High Street Waimate Agip Oils Full Range in stock
Special SAE 30 20lts $115.00 (suitable for vintage cars)
Minutes of Waimate VCC
Front Cover 1921 Helica de Leyat
Held in Clubrooms, Harris St Waimate
On the day the 1921 Helica came out the newspaper called it ‘The plane without wings.
Present;- as per attachment Apologies;- Keith Blackman, Barry Duff, Donald Mewburn, Len Denbrave, Lorrain Richardson, moved John Dawson & Geoff Bellman. Minutes;- of previous meeting circulated in Rolling Wheels Bulletin & taken as read. Steve Dyson & Geoff Bellman.
Matter Arising;- Calendars, still some orders to come. 50 year presentation, all coming together, to be held at Makikihi Hotel on Friday 3-11-17, Kevin Clarkson to do the presentation on behalf of NZVCC, Allan Dick guest speaker. 3 new members, Graham Dennison, Geoff Bellman, both Waimate & Murray Stuart from Omarama. Treasurers Report as attached presented by Robert, moved Robert Todd & John Dawson passed President thanked Robert for his effort at the swap meet. Reports;-Club Captain said that the weather affected the Swap meet, but those that attended felt it was quite successful. Some members attended Teapot rally, otherwise quiet month. Clubrooms, Barry Duff, Not much to report, dancing group inquiring if they can use the the rooms for a day event later in the year. Parts said they sold $200 worth of scrap & the ½ Prefect has gone. General Business;- Waimate 50 has asked the club if they will support a display of cars at the Waimate Events Centre at Labour weekend, agreed we would. Teapot Rally, those that partook in the rally said that it was most enjoyable. Barry Duff won the Teapot trophy. President moved, seconded John Dawson, “That those people who opened their garages for the ‘Raid’ be given one of the calendars” Passed President asked if people could contact Barry Anderson the bulletin editor, when they knew if a member was hospitalised or infirm so that he could put it in the Bulletin to inform members.
Made in France and designed by the French automobile manufacturer. Marcel Leyat the 1921 Helica is famous for its extraordinary look and originality. What makes this car absolutely unique is that it is powered by a huge propeller that resembles that of an aircraft rather than a normal engine. Even though Marcel Leyat kept working on the model for a few years only 30 1921 Helicas were produced because of the models unusual appearance and dangerously high speed. Currently all of the remaining Helicas are part of private collections. The estimated price of for a 1921 in good shape is NZ $28m so if you are lucky enough to ever find one for sale; you would have to be willing to spend a tiny fortune to get your hands on this piece of history.