PHOENIX Number 269
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PHOENIX Number 269
COMING EVENTS Looking Forward………
Other Events
Monte Carlo 29
Kairangi Hill Climb 1 Hunua 100 Rally Auck. Branch 21-22
Club Night 50 Year Awards 2 Chelsea W.A.L.S.H. 5
N.S. Aerodrome Time Trial and Formal Dinner 16 Lochinver – 20-21
Hawke’s Bay Safari 20-22 Auck. Branch m/c rally and swap meet 17-19 Maungaturoto Primary School Car & Bike Show 26 HRSCC Race Day H.D. 26
Swap Meets Canterbury Branch Swap Meet 6-8 Manawatu Branch Swap Meet 7 Waikato Br. Swap Meet 19
Hooters Tasman Revival Taupo. 7 Art Deco Weekend Napier 16-18 Western Springs Galaxy of Cars 18 Ellerslie Intermarque Concours – tba Hooters Legends of Speed Puke. 25
Hooters ‘Roycroft Trophy Meet’ 18 Hope-Cross Mud Pug - tba
Drive & Dine - tba
Club Night 8.00 p.m. Thursday 5th OCTOBER 2017 At the usual place - the RSA Room, King George Coronation Hall, Library Lane, Albany. Please note well from the address block on page 1 that our Madam Chairman has a new e-mail address
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The 2017 Monte Carlo! Saturday/Sunday 28-29 OCTOBER. An event for the true motoring enthusiast. A ‘plan your own run’ you can make as challenging or as relaxed as you like. It will take place over 24 hours starting from 12.00 midnight on Saturday, 28 October and finishing 12.00 midday Sunday, 29 October at the Nikau Café, 1779 Waikaretu Valley Rd, Tuakau 2695 Port Waikato. Where you start time is entirely up depends on how want to earn and you want to be. to all VCC eligible they have tops tops at all. The there and motor – cruisy tourer or chested type. We out there!
from and at what to you – it all many points you how competitive This event is open vehicles, whether made of tin or no idea is to get out be you either the press-on hairy want to see you all
Organiser Hamish Andrew has devised a cunning yet simple scoring method whereby points will be awarded per letter in place names – see further info on this below. This is a fantastic opportunity to get out and ‘walk the walk’, to exercise your steed in the manner of your choosing. Lunch will be available for purchase at the Nikau Café and, weather permitting, the adventurous may take a guided tour through the adjacent Nikau caves – a truly remarkable experience. Please register your interest NOW with Hamish at, or on 09 276-9263 or mob: 0272 969 665 Page |3
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The Monte Carlo Type Rally – 101 Not sure how a Monte Carlo Rally works? Well, it’s simple. Basically, it goes like this. The organiser sets: • a start time. You may start on or after the appointed start time, but not before it. • An end destination. Self-explanatory, really. • A finish time, that is, the time by which you must be at the end destination. • A scoring system against which points are awarded so as to determine the winner. More about this in a moment. What’s missing? You got it – a start place and a route. This is where you, the participant comes in. You, the participant: • decide where you want to start from. • Determine your route to the end destination, taking into account being able to get there by the finish time and how to earn maximum points on the way. Bingo! You essentially plan your own event, making it as easy or as challenging as you desire and depending on how competitive you want to be. Let’s look at a couple of examples, based on: • the destination being our Albany clubrooms, • start time 12.00 am (midnight) Saturday, • finish time 12.00 pm (midday) Sunday. • Points awarded for different towns passed through, with more points for towns furthest away or difficult to get to. Participant A wants a relaxed kind of event and is not interested in winning, so plans to: • Start from his/her home at 8.30 am Sunday. • Drive a loop out through Helensville to Warkworth, then back down SH1 through Orewa to be at the clubrooms comfortably before 12.00 pm. No towns very far away or difficult to get to, so not many points earned. Participant B is a gung-ho motorist, very competitive and wants to win. So, he/she: • Drives up to Cape Reinga on Friday and starts from there bang on 12.00 am Saturday morning. • Blasts around a circuitous route through all kinds of obscure places carefully selected so as to be worth maximum possible points, covers hundreds of miles and roars into the clubrooms with seconds to spare before the 12.00 pm noon finish time. Hooray! Participant B wins. But, the point is, a great good time was had by all. Now, for our event in October, Hamish’ scoring system is based on points being awarded per each letter of the alphabet in a place name, against the following table: A=1
M= 3
Z= 10
So, ‘Huapai’ is worth 10 points (3+1+1+3+1+1). ‘Huntly’ is worth 12 points (3+1+2+1+1+4). Got it? A couple more things – a ‘place’ is a distinct village, town or city, not a suburb or sub area within a village, town or city. For the purposes of this event ‘Auckland’ is everywhere between Albany and Takanini. You will need produce proof, a time/dated photo will do, evidencing you having been in each place you claim for. Time to start thinking of your route and the places you might go through to earn maximum points on your chosen route. (Quezon City anyone?) Page |4
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Coming Up…
CHELSEA W.A.L.S.H. HILL CLIMB Sunday 5th November 2017 9am – 3pm NO Rain Day Chelsea W.A.L.S.H. Hill Climb is open to all VCC eligible vehicles pre-1945 & up to Pre-1960 by prior consultation with the Waitemata Branch Committee.
ENTRY FORMS etc. are available in this issue of PHOENIX & NEED TO BE WITH Secretary VIV SCOTT 200A Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632
by Thursday 2nd November 2017 Scrutineering will be held at Mac’s Garage (4E Ashfield Street, Glenfield) Saturday 4th November 2017 from 9am till 1pm. This service will be carried out by Ryan McDonald & Kevin Andrew. Scrutineering at the venue is ONLY AVAILABLE to OUT OF TOWN ENTRANTS by appointment with the above scrutineers. Please make arrangements with Ryan McDonald (09 4433733 wk.) / Kevin Andrew (0274989454 wk.)
MARSHALS are REQUIRED can YOU help?? please contact Di Humphreys 09 4460916 The event will NOT happen unless we have some VCC members as Marshals
All Marshals MUST be at MARSHAL BRIEFING in Pit area @ 8.30am ALL DRIVERS are REQUIRED to ATTEND DRIVERS’ BRIEFING @ 8.45am.
(If you are not at Drivers’ Briefing you cannot enter the event.) The after-event BBQ will be available for Entrants, Marshals, Radio team. IF others wish to partake of the BBQ they must pay $5pp and they must let Di/Keith Humphreys (09 4460916) know for catering purposes before 2nd November 2017 Page |5
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Going Further out…
November Club Night (Thursday the 2nd), is special. We’ll be celebrating Wallace McNair’s 50-year membership of the VCC. Festivities will commence with a BBQ firing up at 7.00 pm. The Branch is providing the BBQ and salads, BYO everything else, including plates, eating irons and refreshments. Our fair North Island Club Captain will be attending to honour the occasion.
Mark your diaries to be there.
Something special is also being planned for
Our Final Event of the Year in December – it’s early days yet but watch this space…… and…
LOCHINVER 20-21 January 2018 Yes, this is well out there but note the date has now been set. Numbers will be limited to around 20 persons and places are filling up. If you are interested, contact Ian Goldingham ( or ph 09 4458811) and earlier rather than later would be good.
AUCKLAND BRANCH MID-WEEK RUN Wednesday 18th October 2017. Starts from The Drury Service Centre, Southern Motorway. 10-00am for a 10-30am departure. Our destination will be the Nikau Caves, in Waikaretu, where there is a good café and very interesting Limestone country side. The caves themselves are top class nowadays, and well worth visiting. Sunday clothes are not recommended! (There are changing rooms in the café complex.) Google it if you want more info, but the run will be simple and a little longer than recent ones.
The Dewdrops tel. 09 232 0245 email Page |6
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And how about… Waitemata'ites & FOB's have been invited by the HRSCC (Historic Racing Sports Car Club) to join them in a
Race Day at Hampton Downs on the NEW CLUB CIRCUIT. November, 26th 2017 The Waitemata Branch obtains a VCC Permit, Clerk of Course & Scrutineer for this event and this covers VCC members during their track time. Cost will be $220 per entry. REGISTER your interest in taking part in this day by contacting Graeme Banks. mob. 0275003806
Entry Forms are being sent out with this issue of PHOENIX or are available from Graeme Banks. As always it is great to join HRSCC and how exciting to be using the new Club Circuit at Hampton Downs. So…you have plenty of time between now and the 26th November to check the brakes, check the oil, fill the radiator, find your helmet and overalls and fill in the entry form.
And not to be overlooked… The Hooters Vintage Race Series – 2017/18 Season Calendar Date 30th September 2017 1st October 2017 5th November 2017 10th – 12th November 26th November 2017 6th January 2018 7th January 2018 24th February 2018 25th February 2018 17th March 18th March 2018
Event Hooters Race - Icebreaker Kairangi Hill Climb Chelsea WALSH Hill Climb MG Classic Race Meeting Race Meeting Classic Trial Hooters Race – Tasman Revival Classic Trial Hooters Race – Tasman Revival Classic Trial Hooters Race (Roycroft Revival?)
Location Hampton Downs Cambridge Auckland Manfeild Hampton Downs Club Circuit Taupo Taupo Pukekohe Pukekohe Hampton Downs Hampton Downs
Organising Club HRC/VCC Waikato VCC Waitemata VCC MG Car Club HSCC HRC HRC/VCC HRC HRC/VCC HRC HRC/VCC
There is also the option of having a further VCC Race at Taupo on 7/8 April if competitors wish…. Please let me know your thoughts and I look forward to seeing you all soon. Page |7
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Best regards, Tim Hill. Series Co-ordinator 021 614600
PAST EVENTS Looking Back…. Ryder’s Drive Dine and Movie. 24 September. This was very much the triple header its name suggests. We drove. A pleasant one-and-a-half-hour circuitous route starting from our Albany Club Rooms, heading west through Paremoremo, Riverhead and Taupaki, to cut through Waitakere and Swanson, up to the Scenic Drive, then down via Titirangi and on downwards across New Lynn to Avondale and Ryder’s Junction, our eventual destination. Some roads well travelled, some I don’t recall having driven before, most of them uncluttered despite our nearness to the city, even a touch of gravel, with corners aplenty to exercise the Armstrong steering and all the while enjoying beautiful, sunny weather – such a novelty. Also something of a novelty was our arrival in broad daylight, thanks to daylight saving starting this very day. We dined. The roast dinner equalled, indeed some said exceeded, the standard we have come to expect from this establishment - just loved those crispy roast potatoes – and seconds were available for those who desired, but probably didn’t really need, a little bit more. We enjoyed the movies. Yes, movies plural, the first a ‘long short’ very professionally produced by Ian Goldingham, of our 2016 40th Chelsea W.A.L.S.H. hill climb. This film runs for about 40 minutes and what a
Founding fathers. A very dapper John Gairdner addresses Wallace McNair. The Beesley brothers listen.
great job Ian has done capturing for posterity the sight, the sounds, the very essence of this, our pre-eminent sporting event. Every aspect of the occasion is covered; the starts, the runs up, the finish line and the procession back down again, together with the gatherings at the top and at the bottom. Unfortunately, the Ryder’s movie equipment was unable to cope with the Blu-ray format
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Ian has produced so we watched the standard version. Good as this was, I understand that the Blu-ray format is a real step up. Both CD formats are available from Ian for a modest fee to cover production costs. Get in now and go for the Blu-ray. Then, the main feature, the 1964 English spoof ‘Father Came Too’ being the trials and tribulations of a young, newly married couple trying to renovate an old cottage with, or notwithstanding, the help/ hindrance of a well-meaning but over-the-top and overbearing Father-in-Law superbly played by James Robertson Justice. Fascinating to note the other actors in youthful guise, Leslie Phillips, Ronnie Barker, Timothy Bateson, Stanley Baxter amongst others and a host of cameo appearances. Attendance was excellent, proving this long-standing event has maintained its appeal over the years. Wallace McNair and Anne Thompson were there in the 1933 Sunbeam Speed 20 Monte Carlo saloon, fitting company to Stan and Gilly Smith’s 16.9. The car park was further graced with Lea Francis, Model A Speedster, MG’s A, B and BGT, Austin Healy, Riley Kestrel Sprite, Fiat Spider and Daimler SP250. Not a bad line-up. Nice to see Dorothy and John King and good to have Rob and Shona Williams, Collin and Dorique, Anna and Keith, Marcus Ling and Ollie and Nicola Midgely with us. Big thanks to Jacqui and Ian for the organisation and to Keith H for photographs. K.B.
Scenes at the dinner table
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Seen in the carparks
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“Of course, some people like to fold their arms but me, I prefer to keep my hands in my pockets.”
Saturday Sunday night at the movies…..
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PHOENIX Number 269
FROM THE THRONE In the nick of time……I was so happy to get aboard the Air New Zealand flight back to Godzone that I fairly sat down in my seat fighting off tears of relief!!! Even if we have ended up with Winny calling the shots, NZ is still a great place to live. The romantic trip to South America had some good moments but for me those did not outweigh the bumping off aircraft, the cancelled flights, the amount of time spent in airports nor the stress of trying to communicate in two different languages trying to find out what was actually happening. The poverty and graffiti didn’t help either. In thirty days we had fourteen flights!!! One bump off and two cancelled. We saw lots of derelict, but still lived in Victorian buildings that had once been beautiful, now totally covered in graffiti. Rubbish, especially plastic bags everywhere, stray dogs, stray kids, crazy driving and everyone wanting your US dollar!! We’ve swum with Galapagos Turtles in freezing water, we’ve seen lots of different Amazon animals and we had the fastest Express Taxi ride we’ve ever taken!! racing from Buenos Aires Domestic airport, across the city to BA International airport, hoping to get there in time to catch the flight home. Iguazu Falls were amazing!! Later this month we have a second run of the Monte Carlo. It wasn’t so well attended last year probably the Monte Carlo rules seemed complicated. In actual fact they were incredibly simple. As long as one starts sometime after the Saturday Start Time one can do as many or as few miles as one wants as long as one gets to the final destination by the allotted time on Sunday morning. If you are competitive you can spend all day Saturday and all Saturday night/Sunday morning driving and collecting points by plotting a route that passes through or visits as many places as possible that has the highest scoring number of letters of the alphabet in its name. You do need evidence that you have passed through these places but with mobile phones with cameras which everyone seems to have this is surely an easy way to get your evidence. The finish once again will be at the Nikau Cave Café where great food is served and if we have enough sun between now and 28th October the cave may have dried out and you could enjoy an hour underground seeing some of the best stalagmites, stalactites and glow worms that NZ has to offer. So Waitemata’ites the challenge is to lift your butt off the lazy boy, fill the vintage machine with petrol, and get motoring. Wallace McNair receives his VCC 50 Year membership Badge at November Club night. VCC Protocol requires the Branch to put on a ‘special’ function which should include a dinner. This of course means that the normal meat pie club night will not suffice! so a BBQ will be held. The Branch will provide salads & the BBQ for cooking. You will need to bring your own meat, your own tipple & vessel, plate & utensils. Then we have Chelsea Hillclimb. As is necessary these days, a lot of work behind the scenes especially by Waitemata’ite, Dean Salter, gets us the essential ‘go ahead’ by Auckland Council and once again we breathe a sigh of relief and know that we can now start organising the hillclimb from the Branch side of things. The Branch continues to make the entry fee very realistic while we still have money in the coffers….it does cost a couple of thousand dollars to actually pay for what the Council requires and we are very lucky that Dean knows the right people and has got the costings down to a very good rate for us for all these requirements.
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Now for some possibly disturbing news: I was recently given a brochure that had been delivered to all households in Birkenhead mid-September indicating that in the future Chelsea Sugar Refinery would be branching out in the form of having a 7 day a week café, factory tours and a baking school. I went on line to check out the Chelsea Sugar Refinery website and sure enough, April 2018 the Chelsea Bay café will be in operation. I have spoken with John Ellis a management member of the Chelsea Sugar Refinery asking what the outcome will be for us for holding future hillclimbs. He sees the café as a positive and can’t really see any problems arising as long as we open the road when necessary to let the public through. John has apparently been to a hill climb or two and has been extremely happy with the efficient and quick way the road has been opened for people who need to get down to the Refinery. The end of our discussion was to basically wait and see how things panned out. I saw his attitude as a positive and certainly take heart from that….and wouldn’t it be great if Council saw things the same way. Auckland Council Parks & Reserves now own and maintain a large proportion of the grounds and road. If you have any thoughts of entering Chelsea PLEASE pull finger and get your entry in to Viv, the Branch secretary ASAP.
Di H. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
FROM THE ED. I don’t usually pay much attention to such things. Our letter box is regularly filled with all manner of advertising blurbs, the majority of which are lucky to receive more than a cursory glance before being discarded. It was Mariette who drew my attention to the flyer from the Chelsea Refinery proudly announcing the opening, in April 2018, of ‘Chelsea Bay’, a new café and visitors’ centre from which they, the Refinery, will run factory tours, a baking school and an “interactive baking education experience” (make of this new age commercial-speak what you will). It appears the baking school, tours and “interactive experience” will be run Monday to Friday, but the café is stated to be a seven day a week operation. This, at first reading, did not sound like good news in relation to our use of the Refinery road for the Chelsea hill climb. Whilst we are beholden to the Auckland City Council and not the Refinery for the use of the road, how kindly will the café operators take to the possibility of their day’s trading being disrupted and how loud will they be in the Council’s ear when we come to seek our hill climb permit? It cannot be assumed that the Council will be swayed in favour of placing historic rights of use above commercial interest. However, as our Madam Chairman states above, it is a case of suck it and see for now and it could well be that we continue to enjoy Chelsea W.A.L.S.H. events into the future, all be they subject to a little more disruption. Perhaps our participants and spectators on the day will be a boon to the café’s business! Of course, we have forecast doom for this event at various times in the past and yet, by dint of Branch member effort it has lived on – no reason to throw the towel in now. However, perhaps we should take the on-going threats to our continued use of Chelsea as cause to consider an alternative hill climb venue and format to stand together with and, perhaps eventually as an alternative to, Chelsea. Increasing urban sprawl and petty legislative restrictions suggest we should look outside of Auckland for this new venue and, rather than reinventing the wheel it may be best to combine with another Branch in the use of an existing facility. This could mean the event broadens into a week-end away and it would not necessarily be any the worse for that. The week-end away element could add to the experience.
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Whatever the outcome, one thing is clear and it cannot be emphasised enough. Get out and use your vehicles now, while we can. Don’t let an opportunity go by. We are favoured with a relatively unfettered right to use and we should be exercising this right to the hilt. Motoring as we have known it these past 120 years is on the cusp of fundamental change and how this may impact our vintage pastime is uncertain. There will be more about this in future editions.
JUST SO WE KNOW WHO WE ARE... Completing the tale of Mike Greig’s WD Riley 9 Tourer the first instalment of which we featured last month. Thanks again to Mike for the accompanying articles of interest.
Short notes on the Riley. Continued from ‘Phoenix’ No. 268. I will give a few words about the Riley Company. This family company, based in Coventry in England in the later part of the 19th Century, was involved in the world of ribbon weaving and weaving machinery. With a new generation of family and changing technology it went into the production of bicycles; the first Riley cycles being made in 1870. Young Percy Riley made his first car in 1898, a four-wheeler, single cylinder with mechanically operated inlet valve. The next development saw tricycles, Riley engined motorcycles and tri-cars. Powering some of the tri-cars was the 9 h.p. V Twin engine. One product developed was the Riley detachable wheel with a centre lock. This was a great advance for the motorist as most cars of the time had nondetachable wheels, making puncture repairs a lot of work, specially in sporting events as spare wheels were not carried. The cars Riley developed were strong, well-made and sporting but they were not a mass producer. After the Great War the company focused on a single model, an 11 h.p. 4-cylinder side valve with a variety of body styles. This attractive and very capable vehicle was successful in many trails and the sports versions raced on the track and beach racing with impressive results for a side valve 1500cc engine. The event that heralded its replacement, a remarkable new 9 h.p. model with 'Monaco' body and an all new 1100cc overhead valve, twin camshaft engine, was the July meeting at Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb of 1926. The public response to the Riley Nine was overwhelming. The four door saloon body designs - Monaco, San Remo and Biarritz - were so much more stylish and elegant than those being offered by other English manufacturers and many of the great and good in the racing field at the time, very impressed by the Nine’s performance potential, soon developed it into many sports versions. The most noted is the “Brooklands” sports model which enjoyed much success, including in New Zealand. It was in one of these I learned to drive a Riley; getting used to the crash box, cable brakes and handling. To drive a Riley is to drive a true 'Vintage Car'. One is getting the feel of a car designed to run along back roads with sufficient power, with light steering, sweeping through corners, flick through the crash box, sit at 50 mph all day on windy and twisting metal surfaces with great economy and come out smiling. The closest joy to compare it with, this is dancing Argentine Tango with a woman in close embrace, light on her feet and both of you wanting the evening and the magic never to end. I have been corrupted by my past; four generations of motorists, my mother taught me to drive and to get the feel of the car, motor and steering. My grandmother could drive trucks, cars and bikes with side cars and understood mechanicals. Her father was an electrical engineer and drove an early ‘T’ and was involved in the electrical production from the late part of the 1880's. My early contacts through the Vintage Car Club was with those inspired by true vintage transport and its proper use. They shared with me the spirit of enjoying the fine motoring that could be had, told tales of great motoring heroes and gave me access to writings of those who P a g e | 14
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described the cars of the past, how they ran, how and why they were made and how they were used. I became lost in the pages that virtually gave off the odour of castor oil, I peered through the dust of early GP events, peppered by stones whilst rounding corners on distant and dangerous Italian events. I rediscovered all this again when I put my Riley on the road and felt the same excitement. I should put down what my 1932 WD Riley 9 tourer has done since it was put back on the road in 1984, with its new registration and WOF. I used the car for many Waitemata Branch functions such as some of the monthly events, hill climbs and weekends away. I did the Ardmore Reunion in 1989 and was matched against a 3L Bentley which I could keep up with to 50mph but he lost me after that. The car is only a bit over 17cwt, so quite light and had a tall diff. I entered early events of the Historic Racing and Sportscar Club with some of the hill climbs and one circuit day at Taupo. There was some touring around the central North Island, trips to the East Coast. Occasional Santa parades and failed weddings. One trip was to the Gold Seekers Tour in 2000 which went down the West Coast of the South Island and back, taking in a lot of back roads and passes on the way. It was a 6000km trip by the time I returned home. I have run many times at the Chelsea Hill Climb, the premiere event of the Branch and, due to the competition, I am at the end of the times but enjoy my runs and the posing that goes on. For circuit activity I have campaigned at the ‘Roycroft’ and, despite being handicapped by gearing, weight, power output, driving skill and large wheels I greatly enjoy the racing and posing in my overalls, covered, as they are, with old Scout badges, family reunion event badges and any others I can find. It is important to have nice seats and lunches in the pits and to dress up - appearance counts as much as performance! My Riley in the bush - 1932 Overall, my Riley 9 has been very reliable. Main problem was the magneto. Once properly rebuilt it is good. To quote S.C. H. Davis' “Motor Racing”- 'If there is a part of the car that you do not understand properly, that part will give you trouble.' I did run the bearings once and later rebuilt a new radiator. It is an honest, reliable and strong light car. I place my trust in the St. Christopher medallion that we have had since the mid 1950's and I put in the car to keep my journeys safe. I think, or hope, this medallion was blessed in Rome! What does the future hold for my car? I have had the Riley for the longest of any owners and I would like to see it used by the family and the next two generations as it is a usable and practical car with low running costs. Fun to drive and with two up it can go most places that others can, including off road. Farm tracks are ok and back road exploring is fine. No hood means that proper clothing needs be worn. No plans for a hood at present but this could be considered if the design is elegant. New set of wheels would be good, with wheel nuts, as a present to the car. I have a period luggage rack which will be functional and relish the chance to use the period camping gear I have hoarded over the years. So retro! My WD Riley Nine is a fabric bodied four seat tourer, the body rebuilt on the chassis using all the iron brackets and original windscreen, bonnet, sides and radiator. My English styled body is wider than the bodies fitted to P a g e | 15
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Australian WD tourers as the cars sent out to Oz went as chassis only and the local coach builders were influenced by American methods and styles. My original mud guards went to clothe other cars so the rear guards on my car are Monaco, cut at the rear and made to fit larger (21�) wheels. The front guards are new, fabricated with a lightness and elegance by Gulf Motorbodies. I raise a toast to those who helped keep the dream alive and who fostered the resurrection of this WD Riley Nine for myself and future generations. And particularly Brian Johnstone (smiling down on his many artistic creations) and John Hearne who set up the dream for me! Mike Greig
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FOR SALE…. Embroidered Branch Badges…………………………………………..$10 each. Great quality and feel the width! Contact our worthy Secretary, Viv Scott for yours:
OTHER NEWS……. Kontinental Kapers Kontinued. The July ‘Phoenix’ (no. 266) reported that the Pitches and the Bushells were swanning around Europe following the fortunes of F.O.B John Hancock’s K1 MG and included a tale entitled ‘Kampaigning a K-Type on the Kontinent’ sent in by John, via Dave, as to their exploits. Well, the story continues… Le Puy Notre Dame is a Town/City in the Loire District and, some time ago, the City fathers and the Wine Merchants decided to promote their district by holding a “Retro Grand Prix” through the streets. So, our July weekend was the 21st event, but the first with a New Zealand entry—John Hancock’s K1 MG. The event (a “Demonstration”, not a Race!) runs a circuit of one and a half miles around the city centre and, since buildings are of stone and streets narrow, safe passing opportunities are limited. Driver protection is provided by straw bales, strategically placed. Good bales of French straw, 1m x 1m x 2m., substantial indeed. Saturday am, and the Support Crew lie abed, slow to move after yesterday’s three course lunch, last night’s great dinner and good wine at €5 per bottle. Our driver leaves in the towing car, crunching gravel, for he has an arduous day ahead of him. Breakfast, backslapping and bonhomie with beer, wine or coffee if you wish and a drive through the countryside, unfenced but organised, fields of trees, sunflowers, and sweetcorn and large swathes of straw stubble after the harvest. To morning tea, with beer, wine or coffee and on to a two-hour lunch, the usual refreshments spaced out a bit with a speech by the Mayor. The lunch stop allows the now arrived Support Team to inspect the voitures gathered outside. Thirty-one “Vintage”—twenty MGs, four Rileys, including a Brooklands, other also rans like a gorgeous blue Delahaye, a Lagonda, Lancia and a well-used 1922 black Brescia – well used but still very capable, as shown the next day around the houses. The MG runs faultlessly, though the suspension (and occupants) get a vibrant workout, 1933 technology being no match for older cobblestones. And so to Sunday. Forty tricycle cars, mostly Morgans and Darmonts (the local equivalent). Thirty-Two Cyclecars, Austin 7s, J2s, Amilcars and others. Forty-Five Motorcycles, an occasionally familiar name – AJS, Norton, Velocette. This last sounds a bit French, but not as French as Allcyon, Motobecane, Motosacoch, Monet Goyon (100 years old in 2017), Sarolea and Terrot. Many bikes running open pipes, sounding great echoing off the walls, though sometimes the exhaust is not enough to counter the clatter of worn engines. The Entry Form suggests scrutineering, but it seems merciful – one Amilcar expert had achieved lightness by removing most of the front brake mechanism, leaving just the activating rod through the centre of the king pin. Interesting design.
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Each group starts their several laps with a “warmup”, then four or five “demos”, then a wind-down. This last, completed in line astern and with helmets off, the better to hear the applause, is notable for the increasing speed of the combatants as the crowd claps and the drivers respond – chest out, head up, steel hard gaze and gritty determination, pressing down just a little harder on the throttle. As well that it’s only one lap – “Vive le Sport!” Again, the K1 runs superbly, a precautionary change of plugs and two cupfuls of oil all that has been needed throughout the three-month campaign. Circuit speeds do not allow top gear, third is mostly suitable, some corners needing second and a run up to 5000 revs before the change, easing off if the boost gets much over 6 psi. John does us proud, - the best presented car, well driven and, of course, the only one with a New Zealand flag across the width of the spare wheel. Great Stuff! Dave Pitches.
1933 K type MG, built by Dewar Thomas and John Hancock. 1300 ccs, 6 cylinders, overhead cam driven thru the vertical generator on the front of the block. Supercharged at up to 10psi.
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Tracing Historic Family Cars. A poignant tale from our very own Graeme Banks…. P a g e | 21
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In 1964 two major things happened in my life. My parents moved from Onehunga to Pakuranga and I started work in a Government Department called the Ministry of Works, based in the Bledisloe building in the city. I needed transport and somehow my father and I decided that a 1936 Austin Nippy would serve me well. During that time at the MOW I met up with a fellow worker who had built an Austin 7 Special. His name was Keith Humphries. I sold the Nippy in 1967 and wondered if I would ever see it again. About seventeen years ago I had moved to the North Shore and I pulled into a petrol station in Wairau Road. In front of me was an Austin Nippy, BL4477 which was my old Nippy’s registration number. I spoke to the owner, one Barry Gay, and found out that he frequented the garage of his son-in-law, Ryan MacDonald. From then on, I also dropped into Ryan’s garage from time to time and one-day Barry said to me, “I Three firsts - first Car, first son and first Grandson am thinking of selling the Nippy”. I went home and told my then wife, “Barry is thinking of selling the Nippy”. It wasn’t a question but her answer was, “I guess you will have to buy it”. Hence, I came to own my first car again. I had the joy of owning and vintage racing it for a number of years, until I sold it and replaced it with the Blue Brick Buckler, a car I remembered from the 1950s. My next mission was to track down my Dads 1934 Riley 9 Kestrel.
Then. Four-light Kestrel above. Now. Lynx special left. Over the last fifteen years I have been in the VCC I have often wondered what happened to that Riley 9 Kestrel my father sold in the year I started school. He often spoke about that car and I knew it meant a lot to him. When I have been amongst Riley people I have mentioned that car but have never managed to find it. At the VCC AGM in Blenheim recently I was chatting to Ian Howalls from Dannevirke and Ian said, “I have a lot of Riley history, I am sure I can find it”. Within a couple of days Ian had sent me a letter he had received from the owner of my father’s Riley in 1990 confirming that the 9 Kestrel had been converted into a Lynx in the late 1960s and over his ownership he had driven it from North Cape to the Bluff. A couple of days later Ian got back to me again and said he believed the car was now owned by Dave Pitches in Auckland. Do you know him? I phoned Dave and yes, he confirmed my father’s name was on the ownership papers. Another mystery solved. Graeme Banks
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DESPATCHES…. If you aren’t mentioned in despatches it means you aren’t telling the Editor what you are up to. ➢ Check this out - Mazda's Upcoming Skyactiv-X Compression Ignition Engine Promises Diesel-Like Fuel Economy. ➢
A message from our Foreign Correspondent – William Hearne.
Hi Kevin, I have not been to a lot of events since the Bromyard Speed Festival, however for the second year I was invited to display a car at the Bridgnorth Italian Car Show on Sunday 3 rd Sept and as I took the 1923 Diatto Targa Florio last year this year I took the 1923 Ansaldo 6A Torpedo. As it was the only vintage car there it was very well received [Image attached]. When June and I went to the Museo Nicoliss in Verona earlier this year we took an image of the
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original Ansaldo badge on the Moto Meter. On finding out that it was the same as an Alfa Romeo one [apart from the badge] Colin Howard kindly made me one which just finishes the car off nicely. The Mayor and Mayoress of Bridgnorth have
good taste as they asked to have their photograph taken with the car. Best, Will.
Your ‘Phoenix’ travels far and wide. My thanks to Brian McMillan, editor of the newsletter for the Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc for this message he sent via Diane and Keith.
“Sunday, 10 September 2017 16:01 To: Keith Humphreys Subject: Re: FW: September Phoenix. Another great mag. Thanks Keith and Di. Re the electric car story if you read my sept mag I think I covered the supply issue adequately. It will be one of the many speed bumps along the way. As for the story of the Chevy volt I covered this in a mag about a year ago. The story mentions the cost of electricity as $1.16. I googled it and this cost in America is $0.116. He was out by a factor of 10. Makes a difference. My nephew in Switzerland has had one for over a year and he swears by it. He drives it to work every day and it is charged by panels on his roof. I now think I can answer all the electric car questions and am pretty sure that electric cars will happen, and quickly. There are a billion cars in the world and the average life is 10 years. Over the next 10 years most people will have the option to replace their cars and electric cars will slot in as quickly as they can be made. The doubters and using old data and are not keeping up with current developments. Elon Musk has doubled the battery production with the biggest battery factory in the world. He already has plans in place to build 4 more. His track record is very impressive and anyone with doubts should read his story by Ashlee Vance. Loved the Hisso story. They are very rare here. The only one I knew went overseas about 10 years ago.” ➢
Brian McMillan also sent me this wee story and delightful, antiquated photograph…
“Attached is pic of my first car purchased for 45 pounds in 1955 I spent a fortune on it and sold it when I got married in 1970. It is now in Sweden. I tried to buy an Imp with an mph engine fitted in about 1960. I did not have enough money and Edward Du Crow got it. A few years ago I tried to buy a Redwing from a bloke in NZ. He took it off the market when he realised he was not going to die from cancer. Mine was a great car though a bit underpowered and these days would opt for a Ducks-back”. P a g e | 24
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➢ From: Tim Hill [] Sent: Friday, 22 September 2017 8:40 p.m. Subject: HRC IceBreaker VCC Entries - Hooters Vintage Race Series 2017/18 Round 1 First Name
Last Name
Alfriston Jaguar
100 FJ
Hi all, Only 10 entries so far……. The fine weather has been booked! Please get your entries in before Monday at 10am to avoid late entry fees. I look forward to seeing you there. Cheers, Tim ➢
Three Waitemata Branch vehicles were seen on the last Auckland Branch mid-week run – the Jamieson MGB, the Banks MX5 and the Beesley Kestrel Sprite.
Meanwhile, down in sunny Napier Mike Stuart is beavering away together with Pat Bren on the refurbishment of Pat’s 12/50 Alvis. Casting up new windscreen pillars, fitting a Lucas-look-a-like alternator and a distributor in place of the magneto – some clever engineering required here- not to mention grafting on a brace of bronze bodied SU’s they have been collecting the parts of for a long, long time. Go team! Oh, and by the way, Mike, who has so vigorously campaigned with us these many years past, is now, jointly with Pat, a member of our Branch. Welcome Mike!
➢ And now a message from our Madam Chairman:
….Waitemata'ites, You ARE Needed......Chelsea Hill climb needs YOU!!!! If you are not entered but can help for the day or even half the day you would be gratefully appreciated. We need 7 Marshals from the Branch to be in positions on the road from start to finish. I look forward to hearing from you! Chair: Di H 4460916 ➢ An alternative for Chelsea perhaps? See the photo below, compliments of Paul Beesley, entitled ” Racing cars on the roof of the Fiat factory, Turin 1923”.
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Thanks to Danny Ryan for this one - Lots of newer cars have a Back-Up Sensor that warns the driver before the rear bumper actually comes into contact with something. Surprisingly, it was not developed by modern automotive engineers using the latest technology. It was disclosed recently that the first to develop the Back-Up-Sensor was a Chinese Farmer. His invention was simple and effective. It emits a high-pitch squeal before the vehicle backs into something. Here's his first prototype...
THE SQUEAKY WHEEL… More next month.
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PHOENIX The OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER of THE WAITEMATA BRANCH of the VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF N.Z. INC. 200A Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632
CLUB NIGHT THURSDAY 5th October 8.00 p.m. at the RSA Room, King
George Coronation Hall, Library Lane, Albany.
Take Exit 410 Oteha Valley Road. Travel west along Oteha Valley Road, ahead through 2 roundabouts and straight ahead at Traffic Lights into Albany Highway then almost immediately RIGHT into Library Lane then very soon go right again into the parking area. The RSA Room is at the rear.
Days of yore… Spud Jackson over the bank in the Lagonda, Clevedon/Kawakawa road. Thanks to Keith H for the photo.
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Please complete this entry form and forward to: Waitemata Branch Secretary: Viv Scott, 200A Greenhithe Road, Greenhithe, Auckland 0632 or scan and email to
Payment can be made by (tick) Cheque ⃝ Cash ⃝ Direct Credit ⃝ (ref. Chelsea & Entrant Surname) Account: Vintage Car Club ANZ Bank 01 0121 0121976 00
DRIVER/ENTRANT DETAILS Driver Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Phone: ……………………………… Mobile: …………................... Email: ……………………………………………. VCC Branch: ………………………………………………… Membership Number: ……………………………………………………………. Civil Driver Lic. Number: ……………………………… VCC Competition lic. Number: ……………………………………………….. VCC Vehicle ID Card: ……………………………………. Vehicle Registration Number: ……………………………………………….. W.O.F Expiry Date: …………………………………………………. Entrant Full Name (if same as driver write “same”): ………………………………………………………………………………………. Entrant Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Make of Vehicle: ……………………………………… Model: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Year of Manufacture: ……………………………… Colour: ……………………………………………………………………………………… CC Capacity: ……………………………………………… Fuel: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. List of Non-original Features: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… If your vehicle has a permanent competition number please state otherwise a number will be issued on the day………… Chelsea Organising Committee look forward to your participation in this prestigious annual Waitemata Branch event P a g e | 28
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SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS These SR’s are to be read in conjunction with the current Vintage Car Club Speed Event Regulations dated 24/10/2014 Section 23 The organiser reserves the right to refuse any entry without necessarily giving a reason, notwithstanding having invited that entry. The organiser also reserves the right to issue additional Supplementary Regulations, or cancel the event. Dual drivers will be permitted to enter the same vehicle, and must complete separate entry forms, and will compete running alternately. Every vehicle must be scrutineered prior to competing. Scrutineering will be from 9.00am - 1.00pm Saturday 4th November at MACS GARAGE, 4E ASHFIELD ROAD, GLENFIELD. By Ryan McDonald & Kevin Andrew : Ph 443 3733. For ‘out of town’ entrants (south beyond Pukekohe…north beyond Warkworth) who are unable to make Saturdays scrutineering, there will be the opportunity on Sunday morning to be scrutineered by appointment only. Phone Ryan 09 443 3733 or Kevin Andrew 0274989454. Rechecks on specific items only will also be available at the venue. VEHICLE IDENTITY CARD/NZ HISTORIC RACING LICENCE/CURRENT VCC MEMBERSHIP CARD/LOGBOOK MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE SCRUTINEER. Also bring the FILLED IN VEHICLE SAFETY STATEMENT & INDEMNITY FORM (following 2 pages) DRIVERS BRIEFING: will take place in car-park Pit Area at 8.45am. ALL DRIVERS MUST ATTEND. Practice will commence immediately after, followed by timed runs. NO LUNCH BREAK: The event will finish with a BBQ and Prize-giving in the Pit car-park at approximately 3pm. DRIVERS EQUIPMENT: Drivers are reminded of the dangers of wearing loose or inflammable clothing (i.e. most synthetics) The wearing of overalls is COMPULSARY. One piece cotton work overalls are acceptable as a MINIMUM STANDARD. All single seat vehicle drivers shall be required to wear one piece fire retardant racing overalls. Motorcyclists shall be required to wear leather gloves and stout boots. Full leathers are strongly recommended. All motorcyclists and drivers of open cars must wear safety goggles or a helmet visor. Crash helmets are compulsory for all speed events. The helmet must be in good condition and meet the following requirements: NZS5340: Australia AS1698: Britain BS6658-85 type A (blue label): Snell Foundation : Snell SA90, (Homologation number beginning 02,03,04 followed by production number) P a g e | 29
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DATE : Sunday 5th Nov. 2017
ENTRANT/DRIVER ____________________ ENTRY NO _________________ MAKE & MODEL ______________________ YEAR ______________________ VCC ID NUMBER______________________ PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS FORM BEFORE SIGNING Entrants bear full responsibility for the safety of their vehicles. You are required as a condition of entry to check each item below and to indicate that it is of sufficiently sound condition and operation to be safe for use in the event in which it is intended to participate. You must then sign this form to indicate that you accept full and total responsibility for the vehicle condition and operation and that you fully indemnify the organisers from any claim arising from the operation of the vehicle or from the failure of any part of the vehicle. The acceptance of or admission of any vehicle to any event shall in no way whatsoever indicate that the organisers consider the vehicle to be in a safe or satisfactory condition. WHEELS, spokes, rims, studs, nuts, bearings, wheel trims removed. _____ TYRES, condition. _____ SPRINGS, U/Bolts, suspension, axles, kingpins, shock absorbers etc. _____ STEERING, play, tight spots, ball joints etc. _____ BRAKES, operation, pedal travel, rods, cables, lines, hoses, fluid reservoirs, etc. _____ ENGINE, cover secure, throttle linkages and return springs, oil leaks, fuel lines etc. _____ BODYWORK, security of seats, doors, fuel cap, rear vision etc. _____ ELECTRICAL, battery secure, accessibility of ignition switch & marking, lamps secure, taped or protected. _____ EXHAUST SYSTEM, secure and acceptable noise level. _____ GENERAL STANDARD, of vehicle and accessories. _____ SAFETY HELMET, and protecting clothing goggles or visor, gloves, footwear etc. _____ FIRE EXTINGUISHER if fitted, must have either a pressure gauge showing an acceptable reading or an inspection label not more than 12 months old. _____ ROLL OVER PROTECTION Roll over protection, if applicable, must be to approved standards. _____ SEAT BELTS Seat belts, if applicable, must be to approved standards. _____ VEHICLE IS USING METHANOL FUEL YES / NO Methanol fuel labelling clearly visible as per speed event regulations. YES / NO CRANKCASE BREATHER Crankcase breathers fitted with suitable catch bottle. _____ COOLING SYSTEM Non-sealed cooling system fitted with overflow catch bottle. The use of non-water based coolant is strongly discouraged. _____ SUMP PLUG To be wired in place for all circuit events. _____ I declare that I have checked the above vehicle and it complies with the requirements of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.) Speed Regulations and I accept responsibility for its overall safety:
__________________________________ ENTRANT OR DRIVER’S SIGNATURE P a g e | 30
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Section 23: K 12/03/2008 WAITEMATA BRANCH
THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND (Inc.) EVENT: CHELSEA W.A.L.S.H. HILLCLIMB INDEMNITY FORM: IN CONSIDERATION of the acceptance of this entry and my being permitted to take part in this event I hereby agree to save harmless and keep indemnified THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF N.Z. INCORPORATED and its Branches and its associated organisations and their respective officials, servants, members, representatives and agents from and against all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death or injury to any person including the person of myself, driver and passengers and in respect of loss of or damage to property of any nature howsoever caused arising out of or in connection with this entry or my taking part in this event and NOTWITHSTANDING that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the said Club, Branches and associated organisations their officials, servants, members, representatives or agents. AND I AGREE that both at the date of acceptance of this entry and at the date of the event, the competing vehicle does and will comply with the rules of the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.), the speed regulations and any supplementary regulations as notified with the entry form. I also consent to the collection of the details on this form by the Vintage Car Club of NZ (Inc.) for the purposes of registration, administration and the publication of results. I acknowledge my right to access and correction of this information. This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. _______________________________ ______________________________ Name of Owner: (print in full) Signature of Owner _______________________________ _______________________________ Name of Entrant: (print in full) Signature of Entrant _______________________________ _______________________________ Name of Driver: (print in full) Signature of Driver
Dated: ________________________ IF any of the above persons is under the age of twenty (20) years the parent or guardian must print their own name in full and sign opposite the name of such minor. IF any of the above persons is under the age of twenty (20) years the parent or guardian must complete the following: IN CONSIDERATION of the acceptance of the entry of the abovenamed, I _____________________________ the parent/guardian of _________________________________ the above named minor HEREBY UNDERTAKE AND AGREE TO the indemnity terms and conditions set out above.
DATED: __________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________ P a g e | 31