Wellington VCC August 2017

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THE MOTORING SPIRIT The Wellington Branch Newsletter August 2017

1884 the first practical electric car, built by Thomas Parker

The Nissan Leaf - the first really successful EV

59 years of Vintage motoring 1958—2017

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)

Wellington Branch Clubrooms



Postal Address

PO Box 38-418,

(East end of Jackson Street)\ Petone

Clubrooms Phone 568-7463

Email: wellington@vcc.org.nz

Branch Committee Chairman

Bill Pinkham




Alastair McCarthy





Peter McKeown


233 5113

Club Captain

Neale Ryder


528-2580 0274 493-014

Assistant Club Captain

Peter Simpson



General Member

Don Hawkes



Property Manager

Colin White



Newsletter Editor

Claire Benge



Social Convenor

Tasi Betteridge


Nat Executive Delegate

Ray Betteridge


Acting Parts Manager

Alick Jenner

972-2367 565 0174

Appointed Officers Librarian

David Crooks



Scribe to Beaded Wheels

Claire Benge



Workshop Custodian

Don Hawkes



Friend of the Fire Engine

John Jackson



Motorcycle Representative Peter Simpson



Vehicle ID

Roger White



Don Hawkes



Memorabilia Sales


Rally Secretary

Diane White



Archives & Trophies

Michael Curry



Bar Duties

Roger White/Paul Switzer

563-6236 / 907 4904




P2 P3 P4 P5

P6 P7 P8 - 9

Contact Details for Committee and Appointed Officers Contents From the Captain's Table Chairman’s Message From the Editor’s Laptop From the Archives Letter to the Editor As We Were Motorcycle Section The Sunday Run From the Library

P10 P11 P12 - 13 P14 -17 P18 P18/19 P20 - 22 P 23


Remembrance Rally/Social Country Run Notice of Stolen Caravan The Rise and Fall of the Electric Car Coming Up Here and There Info from Here and There, Buy and Sell Advertisements Calendar of Events

Neale Ryder

Our last run to Otaki was most enjoyable, if a little tiring for Joanne who arrived home from work at 7.30 am, just in time for us to leave for the start at Petone. Fortunately the Velox is quiet & comfy so she was able to catch a bit of sleep before going back to work later that night. I can't remember when we last went to Otaki Beach, thanks Angelica & Alistair for arranging the day with such good food & weather. So much for where we have been; its on to where we are going. Our August run is the Colonial Cup which for the first time in years will have no entries for the restoration awards. While this is a shame it will in no way detract from what will be another enjoyable day out with your mates. Upper Hutt’s Spring festival in September is a display day for us in Pine Avenue. Lets see if we can fill the street with a wide variety of our cars & bikes to really promote our club to the public. Following this is our Twilight run to watch the sun set at Waikanae & finish the day with a barbeque. Further details & dates for all the events are in this newsletter somewhere, so if you haven't been to anything for awhile how about you make a point of coming along, you might even enjoy yourselves. Looking forward to seeing you at our next event

Neale 3


Bill Pinkham

Well winter has slowed things down a bit. Have spent my time keeping warm (stacking fire wood while the wife burns it) and helping son and daughter-in-law with renovations in time for the impending arrival of the first grandchild. The Leprechaun Rally was my last motoring outing, even had to flag the Rotorua Swapmeet this year, but there will be others; Christchurch (with that 7 hour drive to look forward to) and Manawatu the following weekend. Our Parts manager has been gradually collecting items for us to take to the Manuwatu meet to help our finances along, so if you have any old tools etc that you no longer need/want we will be happy to take them off your hands. Sorry to miss club night and the talk on the Electric Car, as the week before at the Constructors Car club meeting we had a look at a 1960’s VW beetle that has been converted to full electric with a kit from the US. Have never been a fan of Electric cars, but am currently softening as the technology improves. I’m definitely not going out to buy one though. Those dammed batteries still seem to be the Achilles heel. Now a pinch of plutonium in the boot may be the answer, skip the batteries and just use a miniature nuclear power station. Lastly; thank you to Colin for filling in for me on Club night when I was unable to attend.



Claire Benge

Hi all - a busy month and an even busier one to come - at least we don’t have time to get bored. The Pinkham and Benge households have something in common - Bruce cuts and stacks the wood, I cart it inside and burn it. What a team. Many thanks to the person who found my earing (lost on Clubnight) and left it on the Library table for me to find this Wednesday. I go down on Wednesday mornings to enter books into a data base. One day you will be able to do a search for a particular book; at the moment only workshop and owners manuals and the like. However we are getting so many donations that I am barely keeping up. It is amazing the number of different cars we have information there; I have never heard of some of the makes of cars. So if you want technical information on a particular vehicle come in to the Library and ask. David Crooks has a pretty good idea on what is there if not and we can always give the data base a trial search. Hope you enjoy all the rallies to come, Claire Contributions for the Motoring Spirit are always welcome Articles, photos, reports or tit bits. Electronic versions are preferred but photos and text can be scanned or typed up. Send to the Editor - claire.benge@xtra.co.nz or arrange by phone with her to get a hard copy by mail or at Club Nights



Michael Curry

We have a donation of two copies of Belt Slip from foundation member Ivan Benge, for many years an Upper Hutt resident, now of Foxton. Belt Slip was a motorcycle publication, the work of motor cyclists in the Wellington Branch which included the Wairarapa. These date from around the time of the formation of the Wairarapa Branch in August 1968. Work is proceeding on displays associated with our 60 years celebrations. Please could you look out any photographs etc of Branch events that we could use at this important Branch anniversary. They will be copied and originals returned. Michael

Letter to the Editor Hi Claire As mentioned today, Hal and I wanted to give you our rally feedback. We absolutely love competitive rallying to the point that, when the Dunedin international was advertised early on as not having any competitive element, we pulled out. Our favourite things are straight line and tulip instructions, then silent checks, photograph identification and questions. We really appreciate exact rally instructions and get very upset if they're sloppy. One particular branch used to be well known for incorrect instructions on the other hand we always love Auckland branch rallies as theirs are always testing and extremely precise. We do think that questions and silent checks should always be on the left and main highways remain clear of additional activity other than route instructions. Cheers

Ann and Hal


Claire Benge

One of the photos from Snow Benge’s Collection of the 1958 November Rally, it only says “V Casely 1914 Buick”. I asked my friend Bruce Casely if he knew of it and yes, he remembers his Uncle Victor and Auntie Tot who owned the car when he was a kid. Victor Casely lived in Wanganui at the time so would have driven it down for the rally. Bruce remembers driving it around the showgrounds near Napier. He doesn't know what became of it. 5


Trevor Barnes

Meeting Monday July 17th 14 members attended the July meeting. Recently joined VCC member Reinhard Rusche was welcomed to the meeting.

Past Events Two motorcyclists joined the Leprechaun Rally, as reported in the July Motoring Spirit. There was fair weather and an enjoyable ride. That is, until Martinborough on the return journey with heavy rain between Martinborough and Featherston.

Coming Events Wellington Biennial Rally The Biennial Motorcycle Rally will be held the on weekend of 27th-28th January. This time the rally will be held in the Wairarapa with a Featherston start. The Saturday dinner will be at our clubrooms. The dinner catering is arranged. Lunch catering is being organised by the Wairarapa branch. Clubroom use is a koha, and Val Ball (social convenor) is approaching service organisations such as Lioness to provide the lunch – probably a “packed lunch”.

Hal O’Rorke has selected the supplier and the shirt design to be supplied . He is preparing an application to Pub Charity for sponsorship. The application requires a motion to be passed by the meeting which can be forwarded to the branch committee who submit the proposal. Moved Aaron Janes, seconded Peter Simpson, that: "The Motorcycle Section of the Wellington Vintage Car Club applies to Pub Charity for funding for the 2018 Biennial Motorcycle Rally." Carried unanimously by all members present. Trevor reported on progress with the route planning. The Anzac Hall in Featherston will be used for the start and finish. The Wairarapa branch clubrooms will be used for the lunch stop.

At the start, the instructions and bibs will be provided, and a cup of tea/coffee offered before starting. There will be no morning or afternoon tea break or tea/coffee provided at the finish. South Island Tour - “Quadruple Bike Pass” Thu 15th - Sat 24th March. Aaron advised that eleven names, nine riders have been put forward for the tour. There has been a slight alteration to the tour which will now travel an estimated 2389km/1484 miles. We will arrive in Invercargill on Sunday 18th and depart for Haast on Thursday 22nd. The longest days are Picton to Rangiora via Lewis Pass (463km) and Invercargill to Haast (410km). The up-front payment per rider is $510.00 by September. 6

MOTORCYCLE SECTION - continued Taranaki Rubber Duckie 16 September Our start to the motorcycle season. Entry forms have been received by Peter and by Trevor. Those going are Peter Simpson, Warrick Laing, John Viner, Hal O’Rorke, Paul Switzer and Trevor Barnes. Peter will email entry forms out. Paul is trailering his bike and will act as backup using Peter’s trailer. Trevor will book accommodation at Top Ten, except Hal will book his own. Next Meeting will be the 3rd Monday - August 21st - at The Butcher and Brewer at 7:30pm. Meeting dates for the rest of the year:

September 18th

3rd Monday

October 30th

November 20th

3rd Monday

5th Monday


Richard Davies

The next Sunday Run will be after this magazine reaches you unless you get it by email so we will try to contact the usual participants by separate email before hand.

Sunday 6th August - meet at the Janus Bakery on High Street around 11 am. Sunday Run, 2 July 2017 was to the First World War Exhibition at Dominion Museum, Buckle Street, Wellington. The Hutt Valley group met at Janis Bakery, High Street, Lower Hutt as usual around 11am. We took along our 1929 Chrysler, Paul Switzer his 1960 Ford Prefect, Richard Davies his 1964 Skoda and Peter Simpson his Sunbeam Talbot. After a convivial session of coffee scones etc we all departed for Wellington. Unfortunately the speedo is out of the Chrysler being repaired and I did not have too much idea of speed. Richard Davies followed us in the Skoda and maintained that he couldn’t catch us as we were doing something like 55mph! Richard turned off at Aotea Quay and we never saw him again. On arrival at Buckle Street we were joined by Don and Maureen Hawkes and Tony Walsh. Both of these came in modern vehicles.

There is a new display of film etc portrayed on the walls of a large room giving a very graphic feeling of what it was like for the wounded during the First World War. You even heard the cutting of saws removing limbs etc. The problem seemed to be infection, if you had a wound in a limb then you most likely lost it. I told the ticket seller that we were all old people and therefore should have a Gold Card discount. We were asked which group we represented as you need a group with some sort of grand sounding name to be able to give us a discount. On being told we were part of the Wellington Branch Vintage Car Club of New Zealand he offered a $6 discount each for a guided tour. That appealed to my Scottish background, so we took him on. A great tour! 7


David Crooks

A Century Ago cont’d. Our last issue looked at three makes of British standard cars and model variants that were brought into military service as staff cars and adapted for light vehicle usage, viz., Vauxhall, Crossley and Sunbeam. Many other makes were impressed from private sources or ordered from manufacturers but generally in smaller numbers. War production of vehicles based on standard models included Lanchester, Napier, Daimler and Talbot. Rolls-Royce effort in this regard was mainly directed to armoured cars based on the “Silver Ghost”, some of which also served as staff cars, mainly for VIPs. Below left is such a vehicle carrying Lawrence of Arabia through Damascus after its capture from the Turks in October 1918. Wolseley provided some 3,600 cars, ambulances and light trucks, most would have been based on the 1914 6 cylinder 24/30 and 30/40 models with some of the staff cars from the 1913 16/20, below right a Royal Flying Corps 16/20.

French standard model vehicles were being taken into service just prior to WW1 and, as elsewhere, were produced in variants as the war progressed. Peugeot and Renault were prominent among various makes which included Delaunay-Belleville, Berliet, Charron, Panhard and De Dion Bouton but, as French industrial capacity became stretched under the high priority requirement for a massive output of munitions, America became a major provider of motor vehicles, particularly for trucks, ambulances and haulage machines. Below three French staff car examples, left a Delaunay-Belleville HB6 for high rank/VIP carriage; centre, a Peugeot 40/50 for general use; right, a Panhard as personal staff car for General Joffre overall commander of the Western Front, seen here descending from the vehicle.

Belgium produced the first WW1 armoured cars by fabricating a 4 mm armour plate box body on an 8 litre 40 hp model of the 1913-14 standard series of seven variants all powered by Knight sleeve valve engines ranging from 26 to 50 plus hp. Only thirty armoured versions were completed before the plant was over-run by the advancing German army. Pre-WW1 Belgium had a thriving automobile industry of about 200 manufacturers, many of them small enterprises but the larger players, principally Minerva, Imperia, FN, Excelsior, Pipe, Germain, Nagant and Metallurgique produced a national output of which three quarters was exported around the world.


A fair number of these vehicles were to serve as staff cars to the Allies and Minerva armoured vehicles were further developed and built in France while Belgium was occupied. Below left, an early Minerva armoured car conversion in action against invading German forces in 1914; centre, a 1914 Nagant 30hp captured and in German service; right, a 1914 Metallurgique staff car, some of which were in British service, but not this one, driver stance far too casual – quite unseemly!!!

Germany had a firmly established and highly reputable automotive industry well before WW1 and could have been to the fore in the military use of motorised vehicles, but it was not to be. In the run-up to war the German Army showed little enthusiasm for motor vehicles of any kind and in particular for armed, armoured or tracked vehicles. As the war progressed some in the auto industry began development of armoured cars based on existing heavy duty cars and light trucks on their own initiative. However standard trucks and cars became increasingly used for material and personnel transport as the shortcomings of animal transport became evident. Inevitably as the need arose further these also became the basis of service vehicles such as ambulances. Below, top row, left, largest number of German staff cars was this 1914 Opel based on the 25/55 Tourer with 6.5 litre 62 hp engine; centre, 1913 Benz 16/40 Tourer, right, Phanobil tri-car (a popular civil model pre-war); bottom row left, a Dixi R12 Tourer with improvised light machine-gun fitted (Dixi license built the Austin 7 in the late 1920s). Austria-Hungary, allied with Germany, had a small but very capable pre-war auto industry but, similarly, very traditional military views. Again motor vehicles were mostly commercial truck designs with standard vehicles as staff cars. Bottom row centre, Puch 27/60PS fitted with Daimler-Knight engine; right, 1911 Graf & Stift 28/32 with Archduke Franz Ferdinand before assassination.


REMEMBERANCE RALLY/SOCIAL COUNTRY RUN The day started cloudy and cold but no rain. A good sized group met at the clubrooms at 9.30 for a 10 am start, the numbers swelled at the first destination, the Paraparaumu Aviation Museum then again at the lunch stop; Slapsy’s at Byron’s Resort, Otaki Beach;. 21 cars and 42 people altogether.

The grey day start at the club rooms

Elizabeth, Margaret and Stewart Hunter - the winners of the Murray Mitchell Trophy

We had an easy run up to Paraparaumu on backroads, up the eastern Hutt Valley to cross the Hutt River at Naenae, onto Hebdon Crescent and over the hill, through Pauatahanui to Greys Road with a left and right hand turn to take us across SH1 to Plimmerton, onto Airlie Road, over the hill to re-join SH1 and Pukerua Bay, Paekakariki and MacKays Crossing before turning off to the Aviation Museum. This is a small museum, run by enthusiastic amateurs, in the old Meteorological Building next to the Paraparaumu Airport Control Tower. The museum overlooks the airfield runways. It was opened in January 1995 to preserve New Zealand general aviation history, and in particular the aviation history of the Kapiti district. The display of historic photographs of Paraparaumu Airport is good. The museum offers an introduction to New Zealands airliner history through reproduced photographs, models and collections of memorabilia from the flights themselves. Their prize exhibit is the wooden propeller off the first aeroplane to do a cross country flight in Australasia; ie instead of taking off from an airstrip and then returning to it, the plane flew to another airstrip, from Invercargill to Gore. Sounds strange today doesn’t it! From there we went back on to the Expressway and north to the Otaki River bridge, turning left to head down to Otaki Beach and Slapsy’s for lunch where we took over the restaurant The food was great, with cheerful service and great conversation. For the Remembrance Rally, there was the customary reading from the Book of Murray (Murray Mitchell’s large book of jokes from) read this time by Aaron Janes because our usual reader, Phil Kidd was away. 10

On arrival at the lunch stop we handed in the last three numbers on our odometer to Alastair and Angelica, the organisers of the run, to help them pick a winner for the noncompetitive Rally. The vehicle closest to 59 was the lucky winners; Stewart and Elizabeth Hunter with their daughter Margaret. They received a big jar of chocolates and a bottle of wine, plus having their name on the Murray Mitchell Trophy – an ooga horn on a base. They also won the honour(?) of organising the 2018 rally. As newish members they were a little apprehensive as they have never organised a rally before. We assured them that plenty of help would be available and that it is always great fun to organise. After lunch there was a short run out towards Otaki Forks - the “Country Run” part of the Rally. We were late leaving the restaurant so missed it. We all look forward to next year! Many thanks to Alastair and Angelica for a great day. Claire Benge

VCC members enjoying their lunch at Slapsy’s Restaurant

PLEASE LOOK OUT FOR THIS STOLEN CARAVAN John Rapley, a Horowhenua VCC member, has had his pop-top caravan stolen from his Paraparaumu home over the weekend. Rego is R970S. This van has been especially modified to take his Brabham Formula Junior racing car that was inside it at the time. The white poptop van is distinguished by it's fully opening rear, and a drawbar mounted winch (see attachment). If you spot this anywhere, or hear of race car parts offered, especially Cosworth Ford 1100cc pushrod engine or Hewland gearbox, John's number is 029 902 4862


The Rise and Fall and Rise Again of the Electric Car Our Guest at the July Club Night was Emeritus Professor David Bibby who gave us one of the best presentations we have had, a history of the Electric Vehicle (EV). Dave is currently lecturing on transportation, nuclear energy and renewable energy in the School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, and in the School of Management, at Victoria University. He started by introducing us to the three different types of motorised transport that overtook horse drawn vehicles that had major shortcomings and caused a lot of problems. By 1885 there were three competing technologies: the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE); – the 1885 Benz Motorwagen, Steam Power; – the 1884 La Marquise steam car, and the Electric Motor; - the first practical electrical vehicle, built by Thomas Parker in 1884. In 1899 La Jamais Contente, an electric car with direct-drive 25 kW motors, running at 200 V, drawing 124 Amps each, reached 106 KPH (66 mph). The first production hybrids, a LohnerPorsche built in 1900 was 10 –14 hp, with 2 or 4 hub-mounted electric motors; driven by battery and/or petrol engine, 4WD model, 3.5 ton., and the Semper Vivus, with twin inwheel electric motors, two 2.5 hp single cylinder internal combustion engines, two 1.8 kW generators, 44-cell lead acid battery.

The Jamais Contente - reached 66 mph

The Lohner- Porshe and the Semper Vivus - both Hybrids

The Electric Vehicle lost ground from 1900 - down to 1% by 1915. In 1912 6000 EVs were sold by 20 manufacturers but Ford sold over 82000 Model T cars. Apart from Ford’s enormous success, the EV lost the race to dominate because the lead-acid battery was heavy and clumsy and the range was too low. With a few exceptions, that remained the case for the next 100 years. The exception in the 1960s was milk floats, and fork lifts even today – great for shifting loads in confined spaces. But the very success of Internal Combustion Engine caused problems, including air pollution. 1990 became the time to re-introduce the EV. Now the development of the NiMH battery was good enough for EVs to be considered as a way to avoid air pollution from ICE’s. A viable zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) that would emit no tail-pipe pollutants was possible. In 1996 the Californian government legislated the introduction of ZEVs through a Zero-Emission Vehicle mandate. GM’s EV1 was the first purpose-designed, mass-produced EV of the modern era from a major automaker. 12

The EV1 was a good idea but the entrenched industry hated it. Lobbying by the motor and oil industry was successful and everything went back to business as usual. The great majority of the EV1s were recalled and destroyed. Meanwhile in Japan, Eiji Toyoda, Toyota’s Chairman, was determined to substantially improve the fuel economy of Toyota cars. Two critical decisions were made: Takeshi Uchiyamada was appointed as the project leader, and his hybrid concept was supported against the advice of the marketing and business managers. In December 1997 the Prius went on sale in Japan and sold 18000 in the first year. The numbers kept climbing with America sales so by 2003 Toyota could not keep up with demand and by 2013 over 3 million Prius cars had been sold. The success of the Prius effectively legitimised the development of further EV and Hybrid vehicles. Today every significant vehicle manufacturer must have a line of EV and Hybrid models. Volvo has announced that all models will have an electric motor from 2019. All electric cars started to succeed! Carlos Ghosn, CEO of the Renault-Nissan Alliance introduced the Nissan Leaf, the world's bestselling highway-capable all-electric car. Then Elon Musk, CEO and Chief Product Architect of Tesla and SpaceX produced the Tesla Roadster, which was the first highway-capable all-electric vehicle for sale in the United States in the modern era, and is about to launch a more affordable EV.

The 1997 Hybrid Prius

Today’s Tesla

We can now expect EVs and Hybrids to dominate car sales, again. Sales have doubled about every two years since 1997, and in In 2015/2016 they achieved about 1% of global car sales. If this continues EVs and Hybrids will dominate new vehicle sales in 15 to 20 years’ time. National networks of charging stations are being installed but so far most owners have preferred to recharge at home. Battery prices are coming down, and their performance is improving rapidly. There are electric cars, motorbikes, buses, ferries and even airplanes. The advantages of EVs (performance/range increasingly competitive, fewer mechanical components, lower maintenance costs, can use renewable energy sources, cheaper, and no direct pollution or CO2 emissions) now far outweigh the disadvantages (limited range, time required to charge battery, availability of charging stations and price) all of which are reducing. On the other hand, can you see a Top Gear show with EVs? Or as someone said the next morning - it doesn't smell or sound the same (the Petrol Head!) 13



COLONIAL CUP RALLY - Sunday 27 August 2017 TH

Meet at Clubroom s at 12.30pm for a 1.00pm start. The organiser is starting early so that you can get back home before it gets too cold. This event is a Challenge trophy Event. ( See explanation BELOW.) The rally is usually a run with History in the area it is held. This year it is going to be in the Hutt Valley. The winner of the event organises next year’s rally. One of only a few that we ask the winner to organise. The run will be about one and a half hours and finish back at the clubrooms for afternoon tea and prize giving. Could you all please bring a plate for afternoon tea. See you all there on the 27th August.

CHALLENGE TROPHY This trophy is competed for over a series of rallies, the November Rally, Club Captains Safari, Gymkhana, Colonial cup and Twilight Rally. Points are awarded in Classes, starting at 100 and decreasing by 5 points per place. You are also required to marshal for 1 event with 100 points as a reward. The lowest score is deleted so four best scores are taken over the series. Trophy is presented to the winner at the November Rally Dinner and is one of the overall year trophies.

NAVIGATOR OF THE YEAR Once again this trophy is Awarded over a series of rallies, the November Rally, Club Captains Safari, Colonial Cup, Twilight Rally. Points range from 6 for first place, 5 for 2 nd, 4 for 3rd, 3 for 4th, 2 for 5th and 1 point per navigator for everyone else. Presented at the November Rally Dinner. Junior Navigator has a trophy as well, for competion over the year with points given the same as the Navigator of the year. Children up to the age of 15 are eligible for this.


8.45am to 3.00pm.

For all those who said at the last AGM that they wanted more displays, well this is for you all. We want as many cars and motorcycles as possible to fill Pine Avenue in Upper Hutt. Please enter from the Motorway as the main road will be closed. Health and Safety regulations say a current WOF and Registration must be on each vehicle. Come along and display your vehicle. Please contact Diane white 5636236 e mail white.house.stokesvalley@xtra.co.nz if you can provide a vehicle.

Understanding Engineers #4 What is the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers? Mechanical engineers build weapons. Civil engineers build targets! 14

TWLIGHT RALLY - 9TH September Meet at the Clubrooms at 4.00 pm for a 4.30 pm start. The last event for this years Challenge Trophy and Navigator of the year, this will start after the Upper Hutt Spring festival. Starting at the clubrooms and finishing at Norma and Ernie’s place in Waikanae for a BYO, BBQ. Please bring your meat to BBQ and a salad to share and also what you would like to drink. We would like to know how many are coming so once again please contact Diane 5636236 by the 1st September.

TOM’S TOUR 23rd & 24th September A lovely run in the sunshine to celebrate the beginning of Spring. Just a social event going to Waipukurau for a night’s stay and joining Central Hawkes Bay branch, our newest branch. More details in the next Motoring Spirit. But please book your Accommodation at Thornton Lodge Waipukurau. Phone 06 858 8004 or 0800 846 768. Once again could you please let Diane know if you are coming.

ADVANCE NOTICE FOR CLUB CAPTAINS SAFARI - 19TH, 20TH, 21ST January 2018. We will be doing the Monte Carlo Rally again this year on Friday. Whanganui Branch has contacted us to say the Vintage Weekend is on the 20th and 21st January. Accommodation: - Diane has struck a deal with 151 ON LONDON MOTEL for a discount to those who book now and say they are with the VCC Wellington Branch. Only ring the following number - 0800 151 566. If you book any other way you will not get a discount. We are the only ones to book at the moment so lets be all together at this venue. BOOK NOW. DON’T DELAY. Henry Ford was a guest of the Mayor of Dublin. After a fine reception and dinner a mellow Ford turned to the Mayor. “This has been a wonderful occasion,” he said, “and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. As an expression of my gratitude, will you allow me to make a small donation to a charity of your choice?” “Why, that is most generous, Mr Ford.” the Mayor replied, “Perhaps our new home for orphans would be a suitable recipient.” Henry Ford at once wrote out a cheque for $5,000. “That’s wonderful,” said the Mayor, “and now may I ask you a further favour? May I inform the Irish press of your generous gift? Henry Ford reluctantly agreed. On the following morning the Irish newspapers were delivered to Ford’s hotel room. Each bore the same front-page headline: HENRY FORD GIVES $50,000 TO HOME FOR ORPHANS! Ford was furious and rang the Mayor. ”A terrible mistake,” said His Worship, “I have no idea how it happened. Let me at once issue a statement to all papers saying: Henry Ford did not give $50,000 to the Dublin Home for Orphans, he only gave $5,000”. Ford would have none of it. “The Home can have the $50,000” he said, “on one condition – a saying of Our Lord, chosen by me, shall be inscribed in stone above the entrance to the home.” The Mayor cheerfully agreed. And to this day, the lintel above the entrance to the Dublin Home for Orphans bears the inscription: “I WAS A STRANGER AND YOU TOOK ME IN” (Matthew, 25:35)

This was provided by Aaron Janes and published in the Dec 2004 Motoring Spirit, rediscovered by Trevor Barnes while researching on our fire engine for me. We thought it worth republishing.




Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run (last Wednesday of the month)

Wednesday 30th August 2017 Visit to the Time Cinema, Lyall Bay, Wellington

Film: The Great Race 11.30 to 11.45am Meet at the Chocolate Fish Café, Shelly Bay, Wellington, for lunch. View the menu on www.chocolatefishcafe.co.nz 1.00pm Leave for the Time Cinema, 191 Sutherland Road, Lyall Bay. The film is a comedy starring Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and Natalie Wood. The film features a spectacular land race from New York to Paris. Cost $6.00 per person. The theatre is limited to 39 people. Afternoon tea if required, is $5.00 per person. No EFTPOS is available. If you would like to come, please let Alison or John Kinvig know by Sunday 27 th August. E-Mail: jakinvig@xtra.co.nz, Phone (04) 234-1262 or John on 027-4524326

KAPITI COAST MID WEEK RUN - WEDNESDAY 26TH JULY About 20 cars answered the call from Ann O’Rorke to put on a display for students and tutors while VCC members had a tour of The Learning Connexion. The cars were parked up for the enthusiastic staff and students while VCC members were divided into three groups to visit the different Arts and Crafts that are available at this interesting training organisation.

We visited most places including photography, jewellery, sculpture, materials, and the favourite with the guys - the Hot Workshop. There Ché showed us how to heat metal to make tools such as hammers and pliers for working and holding metals in order to make knives, as well as dealing with Damascus steel for making knives. There was a display of beautiful knives also.

A demonstration of working with metals in a forge

Many thanks to Ann for organising this great opportunity to see what is available there. 16


60th November Rally

November 1957 was the first vintage car rally in Wellington. On 4November 2017 the Wellington Vintage Car Club will be having a special rally to commemorate the occasion. Contact our Rally Secretary, Diane White, for further information, on white.house.stokesvalley@xtra.co.nz or 04 563 6236

Wairarapa VCC - 1st Annual Stretched Gymkhana Sunday 5th November Inspired by some of the “off-tarmac� events reported on in the Beaded Wheels it will be a bit like a classic Cones course plus hazards and sharp turns. Contact Paul Gurket 06 379 5355 or paul.furket@xtra.co.nz for further information or an entry form

Would you like your monthly newsletter sent to you as a PDF! Would you like to receive the Motoring Spirit by email as a PDF. Save some postage and printing costs for the club. See all the photos in colour, and receive it the day it is sent. Ask for three month trial with both electronic and hard copy. Send your email address to the editor - claire.benge@xtra.co.nz

Gemac Motor Services 5 Parliament Street, Lower Hutt, 04 589 5483 Ring Gordon for WOF and other work on both vintage and modern cars 17




THE NEW VINTAGE CAR CLUB of NZ FACEBOOK PAGE The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand facebook page is online now and includes some very interesting stories and we would like you to LIKE the page. 1. If you have a facebook account: Go to the VCC facebook page and LIKE it. Posts will then appear in YOUR facebook stream and you can share them with your friends 2. If you don’t : Click on the link below and then save it in bookmarks in your internet browser. You will then have easy access to the page to see the latest posts. I am looking for pictures and info about the photo from club events around the country. These will make interesting posts. A few words included in each post can be linked to the full story. Just a couple of points: a) the facebook page is not a buy, sell and exchange page. b) The page will work well if the content is regularly updated and interesting. I intend to post at least 1 story every day and that is why I need as many photos as possible (with a short explanation) from members. Here is the link to the page: https://www.facebook.com/vintagecarclubofnewzealand/ or type Vintage Car Club of New Zealand into Facebook search. Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) Phone 021 2638488 email: comms@vcc.org.nz


Advertisements are free and will be repeated four times Advertisers: please advise editor when items are sold

FOR SALE - MORRIS AND BMC PARTS Our neighbour has heaps of Morris Oxford/BMC parts – 50 years worth! 6 x Lucas Regulator cut out & Morris Oxford instruments 1622 cc, 1500 cc Gasket Sets, Lucas Fuel Pumps and new parts, SU Carburettors, Distributors, 1500 Motor Complete, 1600 Motor, 3 4 speed gear boxes, Diff and axles dismantled. Manifolds. Clutches. Starting Motors, Generators and more. Offers Required. Please contact Roger White 5636236.


Another Lucas Quip: Back in the 70’s, Lucas decided to diversify its production line and began manufacturing vacuum cleaners. It was the only product they offered which did not suck. 18

Advertisements are free and will be repeated four times


Advertisers: please advise editor when items are sold

Storage: Large secure lock up available in Naenae. $35 per week for VCC members. I've got my cars in this lock up (Car Shed) but there is more room available if you are interested. Contact Greg Haines 5628366. 4/4 Double garage, Paraparaumu area, suitable for the storage of Classic or Vintage cars only. $175.00 per month. Phone John Kinvig - 04 234 1262 or 027 4524 326 3/4 1919 Essex Four Roadster for sale Fully restored to original condition. 9890 miles. 1700 miles since purchase over three years ago (and mostly by my grandson). It is not getting the use it fully deserves. Drives as well as it looks. Many spares available supplied free if needed from my extensive range together with lots of literature, specialist tools and knowhow. Making way for new project. Price $27,500. Phone Phil Kidd 04 5289 897 or 027 239 4828 3/4

Information on 1938 Austin 10 Cambridge: Regarding my Austin letter on page 7 in the latest Beaded Wheels, I have new information that says this car was sold in Paraparaumu about 5 years ago when the owner moved to Christchurch. The name K. Gilby or Wilson may be relevant. If any of your members could help, I would appreciate it. Thanks. Andy Hammond. Waikato VCC. (07) 8235712.

Vanguard 4 and Vanguard 6 water pumps, open to offers, also Storage wanted for up to 3 medium sized cars, preferably in the Hutt Valley but anywhere nearby considered. Please ring Richard on 04 577 0450 2/4 19

your one stop automotive shop We can offer almost any service required on a motor vehicle and all under one roof. We do complete engine rebuilding.We can service modern, vintage and classic cars, performance and muscle cars, hot rods, micro cars and most importantly, your car. Other services we offer:

 Upholstery  Vintage Wooden Bodies Contact us at:

40 Ward Street Upper Hutt Ph/Fax 04 528 2580 admin@bristols.co.nz 20




For details refer to the noticeboard in the Clubrooms or contact the Branch Secretary


See page 18 for contact details We are the company that offers you Total immersion stripping of Car bodies and panels WE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS Contact: Warren Leslie Phone: (04) 232 6880 Fax: (04) 232 6882 11 Wall Place, Tawa Email: wleslie@ihug.co.nz

VERO INSURANCE If you arrange your car and household insurance through Vero, the Wellington Branch gets a commission. Last year it amounted to $2,300.00.


66 Killarney Rd

Apex Auto



0800 10 27 39

FOR HARD TO SOURCE CABLES, BRAKE PARTS OR HOSES Speedo cable, Handbrake cable, Accelerator cable, Choke cable Reline shoes, Cylinder repair Stainless Resleeving, Booster overhaul Brake hoses, Braided hoses, Power steering hoses

Call the Specialists Mention this ad and receive 10% discount BLUEBRIDGE COOK STRAIT FERRY Bluebridge has notified us of the latest discounts for vehicles on their ferry between Wellington and Picton for Vintage Car Club members as follows: 1 August 2016 to 30 November 2017 The VCC code for discounts is ANTIQUECAR. Valid Travel Dates: Between now and 30 November 2017. Discounted - 10% off all available fares. Ring 0800 844 844, www.bluebridge.co.nz for conditions NOTE; Warren Corkin, one of our members, reminds us that to get this discount you must present your VCC membership card when you check in on the day of your trip. It is not enough to have quoted it when you booked and paid for the ticket. Also it may not be enough to have booked electronically. You need a printed copy of your electronic booking on the day or you may have to pay again then go for a refund for the original booking These rules may apply to the Interislander also. BEWARE.

THE INTERISLANDER The Interisland has sent us an updated quote. There is not enough space to list it all so we suggest that if you are planning to book from 1 February to 18 December 2017 ring the Interislander for quotes, or click on ‘Group Bookings’ at the foot of their home page www.interislander. To access the VCC rates, insert the reference WH5465 22

WELLINGTON BRANCH—CALENDAR OF EVENTS Clubnights are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Clubrooms, Halford Place, Petone (Eastern end of Jackson St) at 7:30pm. The Clubrooms are also open Wednesdays from 9:30 to 12:00, and for Noggin & Natter Fridays from 7:00pm ($1 for biscuits, tea and coffee free) Motorcycle Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of the month in the Butcher & Brewer, 175 Jackson Street, Petone at 7:30pm. SEPTEMBER

AUGUST Sunday Run 6nd Committee meeting 7th National AGM Marlborough 11th, 12th, 13th Club Night 15th Judging for Colonial Cup and VIC day 26th Colonial Cup Rally (Challenge Trophy) and NZ VCC National Daffodil Day 27th Motorcycle Group Meeting 21st Rally Committee Meeting 25th Kapiti Midweek Run 30th

Sunday Run 3rd Twilight Rally (Challenge Trophy) 9th Upper Hutt Spring Festival 9th Committee Meeting 11th Motorcycle Group Meeting 18th Club Night and SGM to adopt new Constitution 19th Toms Tour 23rd - 24thKapiti Midweek Run 27th Rally Committee Meeting 29th

Club Night Supper Roster: Norm Willis and Cristina Van Dam

Club night supper roster: Tasi Betteridge and Alick Jenner

AUGUST CLUB NIGHT Ray wont know until Wednesday



Sunday Run Committee Meeting Heritage Rally Club Night / Entries Close for Annual Rally Kapiti Mid Week Run

1st 9th 15th

Rally Committee Meeting


Motorcycle meeting


17th 25th

Club night supper roster: Jenny and John Jackson

Annual Rally Sunday Run Committee Meeting Motorcycle meeting Club night Petone Christmas Parade Rally Committee Meeting Kapiti Mid Week Run

4th - 5th 5th 13th 20th 21st 24th 27th 29th

Club night supper roster: Alison and John Kinvig


WVCC vintage ars at the Learning Connexion - Kapiti mid -week run in July

Steve Foley, one of the Learning connexion tutors with a car to match his outfit - Norm Willis and Cristina Van Dam’s Fiat

Trevor talking to the Aviation Museum Guide - displays in the background

Margaret and Stewart Hunter with their arms full of , and Alastair McCarthy, one of the rally organisers at the Remembrance Rally and Social Country Run


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