THE MOTORING SPIRIT The Wellington Branch Newsletter September 2017
Bill Monro’s Special is admired by David Jones, Colin White and Alastair McCarthy at the Club Night
Bruce and Pete examine the partly restored Chevrolet Tourer. Containers make great sheds!
59 years of Vintage motoring 1958—2017
The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)
Wellington Branch Clubrooms
Postal Address
PO Box 38-418,
(East end of Jackson Street)\ Petone
Clubrooms Phone 568-7463
Branch Committee Chairman
Bill Pinkham
Alastair McCarthy
Peter McKeown
233 5113
Club Captain
Neale Ryder
528-2580 0274 493-014
Assistant Club Captain
Peter Simpson
General Member
Don Hawkes
Property Manager
Colin White
Newsletter Editor
Claire Benge
Social Convenor
Tasi Betteridge
Nat Executive Delegate
Ray Betteridge
Acting Parts Manager
Alick Jenner
972-2367 565 0174
Appointed Officers Librarian
David Crooks
Scribe to Beaded Wheels
Claire Benge
Workshop Custodian
Don Hawkes
Friend of the Fire Engine
John Jackson
Motorcycle Representative Peter Simpson
Vehicle ID
Roger White
Don Hawkes
Memorabilia Sales
Rally Secretary
Diane White
Archives & Trophies
Michael Curry
Bar Duties
Roger White/Paul Switzer
563-6236 / 907 4904
P6 P7 P8 - 9
Contact Details for Committee and Appointed Officers Contents From the Captain's Table Chairman’s Message Notice of Special General Meeting From the Editor’s Laptop From the Archives The Sunday Run Motorcycle Section From the Library
P10, 11 P11 P12 - 13 P13 P14 -17 P18 P18 - 19 P20 - 22 P 23
Report from National Executive Meeting and AGM Bill Munro’s Special Restoration of a 1926 Chevrolet Tourer As We Were Coming Up Here and There Info from Here and There Buy and Sell Advertisements Calendar of Events
Neale Ryder
According to the calendar Spring is here, so what better way to start off the season than by attending the Upper Hutt Spring carnival (see P14). This is another great occasion for us to show our cars and bikes to the public and let them see just what we are all about. There are always plenty of market stalls with craft & food on sale, so it shouldn't be a boring day. Then finish the day off with the Twilight run to Waikanae (see P14). The 60th November Rally will be upon us before we know it, so don't forget to enter (Entry form inserted in middle); remember, this year there is no entry fee. Similar to last year we will be travelling north of Masterton and returning there for lunch. The following day we will be putting on another public display, this time on the Wellington waterfront. For this we would like a really great cross section of our club members and vehicles to attend. The amount of people who visit the waterfront area of Wellington on the weekend is really surprising so it should give us another opportunity to make people aware that we exist and the sheer variety of cars, bikes and commercials that we cover. Plus there are plenty of cafes, bars and the like nearby, so you won't starve.
Neale MURPHY'S OTHER 15 LAWS 15. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer. 3
Bill Pinkham
Did you realise that SPRING is almost upon us? And that daylight saving starts on the 24 September, just after our next club night? I had the pleasure of attending a Luncheon in Karori put on by the Red Cross to commemorate Leland Crosthwait. A small group of VCC members were there (6 or 8). Leland gave generously to a number of organisations: Red Cross Cancer Society Salvation Army A Karori Church Record Club Gramophone club Armstrong Siddeley Club VCC to mention a few Remember if you are an avid collector, bordering on Hoarder, make sure someone knows what you have and where you put it. While sorting Leland’s place, a 1Kg ingot of silver was found in an old toolbox, with tools, and jewellery was found in a drawer with old spark plugs. These were just some of the treasures found. It was also great to see Leland’s Armstrong Siddeley at the Luncheon, now in the hands of another Armstrong enthusiast. Thank you Leland we are all grateful! I was saddened to hear of the passing of John & Jenny Jackson’s son Tim, and would like to offer my own and the Club’s condolences to the Family. On a brighter note, Ray and I attended the AGM in Blenheim on the weekend of 11,12 August. This will be covered elsewhere in the newsletter. This month’s pet hate: it never ceases to amaze me the number of people who are unable to attend any event or meeting without their %$#*&^ cell phones and don't even know how to turn the ring volume down or off. Even at the VCC AGM there were cell phones ringing. How did we survive in the 70's without them? Having spent a month at a time holidaying overseas without a cell phone just goes to prove that I can still live and breathe without them. Lastly, it was great to see the Bill Munro special out on club night and to hear Bill fill us in on the known history of the car. Thanks Billy!
Various images from Leland’s life
Leland’s Armstrong Siddeley
NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Wellington Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand - Special General Meeting To be held at the clubrooms in Halford Place Petone on 17 th October 2017 at 8.15pm This meeting has been called to consider the following notice of motion: Notice of Motion “That the Wellington Branch of the Vintage Car Club of NZ adopt a revised Constitution, dated August 2017.” Moved – Bill Pinkham – Branch Chairman Seconded – Alastair McCarthy – Branch Secretary Copies of the proposed new Constitution will be circulated to Branch Members with the September Copy of the Branch Newsletter, the “Motoring Spirit”. Signed: Alastair McCarthy Secretary, VCC Wellington Branch
Claire Benge
As I write this, the southerly wind and rain beats on my window and the fire calls for another log of wood. But it is nearly September, the official start of SPRING! And the Twilight Rally follows the Upper Hutt Spring Festival on 9 September. Let’s hope that the weather recognises the importance of this and puts on some decent weather. I saw a tui poking at one of several kowhai flowers so there is hope. And before we blink it will be time for the November Rally - this year our 60th!!! The entry form will be inserted in the centre of this magazine for you to fill in and send. Bring your friends, encourage your VCC acquaintances from out of town. Let’s make this something to remember!
Claire Our sympathy goes out to Jenny and John Jackson and their family for the recent loss of their son Tim. Our thoughts are with them. Contributions for the Motoring Spirit are always welcome Articles, photos, reports or tit bits. Electronic versions are preferred but photos and text can be scanned or typed up. Send to the Editor - or arrange by phone with her to get a hard copy by mail or at Club Nights
Michael Curry
I received a bonus through the email system this month; an 8mm movie film of the 1959 Mardi Gras Rally at Eastbourne plus four photos of Green Cabs (taxi) in Wellington circa mid 1930s. This donation comes from a grandson of the Taxi driver who also took the 8 mm film. I am working on a large photograph display of the inaugural branch rally November 1958 to be shown at the Club Rooms from September to the end of the year. It holds special recognition, and will be a feature at the Annual Dinner that follows our 60th rally being run this November I am still on the lookout for photos and records of events for the Branch Archives. Discussions with members have also resulted in some scanned photos being added to our records.
Richard Davies
Sunday 3rd Sept - meet at the Janus Bakery on High Street around 11 am. See you there
Richard Davies
Sunday Run, 6 Aug 2017 The run was well attended with Ian in his 1925 Oakland, Tony in a modern, me in my G7 Skoda, Owen and Helen in their 1952 Plymouth (from the Wairarapa), Stewart and daughter Margaret in their Armstrong Siddeley, and 3 cars and members from the Zephyr and Zodiac Club - Ross, and Brent and Victoria in Mk III Zephyrs, and Dennis in a Mk I Zephyr. Ian had suggested the Pataka Museum in Porirua so off we all went via Haywards Hill, arriving around 12.30 pm. We had a good browse around until about 2 pm. Then Owen and Helen, Ian and I visited a man in Tawa where a Mk III Zephyr is under restoration. We departed from there at about 3 pm. Ian wishes to apologise to Owen and Helen for not mentioning them in the past months
Richard Davis
from recent Pataka exhibition by Whanganui artists Leonie Sharp, Angela Tier, Tracey Piercy and Emma Cunningham
Trevor Barnes
Meeting Monday August 21st 16 members attended the August meeting. Apologies from Peter Simpson and Paul Switzer. Past Events. Trevor Barnes rode the only motorcycle on both the Remembrance Rally/Social Country Run and on the Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run in July. Other motorcycle members attended these events by car. Coming Events. Wellington Biennial Rally: The Biennial Motorcycle Rally will be held the on weekend of 27th-28th January. It will be held in the Wairarapa with a Featherston start. Val Ball (social convenor) has confirmed that the Wairarapa Lioness Club will provide a boxed or bagged lunch for $15 per head. Hal O’Rorke has submitted the application to Pub Charity for T Shirt sponsorship. Their next allocation meeting will be on 8th September. Warrick Laing said a sponsor has been approached for prizes but he has not yet had a response. The original long route plan has been shortened from 150 miles to closer to 100 miles for the day. All other arrangements are as previously reported in the August Motoring Spirit South Island Tour - “Quadruple Bike Pass”: Thu 15th – Sun 25th March as reported in the August Motoring Spirit. Aaron reminds everyone that the per rider up-front payment is $512.00 and must be paid by the September meeting. Taranaki Rubber Duckie 16 September: John Viner has had to withdraw. Trevor has booked accommodation at Top Ten. Peter and Trevor have worked out a three day tour route via Ohakune, Waipukurau and home via the Wairarapa. Accommodation is at the Hobbit Motor Lodge, Ohakune and Tuki Tuki Motel, Waipukurau. Friday 15th start: Meet at Haywards 8am, Waikanae 8:45am General business John Neill advised that the BSA & Classic clubs were planning a run to Craig Hambling (Hamco), in the Manawatu. A date has yet to be set but Craig has an interesting collection of vehicles as well as his wheel building business. John also offered a used pair of motorcycle boots to a good home. That good home is now the Blair household. Next meeting September 18th, 3rd Monday at The Butcher and Brewer, 7:30pm. Meeting dates for the rest of the year: see inside back page of this newsletter.
Welcome to our new club member: John Stokes who has a ‘63 Ford Zephyr and a ‘64 Ford Cortina. He is writing a book about Ford in NZ pre 1936, which is to be published soon. 7
David Crooks
A Century Ago cont’d. With a national mood and political policy of isolationism the US remained clear of direct involvement in WW1 until late in the piece – April 1917. Nevertheless, from early in the war the highly developed US auto industry supplied large numbers of vehicles on a commercial basis which were turned to military use by France and Britain. Meanwhile the American military lagged far behind in adopting motorised vehicle forms. When in 1911 a junior officer advocated greater emphasis on motor vehicles vs animal powered transport he was seen as an inexperienced visionary and, furthermore, it was noted that the Army already had 12 trucks (three in San Francisco, one each at West Point and in Texas, and seven with their forces in the Philippines !). However attitudes were changing and by 1916 it seems the Army had a fleet of around 1,000 vehicles, mostly trucks, scattered in bases across the US. In mid-1916 a punitive expedition was launched against Mexican insurgent forces operating across the southern US border. It was horse mounted and with animal drawn transport reflecting the still conservative and traditional views of the day but its commander, General John Pershing, recognised the limitations of animal transport and called for motor vehicles. In six months of operations, available figures indicate that a fleet of over 500 vehicles was assembled – about 300 trucks and a mix of staff cars, special purpose vehicles such as ambulances, communication tenders etc., and motor-cycles. The trucks, mostly light models, came from eight makers with majority the 1915 GMC ¾ ton model, it also became variously configured for special purposes, see below left. Most of the cars were Dodge 30-35 tourers, a sturdy 3.5 litre 4-5 seater, below centre. The motor-cycles were Harley-Davidsons from the 1914-15 10-11F series, below right, All three of these vehicles were widely used by the US Army when it entered WW1. Pershing also introduced aircraft for aerial scouting, Curtiss JN4s, later used as trainers.
With events from late 1916 raising the likelihood of the US being drawn into an active involvement in the European conflict, increasing attention was directed to the readiness of the US Army to take to the field. In fact it was woefully under strength, not sufficiently trained and inadequately equipped for the nature and intensity of operations that had emerged on the WW1 battlefield. As an interesting comparison, by September 1916 New Zealand with a population of 1.15 million had 70,000 in Army service (with a high proportion overseas), the US around that time with a population of 102 million had an army of 108,000 – but we digress. For the US some important lessons had come out of the Pershing Mexican Expedition, not least the superiority of motorised transport over animal means of movement. However, within that there were issues of maintenance support and the greatly increased vehicle ratio that would be needed in the European theatre. In the Mexican expedition only about half the fleet was serviceable for operations at any one time, for two major reasons. The many makes and models of vehicles involved and lack of standardisation for common items led to a multiplication of holdings and complexity in the handling of spares. The problem was exacerbated by a lack of experienced technical personnel and of fixed and mobile workshop facilities. It was recognised that these problems could be largely eased by limiting the fleet range to as few standard models as possible, with trucks the first priority. The Army Quartermaster Corps set up a committee comprising Army, Society of Auto Engineers and truck manufacturer members to produce a programme for manufacture of a standard truck. But the wheels of bureaucracy grind slowly and it appears to have first met in July 1917, with a first vehicle test in November, first production vehicles in April 1918, and did not reach the US force in France until October 1918, one month before the war ended.
The Standard B, labelled “Liberty” was a 3 ton 4x2 powered by a 52 hp Continental engine. It was a good performer and remained in service for many years after WW1. Standard “A” 2 ton and “AA” ¾ ton models were also designed but did not go in to full scale production. So, notwithstanding these good intentions a wide range of car and truck makes and models, with a proportion modified to meet special requirements, were being taken into service until the end of 1918. Some, such as the Dodge staff car and the GMC16 light truck/ambulance were so widely used that they could be regarded as standards within the fleet. Forty of the Four Wheel Drive Company’s 3-ton model served with the 1916 Mexico expedition and around 12,000 with US Army in 1917-18, of which 9,500 were with the AEF in France, several thousand also with the British Army and 8,000 with the French. It was an outstanding performer in the challenging terrain. Although a few four-wheel drive vehicles appeared in the early 1900s they were generally crude, inefficient and did not go in to production. The FWD 3-ton, powered by a 6.5 litre 54 hp Continental A engine, and its contemporary the Nash Quad, made a major contribution to WW1 transportation. The FWD Company’s first 4x4 was a roadster which impressed the Army in 1909, see below left on demonstration, and resulted in trials of the truck model in 1911, seen below right surmounting an army proving ground obstacle.
The Quad 2-ton truck referred to above was developed and produced by Thomas Jeffrey Coy in 1913 but they were taken over in 1916 by Nash who continued production with the vehicle now labelled the Nash Quad. It incorporated a number of innovations for its day. In addition to 4-wheel drive it featured 4-wheel brakes, 4-wheel steering and limited slip differentials. Powered by a 4.9 litre 30 hp Buda engine its design, durability and high ground clearance proved very effective in coping with battlefield conditions and traversing rough unpaved roads. 11,500 were produced from 1913-1918 and it became a highly regarded Allied workhorse in service with British, French and US forces. In addition to material and personnel transport it was used as an artillery tractor. Production continued after the war and 41,674 were made over 15 years. Below left on Army trial in 1911; centre, in French service in WW1; right, a version with a heavily armour plated cargo deck.
REPORT FROM THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE MEETING AND AGM hHeld in Blenheim on 11/12 August 2017 The Branch committees need to look at Health and Safety issues and ensure that at every event we have covered and documented this prior to commencement. We are required to take every possible step to protect people and ignorance is no excuse. Next National Executive meeting is in Wellington on 23 March 2018. This is a one day meeting. There are no takers for the 2019 Easter Rally at this stage. The budget was approved without discussion. The anticipated changes to the Incorporated Societies Act are on the back burner. Branches are urged to ensure that their constitutions are up to date. Members asked the National Body for a template for this – (we asked a couple of years ago) and it looks like they will act on this. Jim Smylie urged members to use the Far North fuel card – this saves 11c per litre and most of us would benefit from it. Roger Devlin from the West Coast described how they use youth groups to marshall at events, i.e. Bible Class, Scouts etc. This frees up people to enter events as you only need one member at each check point and the kids get interested in the cars. This is a fundraiser for the youth group. Kaaren Smylie was elected as the North Island Club Captain. All other members of the National Executive returned unopposed. The results of the proposals that we voted on: Membership application: 67% for / 33% against Failed as 75% is required for a change. Change of categories: Failed
78% against / 22% for
It was noted that in many branches the ballot paper can be returned to the branch and sent to Head Office in bulk, saving postage. Federation of Motoring Clubs noted that 12 months for WOFs are still likely but don’t hold your breath. 10
There was a presentation on the authenticity of vehicles, the example being an Alfa 6 175OGT. The correct vehicle would be worth millions and 3 cars claimed this. One has been rejected, one owner has gone to ground and the one shown appeared to be correct. Be warned that if you insure with Vero and nominate the VCC and then if you leave the VCC your policy may be void! The organisers of the 2021 International Rally in Taranaki are, at present, unable to proceed. The National Body is looking at options. There was a lot of discussion around the running of these events and it is clear that we need to re-think the format etc. A sub-committee was formed to discuss these issues and also why we do not attract the numbers that the “BIG 3” do – i.e. Americana, Beach Hop and Art Deco. Roger White was on this committee and will give a presentation on September Clubnight. The J L Goddard Trophy was presented to Kevin Clarkson and the Beaded Wheels team – presented for the huge effort in producing a great publication. There was a presentation promoting a level joining fee over all branches for the 1 st year of membership. Whereas Wellington has the highest overall fee, a flat fee, suggested $100 would make membership more attractive to prospective members. n ensuing years the subs would be as they are now.
Ray Betteridge - Wellington VCC representative
BILL MUNRO’S SPECIAL About 28 years ago Billy Munro, a 50 plus year club member bought a vehicle at an auction at our clubrooms. This bitzer’s provenance was, at best, dubious. Morris 8 chassis, custom built body and Morris 8 diff and wheels etc. Billy turfed out the Morris stuff (except chassis) and rejuvenated the car with a Viva front end, Triumph Herald engine and gearbox and a “something” diff – the main criteria being price. The result is a special of unique character. The car became his son’s and then ended up at Ed Boyd’s collection in Wanganui. Well, Ed had to rationalise, rational being the key thing and sold the car back to the Munro Family. Bill bought it back to life and it is now road legal again. This was an interesting and light hearted presentation which was well received and enjoyed by a well attended clubnight. (See front page for photo.)
Ray Betteridge 11
RESTORATION OF A 1926 CHEVROLET ROADSTER by Terry McQuinn and Claire Benge While visiting family down in Christchurch, Bruce and I took a day off to have lunch with an old friend in the Canterbury VCC who is restoring a Model T. We had some nostalgic talk with his friends, mostly about vintage cars, then afterwards he took us to see a friend Pete whom he is encouraging in the restoration of a 1926 Chevrolet Roadster. Terry had received a phone call from someone whose father, Eric, had been restoring the Chev for a few years but had been unable to finish it because of a terminal illness. He wanted to see it go to a person who would carry on the restoration.
Terry had nowhere to store the Chev, and was tied up with restoring his 1911 Model T so he approached his friend Pete, who lives in the country inland, growing grapes and making wine amongst other things, one of the advantages being a collection of sheds in which to store and work on vintage cars. Money changed hands and the Chev was taken to safe storage at the vineyard. They returned to tell the elderly owner that it was safe, only to find that he had died the day before. The family were able to take some consolation in the fact that the Chevy was in safe hands. The 1926 Chevrolet Tourer was purchased new by Eric’s Uncle Charlie for use on his Central Otago orchard until 1939 when a heavy frost cracked the block from front to back making the car useless. It was abandoned in a shed until 1978 when nephew Eric decided that he would like to restore the car back to new condition. The garage and outbuildings at Cromwell were searched for the few missing pieces that had been removed during the long sleep that the car had enjoyed. A list of missing or damaged beyond repair parts was made and Eric commenced collecting parts. During this time Eric restored the chassis, front and rear axle, gearbox and differential. There was no measurable wear so after all brake rods, clevis pins, steering rods, bell housing, brake drums etc etc and any other part that could be run through a cadmium plating bath was so plated, the chassis was assembled and the engine rebuilt with new cast iron pistons. All engine parts that can be seen have been cadmium plated including valve springs, push rods etc. This is a great finish on car parts but it resists paint. The wheels were scraped back to clean wood with broken glass, then varnished and a full set of new tyres and tubes fitted. Some wood body parts have been replaced and reassembled. All upholstery was removed carefully and placed in individual bags for use as patterns or reuse in the restored car. The seat springs are with the rest of the car parts and with the exception of where the driver sat are still covered in the original dipping paint. Eric and his son-in-law started and drove the car around the block in true Kiwi style and found it to run as expected. There was some concern that the engine overheated but there are a number of reasons for overheating of a restored engine started for the first time. That is still to be sorted out. 12
As Eric worked in the jet engine overhaul department of Air New Zealand it is interesting going through all the cardboard boxes of spares with names such as Pratt and Whitney and Rolls Royce emblazoned across them and when opened the parts inside are marked Chevrolet. Currently it has been decided that the car will be assembled with the parts that make up the package and a coat of paint to make the car presentable and safe. The interesting feature of this car is that it has been owned by two members of the same family since its purchase in 1926 until it was purchased by Terry in June of this year 2017. Terry took us to see Pete and the Chev, taking us straight to the main shed which houses the tasting room and has a flash coffee making machine. We sampled the coffee only, while we were introduced to the history of the Chev. We then went on a tour of the shed and an auxiliary container where the car was stored. We look forward to inspecting further progress, and seeing how the restoration pans out. Obviously good mates, Terry will be playing the devil’s advocate to Pete who wants to get the Chevy on the road as quickly as possible. Of interest is that this little Chevrolet car has only 28,000 miles recorded on the speedo that is the original. It is great to know that there are still vehicles like this in sheds around New Zealand waiting to be restored.
AS WE WERE This car is a 1909 Clement-Talbot, owned by Ken Wright of Wanganui. The person looking at the car is Colin Dray, an early member of the WVCC, now living near Hamilton. The number plate is not the same one that was used at the photo of the same car in the archives of the 1958 Rally. The photo is from Bruce Benge’s early collection, so the different number plate indicates that it was probably on the first International Vintage Car Club Rally held in New Zealand in 1965 (a reminder that number plates were changed every 5 years then).
UPPER HUTT SPRING FESTIVAL Saturday 9TH September 8.45am to 3.00pm.
For all those who said at the last AGM that they wanted more displays, this is for you!! We want as many cars and motorcycles as possible to fill Pine Avenue in Upper Hutt. Please enter from the Motorway as the main road will be closed. Health and Safety regulations say a current WOF and Registration must be on each vehicle.
Come along and display your vehicle. Please contact Diane White 5636236 email NOW
TwiLIGHT RALLY - 9TH September Meet at the Clubrooms at 4.00 pm for a 4.30 pm start. The last event for this years Challenge Trophy and Navigator of the year, this will start after the Upper Hutt Spring festival. Starting at the clubrooms and finishing at Norma and Ernie’s place in Waikanae for a BYO BBQ. Please bring your meat to BBQ and a salad to share and also what you would like to drink.
We have only had a few people say they are coming. WE NEED TO KNOW NUMBERS for seating etc at the end of the rally. Don’t let Norma and Ernie down, contact Diane by the 1st Septemberif you are coming: 04 563 6236 . Understanding Engineers # Two engineering students were biking across a university campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?" The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business, when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike, threw it to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want." The first engineer nodded approvingly and said, "Good choice: the clothes probably wouldn't have fit you anyway." 14
TOM’S TOUR 23rd & 24th SEPTEMBER 2017 Once again Tom’s Tour is coming up so that means Spring is nearly here. Make your Motel Bookings at Thornton Lodge Motel 2307 Takapau Rd SH1 Waipukurau 06 08580 8004 0800 8460768, saying you are from VCC Wellington. Please note that the Motel Bookings are by Phone only If you are interested in coming for this fun weekend of good Motoring, Op Shop shopping, good company and a few laugh’s. Please let Diane White know on 5636236 or E Mail: @ or add your name to the notice board at the club rooms. The Start will be at The Wild Oats Café Carterton for a quick coffee at 9.15 am. Then off to Dannevirke and finishing in Waipukurau to join the Central Hawkes Bay Branch for Dinner. This year we will be doing the $5 gift again so be ready to pick a paper bag. Also we will be having a garage raid on Sunday morning before we go picking Daffodils. Kapiti Coasters if you are coming you could meet us in Pahiatua. Don’t forget to bring your own Wine & Nibbles to have before we go to dinner, and a good sense of humour. Come and join in for a great weekend. Diane
HERITAGE RALLY Sunday 15th October The heritage rally this year will focus on a different sort of heritage. Usually building and built heritage is looked at but this year we will be taking a look at our natural heritage. We will take a tour of Wellington’s South coast and visit the Marine Education Centre and the Taputeranga Marine Reserve. Think you know about the marine environment - well think again. Most of it you can’t see. Here is a chance to hear a little of this taken for granted world. This will be an afternoon event. Meeting time and place will be in the October newsletter.
Peter Simpson
ADVANCE NOTICE FOR CLUB CAPTAINS SAFARI 19TH, 20TH, 21ST January 2018. We will be doing the Monte Carlo Rally again this year on Friday. Whanganui Branch has contacted us to say the Vintage Weekend is on the 20th and 21st January. Accommodation: - Diane has struck a deal with 151 ON LONDON MOTEL for a discount to those who book now and say they are with the VCC Wellington Branch. Only ring the following number - 0800 151 566. If you book any other way you will not get a discount. We are the only ones to book at the moment so let’s be all together at this venue. 15
Kapiti Coast Mid Week Run (last Wednesday of the month)
Wednesday 27 September: Checkpoint at the Southward Museum 10:15 am Gather at the Southward Museum ‘Bentley Room’ for a screening of the 1956 Movie ‘Checkpoint’ starring Anthony Steel, Odile Versois, Stanley Baker & James Robertson Justice, and featuring period sports cars and racing in northern Italy (Mille Miglia) 10:30 am Movie commences 12:00 noon Light finger-food lunch; savoury, sandwiches. muffin, tea and coffee (and including room and AV equipment): $15 per person Following A visit to the museum for those who wish Lunch Note that a concession rate of $15 is now available for NZ Goldcard holders, and an annual subscription (unlimited cardholder visits in one year) can be purchased for $40 Display cars of the kind featured in the movie are the 750 Monza Ferrari and The un-bodied Bob Wraight Aston Martin/Lagonda Special. If you would like to join in please register by emailing, for this month only, or tel. 04 2933601 by Sunday 25 as numbers are needed for catering John and Alison Kinvig
"Ode to getting old"
contributed by Warren Corkin who thought it relevant to our club (of which someone claimed that the average age is over 70)
Everything hurt, what doesn't hurt doesn't work The gleam in your eye is the sun shining on your bi-focals You feel like the morning after, but you haven't been anywhere Your children look middle aged A dripping tap causes an uncontrollable urge You have the answers but no one asks the questions You need glasses to find your glasses You turn out the light for economy instead of romance Your knees buckle but your belt won't Your back goes out more than you do You put on your bra back to front and it fits better The house is too big but the medicine cupboard is not big enough You sink your teeth into a steak and they stay there Your birthday cake collapses from the weight of the candles Your old friends stop writing to you 16
60th November Rally
November 1957 was the first vintage car rally in Wellington. The Wellington Vintage Car Club will be having a special rally on Saturday 4th November over in the Wairarapa, with drinks and a dinner at the Clubrooms to commemorate the occasion, and a display of photos from past years decorating the Club Rooms. On Sunday 5th November there will be a display of Club vehicles in Wellington on Queens Wharf from 9.30 to 3pm. Contact our Rally Secretary, Diane White for further information at or 04 563 6236.
Wairarapa VCC - 1st Annual Stretched Gymkhana Sunday 5th November Inspired by some of the “off-tarmac� events reported on in the Beaded Wheels it will be a bit like a classic Cones course plus hazards and sharp turns. Contact Paul Furkert 06 379 5355 or for further information or an entry form
Would you like your monthly newsletter sent to you as a PDF! Would you like to receive the Motoring Spirit by email as a PDF. Save some postage and printing costs for the club. See all the photos in colour, and receive it the day it is sent. Ask for three month trial with both electronic and hard copy. Send your email address to the editor -
Gemac Motor Services 5 Parliament Street, Lower Hutt, 04 589 5483 Ring Gordon for WOF and other work on both vintage and modern cars 17
THE NEW VINTAGE CAR CLUB of NZ FACEBOOK PAGE The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand facebook page is online now and includes some very interesting stories and we would like you to LIKE the page. 1. If you have a facebook account: Go to the VCC facebook page and LIKE it. Posts will then appear in YOUR facebook stream and you can share them with your friends 2. If you don’t : Click on the link below and then save it in bookmarks in your internet browser. You will then have easy access to the page to see the latest posts. I am looking for pictures and info about the photo from club events around the country. These will make interesting posts. A few words included in each post can be linked to the full story. Just a couple of points: a) the facebook page is not a buy, sell and exchange page. b) The page will work well if the content is regularly updated and interesting. I intend to post at least 1 story every day and that is why I need as many photos as possible (with a short explanation) from members. Here is the link to the page: or type Vintage Car Club of New Zealand into Facebook search. Ross Holden Communications & Marketing Officer Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) Phone 021 2638488 email:
Advertisements are free and will be repeated four times Advertisers: please advise editor when items are sold
FOR SALE - MORRIS AND BMC PARTS Our neighbour has heaps of Morris Oxford/BMC parts – 50 years worth! 6 x Lucas Regulator cut out & Morris Oxford instruments 1622 cc, 1500 cc Gasket Sets, Lucas Fuel Pumps and new parts, SU Carburettors, Distributors, 1500 Motor Complete, 1600 Motor, 3 4 speed gear boxes, Diff and axles dismantled. Manifolds. Clutches. Starting Motors, Generators and more. Offers Required. Please contact Roger White 5636236.
Another Lucas Quip: Lucas: – Inventor of the self-dimming headlamp. 18
Advertisements are free and will be repeated four times
Advertisers: please advise editor when items are sold
1919 Essex Four Roadster for sale Fully restored to original condition. 9890 miles. 1700 miles since purchase over three years ago (and mostly by my grandson). It is not getting the use it fully deserves. Drives as well as it looks. Many spares available supplied free if needed from my extensive range together with lots of literature, specialist tools and knowhow. Making way for new project. Price $27,500. Phone Phil Kidd 04 5289 897 or 027 239 4828 4/4 Vanguard 4 and Vanguard 6 water pumps, open to offers, also
Storage wanted for up to 3 medium sized cars, preferably in the Hutt Valley but anywhere nearby considered. Please ring Richard on 04 577 0450 3/4 Wanted, a gear lever knob complete with an overdrive switch as fitted to an M G B, please phone John Kinvig 2341262 or 0274 524 326. 1/4
PLEASE LOOK OUT FOR THIS STOLEN CARAVAN John Rapley, a Horowhenua VCC member, has had his pop-top caravan stolen from his Paraparaumu home over the weekend. Rego is R970S. This van has been especially modified to take his Brabham Formula Junior racing car that was inside it at the time. The white poptop van is distinguished by its fully opening rear, and a drawbar mounted winch (see attachment). If you spot this anywhere, or hear of race car parts offered, especially Cosworth Ford 1100cc pushrod engine or Hewland gearbox, John's number is 029 902 4862
your one stop automotive shop We can offer almost any service required on a motor vehicle and all under one roof. We do complete engine rebuilding.We can service modern, vintage and classic cars, performance and muscle cars, hot rods, micro cars and most importantly, your car. Other services we offer:
 Upholstery  Vintage Wooden Bodies Contact us at:
40 Ward Street Upper Hutt Ph/Fax 04 528 2580 20
For details refer to the noticeboard in the Clubrooms or contact the Branch Secretary
See page 18 for contact details We are the company that offers you Total immersion stripping of Car bodies and panels WE TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR NEEDS Contact: Warren Leslie Phone: (04) 232 6880 Fax: (04) 232 6882 11 Wall Place, Tawa Email:
VERO INSURANCE If you arrange your car and household insurance through Vero, the Wellington Branch gets a commission. Last year it amounted to $2,300.00.
66 Killarney Rd
Apex Auto
0800 10 27 39
FOR HARD TO SOURCE CABLES, BRAKE PARTS OR HOSES Speedo cable, Handbrake cable, Accelerator cable, Choke cable Reline shoes, Cylinder repair Stainless Resleeving, Booster overhaul Brake hoses, Braided hoses, Power steering hoses
Call the Specialists Mention this ad and receive 10% discount BLUEBRIDGE COOK STRAIT FERRY Bluebridge has notified us of the latest discounts for vehicles on their ferry between Wellington and Picton for Vintage Car Club members as follows: 1 August 2016 to 30 November 2017 The VCC code for discounts is ANTIQUECAR. Valid Travel Dates: Between now and 30 November 2017. Discounted - 10% off all available fares. Ring 0800 844 844, for conditions NOTE; Warren Corkin, one of our members, reminds us that to get this discount you must present your VCC membership card when you check in on the day of your trip. It is not enough to have quoted it when you booked and paid for the ticket. Also it may not be enough to have booked electronically. You need a printed copy of your electronic booking on the day or you may have to pay again then go for a refund for the original booking These rules may apply to the Interislander also. BEWARE.
THE INTERISLANDER The Interisland has sent us an updated quote. There is not enough space to list it all so we suggest that if you are planning to book from 1 February to 18 December 2017 ring the Interislander for quotes, or click on ‘Group Bookings’ at the foot of their home page www.interislander. To access the VCC rates, insert the reference WH5465 22
WELLINGTON BRANCH—CALENDAR OF EVENTS Clubnights are on the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Clubrooms, Halford Place, Petone (Eastern end of Jackson St) at 7:30pm. The Clubrooms are also open Wednesdays from 9:30 to 12:00, and for Noggin & Natter Fridays from 7:00pm ($1 for biscuits, tea and coffee free) Motorcycle Meetings are usually held on the 4th Monday of the month in the Butcher & Brewer, 175 Jackson Street, Petone at 7:30pm. OCTOBER
SEPTEMBER Sunday Run 3rd Twilight Rally (Challenge Trophy) 9th Upper Hutt Spring Festival 9th Committee Meeting 11th Motorcycle Group Meeting 18th Club Night and SGM to adopt new Constitution 19th Toms Tour 23rd - 24thKapiti Midweek Run 27th Rally Committee Meeting 29th Club night supper roster: Tasi Betteridge and Alick Jenner
Sunday Run Committee Meeting Heritage Rally Club Night / Entries Close for Annual Rally Kapiti Mid Week Run
1st 9th 15th
Rally Committee Meeting
Motorcycle meeting
17th 25th
Club night supper roster: Jenny and John Jackson
SEPTEMBER CLUB NIGHT We have Wellington Architect Craig Burt talking about his initiatives and participation in a ‘virtual power plant’ which could be used in a natural disaster to distribute stored power to neighbours. This scheme has financial backing from the Wellington City Council and will be a very interesting talk.
NOVEMBER Annual Rally and Dinner Open Day and Display at Queens Wharf Wellington Sunday Run Committee Meeting Motorcycle meeting Club night Petone Christmas Parade Rally Committee Meeting Kapiti Mid Week Run
DECEMBER 4th 5th 5th 13th 20th 21st 24th 27th 29th
Club night supper roster: Alison and John
Sunday Run
Lake Ferry Run
Committee meeting
Kapiti Coast Midweek Xmas Party
Club night and Motorcycle meeting combine for a Xmas BBQ
Club Night Supper Roster: Tasi Betteridge and the Social Committee
Above: Some of the many parts that need to be put back on the 1926 Chevrolet Tourer before it runs Left: seats including springs, and upholstery are complete waiting to be cleaned and tidied up.
Right: the motor of the 1926 Chevrolet Tourer in place, showing the pushrods exposed, unusual for that time.
Below: The left hand front wheel assembly - an example of how well restored it is (the kingpins were machined from a Boeing 737 bolt so the car should fly)