Wellsford-Warkworth VCC August 2016

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August 2016 The ‘RADIATOR CAP’

Gavin Welch and Sophie Zhao (right) overall winners of the Winter Woollies Wander 2016 in their Ford Model Y Roadster

Wellsford-Warkworth Vintage Car Club


Anne Richardson ricanne@gmail.com

425 6298


Neil Cremer (Lucy )

425 4955

Murray Fairweather (Kay) murrayfairweather1@gmail.com

423 3260

Viviene Guest (Brian ) guestie@xtra.co.nz

422 7553

Frances Ross chemwash@rosscoltd.co.nz

425 8737


Jeanette Lloyd (George ) yorksandlancs@gmail.com

425 7622


Anne Hamilton (Doug ) Doug.hamil@xtra.co.nz

425 6139


John Duffy (Robyn) johngduffy@hotmail.com

021 208 7474

Viviene Guest

422 7553

Frances Ross

425 8737

Doug Hamilton

425 6139

James Lawrie (Gloria ) Gloria-james-lawrie@xtra.co.nz

425 9928

Anne Richardson

425 6298

Neil Cremer

425 4955

John Downie Midnight.mouse@maxnet.co.nz

425 7431

Dave Oliver (Glenys) Ollie.d10@gmail.com

09 945 0512

Denis/Martin (Sheryl)

425 0259

Chris Harvey (Annette ) Chris.Harvey@westnet.com.au

09 4222662


Denis Martin denismartin@xtra.co.nz

425 0259


James Lawrie

425 9928


Dave Oliver

09 9450512


Brian Guest

422 7553


Frances Ross

425 8737


Doug Hamilton

425 6139


Vivienne Guest

422 7553


Chris Harvey

09 4222662


Leon Salt (Brendda) brendda@xtra.co.nz

423 8122

Brian Guest (Vivienne) guestie@xtra.co.nz

422 7553


Brendda Salt brendda@xtra.co.nz

423 8122


Sheryl Martin (Denis) 425 0259 sherylamartin@xtra.co.nz

Magazine deadline 23rd of the month (The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the view of the branch. The editor’s decision is final) BRANCH ADDRESS P O Box 547 WARKWORTH 0941

Website: www.vcc-wellswark.org.nz VERO: Agency No: 0300159 Free phone: 0800 658411

Chairman’s Report August 2016: Our annual Winter Woollies Wander Weekend was the highlight for July. Brian and Viv put considerable time into planning an excellent rally. Unfortunately, an interfering member of the public moved two off-course silent checks to an adjoining road causing confusion for most entrants and a headache for Brian and Viv as they then needed to revise their method of marking to ensure fairness. We discussed this during our after -rally review during last month’s meeting and agreed that little could be done about such an issue apart from having a lead car complete the course ahead of the competitors starting, to ensure the signs are all correct – but that too could have its problems. We did agree that we need to identify the various support roles around the rally organisation and to delegate these well ahead of the rally. A Winter Woollies Wander manual is to be drafted, identifying the various organisational jobs that need to be allocated so as to ease the pressure on those setting the rally. With 63 participants this year (our second highest number), this event is becoming increasingly popular. Much of the communication, including sending and receiving entries and banking, was done on-line, saving on paper and exorbitant fees for banking cheques. We’ve had much more feedback this year too, by email – all of which was positive. We would also welcome feedback from our own members. Thanks to Brian and Viv and their support crew together with all our other members who contributed to making this an enjoyable weekend. The next rallying opportunity is the annual Triple Combined Rally we share with the Hibiscus Coast group and the North Shore Branch on 21 August. Anne Richardson has set the first section with help from John Duffy. We start at the wharf in Warkworth at 10.00 a.m. and stop for a BYO lunch at our clubrooms. Hibiscus Coast have plotted the second section and North Shore the final leg. This is a good opportunity to practise rally skills with three different plotters ensuring three different styles of rally. We are hoping that this event, which has no entry fee, will be better supported than it has been in recent years. Our next club night will also be our prize-giving dinner. If you intend being there, please phone Anne Richardson to book a place.

Anne and her team have been putting together a programme of events into next year. Our Sunday runs seem to have mixed levels of support and it’s difficult to know if this is because people have other commitments on those days or if some events just seem less appealing. Again, Anne would welcome your feedback in terms of what type of Sunday run event you most enjoy. Happy motoring Leon



Club Captain’s Report August 2016. As I write this, I can reflect on a busy month thus far. The Winter Woollies Wander was very successful if we listen to the feedback from participants. There were 21 entries from our branch the majority of who competed. Well done to Frances and Neolene, Leon and Brendda. It was very close. 26 members met at The Dome for our mid week cafe and it was great to welcome Warrick and Fiona Rowe who live close by. The club night featured Chris Harvey’s photos of the Winter Woollies. On the big screen the quality is amazing; everyone was checking for their car. What is more disappointing is the turnout for the run at the end of the month to Smales Farm and other activities. It would appear this is not what people want for their Sunday outings. We really need feedback – words not absences! So that we get it right. Was the location? Price of the meal? Expected weather? The need to plan ahead? Extra run not wanted/needed? Please help with your comments. Looking forward, the mid week cafe is on 3rd August at the Puhoi Cafe & Cheese. Our Clubnight is Prize Giving on 11th, with Sausage Curry and a variety of desserts for $10 each. Numbers to me by 8th please. Coffee and Cleaning is on 17th August at 10.00am as usual. Our Sunday run is the Triple Combined Rally, please see the Advert elsewhere in this Newsletter. The route has been designed to suit a variety of experience so we hope some of you who have not done a competitive event will have a go. Looking further ahead, we are still refining the programme of events but we are trying to confirm dates as soon as we can. We hope the variety will appeal to you. The Club Captain’s Team look forward to hearing from you All the Best for Happy Safe Motoring Anne.



t was a pleasure to be able to take part in the Winter Woollies Wander with my grandson-in-law as driver of “Wendy� and me as navigator. Even although I fouled up a little in the afternoon. Having such a beautiful day added to the enjoyment and the fact that it was quite a time since participating. A most enjoyable lunch was provided by the P.T.A. of Paparoa School was a bonus too. I have now more or less settled into my granny flat, although far from completely unpacked, having downsized a lot. It was great seeing folk too, although not time to chat very much. Hopefully may be able to join in again on the not too distant future. Brian and Viv gave a very enjoyable wander, one which necessitated a lot of work and it was most encouraging to have such a high entry number. Regards, Maureen Belch

Winter woollies Prize giving Dinner Thursday 11 August from 5.30pm $10 per head (payable at door) Curried sausages/rice followed by fruit crumble/fruit salad

For catering purposes Please contact Anne Richardson by Monday 8 august Ph: 425 6298



aturday dawned very frosty I am sure we travelled on at least one and cold for our Winter road previously unknown to us. We Woollies Wander. finished on West Coast Road then left at Old Woodcocks Road leading to Grahame and I had chosen to enter SH1 Te Hana and Kaiwaka. We chose the non-competitive section. to take the option of left hand turn to Maungaturoto then Paparoa War Our start time was 9.45am so it gave Memorial Hall where we enjoyed us time to admire many of the partic- lunch provided by Primary School ipating cars and greet old friends. parents. The afternoon run was relaxed with an interesting visit to The route took us south on SH1 to White Rock Gallery en route back to Waiwera then heading inland travel- Warkworth. ling on quieter roads. The scenery was beautiful with sun shining in A most enjoyable Winter Woollies contrast to many shady places still Wander thanks Vivienne and Brian white with frost. Much of the roads in for a great day. this area were un-sealed but in good condition with the odd pot holes here Anne Power and there. Weather was wonderful and there was no dust due to roads being damp from the previous night. The car was still clean when we got home.

LOST at Winter Woollies Wander Did anyone fine a gold bracelet? If so please contact Steve Driver driver.s@xtra.co.nz ***********************************************************************

We have two 70th anniversary lapel pins left. $4.00 each. If you would like one please contact Sheryl Martin Ph: 425 0259. 7


A good line-up of cars at Warkworth and Paparoa

Frances Ross overall local winner


WINTER WOOLLIES WANDER - 2016 The Winter Woollies Wander started perfectly, with a record 64 entries, superb bacon butties and fabulous weather but things did go a bit downhill from there. Set this year by Vivienne & Brian Guest it was a well thought out and planned run, offering both competitive and tourer routes but the vagaries of human nature caused all sorts of problems and made finding the winners a herculean task. We set out at the usual 1 minute intervals with Doug and I in the trusty little Fiat 500 getting away just after 9am. Turned into the Puhoi Rd and roared along until we found the 2nd clue, then had to back track to find clue number one. This went on for much of the 120km run with cars darting back and forward like ants. The clues were clever but you had to travel slowly, with no lapses of concentration to spot them. I am glad we were not in a big, heavy old car or our petrol bill would have been astronomical. In the overriding instructions we were told to ignore Heaven Rd, and if we came to a silent check “Buick” then do a U-turn, go left twice then continue. Well, the Buick sign was right under the Heaven Road sign so back we all went except for the odd one or two who couldn't or didn't see the silent check because of the cars grouped around it debating on why it was positioned there.

The instructions worked out well and we did the tour around the Port Albert roads okay but were puzzled about the lack of silent checks. Got to the lunch stop and Viv told us a little old lady had moved the Buick sign and another off course sign to where it could be seen easier!! Most of us ended up off course, so no wonder we found no silent checks – we did the Port Albert section backwards. What a shambles. Still, after refueling at the Paparoa Hall and being entertained by their local band it was off on the afternoon run. Another mixture of tar seal and gravel roads made interesting by the massive potholes in places. The little Fiat could dart around most of them but some of the bigger cars must have been challenged. Thoroughly enjoyed ourselves with such pleasant conditions, but were very pleased the run was a lot shorter because 3 hours squeezed into the little Fiat in the morning meant my poor hips will probably never be the same. Viv was waiting to check us all in, with another tale of woe. Somebody had moved a silent check across the road and a number of cars had gone through before someone realised the error and put it back where it should have been. So, another question omitted from the final scoring, but by eliminating the silent checks that went walkabout the marking was brought back to a level playing field. 10

Dinner and prize giving at the Bowling Club was attended by most of the entrants and seating was at a premium. However, we all got watered and fed, the raffles were drawn and you could just about feel the tension rising. No one had any idea which cars had managed to navigate the mishaps, but it turned out, those that did were probably justly rewarded. The Vintage Winners were: Colin and Pam Bell 1931 Chevrolet Phaeton Runners up: Leon & Brendda Salt 1928 Ford Model APhaeton Post Vintage Winners: Runners up: Post War Winners: Runners up: Post 1960 Winners: Runners up:

Gavin Welch & Sophie Zhao 1934 Ford Model Y Roadster Stu & Val Clotworthy 1939 Dodge D12 Sedan Wilbur, Ayleen & Kayrn Brown 1951 Daimler Consort Saloon Paul Carly 1956 Humber 80 Convertible Alan & Sharaan Price 1965 Vauxhall VX 4-90 Saloon Francis Ross and Noelene Quedley 1968 Jaguar Mk11 240 Saloon

Overall Winner: Gavin Welch Overall Wellsford Warkworth winner:

Francis Ross.

Sunday, and we all met up at the Warkworth wharf trying to thaw out the frozen fingers, toes and car windscreens. Brian outlined the choices available for the morning – a visit to the new retro clothing shop in the old BNZ building, which has been beautifully outfitted, then a collection of old cars & memorabilia that intrigued the ladies as well as the men, followed by a visit to the local museum. Back to the club rooms to enjoy the beautiful day and dine on sausages and salad before heading home. I must say, it took a long time to clear the club rooms as everyone seemed to want to linger and enjoy a lovely end to a fabulous weekend. All credit to Brian & Viv for the effort they put in and their cool heads when dealing with the huge problems that crept in through no fault of their own. Ann Hamilton 11

31 July:

Visit to the Caffeine and Classics, Smales Farm – 10.00 a.m. followed by lunch at Hobsonville Point during a leisurely tour home.

3 August:

Mid-week Café Run – Puhoi Valley Café and Cheese

11 August:

Club Night – Prize-giving. Dinner from 5.30 p.m. Curried sausages followed by dessert - $10 per head. Please book with Anne Richardson Ph: 425 6298 by 8 August.

17 August:

Cleaning and Coffee morning – 10.00 a.m. at the clubrooms

18 August:

Club Committee Meeting

21 August:

Triple Combined Rally. Meet at the Wharf in Warkworth for a 10.00 a.m start. BYO lunch at our clubrooms after the first leg.

31 August:

Mid-week Café Run – Sandspit Café, Sandspit Wharf

8 Sept:

Club Night: Guest Speaker –Alon Shaw

14 Sept:

Cleaning and Coffee morning – 10.00 a.m. at the clubrooms

15 Sept:

Club Committee Meeting

17-18 Sept: North Shore Branch Spring Tour. Contact Paul Collins for details. 25 Sept:

Sunday Run to Alan & Sharaan Price, Waitakere City to view their vehicles.

5 Oct:

Mid-week Café Run

8 Oct:

Kowhai Festival – display of cars

13 Oct:

Club Night

20 Oct:

Club Committee Meeting

23 Oct:

Visit to Summerset Falls Village (TBC)

5 – 6 Nov:

Far North Tour

19 Nov:

Wellsford Santa Parade and annual Country Show

27 Nov:

Kauri Museum, Matakohe open day (TBC) 12

TRIPLE COMBINED 2016. Date: 21st August. Starting at 10.30am at The Wharf, Warkworth. (Opportunity for coffee shops and maybe the Vintage Vault in Neville Street.) ALL TARMAC ROADS for first section! Straight forward instructions, scenic and interesting route. Lunch Break at Wellsford Warkworth Club rooms, tea and coffee available. 2 more sections by Hibiscus Coast Enthusiasts, and North Shore Finishing at North Shore Club rooms for tea and may be cakes!!


A THANK–YOU NOTE This letter is to say a big Thank You to everyone that helped us organise and run the Winter Woollies Wander. Firstly to The Rally Secretary, Leon Salt, for your time consuming task of collating the entries and allocating all the numbered start times etc. Secondly to the North Island Club Captain, Paul Collins, for your expertise in helping us put the rally route together, it certainly was a great learning experience for us and we would have struggled without your help. Last but not least, to all the other helpers and you all know who you are, from the help in the kitchen for the morning and afternoon teas, to the rally marshall in the morning and at the lunch stop, tail end charlie, bacon buttie chefs, the Quiz Master at dinner and everyone else that helped to make the weekend an awesome success. The Paparoa School put on a splendid lunch for us and it turned out to be a great fundraising venture for them and they would love to cater for us another day. So Thank You again to everyone that put their hands up to help, without volunteers these events would not happen and the future of a Club relies on volunteers. Kind regards Brian and Viv Guest 13

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If unclaimed return to PO Box 547 Warkworth gbwarkworth@paradise.net.nz Ph 09 425 8187 Fax 09 425 8585 Mob 027281 8993



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