Wellsford Warkworth VCC February 2017

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February 2017 The RADIATOR CAP

Out for a spin

Wellsford—Warkworth VCC Club


Anne Richardson ricanne@gmail.com

425 6298


Neil Cremer (Lucy )

425 4955

Frances Ross chemwash@rosscoltd.co.nz

425 8737

Denis Martin (Sheryl) denismartin@xtra.co.nz

425 0259

Jeanette Lloyd (George )

425 7622


yorksandlancs@gmail.com REPORTER

Anne Hamilton (Doug )

425 6139

Doug.hamil@xtra.co.nz COMMITTEE

John Duffy

021 208 7474

johngduffy@hotmail.com Frances Ross

425 8737

Doug Hamilton

425 6139

James Lawrie (Gloria )

425 9928

Gloria-james-lawrie@xtra.co.nz Anne Richardson

425 6298

Neil Cremer

425 4955

John Downie

425 7431

Midnight.mouse@maxnet.co.nz Dave Oliver (Glenys)

09 945 0512



Denis/Martin (Sheryl)

425 0259

Chris Harvey (Annette ) Chris.Harvey@westnet.com.au

09 4222662

Denis Martin

425 0259

denismartin@xtra.co.nz VEHICLE ID.

James Lawrie

425 9928


Dave Oliver

09 9450512


Frances Ross

425 8737


Doug Hamilton

425 6139


Chris Harvey

09 4222662




Leon Salt (Brendda) brendda@xtra.co.nz

423 8122

Brendda Salt

423 8122




Sheryl Martin (Denis)

425 0259


Magazine deadline 23rd of the month

(The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily the view of the branch).

BRANCH ADDRESS P O Box 547 WARKWORTH 0941 VERO: Agency No: 0300159 Free phone: 0800 658411

Website: www.vcc-wellswark.org.nz

Chairman’s Report February 2017: We have a busy start to 2017 with various activities coming up. Seven club members supported the Warkworth Santa Parade with their vehicles and about nine club eligible vehicles turned up to give rides around the block for the folk at Summerset Falls retirement village. There was a good turn-out for the December mid-week picnic at Campbells Bay but only six members enjoyed the mid-week picnic at Brick Bay in early January. Our Christmas dinner was well supported with 42 people. Thanks to Jeanette and her crew for decorating the clubrooms and to the four members who turned up to help with cleaning in January. We’ve still only about ten vehicles entered in the “Are We There Yet?” Rally for the Mike Brown Memorial Trophy. I understand that accommodation at Waipu Cove is still available but folk should book in very soon if they wish to enter. This should be a great weekend. Denis and Sheryl have plotted a simple rally for which all the roads are named and no one should get lost – a great event for those new to rallying. With this newsletter you will find a draft Swap Meet Roster. I’ve based this upon last year’s. Please contact me before 15 February if you have been left off the roster and would be willing to assist, or for some reason you will be unable to fill the role allocated. Based upon this feedback I will produce a final Roster and email it around. On Sunday 12 February, George and Jeanette Lloyd will be hosting a “Posh Picnic” at their property on Perry Rd. Details for this event can be found in this newsletter. It is unlikely that those receiving this newsletter in hardcopy will have it before the A&P Show. Club Captain Anne Richardson has emailed final arrangements for both days of the A&P Show including the stall we are running to support Hospice on Saturday. We have been invited to display our vehicles on both Saturday and Sunday. Given that this is the 150 Warkworth A&P Show it would be great if we could have a good show of vehicles. Most of the 42 veteran vehicles participating in the centennial of the Parliamentary Tour of Northland will start arriving at the Showgrounds from around 10.30 a.m. and will be departing for Whangarei by 12.30 p.m. th

Happy motoring Leon


Welcome back to Don Windley and Teresa Anderson who have a 1941 Ford V8 pickup, 1939 Chrysler/Plymouth sedan and a 1930 Ford Model A roadster pickup

Welcome also to Franz Edgar who is now a full member of the club 4

Club Captain’s Report. I hope everyone has recovered from the festive season and is now ready for our 2017 activities. As we firm up on this year’s runs and events, any comments on what you like/don’t like would be welcome. We are trying to give a varied programme so that there is something for everyone, and maybe you will have a go at something new this year? The time leading up to Christmas was very busy for those involved in the parades and local activities. The people of Summerset Falls enjoyed our visit. If you know of another village or home that you think would welcome us, let me know and I will approach them in the future. While planning ahead works well for my grey hair, it does sometimes mean that events have to change. We will not be having the TEAL flying boat talk at our February Club night. We are trying to arrange an interesting alternative, but it may be too late to organise. I hope you will come anyway and enjoy our usual BBQ with salad to share and the company. There should be tales of the Winterless Far North to share! Talking of which, don’t forget the A&P Show on Anniversary weekend. Bring a picnic, display your car, and enjoy the day. Details have been circulated already. February brings 2 events this year, our first Posh Picnic: dressed for the occasion and period of your car? Our main fund raiser of the year is the Swap Meet at the end of the Month. Besides our subscriptions, this goes toward the running of our Club rooms and activities. You will find the request for volunteers needed starts here, please respond. March brings a major event: the “Are We There Yet” rally. Denis and Sheryl have put in a lot of work for your enjoyment, so have a go. This will be an enjoyable weekend for us all. No tricky instructions! Best Wishes for 2017 Motoring Anne and the team.


1917 PARLIAMENTARY TOUR. A century ago there was no Harbour Bridge and the cars assembled on the Ferry wharf in Auckland at 7.15 am to be ferried across the water to Devonport. The official party left the Ferry wharf at 9.00 am, and on arrival at Devonport were officially welcomed by the MP of Waitemata and Mayor of Devonport. The position of cars was decided by ballot, and cars were sent off in two groups, the first cars leaving at 10.00 am. There were incidents, first in Devonport, when Mr McLeod’s car fell off the ferry ramp, then in Takapuna when the same man from Helensville with a new Model T Ford ran into a fence. The first planned stop was in Albany, where the residents had been provided with a substantial morning tea. Some said the tea had been laced. Visitors were surprised to see a large amount of gorse and unproductive land in the area. The program after Albany was for one group to go to Silverdale for lunch, while the other group went to Puhoi. Both in Silverdale and at Puhoi the parties were meet by a Brass Band playing “See the Conquering Hero Comes”. The cars that stopped in Silverdale went on later to stop at Major Whitney’s property near Waiwera, and were quite late getting into Warkworth, the first night’s stop. At about 4.00 pm some were taken on a short tour of the area. There was a banner across the main street in Warkworth, bearing the words. ”Welcome to the Poor North”. The evening meal and gathering was in the Town Hall, where Hon A.M.Myers spoke to the group. Some challenged him about the money the Government was spending on the Otira Tunnel, and he responded to those present that more money was being spent on extending the rail network in the North Island. Most of the party were billeted and it was at the function they meet their hosts for the evening. The following day the party set off in one group for Mangawhai. The pilot car took a wrong road. The mistake was quickly discovered and after a lot of backing by everybody they were back on course. The member for Marsden was to blame. Mangawhai was still reached an hour ahead of schedule, and after more speeches, lunch was served at the showgrounds. They were going to go along the coast road to Waipu but locals told them they would never get through, so they travelled through Kaiwaka, Maungaturoto and the Waipu Gorge. The gorge must have impressed the members of Parliament for after the tour a bill was passed through Parliament to protect the Waipu Gorge as a scenic reserve. They were entertained by the locals in Waipu, and some said that many had drunk far too much whisky. They arrived in Whangarei at about 6.00 pm, an hour ahead of schedule which caused some issues for the organising committee. The Whangarei Town Council and the County Council had been major sponsors for the event. The next day was spent in Whangarei. The party motored by car to Wairua Falls, where they were shown through Dominion Cement Company’s extensive new power plant, that was also starting to supply homes in Whangarei. The water travelled for almost a mile via a new canal to the power house. The group then proceeded to Portland on the shores Whangarei Harbour, where Dominion Cement Company had its plant. After a trip around the plant, the party was entertained by the company at a luncheon in a large marquee. In the afternoon the party was divided into three groups. One group went by launch to Limestone Island. The second group went by launch to Whangarei Freezing Company at Whangarei Heads, later returning to Whangarei by train. The third group returned to Whangarei by car and attended a garden party. In the evening there was an event at the Town Hall where there were more speakers and the public were invited. The party left Whangarei the following morning at 9.00 am, stopping at Kamo Springs for morning tea. Some in the party tested the waters. Lunch was provided in Hikurangi, but only after the party had climbed to the top of the hill. Again in the Public Hall there were a lot of speeches. They did have some very light rain between Hikurangi and Kawakawa, but as the roads had been metalled there were no problems. The members of the party in Kawakawa were met by a number of little girls with baskets of peaches and grapes which proved very acceptable. The majority of the party boarded a train for Opua en route to Russell. The drivers of the cars and a few others remained at Kawakawa. From Opua, launches conveyed the party to Russell, and the run down the harbour was greatly enjoyed. Russell was decorated for the occasion. Official visitors were welcomed in the public hall with more speeches, then taken on a tour of Russell. Some were billeted in Russell, the rest in Paihia. Meanwhile, the cars had been driven from Kawakawa to Kerikeri. The rest of the official party were conveyed by launch to Kerikeri to meet the cars, where the motor journey resumed. At Whangaroa, the visitors were entertained by local residents. Part of the original programme consisted of a Maori feast cooked the old way. But owing to the late arrival of the party, the cooks decided to eat the meal themselves, before it was spoiled. The party was taken


on an excursion arround the harbour in a launch. As the launch drew up to the shore at Totara North, local Mario greeted the party with a haka. After more speeches, the group was provided with a very late lunch by the locals. They stopped on the way back to see the wreck of the ‘’Boyd’’. Back in the cars trouble began, just north of Whangaroa, when the rain started and the track become a bog. Chains were installed and everybody had to get out and push. They were cutting ti-tree to feed under the cars and levering off fence posts. Most were plastered in mud when they finally arrived in Mangonui at 8.00 pm. The locals said it was quite a sight to see thirty-five cars coming into town with lights glowing. There was not enough accommodation in town, so fifty were accommodated on the Northern Steamship company steamer ‘’Apanui’’ at the wharf. There were two minor incidents on the road between Kerikeri and Mangonui. One car broke an axle and the second car went over the bank, but was later put back on the road. The next morning the group boarded the Apanui and were taken on a short run around the harbour. The party left Mangonui at 10.30 am, travelling through the Oruru valley to Peria for lunch, which many said was the best meal on the tour. After lunch, the group was split up, with some travelling to Kaitaia via Fairburns, while others went by the Victoria Valley. The roads had all been recently metalled and there were no problems. There were a number of farmers in the party, who said the land they saw that day was the best they had seen on the trip. The following day they drove out to Ahipara and on to Ninety-Mile Beach. Heavy rain was on the way, and many from the south later referred to the area as the “Roadless North”. Most of the drivers had to fit chains as the clay turned into a quagmire. Lunch was provided by local residents at Mrs Reed’s property at Ahipara. After lunch, local Maori greeted the party on the beach with a haka. The party all went out onto the beach where they raced along the sand. Two cars hugged the sand dunes, and soon had to be dragged out. A lot of photographs were taken and they returned through the mud to Kaitaia. Many then went on to Awanui, the site of the new wireless station, then onto Waipapakauri. In the evening in a field of paspalum, (now the Domain) there was a carnival of electric light. Many bright lights, a brass band, refreshment tent, the headlights of the motor cars, horses, traps and gigs, created a memorable scene. Maori men and women welcomed the visitors with dance and chant and the little girls charmed the audience with action songs. Again, there were speeches, with some speaking first in English, then Maori. There was a lot of tension after the meal that night when Mr Gillies, who owned a motor car, told the guests the tracks through Broadwood were not suitable for cars. Colonel Bell told the party he would have a team of bullocks there to assist should someone get into trouble. He also supplied the party with axes, spades, shovels, ropes and chains. Some in the party clearly had seen enough mud and did not go back through Broadwood. The cars left Kaitaia at 8.30 am and the plan that day was to arrive at Herekino for morning tea at 10.30 am. It looked easy on paper as the run was only seventeen miles and they had two hours to make the journey. The rain started and the clay quickly turned into a quagmire. Chains were installed but progress was very slow. Some were cutting branches of trees to feed under wheels. Many removed their boots and socks, bared their legs and got behind and pushed. In the end Colonel Bell decided they would make better progress if they attached a rope to the front of a car, and pulled it up the hill. Journalists, captains of commerce and members of parliament were on the end of the rope and with a mixture of shanties twenty-nine cars were pulled up the hill. They did sight the bullocks, but the farmer was not there, and there is no documented evidence they were attached to the cars. It was splendid fellowship in the mud, and as each car come up the hill there was lot of cheering. The fight with the hostile road went on for over six hours between tropical downpours. Many said the mud brought the group together. At about 4.00 pm the cars entered the very small town of Herekino. The town struggled to feed the group. Many referred to the meal later as the tin can party, as most of the meal had come out of tin cans. After some food there was a dance in the local hall that went on very late. Sixty found billets among the settlers and the rest just slept in the small hall, on a bale of hay, or in the motor car. A few lucky ones had a bed in the Star Hotel. After a fry-up off bacon and eggs for some, the motorcade crept onto Broadwood. Ropes and spades were again required in some places and the passengers often got out to lighten the load. Three cars skidded off the road and had to be dragged back on. It took them four hours to cover the twelve miles but the welcome by the locals was worth it. The food that had been prepared in the ground the day before had been kept hot and made a great meal. There were more speeches both by the guests and locals. They left Broadwood at 2.00 pm and the twenty mile run to Kohukohu for the most part was over a good road, the rain stayed away and first cars arrived in Kohukohu at 4.00 pm. Some left Broadwood on the wrong road and a young lady was sent off on horse-back to bring them back. To be continued next month 7

Graeme Logue’s Singer Vogue, Phil & Viv Maurice’s Riley, Harry Heaven’s Morris well-side, John Garea’s Model A and Brian Mason’s Dodge at the Wellsford Show 2016

Brian Mason’s tractors at Wellsford Show


On a recent visit to Harry and Gay in Kawarau.

Hand-over of Jim Jorgensen Memorial Cup for highest aggregate points for post war vehicles

Enjoying retirement


DRAFT Swapmeet Roster 25 February 2017: A Swapmeet Roster has been drafted below, based upon what we did last year. Please check this through and let Leon know by 15 February if you are unable to assist in the roles allocated this year. A final Roster will be emailed around during week leading up to the Swapmeet.

Gate: 6.00 – 7.00 Dave Oliver Brian Sollis Rex Thompson 7.00 – 8.00 Brian Guest Nigel Hawkes Brian Sollis 8.00 – 9.00 Graham Buchs Rex Thompson Brian Mason 9.00 – 10.00 Denis Martin Graham Buchs 10.00 – 11.00 Brian Guest John Downie 11.00 – Volunteers as required Parking: 6.00 – 7.00 Brian Mason Brian Guest Bruce Hutchinson 7.00 – 8.00 Bruce Hutchinson John Downie George Lloyd 8.00 – 9.00 George Lloyd Dave Wenzlick John Downie 9.00 – 10.00 John Garea Franz Edgar Dave Wenzlick 10.00 –11.00 Dave Oliver John Garea 11.00 – Volunteers as required Stall Site Allocation: 6.00 – 7.00 Nigel Hawkes 7.00 – 8.00 Grant Stott 8.00 – 9.00 Grant Stott 9.00 – 10.00 Carrick Oliver

Leon Salt Carrick Oliver Franz Edgar Rex Thompson


BBQ: Sausages : 6.00 – 7.00 Brendda Salt, 7.00 – 8.00 Paul Hodder Brendda Salt 8.00 – 9.00 Phil Maurice Brendda Salt 9.00 – 11.00 James Lawrie Brendda Salt 11.00 Leon Salt Brendda Salt BBQ Bacon Butties: 6.00 – 7.00 Vivienne Guest 7.00 – 8.00 Vivienne Guest 8.00 – 9.00 Brian Payne 9.00 - 10.00 Brian Payne 10.00 – Vivienne Guest

Paul Hodder Jason Morrison Jason Morrison Denis Martin George Lloyd

Roving Assistants: Ian Cunningham Neil Cremer Grahame Power Megaphone: John Duffy People Mover: Bugs Crighton Club Stall: Doug Hamilton & anyone available to assist Cash Float: Sheryl Martin Record of Stall-Holders: Leon Salt


NOTE: Anne Richardson will be circulating the roster for the “Swap Meet” kitchen in the near future ********************************************


Are We There Yet? 2017 The 2017 ‘Are We There Yet?’ will be held over 2 days on mainly sealed roads and will cover approximately150 miles. All participants will use the same route and may choose on the day to take part in simple observations. To enable the finding of a winner for the Mike Brown Memorial Trophy only results from financial VCC members in a club eligible vehicle can be used. Refueling will be possible in Waipu Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.


Saturday 18th March & Sunday 19th March 2017


Wellsford Community Centre cnr SH1 and Matheson Road and will be held as scheduled – wet or fine.


9.30 AM


Picnic BYO everything

PRIZEGIVING DINNER: Will be held at the Cove Café Cove Road Waipu Cove

SUNDAY 19th March:

Depart Waipu Cove app 10.30am for late morning tea stop – food provided - BYO drinks. Then depart for home.



_____ @ $30.00 each


Children (under 12) _____ @ $15.00 each



SUNDAY: Sunday Morning Tea Yes / No


Number attending


Payment made by cheque to Wellsford Warkworth VCC Inc or Direct Credit to Kiwi Bank a/c: 38- 9016-0283667-00


ENTRY FORM Please fill in all relevant sections and return to the Rally Secretary.

Entrant’s Name: _______________________________________ VCC Member No: _____________ VCC Branch: _______________________ Entrant’s Address:



Entrant’s Mobile No: _____________________ Email: Driver’s Name:

____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Navigators Name:


Passenger Names:


Vehicle: Make: __________Model:___________________ Year: ________ Entry Fees: (includes attraction entrance & Sunday morning tea)



@ $30 each


Child (under 12) _____ @ $15each


Sunday Morning Tea (N/C): _____


Numbers attending Cove Café Dinner: (Own cost)

$________ _________

Name of Accommodation: ________________________________________ Payment may be made by cheque to: Wellsford/Warkworth Vintage Car Club Inc. or Direct Credit to: Kiwi Bank Account No: 38-9016-0283667-00 Please give your surname as the reference Please post or email entry to: Rally Secretary

email: brendda@xtra.co.nz

Leon Salt 413 Whangaripo Valley Rd R.D. 2 WELLSFORD 0972


150th Warkworth A&P Show and Parliamentary Tour lunch stop. Saturday – meet in the Bayleys Real Estate Carpark near Paper Plus by 9.30 a.m. Show admission for passengers will be collected before we depart for the Show grounds. Drivers and cars have free entry.

28 – 29 Jan:

1 Feb:

Mid-week Picnic – Scandrettes Bay

5 Feb:

Waipu Car & Bike Show. Waipu Caledonian Park Show from 10am-2pm Exhibitor incl driver entry is free 8am-10am. 15 prize categories. Prize giving at 1pm Cars and Bikes sound off around midday Exhibitors‟ entrance on St Marys Road (up the side of the park) Shade available this year.

9 Feb:

Club Night: BYO BBQ plus a salad to share. 5.30 p.m. onward at the clubroooms on Satellite Station Rd

12 Feb:

Posh Picnic to be held on the property of George and Jeanette Lloyd, 102 Perry Rd, Warkworth (see details in this newsletter).

15 Feb:

Clubrooms Cleaning and Coffee morning

16 Feb:

Club Committee Meeting 7.00 p.m. at the Clubrooms

25 Feb:

Annual Swapmeet, the Clubrooms, Satellite Station Rd from 7.00 a.m..

26 Feb:

Glenbrook Vintage Railway weekend. We could make this a club run if there is sufficient interest

1 March: Mid-week Picnic – Sullivans Bay 9 March: Club Night: BYO BBQ plus a salad to share. 5.30 p.m. onward at the Clubrooms. 10–12 March:

Taupo Branch W D Goldsmith Golden Anniversary Lake Taupo Rally. (Entry forms are at the Clubrooms.)

11 March:

National Executive Meeting – Auckland - hosted by North Shore Branch

15 March:

Clubrooms Cleaning and Coffee morning

16 March:

Club Committee Meeting 7.00 p.m. at the Clubrooms.

18-19 March: Are we there yet? Rally for the Mike Brown Memorial Trophy (Entry form in the November 2016 newsletter but also available on request. 5 April:

Mid-week Picnic – The Lagoon, Tawharanui Regional Park

14 -17 April: National North Island Easter Rally – Auckland Branch 14


Directions: Coming from the north turn right into Twin Stream Road (directly opposite where you would turn left for Satellite Station Road for the clubrooms), follow the metal road for approx. 1km. From the south, turn left into Perry Road and follow for 1km.


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If unclaimed return to PO Box 547 Warkworth gbwarkworth@paradise.net.nz

Ph 09 425 8187 Fax 09 425 8585



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