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The monthly bulletin from the Gore Branch Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc.

October 2022

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at the Clubrooms, Waimea Street, Gore, starting at 8pm (unless notified otherwise)

Next meeting: 11th October

of the
Branch telephone number: 03 208 7424

2022-2023 Committee* and Officers

Branch Patrons Ray Tressler, Gerry Kennedy

Chairman* Paul Herron

027 210 4131

Vice Chairman* Rod Bell 027 229 2191

Secretary* Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

Treasurer* Rod Bell 027 229 2191

Club Captain* John Parish (03) 208 5505 or 027353 3597

Assistant Club Captains

Rod Bell 027 229 2191 Matt Cook 027 379 1131 Greg Elder (03) 202 5710 or 027 431 8058 Tim Walsh (03) 208 3531 or 027 436 8663

Branch Recorder/Bulletin Editor* David North 021 172 3281

Assistant Editor

Position not filled at present House Convenor* Des Brewster 027 845 1752

Social Committee Beb Kennedy, David McDowell, Russell Newland

Beaded Wheels Reporter Bill Sheddan

027 434 2935 Festival Rally Organiser* Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

Assistant Rally Organiser Keith Nunn (03) 208 5403

Bar Manager Chris Scoles (03) 208 0052

Assistant Bar Manager Murray Proctor 027 649 1377

Maintenance Supervisor Keith Nunn (03) 208 5403

Maintenance Assistants Roy Buchanan, Keith Dodds, Russell Newland, Keith Nunn

Swapmeet Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634

Swapmeet Assistant Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

PartsAssistants Evan Henderson, Gerry Kennedy, Denis Knight, Bryan Neilson

Hill Climb Evan Henderson (03) 208 6479 Hill Climb Assistant Terry Inder (03) 208 7017

Sheriff Rod Bell 027 229 2191

Librarian Stewart Quertier (03) 208 7932

Raffles Starr McDougall (03) 208 6501

Branch Delegate* David North 021 172 3281

Privacy Officer Katherine Welsh 021 261 6986

Health & Safety Officer Ken Youngson 027 667 4102

Hokonui Pioneer Village & Museum David McDowell (03) 208 6791

Tuesday Ramble Co ordinator Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634

Branch Daffodil Day Co ordinatorPaul Herron, John Parish

Vehicle Identity Card Signatories Evan Henderson John Parish John Tremaine (03) 208 6479 (03) 208 5505 (03) 208 9670

Front cover picture:


Chairman’s Report October 2022

The VCC Daffodil Rally went extremely well with the thanks of Katy and John Parish’s hard work in route planning etc. We had 38 cars participating and a total of $855 raised which I havedepositedintotheOtago-SouthlandCancer Society bank account.

I had a great team of volunteers help move the 32 cars and parts from Pukerau to Waimumu for the Dickson auction. Afew challenges were met but in general things moved smoothly. All feedback from those who assisted enjoyed the experience although we all ached a bit from the strenuous work manoeuvring the cars from Robin's parking spots. It's great to see our club pull together for the clubs benefit and thanks to those for the help.

OurOpeningRunstarted offourrallycalendarwithTim andAnnaWalsh giving us an interesting day driving to the Darling Orchards pack house at Ettrick for lunch. Then having the Darlings give an informative talk on their operations. We then moved on to one of their orchards in Roxburgh east to view the trial varieties of apricot and apple trees.

For those who missed the guest speakers at our last meeting we had 2 from GWD Motor Group informing us on the development and servicing of the electric / hybrid cars available.

Our next meeting is our Auction Night so again the meeting will be starting at 7.30. Bring along items to be sold however auctioneer Gerry asked to leave the junk at home. It's a great fund raiser for our branch.

Paul Herron Handy Hint (1)

To clean chrome, use tin foil, form a pad. Great job.

Gerry Kennedy



Abigthank you to all that helpedtransport cars from Pukerauto Waimumu.


On meeting night Paul asked for help to run a BBQ at the car auction. Very disappointed that only a couple of members put their hands up.

We are trying to raise funds to finish the toilet block where are you all?

Des also asked for helpers to provide suppers on meeting night.

Poor result, no b****r put their hands up!

It seems it’s left to just the same very few but by jiminy they’re all up and at it for supper!

Come on - HELP OUT!


Club Captain’s Report October 2022

Thanks to all members who participated in the Daffodil Rallyon the 21st ofAugust. We had 38 cars, 21 of which were branch members. A total of $855 was raised for the Cancer Society and hopefully the participants enjoyed the trip to Roxburgh.

Tim and Anna Walsh organised this year’s Opening Run and 18 cars travelled via Moa Flat to Ettrick where theywere hosted by the Darling familyat their fruit pack house for lunch. They then had a tour of some of the Darlings’ orchards where they learnt about growing apples and stone fruit. Thank to Tim andAnna for organising a great day out.

The P60 Run is on the 8th of October and is being organised by the Cook Family. This is closely followed by our Auction Night on the 11th of October meeting night. Have a sort through your treasures and see if there is anything you can spare that you can donate to the club auction. Then come along and buysomeone else’s treasures and get entertained by Gerry.

The Ladies Run is on the 6th of November and is being organised by Trish Buchanan. Look for the details later in The Wiper and come along and support Trish.

John Parish

Gerry’s Jokes (1)

What do you call a women who sets fire to all her bills? Bernadette.

I went to the grocery store and the sign on the door said “No food or drink inside”, so I went home.

As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself and the other for helping others.

Gerry Kennedy


From the Editor’s Keyboard

Donna and I thoroughly enjoyed theAugust Tuesday Ramble (report coming next month, I hope!) and the Opening Run to Ettrick. Anna and Tim Walsh put on great weather for the day and there was a very interesting and informative orchard tour as well.

Back to the “normal” 44 pages this month but still plenty of reading matter. Greg Elder and Evan Henderson have supplied photos of the sterling efforts put in to move the cars for the first of the Robin Dickson car auctions. Evan has also contributed some old postcards of the Ford Factory circa 1917 that I hope you will find interesting.

Anna Walsh has provided a report on the Opening Run that she and Tim organised, Jim McFadzien tells us of a poor buying decision and Des Brewster gets technical. “Cookery Corner” makes a very welcome return and Bill Sheddan has outdone himself this month with not only a recipe, but also a report on the Daffodil Rally and a warning about the perils of buying vehicles privately rather than from motor traders.

Thank you to this month’s contributors. Thereis plentygoingonthis month andIampromisedsomereportsonprevious events so Iamlookingforward to a positive torrent of material during October. Please don’t let me down!

Happy reading, David North


Glenise Corcoran has decided to resign her VCC membership and will no longer receive The Wiper. She says:

“Please remove my name from the distribution list. I have had many happy times with the club and it's members and many memories too. Time for something new for me. Keep the club going for the future. Regards, Glenise”



This belongs to you, but everyone else uses it more. Answer next month

Answer to last month’s Brainteaser

Which is correct to say: "The yolk of the egg is white" or "The yolk of the egg are white?"

Answer: Neither, egg yolks are yellow!

From The British Newspaper Archive

In 1836 George Norton sued then Prime Minister Lord Melbourne for criminal conversation (adultery) with his wife Caroline. The case could not be proved and Caroline Norton went on to be an influential figure in marriage and divorce reform. The Editor


Handy Hint (2)

Are potatoes gluten free?

Yes, because gluten is a type of protein found in grains whereas potatoes are a starchy vegetable.

Gerry Kennedy


Gerry’s Jokes (2)

Today I’m doing nothing because I started doing it yesterday and I wasn’t finished and I’m no quitter.

Today I strung all my watches together to make a belt. It was a waist of time.

If at first you don’t succeed try doing it the way Mum told you in the beginning.

Remember if you need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of your arm.

Alister Lee (L) receiving his 25 year badge from Branch Chairman Paul Herron (Photo by Katherine Welsh) Gerry Kennedy
Sent in by Evan Henderson

Daffodil Rally 21August 2022

This year’s Daffodil Rally for Cancer (there was no Rally last year thanks to Covid) was organised by John Tremaine but as John was unable to be there on the day the running of the Rally was carried out by Paul Herron and John Parish, ably assisted by wives and Gore VCC members.

A fine mix of cars (top photo by Evan Henderson, bottom by Bill Sheddan)

The day was fine and not a mask in sight as we assembled at the Showgrounds car park ready for a 1.30pm start. We were first there which is unusual as we used to have the reputation of being if not last then close to it. Near on forty cars assembled over the next hour, half of them being non-member cars and hopefully among them a new club member or two.


This raised $846.40 for the Cancer Research Fund. The forty cents shows how thorough the collectors were in extracting the very last cents from the attendees.

Some of the cars at Roxburgh (photo by Evan Henderson)

Greg Elder beside his new Lexus with wallet in hand and pained expression on his face. (Photo by Bill Sheddan)

Thedestination was RoxburghviaHeriot andover thehill to Dunrobin then downontothemainroadatEttrickthenontoRoxburgh.Wewerefollowing a Mustang convertible for a while but at 40mph thought it was a bit slow so I passed them only to be followed at a respectable distance till they pulled off about Heriot. I am guessing the stop was to put the top up as it was getting cooler the further we went onto Central Otago.

Their position behind me was taken by Barry Lawrence in his nice Mark 2 Zephyr. He wasn't far behind me on the flat only to disappear from my mirror on the hills. I made that comment to him at Roxburgh and he replied between licks on his ice cream that it was missing a bit on the hills. I am not sure what bit it was missing but it transpired that Paul Herron had the job as tail end charlie to tow him back partway behind his Falcon to a safe spot for the Zephyr in a cockie’s shed then run them home to Waikaia. Well done Paul. One Ford behind the other and I didn't get a photo.

Most of the cars that left Gore were seen in or around Roxburgh and the drivers and passengers appeared to be enjoying the day out and why not!

After a coffee and a bite to eat we carried on to our place at Clyde to see what damage the recent high winds had caused. After inspecting a broken window and a tangled shade sail we set off home in the reliable as ever Sunbeam Rapier Fastback arriving at 7pm after a pleasant day’s driving.

Branch Involvement

I have received from most of our Branch Coordinators the total of what they raised from their specific event on Sunday 21 August. 29 of our 36 branches participated in this year’s campaign. Unfortunately, due to the atrocious weather conditions 3 branches were forced to postpone their event and reschedule to take place in the next couple of months. The remaining branches contributed by volunteering to deliver flowers on Daffodil Day. Therefore one-way-or-another everyone acknowledged this worthy cause and ‘did their bit’for charity.

Our Sub Total Figure

We raised nationally, including the online donations, close to $70k!

Atremendous result. [Full report available on request. The Editor]



One evening after the honeymoon, Dick was working on his Sunbeam in the garage. His new wife was standing there by the bench watching him. After a long period of silence she finally said, "Honey, I've just been thinking, now that we're married, maybe it's time you quit spending so much of your time out here in the garage. You probably should consider selling your Sunbeam and all that welding equipment, they take up so much of your time. And that gun collection and fishing gear, they just take up so much space. And you know that boat is such an ongoing expense and you hardly use it. I also think you should lose all those stupid model planes and your home brewing equipment. And what's the use of that vintage Hot Rod?"

Dick got a horrified look on his face. She noticed and said, "Darling, what's wrong?”

He replied, "You were starting to sound like my ex-wife.” "EX-WIFE!?" she shouted, "YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WERE MARRIED BEFORE!”

Dick replied, "I wasn't..." Sent in by Bill Sheddan


Robin Dickson Cars,

Loading at Pukerau

The big shed at Waimumu

1 & 2 September

The big shed at Waimumu Busy couple of days shifting the 32 vehicles. Went well with great turnout of branch members. I think we had seven trailers yesterday and ten today. It was abigjob gettingthemout.KatyParishand KeithNunnwashedthem. Greg Elder

(L R) Barry Lawrence, Greg Elder, Keith Nunn, Paul Herron, Ken Youngson, Bob Herron & Dave Johnstone (Paul’s father in law) having a well earned lunch at Waimumu after a hard Thursday morning’s work shifting cars. Evan Henderson

Gore Branch Events for the 2022-23 Season

Event Proposed Date Organiser(s) 2022

P60 Run Saturday 8th October Matt Cook

Auction Night Tuesday 11th October (Meeting Night) Gerry Kennedy

Ladies Run Sunday 6th November Trish Buchanan

Josephville Hill Climb Sunday 27th November Evan Henderson

Christmas Run Sunday 11th December John Parish 2023

Picnic Run Sunday 8th January Rod Bell

Festival Rally Saturday 25th February Murray Proctor Gore Swap Meet Sunday 19th March Gerry Kennedy

Diggers Run Saturday 25th March John Parish Frank Robson & Clearwater Capers Sunday 16th April Greg Elder

Night Trial Saturday 6th May Matt Cook

End of Season Run Saturday 3rd June Rod Bell

Annual Dinner & Prize giving Saturday 8th July Des Brewster

Tuesday Ramble

Last Tuesday of the month (except December)

Co ordinated by Gerry Kennedy

Editor's note to event organisers

If you want to see a report in The Wiper please provide one yourselves or organise somebody to do it for you. (N.B. This works best if you ask them before the event!)


Other Events 2022

1st 2nd October Dunvegan Rally, Otago Branch

1st 2nd October Horse Power Rally, Timaru.

7th 9th October Canterbury Branch Swapmeet. Information at

14th 16th October Marlborough Branch Biennial Rally. Based in Blenheim. Contact

14th 16th October N.B. date changed!

VCC 2-Day Time Trial, Nelson. Contact Rod Corbett, phone 027 4338772

4th 6th November 50th Taieri Tour, Otago Branch

11th 13th November 50th Far North Tour, Northland Branch

12th November 50th Clutha Rally, South Otago Branch

19th November North Otago Branch Swapmeet 2023

January Dunedin Brighton Run, Otago Branch

21st January Kickstart Motorcycle Rally, Waimate Branch

February (TBC) National Veteran Rally,Auckland Branch

3rd 6th February National Motorcycle Rally, Southland Branch

9th 15th February National Model T Rally, 6-day tour starting and finishing in Oamaru.

11th March Nelson Branch Swap Meet

8th 9th April Wheels at Wanaka 2024

January National Veteran Rally/Dunedin Brighton Run, Otago Branch

24 P60 Run Saturday 8th October Meet at Clubrooms by 9.30am First car away at 10.00 am for a picnic lunch at the Fiordland Military Museum Bring something for lunch & to sit on The museum will be open so a gold coin donation as well See you on the day! Matt Cook (027 379 1131)
25 Auction Night Tuesday 11th October 7.30pm start Bring along baking, veges, sauces, jams, seed potatoes, parts and anything of value NO JUNK PLEASE BUT PLENTY OF CASH!! Gerry Kennedy 027 233 4634
27 Tuesday Ramble 25th October 10.30am : meet at Clubrooms 11.00am: depart for Clinton 12.30pm: lunch at Crossroads (formerly Oak Tree Inn) variety of meals $25 each Afternoon: working on visit to a garden Numbers by 20th October Contact Gerry Kennedy Phone 027 233 4634
28 Ladies Run Sunday 6th November Be at Clubrooms about 1.15pm First car away 1.30pm All sealed roads, approx. 60kms to destination Bringafternoontea,flask&achair Trish (and Ken) Buchanan Phone 027 260 9844
Sent in by Evan Henderson

Opening Run Saturday 11th September

The day started off cold and very foggy in Gore as our 18 car convoy ventured on our Opening Run. Thankfully the fog began to lift as we headed northand wehad alovelysunnydaywith farmviews to enjoyalong the way to Ettrick.

Tim, Flynn, his friend Milo and I took a short cut over Moa Flat to get to Ettrick just as the first rally cars were arriving via Raes Junction at our lunch stop, the Darlings Fruit Ltd Pack House lunch room, where we met Sallyand Stephen Darling for lunch. Sallyhad set up the room with heaters going and plenty of seating for everyone as well as a table with the fresh apple juice they make and fixings for hot drinks.

Sally Darling (L) and Anna Walsh at lunchtime

After lunch we went out to enjoy some of the sunshine as Stephen shared with us the history of Darlings Fruit Ltd. It was very interesting to hear all the aspects of the orcharding business and all the hard work that they put in so that we all can enjoy the various fruit from Central Otago. Then Stephen and Sally took us on a tour of their 100-acre Kerrimuir Orchard. We drove our cars through the orchard stopping at various points for Stephen to explain the various types of fruit trees and the different colours of blooms for the different fruit and the changes of how shaping trees for orcharding is progressing to get the best results.


The path through the orchard was a bit wet in places with all the frost prevention watering that had been utilised lately with the frosts but the cars had no problem getting around. Stephen explained they monitor for frosts and some days the alarms go off early evening so they can be up all night to ensure the frost protection of water sprinklers are protecting the blooms and then later the developing fruit.Alot of work and long days before they get to pick the fruit.

SallyandStephenexplainedalltheregulationandprotectionthatisinplace for the overseas workers that theyemployas well as anylocals that are able to help with the workload. It sounds a great place to work. A shame we came at the wrong time to pick fruit as we had quite a crew visiting the orchard although we may have been a bit slower than their usual employees.

Sally and Stephen were great hosts and gave an amazing and very informative tour enjoyed by all on the day. Thank you so much Sally and Stephen Darling.

(L-R) Stephen Darling, Ken Buchanan, John Tremaine in the orchard

APoor Buy

In our September Wiper we had a great article, penned byBill Sheddan. He certainly told about his buying and got all possible faults in one hit.

I have owned 42 cars so far and this happened to me, luckily I escaped. I was always looking at car yards, showrooms, side of road cars for sale. It was my third car, anAustinA99. Good power, especially towing caravans, plenty of room, brakes would stop anything. Top speed disappointing but would cruise at 70 mph forever.

Our farm was 2¼ miles long, no cellphones and one job could lead to another, Dorothy never knew where I was in case of emergency. I made it a rule that the cars were fuelled up in case of a trip to the local doctor, hospital! etc. Luckily it never happened.

I was unhappy with the battery so charged it and as I shut the bonnet I noticed a piece of metal on the mudguard so flicked it off with a screw driver and could see the front wheel. I got serious with a light and found rust starting everywhere. My pride and joy was in trouble that explained the new paint job! So I decided to get a new car.

I waited till we got a rough day and went to Gore with all the dirt possible on it and traded it in to a Morris Series 405. It had a new short block and was in good condition and turned out to be reliable.

Doing some homework I found theA99 belonged to the Southland Frozen Meat Company for the manager. In the early 1960’s the Bluff Wharfies used any excuse for a strike, especially rain, and as we now had 6 million ewes in Southland we couldn’t afford these tactics. So the famous all weather meat loaders were built. The A99 must have gone to Bluff countless times. The road from Invercargill to Bluff was being made ready for sealing with tarseal. Bluff had no spare water so they used sea water, can you really blame the A99 for rusting? Who was so short sighted to let this happen?

About a year later I found theA99 in Vickerys workshop in Gore, all doors had new bottom halves, new floor etc. and other patches, so I’m pleased that its second life was starting.


A (final?) follow-up from Bill Sheddan:

Caveat Emptor = Let the Buyer Beware

This rule still applies in private vehicle sales, unless the seller lied. Thefollowingis from an articlewritten byRob Scott that IfoundinGoogle dated October 2021 and is NZ based:

The laws are clear and tough for car dealers. They sell you a dud and they have to fix it or replace it. If they lie to you, or hide the facts, as in the dealer who thought it was OK to sell an ex insurance write off without telling the buyer, then they had better get ready to put their hand in their pocket.

This is the Consumers Guarantees Act and the Fair Trading Act at work, both of which require certain standards of professionals and businesses. If the dealers don't play ball, the buyer can go to the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal for quick, and efficient and transparent justice.

It’s a quite different matter when you buy a car or other vehicle privately. The starting point in these private sales is “caveat emptor” or let the buyer beware.

As a Disputes Tribunal referee put it in a recent case: “The general position is that the buyer must be responsible for his or her own purchasing decision.”

That means the buyer must do their homework.

Bill Sheddan

Gerry’s Jokes (3)

Just read that weekends must be made in China! They don’t last long.

Two pebbles on a beach. One asked, “Are you married?” The other replied, “No I’m shingle!”

“Sorry” Gerry Kennedy


Oh Give Me ABrake!

Recentlya member asked if Iwouldcheck the brakes onhis Best of British. Sure, that would be OK, can’t be too hard can it? Give the pedal a push and sure enough it went to the metal and no brakes, tried to “pump” the pedal nothing. So, check for fluid leaks, none to be seen but still fluid in the master cylinder. Maybe the cups in the cylinder were bypassing, off it comes, strip & inspect, all appears to be OK so re-kit it, refit and bleed. No, it isn’t right, what now?! Where else can the brake fluid go? Remove the vacuum check valve from the brake booster and install the dipstick (a piece of wire) and found the level in the chamber to be over full. Considering it should be absolutely fluid free, the light bulb went on, I know who the dipstick is, but in my experience this has not been a common fault.

Remove the booster, invert over a container with valve seal removed and out pours approx. 500ml of brake fluid coffee time! I set about dismantling one of Lockheed’s finest. Remove the back half taking care that the return spring has not become unrestrained and that the fluid is wiped up, remove the diaphragm, find the pressure plate retainer and extract it, ease off the pressure plate and spring, to discover the rear seal had been leaking.Ahaa!

Next remove the air valve, diaphragm and the actuator rod. This is the part which gets the hydraulic force from the master cylinder and presses on the air valve diaphragm allowing a measured amount of atmospheric air to the rear chamber of the vacuum chamber. This chamber is divided in two by the actuating diaphragm and when “at rest” the pressure is balanced between the two. At maximum engine vacuum, when the brakes are activated this allows a measured amount of air into the rear chamber, causing an imbalance between the two chambers and causing the diaphragm assembly to move forward and apply the brakes.

If we consider that there is engine vacuum on both sides then we get part or full atmospheric pressure acting on one side and we multiply the force into the hydraulics of the brakes. For example, with a 6-inch diaphragm (28.28 square inches) and atmospheric pressure of 15 pounds per square inch, 424.2 pounds force would be available as well as the pressure applied to the foot pedal. (These are theoretical figures only.)


On dismantling the hydraulic cylinder some pitting of the bore was found, also a build-up of a hard plastic-like coating around the pushrod seal area, the actuating piston and in its bore. On enquiring what may have caused this, it can be the age of the brake fluid and the limited use of the vehicle’s brakes. This build up was difficult to remove without damaging the seal surfaces.Arepair kit was obtained and the rebuild was basicallythe reverse of the strip down. On testing the brakes we had a problem, a wee spring had been installed incorrectly, put this right and problem gone.

So, as brake fluid will absorb moisture from the atmosphere, over time this can allow the fluid to “boil”, and create this varnish-like deposit as well as causing brake fade. This, along with lack of use, may cause a mystery loss of the brake fluid through the damage caused to the seals and rough build up of the surfaces which they move on and with the fluid under pressure it flows past but may not be visible on the exterior.




The Branch bank account number is 03-0915-0246885-00 Please put your name and the reason for the payment in the details boxes. Thank you. The Treasurer Thank you. The Treasurer

The Branch receives commission if you insure your vehicle(s), boat(s), house(s), contents or travel with Vero Insurance and quote the Branch number (300135).

Joining the VCC can now be done online. Go to:

VCC name badges: are available from Van De Water Jewellers at a cost of $35. N.B. If you’re not wearing one (and on the right side of your chest) at a meeting you will attract the Sheriff’s attention and are likely to be fined!

To Let: the Gore Branch Clubrooms are available to VCC members for personal functions at very reasonable cost.

Email version of The Wiper

The Wiper is also available by email, either as a link to an online version or as a pdf file. The pictures are in colour, it arrives earlier and (most of) the hyperlinks work too! Just let me know if you would like to try this.

If your VCC-eligible vehicle is off the road or unsuitable you are very welcome to come on Branch runs in your modern.

Newsletters from other Branches are posted on the VCC Website each month. Go to:

They are also sent to each Branch by email and can be obtained on request from the Editor or the Secretary.

The Editor


August Tuesday Ramble

I am promised a report for next month’s issue. Meanwhile, here is a taster!

The Editor

Online Bonuses

Official Covid-19 information:

The DicksonAuction: ab4fa-da5f-47da-b016-e775aa90d82c

Opening Run Orchard:

and in case you missed it….

The State Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II BBC (9 hours 10 mins):

HerMajesty Queen Elizabeth II Completes Final Journey (4 minutes): yalFamilyChannel

Southland Branch website:

The Editor



A bit of catching up to do!

Ken Muir andhisongoingrestorationoftheBegg-Daimlerracing carwerefeaturedonpage104oftheAugust2022issueof New Zealand Classic Car magazine.

Gore’s free newspaper, The Ensign, has been busy

Greg Elder and his “new” Model T Ford appeared on page 18 of the 10th August issue: [Greg’s account of the restoration will appear in a forthcoming issue of The Wiper. Ed.]

Terry Inder andhisproposednewclassiccarsalesventurewere featured on page 10 of the 17th August issue. Also featured in the same issue, on pages 24 & 25, were Paul Herron and various Gorebranchmembersandtheir carsinafeaturepublicising the Daffodil Rally: and

Jill Youngson & Jean Kirby, together with Jill’s Citroen Light 15, appeared on page 4 of the 24th August issue putting the spotlightontheDaffodilRally.Inaddition,ashortreportonthe Rally appeared on page 18 of the same issue:

The Editor


Gore VCC Supper Roster 2021/2022

The same names keep popping up here – wouldn’t it be great to have some new people givingit a go and letting the “old hands” have a rest?!

October Katherine Welsh

November To be advised

To be advised

To be advised be advised

To be advised

To be advised

To be

To be

To be advised

To be

To be


We need to cater for about 30 to 40 members each night. The cuppa and servingof the supper is to be arranged within the Social Committee.

If necessary, ingredients and/or small items can be bought at Gore New World and charged to the Gore VCC account.

February To
advised June
advised July
advised September

Cookery Corner Slow Cooked Beef Cheeks

Ihad heard that beef cheeks are verytasty when cooked correctlyand when I saw some in the butcher at Mataura I thought I would give them a try. Aunty Google to the rescue again. I read about a dozen recipes, some highfalutin with ingredients I have never heard before and some sounded so down to earth I imagined the finished article would be like boiled beef.

One thing they all had in common, they all included red wine. From those recipes and what there was in the cupboard I knocked up my own recipe and it turned out very nice too. Of course any recipe can be altered and I expect you will too but you should always include that essential liquid ingredient.


2 beef cheeks 1 onion

3 cloves garlic 2 cups red wine

1 cup water 1 packet Maggi beef and tomato soup

1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon oyster sauce

1 tablespoon black sauce ½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon pepper ½ teaspoon oregano or mixed herbs Sliced mushrooms and/or some mixed vegetables


Check the quality of the red wine, just one glassful should tell you if it is OK. If you are not sure well…..

Trim the fat and exterior sinews from the cheeks, slice into strips and coat in flour. Brown the beef strips in a hot pan with a little oil then place them in your crock pot or casserole dish.

Pour the water and wine into the pan and mix in theresidue from the frying. Add the rest of the ingredients, simmer for a minute or two, add to the beef.

Turn crock pot to low and cook for 6 hours or if oven cooking about 110ºC for4 hours. Ifthejuiceis too runnythicken with alittlecornflourandwater.

Serve with mashed spuds. Yum!



Desperately seeking a complete driveshaft universal joint for a 1954 3100 Chevrolet. It sits just behind the gear box. Greg Carter: phone 0274542148 or email


Sent in by Des Brewster


The Wiper is usually distributed on or around the last Tuesday of each month

Please send all contributions to David North before the 3rd Wednesday of each month

for inclusion in the next issue of The Wiper

If you don't have a computer I can type up a hand written article or put your notes or jottings into shape for The Wiper. If you prefer I can even take notes as you talk to me and write up the story for you - I am always ready to help so just let me know how! e-mail:

physical and mail: 4 Trotter Street, Riverton 9822 telephone (mobile) 021 172 3281

Please support our advertisers so that they, in turn, can continue to support the Branch

The opinions and statements in The Wiper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of the Gore Branch or of the VCC. The Branch accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any statements.

The Wiper is printed by I-Cue 10 Wood Street, Invercargill Telephone (03) 218 3350

reports, articles of interest, photos, technical tips, letters and feedback are always welcome.

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