More Decisions In the last article we took a look at the process a pilot can use to PAVE the way to a potentially safe flight. By checking the Pilot, Aircraft, enVironment, and External pressures and ensuring that there is nothing that might be detrimental to our safe flight, we can safely make the “go” decision. But our decision-making chores have certainly not ended once we have made the go decision. In fact, they will not end until the flight has reached its destination and we have tied the ropes to the wings. Just as the atmosphere that we fly in is a dynamic medium in constant change, so are all the elements of the PAVE checklist dynamic elements. They are in constant flux and we have to take CARE (oh boy. . .here we go with yet another acronym) to ensure that our flight remains safe. The CARE checklist stands for: Consequences, Alternatives, Realities, and External pressures. Let’s take a look at each one of those elements and see how we can use this checklist effectively to aid us in concluding each of our flights well within the margins of safety. We’ll also take a look at how the hazardous attitudes we might harbor will be trying to counter that effectiveness. When we think Consequences, I don’t think any of us will have a problem visualizing the consequences of running out of fuel,
JULY 2005
especially if it is over hostile terrain, or VFR into IMC when one isn’t current on instrument flying, or are flying an airplane that isn’t equipped for IFR flight. Yet the accident statistics show that pilots con-
We have to ensure that we always have a plan B (and perhaps a C, D, and E as well) in place. tinue to do this repeatedly. Is it the hazardous attitudes of machismo, invulnerability, or impulsivity that make pilots continue flights into worsening conditions? Or perhaps resignation is a factor in that inability to recognize the consequences of what is happening. We have to understand that to be truly aware we have to recognize the consequences of each and every hazard that could affect us. I am sure we can all come up with many examples of the consequences of a vast variety of scenarios. Some are very obvious, such as: Will that headwind that wasn’t forecast cause you to run out of fuel
a few scant miles from your destination? But others might be much more subtle. For example, will the fact that you forgot to bring a bottle of water along allow you to become dehydrated to the point of being incapable of making the decisions necessary for the safety of the flight? Or could that headache that is starting to build be the distraction that causes you to drop below the glide slope of the ILS and impact the earth short of the runway? So you see, in order to keep the flight safe, we have to consider the consequences of every element in the PAVE checklist. Be aware that there are some subtle things lurking in the background that could have a deleterious effect. The next element in the CARE checklist is to be aware of the Alternatives that are available. A big part of risk management is to ensure that we always have an out. That could mean something as simple as flying at a different altitude than the one planned (to stay VFR perhaps, or maybe to make better use of the winds aloft when we realize they are not as forecast), or it might mean a diversion to a precautionary landing. I think one of the things that leads to many accidents is the fact that some pilots continue on into worsening conditions with the unrealistic and foolishly optimistic hope that things will improve. (Invulnerability at work here? Or percontinued on page 30