By E. E. "Buck" Hilbert, President
EAA Antique/Classic Division
The coming Convention will be our first full blown adventure for the Antique-Classic Di足 vision. We are gonna get our feet wet, for sure, on this one. We'd better. The lAC, Warbirds, Rotary and Homebuilders are there with most of their plans already concrete. Here we come draggin' up the rear, just barely able to hold our pants up, and the Convention is HERE! EAA has promised the parking area, fencing and a tent, but from here on its our baby. We are a Division, aI separate-entity, and all on our own! In order, we need Parking, Registration, Security, a Sales Force, Activities (programs), Judges, and most important, just plain grunts, guys and girls who will fill in wherever there is need. That's where you and I come in ... I'm Chairman of all this. That means I get to do all these things, myself, or I delegate some of it. Neat, huh? Now all I gotta do is delegate. But who? There's only one way to get the help. And that's to get some of you guys and girls away from your "Fun and Games" and put you to work. I've got some feelers out, and I'll have a much better idea as to what our guidelines will be after the Directors meeting this month, but I do need help. Let's have a show of volunteers, you and you and you! We need, especially, eight or ten or whatever we can get, to show up four or five days in advance of the Convention time to act as nail benders, electricians, jack of all trades, and or足 ganizers. We'll spot the "johnnies", put up the fences, set up the forum and registration facilities and do whatever else needs to be accomplished before the big event. It would be very practical if these were camping types who could be right there closeby. During the Convention we will need parking and more parking. An organized effort to in足 sure the Classics are where they belong, and the Antiques where they should be. The in-house security will be necessary too to keep the airplanes out of reach of little pickie fingers and crawlers. Mter we register them, we'll need wing walkers ... and Acti vi ties Chairman ... and Forum Programmers. This is where we indulge in Type Club meetings and discussions. All in all we need everything. May we have some volunteers now, so we can plan accordingly. After we hear from you we will put you on a team utilizing your specialty if possible.
(Photos by Dick Stouffer)
New EM Air Museum additions. Left, Curtiss Jenny. Right , Gene Chase's Church Midwing.
Waco ... Ask Any Pilot .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . ... . . .. .... . . . . ..... . . . .. . .... . .. . ..... Waco Pot Pourri . . ..... .. .. .. ..... ... .... .. . ....... .... . .... ... . . . . . . ..... . . .. . . .. The Wings of Windy . .. Sandy Hudson III .. . .. . . .. . ...... .. . .. ... . ......... . . . ... .. Early Marine Aviation .. . Bill Hodges . . . ... . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. . .. ..... . .. .. . . ... .. .. . Around the Antique-Classic World . ... . .... . . .. .. . . .... . . . . .. .. . . . ....... . . . . . . . .. . Among Friends . . ... ... ... . ........ . . .. ... .. . . .. . . .. .. . ... . .... . .. . . . ...... . ...... . How To Join The Antique-Classic Division . . . .. ... .. . . . . . . ... ...... .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . Calendar of Events . ... . ..... .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ON THE COVER .. . J . C. Weber's Waco CUC-2, N 14625. Photo by Ted Kosto n.
Ed itor - Jack Cox
Assistant Editor - Golda Cox
THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE is o wned ex cl usively by Antique Classic Ai rcraft , Inc., and is p ublished mo nthly at Hales Co rners, Wis. Second Class Perm it
is pend ing at Hales Corn ers Post Office, Hales Corners, Wis. 53130. An nual membership of th e Divisi on is $ 10.00 fo r a 12 mont h peri od of which $7.00
is fo r the subscri ption to THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE . All Division members are required to be members of th e parent organization, th e Experi mental
Aircraft Association. Membership is open to all w ho are interested in aviation.
Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc., Box 229, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130 Copyright © 1973 Antique ClaSSic Aircraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved .
(Ted Koston Photo )
WACO ... now there's a name that's sure to start an airplane conversation among aviation enthusiasts. So much has been written about this famous lightplane company and its many products that almost any pilot has a Waco story to tell. And although Waco stopped producing lightplanes early in World War II, this is by no means an indication that the big biplanes are disap pearing from the aviation scene - the fact is, there are more Wacos coming back into circulation everyday. If you always admired Wacos and want to own, restore and fly one - you are in luck because a com plete organizational set up exists for your activities. There is a Waco Club, a Waco Newsletter, a Waco Fly-In, parts and information are available, etc. All this activitiy really centers around one super dedicated man - Ray Brandly of Dayton, Ohio. Years ago, Ray had the foresight to purchase the remaining parts and materials of the Waco Company and was also able to obtain much of the company records. As presi dent of the Waco Club, he has shared this material and information with fellow Waco enthusiasts ever since. His own description of the club and what it has to offer fol lows: THE NATIONAL WACO CLUB Its Origin, Its Purpose and Activities
"The National Waco Club, organized at Ottumwa, Iowa in 1958 at the annual AAA Fly-In by a group of Waco owners from coast to coast has continued to func tion annually in and for the best interests of all Waco owners, restorers and admirers, wherever they may be located. The sole purpose of the National Waco Club has al ways been to distribute spare parts, historical data, tech nical data and information and to help in any way that 4
would promote the flying of another Waco airplane. Since 1957, the entire remaining stock of spare parts, prints, drawings, photos and sales records, formerly owned by the Waco Aircraft Company, has been available to all Waco owners and restorers through the National Waco Club. Parts and information have been supplied to more than three hundred restorations. A serial number is all that is needed to trace any Waco ever built. We can then supply the original registration number, the date ofmanu facture, date delivered to the Waco distributor, the original purchaser, original sales price, original engine, original instruments, original upholstery, original colors, original weight and balance, etc. Many of the original color schemes and paint chips are also available. In July of 1959, the National Waco Club began the sponsoring of an annual Waco Fly-In. It was later sug gested by several members that we hold a Waco Home coming Fly-In at the Waco Aircraft Company in Troy , Ohio. The 1963, 1964, and 1965 Waco Fly-Ins were held at the Waco Airport alongside the Waco factory in Troy, Ohio and were some of the most memorable fly-ins for the many who attended. This can no longer be done since the Waco property was sold late in 1964 and the airport closed after the summer of 1965. Beginning with the Me morial Day weekend of 1968, the National Waco Fly-In has been held annually at Hamilton, Ohio. The location, facilities and hospitality have been responsible in mak ing this one of the major fly-ins of recent years . Waco owners and admirers have always been a friendly sort and now are inviting all antique aircraft to participate in this annual fly-in. The National Waco Club publishes quarterly a newsletter, "WACO PILOT", formerly pub lished by the Waco Aircraft Company. All members subscribing to WACO PILOT are entitled to receive the annual Waco Calendar and many have found these calen dars serve as an excellent opportunity to collect good
original photos of Waco airplanes, showing original con figuration and paint schemes. From a mere forty members in 1958, the National Waco Club continues to grow and now there are four hundred fifty nine paid members. Although many have sold their Wacos or lost interest through the past years, replacement memberships continue to boost our mem bership roster and make Waco the largest "Type Club" in existence today. Members who have been exceptionally consistent in maintaining, flying and providing a good home for one or more Waco airplanes, have been pre sented a Certificate of Merit signed by Clayton J . Bruk ner, founder and president of Waco Aircraft Company through its entire existence. These certificates are usually presented annually at each Waco Forum at Hamilton, Ohio and at Oshkosh, Wisconsin." If you want to join the National Waco Club, dues are three dollars per year. Make your check payable to the National Waco Club, 2650 West Alex.-Bellbrook Road, Dayton, Ohio 45459. Now, for the big Waco News . The countdown is al ready underway for the 1973 Waco Fly-In. The dates are May 26, 27, and 28 - Memorial Day Weekend - and the site is the Hamilton, Ohio Municipal Airport. Every one will want to be on hand on Saturday night, May 26 for the annual Waco meeting. Clayton Brukner, the Presi dent of the Waco Company through all its glory years, will be the speaker and honored guest. You don't have to own a Waco to attend or be a part of the Club - you just have to WANT to own one . .. and who doesn't?? RIGHT.
(Ted Koston Photo)
Dick Jackson of Somersworth, N. H. owns this one and-only Waco "0". Built as an export fighter for South American nations, this particular ai rcraft was the only one sold to a civilian in the U. S. BELOW.
(Ted Koston Photo)
This is a typical scene you will be enjoying if you at tend the 1973 Waco Fly-In May 26-28 at Hamilton, Ohio.
(Ted Koston Photo)
The fuselage of Dr. Bern Vocke's Waco UIC, NC13577. Notice the tremendous amount of wood work i n the fuselage .
(Ted Koston Photo)
Dr. Vocke of Aurora, Illinois fits the door in his UIC. Bern 's previous project was a Stearman that was an award winner at every meet - so the Waco should be a prize winner.
(Bob Lock Photo)
Bob Lock of Reedley, California is restoring this Waco DOC-6, N16520. Note that the steel tubing in this fuselage is more extensive than in the UIC above - the UIC aft fuse足 lage is half stringers and formers.
(Ted Koston Photo)
W. G. " Bill " Nutting is the
proud owner/restorer of this
Waco SRE. Powered by a 450足 hp Pratt and Whitney, the
SRE is generally considered to
be the cabin Waco .
(Ted Koston Photo)
The " front office " Nutting 's SRE .
(Ted Koston Ph oto)
Ralph Driscoll of Mt. Vernon , Iowa has been a regular on the fly-in circuit for years with this 1928 Waco GXE .
(Ted Kosto n Photo)
Power personified - the business end of Dick Jackson 's Waco D.
(Ted Kosto n Ph oto)
Built in 1933 and still going strong is this Waco UIC owned by Ron Fritz of Grand Rapids , Michigan .
By Sanders V. "Sandy" Hudson III (EAA 30059) 141 A6 Broadmoor Lane Winston-Salem, N. C. 27104
One of the most delightful of the 65 horsepower air planes, as far as I am concerned, is the Piper PA-15 or PA-17 "Vagabond". I make this statement after having flown various J-3's, Taylorcrafts, Aeroncas, and Lus combes. From June 1967 to May 1968 I flew our Vagabond, N4401H, some 140 hours. In addition , my father put another 50 hours on N4401H during the same period. Soon after I received my Private license in May 1967, at the age of 18, my father began looking for an economi cal timebuilder for me to fly. After searching Trade-A Plane for several issues, we finally found the plane of our choice. This plane was N4401H. We chose a Vagabond for several reasons, the main ones being low initial cost, low operating costs, and personal preference. Also, we felt the short-coupled design and responsive controls of the Vagabond would be good experience for possi ble future flights in small homebuilts. In a matter of days after our selection, my father was off for Merrill, Wisconsin, where he bought N4401H from Mr. Roland Sherrif. 8
Our Vagabond was a 1948 PA-15 with a 65-horse power Lycoming engine and rigid landing gear. N440 1H's wingspan was only 29.3 feet (the same as the Reed Clipped-Wing Cub), and her length was only 18.7 feet. She had been beautifully restored by Mr. Sherrif in original colors, with large wheel pants and a "skull cap" spinner, and she was as cute as a new pup. She be came ours on Saturday, June 24, 1967, with only a few hundred hours in her logbook since new. On June 25, my father pointed the nose of our new toy South. Marginal ceiling and visibility at take-off soon gave way to nearly perfect conditions, and my father relates that this journey over t he glistening lakes and dark green fields of Wisconsin was pr obably the most beautiful flight in his more than 36 years of flying . After a stop at Aurora, Illinois for gas and a short visit with good friend Warren Hotchkiss , N4401H and her pilot were off for Springfield , Ohio. On this leg, they covered 271 straight-line miles in 3 hours and on 11 gal lons of fuel. On board was more than a Continental A-40 engine in boxes.
After an overnight visit with the Bob Thompson's, my father and our new plane left Springfield about 2:00 P.M. the next day. With one gas stop at the beautiful London, Kentucky airport, they arrived at our home base of Shiflet Field, Marion, North Carolina just before sun down. The average speed for the trip was 90 mph, with an average fuel consumption of 3.7 gph. So, N4401H had arrived at her new home, and, of course, Ijust had to fl y her immediately! Therefore, with out refueling, and with darkness only a few moments away, I hopped in, quickly circled the field, and landed
before finally tying our new addition down for the night. At the time of our purchase of N4401H, I had only 70 hours of flying time in 13 different types of light planes and gliders , with 9 hours in another Vagabond. In the next few months, N4401H became almost a member of the family. My fiancee (now my wife), Linda, and I soon nicknamed the plane "Windy" after the song by the Associations, which was popular at the time. "Windy" was used for cross-country flights all over the Carolinas and Tennessee, plus a flight to Dayton, Ohio, and another trip to Geneva, Ohio to pick up a plane
Sandy Hudson III and "Wi ndy" .
from EAAer Chuck Woerner. Her roomy cockpit and quiet engine made "Windy" a very comfortable cross country mount. Without a doubt, the Vagabond is the most confortable of the 65 horsepower class. On these cross-country flights, our Vagabond consistently averaged 87 mph on 3.5 to 3.7 gph, including climb out after take off. Top speed was approximately 100 mph. "Windy" was the most perfectly balanced plane I have ever flown. When trimmed for cruising in smooth air, I have flown for 50 miles without touching the con trols. In the cruise configuration, I found that I could in duce a turn by leaning in the direction I wished to turn. I could descend or climb in the same manner. How many lightplanes can be flown this way? Rough air cruising was a slightly different matter, however. With the 65 Lycoming, take-off and climb per formance was not exactly spectacular, but as long as the pilot took the low horsepower and short wings into consideration, performance was quite adequate. I have alreadymehfioned the Vagabond's responsive controls briefly, but I think that I should now dwell on this subject a little more. Without any doubt, the Vaga bond has the fastest roll rate of any airplane in the stock 65 horsepower class. I would estimate the rate of roll at very close to 100 degrees per second. Absolutely fan tastic for this type plane! The rudder and elevator are also very effective. The toe brakes are very good (at least "Windy's" were), and they are indeed welcome on hard surface crosswind landings. These responsive controls invited much more than just cross-country flying. I must confess that after going to Rockford almost every year the EAA Fly-In was held there (and even to Milwaukee way back when), and see ing the fantastic aerobatics exhibited, I, being a normal, not-always-too-careful teenager, was soon enjoying some, shall we say, "unusual" attitudes in "Windy". I soon found that "Windy" would almost bite her own tail in a loop. The stall resistant design of the Vaga
bond series made a spin or snap roll virtually impossible, so I stayed away from those maneuvers. I enjoyed roll ing from one steep turn to another, and this was my most frequent maneuver. Lazy eights were very easily ac complished, almost effortless. Although "Windy" held together with me, and although the wing is approxi mately the same as the wing of a Clipped-Wing Cub, I definitely do not recommend aerobatics in a Vagabond. In addition to cross-country flights and extremely amateur aerobatics, "Windy" was also used for carry ing many friends for scenic hops, and many of these left the earth for the first time supported by "Windy's" wings. My father took an 87-year-old man for his first airplane ride in "Windy". If I tried to record all my experiences in "Windy", this article would be a near-book, but I can sum all these experiences up by saying that I enjoyed and learned something from every flight! When looking for a plane in the 65 horsepower class, be sure to consider the Vagabond. When modified with an 85-horsepower Continental engine, as many Vaga bonds are, the only real drawback of the Vagabond, limited power, becomes easily solved. The dual con trols and non-rigid landing gear of the PA-17 make it more desirable for training than the earlier PA-15. This sturdy ancestor of the Clipper, Pacer, Tri-Pacer, and Colt will provide many hours of pleasurable and valuable experience for the least possible cost. Once you get your hands on a Vagabond, you will find it very hard to part with it. My whole family had misty eyes when we said good-bye to "Windy". She is probably still bringing enjoyable flying to her new owner, and, like all her 65 horsepower contemporaries, she is providing economical, reliable good times to all those who love flying. A very good article on the Vagabond series airplanes can be found in the January 1961 SPORT AVIATION by Mr. H . W. Borbridge. 9
By Bill Hodges United States Marine Corps aviation was our only
air service to have combat experience in the 22 years
preceding World War II. The Corps performed opera
tional combat duties in China (1927-1929), Haiti (1919 1921, 1929), Nicaragua (1927-1933) and the Dominican
Republic (1919-1922).
The first Marine aviator was Lt. Alfred A. Cunning ham . Cunningham reported for flight training at the Naval Aviation Camp, Annapolis, Maryland, May 22, 1912. His actual flight training was accomplished at the Burgess-Curtiss air factory in Marblehead, Mas sachusetts. Cunningham soloed from the waters of the bay on August 1, 1912, after 2 hours 40 minutes of dual time. On January 6, 1914, two 1911 Curtiss E-l (also known as A-2, O.W.L. and AX-I) seaplanes were as signed to the Corps. In 1916 when the Marine Aviation Company was authorized, there were five officers and eight enlisted men with aviation experience. Thus, the Corps formally took to the air after nearly a century and a half of fighting on land and sea. The duty assignment was with either the Advance Base Force or expeditionary troops. The Corps served with distinction during World War I with Marine airmen having shot down 12 enemy planes with a loss of 4 dead. They made five supply drops and dropped 57,000 pounds of bombs on 57 mis sions. Second Lieutenant Ralph Talbot and Gy/Sgt. Robert Robinson were awarded the congressional Medal of Honor for shooting down two enemy planes against overwhelming odds while on a mission in their DeHavil land DH-4. Statistics show that at the end of World War I, there were 280 officers, 2,200 enlisted men and 340 aircraft on strength. As naval tactics changed, it became necessary for
the Marine aviation tactics to change also. From 1931
to 1934 VS-14M and VS-15M, the first Corps squad
rons to become part of the fleet air arm, served aboard
the aircraft carriers Saratoga and Lexington. During
this period, VS-14M was equipped with Vought 02U 2's and SU-l's; VS-15M was equipped with Vought SU-
2's and -3's.
With the establishment of the Fleet Marine Force in 1933, the Corps' primary air function has been that of air support for amphibious landings. On June 30, 1939, 210 officers and 1142 enlisted men were on active duty with Marine Aviation. Eighteen months prior to Pearl Harbor the Marine air arm began to concentrate its wealth of tactical experience on train ing and maneuvers with the infantry and the fleet. The reserve squadrons played an important part at this time in the training of new personnel, as the war clouds once again loomed on the horizon. The condition of the Fleet Marine Force, just prior to World War II was as follows:
The organization of the Corps flying units at this time comprised the following organizations: Commanding General, First Division, Fleet Marine Force 10
First Wing Marine Air Group Eleven, Quantico
Command General, Second Division, Fleet Marine Force Second Wing Marine Air Group Twenty-one, EWA, Territory of Hawaii
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Parris Island, South Carolina
Air Detachment
Marine Base, Naval Air Station, San Diego, Cali
Aircraft assigned to these organizations were in the
following categories;
Beech JRB-2 "Expeditor" (C-45A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brewster F2A-2 "Buffalo" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Brewster F2A-3 "Buffalo" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Curtiss X5BC-4 .. ................. . ... . .. .. . . ... 1
Curtiss SBC-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Douglas R2D-l (DC-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Douglas R3D-2 (DC-5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Douglas SBD-l "Dauntless" (A-24) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46
Grumman FF-2 ................................. 2
Grumman F3F-2 .... ............ .... ..... . ...... 16
Grumman F4F-3 "Wildcat" ......... . .. . ........ . 41
Grumman F4F-3A "Wildcat" .......... . " . . . . . . . . . 16
Grumman JF-1 "Duck" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Grumman J2F-1 "Duck" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Grumman J2F-2A "Duck" . . . ..... ... ... .. .. .. . .. 9
Grumman J2F-4 "Duck" ......................... 6
Grumman JRF-IA "Goose" .... ..... ........ .. . . . 1
Grumman JRF-4 "Goose" . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Lockheed JO-2 "Electra, Jr ." (12A) ..... ........ . North American SNJ-2 "Texan" (BC-IA) ... .... . . 3
North American SNJ-3 "Texan" (AT-6A) ... . . .. . . 6
Sikorsky JRS-l (S-43) ........................... 1
Vought SU-2 . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. ... . ... . ... . .. . . . . . . 2
Vought SB2U-3 "Vindicator" . .. .. .. . ... . ... . .. . . . 52
Marine Corps Aircraft, 1913-1965, Revised 1967: U.S.M.C.
Devilbirds: John A. DeChant
U. S. Marine Corps Aircraft, 1914-1959: William T. Larkins
1st Sgt. John A. Poynor, U.S.M.C.R., Ret.
Naval Aviation News, Sept. 1961
This article was prepared out of my respect for 1st Sgt. John A. Poynor, U.s.M.C.R., Ret., a member of VO-I0MR, who supplied the accompanying photos.
VMS-2 in 1936. The aircraft are Curtiss OZC-1 Helldivers.
Observation Squadron 10 at the Naval Reserve Aviation Base in Oakland in 1934.
By Duffy Thompson
Rt. 6, Box 70
Lakeland, Florida 33801
On the weekend of January 19-21 a hundred and forty-four antiquers and friends gathered in Lakeland, Florida to develop a new concept in the organizational structure of sport aviation. After two days and two nights of discussion, Paul Poberezny, EAA President, Antique/Classic Division President Buck Hilbert, Vice-President J. R. Nielander, Jr., Secretary Dick Wagner, Dave Jameson, Vice-Presi dent of the EAA Air Museum Foundation, and the tem porary officer of the Florida organization came up with the idea of the Florida Sport Aviation Antique/Classic Association. The group will be a State Association whose pur pose is to give leadership in the restoration and preserva tion of antique and classic airplanes and the enjoyment of flying them through participation in sport aviation (EAA) and by: l. Organizing state-wide flying events for members and others who love old airplanes. 2. Disseminating information to the members. 3. Being active in state legislative matters which effect the members, their aircraft and their airports. 4. Encourage and assist in the formation of local chapters of the Antique/Classic Division so that the state association may grow and become more effective. 5. Provide an organization and activities for Antique/ Classic oriented EAA Chapter members throughout the state. Paul Poberezny said that this new association, with strong leadership from throughout the state, will be come a vital, moving force in the world of antiques and sport aviation. As a state association it can stand up and be heard. Temporary officers are:
(Buck Hilbe rt Photo)
EAA President Paul Poberezny, cen ter, showing plans of the Acro Sport.
(Bu Ck Hi lbert Photo )
Hank Palmer of St. Petersburg, Florida flew in his mag nificent Curtiss Wright Fledgling (N271 Y, Ser. No. 8 52) for the Lakeland Fly-In .
President: James A. McClanahan 2116 Cordova Circle Lakeland, Fla. 33803 Secretary/Treasurer: W. D. Thompson
Rt. 6, Box 70
Lakeland, Fla. 33801
Vice-President: George R. O'Neal 4750 Cove Circle 505 St. Petersburg, Fla. 33716 Chaplain: Olin Longcoy Rt. 3, Box 398 Orlando, Fla. Organizational steps are expected to be completed by March 30, 1973. 12
(Bu c k Hilbert Ph oto )
Ted Voorhees in his high performance Waco SRE.
Open to all owners of Kreider-Reisner, Fairchild, and PT-19-23-26 aircraft, including Pilgrim Aircraft. Dues including subscription to newsletter. The Fairchild Flyer, $2.00 per year. All correspondence to the editor and secretary: D. L. Coleman, M. D., 4308 Palahinu Place, Honolulu, Hawaii 96818. JUNKERS F-13 RESTORATION
(Buck Hilbert Photo)
Left to right, Dick Wagner, Buck Hilbert, Jim McClana han, Paul Poberezny, Duffy Thompson, and Norm Tay lor - in front of Joe Araldi 's Waco VKS-7.
Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) has restored an ex tremely rare Junkers F-13 at Arlanda International Air port. This word (and picture) from Hans Reichenberg, President, of the Action Committee for the Preserva tion of Historical Aircraft and Equipment in Sweden. Karlavagen 68/1, S-114 59 Stockholm, Sweden.
(Buck Hilbert Photo)
Richard Bach and his radial en gined Grumman Widgeon - a beauty.
If you need a rebuildable Le Rhone rotary, contact Dave Davidson, P. O. Box 487, Heber Springs, Arkansas 72543 (501 -362-5373 after 5:30 p.m.). DID YOU KNOW??
... that FAA has a Curtiss-Wright T-32-C "Con dor" on its current Civil Aircraft Registration List? The Condor is registered as N12363 and its owner is Richard D. Neumann, 18616 Saticoy St., Reseda, Calif. 91355. BROWN RACER PLANS
(Buck Hilbert Photo)
Lakeland, Florida Airport, site of the 1973 An tique-Classic Fly-In, from Ted Voorhees' SRE Waco.
If you saw the article on Bill Turner's beautiful repli ca of the Brown racer "Miss Los Angeles" in the No vember 1972 issue of SPORT AVIATION .. . and if you are interested in such things, you will be glad to learn that copies of the original Brown shop drawings for both the B-1 and B-2 are available from Gordon Codding, 4572 West 147th Street, Lawndale, Calif. 90260. Gordon also has copies of original drawings for the Curtiss JN4D, Nieuport 27, SE5-A, Sopwith Camel, Sopwith Pup, Spad 7 and 13, and the Thomas-Morse S4C - and a couple of pages of others. Write Gordon for his listing. ANTIQUE DISPOSITIONS
(Buck Hilbert Photo)
Jack Boedecker of Dawson, Georgia in his Fairchild PT-19.
Dick Austin of Greensboro, N. C. and the Carolinas Virginia Chapter took his Clipwing Monocoupe, N15E, to the Great Miami Air Race - and came home air planeless! It seems someone made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Before the week was over, however, Richard was again the owner of a rare, highly desirable antique airplane. Somehow he talked Dolph Overton, owner of Wings and Wheels in Santee, S. C., into selling his 1939 Waco ARE, N20953. This is the only ARE currently carried on the FAA registry and we hope to have pictures and some background info in a future issue of The Vintage Airplane. 13
Dea r Jack : Hope you and Golda survived the new year. I spent " New Years Eve" at Santee , S. C. Went over to the lake fishing - had great luck. Went in the museum , naturally' Went in Dave Allyn 's Dolphin Aviation Mu seum in Sarasota the other day. He has a real live Fokker D-7 with two Spandaus and Mer· cedes engine; has to be rebuilt but has fab· ric on it right now (not original) . Please sign me up for the Antique-Classic Division of EAA. Also would you please send me the January and February issues - I'll send you the additional money if you 'lI let me know . My Cessna C-34 Airmaster is about fin ished . Have to make a cowl and wheel pants and windshield . Hope to make it to the fly in this year. Give my best to the gang and especially Golda. Sincerely, Dr. Roy C. Wicker 1293 Peachtree St " N. E. Atlanta. Ga. 30309 Gentlemen : I have an engine used to run a standby generator - it has no identification plate but I believe it i s about a 36 hp 5 cylinder radial Lawrence engine. Could you tell me where I might write for information on parts and manuals? Very tru Iy you rs, Donald E. Sargent Small Engine Service Rt. 85. Hudson Rd. Bolton. Mass. 01740
Dear Jack : I just received the second issue of The Vintage Airplane and it looks great. With another five or six months of publication be fore the Fly-In , it can 't help but stimulate added interest and activity within the Antique Classic ranks. As soon as the spring weather will permit , and we can get all of the ai rcraft outside here at the Rochester museum , I hope to photo graph the aircraft and do an article for " The Vintage Airplane " on the collection and our activities here. You might be interested to know that 'Dick Jackson bough!. and he and I went down to Fayetteville, North Carolina, a couple of weeks before Christmas and brought back Dr. Garber' s two antiques : the CurtiSS " Junior" and the C-3 Aeronca. We dismantled them and loaded them into a U Haul van and then proceeded to drive non stop to Rochester, N. H. The Junior is once again assembled and flying, but as yet we have not reassembled the C-3, primarily be cause of lack of space . It will be flying by spring however. If I can be of any help with the Antique Classic activities (other than at Oshkosh) . please let me know . Sincerely, Bob Ring East Kingston , N. H. Dear Golda and Jack : Congratulations on The Vintage Airplane I received my issue and really was pleased with what I saw. Sincerely. Bob Heuer, President International Aerobatic Club
Dear Jack and Buck : I enjoyed the January '73 issue of The Vin tage Ai rplane and the articles on the Fleet. A guest at our Chapter 62 meeting last night said he once owned N607M. Sometime back a Charlie Roeschen , who said he owned a 1930 Phillips Fleet-7, was talking to me . Since I didn 't notice such an airplane listed in your Fleet article I thought you might be interested in this airplane. He said it was powered by a Glenn L. Martin in verted 4. He had three spare engines and at that time (sometime in the past year) was trying to sell the package for $4850. His address was 3837 Willow Pass Road . Concord, Cal. 94520. Telephone 415-687 9506. The aircraft was based at Antioch airport at th at time . I just thought I would pass this information on to you since I didn't see the aircraft listed . thinking you might like to research it a little further. Since we appear to be going into the An tique airplane business with our restora tion of the Culver Cadet , enclosed is a check for $10 for membership in the Antique and Classic Division . Warm regards , R. M. " Bob " Puryear 10 Arastracfero Rd. Portola Valley , Cal. 94025
HOW TO JOIN THE ANTIQUE CLASSIC DIVISION Membership in the EAA Antique-Classic Division is open to all EAA members who have a special interest in the older aircraft that are a proud part of our aviation heritage_ Membership in the An tique-Classic Division is $10,00 per year which entitles one to 12 issues of The Vintage Airplane pub lished monthly at EAA Headquarters, Each member will also receive a special Antique-Classic mem bership card plus one additional card for one's spouse or other designated family member, Membership in EAA is $15.00 per year which includes 12 issues of SPORT A VIATION. All membership correspondence should be addressed to: EAA, Box 229, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130.
MAY 4-6 - SANTEE, SOUTH CAROLINA - 5th Annual Spring Fly-In of Carolinas-Virginia EANAntique-Classic Chapter 395. Wings and Wheels Museum-Airport. Contact : Morton Lester . Box 3747. Mar tinsville, Va. 241 12 MAY 4-6 - PASO ROBLES . CALIFORNIA - 3rd Ryan SC . St. PT Fly-In . Contact: T. D. Strum . 1570 Kensington Ci rcle . Los Altos . Cal. 94022- Rai n Date : May 11-13. MAY 18-20 - WATSONVILLE , CALIFORNIA - Annual Fly-In . MAY 18-20 - CALLAWAY GARDENS. GEORGIA - Eastern 195 An nual Meeting . Business meeting followed by maintenance se mi nar. Family type affair . Contact : Bill Terrell. M. D . Rt. 2. Box 380 . Hillsboro. Ohio 45133. (513) 393-4454. MAY 25-28 TULLAHOMA. TENNESSEE Staggerwing Fly-In . Contact : W. E. " Dub " Yarbrough!. Lannon Mfg " Box 500. Tulla homa , Tenn. 37388. MAY 25-28 GILBERTSVILLE , KENTUCKY National '73 Swift Association Fly-In. Contact : Charlie Nelson , Sw,ft Assoc,ation, Inc ., Box 644 , Athens, Tenn . 37303 .
MAY 26-28 - HAMILTON . OHIO - National Waco Fly-In. Hamilton . Ohio Airport. Banquet on Saturday night featuring Clayton Bruk ner, President of the Waco Company , as guest speaker . Contact: National Waco Club , 2650 W. Alex .-Bellbrook Rd" Dayton . Ohio 45459. JUNE 1-3 - MERCED. CALIFORNIA - Annual Fly-In . Contact : An tique Fly-In , P. O. Box 2312. Merced . Calif. 95340. JUNE 8-10 - DENTON . TEXAS - Denton Municipal Ai rport. 11th Annual Texas Antique Fly-In . Everyone welcome . Texas hospi tality assured. Contact : Jack Winthrop . 3536 Whitehall Dr " Dallas . Texas 75229 . JUL Y 29-AUGUST 4 - OSHKOSH . WISCONSIN - 21 st Annual EAA International Fly-In Convention . Complete program and awards for antique and classic aircraft. World 's greatest aviation event . AUGUST 10-12 - ARLINGTON , WASHINGTON EAA/Antique Fly In. Contact: Dick Baxter. 15845 8th N. E" Seattle. Wash . 98155 . Phone 206/EM5-1657 . SEPTEMBER 28-30 GASTONIA. NORTH CAROLINA Gastonia Municipal Airport . Carolinas-Virginia Chapter 395 Annual Fall Fly-In. Contact Morton Lester (see address above).
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ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS - When you complete the restoration of an an tique or classic (specify which), you are eligible for a beautiful certificate you will frame and be proud to display in your home or office. These certificates are free, courtesy of EAA to recognize your efforts to save another great old airplane. Just send your name and address and the year, make and model (i.e. - 1937 Monocoupe 90A) of your aircraft. Solo certificates are also available.
EAA Antique/Classic Division
P. O. Box 229
Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130
The Vintage Airplane is the official publication of Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc., a division of The Experimental Aircraft Association, Hales Corners, Wisconsin.