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Gene R. Chase

APRIL 1984 • VOL. 12, No.4


Mary Jones


Norman Petersen


George A. Hardie, Jr.





R. J. Lickteig

1620 Bay Oaks Drive

Albert lea, MN 56007

507/373-2351 Secretary Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City, Mi 49330 616/678-5012


E. E. "Buck" Hilbert

P.O. Box 145

Union, Il 60180


Contents 3 Straight and Level

By Bob Lickteig

4 AlC News

by Gene Chase

5 A Round Pink Champ

by Richard A. Coffey

6 Swallow

by Roy Redman

12 Hook Field - The Wedekinds - and Aeronca by Shawnee Lee Culbertson

10 Mystery Ship

DIRECTORS John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01581 617/366-7245 Claude L. Gray, Jr. 9635 Sylvia Avenue Northridge, CA 91324 213/349-1338

Stan Gomoll 1042 90th lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434 6121784-1172

by Ed Phillips

19 Mystery Plane

See Page 12

by George Hardie, Jr.

20 Calendar of Events

Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46274 317/293-4430

Robert G. Herman Arthur R. Morgan WI64 N9530 Water Sireet 3744 North 51st Blvd. Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/251-9253 414/442-3631 Morton W. Lester AI Kelch P.O. Box 3747 66 W. 622 N. Madison Ave. Martinsville, VA 24112 Cedarburg, WI 53012 703/632-4839 414/377-5886 Gene Morris 24 Chandelle Drive Hampshire, Il 60140 3121683-3199

John R. Turgyan Box 229, R.F.D. 2 Wrightstown, NJ 08562 6091758-2910

S. J. Wittman Box 2672 Oshkosh , WI 54901 414/235-1265

George S. York 181 Sloboda Ave. Mansfield, OH 44906 419/529-4378

ADVISORS Espie M. Joyce, Jr. Box 468 Madison, NC 27025 919/427-0216

Daniel Neuman 1521 Berne Circle W. Minneapolis, MN 55421 61 21571-0893

Ray Olcott 1500 Kings Way Nokomis, Fl 33555 813/485-8139

Roy Redman Rt. 3, Box 208 Faribault, MN 55021 507/334-5801

S. H. "Wes" Schmid Gar Williams 2359 lefeber Road Nine South 135 Aero Drive Wauwatosa, WI 53213 Naperville, Il 60540

4141771-1545 3121355-9416

See Page 15

FRONT COVER .•. A 1941 J-3 Cub silhouetted against a late autumn sunset at Council Bluffs, Iowa. The Cub is preserved, flown and owned by Paul T. Phillips (EM 201795, NC 7989) of Bellevue, Nebraska. (Photo by Paul T. Phillips) BACK COVER ... features information on EM's Ultralight '84 and Oshkosh '84.

The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, and the logos of EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC., EM INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EM ANTIQUE & CLASSIC DIVISION INC., INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB INC., WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC., are registered trademarks, THE EM SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EM AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EM ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited. Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Material should be sent to: Gene R. Chase, Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591. The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by EM AntiquelClassic Division, Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. and is published monthly at Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903­ 2591 . Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EM AntiquelClassic Division, Inc. are $18.00 for current EM members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. ADVERTISING - AntiquelClassic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertis­ ing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. Postmaster: Send address changes to EM AntiquelClassic Division, Inc., Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh , WI 54903-2591.

2 APRil 1984



By Bob Lickteig President

Antique/Classic Division

The officers, directors and advisors are sorry to see Mr. Brad Thomas resign as our president. However we all share his wishes after a successful five year term, and I know I speak for every member. We thank Brad for his leadership, friendship, and many accomplishments. He will be missed. As your new president, I must state that I am blessed with the finest, most dedicated and hard working group of officers, directors, and advisors and I look forward to working with them. In looking back 13 years, the Antique/Classic Division has made great strides and many major accomplishments. This history of success could only be done with the help and cooperation of every member. Our short history shows the many accomplishments of your division such as encouraging and helping our mem­ bers to restore and display a number of the most historical antique and classic aircraft. We have established a li­ brary available to all with the history and details of hun­ dreds of aircraft so vital to our aviation heritage. The di­ vision has diligently worked through education to improve safety in maintaining and flying our type of aircraft. We have become recognized as the most interesting and color­ ful part of our annual EAA Oshkosh convention for mem­ bers and guests, - and now with your Antique/Classic Division accepting a leadership role in establishing the new EAA Air Academy, I believe every member of the AlC Division can be proud of the past accomplishments and can look forward to the new and exciting projects in the future. The entire management group of your division is now hard at work establishing the goals for the division; both short and long range. Our Oshkosh '84 activities will be expanded and increased to provide more education, mem­ bership involvement and recognition, plus special invita­ tions and accommodations for the type club members and guests. A few of our planned programs for Oshkosh '84 are Type Parking - Participant's Recognition - Grand and Reserve Champ Reunion - Antique/Classic Fly-out - Ex­ panded Interview Circle - Increased Facilities at the Antique/Classic Headquarters - Parade of Flight - In­ creased Awards, Additional Forums, and a monthly page in your magazine, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE with com­ plete details of these programs for the convention. Our goals for your division will include increased mem­ bership recruiting through various programs and mem­ bership involvement; also, the promotion and organization of new Antique/Classic chapters so we will be more respon­ sive to our members at the local level. We will continue our planning for the Antique/Classic Hall of Fame area in the EAA Aviation Museum. This is one way we can recognize our previous Grand and Reserve

Champ award winners. This will be a continuing tribute to the members who restored these beautiful aircraft. We will look forward to continued support of the EAA Air Academy as the number of students increase each year ­ so will our participation and commitment. As I write my first message to you, I cannot help but think of the great opportunity we have not only to con­ tinue our efforts of the past but to look at the challenges that lie ahead. Our numbers are growing, our direction is set - we are the pace setters and the doers. There are hundreds of antiques and thousands and thousands of beautiful classic aircraft flying today. These proud, dedicated owners are a preservation fleet of people who will forever preserve this great span of aviation history. We have many ambitious plans and goals but if we do not take advantage of these opportunities, we should not expect the recognition as the international spokesman for our era of the aviation community. I would like to thank the EAA headquarters staff, the officers, directors and advisors for their confidence in me and to assure them and the membership that with your help we will together accomplish all the goals that we have set. It's going to be a great year and a great convention ­ make the Antique/Classic area your headquarters for Osh­ kosh '84. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3

~ews U

Compiled by Gene Chase

EAA AIR ACADEMY '84 EAA Air Academy '84 needs · your help to provide young people the opportunity to live and learn the arts, science and love of aviation in both classroom and work­ shop settings. You can help in developing a new genera­ tion of "airport kids" to carry aviation into the next cen­ tury. We ask that you consider each of the following and take steps to support this new, innovative EAA program. 1. Tell young people, who are 15-17 years of age and interested in aviation, about the EAA AIR ACADEMY. Pages 20 and 21 of the January 1984 issue of SPORT AVIATION tell the complete story. A reprint and brochure or complete registration materials will be provided by re­ quest. 2. The Academy needs volunteers to provide "hands­ on" instruction in all aspects of aircraft construction, re­ storation and maintenance. These workshop instructors will work hand-in-hand with participants in the Restora­ tion Shop of the Aviation Center from mid-July through OSHKOSH '84. 3. There is also a need for experienced volunteer build­ ers of sheet metal aircraft to guide the building of the MONI that has been donated by Monnett Experimental Aircraft. These builders will prepare and supervise Academy participants as they assemble the MONI in the Aviation Centers' Restoration Shop. These volunteer builders are needed from early July through mid-August. Those with the necessary aircraft experience and the de­ sire to work with young people are urged to apply. 4. Financial support for operating expenses and schol­ arships are also needed. Such donations, of any amount, are tax deductible and will help bring youth to enjoy the benefits of this new and innovative EAA program. All communications regarding the above or any other aspect of the EAA AIR ACADEMY should be addressed to: Chuck Larsen, Education Director EAA Aviation Foundation Wittman Airfield Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591 Phone 414/426-4800




The FAA has approved applications for Supplemental Type Certificates by the EAA Aviation Foundation for the use of unleaded automotive gasoline in many more air­ craft. EAA can now provide STC's for the following: AERONCA (including Bellanca, B&B Aviation, Champ­ ion, Trytek and Wagner) 50-TC S7DC 65-TC (L-3J) S7CCM 65-TAC (Army L-3E) S7EC YO-58 l1AC 0-58B l1BC 50-58B l1CC 0-58-A (Army L-3A) Sl1AC 7AC Sl1BC 7BCM (Army L-16A) Sl1CC 7CCM (Army L-16B) KCA 50-C 7DC 7EC 65-C 7FC 65-CA 7JC S-50-C S-65-C 7ECA S-65-CA S7AC CESSNA

120/140 140A 150 150A through 150B 150J through 150M A150K through A150M 180 INTERSTATE (Artic Aircraft Co.) S-IA LUSCOMBE (Including Larsen)

180A through 180H 180J 182 182A through 182H 182J through 182N 182P


8A 8C through 8F T-8F PIPER

JIM HAIZLIP Jim Haizlip, winner of the 1932 Bendix Trophy, died at his home in Pacific Palisades, California on December 8,1983. He was 87. His wife Mary (known as Mae Haizlip in her air racing days) was with him at the end and with longtime friend, General Jimmy Doolittle, scattered Jim's ashes over the Pacific from a Cessna 172. A pilot in World War I and II, an air racer in the 20s and 30s, and a test pilot for Douglas and Northrop, Jim Haizlip (EAA 120762) had a long and distinguished flying career. Our condolences to his wife, Mary, and many friends and associates. 4 APRIL 1984

J-3C-40 J3C-50 J3C-50S J3C-65 (Army L-4) J3C-65S J4 J4A J4A-S J4E (Army L-4E)

J5A (Army L-4F) J5A-80 L-4A L-4B (Navy NE-l) L-4H L-4J (Navy NE-2) PA-l1 PA-l1S

(Continued on Page 11)

The day was gray again. The wind was raw and the grass crunched underfoot. The occasional spray of cold rain was laced with white flakes and my hands were cold as I felt the leading edge of the airplane's wing. It had seemed like a good day to go Champ hunting. When the alarm clock rang I rolled out, dressed and kissed my wife goodbye. I threw on a heavy sweater and filled the thermos with hot coffee. Going Champ hunting is the work of early birds and I was the earliest bird on the road that morning. I searched the sky for weather information and my mind for common sense; a fellow could end up with an airplane on a day like this if he wasn't careful. The seller told me that at daybreak he was going to show me what she could do. From the first day I set foot on an airport, with the intention of spending money, there has been a Champ around, looking over my shoulder and into my wallet. Every time I visit a sod airport there's a Champ there somewhere. It might be tied down on the line with aluminum airplanes or it might be lying loose in the tall grass behind the hangar - could even be in a couple of boxes in the basement, but there's always a Champ there somewhere. Mostly for sale. When I pulled into the field there wasn't a soul around except for the windsock and the Champ, which was a red Champ once and then it must have been an orange Champ because it was a pink Champ now. A round, pink Champ. A :ute little pig of a thing, tied down tight and squatty an I doing its best to rock in the wind. I looked at my W <i ch, and at the gray sky, and wondered when daybreak happened around here. I looked down the road and I saw the wind carrying the light snow, and saw a crow wearing himself out trying to get into the cornfield on the west side of the road. He tacked to the north and he tacked to the south, and finally he just plunked down on the road and walked to the corn. You see a thing like that and you start thinking about Champs again. I poured a cup of coffee from the thermos and walked over to the lee side of the airplane and crouched down out of the wind. The coffee was hot and I took out my pipe and filled it. Pink as it was, the Champ's fabric looked good. Not good like Ceco­ nite, but good like old, pink cotton. The door handle looked a little floppy but then that's one of the first things a

Champ owner will tell you when you get in, "Hey, watch the door handle, it's a little floppy". I stood up to find a match in my pocket and to take another look down the road for a plume of dust. I had no match and there was no dust. You gotta get used to stuff like that when you go Champ hunting. I opened the door of the plane and crawled into the boxy cockpit. It's funny, you sit there staring at the panel and the controls and out the windows and back at the panel, and all you can ever say about it is that there's a lot of room in a Champ. The seat was comfortable and felt like a large, heavy man had sat there for a very long time. The cockpit smelled like the man had cleaned out a silo before he came to the Champ to sit a spell. Maybe he even flew it. I sat there, out of the wind, listening to the sleet pepper the airplane and I felt the slightest rocking as the wind grew stronger. It was the gentlest kind of rocking and I poured another cup of coffee and shut the big door - and rocked. The sleet turned to snow, and while the brief squall passed, I sat in perfect peace in the great seat of the boxy, pink Champ pretending that we were flying high above the earth in clouds. The snow pelted the machine, the wind rocked up, and I finished the thermos of coffee relaxed and ready to call it a day. I got out and stretched and looked down the road one last time. No seller. I looked at the Champ and the pink, fat thing seemed to be smiling. I really had a nice couple of hours with her and it made me mad that the owner had said that I should come out at daybreak to "see what she can do". On the other hand, maybe that's just what had hap­ pened. Editor's Note: Noel Allard (EAA 109779, NC 1673) Chaska, Minnesota submitted this article after getting permission to re-print from the author, Dick Coffey and Sherm Booen, publisher of The Minnesota Flyer, where it originally appeared. Mr. Coffey, an aviation author and former editor of Airport Services Management has moved to live permanently in a cabin in the Minnesota north woods, where he writes his monthly "North Winds" col­ umn for The Minnesota Flyer. He has given up most of the comforts of the city life - including his airplane. He is very eager to find another - hopefully a Champ . . . G.R.C. • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 5

By Roy Redman (EAA 83604, Ale 6600) R. 3, Box 208 Faribault, MN 55021

___• _ _~_ _IIi"T~h~e~J-1 Standard after a landing accident near Ashley, NO. The big Standard, prop motionless, touched down in a field near Ashley, North Dakota. After a short ground roll it dropped into a small gully, nosed over, and displayed its underwing advertising to the disinterested clouds. The 1926 barnstorming season had been quite success­ ful. So much so, in fact , that Ole and Vern had decided to trade the Canuck for a Hisso-powered Standard. The Standard was a bit slower than the Canuck, but its 150 hp Hisso could get in out of small fields with two in its somewhat larger front cockpit. This trade, however logical in principle, proved to be a mistake. The Hisso had a habit of quitting, and no amount of Ole's mechanical skills could determine the reason. It quit over Ashley , North Dakota on September 17, and then remained silent forever. After the Ashley incident Ole hopped about a bit with friend Herb Hanson in Herb's OXX-6 Standard. In mid-Oc­ tober, seeking some winter fortune, they pointed the OXX­ 6 towards Chicago. They tied down at the Chicago Flying Club field and settled in with warm inside employment. The big city didn't agree with Herb, however. he returned to the Dakotas with his Standard after a few weeks. Ole, now an expert aviator from South Dakota, stayed the winter and occasionally visited the CFC field where he hopped a few passengers. The warmth of the 1927 spring lured Ole out of doors and back to North Dakota. He joined Ruff in Jamestown and found work with the power company as a "grunt", a lineman's helper. Ruff, meanwhile, had just picked up a new Swallow for Jim Bowen, the owner of the local cab company. The Swallow was one of the first of a new breed of airplanes to arrive in North Dakota . Its OX-5 was cowled 6 APRIL 1984

and it had a clean, modern look that was sure to attract passengers to its two-place front cockpit. Owner Jim Bowen looked forward to a profitable year. But after only a few weeks, Ruff had enough of Bowen's argumentative mien, and he quit. Once again Ole Anderson was in the right place at the right time. Bowen approached him to fly the Swallow. He took the job. Ole first flew the Swallow on June 3, 1927. He took it for several hops around Jamestown to get used to it, and then on Sunday, June 5 he flew it 35 miles east to Valley City. He hopped 51 passengers there before returning to Jamestown late in the day, where he hopped 6 more. Things were off to a good start. The new Swallow attracted lots of attention and pas­ sengers in Jamestown. Much of its time, however, was spent on tour with Jamestown as home base. A typical tour would last about a week, covering small towns in a loop that reached about 100 miles from Jamestown. Ole returned from such a tour during that June, finishing seven days of flying, and logging 87 hops (including town to town), 131 passengers, and 10 hrs. 45 min. of flying time on the Swallow. The passenger hops usually lasted about five minutes, more or less, with the actual length being in direct re­ lationship to the length of the ticket line on the ground. And sometimes, if the line was particularly long, Ole would devise a maneuver that would make the passengers wish they were back on the ground! North Dakota summers usually provide a generous measure of good flying weather, but some rain does fall, of course. One Sunday the Jamestown skies were leaden all day as a steady, gentle rain fell. The Swallow spent

the day on its tiedown ropes. The next Saturday Ole stopped by the cab office for his week's pay: 50 bucks. "I can't pay you," Jim Bowen told him. "We didn't make any profit this week because of the rain last Sunday." Ole nod足 ded and left. The next morning dawned bright and clear. It promised to be the kind of beautiful summer Sunday memories are made of. Eager passengers began to accumulate at the field snapping up Bowen's tickets. Ten o'clock passed, then 11 and noon, but Ole was nowhere in sight. An anxious Bowen drove to town and stopped at Ole's rooming house, but found no one. A drive past the restaurant and down main street proved fruitless. He returned to the field and began handing out refunds to the disgruntled passengers. Still, he sold tickets to new arrivals exclaiming "The pilot will be here any minute." But the sun set, and the Swallow had not turned a wheel.

Axel "Ruff" Swanson and his boss, Jim Bowen.

Ruff and the new Swallow which was owned by the owner of the cab company in Jamestown. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7

Ole and the Swallow. Note paid advertising on fuselage.

Ole sauntered down the sidewalk on Monday morning, hands in pockets. He had just left the restaurant where he had enjoyed his usual two-egg breakfast. As he turned a corner, he came face to face with Bowen. With fire in his eye Bowen bellowed, "Where the hell were you yester足 day?" "I can't work for you on your terms," Ole answered. There was a moment of exasperated silence, then Bowen said, "I'll pay you back wages," a bit more quietly. The message had been delivered.

With the labor-management issue settled the Swallow was airborne once more. The silver wings passed over new towns, and some of the old standbys as well. County fairs and celebrations, where the money flowed freely and the folks were adventurous, were favorite targets. Ole and the Swallow arrived in Sanish, North Dakota on the Missouri River, on August 6. It was a celebration day. There were lots of people, as expected, and business was good. The line of waiting passengers grew with each flight. The crowd's spirits were soaring, and Ole's must have been too. On about the 20th hop Ole turned towards the bridge over the Missouri and dove the Swallow low over the river. His passengers yelled with delight as they passed under the bridge. When Ole landed, the crowd cheered their approval of his daring. The bridge stunt was so popular that he did it two more times. Then on the next hop, as he passed under the bridge, there was a loud bang, and the airplane began to shake. Ole closed the throttle and the Swallow settled into the river. The crowd pressed to the shore, and a boat was rowed out to tow in the floating airplane. Ole and his passengers, two young ladies, sat on the cockpit coaming during the rescue , shaken but completely dry. The cause of the mishap was a telephone cable, unseen on the first three passes, and struck nose-on on the fourth . The cable had splintered the prop and bent the cowl, but the Swallow was otherwise undamaged, though quite wet and muddy. It was towed back to the field where Ole re足 moved the OX-5 and took it to the local Ford dealer, who had volunteered shop space and tools. He dismantled it there, dried it out, and the next day continued on his barnstorming tour. There are many lessons along the paths of aviation for those who will heed. The Sanish accident was an expensive one, fortunately bought cheap. But it was only a short pause in what had been, and continued to be, a prosperous season. From June 3rd in Jamestown to August 6th in Sanish, Ole flew 633 hops, carried 961 passengers and logged 63 hrs. 45 min. on the Swallow. Impressive figures by any measure but, as Ole was to say years later, "It was only the beginning."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~. '~

Ole in Swallow over Jamestown, NO. 8 APRIL 1984

The soggy Swallow after it was retrieved from the Missouri River near Sanish, NO.


The office was rather unpretentious. A pleasant but businesslike girl greeted Ole from behind a desk. He pre­ sented Jim Bowen's check for $2900, and she completed the paperwork. Ole then signed for Bowen, the purchaser, and the young lady signed for the Travel Air Company. Her name was Miller - Olive Ann Miller, later to become Mrs. Walter Beech.

John Carlson's Velie Monocupe.

The Swallow served well until the spring of 1928. At that time Ed Canfield, from nearby Fullerton, stopped by Jamestown with his new Travel Air 2000. Ole and his friends were wide-eyed. As good as the Swallow had looked the previous year, the Travel Air was a "decided improve­ ment." It had a solid, streamlined look, and the quality of workmanship was excellent. The fuselage ,was a rich blue, the wings silver, and it had a "very nice paint job." Jim Bowen was so impressed that he went back to his office and ordered one. Ole went to Wichita to pick up the new Travel Air at the factory. The trip from Jamestown was a day-and­ night-long ride by Greyhound ... tedious, but inexpensive. Ole knew most of the drivers on the Jamestown run and rode the entire way for free. He was on the factory flight line in the morning. A half dozen or so identical blue and silver biplanes were lined up; Ole was directed to No. 6006. There was no introduc­ tion. No proferred help. The Travel Air people simply showed him the plane, filled the tanks (at Ole's expense) and he was off for North Dakota. He was in Jamestown by suppertime. The Travel Air was an immediate sensation with the small aviation community in Jamestown. Ruff flew it, and so did a friend, John Carlson. There was more to this airplane than its good looks. It flew like a dream. Ruff had been flying for John Carlson since his break with Jim Bowen the year before. John was a big likable farm boy from South Dakota who had met Ruff and Ole while flying at Ferney. He shared their Swedish heritage, and the three were fast friends. John's Standard had pro­ vided Ruff with a barnstorming mount the previous year and now, in the Spring of '28, he had just taken delivery of a new Monocoupe. But the intoxicating new biplane drew yet another into its spell. John decided to replace the Monocoupe, and ordered a Travel Air. Ole promptly made a modification to the Travel Air that was to make his life in the air more comfortable. Three years of OX-5 exhaust was enough. He had exten­ sions welded on to route the exhaust down below the lower VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9



John, Ole and Ruff and the two Travel Air 2000s.

John Carlson, Ole Anderson and Ruff Swanson at Jamestown,


Jim Bowen and passengers. The Travel Air sports advertising as did the Swallow.

Ole and the new blue and silver Travel Air 2000 as it came from the factory in 1928.6006 is the registration number assigned by the CAA. 10 APRIL 1984

Ole and the Travel Air. Note downward extension to exhaust pipe. The black book in Ole's shirt pocket is his pilot log. The lettering on the engine cowl promotes a soft drink called "Big Jim".

wings. The extensions proved to be very effective, and served another purpose as well; the ride was quieter for both pilot and passengers. Not one to let an extra buck slip by, Jim Bowen sold advertising to local merchants to be displayed on the side of his new airplane. Most were repeat subscribers from the previous year's advertising on the fuselage of the Swallow, but he also added an important new one. He extracted a premium fee from the local soft drink bottler to advertise his product on both sides of the OX-5 cowl. The sign painter paid a visit to the flying field, and when he left most of the visible side area of the Travel Air was covered with advertising. And emblazoned on the cowl, in bold


NEWS ...

(Continued from Page 4)

CHAPTER 11 OUTING Antique/Classic Division Chapter 11 does more than just hold meetings in the dead of winter. Program Chair­ man Bob Lumley reports that the group's February activ­ ity was a scheduled fly-out from Capital Airport at Brook­ field, Wisconsin to Oshkosh for lunch and a tour through the new EAA Museum. In spite of below IFR weather on February 12, a group of 28 met at the airport and headed north in a caravan of autos. After a great Sunday brunch in the Wittman Field Terminal Building they proceeded to the Museum for an afternoon of photography and hangar flying.

sweeping letters, was the name of the soft drink - BIG JIM. John's Travel Air, number 6276, was soon ready, and Ole was dispatched for the ferry flight from the factory . This time on the way home he stopped for a visit in Woon­ socket, South Dakota. His visit was somewhat longer than planned, and it was late afternoon when he was again airborne northward. He flew for about a half an hour, and then noticed a cloud deck forming ~neath him. It was getting dark below, but there was still light up where he was which lured him on a bit longer. As the sun reached the horizon it became obvious that he had stayed up there too long. It was darker below than he had realized. A bright spot from city lights appeared on the cloud deck below. Ole circled the brightness, then started a slow let-down a short distance from its perimeter. The cloud layer was not very thick, which was fortunate, but the darkness below was startling. It was virtually impossible to see which fields were suitable for a landing. As he cir­ cled the town hoping for a glimpse of a field he saw the silhouette of a straw stack against the lighted background of the town. He sighted in on the stack, and lined up for a landing close beside it, surmising that it was positioned in the middle of a stubble field . He was correct, and the new Travel Air rolled to an unimpeded stop after a smooth landing. He guessed from his time in the air that he was in Redfield, South Dakota but after all the circling he had no idea which side of town he was on. He hailed a ride from a passing car, and his first words to the dumb­ founded driver were "What side of town am Ion?". He wanted to know which direction to go in the morning to find his airplane! The three Swedes often barnstormed together in the two Travel Airs during the Summer of 1928. It was an even more successful season than the previous year. They had learned their craft well, and they flew the best planes available. The season ended with not so much as a scratch on either airplane, nor any harrowing tales to remember. But the open-cockpit barnstorming era was drawing to a close even as it came into its own. 1928 was the last year Ole barnstormed with helmet and goggles, and his face in the wind. There were some sophisticated cabin airplanes available now, and these attracted a more sophisticated owner. The following year Ole was to fly for such an owner in the comfort of an enclosed cabin, and wear a dress shirt and tie. But now it was time for a pause. When the flying activity spun down for the year, he stayed in Jamestown. He spent the winter of 1928-1929 there enjoying the slow pace of the season. He had earned a rest. Author's postscripts: The quotes in the paragraph of Ole's first view of a Travel Air are his. And lest any Swal­ low fans take umbrage, Ole still ends his description of the Travel Air with" - but still, nobody could run down the Swallow". The statistics regarding number of hops, passengers, flight time, etc. are taken directly from the breastpocket logs Ole kept as he barnstormed.• Bob has organized a telephone network among chapter members to get last minute news concerning chapter ac­ tivities to all members. The system is working beautifully.

BUCKER JUNGMANN 50th ANNIVERSARY Plans are underway to celebrate this historic occasion on April 28-29, 1984 with the "First West Coast Bucker Fly-In" at the Santa Paula, California Airport. For infor­ mation contact Joe Krybus, 350 Princeton Street, Santa Paula, California 93060. Phone 805/515-4602 or 805/525­ (Continued on Page 20) 8764. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11


By Shawnee Lee Culbertson

(JR Wedekind Collection)

1942 - George "Pappy" Wedekind and the Waco VKS-7, NC17700, SIN 4620 in which he gave instrument instruction to over 90 students including many who became pilots for the military and American Airlines. This Waco is currently owned by John R. Bussard (EAA 76773, AlC 3170) of Ringoes, NJ.

Sixty years is a pretty long time, a whole lot of people, and many more changes. That's the story of Hook Field. Change, that is. And time and people. My first official acquaintance with Hook Field at Middletown, Ohio was 10 years ago, in the summer of 1974 when Hook Field became 50 years old. A lot of things happened in that heated summer, but for the sake of this story, I'll deal with Hook Field, its 50th, and how it all came to be. You can't really talk about Hook Field without talking about the Wedekinds, and Aeronca, Inc. Everyone knows it. So right here and now, I give fair warning: The follow足 ing is a story of three key forces, the airport, Wedekinds, and Aeronca. 12 APRIL 1984

This year, 1984, marks the 60th anniversary of Hook Field. And in true Wedekind fashion, the occasion will be marked by a wingding of an event, June 10, at Hook Field. Where else? Tentative plans call for hot air balloons, World War II aircraft, and airplane rides. Other plans are in the making. But back to the point. Which is, after all, telling how it all came about. The legacy began in 1924, with the late George "Pappy" Wedekind. Pappy was a tall and distin足 guished bulldog of a man. He had just finished up a tour with the U.S. Army's 34th Aero Squadron where he passed the days of World War I as an aircraft inspector. After the war, Pappy bought two Curtiss Jennies. In those days, he was flying off the old Sam Farnsworth farm,

(JR Wedekind Collection)

One of Pappy Wedekind's first airplanes, photographed in 1924 at Middletown, OH. The lower wings of this Curtiss Jenny have been replaced with a set of uppers, giving the plane four ailer­ ons and additional wing area. The added area made it possible to carry two passengers instead of one - an important feature for barnstormers. Note the three-bay configuration and lack of king posts.

on the west edge oftown, taking the braver folk for Sunday rides. He charged passengers a dollar a minute. When times got tougher the price went down to $5 for a 15-min­ ute ride, and later to $3 per ride. He was as tenacious as hell about aviation. "Wedekind scraped and maneuvered to develop public opinion with flying instruction courses and annual air­ man's outings," wrote the late Alice Lloyd Lawler of Pappy in a 1940 article in the Middletown Journal, describing the insistent. way Pappy pursued such t)1ings. In 1925, the story goes, a group of Middletown civic leaders, bird-dogged too long by a tenacious Pappy and now filled with grandiose ideas for aviation, organized Middletown Airport Park, Inc. Those men - David E. Harlan, president of Crystal Tissue; J. A. Aull, president ofSorg Paper; William O. Barnitz, president ofthe Barnitz Bank; Charles R. Hook, vice president of Armco Steel Cor­ poration (now Armco, Inc.); and George M. Verity, presi­ dent of Armco, developed the airfield by borrowing money to buy the 185-acre Farnsworth farm . At that time, the

sprawling farm , bordered on two sides by the Great Miami River, was little more than a cow pasture. In fact, Farnsworth had operated a ferret farm on the site for years. Pappy, who had been living in Hamilton, moved to the Farnsworth farmhouse to begin full-time flying ac­ tivities. From that time on, things changed fast . The Wolverton and Smith farms, adjoining the Farnsworth property, were also acquired by the develop­ ment group. And by 1926, the Palmco Oil Company of Middletown was keeping a three-place biplane at the field . By 1928, the Mason-Dixon Airways of Cincinnati, operat­ ing a flight from Cincinnati to Toledo and Detroit, would pick passengers up in Middletown ·if a diamond-shaped wood structure - painted yellow on one side and green on the other, was placed yellow-side-up on the field . With no radio, the yellow side, visible from the air, was the only means of alerting the pilot to stop for passengers. Palmco Oil was the first company to keep its plane on the field, recalled George "JR" Wedekind, Jr., Pappy's only child. Today, says Wedekind, Armco is the only corpora­ tion to have an aviation facility on the field. With two instrument landing systems, as well as a visual glide path system (PLAS!), Hook Field is ''just sitting there waiting for local corporations to operate facilities out of here," adds Wedekind. The story continues. Two years after Mason-Dixon began its service to Middletown, in 1930, the Wedekind­ Schmidlapp Flying Service was organized to operate the airport property. The group purchased, in 1932, the Queen City Flying Service, then located at Lunken Airport in Cincinnati. Pappy continued to operate the Lunken and Middletown businesses. (Queen City was sold in 1961, but Pappy continued to handle its operations until 1962.) His son, JR, took over the Middletown portion of the Queen City operation. JR continues this job today. Land improvements, primarily to solve drainage prob­ lems, were accomplished in 1935 with funds provided by the federal Works Project Administration. Five years later the city of Middletown purchased the airpark. Meanwhile, a company known as Aeronautical Corpo­ ration (Aeronca), based at Lunken Airport in Cincinnati near the Ohio River, was periodically suffering losses from damages incurred when the river overflowed its banks. Severe losses from the 1937 flood compelled company rep­

(JR Wedekind Collection)

(JR Wedekind Collection)

Circa 1922 - photo of Clarence Chamberlin (top coat with hel­ met) which he autographed over 50 years later. George "Pappy" Wedekind is shown wearing helmet and goggles. Aircraft is a Sperry Messenger with 64 hp Lawrance L-2 at the Middletown Airport.

L-R: Alvin Wilson, Ivan Dennis, Edward Kistner, Ada Wedekind (JR's mother), Marion Wetzel, Charles Root, and Bob Moran in 1936 at the Wedekind's hangar. The 1935 Aeronca C-3 is NC14643, SIN A529 and is currently reported to be in the Seattle, WA area. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13

resentatives to look elsewhere for a company site. This would eventually lead to a permanent tie between Hook Field and Aeronca. But more about that next month. It was in 1940 that Pappy started a civilian pilot train­ ing program in cooperation with Miami University in Ox­ ford, Ohio. This became the War Training Service for the U.S. Navy. During the war years, the Air Transport Com­ mand of the U.S. Army Corps used the field as a night training facility . In 1948 a master plan was made for controlled develop­ ment of the airport. The federal government funded 50 percent of the cost and increased land area with the con­ struction of three marked sod runways. Middletown Municipal Airport officially became Hook Field on May 18, 1949, in honor of Armco board chairman Charles Hook. The name change was announced on the eve of a recognition dinner where tribute was paid to Hook for his 50th year in the steel business and for his work in Middletown and the nation. Field lights on the northeast-southwest runway and a rotating beacon were installed in 1950 and 1951. Area industries funded a non-directional radio beacon in 1957. This provided an instrument approach facility to be used in bad weather. Engineering plans for construction of a hangar for Armco were made in 1959 and in 1960, construction began. It was completed in the fall of 1961 at a cost of over $250,000. A 5,100-foot paved northeast-southwest strip was com­ pleted in 1961 when the Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce helped in arranging financing. Armco donated $70,000 and loaned over $100,000, interest free. The run­ way was extended to 6,100 feet in 1971. Sometime around 1962, an airport committee was formed to act as a quasi-airport board. A paved taxiway was added that year too. Also about that time, in 1962, JR formed Wedekind Aircraft, Inc. and purchased the Middletown operations of Queen City Flying Service. For the second time in history, the Middletown opera­ tions of Queen City was owned by a Wedekind. In 1966 JR built a hangar. Today, in addition to the hard-surface runway, Hook Field continues to support a top-quality 3,100-foot sod strip.

(Roger L. Miller Collection)

The Waco 7 after it had been sold and was in need of much repair. JR is the boy on the right while his dog "Pal" is on the left. The men are Delbert Averdick and Oran Farnsworth, who along with Delbert's brother George owned the airplane. The picture was taken at the Middletown Airport which is partly made up of Oran's family's farm. 14 APRIL 1984

Pappy died in April of 1982, but JR continues where his father left off, managing Hook Field and actively par­ ticipating in numerous aviation organizations, including a full-time position as executive director of the Dayton International Airshow and Trade Exposition, held annu­ ally in Dayton, Ohio.

(Roger L. Miller Collection)

George Wedekind, Jr., better known as JR, in his Dad's, George "Pappy" Wedekind's Hisso powered Model 7 Waco. JR is the manager of Hook Field Airport, Middletown, Ohio, President of Wedekind Aircraft, Inc., and Executive Director of the Dayton International Air Show.

The Hook Field story, says Wedekind, leaning back in his chair, is not about anyone individual, but the airport as a whole. "How it's grown. And the fact that the people using it, through federal and local gasoline taxes, have paid for the maintenance and continuance of the airport. "This airport has never been a drain on the public," finishes Wedekind. It's been a long time since I covered that 50th anniver­ sary. I asked for that story and I remember it yet: So many faces, so many memories. Old and yellowed newspaper clippings, brittle with age, tucked away in so many forgot­ ten corners. Four men that I interviewed have since passed away: Sol Schneider, remembered as the first man to crash an airplane at the local field; Homer Mitchell, an old-timer who glowed when recalling his barnstormer days; Jim 'Murph' Murphy, an Aeronca engineer who died before his time; and Pappy, the silver-haired man that started it all.

Shawnee Lee Culbertson is an award-winning aviation journalist who is currently employed as Director, Public Affairs/Communications, Dayton International Airshow and Trade Expositon. She and husband Mark live in Mor­ row, Ohio. They are licensed pilots and own a Cessna 170B. Coinciding with the 60th anniversary celebration of Hook Field, the Aeronca Clubs will again host an Aeronca Fly-In at Hook Field, Middletown, Ohio, June 8-10, 1984. Details will be announced in next month's THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE, along with an article about the Aeronca com­ pany located at Hook ... G.R.C.

(Part 2 of 2 Parts) By Ed Phillips

(EAA 124038, NC 7505)

1125 So. 160 E.

Wichita , KS 67230

Burnham and Rawdon were pleased with the com­ pleted ship, and propeller calculations were made and the unit ordered. Only two weeks remained before the Cleve­ land races, and the "R" was being painted while awaiting its propeller. William Hauselman performed the spray paint honors, giving the R-100 a red overall color, with the wings, hori­ zontal stabilizer and vertical stabilizer leading edges scal­ loped in black, along with the forward fuselage . The fuse­ lage scallop was carried aft in the form of black accent stripes outlined in mint green border, the stripes ending at the empennage. Wheel fairings also got the redlblack color scheme, with the gear "N" struts, forward cabane strut and NACA cowl receiving only black. Department of Commerce number R614K appeared in black on the upper right wing and lower left wing. When the propeller arrived and was mounted, the "R" was ready for her maiden flight. Carl Burnham didn't have the cowl completed, so initial test flights would be flown without the unit. Although this disappointed Raw­ don, he knew the level flight airspeed would approach 185 mph, and the addition of the cowl was expected to add 20 mph more to top speed. August 18, 1929 I would witness the beginning of a legend. As Clarence Clark went to work at Travel Air that morning he knew the day was going to be exciting. Clark had been with the company since fall of 1925, and had already test flown over 700 Travel Air ships. But the "R" would be different. It was built for speed, not modified for it. The experimental crew had worked all through Friday night to ready the racer for flight. Final adjustments and finishing touches were completed and Rawdon's "mystery ship" stood silently on the Travel Air flight line. It was all up to Clarence Clark now. His skill would soon guide the sleek scarlet speedster into the Kansas skies and nearly a year of hard work would be vindicated. As n~on hour approached, the field was populated with

observers, the press (who were finally able to see the ship), Walter Beech, Herb Rawdon and Walter Burnham. Clark adjusted his parachute and climbed into the tiny open cockpit. He was already familiar with the location of instruments and controls. It was time to go. He signalled the mechanic to start the Wright. 425 hp thundered into life. Nine short, stubby exhaust stacks bellowed their song in staccato harmony. The whole ship shuddered. Bracing wires quivered. Even the Kansas sod echoed the power of the "R". Clarence taxiied across the field into take-off position. He checked controls, mag­ netos and was ready to unleash the R-100 at last. Visibility over the nose was poor, but that was to be expected. Rawdon and Burnham had told Clark that the tail would come up quickly and forward vision on take-off would be excellent. Slowly Clark 2 fed throttle to the Wright radial. He eased power up to the stop and was pressed hard against the seat back. Acceleration was fantastic! The little ship gathered speed so fast Clarence eased the stick forward and the tail popped up just as the engineers said it would. The "R" was ready to fly and Clark eased back a trifle more on the stick. She was airborne and still accelerating

NR1313 serial number R-2004, went to The Texas Company in July, 1930. A 300 hp R-975 Wright radial powered the ship, but this was later changed to a specially modified 465 hp Wright radial. This engine was installed after Franks Hawks' accident at Travel Air Field in July. This view shows the airplane in its original livery, with light grey fuselage and vermillion scallop treatment. Wings were solid vermillion. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 15

very fast. Holding about 100 feet altitude, Clarence let the airspeed build higher. Then, to everyone's horror, the "R" pitched down steeply without ·w arning. Nerves went wild! Clark was going to crash! But the Travel Air's chief test pilot was just dipping low to "get the feel" of the ship. He quickly recovered from the dive, checked full throttle and hauled back on the stick. Such aerial maneuvering showed how much confi­ dence Clark had in the ship, her designers and the craftsman who built her. Clarence leveled off at the top of his climb and proceeded to the flight test area. For over 20 minutes he checked slow flight handling, stalls, turning stability and most important, top speed. Indicated airspeed at full throttle was 185 mph. Rawdon and Burnham had done their homework well! The "R" handled beautifully. Very little adjusting would be required to make her perfect in the air. Clark headed back for Travel Air Field, and set up his final approach to the grass runway. About 90 mph worked well on final until the field was made, then a slip for good visibility and airspeed was reduced to 70 mph. Transition from the slip to landing flare was smooth and easy, the touchdown graceful. Clark taxied back to the factory hangar area and shut down the mighty radial. Rawdon, Burnham and Beech were right there with an avalanche of questions. Clarence just smiled. That was all the three men needed to know. Walter Beech was so happy that he could hardly restrain his enthusiasm. No doubt he was already thinking about the glory this ship could garner for the company. Further tests over the next few days continued to verify the excellent performance expected of the design. 12 to 14 test flights were run before departure for Cleveland. With the completed cowl in place, Clark recorded 225 mph! It was more than Rawdon had hoped for, but there was a problem. On the speed run aerodynamic forces caused the cowl to impact the propeller blades, and only four fasteners retained the unit as Clarence eased back to the field and landed I 2. A fix was quickly found by increasing the strength of the fasteners, and there were no more prob­ lems. R614K was groomed in the factory for her trip to Cleveland, and the only part of her missing was the pilot. Clarence Clark would have liked to have flown the ship in the races, but Walter Beech chose Doug Davis of Atlanta, Georgia for the job. This was no reflection on Clark's ability. Beech had no doubt that Clarence could be competitive, but Davis was lighter and he had more experience in closed course pylon racing. Beech and Davis had been friends for years and Doug was a very successful Travel Air dealer at Candler Field

in Atlanta. Clark gave Davis all the assistance he could to help him get familiar with the "R". Several flights were flown and Doug felt very comfortable in the racer. The Travel Air team departed Wichita on Sunday, Au­ gust 25, 1929, with R614K, R613K (the Chevrolair-pow­ ered sister ship flown by Clarence Clark). Rawdon and Beech accompanied the duo in a Model 6000 monoplane. Upon arrival at Cleveland, the two ships were rolled into a hangar and closely guarded. Both "R"'s were occa­ sionally visible to onlookers, but were roped off to discour­ age the curious. Very little information was released to the press by Beech. The public got their first look at the "R" on August 30th, three days before the big race, Event Number 26 on the race program. The military was there. And they had a "hot" ship, too. A Curtiss "Hawk", designated XP-3A had been modified by the Army with NACA cowl, large fairing tub along the fuselage and a Pratt & Whitney radial engine of 450 hp. Captain R. G. Breene would pilot the XP-3A, while the Navy's Curtiss entry, also slicked up for speed, was flown by Lieutenant Commander J. J . Clark. It looked like the military boys were going to have it their way again .. . just go out there and blast by the competition. The "Goliaths" of speed didn't realize it yet, but little "David" had come to do battle - and he traded his slingshot for monoplane wings and his five smooth stones for 425 hp! At last Event Number 26 was ready to begin. It was a 50 mile race around a marked pylon course. By 2 p.m. on Labor Day afternoon all competitors were lined up and ready to go. Doug Davis sat in R614K, the Wichita racer's scarlet scheme catching everyone's eye. The Wright idled nervously. Captain Breene and Lieutenant Clark were close by, their eager mounts quivering with power, four other ships stood ready, too. Suddenly the air was filled with the cacophony of en­ gines at full throttle. The race was on! Breene jumped into the lead. Davis and Clark were very close behind. The grandstands were reverberating with cheering crowds. Davis took the pylons high, about 300 feet, and held his altitude during the turns. Breene dove on each pylon, and it became apparent on the first lap that the duel be­ tween biplane and monoplane, between military and com­ mercial designs, settled squarely on Davis vs. Breene. On one lap Davis thought he had cut inside a pylon and recircled it to avoid the mandatory disqualification. He lost much precious time, as he was leading Breene who was pushing the Curtiss for all she was worth. But the "R" was fast. Davis firewalled the Wright and remained ahead to the finish . He was clocked at 208.69

(Courtesy Beech Aircraft Corporation and U.S. Air Force)

The victor and the vanquished. Travel Air's Model " R" stands triumphant over its Army XP-3A opponent in the 1929 Thompson Free-For-All event. Curtiss ship had 450 hp " Wasp ", venturi cowl, revised windscreen, all clearly visible in this view. Note the large fairing along forwa rd fuselage used to streamline bulky radial to the Hawk airframe. 16 APRIL 1984

(Courtesy Earle Sayre)

R614K with NACA cowl installed prior to leaving for Cleveland. Overall color is red, with black scallop treatment on forward fuselage, stabilizers and wing leading edges, outline with mint green borders.

mph on his fastest lap, and completed the race with an average speed of 194.96 mph and an elapsed time of just over 14 minutes. "Goliath" had fallen hard, but h e was down. As Davis taxiied in, the aviation world took a long, hard look at the state of American military aviation. A Kansas company, in existence only five years, had designed, built and flown to victory a commercial airplane that had, for the first time, defeated a military machine in competition. The dominance of military aviation had come to an end, but the legend of the "R" was just begin­ ning. Walter Beech went around to the military camp collect­ ing some wagers he had made prior to the Thompson event. Stopping by the Army and Navy areas, Beech had a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his face as he collected from his debtors. Herb Rawdon had succeeded. His concept of a racing airplane had excited the aviation world, and laid to rest the old ways and ideologies of the biplane. The military would be back in 1930, but armed with a monoplane .

(Courtesy Newman Wadlow)

Newman Wadlow taxies the Italian "Rn out for a test flight, July, 1931. Commander Sbneradori never flew ship for acceptance due to Illness. He watched from the ground and was more than satisfied with performance.

After the Cleveland races were over, R614K was flown to Wichita and given a rest and refurbishment. She was polished to a high sheen in preparation for a flying tour. Clark took her to Sioux Falls, South Dakota and won. He took her to Tulsa, Oklahoma and won again . Victory was sweet for Travel Air and Walter Beech. A racing license was issued to expire March 1, 1930. Doug Davis flew the "R" from New York to Atlanta in 4 hours and 30 minutes. Another record flight for the "mys­ tery ship". After four months of promotional flying, Cur­ tiss-Wright obtained the racer for additional demonstra­ tion work in January, 1930. The Great Depression was hitting the aviation industry very hard, and the champion of Travel Air was called upon to do her part for the good of the combine. Travel Air had been absorbed by the merger of Curtiss and Wright Aeronautical in August, 1929. Another racing license was issued to expire in Sep­ tember, but after hard months of flying the ship met with an accident at Des Moines on August 28, 1930. Damage to the wings and landing gear forced Curtiss-Wright to store the speedster until a decision was made as to her fate. Walter Hunter now entered the scene. He purchased the Travel Air in June of 1931 and was granted a racing license to expire September 1, 1932, after Hunter had com­ pleted repairs and modifications. This work was done by Parks Air College of St. Louis. Two more fuel tanks were installed, a full vision canopy replaced the open cockpit and the fuselage lines were altered very slightly. 3 The Wright engine from the Hunter Brother's endur­ ance Stinson SM-1 was used. A new color of black fuselage and orange wings with accent stripes was applied. The airplane was flown without a cowl for test flights, but Hunter had Rawdon and Burnham construct another NACA unit for use on the ship. He flew the "R" to Wichita where the cowl was installed and the racer given a good inspection. From Travel Air Field Walter Hunter pointed the R­ 100's nose east to Teterboro, New Jersey. Wright Aeronautical installed a special, high-performance 600 hp radial that barely fit inside the new cowl. After some test­ ing Hunter headed west to enter the airplane in the 1931 Bendix race. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17

(Courtesy Beech Aircraft Corp.)

James Haizlip poses beside the third "R", serial number R-2003. Shell Oil Company ordered the ship soon after the Cleveland races, and took delivery in March, 1930. Overall color was yellow with red scallop treatment on wings and stabilizers. The racer was wrecked in 1931 and Jimmy Doolittle bought the remains and had Parks Air College rebuild it, using some of Doolittle's own aeronautical refinements. It crashed on a test flight when flutter tore off the ailerons, but Doolittle bailed out safely. The Shell "R" was the first to receive new four-piece cowl deSign, which greatly simplified fabrication of this essen­ tial part. Texaco's "R" and the Italian ship also had this improvement.

He arrived at Los Angeles safely, but had made fuel stops at St. Louis, Amarillo and Albuquerque, his proposed fuel stops on the way to Cleveland, finish point of the Bendix. Hunter knew the fuel crews at these stops, and he par­ ticularly depended on the Amarillo boys for fast service. At Los Angeles testing continued with the intent of get­ ting the propeller pitch setting correct for maximum thrust. Eight entrants awaited the start of the Bendix on Sep­ tember 4th, and Walter Hunter was ofT and winging his way east in the "R". Jimmy Doolittle was in the air, too, and both men knew they had fast ships. Doolittle's Laird Super Solution and Hunter's Travel Air could make the race faster than the competition, but they didn't have the range and endurance of the competing Lockheed Altairs, Orions and the single Vega. South of Terre Haute, Indiana the Wright gave trouble and Hunter landed in a field . The engine caught fire on the ground but the flames were extinguished with minor damage. Two new magnetos were fitted by a Wright mechanic and Hunter took ofT for Cleveland, out of the Bendix (won by Doolittle) but still in contention for the Thompson race. On arrival at Cleveland and after making adjustments, Hunter took ofT to fly the pylon course to familiarize him­ self with the setup. It was early in the morning on Sep­ tember 6th, and the grandstands were virtually empty. Suddenly the engine failed, and Hunter 'changed fuel tanks. Next thing he knew the cockpit was in flames! He was less than 400 feet high, but Hunter climbed slightly. In the struggle to unstrap himself to bailout, the "R" pitched down, throwing Walter Hunter out with burned hands and face. His parachute opened and he hit the ground not far away from the wrecked Travel Air. The ship didn't burn, but it was severely damaged. In the same arena where the "R" had burst upon the American aviation scene in 1929, she now rested in silence, a broken reminder of the glory days. Her graceful form would never again excite the eyes and emotions of those who witnessed her flights. The racer had the long-span wings installed during Walter Hunter's ownership. The short-span wings had been used in the 1929 Cleveland race. The empennage of the R-100 remains today in the Staggerwing Museum at Tullahoma, Tennessee, where an exact replica ofthe "mys­ tery ship" is under construction by museum foundation members' Herb Rawdon's racer left a legacy of design superiority that was quickly copied and adopted by other manufac­ (Continued on Page 21) 18 APRIL 1984

(Courtesy Ted Cochran)

Color of NR1313 was changed to red and white with broad width stripe configuration, shown in this view of Frank Hawks and the rebuilt "R". Three fuel tanks were built into the fuselage of R­ 2003,2004 and 2005, giving total capacity of 109 gallons. Hawks set over 200 records with hangs today in the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry.


By George Hardie Aircraft designers have long sought to develop the truly safe airplane. Be­ ginning with the Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Contest in 1927-29, won by the Curtiss "Tanager", interest in the problem has continued to this day. Notable efforts have been the McDon­ nell "Doodlebug" in 1929; the STOL (short take-ofT and landing) types in the late 1930's and early 1940's - the Fieseler "Storch", Bellanca YO-50 and Ryan YO-51 and the Bollinger­ Koppen "Helioplane" in 1949. This month's Mystery Plane is another mysterious unknown. The photo was taken by Art Schmidt of Milwaukee, Wisconsin at Machesney Airport north of Rockford, Illinois in 1939. Evidently this was another attempt to improve performance and safety of operation. Nothing is known as to designer/builder, nor owner or purpose. Answers submitted will be published in THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE for July 1984. The Mystery Plane featured in the January, 1984 issue of THE VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE still remains somewhat of a mystery. Ted Businger of Willow Springs, Missouri, who knew Roy Russell personally, recalls: "The photograph was taken at Cur­ tiss Field, Long Island at the time Roy and his parents were working for Cur­ tiss on the NC boats. Roy felt that it was a Curtiss experimental type, but failed to pursue the matter at that date. We speculated that it was a re­ build of the Curtiss S-3 "Scout" tri­ plane, on the basis of the repair sec­

tion on the cowl were the center wing had been. The fuselage is very similar to the S-3 unit. "The wings have a great deal of similarity to those used on a IN-4. Roy felt sure they were built espe­ cially for this plane. The rudder is a total departure from Curtiss standard design for this era. Roy stated the en­ gine was a Curtiss V-2 and was the only one he ever saw. On this basis he surmised that the ship was rebuilt from the triplane solely as a means for testing and refining the engine." John Clark of Pasadena, California confirms this as follows : "The Mystery Plane in the January, 1984 issue is a modification of the 1916-17 Curtiss S-3 "Scout" pursuit of which only four were built and de­ livered in 1917. The original airplane was powered with a Curtiss OXX-2 of 100 hp and was an equal-span tri­ plane. The photo appears to show the S-3 modified as follows: Rudder of original span but increased chord; landing gear of larger 'vee' on each

CLASSIFIED ADS Regular type, 50¢ per word; Bold Face, 55¢ per word; ALL CAPS, 60¢ per word. Rate covers one insertion, one issue; minimum charge, $8.00. Classified ads payable in advance, cash with order. Send ad with payment to Advertising Department, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O. Box 2591 , Oshkosh, WI 54903.

Single place biplane capable of un­ limited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to follow plans, includes nearly 100 isometrical drawings, photos and exploded views. Complete parts and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans plus 88 page Builder's Manual - $60.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Super Acro Sport Wing Drawing - $15.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/ 425-4860. ACRO SPORT -

ACRO II - The new 2-place aerobatic trainer and sport biplane. 20 pages of easy to follow, detailed plans. Com­ plete with isometric drawings, photos, exploded views. Plans - $85.00. Info Pac - $4.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., P.O. Box 462, Hales Cor­ ners, WI 53130. 414/425-4860.

side by moving the rear legs aft to ter­ minate in line with the wing trailing edge instead of the tripe's leading edge; and the triplane wings aban­ doned in favor of what appears to be shortened-span (single bay) Standard J-1 biplane wings and rigging, includ­ ing ailerons." Paul Rizzo of East Meadow, New York thought it might be a biplane designed and built by Dan Brimm, an engineer for the Ireland Aircraft Co. at one time. The study of the photo seems to support the evaluation by Messrs. Businger and Clark, how­ ever. Any further comment will be welcome . •

POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol - unlimited in low-cost pleasure flying. Big, roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 3% gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction sheets. Plans - $45.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/ 425-4860. FL V-IN, Wilbur Wright Memorial Birthday Fly-In, April 13-15, 1984 at Wright Brothers National Memorial, First Flight Airstrip, Kill Devil Hill , North Carolina. Awards, banquet, fly for fun . Sponsored by the National Park Ser­ vice and EAA Chapter 339. Contact Steve Thomas 804/ 463-0617.

J-3 Replica % scale LM-2, single place, wood construction, detachable wings, empty 345, 30 HP Cuyuna, cruise 65, 160 page construction manual $95.00 from Light Minia­ ture Aircraft, 13815 NW 19th Ave., Opa-Locka, FL 33054, 305/681-4068. Kits from Wicks Aircraft Supply. 1929 HEATH SUPER Parasol, 40 hp Continental or 27 hp Henderson, Ceconite covering, excellent condition. Completely rebuilt cost over $12,000.00, make offer. Mr. Dorcas, 419/241-4261. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 19


APRIL 7 & 8 - CONROE , TEXAS - Chapter 302 Annual Fly-in at the County Airport. Food , fun and prizes as usual ; all welcome. Contact Wally Tuttle 713/363-4059. APRIL 13-15 - KILL DEVIL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA - Wilbur Wright Memorial Birthday Fly-In , Wright Brothers National Memorial First Fly Airstrip. Awards, banquet, fly for fun . Sponsored by National Park Service and EAA Chapter 339. Contact: Steve Thomas - 804/463-0617. APRIL 14-15 - WASHINGTON , DC - 3rd Annual Tour of National Air & Space Museum and Paul E. Garber facility. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 4, Inc. Dinner with speaker of note. Limited to 200. Contact Bernie Meserole, 15216 Manor Lake Drive, Rockville , MD 20853, 301 /460-8207 . APRIL 26-29 - SEDONA, ARIZONA - International Cessna 195 Club West­ ern Regional Fly-In . Contact Dr. W . W . Rogers, 5716 N. 19th Ave ., Phoenix, AZ 85015, 602/249-1616 days, 248-0782 evenings. MAY 4-6 - BURLINGTON , NORTH CAROLINA - EAA Antique/Classit: Chapter 3 Fly-In . Antiques, Classics, Ho mebuilts and Warbirds welcome. Old films on Friday and awards banquet on Saturday. Contact: Espie Joyce , P. O. Box 88, Madison , NC 27025. Day : 919/427-0216 ; evening : 919/427-0374 . MAY 18-20 - COLUMBIA, CALIFORNIA - 8th Annual Continental Luscombe Assoc. Fly-In. Contests. Forums by Luscombe Company alumni. Hope to have over 100 Luscombes attending . Contact: Loren Bump , 5736 Esmar Rd , Ceres, CA 95307. MAY 18-20 - HAYWARD, CALIFORNIA - Hayward to Las Vegas Air Race. Proficiency air race with no handicap . Student pilots welcome. Factory-built antique and experimental aircraft capable of flying to Las Vegas in seven hours welcome. $500 cash prize. Contact Hayward Air Race Committee, 20301 Skywest Drive, Hayward , CA 94541 or call Lou Chianese at 415/ 581-2345, ext. 5285. MAY 19-20 - CHINO, CALIFORNIA - 5th Annual Air Museum Air Display. 1984 theme is : "Salute to U.S. Marine Aviation." Pappy Boyington and a dozen-plus Corsairs will be there. Contact The Air Museum , Planes of Fame , WW II, Cal-Aero Field, 7000 Merrill Avenue, Chino , CA 91710 . 714/597-3514 . MAY 19 - HAMPTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE - 8th Annual Aviation Flea Market at Hampton Airfield . (Rain date Sunday , May 20th) Fly in , drive in , bring your junk! Buyers and sellers welcome. No fees. Anylhing aviation related OK. Food available from 11 :00 a .m. to 5:00 p.m . Contact 603/964-6749 or evenings 603/964-6632 . MAY 25-27 - ATCHISON , KANSAS - 18th Annual Fly-In sponsored by Greater Kansas City Area Chapter of Antique Airplane Association at Amelia Earhart Airport in Atchison . Pot-luck dinner Friday, Awards banquet Saturday . Accommodations available at Benedictine College, motels and camping . 80 and 100 octane fuel available. For information contact Lynn Wend l, Fly-In Chairman , 8902 Pflumm , Lenexa, KS 66215, 913/888-7544 or John Krekovich , President, 7801 Lowell , Overland Park, KS 66214 , 913/648-1279. MAY 28 - PT. PLEASANT, WEST VIRGINIA - 2nd Annual Memorial Day Fly-in , Drive-in Breakfast, Mason County Airport. Sponsored by the West Virginia 99's. Serving begins at 8 :00 a.m. Contact: Lois A. Fida, #308 N. York St. , Wheeling , W. VA 26003. JUNE 1, 2, & 3 - MERCED , CALIFORNIA - 27th Annual Merced West Coast Antique Fly-In . Merced Municipal Airport. Fabulous air show Satur­ day and Sunday. Free transportation to Castle Air Museum. Contact: Dee Humann, Registration Chairman , Merced West Coast Antique Fly-In , P. O. Box 2312, Merced , CA 95344 or phone 209/358-3487.


NEWS ...

(Continued from Page 11)



Harry Zeisloft, EAA's Director of Research and De­ velopment, reports the EAA Aviation Foundation will be flying four aircraft to the Phoenix, Arizona area early this April to further the auto fuel program. The aircraft in­ clude a Cessna 172ILycoming 0-320 , Piper PA-28-140/ Lycoming 0-320, Ercoupe 415C/Continental C-85 and Beech Bonanza G-35/Continental E-225-8. This area was chosen so the testing can be ac­ complished with actual ambient temperatures near the 100° mark. EAA's goal is to obtain FAA approval for the use of auto fuel in these aircraft prior to the 1984 Conven­ tion at Oshkosh. Watch these pages for updates on the program. 20 APRIL 1984

JUNE 3 - DEKALB, ILLINOIS - EAA Chapter 241 Annual Fly-In/ Drive-In Breakfast. 7 a.m . to noon . DeKalb Municipal Airport. Contact: Gerry Thorn­ hill , P. O . Box 125, Hampshire , IL 60140, 312/683-2781. JUNE 3 - CADIZ, OHIO - 5th Annual Fly-lnlDrive-ln breakfast at Harrison County Airport starting at 8 a.m. Airshow in p.m. co-sponsored by E. F. Aircraft Services and Harrison County Airport Authority. For information call 614/942-8313. JUNE 8-9 - TULSA, OKLAHOMA - 1st Annual Spartan Alumni Fly-in at International Business Aircraft, Inc., Tulsa International Airport. All Spartan aircraft owners are especially invited . Contact: Karla Morrow or Vern Foltz at Spartan Alumni Office , P.O . Box 51133, Tulsa, OK 74151 . JUNE 8-10 - MIDDLETOWN, OHIO - Aeronca Fly-In. Again with tours, banquet on Saturday night with speakers and aircraft judging awards . Contact: Jim Thompson , Box 102, Roberts IL 60962, Phone 217/395-2522. JUNE 8-10 - DENTON , TEXAS - Texas Chapter Antique Airplane Associ ­ ation 1984 Fly-In at Denton Airport. For information contact Ralph & Bonnie Stahl, Box 115-X, Roanoke, TX 76262 , 817/430-8589 . JUNE 15-17 - PAULS VALLEY, OKLAHOMA - Antique Airplane Association - Greater Oklahoma City Chapter Fly-In . Contact: Luke Reddout, Rt. 2, Box 269 , Newcastle, OK 73065 or Dick Fournier, Rt. 3, Box 82, Wellston, OK 74881 . JUNE 15-17 - OSHKOSH , WISCONSIN - 3rd Annual EAA Ultralight Con­ vention. Contact EAA Headquarters for information, Wittman Airfield, Osh­ kosh, WI 54903-2591 , 414/426-4800 . JUNE 22-24 - TOPEKA, KANSAS - 4th Annual EAA Chapter 313 SKY FUN Fly-In at Phillip Billard Airport (no radio - see NOTAMS). Early bird ham­ burger fry (free) 6-7 p.m. Friday. Contests, Fly-bys, judging and awards banquet Saturday. Trophies awarded in ultralight, antique/classic, home­ built, warbird, and craftmanship classes. Contact: Keven Drewelow 913/ 272-4916 or Andy Walker 913/685-3228. JUNE 28-30 - RUTH , CALIFORNIA - Meyer's Aircraft Owner's Annual Fly-In at Flying Double A Ranch . Attending will be OTWs - 145s - 200s - and the Turbo Prop Interceptor 400. Contact. David l. Hallstrom, P.O . Box 4280 , Scottsdale, AZ 85260 . JUNE 30-JULY 1 - DAYTON , OHIO - Morane Airport. Luscombe Associa­ tion Fly-In . Bus trips to Air Force Museum for early arrivals on Friday and possibly Saturday. Forums and camping facilities. Motels nearby. Contact: John Bright, 436 Stuart St. , Kalamazoo , MI 49007. 616/344-0958. JUNE 28 - JULY 1 - HAMILTON, OHIO - 25th Annual National Waco Reunion . Contact National Waco Club, 700 Hill Ave., Hamilton, OH 45015. JULY 6-8 - MINDEN, NEBRASKA - 8th Annual National Stinson Club Fly-In . Contact: George Leamy, 117 Lanford Road , Spartanburg, SC 29301 , phone 803/576-9698 . JULY 6-8 - ALLIANCE, OHIO - 12th Annual Taylorcraft Fly-In/ Reunion at Barber airport, 3 miles north of Alliance . Factory tours, forums, and many other activities. Contact: Bruce Bixler, at 216/823-9748. JULY 27-28 - COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS - 7th Annual Funk Aircraft Owners Association Fly-In. For information contact: Ray Pahls, President, 454 S . Summitlawn, Wichita, KS 67209. JULY 28 - AUGUST 4 - OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN - 32nd Annual Fly- In Convention . Start making your plans now to attend the World's Greatest Aviation Event. Contact EAA, Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh , WI 54903-2591 , 414/426-4800. AUGUST 6-10 - FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN - Fifteenth Annuallnterna­ tional Aerobatic Club Championships and Convention. Contact EAA Head­ quarters for information. Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591, 414/ 426-4800.



Plans for the EAA and EAA Aviation Foundation promotion in conjunction with the opening of the new MGM film THE A VIATOR are progressing well . Details of the program are being developed and should be avail­ able for release in May's THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE.

CUB CLUB FORMING John Bright and John Bergeson are starting a Cub Club for owners and fans of E-2, J-2, J-3 , PAolI , PA-18, J-4, L-4 and J-5 aircraft. Six newsletters will be published annually with an emphasis on technical and historical information. The club will sponsor fly-ins and forums and also have such merchandise available as patches, decals, caps, T-shirts, and belt buckles. Dues are $10 per year and the club will be in full operation by April 1, 1984. For information contact John Bergeson, Cub Club, P.O. Box 2002, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858. 5171773-3436 . •

The last "Mystery Ship" built was serial number R-2005, sold to Italy in July, 1931. L. G. Larsen is shown piloting the ship on a test flight. Newman Wadlow also shared flight test duties with Larsen. Given Department of Commerce number 11717 for ex­ port purposes, the airplane was accepted by Commander Paulo Sbernadori for the Italian government. It was disassembled and crated, then shipped to Italy where it served as a technical speci­ men for study by the Italians. 300 hp Wright engine shows clearly with one of cowling segments removed in second photo­ graph. Note arrangement of exhaust stacks, paint stripes car­ ried into firewall area. Ultimate fate of the Italian "R" is unknown. (Courtesy Carl Burnham)

MYSTERY SHIP ... (Continued from Page 18)

turers. Even Wall Street recognized the greatness of the Travel Air. It referred to it as "that bullish feature of the Travel Air Company". A total of five Model R-IOO ships were built by Travel Air, with number three going to Shell Oil Company, number four to the Texas Company and number five to the Italian Air Ministry. Only number four and number two (the original Chevrolair ship) exist today. They are symbols of a once-proud company and the men who made a dream come true. (1) Wichita Eagle newspaper, August 20, 1929 issue. (2) Interview with Clarence E. Clark, 1981. (3) Correspondence with Jack and Pauline Winthrop. Mrs. Win­ throp is Walter Hunter's niece. Mr. Hunter was very aware of the importance the Model R-IOO had in American aviation history. He died on 10/17/83 . Also see article about Hunter and NR614K on page 6 of the February 1983 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE . (4) The Staggerwing Museum Foundation and Mr. Dub Yar­ brough, correspondence and personal visitation, 1980 . •

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NEW AND REVISED FOR ... Pilots: EM Pilot Log Book Aircraft Owners and Builders: EM Amateur Built Aircraft Log Book ............... EM Propeller (or Rotor) Log Book . . . ....... ... . . EM Engine and Reduction Drive Log Book .. . ... . .... .. . . Ultralight Owners and Operators: EAA Ultralight Pilot's Log and Achievement Record EM Ultralight Engine and Aircraft Log ... . .. ... . .... Also Now Available: CAM-18 (Reprint of early CM Manual) .. ... .. .. . .. Amateur-Built Aircraft Service and Maintenance Manual

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Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591

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Include payment with order - Wise. residents add 5% sales tax

Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery



WL()~~ ~~A AVIATI()~


Jacket - unlined tan poplin with gold and white braid trim. Knit waist and cuffs, zipper front and slash pockets. Antique/ Classic logo patch on chest. Sizes - XS through XL ........... $28.95 ppd Cap - pale gold mesh with contrasting blue bill , trimmed with gold braid. Antique/ Classic logo patch on crown of cap. Sizes - M and L (adjustable rear band) .... . . . .... $ 6.25 ppd Antlque/Clasllc Patches Large - 4Y2" across . ....... ... ... $ 1.75 ppd Small- 3V..' across . . ............ $ 1.75 ppd AntIque/Claslic Decals ­ 4" across (shown left) . ... .. . . .. . $ .75 ppd

Available Back Issues of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE 1973 - March through December 1974 - February through November 1975 - January through December 1976 - February through June, August through December 1977 - January through December 1978 - January through March, May, August, October through December 1979 - February through December 1980 - January, March through July, September through December 1981 - January through December 1982 - January through March, May through December 1983 - January, March through December 1984 - January, February, March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.25 ppd Per Issue ...... . ......... Lindbergh Commemorative Issue (July 1977) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 ppd 22 APRIL 1984

7 Send check to:

EAA Antlaue/CIBsslc Division, Inc.

WlttmBn Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591

Allow 4-6 Weeks for Delivery

Wisconsin Residents Include 5% Sales Tax





Good News for Owners of Cessna* Aircraft

With Engines Approved for 80 Octane Avgas



(Another Example of the EAA Aviation Foundation Working for You!)

Faced with potential aviation fuel shortages and rising avgas costs. the EAA Aviation Foundation embarked on an extensive research program to evaluate the suitability of unleaded regular auto gasoline for aircraft approved for the use of 80 octane avgas. The STC·s. which permit the use of less costly. readily available unleaded auto gasoline. are now available from the EAA Aviation Foundation . By taking advantage of the STC. thousands of Cessna owners can now afford to fly more often . Join their growing ranks today and experience a direct reduction in operating costs and maintenance costs over using 100 LL avgas. The STC 's cost only 50¢ per hp - (Example: 85 hp - $42 .50; 230 hp - $115.00). Non-EAA members add $15.00 to th is total. In its quest to make aviation more affordable. the EM Aviation Foundation intends to continue its auto fuel test program on other aircraft - including low wing types. Join EAA - $25.00 annually - get your STC at the spec ial member rate . and support the organization which is making aviation more econom ical for you . For more information phone the EAA Auto Fuel Research [}epartment at 414/ 426-4800 extension 3033.

It's Exciting!

It's for Everyone!

See this priceless collection of rare. historically significant air­ craft. all imaginatively displayed in the world 's largest. most mod­ em sport aviation museum. Enjoy the many educational displays and audio-visual presentations. Stop Dy - here's something the entire family will enjoy. Just minutes away! HOURS 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.rn. Sundays Closed Easter, Thanksgiving. Christmas and New Years Day (Guided group tour arrangements must be made two weeks in advance).

CONVENIENT LOCATION The EAA Aviation Center is located on Wittman Field, Oshkosh. Wis. - just off Highway 41. Going North Exit Hwy. 26 or 44. Going South Exit Hwy. 44 and follow signs. For fly-ins - free bus from Basler FI ight Service.

Wittman Airfield Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065

Phone: 414/426-4800 Ext. 3033

'Includes Cess na 12 0. 140. 14 0A. 150. 15 0A thru M . 18 0, 180A thru J . 18 2, 182A th ru P Contin e n tal e ngines 40 thru 100 h .p. and 2 30 h .p .


Wittman Airfield

Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065



Sport Aviation's Premier Events- Be There!

Plan now to attend these two great

i nternationally-acclai med aviation

events featuring flight forums,

aviation workshops, fly-bys, aerial

demonstrations, exciting exhibits at

the world's most complete aviation

showplace - visit the new EAA

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ce . ..

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\l\\{a\\9~~: ey.C\\\~~esS\O~~S'

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C/~':s~b~ilts .~lfelo/Jrnse~~~ fOr new ~


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aero~:strations Pace


... $25.00 per year. ($15.00 for EAA members) Become a part of the organization that makes things happen! For more information write or call

EAA ULTRALIGHT ASSOCIATION Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591 (414) 426-4800

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