
Page 1


By Bob Lickteig Why Oshkosh?

Everyone in the aviation community is talk­ ing about EAA Oshkosh '85. The record number of aircraft - the early closing of the field to transient aircraft (rain. prior to the convention. left some parking areas soggy and resulted in some delays in moving the aircraft off the taxiways - our volunteers are to be commended for their excellent handling of this situation) - the wonderful record crowds of aviation enthusiasts and supporters - the campgrounds filled nearly to capacity - the lines of autos filled with convention bound enthusiasts - the thou­ sands of aircraft operations handled with great efficiency by the dedicated FAA tower staff - and . of course. the excellent weath­ er. With the dismal state of the general avia­ tion industry. from student starts to new air­ craft sales. the success of the EAA conven­ tion has astounded the experts. No one will argue against success. but argue we will over why. Having been part of and witnes­ sing the growth over the past fifteen years. it is my opinion that the EAA convention means different things to different people. EAA and the Annual Convention all started over thirty-three years ago. That first conven­ tion was attended by a great number of homebuilders - people who wanted to build and fly their own aircraft - antiquers who loved to work with their hand and mind to preserve both their aircraft and history - the warbird owners who preserve the "heavy iron" - and. of course. our aerobatic friends


and neighbors. For most homebuilders. building their own airplane was an econom­ ical necessity. This segment of our member­ ship still works in their homes and garages for two to five years - or more - to com­ plete their aircraft. having one important goal in mind - to fly it and show it at the Annual EAA Convention. Here. the results of years of toil can be proudly displayed. The campgrounds. capable of accom­ modating some 40.000 people. represent the family interest. and to these people it is an annual vacation spent with hundreds of new friends made each year. Camping in the heart of 15.000 aircraft - with educa­ tional exhibits. entertainment for all ages. and the excitement that can only be gener­ ated by aviation . has its own fulfilling re­ wards. The establishment of EAA Divisions brings another meaning to the EAA convention. The EAA Antique/Classic Division. is the segment of aviation which shares the love of older aircraft. and the nostalgia of the golden years of aviation. These airplanes represent an extremely important group at our conven­ tion . with members proudly displaying their antique and classic restorations that in most cases required years of owner labor or thou­ sands of dollars of professional work. This segment of aviation has a great following with the public who can readily relate to the era of the antique and classic aircraft and the part they played in the history of aviation. The EAA Warbirds of America with their WWII aircraft bring yet another of our seg­ ments to the convention . WWII aircraft. from the trainers to operational combat planes. are remembered by all adults. Seeing them displayed and flown brings back memories and a reminder of the important part these machines and their gallant pilots played in defending the U.S. against those whose aim was to conquer the world. Warbird owners restore these machines to flying condition and are proud to display them and to be a part of the EAA Oshkosh experience. Many have dreamed and read about a helicopter in every garage. We know that this dream has not yet materialized. How­ ever. the rotorcraft of various configurations are annually improved and provide another area of interesting flying demonstrations for members and the visiting general public. The newest addition to the EAA family is the ultralight movement. This started with interest in the hang gliding movement. begin­ ning all the way back with lilienthal. and is now evolving. again. into the light plane seg­ ment of aviation . . an el,lolution that is reminiscent of the early days of aviation.


Public interest in observing the latest ad­ vancements and operational use of aviation generates the interest that brings many man­ ufacturers and suppliers to the convention. In fact. the public interest has. unofficially as of this writing. brought an estimated $50 mil­ lion into the coffers of the state of Wisconsin during the EAA Convention. This is a tribute to aviation . To cap off EAA Oshkosh as the world 's largest aviation event and convention. how about our annual ocean of aluminum? These are the transient aircraft. from Cessna 150s to jets. which annually fill our aircraft parking areas. These members and aviation enthusi­ asts have interest in all areas ranging from ultralights to warbirds and they all enjoy the continual excitement of aviation and the EAA Oshkosh Convention. Lest we forget our overseas visitors. we are reminded that several thousand came from some sixty different countries. As our vintage aircraft friends from Austral ia said. ''The Fly Market was worth the trip alone." The EAA Antique/Classic Chapter 12 from Argentina planned a short trip of the USA after they digested Oshkosh. The same is true of our friends from Brazil . Mexico. Aus­ tralia and other countries. The convention theme, "The World of Flight", says it all. We must not overlook our commercial vis­ itors who stand in line to secure space each year. They are another segment of aviation and of the EAA convention . They not only bring the latest in aviation equipment and supplies . but they also expose aviation to the general public who visits Oshkosh. This brings us to the spectators (of whom 10,231 joined EAA during the 1985 Convention) . Whether or not they join EAA, they contribute to aviation financially by being a part of our convention . They come to see thousands of aircraft displayed and also to enjoy the largest and best in professional air show acts any place in the world . As an example, this year. they witnessed everything from the display and flight of a 1912 Curtiss Pusher to the supersonic British Airways Concorde - this could only happen at Osh­ kosh. One common interest of all EAA members is the competition for the prestigious awards presented by the various divisions' judging committees. Award winners at Oshkosh jus­ tifiably know that they have the best. So, I am back where I started - Why Oshkosh? - maybe we could sum it up by calling it the pilgrimage to Mecca - spelled O-S-H-K-O-S-H. There you have it. one man's opinion - welcome aboard - join us and you have it all.


Paul H. Poberezny


Tom Poberezny



Dick Matt

SEPTEMBER 1985 • Vol. 13, No.9


Gene R. Chase


Mike Drucks


George A. Hardie, Jr.

Dennis Parks




President R. J. Lickteig 1620 Bay Oaks Drive Albert Lea, MN 56007

Vice President M.C. "Kelly" Viets RI. 2, Box 28 Lyndon, KS 66451


Secretary Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City, MI 49330

Treasurer E. E. " Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 145 Union, IL 60180




John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01581

Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434



Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46274

Espie M. Joyce, Jr. Box 468 Madison, NC 27025



Morton W. Lester P.O. Box 3747 Martinsville, VA 24112

Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51 st Blvd. Milwaukee , WI 53216



Daniel Neuman 1521 Berne Circle W. Minneapolis, MN 55421 61 2/571-0893 Gene Morris 15C Steve Court, R.R. 2 Roanoke , TX 76262

Ray Olcott

1500 Kings Way

Nokomis, FL 33555


2 4 5 6 10 13 13 14 16

22 25 26 27 28

Straight and Level by Bob Lickteig AlC News by Gene Chase Vintage literature by Dennis Parks Restoration of a Luscombe SA byJim Zazas Salvaging an Airways Beacon by Donna Benedict Mystery Plane by George A. Hardie, Jr. Letters to the Editor The Fuller-Hammond FH-1 "Super Twin" by Phil Michmerhuizen Type Clubs and other Aviation Organizations 14th West Coast Ryan Reunion by Bill Hodges Women's Class A Pacific Derby by H. Glenn Buffington Vintage Seaplanes My First Flight to Oshkosh by Robert R. Black Calendar of Events Vintage Trader

Page 6

Page 14

FRONT COVER . . . 1946 Luscombe 8A, NC45504, SIN 2031, restored last year by owners Jim and Karen Zazas (EAA 150698, AlC 5416) of (Photo by Jim Zazas) Carthage, NC. See story on page 6. BACK COVER .. . Painting by aviation artist John Amendola (EAA 112642) 16018 S.E. 31st Street, Bellevue, WA 98008 of Gladys O'Don­ nell's Wright J6-7 powered Waco Taperwing , NC21M. See story on page 22.

John R. Turgyan Box 229, R.F.D. 2 Wrightstown , NJ 08562



S.J. Wittman Box 2672 Oshkosh, WI 54903

George S. York 181 Sloboda Ave . Mansfield, OH 44906



ADVISORS Timothy V. Bowers 729 - 2nd SI. Woodland, CA 95695 916/666-1875

1985 by the EAA AntiquelClassic Division, Inc. All rights reserved.





Phillip Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 616/624-6490

S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213

W. S. "Jerry" Wallin 29804 - 179 PI. SE Kent, WA 98031



The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM , SPORT AVIATION , and the logos of EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC., EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUEICLASSIC DIVISION INC. , INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB INC., WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC. , are registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited. Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are soley those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Material should be sent to : Gene R. Chase, Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE , Willman Airfield , Oshkosh , WI 54903-3086. Phone: 414/426-4800 . The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by EAA AntiquelClassic Division, Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association , Inc. and is published monthly at Willman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903­ 3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA AntiquelClassic Division , Inc. are $18.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12:00 is for the publicatior> of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE . Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation . ADVERTISING - AntiquelClassic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertis­ ing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. Postmaster: Send address changes to EAA AntiquelClassic Division, Inc., Willman Airfield, Oshkosh , WI 54903-3086. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3

Compiled by Gene Chase STINSON SR-5E PROJECT REPORT The Oregon Antique and Classic Air­ craft Club is restoring a 1935 Stinson SR-5E Reliant at the facilities of Lane Community College. At the close of the 1984-85 school year the massive fuse ­ lage frame, along with the landing gear, tail surfaces, flaps , ailerons and numer­ ous small metal parts were ready for sandblasting . It was hoped the blasting and priming would be completed during the summer so that in the fall the students in the ACT class can ready the parts for cov­ ering. The group is funding the project through contributions and a donation of $25 or more will bring the donor a nice T-shirt expressing support of the SR-5E restoration project. The project is being supervised by Tim Talen (EAA 8615, NC 1616). To contact the group, write or phone: Ore­ gon Antique and Classic Aircraft Club, P. O. Box 613, Creswell, OR 97426. Telephone 503/746-6572 or 942-0663. WAYS AND MEANS PROJECT A recipe for "Funnel Cake" might seem like a strange subject to cover in this magazine, but it really is not. The following fund raising project was pre­ sented by Anne Fennimore (EAA 133619, NC 4460) of Succasunna, New Jersey, editor of "Runway 7" the newsletter of Antique/Classic Chapter 7. In the June, 1985 issue of this excel­ lent newsletter she wrote : "Now that the fly-in season is well un­ derway, many chapters and organiza­ tions are looking for means to support their events. I have been to many out­ door affairs and found that "Funnel Cakes" go over GREAT! They are so easy to make and are a real treat. The following recipe was published recently in the local paper in the "Heloise" col­ umn : "You 'll need two eggs, one and one half cups milk, two cups plain flour, one teaspoon baking powder and one half teaspoon salt - also powdered sugar to sprinkle on the top after cooking . "A deep fryer will work best, but a skil­ let can be used. Be careful to not use too much oil. Have the oil very hot, but don 't burn it. "Of course you will need a funnel. (Hold a finger over the hole of the funnel while filling with batter.) After the oil is 4 SEPTEMBER 1985

heated, hold the funnel over the oil, re­ move finger and move funnel over the oil in a circular crisscross motion as the batter is poured into the hot oil. "They rise pretty fast and get quite large, so be careful not to pour too much batter at one time. If using a skillet you may be able to make only one or two cakes at a time. "After the cakes are cooked to a light golden brown , remove from oil and drain on paper towels . Sprinkle with powdered sugar. "Eat while still warm - they are deli­ cious. "Fly-in chairman, this could be the dif­ ference between losing money and breaking even. Why not try it!! "P.S. The article didn 't state how many cakes the above recipe makes. " Editor's Note : That old bugaboo, prod­ uct liability, can 't be ignored. When seI­ ling "Funnel Cakes" at a fly-in, be sure to use fresh cooking oil and ultra-clean cooking facilities. And last, but not least, notify the insurance carrier to be sure such an activity is covered at your event. .. G.R.C. NEW MEMBERS HIGHLIGHTED The October 1985 issue of THE VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE will feature a listing of all the new members who join the Antique/Classic Division during Osh­ kosh '85. Watch for it! ELECTION RESULTS The following results of the election of officers and directors were an­ nounced at the Annual Business Meet­ ing of the Antique/Classic Division on August 2, 1985 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin : M.C. "Kelly" Viets was elected Vice­ President, replacing Roy Redman who chose not to seek re-election . All incum­ bents on the ballot were re-elected , in­ cluding Treasurer, E.E. "Buck" Hilbert and the following Directors: John S. "Jack" Copeland, Stan Gomoll, Dale A. Gustafson, Daniel F. Neuman and John Turgyan . MACH 2 TO OSHKOSH "Mach 2 to Oshkosh" is now being produced for distribution starting in November. Fifty-five minutes in length, this documentary video will cover the historical flight of the Concorde, its sys­ tems and technologies plus the EAA Convention . Watch for announcements of details in all EAA publications.


201353, NC 8416) of Lampasas, Texas extend an invitation to EAAers depart­ ing the 21 st Annual Kerrville Fly-In on Sunday, September 15 to stop at their strip for hamburgers at 1:00 p.m. The Bowden 's Deer Pasture Airfield is 10­

cated about 100 miles northeast of Kerrville , 16 miles from Lampasas VOR on the 190 degree radial , on the San Antonio Sectional. The sod runway is 2,000 ft. x 75 ft., elevation 1,422 ft. and auto fuel is avai l­ able. The hosts' phone number is 512/ 556-6873. OSHKOSH '85 AWARD WINNERS Following is a partial listing of the An­ tique/Classic Division award winners of the 1985 EAA Convention, July 26 through August 2 at Oshkosh, Wiscon­ sin . ANTIQUES

Grand Champion : 1930 Savoia Mar­

chetti S.56 Amphibian, NC149M. R. W.

"Buzz" Kaplan , Owatonna, MN .

Reserve Grand Champion : 1931

Waco QCF-2, NC11468. James C.

Warren , Denver, CO.

Contemporary Age Champion : 1941

Timm "Aerocraft'''' 2SA, NC34912.

Yvonne Schildberg, Greenfield, IA.

Silver Age Champion : 1937 Porter­

field 35-70, NC17037. Ken Williams,

Portage, WI.

Customized Champion : 1940 Waco

SRE, NC247E. Red Lerille, Lafayette,

LA. WW " Military Trainer/Liaison Cham­ pion : 1943 PT-19B Fairchild, N51939. William L. Mitchell, Condorsport, PA. Transport Champion : 1935 DeHavil­ land DH-90 "Dragonfly", N190DH. Charles A. Osborne, Jr. , Louisville, KY. Replica Champion : Gee Bee Y "Super Sportster", NR718L. Ken Flaglor, North­ brook, IL. CLASSICS Grand Champion : 1953 Cessna 195, N4477C, Raybourne Thompson, Hous­ ton, TX. Reserve Grand Champion: 1947 Aeronca 11 BC "Super Chief", N3923E. Becky A. Hart, New Hope, MN. Class I (0-80 hp) : 1946 Luscombe 8A, NC1405K. Randy Patterson, Roscom­ mon, MI. Class" (81-150 hp) : 1947 Call Air, N2901 V. Lee O. Gensrich, Hatton, NO. Class '" (151 hp and up) : 1950 Beechcraft Model B "Bonanza", N5186C. Don and Georgene McDonough, Palos Hills, IL. Custom Class A (0-80 hp) : 1946 Lus­ combe 8A, N45849. Gary C. Rudolph, Vincennes , IN . Custom Class B (81-150 hp) : 1946 Piper PA-12 "Super Cruiser", N7634H . Jim Hudgin, Brentwood, TN . Custom Class C (151 hp and up): 1947 Stinson 108-2, N400C. Tom and Lorraine Zedaker, Las Vegas, NV. A complete listing of winners will ap­ pear in the October, 1985 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. •

VI~TAt3~ LIT~l?ATUl?~

by Dennis Parks

International Conference on Aerial Navigation - Chicago, 1893, Pro­ ceedings ­ The 1890s in America saw a great increase in interest in the scientific study of flight. One of the significant de­ velopments was the Chicago confer­ ence of August 1-4, 1893. Octave Cha­ nute and Albert Zahm conceived of an international conference on aerial navi­ gation similar to the one held as part of the French Exposition in Paris in 1889 - the proposed one to be an auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. Octave Chanute had yet to build any of his gliders and his Progress in Flying Machines had yet to be published in book form . Dr. Albert Zahm was from Notre Dame University. He earned his Ph.D. in physics from Johns Hopkins in 1898 with a dissertation related to the physics of flight. A great thinker on aeronautics, he would write over 20 ar­ ticles by 1910. Both Chanute, an en­ gineer, and Zahm a scientist were rep­ resentative of the caliber of people tak­ ing an interest in flight at the end of the 19th century. They felt that aerial navigation, which had hitherto been left mainly to imagina­ tive inventors, had been attracting the attention of scientists and engineers. The object of the conference would be the discussion of the scientific problems involved in flight. They would attempt to collate the results of the latest research, provide for an interchange of ideas and provide for a concert of action among the attendees. There were three principle sections to the conference : 1) Scientific Princi­ ples, 2) Aviation and 3) Ballooning. The aviation section dealt with observation and measurements of birds, theories of soaring , flying machines, equilibrium and novel experiments - powered glid­ ing, soaring and models. The ballooning section covered construction, inflation, navigation, observations from balloons and proposed improvements. Notices were sent to the known ex­ perts involved in aeronautical research . Letters of cooperation were received from the British Aeronautical Society, the Aerial Navigation Society of France, the Aviation Society of Munich, the Im­ perial Aeronautical Society of Russia and the Aviation Society of Vienna. Forty-seven papers were accepted for presentation. The majority were from

Americans but eight other countries were represented by presenters includ­ ing England, France and Australia. Some of the American schools rep­ resented included Cornell, Notre Dame, Stevens Institute and Amherst. Al­ together an impressive international gathering considering that the organiz­ ers were worried that the conference at­ tendance might have been made up of cranks and amusement seekers which might have done harm to the progress of aeronautics. OCTAVE CHANUTE Chanute in his opening address said the conference met for an unusual sub­ ject because its commercial success had yet to be discovered, that the general public had little interest in it and even less confidence. That yet, it was a fas­ cinating subject because the problem of aerial navigation had been "hitherto associated with failure" and its students "as eccentric - to speak plainly - as 'cranks' ." Yet he felt that in the last half century the elements of success had accumulated to the point where it was "now reasonable to meet together to discuss principles and exchange ideas and knowledge." Chanute did not want presentations of new projects but state­ ments of general principles, the results of experiments and the sharing of knowledge. He thought that "Success, when it comes, is likely to be reached through a process of gradual evolution and improvement. Among the wide variety of papers given at the meeting were those of Dr. Zahm on "Stability of Aeroplanes and Flying Machines," Langley on "The In­ ternal Work of the Wind ," and Hargrave on "Flying Machine Motors and Cellular Kites." Dr. Albert Zahm Dr. Zahm presented two papers, one on atmospheric gusts and one on stabil­ ity. Zahm's interest was in aerodynam­ ics. As an undergraduate of Notre Dame he built a number of model air­ planes and while in graduate school he decided to devote his energies to an investigation of aerodynamics. He de­ signed and built a wind tunnel. Zahm in discussing the problem of stability stated that the problem is to de­ vise an aeroplane which will "Automati­ cally head into the wind , ...when dis­ placed ... promptly recover its equilib­ rium ; . ..(and) maintain a prescribed course during flight. " He divided stability into three types : 1) traverse stability, 2)

stability about a vertical axis, and 3) lon­ gitudinal stability, and gave suggestions as to how to obtain automatic stability. He visualized a machine with two com­ pound aeroplanes (wings) on a long backbone in the manner of a Hargrave kite with an added compound rudder. This is somewhat similar to the layout of the Wright Flyer. Samuel Langley Langley, like Chanute, was a civil en­ gineer whose interest had turned to aeronautics. In 1887 he had been ap­ pointed as Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. His paper presented his theory of soaring flight based on bird observations and wind measurements. He reasoned that since soaring birds seem able to maintain themselves inde­ finitely without the flapping of their wings that the energy required must come from the wind. He then measured the forces of wind and noticed the great fluctuation of force and velocity and believed that these gusts explained the birds' ability to soar. He felt that this movement of the wind could be made a power in ae­ rial navigation and that power in the fly­ ing machine would only be needed to sustain flight in "exceptional moments of calm ." Lawrence Hargrave Lawrence Hargrave of Sydney, Au­ stralia gave a report on his experiments with kites and model airplanes. He pro­ duced the first practical flapping wing monoplane model in 1890 and had flown over 17 model airplanes both fixed and flapping winged. He had also produced a compressed air radial en­ gine to power his models. By 1893 he had abandoned his model airplanes for research with kites and became the father of the box kite. His tandem box gliders with cambered wings produced a great deal of lift and some of the first European aircraft used that format. It is thanks to the efforts and interest of people of the quality of Chanute and Zahm that leadership in aeronatucial development was transferred from Europe to the United States at the end of the 19th century. Certainly the con­ siderable amount of information relating to flight that was made available by the conference makes this book one of the classics on early American Aeronau­ tics. The copy of the Chicago Proceed­ ings examined is from the Goss History of Engineering Library of Purdue Uni­ versity . • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 5

JUNE, 1982 - Two weeks before the hail storms came, the Luscombe stands proudly.



Story and Photos by James B. Zazas (EAA 150698, AlC 5416) Rt. 3, Box 389 Carthage , NC 28327

JUNE, 1982 -

The sturdy Luscombe wings receive a new cover of Stits Polyfiber.


Restoration . A simple word , but one that can evoke the dreams of a prestigi­ ous trophy at Oshkosh . . . or strike ter­ ror into the hearts and souls of pilots and mechanics alike. For me, restora­ tion meant a "simple" facelift, a chance to fly another 40 years with my peers. Little did I know the extent of the facelift I would endure or of the joys and frust­ rations I would share with my owner, Jim Zazas of Carthage, North Carolina. Before any restoration can take place, there has to be an original begin­ ning, a birth so-to-speak. I started my life in Texas like many of my fellow, post-World War" Luscombe 8As. My monocoque dural fuselage was made of shiny, 17ST aluminum. While A. Edgar Mitchell and his team of en­ gineers struggled to design an all-metal

JULY, 1982 its magic.

The Luscombe is stripped of all paint. Martin-Senour Paint Blitz works

wing, I was given the standard, silver­ doped wing. The dark blue stripes on my mirror-like sides highlighted my sporty, sexy appearance. On January 17, 1946, as factory se­ rial number 2031, CAA registered NC45504, I rolled out df the Dallas plant and joined the dual row of new Lus­ combes awaiting initial test flights. Four days later, it was my turn to fly above Garland. Factory test-pilot Harold Burns showed me how to stall, swoop and soar. On January 27th, I winged east to­ ward my new home in Charlotte, North Carolina. Surprisingly, I have never been based outside the boundaries of the Tarheel State after almost 40 years of constant flying with 12 different own­ ers! Any lovingly cared for antique/classic airplane can tell you its history like a book. I am no different. I endured the common cosmetic changes to my air­ frame and engine to satisfy my owners' personal tastes. These changes were the usual add an antenna here, do a modifiction there, or "what will be my paint scheme for 1968?" type silliness - all of which comes off in any worth­ while restoration. I soon realized Jim had big plans for me when he bought me in May, 1980. Minor items would be completed first. More important items would follow shortly. Total restoration was scheduled for 1985. Slowly, thoughtfully, Jim started my initial restoration . At first, it was the usual cosmetic touch-ups. In March, 1981 my cast aluminum vertical and horizontal components were replaced with the superior Univair steel parts. Likewise, all my previously applied

black trim was repainted . Tight finances and lack of much free time held Jim back from doing more. June 1982 came and left leaving me with a violent injury to my wings; they were severly hail-damaged. Jim and his lovely wife, Karen, were dumbstruck. No longer could I perform my primary job of providing safe and efficient flying fun. My wings were removed for the start of a simple recover. I was heartbroken. While the wings came off, Jim made a most important decision - total resto­ ration . Nothing would be spared, noth­

ing would be left untouched. For the next 21 months, we labored, tinkered, tailored, cried and persevered. In a nut­ shell, I was recovered, repainted and rebuilt. From June 1982 to March 1984, I was the object of much "labor of love". My wings were recovered in Stits and ten coats of silver dope were applied. The instrument panel was removed and re­ stored to original layout. Original Lus­ combe instruments were located, over­ hauled and installed. (Thank you, Jon Aldrich , for the bubble-face compass.) All upholstery, including the canvas baggage compartment, was removed and recovered. All cockpit glass (plas­ tic) was removed. The fuselage was stripped of any paint and steam cleaned. A new, Univair bottom cowling replaced my original one. (Poor Jim and his mechanics had a devil-of-a-time with this particular piece.) New stainless steel screws and AN bolts replaced cor­ roded hardware. In turn, my landing gear oleo shock was serviced, tires were replaced and new gear fairings were installed. Jim pondered whether or not to keep my simple electrical system. He feared the FAA/ATC system 20 years hence would require some sort of rudimentary electrical system for all antique/classic aircraft. Thus, he chose to keep my not­ so-original wind-driven generator and electrical system intact. After all the wir­ ing was replaced, the Hobbs, ammeter and switches were relocated in the left­ hand glove compartment behind its re­ spective door. In regard to my engine, Jim decided only cosmetic changes were neces­ sary. My Continental built A-65-8 "heart" had 1000 hours of reliable use

AUGUST, 1982 - Jim Zazas steam cleans thoroughly all metal surfaces before spraying the fuselage with Randolph Rand-O-Plate primer. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7

APRIL, 1983 - With all rib stitching, doping and painting completed during the winter months, Scotty Rogers carefully masks off the twenty-four inch wing, NC registration numbers.

before any scheduled overhaul was due. The engine was carefully removed . All old hoses and clamps were removed and thrown away. The crankcase was painted gold while the cylinders re­ ceived two coats of semi-g loss black paint. A new, shielded ignition harness was installed . The squarehead , Bendix Scintilla magnetos were overhauled. A new, Wag-Aero crossover exhaust was fitted . As these cosmetic changes were completed , new hoses, clamps and fit­ tings were used. My firewall was cleaned of any paint, corrosion and dirt. Rand-O-Plate primer was sprayed shortly after the cleaning . DuPont Imron silver was applied to give my firewall a bright, metallic look. Until the summer of 1983, I was scat­

tered helter-skelter around a hangar floor and Karen 's dining room table. Jim wanted dearly to restore me to my original polished aluminum with blue trim , but previous owners had etched me beyond any help. With Karen 's ad­ vice , he opted for a "flashy" paint scheme. Once again, Rand-O-Plate primer was used to preserve me. Ran­ dolph Dallas Yellow polyurethane was sprayed to protect me. Finally, using drawings from original factory etchings as guides, black DuPont Imron was added for trim to offset my overall bright yellow. Items removed previously were in­ stalled. The instrument panel was re-ri­ veted in place. All new "glass" was in­ stalled ; only the factory original

FEBRUARY, 1984 - A freshly overhauled Continental A-65-8 engine awaits installation on the Luscombe. 8 SEPTEMBER 1985

The overhauled-to-original instrument panel with overhauled instruments is in­ stalled. All refurbished upholstery is added, too.

windshield was used again. The up­ holstery was added shortly afterwards. To cap this dedicated labor, my now yellow wings were mated to my fuse­ lage. Wow! I was getting somewhere. I was anxious and ready for a test flight. On August 21, 1983, Jim guided me cautiously into the lovely, very familiar blue skies over North Carolina. Very quickly, elation became concern and, in turn, outright worry. I had a definite feel­ ing of heartburn and felt nauseous. All I could show Jim was a rapidly rising oil temperature indication with oil pressure dropping just as quickly. Wisely, he shut down my engine. A skillfull, deadstick landing on the runway ended this first test flight. Investigation revealed my engine bearings were shot and the crankshaft destroyed. Further investigation re­ vealed my "heart" had been operated previously with no "blood" or "blood pressure" sometime during Jim's ab­ sence. Very sadly, my damaged engine was removed once again and dismantled . Mr. Joe Hurdle of Mebane, North Caro­ lina, a master at rebuilding low horse­ power Continental and Lycoming en­ gines, overhauled my "heart" to good­ as-new, 1946 specifications. He even added the EAA auto fuel STC. In Feb­ ruary, 1984, the overhaul was complete and my engine installed shortly thereaf­ ter. The February skies cleared . Once again Jim and I went aloft into the Carolina Blue skies. Everything worked in perfect harmony. We did two loops just to celebrate, much to the shock of those on the ground . On March 21 , 1984, with a toast of

MAY, 1984 -

Jim and Karen Zazas show proudly their Luscombe 8A and Antique/ Classic Chapter 3 Spring Fly-In trophy.

champagne, Jim and Karen attached a small plaque to the inside of my right hand glove compartment door. It says the following : Restored

June 1982 to March 1984


Jim and Karen Zazas

and our friends at

1-95 South Airport

Fayetteville, NC

Engine overhauled by

Joe Hurdle, Mebane, NC

During the course of my total restora­ tion, Jim developed, as his wife once said, "a close and curious relationship with Mr. Wag-Aero, Mr. Univair, Mr. Great Lakes Instrument Service and their Mercury on wheels , Mr. UPS." To be truthful , I already knew Jim had a close relationship with John Bergeson of the Luscombe Association , Loren Bump of the Continental Luscombe As­ sociation, the EAA and many other fine people and organizations. Oh, how I wish I was a human being so I could meet these fine folks and enjoy their camaraderie . Jim's patience and perseverence paid handsome dividends in May 1984. During EAA Antique/Classic Chapter Three's Spring Fly-In, he was awarded the Custom Classic Trophy. Upon re­ ceiving this prestigious award, he let it be known "behind every good restora­ tion is a good wife!" The pride we shared that night culminated the efforts of many. Restoration. Such a simple word, but its implications can be very complex and rewarding . To my fellow Lus­ combes, I sincerely hope your owners

show as much care during your restora­ tion as my owner did during mine. To all restored airplanes and restorations to be, I wish you health and happiness. To my human pilots and friends, fly "us" safely, always. Author's note : There are two Lus­ combe clubs/associations available to interested Luscombe enthusiasts. Membership is open to anyone. For more information, contact the Lus­ combe Association , 6438 West Millbrook Road , Remus, MI 49340 or the Continental Luscombe Association , 5736 Esmar Road, Ceres, CA 95307. Both associations have $10.00 per year dues and both associations publish a very informative semi-monthly newslet­ ter . •

1985 -

A native of Indiana, James grew up in the rich, aviation atmosphere of the Midwest. He earned his initial power and glider licenses while atending De­ Pauw University. Commissioned through ROTC , he served his country for six years as an Air Force C-130 Her­ cules pilot based at Pope AFB, North Carolina. Today, he is a pilot for Pied­ mont Airlines and with his wife, Karen, participates actively in the various sport aviation activities of the Southeast. James is presently writing a com­ prehensive history of Luscombe - the airplanes, the people and the Company. The Zaza's Luscombe 8A is their "es­ cape machine".

NC455504 enjoys a few rays of warm sunshine under a Carolina Blue sky.


Contemplating the job at hand are (L-R) Ron Fritz, Mel Lugten, John Emery, Willard and Donna Benedict.

Story and Photos by Mrs. Willard (Donna) Benedict (EAA 6786, NC 294) 129 Cedar Street Wayland, MI 49348 What has four legs, is orange and white, is 62 feet tall and used to go blink, blink, blink? Give up? It's an airways beacon left over from the '30s and '40s and still standing. At the February 21 , 1981 meeting of West Michigan Chapter 8 of the EAA Antique/Classic Division, president Phil Coulson of Lawton asked the members if they were interested in acquiring an airways beacon for the purpose of dis­ mantling it and donating it to the EAA Museum. Meeting with an enthusiastic affirmative, he set out to locate the pre­ sent owner to get permission. Phil, a surveyor with Gove Associates, Inc. of Kalamazoo , Michigan, had located the beacon through his transit while survey­ ing a nearby piece of property about three or fours years previously. Upon locating the owner, Mr. John Emery of Galesburg , Michigan , he learned that 10 SEPTEMBER 1985

Emery, a veteran of WW II, had been offered a substantial sum for the tower by a neighbor to be used as an antenna. But after thinking about it for a couple of months, and after learning that very few, if any, still exist, Emery decided that it would be a good idea to attempt to preserve the beacon.

A LITTLE HISTORY The original purpose of the airways system was for the airmail pilots and it was sponsored by the United States Post Office. In early 1921 the Post Of­ fice in an effort to revive the airmail's drooping reputation decided to make continuous day and night flights across the country. Townsfolk along the way had agreed to light bonfires to help mark the route. Post Office officials hoped that the coast-to-coast flights could be made in fewer than 36 hours. On February 22, 1921 , two DeHavil­ lands left Hazelhurst Field, New York, at 6:00 a.m. ; about 1-1 /2 hours later two more DeHaviliands left San Francisco headed east. Later that day Jack Knight, who earl ier had flown his regular route of Omaha to Cheyenne and then

dead-headed back to North Platte, had drawn the first section night flight to Omaha. When Knight arrived in Omaha he found that his relief pilot was weath­ ered in at Chicago so Knight flew on from Omaha to Chicago landing there at 8:40 a. m., February 23 becoming the nation's first airmail pilot to complete an all night flight. In the spring of 1922 Congressman Martin B. Madden of Illinois asked en­ gineer Joseph V. Magee to study the problem of regular night flights. Working diligently for more than a year Magee came up with a plan calling for a system of beacons and emergency landing fields. Terminals would have 36" revolv­ ing lights on 50' towers that would sweep the horizon three times a minute with a beam visible for 100 miles in clear weather. At each of the emergency fields, which were roughly 75 miles apart, there would be an 18" beacon on top of a 50' tower which could be seen 60 to 70 miles on clear nights. The first experimental, lighted airway in the United Staes was laid down be­ tween Dayton and Columbus, Ohio. Army engineers and Army pilots col­

laborated in working out proper beacons and marker lights. After the Army had demonstrated what could be done over lighted airways, the Post Of­ fice undertook to light the section of trans-continental route between Cheyenne and Chicago, a job which was completed in the summer of 1923. Test runs were made that summer, but it was not until the following year, July 1, 1924, that regular night service was established. In another year the Chicago-New York route was lighted, and by the end of 1926 the line of airway beacons ex­ tended from coast to coast. During the following ten years , airway lighting was put in as fast as funds would permit. By 1939 every established air route in the United States was equipped for night and day flying . Total lighted airway mileage was 29,199 miles. Over 2,200 beacons were installed. In 1940 it was estimated that over $15,000,000 would be spent on lighted airways upkeep and operation. After World War II modern radio and instrument flying aids spelled the doom of the old lighted airways.

ropes at the bottom with all feet firmly planted on terra firma. Many pilots have a fear of heights and Ron and Willy are no exception. Several hours later the 24" beacon was safely lowerd to the ground along with the motor and one of the course marker lights. The danger of breaking the glass was a problem that had been previously eliminated by vandals and their .22 caliber rifles ; one bullet of a much higher velocity penetrated the cast aluminum casing and passed through the 1/4" thick glass. The mechanical workings of the beacon, which was made by General Electric,

AlC CHAPTER 8 GETS INTO THE PICTURE So, at 11 :00 a.m. on Saturday, Feb­ ruary 28, 1981, a typical cold , wind­ swept Michigan winter day, following two weeks of warm, beautiful weather, five hardy souls and their mascot showed up for the dismantling. Now, you understand, wh'en Phil had men­ tioned this to the Chapter 8 members, the question was raised , "How tall is this thing , Phil?,,; the answer given (from this surveyor) was , "Only about 35 or 40 feet". The first thing noted by all on that February 28 was that it was not 35 feet tall but considerably taller. Fortu­ nately, it was located in a plowed man­ ure-filled field with the possibility of faI­ ling three ways without danger to the farmer's fences . This beacon was between Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, Michigan and was apparently part of the chain of beacons on the Detroit to Chicago airway used by the Ford Motor Company's airmail flights as early as 1926. Mel Lugten of Hamilton showed up with his boom truck and proceeded to evaluate the situation, being primarily interested in which neighbor's tree he should place a chain around, without in­ curring the wrath of said neighbor. Oh well, there wasn't a tree placed conve­ niently anyway. In the meantime, Gary VanFarowe of Holland, Michigan, the youngest member of the ''team'', shin­ nied up the ladder to the top and started disassembling the beacon with the help of Phil Coulson. It is interesting to note that neither Willard Benedict of Wayland nor Ron Fritz, EAA Antique/Classic Division Secretary of Kent City, volunteered to climb to the top, but were ready with the

John Emery of Galesburg, MI who do­ nated the tower to the EAA Aviation Museum.

appeared in excellent condition. Mer­ cury switches operated by a cam to control the encoding of the course lights in dots and dashes identified the loca­

tion of each beacon to the pilots. This particular beacon was at a half way point between Kalamazoo airport and Battle Creek airport. With all the "breakables" safely tucked away in the back of the truck and after a cup of lukewarm but much appreciated coffee , the time for the big task had arrived. After torching off two legs of the tower and cutting through part of the other two, it was time to position the "cushion" (nothing fancier than a couple of rolls of old, rolled up fencing) and, sure enough, the cushion had been placed inaccurately. The tower WAS taller than the estimated 40 feet. With the bridle in place and hooked up to the boom truck, all was in readiness. Willard Benedict'S wife, Donna, who has a more than average wife's interest in airplanes, came along as mascot, maker of the coffee and official photo­ grapher. Being proficient at nothing more complicated than an Instamatic, she was using Phil's 35 mm Kodak Camera with all the fancy gadgets, hop­ ing to get the "picture of the year" award, one of those action shots that show, for example, a tower breaking in half at the midway point where it wasn't supposed to. She was ready for the ac­ tion. With Mel in the truck operating the winch and Gary, Ron , Willy and Phil giv­ ing a tug on the rope, the tower started on its way down. What a magnificent sight! It came down so slow and easy, just like we'd been a professional tower wrecking crew and had planned it like we knew what we were doing. A spon­ taneous shout of approval went up from all when we realized that we hadn 't in­ curred any damage to the cage or the tower. Following another cup of coffee (it should have been champagne) , the task of dismantling the tower took place.

Securing the bridle to the boom truck are (counterclockwise from upper right) Phil Coulson, Gary Van Farowe, Ron Fritz, Willard Benedict and Mel Lugten. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11

It's a long way to the top.

Another four hours later and the tower was in three pieces and loaded on the trailer. Because the trailer did not have lights, the boys worked frantically to get it loaded and trailered to John Bosker's Airport at Mattawan, Michigan before the sun went down . They were ready for plenty of beer and pizza. Mr. Bob Litner, president of Brooks Aero, Inc. of Marshall, Michigan do­ nated replacement course lights. How­ ard Sprunger donated the old beacon from the Three Rivers Airport.

After standing for about 50 years, the tower is about to come down.

Gary VanFarowe and Jack Elenbaas of Holland took charge of the beacon and course lights. About the time everyone was working up a good sweat


Saturday,May 1, 1982, broke bright and clear with the beacon project await­ ing action. The first to arrive overhead was Bob Harris in his trusty 1942 Taylorcraft L-2 with French markings. As Bob touched down Warren and Millie Schuhknecht drove in the driveway at the Mattawan airport. After a quick cup of coffee, members of Chapter 8 set about the task of cleaning and sorting parts of the tower. Soon other members were driving in or flying . Among those who flew were Steve and Karlene Johnson and family from Smyrna, Mel Lugten of Hamilton and Jim Jensen of Hastings (now deceased). 12 SEPTEMBER 1985

On the way down. The tower incurred no damage during this operation.

and a good appetite, Willard and Donna Benedict arrived with about three gal­ lons of homemade chili which was "Some Good!", as they say out east. Then back to the project. Ron and Shirley Fritz of Kent City and their chil­ dren Ronnie and Heather scraped paint. Cliff Bitting of Grand Rapids scraped paint; Ruth Coulson scraped paint. Finally it was ready for the final white and orange colors. Everybody ended up with orange and white "measles" all over their shoes, arms, legs, clothes , etc. What a great feeling it was when the paint ran out! But someone had the dumb idea of running into town and buy­ ing more Case tractor orange paint. By the time that paint was gone, there was no more tower to cover. Then the gang retired to the Coulson's at Lawton , Michigan for a well-deserved cook-out. In November of 1982, Phil Coulson and Gary VanFarowe delivered the tower to the EAA campSite area at Osh­ kosh. The following spring the tower was reassembled by the EAA Museum Staff where it continues to greet the members of Chapter 8 as well as all other EAA members who camp at the Convention.•

Reader Fran Wallace sent this photo of States NC10719 painted in Burgess Battery colors. The Burgess factory was in nearby Freeport, IL.

by George A. Hardie, Jr. Here's a snappy little biplane from the Golden Age era that is a rare one. The engine appears to be an Anzani but that's open to question. Note the cat in­ signia on the side of the fuselage . Not much else is known about this neat little job. The photo was submitted by R. K. Armstrong of Rawlings, MD. Answers will be published in the December, 1985 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE Deadline for that issue is October 10, 1985. The Mystery Plane featured in the June 1985 issue was no mystery to many of our readers . Retired Pan Am Captain Fran Wallace (EAA 35172, NC 309), P. O. Box 822, Stony Brook, NY 11790 wrote : ". . . it is a States S.E.5F, powered with a Kinner K-5 engine. My father, Lloyd Wallace and his flying partner, Jack Neely of Freeport, Illinois bought a States NC10719 from Ed Brazelton (I think) at the old Elmhurst Airport, El­ mhurst, IL. Dad and I flew Dr. Snyder's (of Freeport) Waco QDC to Elmhurst 2/ 21 /33 for a demonstration, and they

"The States was an excellent airplane, good short field capability, very stable and a very easy airplane to land. Note the big Airwheels and the looong oleos - it was almost impossible to bounce! It was not an acrobatic airplane, but it did nice loops, soft snap-rolls, and good hammer-head stalls spectacular when done close to the ground. (I quit the hammer-heads - another story.)" Correct answers also were received from Doug Rounds, Zebulon , GA; Jim Barton , Oshkosh, WI; George W. Mojonnier, Snohomish, WA ; Mike Re­ zich , Chicago, IL; M.H. Eisenmann, Garrettsville, OH ; Bob Wh ittier, Dux­ bury, MA; Norman S. Orloff, San An­ tonio, TX ; LeRoy Falk, Carpentersville, IL; Charley Hayes, Park Forest, IL; J. Max Freeman, Wilkesboro , NC; Stan Piteau , Holland, MI; and Ted Businger, Willow Springs, MO. It is interesting to note that many re­ spondents give credit to Joseph Jupt­ ner's U.S. Civil Aircraft series as the source of identification and additional data on the Mystery Planes. And re­ garding the States, several included copies of magazine ads for the plane as well as photos such as the one sent by Fran Wallace of the States painted in the Burgess Battery colors .•

took delivery 3/15/33. "The States contributed a great deal to my 'learning ' to become a pilot - I flew it more than 200 hours before I went to work for United Air Lines. It was sold in St. Louis 10/5/36. I should add that Dad taught me to fly and monitored my flying education until airline time.

Letters To Editor

Dear Gene, Please add my name to the list con­ gratulating Ted Businger for the great job he did writing the Ed Morrow Story in the June and July 1985 issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. So far I've read it twice and plan on reading it a few more times to make sure I didn't miss anything. Talk about being born twenty years too late! What a fantastic thing it must have been to work with the great people Ted wrote about . .. and to think all

those projects happened without the aid of computers! To me they were the true aviation enthusiasts ; those who could take a good, careful look at a heap of tubing , some wire, wood and an engine, put it all together and make it fly. Please, more stories like this one! Sincerely, Dale Glossenger (EAA 189173) 70185 Beach Drive Edwardsburg, MI 49112 VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13


Photo courtesy 01 Joseph Barry

The Fuller-Hammond FH-1, NX14917, SI N 141, on display in a small park in California. ,circa 1935.

"SUPER TWIN" by Phil Michmerhuizen (EAA 33782, AlC 581) 186 Sunset Drive Holland , MI 49423 (Photos courtesy of author, except as noted) It was after a talk and discussion on the history, development and produc­ tion of Szekely engines and the "Flying Dutchman" aircraft at our local EAA Chaper meeting that Ron Fritz came to me and said he heard the remains of the Fuller-Hammond "Skylark" were in Ohio. He gave me the names and phone numbers of two men to contact. This was in December of 1980. "No, I don't know anything about it, but call so and so. " And so it went for a week . Finally, "Yes, I do have that airplane and yes , I will sell it." Bill Bre­ wer described what he had and what was missing. There were no engines, engine mounts, gauges, wheels or tires. The condition of the parts ranged from good to fair to hardly there! -14 SEPTEMBER 1985

We agreed on a price and I sent half of the money. Two weeks later my wife , Donna and I were in our pickup with a trailer behind headed for Ohio. The basket case had been accurately described, and as we loaded the rusty parts and bent aluminum I was really very happy, yet could see years of work ahead. Arriving home, we "set the pieces to­ gether" for a few pictures. I really wanted to start the restoration im­ mediately but first had to finish our 1936 Taylor J-2 Cub and Waco UPF-7. Be­ sides, I wanted to have the paperwork straightened out first and research more history on the airplane if possible. After much telephoning and letter writing I located and talked to Mr. E. A. "Bill" Perkins, one of the builders and owners of the airplane. He was also Vice-President of Skycraft Industries, Inc. in Venice, California. "Bill" Perkins told me that two boxes of drawings, pic­ tures, engineering data, and letters were thrown away in 1949!! I was also able to contact Mr. Otis Dutton, an 81-year-old gentleman in

Kansas who was the second owner of the plane but did not actually work on it. He was good enough to sign a bill of sale and have it notorized to help clear up the paper work. I also located and talked with Mr. Handly Jones, a brother-in-law to EA Perkins. He sent two pictures. He had more papers and pictures until he "built a new house and threw them away." In tracing the N number I found it was assigned to a Bell 47G helicopter in Florida being used on mosquito control. The helicopter was destroyed in a crash several years ago and the N number was open. Needless to say I quickly re­ served it. According to the information I have, the airplane was designed by Wilbur A. Hammond and George B. Fuller. Con­ struction started in 1934 at the corner of Englewood Boulevard and Imperial Avenue in Venice , California. Mr. Ed Lund, later a pilot for Howard Hughes, Mr. AI Nicely and Mr. E. A. Per­ kins all "moonlighted" to build the air­ craft. Their regular jobs were at Timm Aircraft Company.

The FH-1 was a two-place, side-by-side, light twin.

Papers I receved from the FAA in Ok­ lahoma City indicated the Dept. of Com­ merce, Aeronautical Branch, approved the Operation Inspection report dated £--20-35. The airplane was test flown at Dycer Airport in Los Angeles by John M. "Slim" Menefee. I believe it was also flown by George C. Adams, a pilot for Lockheed. The airplane was licensed "experi­ mental". According to EA Perkins, it flew about every weekend, amassing from 50 to 75 hours until December, 1935 when the application expired . The tail skid shows quite a bit of wear. Is that good or bad? Who can check me out in a tail-skid equipped twin? The company, Skycraft Industries,

Inc., 350 Washington Blvd., Venice, California could not pay E. A. Perkins for his work on the airplane so they gave it to him. The two Szekely engines and mounts were removed; the airplane dis­ assembled, crated and put on a train for Kansas. Handly Jones in Turon, Kansas put the airplane in his barn , then later, out­ side under a tree. Otis Dutton pur­ chased the plane in the mid-fifties, but did no work on it. Bill Hogan and Bob Henkel brought the airplane to Ohio - again , no resto­ ration was started. Bill Brewer was the next owner and now the remains of the Fuller-Hammond FH-1 "Super Twin" are resting in Michigan.

April 9, 1984 was a day to remember - the aircraft registration card arrived , bearing the correct name, original N number and correct serial number. My thanks to the FAA personnel in Ok­ lahoma City for their cooperation. Before I fill my basement shop full of Fuller-Hammond pieces I plan to re­ store a 1935 Taylor E-2 Cub with a "Zeke" on the front. That should only take a couple of years?? In the meantime, my good friend Bob Curtis, a semi-retired aero-space en­ gineer, is lofting the ribs and making drawings for the Fuller-Hammond wings. This is no small job in itself. The ailerons and flaps on the Fuller­ Hammond are built up with 1/4" tubing and as I am not a welder, my good friend Mike Brown, who recently com­ pleted his Acro II, has agreed to do some work (build new ones?) for me. The fellows around here have been chiding me to start the project - that is, if I want to fly that airplane before my eyesight and hearing fail and before they have to push my wheelchair up to the wing. If any readers can supply information or pictures of this airplane, I certainly would appreciate being contacted .

Specifications, Monoplane


Top speed . . ..... . .. 117 mph. Cruising speed. . . . . .. 100 mph. Landing speed. . . . . . .. 40 mph. Climb ............... 800 fpm. Weight empty . . . . . . . .. 927 Ibs. Gross weight ........ 1,550 Ibs. Span . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 ft. 6 in. Length ..... . ....... 20 ft. 6 in. Wing area . . . . . . . . . . . 142 sq. ft. Power loading .,. 17 Ibs. per hp.

(Continued on Page 21)

Equipped with two motors, thi tiny, two -passenger plane, recently te ted, re embles a large tran s~Ort

The FH-1 was powered with two 45 hp Szekely engines. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 15

,I ~ype ClubActivities

Aeronca Aviator's Club 足 A Division of Pea Patch Airlines Julie & Joe Dickey 511 Terrace Lake Road Columbus, IN 47201

Remus, MI 49340 517/561-2393

Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $10 - U.S. & Canada $15 - Foreign


Newsletter: 4 times a year AAC 4 times a year PPA Dues: $12 annually AAC $12 annually PPA Aeronca Club Augie and Pat Wegner 1432 28th Court Kenosha, WI 53140 414/552-9014

Newsletter: 3-4 per year Dues: $3.00 per year. Aeronca Lover's Club Buzz Wagner Box 3, 401 1st Street East Clark, SO 57225 605/532-3862

Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $15 per year Aeronca Sedan Club Richard Welsh 2311 East Lake Sammamish PI., S.E. Issaquah, WA 98027 Newsletter: 3 per year Dues : $3.50 per year Air Force Historical Foundation Col. Louis H. Cummings, USAF (Ret.) Bldg. 1413, Room 120 Andrews Air Force Base, MD 20331 301 /981-4728

Newsletter: Aerospace Historian Dues: Individual Membership - $25

Cessna Airmaster Club Gar Williams 9 South 135th Aero Drive Naperville, IL 60565 Newsletter: None Dues: None Cessna Pilots Association John Frank, Executive Director Mid-Continent Airport P.O. Box 12948 Wichita, KS 67277 316/946-4777

Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $20 annually International Cessna 120/140 Association Dorchen Forman Box 92 Richardson , TX 75080 817/497-4757

Newsletter: Monthly

Dues: $10.00 per year U.S.

Cessna 150/152 Club

Skip Carden , Executive Director

P.O. Box 15388 Durham, NC 27704 919/471-9492

Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $15 per year

American Air Racing Society Rudy Profant 4060 W. 158th Street Cleveland, OH 44135 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 per year

International Cessna 170 Association, Inc. Velvet Fackeldey, Executive Secretary P.O. Box 186 Hartville, MO 65667 Newsletter: Flypaper (11 per year) The 170 News (Quarterly) Dues : $15 per year

Bird Airplane Club Jeannie Hill P. O. Box 328 Harvard, IL 60033 81 5/943-7205 Newsletters: 2-3 annually Dues: Postage Donation

International Cessna 180/185 Club, Inc. (180/185 owners only) Charles Bombardier, President 4539 N. 49th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85031 Newsletter: 9 or 10 per year Dues : $10 per year

American Bonanza Society Cliff R. Sones, Administrator Mid Continent Airport P.O. Box 12888 Wichita, KS 67277 316/945-6913

Newsletters: Monthly Dues: $25 per year (U.S. & Canada)1 $45 per year (Foreign) Bucker Club John Bergeson, SecretarylTreasurer 6438 W. Millbrook Road 16 SEPTEMBER 1985

Eastern 190/195 Association (Cessna) Cliff Crabs, President 25575 Butternut Ridge Road North Olmsted, OH 44070 216/777 -4025 or 216/777 -9500, ext. 2780 Newsletters: Irregular Dues: $10.00 per year International 195 Club (Cessna) Dwight M. Ewing, President

P.O. Box 737 Merced, CA 95341 209/722-6283

Newsletter: 4 per year Dues: $20 per year U. S. & Canada $30 per year foreign Cub Club John B. Bergeson, Co-Chairperson P.O. Box 2002 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 517/561-2393

Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $10 - U.S. & Canada per year $15 - Foreign per year Culver Club Larry Low, Chairman 60 Skywood Way Woodside, CA 94062 41 5/851 -0204

Newsletter: None - inquiries addres足 sed on individual basis Dues: None Dart Club Lloyd Washburn 3958 Washburn Drive Pt. Clinton, OH 43452 Newsletter: Now and Then Dues: None DeHaviliand Moth Club Gerry Schwam, Chairman 1021 Serpentine Lane Wyncote, PA 19095 215/635-7000 or 215/886-8283 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 - US & Canada $12 - Overseas De Havilland Moth Club of Canada R. de Havilland Ted Leonard, Founder & Director 305 Old Homestead Road Keswick, Ontario Canada L4P 1E6 416/476-4225

Newsletter: Periodically Dues: $15 annually Ercoupe Owners Club Skip Carden, Executive Director Box 15058 Durham, NC 27704 919/471-9492

Newsletters : Monthly, with special edi足 tions Dues: $15 per year Funk Aircraft Owners Association G. Dale Beach, Editor 1621 Dreher St. Sacramento, CA 95814 916/443-7604

Newsletter: The Funk Flyer, 10 issues per year Dues: $12.00 per year Heath Parasol Club Bill Schlapman

6431 Paulson Road Winneconne, WI 54986 414/582-4454 Newsletter: Annually Dues: Postage Donation

International Flying Farmers Kris Frank, Executive Director 2120 Airport Road P.O. Box 9124 Mid-Continent Airport Wichita, KS 67277 316/943-4234 Newsletter: 10 per year Dues: $35.00 - U.S.

Little Round Engine Flyer Ken Williams, Chairman 331 East Franklin Street Portage, WI 53901 Contact Williams for further information

Continental Luscombe Association Loren Bump, President 5736 Esmar Road Ceres, CA 95307 209/537-9934 Newsletters: Bi-monthly (6 per year) Dues: $10 - USA - $12.50 Canada 足 $15 overseas

Luscombe Association John B. Bergeson 6438 W. Millbrook Road Remus, MI 49340 517/561-2393 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $10 per year - U.S. & Canada $15 per year - Foreign

Meyers Aircraft Owners Association Jacqueline Merrihew, Secretary 199 S. Washington Street Sonora, CA 95370 209/532-2826 Newsletter: 4-5 per year Dues: Postage contributions

Mustang International Paul Coggan , President 19 Esmonde Gardens Bishopmill, Elgin Moray IV30 2LB Scotland Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: 10 pounds per year (USA)

American Navion Society A. R. Cardano, Chairman of the Board Betty Ladehoff, Executive Secretary Municipal Airport, Box 1175 Banning, CA 92220 714/849-2213 Newsletter: Navioneers (Monthly) Dues: $25 per year

OX-5 Aviation Pioneers Oliver V. Phillips, National Secretary 10405 W. 32 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303/233-5905 Newsletter: 6 issues per year Dues: $10.00 per year

Porterfield Airplane Club Chuck Lebrecht 3121 E. Lake Shore Drive Wonder Lake, IL 60097

823 Kingston Lane Crystal Lake , IL 60014 815/459-6893 Newsletter: 4-6 per year Dues: $10 per year

815/653-9661 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $5.00 per year

National Ryan Club Bill J. Hodges, Chairman 811 Lydia Stephenville, TX 76401 817/968-4818 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues : $10 per year

National Stinson Club

Rearwin and Commonwealth Flyers Gary Van Farowe 1460 Ottawa Beach Road Holland, MI 49423 616/399-4623 Newsletter: None Dues: None (Tech info and help only)

Jonsey Paul 14418 Skinner Road Cypress, TX 77429 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $7.50

Northwest Stinson Club

Replica Fighters Association Frank G. Weatherly 2789 Mohawk Lane Rochester, MI 48063 313/651-7008 Newsletter: Bi-monthly Dues: $10

W. S. Wallin 29804 179th Place S.E. Kent, WA 98042 206/631-9644 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: Local - $10.00; National - $7.50 (total $17.50)

Southwest Stinson Club

Seaplane Pilots Association Mary F. Silitch, Executive Director 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 301 /695-2083 Newsletter: Water Flying (Quarterly) Water Flying Annual SPA Seaplane Landing Directory ($6.00) Dues: $25 per year

Carroll J. Poe, President 177 Chateau La Salle Drive San Jose, CA 95111 408/280-0935 Newsletter: 10 per year Dues: $10 per year

Super Cub Pilot's Association Jim Richmond , Founder and Director P. O. Box 9823 Yakima, WA 98909 509/248-9491 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $25 per year U.S., $30 per year Canada, $40 per year Foreign

Short Wing Piper Club, Inc.

International Swift Association

(formerly Tri-Pacer Owners' Club) Larry D. Smith, Membership Chairman Rt. No. 11 , 708 West Annie Drive Muncie, IN 47302 317/289-5487 Newsletter: Bi-monthly - 100 pages Dues: $25 per year

Charlie Nelson P.O. Box 644 Athens, TN 37303

Silver Wing Pathfi nders"



Russ Brinkley, President P. O. Box 11970 Harrisburg , PA 17108 717/232-9525 Newsletter: Slipstream Tabloid News足 paper Dues: $5 per year

Spartan Alumni Association Karla Morrow, Chairman P.O. Box 582833 Tulsa, OK 74158 918/836-6886, ext. 404 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $5.00 per year

Staggerwing Club Jim Gorman, President 1885 Millsboro Road Mansfield, OH 44906 419/529-3822 (home) or 4191755-1011 (office) Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $15.00 per year

Stearman Restorers Association Tom Lowe


Newsletter: The Swift Newsletter Dues: $25.00 per year

Taylorcraft Owners Club Bruce M. Bixler II, President 12809 Greenbower Road Alliance, OH 44601 216/823-9748 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 per year

Vintage Sailplane Association c/o Soaring SOCiety of America P.O. Box 66071 Los Angeles , CA 90066-0071 213/390-4447 Newsletter: The Bungee Cord Dues: not given

National Waco Club Ray Brandly 700 Hill Avenue Hamilton, OH 45015 Newsletter: Every other month Dues: $7.50 per year

World War I Aeroplane L. E. Opdycke 15 Crescent Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 914/473-3679 Newsletter: 5 per year ($4 for sample issue) Dues: Voluntary contributions VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17

14th West Coast

Ryan Reunion The winning five-Ryan formation team. Sixth Ryan was the camera plane piloted by Eric Friedricksen of Wilton, CT.

by Bill J. Hodges (EAA 58954, AlC 49) 811 Lydia Street Stephenville, TX.76401 Twenty-seven beautiful Ryans in the same place at the same time! Shades of WW II contract primary flying training school! Oh, there are some type clubs that have more aircraft in attendance at their functions, but looking at the number of Ryans there against the total built, the West Coast Ryan Reunion is one of the biggest and one of the best! Arranged by the Santa Paula, Califor­ nia Ryaneers and hosted by Patroline, Inc. , this popular low-key event was held at Patroline's Paso Robles facility. Their president, Sherm Smoot, cooper­ ated beautifully with the visiting Ryaneers and Ryaneer Mike Sullivan, Chairman of our event. I arrived at Paso Robles on Thursday afternoon, courtesy of Bill Mette, Campbell, CA, and his PT-22 "Raunchy Bird" (after jetting via airlines from Texas to San Jose the night before) We had stopped at Hollister, California to rendezvous with other North California Ryans, and to meet noted aviation his­ torian William T. Larkins, but were were late, so missed them. Bill Richards, Santa Rosa, CA, was running late also, due to a prop change at the last minute on his "civilianized" PT-21. So, instead of the previous year's 13-ship formation , we had a two­ ship loose formation flight on to Paso Robles ..yhere 10 Ryans were already 18 SEPTEMBER 1985

on the ground, with 15 on the ramp by nightfall. Those present enjoyed a deli­ cious barbecue provided and prepared by local Ryaneer Mike Wing, and a happy hour hosted by Patroline. Friday saw more arrivals, with 27 Ryans on the ramp by nightfall ; 2 SCWs, 1 PT-20, 1 STM-2, 2 PT-21 s, 1 NR-1 , and 20 PT-22s. The morning fea­ tured an air rally where all entrants were timed for a cold-engine start, where the timing is started with the contestant in the cockpit. "They" had to get out and hand prop the engine (safety pilot aboard, however!). Patty Henderson

was the winner, starting Bob Keller's Ranger-powered ST-3 in just 12.8 sec­ onds! Having been assigned to a team pre­ viously, the pilots were handed a packet of directions and check list of the route to fly, just as they were ready to taxi out for take-off. All teams had to land at Leon Herman's International Airstrip before proceeding back to Paso Ro­ bles. The team couldn't leave Leon's until all team members had come to a full stop landing and turned off their en­ gines. Refreshments were ready for them , as were the hot engine start

Bill Allen, La Jolla, CA, is owner/pilot of this immaculate 1940 Ryan STM-S2, C/N 466, N466WA. This Ryan is in its original Dutch East Indies markings.

Ron Chapel and his 1941 Ryan ST-3KR, C/N 1309, N56076. Ron, who lives in Half Moon Bay, CA, has "cleaned up" his Ryan nicely.

Well-known former mid-westerner Brad Larson's 1938 Ryan SC-W, C/N 206, N18912. Brad is now based at Santa Paula, CA.

Don Carter's Ryan STA Special (1940 Ryan PT-20, C/N 352), N14984. Don, a recognized authority on STA's, lives in Lafayette, CA.

judges. Using the same procedures as the cold start contest, Alan Buchner, Fresno, CA, won with a fantastic time of 11 .0 seconds! Winners of the air rally at 1:07 hours was Team C: Alan Buch­ ner, Chris Stimson and Bob Keller. The local "Ninety-Nines", including National Ryan Club members Shirley Moore and Christine Darbonne, served a delicious barbecue sausage lunch . (Thanks, ladies!) National Ryan Club members like Mike and Margaret Wil­ son of Cedar Rapids, IA arrived via "his and hers" motorcycles, by way of Florida, no less. In the meantime, Mike Wing and crew were busily trying to finish up a top over­ haul on his Ryan's Kinner engine. Mike and Reb Stimson were able to fly the U.S. Navy painted PT-22 later in the af­ ternoon . That evening at the Paso Robles Inn, Bill Allen , LaJolla, CA showed video tapes of the '84 Chino Fly-In and the tape just shot that day of the Paso Ro­ bles activities. Some visited the local Polar Freeze before turning in, including Alan Buchner, AI Ball, Dick Burgess, Bill Mette and Bill Hodges. Also during the day John Gokchoff, Santa Paula, CA, master Ryan rebuil­ der and crew had gone around the apron leak checking and calibrating all the Ryan airspeed indicators, and AI Ball (Antique Aero Engines) conducted a Kinner/Ranger engine clinic. (Our special thanks to John and AI.) Those not participating in the air rally had the option of sightseeing and touring some of the local wineries. At 0800 on Saturday we saw the "Dawn Patrol" airborne, Kinners clatter­ ing away, letting Paso Robles officially know the Ryans were back! After proper briefing the formation flying contest got underway, with four teams competing, selected by drawing numbered slips from a hat. After passing over the judges in both diamond and echelon formations, Team no. 1, comprised of Bill Richards , Lee Graybill, Santa Rosa, CA and Jay Hayes,Montara, CA, Ron Chapel , Half Moon Bay, CA and Don Burkett, Downey, CA were declared the winners . John Gokchoff, busy and help­ ful again, conducted a seminar on how to properly rig a PT-22 with most of the Ryaneers attending. (Thanks, John) . Most of the Ryans participated in the Saturday afternoon flying event, which is a combination of short field take off, flour bombing and power off spot land­ ing, and is flown in one flight. Due to the layout of the Archie Dean Memorial Airport, this event can be flown without bothering the normal traffic flow. Rich McDonald , Vacaville, CA took the short field take off honors of 340 feet with his Ryan SCW. Shortest Ryan PT-22 take off was 343 feet by John Richards, Ven­ tura, CA. Spot landing winner was Bob Keller, Carmel, CA, in his Ranger-Ryan . Oh, VINTAGE AIRPLANE 19

Returning from a flight, Brad Larsen gives his Ryan SC-W a wipe-down in the parking area.

Headed home. Jay and Ellen Hayes fly formation on Bill Mette's wing, in their 1942 Ryan PT-22, C/N 1752, N56030. Jim and Ellen are from Montara, CA.

From Vacaville, CA, USAF pilot Rich McDonald's modified 1938 Ryan SC-W, C/N 205, N18911. This Ryan sports a Continental E-185 engine, in addition to the changed landing gear and cabin. 20 SEPTEMBER 1985

yes , two people are required to be on board during the event. The flour bomb­ ing is always interesting , in that two at­ tempts are made, one with a standard "brown bag" flour bomb , and the other, prejudged for originality, prior to the event. Closest to the target was Aleta Pharris/Reb Stimson . The originality bomb went to Lee and Modie Graybill's "wedding bomb" in celebration of their then recent wedding I Congratulations! After the flying activities most everyone retired to the Paso Robles Inn for the "Bob Yates Champagne cork-flying con­ tests ." The only rule for this contest is "Don 't shake the bottle", but it's rarely enforced! John Gormley, Sacramento, CA showed his expertise by outdistanc­ ing the other competitors by a substan­ tial amount. Tired but happy Ryaneers gathered at the local Elks Club for re­ freshments and video tapes of the day's activities (furnished by Bill Allen) , while waiting for the awards banquet to begin. The Saturday night awaras banquet was a huge success, with 131 Ryan en­ thusiasts ; that's almost five people per airplane! Mike Sullivan was an out­ standing master of ceremonies . There was a lot to cover and Mike really kept things rolling . Some things that stand out in my mind , in addition to the regu lar awards, were the awarding of the Ryan solo wings by Bill Richards to 27 Ryaneers (like the 63 last year) , exact replicas of those presented by T. Claude Ryan to his Ryan Schoo l of Aeronautics graduates; then the pre­ sentation of the WW II King City Ryan Instructors, Mickey Muzinich, Neil Fer­ ryman , Barney Cleg , Elmore Brown, Marvin Good and Joe Brown (Wow! What stories they told!) ; and the presen­ tation of the Archie Dean Memorial (fly­ ing training) Scholarship to teenager Barry Bradshaw of Paso Robles by Sherm Smoot; and certainly George Clayton, a Ryaneer from Fairbanks, Alaska, who received the well-deserved "Greatest Hangar Flyer" award. George has quite a background in Alaskan aviation , and given half an op­ portunity he will tell you all about it! He entertained us with a very good har­ monica concert, and told us how he pur­ chased his Ryan PT-22. Briefly, while on a DC-3 heading for Alaska from California, during a stop in Washington state, he observed a PT-22 sitting on the ramp . It needed some minor mainte­ nance so George called the owner and bought the Ryan right then and there . The DC-3 was about to leave, so George got his tool box off and pro­ ceeded to make the Ryan ferryable (oh , yes, this was in the late fall of the year.) It seems George had never flown a Ryan before, but managed with the help of a 5-gallon gas can to make it on in to Fairbanks, experiencing only minor mechanical problems, cold, ice and snow along the way. (Come back, George; we love you!)

Ryaneers gather under "Los Robles" (the oaks) for an outdoor seminar.

Among the 30-plus awards presented during the banquet, the "Best Kinner Powered Ryan" went to Jay Hayes, Montara, CA for his PT-22, N56030. The "Best Non-Kinner-Powered Ryan" and "Greatest Distance Flown" went to Bill Allen , La Jolla, CA for his STM-2, N466WA. The T. Claude Ryan Memo­ rial Award went to Dennis and Susan Lyons, the Air Rally hosts. The National Ryan Club plaque for "Oldest Ryan" went to Rich McDonald's 1938 SCW, N18911, and the National Ryan Club plaque for "Most Distant Ryan" went to Bob Laughlin, La Jolla, CA for his PT­ 22, N53431 . All in all, the Ryan Reunion was quite successful, with a lot of good company and a lot of good, safe fun enjoyed by all. We Ryaneers are looking forward to Ryan Reunion XV. Plans are for a big blowout, with a "max effort'" for as many Ryans as possible to attend. Already we are aware of plans for several "east of the Mississippi" Ryan 's to attend. I can hardly wait to get there! How about you? "Keep the Ryan flyin. " •

THE FULLER·HAMMOND FH·1 "SUPER TWIN" ... (Continued from Page 15)

Three views of the FH·1 as it looks today.


Contestants in the 1930 Pacific Women 's Air Derby (L to R) O'Donnell and Mildred Morgan.


Margery Doig, Jean LaRene, Ruth Stewart, Ruth Barron, Gladys

THE WOMEN'S CLASS--------------


by H. Glenn Buffington (EAA 1234, A/C 202) 134 West Walnut Avenue, #B San Diego, CA 92103

In conjunction with the 1930 National Air Races , there were two derbies for the women . One was a 500 cu . in. or less piston displacement event from the East Coast, Washington, DC through Dixie and then up to Chicago, and an 800 cu . in . race from the West Coast, Long Beach, California through the Southwest and Midwest to Chicago. This is the story primarily about the lat­ ter race which covered a distance of 2,245 statute miles. The contestants were : Ruth Barron (Nason) , Hollywood, CA' Buhl Air Sedan J-5, Transport License 13749 Margery Doig (Greenberg) , Danbury CT Pitcairn J-6, Lim . Comm. License 10073 Jean LaRene (Foote), Kansas City, KS American Eagle J-6-7, Transport License 5700 22 SEPTEMBER 1985

NC21 M streamlined and ready for the 1930 competition.

Mildred Morgan, Beverly Hills, CA Travel Air J-5, Private License 15803 Gladys Berry O'Donnell , Long Beach, CA Waco Taperwing J-6-7, Transport License 6608 Ruth Woerner Stewart, St. Louis, MO Curtiss Robin/Challenger, Transport License 5375 Barron and Morgan entered the race

as the least experienced pilots. Twenty­ year-Old Barron came in with a brand new Transport license, having learned to fly only six months previously. Mor­ gan had a Private rating which was up­ graded to a Transport after the Derby. O'Donnell and LaRene were the vet­ erans of the group. Gladys had flown the '29 Derby to a close second place behind Louise Thaden, and Jean had been associated with the Commandaire

Co. prior to joining American Eagle. Of the six entries, four had become charter members of the Ninety-Nines when it was organized in November of 1929: Doig, LaRene, O'Donnell and Stewart. Left at the starting line were three other pilots, all of whom had entered the first Women's Air Derby of 1929, Santa Monica to Cleveland . Pancho Barnes withdrew from the race when her three planes, including the one she piloted at more than 196 mph, all were declared ineligible. Claire Fahy of Los Angeles, widow of Herbert J. Fahy, Lockheed test pilot, was ruled out be­ cause her engine was excessively pow­ ered. Bobbi Trout , also of Los Angeles, was disqualified for having an under powered craft.2 Bobbi is also another Ninety-Nines charterite. Carl Lienesch, NAA governor for the state of California, head of the aviation department for Union Oil of California, and who served as manager of the 1930 Derby, wrote : "It was left for the women to show really what could be done with A.T.C. ships. Phoebe Omlie, in the East Coast Derby, flew a Monocoupe of modern design and made one of those fine showings which the air racing world had come to expect from her. Gladys O'Donnell and Margery Doig in the Pacific Coast Derby both flew modern , or rather modernized airplanes. Margery Doig's Pitcairn was rounded out and fitted with a Townend ring at the Pitcairn factory. It was a beautiful job and speedy. "Gladys O'Donnell flew a Taperwing Waco which , it might be said, was streamlined to the limit, this limit being all possible under an A. T. C. status. Mrs. O'Donnell 's ship had I-struts, the fuselage rounded out, and an effective N.A.C.A. cowling . It is probable that the top speed was around 170 mph . Her time from Long Beach to Chicago indi­ cated an average speed in excess of 150 mph, which shows that, as far as derbies were concerned this year, the women win the brown derby." James E. Granger, Swallow dis­ tributor on the West Coast, President of the Pacific School of Aviation , who served as official starter, had this to say about the '30 derbies: "The splitting of the Women's Air Derby into two classes run from different places, in my opinion was wrong . The two classes should be run together next year and no attempt should be made to farm out the starting place of this very colorful race to the highest bidder. It will not be necessary for the race officials to look further for a manager for next year's event. They have found him in C. F. Lienesch . From start to finish of this year's class A women's derby, the absence of discord was conspicuous." The Derby actually started Sunday afternoon from Long Beach, California, August 17th with a short hop to

Gladys O'Donnell with the victory garland at Chicago, Aug. 25, 1930.

Lindbergh/Ryan Field for the first night stop. The planes were flagged away at one minute intervals, numerically by racing number, i.e. Doig - no. 2, O'Don­ nell - no. 7, LaRene - no. 20, Stewart ­ no. 38, followed by Morgan and Barron. The starting time from Long Beach, arri­ val time in San Diego and the elapsed time follows : (PST p.m.) O'Donnell - 3:32 - 4:04:51 - 32 :51 Doig - 3:31 - 4:05 :03 - 34:03 Barron - 3:36 - 4:22 :36 - 46:36 Morgan - 3:35 - 4:25:29 - 50 :29 Stewart - 3:34 - 4:31 :09 - 57 :09 LaRene - 3:33 - 4:30 :16 - 57:16 LaRene was delayed eight minutes at take off because of inability to start her engine with the other racers. On Monday the schedule called for a noon stop at Calexico and the night stop at Phoenix. In accordance with air derby customs, Mrs. O'Donnell's craft was the first to taxi across the starting line on the departure for the second control point. All the contestants arrived at Calexico within a span of 21 minutes. Elapsed time from start: O'Donnell, 1:13:53; Doig, 1 :22:48; Barron, 1:36:21 ; Morgan, 1:47:01 ; LaRene, 1:48:27 and Stewart, 1:59:52.

O'Donnell and DOig finished the third lap into Phoenix with less than five min­ utes separating them . Ruth Barron was the last to get away from Calexico be­ cause of some engine trouble and the fledgling 's navigation caught up with her; she became disoriented and flew an hour beyond Phoenix. She landed 35 miles south of Holbrook, Arizona, re­ mained overnight where she landed and then flew back to Phoenix to rejoin the others Tuesday morning. On August 19th, the noon stop was Tucson and then to Douglas for the night, where the total elapsed time tal­ lied : O'Donnell, 3:56 :29; Doig , 4:13:08 ; Morgan 5:26 :14; LaRene 5:35:23 ; Stewart, 6:25 :25; Barron, 21 :39:52, be­ cause of the delay in reaching Phoenix after over-flying it. Wednesday it was "on to" Lordsburg and then Roswell , New Mexico where O'Donnell was officially 26:40 ahead of Doig . Others arrived in the following order: Barron, LaRene, Morgan and Stewart. The 21 st scheduled a Lubbock noon stop and to Amarillo, Texas for the night. Gladys covered the Roswell-Lub­ bock leg in 1:00:41 and Margery in 1 :02:38. The other four pilots landed in the same sequence as at Roswell. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 23

A frontal view of the racy Waco Taperwing, NC21M, in its heyday.

Enid, Oklahoma was scheduled for noon and Wichita, Kansas for the night of the 22nd. Thunderstorms and heavy rain gave the girls some of their most inclement weather during the Amarillo­ Enid leg of the race. Ruth Stewart was forced down near Elk City, but she set her plane down at Enid at 12:56:30. Jean LaRene was forced down near Waukomis, a few miles south of Enid; she arrived at 12:57:28, accounting for all the entries, so they could take off on schedule for Wichita. More thrilling adventures entered the Wichita-Kansas City, Kansas (Fairfax Airport) leg. A little short of half-way to Kansas City , Margery Doig 3 was forced down and out of the race near Olpe, Kansas, 10 miles south of Em­ poria, in a farmer's pasture, when her engine caught fire. She sideslipped to a landing and beat out the flames that threatened to destroy the Pitcairn. It was a tough break for Doig after flying a good second to that point. Again , Ruth Barron 's navigation went awry. She was visibly annoyed when she finally landed the Buhl at Fairfax at 5:41 :p.m. with an elapsed time of 3:04:57 from Wichita. She reported: "I lost my bearings somewhere near Kan­ sas City and landed in a field near a farm house. I asked the farmer the di­ rections to Kansas City, and he told me 50 miles north. I said that he surely meant 50 miles east, but he insisted he was right. I flew the way he said,and 24 SEPTEMBER 1985

found myself over St. Joseph, and here I am back. " The author had the pleasure of watching the girls "bring 'em in" at Fair­ fax on Saturday. O'Donnell crossed the finish line in her bright red and yellow Waco at 3:45 - 1:14:20 out of Wichita. LaRene, in her yellow American Eagle, arrived at 4:07 - 1:34:15 from Wichita. Morgan, flying her dark blue Travel Air with silver wings, finished at 4:10 ­ 1:35:12 out of Wichita. Stewart, in her orange and cream colored Curtiss Robin, came in at 4:37 - 2:03:42 from Wichita. Shortly after these four arrivals, the Derby starter, Jim Granger, and his wife , Clema, flew in with their Swallow, and taxied up to the flight line. Then a Ryan Brougham flew in with "Gladys O'Donnell" painted across the fuselage. It was flown by her husband, Lloyd, and served as the flagship for the O'Donnell camp. Some of the Fairfax pilots called it "ritzy", but I figured , if one could afford it, why not? One of the first to reach Jean LaRene was her mother, Mrs. Sadie Ross of Olathe, Kansas whom Jean visited often. She also had a long chat with Larry Ruch, former chief test pilot for the American Eagle Aircraft factory at Fairfax. The contestants attended a dinner in the evening sponsored by the Women 's Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City, Kansas . The new Fairfax Airport term i­

nal building the site for this occasion, and Mayor Don McCombs welcomed the fliers. The Derby continued to Des Moines, Iowa and Madison , Wisconsin on Sun­ day and the last leg to Chicago was flown Monday, August 25th. The offical Long Beach-Chicago results were :

Elapsed Prize Money Pilot Time Glady's O'Donnell 15:13:16 $3,500 21 :08:35 2,100 Mildred Morgan 21 :45:49 1,400 Jean LaRene Ruth Stewart 26:38 :06 Ruth Barron 38:33:41 (Out at Olpe, KS) Margery DOig For their efforts in flying the '30 Derby, Ruth Barron was awarded the Jr. Women 's Aeronautical Association of California Trophy, and Gladys O'Donnell won two trophies : The Aerol Trophy by the Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., and the Women's Aero. Assn. of Calif. Trophy. Gladys also won the Mrs. Robert McCormick Trophy and the Women 's Pioneer Aviation Club Trophy for winning two closed-course races at the National Air Races which were held at Curtiss-Reynolds Airport, Chicago, Aug. 23 to Sept. 1, 1930. An AP release, dated Aug . 31 , 1930, carried the headline, "Another Victory Chalked up for Feminine Fliers," and the sub-title "Women pilots fly over long routes in air derbies in less time than men. " It favorably compared Gladys

Copy of picture Gladys O'Donnell auto­ graphed for Louise Thaden.

O'Donnell's performance with the two Class A Men's Derbies, won by John Blum , Seattle to Chicago, and Art Kil­ lips, Miami-Chicago race. It also praised Phoebe Om lie's showing against the two Class B Men's Derbies, won by John Livingston, the race from Brownsville, and the Derby from Hartford, won by J. Wesley Smith. In 1967, when I wrote Mrs. O'Donnell regarding the Taperwing , she sent the front view and commented, "I feel a pang of guilt at not keeping myoid friend 21 M, for that's the way I feel about that plane. The enclosed photo­ graph is 21 M at her top best, in the streamlined beauty of its heyday - 163 mph. You will notice the special racing gear. It was beautiful but a bit rugged on turf fields, since it was a rigid gear. It added about six miles per hour to the top speed. " The O'Donnelis owned the Taperwing for a decade. In comparing this air race of over fifty years ago with some of the more cur­ rent ones, we need to mention some of the pros and cons . When the race is of the "on to" type, with noon and night control stops, the contestants more or less stay together. In that manner, weather and flying conditions are practically the same for each entrant and the race officials have the opportu­ nity to release race standings to the media after each day of racing. More recently, the race routes, gener­ ally 2,000 to 2,500 statute miles in length are set up, and the contestants are usually given four days, flying VFR in daylight hours, to reach the terminus, before a specified deadline. Each plane is assigned a par (handicap) speed and the object is to have a ground speed as far over the par speed as possible. The

pilot is thus given the leeway to play the elements, holding out for better weather conditions , winds, etc. The faster planes with better performance are somewhat favored in this respect, as sometimes the slower entries must forge ahead in order to beat the dead­ line at the terminus. And , in this type of race, the official standings cannot be re­ leased until the final "bird" has crossed the finish line. Actually, the last arrival can be the winner. The earlier races flew shorter legs and made more stops than the current races. More recently, the legs are 280 to 350 statute miles and six or seven control stops are designated, for either landing or fly-by, and the races are open to all fixed-wing stock aircraft from 145 to 570 horsepower. Early on, the fastest airplane with no handicap was in a good position to win, if it held to­ gether over the long haul and there was no big navigational error committed. Now that a handicapping system is used - each plane flying against its own specified speed - supposedly any entry has an equal chance of victory , depending on the accuracy of the hand­ icapping . Gini Richardson, Yakima, Washing­ ton , who oft-times places in the top 10, gives some racing advice : "The hand­ icap is vitally important - you have to have a good handicap, that's essential. After that, if you want to finish in the top 10, you have to fly well, have knowl­ edge of the weather, and strong naviga­

tional skills." Velda King Mapelli, Las Vegas, Nevada, President of the Air Race Classic for the past eight years (1977­ 1984), wrote in the recent race pro­ gram: "The altruistic interest and efforts of many people offers ARC contestants a temporary respite from the normal routine - and opportunity to share the camaraderie of participating in an air race. There are no secrets to racing . Personal application of skills will deter­ mine the winner, but each will be a bet­ ter pilot as a result of the experience." That is what it is all about! FOOTNOTES (1) Subsequent last names are in parenthesis. (2) Had Trout been on the East Coast, she cou ld have entered the Kinner·powered Golden Eagle in the 1,575 mi. Dixie Derby. This race was won by Phoebe Omlie in a Warner Monocoupe. She was followed by Martie Bowman, Kinner Fleet; Laura Ingalls, Gypsy DH Moth ; Nancy Hopkins (Tier), Kin· ner Kitty Hawk; and Charity Langdon, Cirrus Avian. Vera Dawn Walker, flying a Warner Inland Sport, had to withdraw because of a mechanical at Birmin­ gham, AL and Mary Haizlip, in another Warner In­ land Sport, failed to make the race start after her airplane was dinged in a forced landing near Greenwood, SC enroute to the starting line. Both Haizlip and Walker did get to Chicago after the delays and flew in some of the closed·course events. Ninety-Nines charter members in this group include Hopkins·Tier, Omlie and Walker. (3) Doig was able to have the Pitcairn engine re­ paired and she flew to Chicago on Aug. 26th. She placed second behind O'Donnell in one 25 mile pylon race at 135.36 mph, and won $450. In the feature 50 mile race , she placed 4th, just out of the money, behind O'Donnell, Mary Haizlip and Opal Kunz . •


The Oldest Known Set of EDO Floats in Service

The aircraft is a 1933 Waco UBF-2 biplane powered by a 220-horsepower Continental

W670 engine. The floats are EDO model M-2665s, manufactured on August 2, 1930.

These particular floats had been damaged in a crash in 1950, and were kept in storage

for 27 years prior to being restored and fitted to the Waco in 1977. This remarkable

antique aircraft is the property of Mr. Henry Stauch, Junction City, Oregon. It is con­

verted to float operation in the summer, and flown from Kenmore Air Harbor, Kenmore,

Washington, scene of this photograph. Photo courtesy EDO Floats


My First Flight

To Oshkosh

Robert R. Black (EAA 220708) 4246 South 1060 East Salt Lake City, UT 83117 Ever since seeing a Pitts Special in FL YING magazine when I was sixteen and learning of a special event called Oshkosh, I have had the desire to go. After all the years of putting it off due to lack of funds, and not having anything to fly, I finally got the chance to go in 1984. My father and mother and I had just completed a 15-month restoration pro­ ject on my father's 1956 Piper Tri­ Pacer. With the bird looking new and pretty I had little trouble talking myself into taking it to Oshkosh. I discussed this with my business partner and somehow talked him into going with me. All right! I could go at half the cost. Things were really picking up. The date was set, Saturday July 28, 1984 at 3:00 a.m. I figured if we left at 3:00 in the morning I could climb up out of the Salt Lake Valley and fly to Casper, Wyoming . From there I would proceed to Winner, South Dakota, Fair­ mont, Minnesota and then on to Osh­ kosh. Hours of preparation and planning were spent in getting ready for the trip. A tent was measured and stuffed into the baggage compartment. Vacation time was hastily arranged and all sys­ tems were go. Little did I know how much "go" there was coming. On Friday, July 27, I went to work. What a total waste of time . It's a good thing I'm a lead man in the machine shop, because I accomplished nothing and finally left at lunch time. Working swing shift has its advantages at times, and I went home to sleep and prepare for the flight. What a wasted night - I couldn't sleep and all I did was toss and turn. Two a.m. came awfully early, and I left for my partner's home. We piled into the jeep and went to the airport. The preflight went well , except I was


developing a small stomach problem ; too much excitement I thought. Lift off was normal and the Tri-Pacer did pretty well at first. But the night air was hot and humid and I wasn't ex­ periencing the kind of lift that I was used to . I had to circle in the Salt Lake Valley for 30 minutes until I could get up to altitude. At 9,000' I started through Par­ ley's Canyon and headed for Ft. Bridger VOR in Wyoming . What a bumpy ride! We popped around inside the plane like two marbles in a can. From Ft. Bridger we flew to Evanston, then to Rock Springs, Wyoming . I started to develop cotton-mouth but figured it was just the thrill of finally going to Oshkosh. We called Rock Springs asking for fuel accommodations and I changed my flight plan from Casper to Rock Springs. When they told me it would cost an ad­ ditional $30.00 to get someone to fuel me I said no thanks and changed my flight plan to Rawlins, Wyoming . Fuel was getting low, but figuring the length of the trip and the amount of fuel left, I figured I could make it. On to Rawlins we went, over the low­ ering mountains. With all the bumps and ups and downs, my stomach told me I had a problem. I just couldn 't be getting sick. I'd never been sick in an airplane. I figured that I was just overly tired and hungry, and the stop at Raw­ lins would put me back in shape. Finally Rawlins appeared on the other side of two knolls. I brought the plane around entering down wind and slipped in to a nice, friendly airport. The on-field FSS Operator was super nice and said the place would come to life in a little while. He told us the good places to eat breakfast. We decided to plan the next phase of our flight since our origi­ nal flight plan was greatly altered by then . We flight planned to Chadron, Neb­ raska for our next stop, figuring it would put us right back on course. As soon as the planning was finished, the line boy at Rawlins appeared and fueled us with 80 octane. My tanks are placarded for

18 gallons each. My partner and I watched in amazement as the boy pumped 18.1 into the right tank and 18.0 gallons into the left tank . Instantly I felt terrible. I had just flown in on fumes! I had made a mistake ·on my flight duration - I forgot that I had cir­ cled for half an hour after take off. Then a super bad case of cotton­ mouth hit me. I figured it was just due to the close call, so I took a drink of some fruit punch which went down like a bowling ball. I really didn't feel good, but I told myself I was going to Oshkosh by gosh and that thought kept me going. We piled back into the plane and took off. We climbed slowly and headed for Chadron. As soon as we cleared the remaining mountains I started to descend when an overwhelming feeling came over me. I was going to throw up and I couldn 't shake the feeling, try as I may. How could I do that - I'd never been sick in an airplane in my life - I couldn 't do that! The sic-sacs were for my wife and others who couldn't take the ups and downs. My honor was at stake - I couldn't do that. What a statement ; typical hard­ head approach, right? Well, that thought helped me to fight off the inevit­ able. "Come on Chadron, " I kept saying. I'd never felt that badly on any flight, but we pressed on. "Chadron Radio, this is Tri-Pacer 4547A, do you copy?" 'Tri-Pacer 47A Chadron Radio copies loud and clear." Chadron, 47A, what's your active runway?" "47A, active is 20." "Roger 20." Then came the bad news. Chadron gave me the altimeter setting and said the winds were 25 gusting to 35. I asked Chadron for the wind direction, and he told me again. I just could not get with the program ; whatever was making me sick was really getting to me. I entered the pattern but could not keep the plane tracking straight. It would not settle. What was wrong? For those of you who are Tri-Pacer drivers,

you know the plane settles like a rock. . I looked at my airspeed indicator - I was doing 120 mph and should have been doing 80. "Missed approach, going around, will try it again. " "Roger 47A, no other traffic in the pat­ tern ." "Chadron , this is 47A - downwind for runway 20." I prayed, "Please God, help me down. Don 't let me kill my partner. " Okay, I've got to do this . Line it up. There, that's right. 80 mph, okay, flaps to slow us down, right, in we goooooo. What a crosswind , touch down , hold on. "47A, you just landed on 26. That was a pretty good cross wind landing." "Thanks, I just don't feel good. I guess I needed the practice." "Roger." I thought to myself - you nut, what's wrong with you? Can't you remember how to tell which runway is which? To be honest, I was so sick that I couldn 't remember how to tell the correct run­ way. We taxied to the ramp and I warned my partner to get out of the way. I ran into the bathroom and spent a good half an hour seeing only a small porcelain hole - oops. The people at Chadron were super. L&D Aero Service tried all they could to make me feel better. They fueled the plane and offered me a free ride into town so I cou ld get a place to sleep until

I felt better. They were the greatest. On the way into town , the car win­ dows were open all the way. At the Super 8 Motel, we met more super nice people. The rooms were great and I crashed . My partner was given a free ride back to the airport by the motel manager to pick up our gear. We spent the day in town , and I stayed in bed trying to die. I finally realized that my problem was a good case of the flu . Chadron has a lot to see, and some day I shall go back. I feel I must let those good people know that I really do have color in my face . Oh, isn't pride terrible? In the afternoon I felt a little better and thought maybe we might make it to Oshkosh anyway. We went back to the airport and planned the rest of the trip. All of a sudden I made a mad dash to the great white throne - the decision was made - head for home. We took off for Riverton , Wyoming . It was a pretty good trip and at one point I felt I might have made it to Oshkosh , but went on to Riverton . What a good decision that was. In Riverton , the Best Western Sun­ downer motel sent their courtesy car for us. We spent the night and the next morning there and I was sick, sick, sick. Everybody in Riverton took pity on me. They were really great. Would those people ever see me in better cond ition? When we finally decided to continue

our trip home, I spent the first hour and a half in the bathroom at the airport. Between the bathroom and the plane I threw up four times. We climbed into the Tri-Pacer anyway and took off. 47A flew great. I told my partner that he would probably end up doing a lot of the flying. I did pretty well until we got just west of Rock Springs, Wyoming . Ooops, that was the only time I ever used a sic-sac. Bless those considerate people for making those wonderful leak­ proof bags. I had decided that if I couldn't finish the trip all the way back to Salt Lake City Airport No. 2 that I would land at Ft. Bridger. Fortunately as Ft. Bridger passed below us I felt we could make it. A storm front was crossing from west to east, right in our path. The clouds were closing in . I dropped from 10,500' to 8,500' and still I was going through clouds. Short little IFR trips in the moun­ tains is not really my idea of fun and games. What a trip. Boy was I sick. We made it through Parleys Canyon and I prayed , "Please, Lord, help me land this thing. " My prayers were answered, we parked the plane, got into the jeep and I said , "Get me home quickly, Gary." I went straight to bed, where I stayed from Sunday to Wednesday. Next year there will be no flu . I will fly, crawl or whatever, but I'm absolutely going to go to Oshkosh ... maybe . •


We would like to list your aviation event in our calendar. Please send information to the Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Information must be received at least two months in advance of the issue in which it will appear. SEPTEMBER 4-8 - GALESBURG, ILLINOIS ­ National Stearman Fly-In. Contact Tom Lowe, 823 Kingston Lane, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. SEPTEMBER 6-8 - GIG HARBOR, WASHING­ TON - Puget Sound Antique Airplane Club's 5th Annual Fly-In at Tacoma Narrows Airport. AntiquelClassic judging and awards. Contact Floyd Tuckness, 29528 - 179th Place, SE, Kent, WA 98031, phone 206/631 -7454 . SEPTEMBER 7-8 - MARION, OHIO - Annual Mid-Eastern Regional EAA Fly-In at Marion Municipal Airport. Contact Lou Lindeman, after 5 p.m. 513/849-9455. SEPTEMBER 7-8 - SUSSEX, NEW JERSEY ­ Tri-Chapter Fly-In - EAA Chapters 73 and 238 and AlC Chapter 7. Sussex Airport. Awards, vendors and much more. Contact Vearl Lack, 201 /584-9553 or Anne Fennimore, 201 /584-4154. SEPTEMBER 7-8 SPEARFISH, SOUTH DAKOTA - Cub Club of America Fly-In. Black Hills Airport. Awards and prizes. Co-sponsored by EAA Chapter 806. Contact: Chapter 806, P. O. Box 670, Speartish, SD 57783, phone 6051 642-4100.

SEPTEMBER 8 - WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WIS­ CONSIN - 5th Annual Antique Transportation Show & Fly-In. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 706 and local Model T Chapter. Contact Joe, 715/886-3261 . SEPTEMBER 12-15 - RENO, NEVADA - Reno National Championship Air Races, Reno Stead Airport. Contact: Reno Air Races, P. O. Box 1429, Reno, NV 89505. SEPTEMBER 13-14 AMSTERDAM, NEW YORK - Ed Heath Days. Commemoration of Heath's First Flight, September 13, 1910. Dis­ plays of Heath aircraft, radio control models, fly-ins, forums. Saturday evening dinner and guest speakers. Contact Adirondack Chapter 602, EAA 45 Spring Avenue, Gloversville, NY 12078. SEPTEMBER 13-15 - KERRVILLE, TEXAS ­ 21 st Annual Kerrville Fly-In. Sponsored by the 43 EAA Chapters in Texas. Contact: Kerrville Convention and Visitor's Bureau , P.O. Box 790, Kerrville, TX 78029, 51 21896-1155. SEPTEMBER 13-15 - GREENVILLE, MAINE ­ Seaplane Pilots Assoc. Meeting. Contact SPA, 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, MD 21701 . SEPTEMBER 14-15 JACKSONVILLE, IL­ LINOIS - Regional Fly-In for Stinsons and all Franklin powered aircraft. Camping available at the field. Seminars on Franklin engines and re-covering techniques. Contact: L. Nordgren, P. O. Box L, Frankfort, IL 60423, phone 8151 469-9100.

SEPTEMBER 20-22 - TULSA, OKLAHOMA ­ 28th Annual Tulsa Fly-In - Tahlequah Munic­ ipal Airport. Contact: Charles W. Harris, 9181 585-1 591 . SEPTEMBER 28-29 - BINGHAM, MAINE - 16th Annual Gadabout Gaddis Fly-In Family Fun Days. Gadabout Gaddis Airport, Route 201 , Bingham. Fly-in, camp, drive-in. Contact: David Vincent, Chairman, Upper Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce, Bingham, ME 04920. OCTOBER 3-6 - FOUNTAINHEAD, OKLAHOMA - 10th Annual Convention of the International Cessna 120/140 Association. Contact: Carl At­ kinson, McAlister, Oklahoma. OCTOBER 3-6 - EUFALA, OKLAHOMA - 10th Annual Convention of the International Cessna 120/140 Association at Fountainhead Lodge, Lake Eufala, 55 miles SSE of Tulsa. Contact: Carl Atkinson , 918/426-1897. OCTOBER 11-13 CAMDEN , SOUTH CAROLINA - EAA Chapter 3 Fall Fly-In. Con­ tact Henry or Pat Miller, 919/548-9293. OCTOBER 17-19 - LOS ANGELES, CALIFOR­ NIA - OX-5 Aviation Pioneers National Reun­ ion, Governor's Conferences, National Awards and Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies at Air­ port Hilton Hotel. Contact: Oliver Phillips, 10405 West 32nd Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, phone 303/233-5905. MARCH 16-22 - LAKELAND, FLORIDA - Sun 'n Fun '86. Contact: Sun 'n Fun Headquarters, 813/644-2431 . VINTAGE AIRPLANE 27

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25¢ per word, 20 word minimum. Send your ad 10

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AIRCRAFT: FAIRCHILD 24W-41A - with Warner 185 and Aeromatic propeller. New restoration with very low time. 1943 Navy colors and configuration. Make cash offer. William Ross Enterprise, Inc. 1800 Touhy Avenue, Elk Grove Villake, IL 60007, 312/ 640-1700. (9-2) ACRO SPORT - Single place biplane capable of unlimited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to follow plans includes nearly 100 isometrical draw­ ings, photos and exploded views. Complete parts and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans plus 139 page Builder's Manual - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Super Acro Sport Wing Drawing ­ $15.00. The Technique of Aircraft Building ­ $10.00 plus $2.00 postage. Send check or money order to : ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609. POBER PfXIE - VW powered parasol- unlimited in low-cost pleasure flying . Big, roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 3'/2 gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction sheets. Plans - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609. ACRO II - The new 2-place aerobatic trainer and sport biplane. 20 pages of easy to follow, detailed plans. Complete with isometric drawings, photos,

exploded views. Plans - $85.00. Info Pac ­ $5.00. Send check or rnoney order to : ACRO SPORT, INC., P.O. Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609.

1933 FAIRCHILD 22, Menasco D-4 Super Pirate Engine. About 285 'hours, airframe 1030 hours. Very clean, some engine spares. $30,000. Spare engine available. 3121358-4035 or 742-2041. FAIRCHILD 24W46 complete with good Warner 165, presently disassembled for restoration. Spare fuselage, wings, etc. included. Price $13,500. Wil­ liam Ross - 3121640-1700. (9-2) WACO RNF 1931 model complete with speed ring and wheel pants - 125 Warner - ready to fly ­ a classic antique biplane. Price $32,500. William Ross - 312/640-1700. (9-2) CESSNA UC-7BB (T-50) Bamboo Bomber with like-new wing ready for re-cover. Complete airplane disassembled for restoration . Price ­ $14,000. William Ross - 312/640-1700. (9-2)

Waco RNF, 1930, 145 hp Warner, 30 SMOH, Ham. Std. Grnd. Adj . Prop., 40 hours since balance and polish ; 1977 Ceconite, 135 hours since recover, always hangared; May 1985 annual ; only 7 still flying . Jim Course, days, 609/888-0496; nights 215/493-9385 . (10-2)

MISCELLANEOUS: BACK ISSUES .. . Back issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (and other EAA Division publications) are available at $1 .25 per issue. Send your list of issues desired along with payment to : Back Issues, EAA-Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591 . Badfy Needed Cessna 140-A cowl parts - parted or assembled - full cowl or nose bowl and lower cowl assembly. Please call Angelo Fraboni, 5801 Monona Drive, Monona , WI 53716-3599, 608/222­ 1464 or 608/222-8517 .


CESSNA UC-78C (T-50) Bamboo Bomber with 300 hp Lycoming engines. Wing needs some work. Complete airplane disassembled for restoration . Make cash offer. William Ross - 3121640-1700. (9-2)

Seeking anything about Amelia Earhart. Want pic' tures , articles, etc. Especially want personal stories and unpublished pictures. Also , what do you know about Irene O'Crowley-Craigmile-Helier-Bolam ? Dean Magley, 5210 Village Court, Rockford, IL 61108, phone 815/399-8407. (9-1)

C-37 Airmaster completely restored to original. All new wood . Best restoration at Watsonville. $29,000.00. Phone 805/769-8380 6-7 p.m. , PDT. (11-3)

Wanted: Salmson AD-9 parts. Prop flange, cylin­ ders, pistons, push rods, rockers, bushings, etc., Jerry Vilendrer, 3060 E. Emelita, Mesa, AZ. 85204, phone 6021832-6910. (9-1)


Send check or money order with copy to Vintage Trader - EAA, Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.

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Signature ____________ _ __ __________ _ __ __ _


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If your plane is on this list...

You could be wasting money! NOW AVAILABLE! STC's for Lycoming 0-235 and 0-290 engines. Also, you can convert your Cessna 152 to auto gas by modifying the Lycoming 0-235-L2C to use 80 octane fuel - STC's now available exclusively from EAA.

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As a result of EAA's leadership in alternative fuels research and development, FAA has fully approved the use of unleaded auto gas for 317 different aircraft models and engine combina­ tions. Auto gas STCs (Supplemental Type Certificates) are avail­ able from the non-profit EAA Aviation Foundation at 50¢ per engine horsepower: Example - 85 hp. Cessna 140-(50¢ x 85) = $42_50. (Non-EAA members add $15.00 surcharge to total). Send check with aircraft N number, aircraft and engine model and serial numbers and EAA member number. AERONCA Including Bellanca. Champion , TfylSk . Wagner. B & B Aviation, Inc.

50-TC 65-TC (L-3J) 65-TAC (L-3E) YO-58 0-588 50-58 8 0-58A (L-3A) 7AC 7BCM (L-I 6A) 7CCM (L- 168) 70C 7EC 7FC 7JC 7ECA S7AC S70C S7CCM S7EC I I AC IIBC IICC SIIAC SIIBC SllCC KCA 50-C 65-C 65-CA S-50-C S-65-CA 7GCA 7GCB 7KC 7GCBA 7GCAA 7GCBC 15AC

AERO COMMANOER Including S. l. Industries 100 ARCTIC AIRCRAFT CO.. INC. S-IA BEECHCRAFT Including Bonanza 35. A-35. B-35. C-35. 0-35. E-35. F-35. G-35. 35R CESSNA 120. 140. 140A 150. 150A-H. 15OJ- M.


152.A·152 170. 170A. 8 172 . 172A-E. 172F (T-4IA). 172G. H. 1721 . K. L. M 175. 175A. B. C. P1720 177 180. 180A-H. 180J 182 . 182A-P 305A (O-IA) 305B. 305E (TO-IO. 0-10. O-IF) 305C. (O-lE). 3050 (P-IG). 305F ERCOUPE Including AireD, Forney, Alon. Mooney 415C. 4150. E. G. 415-CO F-I. F-IA A-2. A-2A M-IO FUNK lnCiUding McClish B85C

GRUMMAN AMERICAN AA-5. AA-5A AA·5B AA·I AA-IA AA-IB AA-IC LUSCDM8E 8. 8A. C. O. E. F. T-8F MOONEY M-18C M·18C55 M-18L M·18LA MORRISEY ~ P1PER J-3C-40 J-3C-50 J3C-50S J3C-65 (L-4) J3C-65S J4 J4A J4A-S J4E (L-4F ) J5A (L-4F) J-2 J-3 J5A·80 L-4A L-48 (NE-l) L-4H L-4J (NU) PA-ll PAllS PA-17 PA-18 PA-19 E-2 PA-28'140 PA-28-150

PA-28-151 PA-22-150 PA-22S-150 •J3F-50, ·50S , ·60. -60S. -65 . -65S •J31 . -So -65. -65S PORTERFIELD Including Rankin, Nonhwest CP-55 CP-65 CS-65 TAYLORCRAFT BC BC-65 BC12-65 (L-2H) 8C12·0 BC120-85 BC12D- 4-85 BCS BCS-65 BCS12-65 8CS-120 BCSI2-0-85 8CSI20-4-85 19 F19 OC-65 (L-2. L-2C) OCO-65 (L-2A. B. M) BC12-D1 BCS12-01 VARGA

ii50 2150A 2180

'Nolo: Only Ihose J3F and J3l models previously modified to use Teledyne Continental Molars engi nes are approved.

Since 1980, over 2700 engineering flight test hours have been conducted by EAA in the Cessna 150, Cessna 182, Cessna 172, Piper Cherokee, Beechcraft Bonanza and Ercoupe. Additional aircraft were approved by FAA based on fuel system similarities. All approved aircraft are powered by 80 Octane Continental engines (not fuel injected) and Lycoming 0-320-A, C and E engines. STCs are only approved and sold for the engine/airframe combinations listed above. Complete, low cost, protection, including auto gas coverage, is available through EAA's approved insurance program. EAA's Auto Gas Airport Directory which lists over 300 FBOs that provide auto fuel service is now available at $3.00.


Be a part of the Aviation Association that is actively engaged in making flying safer, more enjoyable and more affordable for you. Annual membership $25.00, includes monthly magazine SPORT AVIATION and many other benefits. Join today and get your STC at the special EAA member rate.


Write Attention :

STC - EAA Aviation Foundation

Wittman Airfield Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065 VINTAGE AIRPLANE 31

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