by Bob Lickteig
State of the EAA Antique/Classic Di vision One year ago I told you of our plans and goals for our 15th anniversary year, 1985. The formulating and establishing annual goals for a division as diverse as our EM Antique/Classic Division is a major task for your officers, directors and advisors. Many hours of discus sions and evaluating various programs are necessary to chart our course for the year ahead. We all know that the best laid plans of mice and men go astray. However, I feel lowe you a report on our progress not only for our last year but our overall growth in our membership services. If you recall our theme, "Commitment for Growth" - this set the stage for our goals. 1. Growth in our membership. - We have experienced the largest in crease in new members in anyone year and we now stand at an all time high in membership. We are the largest organization in the world de voted to antique/classic aviation, owners, pilots and enthusiasts. 2. Growth in our chapters. - We all know of the overlapping interest of EM and EM AlC members and the value of local chapters for excite
ment, education and good fellow ship. We also know that a number of our members belong to EM chap ters for the reasons cited above. However, with the growth of our membership and the increase in an tique and classic aircraft restoration and flying has resulted in the forma tion of two new EM Antique/Classic chapters. 3. Participation in local and regional aviation events. - The Upper Mid west events that I attended and from the reports I have seen, your EM Antique/Classic Division was rep resented at more flying activities coast to coast in 1985 than in any previous year. 4. Our continual support of the EM Air Academy. - In 1985 we again contributed to and supported the EM Air Academy. The Class of '85 was increased in number of cadets for this excellent experience and hands-on training of our young people. 5. Continue to update our Antique/ Classic library. Our Antique/ Classic portion of the EM library has been increased with the con tinual donation of priceless antique and classic aircraft technical infor mation for your use. If you have overlooked the EM library during your past visits to Headquarters, please put this on your list for your next trip. 6. Our support and interest of the type clubs. - In the past your Antique/ Classic Division has recognized and supported the Type Clubs. However the past year it has become a major program. Our Oshkosh '85 head quarters' tent was again enlarged and it was still overflowing with Type Clubs setting up their respective dis plays to meet and discuss Type Club business with their members. 7. Recognition of past Grand and Re serve Champs at Oshkosh. - This has now become a regular part of
our annual Convention and our way of once again congratulating and recognizing these award winners. This also gives our members and guests an opportunity to see and photograph these beautiful and time less aircraft. 8. Improve our magazine, THE VIN TAGE AIRPLANE. - Those of us who have read our magazine over the years know of the improvements made in additional articles, new sec tions and the colorful format. We can all thank our publishing and editorial staff for this excellent monthly magazine devoted to antique and classic aircraft and membership ser vice. 9. Support the Primary Aircraft and Recreational Pilots Certificate. Through the support of our chapters and our membership, we were active throughout the country in writing the FM of our support and comments. 10. Expand our part of the world's greatest aviation event. - For Osh kosh '85 all of our Antique/Classic events were successful with more members participating than any pre vious year. A record number of an tique and classic aircraft were regis tered, displayed and flown as our in volvement in Oshkosh '85. So now you have the results of our planning and the state of your division. We set many new records but records are only set to be broken, and we must now concentrate on the New Year and our future to earn our continual leader Ship. Looking back at items 1 through 10, that was an ambitious forecast, and evi dently we are responding to you, our members or I would not be able to sub mit this succesful report. For 1986 we will again set our goals on these items and ask you for your approval and sup port. This way we can continue our commitment for growth. Welcome aboard.
Join us and you have it all. •
Dick Matt
Gene R. Chase
FEBRUARY 1986 • Vol. 14, No.2
Mike Drucks
Copyright ,' , 1986 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. All rights reserved.
Mary Jones
Norman Petersen
Dick Cavin
George A. Hardie, Jr.
Dennis Parks
Contents 2
Straight and Level
by Bob Lickteig by Gene Chase
4 5
President R. J. Lickteig 3100 Pruitt Road Port SI. Lucie, FL 33452 305/335-7051
Vice President M.C. "Kelly" Viets R1.2, Box 128 Lyndon, KS 66451 913/828-3518
Secretary Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City, MI49330 616/678-5012
Treasurer E.E. "Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 145 Union,IL60180 815/923-4591
Calendar Of Events Type Club Activities by Gene Chase
Dan Neuman's Jenny
Page 6
by Gene Chase
10 11
Vintage Seaplanes Member's Projects by Gene Chase
'85 Denton Fly-In by Dick Cavin
Restoration Corner - Aircraft Selection/Locating a Restorable, Rebuildable Aircraft
19 20
Welcome New Members Vintage Literature
Cutler's Swift
Tom Rowland's Ercoupe
Mystery Plane
28 29
Letters To The Editor Vintage Trader
by George York
Page 12
by Dennis Parks
by Dick Cavin John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01581 617/366-7245
Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434 6121784-1172
Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278 317/293-4430
Esple M. Joyce, Jr. Box 468 Madison, NC 27025 919/427-0216
Morton W. Lester P.O. Box 3747 Martinsville, VA24112 703/632-4839
Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/442-3631
Gene Morries 15C Steve Court, R. R. 2 Roanoke, TX 76262 817/491-9110
Daniel Neuman 1521 Berne Circle W. Minneapolis, MN 55421 612/571-0893
Ray Olcott 1500 Kings Way Nokomis, FL 33555 813/485-8139
John R. Turgyan Box 229, R.F.D. 2 Wrightstown, NJ 08562
S.J. Wittman Box 2672 Oshkosh,WI54903 414/235-1265
George S, York 181 Sloboda Ave. Mansfield, OH 44906 419/529-4378
ADVISORS Timothy V. Bowers 729-2ndSI. Woodland, CA 95695 916/666-1875
Phillip Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Law1on, MI49065 616/624-6490
S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213
W. S. "Jerry" Wallin 29804 - 179 PI. SE Kent, WA98031
206/631 -9644
by Norm Petersen by George A. Hardie, Jr.
Page 22
FRONT COVER ... Dan Neuman's immaculate 1917 Curtiss IN-4D "Jenny" on display in the EAA Aviation Museum in Oshkosh , Wiscon (Photo by Kasty1iS Izokaitis) sin . See story on page 6. BACK COVER ..• Nick Rezich about to touch down in his brother Mike's 1929 Travel Air D-4-D, NC606K, SIN 1282 after an airshow routine. Nick and the Travel Air were the oldest, continually operating airshow aircraft and pilol. (Photo courtesy of Jim Rezich)
The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, and the logos of EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC., EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC., INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB INC., WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC., are registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited. Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are soley those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Material should be sent to : Gene R. Chase, Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE , Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone: 414/426-4800. The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. and is published monthly at Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh, WI 54903 3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc. are $18.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertis ing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. Postmaster: Send address changes to EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3
Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903 3086, or phone 414/426-4800 for com plete details. Maine/Massachusetts/New Hampshire Area
Compiled by Gene Chase ANTIQUE/CLASSIC FORUMS TO BE EXPANDED Ron Fritz, Antique/Classic Forums Chairman, plans to expand the scope of the forums at Oshkosh '86 and is seeking volunteers to conduct certain forums, especially the following: 1. Stearman Airplanes 2. Travel Air Airplanes 3. Antique Airplane Engines - Ra dials, In-Lines and V-Types 4. Classic Airplane Engines - All opposed types pre-1940 5. Restoration Tips and Procedures Those who wish to be involved in this highly popular educational activity are asked to contact Ron at 15401 Sparta Avenue, Kent City, MI 49330. Tele phone 616/678-5012. TWO NEW CHAPTERS ARE FORM ING Enthusiastic EAA and Antique/ Classic Division members in two sepa rate areas of the country are forming new Antique/Classic chapters. We applaud the efforts of both groups and congratulate the newly elected officers. It is not difficult to start a new chapter. Those interested in doing so are asked to contact EAA Chapter Services,
A group of EM Antique/Classic members in the Maine/Massachusetts/ New Hampshire area have applied for chapter status and the paper work is being processed. The group will be known as the Northeast Area EAA An tique/Classic Chapter 15. A formative meeting was held on November 16, 1985 at the home of Jack Denison (EAA 26592, NC 2188) across from Skyhaven Airport in Rochester, New Hampshire. The gathering was conducted by Hank Van Cleef (EAA 179096, NC 8763), 83 Maple Avenue, Andover, Massachusetts 01910 who has been the prime mover behind the formation of a chapter. During the ensu ing election of officers, Hank was elected President. Other officers are : Vice-President - Don McLaughlin, North Hampton, New Hampshire; Secretary Alice Gilchrist, Lynn, Massachusetts; Treasurer - Paul Paulsen, Wobern, Massachusetts; and Newsletter Editor Bob Ring, Berwick, Maine. The first regular meeting of the North east Area EM Antique/Classic Chapter included a business meeting and slide presentation and was held at the resi dence and private airport of Hilda and Bob Ring (EAA 11299, NC 78) at Ber wick, Maine. Kansas/Missouri Area Paperwork is also being processed for a new EAA Antique/Classic Division Chapter which has formed in the East ern KansaslWestern Missouri area. The
'n Fun '86. Contact Sun 'n Fun Headquarters
813/644-2431. APRIL 5-6 - WASHINGTON, DC - 6th Annual
Tour of National Air & Space Museum and Paul
E. Garber facility. Dinner with a speaker of note. Limited to 200. Contact Margaret Scesa, 9611-51st Place, College Park, MD 20740, phone 301 /345-3164. APRIL 25-27 KITTY HAWK, NORTH
CAROLINA - 4th Annual Wilbur Wright Fly-In
at Wright Brothers' National Memorial. Gather
ing of antique and classic airplanes along with
vintage automobiles. Contact Gene O'Bleness,
First Flight Society, 919/441-3761.
diana EAA Convention. Come to Hoosierland
and celebrate Spring with forums, commercial
displays, banquet, entertainment and good
food. Contact: Julia Edwards Dickey, Presi
dent, Indiana EAA CounCil, 511 Terrace Lake
Road, Columbus, IN 47201 , 812/342-6878.
Annual Continental Luscombe Association fly in, Columbia Airport - FFI. Contact Continental Luscombe Association, 5736 Esmar Road, Ceres, CA 95307, phone 209/537-9934. MAY 24-25 - ANDERSON, INDIANA - Taylor craft Fly-in at Ace Airport. All light plane en thusiasts invited. Camping on field. Contact: 317/378-3673. June 13-15 - MIDDLETOWN, OH - All America Aeronca Fly-In. Yep, plans are afoot to do it again at the Home of Aeronca. Contact: Jim Thompson, Box 102, Roberts, IL 60962, tele phone, 217/395-2522. JUNE 15-17 - WACO, TEXAS - 5th Annual Short Wing Piper Convention. Contact: Jerry Knapp, President - Southwest Chapter Short Wing Piper Owners or Dan Nicholson, Chair man - South Texas Chapter Short Wing Piper Owners. JUNE 26-29 - HAMILTON, OHIO - 27th Annual National Waco Reunion. Contac;t National Waco Club, 700 Hill Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015.
organizer behind this group is M. C. "Kelly" Viets, (EAA 16364, NC 10), Rt. 2, Box 128, Lyndon, KS 66451, tele phone 913/828-3518. Twenty-eight members attended the first organizational meeting and elected the following officers: President - Mick Mull, Mission, Kansas; Vice-President Cam Blazer, Overland Park, Kansas; Secretary and Newsletter Editor - Edna Viets, Lyndon, Kansas; and Treasurer J.C. Malsby, Kansas City, Missouri. The first regular meeting of the new group was held December 28, 1985 at the Viets' home on Pomona Lake Air port with 28 members and guests in attendance. They voted on a name and henceforth the group will be called the Flatland Flyers, Chapter 16 of the An tique/Classic Division. DURATION OF THIRD CLASS MEDI CAL CERTIFICATES We have learned that the British CAA, effective January 1, 1986, has changed the duration of private pilot medical certificates according to the fol lowing table: Pilots under 40 years of age - 5 years Pilots from 40 to 50 years - 3 years Pilots from 50 to 70 years - 2 years Pilots over 70 years of age - 6 months This new rule is very similar to the re cent FAA proposal that was so strongly and successfully opposed by the Amer ican Medical Association in this country. The British changes were made only after a careful study and confirmation that the longer period between medical examinations would not have an ad verse effect upon aviation safety . •
JULY 3-5 TECUMSEH, MICHIGAN AI Meyers Airport. Fly-In. 50th Anniversary cele bration. Contact: 517/423-7629. JULY 4-6 - BLAKESBURG, IOWA - Type Club Fly-In at Antique Field. Aeronca, Pietenpol, Corben, Fairchild, Hatz, Great Lakes and others. Fly-outs, awards. Contact: AM, Route 2, Box 172, Ottumwa,IA52501 , telephone 5151 938-2773. JULY 28-AUGUST 1 - MANASSAS, VIRGINIA - 18th Annual Intemational Cessna 170 As sociation Convention. Contact: Byrd Raby, 3011743-7623. AUGUST 1-8 - OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN World's Greatest Aviation Event. 34th Annual EM International Fly-In Convention and Sport Aviation Exhibition. Contact EM Headquar-· ters, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903 3086, phone 414/426-4800. AUGUST 10-15 - FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN - International Aerobatic Club Competition at Fond du Lac Skyport. Contact: lAC, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, phone 4141 426-4800 . •
,I ~ype ClubActivities
Complied by Gene Chase
Buckeye Pietenpol Assoc.
We have just learned of the existence of the Buckeye Pietenpol Association , a very active group of Pietenpol airplane enthusiasts. The organization evolved from a small group from Ohio who met for the first time some 15 years ago. The group has become interna tional with members from the U.S. , Canada, England, Australia, etc. Officers of the Association are: Pres ident, Richard Alkire (EAA 18347, NC 86), 6760 Oakfield Drive, Dayton, OH 45415; Vice-President and Newsletter Editor, Frank S. Paviliga (EM 74324, NC 1672), 2800 S. Turner Road , Can field, OH 44406. Telephone (office) 216/792-6973, (residence) 216/792 6269. Membership is open to anyone in terested in the Pietenpol airplane and an annual membership includes: 1. Initial Membership Card 2. Four quarterly issues of the Buckeye Pietenpol Newsletter, which consists of eight pages of all sorts of information on the history of the plane, stories about the plane, photographs of current projects, completed projects, old planes, stories from Mr. Pietenpol himself, detailed drawings of components and assemblies, how things were built by various individuals, informa tion on Pietenpol events, etc. 3. Notices of special Buckeye Pietenpol Events, as well as other Pietenpol Fly-Ins, like Brodhead, WI , where 12 Pietenpols were in atten dance in 1984, and 14 in 1985. At no other aviation gathering any where are there that many. 4. One year's back issues are in cluded. Additional back issues are
available at $1 .50 each to cover dup lication and mailing costs . 5. An opportunity to get to know the Pietenpol airplane, and Pieten pol builders everywhere. For more information, contact the Buckeye Pietenpol Association , 2800 S. Turner Road , Canfield, OH 44406.
Fuel Flow Metering
ATlatorl Club
A problem and solution, common to many conventional gear antique and classic aircraft was described in a re cent issue of "The Aeronca Aviator", the quarterly newsletter of the Aeronca Av iators Club, edited by Joe and Julie Dic key (EAA 62186, NC 4169) of Colum bus, Indiana ... "Check the security of aI/the tailwheel hardware often. Every preflight is not too much and a look is not enough. The rubber pad between the tailwheel spring and support plate had become tired and relaxed the tension on the bolts on our Aeronca Champ. I thought I had a 'wear forever' pad in there, a piece of space age urethane the literature said would not take a compression set. "Check often, and replace the pad when it hardens. A piece of good auto radiator hose or flat belting will last just as long as 'space age urethane.' I now have the tests to prove it. Snug the bolts up, then check them with the weight on the tailwheel. " For information on the Aeronca Av iator's Club, contact Julie and Joe Dic key, 511 Terrace Lake Road , Colum bus, IN 47201. Telephone 812/342 6878.
The SOl/Hoskins Fuel Flow and To talizer System is now FAA approved on more than 160 aircraft, including the Cessna 180. The system monitors each flight with precise computations of fuel status at all times. Fuel flow is displayed continuously with fuel remaining , fuel used, and available flight time remain ing also displayed digitally with micro computer accuracy. Contact Symbolic Displays, Inc. , direct, toll free 1-800 854-1457. Aircraft Insurance
An article in a recent issue of the Cessna Pilots Association monthly magazine concerning the rapid in crease of aircraft insurance rates con tains information that might be of in terest to owners of antique and classic Cessnas. It was stated that increases in rates through the CPA insurance pro gram have been minimal - much less than most of the other underwriters and other increases are not expected in the near future. Non-members of the Cessna Pilots Association might want to join the group to take advantage of the CPA insurance program. For information on this pro gram, call collect 316/943-9331 and ask for Gail Jenkins. He can also quote rates for other aircraft. For information on the Cessna Pilots Association, contact John M. Frank (EM 192085, NC 9340), Cessna Pilots Association , Wichita, Mid-Continent Air port, 2120 Airport Road, P.O. Box 12948, Wichita, KS 67277, telephone 316/946-4777. •
Photo by Ted Koston
Dan Neuman and passenger fly by at Oshkosh '81 in Dan's 1917 Curtiss IN-4D "Jenny".
by Gene Chase The airplane prominently displayed nearest the Wright Flyer replica in the EAA Aviation Museum is a beautifully restored Curtiss IN-4D "Jenny". About 6,000 Jennys were manufactured in five countries during the World War I era and this is one of an order dated Oc足 tober 6, 1917 for 400 IN-4Ds built by Springfield Aircraft Corporation in Springfield, Massachusetts. This particular aircraft, SIN 5360, was manufactured in December, 1917 as an observer trainer and assigned Signal Corps No. 2402 which is also its current FAA registration number. Although the original log books have long since disappeared, this much is known about the Jenny. It was declared surplus by the U.S. Army Signal Corps in about 1922 and purchased by the De足 mass brothers of Chesterton, Indiana. They learned to fly in it and barnstormed with the Jenny until 1935. During that time many modifications were made including replacing the orig足 inal wood landing gear struts with steel members. Other changes included the replacement of the wood frame tail group with those made of steel tube, and removing the control stick from the front cockpit. 6 FEBRUARY 1986
In 1947 the Jenny was acquired by airline Captain Lloyd Milner who trucked it from Indiana to the Minneapolis, Min足 nesota area and stored it on a farm owned by Northwest Airlines Captain Carl Graf.
Two more airline pilots enter the story at this point. One day in 1948, Northwest Airlines Captain Daniel E. Neuman of Minneapolis, Minnesota was told by his co-pilot that he knew of a Jenny sitting under a tree on a farm near Shakopee,
Photo from Dan Neuman collection
Dan wheels out the forward portion of his Jenny prior to beginning restoration. Note steel tube landing gear installed by earlier barnstorming owners.
a Minneapolis suburb. Having just pur chased an almost new Fairchild PT-19, Dan wasn't particularly interested in "old" airplanes at that time. Over the next several months the Jenny rumor persisted and curiosity fi nally caused Dan to investigate. The rumor was true and he found the Jenny fuselage under a large tree in a barn yard. The wings, still covered, and the tail surfaces were stored in a nearby corn shed. To Dan's surprise the "farm er" turned out to be fellow NWA Captain Carl Graf. Because the plane's owner had de cided the badly deteriorated junk was no longer restorable, Carl had started to dispose of it by throwing the Jenny into a nearby swamp , piece by piece. The wing center section, struts, fuel tank, and several other items had al ready been disposed of in this way. Dan couldn't get the Jenny off his mind and after several months' deliber ation he contacted Captain Milner ask ing if the plane was for sale. It was, and Dan struck a deal. The next step was to convince his wife that the new ac quisition was worthwhile. They had no place to store the Jenny but finally located and rented some space in a hangar at South SI. Paul Air port. For the next five years until 1954 when Dan built his own hangar, the Jenny parts were moved several times. Meanwhile a continuous effort was made to locate Jenny parts, both to re place missing ones or to acquire better ones. This continued for 11 years when in November, 1965 a decision was made to actually start the restoration work. Dan was fortunate to be able to hire, on a part time basis, retired airlines Captain Walter Bullock, a man ex tremely well qualified through knowl edge and experience to do aircraft woodwork. Dan, his wife Vonnie and son Dan, Jr. did the rest of the restora tion. Much of the original Jenny was found to be in airworthy condition , including the wing spars, most of the wing and fuselage fittings, most of the nonflexible steel cable in the forward fuselage, radiator, back seat, cockpit cowling, etc. Among the items that had to be re placed were the fuselage longerons, floor boards, front cockpit seat, instru ment panels, landing gear, tail surfaces, piano wire bracing , wing center section , fuel tank, a few struts, a few wing ribs, tail skid, and all flexible control cables. During his search for parts, Dan was fortunate to locate a brand new stabilizer and rudder, so only the verti cal fin and elevators had to be made new. This job and others, such as the wing center section, were made possi ble thanks to the set of Jenny drawings he obtained from the Smithsonian. All the interplane struts were airwor thy and only the center section struts
Photo from Dan Neuman collection
The new wing center section and wood landing gear are in place. All fuselage uprights, cross members and rigging wire are original.
Photo by Kastylis Izokaitis
There were many variations of Jenny instrument panels. Dan's plane is an observer trainer and has instruments in the rear cockpit only. A fold-down writing "desk" is mounted in the front cockpit, complete with a map of the WW I Western Front.
Photo from Dan Neuman collection
The Jenny as it looked in 1969 with 11 coats of clear nitrate dope and bearing the color markings and insignia of the 50th Aero Squadron. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7
were made new. These struts are all different in length and are numbered to correspond to each individual location. Each landing gear and wing strut sports a Curtiss decal, copied accurately from an original. Most of the wood in Jennys is spruce, however some redwood and white ash was also used. The wings struts are redwood, while the fuselage longerons from the motor mount back to the rear cockpit are white ash. The longerons aft of the rear cockpit are spruce. With white ash being stronger, it was used in the areas needing additional strength. Other original items that were airwor thy and retained were all the flying and landing wires and most of the rigging wires including turnbuckles and sol dered ends. The substitute steel tube landing gear was discarded and authentic wooden members built, incorporating original "peach basket" fittings that Dan was for tunate to have located. These fittings are made of sheet steel brazed together and contain the vertical slot in which the axle slides up and down as the shock cords flex. In the early sixties a tire company made a run of both black and white vin tage aircraft tires and Dan purchased the 26x4 clincher type needed to fit the original 18" Jenny wheels. The normal pressure for these tires is 55 p.s.i. and care must be taken to not over-inflate them as they can easily be cut by the sharp edges of the clincher rims on the wheels. Making sharp turns while taxi ing can also cause this problem. Only one instrument, a broken water temperature gage was with the plane, but Dan was able to locate duplicates. Instruments are located only in the rear cockpit on the observer trainer version of the Jenny, while the pilot trainer ver sion had some in the front cockpit as well , and the gunnery trainer version had instruments in the front pit only. Apparently Dan's Jenny had suffered no major damage during its flying days because none of the frame contained any major repairs. The original windshield frames were restored and used and the original fuselage turtledeck needed only varnishing be fore recover. Most Jennys were covered with Irish linen but Dan discovered that a few were covered with cotton and pinked tapes, probably near the end of WW I. Dan's is covered with Irish linen which unlike today was readily available in the 1960s when he purchased a quantity of it. And as on the original , all tapes are frayed , thanks to the efforts of Vonnie who cut off the edges of pinked tape, then frayed them using a needle. She had acquired considerable skill in air craft covering during the family restora tion of a previous Beech Staggerwing project. Continuing with the details of this au 8 FEBRUARY 1986
Photo by Ted Koston
Dan's 1917 Curtiss IN-4D "Jenny" at Oshkosh '81 where it received the Pioneer Age Champion Award (for aircraft manufactured prior to 1918).
Photo by Ted Koston
Dan waves from his Jenny before giving a ride to front seat passenger Starr Thompson at Oshkosh '81. Aircraft markings include its SIN 5360 and SC (Signal Corps) no. 2404. A small plate containing the leHer "N" is mounted with screws to cover the leHer "S" converting the number to NC2404, the plane's FAA registration no. This important detail makes the Jenny legal for flight.
Photo by Ted Koston ·
The 27th Aero Squadron insignia is red, white and blue. Note externally mounted fire extinguisher for easy access.
Photo by Ted Koston
Shock cords absorb landing loads. Original1S" wheels are mounted with 26 x 4 clincher type tires. Peach tree fitting (see story) is partially hidden behind front gear leg.
Photo by Ted Koston
A good view of the typical wire bracing of control surface horns on planes of the era.
Photo by Ted Koston
The radiator filler cap on top of the radiator contains the water temperature gage to monitor the coolant for the liquid cooled Curtiss OX-S (Millerized) 90 hp engine. Note the toothpick scimitar Sensenich propeller. The wing tip skids are made of rattan and are very strong.
thentic restoration, the drain holes in the fabric surfaces are installed per factory specs - a patch of fabric over a brass eyelet. For this restoration of his Jenny, Dan chose the version with insignia and markings as used on U.S. and allied IN 4Ds from January 11, 1918 to April 30, 1919. Eleven coats of clear (only) nit rate dope were applied and on July 30, 1968, the Jenny was issued an FAA air worthiness certificate in the experimen tal exhibition category in accordance with FAR 21.191 . On August 5, 1968, Dan made his first flight in a Jenny when he test hop ped the newly restored 51-year-old bip lane. On landing he was all smiles as he announced the plane needed only minor rigging adjustments. Three weeks later he flew the Jenny to Ot tumwa, Iowa where it was named Grand Champion at the 1968 AAA Fly In. Dan learned that comparatively few Jennys used squadron or base insignia on the fuselage during WW I and it was not until the following year that he de cided to add the 50th Aero Squadron insignia and color markings to the plane. This was the configuration of the Jenny when Dan flew it to the 1969 AAA Fly-In at Ottumwa. During the next several years Dan flew the Jenny to a few local fly-ins where he gave many passenger rides as he did on both trips to Ottumwa. At 50 hours on the plane and engine, the OX-5 began using oil as a result of ex cessive wear on the rings and valves . Dan said this is normal and that during WW I, OX-5s were overhauled about every 25 hours. Dan replaced the en gine with a second one to which he had made several basic improvements, hoping to double the number of hours between overhauls. With the airframe also beginning to show signs of wear, Dan decided to re store the Jenny again. He recovered the fuselage and tail group, again using Irish linen, painted the airplane olive drab, except for the lower surfaces of the wing and horizontal tail and the fu selage bottom which remain finished in clear dope. Dan then applied the early 27th Aero Squadron training unit mark ings as used at Taliaferro Field, Hicks, Texas in 1918. In this configuration the plane was flown to Oshkosh '81 where it was named Pioneer Age Champion. During the Convention, Dan gave dozens of passenger rides providing many their first opportunity to experience the thrill of flight in a Jenny. Dan found the Jenny's flight charac teristics to be quite conventional in most respects and he was pleasantly sur prised to find that the stabilizer trim, which is not adjustable, remains con stant with weight and airspeed changes. An interesting, but significant flight limitation is the effect of adverse VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9
f :'
Photo from Dan Neuman collection
Curtiss factory workers truing up a Jenny fuselage.
yaw - in level flight cruise , a yaw of about 12 degrees in either direction for more than 15 seconds will result in a spin entry! In 1984 Dan made the second flight to Oshkosh in his Jenny when he deliv ered it for display in the new EAA Avia tion Museum. The flight from Min neapolis took 5-1 12 hours and only one refueling stop was made because he supplemented the 21 gallon fuel capac
ity with a six gallon can in the front cockpit and a wobble pump . When it went into the Museum, Dan had flown the plane 105 hours and had given approximately 190 rides in it at various functions . Many thousands had seen the plane during its outings but now even greater numbers will enjoy seeing this pristine example of the plane that trained thousands of U.S. air men during WW I.
r-----------------. Daniel F. Neuman (EAA 871 , NC 325) 1521 Berne Circle West, Min neapolis, MN 55421 was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He soloed in 1931 in an OX-5 powered KR-31 which he and a high school chum pur chased for $500, which they had bor rowed. While still in high school he also obtained his A&E (now A&P) rating. He continued with his flying until , at the young age of 22, he became a captain with Northwest Airlines. After a long and successful career, he retired in 1978. Dan has restored several vintage air craft over the years, including a Buhl Pup which was named Grand Cham pion Antique at Oshkosh '82. This air craft is also on display in the EAA Avia tion Museum. He is currently restoring a rare Siemens-Halske powered 1928 Waco 125. Son, Dan Jr. (EM 209718, NC 8880) of Tucson, Arizona, is following in his dad's footsteps as he too made captain with Northwest Orient Airlines at age 22 and is currently flying Boeing 747s out of Minneapolis. Dan Jr. also loves old airplanes and is the proud owner of a 1927 Waco ASO . •
Designer Alexander de Seversky flies his SEV-3 amphibian floatplane over New York City's lower Manhattan skyline in 1934. Built by EDO Corpora tion , the innovative, all-metal SEV-3 set several world speed marks for amphi bians in 1933. The SEV-3 flew with both the 420 hp Wright Whirlwind and the 710 hp Wright Cyclone engines, and bore design traits that were to be em bodied in later Seversky aircraft, the P 43 Lancer and the famed P-47 Thun derbolt. EDO Corporation has sought to lo cate and restore the historic SEV-3, but an intensive search has been unsuc cessful , thus far, in uncovering either the SEV-3 itself, or any record of its ul timate disposition . •
The Woolworth Building, a landmark on the lower Manhattan skyline, furnishes the background as designer Alexander de Seversky pilots his SEV-3 amphibian floatplane in 1934. 10 FEBRUARY 1986
by Gene Chase
This nicely restored Stearman PT-17, LV-GAW is owned by Camilo Gonzalez Lobo, (EAA 220266, NC 8068) , Victor Hugo 46, C.P. 1875 Wilde , Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is powered with a 220 Continental. We hope to obtain the story of its restoration for a future issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE.
Stearman PT-17 owned by Camilo Gonzales Lobo of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1928 Travel Air D-40oo, NC8115, SIN 887, owned by Paul Schuyler, P.O. Box 21087, Reno, NV 89515. Former owners include the late Nick Rezich and the late Mike Murphy who performed in it at the 1939 National Air Races at Cleveland , OH . The original engine was a Wright J5, later changed to a Wright J6-7.
Well-known Travel Air 0-4000.
Jim Rezich (EAA 19677, NC 8348) , 611 S. Church , Box 706 Winnebago, IL 61088 owns this completely restored Culver Cadet LCA, NC29261, SI N 129. It sports an authentic optional factory paint scheme.
Jim Rezich's Culver Cadet. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11
'85 Denton Fly-In
Photo by E.M. Johnson
The Grand Champion Antique was Red Lerille's beautiful 1940 Waco SRE, NC247E. It was also named Ladies' Choice and Best Antique Cabin. Red is from Lafayette, LA.
by Dick Cavin The cities of Dallas, Ft. Worth and Denton, Texas form an equal sided triangle, with Denton about 35 miles NW of Dallas and 35 miles NE of Ft. Worth. Once Denton was a small col lege town, but the explosive growth in the metroplex found Denton in the path of all this progress. Now it's rapidly be coming an almost indistinguishable part of a sprawling big city. A few years after WW II the Denton city fathers made a wise decision to build a first class municipal airport. Since that time it has grown steadily in both usage and facilities. In the past few years it has become one of a half dozen "reliever" airports that ring the metroplex, and as such it qualified for an ILS, complete with high intensity approach lights and outer marker compass locator. In addition to a wide concrete runway 4100 ft. long, it has a wide semi-circular ramp that en compasses the centrally located termi nal building and large FBO hangars. All that and its status as an uncontrolled field makes it a natural magnet for groups that hold periodic fly-ins of some size. 12 FEBRUARY 1986
Denton also has a long turf runway that is alongside the main runway, en dearing it to pilots of not-so-well-be haved taildraggers. The turf on this run way is firm and smooth and drains as well in wet weather as does the entire field , and all the turf is kept well mowed. This makes it possible to park large numbers of aircraft between the runway
and taxiways without problems during wet weather. The city fathers are always most cooperative toward officially sponsored fly-ins and are widely acclaimed for thei r progressive altitude toward aviation, in sharp contrast to some municipalities, whose attitude toward aviation is quite similar to the turtle's. The FBO, Aero-
Photo by E. M. Johnson
Chris McGuire, Claremore, OK took home the Neo-Classic (Light) Award with his 1939 BC-12 Taylorcraft, NC23888.
smith , the local Piper dealer for the met roplex, is also most cooperative . They not only handle a large number of re fueling operations with courtesy and ef ficiency, but also make the ramp area clear for show plane parking. A large hangar on the north side of the terminal ramp is always vacated for fly-ins so that the area is available for registrations , concessions, displays, etc. The folding chairs brought in for the fly-in are also most welcome, providing a shady place to rest weary bones and for swapping hangar stories while sip ping a glass of the foamy stuff of what ever color. Such was the setting for the 23rd an nual fly-in hosted by the Texas Chapter of the Antique Airplane Association , which normally is held around the first weekend in June. This year, though , some last minute arranging was called for, due to an unusual circumstance. This year's fly-in had been scheduled far in advance for the June 7-9 weekend , with the City and the FBO in agreement. Shortly after the accord the Confederate Air Force petitioned the city for use of the airport on that weekend for a show that would feature the Navy's Blue Angels as the star at traction. A request was made of the chapter to combine the two events. However, the chapter officers (wisely) took the position that this wouldn 't work for their type of fly-in and with the re venue gained by the CAF fly-in as a bonus, all parties agreed to slip the event to the following weekend . The new date was coordinated with both the Oklahoma City Chapter and National Headquarters. Being cooperative worked out well for everyone. The CAF had a good show and the FBO went all out to support both dates. The excellent weather on the new date provided the Chapter with the prime ingredient for a record attendance of antiques, classics and custom builts. Friday, June 14th, they started com ing in from every direction and by sun set there were more than 100 beautiful showplanes tied down for the night. The weather was ideal for the cookout Fri day night, too, and close to 300 were fed , another indication that the '85 turn out would indeed be a new record . All agreed, too, that this year's accommo dations for the motorhomes and camp ing were well organized. Motel transpor tation also worked very smothly for at tendees not opting to rough it. It's not always a good idea to judge a fly-in solely on the basis of sheer num bers. Numbers don 't really communi cate the flavor and personality of a fly in. Just as a gourmet especially savors the taste and quality of a meal, so it is with the devotees of fly-ins who delight in the variety and rarity of the offerings, rather than just being overwhelmed with the quantity. And, too, just as a big meal is hard to digest, too many showplanes
Photo by E. M. Johnson
L. E. Wade's 1947 Stinson 108-3, N6141 M, took the trophy in the Classic (Heavy) division.
Photo by E. M. Johnson
This 1928 Velie-powered Monocoupe, NC5874, was one of three 'Coupes at Denton. It won the Judge's Choice trophy for owner, Tom Richards.
Photo by Dick Cavin
Jerry Ferrell's 1928 Star Cavalier, N7239 received the Judge's Choice (Replica) trophy. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13
'85 Denton Fly-In
Photo by Dick Cavin
Golden Age prize winner was John Bowden's immaculate blue and yellow 1928 Chal lenger-powered Curtiss Robin, N82H.
Photo by Dick Cavin
The Antique Open Cockpit award was bestowed on James Fowler's 1940 DeHaviliand Tiger Moth, N7404, SI N 7129. James also qualified for the Longest Distance in an Open Cockpit award, flying from his home in Houston to Denton.
Photo by Dick Cavin
This handsome 1946 Aeronca 11AC Chief NC86002 is owned by Mary Mahon of Justin Time Airfield, Justin, TX. 14 FEBRUARY 1986
to be surveyed in the allotted time may cause one to overlook some outstand ing features that are best appreciated when leisurely viewed . Another joy of fly-ins is unhurriedly examining the display aircraft with one or more friends and discussing notable and unusual features with them . Other aficionadoes often volunteer bits of in formation and one can often see these little discussion groups form . Many new friendships are started as a result of such amicable informality and resulting camaraderie . It's said that variety is the spice of life and it's in this vein that there was wholehearted agreement that the '85 Denton fly-in was just about as spicy as they come. I counted 33 different man ufacturer's names on the field at one time. Listing them alphabetically they in cluded : Aeronca, Beech, Bellanca, Champion, Cessna, Consolidated, Cur tiss, Culver, DeHavilland, Ercoupe, Fairchild, Fiesler, Funk, Globe, Great Lakes, Howard, Interstate, Luscombe, Maule, Mooney, Monocoupe, N.A.F., North American, Piper, Porterfield, Ryan , Spartan, Star, Stearman, Stin son, Taylor, Travel Air, Varga and Waco. Bear in mind, too, of those manufac turers listed above most built several different deSigns (i.e., Piper, Cessna, Fairchild, etc.) and each one of these designs would have several model vari ations, according to engine installa tions, etc. Here are some examples: Aeronca (and Champion) had 14 on the field, in cluding 2 Chiefs, 1 65TAC, 5 7ACs, 1 7EC, 3 Champs, and 2 Citabrias. Cessna, of course, had the most mod els as well as the most airplanes on the field. Of the 40 Cessnas on deck there were seven 120s, eleven 140s, three 140As, four 170s and five 170Bs, one L-19, five 180s, a 190 and three 195s. There were also two USAF Cessna 310s there, in addition to the other 40. There were 21 Pipers of varying vin tage, nine J-3s, a J-5, 3 PA-12s, a PA 15, a PA-18, 5 PA-22s, a PA-28. The 1954 PA-18 (L-21B) by David Caesar, Arlington, TX was the Sweepstakes Award winner and also the winner of the Neo-Classic (Heavy) award. Fairchild was represented by seven excellent restorations. Four were F-24s, one each PT-23 and PT-26 and one PT 19 by Alan Brakefield, which pulled down the Military Trainer award for '85.
Eleven Luscombes also made the scene, six model 8s and five model 8Es, with David Harrison's 1947 8E taking top honors in the Classic Light division. There were six of Mr. C.G. Taylor's design examples on hand, including a rare J-2 and Chris McGuire's 1939 BC 12 which was numero uno in the Neo Classic (light) section. No antique fly-in would be complete without at least one Beech Staggerwing and there were two at Denton with Don Sharp's 1939 model 17 taking the Classic Biplane crown. There was also a Model 35 and a model 50 in the Beech group. There were six Stinsons gracing the turf at Denton in '85, three 108-3s, two 108-2s and an L-5. L.E. Wade's prized 1947 Stinson 108-3 took the trophy in the Classic Heavy division. The number of Monocoupes at De nton wasn't overwhelming. Only three of them showed up for roll call. Each of the three represented a phase of the Monocoupe's development. One was Tom Richard's 1928 Velie powered 'Coupe and it was the Judge's Choice trophy winner. The others were Lambert and Lycoming powered. Jerry Ferrell 's 1928 Star Cavalier took the other Judge's Choice award for a replica. Another 1928 type, John Bow den's Curtiss Robin was selected as the Golden Age prize winner. Both of these 1928 types looked like they had just been rolled out of the factory. The Antique Open Cockpit medal was bestowed on James Fowler's Tiger Moth of 1940 vintage. It also qualified for the Longest Distance in Open Cockpit crown. The Warbird types were there, too , with a P-51 D, a B-25, a Ryan PT-22, eight Stearmans, a T-28, a T-6, and a SNJ-5. Wes Sander's SNJ-5 was hon ored as being worthy of the Military Tac tical Class top honor. Some of the other larger aircraft there were a Lockheed 10A, a Lockheed 18, a Spartan 7W and a Howard DGA . Be sides the above there were three Bel lancas, two Fleets, a 1910 Curtiss Pusher Replica that Lea Abbott flew often, seven Ercoupes, a Fiesler Storch, four Swifts, two Great Lakes, two Interstates, two Navy NAF N3Ns, a Porterfield 35-70, two Travel Air bipes, a Varga, a Culver Dart, and a Mooney 18 (Mite). As usual, there was quite a gaggle of homebuilts there, too, 20 of them to be exact. Several of these had the antique look. There were two Pietenpol Air Campers (one Model A powered), a Corben Super Ace, two Spezio Tuhol ers, and an RV-3 and an RV-4, Sonerai I and lis, a Wittman Tailwind, an EAA Biplane and a Davis DA-2A. In addition there was a Druine Turbu lent, a Bill's Air Castle (N14BS) , a Wasp (N415W), a Landall Skydall (N1LS), (Continued on Page 18)
Photo by Dick Cavin
A nice customized 1946 Cessna 140, N6400D owned by Harold L. Hardy of Sanger, TX.
Photo by Dick Cavin
Beautiful red and white 1948 Cessna 190, N4339V, SIN 7245 owned by William F. Porter, Oklahoma City, OK.
Photo by E. M. Johnson
Tom Teagarden of Dallas, TX owns this customized 1946 Swift, N78188, SIN 2188. Power is a 180 hp Lycoming with a 3-bladed prop. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 15
Restoration Corner
Editor's Note: This issue of THE VIN TAGE AIRPLANE contains the first in a series of articles pertaining to the resto ration of antique and classic airplanes. The subject matter will range from selecting a project to test flying the finished product. Officers and directors of the Antique/ Classic Division have accepted the re sponsibility for many of the articles, but contributions will be provided by others as well. As the series progresses, if readers wish to share their ideas, techniques, etc., they are encouraged to do so. Just because a subject has been presented doesn't mean the mat ter is closed. We plan to publish supple mental information on the various sub jects and we look forward to reader input. Some of the material presented may be "old hat" to those who have been in the vintage airplane hobby or business for many years, but newcomers have to start at ground zero and this information could be the basis for a manual of sorts which could be referred to for years to come. Even with the years of experience and tremendous amount of talent of many members, it's most likely that everyone will learn something new from each article. Please let us hear from you . . . write to Gene R. Chase, Editor, THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.
Aircraft Selection by George York (EM 11310, NC 1085) 181 Sloboda Avenue Mansfield, OH 44906 After a potential restorer/rebuilder has determined that he or she is going to do an airplane, the most important consideration is the blessing of the fam ily or at least their tolerance of the situ ation. The next most important item will be the selection of the aircraft make and model. There are many, many considera tions, nearly as many as there are pros pective rebuilders. Do you want an air craft for utility, one that you will utilize for transportation, or do you alre~dy own such an aircraft and want to restore an antique which you will consider a show piece? There are two classes of restorable aircraft - one is the classic (post WW II) which is a serviceable airplane that can be used as a modern means of transportation and still attend fly-ins and compete in show competition. There 16 FEBRUARY 1986
are also a few antiques that meet this qualification, but most of the antiques were built up to the end of 1945 (pre war and war-time) and are more show than transportation aircraft. There are, of course , exceptions to every rule. In the antique category are such aircraft as the war-time Stinsons, Fairchild 24s, Staggerwing Beechs, Howard DGAs, and the Waco Cabins to name a few. However, most of these airplanes burn more fuel and are slower than their classic passenger-hauling counterparts. Here we're referring to the Cessnas and Beech Bonanzas from the period prior to 1955. Once you have determined whether you want an antique or classic aircraft, there are still many variations as to which you would choose. Nostalgia for the first time restorer/rebuilder can play a big part in that first selection. Often times an individual wants the airplane that he or she first soloed or possibly had their first ride in. In some cases, they figure they can buy a rebuildable airplane of the kind they've always wanted and couldn't afford ; thus by dOing their own work, the lower pur chase price will afford the opportunity to meet this lifetime longing. One selection for a restorer/rebuilder is further controlled by what is available and how much money can be afforded initially. Not only do you have the con sideration of the initial cost, but is the purchaseable plane fairly well com plete, and if not, are the parts available. One has to take a good look in the mir ror and evaluate his/her own ability, tal ent, previous restoration experience, the difficulty of the project decided upon, and of course, the nagging ques tions - will this satisfy the family? All of this is further complicated by where are you going to do this project? Is the airplane too big for that 1, 2 or 3 car garage? Do you have the weather environment that will allow you to work in that big building behind the house (if there is such a structure), or is this a project that has to be done at a local airport? Should it turn out to be a project that must be done at the local airport, you must remember that you will have the expense of hangar rent, electric power, heat and always the need for tools. Under the discussion of tools, when you took that long look in the mirror, you should have determined if you're a metal man with the background for bending, braking, riveting and working with metal or if yours is a background of tube and cloth? Do you have suffi cient equipment or do you have to buy equipment (tools)? What friends can be
of assistance, even if only to offer a slap on the back when you find the going is a little_tougher than ~nticipated? Further to all of the above, do you have the blessing of your local A&P? Hopefully, he is also an AI. If you're going the antique route with a very old airplane, does he lean toward cloth-co vered machines? If he is going to assist you in working with your airplane, this is a very important conSideration , par ticularly if you 're going to get into one of the more complicated airplanes. In the selection of the aircraft, hope fully you have considered the area where you are living and will be build ing, as consideration should be given to climatic conditions for doping and paint ing. Money was mentioned above. This is always an important consideration, however, the writer looks upon the re storation of aircraft as a hobby. For me, it is not meant as a livelihood and as most restorers know (other than the professional rebuilders who very well know what they're doing), the rebuilding of an aircraft is by no means a money making venture. The low value return on your labor will probably surprise you ! As an example, one could consider the time spent standing around thinking about how to do something as being lost. I like to tell that the Beech Stagger wing has over 6,000 rib stitches holding the fabric. Since the knots are buried under the fabric and spaced one-inch apart, I defy anyone to layout the rib stitching, punch the holes, rib stitch the cloth onto the airplane and do a rib stitch knot faster than one every three minutes. This computes out to be 20 rib stiches per hour and figuring labor at $20.00 per hour, it does not take a mathematical genius to figure out that each rib stitch is costing $1 .00. This means that just sewing the cloth to the airframe costs $6,000.00! Hence, it is my suggestion that first time restorers choose a much simpler aircraft for his/ her first project. In selecting a first-time project, it is the recommendation (not just a thought) that you start with something like an Aeronca, Piper Cub, Taylorcraft, Porter field , Luscombe or Cessna. For the re storer who has had a lot of experience, or who has been a helper or partner and is going on his own with the knowl edge that he has the blessing of a qual ified A&P mechanic who's there looking over his shoulder when needed, then go to the more difficult airplane. After you 've had several projects under your belt and have found it to be a most enjoyable hobby, then it's time
to look at the more complicated airplanes. The entire selection process depends on honesty. You have to be honest with yourself as to your talents and ability, family, available monies, and financial condition to say nothing of your ability to handle (fly) the aircraft once you have finished your showpiece. If you are not honest, then you are in a position where you probably will never get the project done. Then you should be willing to humble yourself or find some kind of alibi as to why the project isn't finished and then sell it. There are many people out there who have bitten off more than they can chew and their project lies dormant, rusting or rotting away because they are too proud to admit the truth . The restoring of an aircraft is a very self-rewarding accomplishment and can become as complex and as compli cated as the aircraft you select to re build. The first aircraft I rebuilt was a 1941 Aeronca Chief. My reason for rebuilding this particular plane was because I learned to fly and soloed one in the WW II CPT program for Naval V5 aviation cadets in the spring of 1943. Am I ever glad that my nostalgia didn 't demand a Howard DGA or a Staggerwing Beech. After years of working on vintage airplanes as a hobby, I have graduated and soon will be finishing a Staggerwing Beech. But, ladies and gentlemen, after 12 years of part-time work, this compli cated aircraft would never have been close to being finished if it would have been my first project. So, if nostalgia is the reason for your selection and the plane is complicated , store it and find a less difficult aircraft within your working and flying envelopes to rebuild as your first project. Do not get caught in the trap of striv ing for too much, too soon. You appa rently have seen many aircraft of the grassroots, lightweight variety which lit erally have been brought back from basket case starter kits to go on to be come grand champions at Oshkosh. If memory serves me correctly, two Aeronca Champs, a Cessna 140 and a Piper Vagabond have received this top award, so it's not necessary that you have the biggest, most complex airplane with which to compete. Good luck on your selection.
Locating A Restorable/ Rebuildable Airplane by George York Once a person has selected the make and model for his project, they can begin the search. Locating a re buildable airplane often depends on your selection and your flexibility as to what you are willing to accept for a pro
ject. Unless you have positively, abso lutely determined that you have to have a particular make and model (often times impossible to locate) your selec tion will vary according to the location of the airplane. An example would be the selection of a rare version of an Aeronca Chief, and the only aircraft you could find of this particular make and model was located in a remote section of Alaska. On the other hand, only 50 miles from you was an equivalent airplane, another side-by side aircraft - a Taylorcraft. The cost and problems of securing one over the other can be sufficient reason to change your selection. That is why a certain amount of flexibility is desirable in selecting a project. If you are really de termined to have the aircraft that is dif ficult to bring home and money is no object, then , of course , you're headed for Alaska. With the above logical reasoning in mind, a person sets out to locate air craft, and there are many ways this can be accomplished. If you are strictly going by conventional methods, you will study Trade-A-Plane and other airplane advertisements, and, of course, spread the word among your trustworthy friends . I would like to describe a few methods I have used in locating aircraft from 1959 through the present. No one particular method will apply to everyone, but certain variations may be the answer. In 1959 I decided I wanted an 1940 Aeronca Chief and first I told my bud dies. In those days there were several Chiefs around. However, I also con tacted the AOPA and talked to a very cooperative gentleman by the name of Colonel Little. Mr. Little advised that AOPA had a service whereby they could provide a computer print-out of all aircraft registered with the FAA of a par ticular make and model. The AOPA computer print-out consisted of the air craft that I later found to be listed in the FAA Civil Aircraft Register book. The aircraft was identified by the code number 019-001 . This was the FAA's number for an Aeronca Chief. At that time, there were 1,030 of those units registered . On receipt of this information, a very enthusiastic indi vidual started checking each one of them. Each aircraft listing included se rial number, N number, engine and city and state. Also listed was the last license date. If the aircraft was out of license for a great number of years, this was also noted. There were many 1940 and 1941 Aeronca Chiefs in the state of Ohio, and I proceeded to write or telephone each of the owners. Many of my letters were returned and many of the addresses were inactive, but with a little detective work the people were located. The de
tective work began by knowing that an individual had an airplane in a particular town , county or area and by checking with the police or sheriff's department or the city hall, I usually found a person who was cooperative . In some cases I checked with the local Chamber of Commerce. In any event I can honestly say that barring a death with no survivors, I usu ally ended up locating the person I was looking for. Oftentimes their airplanes were stored and I obtained some ridicul ous prices, as in 1959 and 1960 there was not the demand for "old planes" there presently is. If a person is trying to locate a very rare airplane, more effort must be ex pended . I always purchased a copy of FAA's "U.S. Civil Aircraft Register" in book form. I obtained copies consecu tively from 1959 until the FAA quit mak ing them available. The volumes came out twice a year and were about 3 in ches thick. The information is no longer available in book form , but is on micro fiche, and it is obtainable. The listings are available by N number, make and model or by owner's name. Another searching technique is going to the FAA in Oklahoma City and per sonally searching through the records. An alternative is hiring one of the inde pendent title searching businesses in Oklahoma City. Many inactive airplanes are no longer in the active files in Ok lahoma City but the information is stored in other sections of the country with the FAA. For a small fee and a decent waiting time, this information can be obtained. Back when I was actively looking for airplanes, I took vacations that ended up in Oklahoma City, spending two or three days pouring over records of the particular airplane I was seeking. It's im portant to know the registration number of the plane when it was last registered . This provides the data needed to obtain from the records the last reported infor mation to the FAA. Armed with this, one traces back to the city to try to locate the individual or family. It's almost like looking for a lost person in some cases. Another method that I used for years when I learned of a plane I'd like to have I would trace it down through FAA, AOPA and the Civil Aircraft Register book. When I found it had been out of service for a while but was last located in "Pin Hook, USA", I would utilize my amateur radio operator facilities. With call letters K8MFZ I would get on the radio and talk to my friends. I would work with those who were in or around Pin Hook, USA, and would bring up the subject of old airplanes and people who were interested in them. Then I would ask if he knew a "Joe Doakes who had died 10 years ago" or knew of his family. Ninety-five percent of the time I would get an answer and many times I would VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17
Restoration Corner be given a phone patch to some relation or heir. It wasn 't unusual to hear, "My gosh, cousin Charlie's got Uncle Eddie's airplane in his barn. " It's not al ways that simple, but at times the radio did help. I'm only sorry that I do not have my amateur radio working today. I have since devoted more time to other things and allowed my license to lapse ; but this did work back in the middle 60's up to the early 70's. Another method of locating an old airplane after you've narrowed it down to the general area and you 've found no information at the courthouse - take one more tack and go to the county home or nursing homes and spend a Sunday afternoon with some of the old timers. They will really enjoy it and can give you a lot of information. I have had enjoyable times running across old tim ers involved with aviation. They are not all senile, and many of them can be very helpful. Besides, they will enjoy talking with you and you will feel better for hav ing visited with them, especially if you do not go there with the 100 percent ulterior motive of finding an airplane.
A very fine way of locating airplanes, other than the easy method of using Trade-A-Plane and watching for ads in other publications is to become involved in aviation in your area. Join the local aviation group, then give of your time and be of assistance to other people. Someday someone will come to you and say, "I know of an old airplane and I'll tell you about it." This is also true when airport hoppping in your classic or antique airplane. Many people want to tell you that they, too, know some thing about vintage aircraft and "Uncle Joe has one of those but it's been stored for 30 years." I once located a Stearman that had been stored for 15 years after the crop duster/owner passed away and his young grandson wished to impress me that a Stearman was in their shed. As a working member of the Staggerwing Club, people contact me wanting to know the present location of the same airplane they once owned . The more you become involved, the more people will contact you . I have noticed that those who have are those have been willing to help. Communica tion is often the secret to success. A sure way to have people tighten up
and not be helpful is to be more know ledgeable than they in discussions. Take advantage of being a good lis tener. And never violate the unwritten rule of not buying a plane out from un; derneath a confidante. Believe me, you will no longer have help from this per son or any of his or.her friends on future projects. Many people will sacrifice to help a friend locate an airplane. If I know of an aircraft that I feel I cannot afford nor see my way clear to purchase in the near future, I will pass the information on to a person who is qualified to restore it and who wants that particular model. Resurrecting old airplanes is a necessary function of keeping this hobby of ours going. When vintage airplanes fall into the hands of collectors and thus are removed from circulation , the growth of our hobby is retarded . It's reminiscent of a quote I once saw on a barn wall, which inciden tally housed an old Aeronca Defender. This quote was in an ad paid for by Mail Pouch tobacco: "For what has a man gained if he owns the entire world and has lost his own soul." It can be para phrased, "For what has a man gained if he owns all the old airplanes and has no friends ." •
(Continued from Page 15)
and Stardusters I and II. Bob Wyse's Starduster Too pulled top drawer for the "Unique Open Cockpit" prize, while Noah McCullough's RV-4 made the grade in the "Unique Cabin" category. (Unique means custombuilt.) Of the Waco clan there were four, two UPF-7s, a UIC, and a SRE, the same SRE that was named Customized Champion Antique at Oshkosh and Grand Champion Antique at Kerrville later in the summer. That's Red Lerille's magnificent Waco SRE cabin . At De nton, he not only took home the Grand Champion title, but the SRE was voted the Ladies' Choice and Best Antique Cabin, too. As per custom, the Chapter hosted a happy hour before the barbecue awards dinner on Saturday night. The dinner was attended by 300 with Chapter Pres ident Clyde Boggus and Joe Haynes handing out the awards. There was a Sunday morning fly away breakfast in the big hangar to say farewell and "see ya next year. " Most importantly, it was not only a most en joyable three day event, but also a safe one, with all arriving home safe and sound, happy and exhausted and al ready making plans for 1986.• 18 FEBRUARY 1986
Photo by E. M. Johnson
A nice converted Piper Tri-Pacer, N9735D, SIN 22-6647 owned by Donald W. Keating,
Norman, OK.
by Gene Chase The following is a partial listing of new members who have joined the EAA Antique/Classic Division (through early September, 1985). We are honored to welcome them into the organization whose members' common interest is vintage aircraft. Succeeding issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE will contain additional listings of new members.
Morris, Edward G.
Jones, Ronald C.
Cummings, Alton
Fetherolf, Will G.
Meriden, Connecticut
Los Alamos , New Mexico
Berlin, Massachusetts
Eagle, Idaho
Lutz, Michael
Hancock Jr., Robert
Neu, David
Rawhide Boys Ranch
Garden City Park, New York
Bonaire, Georgia
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
New London , Wisconsin
Schroeder, Robert
Larson, Donald E.
Hyder, Craig
Mayer, David J.
Appleton , Wisconsin
Huntington Beach, California
Fort Wayne , Indiana
Ingleside, Illinois
Brausch, J. Jeffrey
Hoeweler, Alan E.
Beenenga Jr., John H.
Derry, Donald G.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Tonica, Illinois
Colorado Springs, Colorado Medina, Ohio
Heine, William R.
Ludwig, B. J.
Young, Michael E.
Barboza, Gilbert
Zionsville, Indiana
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Munroe Falls, Ohio
San Francisco, California
Marsh, Terry Lawrence
Shelkey, Jeffrey B.
Brickey, Jerry N.
Stallings, Gerald
Delaware, Ohio
Cataumet, Massachusetts
Rockford , Illinois
Taylor, Arizona
Lebeau, Dudley W.
Singleton, Don S. Dallas, Texas
Dahlke, Arthur L.
Smyrna, Georgia
Eads Jr., Curtis E.
Aurora, Colorado
Portsmouth, Virginia
Richieri, Luiz G.
Boesen, Mark
Lafever, Bud
Good, Dean
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Rockford , Illinois
Rockford , Illinois
Dallas, Texas
Brown, Jimmy C.
Hicks, Stephen
Nickerson, William W.
Roop, Robby
Freeport, Texas
Calico Rock, Arkansas
Atlanta, Georgia
APO Miami , Florida
Kiser, Charlie Wayne
Durtschi, Steve
Deutscher, Kevin
Florczak, Ray
Dublin, Virginia
West Bountiful, Utah
Chandler, Arizona
Mamaroneck, New York
Hawes, Kingdon R.
Tiedeman, Raymond G.
Swick, Michael M.
Young, R. Lionel
Papillion, Nebraska
Orland Park, Illinois
Torrance, California
Wilburton, Oklahoma
Cramer Jr., William C.
Jirka, Holly A.
Jankovich, Jack
Johnmeyer, Bill
Point Pleasant, New Jersey
Elgin, Illinois
Manhattan, Kansas
Springfield, Missouri
Barsness, Don
Byers, Richard F.
Lefevre, Elton F.
Provisor, Austin E.
Denver, Colorado
Lawton , Michigan
Eagle Bay, New York
Van Nuys, California
Muscolino, Bruce J.
Depuy, Charles O.
Miglis, Frank N.
Los Angeles, California
Ponca City, Oklahoma
Lompoc, California
Mansteel, Robert L. Catawissa, Missouri •
Dunlap, William
Warren, David P.
Harkin, Terry
Flagstaff, Arizona
Owasso, Oklahoma
Watertown , South Dakota
Stigall, Ernest J.
Melbye, Robert D.
Mengel III, Walter
Indianapolis, Indiana
St. Paul, Minnesota
Youngstown , Arizona
Odegard, Lawrence R.
Ammons, Robert L.
Shaver, Michael D.
Dubuque, Iowa
Core, West Virginia
Bridgeton, Missouri
Thompson, Ray
Thompson, Kevin
Sessler, Art
West Lafayette, Indiana
Holland, New York
Chico, California
Ward, Keith D.
Stout, Kenneth E.
Ruble, Richard
Dresser, Wisconsin
Woodbine, Kansas
Mount Vernon , Washington
VI~TAf7~ LIT~l?ATUl?~
by Dennis Parks
AERONAUTICS 1909-1911 Aeronautics, first published in July 1907 as American Magazine of Aeronautics,
was one of the first successful aviation journals in the United States. It was published monthly and continued until July 30, 1915, making it one of the few aviation journals to bridge the gap to WW II; another was Flying published from 1912 to 1921 (See The Vintage Airplane, October, 1985). Edited by E.L. Jones the magazine was the most widely read periodical in the field. The journal had created some notoriety in 1909 when it had a New York attorney specializing on patents contribute an article analyzing the Wright Brothers' law suit against Cur tiss. His response was against the valid ity of the Wright claims. This article surely influenced the attitude of flyers about the case. Aeronautics was published monthly and had fair sized issues averaging over 30 pages. In contrast to Flying which consisted mainly of editorial con tent, Aeronautics had an unusually large amount of advertising. The May 1910 issue had ads on 26 pages repre senting over 60 companies . Eight of the companies had full page ads. As this was an age of homebuilding, this journal through its ads provided a good source of information and sources for those engaged in aviation construc tion development. The journal also provided plans for aircraft and had a series of "Construc tion Aids" which provided detailed draw ings of aircraft parts, such as fittings (many were needed then!) , compo nents, and control systems. It was to today's somewhat similar "Sportplane Builder" in SPORT A VIA TlON.
Of special interest to the builder was the series of articles beginning in Feb ruary, 1911 - "How to build a Curtiss Type Biplane" by G. H. Godley. These articles constituted the first practical treatise on the actual construction of an airplane appearing in any aeronautical publication. Mr. Godley was an engineer on the staff of the journal American Motorist and a member of the Aeronautical Soci
ety. The series included detailed draw ings of parts and construction techniques such as how to make ribs. The articles began on a note that is the heart of EAA; "Doubtless there are thousands of amateur mechanics in this country who have both the skill and the tools and with a capital of a few hundred dollars anyone of them could build an aeroplane capable of making satisfac tory flights ." As many Curtiss biplanes were built in this era, apparently some notice was taken of this belief. On the technical side, it is interesting to note that the air craft required 1,000 feet of trussing wire at four cents a foot. The minimum in vestment for constructing the aircraft minus the motor was given as $150, the maximum $500. The editorial contents in 1910 in cluded articles such as: "Description of Successful Types of Aeroplanes" by Grover Loening ; "Some Devices for Lat eral Stability"; "Los Angeles Aero Meet" and "Halley's Comet from a Balloon ." M. B. Sellers had a series of technical articles that included such topics as: "Notes on Aspect Ratio"; "Interference of Aeroplane Surfaces" and "Centre of Pressure on Arched Surfaces." Coverage of new aircraft included ar ticles on the Herring-Burgess Biplane, Twining Ornithopter, Greene Biplane, and the Stevens Monoplane. Almost every issue had articles on Wright or Curtiss aircraft, their developments and exhibit flights . The level of activity in aviation in 1910 is reflected in the Calendar section. The October issue listed 32 events, exhibits and races until the end of the year. In corporations were also listed with June reporting 10 new aviation companies. The advertisements give the most in dication of the vigor of aviation ac tivities. Unusual for today, but in light of new developments and the continuing Wright lawsuit, is the appearance in the May issue of nine ads for patent attor neys. Of the 26 pages of ads the most numerous dealing with equipment were those for aviation engines with nine ads. Included were engines by Anzani, Whitehead, Elbridge, Holmes, and Emerson. The Aerial Navigation Com pany of America of Girard, Kansas had an ad for the Call Aviation Engine, "The
Magnalium Engine." This was billed as "A real Aeronautic Motor", light, strong, simple and reliable . There was a 45 hp and a 90 hp version of this horizontally opposed engine. The 90 hp engine weighed only 2-1 /2 Ibs. per horsepower and sold for $1,200. These were sup posedly the first engines equippped with mufflers. Related to the engines were four ads for propellers and two for magnetos. The mags were by Bosch and Bretz, the props by Requa-Gibson, Paragon , Sparling and Coffin. There were also three ads for tires including Goodyear and Palmer. The Palmer ad in Sep tember 1910 had a testimonial from Glenn Curtiss. The Palmer tire was manufactured by B.F. Goodrich. Miscel laneous items included cordage , radiators, bamboo and ball bearings. Among the aircraft advertised were balloons from the French-American Balloon Company and Captain Thomas S. Baldwin. Competition apparently was important then for a sales pitch, as the French-American ad claimed "Have won every contest entered against all makes" and the Baldwin ad in June 1910 listed 10 prizes including U.S. Du ration record of 48 hrs. 26 mins. and altitude record of 24,000 ft. Aeroplanes that were advertised in cluded those by Wright, Wittemann , Church and Burgess. The Burgess company apparently didn't like wheels and tires for the ad stated, "Our aerop lanes stand on skids, run on skids, get into the air on skids, alight on skids, and are SAFE on skids." Many aviation events were covered during the year including exhibits, dis plays and races. One of the most histor ical events of the era was recorded at the October 1910 meeting at Sheep shead Bay in New York. It was during this meet that the first wireless message was sent from an aeroplane. The equip ment was developed by the DeForest Company and the radio which weighed 25 !bs. was piloted aloft by John McCur dey. Aeronautics provides a splended look at the type of information that aeroplane builders were looking for in the 1910s. The EAA Library has a set of issues from 1911 to 1913. The 1910 issues were examined in the Purdue University Aviation Technology Library.
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Bob and Peggy Cutler's beautifully restored 1946 Globe Swift GC1B, "In Hoc II". Colors are beige with harmonizing brown and orange trim. Aircraft received an Outstanding in Type Award at Oshkosh '85.
elf fJouch Story and photos by Dick Cavin As we prowled up and down the rows of antiques and classics at Oshkosh '85, I couldn't help but think that if we knew the story behind most of those sparkling showplanes it would add up to from three to six years each of hard work and frustration doing painstaking jobs over until they had it right, until fi nally it was all done. I also thought of the money that had been poured out on these projects, the sacrifices of time and the strain on family budgets along the way. After all that, here they were now, pit ting their handiwork against dozens of other painstakingly crafted restorations; here was the anxiety of awaiting the judges' decisions. For a few there would be the thrill of victory and a surge of pardonable pride. For others, though, there wou ld be a sting of disappoint ment. The winner of this year's "Outstand ing in Type" award in the Swift category is well acquainted with the "also ran" 22 FEBRUARY 1986
D£ C[a~~
group. His 150 hp Super Piper Clipper had been on deck several years at Osh kosh, but it was always a bridesmaid and never a bride, even though it truly was a superb airplane. They called it the "Spirit of Poverty. " Bob and Peggy Cutler's second airplane, "In Hoc II", is a beautifully re stored 1946 Globe Swift GC1 B, pow ered by a 145 hp Continental engine, and it was the judges' choice for an Out standing in Type award in '85, although the competition was stiff in the Swift cat egory. Bob is an executive of the dominant parking system in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex and it was on an inspection trip to one of their many parking lots in 1977 that Bob stumbled onto the Swift. He happened to see the aircraft and several engines sticking out of an open door at Trimble Tech High School in Ft. Worth , which inflamed his curiosity. When told they were decreasing the size of their aviation department and had the '46 Globe Swift and other items
up for bid, he couldn't resist. Three days later it was his. Since the purchase price was right, Bob's original thought was to get it in the air, fly it awhile, and sell it. Funny how one develops an affection for airplanes after one invests money, time and work in them. They sort of become ex officio members of the family, de veloping a special personality it seems. As Bob delved into the Swift's geneal ogy he learned it was built in December, 1946, number 5 from the end of produc tion of Globe-built Swifts. It was stored in a field for about a year at Temco (Globe's successor) before it sold . Temco (now LTV) had been a prime contractor for Globe for some time, so when Globe folded, Temco inherited a flock of unsold Swifts. Bob's was one of those. Temco continued to sell and manufacture Swifts until early 1950, when it became part of the Ling-Temco Vought (LTV) corporate conglomerate. N57PC was originally registered as NC3806K and went through a parade
of owners, the last of whom was in Louisiana before it was acquired as trading stock by then Congressman Dale Milford of Dallas. He used the Swift as bartering material with the Fort Worth Independent School District to get what he really wanted - a rare Temco T-35 Buckaroo. The Swift re sided in the school for 12 years, where it received only minor attention. Bob's very first problem was how to move an airplane with a main gear spread of 10' 6". Fortunately his em ployer was also an airplane nut and a T-34 owner, so he, a vice-president, and a city manager joined the effort, making it a real corporate move, along with Bob and his wife, Peggy. The air craft was loaded on a flat bed trailer, modified with outriggers for the gear, and headed for Dallas' Addison Airport. There it was deposited alongside their "Spirit of Poverty." Bob is co-owner of a large hangar, along with myself and Bob Geren, the noted restorer of prize winning How ards. (Note: Little does one realize the agony of sharing a hangar with two nit picki ng restorers who consider a piece of worn upholstery a major crime. But that's another story as they say.) It sat in the hangar until 1978 while Bob began dissecting his prize and planning the rebuild. Right off there was some sheet metal work to be done. He had to re-skin a flap, put new tips on the elevator, replace bent skin sections, etc. Bob observed that for some reason old birds look a lot better at first glance than they do when one starts dissecting them . Things were moving now. Bob rigged a trailer hitch for his pickup and towed the Swift to their home in the fashiona-
Bob Cutler runs up the Swift's 145 hp Continental engine on his driveway at home.
ble Park Cities area of North Dallas, where he had a heated workshop and could get more work accomplished. Thus he began a system by system re build that was to go on for another five years. First, the hydraulic system, fol lowed by the fuel system, landing gear, beef up of the vertical fin and horizontal stabilizer, wheels and brakes, instru-
The Swift in the Cutler's back yard. Bob fabricated a false motor mount of wood to stand the plane on its nose for easier access to the landing gear, wheel wells, belly skin, cables, pulleys, etc. Birds immediately built nests in every access panel and lightening hole and Peggy hung flower baskets on the horizontal tail.
ment panel, installation of an auxiliary fuel tank, installation of a rebuilt Conti nental 145 and preliminary work on the interior and the cosmetics. While this was going on they con tracted to have an addition put on the rear of their house, which necessitated removal of the back wall. All of this was NOT a good move from the standpoint of the restorer who had to contend with little things like a careless electrician dropping a "J" box on a pair of newly cut and drilled plexiglass rear windows, etc. The family cars became driveway orphans, as the fuselage occupied the car port and blocked the entrance to the garage workshop it was attached to. In between repair sessions on the various systems Bob spent many hours inside the rear of the fuselage with Var sal solvent and a putty knife until it was clean enough to eat on. Speaking of eating, Bob said one day while crawling on his belly towards the rear he came face to face with an indignant squirrel who was most upset at Bob's intrusion on his lunch hour - and told him so in unprintable squirrel epithets! It was at this time that Bob fabricated a false motor mount of wood in order to stand the aircraft on its nose and allow much easier access to the rebuilding of the landing gear, wheel wells, belly skin, cables, pulleys, etc. While this made life some easier, it also created some new problems. Can you imagine a passer-by doing a double take at what looked like VINTAGE AIRPLANE 23
an airplane crash? Also , the birds im mediately built nests in every access panel and lightening hole, while Peggy used the horizontal tail to hang flower baskets. Bob said both his next door neighbors must have had marital prob lems then , as they both moved away. In 1979 this aluminum bird nest was put back down on its main gear again after staying vertical for a year. Just prior to this event, though , Bob prac ticed what he calls "Swift proctology". In addition to rebuilding the tai l wheel and its drag linkage, the family entrance to the squirrel cafeteria was closed perma nently. (Swift's tail wheel cavities are notorious for sucking in exhaust gases that travel forward toward the cockpit.) Wisdom dictates this move if one is to avoid blue fingernails and dilated eyes, Bob said . The next mountain to climb was painting and this was an unforgettable experience, one that deserves passing on as an object lesson. The paint scheme was to be beige , with har monizing brown and orange striping. With all primer and metal work done, Bob took some 20 pieces of tail group and fairings to a body shop in Ft. Worth , the owner of which was a friend (?) of his. He told them he wanted them to do the painting, as they were pros. He even supplied the paint. When he went to get the pieces not only were some dented, but not even one was anything but a mess! Bob was so upset he had to layoff the project for two months. With all the work of removing the paint and repair ing the damage, his enthusiasm quo tient was dangerously close to zero. He
said he did learn one very important les son , though . Either contract with a repu table aircraft painter or learn the skill yourself. He decided he couldn 't screw it up any worse than the "pro" did , so he got a hands-on lesson from Mack Cobb , our local paint guru , and then he was turned loose to "dress the bird" on his own . At this juncture Bob requested a reg istration number change to N57PC , which was approved . The number is Peggy's birthday (not her age , he has tens to add) and her initials. The man euver gained him a lot of Brownie points (which cancelled out a lot of demerits) . By now he had test run the engine, installed the new upholstery, installed and checked the instruments, installed the radios , and done the painting. Now it was time to install the wings and check the rigging and that had to be done at the airport. The problem now was how to get the plane out of the back yard to the street, where he could trailer it to Addison . The problem was like the classic boat built in a basement. The Cutler's have an 8' 6" wide driveway with an 11-foot clearance between the house and side fence. They also had an 8'6" wide gate and 2'6" fence section not present when the project was started, along with a 4' hedge. Bob said the extraction was the biggest neighborhood gathering they'd had in years and without the help of the neighbors they never would have made it. They had to cut down the fence, re move the gate, retract the landing gear, and hoist the aircraft 4' into the air and place it on a lumber cart just to roll it to
With the engine mounted the Swift is nose heavy without the vertical fin and rudder and outer wing panels. The concrete block is used for ballast. The newly fabricated finished horizontal tail surfaces are protected by paper. 24 FEBRUARY 1986
the front yard , where they had a little working room . They then dropped the landing gear and lifted it off the cart to rest on its own gear. From this point on it was a piece of cake to tow it to the hangar. With the Swift back at Addison Air port, wing installation began , along with rigging , engine run-up, gear retraction, and the dozen or so little details that always crop up to plague one. One of these was a generator that wouldn 't generate, but "crew chief" Bill Lawler found it was wound backwards. When that was fixed there were no more ex cuses for not flying. It was time for N57PC to get back in the air where she belonged . First flight day is always one of mixed feelings . There is elation at the end of a long and difficult task, but there are nagging doubts and apprehension , too. After re-checking everything again three more times, Bob got a quick three hours of dual in Mutt Way's Swift, N3856K, and then it was "go for it time." After buckling in and starting the en gine, Bob said the pucker power was so strong that he wouldn't have fallen out if he had only been sitting on a trailer hitch ball! He chose Addison's runway 33, which is less obstructed and has a re covery airport three miles ahead. Away he went, with Mutt Way and Bill Lawler flying chase in Mutt's Swift, and it was strictly ho-hum. "In Hoc II" flew hands off and indicated 140 mph at 2450 rpm . This was July 17, 1983. The EAA Convention was fast ap proaching but they managed to get seven hours in before it was time to leave for Oshkosh '83. The paint trim, striping and a few other cosmetic details still were unfinished, so they didn 't sub mit it for judging. They were satisfied just getting to Oshkosh with it after six years of toil. They spent the rest of '83 and '84 just flying around enjoying their new bird , visiting Athens, Tennessee for the Na tional Swift Fly-In (which meant skip ping Oshkosh '84) traveling to Atlanta and St. Simons Island, Georgia and numerous local fly-ins in Texas and Ok lahoma. It was during this time that Ernie Ludwick, our local graphics ex pert, came up with a very simple trim design, which included the Swift bird logo painted on the nose and on the rear wall of the cockpit. This one thing added a distinctive touch of pzazz that enhances the lines of an already ap pealing design. Prior to departing for Oshkosh '85, they gave Papa Charlie its annual cleaning and pressing , with a little wax ing thrown in for good measure. Off they went, with no real intention of submitting their two-year-old rebuild for judging. Peggy argued otherwise, though , and so they entered it. To their delight, it
The Cutler's Swift on the flight line at the 1985 Kerr ville, Texas Fly-In where it won the Best of Class Award. N57PC represents Peggy's initials and birth date (not her age!).
was judged the Most Outstanding Swift and all the way home they were higher than 57PC was. It was no longer Papa Charlie, but now known by a more dig nified "Prince Charles". When they got back to Addison they found the word had preceded them and there was a cheering delegation of friends and well wishers awaiting them, displaying big "Welcome Home Osh kosh Winner" signs, with the hangar de
corated with balloons and banners. Even the tower was in on the goings on , delaying their taxiing to give the group time to prepare for their arrival. Bubbly flowed freely, of course, as even more friends arrived to congratulate the Cut ler's. The 1985 saga of 57 Prince Charles wasn't over yet, though. On September 13 they flew her to Kerrville, Texas for EAA's Southwest Regional Fly-in,
where she won the Best of Class award. Just to illustrate that there is no penicillin for this malady that infects so many, Bob and Peggy have just ac quired another homeless Swift and it is already getting phase I of the Cinderella treatment. The big question now is, "How are they going to break it to the neighbors?" Will he and Mutt Way be come known as "Swift Hoarders Anonymous? Stay tuned, amigos . • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 25
Photo by Gene Chase
Featuring a polished aluminum fuselage and tail with silver painted fabric-covered wings, this pristine example of a 415-C Ercoupe belies its 45 year age. Knee-action main gear makes for incredibly soft landings.
Many antique airplane "buffs" au tomatically associate the word "Er coupe" with the post WW II surge of light plane enthusiasm. However, the subject of this story is a genuine "an tique" aircraft - manufactured at River dale, Maryland on February 24, 1941 by the Engineering and Research Corp. - ERCO for short. (Now you can vis ualize where the name "Ercoupe" came from!) Ercoupe Model 415-C, SIN 57, NC28961, was delivered in March of 1941 to the midwest where it served in the Chicago area before going to Dow agiac, Michigan. From there, SIN 57 re turned to Chicago and then spent a period of time in northern Wisconsin,
primarily in the Rhinelander-Eagle River area. In 1975, Thomas Rowland (EAA 95764, NC 2784), West Texas Airport, EI Paso, TX 79927 acquired the tri-gear machine with the express idea of returning it to its original configuration or as near as possible. Rowland 's mania for originality was brought on by an admiration for the aircraft which was far advanced for its time. Even today, many people find it hard to believe that this aircraft is pre-WW II. Designed by the noted aircraft en gineer, Fred E. Weick, who is also the "grandfather" of the Piper Cherokee series, the Piper Ag series and the Tom ahawk, the Ercoupe incorporates stall and spin proof flight characteristics that
literally brought simplicity into flying in the early forties. It was achieved mainly by eliminating the use of rudder controls and limiting the amount of "up" elevator. Called a ''two-control'' system by its de signers, the control wheel moved fore and aft for pitch control and when turned right or left, would turn the airplanes with aileron and intercon nected dual rudders. The novel tricycle landing gear (when nearly all aircraft had tailwheels) also eliminated ground loops and nose-overs in case of hard braking. These two items were almost "mind boggling" at the time. And the frosting on the cake was the 100 mph cruise speed on the same 65 hp Continental that moved the Cubs, T-
Photo by Gene Chase Photo by Norm Petersen
Original interior of SIN 57 features early control wheels with vertical wire spokes. Note push-pull throttle which was replaced on post-war models with quadrant type. 26 FEBRUARY 1986
Pulling up to the approach end of runway 18 at Oshkosh for the Antique/Classic Parade of Flight is Ercoupe NC28961 piloted by Tom Rowland. Note runway reflection in the highly polished nosecowi.
Photo by Norm Petersen
Nosewheel with cast aluminum double fork is steerable with the control wheel. Once airborne, the nose gear extends to where the aluminum fairing is almost vertical.
Photo by Norm Petersen
Just forward of the wingwalk is the nine gallon wingtank built into the leading edge. Fuel pump moves gas to 5.5 gal. nosetank for use. Wobble pump is backup.
Photo by Norm Petersen
Trailing link landing gear is an Ercoupe trade mark, allowing the softest of landings. It is strong enough to handle crosswind landings in a full "crab" into the wind.
crafts, and Champs along at 70 to 90 mph! You can rest assured that the Er coupe salesmen also pOinted out the 360 degree visibility and the all aluminum construction - except the wing covering - to the prospective buyer. Eventually the CAA (FAA) came up with a two-control standard of five hours of instruction before solo instead of the standard 8 hours. In addition the Er coupe pilot could go for a two-control private license that, although it limited him to Ercoupes, the total hours re quired for the license were reduced from the normal 40 to 30-35. By March 1941, the first batch of 100 model 415-C Ercoupes, including SIN 57, the subject of this article, had been completed and work was commenced on the second 100. Suddenly, the gov ernment clamped down on all metal purchases as the war effort was crank ing up. This halted production at the ERCO plant in spite of the 900 orders for new airplanes the factory had re ceived! (Such are the fortunes of war!) Tom Rowland labored for five years in the rebuild of NC28961. In a rare stroke of luck, he was able to acquire another 415-C Ercoupe, SIN 45, that had been totaled in a windstorm. This machine provided many of the neces sary parts and pieces to put '01 "57" back together. The overall finish and quality of workmanship clearly shows a labor of love. Details indigenous to the early pre war model include a wooden "Flotorp" propeller on the 65 hp Continental, a cast aluminum two-sided nose wheel fork, a simple 9 gal. wing tank in the right wing which pumps fuel into the 5 gal. nose tank, 7:00 x 4 smooth tires on the main landing gear (extremely dif ficult to find these days!), no tiedown rings on wings or tail and smaller tail surfaces which were adequate for the 65 hp engine. Perhaps the crowning achievement by Tom in the rebuild of NC28961 is the glass installation. The windshield and rear windows are neatly installed with no distortion while the side windows slide up and down in their channels like a greased eel in a pail of olive oil! (Any pilot who has ever flown an Ercoupe will appreciate this feature!) In his determination to preserve a bit of history for all to see, Tom Rowland donated his beautiful pre-war Ercoupe to the EAA Aviation Museum in Osh kosh, WI where it will demonstrate to the world the accomplishments and de sign ingenuity of Fred Weick, one of America's premier light aircraft design ers. Thank you , Tom Rowland, for a beau tiful job of rebuilding a 40-plus-year-old aircraft for all of us to see it. • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 27
by George A. Hardie, Jr. Here's another homebuilt from the 1930's period, evidently from the North Carolina area. Note the license number - identification only. The photo was submitted by Reid Patterson of White water, Wisconsin. Answers to this Mys tery Plane will be published in the May, 1986 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Deadline for that issue is March 15, 1986. Several answers for the November 1985 Mystery Plane were received evidently we have some sharp-eyed spotters out there. Mike Rezich of Ch icago , Illinois, who submitted the photo wrote: "This is the 'Saginaw Junior' built by Walter Carr of Saginaw, Michigan. He was a Travel Air dealer and the ship was built from the remains of a dam aged Travel Air 2000. In speaking with a few of the fellows who flew it they tell me the ship looked faster than it flew. Later the OX-5 engine was removed and a Warner installed. Carr also built the Cabinaire biplane, a four-place cabin job." Lynn Towns of Eaton Rapids, Min nesota wrote: "The 'Saginaw Junior' was designed by Walter Carr in 1932. It was built in the old Paramount Aircraft factory where Carr had earlier designed and built the Paramount Cabinaire. The Carr racer was built from parts of a Travel Air and other planes and used a Curtiss OX-5 engine. "Carr raced this airplane in the 1932 National Air Races in the 500 cubic inch race but did not finish . He later entered it in many other races and used it for skywriting. The plane was destroyed in a landing accident in 1936 after Carr had sold it." Other answers were received from Jim Borden, Burnsville, Minnesota; Charley Hayes, Park Forest, IL; Stan Piteau , Holland, MI; Norman Orloff, San Antonio, TX; Robert Pauley, Farming ton Hills, MI; and Cedric E. Galloway, Hesperia, CA.
Letters To Editor Dear Gene, I enjoyed your article, "Dad, May We Use the Stearman," in the November THE VINTAGE 1985 issue of AIRPLANE.
I recall one of the boys making a statement during my interview with them at Oshkosh '85 that really as tounded me. I asked how they got along with the Stearman while checking out in it. One of them answered, "It's quite gentle - it was a primary trainer during WW II. In fact, it's much easier to fly than a Cub." I'm sure there were some egos de stroyed that day! Sincerely, Kelly Viets
(EAA 16364, AlC 10)
R. R. 2, Box 128
Lyndon, KS 66451
Gentlemen, We are a two year FAA approved Air frame and Powerplant Technician pro gram. We have several aircraft, both fly
28 FEBRUARY 1986
able and non-flyable that are owned by the school. We have declared two aircraft surplus to our needs. One is a Beechcraft T-34. It is not complete and is probably best used for parts as we have a fuselage and empennage only. We do have the log books. The other aircraft is parts of a 1938 Taylorcraft BC-65. It is pretty well com plete less engine and prop but with en gine mount and baffles. I am writing you first to see if anyone within your ranks might be interested. They can contact me here at the college during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sincerely,
Robert G. Lock (EAA 56824, AlC 5186) Instructor-Airframe Reedley College Aero Department 995 N. Reed Ave Reedley, CA 93654 209/638-3641 •
Where The Sellers and Buyers Meet...
25c per word, 20 word minimum. Send your ad to
The Vintage Trader, Wittman Airfield
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591.
AIRCRAFT: 1932 Monocoupe 110 Project - 75% complete less wing . Includes fresh majored Warner 125. $13,500, negotiable. 704/594-5938. (3-3) Tiger Moth Enthusiasts - We have Australian made parts to suit Tigers and wish to trade for U.S. antique aircraft or parts (e.g., Waco, Stearman, Travel Air, Fleet). Large variety Tiger parts avail able. Write Tony Stinson, P.O. Box 531 Brookvale, N.SW. 2100 Australia, phone (2) 981-5611 . POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol - unlimited in low-cost pleasure flying. Big, roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 3'12 gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction sheets. Plans - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Send check or money order to : ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609 . For Sale: Pitts S2A, N80003. New solid shaft 200 hp, good solid aircraft. All A.D.S. done (stick, etc.). 919/427-0216 , "Butch", days. ACRO SPORT - Single place biplane capable of unlimited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to follow plans includes nearly 100 isometrical draw ings, photos and exploded views . Complete parts
and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans plus 139 page Builder's Manual - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Super Acro Sport Wing Drawing $15.00. The Technique of Aircraft Building $10.00 plus $2.00 postage. Send check or money order to : ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Cor ners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609 .
ganized and simple to use. 1953-59, $5.00; 1960 69, $5.00; 1970-74, $5.00; 1975-79, $5.00; 1980 84 , $5.00; 1985, $4.00. SPECIAL - ALL SIX FOR $25.00. Copy service available for 25q: per page, $3.00 minimum. Can make copies from any issue. John Bergeson, 6438 W. Millbrook Road , Remus, M149340.
ACRO II - The new 2-place aerobatic trainer and sport biplane. 20 pages of easy to follow, detailed plans. Complete with isometric drawings, photos, exploded views. Plans - $85.00. Info Pac $5.00. Send check or money order to : ACRO SPORT, INC., P.O. Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130 . 414/529-2609.
"GRAND CANYON", 2-hour spectacular helicopter exploration VIDEO . Breathtaking music. Critically acclaimed. Details FREE. Beerger Productions, 327-V12, Arville , Las Vegas, NV 89102, 702/876 2328. (C-10/86) For Sale: Old aviation memorabilia. Books, manu als, magazines, photos, parts, etc. No list. Send a SAS.E. and state your wants. Aviation History, P.O. Box 72, Parsippany, NJ 07054 (1-2)
MISCELLANEOUS: BACK ISSUES ... Back issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (and other EAA Division publications) are available at $1 .25 per issue. Send your list of issues desired along with payment to : Back Issues, EAA-Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591. REFERENCE GUIDE FOR EAA JOURNALS. This publication allows the user to locate (by topic) , any article or item of information that has been written in any issue of SPORT AVIATION, VINTAGE AIRPLANE , LIGHT PLANE WORLD , SPORT AEROBATICS or WARBIRDS . It is logically or
WANTED: WANTED : Carb air filter intake housing wl side scoops for Wright engine R-760-8 as used on Navy N3N Biplane. Will buy complete engine if it comes with air intake set up. J. Martin Lowe , 703/825 6230. (1-2) Wanted: An STC for a J-3 Cub to install a 90 hp Continental using a Piper PA-11 Pressure Cowling. Butch Joyce, P.O. Box 88, Madison, NC 27025.
Send check or money order with copy to Vintage Trader - EAA, Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.
Total Words _ _ __ Number of Issues to Run _____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ Total $,_ _ _ _
Signature ____________- _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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If your plane is on this list... You could be wasting money! NOW AVAILABLE! STC's for Lycoming 0-235 and 0-290 engines. Also, you can convert your Cessna 152 to auto gas by modifying the Lycoming 0-235-L2C to use 80 octane fuel - STC's now available exclusively from EAA.
Over 10,000 aircraft owners get more flying for the dollar with EAA's AUTO FUEL STCs. 1:1
As a result of EAA's leadership in alternative fuels research and development, FAA has fully approved the use of unleaded auto gas for 317 different aircraft models and engine combinations. Auto gas STCs (Supplemental Type Certificates) are available from the non-profit EAA Aviation Foundation at 50¢ per engine horsepower: Example - 85 hp. Cessna 140-(50¢ x 85) = $42.50. Send check with aircraft N number, aircraft and engine model and serial numbers and EAA member number. AERONCA
Including Bellanca, Champion. Trylek. Wagner. B & B
Aviation, Inc. 5O-TC 65-TC (L-3J) 6HAC (L -3 E) YO-58 o-58B SO-58B 0-58A (L-3A) l AC I BCM (L-l6A) lCCM (L-16B) 10C lEC IFC IJC l ECA SlAC S1 0C SlCCM SlEC llAC l l BC llCC Sl1AC SllBC Sll CC KCA SO-C 65- C 55-CA S-50-C S-65 -CA I GCA I GC B lKC IGCBA IGCAA IGC BC 15AC
AERO COMMANDER Including S. L. Industries 100 ARCTIC AIRCRAR CO., INC. S-lA BEECHCRAR Including Bonanza 35 . A-35. B-35 , C-35. 0-35. E-35. F-35. G-35. 35R CESSNA 120. 140. 140A ISO, 150A-H . 15OJ-M. A150K-M 152 .A-152 110. 110A. B 112. 112A-E. 112F (T-41A). 112G. H. 1121. K. L. M 115. 115A. B. C. Pl 120 111 180. 180A-H. 180J 182. 182A-P 305A (O-lA) 305B. 305E (TO-l0. 0-10. 0-lF) 305C. (O-l E). 3050 (P-1G). 305F ERCOUPE Including Aireo. Forney. Alon. Mooney 415C, 4150. E. G. 41 5-CD F-l. F-lA A-2. A-2A M-l0 FUNK Including McClish B85C
GRUMMAN AMERICAN AA -5. AA-5A AA-5B AA-l AA-1A AA-1B AA-1C LUSCOMBE 8. SA. C. O. E. F. T-8F MOONEY M-18C M-18C55 M-18L M-18LA MORRISEY 2000C PIPER J-3C· 40 J-3C-SO J3C-50S J3C-65 (L-4) J3C-65S J4 J4A J4A-S J4E (L-4F) J5A (L- 4F) J-2 J-3 J5A-80 L-4A L-4 B (NE-l ) L-4H L-4J (NE-2) PA-11 PAllS PA-l 1 PA -18 PA-19 E-2 PA-28-140 PA-28-150
PA·28·151 PA-22-1SO PA-22S-1SO •J3F-50. ·505. -50. -60S. -65. -655 "J31. -5. -65, -65S PORTERFIELO Including Rankin, Northwest
CP-55 CP-65 CS -65 TAYLORCRAR BC BC-65 BC12-65 (L-2H) BC12-0 BC120-85 BC120-4-85 BCS BCS-65 BCS12-65 BCS-120 BCS12-D-85 BCS120-4-85 19 F19 DC-65 (L-2. L-2C) OCO-55 (L-2A. B. M) BC12-D1 BCS12 -D1 VARGA
2i5O 2150A 2180 "Not.: Only lhose J3F and J3L models pre viousty modified to use Teledyne Continental Motors engines are approved .
Since 1980, over 2700 engineering flight test hours have been conducted by EAA in the Cessna 150, Cessna 182, Cessna 172, Piper Cherokee, Beechcraft Bonanza and Ercoupe. Additional aircraft were approved by FAA based on fuel system similarities. All approved aircraft are powered by 80 Octane Continental engines (not fuel injected) and Lycoming 0-320-A, C and E engines. STCs are only approved and sold for the engine/airframe combinations listed above. Complete, low cost, protection, including auto gas coverage, is available through EAA's approved insurance program. EAA's Auto Gas Airport Directory which lists over 300 FBOs that provide auto fuel service is now available at $3.50.
EAA LEADS THE WAY Join EAA - Be a part of the Aviation Association that is actively engaged in making flying safer, more enjoyable and more affordable for you . Annual membership $30_00,includes monthly magazine SPORT AVIATION and many other benefits_Join today and get your STC at the special EAA member rate.
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30 FEBRUARY 1986
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Wittman Airfield Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065
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