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An Industry That

Can Be Saved

by Bob Lickteig The Good Book says if you want people to know and understand some­ thing, you tell them, then tell them again and just before your lose your audience, you tell them again. Many of you must be a little tired of reading about the sad state of our general aviation industry, but if we are ever going to do something about correcting it, I guess we have to keep telling the story. EM's President and Founder, Paul Poberezny, has writ­ ten dozens of editorials, hundreds of let­ ters, made numerous speeches and pressed the politicians ... so far without making much headway. Perhaps if we keep telling them, someday the con­ gressmen will listen. I recently acquired some new facts from Scripps Howard News and would like to pass them on. The small, inexpensive airplanes we Americans have enjoyed flying for gen­ erations are in danger of becoming as extinct as the passenger pigeon. Plagued by rising prices, sky high lawsuits, soaring insurance rates and a host of other economic problems, the handful of companies that build small airplanes have stopped manufacturing some of their most popular models. No longer in production, or soon to be terminated, are Cessna 152s, Skyhawks, Skylanes; Piper Warriors and Archers and Beech Sundowners. And the production of Mooney Aircraft's economy models is a fraction of what it once was. During the last nine years, the pro­ duction of small planes by Cessna,

2 APRIL 1987

Piper, Beech and Mooney has plunged an incredible 92%. Yes, that's 92%! Consider these figures. Cessna con­ structed 8,800 airplanes in 1977 but produced only 540 last year. They ex­ pect to build only 300 this year. Piper built 6,000 planes in 1978 but completed only 330 in 1986 and expect a further decline this year. Beech completed 1240 planes in 1981 and only 725 last year. They anti­ cipate a flat market this year. In 1979 Mooney built 440 planes but delivered only 90 in 1985. More than 20,000 of the four com­ pany's 30,000 employees have been laid off. Eight assembly and parts plants in Pennsylvania, Florida, Alabama, Kansas and California have been closed. Thirty aircraft production lines have either shut down or suspended operations. The cut back in ordering of engines, instruments, avionics, etc. has cost thousands of jobs. To stay in business, Cessna, Piper and Beech are producing only high­ priced jets, turbo prop and upscale single engine aircraft they can sell to business operators. Edward Stimpson, president of Gen­ eral Aviation Manufacturers Associa­ tion, heaps a large share of the blame on the nation's worsening legal liability crisis. Stimpson said claims against the small plane manufacturers for $1 million or more have soared since 1977 and show no sign of abating. As a result of these settlements, the companies' in­ surance rates have gone out of sight. In 1977 claimants collected $25 mil­ lion from the small plane industry follow­ ing plane crashes. Stimpson explains that last year claimants collected $209 million. In 1977 only 4% of all claims filed against aircraft manufacturers were for $1 million or more. Last year, 30% of the claims were for $1 million or more. And during the same period of time the safety record of these aircraft improved year after year. Jim Walsh, Beech President, said his company won't build two new types of

small planes until insurance rates are brought under control. What's espe­ cially unfair about the insurance situa­ tion, Cessna spokesman Dean Hum­ phrey said, "There is no statute of limi­ tation on how long a company is re­ sponsible for its product." The only tiny rays of sunshine in the small aircraft industry are provided by Mooney Aircraft of Kerrville, Texas. Paul Kully, Mooney's Marketing Man­ ager, doesn't think the small plane in­ dustry will return to its former heights, but he believes his company is showing a way of the future with low cost, no frills planes. After selling only 90 planes in 1985, Mooney sold 146 in 1986, mostly their lowest priced model called the Lean Machine. The market is changing, Kully noted. "It has shifted away from the re­ creational flyers and the oil, gas and farming people. We are now selling to manufacturer's representatives and companies who use their planes for both business and pleasure." Today there is a lot of comment about the United States' ability to compete in the world market. Members of Con­ gress are always talking about legisla­ tion to protect one industry or another. It seems our labor cost and productivity is out of step with the world. If this is true and we can't compete in some areas, why not save the ones in which we lead and where we can compete. Ever since the days of Messrs. Piper, Beech, Cessna and Mooney, the gen­ eral aviation industry as we know it has been dominated by American com­ panies. Their products have been superior and accepted world-wide, riot only in design, speed, comfort and de­ pendability, but also cost. When we al­ ready have something this good, why can't Congress change a few liability laws and save the aircraft industry for the employment of thousands, the en­ joyment of hundreds of thousands , and the pride of our nation. Remember, we're better together. Welcome aboard, join us and you have it all!.


Tom Poberezny




Dick Matt


Gene R. Chase

MAY 1987 • Vol. 15, No.5


Mike Drucks


Mary Jones


Norman Petersen

Dick Cavin


George A. Hardie, Jr.

Dennis Parks


Jim Koepnick

Carl Schuppel




President R. J. Lickteig 3100 Pruitt Road Port SI. Lucie, FL 33452 305/335-7051

Vice President M.C. "Kelly" Viets RI.2, Box 128

Lyndon, KS 66451


Secretary Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City, MI49330 616/678-5012

Treasurer E.E. " Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 145 Union , IL60180 815/923-4591

DIRECTORS John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01581 617/366-7245

Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434 6121784-1172

Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278 317/293-4430

Espie M. Joyce, Jr. Box 468 Madison, NC 27025 919/427-02 16

Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd . Milwaukee, WI53216 414/442-3631

Gene Morris 115C Steve Court, R.R. 2 Roanoke, TX 76262 817/491-9110

Daniel Neuman 1521 Berne Circle W . Minneapolis, MN 55421 61 21571 -0893 .

Ray Olcott

1500 Kings Way

Nokomis, FL 33555


John R. Turgyan Box 229, R.F.D. 2 Wrightstown , NJ 08562 6091758-2910

S.J . Wittman

Box 2672

Oshkosh , WI54903


George S. York

181 Sloboda Ave.

Mansfield, OH 44906


ADVISORS Timothy V. Bowers 729-2ndSI. Woodland, CA 95695 916/666-1875

Robert C. "Bob" Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60620 3121779-2105

Philip Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton , MI49065 616/624-6490

John A. Fogarty

RR2 , Box70

Roberts, WI 54023


Robert D. "Bob" Lumley N104W20387 Willow Creek Road Colgate, WI 53017 414/255-6832

Steven C. Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507/373-1674

S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414m1-1545

W.S. " Jerry" Wallin 29804 - 179 PI. SE

Kent, WA98031


Copyright .§ 1987 by the EAA AntiquelClassic Division , Inc. All rights reserved .

Contents 2 4 5 6 9

10 11 12 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 27

Straight and Level by Bob Lickteig A/CNews by Gene Chase Vintage Seaplane by Norm Petersen Reflections 1986 by Jeannie Hill Vintage Literature by Dennis Parks Pass It to Buck by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert Volunteers - A Book of Heroes by Art Morgan and Bob Brauer Macarios J-3 Cub by Norm Petersen Cessna Airmaster by Gene Chase Type Club Activities by Gene Chase Voyagers - Past and Present by Mort Kelman Mystery Plane by George A. Hardie, Jr. Three Texas Cubs by Joe Gagliardi Jacobs is on Firm Ground by Gus Limbach A Long Term Airline Career by F. J. "Buddy" Joffrion Member's Projects by Gene Chase Calendar of Events Letters to the Editor

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FRONT COVER . .. EAA Air Museum's DeHaviliand Tiger Moth in Royal Canadian Navy colors at Pioneer Airport, Oshkosh , WI. The aircraft was donated by long-time EAAer Father John MacGillivray of Nova Scotia. (EAA Staff Photo by Joe Koepnick) BACK COVER .. . See AlC News page 4 for back cover information.

The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM , SPORT AVIATION , and the logos of EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC., EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION . EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC., INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB INC. , WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC., are registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited. Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Material should be sent to : Gene R. Chase, Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh , WI 54903-3086. Phone: 414/426-4800. The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. and is published monthly at Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh, WI 54903­ 3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antiquel Classic Division, Inc. are $18.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. ADVERTISING - Antiquel Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertis­ ing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. Postmaster: Send address changes to EAA Antiquel Classic Division, Inc., Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3

Wittman Field, Oshkosh. The tickets will go fast so be sure to order early! Compiled by


Gene Chase

Clem W. Whittenbeck, a long-time re­ sident of Lakeland, Florida died on March 8, 1987 at 91 years of age. Born on December 19, 1895 in Baxter Springs, Kansas, Clem first worked as a chemist in the Oklahoma mining fields. In time he became interested in avia­ tion and chose the career of "stunt" pilot. In 1931 he joined the Flying Aces, a traveling flying circus organized by Jimmie and Jessie Woods, which oper­ ated from 1929 through 1938. He was later hired by a troupe of fliers called the Fordon-Brown National Air Show and performed with other top-rated "stunt" pilots of the day. Clem achieved national prominence performing in­ verted aerobatics including extremely low inverted passes across the field and the outside loop with his Great Lakes. Clem Whitten beck was a fixture at the annual Sun 'n Fun Fly-Ins at Lakeland. He was one of the select few aviation pioneers named "Silver Eagles" by the EM Antique/Classic Chapter 1 for making significant contributions to avia­ tion. Besides his son, Paul, Whitten­ beck is survived by three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

BACK COVER PHOTO For several months we have been printing black and white photos from the EM Library's extensive historical col­ lection on the back covers of THE VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE. Through the years this photo of a 1927 Douglas M-2 aged, acquiring a gorgeous yellow tone which we have attempted to reproduce through an electronic scanning process. The use of this process by EM staff photographer Carl Schuppel has recorded every subtle nuance of the original print resulting in a reproduction that actually apeears "sharper" than the original. The Douglas M-2 was a "cleaned-up" version of the Model M-1 . Both were powered with the 400 hp Liberty 12 and were the replacement aircraft for the DeHaviliand DH-4s operated by the U.S. Post Office in the early 1920s. Generally referred to as Douglas "Mail planes" they were developed primarily for that job. (EM Photo Arc­ hives - Norman Collection) RIVER BOAT CRUISE DURING OSH­ KOSH '87 The EM Antique/Classic Division will again sponsor the annual River Boat Cruise on Tuesday evening, August 4, during Oshkosh '87, sailing at 7:00 p.m. from the Pioneer Inn dock. To insure a comfortable evening for all, ticket sales will be limited to 220 per­ sons aboard the Valley Queen II. To give everyone an opportunity to pur­ chase tickets this year, the committee has arranged for the advanced sale of tickets through the mail. The price is $16.00 per person for the 2-1 /2 hour cruise and the Paddle Wheel Buffet (beef and chicken plus all the trimmings). Advance orders for tickets must in­ clude a check in the complete amount, made payable to EM Antique/Classic Division. Include a SAS.E. and mail to Jeannie Hill, EM Antique/Classic River Boat Cruise Chairman, P. O. Box 328, Harvard,lL 60033. (Do not send to EM Headquarters.) Ticket orders must be received by June 15, 1987 and the tickets will be sent in the SAS.E. by July 1, 1987. Tickets not sold through the mail will be available on a first-come basis at the Antique/Classic Headquarters Red Barn, July 31 through August 4 at 4 MAY 1987

ATTENTION PILOTS OF PT, BT AND LlO AIRCRAFT Oshkosh '87 (July 31-August 7) Warbird Show Alert - the Warbugs (PTs, BTs and UOs) have done very well at past Oshkosh Conventions and have become an integral part of the Warbirds air shows. Those pilots/own­ ers wishing to participate this year should contact Mike Weinfurter (EM 156583, WB 2768) at the address below. The sooner he knows how many are coming, the better he can plan the shows, practice sessions and 2nd an­ nual Warbugs party. All participants must meet the re­ quirements as set forth by EM and the EM Warbirds of America to qualify for flying during the waivered air show periods. Mike would welcome any new ideas for the show and volunteers are definitely needed to assist with the many and important ground duties. If you want to participate in any ca­ pacity, contact: . Mike Weinfurter 1207 Harvey Street Green Bay, WI 54302 414/432-4125 CANADIANS TO EAA OSHKOSH '87 All Canadians planning to fly their air­ craft to EM Oshkosh '87 (July 31-Au­ gust 7) or the lAC International Aero­ batic Competitions at Fond du Lac (Au­

gust 10-14) must comply with the provi­ sions of Federal Aviation Regulations. Please follow the instructions below to obtain your Special Flight Authorization. Canadian



Flying Air­


craft to Oshkosh: It is necessary to comply with Federal Aviation Regulations, Section 91 .28 in regard to Special Flight Authorization for Canadian registered amateur-built, ultralight and warbird aircraft. Due to the large number of Canadian EMers at­ tending, the FAA has arranged to issue a special Flight Authorization to EM, which will authorize operation of amateur-built, ultralight or warbird air­ craft within the United States from the Canadian border to Oshkosh and return by most direct route. Canadian members deSiring to fly amateur-built, ultralight or warbird air­ craft to Oshkosh will be required to complete an application form. Upon re­ ceipt of the completed form, a copy of the Special Flight Authorization issued to EM will be mailed to the applicant. The copy of the Special Flight Authori­ zation must be in the aircraft at all times when the aircraft is operated within the United States. Please write to Oshkosh Canadian Coordinator, EM Headquar­ ters, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 for application forms and detailed instructions. Please note: Completed application forms must be received by EM Headquarters NO LA TER THAN JUL Y 1, 1987 Canadian Non-EAA Members flying Amateur-BuiltiUltralightlWarbird Air­ craft to Oshkosh Please do not write to EM Head­ quarters. Address your request to: Richard L. Porter, Manager, Flight Stan­ dards District Office No. 61., General Mitchell Field, Milwaukee, WI 53207. Standard Category Certificated Air­ craft (Certification of Airworthiness) A special United States Flight Au­ thorization is not required providing your aircraft has correct and current Canadian documentation. However you must file a United States Flight Plan to pOint of entry and clear customs on arri­ val. Please note: Customs clearance is not available at Oshkosh. After customs clearance, another flight plan must be filed to Oshkosh. If you require specific details, write to EM Headquarters. SUN 'N FUN '87 The 13th edition of the popular EM Sun 'n Fun Fly-In held March 15-21 at Lakeland, Florida was blessed with beautiful weather and a record turnout of both people and planes. The award winners in the vintage aircraft categories were:

Antique Grand Champion - 1941 Porterfield ­ Walter and Ray Carson , Columbia, SC.

Past Grand Champion - Beechcraft

D17S - J. E. Swarthout, Tavares, FL.

Silver Age, 1928-1932 - 1929 Waco

10 - John Stilley, Merritt Island, FL.

Contemporary Age, 1933-1945 ­ 1941 Stearman - Jim Kimball , Zellwood ,


Best Custom - 1943 Stearman ­ Bobby Morrow, Fairburn, GA.

Best WW II Era - 1940 Piper L-4 ­ Steve Dunn, Knoxville, GA.

Best Bi-Plane- Stearman - J. Hudson

& D. Clark, Athens, GA.

Best Monoplane-1940 J-5A Cruiser,

Ron Frank, Bloomfield Hills, MI.

Best Open Cockpit - Waco ZPF-6 ­ Mike Keedy, Orange Springs, FL.

Best Cabin - 1929 Stinson Detroiter ­ R. I. Hedgecock, Barhesville, GA. Outstanding Aircraft - 1945 J-3 Cub - James McKinney, Winterhaven, FL; 1945 J-3 Cub - Bill Tinsley, Fayetteville, GA; 1934 Monocoupe - John McCul­ loch, Naples, FL.

Ray Carson and his son, Walter proudly pose with their Grand Champion Antique Porterfield FP-65, NC37850.



Classic Grand Champion Supercruiser, Clyde Loganton , PA.

Piper PA-12

R. Smith , Jr.,

Past Grand Champion - Aeronca

11 AC Chief - AI Nase, Rehoboth Beach,


Best Restored - Up to 100 hp- Piper

J-3 Cub - Robert L. Franklin, Oxford ,


BestRestored-101 to 165hp-Piper

PA-11 - Tony & Scott Klopp, Miami,


Best Restored - Over 165 hp - Swift

- Bill & Geraldine Jennings, Dalton, GA.

Best Custom - Up to 100 hp - Lus­

combe - Norm Pesch, Miami, FL.

Best Custom - 101 to 165 hp - Piper

PA-22-20 - Barbara Ann Fidler, Alva,


Best Custom - Over 165 hp - Stinson

108-2 - Tom & Lorraine Zedaker, Las

Vegas, NV.

Outstanding of Type Aeronca

Champ - Foxtrot, Inc. , Hanover, MN.

Oustanding of Type - Temco Swift ­ Mark Holliday, Lake Elmo, MN.

Outstanding of Type - Piper PA-18­ 135 - David R. Caesar, Arlington , TX.

Outstanding of Type - Globe Swift ­ J. M. Jones, Tucker, GA.

Outstanding of Type - Beechcraft D­ 18S - Thomas A. Cannarozzo & Lee

Oman, Athol , ID.

Grand Champion Classic was this 1947 Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser, NC3648M owned by Piper expert and historian, Clyde R. Smith, Jr.

Replica Best WW I Era - Fokker DRI - Dave Wilgus & Hank Palmer, Treasure Is­ land, FL.

This replica of a WW I Fokker DRI tri-plane, N220TP received an Outstanding Aircraft Award for owners Dave Wilgus and Hank Palmer. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 5


of 1986

Brothers Mike and Frank Rezich.

by Jeannie Hill (EAA 56626, Ale 629) Box 328 Harvard, Illinois 60033 (Story and photos by Jeannie Hill) EM has come to mean a lot of things to a lot of people. To many it's simply a monthly contact with their EM mem­ bership publications. To others it may be an occasional visit to the ~ beautiful aviation museum in Oshkosh, Wiscon­ sin. But to the truly fortunate, it's an an­ nual trek to Aviation Mecca every sum­ mer to experience the phenomenon which is EM Oshkosh. As a former native of Oshkosh who lived just a-few blocks from the airport, I grew accustomed to the Convention being right in my own backyard. I have attended every show there since the be­ ginning and in doing so have literally grown up with the organization. I've found each year that my participation and interest levels have risen in propor­ tion to the size of the event. It's been interesting to watch the numerous changes over the years. I've seen what EM has done for my home­ town and the people who live there. At first there was a normal hesitation, a let's-sit-back-and-see-what's-going-to­ happen attitude concerning the intro­ duction of this huge, new entity into our midst. But, it didn't take long for the full 6 MAY 1987

impact and realization to hit home. We soon found out that EM has been a gift to us all, a continuous gift throughout the year that culminates in that one ef­ fervescent week each summer. I have personally had some wonder­ ful experiences over the years at the Convention. Experiences which have

created life-long memories. Like stand­ ing out on the field in my dew soaked tennies, breathing in the quiet stillness of the mornjng just as the pilot of the Gossamer Albatros coaxed it a few in­ ches off th~ runway. I'll never forget the orange glow of the rising sun shimmer­ ing through the translucent wings of that fragile aircraft. Because of the early morning hour there was not the usual cast of thousands to share the moment. The rest of the grounds were still asleep and I was alone with my thoughts. It was a very private, peaceful moment, a definite contrast to the week's normally hectic pace. Conversely, I remember standing at the end of Runway 36 with the rest of the world watching the Concorde's first arrival. Just when things seemed as ex­ citing as they could get, there was more. A surprise go around! Suddenly there was a deafening surge of max power that drowned out every other sound except that even louder beating of my heart. At a time like that the eyes and ears aren't enough you know. Your heart has to experience the moment, too, in order to prevent total overload of the senses. Then there was the first time a 747 visited my hometown. It was a real thrill to see the ultimate in airliners flying over a field normally accustomed to DC-3s and DC-9s. I felt as much pride in the effort as the Aussies themselves did. In 1986 the Stinson Trimotor and I watched another 747 do some fancy fly­ ing, including a single engine fly-by. I remember turning to the old 1931 air­ . liner and saying, "See what your offspr­ ing have grown up to be. Aren't you proud?" While we're on the subject of Trimotors, being part of the team that

Dales Crites sitting amongst the wires of his 1911 Curtiss Pusher.

hopped rides each year with this early airliner was one of the best experiences of my life. We gave thousands of folks the opportunity to relive commercial air­ line travel of the 1930's. Flying the airplane was a thrill in itself, but recreat­ ing an original flight by spinning a web of 1930's nostalgia was the icing on the cake that contributed so much to the passengers', as well as our own mutual delight. We got to share this experience with more people at EM Oshkosh than anywhere else. Looking back over the years, I've per­ sonally been able to meet and become friends with the people who made avia­ tion what it is today; the designers, the air racers and the barnstormers who will never outgrow their love of aviation. Thinking it all over; the very best experi­ ences have always been the ones I've been able to share with people, espe­ cially people from other countries, who start out as strangers and end up as friends. For those of us who fly for the sheer joy of it and who can't imagine a world without sport aviation, it's easy to take for granted the privileges we enjoy. So every year I take that one week to say, "Thank you for letting me experience this unified effort supporting the passion and freedom of flight. " I use that week each year to say, "Look, this is my coun­ try. These are my people, my aviation family. Come join us in experiencing the exhilaration and freedom that we live everyday. This is the best there is, any­ where . Please be part of it," because in doing so you make it even better tha[l it already is. By sharing our joy, you bring us additional positive energy which in turn makes us bigger and brighter and better. We become one people with a common passion, a com­ mon goal. There can be no barriers be­ tween us, no cultural, political or religi­ ous differences. We share a bond that transcends even the language barrier. This is the ultimate unity. This year I indirectly got to give some of the gift back to a couple of first-time visitors. I forgot to mention that each year we're routinely blessed with the performances of the best aerobatic pilots in the world . Well, this year the star of the show was none other than the Frecce Tricolori, Italy's ultimate an­ swer to the question, "Just how good can a preCision flying team get?" They flew those gorgeous Aermacchi M.B.339 PANs with both style and grace, not to mention the typical over­ whelming zest for life unique to Italians in particular. Whoever heard of a · tailslide or a lomcevak in a jet? In all my years of airshows I've never been more impressed. I found myself wanting to thank them for lighting up the sky over my city by showing them how wonderful my type of flying was, too. I got the chance to do just that after

Charley Dewey spinning the prop on the OX-5 engine in Crites' Curtiss Pusher.

Cosimo "Max" Grandone from Italy had his first ride in a vintage airplane at Oshkosh '86. Shown here with Bob Lumley's Aeronca Chief.

The Italian preCision flight team, the Frecce Tricolori flying their Aeromacchi M.B.339 ' jets at Oshkosh '96. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7

Merrill McMahan in the rear cockpit of his Stearman with pas­ senger "Max" Grandone.

becoming acquainted with several of the team's support crew members. Two men from the Lockheed C-130, Cosimo (Max) Grandone and Pietro Alabrese expressed the desire to go on a local flight in one of our antique/classic airplanes. Since neither my husband's or my 40 hp Cub was at the Convention, I turned to my aviation family for assist­ ance. The assistance came in the form of Bob Lumley and his Aeronca Chief and Merrill and Madonna McMahan and their Stearman. What a great introduc­ tion to light plane flying - a classic, slow-moving 1946 cabin monoplane and an antique 1941 open cockpit bi­ plane. We planned a thirty mile round trip to Fond du Lac, exchanging passen­ gers on the return flight. Back at Osh­ kosh, the look in their eyes as they both crawled out of those planes will stay with me forever. Max said, "Thanks to your friendship I now undertand the passion that so many people in your country have about flying. It was the sensation of freedom to be slow and safe and my body at that moment felt like part of the structure of the airplane. I could have flown a thousand miles!" It was his first flight in an antique airplane. Seldom in life do we get to share an experience of this depth and intimacy with another human being. At that mo­ ment we were old friends, sharing what we held dearest with new friends who truly appreciated and comprehended the value of the experience. It was American Sport Aviation in its finest, freest and purest form. ­ EM is like many things in life, the whole unit becomes so much more than the sum of its parts. Granted we're made up of some pretty fantastic and divergent parts. A group as talented as this would be impressive in its own right, but the thing that makes us really unique is the glue that holds us together - our passion for flight. In order to keep us together, despite all of our differ­ ences, the strength of that glue has to be proportional to the divergency within 8 MAY 1987

(L-R) Bob Lumley, Madonna McMahan, Cosimo " Max" Gran­ done, Mary Morris and Jeannie Hill.

the group. Therefore it has to be one of the strongest bonds known to man. Whether we're model airplane buffs, homebuilders, antique/classic restor­ ers, ultralight enthusiasts, warbird buffs, aviation historians, pilots or not, we've all felt the commonality and pride of what I'm talking about. We help each other out. We share. To many of us this

Jessie Woods and Harold Neuman.

group is a second family ; to some of us it's our first. When you have something this wonderful in your life the only thing that makes it better is sharing and pass­ ing on that feeling of accomplishment and pride in something you really be­ lieve in. Thanks to EM, for at least one week each year, we have the opportu­ nity to do just that..

by Dennis Parks Subtitled the "Amateur's Tabloid Avi­ ation Journal," Sportsman Aviation rep­ resented an attempt at producing a true aviation enthusiasts journal by and for enthusiasts. Published from July 1933 to March 1935, it was the creaton of Howard A. Tubbs who functioned as president and editor while a student at the University of Wisconsin at Madison . It was sold by subscription and on the newsstands. This was a tough market to start in during the middle of the de­ pression, especially without the finan­ cial backing of an established publish­ ing house. It was published monthly ex­ cept during July "because of seasonal activity." An annual subscription was $1 .50 and sold on the newsstands for 15 cents an issue. At the time, Aviation and Aero Digest were 35 cents an issue and they both had lots of advertisers from commercial aviation. The editor declared that the magazine was devoted to "Aerodynamics, engineering , construc­ tion and navigation; written in plain layman's language by famous en­ gineers, fliers, Army and Navy officers, foreign authorities and experimenters; profusely illustrated with photos, draw­ ings, etc." Among the contributors were Lt. Cmdr. P. V. H. Weems, famous for the "Weems System of Navigation"; Leslie Long, light plane designer, builder and chairman of the Amateur Aircraft League. The technical editor was Pro­ fessor T. N. deBobrovsky. The issue examined for this report was dated November, 1934. It con­ sisted of 36 pages with a good mixture of editorial content and illustrations con­ sisting of photographs and line draw­ ings. The drawings included three views and cutaways. The issue's editorial concerned the then upcoming London-Melbourne Race. The editor stated that while some magazines will ask the value of the race, he believed that ''The attention it will have attracted to aviation will be of great value - publicity, promotion and salesmanship of flying to the masses who would use the airways for everyday travel." He also predicted that the race would be won by an English team - ''Their flesh and blood and wood and steel equipment, plus their intimate knowl­ edge of the route, seems self-sufficient




to make this seemingly rash prophecy." He, in fact, did pick the winning team of Scott and Black. Aircraft described in the issue in­ cluded the English Com per Mouse complete with three-view drawing and cutaway; a history of the Fairchild 24; and specifications and detailed draw­ ings of the Les Long Henderson Longs­ ter. Technical articles included: Part three of "Aerodynamics and Construc­ tion for the Amateur Builder'" by Dwight Mills; "Where Are We," part one of a series by Weems on air navigation for the amateur sportsman ; and an article on installing EDO 0-990 floats. There was also an article on Hender­ son engine conversions. It said, "One of the greatest problems of the home­ builder to convert his own Henderson


Number 5

motorcycle engine is that of the crank­ case." This article had drawings on building a cast crankcase with a dry sump oil system. There were also drawings for a practical intake manifold extension for summer use plus drawings of an oil jac­ keted version for winter use. There were not many advertisement in the issue. One of the more interesting was the offer of a free set of plans for the S-A (Sportsman Aviation) "Moth" which came with a one-year subscrip­ tion to the magazine. Described as one of the Jew low-wing designs available to the amateur build­ er, the Moth could be built with an open or closed cockpit, with pontoons and with a wide range of engines. It was of normal wood and metal construction (Continued on Page 10)





(Continued from Page 9)

and could be built for as little as $200. It had a span of 30 feet, a chord of four feet, and a length of 17 feet. It used a Clark Y-15 airfoil with an area of 108 sq. feet. The empty weight was listed as 350 Ibs. with a useful load of 225 Ibs. The crUising speed was listed as 85 mph and 'the landing speed at 25 mph. Does anyone out there know if any of these were built? Other enticements to subscribe in­ cluded: an offer of four solid scale model kits for a one-year subscription

or eight for two years; or you could re­ ceive a Brown or Loutrel model gasoline engine for $6.00 plus the cost of a sub­ scription - the engine offer came with the proviso that if 1000 orders were not received by the end of December the money would be returned - "Cash or­ ders are needed!" There was also a nearly full page classified ad section from Wisconsin Aero Salvage Company of Whitewater, Wisconsin - Truman Waters, man­ ager. "Would you be interested in a Licensed Swallow at $225, American Eagle needing lowers covered to

license at $150, or a Travel Air with new fuselage from factory and lower wings cracked at $125." There were listing for a Heath Feather at $80 and a Pheasant OX-5 Cabin - "make an offer." Sportsman Aviation was a well done enthusiasts' magazine that came about at a difficult time. That is lasted over a three-year span in this time period at­ tests to its quality. The library has one photocopied issue. Does anyone have copies they would be willing to donate or loan for photocopying? They would be a good addition to the collection dealing with sport aviation .•


by E. E. "Buck" Hilbert (EAA 21, Ale 5) P.O. Box 145 Union, Illinois 60180 After years of listening to peoples' problems with these windwagons, I think its about time to begin a column similar to the famous "Dear Abby" that we are all familiar with. Some of it will be humorous, some sad, but mostly I expect we will all learn from this effort. I have in mind a cross between the "Tech Tips" we see in Ught Plane World along with Norm Petersen's "Education Through Airror" column. What we print here, and what we refer to will be items on maintenance, tips on routine opera­ tions, woes to share with others, what­ ever I get from you guys out there in the field. At our last Antique/Classic Board meeting there was considerable discus­ sion on the need for an information ex­ change just like this, and that's how this "Pass it to Buck" column was born. Now all we gotta do is encourage you people out there to write. Do it! And lay it on the line! Tell it like it is! Say what has to be said. It may save a life or a consid­ erable part of someone's pocketbook! When we started the "Restoration Corner" series just recently completed in The Vintage Airplane on finding, stor­ ing and restoring those antiques and classics, we tried to do the whole thing in a general way so as to help everyone we COUld. Well, it didn't always turn out that way. In my first article I cautioned the reader who had the hots for a project 10 MAY 1987

and who finally found one, on doing much more than a superficial inspec­ tion; to seek the advice of an A&P; to get help in looking it over and examining the logs as well. Sometimes even that doesn't help. Let me quote you a letter verbatim. "Dear Buck, Tell people not to trust that ad for an airplane when it says, 'all it needs is paint.' I have a friend who purchased an airplane in the summer of '86 through an ad phrased just like that. It is to the buyer's credit that he decided to rebuild the aircraft completely. We have found a rear wing attach fitting with a crack, a different landing gear than originally belongs on the aircraft, and the fuselage has a deqided twist in it at the rudder. "There is no damage or repair history in the logbook! We think the aircraft had been groundlooped, with repairs made and no entries made in the log book. What else will be found, remains to be seen.... Gus" There is the "Dear Abby" example. My comment is much the same as my earlier article . . . that old axiom "Buyer Beware" holds true here and anytime. This second one you're gonna get a real kick out of. I was ferrying the Fair­ child 24-C8E that Walter Hill from Stuart, Florida had donated to the EM Air Museum Foundation in Oshkosh after engine repairs were made during a stop in Illinois. I'd slow timed the en­ gine on the ground and had flown it for 45 minutes in the air the day before and was on my way to Oshkosh with this little jewel. I planned a stop at Palmyra, Wisconsin to do two things. After I'd

completed number one, I visited Don Genzmer at his shop and ogled all his goodies. Then the two of us inspected the recently overhauled Warner in the Fairchild for oil leaks and what have you, before continuing on to Oshkosh. All was well, so I mounted up and was getting to ready to light up when I re­ membered the fuel tank placard. Now you guys familiar with F-24s know all about this, but for the benefit of those who have yet to be initiated, there is this big red placard at the fuel selector that says "Use one tank at a time." This is contrary to most of the airplanes I've flown insofar as we usually use both tanks for take off and landing in most of them. Don is a Fairchild owner, builder, lover and just free as air with advice, so I asked him about it. "That's right," was the reply. "Other­ wise the fuel can feed across the center, overfill the other tank and vent overboard. Gotta clock?", he asked. "Right there on the panel," I said. He then proceeds to tell me the way he manages the fuel ... if the minute hand is on the one to six side of the clock, he feeds from the right tank. Then when the minute hand gets over on the seven to twelve side, he switches to the left tank. A glance at the hand on the clock immediately tells you where the fuel is coming from. How's that for a simple way to man­ age your fuel? My only comment was a dumbfounded question as to where was this guy when I was flying "L" Birds in Korea. I'll bet I ran out of fuel fifty times 'cause I didn't have a crutch like that. And that's our "Pass it to Buck" for this month. If you're too lazy to write, give me a call. My phone number is 8151 923-4591 (or you can always find it on page 3 of Vintage. Give any questions you have to my dumb double diode ans­ werin' machine if I ain't there to answer. And be sure to leave your number so I can call you back if I don't understand all the words. Over to you .•




oJ ~

by Art Morgan and Bob Brauer

If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat (airplane), writing a symphony, educat­ ing his son, growing double dahlias in his garden or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi desert. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator. He will not be striving for it as a goal in itself. He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living life twenty-four crowded hours of the day. . .. W Beran Wolfe

When first given the pleasure of writ­ ing this column, both of us sat down and wrote out several ideas for subject material. Of course, we have used some, and more will be used. But it's amazing how many times a new thought enters our minds. As an exam­ ple, we have written about volunteers at Oshkosh, but there are other volun­ teers out there who have to be talked about - the guys and gals and young people at the local grass roots fly-ins, the people who help with a chapter meeting, the person who is always there when you need them, whether it's

flippin' a flapjack or rebuilding an en­ gine, that person is always there. Now, folks, we all know them. And because they are always there, we sometimes tend to overlook them. But, they don't care. They do it because they enjoy it and that's what makes "sport aviation" what it is today. Take a look. Take a close look around you. Take a good look at yourself, and you'll see what I mean. A friend of mine and his wife were at the airport the other day. It was unsea­ sonably warm for the 8th of March, in the high 60's, low 70's. Friends of theirs were out flying in their Travel Air 4000. My friend knew it. He and his wife also knew that a cold front was coming through. So they sat and waited. Sure enough, here comes the cold front, out of the northeast. Clear sky, strong winds, gusty. It would be a bumpy ride at best in a 747 let alone an old biplane. This man and wife had things to do, places to go, people to see ... but, yeah, their friends were still out there in their Travel Air 4000. So they sat and waited. Sure enough. Here comes the old "elephant ear," bucking a wind that was gusting to over 40 mph. The pilot and his lady were bright-

eyed and a bit concerned as they landed. But when they looked out on their wing tips they saw a runny-nosed guy and a very rosy-cheeked gal out there holding on for dear life, ready to walk wing back to the hangar. Was that at a major fly-in? No. Is that an exception? No. These were just ordi­ nary people, helping ordinary people. Ain't flying great! If you know of someone (maybe your­ self) let us know about them, so that we can tell their story. After all, the "Book of Heroes" is a tale of ordinary people. This month's "Tip of the Oshkosh Kepe" goes to a young man who spent his first Convention with us in 1986. Reinhart Kuntz (EAA 175007, AlC 10513),4113 Stonemont Drive, Lilburn, Georgia 30247, came to Oshkosh won­ dering what in the world he was going to do with all his time. Now here is a fellow who's been flyin' for a while, built scale models for about 15 years, sailed with the German Mer­ chant Marine and reached the rank of Chief Engineer. He is as nice a person as you will ever meet, and he's wonde­ rin' what he's gonna do at our big "do". Ho, ho, ho! Reinhart spotted the Antique/Classic volunteer booth and decided to sign up for a "couple of hours" just to be able to say, "I helped," And did he ever. Now, here is a guy who has been building a Der Kricket biplane for the past 4-1 /2 years. It's almost done. His wife, acting as contractor, is building their new home. "Found the lot by aerial survey flown by Mr. R. Kuntz, by the way. She loves it." He sells marine en­ gines of a German manufacturer to the yachting industry and crowd, and his territory includes Canada, Mexico and the U.S.A. Not just part of each, but all of each. Oh my achin' American Ex­ press card. He says he found everyone at Oshkosh friendly. "Had a ball work­ ing." Nuts, we couldn't pull him off the durn bike. "Come on Reinhart, take a break." "No, no, I'm okay." "But you gotta go see some airplanes and some of the show. For gosh sakes, go eat and sleep." "No, no, I'll park a few more airplanes, and then I'll go." He never did. "The people are friendly here and I that," he told me. So he stayed 'til the last dog was hung. The man has class, as do all EAA volunteers. "Stand tall, ya'lI." Next month Oshkosh humor, featuring the "DC-3 and the Kid" story. All true and sometimes too true. But wait and see. By the way, "Join us and you have it all.".



by Norm Petersen

What is nicer than a bright summer day and an award-winning J-3 "Cub"! Tom Macario enjoys his immaculate yellow bird as the 65 hp Continental purrs along at 2150 RPM.

It is such a pleasure to feast one's eye on a sterling restoration , such as the subject of this article - a J-3 Cub - knowing it was done by people who love airplanes. Our subject, Piper Cub J-3C-65, NC 98262, SIN 18733, was hatched at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania on July 19, 1946 from where it .traveled to New York and was put on floats until 1948. Returned to wheels, the Cub found its way to a flight school near West Chester, Pennsylvania where it joined five other Cubs in helping neophytes become pilots. Recovered in 1956, the J-3 did yeoman service until the owner decided to store it for a future rebuild in 1960. For 25 years, the disassembled Cub laid in storage in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Enter Thomas M. Macario, Jr. (EAA 29124, NC 1551) of 2003 Stoneham Drive, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382. Now Tom Macario is not your everyday, household dabbler in things aeronautical. He has been up to his ears in aviation for over 45 years - be足 ginning with his first ride in his uncle's C-3 Aeronca in 1940. From age 14 to 16, his high school shop class restored a Beech "Staggerwing" - not too shabby for starters! At age 16, he sol-

oed a 40 hp J-3 Cub - this is probably the start of his fondness for the Cub 足 and by age 20, he had his Instructor, Commercial and Instrument ratings! Teaching everything from Cubs to Cessna 140s to aerobatic Stearmans

12 MAY 1987

for the GI Flight Training Program for two years, Tom was caught in the 1948 "slow down," which caused him to work for Piasecki Helicopter Co. for a year. Next came a stint in the Air National Guard followed by a corporate pilot job

A very precious couple and a credit to aviation for decades, Tom and Eileen Macario are photographed just before leaving Oshkosh for Pennsylvania in their beautiful J-3 Cub.

for the General Coal Co. in Philadel­ phia. This job, flying a D18 Twin Beech, DC-3 and Grumman G-I covered a span of over 25 years. Today, Tom flies a Learjet 35 for another company out of Philadelphia. And a unique twist ­ Tom's son is now flying for General Coal Co.! Over the past 40-plus years, Tom has logged over 24,000 hours, however, this seven-day-a-week affair with avia­ tion also includes some 30 aircraft re­ storations, of which 11 were his own. In short, Tom has had either a wrench or a stick in his hand since 1945! The stored and dismantled J-3 Cub, N98262, was acquired in December 1984 and brought to Tom's shop for re­ storation, beginning in January 1985. The first order of business was the fuse­ lage which was cleaned and sandblasted. Every bolt, nut and screw was removed and all tubing checked out for internal rust. It was perfect. Only a small piece of "birdcage" needed re­ placement above the cabin . All tubing was oiled internally and primed exter­ nally, ready for fabric. The wings were in beautiful shape, with only the wooden wingtip bows needing replacement. Even the leading edges were perfect ­ an almost unheard of condition. New galvanized control cables were installed in the wings while stainless cable was used in the fuselage. Tom has noted over the years that stainless cables tend to wear ''flat spots" faster than galvanized cables. New bushings were installed in the stabilizer jackscrew to eliminate any play and new ''trim'' ca­ bles replaced the old rusty ones. The tail feathers all· proved to be in perfect shape with the only problem being the tail brace wire ends, which had to be replaced. Tom feels the reason the Cub was in such good shape was the extra heavy coating of chromate primer used in the 1956 rebuild and the "dry" storage from 1960 to 1984. The Cub was covered with Ceconite 102 and Randolph dope using a 16-coat finish . The first two were clear nitrate followed by four clear butyrate and four silver butyrate. Tom uses a large pres­ sure pot with his spray gun which can lay on a nice coat each time. The sand­ ing done between each coat is what re­ ally makes the finish . Tom's lovely wife, Eileen, was the big helper in this depart­ ment and can relate to sore fingers and "acres" of fabric! The final coats were two white buty­ rate followed by four coats of Lock Haven yellow butyrate. The overall finish on this Cub has to be seen up close to really appreCiate the skill of the Macarios. Many obseivers thought it was some kind of urethane enamel to be so perfectly smooth and shiny. The metal parts were another story.





Two beautiful trophies for two times out! The Sentimental Journey trophy and the " Lindy" trophy grace the tail of NC 98262 at its home base in West Chester, PA.

Instrument panel contains (from left) tachometer, airspeed, compass, non-sensitive altimeter and oil temp/oil pressure guage. Note chrome-plated primer on right lower panel.

Not often seen is the original non-swiveling Scott tail wheel as used on the J-3 Cub.


Cabin interior shows immaculate restoration including original stick grips and black naugahyde seat covers. Note exotic "computerized Loran" hanging from string!

Original stenciled registration numbers are complimented by the original "Piper Cub" emblem on the fin. Almost unbelievable finish on the airplane caught everyone's eye

Lined up J-3 Cubs at Lock Haven, PA, just as they were lined up in 1946 before being flown out on ferry flights. Grand Champion NC 98262 is the first In line. 14 MAY 1987

With a new cowling, new boot cowl, new fairings and many miscellaneous metal parts ready, Tom very carefully sprayed the entire batch with Randolph enamel. As the parts dried, he thought they looked a bit odd in color ­ like maybe too orange. When he brought the cowl across the room to the fuselage - it stood out ­ they were different colors! (It hurts to see a grown man sit down and cry!) In desperation, Tom went to the local auto paint store and brought home some white and green tinting com­ pound. Adding in the tints and spraying the result got closer to the correct color. Tom repeated the ''tint and spray" pro­ cess 12 times before he had it right. Wet sanding all metal parts once again, Tom sprayed them with tinted enamel. The end result was metalwork that matched the fabric color perfectly - a pOint well noted by the judges at Osh­ kosh . During the reassembly of the airplane, each part and piece was either new or rebuilt. The fuel tank had a noise inside that turned out to be a loose baf­ fle. Cutting a hole in the front of the tank, Tom riveted the baffles back in place an re-soldered the rivets and the access hole. After sloshing the tank, it was checked for leaks and found to be in perfect shape, ready for installation. New fuel lines were installed along with new primer lines. The old Lun­ kenheimer primer was losing its plating so it was chrome plated and reassem­ bled - the only chrome on the entire airplane. A new instrument panel was fabri­ cated and Tom overhauled all the in­ struments and installed them as per original installation. New floorboards were installed on the cabin floor with appropriate aluminum heel pads. A new windshield from Allegheny Aircraft was carefully installed and new side glass was made from .80 plexiglass bought at the local K-Mart! The original throttle quadrants were refinished with black lacquer and two coats of clear to make it glisten. Even the overhead magneto switch was completely rebuilt and re­ painted. New stick grips were pur­ chased from Clyde Smith who also fur­ nished the Cub decals for the fin. New seat slings and cushions from Wag Aero pretty well finished the interior de­ tail. Tom had reservations about the necessity of the "punch test" on stream­ lined wing struts, but as long as it's re­ quired, he started punching. The first three struts checked out perfect. The fourth checked perfect on the top side, however, on the bottom of the fourth ­ the punch went right through! In no time, Tom had a 1-1 /2 in square hole of pure rust! Needless to say, the strut was

Sporting matching "Cub" T-shirts, Tom and Eileen Macario are pictured next to their award-winning J-3 Cub at Lock Haven, PA during the Sentimental Journey Fly-In.

replaced with a brand new one and Tom gained a healthy respect for the test and says, "It is excellent ­ use it!" New strut forks with rolled threads from Univair completed the strut installation. A friend of Tom 's asked him one day if he wanted to buy a complete J-3 Cub gear! It turned out that the friend had purchased the Cub in 1946, flown it home, made one landing, and taken the gear off for floats! The "new" gear still had the original 8.00 x 4 smooth tires which Tom wanted so bad he could taste it! After much negotiating, the man sold Tom the smooth tires and tubes . He still has the "brand new gear" for sale! Being a licensed A&P mechanic since 1945 (it was called A&E in those days), Tom proceeded to major the A­ 65-8 Continental engine. The cylinders were ground .015 oversize and new pis­ tons, rings and bearings were fitted. New valves and associated hardware were installed as the engine was reas­ sembled. The crankshaft turned out to be perfect. The carburetor was over­ hauled with a new steel needle valve and an EM STC for auto fuel was sec­ ured. Original Bendix SF mags were re-

built with new parts and Champion C-26 spark plugs were installed with original ignition harness using the hanging snaps at the plugs. A new exhaust sys­ tem completed the engine installation along with a new 76 x 42 Sensenich wood prop. When completed , the en­ gine started on the first pull! The long process of meticulous de­ tailing is so evident in the finished airplane. The "lightning" stripes are let­ ter perfect, the larger 24" wing numbers are exactly as original and the "NC" numbers on the rudder are done with the correct "stencil" lettering - exactly as new! Even the screws are all slotted head instead of the modern Phillips head. The tail wheel is the original non­ swivel Scott that came from the Piper factory. To avoid damage to the pitot tube at fly-ins, Eileen sewed a red cover that hangs from the tube like a small flag for all to see. The enti re restoration took 1-1 12 years to complete and to check how the Cub would do in competition, Tom and Eileen flew it up to Lock Haven for the Sentimental Journey in July of '86. Lo' and behold they returned with the Grand Champion Cub Award!

Knowing they had a winner on their hands, they cranked up the Cub and flew it out to Oshkosh, using 14-1 /2 hours flying time (and one pint of oil!). They both admit they had never answered so many questions and met so many fine folks in so short a time in all their life. Oshkosh was most exciting for them and their only difficult situation was having to leave for home before the Convention was over and the awards given out. Bested by one other "classic" airplane, the Macarios soon learned they had won the Reserve . Grand Champion "Lindy" award! Not too shabby for an airplane that was two weeks past its 40th birthday. Tom and Eileen Macario are not prone to sit on their laurels and watch the world go by. After a clean sweep of ''two for two" in 1986, they reluctantly sold '01 98262 to Ralph Holtz (EM 189182) of Patton, Pennsylvania who wanted to get as close to a "new J-3 Cub" as he could. Before long, the Macario workshop was humming with the sounds and smells of a rebuild this time it's a Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser! Remember, a wrench or a stick in the hand for 47 years!. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 15

The 165 H.P. Warner has 9 hours since top overhaul. Prop Is a Curtiss-Reed 55518.

by Gene Chase Charles R. Cash, Jr. (EM 24882, AlC 1450), 4700 Poplar Avenue, No. 400, Memphis, TN 38117 has been re­ storing his 1940 Cessna C-165 Airmaster, NC21948, SIN 563 for the past several years. It has a 165 hp Warner equipped with a generator, starter and vacuum pump. It has approximately 160 hours \ SMOH in 1964 and 10 hours since a recent top to replace all old hoses and gaskets and repaint the rusty cylinder barrels.

The Cessna had been a working airplane. Charles bought it in 1980 from Bob Brown who based it at Zebulon, Georgia where this photo was taken in Antique/Classic member Doug Round's hangar.

A new boot cowl replaces the original which had a view window cut in the bot­ tom when the plane was used for aerial photography. It is painted with Stits Aerothane. Generally all the other metal is original, but a lot of rubbing and mild bumping with a rubber mallet and a lead weighted wood dolly block plus bondo and primer was used to repair cracks, holes and patches. A new instrument panel, the same size and shape as the original was in­ stalled. The instruments are in the stan­ dard "tee" arrangement and the panel is shock mounted and post lighted. The electrical system is all new, similar to a Cessna 172 with the solenoid mounted on a new battery box behind the bag­ gage compartment. The original wheels and brakes were rebuilt and installed but after a rather wild landing, it was back to the drawing board designing a dual toe brake sys­ tem. Cessna 172 rudder pedals were installed along with a Cessna 195 brake conversion kit. 16 MAY 1987

Charles Cash's nicely restored Alrmaster is covered with Ceconite. Color is Stits aerothane Daytona White with Tennessee Red trim. Total airframe time is about 1680 hours.

The new instrument panel and toe brake modifications might be consid­ ered heresy to the purists who wish to keep everything original, but Charles feels these changes are very desirable. His Airmaster cruises at 140 mph lAS at 3000 feet and 1900 rpm. Its range is

over 500 miles carrying 52 gallons of fuel at a consumption rate of 11 gph. The flight instruments and avionics are day VFR but should be enough for an instrument rated pilot to maintain con­ trol of the Airmaster in the event of un­ expected weather.•

,I ~ype ClubActivities

Compiled by Gene Chase

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Propellers Leaking Red Oil

National Meyers Fly-In, 1987

An important subject concerning safety was discussed in a newsletter of the International 1801185 Club. The ar­ ticle concerns specific models of McCauley propellers, several of which are standard equipment on aircraft (other than Cessna 180s and 185s) as mentioned in the last paragraph . .. . G. R. C. Certain models of McCauley propel­ lers have "oil filled" hubs which contain engine oil colored with red dye. This oil is contained within the hub cavity and is independent of engine oil. The oil serves the purpose of an internal lub­ ricating medium for the pitch changing mechanism as well as providing a visi­ ble means of crack detection. Some operators and service person­ nel may not be aware of the unique characteristics of "oil-filled" propeller models. The presence of red oil on the propeller, windshield, cowl or spinner indicates a leak which may originate from a fatigue crack in either the propel­ ler blade or hub. The aircraft should be grounded and inspection performed prior to further flight. There have been situations where leakage of red oil was ignored because the operator was unaware of its signifi­ cance or it was thought to be minor leakage from an O-ring or sealant. While leaking from an O-ring or sealant is possible, it should never be assumed to be the origin.

The 1987 Fly-In will be June 25-28 at Sedona, Arizona. The Sedona Airport is 4827 m.s.1. with a 5100' hard surface runway. The weather at that time will normally be warm days and cool nights. There will be plenty of things for the ladies to do and the pilot seminars will include mountain flying techniques and formation flying. It looks like the 1987 Fly-In will be the scene for the grand debut of the only Meyers 200E in existence. Vince Van­ derford plans to have this rare machine there if he completes the interior in time. For information about the fly-in or the Meyers Aircraft Owners Association contact the Club Secretary, William E. (Bill) Gaffney, 26 Rt. 17K, Newburgh, NY. Phone 914/565-8005.

Warning If red oil is determined to be coming from sealant at the blade/ferrule joint (at blade shank where aluminum blade meets steel ferrule) , leakage could be the result of a cracked blade and must not be assumed to be a sealant prob­ lem. "Oil filled" propellers have been in service since 1977 and service history has proven the leakage of red oil to be an effective means of crack detection and has undoubtedly prevented in-flight propeller failures. Currently the follow­ ing McCauley propeller models may be modified (some are required by Airwor­ thiness directive) to the oil filled hub configuraton :


'THE INTERSTATE CLUB The Interstate Club has released Vol­ ume I, Number 1 of "Interstate Inter­ com ," the group's new publication, This club was originally founded several years ago by Bruce Mitchell of Kansas City, Missouri. Bruce recently turned over the management of the Club to the Antique Airplane Association of Blakes­ burg, Iowa, Interstate Club membership dues are $8.00 per year. For information, contact The In­ terstate Club, P. O. Box 127, Blakes­ burg, IA 52536. Phone 515/938-2773.


2D34C53, B2D34C53, 2AF34C55, D2A34C58, D2A34C61, D2AF34C65, 2A34C66, E2A34C70, E2A4C73, D2A34C78, D2AF34C81 , D3A32C90, D2A34C98. Oil filled versions of the above propel­ ler models are identifiable by a letter change in the model designation which is impression stamped in the propeller hub. Two blade propellers use letter change "0" or "P," three blade propel­ lers use letter change "N" at the end of model designation (i.e. D2A34C58-0, D3A32C90-N). They are also identifi­ able by a filler plug in the hub which is unique to the oil filled models. The above propellers may be found on certain models of the following air­ craft. Beech Baron 95-55 series; Bellanca 17-30, A; Cessna 180 series, 182 series, 185 series, A 188 series, 206 series, 207 series, 310J-N, 337 series; Fuji FA-200-180; Mooney M20C, 0, G; Navion A-H. For more information on the Interna­ tional 180/185 Club, contact the Presi­ dent, Charlie Bombardier, 4539 N. 49th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ. 85031. Phone 6021846-6236 .


Maintenance Tip The "Waco Pilot," the newsletter of the National Waco Club contained an interesting maintenance tip from one of their members. A firm in Waco, Texas has solved the problem of flat tailwheels by filling the tires with silicone. The silicone is hot injected and the tire acts just like it had air in it. Anyone interested in having this done can send their mounted wheel and tire assembly to Delaneys, 118 East Ad­ rian, Waco, TX 76706, phone 817/662­ 6620. Delaneys will fill the tire within 24 to 48 hours for $38.00 and return it freight collect. For information on the National Waco Club, contact them at 700 Hill Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015 . • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17

by Mort Kelman 222 Harbor Road Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724­ 0071 (Photos by the author)

VOYAGER n. traveller by adventurous ocean (from

(L. voiajer) water; spec. explorer of - The Little &

- a , an the

VOYAGERS Past and Present


Webster Dictionary).

Well , it appears that times have surely changed . The lure of long-dis­ tance travel , by whatever means, evi­ dently hasn't diminished one iota since Mr. Webster interviewed the first aborigine who put a raft to water. There is evidence that technology has span­ ned an enormous gap in the interim. The recent stupendous achieve­ ments of Jeana Yeager and Dick Rutan in Voyager, Circa 1986, with a non-stop endurance of 25,012 miles in an airplane of practically balsa and plastic sheeting, recalls long distance aviation achievements that have long been for­ gotten unless, of course, one is an avid reader of the Guiness Book of Records and/or historical files of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale, or from . the US National Aeronautic Associa­ tion, which certified the records of Voy­ ager. Long distance aviation actually goes way back to the early days of powered flight itself. It wasn't too long after the Wrights proved they weren't wrong when , in 1919, the Navy undertook a considerable effort that successfully flew the Flying Board NC-4 from Tre­ passey, Newfoundland, to the Azores, then on to Lisbon, Portugal , and eventu­ ally up to Plymouth, England, on the first Atlantic crossing, at an average speed of 78 knots, 23 days after depart­ ing Rockaway, New York. Then we must remember Alcock and Brown, the two British pilots and, eventually, in 1927, the Lindbergh solo flight from Roosevelt Field, Long Island, New York to LeBourget in Paris, France. Consid­ ering that airframe manufacturing con­ cepts were considered rather meager at the time and engines were of heavy construction , instrumentation was primitive and in-flight aids non-existant. Not to put down by any means, the enormous achievements of the magnifi­ cent flights of the old U.S. Army Air Corps Douglas World Cruisers or the long-distance accomplishments of so­ called lighter-than-air rigid dirigibles of Britain, France and the first 'round-the­ globe German Zeppelins that encour­ aged commercial operations, not the re­ cord-setting aerial refueled B-52 USAF efforts. Added to all of these miracles of sustained flights we must bring to mind the NASA Space Shuttle activities as space-eating, non-refueled, non­ 18 MAY 1987

The Russian ANT-25 at Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, New York on March 25, 1939 disassembled for moving to the World 's Fair site.

powered record-holders of all ti me. At this writing , Richard Norton and Calin Rosetti are preparing a bipolar hop in a single-engined Piper called Arctic Tern , following the slipstream of a twin-engined success over both polar routes in 1971 and lately, a pedal-pow­ ered Edwards Air Force Base and over the English Channel - all for the record books. Perhaps we can visual ize four PanAm or TWA engineers abreast, pedaling a 747 into the air some day? Well , it would conserve fuel! Not to be neglected, along with other intrepid long-distance hoppers with strong kidneys, are four hearty Soviet pilots who covered a 12,500 mile jour­ ney from Moscow, USSR, to Curtiss Field in Valley Stream, Long Island, New York (now a huge shopping mall and multiplex movie theatre) way back on November 1,1929. The "land of the Soviets," a twin-engined monster of an aircraft, was recently memorialized by a Soviet delegation to the United States, led by Evgeny Kutovoy, Deputy Ambassador, who presented a model of the craft to then-Nassau County Executive Francis T. Purcell, during a brief ceremony on November 15, 1986. Once again, on the 20th of June, 1937, another aircraft bearing the Red Star, a Tupelev ANT-25, a low-wing monoplane with a 12-cylinder water­ cooled powerplant with three-bladed prop, made it from Moscow to Van­ couver, Washington on an over-6000 mile flight of no little consequence. Just prior to this lengthy hop, the same craft and crew resupplied scientists of a Rus­

sian scientific group at the North Pole during August of 1936 on a ''training mission." Both ventures were pi loted by Valeri Chkalov and George· Baidukoff, and navigated by Alexander Beliakoff. This craft, fully loaded, weighed in at 24,750 pounds, carrying 13,760 pounds of fuel. The aircraft was eventually transported to Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, New York, where it was totally dismantled and repositioned as a key attraction of the USSR Arctic Exhibit at the New York . World's Fair in April, 1939, part of the Soviet Pavilion. As a matter of interest, the entire Russian ef­ fort was removed en toto for the 1940 edition of the exhibition due to diploma­ tic uneasiness and the eruption of World War II in Europe. An earlier attempt at establishing the Soviets as world-beaters, was thwarted by an oil-feed break, flown by Sigis­ mund Levanevsky, in 1935, forced back over the Bering Sea between Alaska and Siberia, according to Special Cable to the New York TIMES, datelined Mos­ cow, Saturday, June 19, 1937, when the Chkalov/Baidukoff/Beliakoff attempt was flashed to the world . So, as we look back upon a long line of adventurous souls with anti-freeze in their veins, with deep kudos to Super­ man, it is quite apparent that the lure of long-distance flight is still with us, and may it always be this way. In our short lifetimes, we wi ll most likely witness ful­ fillments of much greater proportions with multiplex ramjet, trans-sonic machines that will get there by the time you finish this piece of nostalgia.

ANT-25 Wing Span - 112 ft. Length - 44 ft. Height - 18 ft. Gross Weight - 24750 Ibs. Fuel Capacity - 13760 Ibs. Endurance - 100 hours Engine - 1 Water-cooled AM-34-R V 12­ cylinder, 900-1000 hp . •

The ANT-25 being prepared on April 30, 1939 for display in the USSR Arctic Exhibit at the New York World's Fair.

Mort Kelman, who has contributed several pieces to our publication in the past, is a former Photography/ Public Relations USAF type (now a Retired Lt. Colonel) who resides in Cold Spring Harbor, New York and still working at it.


by George A. Hardie, Jr. The 1930's period brought forth a number of pleasing designs. This month's Mystery Plane is a neat tandem low wing monoplane that would appeal to many pilots today. Answers will be published in the August, 1987 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Deadline for that issue is June 10, 1987. There are a lot of Travel Air fans out there, for the February, 1987 Mystery Plane was no mystery to them. It was a Travel Air CW built in 1927, a five­ place biplane powered with a Wright J-4 of 200 hp. Peter M. Bowers of Seattle, Washington adds these details: "The February Mystery Plane is one of four Travel Air Model C's of 1926-27. These were larger than the contempo­ rary three-place A and B models, and carried four passengers in a cabin while the pilot sat in an open cockpit in the back. The first of the four was powered with the 180 hp American-built Hispano­ Suiza, or 'Hisso,' and was designated Model CH (H for Hisso). "The next two, one of which was illus­ trated, were Model CW with 200 hp Wright J-4 radial engines (W for Wright). Both of these went to Alaska. The fourth plane was also a CW but used the later 220 hp Wright J-5 radial. The three CWs became known as Model 7000 after Travel Air switched from letter designations to thousands 20 MAY 1987

(Models 2000, 3000, 4000, etc.) in 1927. "An oddity of the CW/7000's is that they operated commercially without be­ nefit of either an Approved Type Certifi­ cate (ATC) or the lesser Category 2 or "Memorandum" approval. They flew under the long-forgotten Category 3 that applied to planes designed before licensing was adopted in 1927. This was for airplanes that could not meet all the technical requirements of the new rules but could be licensed for commer­ cial operation on the basis of individual aircraft inspection." Doug Rounds of Zebulon, Georgia adds this: "I believe the gent standing in front of your picture is Clarence Clark, the Travel Air test pilot of that era. Clarence test hopped all of the Model 2000's built in a period from 1924 to 1929, when he left to work for Phillips Petroleum, and eventually became their chief pilot when Billy Parker retired ... . "Clarence told me that the 7000 was a good airplane, although it could have used a little more power. It became a victim of the business climate and the fact that they were starting to build airplanes where the pilot 'sat inside.' "For the Travel Air stories you should talk to Clarence and Truman Wadlow while they are still around. I've inter­ viewed them extensively - on paper, tape recorder, video tape. Some day I'll get it all together for a story."

Other answers were received from Mike Rezich, Chicago, Illinois; Joe Nor­ ris, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin ; Charley Hayes, Park Forest, Illinois; William H. Thomas, East Amherst, New York; Robert C. · Mosher, Royal Oak, Michigan; Norman S. Orloff, San An­ tonio, Texas; Cedric Galloway, Hes­ peria, California, Frank L. Filkins, Layton, Utah; Lynn Towns, Eaton Rapids, Michigan; Michael D. Watson, Luthersville, Georgia; Wayne Van Val­ kenburgh, Jasper, Georgia; Hal Swan­ son, North Branch, Minnesota; Rex Wil­ liams, Black Canyon, Arizona; and Paul Bierman, Anchorage, Alaska. Several respondents mentioned that two of the Travel Air Model CWs went to Alaska and wondered about their fate. Member Paul Bierman from An­ chorage, Alaska included some in­ teresting history about one of those planes which we will publish in the June issue. The book Travel Air: Wings Over the Prairie by Ed Phillips is a fine record of Travel Air history.

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by Joe Gagliardi (EAA 206695, Ale 10096) 4026 Knoll Glen Drive Houston, Texas 77085 It was a typical partly cloudy day in Central Texas on this September 19th morning as three Texas Cubs took off from Skylakes Airport in Waller, Texas, for the 22nd annual EM Southwest Re­ gional Fly-In at Kerrville, Texas. As the little Cubs made their way west toward the Hill Country, dodging a few thun­ derstorms along the way, pilots and passengers were excited about the up­ coming weekend of flying fun , and maybe an award or two. I flew lead position in our formation of Cubs, with my stock yellow J-3, N92350 rebuilt in 1984 by Jon Denison of Bloomington, Illinois. In the two wing positions were Boot Peters in his L-4 and Jim Dukes flying Ken Krause's yel­ low CUb. Both the L-4 and Ken's J-3 are from Wolfe Airpark in Manvel, Texas and were both rebuilt by Boots Peters.

Boots has re-built several Cubs in his career and is looking for another project to add to our collection . For me this was the first cross country flight in my Cub since it flew here from Bloomington, Illinois, two years ago. Ev­ erything went smoothly, thanks to the great navigating of my co-pilot, Danny Longhorn, also from Manvel, Texas. Danny knows this part of Texas like the back of his hand, so I got a good chance to see some countryside while holding a compass heading. With a tentative weather forecast for the weekend , my wife and I decided we might drive to Kerrville, but Danny said, "Why drive when you can fly!" So we did! Upon arriving late Friday afternoon the weather started to close in. It didn't look promising for the rest of the weekend , but we were still filled with expectation. After registering all of our birds, we gave the flight line a once over and proceeded to the country store to look at some goodies. At the Awards Banquet Saturday night when most awards were given

out, we all thought it was ''try again next year." With the Classic category the last to be awarded, the suspense was build­ ing when we heard "J-3 Cub, N92350, owned by Joe Gagliardi, of Houston, Texas." Well , it sure was a surprise to me and it felt great to win Grand Cham­ pion, Classic. Needless to say our whole table was cheering loudly for it seemed like all night. The next morning we took a few pic­ tures and I talked to several magazine writers and many very nice people who offered congratulations. Before long it was time to fly out before the weather worsened. Once again, all three Cubs took off in formation for the cameras and headed east, back home to the barn to wait for another year and maybe another award. It was quite an experience for me . . . the fly-in, the award, all the nice folks. I'd like to thank Jon Denison for building me a fine Cub, and Boots, Jim and Danny for sharing the fun of Cub flying to Kerrville . . . is there any other way to go? VINTAGE AIRPLANE 21


is on firm ground

The Jacobs plant is in the building on the left. Hangars are in the background.

and no action around the tied down airplanes, it didn't promise much of in足 terest. Then I found a couple of small old hangars (one an auto garage) and a couple of rather new large buildings at the far end of the strip. What was it? As all inveterate airport bums do, : . The 揃"Jacobs Aircraft Engine Factory," while visiting in Payson, Arizona re足 . officially, "Jacob's Service, Inc." cently, I went out to check the airport. I wandered in and introduced myself While I understand on weekends the litto Jim McCracken, the shop foreman, and got the grand tour. You enter the tie cafe at the airport brings them in from all over, it was closed when I visited plant into the assembly area, and a nea足 mid-week and with no hangars visible, ter, cleaner place is hard to imagine. Story and photos by Gus Limbach (EAA 6911, Ale 26) P.O. Box 92 .;: Birchwood, WI 54817

Machine Shop 22 MAY 1987

Parts department

Everything was tidy and there was a beautiful, almost together Jake 275 hp on a stand, with a couple more ready to ship. The owner, President, and savior of Jacobs (as he was described), Bill Goldman, was out of town, but he has quite an operation. Bill is turning out a number of re-manufactured zero time engines a month; rebuilding some to order, and shipping spare parts from what appears to be an inexhaustable (Continued on Page 24)

Hard chrome equipment

Original Jacobs factory test stand

Jim McCracken with a nearly completed engine.

Engines ready for shipment VINTAGE AIRPLANE 23

engine, he will tear one of these en­ gines down, check each part for new engine tolerances (remember the microfiche), balance as necessary, and supply. He does his own hard chroming re-assemble with whatever new parts of shafts, machining what he needs to in his complete shop, and has a corner are necessary. And they are all turned out as 275 hp versions. on the old military parts supply. The parts are all stored and tagged , The engines are then run in. As an and he has all the microfiche records added surprise, they have the original Jacobs Dyno test stands and a set of on the parts. In the large warehouse section he has, among .crates . and test clubs, so they can check the true crates of unpacked parts; over 200 . .·output horsepower of the engines. complete engines that were rebuilt by Jim McCracken had to show me the the Air Force and run in for 6 hours, ·hangar and I'm sorry I was out of film . then cosmolined and crated. You don't Inside was a beautiful Spartan, stripped get these. When he has an orderfor an and in the process of complete restora­

JACOBS IS ON FIRM GROUND (Continued from Page 22)

tion. There was also a Cessna 195 (one of the many planes I'd love to have) and a stripped old Porsche body. The Porsche was freshly painted a bright yellow and you could tell it would also be zero timed when put together again. The story goes, when Bill was married, he and his wife had a Porsche. When Bill started his first machine shop, the Porsche, his wife's car, had to go to pay some bills. He promised her he'd get her another one someday. When she gets it, it will be a beaut! That's the only way Bill Goldman and Jacobs Service, Inc. seem to know how to do things .•



by Capt. F. J. "Buddy" Joffrion (EAA 186296, Ale 7045) 83 Teardrop Court Newbury Park, CA 91320 Recently someone asked me what 38-1/2 years on the airline was like. Now, I had never been asked to put it into words before - I was caught a little off-guard; but, quickly - really without thinking, I responded, "Not all that it's cracked up to be." As I was uttering these words, memories, mostly bad, came flooding back across my mind - memories of countless miserable, exasperating ex­ periences that characterized all those years on the airline. Almost impulsively, I went on, "Don't listen to all that gar­ bage about the 'good old days' - there weren't any!" That is unless you con­ sider "the good old days" as freezing to death in a DC-3 with its heating system iced up and your destination still two hours away. Yeah, that was great fun - almost as great as landing on 3200 feet of glaze ice at Moline with a strong crosswind. Believe me, those "good old days" are a myth - they never existed, except in fiction. No, airline flying isn't anything like a lot of folks would have you think - not even a little bit. How would you like nursing a "Dizzy 3" into Midway with such a load of ice that METO power only gave you 110 mph indicated, and you had no idea what your stalling speed actually was? Or how about picking your way down "Green Three" some dark and stormy night with violent thunderbusters dotting every foot of the route. 'Course these minor inconveniences were somewhat compensated for by having the privilege of sleeping in the back of the airplane or on some unused hangar desk during weather cancellations. That was real glamour. And those airline meals! You think they're bad now? You should have seen them then! They wouldn't nourish 24 MAY 1987

a struggling ulcer! And how about that airline coffee that was brewed at 4 o'clock in the morning , and you're still drinking it at two o'clock in the afternoon - it was so strong it wouldn't stay in the cup. Now don't think things got better with the ac!vent of more modern equipment. Just because you had radar in a DC-6 doesn't mean it made things all that easy trying to penetrate a mid-western line squall - I mean a line squall that produced "tops· of 50 to 60 thousand feet and each "echo" on that radar screen·gave promise of forces that were intent upon dismembering your airplane if you came any closer. No, airline flying as a career is vastly overrated - not one that any person of normal intelligence or even modest sanity would want. And you think all problems ceased magically with the coming of the jet age? Hah! Sure they did, overnight ... if you gave up flying! How about those mid-summer take offs at Willow Run on the non-stops to LA? Those early DC8s had water injected JT3s that left the airplane so underpowered that you would have given 10 years of your life for 3000 feet more runway. It's great fun looking up at hangar roofs as you cross the airport boundary. And you think this makes for a great career? Sure, we licked those early problems with the high thrust, fan engines, but problems have a way of finding their own replacements. One of them was scheduling. Scheduling went to pot with the jets. More time away from home, living out of suitcases, numberless hours of riding cabs through countless mid-city traffic jams, holding patterns of an hour or more over Chicago and New York. Are you beginning to see why I say it's the most over-rated job in the world? Of course, the bright spot of the whole year is that joyous, two-day, com­ pany-paid vacation at the Denver Train­ ing Center where you gleefully head for

your annual Proficiency Check. You have primed yourself to the point where you can recite anything that appears in those company manuals. Just let any­ one ask your name and, springloaded, you scream at them: "Throttle back, idle cut off, firewall shut off, C02 discharge, gear and flaps up - check list!" But on the oral exam, does that friendly check pilot ask anything appearing in those thoroughly memorized manuals? Like hell, he does! Oh, no. Instead, this re­ fugee from the Spanish Inquisition very sweetly says, "Now, Captain, suppose you are flying a non-stopper from LAX to JFK. All airports from Denver to O'Hare are closed because of blizzard conditions. Shortly after passing Hill City, you lose your no. 2 engine and two generators. Additionally, you have developed a hydraulic leak of unknown source, and the woman in 14C has commenced labor pains. What do you do now?" Your immediate impulse is to hit him in the mouth, but, almost as quickly, you total up your debts ... vio­ lence loses out. Then toward the end of your career, the "wide bodies" come along. Now I'll grant you that the "747" is the sweetest wind machine that I have ever laid hands on, but there's always a catch ­ you can bet on itl With the '47, you now have 14 flight attendants on board; and when you have 14 attendants aboard one airplane, you are desperately in need of a referee. Guess who the re­ feree is? After a couple of years of this, you feel qualified for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. You put it all together, and it just doesn't add up to much. I can think of a thousand careers better than this one. Give it a wide berth - I wouldn't recom­ mend it to anyone that I really cared about .. but then, I am not overly bright - I loved every #$%%#$ cotton-pickin minute of it, and I wouldn't trade places with any *$%#&*& who ever walked the earth! •

1928 Stearman C3B, N6496, SIN 207 being flown by owner Chuck Herr, (EAA 14339, AlC 10998), 21092 Hwy. 113, Knights Landing, California 95645. The beautiful countryside is near Woodland, California.

The Combat Air Museum of Topeka, Kansas owns this 1936 Meyers OTW, N15784, SIN 1. It was formerly owned by Del Denley of Osceola, Iowa. Jim Taylor (EAA 264154, AlC 10325), RR 1, Box 86, Meridian Kansas is pilot and crew chief on the Meyers and is currently re-covering the wings and tail surfaces.

Sam Burgess (EAA 16214, AlC 1369), P.O. Box 3224, San Antonio, TX 78211, is near足 ing completion of his second home built Bucker Jungmeister. The first was War足 ner powered and is now in the EAA Air Museum collection. This one in Swiss colors will be powered with an Allison 250 B17 turbo-prop (420 h.p., 195 Ibs.). The performance should be nothing short of spectacular!





MAY 15-17 - FLORENCE, SOUTH CAROLINA - May-Fly '87 aeronautical event at Florence airport. Aerial demonstrations, exhibits and sta­ tic displays of aircraft from military to ultralights. Air shows May 16 and 17. Camping, transpor­ tation and more. Contact : 803/669-5001 . MAY 16 - HAMPTON, NEW HAMPSHIRE - 11th Annual Aviation Flea Market at Hampton Air­ field. (Rain date, Sunday May 17.) Fly in, drive in. Bring your junkl No fees. Anylhing aviation related okay. Food available 11:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. Contact: 603/964-6749 (days) or 603/964­ 8833 (evenings). MAY 22-24 - WATSONVILLE, CALIFORNIA­ 23rd Annual West Co.ast Antique Fly-In and Air Show at Watsonville Municipal Airport. Con­ tact: John Crump, 408/297-8780, 4081448­ 0462. MAY 22-23 - JEKYLL ISLAND, GEORGIA ­ First Annual Twin Bonanza Association Con­ vention with headquarters at the Ramada Inn. Technical seminars and social activities. Con­ tact: Richard I. Ward, 19684 Lakeshore Drive, Three Rivers, MI 49093, 616/279-2540. MAY 29-31 - READING, CALIFORNIA - West Coast Cessna 1201140 Club Annual Spring Fly­ In at Enterprise Airpark. Contact: Larry Cole, 916/223-4494 or Lou Allaire, 408/659-2752. JUNE 5-7 - MERCED, CALIFORNIA - 30th An­ nual Merced West Coast Antique Fly-In. Con­ tact 209/722-3145. JUNE 5-7 - BARTLESVILLE, OKLAHOMA ­ First Annual National Biplane Fly-In at Phillips Airport, sponsored by National Biplane Associ­ ation. Expected to be largest ga1hering of bip­ lanes on one field since World War II. Modern factory aircraft invited and welcome. Contact: Charles W. Harris, Chairman, 918/585-1591 or Mary Jones, Executive Director, 918/299-2532. Address inquiries on NBA membership to NBA, Hangar 5, 4-J Aviation, Jones-Riverside Air­ port, Tulsa, OK 74132. JUNE 5-7 - SPECULATOR, NEW YORK -14th Annual Seaplane Pilots Assn. Safety Seminar at Camp-of-the-Woods on Lake Pleasant. Con­ tact: Chamber of Commerce, Box 184, Speculator, NY 12164 or Camp-of-the-Woods, Speculator, NY 12164, 518/548-4311 . JUNE 6 - PARIS, TENNESSEE - EM Chapter 734 Paris-Kentucky Lake Air ShOW, Paris, Ten­ nessee. (Rain date, June 7.) Contact: Richard Battles, Henry County Airport, Route 2, Box 269, Paris, TN 38242, phone 901 /642-7676, home - 901/642-7791 . JUNE 6-7 - COLDWATER, MICHIGAN -3rd An­ nual Fairchild Reunion at Branch County Memorial Field. Contact: Mike Kelly, 22 Cardi­ nal Drive, Coldwater, MI49036, 517/278-7654. JUNE 6-7 - JOHNSTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA­ EM Chapter 633 and Air Force Association Chapter 221 "Aviation Day" Fly-In of civilian and military aircraft at Cambria County, Pennsylvania Airport. Contact: Bob Gohn, 8141 266-1055 or Don Fyock, 814/266-8737. JUNE 7 - "DEKALB, ILLINOIS - EM Chapter

26 MAY 1987

241 Fly-In Breakfast, 7 a.m. to noon. DeKalb­ Taylor Municipal Airport. Contact: Jerry Thorn­ hill, 3121683-2781 . JUNE 12-14 - DENTON, TEXAS - 25th Annual Texas Chapter AAA Fly-In, Denton Municipal Airport. Contact: Jack Winthrop, Rt. 1, Box 111 , Allen , TX 75002, 214/727-5649. JUNE 12-14- TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA-Na­ tional Ercoupe Fly-In. Contact: Skip Carden, P. O. Box 15058, Durham , NC 27704. JUNE 14 - AURORA, ILLINOIS - EM Chapter 579 Fly-in/drive-in breakfast and airport/FBO open house at Aurora Municipal Ai(port. 7:00 a.m. to noon. (Rain date, June 21.) Contact: Alan Shackleton, 312/466-4193 or Bob Rieser, Airport Manager, 312/466-7000. JUNE 14 - ANDERSON INDIANA - EM Chap­ ter 226 Fly-In/Breakfast. Anderson Municipal Airport. Contact: Chuck Stottlemyer, 317/643­ 5225. JUNE 20 - MENOMINEE, MICHIGAN - Aviation Display and Fly-In at Twin County Airport. Mil­ itary aircraft on static display as well as fly-bys. Contact : I. W. Stephenson, Box 202, Menominee, MI, phone 906/863-8291. JUNE 20-21 - STURGIS, KENTUCKY - 3rd an­ nual fly-in breakfast. Two day event. Antique, classic, home-built, warbirds, or what you fly. Facilities available to tent out. Auto fuel avail­ able. Contact Sturgis Airport 502-333-4487 or 333-4890. JUNE 21 - ADAMS, WISCONSIN - 7th Annual Father's Day Fly-In Breakfast sponsored by Adams County Aviation Association. Serving 0700 'til ?? Pancake breakfast 'til 12 noon by area Jaycees. Static Displays, crafts, antiques, etc. AlC camping available. Legion Field , 3000' hard surface, lights, runway 15/33. On Chicago Sectional 60 miles west of Oshkosh. Radios monitor 122.9 please. Contact: R. F. Daven­ port, 608/339-6810 or Adolf Pavelec, 608/339­

3388. JUNE 25-28 - HAMILTON, OHIO - 28th Annual National Waco Reunion. Contact: National Waco Club, 700 Hill Ave., Hamilton, OH 45015. JUNE 26-28 - DAYTON, OHIO - Luscombe As­ sociation National Fly-in at Moraine Airpark. Contact : Ralph Orndorf, 1749 W. Stroop Road, Kettering, OH 45439, or The Luscombe Associ­ ation, 6438 W. Millbrook Road, Remus, MI 49340,517/561-2393. JULY 10-12 - MINDEN, NEBRASKA - National Stinson Club Fly-In. Contact George and Linda Leamy, 117 Lanford Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301 , 803/576-9698. JULY 11-12 - MANKATO, MINNESOTA - EM Chapter 642 Annual Aviaton Swap Meet at Mankato Airport, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Annual Fly-In Breakfast Sunday, 7 a.m. to noon. Contact: Bob Holtorf, 208 Capri Drive, Manka~o , MN 56001 , 507/625-4476 or Walt Groskurth, 5071 388-5926. JULY 11-12 - CELINA, OHIO - 3rd Annual Northwestern Ohio Stearman Fly-In and Lakefield Jamboree at Lakefield Airport. Pig

Roast - Saturday, breakfast - Sunday. Contact: 419/268-2565. JULY 17-19 - ARLINGTON , WASHINGTON ­ 18th Annual Northwest EM Fly-In and Sport Aviation Convention at Arlington Airport. Forums, workshops, commercial exhibits, fly market, judging and award programs. Contact: AI Burgemeister, Director of Services, 17507 SE 293rd Place, Kent, Washington, 206/631­ 9194. JULY 19-24 - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA -19th Annual Convention of the International Cessna 170 Association at Montgomery Field. Primary motel is the new Holiday Inn on tlie airport. Contact: Duane and Prieta Shockey, 619/278­ 9676. JULY 23-26 - SUN RIVER, OREGON - Interna­ lional180/185 Club National Convention . Con­ tact: Joe Stancil, 3119 Lo-Hi Court, Placerville, CA 95667 or phone 916/622-6232, days. JULY 24-26 - COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS - Funk Aircraft Owners Association Annual Fly-In. Contact: Ray Pahls, 454 South Summitown, Wichita, KS 67209. JULY 31 -AUGUST 7 - OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN - World's Greatest Aviation Event. Experi­ mental Aircraft Association International Fly-In and Sport Aviation Exhibition. Contact: John Burton, EM Headquarters, Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, 414/426-4800 . AUGUST 10-14 - FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN - Annual lAC Championships. Contact : Sha­ ron Heuer, 758 Grovewood Drive, Cordova, TN 38018, phone 901/756-7800. AUGUST 14-16 - BLAKESBURG, IOWA - An­ nual AAA Reunion for members only. Antique Airfield. Contact: AAA, Rt. 2, Box 172, Ot­ tumwa, IA 52501, phone 515/938-2773. SEPTEMBER 11-13 - SANTA YNEZ, CALIFOR­ NIA - West Coast Cessna 120/140 Club An­ nual Fall Fly-In and Membership Meeting. Con­ tact: Lloyd Sorensen, 805/688-3169 or Lou Al­ laire, 408/659-2752. SEPTEMBER 17-20 - RENO, NEVADA - 1987 Reno Air Races at Stead Airfield. Contact: Reno Air Races, P. O. Box 1429, Reno, NV 89505. SEPTEMBER 18-20 JACKSONVILLE, IL­ LINOIS - 3rd Annual Stinson Fly-In and Reun­ ion. Seminars on Franklins, re-covering and modifications. Banquet on Saturday night. Fly­ outs, contests, fly market, camping at field. Contact: Loran Nordgren, 815/469-9100 or write 4 West Nebraska, Frankfort, IL 60423 OCTOBER 9-11- TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA­ 30th Annual Tulsa Fly-In at Tahlequah Munici­ pal Airport. Contact: Charles W . Harris, 119 East 4th Street, Tulsa, OK 74103, phone 918/ 585-1591 . OCTOBER 9-11 - TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA­ 7th Anual National Bucker Fly-In held in con­ junction with Tulsa Fly-In at Tahlequah Munic­ ipal Airport. Contact: Frank Price, Route I , Box 419, Moody, TX 76557, 817/853-2008 . •

Let's go back a few months. The Mystery Plane in the July 1985 issue of THE VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE was most unusual - a low wing, strut braced aircraft with wide con­ ventional gear and a top wing which rotated about the vertical axis. It had a three cylinder engine. You were kind enough to mention that I thought it might be the prototype of the Her­ rick Vertoplane. Apparently it was not, for two others were named as developers. Now I just happened to find what appears to be the same craft shown on page 140 of Aircraft Treasures of Silver Hill (Smithsonian) plus a description of same on the next page which identifies it as the first Herrick Vertoplane. Where do we go from here? Maybe George Townson knows.

Dear Gene,

Dear Gene,

I enjoy trying to identify the Mystery Plane each month. It gives me a good excuse to go through my books and old magazines. I always find many interesting things even if I can't identify the Mystery Plane. Keep up the good work on the magazine. I look forward to it every month.

Enclosed is a photo of the Flying Dutch­ man built by Szekely, and a Stout Airlines' Ford Trimotor, NC9668 at Szekely Airport, Holland, Michigan circa 1928. Szkeley was going to market this plane. Per some other photos I have, the Flying Dutchman was totalled some time later. Some people may confuse the plane with the Ford Fliwer.


Sincerely, Gary Van Farowe (EAA 68238, AlC 2168) 6724 Van Buren Hudsonville, Michigan 49426

Lynn Towns (EAA 56788, AlC 97) 9739 Columbia Highway, At. 3 Eaton Aapids , MI 48827

Cordially, Charley Hayes (EAA 5171 , AlC 6289) 306 Jackson Park Forest, IL 60466



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Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591.

AIRCRAFT: Shades of World War II! Lots of PT-19/26 restor­ abies. Pick the best one - $10,000 or trade. Air Salvage of Arkansas, 501 /394-1022 or 501 /394­ 2342. (5-1) For Sale - 1940 Taylorcraft BL-65. 10 year resto­ ration, nearly complete. Needs interior, assembly and rigging. Covered in Ceconite using Cooper process. All new AN hardware, brakes, exhaust system, heat muff, shock cords, etc. Excellent logs - complete from day one. Prefer buyer who will complete restoration. $5,000 for the whole works. Harvey Goldberg, 414/675-2511 , 426 Highway 33 East, West Bend, WI 53095. (5-1)

PLANS: POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol- unlimited in low-cost pleasure flying . Big, roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 3'12 gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction

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MISCELLANEOUS: BACK ISSUES ... Back issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (and other EAA Division publications) are available at $1 .25 per issue. Send your list of issues desired along with payment to: Back Issues, EAA-Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh, WI 54003-2591 . FUEL CELLS - TOP QUALITY - Custom made bladder-type fuel tanks and auxiliary cells, any shape or capacity for Warbirds, Experimental, Vin­ tage, Sport and Acrobatic aircraft. Lightweight, crashworthy, baffled and collapsible for installation. Typical delivery 2-3 weeks. Call or write for details: 1-800-526-5330, Aero Tec Labs, Inc. (ATL), Spear Road Industrial Park, Ramsey, NJ 07446. (C5/87) Identify yourself memo pads with packet is yours Memos, P.O. Bo}

with a flying memo. Aviation 8 exciting designs. A sample for the asking. Write : Flying 606, Simi Valley, CA 93062. (7­



Send check or money order with copy to Vintage Trader - EAA, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.

Total Words _ _ _-'Number of Issues to Run _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ Total $,_ _ _ _ Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _

28 MAY 1987



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1937 CUB J-2

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The most authoritatille joumal on 1llose \\bnderful

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EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $30.00 for one year, including 12 issues of Sport Aviation. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $18.00 annually. Family Member­ ship is available for an additional $10.00 annually.




15 Crescent Road. Poughkeepsie. NY 12601. USA

ANTIQUE/CLASSICS EAA Member - $18.00. Includes one year membership in EAA An­ tique-Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Airplane and membership card. Applicant must be a current EAA member and must give EAA membership number. Non-EAA Member - $28.00. In­ cludes one year membership in the EAA Antique-Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Air­ plane, one year membership in the EAA and separate membership cards. Sport Aviation not included.


Membership in the International

Aerobatic Club, Inc. is $25.00 an­

nually which includes 12 issues of

Sport Aerobatics. All lAC members

are required to be members of EAA.


We specialize in providing reproduction of original upholstery materials, carpets, weltings, etc. for Vintage Autos and Aircraft.

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We will send free samples of closest match.

LeBARON BONNEY CO. 6 Chestnut 5t. Amesbury, Mass_ 01913 (617) 388-3811

WARBIRDS Membership in the Warbirds of America, Inc. is $25.00 per year, which includes a subscription to Warbirds. Warbird members are required to be members of EM.

EAA EXPERIMENTER EAA membership and EAA EXPERI­ MENTER magazine is available for $25.00 per year (Sport Aviation not included). Current EAA members may receive EAA EXPERIMENTER for$15.ooperyear.



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OSHKOSH, WI 54903-3086

PHONE (414) 426-4800


8:15-5:00 MON.-FRI.

30 MAY 1987


~ FOUNDATION I""'T~ Wittman Airfield

, 414-426-4800

Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065

8:30 to 5:00 p.rn.

thru Saturday HOURS Monday 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.rn. SUndays

Closed Easte~ Thanksgiving. Christmas and New 'rears Day (Guided group tour arrangements must be made two weel<s in advance).

CONVENIENT LOCATION The EM Aviation Center is located on Wittman Field. Oshkosh. Wis. -just off Highway 41. Going North Exit Hwy. 26 or 44. Going South Exit Hwy. 44 and follow signs. For fly-ins -free bus from Bilsler Right Service.

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