by Bob Lickteig The 35th Annual EM Convention and Sport Aviation Exhibition July 31-August 7 is now history, and a most important chapter has now been written. Oshkosh '87, an avia tion showcase, again established new re cords and your Antique/Classic Division was a major part of the annual assembly of avia tion enthusiasts. The weather was warm and humid during the first few days, but this did not stop the flying . Attendees enjoyed the ideal (and typ ical) Wisconsin summer weather which pre vailed the remainder of the week. The Antique/Classic scheduled events plus the general Convention activities in our area were at an all-time high. The prelimi nary figures indicate that the Convention was once again a successful venture for our Divi sion. The lotal number of registered antique and classic show planes was 890, compared to 796 last year. (234 unregistered aircraft were parked in the area.) Of the 890 aircraft, 135 were antiques and 755 were classics. This was an increase of 94 over last year. The parking committee chaired by Art Mor gan with Co-Chairman Bob Brauer parked 1,124 show planes during the week, includ ing a line-up of 22 beautiful Swifts which came to Oshkosh en masse. The Interna tional Swift Association is to be congratu lated for their efforts in orchestrating this mass arrival. The Antique/Classic Division again accounted for over 45% of the total registered aircraft at the Convention. The Division picniC on Sunday evening, August 2, featured a pig roast with all the trimmings and was attended by the largest crowd in recent years. Thanks to Chairman Steve Nesse, everyone enjoyed the event and it will be repeated in '88. The Antique/Classic Fly-out on Monday morning saw 86 people in 42 aircraft, includ ing three seaplanes at the beautiful Shawano, Wisconsin airport and seaplane
base. Chairman Bob Lumley planned this ac tivity. Chairman Ron Fritz scheduled a full week of Antique/Classic forums and the large crowds attest to the quality of the speakers. A field of 20 aircraft judges, headed by Chairman George York - Classics and Chair man Dale Gustafson - Antiques, evaluated a total of 376 aircraft to come up with the '87 Oshkosh award winners. The popular and ever-growing Type Clubs filled a larger tent this year in which they set up headquarters and conducted business. 14 clubs accepted the invitation of Chairman Butch Joyce to participate. The Antique/Classic headquarters staff with Chairman Kate Morgan and Co-Chair men Ruth Coulson, Jo Olcott and Edna Viets showed a 22% increase in Division business over last year at the Red Barn, and they answered the usual 10,000 questions daily. Once again, thanks ladies. On Tuesday, August 4, the Antique/ Classic Parade of Flight was again the high light of the afternoon airshow. With every thing from a 1911 Curtiss Pusher to Cubs, Luscombes, Cessnas, Lockheed Models 10 and 12, Stinson Trimotor, etc. scheduled to fly, it was the most impressive line-up to date. Due to an incident which blocked the runway, only 46 (about one half) of the planes could be launched. This popular an nual event was directed by Chairman Phil Coulson and Co-Chairman Butch Joyce. Jeannie Hill chaired the Riverboat Cruise on Tuesday night and again it was a success with good food and refreshments. Especially after the warm weather during the day, it was a perfect evening for cruising Lakes Win nebago and Butte des Morts. The Antique/Classic Workshop under the direction of Chairman George Meade and Co-Chairmen Dave Broadfoot and Clarence Schreiber was busy all week. Great interest was generated by Mary Feik of the Smithso nian's National Air and Space Museum with her presentation of their restoration projects. Her sessions were informative for all who attended. Jack McCarthy, the Photo Contest Chair man and official photographer for the Divi sion was busy all week acquiring coverage for the coming year in The Vintage Airplane. Once again, from all of us, thanks Jack. Chairman Jack Copeland and Co-Chair man Glenn Loy of the Division's Participant Recognition Program , presented 782 plaques to pilots who registered their aircraft. This was a record number of these lifetime remembrances. The Antique/Classic Interview Circle di rected by Chairman Kelly Viets again pre sented details through personal interviews with pilots/owners over the PA system on the restoration of their outstanding show air
craft. All the Division's buildings and grounds on Wittman Field were up to EM standards thanks to Chairman Stan Gomoll and Co Chairman John Fogerty. The largest turnout to date of past Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion aircraft made an impressive display of these prestigious planes. Chairman Dan Neuman was in charge of this activity. The backbone of the Convention is the group of volunteers who help each year. You have heard me mention the EM spirit - I know of no better example than seeing these hard-working people in action at Oshkosh We ex1end a hearty thank you to each and every volunteer and to Ray Olcott, Chairman of the Antique/Classic Volunteer program and Co-Chairman Gloria Beecroft. The Antique/Classic Volunteer Center was housed in a new building at Oshkosh '87 lo cated near the Red Barn. It was a hub of activity and a great place for volunteers to relax for a few minutes and enjoy a snack and a hot or cold drink. Thanks to Chairman Judi Wyrenbeck and Co-Chairmen Margaret Misdall, Betty Yunker, Mary Beth Jackson and Lorraine Schramm. Congratulations to Geof Robison who was named Antique/Classic Volunteer of the Year by a committee headed by Art Morgan and Ray Olcott. Future issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE will contain articles and photos garnered at the Convention by our Press Co Chairmen Larry D'Attilio and Pamela Foard. We all enjoy reading their articles and thank them for their efforts. Thanks, too, for the excellent job of provid ing security for the hundreds of aircraft, An tique/Classic Headquarters and Convention facilities by Chairman Dave Shaw along with Co-Chairmen Jim Mahoney and Tom Auger. The Airline Pilots Headquarters Tent was busy all week with 788 visiting flight crews signing in, representing 58 domestic and 24 foreign airlines. It's nice to have them in our area and we thank Chairman Don Toeppen and Co-Chairman Bob Stimely. The OX5 Aviation Pioneers are a welcome group in the Antique/Classic area and they enjoyed a full house all week. Their Chair man is Bob Wallace. Yours truly is proud to be an honorary OX5 member. To close my report of another successful Convention, I wish to again thank the chair man, co-chairmen, committee members and all the other volunteers for without them this great Oshkosh event would not be possible. We are already working on next year's Con vention - after all, in only 47 weeks your Antique/Classic Division will be welcoming you to Oshkosh '88. Welcome aboard - we're better together - join us and you have it all .
Tom Poberezny
Dick Matt
Gene R. Chase
SEPTEMBER 1987 • Vol. 15. No.9
Mike Drucks
Copyright ' 1987 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. All rights reserved .
Mary Jones
Norman Petersen
Dick Cavin
George A. Hardie, Jr.
Dennis Parks
Contents 2 4 5 6
Jim Koepnick
Carl Schuppel
9 9 10
13 14
R. J. Lickteig 1718 Lakewood Albert Lea, MN 56007 507/373-2922 Secretary Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City, MI49330 616/678-5012
Vice President M.C. "Kelly" Viets Rt.2, Box 128 Lyndon , KS 66451 913/828-3518 Treasurer E.E. " Buck" Hilbert P.O . Box 145 Union,IL60180 815/923-4591
DIRECTORS John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01581 6171366-7245
Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434 612/784-1172
Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278 317/293-4430
Espie M. Joyce, Jr. Box 468 Madison, NC 27025 919/427-0216
Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/442-3631
Gene Morris 115C Steve Court, R.R. 2 Roanoke, TX 76262 817/491-9110
Daniel Neuman 1521 Berne Circle W. Minneapolis, MN 55421 612/571-0893
Ray Olcott
104 Bainbridge
Nokomis, FL 33555
John R. Turgyan Box 229, R.F.D . 2 Wrightstown , NJ 08562 6091758-2910
S.J. Wittman
Box 2672
Oshkosh, WI54903
George S. York
181 Sloboda Ave .
Mansfield, OH 44906
18 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 29
Straight and Level/by Bob Lickteig AlC News/by Gene Chase Mystery Plane/by George A. Hardie, Jr. Taylorcraft "Ace" ... Restored by G & G /by Norm Petersen Member's Projects/by Gene Chase Vintage Seaplanes/by Norm Petersen Aeronca K and Gipsy Moth to Canadian Museum/by Rem Walker Vintage Literature/by Dennis Parks Fire Safety in Aircraft /by Dr. Raymond J. Hodges Type Club Activities -1987 Type Club Listing/by Gene Chase Calendar of Events Volunteers - A Book of Heroes /by Art Morgan and Bob Brauer What Do Restoring Airplanes and Carpeting Have in Common? /by Madelyn V. Beers Barnstorming Ford Tri-motor /by Randy C. Barnes A Day in the Life of Porterfield LP-65 /by James L. Wolleat Interesting Members - Charles Windsor Auten/by Gene Morris Welcome New Members Letters to the Editor Vintage Trader
Page 6
Page 23 FRONT COVER ... Nestled against the shore of the Brennand Sea plane Base on Lake Winnebago is Noorduyn "Norseman" Mark V, CF-JIN, mounted on Edo 55-7170A floats. Flown by Ron Newberg, the famous "bush" plane visited Oshkosh in '84 and '85. Power is by a P & W R1340-AN1 engine of 600 hp swinging a three-bladed Hamil tori Standard propeller. (Photo by Bill McCarrel, White Pigeon, MI) BACK COVER ... "Chuck in Parasol - 1929." (EAA Archives Photo-Stier Collection)
The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FiRST TEAM , SPORT AVIATION , and the logos of EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC., EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION , EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISiON INC., INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB INC., WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC., are registered trademarks . THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited.
Robert C. "Bob" Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60620 3121779-2105
Philip Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton , MI49065 616/624-6490
Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Material should be sent to : Gene R. Chase, Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh , WI 54903-3086. Phone: 414/426-4800.
John A. Fogerty RR 2 , Box 70 Roberts, WI 54023 715/425-2455
Robert D. "Bob" Lumley N104W20387 Willow Creek Road Colgate, WI 53017 414/255-6832
The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division. Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association , Inc. and is published monthly at Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903 3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh , WI 54901 and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. are $18.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation .
Steven C. Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507/373-1674
S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 4141771-1545
ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertis ing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. Postmaster: Send address changes to EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., Wittman Airfield . Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3
Compiled by Gene Chase OSHKOSH '87 AWARD WINNERS CLASSIC AIRCRAFT (Jan. 1, 1946 through Dec. 31, 1955) Grand Champion Piper PA-12
Super Cruiser, NC3648M. Clyde R.
Smith, Jr., Loganton, PA.
Reserve Grand Champion - Cessna
140A, N140AB. Angelo Fraboni,
Monona, WI.
Class I (0-80 hp) - Aeronca 7AC,
N3696E. Clifford Ginn, Tulsa, OK.
Class II (81-150 hp) - Luscombe 8E,
NC1524B. Scott Benger, Monument,
Class III (150 hp and up) - Cessna
LC-126 (195), N4666T. Dean
Richardson , Madison, WI.
Custom Class A (0-80 hp) - Piper
PA-17 Vagabond, N4557H. Peter O.
Deierlein, Syracuse, NY.
Custom Class B (80-150 hp) - Piper
J-3, N2039M, Henry Geissler, Webster,
Custom Class C (151 hp and up) -
Cessna 180, N1692C. Frank T.
Onorato, Spring Valley, IL.
Best of Type Aeronca Champ - Aeronca 7AC,
N82151 . Frank Beretta, South Plain
field , NJ .
Aeronca Chief Aeronca 11 AC ,
N3154E. Jeff Marlett and Paul Herr,
New Castle, IN .
Beechcraft - Bonanza 35, N5186C.
Don and Georgene McDonough, Palos
Hills, lL.
Cessna 120/140 - Cessna 140A,
N5390C. D. C. Davidson, Nashua, NH.
Cessna 170/180 - Cessna 170A,
N1418D. Dave Anderson, Green Bay,
Cessna 190/195 - Cessna 195B,
N302GT. Dennis Van Gheem, DePere,
Ercoupe - Ercoupe 415G, N3675H.
Vern Brown, St. Paul, MN.
Luscombe - Luscombe 8A, N71660.
Randy Hudson, North Liberty, IA.
Navion - North American Navion,
N75PM. Pete Heins, Ludlow Falls, OH.
Piper J-3 - Piper Cub, NC42522.
Dave Fautz, Rubicon , WI.
Piper, Others - Piper PA-12, NC98919.
Robert A. Gehring, Rubicon , WI.
Stinson - Stinson 108, N389C. B. A.
Walsh, Arlington , VA.
Swift - Temco Swift, N2334D. Jon W.
Breese, Omaha, NE.
Taylorcraft Taylorcraft BC-12D,
NC9809M. Robert A. Gehring, Rubicon,
Limited Production - Rawdon T-1,
N5160. Phillip L. Chastain, St. Louis,
Best Unrestored Aircraft - Beech 35
Bonanza, N3391 V. John Ziegler,
Saratoga, CA.
ANTIQUE AIRCRAFT (Pre-January 1, 1946) Grand Champion - 1918 Curtiss IN 4D Jenny, N2975. Ken Hyde, Warren
ton , VA.
Reserve Grand Champion - 1931
Waco QCF, NX11241 . Marion H.
"Curly" Havelaar, Rapid City, SD.
Outstanding - 1941 Ryan PT-22, N49674. Ron Johnson, Rockford , IL. Transport Aircraft Champion - 1938 Lockheed 12A,
N99K. Kent Blankenburg, Arroyo
Grande, CA
Runner-up - 1937 Lockheed 10A
Electra, CF-TCC. Air Canada,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Outstanding - 1942 Douglas DC-3,
N44V. Piedmont Airlines, Winston
Salem, NC.
Replica Aircraft Champion Corben Super Ace , NX17288. Alex Whitmore, Justin, TX. Unique Aircraft Special Award - 1943 Stearman, N61GP. C. M. Brooks, Scottsdale, AZ.
Contemporary Age (1933-1945) Champion - 1941 Porterfield CP-65,
NC37850. Ray and Walter Carson, Col
umbia, SC.
Runner-up 1937 Piper J-3,
NC20240. Bill Batesole, Germantown,
Outstanding Closed Cockpit Monop
lane 1937 Stinson Reliant,
NC17138. John Swander, DeSoto, KS .
Outstanding Open Cockpit Monop
lane - 1937 Ryan STA, N17638. Bill
Rose, Barrington, IL.
Outstanding Closed Cockpit Biplane
- 1943 Beech D17S Staggerwing,
N480. Clyde Bourgeois, Santa Ynez,
Outstanding Open Cockpit Biplane
1941 Boeing Stearman PT-17,
N52511 . Bill Rose, Barrington, IL.
Silver Age (1928-1932) Champion - 1929 Travel Air Speedw
ing, NC9918. Bill Plecenik, Erwinna,
Runner-up - 1929 Fleet Model 2,
NC431 K. Stan Sweikar, Dameron, MD.
Customized Aircraft Champion 1941 Fairchild 24, N28690. Ed Wegner, Plymouth, WI. Runner-up -1934 Monocoupe 90AW, N11782. Lowell Blossom, Zionsville, IN. Outstanding - 1944 Piper J-3 Cub, N65881. Royall Aircraft Restoration, Athens, TX. WW /I Military Trainer/Liaison Air craft Champion - 1944 Boeing Stearman,
N1066N. William L. Johnson, Oak
Brook, IL.
Runner-up - 1941 Stearman PT-17,
N4935N. Richard D. Darnell, Oklahoma
City, OK.
REMINDER - VINTAGE AIRCRAFT AUTOGAS STCs Unlike "modern" airplanes that re quire two STCs (engine and airframe) for the legal use of autogas, vintage airplanes approved prior to July 15, 1929 and listed in the former U.S. De partment of Commerce Aeronautics Branch document titled "Chapter XIII Approved Aircraft, Engines and Acces sories", dated May 1, 1931 , may use autogas at the discretion of the owners. Aircraft approved prior to July 15, 1929 were certified without any limitation on the fuel used whereas the later aircraft had to use "aviation" gasoline. EM aided a 1931 Heath owner in attaining an airframe STC. This airplane was not listed in the aforementioned list but its engine, a Continental A-40, was approved previously through EM. After attaining the EAA engine autogas STC, the owner, with the help of the EAA Flight Research staff, had his airplane inspected for conformity by the FM, completed a flight manual, and per formed a short flight test. An airframe STC was subsequently granted. Some vintage aircraft, although not on the 1931 list, might still quality for the legal use of autogas. For example, post-1931 airplanes having engines used in listed pre-1931 airplanes might quality if the airframe is similar to ap proved aircraft (e.g. , high wing , monop lane, or bi-plane with simple gravity flow fuel systems). This would have to be handled on a case-by-case basis by the local GADO. Contact the EAA Flight Research department for more details: toll free 1-800-322-4277 (in Wisconsin call 414/426-4800) . •
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b y George A. Hardie, Jr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Biplane cabin airplanes seemed to have been popular in the early 1930s. This one was operated by an airline in Alaska. The photo was submitted by Frank Filkins of Layton, Utah. Answers will be published in the December, 1987 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Deadline for that issue is October 10, 1987. The Mystery Plane in the June issue brought a number of interesting replies. Randy Barnes of Peoria, Illinois wrote: "I remember seeing this plane at the old Mt. Hawley airport in Peoria, way back when. For some reason, I didn't take any pictures of it. It's an Eastman E-2A 'Sea Pirate,' serial number 11, with a 185 hp Curtiss Challenger en gine. This plane was originally built as a four-place Model E-2 'Sea Rover' fly ing boat, as described in Juptner's Vol ume 3, page 250. It was later converted to the three-place E-2A by the addition of amphibious landing gear, as per Juptner's Volume 4, page 132. A photo of 'Sea Rover' serial number 2 is also shown in Juptner's Volume 9, page 87. The April, 1931 issue of Aero Digest, page 92, shows a small three-view
drawing of the E-2A plus specifications and two more photos. The February, 1930 Aero DifJest, page 200, shows the Eastman E-2 after landing on snow the same photo appears in Juptner's Volume 3. I have no knowledge of what became of the Peoria E-2A or even who used it at the time." Norman Orloff of San Antonio, Texas adds an interesting bit: "The unusual seating of pilot(s) in the back seat and passenger(s) in the front was not common. Also noticed some instability in management, and the most noticeable was the name of Carl Squier who moved on to top levels of manage ment at Lockheed." Gerry Norberg of Winnipeg, Man itoba, Canada adds this information: "I have enclosed some history of the five 'Sea Rovers' that were exported to Canada in 1932. The enclosed informa tion is copied from the Canadian Avia tion Historical Society Journal, Volume 25, No.1, Spring, 1987. The dates and names of the various owners is taken from the Canadian Civil Aircraft Regis ter which is also a CAHS publication. "As you can see, three of the aircraft
were withdrawn from use and placed in storage. I am quite certain that one of them may still be around and I have been actively searching northern British Columbia for some information on the missing aircraft. A good friend of mine, Mr. Herman Petersen of Atlin, British Columbia, flew them in the early 1940s and has a lot of interesting stories to tell." Correct answers were received from Charley Hayes, Park Forest, Illinois; Harold Swanson, North Branch, Min nesota; Wayne Van Valkenburgh, Jasper, Georgia; Marty Eisenmann, Garrettsville, Ohio and Doug Rounds, Zebulon, Georgia .•
Restored by
"G & G" ...
by Norm Petersen (Photos by Carl Schuppel, except as noted) If you have attended the Oshkosh conventions for the last four years and walked through the Antique/Classic area, your attention would have been drawn to a blood red Taylorcraft that looked a bit different, as if something was missing - like a stripe down the side of the fuselage. The sign in the win dow said the pretty little two-placer had a total of less than 250 hours! Here is the unusual story behind the restoration of Taylorcraft "Ace," NC9809M, SIN 10784 referred to as a BC-12D 1. In an effort to stay financially afloat in the shrinking aircraft market of late 1946, Taylorcraft Aviation Corp. came out with a stripped down model called the "Ace" which retailed at $1995. This model had only one door on the right hand side, no grills, no step, no glove box, no spinner, no extra wing tank and no right-hand controls were part of the ammentities which were sacrificed for a low price. As the finanical "noose" tight ened, even the "Ace" models were dol led up a bit to try and boost sales. One of these airplanes was N5484M (S/N
10784), which picked up a most un usual number of "goodies" as it moved down the production line in October of 1946. After two factory test flights of 20 minutes each, the "Ace'" was flown to its new owner in Beaver Dam, Wiscon sin on October 31, 1946 - flying time : 6 hours, 15 minutes. The new owner, Richard Schultz, flew the T-Craft only 16 hours before it went back to the dealer as a used aircraft. Another pilot, named Linus Hesprich, had flown a Fairchild PT-19 in the area for some time and eventually traded it and some "dollars" for the red Taylor craft. Linus flew for about six years, put ting on about 60 hours for a total time of 75 hours when the cotton fabric gave out in 1953. Unable to have it rebuilt at the time, he stored the wings in an abandoned farm house and the fuse lage was stored in a hangar at the Hartford, Wisconsin airport. Some 18 years later, in 1971 , the de relict T-craft was offered to a vocational teacher as a class project - but it was never picked up! Enter Robert Gehring
A pair of "true blue" aviators and avid restorers, Robert Gehring on the left and Ray Goss on the right. Ray admits to 74 years but moves like a man of fifty! Bob is 47 and just never stops moving! 6 SEPTEMBER 1987
(EAA 59487, NC 7886) of N3731 Hiway P, Rubicon, Wisconsin 53078 - a friend of Linus and pilot of a Piper Super Cruiser PA-12. After a bit of negotiating, a deal was struck for $25.00 down and the balance of $625 "when you can af ford it." Bob hauled the fuselage home to his workshop and began a new ad venture - rebuilding an airplane! From bare bones yet! Acquiring new skills was bad enough for Bob, but what really hurt were the jabs, crude jokes and sneaky innuen does showered his way by his many "Piper devoted" friends. He had forsa ken the marque for a Taylorcraft! In de speration, Bob sought the advice of Paul Baker, aircraft mechanic excep tionale . Paul sat him down and gave Bob an hour-long lecture on the finer points of a Taylorcraft and how he would be able to run away from his "Piper" friends with glee! Bob was sold! The rebuild process was slow for a number of years until Bob was able to obtain help from a friend and pilot named Ray Goss of 1623 Curtis Lane,
Uncovered right wing after 17 years of storage showed evidence of extensive habitation by unknown varmits! Entire wings were taken apart and slowly rebuilt to new condition.
Bob Gehring gives us a look at original factory brochure on the Taylorcraft "Ace" which says, "$1995 Fly Away Factory".
West Bend, WI 53095. Now you can see the origin of the term "G & G" Gehring and Goss! The fuselage was restored and ready for cover when Ray began assisting in December 1983. Both wing panels were in such miser able shape that they were totally dis mantled down to the last screw. The spars were carefully checked and then revarnished before reassembly began. New leading edges were installed be fore the Stits covering was applied . A close examination of the wings, both in
side and outside, reveal expert work manship, a tribute to Ray Goss and his over 50 years of aviation experience. Ray soloed a WACO 9 at Larsen, Wisconsin under the tutelage of Leonard Larson, pioneer Wisconsin av iator. During the war (WW II), Ray was a CFI at Timmerman Field in Milwaukee teaching cadets how to fly. In 1946 he moved to the far north country of Ely, Minnesota where he flew "bush" for five years - floats in the summer and skis in the winter. His over 4,000 hours of
Headon view of NC 9809M shows extra "grills" and spinner that were not standard for the low priced "Ace" model. Special gear fairings were made to accommodate ski fittings on the gear bolts.
float time include J-3 Cub, PA-12, Sea bee, Fairchild 24, Challenger Robin , Cabin WACO and Norseman. His favor ite was the Noorduyn Norseman, which he used on one tough mission to haul 17 people in one load. The take off run across the water was over five miles before he was able to get airborne! Ray says, "I wouldn't trade the years of float experience for anything. They were the most enjoyable years of my life in spite of the 7 a.m. to midnight days." The designation of the BWCA (Boun dary Waters Canoe Area) in northern Minnesota ended the "bush" flying , so Ray started an auto body shop in West Bend, Wisconsin (again, the beautiful "touch" with a spray gun.) Before long, he was hired as a pilot-mechanic for Cliff DuCharme's Aerial Blight Control and for the next 17 years, Ray was heavily into the crop spraying business. With his flying time in excess of 15,000 hours, Ray went from crop spraying to Chrysler Marine at Hartford, Wisconsin for a number of years before retiring in 1980. When he joined forces with Bob Gehring in 1982 to work on the Taylorcraft, he brought some 52 years of experience with him . To this day, Ray still maintains a Second Class Medical (at age 74) and an A&P license. Mid-1983 saw the fuselage of NC9809M brought from Bob Gehring's shop to Jim Igou's (EAA 119520, AlC 3348) shop at the Hartford Airport for final assembly. The rush was to get the plane ready for Oshkosh '83. The 65 hp Continental , which had been stored for nearly 30 years, was disassembled and proved to be in excellent condition . A set of new rings was installed along with new valve springs on the freshly ground valves. The cylinders were cross-hatched so the new rings would seat properly. Everything else was reassembled, in cluding the original Case magnetoes!
Tail feathers of N9809M display original Taylorcraft emblem which was photographed by the Hartford Booster and repro duced with a stencil. Note original Heath tail wheel and fixed trim on rudder. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7
Familiar to all T-Craft drivers, the dual rudder Iledals and the left-hand heel brakes. Extra cable yoke is for parking brake which was not standard on " Ace", yet was included in factory equipment on this airplane!
The cabin area received newly up holstered seats, a new windsh ield and new sliding windows in the doors. The instrument panel was redone in black crinkle finish rather than the original red color. (It gets hard to stare at a red panel all day long!) On the back side of the panel, the rebuilders found news-
Instrument panel done in black crinkle finish paint contains original instruments and mag switch. Note non-sensitive altime ter. Compass card is original from 1946!
paper glued to the entire surface. A bit of detective work discovered the factory glued the newsprint to the back side of the panel, pushed the instruments into position from the rear and fastened them with mounting screws. The panel was then sprayed and the instrument faces were uncovered with a pen knife!
Very simple and neat! The Taylorcraft was finally completed and readied for its first flight in 30 years. The original Sensenich prop spinner and Heath tailwheel were installed and with the paint still drying, the pretty little red airplane was flown to Ohskosh '83, but too late for judging! The logs
A happy Bob Gehring with the finished product after 12 years of work. Original Sen¡ senich prop helps outrun those "Piper folks". 8 SEPTEMBER 1987
MEMBER'S PROJECTS... by Gene Chase
Overhead trim crank is very familiar to T-Craft pilots - wind up the nose or crank down the nose. System is very ac curate. Note fuel cap on nose tank with its wire fuel gauge.
showed about 80 hours total time one of the lowest time classic aircraft left in the world. The empty weight of the aircraft was 716 Ibs. - 15 Ibs. lighter than the original factory weight of 731 Ibs. Both Bob and Ray admit part of the reason for the light weight was the rather vociferous remarks from the "Piper devotees" at the Hartford airport who regularly reminded them, "Keep it light or it won't get off ~he ground." Officially listed on the FAA register as a Taylorcraft BC-12D1 (there are 109 of this type stilli"egistered), the orig inal number was NC5484M which was lost during the years of storage and is now on a Cessna 152. The new number, N9809M, was assigned at re build time. Ray Goss brought the bird to Osh kosh '84 and '85 where it garnered "Best of Type" awards at both conven tions! Bob Gehring flew it to Oshkosh '86 and reluctantly entered the T-craft for judging (he wanted to give someone else a chance) . However, when the awards were made, ole NC9809M won the "Best of Type" for the third straight year! Perhaps the most enjoyable part of this entire episode was when Bob took the original owner, Linus Hesprich (1946 to 1953), for a ride in the award winning Taylorcraft. Linus was truly ex cited to fly in his old airplane and once again feel the delicately balanced con trols of a T-Craft, a feeling that T-Craft pilots the world over will acknowledge. Bob noticed Linus had wet eyes when he climbed out of the airplane, a tribute to the two men who so lovingly rebuilt her to such a shining example, "G & G," also known as Gehring and Goss. Keep an eye on this pair with their next project! •
R. K. "Ken" Hoddinott, Jr. (EAA 186723, AlC 7069), One Oaklawn Drive (TCE), Covington, LA 70433 rides in style to the airport in his Ford Mustang convertible to fly his 1940 Stearman N545WP, SIN 75-958. Ken is 66 years of age and a former WW II 8th A.F. pilot.
by Norman Petersen
The afternoon sun brightens up a Piper Super Cub, N3793Z, SIN 18-7479, mounted on Edo 89-2000 floats. Owned for many years by Louis Favro (EAA 98523) of P.O. Box 566, Gilbert, MN 55741, the colorful red & white floatplane is considered by many to be the ultimate two-place machine on floats. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9
Aer-()nm 1\ and f7ipยงy Mvth ro Canadian Muยงeum
Meanwhile, back in Regina, another old and venerable aircraft, a Gipsy Moth, CF-ADI, was awaiting the paper work to be completed so that she could take to the air after a wait of many years. CF-ADI, a DH60M, had been built by the de Havilland Aircraft Com pany at Stag Lane Aerodrome, Edgware, Middlesex, England, in the year 1929. She was powered by an 85 horsepower Gipsy Mark I engine, also built by de Havilland. The engine devel ops 85 horsepower at 1900 rpm, the normal cruise setting. Originally, CF-ADI flew out of Regina doing aerial survey work for the Cana dian Pacific Railway. In the mid 1930s, CF-ADI became a bush aircraft flying supplies to trappers in the North West Territories. CF-ADI flew on floats in the summer and skis in the winter. In the late '30s, CF-ADI moved to Moose Jaw, flying from where the Rosendale Cemetery is now located. CF-ADI was used by the Moose Jaw Flying Club to train many pilots before being taken from service in the early 1940s. The air craft languished on a farm in western Saskatchewan before being purchased, in 1970, by a resident of Regina who planned to rebuild it. This proved to be a bit more than he could handle so the aircraft was sold to no. 41 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets, in Regina, to be rebuilt as a group project by the Air Cadets. Spearheading this ambiti ous project was the Commanding Of ficer of the Squadron, Major Neil Bos well. Work was hardly started when Major Boswell died suddenly, leaving the project in mid-air to be eventually abandoned for want of supervisory people to oversee the rebuilding of CF ADI. In 1973 the Western Development Museum purchased the aircraft, or, perhaps we should say, what remained . By this time many parts were missing simply from having been moved so many times. Time, mice and rot had taken their toll of the wooden parts. It was a sorry sight indeed. All the Museum could put on display at that time was the bare and basic fuselage frame itself. The Museum lacked the funds and qualified people to rebuild CF-ADI. In late 1976 the Museum ap proached EM 154 members to see if they would donate the rebuilding of CF ADI to airworthy condition. EM 154 members agreed. Between February 15, 1977 and April 21, 1978 the four wing panels, ailerons and tail assembly were built using 2" x 6" x 16' roughcut Sitka Spruce planks as the basic material. The original steel tubing of the fuselage was stripped, checked, repaired, primed and painted, then the fuselage decking, formers, control pedestal, seats, controls, ca bles, etc., made and fitted . Old photographs of CF-ADI were used to make mock-ups of the fuselage
CF-BIN at the Museum, August 13, 1979 with some of those involved: (L-R) Jerry Kaiser, manager of the WDM; Bob Wallace, John Norris, Ron Fraser, Barney Dunlevy, Ray Crone and Herb Stevenson. Wallace and Fraser rebuilt the Aeronca.
Aeronca K, CF-BIN under restoration! rebuild.
CF-ADI wings and fuselage under con struction.
CF-ADI in flight near Regina, September, 1979.
decking and cockpit area as plans were not available. From the mock-ups the new wooden parts were made. The en gine mount was repaired and the en gine installed . Upon inspection the en gine was found to be in very good con dition. The magnetos and impulse were rebuilt. The two engine instruments, RPM and Oil Pressure Gauge, were in stalled along with an Airspeed Indicator and Altimeter in each cockpit plus a compass in the rear cockpit only. En gine cowlings and baffles were rebuilt and repaired as needed. The main gear was repaired with new bushings, fair ings, etc. In the spring of 1979, CF-ADI was moved from the garage workshop in Regina to the Regina Flying Club hangar where, thanks to the generosity of the Manager, Barney Dunlevy, and the board of directors, CF-ADI was able to be inside while the assembly and rig ging took place. By the first week in Au gust 1979, CF-ADI was ready to fly. As fate would have it, on the weekend of August 11 /12, 1979, CF-BIN and CF ADI were both hangared at the Regina Flying Club waiting for their flights to Moose Jaw. CF-BIN was normally flown
from the farm strip of EM 154 member Howard Parr. On August 12 CF-BIN was flown from the farm strip to Regina Air port to be prepared for the flight to Moose Jaw and shared the hangar with CF-ADI. The next morning, August 13, 1979, Aeronca K, CF-BIN, made her last flight. Three weeks later, CF-ADI made her first flight in over 30 years. September 6, 1979 was the date of the test flight for CF-ADI. With tail skid, no brakes and NORDO, the flights of CF-ADI from the grass area of the Regina airport turned back the pages of time . Thanks to the cooperation of the tower personnel and airport management the flights went smoothly. The local flights that followed proved the airworthiness of the engine and airframe. The date for the last flight of CF-ADI was set for Friday, September 14, 1979. It was a day identical to that of CF-BIN 's last flight - blue sky and a light breeze, on the nose, of course! Passenger in the front cockpit was Ray Crone, Sas katchewan's Aviation Historian who had been a spark plug in helping to establish the Western Development Museum in Moose Jaw and had encouraged both
Gipsy Moth and Aeronca K at the Regina Flying Club Hangar on August 11 /12, 1979.
the acquisition of CF-BIN and the re building of CF-ADI. The scene was similar to that of a few weeks previous. CF-ADI , a beautiful biplane with silver finish and red trim , as she had been at Goldfields, Saskatchewan, in the bush, in 1935, flew just north of no. 1 highway followed by a procession of members and friends of EM 154 in cars. CF-ADI landed in the same field as CF-BIN five weeks previous. Escorted by many who helped rebuild her, plus well-wishers and the press, CF-ADI taxied to the front door of the Museum. There, the end of her flying took place when the log books were handed to Manager Jerry Kaiser. The log books tell the story of CF-ADI and of the rebuilding as well as the list of names of members and friends who participated in the project. Gipsy Moth, CF-ADI 's last flight had taken place 50 years from the start of her career in the air. For the Aeronca K, CF-BIN, it was 42 years. Almost a century of history represented by the two aircraft, both saved from oblivion and rebuilt to flying condition by mem bers of EM Chapter 154 in Regina, Saskatchewan . •
CF-ADI at Goldfields, Saskatchewan, September, 1935. Silver with red trim. This is the paint job that was duplicated on the rebuilt aircraft.
The old and the new. DeHaviliand Gipsy Moth CF-ADI over a de Havilland Twin Otter at the Regina Airport, September, 1979. 12 SEPTEMBER 1987
by Dennis Parks
MODERN MECHANICS, July, 1930 Modern Mechanics in the late 1920s and early 1930s is known as a great source of inspiration and plans for the amateur aircraft builder. These plans were gathered together annually and published in the Flying and Gliding Manuals published from 1930 to 1933. (See "Vintage Literature, " May 1986.) The magazine was also a great chronicler of aviation events of the time and presented a lot of information on aviation events to the general and tech nical public. Many of the articles were written by the participants and thus pre sented as first-hand account of de velopments. Sometimes their coverage surpassed that presented in the trade aviation publications. In the July, 1930 issue alongside such topics as "Mechanics of Baseball" by the Sultan of Swat - Babe Ruth; "The Story of the Match - a Great World In dustry" and "How to Build your Own . Garage Workshop" were over a dozen articles on aviation. Frank Hawks
One of the articles was by Frank Hawks, then holder of the transconti nental speed record in a Lockheed Air Express. Hawks had turned to gliding after his 1929 record flights and during the first week of April, 1930 he was towed across the country in a Franklin glider called the "Texaco Eaglet." At the time he was supervisor of the aviation division of the Texas Company. The flight which took place shortly be fore the first Elmira glider meet in creased interest in gliding. "For the first time in history the United States has been crossed by a glider in tow behind an airplane. Capt. Frank Hawks, the man who accomplished this epochal feat, tells here his story of the great ad venture." Capt. Hawks - "I was alone in the EAGLET, but I was by no means iso lated. The tow rope which kept my craft floating along behind the biplane sup ported a telephone wire which enabled me to talk with Duke Jernigin. "Everything went along swimmingly until we neared Tucson . .. I felt a sharp jolt and had just time enough to cry 'Duke!' over the telephone when I went diving downward. A sudden gust of wind had snapped the tow cable.
"It was at this point that I began to appreciate the staunch qualities of the Eaglet, the first cabin glider ever con structed... the glider responded to the controls nicely and I made a safe emergency landing." The 'Eaglet" in which the flight was made, was the only one of its kind built. It was designed especially for the Texas Comapny, which sponsored the flight, by Prof. R. E. Franklin of the University of Michigan. "Two novel features of the EAGLET's Design are worth remarking. One is the cockpit hood, containing glass win dows, which not only covers the cockpit and protects the pilot from the weather, but also adds to the streamlining of the ship. Another feature is the instrument board, containing an air speed indi cator, altimeter, and bank indicator the first instrument board ever to be in stalled on a glider." Hawks finished by stating "I want to go on the record as predicting that glid ing will soon become a great national sport. I attribute this to the simplicity of gliding, as well as to the tremendous increase of interest in aviation."
twenty-two years. I am pleased to tell about my super air liner. "At the present time I am building in my factories at Trenton, New Jersey, an enormous double-tier super air liner which will carry 125 passengers. It will cost in the vicinity of $500,000. Two pilots will sit up front at the dual controls. Beneath them space has been provided for the mechanics. They will remain there until some emergency makes it necessary for them to crawl out on the wings to the motors. "Directly behind the (cockpit) are the officers' quarters, where the conductor can count his tickets and discuss with the pilots whether or not they will arrive on time. The next section is the main passenger cabin itself. There is an aisle through the center and double seats on both sides. Above is another tier of seats which are reached by steps lo cated at intervals. "The passengers will make the trips in chairs, although the liner can be con verted into a sleeper in two hours. A porter in the customary white coat will serve light lunches and put up tables between seats for card games."
Alfred Lawson
Bernie Pietenpol
The July issue also had a rare inter view with Alfred W. Lawson, a pioneer of the concept of the large airliner. In it he discussed his new project, a huge 125 passenger double-deck machine. Lawson - "On this occasion I have induced to enter the limelight for a brief moment in the interests of the industry which has occupied my attention .. . for
At the other end of the aviation spec trum were the small homebuilt planes of Bernie Pietenpol. In the "Shop Mail Box" was the following discourse over Mr. Pietenpol and his planes. "Hoity toity, you monks! Get a load of this for scandal: The other day a fellow walks into the office of the eds and says, (Continued on Page 15) VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13
FIRE SAFETY INAIRCRAFT by Dr. Raymond J. Hodges Morwell, Australia
The following is reprinted by permis sion from Vol, 9, No. 1 of "Short Wing Piper News, " the bi-monthly publication of the Short Wing Piper Club, Inc., 2022 Concord Drive, Camden, SC 29020.
Even with the most cautious pilot, air craft damage by fire is always a possi bility. All it needs is a flooded engine, and a backfire during the starting se quence. Compared to cars, which traditionally use more volatile fuel than airplanes, the light aircraft is more fire prone. A serious fire in an airplane can quickly destroy a valuable asset. Engine fires occur mostly in winter.
The danger periods are early on a winter's morning and to a lesser extent, restarting a hot engine on a hot sum mer's day. Both these observations are explainable in terms of fuel characteris tics and coincide with hard starting symptoms. Consider a few typical situations: 1) A pilot tries to start his airplane on a cold winter morning. The engine is primed and the electric boost pump is left on to keep the carburetor full. Be cause of the low volatility of avgas, not enough fuel vaporizes to give a flamm able mixture (lean burn limit is about 17 air to 1 of fuel) . As the battery starts to die, the pilot becomes desperate : more priming. Sometimes the float doesn't close properly and during this period, the carburetor has been quietly over flowing onto the engine cowl , nose wheel , and onto the ground just below the end of the exhaust pipe. If one cylin der does exceed the lean burn limit and give a weak pulse of power, some burn ing is still taking place after the valves open and the backfire could well set the puddle of fuel on fire! 2) Magnetoes with impulse couplings
Time!Season Before 11 a.m. [%] AJier 11 a.m. [%]
give problems more in winter, too. Sometimes the impulse lugs get sticky; in winter, unknown to the pilot, at nor mal cranking speeds the impulse lugs don't spring out for each revolution. If the pilot pauses then the first compres sion may fire but not the rest. Have you ever noticed that the hard to start airplane will sometimes start just when the battery is nearly exhausted and on the last slow crank. The sticky impulse lug has had time to extend and work. If the pilot is unlucky and the carburetor has overfilled, too, the engine may not start but an engine fire could be the un wanted result. 3) Often it is difficult to restart a hot engine in summer. This is usually said to be due to an overprimed engine being too rich to fire (air to fuel ratio less than about nine to one). Under normal circumstances, this should not give an engine fire even if the carburetor over flows. However, the pilot doesn't know why the engine won't start: there is no gauge to tell him if the mixture is too rich or lean. He has been taught how to start a flooded engine: pull the mixture control to idle cut off and crank the en gine. Theoretically this is supposed to cut the fuel right off and let only air enter the cylinders. Unfortunately, if the en gine is overprimed and the carburetor overflowing due to a stuck needle, some fuel also is drawn into the cylin der, and again if the pilot is unlucky, the mixture may be just strong enough to cause a backfire and set the pool of fuel ablaze. 4) Many other fires occur without the designation pilot error, but due to fuel leaks. Any cause that allows a pool of fuel to develop on the ground or in the cowl is a fire hazard. Automobiles do not have the problem to the same degree. If a carburetor overflows in a car, the excess fuel runs into the manifold, not out of it. The car
Summer 4
Fall 7
Table: Pilot error attributed engine fires in the 1970s (designated cause: overprime]
Spring 4 8
air cleaner is also a Davey cage and a backfire to the carburetor goes no farther. If a fuel leak develops, the exhaust pipe goes to the back of the car, well away from the fuel. Airplane engines are fitted with up draft carburetors which do not let the engine fill with fuel if overpriming oc curs. This way, so the theory goes, the engine is not damaged by possible hyd raulicing . Overprimed aircraft engines do not let fuel run into the manifold , but rather out of it. This was not a worry when airplanes were started by propel ler swinging: the pilot or engineer who was swinging the propeller could see if a lot of fuel was running out of the en gine bay, and he would fix the problem. Now that starters have been added, the pilot does not see this dangerous situa tion developing. The basic aircraft en gine has not changed much since the 1930s and because of the magnitude of the certification process, parts of airplanes already approved are left when new things are added. Auto fuel versus avgas: At first glance, since auto fuel is more volatile, having a higher RVP (Reid Vapor Pressure) than avgas, then it might seem more dangerous. Well, this might be true in a refinery where there is lots of the fuel. In an airplane, however, the extra vol atility makes the engine easier to start in winter and improves fire safety. Be cause auto fuel RVP varies between summer and winter, it is less volatile in summer and more like avgas, so the summer problem is really no worse . Tests in the laboratory show even winter autogas will not boil enough to overflow a carburetor and be a fire hazard. When auto fuel is heated, the RVP is reduced. Therefore, any fuel left in the carburetor weathers back to the same RVP as avgas during heat soak. Aircraft carburetors over the years of development in the 1930s were de signed to have very stable floats to overcome flooding problems in turbu lence so even if autogas did boil in the bowl, the float would remain stable. In one other case autogas is safer than avgas. A rare problem is an explO sion in the tank itself, initiated possibly by a lightning strike in flight, a stray bul let, or a wet armature fuel pump allowed
to run dry. Autogas in the tank will not give an explosive mixture in the vapor space above the fuel. The mixture is always too rich " summer or winter. An explosion is possible with avgas below about 14 degrees F., but with winter grade mogas this will not occur above -49 degrees F. at sea level pressure, and the temperatures needed are even lower at altitude. Another problem solved for cars is the use of synthetic floats in place of metal floats. The material used for airplanes is sensitive to too much aromatics in the fuel over too long a time at too high a temperature. The problem occurs even when the airplane is not being used. A float sitting in fuel absorbs the aromatics and gets heavy. It became a problem when low aromatic avgas was progressively replaced by 100LL avgas. Alcohol is not itself a problem, but seems to have a synergis tic effect and could enhance the effect of aromatics. A heavy float could con ceivably make starting harder in sum mer due to overrich mixtures, but they never completely sink like metal floats do when they fail. Composite floats need regular inspection, and should ul timately be replaced . In flight, if a float sinks, the engine is flooded , and the mixture is too rich to fire. This can occur with metal floats if a pin hole develops and will result in an engine failure. This type of problem was the original reason composite floats were introduced. I know one pilot who got safely home when this happened. He tried each fuel tank, then turned the fuel off. The flooded carburetor came back to normal level for a while and the engine ran for about 30 seconds till the
(Continued from Page 13)
'My name's Pietenpol. I've built a plane down in southern Minnesota that flies swell with a Ford model A engine. It's a two-seater.' We scratched our heads. He was a quiet guy - the kind who knows his stuff. He startled me. "That was something to think about! Every John Henry in America knows the Ford model A engine is one of the most reliable low speed four-cylinder internal combustion engines ever designed. They are free from vibration as the winds of a May morning, and reliable as a church. They'll idle like a steam en gine, or run all day long wide out without a complaint. And they'll run for thousands of miles before even a valve needs touching up, and they aren't even
carburetor ran dry. He turned on the fuel again, and the engine ran for a minute before stopping again. He got safely to the nearest runway, by turning the fuel on and off. That is a very crude way of regulating fuel, but it worked . Safe starting technique: So long as there is not a fuel system leak, a method can be used to stop engine fires during starting. For an engine fire to get estab lished it has to have something to burn. The common factor above is a pool of fuel on the ground or in the engine com partment. Never let the engine car buretor overflow. For a cold or hot start, turn on the fuel boost pump till the car buretor is full (fuel pressure of say 2 to 5 psi). Turn off the pump, turn off the fuel shut off, too, and then you know no more fuel will enter the engine to over flow the carburetor during the starting sequence. Start in the normal way and when the engine starts, turn on the fuel again before taxiing. If the aircraft has a gravity feed, turn on the fuel for say 10 seconds to fill the carburetor but no more. Turn the fuel off during engine start, and turn on again to taxi . If the fuel is turned on be fore the preflight inspection, see if fuel is overflowing into the engine bay. Don't try to start a flooded engine like this. Many things can cause a float needle to stick partly open, rust in the fuel, ice in the fuel, binding float pivots, heavy floats, and badly seating needles. In the laboratory it is very difficult to find the obstruction when the carburetor floods to overflow. Careful dismantling rarely shows the problem. Usually, the prob lem disappears with normal fuel flow after the engine starts. If the engine stops again when the fuel is turned on,
then you can suspect the float has sunk and the carburetor needs to be fixed. This method may be contrary to what you have been taught, but consider the poor student: They go about preflight checks very slowly, and this magnifies the chance of a carburetor filling to overflowing. If the engine catches fire the usual reason given is pilot error and inexperience, and it all results in a big black blot on the student's record. By following the above-mentioned starting sequence we can greatly reduce the in cidence of fire and improve the overall safety record of general aviation. Editor's Note: Dr. Hodges started his career as a research trainee in analyti cal chemistry with the Broken Hill Prop rietary Co., Ltd. Research Laboratories in 1959, and even at that time was in volved in developing new analytical methods which were later adopted as standards. He read for his B. Sc. at Newcastle University and for his Ph.D in physical chemistry at the University of New South Wales. These studies and the two year period as a post doctoral fellow at Hill University, u.K. were in volved in developing a new catalyst sys tem for hydrocarbon chemistry includ ing both the aromatics and the alkanes. Since 1975 he has lectured in both or ganic chemistry and analytical chemis try to degree and diploma students at the Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education. Dr. Hodges has received a medal from the Royal Aeronautic Soci ety for lecturing on Mogas for airplanes. He is the author of more than 30 publi cations. Besides the profession of chemistry, Dr. Hodges has also been a pilot since 1964 and holds a commercial rating.•
heavy. "Now the crying need in aviation today, the thing every air-minded tar mac skinner wants is a good two seat light airplane, one that can be built dirt cheap, one that is as husky as a Jenny, and one that will fly like a Waco. "So we says to Pietenpol, lookin' him right in his flyin' eyes. "I expected nothing more'd be heard from him. Then "A few days later two ships came up out of the south and buzzed over Shank's airport. They appeared to be clocking it off in good style, and they left a brand new OX5 Swallow Training Plane behind like the TP was an obstruction to navigation. "With the sweetest of tickety-tick you ever heard in an idling engine they both set down on the tarmac. They looked a
lot like that daddy of American light planes, the Heath Parasol, and were a about a fifth larger. Say, they were sweet! "And, be jabbers, out steps Pietenpol and a flyin ' friend named Don Finke, one of the sweetest lightplane pilots who ever wangled a stick! And both planes had the most simple, clean and immaculate Ford model A engine instal lation imaginable. "It was a relief to me, after workin' on OX5s, and Thomas-Morses and Wrights, to see a motor so clean that all there seemed to be was four cylinders, a base and the hold-down bolts. Wotta relief, wotta airplane! Her name is the PIETENPOL CAMPER. " Plans for the Pietenpol appeared in the 1932 FL YING AND GLIDER MAN UAL..
,I ~ype ClubActivities
Compiled by Gene Chase
1987 TYPE CLUB ANNUAL LISTING AERONCA Aeronca Aviator's Club 足 A Division of Pea Patch Airlines Julie & Joe Dickey 511 Terrace Lake Road Columbus, IN 47201 812/342-6878 Newsletter: 4 times as year AAC 4 times a year PPA Dues : $12 annually AAC $12 annually PPA
The Aeronca Club Augie and Pat Wegner 7524 W. Tuckaway Creek Drive Franklin, WI 53132 Newsletters : 3 per year Dues : $5.00 per year
Aeronca Lover's Club Buzz Wagner Box 3, 401 1st St. East Clark, SD 57225 605/532-3862 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues : $15 per year
Aeronca Sedan Club Mr. Richard Welsh 2311 East Lake Sammamish Place SE Issaquah, WA 98027 Newsletter: 3 per year Dues : $3.50 per year
American Air Racing Society Mr. Rudy Profant 4060 W. 158th Street Cleveland , OH 44135 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues : $10.00 per year
American Aviation Historical Society Mr. Harry Gann, President 2333 Otis St. Santa Ana, CA 92704 714/549-4818, Tuesday nights, 7:00-9:00 p.m. local Newsletters : Quarterly Dues : $25, includes Journal and Newsletter
Bird Airplane Club
Cessna Pilots Association
Jeannie Hill P. O. Box 328 Harvard , IL 60033 815/943-7205 Newsletters : 2-3 annually Dues : Postage Donation
John Frank, Executive Director Mid-Conti足 nent Airport P. O. Box 12948 Wichita, KS 67277 316/946-4777 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $25 annually
BEECHCRAFT American Bonanza Society Cliff R. Sones, Administrator P.O. Box 12888 Wichita, KS 67277 316/945-6913 Newsletters : Monthly Dues : $25.00 per year
Twin Bonanza Association Richard I. Ward , Director 19684 Lakeshore Drive Three Rivers, MI 49093 616/279-2540 Newsletters : Quarterly Dues: $25 per year (U.S. & Canada) $35 per year (Foreign)
Donna Christopherson, Treasurer 451 Bellwood Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054 408/988-8906 or 554/0474 Newsletters: Bi-monthly Dues: $10 per year
Cessna 150/152 Club Skip Carden , Executive Director P.O. Box 15388 Durham, NC 27704 919/471-9492 Newsletters : Monthly Dues: $20.00 per year
Bucker Club
International Cessna 170 Association,
Velvet Fackeldey, Executive Secretary
P.O. Box 186 Hartville, MO 65667 Newsletter: Fly Paper (11 per year) The 170 News (Quarterly) Dues ; $15.00 per year
Bucker Club, National Frank Price, President Rt. 1, Box 419 Moody, Texas 76557 817/853-2008 Newsletters : 12 per year Dues: $25.00 per year
International Bird Dog Association Phil Phillips, President 3939 C-8 San Pedro, NE Albuquerque , NM 87110 505/881-7555 Newsletters: Quarterly "Observer" Dues : $25.00 per year
Bellanca Club
West Coast Cessna 120/140 Club
John Bergeson , SecretarylTreasurer 6438 W. Millbrook Road Remus, MI 49340 517/561-2393 Newsletters : 6 per year Dues: $10 per year (U .S. & Canada) $15 per year (Foreign)
Ms. Pam Foard and Mr. Larry D'Attilio 1820 N. 166th Street Brookfield, WI 53005 4141784-0318 Newsletters : Quarterly Dues: $18.00 per year
Dorchen Forman, Editor or Ethelyn Rit足 tersbacher Box 830092 Richardson, TX 75083-0092 816/578-4275 (E. Rittersbacher) 817/497-4757 (D. Forman) Newsletters: 12 per year Dues: $10 U.S. year
Staggerwing Club Jim Gorman, President 1885 Millsboro Road Mansfield, OH 44906 419/529-3822 (home) , 419/755-1011 (office) Newsletter: Quarterly Dues : $15 per year
American Tiger Club Mr. Frank Price, President Rt. 1, Box 419 Moody, Texas 76557 817/853-2008 Newsletters: Monthly Dues: $25.00 per year
International Cessna 120/140 Association
International Cessna 180/185 Club (Cessna 180-185 ownership required) Charles Bombardier, President 4539 N. 49th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85031 Newsletter: 9 or 10 per year Dues: $10 per year
Eastern 190/195 Association Cliff Crabs 25575 Butternut North Olmsted, OH 44070 2161777-4025 , after 6 p.m. Eastern Newsletters: Irregular - Manual on Mainte足 nance for Members Dues: $10 per year
International 195 Club Cessna Airmaster Club Gar Williams 9 South 135 Aero Drive Naperville, IL 60565 Newsletters: None Dues : None
Dwight M. Ewing, President P. O. Box 737 Merced, CA 95344 209/722-6283 Newsletters : Quarterly Dues: $20.00 U.S. annually
Corben Club
Funk Aircraft Owners Association
National Championship Air Races
Robert L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg , IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletters : Quarterly Dues: $8.00 for four issues
G. Dale Beach, Editor - Treasurer 1621 Dreher Street Sacramento, CA 95814 916/443-7604 Newsletters : 10 per year Dues : $12.00
Susan Audrain , Marketing Director P.O. Box 1429 Reno, NV 89505 702/826-7500
Culver Club
Great Lakes Club
Larry Low, Chairman 60 Skywood Way Woodside, CA 94062 415/851-0204 Newsletter: None Dues: None
Culver PQ-14 Ted Heineman, Editor 29621 Kensington Drive Laguna Miguel, CA 92677 714/831-0173 Newsletters : Quarterly - Biannually Dues: Donation
Dart Club
Robert L. Taylor, Editor P.O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletters: Quarterly Dues: $10 per year
Hatz Club Robert L. Taylor, Editor P.O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletters : Quarterly Dues: $8 per year
Heath Parasol Club
Lloyd Washburn 3958 Washburn Drive Pt. Clinton, OH 43452 Newsletter: Now and Then Dues: None
William Schlapman 6431 Paulson Road Winneconne, WI 54968 414/582-4454 Newsletter: Annually Dues : Postage donation
deHaviliand Moth ClUb
The Interstate Cub
Gerry Schwam, Chairman 1021 Serpentine Lane Wyncote, PA 19095 215/635-7000 or 215/886-8283 Newsletters: Quarterly Dues : $10 U.S. & Canada $12 Overseas
Robert L. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg , IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletters: Interstate Intercom Dues : $8 for four issues
deHaviliand Moth Club of Canada
Ken Williams, Chairman 331 E. Franklin Street Portage, WI 53901 Contact Williams for further information
R. deHaviliand Ted Leonard, Founder-Direc足 tor 305 Old Homestead Road Keswick, Ontario, Canada L4P 1E6 416/476-4225 Newsletter: Periodically Dues: $15 annually
Ercoupe Owners Club Skip Carden, Executive Director Box 15058 Durham, NC 27704 919/471 -9492 Newsletters: Monthly, with special editions Dues: $20 per year
Fairchild Club John W. Berendt, President 7645 Echo Point Road Cannon Falls, MN 55009 507/263-2414 Newsletters : 2-3 per year Dues: $8
Little Round Engine Flyer
LUSCOMBE Continental Luscombe Association Loren Bump, President 5736 Esmar Road Ceres, CA 95307 209/537-9934 Newsletter: Bi-monthly (6 per year) Dues : $10 (U .S), $12.50 (Canada $15 (Foreign)
Luscombe Association John Bergeson , Chairman 6438 W. Millbrook Road Remus, MI 49340 517/561-2393 Newsletters : 6 per year Dues : $10 per year (U .S.) $15 per year (Canada) $20 per year (Foreign)
Flying Farmers, International Kyle Ann Stream , Executive Director P.O. Box 9124 2120 Airport Road Wichita, KS 67277 316/943-4234 Newsletters: 10 issues per year Dues : $35 per year U.S. funds, plus chapter dues
Meyers Aircraft Owners Association Wm. E. Gaffney, Secretary 26 Rt. 17K Newburgh, NY 12550 914/565-8005 Newsletters: 5-6 per year Dues : Postage Fund
National Air Racing Group Fleet Club George G. Gregory, President 4880 Duguid Road Manlius, NY 13104 315/682-6380 Newsletters: Approx. two per year Dues : Contributions
Frank Ronco, President 1313 Los Arboles Sunnyvale, CA 94087 4081733-7967 Newsletters: Professional Air Racing (10/
Dues: $10/year, domestic
American Navion Society A. R. Cardano, Chairman of the Board Gerry Bright, Executive Secretary Box 1175, Municipal Airport Banning, CA 92220 714/849-2213 Newsletters : Monthly Dues : $25 per year
The Ninety Nines, Inc., International Women Pilots Loretta Jean Gragg, Executive Director P.O. Box 59965, Will Rogers Airport Oklahoma City, OK 73159 405/685-7969 Newsletter: The Ninety-Nine News - monthly Dues : $40.00 annually
North American Trainer Association (T6, T-28, NA64, NASO) Stoney and Kathy Stonich 2285 Oakvale Drive Shingle Springs, CA 95682 916/677-2456 Newsletter: Quarterly - Texans and Trojans Dues : $25 U.S., $30 Canada
OX-5 Aviation Pioneers Oliver V. Phillips, National Secretary 10405 W. 32 Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303/233-5905 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $10 per year
PIETENPOL Buckeye Pietenpol Association Frank S. Pavliga, Newsletter Editor 2800 S. Turner Road Canfield, OH 44406 2161792-6973 , days 216/792-6269 (even足 ings) Newsletter: Buckeye Pietenpol Assn. News足 letter - Quarterly Dues : $7.50 per year
International Pietenpol Association Robert L. Taylor, Editor P.O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletters : Quarterly or Semi-annually Dues: $8 per year
PIPER Cub Club John Bergeson , Chairman P. O. Box 2002 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48804-2002 517/561-2393 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues : $10 per year (U .S.), $15 (Canada) $20 (Foreign)
L-4 Grasshopper Wing Publisher: John Bergeson, Cub Club P. O. Box 2002
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48804-2002
Newsletter: 6 per year
Dues: $10 per year (U.S.), $15 (Canada 足 U.S. Funds)
$20 (Foreign)
Note: Must be a Cub Club member, also
Short Wing Piper Club, Inc. Larry D. Smith , Membership Chairman 2022 Concord Drive Camden, SC 29020-9516 803/432-5943 Newsletter: Bi-monthly Dues: $25 per year Super Cub Pilots Association Jim Richmond, Founder/Director P.O. Box 9823 Yakima, WA 98909 509/248-9491 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $25 per year U.S. $35 per year (Canada) $40 per year (Foreign)
Spartan School of Aeronautics Alumni Association Karla Morrow, Executive Secretary 8820 E. Pine Street Tulsa, OK 74115 918/836-6886 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 annually Stearman Restorers Association Tom Lowe 823 Kingston Lane Crystal Lake, IL 60014 815/459-6873 Newsletter: 4-6 per year Dues : $10 per year
Porterfield Airplane Club Chuck Lebrecht 1019 Hickory Road Ocala, FL 32672 904/687-4859 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues : $5 per year Rearwin Club Robert L. Taylor, Editor P.O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues : $8 per year Ryan Club, National Bill J. Hodges, Chairman 811 Lydia Stephenville, TX 76401 817/968-4818 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 per year Replica Fighters Association Frank G. Weatherly, President 2789 Mohawk Lane Rochester, MI 48064 313/651-7008 Newsletters: Bi-monthly Dues : $15 per year Seabee Club International Captain Richard W. Sanders, President 4734 49th Court Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33319 305/485-5769 Newsletter: Quarterly (plus phone consulta tion) Dues : $12 (U.S. & Canada) $18 (Foreign
STINSON National Stinson Club Jonsey Paul 14418 Skinner Road Cypress, TX 77429 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues : $7.50 National Stinson Club (108 Section) George H. Leamy, President, 108 Club 117 Lanford Road Spartanburg, SC 29301 803/576-9698 Newsletters: 4 per year - March , June, Sept. & Dec. Dues: $15 per year Northeast Stinson Flying Club Dick Bourque, Founder 8 Grimes Brook Road Simsbury, CT 06070 203/658-1566 Newsletter: Bi-monthly Dues : $10 per year Note : Membership limited to 100 members Southwest Stinson Club Dick Goerges, President 3619 Nortree Street San Jose , CA 95148 408/274-9179 Newsletter: SWSC Newsletter, 10 per year Dues: $10 per year
Swift Association, International Charlie Nelson P. O. Box 644 Athens, TN 37307 6151745-9547
Newsletter: Monthly Dues ; $25 per year
Seaplane Pilots Association Glenn H. Rizner, Acting Executive Director 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 301 /695-2083 Newsletter: Water Flying (Quarterly) Water Flying (Annual) '87 SPA Seaplane Landing Directory - $12 - Members/$25 non-members Dues: $28 per year
Taylorcraft Owners Club Bruce M. Bixler II , Pl;esident 12809 Greenbower Road Alliance, OH 44601 216/823-9748 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 per year
Silver Wings Fraternity Russ Brinkley, President P.O. Box 11970 Harrisburg, PA 17108 717/232-9525 Newsletter: Slipstream Tabloid - Monthly Dues: Initiation - $10, $5 per year
Travel Air Club Robert L. Taylor, Editor P.O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515/938-2773 Newsletter: Travel Air Tales - Quarterly Dues: $8 per year
Vintage Sailplane Association Jim Harding, Secretary Rt. 1, Box 239 Lovettsville, VA 22080 703/822-5504 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues : $10 per year Waco Club, National Ray Brandly 700 Hill Avenue Hamilton, OH 45015 Newsletter: Bi-monthly Dues : $7.50 per year Waco Historical Society R. E. Hoefflin, Treasurer 1013 Westgate Road Troy, OH 45373 513/335-2621 Newsletters: 4 per year Dues : $4 per year, Sept. 1 - Aug . 31 . Warbirds Worldwide, Ltd. Paul A. Coggan, Director 19 Highcliffe Avenue Shirebrook Mansfield Notts. NG20 8NB England Inl'l + 44 623 744476 Newsletters : Quarterly publication with full colour Dues : Membership fee (includes 4 copies of publication) - $28 U.S. World War I Aeroplanes, Inc. Leonard E. Opdycke, Director/Publisher 15 Crescent Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 914/473-3679 Journals : WW I Aero (1900-1919) ; Skyways (1920-1940) Dues : Minimum - $20 each for one year $25 forei~n for WW I Aero •
CALENDAR OF EVENTS SEPTEMBER 6 - WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WIS CONSIN - 7th Annual Antique Transportation Show and Fly-In. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m .. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 706 and Central Wisconsin Model T Club. Contact: Bob Affeldt, 715/325 2470 or Joe Norris, 715/886-326j . SEPTEMBER 9-13 - GALESBURG, ILLINOIS Annual Stearman Fly-In. Massive surplus parts sale, camping, etc. Contact: Tom Lowe, 823 Kingston Lane, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. SEPTEMBER 11-13 - SANTA YNEZ, CALIFOR NIA - West Coast Cessna 120/140 Club An nual Fall Fly-In and Membership Meeting. Con tact: Lloyd Sorensen, 805/688-3169 or Lou Al laire, 4081659-2752. SEPTMEBER 12-13 - MARION. OHIO - 22nd Annual Marion MERFI. EAA Fly-in Contact: 513/849-9455. SEPTEMBER 17-20 - RENO, NEVADA - 1987 Reno Air Races at Stead Airfield. Contact: Reno Air Races, P. O. Box 1429, Reno, NV 89505. JACKSONVILLE, IL SEPTEMBER 18-20 LINOIS - 3rd Annual Stinson Fly-In and Reun ion. Seminars on Franklins, re-covering and modifications. Banquet on Saturday night. Fly outs, contests, fly market. camping at field. Contact: Loran Nordgren, 815/469-9100 or write 4 West Nebraska, Frankfort, IL 60423 (Continued on Page 25)
A Bool< Of Heroes
by Art Morgan and Bob Brauer
"If the very old will remember, the very young will listen. " - American-In dian actor, Chief Dan George.
More Oshkosh humor. Short Wing Pipers are great airplanes. They are spunky, good look ing, fun to fly, and when you get to the PacerlTri-Pacer group, somewhat con fusing. Those of us who are blessed with the job of aircraft parking for the Antique/ Classic Division at the EM Convention at Oshkosh have a cut-off date of De cember 31, 1955 to abide by. Anything newer than that does not qualify as a showplane. Sorry gals and guys, but we have to cut 'em off somewhere. So, here comes a guy who has just spent several hods of money and a like amount of time restoring a 1974 Navion Rangemaster, or a 1958 Bonanza, or an Alon Ercoupe, or one of our short wing friends, a neat little 1956 or newer Tri-Pacer. Maybe he spent a like amount of time and lucre converting it to a Pacer. Now, here they come to the "Big O· to show off their airplanes. Their aircraft is a piece of work they are dad-gum proud of, and well they should be. Also, it's understandable that when told their pretty bird is too new to park in the showplane area, they get a tad excited. We try to explain it to them as gently and kindly as possible. Most of these fine folks accept the rubs and head for the north-side Transient Aircraft Park ing Area where, I'm sure they have, for the duration of their Convention stay, the time of their flying life. But once in a while we get an indi vidual with an imagination that won't quit. He wants to park "down here" and show off this fine creation. God bless 'em. Here's where our story begins. Most of us on the Antique/Classic Parking Flight Line Safety Committee have been there for many years. We have experts on aI/ the. different types of aircraft, and we have heard aI/ the excuses and reasons why "I should park here: many, many times in fact. But last year (1986) one fellow came in who will forever be in the history of Osh kosh humor.
It was the first Monday of the Conven tion, and we were busy with airplanes coming and going, people asking and telling, photographers out beyond the Flight Line, lost kids, etc., when all of a sudden I get a call on the radio. "Hey, Art, we have a converted Tri Pacer to Pacer down here at Camping Point, and he wants to park here. He claims it's a '55, but it sure looks like a '56 or later to me." "What's his N number?" I ask, with a mind full of this 'n that and other things. "We'll run it through Operation Bellringer." (The offi cial FM registration by N number listing by type, manufacturer and year built.) "Okay, here it is, N number so and so." We do a quick check and it turns out the airplane is a 1956 Tri-Pacer conver sion. I get on the radio and relay that info to our man at Camping Point. "Okay," says our volunteer down in camping, "I'll tell him." And off he goes. Soon, I get another call on the radio. "Hey, Art, I don't know what to do. He claims the fuselage may be a '56 but the wings came off a '55. What shall I do?" With all the wisdom and experience of 26 years of identifying and parking aircraft, I somberly raise the radio to my big Irish mouth and, mustering all the knowledge of every wizard that has lived or hasn't, I say, "Okay, park the wings and send the fuselage north." Our errant pilot gave up the game and hum bly taxied north, while I sat there amid gales of laughter from the surrounding gallery, feeling the weight of my years and the wind through my ears. And that, folks, is "Oshkosh humor." Family Volunteers Our volunteers give far more than we could ever give them. Following are some examples of the fine folks whose contributions in time and effort are priceless in making the annual EM Oshkosh Convention so successful. The old adage, "The family that works together, stays together" takes on a whole new meaning during Convention time. last year, for example, more than 35 percent of the Antique/Classic volun teers were families who are among our
most enthusiastic and hard working supporters. The Ray Olcott family, which spans three generations, has been devoting its time to EM for the past eight years. Ray and Jo of Nokomis, Florida, and their son Bill and two grandchildren, Ben and Nicole of Appleton, Wisconsin make the Convention a family reunion. As well as serving on the AlC Board of Directors, Ray operates the AlC Volun teer Center, while Jo divides her time between serving in the volunteer kitchen weeks before the Convention and as Red Barn Co-Chairman during Convention time. Nickie helps "Grandma" in the kitchen, and Ben works long hours each year on the Flight Line. Bill manages to come to Oshkosh for weekends prior to the Convention "to help Dad" and has just as good a time as "Dad" in doing it. Tallying the Olcott's time makes some impressive figures. Family EM membership time totals more than 40 years. They put in more than 200 hours of volunteer time during the last Con vention alone. One thing for sure - we will have to look far and wide for a family to match this one! Paul and Gloria Beecroft of long Beach, California usually arrive in their Beech Bonanza the Monday or Tues day before the Convention, and visitors cannot miss their pleasant smiles as they greet both the weary spectators and showplane pilots. They work the Flight Line par ing aircraft and helping at Antique/Classic headquarters. The Karl Biharys of Dearborn, Michi gan have been valuable crowd control experts for as many years as anyone around here can remember and for the past three years, Karl has been passing on his valuable experience to his teen aged grandson, Raymond. You have probably seen them baking in the sun -at the AlC taxiway keeping aircraft and spectators apart. Karl has always con tributed his helpful ideas and sugges tions, such as grading the road/taxi-way intersection before a serious ground clearance problem could develop. When Jim and Mary Fowler show up in their vintage Tiger Moth all the way (Continued on Page 22)
The Cub was quite a conversation piece in the Beers' living room.
by Madelyn V. Beers 1349 Franchere Place Sunnyvale, CA 94087 I accidently discovered a sure-fire way to get new carpeting for my living room . It's a sure-fire way, but it takes a special set of circumstances and seren dipitous happenings.
First, you have to buy an airplane. Most any airplane will do, but in my par ticular instance, the Beers family ac quired an aging Piper J-3 Cub. The Cub started life as a TG-8 glider in 1942 and was used to train glider pilots during World War II. When the war ended in 1945, there wasn't much use for gliders or glider pilots, so the TG-8 was con-
Last minute adjustments prior to running the engine in the Beers' front yard. 20 SEPTEMBER 1987
verted to a J-3 and used as a crop dus ter. Further conversion brought the craft back to the regular civilian J-3 config uration. I realize that this seems like a lot of information not relevant to living room carpeting, but it all comes together. When my husband, Ed (EM 56655, AlC 4151) purchased the Cub, it was licensed and flying. However, a fabric test at the time of purchse foretold some of the coming events. At least we were prepared, or so we thought. After two months of flying the Cub, the license ran out and we decided to do a com plete restoration job on the plane, which was now known as Woodstock and had become a member of the family. The Cub, which had been parked at the old Fremont, California Airport, was dismantled and trucked to the Beers' re sidence in Sunnyvale. (The neighbors were not too happy about this, but soon all the parts were stuffed into the garage and on the patio - out of sight.) As I said, this was a family project and our two sons, Mark and Curt, got into the act (might say were impressed into the act). Anyone who has restored an airplane knows that the sorriest look ing sight you can behold is right after you take the fabric off an airplane that as been exposed to the elements for
these many years . The sheet metal had so many coats of paint on it that it was a wonder she got off the ground at all. The last layer down was the military olive drab color with yellow stencilled markings. The fuselage was sandblasted, checked for cracks and corrosion, and primed . This took time, and timing was of the essence since it was getting into the rainy season (yes, it does rain in California) . We couldn't leave the freshly primed fuselage on the patio all winter and the garage was already full of Cub wings and tails and things and the makings of a 1946 Fairchild restora tion project. (But that's another story.) "Let's bring it into the living room," someone suggested. In fact, I was the one credited with the statement, but my memory is hazy on that point. The rationale for this move was that we could work on the plane throughout the winter and have it ready for the next season's fly-in circuit. So, the immacu lately painted fuselage was carried through the patio doors into the living room where it fit very nicely. Naturally, we took all the precautions of putting down a plastic cloth for it to rest on. While the men of the family worked on such mundane items as control ca bles, I started fitting the new fabric to the interior of the plane. We planned to cover the plane with dacron and use the Stits method. I cut and fit the fabric in the cabin and painstakingly glued it into place. When you are gluing , you need a container for the glue, com monly called a glue pot. Since the airplane was the first ele ment in this story about airplanes and carpeting, the second is the family dog named Pokey. Now Pokey lived up to her name most of the time, but this new thing which had been added to the living room intrigued her. One evening when
Just after a successful engine run. The Cub was soon disassembled for transport to the airport.
everyone was working on the plane, Pokey started to investigate. You are probably well ahead of me now in this story. Yes , Pokey and the glue pot met - Pokey lost. It was a simple matter to take Pokey's tail and dip her into glue remover, but how do you get glue out of a living room carpet? I'm not talking about a small pot of glue, but a whole glue pot full. It was at this point the brilliant idea hit me. When the project was done, I would get new carpet for the house since we couldn't replace just the living room car pet. Ed didn't like the idea, but had to admit there wasn't any other way out for him nor the Cub. Not if he and the boys wanted to eat at home while the plane was being worked on. Anyhow, the project progressed. The Cub be
The newly restored Cub is being gassed up at the Fremont Airport.
came a conversation piece as you can well imagine. You don't have to be crazy to restore an antique airplane, but it certainly does help. By spring the fuselage was finished , bright and pristine in her new clothes and gleaming Cub-yellow paint. The control surfaces and the wings were done with equal attention to detail. The instrument panel was installed , the glass windshield fitted to the frame and the gas tank strapped in place. The panel was easy. The only instruments it has are altimeter, airspeed, tachome ter, oil pressure and oil temperature gauges, and a compass. The gas gauge consists of a bent wire imbedded in a cork which floats on top of the gasoline in the tank. Since the tanks sits right in front of the windshield, it is a simple matter to determine how much gas is in the tank by observing how high the wire is as it comes through the filler cap . By this time, the rains had stopped and we were able to assemble the plane outSide, again to the consterna tion of our neighbors. We test ran the engine with the Cub tied down in our front yard . We disassembled the airplane and moved it back out to the Fremont airport where it was reassem bled, inspected and licensed. It took us ten months to rebuild the CUb. It was truly a labor of love, but I did get some new carpeting out of the project. If you don't think life is exciting, suggest that your family buy an airplane to restore. Maybe you'll find an airplane in your living room , too. Now with the Fairchild project underway, I wonder what I can manage to get out of that project. After all, the Fairchild is a bigger airplane. Let's see . .. maybe a swim ming pool. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 21
by Randy C. Barnes (EAA 456, AlC 1941) 816 W. Glen Avenue Peoria, Illinois 61614 (Photos by the author) There's another Ford Tri-Motor be sides EAA's that is still flying and active! AI Chaney purchased N7584 in late 1985 from Island Airlines in Ohio, where it had been flown for nearly 50 years carrying mail, groceries, school children and whatnot among the Islands off Port Clinton, on Lake Erie. This plane is a model 4-AT, serial no. 38, and was built in 1928. It has three Wright J-6-7 en gines of 235 hp each. AI has long had a dream of owning a Ford Trimotor, and after ten years of negotiation, was finally able to see his dream come true. He is now barnstorm ing through all the lower 48 states to give everyone a chance to fly in the an
tique but sturdy old Tin Goose. These pictures were taken on Feb ruary 7, 1987 at Clewiston, Florida, in the 16th state of Chaney's tour of the country. Keep your eyes open - he may show up in your hometown one of these days! AI lives in Hebron, Ohio .•
A Book Of Heroes (Continued from Page 19)
from Houston, Texas, they and their son always find time to volunteer for Flight Line duty. For the past four years they have parked airplanes and directed traf fic. Donald and Sue Tupper from Laramie, Wyoming are another couple who accomplish a great variety of jobs. These quiet, unassuming folks usually arrive four or five days before Conven tion-time in their Cessna 140 and help 22 SEPTEMBER 1987
with Flight Line registration, equipment maintenance, parking and Red Barn preparation. About the time Don and Sue settle in, Glenn and Marilyn Loy arrive in their Cessna 170 from Flint, Michigan. After a day of setting up their campsite and ren-ewing friendships from previous years, the Loys volunteer for whatever task requires their exper tise. Space does not permit a story about
every family participant, but a few m~~e who come to mind are: Donna and Will ard Benedict of Wayland, Michigan; Dale and Marty Fauz of Lakeland, Florida; Mark and John Lachendro of Butler, Pennsylvania; Jim and Luzetta Mahoney of Anderson, Indiana and Doug, Brad and Steve Payne of Dayton, Ohio. To all the others who have performed heroically at past Conventions and were not recognized here, please accept our apologies. Most important, however, is knowing that these people are among those who make our Division's' annual partiCipation in the EM Convention a family affair. Our heartfelt thanks to all . . . "Stand tall y'aIL" •
Porterfield LP-65, NC32328 and a Taylorcraft on a frozen lake in Minnesota.
James L. Wolleat (EAA 109460, Ale 2118) 2"960 Arlington Road East Point, GA 30344 This 1941 Porterfield, NC 32328, SIN 786 came into my possession some time during the year of 1950 - I cannot recall the exact date. She was a beau tiful maroon and gold color and pow ered with a 65 hp Lycoming. I was her owner and master for a brief period of three years. During this time, we en joyed many hours of trouble-free flying on Civil Air Patrol missions, as well as sport flying. She was a bit of a ground lover, but once in the air and "on the step," she would hold her own at 95 mph lAS and do it on less than four gallons per hour. 32328 loved all sports but was most fond of skiing. This passion for winter sports was almost the last chapter for her and her master. It all started at the Brainerd-Crow Wing County Airport in North Central Minnesota on a mild February morning. Plans had been formulated between Mr. Morris Wareing and myself to have 32328 take us on a short flight to Mitch ell Lake, some 40 miles to the north. The purpose of the trip was to remove a fishing house from the ice prior to the state deadline, some two weeks away. This had to be the best excuse we had thought of all winter to do some weekend flying.
The morning was bright and sunny with a temperature of about 35 degrees. Forty minutes of air time over snow-co vered lakes and woodland placed us at our destination over Mitchell Lake. We touched down to a cotton-soft landing on the frozen lake, which was covered by 12-14 inches of snow. What we didn't know, however, was that between the snow and the top of the ice was about six inches of water. We came to a halt in a halo of slush. I tried to taxi at full throttle but found that all of the Lycoming's 65 horses (rather small horses) would not move us. We decided to go ahead and move the fishing house to a nearby island and then return to our stuck aircraft problem. After moving the light weight fishing house, which proved to be a major pro ject requiring several hours of inch-by inch progress, we returned to our plight. Mr. Morris Wareing, a long-time friend, is an outstanding outdoorsman, not to mention his ability as a pilot. It seemed that he always had an answer to most problems. Morris owned a cabin on this lake, and he suggested getting snowshows from the cabin and packing the snow down with them to make a make-shift runway. We sloshed 3/4 of a mile to the cabin and returned on snow shoes to tromp the snow down into the water, forming a runway about 12 feet wide, 600 feet long and eight inches below the top
snow surface on the lake. According to our plan, I was to take off solo. Morris was to snowshoe to another lake about four miles away, which we knew had "good landing con ditions.» I would then pick him up to con tinue our flight home. We got the Porterfield lined up with the runway, Morris started his trek across the lake, and I warmed up the engine and started on my take off run. All was going fine, with the tail up and 2300 rpm, when the left axle stub, which extended out from the ski pedestal, dug into the eight inch bank of snow. 32328 suddenly quartered to the left and did a prop stand in the snow at full throttle. The entire aircraft did about a 3/4 revo lution while standing on her nose, and then she gently fell onto her back. One cannot explain the thoughts one has while hanging upside down from a safety belt and smelling gasoline, which was running down onto an overheated engine. I released the safety belt and fell against the windshield, breaking out the greater portion of it. I opened the door and managed to crawl out without doing too much damage to the under surface of the wing. Stepping back, I stood there and watched the gasoline and oil drip onto the hot engine, sending steam and smoke skyward. Morris returned across the lake, and we tried in vain to right the overturned (Continued on Page 25)
nteresting Members
by Gene Morris (EAA 81175, AlC 1877) 115C Steve Court, R. R. 2 Roanoke, TX 76262 When given the opportunity to write of someone in aviation, only one person came to my mind, Charles Windsor Auten, affectionately called "Charlie" or "Moose." Such a colorful and wonderful character is he that I must apologize for not being more of a penman. The real difficulty is selecting what part . . . which era . . . what stories, etc., anyone of which would fill a book. Anyone who has ever known Charlie would agree that he has always been a gentleman 's gentleman, loved and re spected by all. He has told me many times of how proud he is to have seen so much in aviation during his lifetime, from watching Lincoln Beachy fly his plane in a race with Barney Oldfield at the Iowa State Fair in 1914 to riding in the Concorde. Charlie grew up on a farm in Iowa and spent many hours plowing behind a mule. As a young farmer, he married his high school sweetheart and they struggled to make ends meet during the late '20s. Occasionally an airplane would fly overhead and one day when one landed in a nearby field, a gnawing excitement was aroused in Charlie. After that his uppermost desire was to fly, even though he had lost the sight in one eye when struck by a hard rubber ball at age eight. Not to fear, however, as he went on to become an outstanding football player and team captain of the Grinnell, Iowa High School football team. He also became a crack shot with a rifle and still is an avid gun collector and hunter. It was on a hunting trip in Northern California around 1980 that he was in jured while trying to move a log off the road for his companions. The log broke causing Charlie to fall and hit his head. A blood clot formed on his brain. How he wishes he had stayed home that day. Several operations later and after suffering kidney failure he bemoaned the fact that he'd "have to get better to die."
And so his loving humor lives on. While camping with my family and me at Oshkosh since 1977, he always kept us highly amused, wide-eyed and al ways eager for more stories. Where else would you hear a story such as this: In the '20s a pilot named Garrett sought out two partners to buy a Waco 10 and go barnstorming. Char lie jumped at the adventuresome chal lenge and even learned to fly in the pro cess, in spite of having only one eye. As I recall, Charlie soloed after three hours of instruction, ground looping on his first solo landing. After that he began hopping passengers. The third partner also learned to fly. After several months of barnstorming around the Midwest, the three adventur ers drew straws one day to determine who would ride in the front cockpit with the stick removed while the third gent flew them to the next town. It seems the old OX-5 coughed and quit shortly after take off. The inexperienced pilot (about 10 hours total flying time) tried to turn back to the airport and the old crate spun into the ground, but not before Charlie crawled out on the wing and jumped free just before impact. He rolled on the soft ground and unbeliev ably suffered not a scratch! Some time later Charlie read a magazine article, "How to Get Into and Out of a Spin." Vowing to teach himself the maneuver, he announced to his friends that the attempt would be just west of the field. He proceeded to climb the Travel Air to altitude and did indeed put it into a spin. But Charlie had a prob lem. He was so intrigued and mes merized at watching the whirling ground he almost forgot to recover and finally managed it at 300 feet. Bigger and better things had to come to Charlie so he enrolled in the Duggan School of Aeronautics in Cleveland, Ohio where he became an A&E mechanic. Here he met and worked with Foster Lane, now "Lane Aviation" of Columbus, Ohio. He tells of a communication problem with Foster one day. While propping an OX Waco for Foster, Foster thought Charlie had said, "Switch on," but of
Charlie Auten with a fist full of tools and a broad grin.
course Charlie had said, "Switch off." The kickback caught Charlie and threw him clear across the hangar. Fortu nately he was not injured. Charlie continued to fly everything he could, like all of us today. One of his most memorable flights was taking his grandfather for his first airplane ride at the age of 87, in an Aristocrat. The only scratch he ever put on an airplane was when he climbed a Cur tiss-Wright Junior until it ran out of gas. The following glide lasted about 30 min utes and on landing it nosed up in some mud, barely denting the nose bowl. Never shirking work and always eager to learn more, Charlie became a prized employee for American Airlines of Cleveland in 1929. It was there that Charlie was asked to weld Wiley Post's aluminum helmet for his pressurized flight suit, which is currently on display at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington , DC. One time he related that during the days American Airlines was flying Cur tiss Condors out of Cleveland, he would have to grind the valves nearly every night to keep the Wright engines run ning properly. Later on when American replaced the Condors with Stinson
here does not allow for stories of the
Interesting Members Douglas DC-4s and the men who flew Model A Trimotors the mechanics had great difficulty removing the exhaust stacks from the Lycomings because the mounting lugs were improperly located. Charlie took it upon himself to relocate all the lugs for ease of removal. He had nearly completed altering the entire fleet when American sold the Stinsons. Another experience Charlie had with the Stinsons was when he was lowering the flaps on one while it was in the hangar. He was sitting in the cockpit when it appeared that the hangar door was going up and then starting to move sideways. He suddenly realized that the tricky landing gear/flap arrangement was allowing the gear to retract. He stopped it just before the plane settled on top of a Fordson tractor. During World War Two he was moved to La Guardia Airport in New York where he was active with Amer ican's North Atlantic operation. Space
PORTERFIELD (Continued from Page 23)
aircraft. Again he had a solution. Back to the cabin he went, returning with an axe anCl an ice chisel, and about 30 feet of rope. He instructed me to cut a hole in the ice about 8 inches in diameter (the ice was about 30 inches thick). While I did this, he went to a nearby island and cut down a small tree. He returned and promptly made a winch by putting the tree trunk into the hole in the ice, using one of the branches as a turning handle. We at tached one end of the rope to the tail skid spring and the other we tied to the tree trunk. We rotated the tree to wind up the rope, and the aircraft was winched back into an upright position. We surveyed the damage, which in-
CALENDAR OF EVENTS (Continued from Page 18) SEPTEMBER 18-20 - KERRVILLE, TEXAS 23rd Annual Kenville Fly-In. Louis Schreiner Field. Sponsored by 43 Texas EAA Chapters. Contact: 5121896-1155. SEPTEMBER 19-20 - TULSA, OKLAHOMA Tulsa Air Show '87 at Richard L. Jones Airport. Contact: Tulsa Air Shows, Inc., P. O. Box 581838, Tulsa, OK 74158, phone 9181838
5000. SEPTEMBER 19-20 - MERCEDES, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA - AlC Chapter 12 aerial
In 1971 Charlie retired after 41 years with American without a single sick day off work. Recently, while dining aboard a 747 I buttoned the first class napkin to one of my shirt buttons and my seat passen ger remarked , "Oh , so that's what that's for." I said, "Yes, and I know the man who conceived the idea. He came from a farm in Iowa." To me, Charlie is a born leader and a real gentleman. It mattered not that his formal education was minimal ... by his own words, "I went through col lege by entering the front door and leav ing immediately through the back."
them. In 1946 Charlie was transferred to American's facility at Ft. Worth , Texas where he moved with his wife Ruth and sons Chuck and Dick. (Chuck is a pilot with Braniff and Dick is with TWA as a mechanic.) During the family's stay in Texas , the high heat precipitated a ritual in the Auten home which Ruth strongly ob jected to, namely the three menfolk coming to the dinner table sans shirts. After several weeks of complaining un successfully, Ruth left the table for a few minutes one day and returned "top less." That solved that problem! In about 1963 Charlie was promoted to Supervisor of Maintenance at Amer ican's San Francisco facility. The move away from the Texas heat pleased Ruth immensely. Once again, space does not permit relating the many stories of management, union and pilot confron tations.
Shortly after writing this article, Gene Morris learned that Charles Windsor Auten passed away on July 4, 1987 at age 79. Charlie lived with his wife, Ruth , in Belmont, California. Charlie Auten (EM 64459, AlC 4911) was a strong supporter of sport aviation and will be missed by all who knew him ... . G.R.C.•
cluded a bent rudder, a bent nose cowl, a few holes in the fabric, and, of course, the broken windshield. Amazingly, the old wooden Lewis prop survived the nose stand without a scratch. It was then late afternoon. The sun was going down and so was the tem perature. We suddenly discovered that the top crust of snow had frozen and would support our weight. This meant a take off was possible if the aircraft was flyable. I found that the oil level was down about two quarts and only about three gallons of fuel remained. We removed the side windows to relieve pressure on the fabric, which would be caused by the broken windshield. I put on an old Air Force helmet and goggles that were in the luggage compartment. I planned to fly the aircraft home, while Morris ag reed to snowshoe to the highway. I was to return by automobile to pick him up later. The take off was normal, as the now
frozen surface of the snow supported the skis well. The flight back was une ventful, but cold. I made a straight in approach due to low fuel and darkness. 32328 couldn't legally see in the dark, but she was so busy licking her wounds that she didn't even notice the night landing. (No one else did either.) My wounded lady was tucked in the hangar and I drove home to pick up a rather worried wife. We departed im mediately to meet my walking friend. When we found him, he had walked about seven miles, four of which were through woodland, snowshoeing on about a foot of snow. After a short stay in the local repair hangar, Porterfield 32328 was as good as new again. We had many more hours of happy flying together until she was finally used as partial payment on a Waco UPF-7. In closing, I would like to say that if you are bored with normal aerobatiCS, try a 3/4 roll while standing on the prop .•
spring picnic. Contact: Abel Debock, C.C. 275, 2930 San Pedro, Argentina, phone 0329 24307. SEPTEMBER ~27 - BINGHAM, MAINE - 18th Annual Gadabout Gaddis Fly-In at Gadabout Gaddis Airport. Contact 2071672-4100~
OCTOBER 9-11- TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA 7th Annual National Bucker Fly-In held in con junction with Tulsa Fly-In at Tahlequah Munic ipal Airport. Contact: Frank Price, Route 1, Box 419, Moody, TX 76557, 817/853-2008.
OCTOBER 1-4 - GARDNER, KANSAS - 12th Annual International Cessna 120/140 Assn. Convention at Gardner Municipal Airport. Con tact: Ralph Campbell, 913/236-8613.
OCTOBER 24-25 - WINCHESTER, VIRGNIA EM CHAPTER 186 Fall Fly-In at Municipal Airport. Trophies for winning showplanes. Pan cake breakfast Sunday. All welcome. Contact: George Lutz, 703/256-7873.
OCTOBER 9-11- TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA 30th Annual Tulsa Fly-In at Tahlequah Munici pal Airport. Contact: Charles W. Harris, 119 East 4th Street, Tulsa, OK 74103, phone 9181 585-1591 .
DECEMBER 5-6 SAN PEDRO, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA - EM Chapter 722, UL Chapter 23 and AlC Chapter 12 Sixth National Fly-In. Contact: Abel Debock, C.C. 275, 2930 San Pedro, Argentina, phone 0329-24307.
The following is a listing of new members who have joined the EM Antique/Classic Division (through May 26, 1987). We are honored to welcome them into the organization whose members' common interest is vintage aircraft. Succeeding issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE will contain additional listings of new members. Mosley, Eric C. Salvage, Minnesota
Earle, David L. Bothell, Washington
Mixon, Marvin L.
Houston, Texas
S099, Steven L.
Renton, Washington
Fallis Jr., Claud B. Pt. Clear, Alabama
Larsen, Laurits M. Boca Raton , Florida
Friend, William J.
Denville, New Jersey
Lane, Jerry W.
Enterprise, Alabama
Bowling, Robert E. Houston, Texas
Todd, George Seattle, Washington
Leff, William
Lexington, Illinois
Collings, Robert
Marathon, Georgia
Vikingson, Kristjan Akureyri , Iceland
Roa, Jose Mari Manila, Philippines
Hackbarth, Dennis
Bremen, Illinois
Pascucci, Louis
Gloucester, Massachusetts
Dubiel, Emil F. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Rowswell, Alfred R. Grand Island, New York
Dietrich, Walter C.
Friendsville, Tennessee
Palmer, Lyle F.
La Junta, California
Walderich, Len Rolla, Missouri
Golden, Walter M. Nanjemoy, Maryland
WilCOX, J. Douglas
Midland, Ontario, Canada
Hutcheson, DeWayne
Douglas, Georgia
Heaton Jr., Ray Spring Lake, Michigan
Culley, Larry V. Bradenton, Florida
Wallis, Robert S.
Forest City, Pennsylvania
Davis, William J.
Poughkeepsie, New York
Riffle, George W. Auburn, Washington
Matthews, James Acie Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Gould Jr., William R.
Florence, Massachusetts
Lizer, Montgomery L.
San Jose, California
Henderson, David O. Dover, Delaware
Mathews, Fred Peoria, Illinois
Hayes, Susan
Rhinebeck, New York
Cowart, Nelson
Omaha, Nebraska
Henderson, Paula Dover, Delaware
Tanner, Michael C. Columbus, Ohio
Kiser, Gerald S.
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Olson, James
Alma Center, Wisconsin
McHolm, Patrick M. Tehachapi, California
Lewis Jr., Russell A. Hayward, California
Boucher, Georges J. P.
Burnaby, British Columbia
Smith, Thomas A.
Butler, Alabama
Offutt, David D. Conroe, Texas
Maher, Steven Michael Colorado Springs, Colorado
Pasahow, David Z.
Chicago, Illinois
Galiher, Gary O.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Lutter, Jeffrey L. Watertown, Wisconsin
Peterson, Douglas G. Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Browe, Gerald C.
Middletown, Rhode Island
Vaughn, Connie
Chino, California
Belcher, Jim Greenville, Texas
Cooper, William P. Lancaster, California
Greenwald, Samuel
Ft. Collins, Colorado
Ockuly, Bernard F.
Strongsville, Ohio
Berry, Paul T. Richmond, Kentucky
Stark, Edward Clearwater, Florida
Page, Donald R.
Salinas, California
Cummings, Thomas J
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Adamson, Robert A. Savannah, Georgia
Prefontaine, Victor Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada
McAllister, W. Jack
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Schmidt, Gene
Palos Verdes Estate, California
Moody, Charles V. Memphis, Tennessee
Smith Jr., Kenneth E. Princeton, Florida
Fresca, Frank V.
Staten Island, New York
Edwards, Bob
Sunnyvale, California
Jespersen, Frode C. New Hope, Minnesota
Morphew, Alan D. Lakeville, Minnesota
Harris, John Prince
Charleston, West Virginia
Tokatz, Norman
Florissant, Missouri
Bays, A. H. Germantown, Tennessee
Hili, Herbert E. Portland, Oregon
Hansen, Vincent H.
Altoona, Iowa
Remington, Steve
San Jose, California
Gauvreau, Joseph D. Seabrook, Maryland
Berndadi, Peter John Melbourne, Australia
Hill, Richard G.
Troy, Ohio
Mumford Sr., James F.
Chatsworth, California
Bearden; Walter A. Knoxville, Tennessee
Schoenbeck, Ted Lakewood, Ohio
Wilborn, Sam W.
Austin, Texas
Ryder, Roland
Amarillo, Texas.
Letters To The Editor
,, )
Dear Chuck Larsen ,
Dear Dennis Parks,
Since you sent that information on the EAA Youth Activities Coordinator Program, my Chapter has undertaken a very en thusiastic effort in trying to get youth involved in aviation. That is something which has all but disappeared from our area. Some of our achievements are Chapter sponsored tours of the airport which have been booked consistently throughout the summer. In addition to hosting tours for Boy and Girl Scouts and church groups, we have invited senior citizen groups. The media is quite interested in our program as we have been making quite a stir in our tri-state area. We cover various aspects of aviation with talks and how-to demonstrations. Since sponsoring a subscription to SPORT A VIA TlON for a local high school the response has been encouraging. We re ceive many calls about building airplanes. Our Chapter voted to expand our outreach to another school. The enclosed check is for a subscription to SPORT A VIA TlON for Jef ferson Union High School , c/o Josephine Irwen, Librarian, R. D. 1, Richmond, Ohio 43944. In time we hope to provide similiar sub scriptions to four other high schools in our tri-state area. Even though our Chapter is only one and a half years old, we hope to leave our mark on our community and EAA.
Per our phone conversation I am enclos ing a set of manuals entitled "Rankin System of Flying Instruction" printed in 1928. I trust it will be a worthwhile addition to "our" EAA Museum Library. These volumes belonged to my father, George A. Palmer, of Los Angeles, California, who passed away in 1969. He held Private Pilot Certificate No 17810 dated Oct. 20, 1930. During his flying years he operated small airports in Las Vegas, Nevada; BIy1he, California and a "cow pasture" type called Monarch Airport in the Montebello, California area. The latter field had four hangars and a large administration building. He had two flight instructors, one of which was an aircraft mechanic. His first plane was an OX-5 long wing Eaglerock, NC4733. He soon added an OX-5 Travel Air, NC9041 and an OX-5 Lincoln-Page, NC3832. His favorite plane was a Velie-powered Kari Keen Coupe, NC108N. The last plane he acquired was a Ryan Monoplane, similar to Lindbergh's but pow ered with a Hisso. Two passengers rode in
comfort up front while the pilot rode in an open cockpit to the rear. In 1930 as a 14-year-old school boy I hung around the airport every Saturday. I was thril led to be near the pilots, mechanics and air craft and I begged for a ride every chance I had. Of course, those were depression years and times were tough, especially in aviation so there were no rides for me unless the flight was justified for business reasons. My love of flying stems from those early days and it continues to this day. Nearly every year you 'll find me in attendance at the EAA Convention at Oshkosh and loving every minute of it. I am also enclosing my father's private pilot license and his personal log book to go with the Rankin manuals. I hope they are something the Museum can use. Kindest regards, Ellis N. Palmer (EAA 214735) 9041 Rhodesia Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92646
Sincerely yours, David Tolenko President, EAA Chapter 859 Jefferson County Airpark Steubenville, OH Congratulations to the officers and mem bers of Chapter 859. Their achievements are noteworthy and an excellent example of the rewards gained by working with young folks and others . .. . Editor.
Dear Mr. Chase, Dear Sir, Did you know that Charles Lindbergh landed near Lone Rock, Wisconsin for gas in 1926. Because the Wisconsin River was too high, a Dr. Berthauer was unable to make a mercy trip to Clyde, Wisconsin so Lindbergh flew him there. (These Wisconsin communities are about 40 miles west of Madison . .. ed.)
On an earlier trip across the state, Lindbergh's motorcycle developed a prob lem south of Sparta and a farmer hauled it to town with a team and wagon for repairs. Sincerely, H. Melhem
Avoca, Wisconsin
The readers of The Vintage Airplane might be interested in the enclosed photograph of Beech D17S Staggerwing, N9405H, c/n 4803. This aircraft night stopped at Newcastle International Airport, England, 27th/28th May 1987. The Staggerwing was sold last year to a new owner in West Germany and should have been ferried over last year. However, due to bad weather over the North Atlantic the ferry flight was postponed until this year. The Staggerwing was ferried by Dieter Schmitt and the new owner, reported to be a Dr. R. Versen, Dieter being the owner of Trans World Ferry and company which mainly ferries Beechcraft aircraft, majority of which enroute to Europe are ferried via New castle. The Staggerwing arrived at Newcastle di
rect from Reykjavik, departing to its new base at Essen. The American registration will be retained as the German Authorities required the new registration to be painted on the fuselage side, which as the owner states, would have looked out of place and spoiled the lines of the Staggerwing . This action has resulted in the owner having to obtain a US PPL and having to fly the Staggerwing on a permit to fly. Should you use this information and photograph in THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE, I would be interested in the history of this air craft if any of your readers could supply it. Yours sincerely, Ian MacFarlane (EAA 216949, AlC 10531) 'Velden' 18 The Rise Darras Hall, Ponteland Northumberland, NE20 9LH, England •
Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $30.00 for one year, including 12 issues of Sport Aviation. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $18.00 annually. Family Member ship is available for an additional If you use 80 octane avgas now, you could
$10.00 annually. be using less expensive autogas with an
Get your STC from EAA - the organization
that pioneered the first FAA approval for
an alternative to expensive avgas.
EAA Member - $18.00. Includes one year membership in EAA An tique-Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Airplane and membership card. Applicant must be a current EAA member and must give EAA membership number.
(in Wisconsin call 414-426-4800)
Non-EAA Member - $28.00. In cludes one year membership in the £AA Antique-Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Air plane, one year membership in the EAA and separate membership cards. Sport Aviation not included.
Or write: EAA-STC, Wittman Airfield,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065
For faster service, have your airplane's UN" number
and serial number: your engine's make, model and
senal number: and your credit card number ready.
Membership in the International
Aerobatic Club, Inc. is $25.00 an
nually which includes 12 issues of
Sport Aerobatics. All lAC members
are required to be members of EAA.
WARBIRDS Membership in the Warbirds of America, Inc. is $25.00 per year, which includes a subscription to Warbirds. Warbird members are required to be members of EAA.
EAA EXPERIMENTER EAA membership and EAA EXPERI MENTER magazine is available for $25.00 per year (Sport Aviation not included). Current EAA members may receive EAA EXPERIMENTER for $15.00 per year.
Please submit your reminance with
a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable States dol/ars.
It's Exciting! It's for Everyone!
See this priceless coillection of rare, historically significant aircraft, all imaginatively displayed in the world's largest. most modem sport aviation museum. Enjoy the many educational displays and audio-visual presentations. Stop by-here's something the entire family will enjoy, Just minutes away!
Make checks payable to EAA or the division in which membership is desired. Address all letters to EAA or the particular division at the fol lowing address:
OSHKOSH, WI 54903-3086
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Wittman Airfield Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065
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arTangements must be made two weeks
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The EM Aviation Center is located on Wittman Field. Oshkosh. Wis. - just off Highway 41. Going North Exit Hwy. 26 or 44. Going Sout h Exit Hwy. 44 acd follow signs. For fty-ins- free bus from Basler Flight Service.
beat 3'12 gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction sheets. Plans - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609.
Where The Sellers and Buyers Meet... 25¢ per word, 20 word minimum. Send your ad to
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Oshkosh, WI 54903-259t.
AIRCRAFT: 1933 Fairchild 22 - Menasco D-4, 125 hp. Very nice condition. October annual. Please only serious offers. 312/358-4035 or 3121742-2041. (9-2) Rare, 1940 Stinson 10 - TIAF 2202.05, engine TSOH 1327.55, fabric Aviatex finished Endura. Plane very good condition. $12,000 Canadian. Par ticulars, phone 604/392-2186. (9-2) HIPERBIPE PROJECT - All factory kits. On gear, wings ready to cover. 95% complete, 65% finished. O-time 180 Lycoming engine. New Hartzell CIS Propeller. Immaculate. 609/893-6984. (9-1) 1940 TAYLORCRAFT - BL-65. Ten year restora tion , nearly complete. Needs interior, assembly and rigging. Covered in Ceconite using Cooper pro cess. All new AN hardware, brakes, exhaust sys-
tem, heat muff, shock cords, etc. Excellent logs complete from day one. Prefer buyer who will com plete restoration . Make offer. Harvey Goldberg, 414/675-2511 , 426 Highway 33 East, West Bend, WI 53095 . (9-1) 1941 DH-82-A BRITISH TIGER MOTH - Airframe TISN 1885. Engine Gipsy Major Mark 1C. Fuse lage recovered in Ceconite 1979. Wings fold for easy transport. Customer glider tow hitch. Aircraft is rare and in exceptional condition. George Leacock, 111 Prospect Hill, Trenton , Ontario, Canada K8V 2V5, 613/392-8422. (9-1)
PLANS: POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol- unlimited in low-cost pleasure flying . Big, roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to
ACRO SPORT - Single place biplane capable of unlimited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to follow plans includes nearly 100 isometrical draw ings, photos and exploded views . Complete parts and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans plus 139 page Builder'S Manual - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Super Acro Sport Wing Drawing $15.00. The Technique of Aircraft Building $10.00 plus $2.00 postage. Send check or money order to : ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609 . ACRO II - The new 2-place aerobatic trainer and sport biplane. 20 pages of easy to follow, detailed plans. Complete with isometric drawings, photos, exploded views. Plans - $85.00. Info Pac $5.00. Send check or money order to : ACRO SPORT, INC., P.O. Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130.414/529-2699 .
BACK ISSUES ... Back issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (and other EAA Division publications) are available at $1 .25 per issue. Send your list of issues desired along with payment to : Back Issues, EAA-Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Windsocks - 20 inches long, 5 inches diameter. $19.95 plus $2.75 shipping and handling. Also : 30 inches long, 8 inches dia., $39.95 plus $2.75 ship ping and handling. Both models have metal frames, metal mounting mast, treated orange nylon sock. Made in USA. WING'S N WIND PRODUCTS, 2364 Bunker Hill Road, Mooresville, IN 46158. (10-3)
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The fabulous times of Turner. Doolittle. Wedell and Wittman recreated as never before in this 600-page two-volume series. Printed on high grade paper with sharp, clear photo reproduction. Official race results 1927 through 1939 - more than 1,000 photos - 3-view drawings - scores of articles about people and planes that recapture the glory. the drama, the excitement of air raCing during the golden years. Volume 1 and 2 sold at $14.95 each - add $2.00 postage for first item and $1.00 for each item there after - a total of $3.00 for both volumes. SPECIAL OFFER! With purchase of both THE GOLDEN AGE OF AIR RACING, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, above, you may select FREE, one of the following: EM Pilot Log Book (#11-16552) , EM Propeller (or rotor) Log Book (#11 -16566), or EAA Engine and Reduc tion Drive Log Book (#11 -13951). Offer good while supplies last! Send check or money order to: EM Aviation Foundation, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065.
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