by Bob Lickteig
More heartbreaking news. I realize that some of this material was published in the NC News column of the March issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE, but I feel it is important enough to call to your attention again. Remember the old saying going around the aviation community - by the time you can afford to purchase a restored antique or classic aircraft you are probably too old to fly it. That may be more true than you think. In the current Waco Pilot, the club's newsletter, Ray Brandly of the Na tional Waco Club makes the statement, "Wacos being sold into oblivion ." The newsletter continues, "We usu ally begin the first issue of a new year with pleasant memories of all the beautiful Wacos that were restored, flown and displayed the previous year. It now appears that there will be at least five of these that will not fly again." Take the case of a newly restored UPF-7 which was totally destroyed when the new owner fell asleep and gradually flew it into the ground on his way home. How do you fall asleep in an open cockpit with a round engine barking in your ear? We can all remember the perfectly restored HRE (one of three in the world) that was displayed at Oshkosh ' 86 and '87. This rare bird was exten sively damaged during a ground loop by the new owner. All Waco lovers know the Model RNF and it was a sad day when one suffered major damage . The new owner ground looped on his first land 2 APRIL 1988
ing en route home. A qualified co-pilot probably could have prevented this. Another case, a YKS-7 was flown on a demonstration flight for a prospec tive new owner when apparently fuel starvation caused a forced landing on a golf course resulting in major dam age. A new owner was being checked out in a ZKC-S by an incompetent instructor. Evidence points to landing gear damage on a previous landing and a landing speed of at least 20 to 30 mph faster than normal. Again major damage. Did you count them? That's five prestigious aircraft that were lost in one year, and all indications point to pilot error. George York, secretary/treasurer of the Staggerwing Club reports the fol lowing similar cases that also could have been prevented. Casel : "A well-qualified tailwheel pilot purchased a Staggerwing but when he went to pick it up the seller was on another business call . The new owner wanted to get going to be home before dark, so he departed without a check out. "The new owner decided to land on a sod field nearer home as dusk ap proached. The electrically retractable gear didn't go all the way down and to the surprise of the pilot the manual crank handle turned very, very easily, in fact it spun freely and the gear didn't move. The pilot made a good landing considering the situation and the plane needed a new prop, slide tubes and some sheet metal work. Had the new owner gotten even a cockpit checkout he would have been aware that the landing gear crank has TO BE EN GAGED by pushing inward on the handle against the spring. This is an example of a competent pilot, a good airplane and a weak motor or dirty slide tubes causing a real problem. Case 2: "An experienced former military pilot purchased a Staggerwing at a large fly-in, intending to fly it home.
Another well-known Staggerwinger advised the new owner that the slide tubes were very dirty (plane had sat a while) and that he should clean and lubricate them before flying if the gear was to be raised or lowered . This was ignored! On the first landing on the way home the gear failed to extend completely. The result was a partial wheels-up landing. The plane needed a new prop and other repairs. Case 3: "Two experienced IFR pilots picked up a good D l7S on the coldest day of the year. The engine was preheated and the pair left for home . "The weather was IFR and the airplane was IFR equipped although not certified. The first indication of trouble was the smell of electrical smoke while in instrument conditions . The pilots made a successful emergency landing with the crash equipment standing by . "The cold weather apparently forced the gear motor into overload, and the gear didn't retract fully. On some Staggerwings it is necessary to hand crank one or two notches (a fraction of a tum) to ensure that the gear is com pletely retracted and the gear motor is turned off. In this case the gear motor continued to run and the circuit break ers failed to open, causing an electrical failure." I have been through the problem of selling a restored antique . When the prospective purchaser is standing there with a cashier's check in his hand and no arguments, it's difficult to say no . I also know it is difficult to tell the new owner he should have a competent pilot help him fly his new purchase home, and then spend the time to get a proper checkout. This would be clas sified as negative selling - but it might prolong the life of your airplane . One of the objectives of our EAA Antique/Classic Division is to restore and preserve these priceless aircraft. Perhaps a little discretion on our part when selling them will go a long way to fulfilling this objective . We're better together - welcome aboard , join us and you have it all. •
Tom Poberezny
Dick Matt
Mark Phelps
APRIL 1988 evol. 16, No.4
Mike Drucks
Copyright "'1988 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. All rights reserved.
Mary Jones
Norman Petersen
Dick Cavin
George A. Hardie, Jr.
Dennis Parks
Carol Krone
Jim Koepnick
Carl Schuppel
Jeff Isom
President R. J. Lickteig 1718 Lakewood Albert Lea, MN 56007 507/373-2922
Vice President M.C. "Kelly" Viets RI.2, Box 128 Lyndon, KS 6645 1
Secretary George S. York 181 Sloboda Ave. Mansfield, OH 44906 419/529-4378
Treasurer E.E. " Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 145 Union, IL60180 815/923-4591
DIRECTORS John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01581 617/366-7245
Philip Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI49065 616/624-6490
William A. Eickhoff 41515thAve., N.E. SI. Petersburg, FL 33704 813/823-2339
Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE
Minneapolis, MN 55434
Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278 317/293-4430
Espie M. Joyce, Jr.
Box 468
Madison, NC 27025
Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51 st Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/442-3631
Gene Morris 115C Steve Court, R.A. 2 Roanoke, TX 76262 817/491-9110
Daniel Neuman 1521 Berne Circle W. Minneapolis, MN 55421 612/571-0893
Ray Olcott
104 Bainbridge
Nokornis, FL 34275
S.H. " Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 4141771-1545
Contents 2
Straight and Level/by Bob Lickteig
AlC News/by Mark Phelps
Type Club Activities/by Mark Phelps
Letters to the Editor
Welcome New Members
A Catalyst Hazard/from Flight Safety Foundation
A Gathering of the Clan/by Ronald Ferraro
To Moscow and Back/by Bill Allen
The Time Capsule/by Jack Cox
Vintage Seaplanes/Norm Petersen
20 Year Rebuild/by Norm Petersen
Vintage Literature/by Dennis Parks
Our Last Project-Really! Part Two/ by Eileen Macario
Mystery Plane/by George Hardie Jr.
Vintage Trader
FRONT COVER ... Cruising over the lush Wisconsin farm land in their restored Piper PA-12 "Super Cruiser" are Bill Juranich at the controls with Joe Juranich in the rear seal. See page 17 for the story of this 20 year restoration. (Photo by Carl Schuppel)
Page 12
P age 18
BACK COVER •.. BOEING B-1 . Having built HS-2L liying-boats for the Navy, Boeing decided to produce a similar type for commercial use. The B-1 powered by a Liberty engine appeared in 1919 and was sold to Eddie Hubbard who was the first private contractor paid by the government to carry United States Mail. His route was from Seattle to Victoria. British Columbia. It was retired eight years later after wearing out six engines and liying 350,000 miles. It is now owned by the Seattle Historical Society. Can anyone explain the registration letters?
The words EAA. ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM , SPORT AVIATION , and the logos of EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC .. EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION . EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC., INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB INC. , WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC., are registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited.
S.J . Wittman
7200 S.E. 85th Lane
Ocala, FL 32672
Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged ' to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. Materi al should be sent to : Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE , Wittman Airfield . Oshkosh . WI 54903-3086. Phone: 414/426-4800.
ADVISORS Robert C. "Bob" Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60620 3121779-2105
John A. Fogerty RR2, Box 70 'Roberts, WI 54023 715/425-2455
Robert D. "Bob" Lumley Nl04W20387 Willow Creek Road Colgate, WI 53017 414/255-6832
Steven C. Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507/373-1674
The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic DiviSion, Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association , Inc. and is published monthly at Wittman Airfield , Oshkosh , WI 54903· 3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh. WI 54901 and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc. are $18.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertis ing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertiSing so that corrective measures can be taken . Postmaster: Send address changes to EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc., Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3
sold through the mail will be available on a first-come basis at the A/C Head quarters Red Barn at Wittman Field, Oshkosh '88. The tickets will go fast so be sure' to order earl y !
Compiled by Mark Phelps
Antique/Classic Parade of Flight Oshkosh '88 The annual Antique/Classic Parade of Flight for Oshkosh '88 will be staged Monday, August I as the main event of the afternoon air show. The only other air show acts will be the individual aerobatic routines which will follow the parade . There will also be a fly-by time reserved for the past Antique/Classic champion aircraft that attend Oshkosh '88. Since the parade is scheduled for Monday , Chairman Phil Coulson will contact members who have previously flown in the event for registration through the mail. The event this year is planned to be the largest in our his tory. If you are not contacted and you wish to participate, check in at An tique/Classic Headquarters by Sunday July 31 for details. Briefing for the parade will be at A/C Headquarters at 1:00 p .m. Monday August I. For more information, contact Phil Coulson, 28415 Springbrook Drive, Lawton Michigan, 49065. Tel. 616/624-6490 . Oshkosh '88 River Boat Cruise The EAA Antique/Classic Division will again sponsor the annual River Boat Cruise on Saturday evening July 30 during Oshkosh '88, sailing at 8:00 p.m. from the Pioneer Inn dock . To ensure a comfortable evening for all, ticket sales will be limited to 220 persons aboard the Valley Queen II. To give everyone an opportunity to purchase tickets, the committee has arranged for the advanced sale of tic kets through the mail. The price is $18.50 per person for the 2 I!2-hour cruise and the Paddle Wheel buffet (beef and chicken with all the trim mings). Advance orders for tickets must in clude a check in the complete amount, made payable to EAA Antique/Classic Division. Include a S.A.S.E. and mail to Jeannie Hill, EAA Antique/Classic River Boat Cruise chairman, P.O. Box 328, Harvard, Illinois 60033. Do not send to EAA Headquarters. Ticket orders must be received by June 15 and the tickets will be sent in the S.A.S.E. by July 1. Tickets not 4 APRIL 1988
EAA Air Academy Series Opens The Premier EAA Air Academy Weekend was presented last January in Frederick, Maryland, home of the AVEMCO Insurance Company, na tional sponsor of the Academy prog ram . Dedicated volunteers and eager youth "shared the skills and lore of aviation" in an abbreviated version of the 16-day program held at the A via tion Center each summer. The program consists of three activity areas includ ing classroom and hands-on experi ences with full-size aircraft compo nents and aeromodeling. The concept of having Air Academy activities across the nation has grown rapidly beyond the Headquarters-led programs planned for this year in Min neapolis/St. Paul, Indianapolis , Tulsa, Toronto and the Sun ' n Fun site. A plan is being developed for representa tives from EAA Chapters across the nation to be trained in the presentation of similar programs that will be pre sented on an on-going basis . A special thank-you to the AV EMCO insurance companies, the Academy of Model Aeronautics, the Frederick Community College and the many volunteers who stepped forward to share their love of aviation with the next generation. - Chuck Larsen, education director. EAA Air Academy Scholarship Applications Now Available Contact the Education Office at the EAA Aviation Center to help your youngster or someone you know enjoy the aviation experience of a lifetime at EAA Air Academy '88 and/or explore the possibility of securing financial support for their pursuit of aviation and career goals. Contact Education Director, Chuck Larsen, EAA AVia tion Foundation, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 54903-3065 . Tel 414/426-4800. Mystery Plane Uncovered Word comes from Don O'Heame of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan that an Eastman Model E-5 Sea Rover has been located in a bam in Cowichan Valley. The Sea Rover was featured as the Mystery Plane in last September's The Vintage Airplane. Only five were built by the Detroit Aircraft Company before production was halted in 1929. According to a Victoria Times arti cle, Roy Bames of Duncan, Saskatche
wan was preparing to tear down an old bam on his property . It seems that there was some sort of old airplane in the bam and Roy started to haul the hulk off to the dump when it occured to him that someone might find it of value . David Maude, curator of the Commonwealth Military Aviation Museum at Pat Bay , did indeed jump at the chance to save a rare vintage airplane . All five Sea Rovers were sold to the Columbia Development Company, a Toronto-based mineral exploration firm. The seaplanes were fitted with canopies and participated in the hunt for gold in the northern lakes and riv ers-a hunt that was largely unsuccess ful and the planes were sold. Maude believes that the airplane found in Dun can was CF-ASV . Its registration lapsed in 1935 and was last known, in 1939, to be stored in Alice Farm, well up the coast from Duncan. How it would have found its way south no one yet knows, but its clear that the airplane was in the bam for some time. The farm was once owned by Martin Braden, a sawmill operator who sold the land and buildings to Barnes' father: Braden had the engine running about 25 years ago , according to what Barnes was told, but the engine was then disassembled and laid out on a bench where it remained ever since . "Lots of people knew it was in there but nobody gave it much notice," said Barnes about the airplane. Maude and a team from the museum were able to recover the magnetos, connecting rods, camshaft and some gears from the dump and a surprising amount of the airframe is intact. The plywood and metal hull was long since stripped and burned but will be easy to repro duce from drawings-a good summer project for museum volunteers. "You could almost call this the find of the decade," said Maude, "[the parts] have been sitting in this bam for about 50 years." The flying boat's six-cylinder Cur tiss Challenger engine produced 185 hp. The Sea Rover exhibited "sprightly behavior" according to Juptner's U.S . Civil Aircraft. becoming airborne at maximum take-off weight in 12 sec onds and performing well on the water. An amphibious version was built later incorporating retractable wheels which cut down on performance and useful load. It's also gratifying to know that Barnes was pleased to donate the ultra rare airplane to the museum with no strings attached. "They said I've got a lifetime pass," he said, "I'm happy with that.".
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Compiled by Mark Phelps -
From Coupe Capers, the Ercoupe Newsletter - One technique used on airplanes with fixed pitch props exhibiting poor performance involves removing the paint from the prop. Small imperfec tions in the surface of the prop cause dimples in the paint especially if sev eral coats of paint have been overlaid in years past. These disturb the surface enough to reduce the aerodynamic effi ciency of the blades. Taking all the paint off (using paint thinner) and re priming and repainting with a light coat may yield a surprising improve ment. One aircraft gained 100 rpm after receiving this treatment. - The Mooney MI0 Cadet is the only airplane of the Ercoupe series to have differential braking, with each brake pedal using its own master cylin der. The cylinders were built to be "throw-away" types, to be discarded when worn. Unfortunately, since the Cadet has been out of service for 15 years the cylinders are no longer avail able. Bob Elliott was faced with this problem and found that disassembling the cylinder and replacing the worn teflon ring with a standard O-ring worked fine. - Coincidentally, four Ercoupes en route to the same event had problems with fuel leakage. One had gas spillage out of the nose tank cap and spraying on the windshield; two had a problem with fuel venting around the caps of the wing tanks; and one developed a fuel leak heavy enough that the pilot made a hasty landing shortly after take off. Fuel was said to be standing in the belly of the aircraft and running out of the fuselage drain hole. Another pilot, upon hearing of these problems, found a fuel line cracked or coroded through and dripping gas on his transponder. The fuel system is the most vulnerable system on your airplane so spend some time examining it. The fuel overflow might have been due to either plugged or improperly located vents in the cap, or that the fuel restrictor in the fuel pump is missing and the pump is over filling the nose tank. On the larger fuel
leak, it appears the fuel was apparently leaking around a loose or worn tank cap gasket to the extent that gas ran over the top, down the inside of the wing and into the center of the airplane. - A small magnifying lens, usually available at local novelty stores, stuck on the altimeter can make it easier to read those small altimeter-setting num bers.
From the Funk Flyer From a letter by Jerry Wing, 2920 Douglas Street, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009 "I thought someone out there may be interested in an update on the 0 290D installation. We live at a field elevation of 6,200 feet and during the summer the density altitude is fre quently above the 9,000 foot mark. To have more flexibility in scheduling my flying I thought the bigger engine was a must. Everything is a trade-off and this is no exception. The maximum gross weight is still 1,350 pounds and the 0-290 has a dry weight of 264 pounds as opposed to 169 pounds for the C-85-12F. I ended up with an empty weight of 952 pounds and a useful load of 398. The 0-290 doesn't exactly sip the fuel. I cruise at around 2,500 rpm and a fuel burn of about 7.5 gph. That gives me an endurance of about two hours with legal reserves. But the performance is great. I haven't seen [the weather] too hot for two people. [The airplane] gets off quick and lands short. I can pull the power to idle and land back on the airport from 500 feet (we don't recommend that you try this at home--ed.). I realize a lot of this doesn't have any thing to do with the new engine. The Funk is just a fun airplane to fly. I thought maybe somebody who is thinking of a new engine might be able to use some of this. Susie and I are headed for Sun 'n Fun in April." Jerry Wing
From Fly Paper, the newsletter of the International Cessna 170 Associ ation. "I've been doing a lot of soul search ing and head scratching since this AD note came out on our fine bird's seat tracks. Looking at the condition of most of the seat tracks in the field today shows that this is an area that has long been ignored. I don't think that all of our seat tracks have suddenly deteriorated in the past six months. By replacing the seat track with a new one we should be able to pretty much elimi nate the incidents and accidents where the seat would break free and slide aft due to failure of the seat track. The unfortunate part is that this scenario makes up only a very small percentage of seat related accidents. By far, the larger percentage is made up of those incidents of the seat breaking free be cause it was not properly secured in the first place. This can be eliminated by simply grabbing the hand hold and giving the seat a good shake (this applies to your right-seater too) and verifying that the seat is properly latched. With the newer seat tracks installed, the holes are naturally of a smaller diameter and the pin will be even more likely not to properly seat itself when the seat is slid into place. Consequently, if we become compla cent with our new seat tracks, the inci dence of seat related accidents will probably increase. I feel that a person who is not taught to positively verify that his of her seat is properly latched simply has not received a proper checkout in the airplane. Virtually all of the general aviation aircraft built in the last 30 odd years that have adjust able seats have a similar design. Don't just slough this off as a "Cessna-iso lated" or even a taildragger-only prob lem." Tom Hull Parts and Maintenance Coordinator. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 5
APRIL 1D-16 - LAKELAND. FLORIDA - 13th annual Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In at Lakeland Municipal Airport . Contact: Sun 'n Fun Head quarters. 3838 Dranefield Road . P. O. Box 6750. Lakeland . FL 33807. phone 813/644 2431 . APRIL 16-17 - WASHINGTON . DC - 8th Annual Air and Space Museum Tour - Garber facility . Dinner speaker of note. Limited to 200. Con tact: Chapter 4 Museum Tour. 2602 Elnora Street. Wheaton . MD 20902. 301 /942-3309 . APRIL 16 - LOVELAND. TEXAS - EAA Chapter 19 Fly-in break1ast (8:00 a.m .) and lunch (12:00 noon). Loveland Airport. Contact: John Smith. 28266 2nd Street. Lubbock. TX 79413. 806/ 793-7889 . APRIL 3D-MAY 1 - WINCHESTER . VIRGINIA EAA Chapter 186 Spring Fly-In at Municipal Airport. Trophies for winning showplanes. Pan cake breakfast Sunday. Annual Apple Blossom Festival downtown. All welcome . Contact: George Lutz . 703/256-7873. MAY 21-22 - NORTH HAMPTON. NEW HAMP SHIRE - 121h Annual Aviation Flea Market at Hampton Airfield . Any1hing aviation related okay. Food available. Contact: 603/964-6749. MAY 21-22 HAMMOND. LOUISIANA Louisiana Balloon Festival and EAA Air Show sponsored by EAA Chapters 244.261 and 697 . Trophies. Louisiana Championship Fly-In Series Event No.1. Contact: Jim Riviere. 604 Chambertin Drive. Kenner. LA 70065 . 504/467 1505. MAY 21-22 - LIVE OAK. FLORIDA - Florida Sport Aviation Antique and Classic Associa tion. EAA AlC Chapter 1 Fly-In at Kittyhawk Estates. Contact: Rod Spanier. 502 James town Avenue. Lakeland . FL 33801 . 813/665 5572. MAY 27-29 - WATSONVILLE . CALIFORNIA 24th West Coast Antique Fly-In and Air Show at Watsonville Airport. Contact: Watsonville Chamber of Commerce. 4081724-3849. MAY 27-29 - LAKE GENEVA. WISCONSIN 2nd Annual Twin Bonanza Association conven tion at the Americana Lake Geneva Resort. Contact: Twin Bonanza Association . 19684 Lakeshore Drive. Three Rivers. M149093. 616/ 279-2540. JUNE 3-5 - MERCED. CALIFORNIA - 31st Merced West Coast Antique Fly-In at Merced Municipal Airport. Contact: Merced Pilots As sociation . P. O. Box 2312. Merced. CA 95344 or Linton Wollen . 2091722-6666 after 5 p.m. JUNE 3-5 - BARTLESVILLE. OKLAHOMA 2nd Annual National Biplane Fly-in at Frank Phillips Field . featuring a first-ever - Concours de Elegance! Be part of the largest gathering of biplanes since WW II. Modern factory type aircraft invited and welcomed. Sponsored by the National Biplane Association (NBA) and the Bartlesville Chamber of Commerce. Con tact: Charles W. Harris. Chairman . 9181742 7311 . or Mary Jones. Executive Director. 918/ 299-2532. Address inquiries on NBA member ship to NBA. Hangar 5. 4-J Aviation. Jones Riverside Airport. Tulsa. OK 74132.
6 APRIL 1988
JUNE 4-5 - INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA - 1st An nual Airplane Gathering. saluting replica. milit ary. classic and sport aircraft at Mt. Comfort Airport. Sponsored by the EAA Chapter 900 and the Central Indiana Sport Flyer Associa tion. Contact: Fred Jungclaus. 317/636-4891 (days) or 317/342-3235 (eves). JUNE 5 - DEKALB, ILLINOIS - EAA Chapter 241 Breakfast at DeKalb-Tay!or Municipal Air port from 7 a.m. to noon. Contact: Jerry Thor nhill. 312/683-2781 . JUNE 1D-12 - MIDDLETOWN. OHIO - 4th Na tional Aeronca gathering. celebrating the 60th anniversary of Aeronca. including tours of the Aeronca factory and the U.S.A.F. Museum. Banquet on Saturday night with speakers and judged aircraft awards. Contact: Jim Thompson . Box 102. Roberts . IL 60962 , 2171 395-2522. JUNE 11-12 - HILLIARD, FLORIDA - Florida Sport Aviation Antique and Classic Associa tion . EAA AlC Chapter 1 Fly-In at Hilliard Air Park. Contact: Rod Spanier. 502 Jamestown Avenue . Lakeland . FL 33801 . 813/665-5572 . JUNE 11-12 - MANSFIELD. LOUISIANA Northwest Louisiana Fly-in. DeSoto Parish Air port. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 343. Flying Events. aircraft judging. camping . Louisiana Championship Fly-In Series Event No. 2. Con tact: Larry Pierce. Route 5. Box 585. Shreveport. LA 71107 . 318/929-2377. JUNE 12 - AURORA. ILLINOIS - EAA Chapter 579 Fly-ln/Drive-ln break1ast and airportlFBO open house. Aurora Municipal Airport . Contact: Alan Shackleton. 31 21466-4193 or Bob Rieser. Airport Manager. 3121466-7000. JUNE 14-19 - OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLAHOMA - Aerospace America 1988 Air Show and Trade Exposition. Contact: Tom Jones. Air Show Director 405/681-3000 . JUNE 17-19 - EL CAJON . CALIFORNIA - 6th Annual West Coast Travel Air Fly-In. Join the biplane fun. Contact: Jerry Impellezzeri. 4925 Wilma Way. San Jose. CA 95124. JUNE 18 - NEWPORT NEWS. VIRGINIA - 16th Annual Colonial Fly-In sponsored by EAA Chapter 156 at Patrick Henry Airport. Contact: Chet Sprague. 8 Sinclair Road . Hampton. VA 23669. 8041723-3904. JUNE 19 - ANDERSON . INDIANA - EAA Chap ter 226 Fly-In Breakfast. Contact: 317/378 0590. JUNE 19 - FRIENDSHIP. WISCONSIN - 8th Annual Father's Day Fly-in at Legion Field sponsored by Adams County Aviation Associa tion . Pancake break1ast at 0730. Static dis plays. crafts . antique engines. etc. 60 miles due west Oshkosh VOR. Camping. Monitor 122.9. Contact: Roger Davenport. 608/339 6810. JUNE 23-26 - GRAND LAKE VACATION RE SORT. OKLAHOMA - International Bird Dog Association annual meeting and fly-in at Gol den Falcon Airpark. Grand Lake Vacation Re sort. Contact: Phil Phillips. 505/897-4174. JUNE 23-26 - HAMILTON. OHIO - 29th Annual National Waco Reunion. Contact: National
Waco Club . 700 Hill Avenue . Hamilton . OH 45015. JUNE 24-26 - PAULS VALLEY. OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City Chapter of AAA Fly-In. Contact: Don Carry. 4051737-1604 or Bud Sutton. 405/ 392-5608. JUNE 25-26 - ORANGE. MASSACHUSETTS 121h Annual New England Regional EAA Fly-In sponsored by EAA Chapter 726. Vendors. flea market. food . trophies . Contact: Richard Walsh . Municipal Airport. Orange. MA 01364. 627/544-8189. JUNE 29-JULY 2 - AMES. IOWA - Ercoupe Owners Club National Convention . Ames Air port. Contact: Shirley Brittian. 2070 Hwy. 92. Ackworth . IA 50001 . 515/961 -6609. JULY 8-10 -16th Annual Taylorcraft Fly-In/Reun ion at Barber Airport. three miles north of Al liance. Food. fellowship and flying . Chat with the people who built your Taylorcraft. Contact: Bruce Bixler. 216/823-9748. JULY 10 - WILLIAMS. ARIZONA - 3rd Annual Fly-In Breakfast at Williams Municipal Airport. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 856. Awards and displays. Contact: Larry Ely. 60 21635-2978 or 2151 . JULY 17-22 - FAIRBANKS. ALASKA - Interna tional Cessna 170 Association Convention at Fairbanks International Airport. Convention site : Sophie Station Motel. Contact: Convention Chairmen . Rick and Cheryl Schikora. 1919 Lat hrop. Drawer 17. Fairbanks. AK 99701 . 907/ 456-1566 (work) . or 907/488-1724 (home) . Re member the time difference. JULY 21-22- DAYTON. OHIO- Day10n Air and Trade Show at Day10n International Airport. Contact: Rajean Campbell . 513/898-5901. JULY 29-AUGUST 5 - OSHKOSH. WISCONSIN - 36th annual International EAA Convention and Sport Aviation Exhibition at Wittman Field. Contact: John Burton. EAA Headquarters. Wittman Airfield . Oshkosh. WI 54903-3086. AUGUST 20 - WINTER HAVEN. FLORIDA Florida Sport Aviation Antique and Classic As sociation . EAA AlC Chapter 1 Fly-In at Gilbert Field Municipal. Contact: Rod Spanier. 502 Jamestown Avenue. Lakeland. FL 33801 . 813/ 665-5572 . SEPTEMBER 10 - JENNINGS. LOUISIANA Southwest Louisiana Fly-In. Sponsored by EAA Chatpers 529 and 541 . Trophies. Louisiana Championship Fly-in Series Event No. 3. Contact: Bill Anderson. 211 Bruce Street. Lafayette. LA 70533. 318/984-9746. OCTOBER 1-2 - PINEVILLE. LOUISIANA - 3rd Annual Louisiana EAA Convention . sponsored by EAA Chapters 614 and 836. Trophies. ban quet. camping. Final Louisiana Championship Series Event. Contact: Jim Alexander. 2950 Highway 28W. Boyce. LA 71409. 3181793 4245. OCTOBER 7-9 - THOMASVILLE . GEORGIA Florida Sport Aviation Antique and Classic As sociation . EAA AlC Chapter 1 Fly-In at Thomasville Municipal Airport. Contact: Rod Spanier. 502 Jamestown Avenue. Lakeland . FL 33801 . 813/665-5572 . •
Letters TO The Edito'<.mJ . ~~~ •
Delta dawn Dear Mr. Cox; Sorry I'm late - my answer to your question about the "Delta" (Time Cap sule - Feb.) is perhaps the hundredth one . Renee Francillon's Putnam book, "McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Since 1920" has all serial numbers of "De ltas" and "Gammas" listed, along with their histories . Serial number 42 (Delta 10-5) ended up in Australia as A61-1. It cracked up September 30 , 1943 . Owners: George F. Harding, July 30, 1935, to April 27 , 1938, then Lin coln Ellsworth, Till February 1939, then Australian Commonwealth gov ernment, as VH-ADR, till December 1942. RAAF then used it as a military transport, as A61-1 . Northrops always fascinated me. I remember seeing the "Gamma" 2C , USAAC attack plane YA-13 , at the 1935 Detroit Aircraft Show, in Detroit City Airport Hangar. I had no camera then, nor when I saw the first "Gamma", 2A, owned by Gar Wood Industries. "Sky Chief' had become "Kinjockety III" . As you know , it blew up during the Bendix race . Does anybody know what happened to the Northrop "Beta" with the P&W Wasp Jr.?" I have enjoyed THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE very much and always look forward to the latest issue. Keep up the fine work. Sincerely, Robert C . Mosher (EAA 80433 NC 1383) 2504 N. Wilson Royal Oak, MI Dear Jack; The photograph of the Northrop Delta on Page 11 of the February issue caught my eye. That particular Delta, the 1-05, was delivered to Mr. George Harding by the Northrop Corporation (the second Northrop Company which was controlled by Douglas Aircraft) . That aircraft was later sold to Lin coln Ellsworth who also had a Gamma 1B. They were used in his Antarctic exploration. The Delta was then sold to the Royal Australian Air Force and was probably scrapped by them as I have no further evidence of that par ticular Delta.
There were a total of 12 Delta Air craft delivered , not all I-Os. Of the I-Os , eight (not seven), were built plus parts that went to Canadian Vickers in Canada, who, in tum, built some air craft under license from Douglas. Other Deltas were the I-A, I-B, 1-C, and I-E. The breakdown was as follows: I-A TWA I-B Pan American (Airovias Centrales S.A.) l-C NB Aero Transport (Swedish) 1-0 Richfield Oil 1-01 Powell Crosley 1-02 Hal Roach 1-03 William Danforth 1-04 Wilbur May 1-05 George Harding 1-06 Bruce Dodson 1-07 USCG as RT-l 1-08 Parts Canadian Vickers I-E NB Aero Transport (Swedish) Regards ,
Harry Gann, Manager
Aircraft Information
Douglas Aircraft Company
3855 Lakewood Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90846
One out of two Dear Mr. Petersen; The article on Capt. Dan Neuman (Northwest Airways' Stinson - Feb.) was great and enjoyable, however I would like to point out a quote that was made that appears to be in error. This is in reference to the Waco in the Minneapolis airport terminal building. Your statement says on page 9 of the February '88 issue that it is engined with a Siemans-Halske engine. The Waco lOs offered in the late 1920s stated that these engines were Ryan Siemans engines . They were of 125 hp. I have a Ryan-Siemans prop hub in mint condition if anyone out there needs one. In the late 1920s there were several biplane manufacturers who were shop ping around for a reasonably priced engine to replace the dwindling supply of the venerable OX and also overcome the built in problems that were inherent in the OX . Two engines of foreign manufacture to emerge, although never used or sold in large quantities, were
.. ,I
the 125 Ryan-Siemans and also the 120-hp Walter. The Siemans a product of Germany and the Walter a product of Czechoslovakia. Waco, Spartan and Commandaire offered these engines. I know for sure the Walter had some built in problems that even the OX didn't have and proved to be almost as unsuccessful as the old Comet radial . The reason these foreign engines were considered was because they could offer a radial engine which was a type made famous by the Lindbergh histor ical flight. American engines were av ailable but in many cases the price was so high that the cost of the engine exceeded the cost of the airframe. The Siemans-Halske engine was used on the Bucker Jungmeister and came out in the late or mid 1930s. I may have some information in re ference to the Harper airplane that was shown in the November '87 issue. I knew a sprayer pilot in Mississippi in the 1960s whose brother owned a Harper and was in the process of re building it. He had spent one winter vacation somewhere up in one of the New England states (NH, VT, or CT) helping his brother with the wooden fillets that were on the plane. He brought back some pictures and I re member the fillets as being really large and deep for that size plane. I think he told me it was a two-place side-by-side airplane. This pilot was almost killed in a sprayer accident in the mid 1960s and I don't recall his name. I feel that there is a better than good possibility that this airplane might still exist in that area and that with some poking around some antiquer in that area might come up with some leads. This may be the one Grega mentioned but he didn't say where the airplane was in the 1960s. Maybe you could pass this bit of information on to some of the interested parties. I used to write to Gene regularly when he was on the crew as I had known him for many years. I owned a Church Midwing and so did he so we had something in common. Sincerely, C.C. "Ace" Cannon (EAA 1134 NC 7890) 408 NE Flint Greenfield, IA 50849 (Continued on Page 10) VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7
The following is a listing of new members who have joined the EAA Antique/Classic Division (through December 15, 1987). We are honored to welcome them into the organization whose members' common interest is vintage aircraft. Succeeding issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE will contain additional listings of new members. Valle,Carlos Madrid, Spain
Vlntro Jr., Joseph Lakeville. Massachusetts
Mathison, Keith Calgary, Alberta. Canada
Uewellyn, James P. Bedlord, Pennsylvania
Herlel, Edward A. Appleton, Wisconsin
Worl<s, Phil Longview, Texas
Rowe, Oramel L StOCkbridge, Michigan
Allen, David K. Monument. Colorado
Stenbom, Freddy Alia, Sweden
Kupper, Louis J. Bricktown, New Jersey
CIOW,Geo~ Burlington, ntario. Canada
Saloga, WIlliam A. BataVia, Illinois
Roland Jr., W.D. Alexandria, Louisiana
Fuclk, William C. Evanston, Illinois
Anderson, Robert W. Willon Manors, Florida
Keller Jr., Marl< F. Lebanon, PennsylVania
Barczak, Robert Bolingbrook, Illinois
Schmid, Roland Saint.Jean, Quebec, Canada
Shea, Kennon S.
Calkins, Leon C. Holland, Michigan
NiSi, Meg Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey
Wade, Marl< Mesquite, Texas
Zallack, Tony Fullerton, California
Stadler, Fred Arlington, Texas
BenJamin, N.H. Pikerington, Ohio
Soward, Marvin E. Austin, Texas
Rousch, William J. Alexandria Bay. New Yorl<
Hannemann, James R. Washington, Illinois
Crocker, Freeman Thornton, Colorado
Guatovlch, Gus Casa Grande, Arizona
Gerner, Tom Cadyville, New Yorl<
Prescott, Gordon H. Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire
Carpenter, R~r Dalton, Massa usetts
Scott, Dave Shawano, Wisconsin
Jackson, T.A. Tucson, Arizona
HenSle Chico,
Maple, James DetrOit, Michigan
Parlnger, Glenn R. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Galas, Stanley San Clemente, California
Simms, Jack Clio, Michigan
Grlndo Jr., Frank Gassaway, West Virginia
Bartling III, Martin L. Knoxville, Tennessee
Clarl<, John P. Iowa, Louisiana
TuCkneas, Floyd J. Kent, Washington
Nalezlnek, Edward Mansfield, Ohio
Hazel, Warren N. Paris, Tennessee
Lemlsh, Michael G. Northboro, Massachusetts
Cornett, David C.
Beaulieu, W.J. Waltham, Massachusetts
Mapolee, Hams Byrd Milton, Florida
Martin, Edward I. Rancho Palos Verde, Calijornia
Cosentino, William D. Lee's Summit, Missouri
Ayers III, Lawrence F. Warrenton, Virginia
Dallas Independent School Dial Dallas, Texas
Gebhart, Daniel T. Hanover, Pennsylvania
Williams, Stephen C. Georgetown路Bath, Maine
Nelson, Chris Rockford, Illinois
Saunders, Stuart Curtin, Australia
Levandoski, Theresa Freedom, California
Peerson, Charlee E. Rochester, New Hampshire
Blca Jr., Sergio de Faria Porto Alegre, Brazil
Doman, Don Janesville, Wisconsin
Brown Jr., William L. New Boston, Texas
Lindberg, Marl< D. Mounlain View, California
Honeycutt, Marl< L. Portsmouth, Virginia
Squier, Daniel G. Kaukauna, Wisconsin
Habenicht, Duane Escondido, California
McCloud, David J. Poquoson, Virginia
Lewis, Oren F. Union City, California
Ows~, Michele M.
Wolter, Dennis Cincinnati, Ohio
Udall, Mlka Eagar, Arizona
Playter, Bud Greenville, Michigan
Walsh, Boyd Arrington, Virginia
Lyon, Richard Wiesbaden, West Germany
Lester, Robert E. FI. Lauderdale, Florida
Delahaut, Chrlstlne E. Green Bay, Wisconsin
Senter, Kennsth L. Los Angeles, California
Preter, Everett Earl Rose Hilt, Kansas
Treaster, Robert Key Largo. Florida
Vander Pol, Gaa Harrison, South akota
BeCker, William A. Nashota, Wisconsin
Brendle, Van Hickory, North Carolina
Stromberg, Jan Froson, Sweden
Schumaker, Thomas C. Kalamazoo, Michigan
Fisher, Garry D. Fresno, California
H~klnson, John Ca ary, Alberta, Canada
Witkop, Robert H. Traverse City, Michigan
Kalllsh, Brett Mount Laurel, New Jersey
Stout, Randall J. Eugene, Oregon
Austin, Loren Holly, Michigan
Oglet_, Ben R.
Scheibe, Waltar M. Warwick, Rhode Island
Nugent, Chartes Danville, Indiana
Bays, James W. Garland, Texas
Lopez, Sharon T. Greensboro, North Carolina
Falck, Ga'r.t Bricktown, ew Jersey
Fojtik, C.D. Needville, Texas
Schumacher, Marl< Cleveland, Texas
Blackburn, Rodarlc H. Kinderhook, New Yorl<
Beuerte, Gareld F. Hammond, Louisiana
Turner, lewis Kenosha, Wisconsin
Holt, HarleYt R. Naperville, lIinois
Llebenson, David Dallas, Texas
Dobbs Sr., Homer L. Birmingham, Alabama
Welaa, John William Meadowbrook, Pennsylvania
Alger, Ken Russell, New Yorl<
Forward, Rolland L. Ingleside, Texas
Kentela, Daniel J. Burr Ridge, Illinois
Ferns, Jack Concorde, New Hampshire
Swindle, Tom Arlington, Texas
La Gore, Donald W. SI. Charles, Illinois
Toth Jr., Louis S. She~er Island, New Yorl<
Enman, Ann Klamath Falls, Oregon
Bernegger, Marl< New London, Wisconsin
Cotter Jr., Lloyd B. Encino, California
Johnson, Allen D. Watford City, North Dakota
Barl<er Jr., Robert C. Warwick, Rhode Island
Johnson, Martin H. Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Frledman, Louis Fullerton, California
Bone, John R. Salt Lake City, Utah
Bredley, Gary Willunga, South Australia
Frapple, Derek East Bourne, Sussex, England
Boothman Jr., Fred Middleboro, MassachuseHs
Wilson, J. Robert Grand Junction, Colorado
Speake, Steve M. Fresno, California
Megruder, David R. Venice, Louisiana
Baker, Bruce A. Chandler, Arizona
Krauaka, Bernard J. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Pendergraaa, Thomas W. Kirl<land, Washington
Lefchlck, Charlas J. Washington, D.C.
Hudson, Jim Athens, Texas
PeCkham, Tom Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Hatcher, William R. Fox POint, Wisconsin
Kirby, Edward Capron, Virginia
Yust, Michael D. SI. Charles, Missouri
Heynee, Jim Bushnell, Illinois
Drager, Gabriele Nev.Jsenburg, West Germany
Anthis, Darryl L. Tucson, Arizona
Bayer, Peter D Pari< Forest South, Illinois
Weir, David New Yorl<, New Yorl<
Brown, Sandy North Kingslown, Rhode Island
Johnson, Eart A. Jordan, Minnesota
Brooks, Yale Brockton, Massachusetts
Runyan, Ben Plano, Texas
Willey, Dick Bakersiield, California.
Hodge III, Thomas W. Santa Rosa, Califomia
Jlnnette, F. Earl Calpine, California
William., Herbert E. Tempe, Arizona
Newton, Richard D. NAS Jacksonville. Florida
Anderason, Toruli Nalden, Sweden
Menold, Richard L Girard, Ohio
Bordano, David P. Big Rapids, Michigan
Davey, John P. Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Lawls, Rusaeil L. Dunnellon, Florida
WoHl, Jan Douglas Chebanse, Illinois
Rubendurat, Everett G. Foster, Rhode Island
8 APRIL 1988
Walter E. lifornia
, Austria
e, Texas
Quincy, California
Liano, California
Livingston, Texas
1950 CESSNA 170A "Hidden Goodies" would probably be a good name for this pretty Cessna 170A, N325DE 19531, owned by Mark Lindberg (EAA 228992, AlC 11986) of 235 Cypress Point Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043. Under the cowling, a 165 hp Franklin has replaced the original C-145 Continental. This installation, along with some cowl足 ing changes and moving the battery aft of the baggage compartment can be com足 pleted with a logbook entry as it is an optional engine in the original specs. (Item 111) Additional upgrades Include a Horton STOL kit, a 40 amp alternator, 172 front seats, 18 gallon Javelin auxiliary fuel tank, Brittain wing leveler and a full house instrument panel that won't quit! With a fixed pitch prop, Mark reports N325DE trues out at 117 kts at 7500 ft. with precise leaning to 8.7 gph. The airplane won best modified 170A at the International 170 Convention in San Diego in 1987.
by Norm Petersen
STEARMAN "SPIRIT OF TULSA" This pretty picture of Stearman N62420, SIN 75-3482, was sent in by Peter Gill (EAA 301041) of P.O. Box 5469, Enid, OK 73702, wo with his partner, E.A. McCune, now own his World War II trainer. Powered with a W670 Continental engine of 220 hp, the blue and yellow Stearman formerly belonged to Congressman Jim Inhofe (EAA 179992) who was mayor of Tulsa at the time. The aircraft was pictured in National Geographic about four years ago flying over Tulsa. "We have enjoyed It very much," says Peter.
DON WARD'S ERCOUPE Dubbed the "Econo-Warbird" by its owner, Don Ward, Rt. 1, Box 738, lin足 wood, NC 27299, this 1946 Ercoupe 415足 C, N93883, SIN 1206, has been painted In pseudo-warblrd colors with striped talis, blue fuselage and yellow wings. Dan says the 'Coupe is the only affordable antiquel classic open aircraft he knows of! Having owned the Ercoupe for a year and a half, Dan has learned to put up with remarks from the non-Ercoupe pilots and enjoy the 110-115 mph cruise on a meager 4% to 5 gph consumption of auto fuel (EAA STC). Admittedly, the Ercoupe turns a few heads when Dan flies into an airport gathering or an airshow. Dan would like to form a group of four or five Ercoupe owners In matching paint schemes with consecutive numbers from his No. 38. (Come on Ercoupe owners, have at it!) VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9
Several carriers and fixed base operators have recently reminded their maintenance personnel of potentially serious hazards in the use of certain catalysts used to "lay up" fiberglass or as hole fillers . Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) is in the family of organic peroxides that are intrinsically unstable and, in large quantities, potentially de structive. In using them, mechanics must observe definite safety precau tions and have a knowledge of their potential . At a safety conference, an eye specialist urged caution in the use of catalyst or hardener that is added to the fiberglass resin before the resin is applied. The specialist said a drop of this catalyst in the eye will progres sively destroy the tissue and result in blindness . This will occur in some in stances even when an attempt has been made to wash the catalyst from the eye . Furthermore, once the chemical has begun to destroy the eye, there is no known way of stopping the destruction or repairing the damage . The specific toxic agent involved is MEKP. In laboratory tests MEKP in solutions of varying concentrations was found to cause eye problems rang ing from "irritation" to "severe dam age." The maximum concentration producing no appreciable irritation was a solution containing 9.6 percent
MEKP. Material published on the subject in dicates that washing_an affected eye within four seconds after contamina tion prevented injuries in all cases, but no known chemical neutralizer has been reported . Suggested protection for catalyst users is protective glasses and the im mediate availability of a bland fluid such as water for a thorough washing of the ocular tissues . Reports of one experience described disastrous results. The victim had both eyes contaminated while fiberglassing a chair at home. Although he made an effort to wash out his eyes, several minutes apparently elapsed before he found water. The use of one eye was lost immediately, the other gradually deteriorated over a period of about eight years . Its deterioration was de scribed as resembling that resulting from World War I mustard gas bums. The hazard associated with fiberglass resins was previously un known to those attending the safety conference, although many had used fiberglass resin at home or at work. This hazard also may be unknown to you and to your family members who may have occasion to use a similar type of resin and catalyst when work ing with fiberglass or hardeners used in liquid casting plastic .
Letters To The Edito'<;m!..
ss=a ';~;W
(Continued from Page 7)
Spartan praise Dear Mr. Goodhead; Enjoyed very much your interesting article about the Spartan NP-I in the November issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. So little has been men tioned about this machine that I was pleased to see it get some recognition. As a naval aviator attached to the naval reserve base, Lambert Field, St. Louis, I flew my first NP-l on De cember 30, 1941 (Navy No. 3695). Subsequently flew as pilot-instructor thirteen different NP-Is from Navy Nos . 3647 to 3700. Test NP-l flight was July 22, 1942. They were phased out shortly after. On close examination of factory photo on page 15 of your article, it 10 APRIL 1988
appears (with aid of magnifier) that Navy No. 3648 is the plane in front. By coincidence, my log book shows that I flew Navy No. 3648 from Tulsa to St. Louis on March 31, \942 . What puzzles me is that Mr. Wright's NP-\, serial no. 47, Navy No. 3691 was de livered November 17, 1941, whereas serial no. 4 ,Navy No . 3648 left the factory on March 31, 1942 almost five months later. Perhaps 3648 had been rebuilt at the factory after major dam age-but who knows! As regards flight characteristics, my experience showed flat spin tenden cies, poor aerobatic qualities and diffi culty with crosswind taxiing and land ings due to an extremely "soft" landing gear. In fact, our A&P shop attached wing skids to keep the wingtips from
PRECAUTIONS Before using any of these catalysts , check their chemical composition and then take the appropriate precautions . The cost of a pair of safety goggles is a small price to pay for the protection of your eyesight. No epoxys use MEKP as a catalyst. MEKP is used to catalyze polyester resins, which are used for fiberglass resins, certain casting resins and in some paints and hole fillers. The mere mention of polyester resin makes it almost certain the MEKP is the catalyst. While epoxys do not appear to be as potentially damaging to tissue, all are accompanied by precautions regarding toxicity. Handle them exactly as di rected in the printed instructions . Any other procedure may cause unstable peroxide to react violently. The Ameri can Insurance Association has a rela tively long list of manufacturing and storage fires and explosions where peroxides (including MEKP) were in volved . When using catalysts in this family of chemicals, adhere strictly to mixing, application and storage instruction pro vided with each compound . from Flight Safety Foundation Inc . •
touching the ground under certain con ditions. All in all, it was a stout machine but just couldn't compete with the N3N and the N25 series in the aerobatic area. One of my friends, Ensign Porter and his cadet, had to bailout of an NP-I when a spin became uncontrolla ble. Again, enjoyed very much your ex cellent article and wish you good luck with any future articles you might write. Sincerely, Niels H. Sorensen 3896 Idaho Circle North Crystal, MN 55427 P.S. Noted that Mr. Wright's NP-l doesn't have the General Tire stream lined wheels . Other than that it looks great. •
A GATHERNG OF THE Early morning view from a tent.
ClAN by Ronald J. Ferraro
15-year-old Matt Ferrara prepares for a Stearman "experience."
You can see the mist rising from the wings of the early birds preparing for the first flight of what promises to be a busy day. The sun struggles above the Tennessee horizon beyond the boundaries of the quiet country airport. The sod runway is mowed and the whole airport is dressed in its Sunday best. A few Taylorcrafts, Luscombes and two Cessna 170s are tied down on the grass . The sign on the gas pump says "1.29 per gallon, tax included ." A typical Sunday morning in 1946?-but this in 1987 and it is obvi ous that something out of the ordinary is happening in Lexington Tennessee. The clan is gathering! A J-3 ballerina touches lightly down as a lumbering BT-13 turns base. What appears to be a brace of Navy Stear mans, sun reflecting bright yellow fab ric, enter downwind. In another time you'd be sure that they must be from the naval air station at nearby Mem phis . Suddenly the calm of the morning is shattered by the scream of a Merlin as the P-Sl Contrary Mary announces her arrival leaving little doubt as to who intends to be the center of atten tion.
A Bamboo Bomber arrives. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11
The occasion is the third annual fly in of the Tennessee Taildragger's As sociation at what is proudly called the finest 2,200-foot sod strip in the state and the official home of this laid back group . Who are the Tennessee Taildrag gers? Thirty-one dedicated taildragger pilots and their families who have taken it upon themselves to preserve a dying tradition-flying airplanes with little wheels in the back. Together they have built themselves a grass runway at what is officially Franklin Wilkins Airport in Lexington, Tennessee, about 100 miles east of Memphis . In addition to constructing the grass runway, the Taildraggers also maintain it and mow the entire sod parking and tiedown areas as well. The airport does have a hard surface runway of course but the Taildraggers disdain its use and prefer the more traditional sod . Once a year this unlikely fraternity invites one and all to visit and enjoy turf flying, old airplanes, fried catfish and genuine Tennessee bar-B-que. There is no charge, there is no air show, but there is good company, old airplanes whose owners are always ready to swap rides and hangar gossip a-plenty to enjoy. It is a time to renew old friendships and start new ones among those who share a special bond. It is also a time for a l5-year-old future pilot to have his first Stearman "experi ence." The fly-in has proven tremendously popular and grows each year with more airplanes registered every time . This year there are Stearmans, a Bamboo Bomber, Mustang and other exotic airplanes in attendance but the essence of the fly-in is captured by the Spirit of Fred a well used Luscombe flown daily by a member of the locally fam ous "Tullahoma Bunch." While most of these airplanes are not showplanes they get as much loving attention as any grand champion and they are flown more than they are displayed. The number of aircraft with once common names like Taylorcraft, Aeronca and others, and the easy-going camaraderie of their pilots is refreshing . The few Cessna l50s and Cherokees seem somehow out of place, from another time. Yes 1946 is a great year-what more could a pilot ask for? •
A Cessna 195 shooting touch and goes.
"Contrary Mary" announces her arrival.
An Army Stearman makes a low pass. 12 APRIL 1988
equal a total of 12,678 miles. Accord ing to my atlas that would be more than enough miles to take me to Mos cow and back. So , if you were expect ing to read of MiG dogfighting with an 8A, forget it! I didn't really take it to Moscow, but I could have. Besides, I think I had more fun going to the many little airports I flew into than I ever would have had going to Moscow. At almost every airport it seemed a gray haired pilot would walk out, take a look at the 8A and announce, "I used to own a Luscombe, best plane I ever had. Never should have sold it." Standing on the ground , I watched Glen take off and slowly disappear from sight. I felt a little sad to see the 8A go but felt satisfied that it had made a better pilot out of me, so I was glad to have flown it. Anyhow, I was also kind of excited as there were only four days until I could go get my next airplane and start over again. But someday, when my hair gets all gray, I'll bet I'll see a Luscombe land at an airport somewhere, admire it for a mo ment, then walk over and say, "I used to own a Luscombe, best plane I ever had. Never should have sold it." •
by Bill Allan (EAA 278890) Route 1, Box 94 Dike, Texas 75437 It was a bumpy fall day as I flew my Luscombe 8A for the last time. I had agreed to sell it and was taking it to its new owner. The new owner wasn't really new, he had owned the plane for 13 years before I bought it and he was looking forward to getting it back . As I flew along, my thoughts were on the many flights I had taken with the Lus combe. I became so distracted that I forgot where I was headed and had to look for Glen's grass strip. Lining up on final, I was determined to make my last landing a good one. Everything looked okay as I crossed over the 50
foot obstacle (power lines), a little slip and when I started to flare, a gust of wind came up . I added power, but finally the Luscombe touched down gently as if to say, "just wanted to see if you were on your toes." Glen and I talked a moment, then went into the house to sign the papers . When we came out of the house it was Glen's Luscombe again . He looked at me and asked, "Do you want to fly it home?" It didn't take long to settle in the left seat, and we headed for my home base. I suppose by now you are wondering where Moscow fits in this deal. Well, while at Glen's I took out the logbook and figured out that I had flown the Luscombe 133 hours while I owned it. At a cruise speed of 96 mph that would
The Time Cap_s_u_'_e_______ BY_J_aC_k_CO_X_ Photographs are time capsules ... a fleeting instant frozen forever . .. preserved for future generations to use as a peephole to the past. The EAA Foundation has thousands of negatives that have been donated by photographers . . . or their estates . . . who attended great events of the 1930s like the Cleveland Air Races or simply haunted their local airports to photograph the airplanes passing through. These priceless peeks at aviation's Golden Age deserve to be seen . .. and we intend to present a few of them each month in this new feature. Any additional light readers can shed on any of the aircraft is welcomed. This month 's photos are from the Schrade Radtke Collection.
C8795, Serial Number 180, is one of 48 Cessna AWs built in 1929 and 1930. With its ring cowl, big wheel pants and non-standard paint ~ scheme, it is obviously someone's customized * job. Photographed sometime in the mld-1930s, it probably has been recovered or, at least, re足 painted since leaving the factory, as evidenced by the missing Cessna logo on the vertical fin. Does anyone have any information on this racy '--.;.;..;._ _ _ _ _ ____...Ia: old bird?
Art Chester runs up his Menasco C6S4 powered Goon ... named after a character in the Popeye comic strip. Raced in 1938 and 1939, Chester finished second in the Greve Trophy Race in '38 and won in '39 at a record speed of 263.39 mph. Note the little flat disc on the tip of the spinner. This was the pitch change actuator for the 2-position Ratier propeller. Made in France, its hub was pumped up with air to 80 psi before each flight, which forced the spring loaded blades back into flat pitch for take-off. At about 150 mph, the force of the air on the disc forced it backwards, releasing the air in the hub and allowing the blades to spring back into high pitch for racing speeds. Chester died in the crash of one of his Goodyear racers at San Diego in 1949, but the Goon still exists - owned today by John W. Caler of Encino, CA.
14 APRIL 1988
Originally built as a 4-place Sikorsky S-39-A, NC 805W was modified by the factory into a 5-place S-39-B. Both models were powered by the P&W R-985 Wasp, Jr., rated in 1930 at 300 hp. The extension of the rudder below the horizontal tail is the principal visual difference between the A and B models. The most famous S-39 was one used on the Martin Johnson expedition to Africa in the 1930s. What appears to be Steve Wittman's Chief Oshkosh is just behind the Sikorsky's nose, with just the landing gear and a wing visible.
The Bleriot 110 "Joseph Le Brix" (named after a French distance flyer who had died in a crash during a record attempt) was one of 3 special aircraft ordered by the French Air Ministry for upholding French pride during the era of record flights in the late 1920s and early 1930s. It set a world's duration record of 67 hours 53 minutes in December of 1930 and set a world's closed course distance record of 6,703.5 miles in March of 1932, with pilots M. M. Bossoutrot and Maurice Rossi at the controls. In August of 1933 Rossi and Paul Codos set a world's straightline distance record in the airplane, flying from Floyd Bennett Field in New York City to Rayak, Syria, a distance of 5,654 miles. The following year they attempted a flight from Paris to San Diego, but were forced down at New York City ... becoming the first to fly the Atlantic both ways non-stop. Powered with a 650 hp Hispano-Suiza V-12. Forward vision was via a system of mirrors. The photo was taken at NYC after the forced landing in 1934. Span was 86 ft. 11 in. - fuel capacity was over 2,000 gallons for the 1934 flight!
by Norm Petersen
These two photos of an Aeronca C-3, NC14091, on Edo 1070 floats were taken at Chautauqua Lake, New York in the summer of 1936. They were sent in by William (Bill) Schil足 decker (EAA 132673, A /C 4341) of 7 Pleasant View Circle, Daytona Beach, FL 32018. He writes , "The plane was owned by Fred C. Cook at that time . My brother and I learned to fly that sum足
16 APRIL 1988
mer and I helped Fred with gas, fares and advertising when he used the plane to hop passengers at the numerous lakes in western New York state. It was a fun airplane and very thrilling to a 16-year-old. The only problem was a glassy (water) day when both floats would not break the surface at the same time-you lifted first one and then the other if you had a passenger. " If any of your readers know the
location of this plane at the present time, I would appreciate them getting in touch with me . . "The experience that summer hooked me on water flying . I am now on my third Lake amphibian-a 1984 EP-and I have 3,609 hours of water time. It has been a wonderful way to see the country from the Bahamas to Canada and most points in between where there is water.".
by Norm Petersen
"How much did your annual inspec tion cost?" I asked of the gray-haired gentleman as we looked over his airplane. "Seventy-five dollars ," was the reply . I immediately had a positive indication as to the shape and condition of the 42-year-old airplane - a 1946 Piper PA-12 "Super Cruiser," NC7614H , SIN 12-489. The gray-haired gentleman was Joe Juranich (EAA 97357, A /C 11042) of Box 277 Basehor, Kansas 66007 , a retired truck driver (40 years) and dedi cated aviation buff par excellance! Be sides enjoying aviation since he earned his private license in 1954 in a Cessna 140, Joe is a dedicated family man and his three sons all have an aviation bent , especially Bill Juranich (EAA 292665) of 5316 Douglas Street, Kansas City , Kansas 662106, who not only helped in the PA-12 rebuild , but received his private license in the Super Cruiser on March 15, 1986. The story on the pretty red and black Cruiser goes back to October 1965 when Joe found an ad in the Kansas City Star. He carefully looked over the airplane and ended up buying it for $1,500. For three years the PA-12 was flown by Joe and his oldest son, Bob . However in February 1968, Bob noticed there was no oil pressure while airborne! He made a quick 180 and landed on the Juranich landing strip. Eventually, pieces of bearing were dis covered in the oil, so the 180-hp Lycoming was tom down for a com plete overhaul. With the engine apart, they decided to rebuild the airframe also, so in 1968, the airplane was taken down to the bare frame, sandblasted and chromate primed. By 1969, the rebuild got side tracked and the airplane was shoved into a comer of a loft in the shop build ing. It sat there for 14 years! Joe's answer to what he was doing for 14 years was very straightforward - "Working and raising three boys." (Anyone who has raised a family of at least three children knows what Joe is talking about!) In late 1982, the old yearning to finish the Super Cruiser began to sur face, so the fuselage was readied for covering with Razorback fabric. Joe's son Bill had become very handy with a spray gun while painting cars, so he was elected to do the painting. The build-up was done with butyrate dope and the final colors were Irnron polyurethane. Many hours were spent 18 APRIL 1988
Overhead view of the PA-12 shows the generous sized wing with its USA 358 airfoil. Each wing holds 19 gallons of fuel. Note auto-gas stickers near fuel caps.
with sandpaper during this entire time and it really shows on the finished product. A seat cover concern in Kansas City sewed up a new interior. Joe took the original patterns to the firm and had them duplicated in very pleasing mate rials. The seats, cabin walls, etc. are nicely harmonized with the exterior paint job. About this time, Joe discovered that the buyer of the Varga bankruptcy stock in Phoenix , Arizona was selling brand new Lycomings . New 150-hp engines were $8,200 and 180-hp en gines were $8,500! Wanting to stay with an auto fuel engine, Joe bought
one of the 150-hp engines and using a Stoddard STC from Univair , installed the new engine in the PA-12. The in stallation required a new engine mount that is three inches shorter than original to maintain CG with the extra heft. In tum, the engine required all new baffl ing, exhaust system, propeller and numerous other gidgets and gadgets before it was ready for flight. A new cowling was fabricated from PA-18 parts plus some new metal to make a really neat installation . The workmanship on this airplane is ex tremely sanitary. The new propeller from Maxwell Prop Shop and a spinner from Univair finished the installation .
With 150 hp 0-320 Lycoming engine installation, things get a bit crowded under the cowl! Note large heater muff for adequate cabin heat, so handy in cold weather. Engine had 194 hours total time when this picture was taken.
aft fuselage and to date it has per formed flawlessly . Although he had not checked the old wing struts, Joe figured that 40 years of service was long enough , so he opted for a new set of struts and forks from Univair. (Three months later the strut AD came out!) Joe likes the security of flying the Super Cruiser with brand new struts installed. New windshield and glass was in stalled all around along with a modifi cation of the left window to open from the front and the back. This helps the backseat passenger in the summertime. One clever improvement was the placement of the two fuel tank drains into recessed openings in the bottom
Really nice workmanship is evident in this photo of the landing gear and cabin area. Note photographer's image in the wheelpant!
Tail feathers of the Super Cruiser feature close ribstitching and polished brace wires. The black-edged-in-white trim is especially sharp looking.
Some years ago, Joe had stumbled into a set of fiberglass PA-12 wheel pants for $35 and, with a little measur ing, decided a set of 8:00 x 6 tires would fit them to a 'T." A new set of Bodell wheels and brakes were instal led along with new tires and tubes . Joe especially likes the Bodell wheels be cause they install on the standard four bolt pattern and they don't have the brake disc out in the open as the Cleve land style brakes do. A new eight-inch Maule tailwheel was installed on the
that all screws are stainless. Bill explained how they would screw the stainless hardware into a wood block and polish each piece with a drum before removal and installation on the airplane .The result is quite startling as the screws appear to be chrome plated. (The real advantage will come in future years as the non-rust feature comes into play .) Each screw was installed with a neoprene washer that keeps the paint from chipping as the screw is tightened.
Father and son team of Bill and Joe Juranich pose by their 20-year restora tion job. Bill's two sons, Steve (14) and Charlie (10), will be the next generation to fly.
Above the cabin door, the recessed fuel tank drain is visible. This is a very neat solution to an old problem.
of the wings. The recesses are fabri cated from small pie pans as used in children's baking sets! With the recess going into the wing about 1-1 /2 inches, the Curtiss Quick-Drain valve does not protrude into the door opening arc, yet is fully functional inside the small re cess . Any seepage or drips fall harmlessly outside the wing . Each fuel tank contains 19 gallons so the total capacity of 38 gallons will give about a 4-112 hours range at eight-gph cruise. Normal cruise speed is about 110 mph at 65 percent power. An added extra is a full set of strut cuffs that Joe located in Oregon. These cuffs not only sharpen the looks but also help the speed just a tad. A close look at the finished airplane reveals
New instrument panel includes dual Narco 720 radios plus many more goodies. Note chrome plated rudder pedals. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 19
20 YEAR REBUILD One more feature that was added by the Juranich's was strobe lights on the wings and tail. When combined with the regular navigation lights and a lead ing edge landing light, night flying becomes an enjoyable experience. Of course, dual 720 Narco radios and a wide complement of instruments doesn't hurt either. All these goodies are not without some penalty and in this case, it trans lates into empty weight. The PA-12 tips the scales at I, liS lbs., which is about 150 lbs over the original weight. Of course, with 150-hp, performance is still excellent. The clever black and white pinstripe
With his father in the rear seat, Bill Juranich pulls the Super Cruiser in close to the photo plane over the waters of Lake Winnebago. Note how the Bodell wheels look very much like the original 8:00 X 4 wheels.
by Dennis Parks Library/ Archives Director The Swallow and Wichita Aviation The aircraft advertisements in the old aviation journals provide historic benchmarks in the progress of avia tion . In this case the trail left by the Swallow airplane will be examined . Swallow production in Wichita had a long career for the time and saw the fates of many of Wichita's famous av iation personalities tied to it. The first persons to be involved with the Swallow's design was E.M. THE OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE OF
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"Matty" Laird. Matty, from Chicago, was before the first World War a de signer and builder of personal-type airplanes and had started a factory there after the war. One of his purchasers was Billy Burke a principle in the Wichita Air craft Company . Burke suggested to Jacob "Jake" Mollendick, a successful oil man, that they bring Matty to Wichita to build his new commercial aircraft design. After setting up shop in 1919, as the E.M. Laird Company, the company's first airplane was manufactured and test flown in April 1920. Called the Laird-Swallow, the aircraft was an im mediate success by the standards of the time , with II orders coming in after the plane's announcement. Though the Laird-Swallow was bas ically a cleaned-up Jenny which main tained the same design features of a wood fuselage, two-bay wings, and an exposed Curtiss OX-5 engine, it did provide better performance and carried
three people on its 90 horsepower. An ad for the plane in 1921 called it "America's First Commercial Air plane." The text went on to state "As the Laird commercial airplane, more and more of them laud the advanced design by which the 'Swallow' obtains a maximum of speed on a minimum of power." It was during these early years that Buck Weaver, Lloyd Stearman and Walter Beech joined the project. by 1921 Weaver had left and in the fall of 1923 Laird left because of disagree ments over management and policy. ~==~~=-== ~ -===-======9 ·
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on the N numbers on the tail came from brother Bob Juranich in Seattle, who had them made up and sent to Basehor for installation. Bill had only to peel the backing off and stick them into position - total time, about 30 seconds! Below each wingspan bolt, a small door is built into the wing fuselage fairing to enable an inspector to view the wing bolts during annual inspec tions. Just a few tiny screws come out and the four doors are open! It is ideas such as these that speed up the inspec tions. Now you can begin to see how the Juranich's can get by on a $75 annual inspection! It just takes a little planning! We look forward to seeing this fine family back at Oshkosh '88 along with their beautiful PA-12 Super Cruiser..
Direct side view of a very pretty airplane! Sharp-eyed readers will note the nose looks just a tad shorter than normal- about three inches!
At this time the company name was changed to Swallow Airplane com pany. The Swallow was redesigned by Lloyd Stearman and advertised as the "New Swallow ." Among the new design features were a split axle, a completely cow led OX-5 engine, and single bay wings which eliminated two sets of drag pro ducing struts and associated wires. A 1924 ad in AVIAnON proc laimed "The outstanding performance of the New Swallow in the Speed and Efficiency Event for commercial planes of the recent National Air Meets at Dayton and Wichita offers evidence of its Superiority." This design which was to set the basic parameters for the next five years was well received as 26 were built and sold in the first six months . It was
during 1924 that Stearman and Beech quit the company and joined forces with Clyde Cessna, who owned a Swallow, to form the Travel Air Com pany. Two years later in 1926 enough changes had been made in the airplane to advertise it as the "Super Swallow." The ad proclaimed "The Greatest Value in Commercial Aircraft, In creased Climb, Greater Speed. " All again with the OX-5 engine as stan dard. For 1927 the Swallow was entirely redesigned by Waverly Stearman, brother of Lloyd. It retained the same basic layout as the previous Swallows as a three-place, open cockpit, biplane powered by the OX-5 . It now had a steel tube fuselage and stronger N struts for the wings .
This Swallow received Approval Type Certificate 51 in December 1927 and about 100 were built that year. An ad in 1927 called it "America's First Commercial Airplane" and stated that the company was "The oldest man ufacturer of commercial airplanes in America." The plane was produced for a few more years but the basic design had reached the peak of its development and after a production run of five years, was discontinued in 1929. During its time the Swallow had not only been a force in forging the com mercial airplane in the United States, but also had been a training ground for the founders of the following com panies; Laird, Waco, Travel Air, Beech and Lincoln-Standard. Quite a record . •
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OUR LAST PROJECT REAllYI UYou folks know how it is." by Eileen Macario (EAA 29124, NC 1551 ) 2003 Stoneham Drive West Chester, Pennsylvania 19382 All photos courtesy of the author
Part Two Months ago, when we were plan ning a work/time schedule for the airplane, one of the major considera tions was the size of our basement. Although there was enough storage space for all of the sections, there was not much "walk-around" area available for working on one particular project. So we decided to work on one section at a time, complete its covering and stitching and then move it over to the back room at a friend's auto body shop , where Tom and I would do the doping, painting and endless sanding . Since the fuselage took up the most space in the basement, we started with it. Our next priority was the tail group, and finally, the wings. As you may have already guessed, Torn is one of aviation's "old timers." He was an airport kid, constantly hang ing around the Philadelphia Airport just to be near the airplanes, and the happiest day of his life came when he received his pilot's license. He was an instructor for several years, and when he was around 22, he found out that corporations actually paid their pilots a salary! That really amazed him because he was so happy to fly that he would have flown for free (fortunately his present employer doesn ' t know that), and he has been a corporate pilot for more than 40 years. He got his A&E back in 1945 from the CAA , and has hand-sewn fabric coverings using the baseball stitch when airplanes were made "the old-fashioned way ." Al ways concerned with safety as well as the appearance of the airplane, he be lieves that all work must be uncom promisingly perfect inside and out. In fact, perfection is an obsession with him . So the fuselage of the PA-12 had 22 APRIL 1988
been restored to factory-new condi tion, the gray primed ' tubing looked sleek, with all sharp comers, protru sions, and welded spots covered over with masking tape so that there were no sudden bumps or bulges sticking out, and now it was ready for covering . Tom considers the covering of the airplane to be the fun part and he uses a system, the blanket overlap method, which always results in a beautiful finished product. His goal is to make the fabric covering look like it was born on the airplane. His method av oids that often-seen "V" shaped seam on top of the birdcage . Instead , his airplanes have only three major seams and these will be 99 percent invisible when the doping and sanding are com pleted . Using Ceconite 102 fabric, the belly of the fuselage was covered first, from the tail post up to the boot cowl sec tion, and cemented with RandoBond
cement, applied completely over and around the lower side longerons. The fabric was then shrunk . We found the industri al heat gun to be the most effi cient means for conforming and tight ening the fabric. Moving the gun just a few inches above the fabric generates enough heat to shrink the fabric with out scorching it or glazing over the weave on the surface. The porous na ture of this surface weave enables the initial coats of dope to adhere better to the fabric. Then, with the fuselage on its side, the length of fabric was laid from the end of the vertical fin to the front end of the cabin, positioning it with clamps and snap clothespins. Tom then cut the fabric following the general shape of the fuselage, but with one exception. He cut the fabric alongside the top side channeling of the cabin from the front, but then squared it off along the crossmember which lies between the two wings' rear fittings on the top of the birdcage. This results in a rectangu lar open space on top of the cabin , where a rectangular piece of fabric will be installed . Since that cross member would normally be covered with tape, it is the ideal location for a hidden seam connecting the two side fabric pieces to the top inserted piece. Since we were working with the left side of the fuselage first, Tom applied the cement around the top and right sides of the top stringer , and attached the fabric over and around the side of the stringer. The right side of the fabric would overlap, and be cemented to, the first side across the top stringer. When covered with grade A cotton 2 inch pinked-edge tape, this becomes a very strong merging of fabric and
wood, and, after doping and very meticulous sanding, even the tape line becomes almost invisible. To attach the bottom of the side panels, cement was laid along the undersides of the longerons, and the fabric pulled around to overlap the longerons and cemented on the bottom of the longerons , so that, in effect, these seams will be on the belly of the airplane. At the birdcage area, both side panels are cemented across the cross member (which lies between the two wings' rear fittings) and along the top side channeling over the cabin . After the right and left sides of the fabric were attached, the rectangular piece of fabric was cemented at the top of the birdcage, to the crossmember and to the top side channeling. The seam on the crossmember would be hidden under tape, and the seam on the top side channels would be hidden naturally under the wing fairings . The landing gear, which was in good condi tion and only needed cleaning and priming, was covered and heat was applied to shrink and shape all of the fabric. The wheels were placed on, and finally the fuselage was ready for its trip to the auto body shop.On this trip, it looked more like an airplane, relatively speaking, of course. A few months back, when the old fuselage and tail group covering had been stripped off, Tom had installed the tail group and the new cables to the stick and rudder pedals so that he could check their movement and travel with the controls . He stood back to sight them for alignment and shouted, "Oh ,
that hurts my eyeball." Here, with the stick fully back, the right elevator was fully raised while the left one was only partially raised . Investigation showed that the left elevator's ribs were bent and stretched downward, while the right one was stretched upward slightly. This caused the position of the elevator relative to its hom to change. We could only speculate on what caused it, but one possibility could be strong wind gusts hitting un secured elevators . And the result would be that the pilot would have difficulty getting the tail down for landing, even with the stick fully back - in effect he would be operating with only one elevator in the full up position . In addition to the alignment prob lem, the tip trailing edge and left-hand spar of the left elevator were badly rusted and required replacement. The entire lower portion of the rudder was rusted to powder and needed construc tion of trailing edge, ribs and hom . Interestingly, the inside of the old fab ric showed a high-water mark where water had lain for some time . It is difficult to imagine the extent of dam age that water can do in a short period of time until you feel metal tubing disintegrate into chips in your hand. One can never overemphasize the im portance of first, having sufficient drainage holes on all of the airplane surfaces, and secondly, keeping the holes clear and unplugged. When someone is in the midst of an airplane restoration project, with tons of cleaning, scraping, welding, wiring
and cementing to do, and surrounded up to his kiester with parts, metal sheets, fabric, tools and a million nuts and bolts, probably the best thing in the world is to hear some person say, ''I'd like to help you with the project," especially if that person is knowledge able about old airplanes. Tom heard those welcome words from a friend, Paul (affectionately called "Mr. Paul"). Like Tom, Mr. Paul is a genuine aviation old-timer (he was a 8-17 pilot in World War II) , who now flies the tow plane for a glider club based at the airfield where we hangar our Starduster. Mr. Paul wanted to learn more of the nitty-gritty details of classic airplane restoration , and since he is retired and has a few free hours, he comes over one, sometimes two, days a week to work on the PA-12 . He is a really pleasant guy who likes to whistle while he works and has been a great help to Tom, because he knows what to do and he understand how Tom works. When we had stripped the old fabric from the right wing, we found it to be in relatively good condition . Of course, the spars, ribs, drag wires and aluminum structure were covered with a light powdered corrosion, and the leading edge had a few minor dents . Tom disassembled the wing , removing drag wires, compression members, leading and trailing edges, and several ribs . After a lot of cleaning and scrap ing with that awful wire brush, the wing was reassembled, primed and a new bow tip installed. Tom did have to manufacture new aileron hinges out of VINTAGE AIRPLANE 23
steel channel, because the old ones were just too rusted and pitted to re pair. The wing structure looked fac tory-new again. The condition of the left wing was a different story. The leading edge looked like someone had hit it two or 20 times with a baseball bat, the trail ing edge was twisted and one of the spars had a wave to it. After the usual cleaning, scraping, prImmg, straightening of trailing edge, tram meling, installation of new cables, bell-crank hardware and bow tip were completed; Tom got into some metal work with the construction of a new leading edge. The first thing to be said in favor of manufacturing your own leading edge, is that it is a heck of a lot cheaper than the store bought ones. We are talking about $25.75 versus whatever Univair or Wag-Aero charge now. Secondly, you can make it fit 100 percent per fectly. Of course, it requires extra de tail work, effort and time; but that is the name of the game in airplane resto rations, right??? Tom purchased one three-foot by eight-foot sheet of .020 metal for $17.75. After measuring, he cut it into four sections, using his hand shears. Bending the two 1-112 inch flanges on the top and bottom of each section was done with a professional press brake by a local machine shop, which only charged $8 for this service. Tom then cut the notches for the ribs and the cut-out for the landing light with the hand shears . There are probably sev eral ways to form the sheet metal to the curve of the front of the ribs, but Tom's method works quite well . He made a "shaping tool" out of a length of PVC pipe which was attached to a two-inch x four-inch length of wood. He chose the two-inch thick pipe be cause it most closely approximated the radius of the rib nose . Then he laid the sheet metal under the pipe/wood and "folded" it up, over and around. When the shaped metal sheet is laid in position on the front of the ribs, naturally it must be held as tightly as possible against the ribs so that the screws can be placed accurately.Mere clamps may not be enough to secure the metal firmly; but Tom's method guarantees that the metal will be held tightly and immovably in position. First you need a rather unusual item an innertube, and secondly you need a length of wood (we used a one-inch by one-inch x eight-foot). The innertube was cut from the outside to the inside into strips about an inch wide, in ef fect, making large, super strong "rub 24 APRIL 1988
ber bands." The wood was cut into pieces about a foot long. Then, with the wood strips placed behind the front spar, the "rubber bands" were stretched across the ends of the wood and around the entire leading edge. The tension forces the leading edge to lie tightly again the ribs and holds it securely. There was one other piece of con
26 APRIL 1988
struction that Tom wanted to do before covering the wing - and that was on the landing light assembly. The previ ous installation was made in accor dance with the Piper STC and the lights were fully operational. However, some rust had developed along the line of Tinnerman nuts and sheet metal screws . Also, because the lights were held in their brackets with machine
screws and stop nuts, it was frustrat ingly difficult to reach behind the bulbs if they had to be replaced. Tom's sol ution was to make new sheet metal frames for the entire light assembly, and to attach no. eight plate nuts to the back of the frame at one-inch intervals . Not only is this a nicer installation, but it facilitates fast access to the inner parts of the light assembly .
With all screw heads and seams in the sheet metal covered with tape, at last the wings could be covered . Start ing with the underside of the wing, the fabric was cut along the general shape of the wing and held in place with clamps and snap clothespins. The sel vage, which tends to pucker up when cemented, was trimmed off. The trail ing edge was secured first, then the leading edge. We started cementing at the middle of each edge and then worked outwards, because we found that it was easier to pull and smooth the fabric evenly across the wing, and we ended up with hardly any excess fabric at the bow tip or butt-end. Working on the top side of the wing, with the fabric held in position, this time about one-and-a-half inch extra was allowed at the trailing edge. The extra fabric was pulled around and cemented underneath the edge, thereby placing the actual seam on the bottom side of the wing. The result is a very smooth look on the top side of the trailing edge. With both sides covered and with the wing lying on the wooden horses, Tom began to build in the wash-out by blocking up the wing to the desired shape, and then shrinking the fabric with the heat gun. Later, the many coats of applied dope serve to reinforce that wash-out shape. Starting the wash out at this point makes for an easier fitting when the wings are finally hung on the fuselage. Finally, with the bottom side up, Tom trimmed off any extra fabric along the edge and then applied a light final coat of cement to ensure that all edges lay flat. While the wing was still horizontal, we marked the positions for stitching. The wings were hung from the rafters for stitching. - Mr. Paul and I have now developed some expertise at this task. The covered wings joined the fusel age and the other parts in the back room of Steve's auto body shop. The plan is to use the larger space of the body shop to complete all doping and sanding, install all instruments, com plete the cabin interior, hang and run the engine and prop, and test-fit the wings and cables. When every part checks out okay, the wings will be removed. Then on a bright, sunny morning, hopefully in mid-April, we will take all of the sections over to the West Chester Airport for an all-day final assembly session, culminating in the first flight. What a thrilling sight that is . • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 27
by George A. Hardie, Jr.
Typical of the period in which this airplane was produced, this low wing monoplane featured a cantilever wing of considerable span. The landing gear had the popular Goodyear airwheels for additional shock absorbing ability. The photo, date and location unknown, was submitted by Owen Billman of Mayfield, New York . Answers will be published in the July, 1988 issue of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Dead line for that issue is May 10, 1988. The Mystery Plane for January was no mystery to Bob Taylor of Tipp City, Ohio, who writes: 'The plane you pictured is a two place side-by-side B-2 Aerowing Taylor Chummy designed by my father, e.G. Taylor in 1927. Three A-2 Chummys were built in Rochester, New York, but this B-2 was built at Taylor Brothers Aircraft in Bradford, 28 APRIL 1988
Pennsylvania between February and May, 1930. The best record I have shows 10 aircraft produced, including the Guggenheim competition aircraft. I believe only eight were built, and two were rebuilt. The first Taylor Cub was Serial Number 11 as a follow-on to the Taylor Chummy. "The engine pictured here is a 90-hp Kinner. Normally the propeller had a spinner which faired into the exhaust collector ring. The airplane was a clean design, but succumbed to the Depres sion of 1929." Charles Trask of York Haven, Pennsylvania added this comment: This particular Chummy, Cln 11, NC 592V has a Kinner K-5 engine, and is a rebuild of the second pro totype, C/n 8 which was built in 1928 and registered X-140E. Following sev eral minor accidents with the first pro totype (Cln 7 which carried the Iden tification No . 7303) the second pro totype was not flown and was stored
until it was rebuilt and given a new identity in March, 1930. Following C/n 11 three further Chummys were built prior to emergence of the first Cub in September, 1930. This one puz zled me a bit as the lift struts have been changed from the original 'N' config uration." Other answers were received from Doug Rounds, Zebulon, Georgia; Robert E. Nelson, Bismarck, North Dakota; Charley Hayes, Park Forest, Illinois; and Frank H . Dreher, San Clemente, California .•
Where The Sellers and Buyers Meet. .. 25~
per word, 20 word minimum. Send your ad to The Vintage Trader, Wittman Airfield Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591.
AIRCRAFT: 1936 J-2 Taylor (Piper) - Excellent condition . 65 hp Continental. Also Piper J-5 basket case com plete less engine and additional set J-5 paper work. Bob Schroeder, days 4141739-0137 , evenings 414/ 766·5993. (5-2)
PLANS: POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol - unlimited in low-cost pleasure flying. Big, roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 3'/2 gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction sheets. Plans - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609.
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WANTED: Wanted: 83 back issues of The Vintage Airplane, write for list, $1 .25 each. Robert V. Beal, 825 W. Broadway, Madisonville, KY 42431 . (3-1) WANTED: For Bellanca "CH" restoration : 32 x 6 wheel and a pair of brake assemblies. Early shock cord gear legs. JG·9 front exhaust, wheel pants , cowling and instruments. I'd like to hear from any one who has operated or owned the CHI Pacemaker. Dan Cullman, 17618 SE 293rd Place, Kent, WA 98042. (4-1) Wanted: Ex·Cell·O A·41 fuel injection pump for Continental C-85·12J engine or information about rebuilding such a pump. Sam Clipp, 364 W. Oak Drive, Souderton, PA 18964, 2151723·5161.
SERVICES: ANTIQUE RESTORERS - REPLICA BUILDERS - Why ruin your authentic masterpiece with nic ropress? The Navy splice still lives! $20.00 each any size. Send your cables marked to length plus 12 inches, together with turnbuckle eye if required to A&E #14917, Ralph Korngold, 385 Wilton Av enue, Palo Alto, CA 94306. (5-2)
Send check or money order with copy to Vintage Trader · EAA. Wittman Airfield . Oshkosh. WI 54 903·3086.
The EM Aviation Center is located on Wittman Field. Oshkosh. Wis. - just off Highway 41. Going North Exit Hwy. 26 or 44. Going South Exit Hwy. 44 and follow signs. For fly·ins - free bus from Basler FI ight Service.
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