
Page 1


by Espie "Butch" Joyce


hose of us who had the privilege of attending EAA Oshkosh '89 will have the memory of seeing no fewer than six Jennies. A number of people expressed their delight in seeing those aircraft flying. Several older pilots told me even though they had been around quite a few years, they had never seen a Jenny fly. I wish to express my personal thanks to the owners and pilots who brought their Jennies to Oshkosh . A special thanks goes to Ken Hyde who or­ ganized this gathering. We should also recognize the organizational work of Tom Poberezny for his securing trans­ portation and sponsorship for these air­ craft. Tom , with the help of Bill Turner and Allied Van Lines , and Tom Davis who obtained sponsorship from a number of airlines pulled all this to­ gether and made it work . Everyone enjoyed the Russians' visit. This was a unique occurance and the topic of constant conversation. With the Antique/Classic Headquarters being so near, we were a good place for these people to visit. We had a number of good meetings and conver­ sation exchanges. I just hope the Rus­


sians will carry home the good will we at the A/C Division attempted to con­ vey to them . All of the Antique/Classic area is op­ erated by volunteers. Never cou ld I have asked for a better group of people. It would be impossible to thank everyone individually but all of you did a superb job . I wish to express special thanks to Art Morgan and the group at A/C Park­ ing. They were called on again and again to perform on short notice and never were we disappointed. Kate Morgan and Ruth Coulson worked their hearts out at A/C Headquarters. Charlie Harris did a superior job with the Interview Circle . The judges worked constantly and, as always, did a great job . Bob Brauer had a good response at his Membership and Chap­ ter Booth. Bob's wife, Phyllis com­ piled and published a daily newsletter on activities in the Antique/Classic area of the Convention. So many worked so hard to make all go smoothly. On a personal note, this was the first year for my daughters, Wendy and Sarah to attend the Convention . Sarah is 12 and I asked her to write down her impressions of EAA Oshkosh ' 89:

"My first impression of Oshkosh was that I couldn't believe that there were that many airplanes in one place . What I liked most was the Piedmont DC-3, SR-71, the Russian airplanes and the Qantas 747. Everyone was so nice. They told me to look aliI wanted and stopped to explain things to me . The airshows were fantastic. The exhibit buildings and the Fly-market were places I enjoyed visiting. We spent but one afternoon at the museum, there was so much to see and so little time . 1 loved it all - the planes, the people and the great fun ofbeing there. I am already working on my dad to let me come back next year so that I can see and do everything!!" The happening that we have just par­ ticipated in, as always, takes us back to our love of aviation . I'm glad to have been part of EAA Oshkosh '89. I am back at work now, and maybe I can get some rest and get ready for our Board meeting in November. I would like to have your impressions and suggestions to take to this meeting . We grow better when we all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation. Join us and have it all . •


Tom Poberezny



Dick Matt


Mark Phelps


Mike Drucks

SEPTEMBER 1989. Vol. 17, No.9


Mary Jones

Copyright ' 1989 by the EAA AntiquelClassic Division, Inc. All rights reserved.


Norman Petersen Dick Cavin


George A Hardie, Jr. Dennis Parks


Isabelle Wiske


Jim Koepnick Carl Schuppel

Jeff Isom




President Espie "Butch" Joyce Box 468 Madison, NC 27025

Vice President Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd. Milwaukee, Wi 53216



Secretary George S. York 181 Sloboda Ave. Mansfield, OH 44906

Contents 2

Straight and Level/by Espie "Butch" Joyce


MC News/compiled by Mark Phelps


EAA Oshkosh '89/photos by Mark Phelps Page 6


Time Capsule/by Mark Phelps


Vintage Literature/by Dennis Parks


Taildragonlby Mark Phelps

John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01:)81


Deer Pasture Fly-Inlby Dick Cavin


Seabird Sonata/by Norm Petersen


Pass It To Bucklby E.E. "Buck" Hilbert


Vintage Trader


Mystery Planelby George Hardie, Jf.


E.E. "Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180



DIRECTORS Robert C. "Bob" Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60620



Philip Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, M149065

William A Eickhoff 41515th Ave., N.E. S!. Petersburg, FL 33704



Charles HarriS 3933 South Peoria P.0. Box 904038 Tulsa, OK 74105

Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434

Page 14


9181742-7311 Dale A Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278


Rober! D. "Bob" Lumley N104 W20387 Willow Creek Rd. Colgate, 'WI 53017



Gene Morris 115C Steve Court, R.R. 2 Roanoke,1X 76262

Steven C. Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007



Daniel Neuman 1521 Berne Circle W. Minneapolis, MN 55421 612/571-0893

5.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213

Page 24

FRONT COVIER ... The sun finally sets on EAA Oshkosh '89, and the Douglas Historical Foundation's rare DC-2. (Photo by Mark Phelps)



7200 S.E. 85th Lane

Ocala. FL 32672

REAR COVIER . .. From the EAA Archives, LibrarylArchives Director, Dennis Parks uncovered one of Karl Orfs catalogs of pilot supplies. The colorized photo features the likeness of Ort himself, resplendant in helmet and Willsonite Navy flying goggles, $12.47 a pair in 1937.


ADVISORS John Berendt 7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls, MN 55009

Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, Wi 54903



George Daubner 2448 Lough Lane Hartford, WI 53027

John A Fogerty RR2,Box70 Roberts, WI 54023



Jeannie Hill

P.O. Box 328

Harvard, IL 60033




trademar1<s. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE ao:I logos 01 the EM AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. ao:I EAA ULTRALIGKT CONVENTION are trademar1<s 01 the above

associatioos ao:Ilheir use by art; person other than the above associatioos is strictly proobited.

Editorial P(jk:y: Readers are encouraged 10 submrt stories ao:I photographs. PoIk:y opiOOns expressed in artides are soIe~ II'ose 01 the authors. ResponstJility for

occuracy ~ reporting rests entirely with the contri>utor. Material shoold be sent to: Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wrttrnan Re9<JnaI AiI]lOrt. 3000 Poberezny Ad ,

OsN<osh, WI 54903-3086. Phooo: 41 41426-4800.

The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) ~ publisOOd ao:I owned exdusively by EAA Antique/Classic OMsion,loc. 01 the Expenmenlal Aircraft Association, loc. ao:I

is pu~ished monlh~ at Wrttrnan Regional Airport 3000 PoIberezny Rd., Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. SecoOO Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 ao:I additional

mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA AnliquelClassic Division, loc. are $18.00 for aJrreoi EAA men"bers lor" 12 rnor/h period 01 wtlich $12.00 is for the publication

01 The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open 10 all who are inlerested in aviation.

ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered lhrol.\lh OIJr aovertising. We invrte constructive mlicism and welcome

any report of inferior merchandise oblained lhrough our aovertising so lhat correc1ive measures can be laken.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Antique/Classic o;vision, loc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh. WI 54903-3086.


Compiled by Mark Phelps EAA Oshkosh '89 The Convention is now history . This year presented a random sample of weather ranging from damp and chilly (the vendors sold a lot of jackets and sweatshirts) to a reprise of some of the heat left over from 1988. More impor­ tant than the weather here in Oshkosh was the circle of nasty stuff surround­ ing northeast Wisconsin. Many East Coast aircraft owners got as close as Indiana and Illinois only to park their aircraft and continue on via airline or rental car. We can only guess at how many turned back and never got to the Fly-in at all . For all of that, the numbers of an­ tiques registered was up from last year - 137 from 135 . Classics suffered a setback from 818 in 1988 to 583 this year. What may have been lacking in quantity was more than made up in quality . The Grand Champions in both antique and classic categories were a pair of real jewels. Bill Halverson's Grand Champion Antique Staggerwing was a sight to behold and Charles Hoover's Grand Champion Classic 85­ hp Swift was a rare example of that airplane with its original powerplant. Award Winners The following are the award winners in the Antique/Classic Division for EAA Oshkosh '89:

Antique A wards Grand Champion William Halverson, Bloomington, Minnesota. 1947 Beech Staggerwing . Reserve Grand Champion Fred G. Nelson, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. 1943 Stearman fYf-17.

Outstanding Open-cockpit Monoplane Bill Rose, Barrington, Illinois. 1941 Ryan STM . Outstanding Closed-cockpit Biplane Bob Hathaway, Hollywood, Califor­ nia. 1935 Waco CUC-I . Outstanding Open-Cockpit Biplane Red River Tiger Moth Group, Wakefield, Quebec. 1941 deHavilland Tiger Moth. Silver Age, 1928 - 1932 Champion R.W . Kaplan, Owatonna, Minnesota. 1929 Curtiss Robin J-\. Runner-up Bill Watson, Tulsa, Ok­ lahoma. 1928 Kreider Reisner KR-31. Outstanding Open-cockpit Biplane Vernon Dallman, Jr., Esparto, Califor­ nia . 1932 Curtiss-Wright BI4B.

Replica Aircraft Champion Vernon Dallman, Jr., Es­ parto, California. Beachey "Little Looper." Runner-up Don Rushton, Edmonton , Alberta. Sopwith Camel. Unique Aircraft Jim Younkin, Springdale, Arkansas . Younkin Special, "Goliath ."

Classic A wards Golden Age, 1918 - 1927 Champion Ray Folsom, Lomiat, California. 1918 Curtiss JN4D Jenny . Pioneer Age, Prior to 1918 Champion Chester Peek , Norman, Ok­ lahoma. 1917 Curtiss JN4D Jenny. Runner-up Wally Olson, Vancouver, Washington . 1917 Curtiss JN4D Jenny. Outstanding Skeeter Carlson, Spokane, Washington . 1917 Curtiss JN4 Canuck. World War II Military Trainer Champion Ken Volk, Fort Worth, Texas . 1943 Boeing A75N I. Runner-up William L. Johnson, Oak­ brook, Illinois. 1943 Stearman N2S-3. Outstanding Ed Midgely, Geneva, Il­ linois. 1943 Stearman N2S-3.

Contemporary Age, 1933-1945 Transport Category Champion William Quincy, Columbia, Champion Stinson Enterprises, Missouri . 1947 Staggerwing. Neenah, Wisconsin. 1931 Stinson SM6000. Runner-up Doug Combs/Linda Gam­ Runner-up Bill Rose, Barrington, Il­ ble, Incline Village, Nevada. 1934 Luscombe Phantom. linois. 1944 Grumman Goose B-100. Outstanding Douglas Historical Foun­ Outstanding Closed-cockpit Mono­ plane Steve Givens, Anderson, In­ dation, Long Beach, California. 1935 Douglas DC-2. diana . 1940 Culver Cadet. 4 SEPTEMBER 1989

Customized Aircraft Champion Jim Kramer, Boynton Beach, Florida. 1942 Cessna T-50. Runner-up Tom Flock, Rockville , In­ diana . 1940 Waco UPF-7 . Outstanding Bob Poor, Greencastle, Indiana. 1941 Waco UPF-7.

Grand Champion Charles Hoover, St. Paul, Minnesota. Swift GC-IA . Reserve Grand Champion Clyde Barton, Angleton, Texas . Luscombe IIA .

Class 1/ - 100 to 150 hp Robert Gehring, Rubicon, Wisconsin . Piper PA-I2 . Class III - 150 hp and above Jim Rollison, Vacaville, California. Cessna 180. Custom Class A - up to 100 hp Gary Winter, Pipestone, Minnesota. Piper Vagabond PA-15. Custom Class B - 100 to 150 hp Henry Geissler, Webster, Minnesota. Piper J-3 Clipwing Cub. Custom Class C - 150 hp and above. Daryl Dressler, St. Paul, Minnesota. Swift GCIB Outstanding Workmanship Award, Custom. J. Dawson Ransome, New Hope, Pennsylvania. Piper PA-18. Best in Class Aeronca - over 100 hp Charles Han­ son, Dundee, Illinois . Aeronca 15AC. Aeronca - under 100 hp Don Shilling, Texarkana, Texas. Aeronca Champ.

Beechcraft Dave Slovacheck, Colgate, Wisconsin . Bonanza C-35 . Cessna 120-140 Michael Shaver, Bridgeton, Missouri . Cessna 140. Cessna 170-180 Hartwig, Rueckl and Slomski , Menasha, Wisconsin . Cessna 170A. Cessna 190-195 Paul Dougherty and Paul Dougherty, Jr. , Warrenton, Pennsylvania. Cessna 195. Ercoupe Scott Olson, Lake Elmo, Minnesota. Navion Ralph Abercrombie, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Piper 1-3 Jim Lefevre, Howard , Wis­ consin. Piper (others) P.W. Steiner, San Fran­ cisco, California. PA-20. Stinson Tom and Lorraine Zedaker, Las Vegas, Nevada. Stinson 108-2. Swift Jon W. Breese, Omaha, Neb­ raska. Swift GC-IB . Taylorcraft John McDonald, Windom, Kansas . BC-12D-1. Funk Dan Towers, Dover, Delaware . Limited Production James Sorensen , Ceres, California. Republic RC-3 . Luscombe Jim Rushing and Owen Bruce, Allen, Texas. Luscombe 8E . •

Peter Hawks, 1934 - 1989 It is with deep regret that we report the passing of Antique/Classic Divi­ sion Advisor, Peter Hawks, who died of cancer on July 21, one week before his 65th birthday . Peter's efforts on be­ half of the division will be sorely missed. We offer condolences to his family .

CALENDAR OF EVENTS August 31-September 1 Cof­ feyville, Kansas. Funk Aircraft Own­ ers Association Reunion. Contact Ray Pahls , President. Tel. 316/943-6920.

registration and a seminar fee required.

Contact EAA Education office at 414/

426-4800 .

September 6-10 - Galesburg, Il­ linois. 18th Annual Stearman Fly-In. Contact Tom Lowe at 815/459-6873.

September 22 - 23 - Tahlequah, Ok­

lahoma (50 miles ESE, Tulsa). 32nd

Annual Tulsa Fly-in, Tahlequah Air­

port. Contact Charlie Harris, 3933 S.

Peoria, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135. Tel.


also: In conjunction: 9th Annual

Bucker Fly-in. Contact Frank Price,


September 9 - Chico, California. Chico Airshow and Celebration, Chico Municipal Airport. Contact Dino Cor­ bin at 916/342-0141 or Harold Schooler at 916/891 -4214 .

September 30 - October 1 - Bin­

gham, Maine. 20th Annual Gadabout

Gaddis Fly-in, Gadabout Gaddis Air­

port, Bingham, Maine. Call 207/672­ 5527 or 672-4135.

September 9-10 - Shirley , Long Is­ land , New York . 26th Annual Antique Airplane Club of Greater New York Fly-In. Brookhaven Airport . Rain date, September 16-17 . Contact John Schlie at 516/957-9145 .

September 30 - October 1 ­ Lexington, Tennessee. 5th Annual

Tennessee Taildraggers Association

Fly-in . Call 901/968-2864 eves.

September 1-5 - Bartlesville , Ok­ lahoma. National Antique Airplane Association Fly-In at Frank Phillips Field. Contact Robert L. Taylor at 515/ 938-2773.

September 15-17 - Jacksonville, Il­ linois . Fifth Annual Byron Smith Memorial Stinson Fly-In and Reunion . Contact Loran Nordgren at 815/469­ 9100. September 21-24 - Oshkosh , Wis­ consin. Aircraft Restoration and Technology Seminar, EAA Air Ad­ venture Museum . The Smithsonian In­ stitution lecture and seminar program presents a series of media programs, lectures and hands-on programs. Pre­

October 5-8 - Pauls Valley, Ok­

lahoma. International Cessna 120-140

Association Fly-In Convention. Fifty

miles south of Oklahoma City on 1-35 .

Fly-Outs, games and fun for all. Close

to motels and shopping mall. Excellent

camping facilities on field. Contact

Bud Sutton at 405/392-5608 .

October 7-8 - Sussex, New Jersey.

Quad-chapter fly-in, Sussex Airport .

Sponsored by EAA Chapters, 238, 73,

891 and EAA Antique/Classic Chapter

7. Contact Bill Tuchler, 2011797-3835 or Konrad Kundig, 2011361-8789 . •

Book Review


SKYWARD: WHY FLYERS FLY by Russell Munson , with an introduction by Richard Bach . 208 Pages, 162 color photographs. Howell Press, 700 Harris Street Suite B, Charlottesville, Vir­ ginia 22901. $45.00. Pilots who wish they could allow their non-believer friends to experience the wonder that draws us to aviation can thank Russell Munson . In this top­ quality coffee-table book, he weaves a tapestry of aviation that includes not only the people and the machines, but also the way we feel about flying . Munson's work as a photographer is well-known to readers of FLYING

Magazine . He also provided the photot for Richard Bach's bestseller, lonathan Livingston Seagull. In Bach's introduction to Skyward he qualifies Munson as a photographer, and a writer, who understands the poetry of aviation and speaks to it with his work. This includes not only pic­ tures and stories of airplanes, but also dynamic images of people, be they pilots , passengers or simply awe­ struck observers. The aircraft range from antiques to cutting-edge, corpo­ rate jets but the common thread is the love of flight that all pilots know. Sky­ ward will help us share it with our friends. - Mark Phelps VINTAGE AIRPLANE 5


Photos by Mark Phelps

Jennies on the move, being towed from overnight shelter in hangars to the Antique flightline. 6 SEPTEMBER 1989

Skeeter Carlson flies his ultra-rare Curtiss IN-4 "Canuck," a Canadian-built Jenny.

Ray Brooks, World War I ace with six vic足 tories describes some of his early experi足 ences with Jennies.


Wingwalkers are standard equipment with a Jenny.

Bill Schlapman's Taylorcraft attracts a youthful shade-worshipper.

Cub scouts? 8 SEPTEMBER 1989

The American Eagle during the Antique/Classic Parade of Flight. Owner, Gene Morris.

Susan Dusenbury gets a motorscooter escort to the Interview Circle. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9

The Time CaR.sule


MARTIN B-lOB The ,Martin B-IOB was the standard Army bomb"r until replaced by the Boeing B-17 "Flying Fortress" in the late 1930s. The Mar­ tin was the second all-metal, twin-engine monoplane in the Army's bomber inventory, after the Boeing B-9, and the first to incorpo­ rate internal bomb stowage and an enclosed front gun turret. When 48 B-IOs were ordered on January 17,1933 at a cost of$2,440,000, the bomber was faster than any U.S. fighter in service. With R-1820-19 engines, the Mar­ tin had a top speed of 207 mph at 6,000 feet. When the Army wrested the coastal defence responsibility from the Navy, B-lOs and B-12s (a B-1O with 775-hp R-1690-11 engines) were fitted with floats and auxiliary fuel tanks for the mission. (Radtke Photo #759)

RYAN C-l The "Foursome" as the C-I was informally called, was Ryan 's representative in the at­ tempt to lure the businessman and family-flier market. Smaller than the more famous Brouhgam, the C-I was also faster and more sprightly on the controls. Inside, the smaller cabin was nevertheless more luxuriously ap­ pointed with deep automobile sears and matching headliner. Developed in 1930, only three C-I s were built, one of which was con­ verted to the C-2 with a Packard diesel engine. Another C-I, perhaps the one shown here, was later fitted with auxiliary fuel tanks and launched from Nova Scotia in August 1939 reportedly headed for Palestine. It was never seen again. (Radtke Photo #847)



Starting in lace 1929 with the transcontinental New York to Los Angeles air derby, the Waco CTO Taperwing ran up a succession of cre­ dentials that made it one of the most exciting and romantic airplanes of the era. At a time when exhibit flying and air racing captured the public's imagination, the Waco took center stage. Wacos placed 2-5-6 at the Cleveland Ail' Derby, second in the Australian pursuit race (with Art Davis at the controls) and first in the same event for women, piloted by Gladys O'Donnell. Fearless Freddie Lund was the first to complete an outside loop in a pro­ duction airplane, his Waco Taperwing and led a team ofthree Taperwings to top civilian aero­ batic team honors. The list goes on through the early I 930s. The Taperwing was the ship to fly if you meant to go fast and win races. The example shown here has had its N struts replaced by I struts in an apparent allempt to tweak more speed from the airframe. (Radtke Photo #/01 9)


The exploits of the "Douglas Commercial" series are legend. The airplane changed the face ofair transportation in the United States and the world. TWA was the first on the band­ wagon at a time when each new aircraft type was eclipsing its predecessor by leaps and bounds. The DC-I, prototype of the DC-2, left the vaunted Boeing 247, an impressive airplane in its own right, far behind. The most impressive feat of the DC-I was its flight from Winslow, Arizona (elev. 4,256 feet) to Al­ buquerque, New Mexico across the 7,243-foot Continental Divide. The flighc was performed on one engine! On February 18, 1934 the DC­ I flew from Los Angeles to Newark, New Jer­ sey in 13 hours, four minutes, besting the pre­ vious airliner record by more than five hours. While the Boeing 247 had sec the format with its all-metal, monocoque construction, the Douglas transport carried che theme to its ful­ lest potential, capturing the confidence of the airline flying public. (Radtke Photo #421)

A 12 page illustrated catalog of the over 1,000 negatives in the Radtke Collection is now available from the EAA Foundation ArChives for $3.00 postpaid. Write: EAA Aviation Foundation Library, P.O. Box 3065, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065 or call1-80Q-843-3612. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11

VI~TA(3~ LIT~I2ATUI2~ Used Aircraft Guides Who among us hasn't had the urge to buy a used airplane? Today, there are at least a dozen publications dedi­ cated to airplane advertising . The stan­ dard is Trade-A -Plane, published in Crossville, Tennessee since 1937. But what did buyers use as a source in the 1920s and '30s? Among the forums for used planes were the classified ad sec­ tions in the large-circulation aviation magazines such as AERIAL AGE and AERO DIGEST. The following selec­ tions examine the used airplane and en­ gine listings in these publications from 1919 to 1937.

AERIAL AGE 1915 AERIAL AGE classified advertising began in the April 19, 1915 issue with a half-page classified section. It con­ tained three ads for used equipment. One was for a Curtiss plane.

FOR SALE-CURTISS AEROPLANE Btst offer over '500.00 takeo my Curtis. Type Aeraglane, equipped with 60 II. P., II cylinder Kirk am Motor. All In load "ylnl condition; crated lor exhibition work and Include. 4 extra aectlons and motor part.. Machine wu flown by EUlene Godet, aeason 1913. Addre.., G. W. ZEIGIN

p, O. BOl607 Monroe, La.

Bank Reference

There was also an ad for a used An­ zani engine and a Curtiss flying boat.

PROPELLERS-New OX5 Flottorp copper· tipp, lIispano, Liberty, Curtis. Navy, etc. Single $10.00 each. Lots of 25 $4 .00 each . Parachute $50.00. Moore, 60 Richfield Ave., Buffalo, New York.

by ()ennls Varks IA4. Llb.-ao'/An::hlves ()I.-ed().­

JN4D In .ood nyln. condition $650.00. Will fly. Smiley, ttach purchaser to Erie Seward, Nebr.

FOR SALE-Two Biplane, 38 ft. wings, all surfaces newly covered. 7 cylinder Gnome motor. Guaranteed to be in fine flying condition. Price $1,500. Addre.. C. II . Ruth· erford, First and C Sts., San Diego, Calif.

NEW L-W-F complete, for ..Ie.


Thl. waa

machin e, oever flown.

Now in

warehouse. Price is right. Addres. Box 388, cia Aerial Age. 280 Madison Ave., New York City .

a good plane at a right price

By January 1923, the classified sec­ tion had grown to full page and there were more than 40 ads for used aircraft and engines. Included were Anzani, Hisso and Liberty motors . Aircraft in­ cluded a Curtiss Seagull with 20 hours, a three-place Laird Swallow with only 12 hours for $1,850 and a 220-hp SPAD Scout for $400. FOR SALE-Modd A Hispano ISO H. P. $2~O.OO, 220 II . P . geared lIispano ~"'lO .Oo. OX5 Curti.. $t2 5· 00 . All finc condition. Curtiss M. F. boat with model A lIispano L W. F. tractor less power $Joo.oo. $875·00. Nels J. Nelson, 513 East St., New Dritain, Conn.

A adlson Ave., New York City.

Write lor IiJt. or Jpeci/y your requirement.

ERICSON AIRCRAFT LIMITED 120 King E, Toronto, Canada


1922 AERO DIGEST began its "Buyers Di­ rectory" in October 1922. It had three ads for used equipment. Included was a Curtiss MF flying boat without en­ gine for $675. N.w "'.F . FI,i .. , Boat wilk o,,1 . ..,i. _' 1175.

8 0. 2. Aeronauli(;al Oi,e.1 342 M.di ••• A" • .• N._ Y • • 10 Ci ly


Si• . ••• I • • A •• I.I T • ••••• • I Fl•••• '7 .000.

Addrell 80. 3. A eronauti(;a l Oi,e.t,

FOR SALE-New M. F. f1~n. boat, 3 nater, ,..ith nelV 100 H .P. ox 6 motor installed, ship completely tuned up and Trad for flight ~1200. 00. Address Box 685, c/o erial Age, 942 Grand Central Terminal, New York City.

"(iIlJ. Addr... Box 389, c!o Aeri.1 Ar', 280

Parts for Avros and Sopwith planes

Service the best-Prices the best balanced


By September 22, 1919 the c1ass­ ified section was still just a half page but there were now 10 ads for used equipment including Canadian Curtiss IN trainers, a Wright flying boat and a Gnome-powered biplane.


Everything for

Canucks, JN4s and OX5 Motora

FOR SALE-Followln. aeroplan.. ready to Ay; Thomas·Morse Scout (new) OX5 motor, $600.00. French Spad Scout, 220 II.P. ulotor (new) $400.00. Hiendrick Scout OX5 motor, $800.00. Standard J -, (new) OX6 motor, 11000.00. E. J . Bond, 609 Main St., IIouston, Tex.


ria ht . Nt'arly new, perfect condition, ready for

CURTISS SEAGULL-Equipped with C-6 motor, used about twenty hours; mechanically rerfect; looks like new. Price reasonable. nquire Owner, 1308 Marine Trust Bldll., Buffalo, N. Y.



WANTED-Three new Standards ready for OX5's, F. O. B. storage point, price must be . Also ~ood pilot wishes position. Ardie ~ftller, 632 . Main St., Benton, III.

_..... CURTISS IN 4. For ••1• •t price th.t I.

STANDARD NEW MOTOR delivered 1100 mil.. free $700.00. Jennies new $850 .00. Wilde', Airplane Co., Charlottesville, Va.


FOR SALE-M-F boat, nown 100 honn. Cut for four passengers-absolutely perfect condition. Extra brand new Curtis. OXX6 motor. Spare tail group, struts, wires, pellero, etc. Will demonstrnte at any t me. Price $1500.00 J. M. Corbett, 35 Central Sq., Somerville, Mass.

342 M.d l.... A••.• N•• Y . ... .

1925 By May 1925, there were four pages in the "Buyers Directory" with 42 ads. Engines included Gnomes , LeRhones, Hissos and OX5s. Aircraft included Jennies, Canucks, Standards and Thomas Morse Scouts.

Logan's Bargains ",,..lAH[S "' cl... r.~. _ "'•• Cllt l l., JJ'~D .. 1111 _• • IIlt5 • • 1... " IS'. N•• J - I SlIo•• OU' •• ,,, ... "~ 8.

11 M' IH'

HUO ·.. IN.D · •• Too ... us.. VIOl!

(:'''''' '. 110'0 . d . , . CI,,,,'od,

FOR SALE: Canadian J.N. tralnlnf, plan. complete, with Curtis.. OX 5 motor. lane is brand nrw. Motor bas run rew hours and fuarant~fi same as new. This plane cost 7.000."'_ First draft for $4,QOO.00 takes it. Addre," '{otrar Bros., Vancouver, B. C., Can ad



FOR SALE-New Au.trlan Daimler 250 II. 1'. motor with magnetos ancl carhuretors $500.00. Also new Austrian Hero 250 H.P. motor with mags. and carburetors $400.00. O. W. Pearson, Jr., Troy, Ohio.

----'SOO.OO.JN4 plane worth ,1200.00.


trade for good car or seaplane. Arthur Caron, 47 Bremer St., Manchester, N. H.

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MOTOR PAIITS . l ulU• •hll lot. nco C.1IOU",,"U • • lIt. $0<. f,.d.

11.20. Jot .... Rr ... 5Oc. IN . tO ",.1...

I" c• • H., . u. .. C••lt"RI. u . lin,. 13.50.

IJI"'~< 'IU"

c. .. I,I7 .5'.

..rll. I lIIa,.d., n e. III.u...... I.eyl.. 135. OJ'" II' oxx, .. t,

. ~I.

..... Itlt.c...


FLOYD J. LOGAN 716 W. Superior. Cleveland. Ohio

'''0"" Cit,,"}, " ,



By December 1932 there were four pages of used bargains. The variety of aircraft had increased from 1925. There were now Kinner Birds , Great Lakes, Fleets, Robins, Eaglerocks and Wacos.

By 1937 the whole base of the used plane market had changed. More than 20,000 aircraft had been produced in the previous 10 years and the Depres­ sion had seen a lot of aircraft changing hands . The used aircraft listings covered eight pages and there were so many entries that they were now listed in the classified ads by make and model. There were 50 manufacturers listed in the c1assifieds . The make that had the largest number for sale was Stinson with 24 listed. Next was Monocoupe with 15 listed.

Used Planes and Engines FOR SALE : Monocoupe. Velie 85; thirty foot wing, long oleo type gear, 300 bours, never cracked, always hangared. A bargain at $500. Aljoe &: Stevens. Midwest, Wyoming. FOR SALE: Curtiss-Wright Jr., licensed to Au­ gust, 1933. New model Szellely motor, oversize .airwheels, compass; perfect condition. Owner de· sires larger ship. Price $510. Municipal Airport, Montgomery, Alabema...


Fairchild 2Z, Cirrus 95 hor.epower;

Ucensed to May. 1933, NC 11'79. Two place, dual controls., brakes, wir~ for lights. In excellent

condition. Wonderful for studenls. Price $1,175. F. J. Kirk, South LaneasteT, Massachusetts.

OX PARKS P - l: One year since major; Just reli. censed. Hartzell prop; turns UOO on .round. Extra instruments, wired for night Oyin.: $1,495. Lee Spruill, 3928 Manheim Road, Kansas City, Mo.

WACO 90 : Scintilla magneto, Hartzell propeller, gdod condition, $495. Waco Glider, used very lit­

tle. $95. Eaglet, like new, $4541. Cub, no time since factory overhaul. 70 hours, S795.. Bald Ea.le Airways, Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.




.... d


Monocoupes, Waco., Robins, Birds, Travel Airs, etc. Over ZS used airplanes. Time payment to reliable parties. Pioneer Aviation Co., Airport, Syracuse, New York. ~ISO.

GOLDEN EAGLE monoplane; two-pl.ce. dual s. Velie rebuilt, turns 19Z5. Flying condition, less prop. Not subject license. SSO, less motor, In­ .struments. No le tters answered. Paul Bradford, 24 Farm Road, Marlboro, Massachusetts.

Placasant PHEAjSANT OX-5: SPOLB . MlIlerlzed; new mal'neto. Turns U%5 on 1T0und. New Flottorp prop. Licensed. Excellent con,UlIon throu.hout. Bareein at $375. Hartley W. Halne., m Heath Street, Ne.aunee, Mlchiean.

We have availablE' I1,e llhip you are lnterellled in. Write 1111 for dellcription and pricell. THE WALZ CORPORATION PHILADELPHIA Olnu '3rd Inlf Wutmorellnd

DARGAIN",! RYAN B·I: Wright J·S. ISO hours a!nce complete major overhaul. Speed ring, lights. Rare•...... .. . ..•.. . . . . .. . ....•.. $l,%5t WACO F: Kinner B · S, 125 h .p. 15 hours since top overhaul. Speed ring, m('tal front ro<:kpit cover ..•.............•.. Sz,zoe STINSON JR.: Warner Fu.elage re· covered ....•........•...•...•...•.....••. .,IIS All SMfls Llc..,,' HAMILTON·STANDARD steel .diu.tahle pitch propeller for Lam""rt 90. Factor), refinished • .•...... .. ................ . .... $131 LOfl1 Ratn 10,. R,b"IIJi"" Re,alr tlt.tI



TURNER FLYING SERVICE, Inc. Ashevllle-HendersonvUle Airport r"O"~: Ard,,, 912.1 M.II: 1'. O. Bor 18. Ad,.III•• N. C.

Pitcairn PITCAIRN PA-7: Model S. powered with J6-7 D motor. Extra equlpmeht: rate of climb, bank and turn, electric Inertia starter, I'enerator, volta. . re.ulator. landJn. U..hls, two WUey S-mlnute nares, late RCA rue'ver, Kollsman sensitive .UI­ meter, Goodyear Alrwheels; price, '1,750. General Alrmotlve Corporation, Municipal Airport, Cleve­ land, Ohio.


R p

BEECH CRAFT C-17-B--4 PCLB. .lacobs L-:I ::1>;; 10.1'. en­ Kine. 07 hours total thne .llil. and engine, e~tru heD v)' lU1UJillg g~ur, radio ..... . . . . . . . . . .... . . ... . .. .. .... . .. BEECIICRAFT B-17-Il--:S PCLB. 'Vrlglot 450 h.p. engine. Fe,Y total hours; equipped 'w Uh rudio, g)'ro, Kol1:tnulD altimeter, nluuy ext rUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

BIR!;'o~:'~~~~~'.~ .p~~. ~ .. . ~~~~.b.• ..l:~. ~:p: .~.~~~~~: . ~.e.r.f~~~


~~I. ~~~ .~~~~I ~~.t. ~~~~.I~

FLEb~T~ell~';ci~i· z.:..:.2· j"Oi,B.· Ki';';~~ · K~~ · ~;,gl~~~· Sj,·I~ · j;'~t

HA;:~:.~::~eHn~1~i PCLiti: ii"'~;';'t .~:.i~ ·h.p·. ·,,·';Gi·';';: is ·boun

L A N E S Lt.".i b.l:i~~U V ~GA-7 peLIU. WUtlp


. ..e .. .. 3:S,oOO EAGLEllOCK--3 POLD. center section.. Conlet enarlne. CO"ering fe,Y ",ontlls old . Excellent condition .. " . " . . 850 FAIRCHILD I{R-21 ­ 2I'OI,B. Kinner K-:I e",<inel 150 I>oura since lIuljor. Ship recently refinished, selui-ulr\\'heelM, 122:S recovered nnd engine nlnJor~d. Excellent condition . . . . FLEET MOnEL 2--2 POLB. IOnner KB-5 "nglne, with 408 hours sillee Ile'v... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. FOKKER SUPER_UNIVERSAI,-7 PCI,H. WaHp C engine. Sill.» equlpl.ed as trelghter; has rndlo, many e:xtrDa. . .. FOR)) 5-A-D-14 PCLal. 3 Waaps. 420 b.p. Engines IDnJored,

In the next installment we will take a look at publications that were produced exclusively as used aircraft buying guides .


,1800 BOEING 247'K-I0 PCLM, two 5:10 Io.p. WlI.p•. .. 'Vrlte for Detail.. BOEING lOO--Wusl. C enJ;::llle. Gyro, Ritchie COlllpa.tJlII, ruffin. n,nn,' ("xtrns. Pl"rtt"ct ...,ndltlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. O!SOO CURTISS CONDORS (3). Jtlodel T-32; SGR Cyclone F-2 en­ 000 giues. SblplI In excellent condition, ench ...... .. ...... 20, DOUGLAS DC- 2--14 PCI,III; t\Vo 820 lo.p.Cyclone.. 'V rite for Detnll. DOUGLAS DOLPHIN. 'l',vo 'Vnsp Jr. 300 h .p. engilles. Rn­

1:~~ ~.l~~r.r.~ .1.1~.r~~~~: ~~I.I~. ~~.d

BIRD 100 h.p., Kinner, latest type, total lime 210 hours. Just top overhauled. Heywood starter, rate of climb, bank & turn, :air speed &:: dock. CO!t $43)0 to reproduce, never damaged ......•....•........................ $ZZS8 MONOSPORT, Warner. offered and olways flown by original pnrcha!er. 700 hours total on !h ip' motor h ,., s 125 honrs since factory o,·erh.u{. Ship rebuilt and recovered 1931. 1"op .peed HO m .p.h. rants. ring. apeclal in­ Itruments; never crashed •• •• .. • •.. . •• .•• •• '1751

1000 12:S0 21:i0

8:100 Blnee ship nnd engine overhnul. Excellent condition... 27!SO HAMIL'rON H-45--8 PCI.M. WnHp B ~ngille, 84 hours slnee agency overboul. Ship equll.ped OM freighter, boa radio, nlDny extrna . .. .... ... ....... •.. . .... .. ·· · · ···· 27:S0 LOCKHEED ELECTRA-10 PCLIII, two 420 h.p. SB W.up .lr'•. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Write for Detnlla LOCKHEED ELECTRA, Model 10-E-2 Waap S3Hl en­ glne81 300 totl1l bODrea Rutomatlc pilot, conlttnnt apeed propellera, Western Electric 2-,vny radio, etc. Price on requeat

SD engine, controllable l.ropeller. Ship und e,,&:,lll~ co.ul.letel)· uverhauled, Sl.erry hl!~trunlenhh rndlo. Perfect .... ..... . ..... . ... . 8:S00 LOCliliBED VEGA-7 PCI.31 . 4,750 gruK... 'Vnap 0-1 engine, Sl.erry InstrulIlellts, rndlo. Ship o\'erhnuled . .... .. .. . . 6000 LOCIOIBEU VEGA-:I PCL~I. Wasp Jr. 4()() ".p. engine, 10:1 blo,ver, 0:1 COnllJressloD. S.»err)' IUl!itruJ1lentlt. Ship nnd engln~ coull.le.el)· overbuuletl; In I.ertect condition 8000 NOIl'rlillOP GAM~IA. Now belllg completely rebuilt. SlmlInr to "'hlp uNed In brenklng trnJllllcontluentol recordM. A \'ulluble lellis cnglne nnd l.rolu~ ller ......... Write for DetaUa PILGlllA1 FIU':IGII'I'BI1-Cyclune F-1, 715 Io.p. engille, COII­ trollable l.itch 1.rOIJeJler; ttbip DO\V beillg COnllJletely recovered, l!inm~ DS ne'v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Vrlte tor Detail. SIKOnSI{Y S - :lS--Just overhnuled ... ... ... ..... 'Vrlte for Detnll. SII{OR SI{ Y S-311--Fnlr cOlldltlon . . . .. .. . . ... .. . 'V rite for Detail. S'I'BAIUIAN 4-E­ 3 POI.D. 'Vn~p SC 450 h.p. engine, 100 huur,. ",Inee ",uJor. ~(un7 extrulI.. .... ..... .... . .. .... 2800 STEAIUIAN C-3-B-3 POLB . Wright .1-5 ena-In". Ship and en.,due I.ertect condition, ,vlth nlOIlY extrn. .. .. . .... 12:sG STINSON A',,-lO PCLIII; three 240 h.p. LTcomlngs. Write for Detail. STINSON SR-5A--4 PCLlIl. I,ycomlng 245 h .p. ellglne, 109 hourM Idnce agency overhaul. Includes 2 parncbute••

STI~~~t~o~~'~~~~r.r~!~:2r 1!~lr~I\;,x::'~e~n~~:J::!:~t;:':c"~~I·I;'C.·.

Shll. and engine good conditlun. . .. . . . . .. . . . ... .. . .... TAYI,OR CUD J-::-:: POLIII. Continent,,1 A-40 en&"lne. 130 bourM totnl tlllle .... .. . . .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .. TRA VEl . AIR SPORTSaIAN-3 POI,B. Wright J-8 2110 h.p. engine. A II nell' cO"erlng1 engine nlnJored. 1~lke De,.,.. TRAVEl, AIR D-40011--3 POI,D. 'Vrlght .1-5 engine........ 'VACO C.lC--4 PCI,D. 'Vrlght .,"-7 E engine. 200 houn totnl ..... Ip Dncl en",lne tlnle. We~tl,ort receiver, extraa . . WACO F-O-3 PO!.D. Jncoba 2::5 h.I" 80 houra total tim". Rndlo, "peclnl In.!jtrument... ... .. .. ...... .. .. .... .. .. . WACO RNF-'Vnrner 125 h.p. en",ln". Excellent eondltloD WACO KNF-3 POI,B. Klnaer K-5. 30 houn .Inee .hlp and engine overhoub:. Radio, Mteeroble tulhvheel, extra Ina'rumentlt ..... ... . .. ..... ..... ... . ... .. . . . . .. . ... .. .

37(50 27M 1300 3:SOO 14711 4~00 47~O



Merchandise Quoted Subject to Prior Sale and Change Without Notice





In the East: Hangar No.7, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, N. Y. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13

((Getting from the ramp to the runway

is just the beginning of the adventure.))

by Mark Phelps 14 SEPTEMBER 1989

Young pilots, old airplanes All right. You people who grew up with tailwheels can be smug about this . Heel-braking, S-tums, sticking and throttling may come as second nature to you, but for an increasing number of pilots these are foreign skills. Be­ sides, modem airplanes have more than just nosewheels. Docile airfoils, inboard stall strips and wing washout are some of the improvements that have made flying easier for later gener­ ations of aviators . Still, younger pilots become in­ fatuated with older airplanes . For them it's a matter of living aviation's great history, hands-on . Many of today ' s an­ tiquers became involved because the airplanes are the ones that gave them their first taste of flight years ago. For the next generation of antiquers, how­

ever, the appeal is not a personal mem­ ory, but a sense of preserving and re­ living history. The goal is a noble one and pursuing it should be encouraged, but sometimes those who do are ill­ equipped to handle the equipment. Some historically valuable airplanes have been tragically damaged or lost. It's important for the next generation to keep the antiques flying, but it's also important for those passing on the airplanes to pass on the skills that go with yesterday's technology. As a nosewheel-trained pilot who has been taught to manage a cockpit, I enlisted the aid of former VINTAGE AIRPLANE editor, Gene Chase to in­ troduce me to the skills involved in dragging my tail. Besides having nearly 300 different aircraft types rep­ resented in his logbook, Gene owns a

Taylor E-2 Cub and a Davis 0-1-W which he keeps here at Oshkosh. He flies them as much as he can, usually with the front seat occupied by some­ one having their first ride in an antique airplane. Gene's skill as a pilot is one of those things that is taken for granted today and will become a legend in the future. His patience as an instructor is a virtue I experienced first-hand. We chose the EAA Aviation Foun­ dation's Wag Aero Cuby for my indoc­ trination. It's a little heavy and the Continental A-65 is a little tired, but I found the airplane to be fun to fly and a good teacher. Gene and I started with a thorough preflight.

Preflight I had to force myself to remember what it was like to preflight a Bonanza


or even my simple little Grumman AA I-B as we walked around the Cuby. No cowl flaps, position lights, anten­ nas, flap tracks, gear struts or squat switches - not even a static port. In­ stead, I found some new hardware to check. Gene grabbed the ends of both front and rear spars at the wingtip and shook vigorously, "You can set up just the right kind of oscillation that if a wood spar is broken or cracked you can hear it when you do this," he said . We followed along the back side of the wing checking aileron hinges and bellcranks, invisible on most modem airplanes, and checked all the strut at­ tach fittings for loose or missing cotter pins. We examined the fabric of the fuselage for wrinkles that could indi­ cate tubing bent from a hard landing. The brakes and tires looked good. The landing gear needed to be checked for still more cotter pins and possible bent tubing and, while we were on our knees under the belly, we checked for oil streaks - a good practice with any airplane. Back at the tail, we thrum­ 16 SEPTEMBER 1989

med the bracing wires to see if they were all at about the same tension and checked the turnbuckles for security . "A loose turnbuckle," Gene said, "could cause the wire to come loose and initiate flutter, which would be bad." Gene has a way with understate­ ment. Then we checked the demon tail­ wheel itself, in this case a Maule unit. The chains and springs of the steering mechanism were secure. The hard-rub­ ber tire looked good, with no signs of the wire core coming loose from the solid rubber coating . The bearings at the axle were solid. No play. With a tire and wheel as small as this and han­ dling such a large part of the critical workload, even a small imperfection can be magnified into a real problem . Buck Hilbert later told me, "The tail­ wheel may be only 33 percent of the landing gear, but it constitutes 90 per­ cent of your control. Be good to it and make sure everything is in good shape." Lastly, we checked the attach bolt of the tail wheel spring. Shearing

one of these on rollout could make taxi­ ing a real drag . The engine compartment offered no surprises . The Continental A-65 is a refinement of the A-40, one of the early horizontally opposed engines that revolutionized light planes. Updraft carburetion , dual-ignition reliability and all that power! What more could the modem pilot of the 1930s ask for? Except that someone had forgotten to put half the cowling on. I checked the wood prop for splinters just as I check for nicks and cuts on my metal prop and Gene and I clambered in like two shipwrecked sailors flopping into a lifeboat. Gene offered me the choice of front or rear seat for our experiment and I chose the rear. I wanted to experience the blind attitude of a taildragger in its purest form, and that's exactly what] got. I also learned that you shouldn ' t wear clunky shoes when trying to fly with heel brakes. My vibram , hiking­ tread heels got hung up on the brake pedals more than once , not to mention

the tight fit of my feet between the fro nt seat and the sides of the fuselage. Other than that, though, the rudder pedals worked well, providing good communication between the steerable tai lwheel and the soles of my feet ( ... connected to the leg-bone , con­ nected to the hip-bone , etc .). Gene primed the engine until it was good and "squishy" and EAA' s Director of Aircraft Maintenance, Daryl Lenz spun the prop a few times to get the oil unglued . With the sw itch on and throttle cracked, Daryl twi sted the prop through again and this time the Conti­ nental awoke with a quiet muttering voice.

Taxiing Getting from the ramp to the end of the runway and vice versa is an after­ thought with most modern airplanes. With a taildragger, it' s the beginning of the adventure. First, you realize that where you can't see is just where the nose will be in a few seconds, so go slow and S-turn to look out the side windows, one after the other. This teaches you to stay ahead of the airplane a bit. Just as well. It also teaches you to work with your legs and coordinate with throttle. I was used to one throttle setting for taxiing on smooth , level taxiways , but with a tail­ dragger on an uneven grass strip, I had to gun it to get uphill and over dale ,

This is the Cuby we used for the experiment.

while anticipating rolling downhill by reducing the rpms, lest I get going too fast. Meanwhile, I concentrated on positioning the controls to meet the quartering winds. To keep the tail down and the wings level on the ground, you have to remember to hold the stick accordingly . An easy way to remember - "dive away" from a quar­ tering tailwind, "climb into" a quarter­ ing headwind. For example, with a tailwind from the right rear, push the stick forward and to the left. Headwind from the left front ? Pull the stick back and to the left. This keeps the quarter­ ing tailwind from picking up the tailor the wing and, with a quartering head­ wind, spoils the lift to the upwind wing and forces the tail down. I remembered to maneuver near the end of the runway so that I could face into the wind , yet see the traffic pattern at the same time . After run-up with the stick held tightly back in my belly (and my arms getting tired), I was ready for take-off.


Heel brakes can be tricky.

Gene told me to take a good look at the horizon and memorize where it in­ tersected the window from where I sat in the three-point attitude. That turned out to be one of the most important tips I've heard concerning flying a taildrag­ ger. I should have taken a Polaroid photo of where the horizon cut through the window and pulled it out later for

reference when it was time to land . After lining up on the runway head­ ing , I eased the power to the stops. By the way , I had no trouble adjusting to a left-hand throttle quadrant and righthand stick after years of control-wheel! center-throttle flying. The arrangement makes perfect sense. Controlling the airplane with my feet was natural and I noticed that the rudder control quickly transitioned from slow and sloppy to quick and sensitive as I brought the tail up. After a few jolts and bounces on the rough runway we were airborne. The Cuby ceased to be a taildragger and became just an airplane . Here's a brief list of some checklist items I did not have to comply with on climb-out: Retract landing gear; adjust cowl flaps; reduce to climb power; ad­ just mixture; retract take-off flaps; change frequency and contact depar­ ture control; and finally , replace checklist in door pocket. Instead, I was free to keep a lookout for emergency landing sites should the mighty Conti­ nental quit and listen to Gene vainly reminding me to feed in enough right rudder to keep the airplane pointed straight. This was my most profound problem with the Cuby and one that Gene politely assures me is chronic with all modern-era pilots . I remember my instructors telling me how I could feel the slip and skid in the Cessna 150 through the seat of my pants . I thought VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17

there was something wrong with me then, but I've talked with enough pilots since who share my conviction. Mod­ ern airplanes fly so well without rudder application that you could fly a normal flight with your feet on the floor and not tell the difference. Not so with a taildragger. Gene helped me steer the airplane toward Earl Grunska's grass strip on the north side of town. In between, I got to sample open-window flying above green farmland. This brand of flying makes you feel more involved with the earth you're flying over. Hav­ ing nothing but air between you and the people, cars, trees and clouds adds a dimension that is missing in a cabin airplane, similar to the difference be­ tween riding a motorcycle and driving a car. Just as I was thinking about how nice it is to fly this way, Gene put me to work. After a few gentle turns, we got into steeper banks and stalls. The airplane was easy to control and reco­ vered from the stalls without effort . While I was concentrating on my turns, they came off reasonably well. On my clearing turns prior to stall exercise, however, when my mind was else­ where, my feet fell lazy again and the ball slipped and sloshed all over the place. Then Gene pulled Dirty Trick Number 31 from the Nasty Instructor Manual (U.S. Gov't. Publication No. 348692-B5) and reduced the power to simulate a forced landing . I picked a likely field and congratulated myself 18 SEPTEMBER 1989

on having selected a nice green one facing into the wind (someone was burning brush and I spotted the smoke). Gene pointed out that we were well within gliding distance of an air­ port, complete with hangars and windsock and suggested that I amend my plan accordingly. I had concen­ trated only on what was ahead of me and neglected looking out the side win­ dows, or I would have seen the airport less than a mile off my left wing. Egg­ faced, I turned toward the airport . Then we both saw another aircraft using the opposite runway so it was back toward the field that I had chosen, although Gene clued me to some pas­ ture-pilot lore. I had selected a lush green field planted with beans that would have put us over on our back as the stalks grabbed the landing gear. "A mowed hayfield is the best to land in and alfalfa or corn is second best," said Gene, "but dark green beanfields are not so good. You can tell the dif­ ference from pretty high up if you watch the way the vegetation waves. Alfalfa flows in the wind while the large leaves of beans look different. A freshly mown field looks yellow or gold . Try to find one of those if you can." I cut my landing pattern toward a hayfield parallel to the bean field and set up a high approach. Widening the legs of the pattern, I was still high on final so I pushed opposite rudder and banked into a slip. The Cuby came down like a mortar round and leveled

nicely at treetop height before Gene gave me my power back again and said, "Good job! You would have made that one okay."

Landing Before I got a chance to feel smug about my "emergency" landing, we were coming up on Earl's strip and I would have to confront a real landing on an actual runway . Gene offered to make the first approach and landing and I felt relieved . After he slid onto the grass like a piece of paper onto a desktop I started to worry again . Even though I had followed through on the controls, I didn't seem to have the feel for this type of landing and when the runway disappeared behind the nose, I felt as though I couldn't possibly main­ tain control. I did have the advantage of seeing how a proper approach should be flown to Earl's and I have always felt that a good approach makes for a good landing. I pulled the carb heat on downwind and throttled all the way back abeam the approach end of the runway. The glide speed of 65 mph yielded a sink rate of about 500 fpm which worked out great for getting to the end of the runway . The rest was up to me . I would have given a lot for that Polaroid shot about now as I slid down on final between two telephone poles ("The wires in between are buried," said Gene). Instinctively I kept the nose low right down to the runway and then flared, and flared, and flared

some more. Whump, whump and we were down - then we were down again - and once more. At Gene's urging, I held the stick tightly back, forcing the tailwheel onto the ground. Despite the bounces, the Cuby was slow enough that it tracked straight with little help from me. Before long we had slowed to taxiing speed and I turned around to do it all over again. We made several landings at Earl's strip and some of my mistakes were interesting. Others were just dumb. I noticed that the minute I ceased to con­ centrate on rudder coordination, my feet went numb again . Gene pointed out that better rudder work would yield a snappier climb rate on take-off and, sure enough, when I centered the ball the airplane gained more altitude in the pattern. It was a fairly hot day and I flew my crosswind leg above a dark road to ride some rising air. Gene noticed the trick and nodded his ap­ proval . He also noted after my second landing that the rudder pedals felt as though I was pressing too hard . "Just relax and land the airplane," he said on short final for the third landing. I took a deep breath and, sure enough, the airplane seemed to relax a little, too. I remembered a trick an old instructor taught me to avoid fixation on final . He had me wiggle the rudder pedals a bit, shaking the airplane's tail as we descended toward the runway . It gave a sense of control and diminished that feeling of "riding on a rail" down to the threshold. I was beginning to feel more com­ fortable about flaring the airplane

enough that the horizon disappeared. Even though I couldn't see any better, I felt less out-of-control. I cross­ checked my mental Polaroid picture of the horizon through the window each time I taxied and compared it with what I saw in the landing flare. It was beginning to become familiar. "Set up the three-point attitude at about 30 or 40 feet in the air and just hold it to touchdown," Gene said. Holding the attitude required constantly increasing back-pressure on the stick with a cor­ responding increase in drag and lower speed. The idea was to get the airplane to stall about three inches above the runway surface. It's a skill that re­ quires practice . Gene said, "You can land a nosewheel airplane in several attitudes and it will work out fine, but with a taildragger you have to find the three­ point attitude and hold it." As speed diminishes, the controls lose their ef­ fectiveness - first the ailerons, then the elevator and finally the rudder. That's why the rudder is the most im­ portant control at slow airspeeds, either in the stall configuration or on landing. It ,sounds good when all this goes into words, but most Antique/Classic Division members, and a lot of other pilots have read most of this before. What I learned from actually flying a taildragger was how to develop the skills required for safe operation. Book learning goes to a given point and from there it' sup to the student to practice the skills and let them mature . During this exercise, I was reminded of my

The moment of truth rises up to meet you.

feelings of frustration and anxiety dur­ ing primary and advanced training. While trying to comply with the in­ structor's directions, there was also some of my own trial and error in­ volved in the learning process. I had to strike a balance between expanding my learning envelope and maintaining a safe operation. I couldn't expect to do it all perfectly the first time, and my instructor had to be patient and let me make my own mistakes without ac­ tually breaking the airplane or the rules. That's where Gene's patience paid its dividends. If it were possible to teach virtue, patience would be on the list of required learning for flight instructors. My personal conclusions about the experiment center around the sense of satisfaction I felt with what I learned about flying tailwheel airplanes. It made me a better pilot and I knew it. The next time I flew my own airplane, I was sharper and more attuned to the forces acting on it, even if modem de­ sign features minimized their negative effects. In short, I have become aware of the multitude of sins my airplane has been covering up for me all these years. The little time I had with the tail­ dragger did not give me the confidence to fly one without further check-out. I didn't get to experience the thrill of crosswind conditions and we only touched on wheel landings. If nothing else, my experience gave me insight into how much I didn't know. Even older airplanes afford some traps over and above those I found with the Cuby. Biplanes and larger cabin jobs some­ times had little or no dihedral and when the high-lift wings run out of lift, they give up the ghost entirely, sometimes with exciting results. My experience did teach me, however, that it doesn't take a super pilot to handle these machines. The skills can be mastered with prudent practice and a well thought out approach. Tailwheel airplanes do not require greater skills, only different ones and if you think back to your training days you'll re­ member the bittersweet experience of acquiring new skills. The people who get in trouble are those who feel that expertise in newer, complex airplanes begets safe operation of older, more primitive types. Yes, the tailwheel can bite you, but if you approach it with caution, it can improve your conven­ tional flying and open the doors of his­ tory. • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 19


Story and Photos

by Dick Cavin

Unless you are a Texan, you proba­ bly wouldn't know that the bluebonnet is the Texas state flower. You also wouldn't know that in springtime the picturesque hill country of central Texas is literally alive with waves of these gorgeous blue and white flowers majestically swaying in the spring breezes . They usually bloom in late March or early April, about the time all those incurable aeronutz are about at the ab­ solute limit of human endurance with the repressed urge to commit aviation. Just the idea of a row of sport airplanes gracing an all-turf airstrip under the warm spring sun is enough to bring them out of the woodwork in droves. Such was the setting for the annual f1y­ in at Deer Pasture Airfield, near Lam­ pasas, Texas, hosted by John and Glenna Bowden. Ostensibly, John is a rancher, but some of the regular attendees laugh­ ingly accuse John of raising herds of airplanes and deer instead of cattle, and he smiles slyly when the subject comes up. What he really does raise, though, is a beautifully manicured north-south turf runway, some 2,000 feet long, that is relatively unobstructed except for a fence at each end and a low grove of the ever-present mesquite trees on one end. John's rambling ranch house sits atop a low hill alongside the north end of the runway, overlooking his man­ sized hangar/workshop that looks big enough to almost house a DC-3. One comer of the hangar has a full-fledged

restaurant, complete with a lunch counter, chairs and large picnic tables. Naturally, there is a barbecue pit that looks almost big enough to drive a pick-up in. You can make a bet that no one goes hungry at one of these affairs. Like a lot of scheduled spring gatherings, the fly-in can be almost a spiritual experience when the sun shines and gentle breezes blow. Often though, heavy spring rains play hob with the best laid fly-in plans of mice and men. Such has been the case sev­ eral times with the annual "Bluebon­ net" Fly-In. In 1988, the 9th annual, they decided to quit trying to outguess the weather and scheduled it for the first weekend in October, bluebonnets or not. The 1989 date has also beel1 set for the first weekend of October, which is also a pleasant time in Central Texas after the oppressive August and Sep­ tember heat has subsided. In case your memory is slipping a clutch on the location of Lampasas, it's a small city about an hour's drive northwest of Austin and maybe a half­ hour drive north of the chain of the lakes on the Colorado River that passes through Austin. Deer Pasture Airfield is south/southeast of Lampasas, about halfway between Lampas and Burnet. Lampasas has a colorful history, going clear back to days under the Mexican flag. It was deep in hostile Comanche territory until nearly the tum of the century when it became quite a boom town and was quite a large commercial and livestock center, with several railroads intersecting VINTAGE AIRPLANE 21

An Ercoupe In the grass.

A long-In-the-tooth cabin Waco.

A 40-hp J-2 Cub with Its full complement of baggage. 22 SEPTEMBER 1989

there. At one time it was actively being promoted as the site of the new state capital. Like many such cities, though, it's growth turned around the other way until it stabilized around World War II time. It now has begun a steady new growth, due probably to its location in the heart of prosperous ranches and the influx of tourists and vacationers en­ route to the Highland Lakes. Deer Pasture Airfield is 16 miles from the Lampasas VOR on the 190 degree radial, making it relatively easy to find in a "modem" airplane. From the air, though, it deceptively blends into the low rolling hills and dense mesquite and cedars. John and Glenna Bowden's name has been well known in antique circles for quite a few years. A year or so back this idyllic "front yard" and "play pen" was host to a steady stream of visitors who stopped to see the honest­ to-goodness, gen-yew-wine 1910 Cur­ tiss Pusher that had been stored in three boxes for over 70 years in Decatur, Texas. John had bought it from a sur­ viving family member after years of dreaming of owning it. It is now on permanent display in the Albuquerque, New Mexico air terminal. The ceiling of the hangar held a stripped down skeleton of a Beech Staggerwing at that time and a Waco Cabin was well along towards restora­ tion as well . Some of his past restora­ tions were on hand out on the flight line when I visited him to do a story on the Curtiss . His Challenger-powered Curtiss Robin C-l (NC82H) has been a famil­ iar sight at various midwest fly-ins for several years now, arrayed in its au­ thentic blue and yellow paint scheme. He has also fielded an immaculate Champion 7EC and Cessna 172 on oc­ casion. When I arrived at the '88 clambake the first thing I saw was John's Waco Cabin thundering along over the run­ way, making a strafing run for the flight-line photo bugs, a pulse-stirring sight, indeed. By late morning the low scud had burned off and soon after lunch there was a long row parked parallel to the airstrip and a second line forming behind them. All in all, there were 55 airplanes that were signed in as well as another

five or six whose owners forgot to re­ gister. Nine of that total were home­ builts, with at least two of these (Mack Kardy 's Wittman Tailwind and Jim French's T -18) being almost antiques, both close to their 25th birthday. Both pilots, though, qualified as genuine an­ tiques, hands down. John told me that several times in the past their fly-in had drawn 90 to 100 airplanes. A few transients enroute to San Antonio from Dallas just had to drop in for a while and step back in time to savor the flavor of a grass roots gathering of airplanes from the halycon days . One hard and fast rule at such events is that anyone daring to push a mike button down was automatically sentenced to a firing squad, or given 20 lashes with a wet noodle. The event's popularity is in part due to its being a non-competitive gather­ ing of the clan. It would be unfair to point out one airplane as being head and shoulders above the rest, as there were so many superb restorations there. Some of the craftsmanship seen on display there is almost awe-inspir­ ing, and you can only guess at the hun­ dreds of hours of methodical and painstaking labor of love that went into the final product. There were seven eX-"military" airplanes on display, including four Stearmans, an L-19, an L-3, and a Howard DGA-P. As you might expect, there were a considerable number of Pipers there, ranging in age from a Taylor J-2 up through J-3s, PA-22s and PA-23s, and even a homebuilt J-3 . Of course, Cessna was well rep­ resented, too, and we saw just about every model in their line of singles, the 120, 140, 150, 170, 172, 182 and 180. There were also six Luscombes, all very well restored, Models 8A through 8F. There were a half dozen Aeroncas present, Chiefs and Champs, a couple of Bonanzas, plus a Taylorcraft, an Er­ coupe, a Tiger Moth, a Funk, a Nav­ ion, an S-2 Pitts, a Mooney M20E and a Commonwealth Sky Ranger. Other homebuilts included a Flybaby, a VP­ 1, and a Hiperbipe. When the owner of a Kitfox present took the cowling off for all to inspect the liquid-cooled Rotax 532 engine (64 hp), it drew a crowd of the curious. Most of them

Aeronca L-3

The L-3's cockpit.

had never seen a modem-day two­ cycle aircraft powerplant at close range before. All in all, the collection of pristine birds on hand let the spectators step back in time a half century, with some modem day homebuilts rounding out the picture. The few makes that were missing this year have been there at past fly-ins and will be there again . Now if the idea of all these rare birds parked together on a beautifully mani­ cured turf strip, along with the idea of hangar flying with those of similar per­ suasion, gets your corpuscles to tumbl­ ing over each other, take John and

Glenna Bowden's advice and come on down in 1989 for the 10th annual Deer Pasture Fly-In. You'll also get to see John's Beech Staggerwing, as it is close to flying again . The '89 event is scheduled for Oc­ tober 6-8. There are nearby motel facilities at Lampasas and Burnet, or if you prefer to camp, you can do so on the field and there are bath facilities available, too. If you need more de­ tails , call John at 512/556-6873. If you fly in, be careful! Don't touch those mikes! John Bowden's address is Rt. 2, Box 137, Lampasas, Texas 76550 . • -VINTAGE AIRPLANE 23

b~ lVor~ ~etersen


1 --- -- -­


lines of a sleek nacelle stand like a beacon above the rows of airpl anes . The picture is remini scent of Zack Mosley' s "Smilin ' Jac k" cartoon strip which featured the same sleek nace lle on various occasions. Today we are at Sun ' N Fun Fly-In at Lake­ land , Florida. As we walk towards the highly vi sible nacelle , the pretty lines of a Fleetwings "Sea Bird" are di scov­ ered beneath the round engine . The classic look of 1938 runs chill s up and down the spine. Designed and built in the old Keys­ tone plant in Bristol, Pennsylvani a on the shore of the Delaware Ri ver, the Fleetwings "Sea Bird" was unique in that Type 18-8 stainless steel was used for much of the entire airframe , he ld together by electric spot-welds. As noted in the factory brochure, spot­ welds do not add weight to the struc­ ture, hence , they can be very close to­ gether. A total of five production model "Sea Birds" were built follo wing a single factory prototype . Our subject airplane , NC19191, SIN 102, was the second production airplane and to­ gether with the prototype NC16793, SI N I , owned by Channing Clark in California, are the sole remammg examples in the world still flying . The owner of NCI9191 is Blake Oliver (EAA3oo I 00) of Daytona Beach , Florida . Blake is a retired TWA pilot with over 13 ,000 hours of flight time plus years as a flight engineer.



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(PeJll1a., U. S . A.)

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P ri(c List No. Z.

Oece mbe r, 1936.

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Entire tallwheel assembly retracts Into hull and paddle-shaped water rudder takes over during water work. Note fancy "engine tumed" finish.

His aviation career really got its start in the U. S. Navy. If his name rings a bell with some of you old timers, it's because his father, the late E. B. "Bud" Oliver (EAA 7911), owned and flew the same "Sea Bird" for many years. Originally built in 1938 (The factory price was $18,500), Blake 's Sea Bird was used as a factory demonstrator until 1948 when it was sold to a doctor on Long Island, New York. After some 50 hours of dual instruction, the doctor was still not ready for solo, so he put


Patented retractable landing gear folds Into the side of the hull. Note how the wheel pant is open on top (and bOttom) 50 It can seal against the hull when retracted. Streamlined wires have ter­ minals Inside the hull with waterproof rubber fittings on the out­ side.

the airplane up for sale. Bud Oliver negotiated a deal to trade a Stinson 108 Station Wagon and $3,500 cash for the Sea Bird. Flying the amphibian home was something else as the tired L-5 Jacobs engine caused a forced landing at Washington's National Airport! Eventually, the Sea Bird was brought up to satisfactory condition and Bud flew it to the EAA Convention in Oshkosh in 1956. At that time it was painted overall yellow with a blue nacelle with a yellow stripe. It was also

flown to the 1960 AAA Fly-In at Ot­ tumwa, Iowa and the 1961 EAA Con­ vention at Rockford, Illinois . Follow­ ing these excursions, the Sea Bird was parked in a hangar at Daytona Beach for quite a few years. When Bud Oliver lost his life in the crash of a Taylorcraft BC-12D, the title to the Sea Bird passed to his son, Blake. Taking an early retirement from TWA, Blake began the long task of restoring the Sea Bird to its original condition . A new interior was in­

stalled, painstakingly made from fabric almost identical to the original. All new floorboards were crafted from marine plywood and a new instrument panel, complete with modem avionics was fabricated and installed. All of the old yellow paint was carefully re­ moved and the metal was brought back to its original lustre. A 285-hp Jacobs L-6 engine of 915 cubic inches (one of the largest non­ supercharged radials in existence) powers the Sea Bird using a Hamilton­ Standard constant-speed propeller. The prop was sent to Dave Cash at U. S. Propeller in Vandenburg, Florida where it was overhauled and finished in a satin anodized finish - a most at­ tractive looking set of blades . Genuine Hamilton-Standard decals were prop­ erly installed to finish the job. Blake says you can easily spot reproduction Hamilton-Standard decals - the com­ pany location, Windsor Locks, CT is misspelled! According to Blake, there is no shor­ tage of power with the big L-6 Jacobs and constant-speed prop, however, he plans on a trip to the West Coast and on the return, he will stop at Payson, Arizona for the installation of a fac­ tory-new 300-hp Jacobs R755-A2 en­ gine. This new engine will be cowled

with a new Waco YMF-5 bump cowl as used on the new Classic Wacos built in Lansing, Michigan. The bump cowl will definitely return the Sea Bird to it's 1938 look and the new engine should remove a few nagging headaches! In addition, the fuel bum should drop from 17 gph to 14.5 gph. The new engine will be about 150 lbs. lighter in weight, as well. The wings on the Sea Bird were re­ covered in 1959 with Irish linen and 16 coats of butyrate dope. They still test good today! The tail feathers were redone in Razorback some years ago. Blake feels this is a bit heavy and plans on recovering the tail surfaces with Stits HS90X, due to its lighter weight. Not one to tempt fate, Blake re­ placed the original Hayes expander tube brakes and wheels with a set of Cleveland wheels and disc brakes, the same size as used on the Grumman Widgeon. With a non-steerable, full­ swivel tail wheel and a very high thrust line, the pilot needs all the help he can get during a cross-wind landing . Blake says about 18 knots is the maximum cross-wind he cares to tangle with . On engine run-up, about 1,500 rpm is maximum before the airplane tips on its nose! The landing gear, which uses Ben-

Entrance to the Sea Bird is through this hatch on top of fuselage. Note folding metal steps on side of hull to reach entr­ ance. Not too graceful, but adequate.

Blake Oliver explains the custom mooring ring built into the nose of the Sea Bird. It folds down when not in use.




dix oleos, was built entirely by Fleet­ wings and carries Patent No . 2184260! It folds into the fuselage for good streamlining and the wheelpants, which are horizontal when retracted, actually provide additonal lift in the air. A retractable landing light in the left wing lowers of use . It features a 200-Watt Grimes unit. Although the pitot tube is not original, Blake plans to replace it one day with an exact rep­ lica . Using Mother's Metal Polish on the stainless steel, Blake has managed to dress up the 50-year-old airplane to where it will really turn heads. The stripes are painted blue as per original and the bottom of the hull is done in a special two-part epoxy blue that will adhere to stainless steel. Blake reports the "stuff' cannot be sprayed and has to be put on with a brush! The Sea Bird has excellent water capabilities and comes off the step with ease. It will make nice step turns at speed and is completely controllable at


slow speeds, due to the water rudder. Perhaps the hardest part of a person's first ride is watching the water go by the window on takeoff! Remember, in a hull-type flying boat , you are actually down in the water before takeoff. This takes some getting used te for first time aviators! With a gross weight of 3 ,850 Ibs. and an empty weight of 2,600 pounds, the useful load is 1,250 pounds . Normal baggage is 150 pounds and full fuel is 70 gallons, enough for three and a half hours at 130 mph. Blake reports a friend of his cruises right with him in a 200 hp Lake amphib . Back in his hangar, Blake has tail parts of SIN 201 , which went into tall trees at Houghton , Michigan around 1948. Number 203 and 204 crashed at Fairbanks, Alaska and Alameda, California respectively . These remains are owned by a man in Oregon who hopes to make a flyable Sea Bird from the remnants. Serial Number 205 , the last one built, was flying a regular

passenger run from San Pedro to Santa Catalina Island when a rough-water takeoff caused the bolts to shear on the rear engine tripod. The engine fell for­ ward and cut the two front people badly . The Sea Bird was towed out to sea and sunk. This accident resulted in the only "AD" ever issued on the Fleetwings Sea Bird. The engine shear bolts require regular magafluxing. Each compartment in the hull has a small 3/8 x 18 stainless steel plug with a wire loop soldered on top to allow removal. This is for draining water when parked on dry land. People who have worked on the Sea Bird with its razor-sharp edges of stainless steel maintain the drain holes in the hull are to let the blood run out! Blake and his lovely wife , Ellie , are dyed-in-the-wool antiquers and enjoy the Sea Bird a great deal. We look for­ ward to seeing them at future fly-ins and perhaps, one day they will return the Sea Bird to Oshkosh and the big EAA Fly-In .•


--1] An information exchange column with input from readers.

by Buck Hilbert (EAA 21, Ale 5) P.o. Box 424 Union, Il 60180 EAA Oshkosh '89 I'm getting my batteries recharged . When Dorothy and I made it back home after Mexican Aviation Day, I had some vision problems - a cataract removal and a lens implant. Not being able to read let alone sit at the typewri­ ter sort of threw me for a loss . Finally, the astigmatism came around to normal and I'm ready to go again. Dorothy and I checked in here at OSH right after the Fourth of July and started in on our volunteer duties. We are camping down in Geriatric Acres with the rest of the volunteers - what a wonderful group of friends they are! These 30 or more dedicated EAAers deserve all the credit in the world. The ones you see during the Convention, hustling here and there with a harried look on their faces are the ones I'm talking about. They aren't all U.S .ers either - several from other countries are here on vacation turning out lots of work. Well, my part in all this has been working with the museum maintenance crew getting the Eagle Hangar going . They ' ve been very patient with me , and let me build some of their display materials. One of our dyed in the wool

antiquers hotly asked me why I was working on the Warbird section of the museum when I was an antiquer . I had to laugh because I appreciated his es­ prit de corps . I explained to him that the quicker we completed the Eagle Hangar, the sooner we could get some real airplanes on display in the main museum. It's happened too . Witness the museum floor now graced with the Ercoupe that Father Tom Rowland do­ nated several years ago, the prototype Ryan SCW, the Aeronca C-3 Master and several others. It's great to see these airplanes out of storage and also great to see the Warbirds with a place of their own . I'm really proud of what our people have accomplished . Tom Poberezny is the best! He ' s a real inspi­ ration to all the people who are work­ ing here. There's Pat Packard with his great talent, Gordon Selke with his dogged determination to GET THE JOB DONE, Bauken Noack with his genius for making things work, Andy Cox with his beautiful silkscreening and display titling and Betty Strehlow for the beautiful flowers and landscap­ ing. Hey, thanks to these people and so many others we've got the most beautiful world class museum in the

universe. You can all be proud of it! Now, all of a sudden, it seems, here it is Convention time and there's too much happening . More people are ar­ riving to help, airplanes are starting to arrive and I don't have enough time in the day . The Jennies start to arrive and Ken Hyde is bogged down by sloppy weather (Virginia is a long way away by Jenny). "Buck, you take care of the Jennies," orders Tom P. Well, I'll tell you I couldn't have had a more choice assignment. These guys are all special, as you all know. They may be modern day pioneers, but they are the salt of the earth . The eight-to-oners (eight hour's work to one hour's flying) gave us the basis for the wonderful flying machines we have today! If it weren't for these Jennies and the guys, and gals, who flew them, who knows if we'd have anything flying today . Well, I really got my kicks when after a lot of assembling and rigging the guys got to test fly . Chet Peek was the first off. He was very reluctant to use concrete for take-off but he did it anyway . Wally Olson followed, then Skeeter Carlson and Bill Turner. [wish you could meet all these guys. Wally is the friendliest, easy-going guy, Skeeter, the eternal optimist, Chet al­ ways running for something and Bill cramming his long frame into the cockpit and flying like a big pelican. We finished up the test flights in the rain, did our best to cover the Jennies until it was over and then, thoroughly tired, dusty and starved (we'd skipped lunch for the duration) we towed the machines back to the hangar and, at 5:00 pm, decided to take the rest of the day off. Another place where credit should be given - Daryl Lenz and his crew of mechanics and volunteers over there really get it tossed in their Japs. They still handle the chore with the utmost tact. They get it all , our usual EAA Foundation airplanes, plus the aero­ batic airshow types, and this year they have the Russian aerobatic machines and technicians to cope with. Next time you run into Daryl or Ted Mossman, or Duane, John or Rich, take the time to say hello and pat them on the back . Well, I have to get back to work, but I just wanted to tell you ['11 see you next month and I'll have newly charged batteries and be ready to go. Over to you, Buck VINTAGE AIRPLANE 29

Wanted - WACO UPF-7 - flyable or restorable or basketcase or UPF-7 parts. Tom Hurley, 8981 79 Ave. North, Seminole, Florida 34647, 813/393­ 6266 nites. (9-3) We are rebuilding a Stinson SM1-B. This is the six-place Detroiter 1928 monoplane. Interested in major components, small parts and 32 x 6 wheels. Appreciate any leads. Donald Fyock, R. D. 2, Air­ port Road, Johnstown, PA 15904, phone 814/536­ 0091 evenings. (10-3)

Where The Sellers and Buyers Meet. ..

WANTED - Looking for a Bourke engine or infor­ mation about same. Contact: Jay Blanchard, 2411 Walker Lane, Salt Lake City, UT 84117, 801 /272­ 1071 . (9-1)

MISCELLANEOUS: 25c per word, $5.00 minimum charge. Send your ad to

The Vintage Trader, EAA Aviation Center

Oshkosh, WI 54903-2591.

AIRCRAFT: (2) C-3 Aeronca Razorbacks, 1931 and 1934. Pack­ age includes extra engine and spares. Fuselage, wing spars and extra props. Museum quality! $30,000 firm! Hisso 180-hp Model "E". 0 SMOH with prop and hub and stacks. Best offer over $10 ,000. 1936 Porterfield 35-70, the lowest time Antique ever! Less than 200 hrs. TT A & E. 20 hours on engine. $12,500. No tire kickers, collect calls or pen pals, please! E.E. "Buck" Hilbert, P.O. Box 424, Union , Illinois 60180-0424. Piper PA22-108 Colt - 1962 remanufactured 1988/basic airplane/ALPHA 200. Asking $10,000/ will consider "project" in trade. POB 2431, Osh­ kosh, WI 54903-2431. (8-3) 1940 Culver Cadet - Disassembled , wings rebuilt like new. New nosebowl and brakes. Original A75 Continental. $8,500. 404/228-7818. (9-1)


1948 PA-11-15 - Restored in original factory col­ ors. 0 SMOH C-90-8F, 1320 floats, extended bag­ gage, fish pole shelf (sleep on it), hoisting rings, new exhaust, McCauley prop, wheels, 850 x 6 tires and more. Appraised $25,000.00. Trade only for LA-4-2oo. Yours - or buy me one. Ron Otto, Air Salvage of Arkansas, 501 /394-1022 . (9-1)

Super Cub PA18 fuselages repaired or rebuilt - in precision master fixtures. All makes of tube assemblies or fuselages repaired or fabricated new. J. E. Soares Inc., 7093 Dry Creek Road , Bel­ grade, Montana 59714, 406/388-6069, Repair Sta­ tion 065-21 . (c/12-89)


AVIATION JEWELRY, PATCHES; FREE GIFT WITH ORDER - WWI - present. Free catalog. Company of Eagles, 875A Island Drive, Suite 322V, Alameda, CA 94501-0425 . (9-3)

POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol - unlimited in low-cost pleasure flying . Big , roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 3'12 gph at cruise setting . 15 large instruction sheets . Plans - $60 .00 . Info Pack - $5.00 . Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners , WI 53130. 414/529-2609. ACRO SPORT - Single place biplane capable of unlimited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to follow plans includes nearly 100 isometrical draw­ ings, photos and exploded views . Complete parts and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans plus 139 page Builder's Manual - $60.00. Info Pack - $5.00. Super Acro Sport Wing Drawing ­ $15.00. The Technique of Aircraft Building ­ $12.00 plus $2.50 postage . Send check or money order to : ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/529-2609.

Full EAA Member benefits for only $18 annually.

V EAA PIIOJECT SCHOOLFUGHT Bu ilding real airplanes in schools and youth groups.

V EAA SCHOlARSHIP PIIOGRAM Providing support lor those seeking aviation related educations.

V EAA AIR ACADEMY An intensive honds--on summer aviation experience at the fAA Aviation Center in Oshkosh.

Wanted : Call air A2, A3 or A4 basket case or flying . Harold Buck, Box 868, Columbus, Georgia 31902, 404/322-1314. (7-2)


- N-namher - Date Built - MOlnubclurer

- Moiel - Series - Serial #

-Owner - Address

- Regis. Date

Master List in N -number order with cross-reference ind exes sorted by Make/Model/Series/Serial Num. and Slale/City/Owner/Make/Model

V EAA AIR ADVENTURE DAYS A one-day, hands-on a viation workshop for young people presented at sites across the nation by EAA Chapters and clubs of the Academy of Model Aeronautics. EAA Air Academy programs are supported by the AVEMCO Insuronce Co.

fOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Chuck Larsen, Education Direck>r EAA Aviation Foundofion Willmon Airfield O$hkO$h , W154903-3065

Telephone {4141426-4800


Airplane Hangars - Save up to 50 percent Arch Style Steel Buildings. Factory clearance on 50 x 40 ; 50 x 50; 60 x 60 and others. EX 50 x 40 arches only $3,620. Universal Steel , 1-800-548-6871 . (9­







Antique AlC Model Plans: "Meticulous Delinea­ tions" by Vern Clements (EM 9297) , 308 Palo Alto, Caldwell , 10 83605. Catalog $3.00, refunda­ ble. (10-3)

M .. ll chackor rnon.,.crdar

FLIGHTLINE PO Box 19047 Balto., MD 21284

ttl r



EAAAlR ADIlENTURE MUSEUM. Eighty full sIZe aircraft on display. See authentic 1911 CurtiSS Pusher. a replica Spirit of st. LoUIS: sPOrt aircraft of the 20s. 3Os. and 405. 'M>rld War I and II aircraft. plus Ihe advanced deSigns and out­ standing workmanship of loday·s homebu ilt air­ craft. See spectacular Vistascape wide screen mov­ ie Ihat lilerally puts you In the cockpit of a P-51 Mustang fighter or walking the wing of an UPSide dawn biplane. Something here for ewryone ­ ewn a JunlOt' AViator Theater for younger guests. Unique gift shop ottenng video tapes. clothing, books. mag­ azines. Jewelry and much more. Amerlca 's finest sPOrt aViation museum. It's exciting ! OPEN ­ 8:30 a.m. 10 5:00 p.m. Monday Ihru Satur­ day. 11 :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . Sunday_Located on Wit1man Field . Oshkosh. Wis. ­ just off Hwy 41 . GOing Narth exit Hwy 26 or 44. South eXit Hwy 44.


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by George Hardie Jr.

Here's one for you raceplane ex­ perts. The late 1920s and through the 1930s were the glory years in the his­ tory of air racing. The photo is fr9m the EAA archives, date and location unknown. Answers will be published in the December 1989 issue of VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE. Deadline for that issue is October 10, 1989. The June Mystery Plane evidently was a mystery to many readers and drew few responses. Casimir Grevera of Sunnyvale, California writes: "The Mystery Plane in the June 1989 VINTAGE AIRPLANE is the X-I Mahoney-Ryan Special or 'Dood­ lebug,' designed by Donald A. Hall, engineer on the 'Spirit of St. Louis.' Incorporating such advanced ideas as a flying 'stabilator,' no fixed tail sur­ faces and a gearshift control to change the angle of incidence of the stabilator, the X-I had a 90-hp Warner engine, was designed, built and test-flown while the Ryan B-1 Brougham was en­ tering production and its teething prob­ lems were left unsolved. "Test pilot Red Harrigan said after his first flight in the X-I that it was, 'completely unrelated to any previous flying experience.' First flown in San Diego, California in September 1928, the X-I with a seven-cylinder, air-

cooled, radial IIO-hp Warner Scarab engine installed, was flown by Lindbergh several times." Peter Bowers from Seattle, Wash­ ington adds: "The original powerplant was the 83-hp, five-cylinder Siemens-Halske SH-13 shown, but later tests used a IIO-hp Warner 'Scarab. ' The X-I was intended to be a foolproof 'Safety Plane' for the common man through the use of a highly unorthodox control system. The span of the horizontal tail, which had no elevators, was increased almost to the point of becoming a tan­ dem wing and was adjustable through

12 positions for different flight condi­ tions. The rectangular wing had varied airfoil sections throughout its 27-foot span. "To test his design over a wide range of center-of-gravity travel, Hall in­ stalled a 50-pound traveling weight in the fuselage . This was soon removed . The X-I demonstrated weird flying characteristics that could not be over­ come in several years of testing, so the design was finally abandoned." The X-I is sometimes confused with the "Doodlebug," an entirely separate project built in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1929 as an entrant in the Guggenheim Safe Airplane Contest by James S. McDonnell and Associates . References on the X-I can be found as follows: RYAN BROUGHAMS AND THEIR BUILDERS by William Wagner RYAN, THE AVIATOR by William Wagner RYAN GUIDEBOOK by DOff B. Car­ penter and Mitch Mayborn

The story on the McDonnell "Dood­ lebug" appeared in the February 1973 issue of AIR CLASSICS magazine. Other answers were received from Charley Hayes of Park Forest, Illinois; and H. Glenn Buffington ofEI Dorado, Arkansas. •


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