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The Magazine of the EAA Antique/Classic Division, May 1990


exceptionally good time this year. We'll have more on upcoming events in 8o next month's issue.





by Espie HButch" Joyce These deadlines seem to come closer each month. It seems that no sooner am I through with one column than another is needed. It really makes me appreciate how difficult it must be for our editorial staff to put together a complete magazine every 30 days. Sometime when you have a spare moment you might like to drop Mark and the gang a note of appreciation. This kind of cor­ respondence is a great morale booster.

Sun'n Fun I was able to spend a few days at the EAA Sun 'n Fun fly-in this year. They really had a great turn-out of people and airplanes . Antique/Classic Division Chapter One did an outstanding job of managing the AlC area. This chapter is a good example of how the system can work outside of EAA Headquarters. There are also a number of A/C mem­ bers from all around the United States who volunteer to help Chapter One during Sun ' n Fun,just as they do during the Oshkosh Convention.

EAA Oshkosh '90 Along this line, I look forward to welcoming each one of you to EAA Oshkosh '90. We expect to have an 2 MAY 1990

White XS The death of an airport is a subject that has been on my mind for some time and I would like to relate my experience to you. My father started flying in 1936 and soon came to love both aviation and aviation people. After World War II he bought a farm outside of our small North Carolina community where he built a grass strip airport in 1946. Later he built a house on this farm and we moved there in 1948 when I was four years old. I was born into aviation and grew up the same way. A man named Charles Bailey opened a combination body shop and fixed base operation on our airport around 1948. Aviation in our community came alive during the next couple of years. Almost everyone was learning to fly . A Gullwing Stinson was used for charter work and instruction was given in J-3 and J-5 Cubs. My dad opened a Studebaker dealer­ ship in 1949. We also had a tire recap­ ping shop and a welding shop in the same building located next to our run­ way. Well, you can see the trend . The town was getting closer. We took on a Ma ssey-Fe rguson dealership in 1950 (it was just Ferguson back then). That same year, Charles Bailey was killed in an airshow while flying an airplane he had built. He called it, "The Thing" and it had a 12­ foot wingspan. Interest in the airport hit bottom from that time until 1953/'54 when once

again the airport became a weekend gathering place for locals. The field was never again run as a fixed base business, but was more like a socia l club with everyone look ing after each other. We had fuel, but it was a self-service honor system and the arrangement worked great. My father passed away in 1967. I was 23 years old and con­ tinued to operate the airport. Then it happened, our first accident. This accident took the life of an eight­ year-old bystander off of the airport property . During the next several years, the lawsuits flew . Finally, the one against the airport was dropped, but we had paid a lot of money defending our­ selves. Town was getting closer. A new high school was being built on one approach end and a senior citizen's cen­ ter was going up on the other end. We were now within the city's corporate limits. My mind was made up. I didn't want to own this airport any longer be­ cause the liabilities were too great. To make a long story short, I sold the property to a manufacturing concern some seven years ago. They have al­ lowed "Mayo Airport" to remain open since then, but the word came today. The white Xs go up next Monday. Al­ though I am not located on this airport, I am sad that it will finally be closed. I grew up there , I came to love aviation and aviation people there. The memories cannot be bulldozed away . They will live with me forever. Grass Airports like this one are be­ coming a rarity, so let ' s respect them and treat them safely. Let's all pull together in the same direction for the good of aviation. Join us and have it all!



Tom Poberezny



Dick Matt


Golda Cox


Mike Drucks

MAY 1990 • Vol. 18, No.5 Copyright © 1990 by the EAA Antiquel Classic Division . Inc. All rights reserved .


Mary Jones


Norman Petersen Dick Cavin


George A Hardie, Jr. Dennis Parks


Isabelle Wiske


Jim Koepnlck Carl Schuppel

Jeff Isom




President Espie "Butch" Joyce 604 Highway SI. Madison. NC 27025 919/427-0216

Vice President Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd. M ilwaukee.WI 53216 414/442 -3631

Secretary George S. York 181 Sloboda Ave. Mansfield. OH 44906 419/529-4378


E.E. "Buck" Hilbert

P.O. Box 424

Union. IL 60180

815/923 -4591

DIRECTORS Robert C "Bob" Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago. IL 60620 312m9-2105 Philip Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr Lawton. MI 49065 616/624-6490 Charles Harris 3933 South Peoria PO Box 904038 Tulsa. OK 74105 9181742-7311 Dale A Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis. IN 46278 317/293-4430 Gene Morris 115C Steve Court. R.R. 2 Roanoke. TX 76262 817/491-9110

John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westborough. MA 01581 508/366-7245 William A Eickhoff 41515th Ave.. N.E. St. Petersburg. FL 33704 813/823 -2339 Stan Gomoll 104290th Lane. NE Minneapolis. MN 55434 6121784 -1172 Robert D. "Bob" Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield. WI 53005 4141782-2633

Contents 2

Straight and Levellby Espie "Butch" Joyce


Letters to the Editor


AIC Newslby Mark Phelps


Members' Projectslby Norm Petersen


Sun 'n Fun in Photoslby Mark Phelps


Vintage Literaturelby Dennis Parks




Do You Know Me?lby B.J . Shoup


Dutch Treatlby Walter van Tilborg


Rough Riverlby Ron Ferrara


Chapter Capsuleslby Bob Brauer


Pass It To Buck/by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert


Vintage Trader


Mystery Planelby George Hardie, Jr.

Page 10

Page 16

Page 22

Steven C Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea. MN 56007 507/373-1674

5.H. OWes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa. WI 53213 414m1 -1545


FRONT COVER ... Rudy Krens' Stea rman aloft over the Dutch lowlands. (Photo by Ben Ullings)

REAR COVER ... Ken Hyde gets a prop from C harlie r<ulp. (Photo by Jim Koepnick)

S.J. Wittman

7200 S.E. 85th Lane

Ocala. FL 32672


ADVISORS John Berendt 7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls. MN 55009 507/263-2414

Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd . Oshkosh. WI 54904 414/231-5002

George Daubner 2448 Lough Lane Hartford. WI 53027 414/673 -5885

John A Fogerty 479 Highway 65 Roberts. WI 54023 715/425 -2455

Jeannie Hill

P.O . Box 328

HaNard. IL 60033



trademar1<s. THE EM SKY SHOPPE am k>gos 01 1M EM AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. am EM ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademar1<s 01 1M above associations am !heir use by atrf person olhei than 1M above associations is stfdIy lXohiJited. E<ilorial Policy: Readers are encouraged 10 submit slories am JlI'OO!1ap/lS. Policy opirjons expressed in ar1icIes are solely !hose of 1M au1hors. Responsilility for aroJr8CI n ~ res1S enti'eIy with 1M_or. Material should be sent 10: E<ilor. The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. WIttmM Regional Airport 3000 Poberezny Ad.. cm<osh. WI 54903-3086. Phone: 41 41426-4800. The VINTAGE AIRPlANE (ISSN 0091-6943) ~ published am owned exdusive~ by EM Antique/Classic Division. Inc. 01 1M Experimental Aircrah Association. Inc. am is published monlh~ at WrtIman Rogional Airport. 3000 Poberezny Ad.. Oshkosh. WI 54903-3086. Second C~ Poslage pa~ al Oshkosh. WI 54901 am addrtional mail ~ offices. Merrbership rales lor EM AntiqueJClassic Division. nco are $18.00 lor currenl EM merrbers lor 12 monIh period of which $12.00 is lor 1M publication 01 The VINTAGE AIRPlANE. Membership is open 10 all who are ~I"es!ed in aviation.

ADVERTISING - AntiqueiCIassic Divisoo does rot guarantee or endorse any lXodt.d off"ed IhrOl.9h our advertisil'9. We invrte constructive criticism am welcome

atrf report of inferior merchandise obtained IhrOl.9h our advertisil'9 so Ihal corrective measures can be laken.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes 10 EM AntiqueiClass~ o;v~ion . Inc.• P.O. Box 3086. Oshkosh. WI 54903-3086.

stories on it. Again, thanks for taking the time to salute old Shukri. He deserved it after what happened. Sincerely, Jim Haynes Bushnell. Illinoi s

Ja ck Romkey has several scrapbooks full of his father's memorabilia from which we hope to have more in the future.- Ed

Split personality Dear Mr. Phelps, I own a Bellanca 7 ACA Champion (N9165L) built in October 1971 but later converted to a Continental A-65-8 engine from an Aeronca 7 AC. Does my plane qualify as a Classic (replica) under EAA-A /C rules?

Derby do Dear Mark, Yesterday, we recei ved the March issues you were so kind to send. We very much appreciate your thoughtful­ ness . GREAT!' I almost had a " hissy fit" I was so excited to see the fine article Glenn Buffington wrote and the gorgeous front and back covers. Once again your picture displays and cover were perfect. I know Dub, Sue , Eric. Bill and all the gang involved in the flight are as pleased and excited over the recognition in your magazine as Mom would be . I called Dub Yar­ brough last night to share the exc ite­ ment and he hadn't received his March issue yet - so I described it to him . A million thanks again for remember­ ing us. Jim and Pat (Thaden) Webb Leonardtown, Maryland

False Ford Funk Gents , It's always a pleasure to get VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE becau se just about everything else is junk mail, most avi­ ation magazi nes included . I was very interested in reading about Joe Funk's experience with Ford conversions (Vintage Literature, January ). How­ ever, I am obliged to call your attention to the fact that the Funk airplane shown is not of the Ford B genre. It is a post­ war mode l, I think with an 85-hp Con­ tinental. In reference to the Northrop Avion EX-I (Mystery Plane, January): No mention was made of the fact that the 4 MAY 1990

original landing gear was retractable. It collapsed on the first landing (high speed taxi run) at Muroc and was re­ placed by a rigid tripod gear. The top photo on page 39 shows fixed , the bot­ tom photo retractable . I was very sorry to hear of the pass­ ing of John Hatz, with whom I spoke at Rockford and Oshkosh on numerous occasions. Cordially, John Underwood Glendale, California

Air King fling Dear Mark, I received my VINTAGE AIRPLANE today and want to compliment you on the fine re-write of the Air King mate­ rial (March) . You did a superb job of re-arranging, adding to and subtracting from the original manuscript. I was glad you consulted with Jack Romkey on the project as he knows everything there is to know concerning the Air King . There is, however, one error in the story and looking over my original manu script I can't take the responsibil­ ity for it. The Dole Air King was not a monoplane. It was basically the same airplane except that it was fattened up to provide space for fuel tanks (not enough, evidently). Incidentally, Steve Lacy did get off the ground with the Dole Air King from Roosevelt Field , Long Island in the New York to Spokane, Washington race a month after the Dole race . That is quite a story in itself. Jack has all the newspaper

Rowland L. Hall Northfield , Illinois

Unfortunately not . Ask the fellow who had 1955 wings on a 1956 Tri-Pacer. When he tried to park in the Classic area at Oshkosh, that "mean old" Art Morgan told him he could leave his wings there , but would have to taxi the fuselage down to transient parking ­ or so the legend goes. - Ed.

Classic appetite Dear Editor, I'd like to renew my membership to the AIC Division. Please find my en­ closed check. Just a note of interest and observation. I'd like to see more input and articles on the Classic section of our association. Antiques are great and I love 'em . We have to appreciate them and the people able to put time and money in them to preserve them. Classics, as we term them, fit into a different and larger segment of avia­ tion. There are a bunch of them! We fly them. We use them daily as their availability can make the difference between a passive aviation enthusiast and an active aviator. We need active aviators. Classic owners need the sup­ port of others who are rebuilding and restoring birds that just sit on airports around all of us . I see Cubs , Champs, Tri-Pacers, T-Crafts , Cessna120s , 140s, 170s, early model l72s and others that look like they would like a new lease to fly. Again, I say the an­ tiques are great. If r could afford the lUXury I would own one, but the far greater number of Classics out there

should tell us that these are the planes that are part of more of our lives. Many of us would like to see this "half' of the AlC Division promoted more by articles in VINTAGE AIRPLANE. When we think back, probably the most enjoyable flight we ever made was in a classic, because that was what was available. Tom Wadsworth Roswell, New Mexico

Door man Dear Editor, Our EAA Chapter 54 is currently re­ building an early I 940s vintage Taylorcraft L-2B . We are having diffi­ culty locating drawings to fabricate the door and door frame assemblies . If you could help us out in this matter we would be most appreciative. You may contact me either by phone (614/422­ 2202); FAX (612/422-2940); or direct mail at 1543 North Oxford Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 . Sincerely, Kevin Sislo St. Paul, Minnesota

March on Dear Mark, A few observations and comments


Compiled by Mark Phelps

Thank you, Dan Neuman After serving on the Antique/Classic Division Board of Directors for five years, Dan Neuman has resigned. Dan started in aviation as a teenager work­ ing in the Stinson factory in Michigan. He became a corporate pilot and flew a Sikorsky S-38 flying boat later flying for Northwest Airlines from which he has since retired. Dan has restored a number of antique aircraft including a Siemens Waco that now hangs in the terminal building at Wold-Chamber­ lain Field (Minneapolis-St. Paul Inter­ national), a Buhl Pup and one of the Jennies (now owned by Kermit Weeks)

on the March issue seem to be in order. In "Aero Mail" on page 4 there is a letter from Harry Gann about the Northrop "Gamma." When we have an authority such as Mr. Gann writing about early Douglas and Northrop his­ tory, then we'll never be in trouble about the facts of our heritage. Then in 'Time Capsule" on page 8, the upper left hand photo caption states, "this photo is late 1920s vin­ tage." Sorry to be a thorn about this, but that picture was taken at the 1939 National Air Races in Cleveland, Ohio . In the background there is a line of trees . These were located in the city's Metropolitan Park on the west­ ern boundary of the airport. In front of the trees is a white band at ground level. The band is the perimeter chain­ link fence . During the races, the fence was covered by white canvas with the SOHIO (Standard Oil of Ohio) logo spaced out about every 50 to 100 feet. If my memory isn't faulty, that Curtiss Pusher was flown in a comedy routine by the great Canadian pilot, Dick Gra­ nere while his son Dick, Jr. flew a Bleriot. Next is the Air King article (page 14). You mention Claude Flagg ' s as­ sociation and the part he played in that organization on page 15 and again on that flew at EAA Oshkosh ' 89. EAA President Tom Poberezny said, "We thank Dan for his dedication and sup­ port as a Director of the Antique/ Classic Division and his service as an advisor before that. Dan will continue to be active in EAA and the division's activities in the future ."

D.B. Cooper 727 retired In 1971, D. B. Cooper jumped into world-famous anonymity (an approp­ riate oxymoron) after commandeering a Boeing 727 and demanded $200,000 in $20 bills and four parachutes (he threatened to force a crewmember to jump with him in one of the chutes to ensure that they weren't booby trap­ ped) . After he baled out of the rear door of the Boeing on a flight from Seattle, Washington to Portland, Ore­ gon , no trace of Cooper or the money has ever been found. Now, the 727 from which he jumped has been retired and will be dismantled for parts in Greenwood, Mississippi.

MERFl's law In the story "Culver Cum Laude"

page 19. He was a fine gentleman and our good neighbor and friend . I am sure that his many friends applaud the fact that he is still remembered with high regard. Thank you! Lastly, let's look at the lower photo on page 27 (1929 Air Derby). Some readers might like to know that Mrs. Henderson was widely recognized for her talent as silent screen star, Marion Marsh before she and Cliff were mar­ ried . As she is such a refined lady, she'd never tell you that. So it's up to us to toot a hom for her. Dub Yar­ brough deserves a great deal of credit for his relentless search for that part of aviation history and then spending the time and money to restore the Travel Air. The crowning achievement was the re-creation of its moment in his­ tory. I regret missing that magic mo­ ment - seeing Susan Dusenbury in flight. Thanks to Mr. Buffington we can at least read about the facts . I hope that you and all the good people at Headquarters are well. Thanks for a very interesting issue .•


Ted Businger

(EAA 93833, AlC 233)

Evening Shade, Arkansas

(January) the Mid East Regional Fly-In (MERFI) was incorrectly referred to as the "Murfee" fly-in in Marion, Ohio. How that happened I'll never know. -Ed.

Dole Air King In the story on Glenn Romkey , Shukri Tannus and the "Air King" (February) it was incorrectly stated that the National Airways System entrant in the Dole race was a monoplane. It was in fact a biplane, a modified ver­ sion of the "Air King" widened to ac­ commodate the additional fuel tanks. Thanks to Jim Haynes for writing and flagging the error.

A Cat III Funk? The following message came from Phil Vogt of West St. Paul, Minnesota to the Funk Aircraft Owners Associa­ tion's newsletter, the "Funk Flyer." "Some years ago, a local Funk pilot - I seem to have forgotten his name - took off one very early morning that had heavy patches of ground fog in cerVINTAGE AIRPLANE 5

tain areas. His gas tank was not full so he headed for a nearby small airport that had 80-octane fuel. As he drew near, he found only about 100 feet of runway peeking out from the dense fog that covered all else . The temptation was just too much . With a mean chuckle, he chopped power and came around to make a very cautious slow approach to this open end . He touched down softly and immediately rolled into the fog . Visibility ahead was only 10 to 15 feet but the markers going by his left window helped him to stay on the runway and roll to a safe stop. Now for full effect , he flipped on his poor

little nav lights and began to feel his way in a very slow taxi towards the gas pump. " He stopped and shut down the en­ gine . Stepping nonchalantly out in front of several shocked pilots who stood in the fog with their mouths hanging open down to about their knees, he calmly began to pump gas into his airplane . An older , highly-skil­ led local pilot stepped forw ard and asked , ' How in the hell did you do that ?' "The unknown pilot , keeping a straight face with some difficulty re­ plied , ' You mean you 've fl own all

these years and still don' t know how to land in fog?'"

Travel Air The EAA Aviation Foundation's Travel Air E4000 is undergoing some work in preparation for its return to flying status. Tracy Johnson is cur­ rently adding tape to the lower wings and the upper wings are next to be co­ vered in Stits. The fu selage fa bric is still punching strong and the Wright J-6 engine was given a top overhaul within the last three years. Tracy hopes the Travel Air will be flying some time this summer .•




AJRCIWT Luscombe Phantom


Spartan Exec

GOLDEN AGE 1927 · Eortler


SILVER AGE 1928-1932

New Standard D·25


fairchild 24R 8oeingA·75 Cessna T·50 AT178




Howard DGA 15P


Ryan PT·22













NNUMBER OWNER(S VADDRESS N27'l:1 Doug Combs &linda Gamble, Box 6613, Incline V1l1age, tw 89450 No,Canaan Aviation, N47W No,Canaan,CT 06018 John Stilley, P,O,Box 1808, N4453Y Cape Canaveral. fL32920 NC930V John E. Thomson,604 Camellia Ave. Ellenton,fL34222 NC77695 Jomes Coolbaugh, 205 N, Sheridan Ave. Deland. fl32720 N302DR Homer Dobb~ Mobile,AI. N69072 Jomes Kramer,11275 'Mngfoot Dr. Boynton Beach. fL33437 John p,Mortin &Jimmy Ray, N11440 6719 KingsmoorWay, Miami Lak~ fL 33014 NC22423 fred J, Kirk. 2888 NE 26th St" ft.Lauderclale,fl33305 N59418 Larry W.Lee,3036 Wallace Circle,Affanta,GA 30339 N66294 florida Airmoffve Inc. 2633 Lantana Rd"Lantana,fl33462 Tom flock p,O,Box 166,US 41 N, N32158 Rockville, IN 47872 N29328 Steve Brown. 6050 Clinton Rd" Terre Haute, IN47805 N29943 Dole Cunningham. RR 1. Box 489,Rockville, IN47872 Bob Hedgecock, RI,3, Box 324, N8471 Bomesville, GA 30204 Jerry Stadtmiller,5500 NW N5592L 21 Terr,20·H, ft. Lauderclale, fl33309

Sun 'n Fun Grand Champion Antique. 6 MAY 1990








S~nsan 108












Aeronca 15AC


Piper J.3






Super Cub

NNUMBER OWNER(SVADDRESS Jock Shahan. 5353 Antelope Lane,Stone Mountain. GA 30087 NC82650 Xen Motsinger, 955 Gabriel Rd. Cayce,SC 27033 NC27284 Bill Scott, 5650 Stigall Rd. KernefSllille,NC 27284 N9338K Mike Meyers. 3806 Towanda Rd. Alexandria. VA 22303 N80555 Scott Anderson. 2781 NE 7tIh St. Pompona,fL N195MV Joseph Rowe Jr. 776 Nortolk Pine Ln. Vero Beach. fL32963 N1773D Bob Inscoe,2031 Santa An~1 1es Rd. Orlanda,fl 32806 James B,Zaz~ RI,3, Box 389 N45504 Cartihage,NC 28327 Warner Sweet. p,O, Box 307, N2592D Wakefield. Rt 02880 N1459H Richard folsom 635 Coral Dr. Nokomis. fl34275 N3244N Joan Peters. 2336 Ookleaf Ln. Kissimmee,fl34744 N87881 L~e 'Mheeier, 4410 Camino Real, Sarasota, fL34433 N389C Butch Walsh, RR1, Box 306A Arrington. VA 22922 NC1038A Dawson Ransome,8m Sf 72nd Ave. Leeward AirRanch, Ocola. fl32671


Sun 'n Fun Grand Champion Classic.


by Norm Petersen

This deHaviliand Tiger Moth, PH-III, SIN Nl足 917, was built by the Morris Motor Com足 pany in England in 1943, being placed in an RAF training squadron. In 1948, it saw service at RAF Cranwell, using numbers FAF-K and FEI-D. Placed on the civilian market in 1954, it sold for 81 pounds! In 1955, it was sold to a priest in Germany who used it to cover his remote parishioners under the registration of D-EDEM. In the 1960s, it pulled gliders at Golnhauser along with advertising signs. By the 1970s, it fell into disuse and was stored until 1978 when it was sold in Holland. The second Dutch owner lovingly restored the old biplane by 1983 and flew it some 50 hours over the next six years. On December 16, 1989, a young Dutch pilot named Marien van Schie bought the Tiger Moth and is now in the process of learning to fly a biplane taildragger. On the first flight, the engine quit at 200 feet! However, Marien reports, "The plane feels fantastic, it is aerobatic, but is hard to land or start with a strong cross wind. However, flying in the air towards the sunset with the exciting sound of the engine, is an experience hard to forget. I cannot imagine that I will ever sell the plane."

Marien van Schie poses in front of his deHaviliand Tiger Moth, PH-III, based at lelystad, Holland. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7

'90 Phocos by Mark Phelps

When Don Luscombe designed the Model 8 he made the firewall round in case those "new" flat engines didn't work out. John Korlovich decided to see how the airplane could have looked with a Ken Royce engine.

Ed Sweeney and his Aerocar in their natural habitat 8 MAY 1990

surrounded by admirers.

Larry Lee and son, Darius apply elbow grease to their blind足 ing PT-22.

Not all the beauties were on the flight line. This shiny Luscombe turned up in the camping area. VINTAG E AIRPLANE 9

CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY AVIATION STUDY - 1930 The Curtis Publishing Company had give n editorial support to aviation in the pages of its magazines since 1920. Its main publication, SATURDAY EVENING POST, had presented more than 66 articles and stories about aviation between 1920 and 1930. Authors for these articles included William B. Stout, 'Five Falacies of Avia­ tion"; Brig. General William Mitchell , "Aircraft Dominate Seacraft"; and Juan de la Cierva, "A New Way to Fly." Curtis publishing also covered aviation in its other publications, LADIES HOME JOURNAL and THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. The advertising department of Curtis Publishing Company did a survey of avia­ tion in 1929. The department decided that collecting current statistics would be futile because of the rapid change in the industry. It seemed clear to them that whatever con­ tribution they might be able to make to avi­ ation would need to take the form of a study of the underlying trends and the special re­ quirements of the industry. To this end, in July, 1929 , Curtis bought a new Ford 4-AT Tri-Motor with which to tour the United States and gather data. This Ford, serial number 62, regis­ tered as NC-8400, was powered by three 300-hp Wright J-6 en­ gines. The plane was fitted as a flying office and the company hired Lieutenant A . W. "Jake" Gorton of the US Navy as the pilot. Jake Gorton was a three year veteran of the Navy's rac­ ing team and was the first pilot to hook a Vought UO-I on the airship LOS ANGELES.


LIb.-a 0 '/4.n~hive§

m.-ed().­ United States and 9,973 pilots . During 1929 the aircraft industry produced 3,542 civil aircraft. The results of the study were presented in a book called: THE AVIATION INDUS­ TRY, A STUDY OF UNDERLYING TRENDS which was published in 1930. Comments from the book follow.

thusiastic service appears to be more true of aviation than of any other form of trans­ portation . " We believe a day will come when over the main airways connecting large cities, frequent planes with capacity for 20 or more passengers will pass on regular schedules well loaded with passengers, mail and express." They also stated that the smaller cities will be serviced with smaller planes acting as feeders for the larger lines.

PRI VATELY OWNED PLANES POTENTIAL MARKET "We have confidence that the aviation industry will develop into a large and sound industry . This confidence is based on two facts. First, the idea of air travel is sound. Air travel is certainly the quickest, we be­ lieve can be made the most comfortable and, ultimately , we think probably will be the least expensive method of long-distance travel. "Second, the industry in all its phases is manned by young men with enthusiasm and with faith in the future of the industry. En­

The editors believed that the number of individuals using privately owned planes for sport and for business would steadily increase. " Many men find a joy and exhil­ aration in flying. Those who own planes find much possible in week-end trips for pleasure and in quick trips to distant points for business appointments which otherwise would not be practicable. " We believe that even under present con­ ditions there will be a steady growth of the market for individually owned planes, but so long as the price of planes remains near the 1929 level and the cost of learning to tly is several hundred dollars , the market for individually owned planes for pleasure purposes is limited."


THE TOUR From July II , 1929 to Janu­ ary 15, 1930, with representa­ tives of the Commercial Re­ search Division, the Curtis Ford flew 207 hours and covered about 20 ,387 miles. During the tour the representatives of Cur­ tis interviewed leading manu­ facturers, distributors, airport managers and other leaders in aviation. Also, in order to as­ certain the attitudes of owners and prospective owners of air­ planes, they sent out two mail questionnaires. One question­ naire was sent to all listed own­ ers of aircraft and the second to students enrolled in aviation schools. At the time of the study there were 12,363 civil aircraft in the 10 MAY 1990



The book stated that 1930 would prove to be a crucial year for aviation. Before the stock market crash, the thrill the pub­ lic received from Lindbergh 's tlight had been converted into an enthusiastic woting for avia­ tion . Cities had appropriated large sums for airports, the public had invested in aircraft company stocks, people gathered at airports for holiday after­ noons and paid admission to air meets . After the crash, when the winter season of 1929-1930 came on, production slowed down and it looked like few manufacturers or transport com­ panies could show profits . The editors asked "How real is the aviation industry'1" They answered: " We are not disturbed by winter gloom. In ever year of the earlier period of the automobile industry came despondency at times ap­ proaching despair. But as the days began to lengthen , hopes began to rise and by spring the industry was once more in full

HOI/! Many Hour] UJtd Annually?


A majority usc the plane less than 300 hours annually. Non-



] SO hours or less .

151- 300 hours 301 - 500 hOllrs 501 - 800 hours 801 - 1200 hours . Over 1200 hours Total





Commercia l


202 221 64 30 19 I

37.6 41.2 11.9 56 3.5 .2

80 252 177 93 32 15

12.3 388 27 .3 14 .4 49 2.3





Owners in the lower income group usc their planes less than those in rhe

higher income group.


In What Year Did You uarn to Fly?


A subs tantial majority of non-commercial owners and more than 45 per cent of commercial owners have learned to fly in the past three years. p"

1927-1929 . 1924- 1926 . 1920-1923 . 1914- 1919 . Before 1914 Total

swing. A similar period of gloom is likely to be an annual affair in the aviation indus­ try and the present gloom in no way dis­ courages us . There is, however , one di s­ quieting thought. Public enthusiasm has not been convened into personal flyin g. To maintain popular interest we believe this must be done. Hence , 1930 seems to us a crucial year, for we doubt whether popular interest in aviation - willin gness to pay taxes for airpons and to forego dividends on investment - ca n be long continued unless it is shown that the general public will take to flying ."

RACING The authors of the book felt that though air racing and stunt flying was imponant in the initial stages of the aviation industry to show what the product could do , it was now a time when such activities would ren­ der diminishing returns. "People know what airplanes are like, they know that they can cross the continent in hours instead of in days, they know that the ocean has been crossed by a plane, they have pretty well exhausted their thrill out of watching dare-devil feats; they will still pay admission to see more dare-devil feats , but these do about as much good to aviation as the crash of railroad engines at the fair grounds did for rai I passenger traffic. " QUESTIONNAIRES The results of the questionnaires that were sent out to the aircraft owners and aviation students were presented in the book's appendices. The first question re­ poned was "What would you consider ideal for your purpose if you could have a plane built just to suit you?"

The average plane from the answers would be a three or four place cabin land­ plane , monoplane , with dual controls and a single 150 to 300 horsepower engine, having a cruise speed of 95 to 100 mil es per hour. Miscellaneous facts concerning airplane owners from the survey showed that 79 per­ cent of the non-commercial pilots owned their own plane . As for hours flown by non-commercial pilots , 37 .6 percent flew less than 150 hours per year but 41.2 per­ cent flew from 151 to 300 hours. Over 87 percent of the commercial pilots flew over 151 hours per year. Most of the pilots answering the ques­ tionnaire were recent pilots, with 45.5 per­ cent having learned to fly between 1927 and 1929 . From 1920 to 1926,34.6 percent of the pilots had learned to fly and 18 .7 percent had learned to fly during World War I. Of the non-commercial pilots, 42 .7 percent used planes for pleasure only and 10.2 percent for business only. Of the com­ mercial pilots 49.9 percent used planes only for commercial use.

FUTURE OF THE INDUSTRY The book concluded, "Many difficulties have been encountered, but out of these difficulties there will emerge a great and powerful industry, sound and stable, effi­ cient in manufacturing, and with its mer­ chandising methods safely founded on the firm rock of national advertising." (Re­ member the book was written by the adver­ tising department of a large magazine pub­ lishing company.) FORD 4-AT-62 NC-S400 This Curtis Ford was not only active on


Noo-Commcrcia l




321 95 52 82 13

57 .0 16.9 9 .2 14.6 2.3

233 108 69 96 6

45 .5 21.1 13 ·5 18.7 1.2





the company's tour but after leaving service with Curtis it went through eight different owners before being destroyed in 1953 . According to FAA records compiled by Richard Allen, the Ford was sold in July 1931 to Arthur Kunder of New York City. The title changed hands to the Dispatch Corporation, also of New York City , in July 1933 . (Mr. Kunder was listed as Sec­ retary-Treasurer of the company.) The next owner was a Mr. C. M . Ewan , also of New York City, who received title in February 1936. Four months later it was sold to Manitowoc Air Service of Man­ itowoc, Wisconsin. In October it went to Holland Bryan of Paducah, Kentucky . In 1937 it was owned first by Keith Can­ tine of Detroit , and the next year by Mary Cantine of Akron, Ohio. It was sold to its last owner, the Johnson Flying Service of Missoula, Montana , in March of 1941 . The plane was not licensed until June of 1946 and was active after that till it crashed in August of 1953. According to William T . Larkins in his book THE FORD STORY , the Ford was being used by the Johnson Flying Service for Spruce Bud­ worm spray work near Boulder, Colorado when it ran into a static cable strung above a powerline . The cable broke and a piece of it was caught in the tail surfaces. As the plane was coming in for an emergency landing, the cable caught on a powerline pole, tearing the tail surfaces from the Ford , bringing it in on its nose, completely destroying the plane and killing the crew. It appears that this Ford had to be one of the most active of those produced, start­ ing out its career with over 20,000 miles in 1929-30 and continuing in service, ex­ cept for the war, till J953 . • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11

May 4-6 - Burlington, North Carolina.

Burlington Airport. Sponsored by Antique/

Classic Chapter 3. Contact Ray Bottom,

c/o Antique Airways, 103 Powhatan Park­

way, Hampton, Virginia 23661. Tel. 804/


May 5-6 - Winchester, Virginia. Win­

ches ter Regional EAA Spring Fly-in. Win­

chester Airport . Sponsored by EAA Chap­

ter IR6. Contact George Lutz, Tel. 703/

256-nn May 6 - Rockford, Illinois. EAA Chapter 22 Annual Fly-i n Breakfast. Mark Clark's Courtesy Aircraft. Greater Rockford Air­ port. 7:00 am to noon. ATIS 126.7. Con­ tact Wall ace Hunt. 815/332-4708. May 12-13 Reading , Pennsylvania. Readi ng Aerofest at Reading Reg ional Air­ port. Contact Paul R. Doelp, R.D. 9, Box 94 16, Read in g, Pennsylvania 19605-9606. Tel 215/372-4666. May 19-20 - Hampton , New Hampshire. Fourteenth Annual Aviati on Flea Market. Hampton Airfie ld , Hampton, New Hamp­ shire. Anything aviation related okay. No fees' Camping on airfield. Contact Mike Hart , Hampton Airfield , Route US I . N0I1h Hampton, New Hampshire. Tel. 603/964-6749. May 20 Benton Harbor, Michigan. Fourth Annual EAA Chapter 585 Dawn Patrol Breakfast/Lunch. Includes boat and classic car show. Ross Field, Benton Har­ bor. Michi ga n. Contact AI Todd, PO Box 61, Stevensville, Mi chigan 49127 . Tel. 616/429-2929. May 25-27 - Atchinson Kansas. Kan sas City Area Chapter. AAA Fl y- in at Amelia Earhart Memorial Airport. Contact Lynn WendL 7509 Conser, Overland Park, Kan­ sas 66204. Tel. 913/642-5906. May 26-27 - Vidalia, Louisiana. Ferriday Fly-in sponsored by EAA Chapter 912. Concordia Parish Airport. Contact Jerry Stallings, Rte . I , Box 19D , Ferriday, Louisiana 71334-9709.3181757-2103. May 25-27 Watsonville, California. 26th Annual Antique Fly-In. Tel. 408/496­ 9559. May 25-27 - Carlsbad, California (near San Diego). 4th Annual Twin Bonanza As­ sociation Convention, Olympic Resort Hotel & Spa. Contact Twin Bonanza As­ soc iation , 19684 Lakeshore Drive, Three Ri vers , M149093; Phone or FAX 616/279­ 2540. June 1-2 - Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Bi­ plane Expo '90, th e National Biplane As­ sociation' s Fourth Annual Convention and Exposition . Frank Phillips Field, Bartles­ ville, Oklahoma. Free to members ofNBA. For members hip information, contact Charles Harris, NBA, Han gar 5 , 4-J Avia­ tion , Jones- Riverside Airport, Tul sa, Ok­ 12 MAY 1990

lahoma. Tel. 918/299-2532.

June 1-3 Merced, California. 33rd

Merced West Coast Antique Fly-in.

Merced Municipal Airport. Contact

Merced Pilots Association, PO Box 2312 ,

Merced, California 95344 or call Dick Es­

cola at 209/358-6707.

June 3 Tunkhannock, Pennsy lv ania

Skyhaven Airport. Fly-In Breakfast.

8:00am-2 :00pm. Contact Steve Gay,

Skyhaven Airport, Tel. 717/836-4800 or


June 8-10 - Middletown, Ohio . Fifth Na­

ti o nal Aeronca Convention. Aeronca fac­

tory. Includes factory tour and visit to

USAF Museum. Contact Jim Thompson,

President, National Aeronca Association,

PO Box 2219, Terre Haute , Indiana 47802.

Tel. 812/232-1491.

June 9 - Newport News, Virginia. 18th

Annual Colonial Fly-in. Sponsored by

EAA Chapter 156 at the Patrick Henry Air­

port. Contact Chet Sprague , 8 Sinclair

Road , Ham pton , Virgini a 23669. Tel 804/


June 10 - Aurora, Illinois Municipal Air­

port. EAA Chapter 579 Fly-In/Drive-In

Breakfast & Airport/FBO Open House:

7:30a m-Noon . Contact Alan Shackleto,

Tel. 708/466-4193 or Bob Rieser , Airport

Manager. Tel. 708/466-7000.

June 16-17 - Coldwater , Michigan. Sixth

Annual Fairchild Reunion , Branch County

Memorial Field . Contact Mike Kelly, 22

Coldwater Drive , Coldwater, Michigan

49036. Tel. 517/278-7654.

June 22-24 - Pauls Valley , Oklahoma .

Greater Oklahoma City AAA Chapter Fly­

in. Contact Dick Darnell, 100 Park Avenue

Building, Suite 604, Oklahoma City, Ok­

lahoma 73102. Tel. 405/236-5635.

June 23-24 Orange , Massachusetts .

14th Annual New England EAA Fly-in .

Orange Airport. Contact James O ' Connell

at 413/498-2266.

June 23-24 - Longview , Texas Gregg County Airport. Wings Over East Texas Annual Air Show. Contact Robert Perry , Rt. 2 , Box 159BA , Kilgore , TX 75662. Tel. 214/984-7521. June 28 - July I - Mount Vernon, Ohio. 31 st Annual Waco Reunion . Wynkoop Air­ port. Contact National Waco Club, 700 Hill Avenue, Hamilton , Ohio 45015. Tel 513/868-0084. July 7-8 - Emmetsburg, Iowa. Second Annual Aeronca Champ Fly-in and fly-in breakfast. Emmetsburg Airport . Contact Keith Harnden , Box 285, Emmetsburg, Iowa 50536. Tel 712/852-3810. July 13-15 - Simsbury Connecticut. 2nd Annual Northeast Stearman Fly-in at Simsbury Airport . Contact Jim Kippen, II

Crestwood Street, Simsbury, Connecticut

06070 . Tel. 203/651-0328.

July 14-15 - lola, Wisconsin. Airport

breakfast and Old Car Show. Central

County Airport, lola, Wisconsin. Call 414/


July 14-15 - Delaware, Ohio Airport , just

nort h of Columbus ARSA . 9th annual EAA

Chapter 9 Fly-In. Food, camping & more.

Contact Art TenEyk , 6141363-6443 or Alan

Harding 614/442-0024.

July 20-21 - Collingwood , Ontario. Sec­

ond Annual Gathering of Classic Aircraft

sponsored by Collingwood Classic Aircraft

Foundation. Collingwood Airport (NY3).

Contact Doug Murray, 5 Plater Street.

R .R . No.3 , Collingwood, Ontario, Canada L9Y 3Z2. Tel. 705/445-5433.

July 20-21 - Coffeyville, Kansas . Funk

Aircraft Owners Association Reunion.

Contact Ray Pahls , 454 S. Summitlawn,

Wichita. Kansas 67209. Tel. 316/943­ 6920.

July 27-August 2 - Oshkosh , Wisco nsin.

38th Annual EAA Fly-in Convention ,

"EAA Oshkosh '90 ." Wittman Regional

Airport, Oshkosh Wisconsin. Contact

EAA, EAA Aviation Center, Oshkosh ,

Wisconsin 54903-3086. Tel. 414/426­ 4800.

August 19 - Brookfield, Wisconsin. 5th

Annual Ice Cream Social sponsored by

EAA Antique/Classic Chapter 11 at Capitol

Drive Airport. Contact George Meade ,

5514 N. Navajo Avenue, Glendale, Wis­

consin 53217. Tel. 414/962-2428.

August 24-26 - Sussex, New Jersey . 18th Annual Sussex Air Show. Sussex Airport. Call 20 I/875-7337 or 702-9719. September 8 - Chico, California . Chico Antique Airshow. Chico Airport. Contact Chico Antique Airshow Committee, 6 St. Helens Lane , Chico, California 95926. Tel 916/342-3730. September 15-16 - Rock Falls, Illinois. Fourth Annual North Central EAA " Old Fashioned" Fly-in. Pancake breakfast Sun­ day. Contact Dave Christansen at 815/625­ 6556. October 6-7 - Sussex, New Jersey Air­ port. Fly-In sponsored by EAA A/C Chap­ ter 7 and EAA Chapters 238, 73 and 891. Info: Bill Tuchler , 2011797-3835; Konrad Kundig, 201 /361-8789/ FAX 2011361­ 5760; or Paul Steiger, Sussex Airport, 2011 702-9719. October 13-14- Hickory, North Carolina Municipal Airport. EAA Chapter 731 5th Annual Fly-In. Contact Norman Rainwa­ ter , 1415 Linwood Place, Lenoir, NC 28645 ; evenings 704/578-1919, or Lynn Crowell, 113 Auld Farm Road , Lenoir, NC 28645, 7041754-2723.

"DO YOU KNO ME?" The Resurrection of a Piper /-4 Cub Coupe by Piper NC24829

with help typing from B.J. Shoup


am a 1-4 Cub Coupe, serial No.

4-742. My birth date August 31,


1939. For a few years after that I flew with the birds. I performed well , everyone said, until that fateful day when the wind blew a terrific gale and turned me on my back. My wings were damaged and so my lonesome days began . I sat in a series of hangars, gar­ ages and barns. Sometimes parts of me were left out in the elements. I was sold four times in less than 20 years. Ron Shoup located me in Llano. Texas. bought me and returned to one of the airfields where I had sat for sev­ eral years with no one wanting me . Ron started to study my problems and analyze my needs. The project seemed impossible, but Ron's friend, Jim, an A­ I. agreed to work with him to restore me . First I had some ribs that could not be repaired, but the men found enough serviceable ones elsewhere. Sandblast­ ing the metal parts came next. Then all the metal was treated with a rust retar­ dant and primed with epoxy . Scouring and scavenging, Ron lo­ cated an unused, original J-4 boot cowl. After a quick phone call it was on its way to Texas. I began to think Ron was serious about getting me into the air. He talked some strange modern language including words such as loran. intercom, transponder, CHT, EGT, and others. A radio in an

14 MAY 1990

airplane! What will they think of next? Then BJ, the Mrs. put in a request, "I want a starter! I don't want to prop the plane ." Wings were fit and new cables were made . Rudder and elevator cables were fit and all were swaged with Jim 's Nicopress tool. The trim line was made with two pulleys and the line doubled forward and back. After much sweat and a few words, the crank on the roof of the cockpit turned perfectly. I now have a new red headliner with two zippers installed. One is to access the trim-tab crank and the other is lo­ cated over the storage deck for access to the rear fuselage. My stabilizers and elevators are of stainless steel. That makes me special Ron says. He even found some stain­ less steel exhaust pipes and a muffler for me and my C-85 engine . While try­ ing to locate a tailwheel for a J-4, Ron talked to Andy Palmer in Mississippi who had another J-4 . Ron and BJ made a trip to 01' Mi ss and a few days later here came the other J-4. Andy and his Mrs. delivered the J-4A-l 083 on a tri­ axle, 20-foot trailer. Stits envelopes, Poly Brush and tapes had been purchased by one of my previous owners so the next six months were spent in covering. This

included hours of tying , taping, spray­ ing, sanding, fussing and fuming. The Stits process became very expensive. A friend calls Poly Brush "bubble gum" and that is just how it acts. It even looks like it - pink! There were a few of those words spoken again. My landing gear was in good condi­ tion but brakes were difficult to come by as heel brakes are not common. BJ wanted toe brakes but Ron said, "NO! NO! I want it as original as I can make it , and you got your starter." Of course Jim agrees with Ron. One of my doors had broken in two pieces and the other was badly crunched. They had to be welded and new aluminum was used to replace the old bent up cover. Both sliding win­ dows were replaced. My seats. hard and heavy, were re­ placed with comfortable uphol stery. My floorboards, cracked and rotten. were replaced with mil-spec aircraft mahogany plywood then covered with red carpet. Windows were installed in the baggage deck area. Original instruments were another concern but 1 now have a Cub oil pres­ sure and temperature gauge and a tach that operates clockwise to go with my C-8S. They are both cream-colored and, would you believe it , they came

out of an old box stored in aT-hangar just a few feet away! When Ron saw them , he started jumping up and down as if he had struck gold. He laughed and just about cried at the same time . He was almost afraid to ask the price . Then came the best part - FREE! ! ! All my other instruments are standard . There is a loran on the lower right side of my panel, a radio and intercom on the left with push-to-talk switches on the top of both sticks. The cost of the restoration has been tabulated on B1' s computer. Every nut and bolt has been tallied. Perhaps more was spent than was necessary but how often do you find a "new" boot cowl that is 50 years old? On August 12, 1989 my new engine had its first run up. Everything was A-OK so back to the hangar we went for the mounting of my wings. My first flight was the Sunday before my birth­ day. Jim flew th(; test flight, then took Ron up . Ron kept his promise and had me in the sky before I turned 50. Ron 's second goal was to check out and fly me to the Kerrville , Texas Fly-in for 1989. Well I was in the first row where everyone could see me. WE MADE IT!!! !

There seem to be several Coupes of my vintage around. Ron joined the Cub Club and gets frequent news reports. One day he read that a research person


was looking for a particular plane in Texas that was built in 1939 and, ac­ cording to records, was owned by the same person all of its lifetime. Ron was

into the phone network , pronto . After three or four calls he located the Cub in Port Lavaca . Richard Tanner had bought J-4A , 4-735 as it came off the assembly line 50 years ago and it is still flying . We are just seven serial numbers apart, so we were being finished the same week in Lock Haven , Pennsylvania. J-4 , 4-735 was used as a camera platform for a whooping crane research program in south Texas. Another fellow also has a J-4 based on the same landing strip. Just as Ron began to work on me he read about another J-4 in Ozona , Texas and made a trip to see it. Joe Boy Pierce and his wife, Sammy , have two J-4s . They use them to fly fences on their ranch. There's a J-4 from Bangs, Texas that is coming to Austin to be restored and one in the Fort Worth area. There is another being restored in Rockdale, just a few miles away. At the Kerrville fly-in we located two more , a J-4E in Harlingen, Texas and J-4A in Hous­ ton , both flying. That's seven of II known to be flying in central, north and south Texas. That 's a great rep­ resentation for a small family totaling 1,250 originals . WHO ELSE IS OUT THERE? ? ? • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 15

Field Elevation, -13 feet.

Rudy Krens at EAA Sun'n Fun '89 16 MAY 1990

N ear the city of Lelystad, Holland a diverse group of pilots fly some unique airplanes-starting at 13 feet below sea level.

by Walter van Tilborg EDITOR'S NOTE... We are indebled

Rudy Krens (EAA 334248) for en足 couraging his good friend, Walter van Tilborg (EAA 92129) to submit this ar足 ticle on the very active group of antique airplane enthusiasts based at Lelystad Airport in H olland. .. Norm Petersen, Associate Editor 10

L elystad airport is located some 30 nautical miles north eas t of Amsterdam 's Schipol Airport and south of the city of Lelystad , Holland . The airport is built in the Flevopolder which is o ne of several polders claimed from the Ijsselmeer (formerly Zuiderzee). The airport is the fastest growing general aviation field in Holland with nearly 100,000 aircraft movements an足 nually. This is not too bad for an airport without runway or approach lights, thus limiting operations to su nrise th ro ugh sunset. Present plans call for lighting installations to be made by 1991. The airport is home base for a variety of commerc ial co mpanies a nd non 足 profit organizations. Ag pl anes operate from the same runway as stude nt pilots

in training with the three flying schools on the airport. Ultralight aircraft have their own grass strip and g liders occupy the grass st rip just north of the main runwa y. This makes Lel ystad the only field in Holland with so many categories of users. Good pilot discipline is the secret as the fie ld is totally uncontrolled. (This is equivalent to some 12,000 sma ller airports in the U. S... Ed.) Non-profit organizat ions at Lel ystad include the NVA V, which is the Dutch Amateur Aircraft Builders Association (EAA Chapter 664); the Early Birds Association, a gro up of proud ow ners of such aircraft as a Tiger Moth, a Gipsy Moth , a 1929 Fleet Moclel 2, a Bucker Jungmeister and Jungmann , two Fokker Triplanes under restoration ancl many VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17

more in the pipeline. In addition, the V.M.L. (initials for the Flying Museum Lelystad) have a hangar housing some 15 aircraft which are available for view­ ing by the public. All of these aircraft are kept in flying condition and include a 1941 Klemm KL-35D, Stearman PT-13D, de­ Havilland Dove and Chipmunk and several homebuilt aircraft such as VP-l, Pottier P-80S (a French all-metal single seater) and a U.S. registered Smith Miniplane. Also in the hangar is an original design homebuilt by Cor Dijkman Dulkes called the Dijkman Dijkhastar and registered PH-COR. This particular airplane was the very first homebuilt to receive an airworthi­ 111::;........._ _ _ _....:...-_ _ _ _ _-,-"...-,___- - , - - - . . , . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ~ ness certificate in Holland in 1976 and is the second effort of the builder. The N1858 Plentenpol Alrcamper :I: original project by Dulkes was an "il­ legal" aircraft and only flew once - but the proof that it flew was enough to convince the authorities that aircraft could be designed and built by amateurs. Cor Dijkman Dulkes is now building his third aircraft of all-wood construction featuring retractable land­ ing gear this time . Four Fokker S-ll " Instructor" two/three-seater trainer aircraft form the demonstration team called "Fokker Four." The S-ll was a product of Fok­ ker Aircraft and the prototype of this basic trainer first flew in 1947. Produc­ tion took pl ace in Holland , Ital y and

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N82AM Tiger Moth


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-===""-""-"-­ _ _ _--'~ 18 MAY 1990

with a 50 totalS-12 of 365 aircraft built. Brazil In addition, derivatives with tricycle gear were built in Brazil. Hol­ land, Israel , Ital y, Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia all used this military trainer. Most S-11 and S-12 aircraft had been withdrawn from use by the late 1960's and many were acquired by private owners. One of the aircraft presently flying in the musum group is a Stearman PT-13D with U.S. registration N68987, SIN 75­ 5053. This beauty is owned by IBM executive, Rudy Krens, and it arrived in Holland in 1989. It is perhaps the "lowest flying Stearman in the world" as Lelystad's elevation is a minus 13 feet! Rudy's association with Stear­ mans began some years earlier when he purchased a 450 Stearman. However, the R-985 engine turned out to be rather expensive to feed as fuel prices are about double those in the U.S. When Rudy had a chance to make a good deal with Phil Dacy Aviation of Harvard, Illinois, he took the opportunity and

bought a brand new 220 Continental­ powered Stearman and the 450-hp machine was sold to a gentleman in Belgium where the aircraft is part of a growing collection of oldies at Kortrijk Airport. N68987 was originally built in 1942 and was given its civil registration in the early 1950's. The aircraft in present form is the very professional work of Pete Jones and his people at Air Repair, Inc. of Cleveland, Mississippi . Buying a Stearman is one thing, but getting it over to Europe is another! Flying is out of the question so you must hire the services of a professional for disas­ sembly, crating and loading into a sea container. The task of putting the Stearman together once in Holland, was put on the shoulders of Richard van As, a former KLM mechanic and builder of a Benson B-8M gyrocopter and owner of an ex­ Dutch Air Force PA-18-135 Super Cub. Richard had previous experience in 1987 when he and the author traveled to the USA to buy a Cessna 172. Be­ cause the 172 had survived Richard's treatment and now flies the Dutch skies, Rudy Krens had courage enough to ac­ cept the challenge to go and get the Stearman himself. Plans were made, rejected, changed and finally accepted and airline reserva­ tions were made in April 1989 for Richard and myself to fly to Memphis, Tennessee. Rudy was already in the US and met us in Memphis where we rented a car and drove to Cleveland, Mississip­ pi . The next morning, we drove from the motel to the airport and Rudy had his very first look at N68987. Sitting on the ramp in the morning sun, the newly rebuilt Stearman looked beautiful! After a warm reception from the Air Repair people, we toured the facility including the wing rebuild shop in near­ by Leland, Mississippi. What a joy to see this "old-fashioned" work being ex­ pertly done by young people. Phil Dacy, Jr. had meanwhile flown down from Illinois in his Twin Beech to finalize the paper work on the Stearman and as part of the agreement, it was decided to have a ferry pilot from Air Repair fly N68987 to Montgomery County Airport at Conroe, Texas, just north of Houston. This was done for two reasons; it was near the port of Houston for shipment and Richard had crated the Cessna 172 from this airport. In addition, I had flown from this airport




























.Y. C ~










N168G 0 H Gipsy Moth










N131 EB Coso-built Jungmann VINTAGE AIRPLANE 19

This Piper Twin Comanche was once owned and flown by the legless RAF fighter pilot. Sir Douglas Bader.

in 1987 while earning my private pilot license and last, but not least, it is the home of Gary Hudson and his firm, General Aviation Services, plus Gary's lovely wife and the most important item - Gary's toolbox! Gary Hudson is an aClive member of the Big Thicket Squadron of the Confederate Air Force, based at the airport. With plans all arranged, we drove back to Memphis and Richard con­ tinued on to Indiana where he was to disassemble a Smith Miniplane which had been purchased by one of our EAA members in Holland. Meanwhile, Rudy and I continued on to Tampa, Florida and enjoyed a few wonderful days resulting from our secret and sinister timing - Sun ' n Fun '89! It was Rudy's first trip and my second visit to this beautiful spring fly-in and we care­ fully avoided the mention of warm and enjoyable weather when Richard called on the phone from Indiana and told of the ice and snow! Rudy went on to Hartford, Connec­ 20 MAY 1990

ticut on business while I flew to Hous­ ton to join Richard and began disman­ tling the Stearman. With the invaluable help of Gary Hudson and his crew plus my brother, Jan who lives in Houston, the Stearman was taken apart, piece by piece. It was surely a strange feeling to take apart an aircrafl that had just under 10 hours on the recording tach since " new ." The only snag experienced was that the forklift used in 1987 to load the Cessna 172 wa s no longer at Montgomery County airport. As usual, Richard provided the solution. He simply walked over to the National Guard depot at the field, explained the situation and returned with a National Guard crew and a mobile crane! (And all for free!) The 40 foot container had room for the Stearman and many other goodies . These were all loaded inside including a complete Lancair kit by Neico Avia­ tion for one of the NYA Y/EAA Chapter 664 members in Holland. When every­ thing was finished , the container was

shipped out of Houston, arnvmg at Lelystad airport in May 1989. The Stearman was assembled and test flown for the third "first flight" on May 27th. (See VINTAGE AIRPLANE March, 1990, page 7). N68987 is now the eye­ catcher in the Flying Museum Lelystad hangar. But thi s is not the end of the story. The hangar in which the Flying Museum collection is housed is too small and has no room for additional aircraft. Add to that the ever increasing costs for hangarage - so - the owners put their heads together and afler a slow start, plans are now finalized and our "own" hangar should be ready towards mid-1990. With space for 25 to 28 aircraft, the hangar will be operated by a non-profit organization named " De fionier Hangaar" - PH being the inter­ national code for Dutch registered civil aircraft. Participants in the project are owners of aircraft, the Fokker Four demonstra­ tion team, their sponsor, the Dutch Dove

Aviators' Wall.

Association and the NV A V/EAA Chap­ ter 664. The Flying Museum Lelystad will occupy the ground floor of the of­ fice part but will not own the hangar or any of the aircraft. The latter are made available for viewing by their owners.Also in the hangar will be the "Aviators Wall," an initiative of Max van Oort, a retired KLM captain. We hope that this wall will ultimately hold small metal plaques with the names of all persons who ever obtained a civil pilot's license in Holland. Plaques al­ ready installed include the name of His Royal Highness, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands. Aircraft that can usually be found at Lelystad airport are listed below and visitors to the Early Birds or Pionier Hangaar collections are welcome. It is advised, however, to call one of the following numbers prior to coming to the field. Weekdays are the best for visiting . • Call in Holland: 03200-53443 or 03202-699 or 01899-11206

Some of

LELYSTAD'S AIRCRAFT CASA (Bucker) Jungmann Cessna 185 DH Gipsy Moth

DH Tiger Moth DH Tiger Moth DH Dove (Devon) DHC Chipmunk Dijkman Dijkhastar Fleet Model 2 Fokker S-ll Instructor

Klemm KL-35D

N131EB N61826 N168G (with fake reg. VH-AFN) N82AM ZS-DLK (reg. in South Africa) N531WB (former RAF aircraft) G-BDET PH-COR NC724V PH-ACG, PH-AFS, PH-HOG, PH-HOK, PH-HOL D-ECCI

N/A Noorduyn AT-16ND Piaggio P-149D Pietenpol Aircamper Piper PA

160 Twin Comanche Piper PA-18-95 Pottier P-80S

Scheibe SF-23 Sperling Smith Miniplane (WB-4) Stearman PT-13D Stolp Starduster Too

PH-KLU D-EEGD and D-EERP N1848 PH-COM (ex.

Douglas Bader aircraft) PH-VCY PH-JML (Winnie Mae ­ builder Wil Post) D-ELFE and D-ENZE N788 N68987 G-KEEN (ex N800RE) VINTAGE AIRPLANE 21





by Ron Ferrara

22 MAY 1990

A gathering of plastic -

ITedcould hardly believe my ears when Beckwith called and suggested that we, "Jump in the PT-22 and fly up to Rough River, Kentucky for lunch tomorrow ." Suddenly it was a new day. I had to dig out my leather helmet and goggles and plan the route on my sectional chart . When my wife heard the words, "airplane," "cross-coun­ try," and "Kinner" she let out a sigh and shook her head , knowing that our leaking sink would have to drip for another week. "Meet me at about 10:00 in the morning," Ted said and hung up. Oh boy! I was up at dawn the next day to check the weather - cool for central Tennessee with clear skies and calm winds. It was a PT-22 day if ever there was one. Ted is a 20-year Delta captain and an avid antiquer who has owned, over the years, a Monocoupe 110 , a Stinson Junior, a Fairchild 24 and pre­ sently flies the Ryan . He also is work­ ing on a Cessna C-34, has a Warner­ powered Great Lakes under construc­ tion and an Aeronca K waiting in the wings. The PT-22 was supposed to be an interim airplane, but so far all offers Ted has received have been categori­

every kind of EZ known to man.

cally refused . Woody Woodward and his wife Anne were going along on the flight in their newly completed Bucker lung­ mann . Needless to say, I arrived a little early, about 8:30 , just to make sure

everything was ready. About 8:45 I began to wonder where everyone else was and why they were waiting until the last minute to get this show on the road. At 9: 15 Ted pulled in and opened the hangar doors whereupon he beheld

Traditional Beckwith tiger tail waves over the Tennessee countryside.


a vision of the complete aviator. "A the Ryan and [ were becoming more into the slipstream to see around the little early, aren't you? Love the out­ and more anxious to get going. I was exposed cylinders [ could see every­ fit. " thing' This was flying at its best. My haunted by the nagging fear that some­ feet were cold, my nose was running We pushed the Ryan out into the still one would change the plan and the trip and the wind blew my helmet off and chill morning air and Ted began his would be postponed at the last minute. wrapped it around my neck . My gog­ routine. The preflight of this antique My fears proved ground less as Ted gles wound up covering my chin. [ was tends to be a little different from that climbed into the rear cockpit at exactly of a more modern airplane. [n addition a natural, made for this kind of flying , 10:00. "Gets kind of loud up there. even though [ suspect Ted was having to the normal checks such as oil and You may want to use these," he ye ll ed second thoughts fuel quantity, the about his demented prop must be ro­ passenger. tated through to We levelled off check for hydraulic at about. 1,500 feet lock in the lower heading north. It cylinders of the Kinner. [ climbed is difficult to ex­ plain how different into the fron t cock­ pit and Ted showed it is watching the landscape pass be­ me the magneto switch, fuel shut­ low from an open off and other con­ cockpit. I actually felt like [ could trol s. "Pump the reach out and touch throttle a couple of times, start it the occasional cloud on the left mag along our route. The and switch to both grass looked greener. the fall colors brighter, after it starts," he and the sky bluer instructed. One pull than [ had ever ex­ on the wooden prop perienced. To me and the Kinner came to life as if it. too there is nothing Illore "I like your airplanes beHer," said the aHendant at Rough River. had been wonder­ rewarding than fab­ ing what the de­ ric wings, a round lay was all about. engine, and an air­ As [ sat in the cock­ speed indicator that pit wanning the oil reads in miles per [ listened to the en­ hour rather than gine purring like knots. I was ex­ a kitten and the periencing an era in which I have al­ smile on my face just kept getting ways feIt at home. We had escaped bigger. My first the tensions of the impression of the high-tech world inside of the Ryan below . It was as if was that this was we were in a time a very stout air­ warp as I looked plane . It was very over my shoulder substantial with large and saw the sil­ aluminum sections houette of the Bucker held together by in loose fornlation. large aluminum riv­ We were cruis­ ets. It is unusual ing about 90 mph . to see an aircraft Ted Beckwith and the Ryan. Out of habit more so obv iously built to withstand severe casionally looked down at the oil pres­ as he handed me a set of earplugs. loads and student mistakes. absentmindedly put them in my pocket sure gauge, rock steady at 80 psi. Ac­ Just as the oil reached operating tem­ with every intention of using them tually the oil pressure was one of the perature Woody and Ann in their beau­ once airborne. Soon we were climbing few instruments available to look at in tiful brown and tan Bucker touched into the cold crystal sky. All thoughts the front cockpit. [ must admit that the down on the grass and rolled to a stop. of earplugs dissipated when [ heard the constant oil pressure was comforting Crouched in the cockpits, the two were symphony of the short-stacked Kinner, more than a little chilled from the early considering all the hangar tales one more sensuous than Ravel's Bolero . hears about the reliability of old radial morning flight. As they talked with Ted This was great! Sticking my head out engines. The Kinner seemed out to about altitude, route and the like, both 24 MAY 1990

pect were aimed at me . I ignored them . prove th at these tales were slanderous. Rough River State Park is a tribute It never missed a beat th ro ughout the to Kentucky. It is one of a number of entire trip. As we approached Rough Ri ver a state parks with airstrips on it or very white streak sped past the nose. The close by. The parks offer camping. res­ odd shape quickly materialized into a taurants and cabins at very reasonable Long-EZ enroute to the same destina­ rates. It is a shame that more states tion. Looking down at the airport re­ don 't follow thi s example and make vealed a veritable plastic convention as airstrips a part of their parks, just as there was every kind of EZ known to man parked on the ramp. We were defi­ nitely in the minor­ ity today. As Ted cu t the power we began an i mpres­ sive descent, al­ though the airspeed remained stuck on 80. He had warned me about a rather high wing loading that resulted in a steep glide, but I had not expected this. I suppose that this was a design feat ure that made the airplane suit­ able for training Ryan PT-22 at the Beckwith hangar - note the tiger tail hanging the young pilots of World War II. As we taxied in we got a lot of st range looks. We parked nex t to a lonely looking Stin­ son. closer to our era. The EZs milled around the pumps looking like a swarm of ali en insects all beaks-down. feed­ ing in preparation for departure. One after another they made low passes and I must adm it the iI' performance was impressive. Two different genera­ tions of aircraft were The Bucker - at home in the grass. sharing a point in the space-time con­ tinuum. As we pulled the Ryan to the they do golf courses. The expense pumps, the attendant looked from the de­ would be offset by the addi ti ona l use that would be generated. parting glass menagerie to the Ryan , then to the Bucker and said. " I think I like After waddling back to the planes we were soon headed south. It was your airplanes better." I had to agree. now mid-afternoon and the sun re­ We amb led over to the lodge for a very substanti al buffet lunch. There flected off the yel low wings. It was were some uncalled for comments wanner now and I was flying the last leg. Since there was no compass in the abo ut "limited useful load" that I sus-

front cockpi t and I didn ' t have a chart . it was a test of my pilotage skills. I was pleasantly surprised at how re ­ sponsive thc aircraft was. truly a plea­ sure to fl y. The Bucker pulled up into tight formation. lingercd for a few miles. and with a beautiful aileron roll departed to the west. We delayed over Russellville . Kentucky to watch a Pitts going through its paces. complete with smoke . What a d if­ ferent perspect ive from which to watch an airshow. Even­ tuall y we resumed our journey to the south and approached the airpark and home. Ted made another textbook landing and we shut down. The music of the Kinner remained with us long after the propeller came to a stop. I de­ layed leaving the cockpit. trying des­ perately to make the moment last from the left wing. just a bit longer. The traditional wip­ ing of the oil. well known to those who fly behind radial engines. was soon completed and the hangar door secured. This adventure was over except in mem­ ory and in antici­ pation of the next offer. As I drove away I thought about all the people who fly but have never ex­ perienced such a flight. How much they are missing' I had a flight lesson to give later that day in a modern airplane. Fortunately for me the student was my son Matt. preparing for his private ticket. He had been exposed to Ryans , Cubs, Stinsons and had hi s first Stearman ride at the Tennessee Taildraggers fly-in a few years ago. When he saw the helmet , goggles and the wild look in my eyes he just sighed and shook his head. In some ways he is a lot like hi s mother. . VINTAGE AIRPLANE 25


by Bob Brauer

left to right: Felix Sanchez, Francisco Halbriter, Abel Debock and Guido Jontza at Rodriguez, December 1989.




26 MAY 1990

"EAA Division Antiguos & Clasicos, Filial 12 , Argentina" This is how we look in San Andres De Giles, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, the location of our most distant chapter. The chapter was formed in 1982 and received its AIC charter the following year. According to Presi足 dent , Abel Debock of San Pedro, "We formed the group at that time be足 cause our country was having a more

V3 which he be­ comfortable econom­ lieves to be the old­ ic situation than we est example of this have now , and there was a lot of interest kind of aircraft still flying. Pedro Gadda in restoring antique flies an Aeronca aircraft." Even though 7 AC Champ and a mar.y antique and Cessna 170A in ad­ classic airplanes have dition to the Heath been sold abroad, and a Stinson Re­ some to museums in li ant that he re­ England , interest in stored. (Pedro must restoration is still live in his shop.) high . Abel empha­ Examples of planes sizes that, "There are other members fly many planes to re­ are Focke Wulf 44J, store, many others Bucker Jungmann, being worked on and Stearman, Fairchild many flying ." The 24, Fleet, Curtiss high costs involved Waco and E16, have not decreased number of a interest in restoration, J-3s , Aeroncas, and the activities of Luscombes, Stinson the chapter have cap­ Abel Debock's Rearwin Sporster. 108s, an Ercoupe, tured the attention of PA-II, PA-12anda European enthusiasts. Cessna 140. Chapter meetings AIC Chapter 12 are held the second holds its annual of each Sunday business meeting month at the Airport during the weekend of San Andres de closest to September Giles located about 21, the first day of 55 miles from spring south of the Buenos Aires. There equator, at the Aero the members ex­ Club Mercedes, Bue­ change technical in­ nos Aires. [n the formation, try to second weekend of solve problems of re­ December, Chapter storation and share 12 works with information about EAA Chapter 722 EAA, the AlC Divi­ (Buenos Aires) and sion and Oshkosh. Ultralight Chapter 23 There are currently (Esperanza) to orga­ 80 members who live nize the annual EAA throughout Argentina Argentina convention and the club keeps a in Rodriguez, Buenos detailed record of Aires. At this event, each aircraft owned each category of air­ by the members. craft is judged with There are several "Gran Campeon Antigue" Bucker Jungmann at Rodriguez 1989. grand champion awards restoration projects presented similar to the procedure at currently under way. Chapter Vice Abel owns and tlies a 1938 Rear­ Oshkosh. [n addition, the chapter at­ President, Guido Jontza of Olivos, win Sportster 9000. His 18-year­ tends events organized by the air force old son, Alex, who passed his tlight is restoring a Beech Staggerwing . Sec­ of Argentina and by private clubs. retary Pedro Gadda of Matheu, the test last September also tlies the plane . Abel has written aviation articles for chapter's secretary, is working on a Guido, now working on the Beech the magazine AERODEPORTES and Heath Parasol which Abel believes is Staggerwing, reconstructed and tlew a submitted photographs he took of our the oldest in existence. Treasurer Felix 1928 Curtiss Robin until he recently convention activities when he and his sold it to the RAF Museum in England. Sanchez of Haedo is restoring both a wife attended in 1986 . Chapter 12 has This aircraft was the 1986 Grand Fleet 2 and a Focke Wulf 44J. Carlos a great deal to be proud of. [n spite of Schmidt is reconstructing a 1926 West­ Champion in Argentina and won the adverse economic times , Abel reports land Widgeon 3 equipped with a Cirrus Phoenix Prize given by the Federation their AIC Chapter is the best organized Mk2 engine. Abel reports that these Aeronautique Internationale in Paris in and strongest aviation group in South are only a few examples and that there 1987. Felix, in addition to his res­ America . • toration projects, flies a 1928 Davis are many more . VINTAGE AIRPLANE 27


--1] An information exchange column with input from readers.

by Buck Hilbert (EM 21, Ale 5) P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180 More Fueling Around A lot of interest has been generated by the article on fueling with plastic "jerry" cans . I've had calls and letters from numerous people expressing con­ cern and giving instances of disastrous experiences as a result of this type of fueling. Wade Lowry called in from Lakeville, Minnesota and told me about a Luscombe incident years ago. A fellow stuck the spout in the wing tank, laid the can on its side and let it gurgle into the tank while he carried on a conversation with Wade a short distance away. Shortly they heard a WHOOMP! and saw the wing and airplane in flames . The Luscombe was destroyed. Art Morgan called this morning from Milwaukee; you all know Art, he's that mean man driving the cut­ back Volkswagen at Oshkosh who har­ rasses all the parking people and the airplane drivers. Art has a Luscombe and a Bellanca Cruisair. He had some advice to offer on the subject and said that Tony Bingelis had written an arti­ cle several years ago on grounding the plastic cans. From Art's description, a 28 MAY 1990

roll of copper screening is placed in­ side the can and into the spout and the grounding wire is attached to it. This precludes any build-up of static elec­ tricity and effectively defuses an inhe­ rently dangerous situation. Then I get a piece of mail today from Phil Trusty of Murfreesboro, Tennes­ see Chapter 419, and it quotes National Fire Protection Association standards for, "Plastic Containers (Jerry Cans) for petroleum products." They are quite specific as to metal cans and when they get to paragraph 3, they blow it all away by saying: Jerry Cans that are plastic - "non-conductive" ­ (RE: NFPA 30) then there is no re­ quirement for bonding. Note that lab tests found electro-static building up on a non-conductive cans is not of suf­ ficient voltage to ignite a fuel air mix­ ture. If you are more comfortable using a bond, then a simple wire between any metal fitting (hand le, lid , spout) and the aircraft should be adequate as­ suming the bond line has adequate con­ tinuity. I'm asking our Editor Mark Phelps to print the entire letter and r want to also call your attention to the last sen­

tence of the letter. It states, "Fueling from small non-conductive jerry cans is possible without bonding. Any other fueling (metal drums, tanks, hydrant carts) must observe the industry stan­ dards for grounding and bonding." I'm also asking whether someone out there has actual experience with this situation and has words of advice to pass on to the rest of us - someone intimately acquainted with the research done on these plastic Jerry cans, who can give us the straight scoop. CAN we or CAN'T we?

AIRCRAFT FUELING FROM JERRY CANS "In the February, 1990, "Pass It to Buck," Lt. Col. Hilbert described a common practice of fueling small air­ craft from service or "jerry" cans. His experience prompted some questions about grounding provisions for this procedure. "Fueling aircraft has long been rec­ ogn ized as inherently dangerous. A vi­ ation gasoline (Avgas), automotive gaso line (auto gas) are both classed by the National Fire Protection Associa­ tion as "flammable" meaning they have a flash point below 100 degree F. (37-8 degree C.). Turbine fuel is usu­ ally classed as "combustible" but may also have a flash point close to 100 degree F. A static electric spark can ignite these fuel vapors with explosive results. 'This static spark results from the difference in electric potential between the aircraft and the fueling equipment. By grounding the aircraft to earth and grounding the servicing equipment (truck, tank, drum), we achieve an ef­ fective zero charge and little difference in the two potentials. "The flow of fuel through pipes, pumps and hoses can create a static charge so we bond the aircraft and fuel­ ing equipment to each other to neut­ ralize any build up. "There are several government and industry standards/guidelines on air­ craft refueling . Most major airlines and aircraft manufacturers go to great lengths to provide procedures and in­ struction for refueling. These include: - Air Transport Association of America Specification No. 103 - National Air Transportation As­ sociation " Refueling and Quality Con­ trol Procedures" - U.S.D.O .T .lF.A.A. Advisory Cir­ cular No. 150/5230-4 - U.S.D.O.D. Military Standard

1548B - N.F .P.A. 407 "Specific standards for flammable liq­ uid containers include: NFP A 30 "Flammable Liquids" and ANSI! ASTM D3435-80 "Plastic Containers (Jerry Cans) for Petroleum Products" "To address Lt. Col. Hilbert 's situa­ tion, may I suggest: I. Check the jerry cans for the Un­ derwriters Laboratory (UL) "li sting" number. UL "lists" but does not "ap­ prove" which is done by Factory Man­ ual (FM) labs . The cans should be listed/approved for storage of Class I flammables. Typical features of "safety" cans include self closing lid , heavy construction, clear labeling for contents and a spark guard mesh screen inside the filler spout. 2. If the cans are metal , then good contact between the metal aircraft tank opening and the can should provide adequate bonding . Use of a funnel, corrosion or oil/paint may cause enough insulation that a bonding line between the aircraft and the can should be used. 3. If the jerry cans are plastic " ... non-conductive .. . " (RE: NFPA 30), there is no requirement for bonding . Note that lab tests found electro-static charge building up on non conductive cans is not of sufficient voltage to ig­ nite afuellair mixture. If you are more comfortable using a bond , then a sim­

pIe wire bond between any metal fit­ ting (handle , lid, spout) and the aircraft should be adequate assuming the bond line has good continuity. "Lastly, there are the general pre­ cautions for aircraft fueling: I. Away from ignition sources. Air­ craft radios and electricals turned off, no smoking. 2. Fueling should be performed out­ side , so as not to threaten the hangar and other aircraft which may also act as ignition sources . 3. Use an effective fuel mat to pro­ tect the aircraft finish and de-ice boots. "Fueling from small non-conductive jerry cans is possible without bonding . Any other fueling (metal drums , tanks , hydrant carts) must observe the indus­ try standards of grounding and bond­ ing ."

Telephone log Some interesting calls this past month (February and March). John Dooden from Tulsa, Oklahoma called . We had a very interesting conversation about his desire to locate and restore or even scratch build a World War I project. Anybody out there got a Spad or a Fokker he wants to part with? Con­ tact John . Phil Kraus from New York, building an SE 5A in a Manhattan loft, no less, is in bad need of a Hisso E propeller hub. I wasn't able to help the man. He

IS YOUR MEDICAL CERTIFICATE CURRENT, BUT NOT VALID? Reprinted from the FAA Flight Standards Communicator We are all familiar with FAR 61 .23 and the validity periods of the various medical certificates, i.e. the Third Class Medical is valid for 24 months; Second Class for 12 months; and the First Class is good for six months. However, how many pilots are familiar with FAR 61.53? This regulation states that. .. "No person may act as pilot in command or in any other capacity as a required pilot flight-crewmember while he has a known medical defi­ ciency, or increase of a known medical deficiency, that would make him un­ able to meet the requirements for his current medical certificate." Just what does this mean? Basically, if you know that you have a medical condition

which would preclude you from pass­ ing your flight physical, then your physical certificate is no longer valid even if the expiration date is still a long way away. Another way to say this is that a current medical can very well be a non-valid medical. Quite often pilots are overheard making a statement to the effect that, "I need to get this medical problem cleared up before my physical because I know that I will never be able to pass the exam in my present condition." The main concern that you as a pilot must be aware of is that if you should operate an aircraft in your "present condition" you may endanger yourself, your passengers and your certificate.

had already been to all the sources I recommended. Want to be a hero? Find the man a prop hub! Also, "Doc" Fowler checked in from Spokane , Washington . Now here is a guy who knows how to live . His dental offices are on the Spokane Inter­ national Airport. He commutes from his home about 30 miles away in his Cabin Waco , parks it near the office door and when hi s work is done he flie s right back home where he can continue working on his other project, a Marquart Charger. "Doc" has a number of projects to his credit ­ Bucker, Stearman , Waco. He's an lAC enthusiast as well as Antique/Classic . Nice hearing from you, "Doc!" Craig Johnson , the full-time mechanic for the Anchorage , Alaska Civil Air Patrol and I had a long talk about CAP activities in Alaska . They have 34 airplanes - nine Beavers and an assortment of Cessna 185s , 206s and one lone Varga. They have a number of float planes and have four slips right on the Lake Hood base. Now this Lake Hood seaplane base is sort of like Chicago's O ' Hare Field, only on water. I, for one , have never seen activity like they have there. Airplanes of all sorts and descriptions arriving and departing in droves. They operate in and out, under and around the International Airport traffic without causing any conflicts that I know about. Of course they do this routinely so they are well aware of jet wash and all the rest of the problems of sharing space with the 747s and the other BIG boys. We could all take lessons from these pilots . Maybe we can encourage an article or two about that style of flying from them . How about it, Bushies? I've also heard from San Jose , California. Curt Barnhart, who works for Azure Technology, had some words with me about the Azure Long Ranger and how best to use it. I tried it in my C-3 and it doesn ' t like flying so low or so slow or the unshielded ignition system . I guess I really hadn't any reason to complain . Word from Sun 'n Fun Ray Olcott, former A/C Divi sion board member , is that wife Jo, one of the nice ladies who work at the Red Barn during EAA Oshkosh, is recovering nicely after open heart surgery. I'll be seeing her when Dorothy and I get to Florida to work Sun 'n Fun . Hope to see many of you there. In the meanwhile , it's Over to you . • VINTAGE AIRPLANE 29




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30 MAY 1990

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WANTED: Wanted: Historical Aviation Albums by Paul Matt, #1 through #15, except for #2, #6, #12. John McDonald, P.O. Box 8, Windom, KS 67491. (5-1)

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by George Hardie Jr.


his month's Mystery Plane was another victim of the Great Depression years. The company was well known in those Golden Years. The photo was submitted by John Denny of Springfield, Oregon. Answers will be published in the August 1990 issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Deadline for that issue is June 10th. Readers of our companion magazine EAA EXPERIMENTER had no diffi­ culty with the February Mystery Plane. Inadvertently it was featured in the "Lightplane Heritage" column in the February issue . Nonetheless , we re­ ceived a number of correct answers. Wayne Van Valkenburgh of Jasper, Georgia writes: "The February Mystery Plane is the Meyers Midget. It was designed by Charles Meyers and entered in the U. S. Lightplane contest in 1926. Charlie worked for the Great Lakes Co. and designed the Great Lakes trainer, and later worked for Waco and was largely responsible for the Waco Taperwing. He later went to work for Eastern Air­ lines and retired from Eastern in the 1950s." John Underwood of Glendale, California has sharp eyes . He writes: "How can the Mystery Plane be a mys­ tery with the name clearly painted on the side? Builder Charles W . Meyers cracked it up on its first flight , which 34 MAY 1990

was in a Iightplane race at Philadelphia in September 1926. The 32-hp Bristol Cherub engine, borrowed from Lew Reisner of Kreider-Reisner, Charlie ' s employer, quit on the 7th lap. This was due to sabotage. Charlie said he found two inches of mud in the fuel tank , and a mechanic later told him who put it there. The name is now an honored one in the Aviation Hall of Fame. "The Meyers Midget never flew again - too badly damaged. Charlie was so impressed by its brief perfor­

mance that he later scaled up the wing cellule, which used the M6 airfoil, and applied it to a Waco 10 , the result being the Waco Taperwing. Charlie moved on to greater fame with Great Lakes, joined Eastern Airlines in 1930 after placing third in the American Cir­ rus Derby ." Other answers were received from Ron Davenport of Harper's Ferry , West Virginia; Byron Calomiris of Long Beach, California; Charley Hayes of Park Forest, Illinois; Nathan Rounds of Zebulon , Geogia; Casimier Grevera of Sunnyvale , California; Cedric Galloway of Hesperia , Califor­ nia ; Bob Armstrong of Rawlings , Maryland . And now a word about our Mystery Plane column . One reader asks if we print the names of all who answer. In­ deed we do , provided the letter is dated on or before the deadline date. This is not intended as a contest, although there is an element of challenge here. A review of past Mysteries will under­ line the value of the historical knowl­ edge that these columns have added to our archives. During the years that I have been editing the column, only seven Mystery Planes were not iden­ tified . I feel we are making a signifi­ cant contribution to recording aviation history . •

Meyers Midget

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