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by Espie "Butch" Joyce

It is with regret that I must report to you the death of Dale Crites. Dale was the person who performed at Oshkosh each year with his 1911 Curtiss Pusher. Dal e operated Crite s Field in Waukesha, Wisconsin from the 1930s until 1969. He and his twin brother Dean were inducted into the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame in 1989. Dale's presence at the Oshkosh Convention will surely be missed. At our February 1991 Board of Direc­ tors meeting we covered a number of items, some of which I would like to go over with you. The Antique/Classic Division is looking positively at in­ creasing its support of Pioneer Airport. We have appointed a Pioneer Airport Committee that will be working with Greg Anderson, EAA Vice-President of Development, and the EAA Aviation Foundation Board. I will have more news on this in the future as plans develop. One of the most exciting things that

has been accomplished is that after in­ tense negotiations with AVA, Inc. of Greensboro, North Carolina (Norma Johnson), EAA Headquarters (Bob Mackey), Global Aviation Insurance Services (Tim Williams) and myself, the Antique/Classic membership has a group insurance program for their aircraft insurance. This program has been tailored to benefit the type of aircraft that AlC Division represents. Just some of the highlights of this pro­ gram include: a fleet discount for those people owning more than one aircraft, and there will be no hand propping ex­ clusions, and no age surcharge. Also, now you can buy hull insurance on your project, and included in this policy is a $50,000.00 liability coverage in the event that someone were to be injured while visiting your shop. You must be a member of the EAA Antique/Classic Division to participate in this program. If you have a friend who wishes to join us, they can do so by calling 1/800/322­ 2412. For more insurance details, call the folks at AVA, Inc. at 1/800/727­ 3823. The more members who par­ ticipate in this program, the better it will become. Division Expansion Our Criteria Committee gave your Board of Directors a recommendation on this subject. The committee recom­ mended the following criteria: 1. Antique aircraft will remain those aircraft manufactured prior to January 1, 1946 with the excep­ tions now noted. 2. Classic aircraft will remain those

aircraft manufactured between January 1, 1946 and December 31, 1955. No expansion of the two categories mentioned above will occur. 3. As of January 1, 1992 the An­ tique/Classic Division will recog­ nize a new category of aircraft. This new catagory will include those aircraft manufactured be­ tween January 1, 1956 and Decem­ ber 31, 1960. This new category will be called "Contemporary Aircraft." 4. This recommendation is to be voted on by the Board of Directors at our May, 1991 meeting. 5. If this vote by the Board is positi ve, we would allow parking in the show place area at the 1992 Con­ vention. This would allow people owning this category time to get their aircraft up to show place status. 6. Judging of this new category would begin at the 1993 Oshkosh Convention. This will allow the Contemporary Aircraft judging committee to have the 1992 Con­ vention to establish the new judg­ ing categories. As you can see, your Officers and Directors have been hard at work to make the the Antique/Classic Division better. Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of avia­ tion; we are better together. Join us and have it all!



Dick Malt

March 1991 •


Golda Cox


Mike Drucks


Mary Jones


Norman Petersen Dick Cavin


George A. Hardie, Jr. Dennis Parks


Jim Koepnick Carl Schuppel

Mike Steineke




President Espie " Butch" Joyce 604 Highway St. Madison. NC 27025 919/427-0216

Vice-President Arthur R. Morgan 3744 Narth 51st Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/442-3631

Secretary George S. York 181 Sloboda Ave. Mansfield, OH 44906 419/529-4378


E.E. "Buck" Hilbert

P.O. Box 424

Union, IL 60180


DIRECTORS Robert C. "Bob" Brauer John Berendt 9345 S. Hoyne 7645 Echa Paint Rd. Chicago, IL 60620 Cannan Falls, MN 5E:I::I:'R 507/263-2414 312/179-2105 Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 414/231-5002

John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive Westbaraugh, MA 01581 508/366·7245

Philip Coulson 28415 Springbraak Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 616/624·6490

George Daubner

2448 Laugh Lane

Hartford, WI 53027


Charles Harris 3933 Sauth Peoria P.O, Box 904038 Tulsa, OK 74105 918/742-7311

Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434 612/784-1172

Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46278 317/293-4430

Jeannie Hill

P.O. Box 328

HaNard, IL 60033


Robert D. "Bob" Lumley Robert Lickteig 1265 Sauth 124th St. 1708 Bay Oaks Drive Brookfield, WI 53005 Albert Lea , MN 56007 414/782·2633 507/373-2922 Gene Morris Steven C. Nesse 115C Steve Court, R.R.2 2009 Highland Ave . Raanoke, TX 76262 Albert Lea, MN 56007 817/491-9110 507/373-1674 S.H. " Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414/771 -1545

Vol. 19, No, 3

Copyright © 1991 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc. All rights reserved.

Contents 2 Straight & Level by Espie "Butch" Joyce

4 AIC News/compiled by H,G, Frautschy 6 Vintage Literaturefby Dennis Parks 10 Recollections of the Tilbury Flash

by Herb Morphew 15 Deja Vu: Then and Now by Roger Thiel

16 Meyer The Flyer/by Norm Petersen

20 A Family Affair/by Norm Petersen 24 To Oshkosh In S8 Years - Part II

Page 16

by Ken Morris

27 Flaws, Cracks and The Perfect Airplane/by Wayne Stevenson

29 Pass It To Buck/by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert 31 Calendar 32 Vintage Trader

Page 20

34 Mystery Plane/by George Hardie Jr. FRONT COVER . . . Dave Meyer concentrates an keeping his newly restored PA-17 Piper Vagaband in farmatian with the camera ship aver north-central Wiscansin, during the Jahn Hatz Skiplane Fly-In at Haymeadow Field in Gleason, WI. (Photo by H,G. Frautschy, photo plane flown by Norm Petersen,) BACK COVER. , Dave Jameson's (EAA 15612, A/C #2) 1929 Lockheed Vega 5C was carefully restared ta the appearance o f Wiley Past's ' Winnie Mae" as a tribute ta the Golden Age o f aviatian explaratian, Purchased in 1963 fram the General Electric Company, the Vega is an display at the EAA Air Adventure Museum, (Phata by EAA Photo Staff,)


The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, and the logos 01 EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC., EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAAANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC., INTERNATIONALAEROBATIC CLUB INC., WAR BIRDS OF AMERICA INC, are registered trademarks, THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION INC, and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly prohibited.

S.J. Wittman

7200 S.E. 85th Lane

Ocala , FL 32672


Editorial Policy: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in anieles are solely those of the authors, Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirety with the contributor, Matenal should be sent to: Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 549Q3.3086. Phone: 4 t 4/4264800.

ADVISORS John A. Fogerty 479 Highway 65 Raberts, WI 54023 715/425-2455

Dean Richardson 6701 Colonly Drive Madison, WI 53717 608/833-1291

The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (SSN 0091·6943) is published and owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc, 01 the Expenmental Aircrah Associatioo, Inc, and is published monthty at EAA Aviation Center, P,O, Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 549Q3.3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailing offices.The membership rate for EAAAntique/Classic Division,lnc, is $20.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is fOf the publication 01 The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. ADVERTISING · Antique/Classic Division does nol guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of interior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EAA Antique/Classic Divisioo, Inc, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903·3086.


the plugs, and graphically illustrate the primary and secondary circuits com­ mon to today's aircraft ignition system. PIONEER AIRPORT


compiled by H.G. Frautschy NEW MUSEUM EXHIBITS Two new exhibits of interest to vintage enthusiasts have been dedicated at the EAA Air Adventure Museum. The first is the "Aircraft Design Gal­ lery", sponsored by the Emory T. Clark Charitable Foundation of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The gallery pays tribute to all who have engaged in the long and time consuming process of designing and building an airplane. In a hands-on approach to explaining the intricacies of aircraft design, the exhibit features a freestanding kiosk containing an actual working wind tunnel, artifacts and models used during aircraft design and an "Aircraft Design Workshop" that al­ lows museum guests to "design" their own version of a 200 passenger airliner. After you are finished with the design, you can then test it for efficiency. The wind tunnel features a graphic demonstration of the relationship be­ tween lift and drag, as you vary the airspeed within the tunnel. (The wind tunnel itself is a terrific piece of craftsmanship by EAA staffer Bauken Noack, whose work is as beautiful as it is functional.) The second exhibit is the "Aircraft Ignition Exhibit", sponsored by Unison Industries of Jacksonville, Florida. The exhibit includes a video presentation on the workings of an aircraft ignition sys­ tem. Adjoining displays trace the tech­ nology from the pioneer era to the present day, with examples of magnetos (including a rare Simms L8 from the pioneer era) featured in each case. Also included is a cutaway of an Allison tur­ boshaft engine, detailing how a turbine ignition system functions. Nearby, another display features a Slick 447 magneto connected to a display of spark plugs. By turning the crank, visitors can easily generate enough voltage to fire 4 MARCH 1991

Grand opening for the 1991 season at Pioneer Airport is set for May 11th and 12th. A number of exciting activities are being coordinated by a volunteer committee. Plans are being made for the dedication of the new Spirit of St. Louis, possibly with some of the Ryan family in attendance, as well as the ac­ ceptance of the EAA Foundation's Taylor Aerocar, fresh from its restora­ tion in Florida by the Emil C. Buehler Foundation. Molt Taylor and his wife Neil are planning to attend. All sorts of other events are planned, so make sure you pay homage to your mother (May 12th is Mother's Day, remember?), then come on out to Pioneer Airport at the EAA Air Adventure Museum for what promises to be a great day! If you're a local member, or you plan on being in the area over a weekend, why not volun­ teer for work at Pioneer? It's a great way to meet other members, and to spend some time with your favorite type of airplanes! Contact Museum Director Carl Swickley at 414/426-4800 for more information. MORE TYPE CLUB INFO It seems I goofed when I gave you a new listing for the Stinson club back in January. To clarify the whole situation, here are the two listings as they should appear: National Stinson Club c/o Jonsey Paul, Chairman 14418 Skinner Road Cypress, TX 77429 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $7.50 National Stinson Club (108 Section) Bill & Debbie Snavely 115 Heinley Rd. Lake Placid, FL 33852 813/465-6101 Quarterly magazine: Stinson Plane Talk Annual Dues: $25 US, $30 Canada/Foreign

My thanks to Jonsey Paul for clearing this item up. The Bellanca/Champion Club has a different address than that shown in the listing, one that the Post Office would prefer being used. Contact them at: Bellanca-Champion Club c/o Larry D' Atti 110 P.O. Box 708

Brookfield, WI 53008-0708

SUN 'N FUN '90 GRAND CHAMPION Speaking of errors, one was made in the January issue concerning Marty Probst's Fairchild 24, in the article describing Interview Circle. Marty's pretty Fairchild is a former Grand Champion, but from 1982, not from 1990, as was incorrectly captioned. The honor for being 1990's Grand Cham­ pion at Sun 'n Fun belongs to the deserving Luscombe Phantom 272Y, owned by Doug Combs. No, Doug, you didn't dream that you won it, you really did! Thanks to Doug for gently calling it to our attention. SPEAKING OF SUN 'N FUN... Only a few more days until the warm event in Florida, and a sure sign that it is nice down there was the message we received from Gene Engle down in Lakeland. On Thursday, April 11th, The first of what they hope will be an annual event will take place. A Sun 'n Fun Golf Outing at the Wedgewood Golf and Country Club is being set up, with the proceeds going to benefit the Sun 'n Fun Air Museum. Tee times will start at 9:00 am, and the entry fee is $75 .00. A barbecue and awards party will take place at 6:30 pm that evening. For more details, contact Bill Averette, 813/688-4954. I wonder if I can fit my 3-wood in my camera bag ... CHALKS AIRLINES Chalks Airline, one of the world's oldest airlines, has been sold to United Capital Corp. of Illinois. Started in 1919 by Arthur "Pappy" Chalk as Chalks Flying Services, it is the only remaining scheduled flying boat service in the United States. Faced with declin­ ing usage of its fleet of Grumman am­ phibians, the routes flown by the small airline have been steadily taken over by

conventional small airliners, to the point where one of the Mallards can fly the route with one crew all day long, and still have plenty of time for lunch. Still, the stout amphibians from the Grum­ man "Iron Works" have performed ad­ mirably, and we certainly hope that these classic airplanes will be back to work doing what they do best in the future.

HELP NEEDED We have an EAA member who is looking for Piper Drawing 14926 so that he can complete his STC on removing the aileron-rudder interconnect cables. He needs the fork for the nose wheel and springing information to complete his STC. If you have this information, please send the drawing or contact Ben Owen, Director of Information Ser­ vices, EAA Aviation Center, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. 414/426-4800.

Lowell Bayles and the Bob Hall designed Gee Bee Model Z Super Sporlsler.

SUPER CUB FUSELAGES 1.E. Soares, Inc. owned by member Jim Soares (EAA 104408, A/C 2243) of Belgrade, Montana, has received an STC/PMA from the FAA for the manufacture and repair of the Piper PA­ 18 and PA-18A fuselage, and for repair sections of the aft fuselage. Both long and short versions of the aft fuselage are available. Assorted beef-ups and other structural enhancements have been made to the basic design, as well as the entire fuselage being made of 4130 steel tubing. Jim's company can also repair your steel tube Piper fuselage under his Repair Station Certificate. For more in­ formation, contact J.E. Soares, Inc ., 7093 Dry Creek Rd, Belgrade, Montana 59714. Phone 406/388-6069 or Fax at 406/388-0170.



Henry Cooper, a Manufacturing A viation Safety Inspector with the New England region of the FAA, was kind enough to advise us that the proper Con­ tinental Motors Service bulletin that was referenced should be S.B. M84-1O, Revision 1, dated 7 November 1984. Also included in this S.B. are proce­ dures to be followed if an engine is to be stored for an indefinite period of time. (When your ''I'll rebuild it over the winter" becomes a 4 year project!) Our thanks to Mr. Cooper for this infor­ mation.






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GEE BEE DESIGNER DIES Bob Hall, designer of the Gee Bee Model Z racer, the "City of Springfield", which won the Thompson Trophy at the 1931 Nation­ al Air Races, passed away February 24 at the age of 85 in Newport, Rhode Island. Hall was the aeronautical en­ gineer who worked with the Granville brothers in Springfield, Massachusetts in the early days of Granville Brothers Aircraft, designing the Model A biplane, and then the "Sportster" series of aircraft. Hall also flew his designs, including the winning of the 1931 General Tire and Rubber Trophy at the

National Air Races. He then moved on to designing and flying the Hall Bulldog racer. Hall would later have an illustrious career with Grumman Aircraft, where he would work on the designs for a variety of fighter aircraft, including the F4F Wildcat , F6F Hellcat, F8F Bearcat and F7F Tigercat. Bob Hall's designs set the tone for the early thirties, the stubby racers zipping around the pylons bent on breaking the latest record. His designs come to mind almost immediately when you think back to the Golden Age of Air Racing.• VINTAGE AIRPLANE 5

by ()ennis Var-ks ~ Libr-ar-y/ Ar-chives ()ir-ect()rTHE NATIONAL AIR RACES THE GOLDEN AGE (Pt. 2)

1930 Even though the Golden Age of Air Rac ing began at Cleveland in 1929, the 1930 National Air Races were held nor th of Chicago at the Curtiss­ Reynolds airport.

A GIANT PROJECT The program of the 1930 National Air Races reported on the preparations for the annual event. "The 1930 National Air Races are not the product of a mere few days' work. They are rather the outcome of an intensive development that has extended over a period of five months. Since early spring a large staff of men and women has been actively engaged in all parts of the country and in foreign countries, handling the al­ most incredible amount of work that is necessary to make the National Air

Races successful from every point of view. "During the actual staging of the races, more than 1,200 persons in 47 different departments are employed in various activities at the Curtiss­ Reynolds Field alone. Since the latter part of June, a staff of 125 persons has been laboring day and night at the ex­ ecutive headquarters, making possible the efficient running of the vast or­ ganization."

NEED LARGE BUDGET "A large amount of money obviously is necessary to finance the National Air Races. This year the budget amounted to $525,000, a fifty percent increase over the budget for last year's races at Cleveland. In the last anaylsis, credit for the success of the races is due to the group of public minded Chicago citizens who underwrote the project for



the sum of $250,000. "More than $125,000 was required to prepare the field alone. Prize money amounts to about $lOO,OOO, to which had been added an additional $50,000 for lap prizes and trophies in the derbies. The sum does not include the expendi­ tures necessary for bringing the Army, Navy, foreign competitors and civilian pilots into participation in the races. "The field has been constructed to seat 65,000 people, the largest seating capacity ever built around an airport. There is room also to accommodate an additional 35,000 people at the field. The stands are three-quarters of a mile in length and required about a million feet of lumber for their construction."

THOMPSON TROPHY One of the highlights of the air races was the first competition for the Thompson Trophy . Excited with the IPIO NATIOi'fAl A.lR RAC£$










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6 MARCH 1991







open type ships which are equipped with engines having not more than 350 cubic inch piston displacement. (2) Five laps of a five-mile course. (3) Prize: Sportsman Pilot's Trophy. (To be retained by winner.) Note: A sportsman pilot is one who owns and flies his own plane and is not considered as engaged in the aviation industry. The Contest Committee will decide his qualifications. "Event No. 32 - (Men only, Thompson Trophy). (1) A free-for-all speed contest for any type of airplane equipped with any type of motor or motors. Superchargers, special fuels, or any other means may be used to in­ crease the speed of planes entered in this race. (2) Twenty laps of a five-mile course. (3) First prize, $5,000; second prize, $3,000; third prize $2,000." Curtiss -Reynolds Airport near Chicago, site of the 1930 National Air Races.

results of the air races held in Cleveland in 1929, Fred Crawford, vice-president of Thompson Products and his boss, Charles Thompson, petitioned the Na­ tional Aeronautic Association for the sponsorship of a feature event for future National Air Races. This was to be a pylon race of at least 100 miles, open to aircraft of unlimited specifications with a large cash prize and an impressive trophy. For 1930, Thompson Products guaranteed a purse of $10,000 with the winner to receive $5,000. This was a lot of money in the depression and it en­ couraged a lot of backyard builders, operating on a shoestring, who were eager for enough prize money to pay back some of their investment in specia l purpose airplanes. Late in 1929 the NAA announced that Thompson had received the official sanction of the NAA to establish a trophy that would encourage develop­ ment of faster land-based aircraft. First awarded in 1930 a t Chicago, the Thompson Trophy was not only the premier event of the Nationa l Air Races but would come to foster some of the finest closed course air racing of all time .

originating cities were: Miami, Florida (1,545 mi les); Hartford, COImecticut (1,170 miles); Seattle, Washington (2,130 miles) and Brownsville, Texas (1,180 miles). The biggest derby purse was the $12,000 for the nonstop race from Los Angeles to Chicago, a distance of 1,760 miles. The fi rst place prize was $7,500.

AIRSHOW Many events of an entertainment or demonstration nature were also held at the event. Each day, Army, Navy and Marine squadrons displayed formation flying. Jimmy Doolittle, in his Shell Travel Air "Mystery Ship" and Lt. Al Wil l iams in his special stunting Gulfhawk dazzled the crowds with acrobatic flying. Captain Frank Hawkes also demonstrated his Mystery Sh ip and did routines in a towed glider flight.



The following are sample regulations from 1930. "Closed Course Event No. 40 ­ (Civilians Only). Sportsman Pilots Race. (1) Open to sportsman pilots with

Clifford Henderson, General Manager of the 1930 National Air Races, wrote in the July, 1930 issue of AERO DIGEST of the value of the races. '''Why the National Air Races?'

1930 The 1930 races were held in Chicago August 23 to September 1. There were seven derbies flying from various cities to Chicago, and 5 1 closed course races. The derbies originated from both the east and west coast. Some of the

1930 Laird Racer with inverted Cirrus engine. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7

is a question sometimes asked, not only by laymen, but by members of the aircraft industry as well. Such skeptics see the annual air pageant only as a circus ballyhoo event, a publicity parade for a few prominent pilots and members of the aeronautical industry, and spectacular exploitation of the air arms of the various services - Army, Navy and Marine Corps. The doubters see in the audiences attending chiefly a mob of ghoulish-minded yokels out for thrills from the hair-raising nature of events by which they will be impressed with the 'Dangers' of flying rather than its genuine offerin gs of Safety, Con­ venience and Speed. "Had such pessimists dominated the automobile industry, cars today would be expensive, slow and more dangerous to operate. It was on automobile speed­ ways that the high-compression engine was evol ved, that such important refine­ ments as four-wheel brakes proved their place as standard equipment. Much of the speed, safety and convenience in the present development of the automobile may be traced to the motor speedways. The National Air Races are performing the same function for aeronautics." CYCALDWELL Cy Caldwell, contributing editor to AERO DIGEST, gave his viewpoint on the races in the October 1930 issue of AERO DIGEST. "What, if anything, is the purpose of the National Air Races? I'll admit I've never quite discovered, though l 've been given to understand that they were staged to promote avia­ ti o n, to interest the public in aeronautics, to help sell airplanes and nights, to show the world new achieve­ ments in speed and efficiency generally, including reliability of equipment. In short, the races are put on to advertise our aviation wares to the public. "If that is true, we should, like all other men with something they want to sell, advertise what we have to sell. But we don't do it. Instead of advertising our business and our service, we display only the trimmings. What we have to sell is a 'service' - that, and no more. The service is the rapid transportation of mail, goods and passengers about the country in time of peace, and the rapid transportation of bombs and bullets in time of war. Instead of trying to sell this service and to notify the public that we have it for sale, we deliberately, every year, put it in the background and proceed to demonstrate that aviation is, 8 MARCH 1991

as the public suspects, merely a thrilling display of daring and personal achieve­ ment. "But let us make it plain to the public that these races are only vaguely related to commercial aviation; that we are trying out new and fast, and ever faster airplanes; that we are experimenting and feeling our way, sometimes uncer­ tainly, into the future; that, in short, we are having a whale of a sporty time." RESULTS Even though the premier event of the National Air Races was the Thompson Trophy event, there were many other interesting events. One of the events, Event No. 30 - "Men's Multimotored Race", demonstrated progress in pas­ senger aircraft. This event was of ten laps around the five mile course open to all open or cabin type muti-motored

ships. Each aircraft was required to carry a payload of 1,000 pounds. This event was won by Ford pilot Leroy Manning in his Wasp powered Ford Trimotor at a speed of 144.2 mph. Second was W . 1. Fleming in a trimotored Bach Air Yacht at 137 mph . The Ford speed is interesting in that it was fasterthan thatofthe winning Wasp powered Curtiss Seahawk in the Marine Race. The winner, Lt. Sandy Sander­ son, won at 142.4 mph. For the first time there was a closed course race for women pilots. This was Event No. 34 - "Women's 800 Cubic Inch", for open type airplanes. Gadys O ' Donnel won at 139.9 mph in the Wright J-6 powered taperwing Waco that she used to win the Womens Class "A" Pacific Derby from Long Beach. There were also a series of races for lightplane racers limited to 350 cubic

This canard was seen allhe 1930 Chicago races. II also has an aft mounled horizon­ 101 slabilizer and a lail skid. in add ilion 10 Ihe forward wing and nose wheel!

Capt. Page's Curtiss Hawk racer. Modified to a monoplane, the machine was very fast, but Page would be overcome by carbon monoxide fumes, and would crash on the 17th lap.

inches. Engines such as Cirrus, Le­ Blonds, Lamberts and Gypsys. In­ cluded was a 350 cu. in. Free For All of five laps of the course. Unlike the other 350 cu. in. races, this was for special built racers designed to maximize the perfonnance for engines of around 90 horsepower. The most outstanding of these racers was Benny Howard's tiny "Pete" low­ wing racer powered by a 90 hp Wright Gypsy. With this light, nimble racer, Howard was able to win five races and finish second at the 1930 Nationals. In his free-for-all victory, he averaged 163 mph, 20 mph faster than the Marine Curtiss Hawk fighters in their race.

THOMPSON TROPHY Having lost the 1929 race to the Travel Air Mystery Ship, the military

was all out towin in 1930. Marine Capt. Arthur Page was to fly the only military entry, a heavily modified Curtiss Hawk XF6C-6. The standard biplane was converted to a parasol monoplane with wing mounted radiators and powered by a 700 hp Supercharged Curtiss Conquer V -12 engine. As a biplane, the airplane had in May won the Curtiss Marine Trophy at a speed of 164.1 mph. A late entry in the race, arriving just minutes before the start, was the biplane entry built by Matty Laird called the "Solution": This racer, one of the first aircraft to use the new Pratt & Whitney Wasp Junior engines, was flown by Speed Holman. Other aircraft in the Thompson were two Travel Air racers powered by 400 hp Wright engines. One was flown by Jimmy Hazlip for Shell and the other

flown by Frank Hawks for Texaco. Er­ rett Williams was entered in a Wedell­ Williams Model 44 racer with an uncowled 300 hp Wright. Benny Howard flew his little 90 hp Gypsy en­ gined "Pete". Capt. Page was off first in his special Hawk racer. His superior speed was apparent from the first, he almost com­ pleted the first lap before the last ship took off. It was barely three laps before Page had lapped the field with the battle for second place between Holman in the Laird and Hazlip in the Shell Travel Air. On the 17th lap, Page, trailing a wisp of smoke, flew into the ground. Apparent­ ly Page had been overcome by carbon monoxide fumes from the engine. He died the next day. Speed Holman moved up to first place in his Solution and won the race with an average of 201.9 mph. (Page had averaged 219 mph.) Jimmy Hazlip came in second at 199.8 mph; Benny Howard placed third at 162.8 mph. In winning the race, Holman had set a new closed-course record for a commerical plane and pilot. It was also the fastest U. S. landplane race since the 1925 Pulitzer race. This race also marked the last biplane winner and the last time the military would compete in the pre-war series . •

Dewoitine-Hispano powered D-27. One of the foreign contingent at the races in 1930 VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9

Recollections Of The

By Herb E. Morph ew

Illustration by H.G. Frautschy

Much of the i'~formation that fol­ lows is no doubt redundant and in some cases may differ from that al­ ready known. This can be attributed to the characteristics of the human mind when recollections concern events that occurred some 60 odd years ago. Nevertheless, the follow­ ing narrative is presented for whatever value it may have in estab­ lishing the details ofthe early days of the Tilbury Flash.

PART! III the late winter of 1931 or early

1932, Owen R. Tilbury, who was a graduate engineer in the employ of Wi1­ Iiams Oil-O-Matic Corporation in Bloomington, Illinois, proposed to Art Carnahan, a well-known Bloomington pilot, that a small racing monoplane should be built for the 110 cubic inch class race to be held at the Cleveland Air Races in early September, 1932. The plane was to be designed by Mr. Tilbury around the physical measure­ ments of Art Carnahan and tailored to the lines established by the engine to be used. The width and cockpit dimen­ sions were to be as small as possible, yet sufficiently large for comfortable flight by a pilot of Art's stature. From the earliest proposal discussions it was firm that the fuselage and empennage would be conventional welded steel structure and that the wings would be a full can­ tilever plywood design mounted in the normal low wing position. 10 MARCH 1991

The basic proposal was agreed upon and Art was definitely chosen as the official pilot for the program. Finances being what they were in 1932, Owen secured the financial and physical assis­ tance of Clarence Fundy who was a highly skilled tool room machinist, also employed by the Williams Oil-O-Matic Corporation. Hence the project was of­ ficially known during initial design and the 1932 racing season as the Tilbury­ Fundy Flash. The detailed designing was done by Owen in his home drafting room and construction of parts started almost as soon as the ink was dry. The only available production engine that would meet the displacement limits of the class was the Continental A-40. This engine was known to be reliable, but the initial cost was beyond the budget for the Flash. Jim Church had previously modified the four cylinder air-cooled Henderson Motorcyle engine and had increased its displacement to 108 cubic inches by using his own designed cast steel cylinders. He had successfully flown this engine in his own design, the "Church Midwing" monoplane and could supply an engine for the Flash. It was also believed that the upright mounting of the Church en­ gine would allow better streamlining of the cowling and fuselage than the op­ posed design of the Continental A-40. In view of these considerations and the lower cash outlay required, Owen or­ dered an engine from Jim Church. The wing curve chosen for the Flash was the M6, which had a constant center

of pressure as I recall. This created complications since the wing was to taper in both plan and form and each rib was different in chord and thickness from root to tip. The ribs were of con­ ventional spruce construction utilizing gussets made from 1/16 inch mahogany plywood. The spars, two in number, were of box design using ash upper and lower chords, mahogany plywood shear panels and maple block inserts at all bolt locations. The 1932 wings were sized so as to provide a 12 foot wingspan. 4130 chrome moly attach plates were designed to provide a minimum of dis­ continuity by extending out along both faces of the wood spars for ap­ proximately 18 to 24 inches, tapering in width from tip to root. These plates were increased in height just past the spar root and provided with a welded doubler on each outside face. Two large bolt holes were drilled through these plates to match the fuselage attach box. The ailerons were somewhat longer in span than normal for racing planes at that time and were of steel tube con­ struction, fabric covered. The aileron spar was extended inboard to the fuselage and served as the control torque tube and also as a hinge on the wing aft spar. The actual hinges used were split hard maple blocks bored to the aileron spar diameter and then oil soaked. Simple steel straps attached the hinge blocks to the wing spar. While this design may seem crude, it was satis­ factory with aileron stick forces being

within an acceptable range. A great deal of enthusiastic assistance was given during the actual construction of the Flash by numerous aviation minded friends of both Owen and Art. The only professional help used in the design and construction was Art Carnahan; Clarence Rousey, a welder who worked for the Carnahan Brothers in their garage and machine shop; and myself who was then a licensed Aircraft and Engine mechanic also working for the Carnahan Brothers. One individual volunteer who worked many long and hard hours in building the Flash was Clarence D. Curtiss, physical activities director of the Bloomington YMCA, which was next door to the Carnahan Garage. The 1932 wings were built in Owen's garage at his home. The fuselage and mechanical details were fabricated in the Carnahan garage in downtown Bloomington. Fuselage fairing were also built by Owen in his home shop and were fitted to th e fuselage at the Carnahan garage just prior to fabric covering. Fuselage construction was a conven­ tional four longeron warren truss struc­ ture with two chrome moly torque boxes being built into the structure just above the lower longerons and having a depth somewhat greater than the depth of th wing spar roots. Fore and aft thickness of the torque boxes was less than the

distance between the wing spar attach plates by approximately 1/2 inch . Machined spacers were fabricated in various thickness' so that the wing could be mounted on the fuselage in a variation of positions within the 1/2 inch range for selection of an optimum posi­ tion after initial test flight To my recol­ lection, the theoretical center position was first used, that is: 1/4 inch of spacer in front of and behind the wing plates and, since it proved satisfactory, no other positioning of the wing was used during 1932, 1933 or 1934. The landing gear was to be a full cantilever design. This was similar to that used on the then-current Monocoupe. The strut structure was of welded chrome moly tubing hinged at the lower longerons and incorporating shock cord rings be­ tween a horizontal member of each landing gear strut and the fuselage cross member similar to Monocoupe and later used by Taylorcraft and others. An aft drag brace from the axle attach point extended up to the lower longerons ap­ proximately one foot aft of the forward main hinge point. The gear, as initially installed and taxi-tested did not incor­ porate a center tension/compression brace. Unfortunately, after the first taxi tests the loads imposed caused the gear legs to bend outward and a combination tension/compression tube was welded into each landing gear assembly as a

temporary fix. As in many similar cir­ cumstances, this "temporary" fix stayed in service so long as I have any knowledge of the Flash. Many minor problems were noted during construction and were handled by "on the spot" design fixes. One which is well remembered is that when the first assembly of wings to the fuselage was made it was noted that the direction of aileron travel was reversed. This resulted from the horns being welded on the inboard ends of the aileron torque tubes 180 degrees from the proper position. Fuselage control and structure interference prevented the simple fix of rewelding the horns on the aileron spar in the proper position. In­ stead, since time was becoming critical, a simple walking beam was located on the upper fuselage cross tube behind the pilot's seat. A push-pull tube was mounted on the left control horn of the primary aileron control torque tube beneath the pilot's seat, which then crossed over fuselage centerline and connected to the walking beam to the right of center. This then reversed con­ trol movement directions. A push-pull tube from each end of the walking beam dropped down to the control horn on the aileron spar torque tube and now the control throws and directions were proper. Provisions were made during this modification which could have

The Tilbury Flash as she appeared in 1933 at the American Air Races at Chicago Municipal airport (now Midway Field). The color is Diana or Shell cream, and the cowling is as yet unpainted. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11

provided various aileron throws or even differential control. No variation of the basic specifications was ever made to the best of my knowledge. By early summer the Church engine arrived and was inspected. The only tachometer available in the proper RPM range was a French Chronometric tach, which was not an instantaneous in­ dicator, but rather sensed the engine RPM at specific intervals and indicated the RPM on a reversed reading dial. As a result, the tach needle jumped con­ tinuously during engine acceleration or deceleration. Surprisingly, it worked fine once you were used to it. Engine RPM was in the 3100/3200 range. The engine had been built up on an early Henderson crankcase which in­ corporated three main bearings. (Later, Hendersons used a five main bearing design.) The large capacity oil sump was an aluminum casting similar to that used on the Heath/Henderson conver­ sions. The new Church cylinders were of cast steel and were installed on the crankcase by bronze clamps using the original Henderson cylinder hold down studs. As I recall the bore of the cylinders had been increased to 3 1/8 inches. As a result, the four cylinders which incorporated integral cooling fins were nested together so closely that the cylinder fins were almost continuous. Cylinder heads were not removable. The valve arrangement was "F" head in reverse. That is, the exhaust valves were in the head and the intake valves were in the side position. As a result of this unusual arrangement, the exhaust valve was much larger than the intake and the "breathing" characteristics of the engine were certainly not optimum . On the other hand, exhaust scavenging was excellent. Regardless of basic theories and principals, the engines ran fine . The carburetor was a Winfield side draft, size unknown . Ignition was provided by a Simms magneto as originally used by the Henderson motorcycle. Due to the new cylinder design and cowling consideration, the magneto had to be mounted on its side. The original coupling provided with the engine would not provide a sufficient range of ignition timing and it was dis­ carded. Instead, the timing gear shift and the magneto shafts were fitted with a diamond knurled sleeve approximate­ ly 3/4 or 7/8 inch in diameter. A short section of high pressure steam hose that had the proper inside dimension was 12 MARCH 1991



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Above- Still with the number 7 on the fuselage, the Flash as she was entered in the

July 4th American Air Races.

Below- The Flash as it appeared later in the summer, at the1933 International Air

Races at s Airport north of Chic o.

fitted over the knurled sleeve of timing gear and magneto shafts and secured with heavy duty steam hose clamps. This provided for infinite timing adjust­ ment and was still in service at our last contact with the Flash. Time was getting short and the engine cowling still hadn't been completed. A temporary cowling was made up, which was quite crude and was riveted together to allow initial engine runs and taxi tests. The propeller had been laminated, carved and finished by Owen according to his calculation, assuming 45 BHP at 3100 RPM. When engine runs were made the engine RPM was very close to 3100 and seemed to con­ firm the 45 horsepower output. All final assembly and testing was done at the old Bloomington airport, north of Normal on the Herman Wills farm. This field encompassed 80 acres and was one-half mile long east and west; and a quarter mile north and south.

Obviously all takeoffs and landings were east-west or vice versa. The west boundary of the field was marked with a high voltage power line about 30 feet high. On the east end of the field there was a railroad embankment about 8 or 10 feet high with a grain elevator build­ ing located at the north boundary of the field. On the south there was an ordi­ nary Illinois farm barbed wire fence and along the north boundary a country road laid with the roadbed approximately three or four feet below the level of the airport. The ditches on each side of the road were steep sharp abutments which would be sudden destruction to any airplane crossing the roadway. All in all, no less desirable place could have been selected for initial test flights of a racing plane but it was the only airport we had . Final engine runs were finally ac­ complished and everything ready for taxi tests. Unfortunately, as stated ear­

1934 - The Flash sports a jazzy new color scheme. Orange overall with medium blue trim, these three shots show off the lightning bolts and lettering. After the 1933 season, the engine was rebuilt.

Iier, the landing gear was not sufficient­ ly stressed for the loads and the gear had to be removed for the "overnight modifications" previously reported. Subsequent to that and other minor changes the normal speed taxi runs were successful and Art believed he was ready to tryout the control feel at higher speeds. Several speed runs were made using the longest possible diagonal ­ southwest corner to northeast corner, but there was insufficient distance available for a takeoff attempt and a safe abort. Reasons for the slow accelera­ tions were investigated and it was deter­ mined that the 10 inch by 3 inch Travel Air tail wheels used for the main gear of the Flash had insufficient bushing to axle clearance and were galling. Addi­ tional clearance and better lubrication eliminated the tight wheel condition but did not appreciably decrease the runway requirements on the next taxi tests. It was now late into August and Art and I were scheduled to depart for Los Angeles to start the E. L. Cord Hand­ icap Derby (for commercially cerifi­ cated aircraft) from Los Angeles to Cleveland. Accordingly, it was decided that Owen would take the Flash to Cleveland on a trailer and the actual flight test would be made after Art and I arrived in Cleveland. (In those days the Air Races extended for ten days and incorporated two weekends.) This plan was effected and every­ thing progressed according to plan. Art was placing well from day to day in the Derby and Owen had completed assem­ bling the Flash. For reasons unknown except the nor­ mal impatience of a designer who has finished his work and was sitting from day to day waiting on someone else to do their job, Owen finally agreed to allow Russ Hosler, a pilot of about Art's size and build, to make an initial flight check. It was never considered that Hosler would race the Flash. He was only to test hop it, but as it turned out­ nobody raced the Flash! Since neither Art nor I were at Cleveland at the time of the test hop nothing can be reported except that Russ never became fully airborne and got into violent roll oscillations to the extent that both wing tips were destroyed beyond repair and all activity for that time ceased until getting the Flash back home. That was enough for Clarence Fundy. After the di sas terous 1932 season, he withdrew from the project and from there on the Flash was entirely VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13

1934 - A new year and another new color scheme. This one is a bit of a mystery- the educated guess is that it is blue with orange trim. The white area around the wing is the fillet between the wing and fuselage. No metal was used here- fabric was simply glued and shrunk in place, and the edges finished with fabric tape. It would later be painted to match the fuselage .

a Tilbury financed effort.

1933 It was late winter (1932) before any further work was done to the Flash ex­ cept for a redesign of the wings to in­ crease thei r span to 14 feet and modifications to the empennage to pro­ vide better directional control. This was desirable especially at low speeds since no brakes were incorporated. Damage to the wings as well as the basic design prevented any simple fix and new wings were necessary. Due to the limits of a one car garage at Owen's home, the entire reconstruc­ tion project was carried out in the Car­ nahan garage building. Woodworking equipment was set up on the fourth floor, which was not being used, and the new wings were built adjacent to the tool equipment. The wing curve (M6) and design characteristics were identi­ cal to the original wings. The original wing attach fittings and ailerons were re-used. The fuselage was modified in the Carnahan welding shop, which was on the third floor. The stem post was in­ creased in height about three or four inches and a steel tube dorsal fin was constructed which extended forward to the aft bulkhead of the cockpit. It is interesting to note that, so far as can be 14 MARCH 1991

recalled, this was the first true dorsal fin used up to 1932. Douglas Aircraft, which also had a directional control deficiency in the DC-2 used this same corrective measure in designing the well-known DC-3 in 1934. The modified fin also required the rudder to be extended in height to match the fin. I dismantled the engine for inspection and it was noted that several pistons were cracked. Crankshaft and bearings were found to be in excellent condition. The cracking of the pistons appeared to be caused by insufficient strength in the piston head design or possibly detona­ tion. As a result, a decision was made not to replace with Church pistons but rather to manufacture new ones entirely from scratch. The facilities of the Wil­ liams Oil-O-Matic manufacturing shop provided excellent pattern making and aluminum foundry facilities. Accord­ ingly, new pistons incorporating a new head design were cast and finish machined to the individual cylinder bore requirements. Assembly of the en­ gine and initial run up mounted on the fuselage indicated that the charac­ teristics of the engine were unchanged. By this time, spring was fast becoming summer and the hopes of being ready for the July 4th American Air races at Chicago Municipal (now Midway) looked questionable. During mid-June

the new wings and the fuselage were moved out to the Bloomington-Normal airport. New hand formed and welded cowling had been fabricated by Clarence Rousey and provided for a much better streamlining of the fuselage than in 1932. The wings were installed on the fuselage and everything seemed to be going along O.K. Upon starting to work one morning, it was found that the upper plywood skin of the right wing was buckling badly due to the major change in temperature and humidity be­ tween the building in which the wings were built and the average ambient con­ ditions at the airport. Since there was no time remaining for the proper re­ skinning of the wing, the low spots which were near the mid-span point were filled with balsa wood fibre mixed with nitrate dope and sanded to conform to the proper wing contour. A new covering of balloon cloth was then ap­ plied over the entire wings' surface which was doped and fmished in silver. During the last week of June the as­ sembly was completed and taxi tests were started. After several long runs to feel out the controls, Art stated that he was sure that the Flash would fly, but that there was no field length margin for an aborted takeoff. It was "do or die" in the fullest meaning of the phrase. To be concluded next month ...

One member's commentary on how our Antique and Classic airplanes fit in this modem world ... by Roger Thiel (EAA 95364, Ale 1817)

Our old airplanes may be the one form of mechanical antiquity that must coexist regularly with their modem day descendants! I recently got re-involved with boat­ ing and maritime life, as a live aboard on a modem vessel. The "oldie" hobby around the marina is restored runabouts, etc. - and the folks who fix them up, care for them, and bring them to shows, are nautical "antiquers". Let me reassure my airplane friends - I'm still into aviation first; tube and fabric will always come before mahogany and brass! However, as I "keel-kicked" at summer classic boat meets, I noticed a rift of talk I'd never heard in years of antique fly-ins: "Trailers very easy". "Can be hauled behind a small import pickup." "One operator and hand winch only." Or: "Needs a full two-axle setup." It dawned on me - these varnished speedboats and lapstrake rowboats came to shows almost entirely by power other than their own! A big part of the whole old boat hobby is "how-it­ trailers-and-launches". And this trailer­ ing talk was unusual only to me ­ because I was comparing it to my ex­ perience of antique airplanes - and therein lies our topic: Classic or antique; open or closed; fabric or metal; slow or, ah, very slow; our entire hobby/avocation must take to the air and then coexist each time with the most modem, plastic and digital stuff there is! At the biggest old plane meets you may see one or two aircraft trailered in and assembled - but almost all, of course, arrive by air. Every flight you take in your machine from then will require your immersion in now! Your journey may take you from one grass strip to another - but as you travel, you must relentlessly en­ counter all the modem world has to offer - perhaps by charts and eyesight; per~a;ps by radios - but this immersion

will be continuously thrust upon you until you alight at your destination ­ however quaint and rustic the airports at either end may be. Our old planes are pretty exclusive in this! Review a list of machines of all types - except perhaps for large yachts and private railroad cars - amost everything else can be packed into a carrier of some sort and trundled along the "modem way". How about our antique car friends? Most decry the harsher pace of modem day highway traffic (and most agree with them). Over the past 20-30 years, owners of earlier, less speedy cars have been forced off the main highways; to contend with short trips on older roads, or - what else? - to get a trailer and hauling vehicle; employing two modem entities to transport the antique third. Many mid-year cars, say, of the 1920s and 1930s - may still venture to meets under their own power - but usually on the older highway (with all the stoplights). It is a daring hobbyist, in­ deed, who will find himself in the big interstate's right lane, accelerator pegged, and white knuckles on the wheel! Oh, well; the old cars sti II get to meets - and perhaps that's the mes­ sage. But - our airplanes can't! There is only one sky - and certainly no air going trailers! Airways and designated altitudes may separate things a bit; but any point-to-point flight must invoke that great "window of exposure to everything else out there"; truly riveting then to now. Antique airplane judging does not penalize radios and navaids - and rightly so. But - in another hobby, this would be like equipping a Model A Ford with an exposed cellular phone and aerial - without the car show judges batting an eye! And for our old planes - the heavy hand of government will intervene ­

not just for the airspace flown, but on the ground, with all sorts of things you have to have on your plane! And, without commenting on the Type Cer­ tificate system, or FAA safety measures - what other hobby ever receives notices of mandatory changes? Im­ agine two Model T Ford owners, dis­ cussing their recent annual inspection results: "Yeah, the Federal Highway guy says there's a Roadworthiness Directive on the leather rim for my clutch band; and I have to get a new squeeze bulb for my ah-oogah hom ..." And so, our antique airplanes are con­ tinuously and subtly changed, year to year, as the present each year etches a little more of itself upon them (and, for that matter, upon us). Our planes remind us a little more of our past - and how that past is continuously reactive to the all pervasive now. Throughout its history, aviation has been celebrated as the design leader, the innovator, the cutting-edge of what is new. Think of the energy when that open cockpit was first made! At its own year's forefront, its designers and builders dreamed of the future to which it would fly. Could they ever have foreseen a world in which it would be considered appropriate, even stylish, to precisely restore their machine to its exact brand-new condition? No, they probably sent it off the production line with best wishes to keep on having a happy life in the now of future years; continuously grappling, as necessary, with whatever realities would present themselves. Now, those realities present them­ selves - as we all know - hard, fast, early, and often! Take a moment, then, to savor the richness of the ex­ perience: like yourself, as a kid on the elementary school steps, trying to pic­ ture what you would be like when ­ well, now you are! And so is your historic airplane! .


the Flyer

by Norm Petersen

Dave Meyer & Son Restore a PA-17 Vagabond So often we hear about folks who hesitate to restore an airplane because they have never done it before. In short, they say, "How can I do it; I don't know how?" To David Meyer (EAA 347287, A/C 14800) of Merrill, Wisconsin, the words don't mean a thing. He comes from the famous "learn as you go" school, a trait that has served him well for over twenty years as a millwright in the nearby large paper mill. A good knowledge of weld­ ing and fabricating came in very handy, 16 MARCH 1991

but the ability to sit down and reason things out, one at a time, until all the pieces fit - that is Dave Meyer in a nutshell ! The innate ability to do a job is one thing, the catalyst to actually start is a whole different ball of wax. In Dave Meyer's case, the spark plug for this entire adventure was his second oldest son, Jeremie (EAA 267101), who must have been born with an aviation "bent". Always interested in airplanes since a youngster, Jeremie was fly ing radio

control models by age 12 - often getting his father to help with all the details and slowly but surely, urging his father, Dave, to "get with the program". The more the father-son team got in­ volved in aviation, the more interest Dave began to show. As he says, "It's a fun thing to get into, especially if you have a youngster for direction!" The end result was the purchase of an Aeronca 7AC Champ (complete with Federal A1500A skis) from Charlie Turner in Rhinelander, WI and both Dave and Jeremie began flying lessons with the legendary John Hatz of Gleason, WI instructing. (John Hatz was the "mover and shaker" in north central Wisconsin aviation circles until succumbing to a pick-up truck accident in late 1989.) The anxious Jeremie had to wait until he was 16 before he could solo in 1987 and Dave made his first solo flight in December of '88. Meanwhile, he had learned through John Hatz of a Con­ tinental A65 engine for sale. Figuring the engine could be used in many kinds of light airplanes, he bought the A65 and brought it home. Dave's wife, Joy, promptly exploded! His little surprise A65 was not the least bit welcome. However, as EAA wives are thankfully prone to do, the crescendo began to subside and Dave began to learn about aircraft engines. One day, Dave was invited to go for a ride with Terry Oestreich (EAA 38763, A/C 529) in his Piper PA-17 Vagabond. That was it - the die was cast! Dave wanted a PA-17 so bad he could taste it. Terry pointed him in the direction of Tim Gorski (EAA 233102, A/C 10759) of Neenah, WI who had a PA-15 "basket case" for sale. The tired Vagabond had come from the late Stan Gerlach's collection in Palmyra, WI, via "Doc" Knutson in Lodi, WI. It definitely needed help! Once purchased, the PA-15 was hauled to Merrill, WI and the pieces placed in Dave's 26 X 48 workshop­ garage. The PA-15 would be converted to a PA-17 Vagabond, using Dave's A65 Continental engine with assorted baffling, exhaust system, engine mount and hookups common to the PA-17. In addition, dual controls would be in­ sta ll ed and rounded deck windows would be added for more light in the cabin (plus better visibility). PA-17 landing gear shock struts would help soften the landings. Jumping into the rebuild with gusto,

Now here's a heater that works! Dave's heater puts out plenty of heat, a rare com 足 modity when flying in winter on skis .

The Classic Lines of a Shortwing Piper . ..

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among his finished projects is a mint 85 hp PA-17 Vagabond that flies as smooth as it looks. Terry was able to answer many of Dave's questions and help out when needed. In addition, John Hatz was a tremendous help in the beginning and later, Allan and Clif­ ford Hatz, John 's sons, came to the res­ A very pleased and honored Norm Petersen slides into place cue on numerous oc- after a satisfying flight. Thanks Dave! casions. from The Great Blue Nauga. One big help was when Dave ac­ For extra range, a six-gallon Wag quired John Hatz's PA-ll nosebowl, Aero wing tank was installed in the left which fit the PA-17 perfectly. It needed wing before the wings were covered. about three hours of aluminum welding The plumbing for this tank follows the followed by dent removal and sanding, tube at the forward edge of the left win­ but it came out looking like brand new dow where it feeds into an on-off valve after Dave's "magic touch" was ap­ by the pilot's left knee. This tank allows plied. Coupled with some really nice a good three hour range with some to sheet metal work on the nose section (Dave's long suit), the forward part of spare. Using Terry Oestreich's PA-17 for a the PA-17 looks factory fresh . Of pattern, Dave made a heating duct on course, the newly overhauled Continen­ the exhaust system that really puts out. tal A65, with its fancy paint job and When you pull the Cabin Heat button "cad" plated valve covers, doesn't while flying, the entire cabin is bathed detract either! in warm air! It is so unlike a normal Cub One item receiving special attention in this respect - almost enough to make were the two control sticks, which were a dedicated Cub driver sit down and cry! chrome plated and finished with var­ It really works. nished wooden knobs. They tend to Once the wings were covered and compliment the instrument panel with Dave received instructions in rib stitch­ its new gauges and bright red ignition ing from Allan Hatz, complete with handle. The original PA-17 metallic buried knots and runners under the blue has been carried on the instrument fabric, the wings were finished and panel, the 12-gallon fuel tank and the painted with yellow Poly-Tone. The forward fuselage interior. The seat is Vagabond was then hauled to the Hatz nicely upholstered in hide recovered field (Hay Meadow Airport) where it was fully assembled and checked over from spinner to tailwheel. Nice, shiny stainless steel tail brace wires were in­ stalled and the Vagabond was readied for inspection by FAA on October 10, 1990. Dave Meyer's many hours of blood, sweat and tears paid off as the PA-17 passed with flying colors (pun intended) and after the paperwork was signed and sealed, Clifford Hatz made the first flight in the bright yellow bird. It flew hands off - the rigging was right on the money! Dave got checked out in the PA-17 and, of course, Jeremie was soon check­ QI ed out so he could fly the plane when­ > o ever he came home from college at o o '--_--"'.......

Madison, WI (Mechanical Engineer­ '> Dave installs the Stits covering on the fuselage . Note the handy stand balled to ing). By the time snow was flying the firewall mounts. II makes handling the fuselage a lillie easier.

Dave began on the fuselage framework, cleaning and checking for weak spots and when everything was in readiness, a two-part Stits epoxy primer was sprayed on the tubing. As each addi­ tional part was identified (remember, Dave didn't have the luxury of taking the PA-15 apart!), it was cleaned and painted with epoxy primer. Eventually, the fuselage was ready for inside fabric, so the Stits HS-90X cloth was carefully glued in place and tightened with a flat iron. The front tubing, which is visible inside the cabin, was sprayed with metallic blue paint to have that proper look when finished . The inside fabric was then filled with Poly-Spray and finished off with yellow Poly-Tone. A front fuselage stand was then bolted to the engine mount holes which allowed the fuselage to be rotated - so handy for covering all sides. Fabric was then applied to the outside of the fuselage and, after gluing the edges, shrunk tight with the iron. Once the finishing tapes were in place and all patches located, final finishing could begin. Standard Stits Poly-Tone proce­ dures were followed with the final yel­ low and metallic blue Poly-Tone coats finishing the procedure. A close ex­ amination of the finished airplane reveals some really outstanding workmanship. It is readily apparent that Dave Meyer learns fast (and doesn't forget!). In a project such as a PA-17, certain critical items require assistance. In Dave's case, he could call on Terry Oestreich of nearby Ringle, WI for help. Terry, who readily admits that much of his (substantial) aviation knowledge came from the late John Hatz, is an "Antiquer" from the word go and


18 MARCH 1991


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Instead of dragging his tailwheelthrough the snow, Dave has this nitty ski installed on his Vagabond.

around Merrill, some 10 hours had been recorded on the Vagabond and both father and son knew they had a first class airplane. A set of bushings were located to put the Federal A1500A skis on the 11/4" axles of the PA-17 and the necessary rigging was installed. Dave installed an aluminum and stainless steel ski just like one John Hatz had used years earlier. Together with the main skis, the system worked perfectly and by the time the annual John Hatz Memorial skiplane fly-in came around in February of 1991, some 30 hours had been recorded on the tachometer. It was at the above mentioned skiplane fly-in that we had our first look

at "Meyer the Flyer" and his PA-17 Vagabond. Luckily, son Jeremie was also able to be on hand, so we got the full story of how the airplane was res­ tored over two years. The aircraft had been hand rubbed and waxed to the point where it stood out from all the other airplanes. In the bright sun, reflected by the white snow - it was beautiful! Knowing that your author had flown Terry Oestreich's Vagabond on skis last year, Dave offered to let me fly his PA-17! I accepted, knowing that I would be flying several peoples' years of hard work and dedicated efforts. Crawling into the cabin through the door, I noticed a foot stirrup had been added for ease of entry. Once in the seat, I had the feeling of sitting in a brand new airplane - it even smelled new! With the long, two-seat belt fas­ tened, I readied the controls while Dave pulled the engine through. The A65 started on the first pull and came to life. Making sure the area was clear, I taxied away from the line-up of skiplanes and slowly headed for the east end of the runway. A Piper Pacer was on final, so I headed around a runway marker to give him room to land. Once past, the runway was clear so I added power to the Vagabond and lifted into the cold air after just a short run. The first surprise was how smooth the engine ran! Dave

had balanced the engine parts before assembly and it really showed results. The second surprise was when I pulled the heater control and the entire cabin got warm! I made several circuits of the field as H . G. Frautschy, VINTAGE AIRPLANE editor, took pictures during my flybys. Flying the PA-17 was quite a treat as the controls felt like a new airplane, no sloppiness or shake, rattle and roll anywhere. And the engine felt like it was ready to respond to any request. This is one smooth machine. After several circuits in the company of Terry Oestreich's Vagabond fl own by his son, I came in for a landing on the Federal A1500A skis - they are about two inches wider than A 1500's. Pulling up to the line, I turned the PA-17 towards the south so H. G. could take a few more pictures - with me grinning from ear to ear! You know, an old Cub pilot could get ruined in machinery like this. The joy of meeting Dave Meyer and his son, Jeremie, was indeed a rare treat, but to actually get to fly their beautiful Vagabond was frosting on the cake. It is what flying is all about - and you might know it hap pened on the home ground of John Hatz. I just know that John was up there watching - with that customary smile on his face. Thank you, John .•

Harry Whiting's Stinson 108

by Norm Petersen Few people in this world aresototally appreciative of EAA and what it stands for than Harry H. Whiting (EAA 32675, A/C 1648) of Greers Ferry, Arkansas. This feeling of appreciation towards Paul Poberezny and the many, many people who have helped to nurture this fine orga nization extends not only from Harry's lovely wife, Pat, but also from thei r four grown children, Harry, Fran­ cis, Bill and Vicki - who have all at­ tend ed the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO! Such an unusual cluster of talent, brains (and good looks) in one family doesn't just appear from nowhere; it has to be nurtured over a long period of time. The fact that it culminated in win­ ning the beautiful "Lindy" award for 20 MARCH 1991

the Classic Custom Class C title at EAA Oshkosh '90 was frosting on the cake. The Whiting family 1946 Stinson Voyager, NC108WW, SIN 108-384, caught the judge's eye with its bright Stinson yellow paint scheme, accented with Boston maroon trim . The story actually began sixty years ago. Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on June 30, 1930, Harry H. Whiting grew up with a fascination for aviation that was very common among younger people in those years. (This author speaks from experience - he is just twen­ ty days younger than Harry Whiting!) The lure of model airplane building was prominent in Harry's young life (the 1946 Nationals were held at Monticell o, Milmesota) along with a chance to take

flying lessons and solo an Aeronca Champ at Faribault, MN in late1946. Harry went through the cadet pro­ gram at the University of Minnesota and finished as a single-engine jet pilot in the Air Force with a tour of duty in Korea in the early 1950's. Follow ing his service duty, he joined with his brother to form a big game hunting and fishing operation in Canada, starting in Ontario and ultimately ending in the Arctic. The "bush" flying part of the operation led to an association with Sherm Booen (EAA 184586), whose legendary "World of Aviation" pro­ gram on WCCO-TV (Minneapolis-SI. Paul), was religiously watched every Sunday morning for over 25 years by every airplane aficionado in the viewing

Two very happy people, Pat and Harry Whiting pose by their beautiful Stinson 108. Pat is holding the " Lindy" trophy awarded at EAA Oshkosh '90 for classic Custom Class C. Note the reflection on the bottom of the wing, so indicative of the workmanship on this airplane.

area! One day in November, 1965, Harry was in the right seat of Sherm's Bonanza (Old 58 Bravo) as they entered a right hand pattern for Runway 36 at Flying Cloud field, southwest of Min­ neapolis. Harry asked about an unusual aircraft in the pattern ahead of them. Sherm told him it was an experimental Tailwind and expressed "that was a bunch you want to stay away from. They build their own airplanes and they're called the EAA. They are nice enough, but anybody who builds their own airplane has to be crazy," he said with a laugh. Once on the ground, a curious Harry Whiting made his way to the hangar on the northeast side of the field to see just who builds such an aircraft. In so doing, he met Bill Hansen, Wally Carlberg and so many other members of EAA Chap­ ter 25. That was Harry's introduction to EAA and without the knowl edge, help and especially, encouragement of this group of pioneer EAA folks, none of the things that were to come would have been possible. As Harry says, "We finished a Nesmith Cougar, which we literally flew across the country and en­ joyed the little high-wing speedster very much." One winter day in 1968, Harry landed at Southport Airport (which is now a shopping center) and "there, in a snowdrift, sat this derelict Stinson." With the fami ly now at three sons and a daughter, a cabin, larger than the two­ place Cougar, was definitely needed. After negotiations, th e Stin so n (NC97384) was purchased and the dis­ mantled aircraft was hauled home to Edina - in true EAA fashion! The experience of disassembling a fac tory airplane was a super learning process and Harry is adamant in his praise for the help received from other EAA members during the process. One thing he remembers well; over twenty feet of enema tubing was removed from the pitot-static system. Yes, enema tubing! (This was certainly not what the book called for.) After going through the rest of the airframe, the engine was taken to John and Don Stube r at American Aviation (Flying Cloud) for overhaul and before long, the Stinson was assembled and ready for fli ght. Serving as the Whiting family

airplane, the Stin son was flown to Leech Lake in northern Minnesota near­ ly every weekend, the kids playing jacks on the floor as they flew along. In reali ty, the plane became part of the family - everyone did their share in keeping it going. In 1971, Harry entered the environm en tal research business, which took the family to Greer's Ferry, Arkansas. The family Stinson was flown south to take up residence in the "Razorback" state. Not too long after the big move, it

was determined that the "old girl" needed a complete rebuild. And with four sharp kids and a lovely wife to help, Harry felt it was a perfect family project. The Stinson was once again disassembled and the many pieces haul ed home to th eir new A-frame dwelling with its attached small shop. Parts of the Stinson were everywhere in the home! Old fabric was removed and the paint was stripped with a high power sprayer. Once (squeaky) clean, the parts were sprayed with Stits epoxy

Harry Whiting carefully assembles the accessory section on to the back of the Franklin engine.




o .;;

Pat Whiting readies the right wing for Stits 103 fabric . Note the Stits epoxy on the inboard section of the wing surrounding the fuel tank . VINTAGE AIRPLANE 21

All of the Stits finishes were sprayed outdoors in the yard due to the lack of a paint booth. Here, Pat Whiting (lower right) and three members of the crew pose with the various paris of the Stinson before assembly. Note the large uN" numbers on the right wing surface.

Harry and Pat's son, Fran, carefully checks the gap in the new piston rings before installation in the Franklin cylinder. In this family, everyone contributes (and learns)!

and Boston maroon Poly-Tone. The family members kinda' screamed at the thought of laying out the huge registra­ tion numbers on the top of the left wing and the bottom of the right wing, how­ ever, perseverance prevailed and the Wag-Aero masks worked very nicely as NCI08WW was carefully laid out and sprayed . Incidentally, the number stands for the Stinson series 108 and Wallace and Whiting - Pat Whiting's maiden name was Wallace, from Luck, Wisconsin, yet. Clear Stits Aero-Thane was used around the fuel tanks on the upper surface of the wings to protect from fuel stains. Next came the Franklin engine. The manuals on this engine are skimpy, to say the least, however, Harry and crew proceeded to have the cylinders over­ hauled and all the parts magna fluxed. Once all the parts were returned, the engine was assembled and carefully balanced. All accessories were corn-

pletely overhauled and new wiring, ig­ nition harnesses and propeller were in­ stalled. The original Stinson metal wheel­ pants were in dire need of help and these were carefully straightened out, one dent at a time. Eventually, the smooth, rounded finish began to evolve and the primer coats started to appear without wrinkles. Final coats of Poly-Tone and some elbow grease to rub them out gave that much desired "new look", so neces­ sary to an Oshkosh winner. Many of Harry and Pat's neighbors would come to visit and lend a hand during the project. EAA's master welder, Lloyd Toll, earned his coffee and lunch on many occasions with excel­ lent help. Others included Price Powell and his wife, Florence, who go back many years in aViatIOn. Price was a cadet with Paul Poberezny at West Memphis or some similar base nearly 50 years ago and is credited with hanging

pruner. All bearings, pulleys, cables and har­ nesses were replaced and the proper ten­ sions were checked on the cables. Even the fuel tanks had to have a bunch of "yuck" removed from inside before they would pass inspection. During its murky past, the Stinson had sustained considerable hail damage to its upper metal surfaces and somewhere between "one and two million" small dents had to be carefully flattened or filled. Some parts had to be replaced with new metal sections from Univair in Aurora, CO. The covering was done in Stits 103 fabric according to Ray Stits' manual. One tiny addition was the use of (first) a 2-inch and then (second) a 3-inch tape over each wing rib to help transfer the loads from the fabric to the wing struc­ ture. (This idea is now commonly used on agricultural spray planes in severe service.) Harry is quick to point out that no bubbles of trapped solvents from the Poly-Brush should be allowed to remain under the tapes. The fuselage was covered using the blanket method and all parts received a brush coat of Stits Poly-Brush. This was followed by spraying two coats of Poly-Brush and then five coats of the silver Poly-Spray, sanding off almost every coat except for any unevenness. As Harry says, "There are two ways to produce a show finish. One is to spray on lots of paint. The other is to sand between coats. Our Stinson weighs approximately 10 per­ cent less than the figures given in the 1946 manual using dope and cotton fabric finish." The final color coats were done in Ray Stits' color matched Stinson yellow 22 MARCH 1991

Harry with two of his sons, Bill and Harry Jr., with grandchildren Jennifer and Bridget, all involved in the restoration of Stinson NC 108WW. As we said, this was a family affair.

Bright yellow Scott 3200 tailwheel is sup­ ported by a chrome plated leaf spring and operated by the all metal rudder. Even the holes in the rudder arm are not worn to an oval.

Cantilevered landing gear features ex­ cellent fairings and original metal wheel pants, so diligently restored to new con­ dition.

the nickname "Poopdeck" on Paul (Howard) Poberezny in those early days. The interior rebu ild was farmed out to a n upholstery s hop th at Harry described as a "hovel", however, the man did excellent work and the entire job was completed for only $300. A close examination at Oshkosh revealed an excellent piece of workmanship and it is one more reason the Stinson scored well in the jUdging. Even the sma ll amounts of chrome plating, such as the nose grills, the door hinges and the steps, helped to score points in the cus­ tom category. All this adds up to a "Lindy" that will remain on the Whiting mantle for years to come. In 1982, Harry Whiting earned his coveted A & P rating and is presently working on his Inspection Authoriza­ tion. In short, he never stops educating himself and in like manner, his family members have fo llowed right in his footsteps. As I sa id in the beginning, things like this don't happen overnight - they have to be nurtured! Congratulations to Harry and Pat Whiting and their four lovely children. These people are a credit to EAA and what it stands for. Stinson NC108WW is a shining example of what people can do if they work together.. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 23

To Oshkosh in 58 years

Part II

Ken has a quiet flight to Crystal lake, Illinois after saying goodbye to his friend , the late Jerry Kennedy, United Airlines Second Officer.

by Ken Morris

(EAA 286755, Ale 11423)

When we last left Ken, he was watch­ ing the gas ga uge bouncing near the bottom of the tank, trying to conjure up his nextfilel stop, Siloom Springs. . . I was just starting to compose the lett er in my mind that starts out "Dear FAA," when I saw a runway off my left wing! Springing forth the necessary skills to enter a left downwind I noticed that it had the numbers 32 and 14 adorn­ ing the ends of it. I still had no idea where I was, but at least I could land there and fu el. As I turned final for runway 14 at abollt 200 feet, I could read the road sign shaped like an arrow pointing at Crystal La ke airport nea r Decatur, Arkansas. It was sti ll raining steadily with no wind on the crowned 3400 foot runway . Wea ring out the tai l skid was still fresh on my brain , or maybe the wet leather helmet was squeezing my head, when I 24 MARCH 1991

decided to fly down the runway to save time and skid. This turned out to be another tactical error by yours truly, be­ cause I landed on the top of the crown and it was, as they say , "downhill from there." A tail skid doesn't work very well on pavement, but on wet pavement it "no worky" at all. At least it doesn't wear much. Small consolation as the end of the runway was coming to meet me. The runway ended in a lake or pond (it really wouldn't have mattered much) with a large hangar on the right side of the runway. Phase one of the emergen­ cy stopping procedure in the Eagle is to tum off the fan . (Eliminating residual thrust for you jet folks .) This is a calcu­ lated risk because once the engine stops, the rudder becomes even less effective. Now I couldn't steer or stop. (What a day!) I prepared myself for phase two of the emergency stopping procedure, I was on the north side of the runway,

holding full right rudder, hoping for a miracle. Phase two consisted of unbuckling my seat belt, bailing out and grabbing the strut! (Kids, don't try this at home.) I am happy to say I never had to resort to phase two. It works in theory. Meanwhile, back on the runway, there was a miracle in progress. Just as the runway was giving up, I felt the tail start to move ever so slightly to the north (right tum) . The more it moved, the faster it moved that way and the closer I was getting to that hangar door, but by the time I got close to the hangar I was in a full fledged ground loop - I came to a stop facing the opposite direction directly in front of the office door. The locked office door. For the third time that same day I arrived alone. I guess I should be happy that nobody was there to see that anyway. No amount of skill and cunning can overcome dumb luck,

as indicated by this fiasco. While I scratched my wet head, looked at my useless wet WAC chart and put gas in the tank, I figured out where I was. Amazingly enough I wasn't too lost. I was able to follow a road straight east to Rogers, Arkansas for real fuel and real people. I landed just ahead of a Citation and there were people all around scratching their heads, wonder­ ing who that nut was in that runaway bed sheet. The nice lady inside was a little upset that I hadn't called her on unicom for an advisory, but after seeing me and the Eaglet, I think she started taking up a collection. After fuel and a Dr. Pepper, it was off again for the last leg of the day. I figured it would take one more hour of flying, but I only had an hour and a half of daylight left. Speed was important, and once again I set up a heading using the runway heading and picking a landmark out in front of "Zeke's" top cylinder and before reaching it, picking another one and so on. After sort of holding a heading for 55 minutes, I looked out and saw Springfield, Mis­ souri right where it was supposed to be. Like Jimmy Stewart said in the "Spirt of St. Louis," "There's nothin' wrong with Dead Reckoning navigation, ex­ cept maybe the name." Somewhere along the line that day I learned that Lorraine and Jason had got­

ten away at about 2:30 that afternoon, and if all went well she would get to the Ozark airport at the same time I would. As I approached the airport from the southwest I noticed that the wind was out of the north and that she wasn't there yet. After the day I'd had, I could only hope theirs went better. As I started a left turn aro und to enter a downwind, I looked up and saw that beautiful 140 right behind me. We circled each other, landed and tied down - a fitting end to an interesting day. As I looked back into the sunset over

"There's nothin' wrong with Dead Reckoning navigation, except maybe the name," - Jimmy Stewart in "The Spirit of st. Louis"

the airplanes, I could see that they would be ready to go in the morning. As sore and tired as I was that night, I still didn't sleep well. There was going to be a lot going on the next day. After burning the midnight oil, a plan was devised that would get everyone where they needed to be, Eaglet and 140 permitting. While I aimed for Lincoln, Illinois, about 30 miles north of Springfield, Lorraine would fly all the way to Mor­ ris, Illinois (no relation) and drop off my son in a wonderfully planned rendez­

vous with her father and his C-l72. Then she would return to Lincoln, pick me up and we would fly to Springfield together to bid farewell to our friend. The first order of business was to see some old friends. Ernie and Elizabeth Sieler live on an airstrip near Marshfield, Missouri. It was also the previous home of the Eaglet for some 30 years prior to my dad's purchase in 1975. Ernie's strip has never been easy for me to find, and that day was no excep­ tion. Lorraine was following me and I was lost, but it wasn't long before the strip jumped out at us and we were able to stop for a short visit. Ernie had been ill and within a week after that visit, he passed away. It's ironic; that morning he told me that he had purchased a headstone, engraved with an Eaglet. My next stop was Rolla, Missouri. As I taxiied up to the ramp, I saw that I was about number five for fuel, behind the likes of jet powered vehicles, with one little lady trying to fuel them all. When I asked her how long it would take to be fueled, she was not too pleased; as a matter of fact - well, never mind. I explained my time con­ straints and volunteered to help, so while she started the avgas truck and fueled the Eaglet, I fueled a King Air. We were a good team, but I had to get going. After another rain infested stop in

lorraine Morris' Cessna 140, fresh from it's restoration . VINTAGE AIRPLANE 25

The Morris' American Eaglet during the Antique/Classic fly out to Shawano, WI after arriving at EAA Oshkosh '89.

Wentzville, Missouri, I was on the home stretch to Lincoln, Illinois. The people that I saw along the way (what people there were) were great, especially the friendly folks at Lincoln. Lorraine got there right on time and we flew together to Springfield. After saying farewell to my friend the next afternoon, we flew formation to Crystal Lake, Illinois. It was a beautiful, melancholy evening of memories. We only had one fuel stop between Lincoln and Crystal Lake, and we decided to stop at Ottawa, Illinois this time. It was near Ottawa that Charles Lindbergh bailed out of his De­ Havilland biplane on his way to Chicago in a snowstorm several years before he made his little over water cross-country, and about five years before the Eaglet was even dreamed of. The greeting that we received in Ot­ tawa more than made up for all of the "nobody's homes" that we ran into along the way. It will go down in the books as one of the ten best Eaglet quotes in our 15 years experience with curious comments. I circled overhead and landed on the grass, followed by Lorraine and we taxiied up to the pumps together. As I reached up to shut off the mags, I saw an elderly gentleman walking out of the office. He slowly approached the 26 MARCH 1991

Eaglet as I uncurled myself from the front seat. Extending his hand for a welcome, he introduced himself as Julio Corsini. Then, without even taking a breath, he said, "We haven't had an Eaglet stop here for fuel in quite some time. I don't know whether I was more shocked that he knew what it was or that he was so nonchalant about us stopping there. For a moment it was 1946 again. Lorraine's 140 was brand new, and the Eaglet was a 15 year old has been, bought and sold for a couple of hundred bucks. I would have loved to stay and learn more about this interesting gentleman, but the sun was marching on and we sti II had about an hour to go. I did have time to answer part of my questions about his insight. The reason he knew what the Eagle was, was that he was a test pilot for American Eagle. Furthermore, he said he had given Amelia Earhart a cockpit check-out in one. At that point I was ready to pitch a tent for the night just to listen to more, but wiser minds prevailed and we decided we had better leave. So after some 80 octane, old "Zeke" blatted to life. As we taxied out to leave, I looked back over my shoulder to wave goodbye and I could see the smile on his face. That stop was worth the trip. Maybe it was 1946. We arrived in Crystal Lake near dusk, spending the evening with Lorraine's

parents and setting the stage for the home stretch. The final day was a little bit an­ ticlimatic compared to the rest of the trip, but it was just as beautiful. As I picked up the highway north out of Milwaukee, I could see lots of campers and trailers heading north for a thrilling week at Oshkosh. Many waved as I went by. North of Fond du Lac I could see the large expanse full of aviation - past, present and future. I neared Oshkosh and could see other airplanes funneling into the area, per­ haps with their own exciting stories of their trip. If they had half the fun I did, they enjoyed it. Entering a left downwind for runway 18, I was almost there, adding a little bit more of our past to the collection. Per­ haps by bringing to Oshkosh a living monument of our past, we may better understand our future. Touchdown, and it was over. No, it's not over! There 's that dam crosswind again! It ain't over till it's over. After the flagmen picked themselves up off the ground, they waved me to the infield where I shut off the very dependable Szkeley. Then it was over. I climbed out, a little sad, a little glad and a lot tired. Being there was exciting, getting there was challenging, but being part of it is rewarding. It now occurred to me that when I arrived, I was only half way. But that's another story .•

Flaws, Cracks and the

Perfect Airplane

by Wayne Stevenson (EAA 180367) Illustrations by H.G. Frautschy

We've just arrived home from EAA Oshkosh '90 (the best yet) and during our mental debriefmgs, two ideas keep recurring. One is an image of happy shoppers heading out of the flymarket, clutching their treasures: a pair of wheels, a motor mount or a prop. The other is the recollection of a discussion broadcast over the PA system regarding the age of the general aviation fleet. Maybe you remember hearing it. An average age of 33 years was mentioned and the announcer commented that many of us are flying antique aircraft, intentionally or not. Both these ideas relate to something I'm interested in: nondestructive test­ ing, NDT, or, sometimes, nondestruc­ tive evaluation, NDE. High-time, fatigued, or just old airframes and powerplants sometimes develop hidden cracks, officially called material dis­ continuities. Sometimes a part has been overstressed, or sometimes an improper or inadequate repair has led to these same discontinuities. Antique and Classic restorers need to be especially careful here because most of us cannot afford all new parts (or find them at all!) and so we take what we can get. How can we be assured of the integrity of the material in that flymarket part? There were some great looking airplanes out there on the flight line, with how many years, how many hours, how many slightly sudden landings, how many high "G" turns on them? How do you know whether or not some of the molecules have stopped holding hands? Well now, there are some things you can do to check it out. One is to clean everything thoroughly and take a close look, regularly. Another is to use various technologies, generically called nondestructive testing (NDT) (evalua­ tion) . No single test method finds all flaws in all materials though. The list of methods includes magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, ultrasonics, eddy cur­ rent, acoustic emmission, radiography (x-ray), infrared thermography and vibration analysis.

Magnetic particle inspection can only be used on ferrous metals that will exhibit magnetic lines of flux. It is best at finding surface cracks, poor at finding internal flaws . A fair amount of equip­ ment is involved in order to generate a magnetic field in the part to be ex­ amined. Tiny metal particles with fluorescent dye are flowed over the sur­ face and are attracted to the cracks and a black light makes them show up. The part must then be de-magnitized. It's often used on connecting rods and crankshafts and is very effective. Liquid penetrant inspection can be used on a wide variety of nonporous materials, magnetic or not. The part is thoroughly cleaned and then dipped in a low surface tension liquid fluorescent dye that penetrates surface cracks by capillary action. The excess dye is washed off and a developer chemical is applied. Then the part is examined with a black light. This method finds flaws that are open to the surface and is quite reliable if properly done.

Eddy current can be used on any material that will conduct electricity. It is commonly used on stressed aluminum skin around rivet holes or around bolt holes in wheels. Electricity is passed through a coil of wire which produces a magnetic field . This coil is placed next to the material to be tested, which induces a secondary electrical eddy current in the material. The cur­ rent lines will be interrupted at any cracks that might be there and those interruptions can be sensed and dis­ played on a meter or a cathode ray tube. What it really senses is a change in the conductivity of a material. That means that if an alloy has been altered by over­ heating, perhaps, for example, a brake/wheel combination, eddy current will show it. This method is often used to quickly sort parts into "good" and "flawed" groups. Then the flawed parts are confirmed with liquid penetrant in­ spection. Ultrasonics are better at finding inter­ nal flaws, especially in composites. A



lANDING GEAR PIVOT _______-.........--- POSSI BlE CRACKS




and is quite reli­ able in the hands DRllLEp HOLE of an experienced film reader. Infrared ther­ mography makes use of heat sensi­ tive film to "photograph" the material to be / tested . Discon­ POSSIBLE CRACKS tinuities will show up because the energy emission characteristics are altered at crack high frequency generator applies physi­ surfaces. This technique, as well as cal energy to the material to be tested vibration analysis, tends to be used al­ and some of that energy is reflected most entirely at the manufacturer level back by an internal discontinuity like a in their quality assurance programs. delamination. The reflection can be This method will also show load dis­ sensed and recorded. Some fairly ex­ tribution in a part. pensive equipment is required, as well The conclusion here should be that as a large amount of time . the method of choice will depend upon Acoustic emission is also often used what sort of flaw is suspected, what the on composite materials. A sensitive material is, where it is located and, of receiver is placed on the part to be tested course, practical considerations of time, and the part is placed under load. The money and availability. receiver actually "hears" the internal Let's get practical then. What kind of squeaks and groans as the material flaws should you expect to be there? changes shape under load. Flawed There are three origins of discon­ material will sound different than non­ tinuities. The first possible source of flawed material. It is often used in com­ flaws is at the original manufacture of bination with ultrasonics. the material. There might be impurities Radiology (x-ray) is good at finding in the alloy or problems in the rolling internal discontinuities and, yes, it is the mill or casting foundry . Remember that same familiar process the doctor used to when you build a composite aircraft, find the crack in your arm bone after you you are manufacturing the material as fell off the stepladder. The equipment you go. The second possible source is is expensive and dangerous, though . at the processing and fabrication stage. Exposure to an overdose of loose x-rays This includes things like forging, weld­ can do you a lot of harm . The technician ing, bending, machining and so forth. has to know what he is doing. This For example, misaligned forging dies method is often used on large castings will cause "laps" in the part. Sudden and forgings like landing gear trunnions cooling after welding can cause cracks.



28 MARCH 1991

Bending around a radius that is too small for the thickness of the material or bending material that is too hard (brittle) will cause cracks. The third possible source is at the in-service stage. This includes the commonly known phenomena of material fatigue as well as corrosion, brittle weld repairs and plain old accidental damage. On a heavily loaded part, even a scratch can be classified as damage. Most of our concerns are in the last two areas: processing and in-service. However, in composite structures, the material is, in a sense, being manufac­ tured on the spot and extra care must be taken to assure consistent material char­ acteristics. There are a variety of poten­ tial discontinuities in composites that can be almost entirely eliminated by correct construction technique but if you are the least bit suspicious about a part, either reject it or have a NDT con­ tractor check it out. (Since composite partsfor antique or classic aircraft tend to be non-struc­ tural, such as replica fairings and cowl­ ings, the amount ofdiscontinuity that is "acceptable" depends more on how often you want to repair a cracked part, rather than it's ability to carry a load HGF)

Our company uses liquid penetrant and eddy current because we specialize in aircraft turbocharger overhaul and we routinely check turbine wheels, shafts, castings, etc. for cracks. If you have any questions about NDT or if you need some help, call me at 1-800-387-3089. If you have some parts you'd like checked, indicate that you are an EAA or RAAC member when you call and I'll try to return some of the help and encouragement I've had from the homebuilders' fraternity over the years .•


~~VJ~ An information exchange column with input from readers.






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by Buck Hilbert (EAA 21, Ale 5) P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180

From the Dawn Patrol... Dear Buck, Thanks for the use of your tail skid! Our Swallow is through cover on the fuselage and the tail surfaces. Here are some pictures taken prior to covering. The cover will be Grade A cotton and Butyrate dope. I'll send a complete story and pictures when it's completed. P.S. My Ryan M-l is now in Seattle with your Swallow! Thanks again, Ty Sundstrom, Dawn Patrol Aviation Exter, CA Ty Sundstrom's Swallow is a "Com­ mercial", the same as our Museum Foundation machine. The pictures of the "bare bones" fuselage is indicative of his attention to detail and his dedica­ tion to originality. He insisted on in­ stalling a tail skid, and I loaned him mine. I also cautioned him regarding the handling on the ground with the short moment arm of the skid, but he is going original.

With it's nose bolted tight to a rotating stand , the " bare bones" of Ty Sundstrom 's Swallow rest in the California sun .

This close·up of the Swallow shows the neat installation of the controls and the wiring. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 29

This Swallow TP is now is hanging in the San Diego Air and Space Museum. (These photos were taken on the ramp next to the museum's restoration facility at Gillespie Field.)

More Swallow Info Dear Buck, Putting together an AT-9 would be a piece of cake compared to getting my Swallow TP sorted out. At least work­ ing plans are available from the USAF archives. Ed McCOImell is a prince of a fellow - but the "plans" he had were only a sketch of the wings for the Swal­ low sent to Charlie Klessing in Fargo. He's been a lot of help as he has remem­ bered quite a bit regarding your "Var­ ney" Swallow. You rascal- wiping out a few wings - tisk, tisk! (Ha!) If you want to donate that swallow instrument panel, tail skid and head rest, I'd be happy to add this to my collection. I traded a Laird rudder and vertical stab for a good Swallow equal, as well as some ailerons and wing struts that I also needed. I need the cabane struts or measurements. I decided to use the Kinner instead of the OX-So Later TP Swallows had the Kinner as an option. I missed an OXX6 in Trade-A-Plane recently for $800.00. I thought it was a misprint, but it turned out to be genuine. Shows you got to follow all leads. My Air Corps buddy still would like to build up an AT-9 - he'd trade his collection of Hen's teeth for a lead. 30 MARCH 1991

Klessing's Swallow went to a museum in West Fargo, N.D., along with a few WWI aircraft and miscel­ laneous aeronautical artifacts. Low and Slow, George Waltman Long Valley, NJ Walt sent along some pictures of the Swallow TP located at the San Diego Air and Space Museum. Covered in the Blue River process and immaculate, it is a standing tribute to the volunteers who did the work. I envy the San Diego Museum for all its volunteers. Retirees find the climate and the opportunity to work for the museum irresistible. The Geriatric Corps of restoration volun­ teers feature the expertise of many years of military and airline experience. It's a real treat to watch twenty or more of these guys out there at Gillespie Field working together on a project such as this Swallow. The air is full of en­ thusiasm and the stories they tell while they are working are fascinating. Their recovery from a disaster such as the fire set by a vandal in 1977 is also nothing short ofamazing! The museum is a first class facility, and is well worth

the trip if you are in the Southern California area. -HGF

More LeBlond Parts Dear Mr. Hilbert, Reading the December '90 issue of Vintage Airplane, I noticed that a Mr. Ted Davis is in need of LeBlond engine parts. I own a Porterfield 3S-70 which has been going through a slow but high quality rebuilding process for the last S years. I also have a good Ken Royce 90 (SG), a marginal LeBlond SF plus a considerable parts collection for SF's, SE's and some 2 main-bearing engines. Since business commitments and a 1991 relocation will not leave much time for finishing the project, I will ad­ vertise it in Trade-A-Plane in the spring. Sincerely,

Gottfried Schiller

7778 Chilson Rd .

Pinckney, MI 48169

Gottfried also me ntioned that he would prefer to sell the entire project, rather than individual parts. Over to you, Buck

April 6 - Wichita, KS. 3rd Annual Arthritis Foundation Proficiency Air Rally, Col. James Jabara Airport. To obtain entry/pledge collection forms or more infor­ mation, contact The Arthritis Foundation, Kansas Chapter, 316/263-0116; in Kansas, call 1/800/362-1108. April 7-13 - Lakeland, FL - Annual Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In A Tribute to Aviation. For more information, see the ad on pages 44-45 in the January issue of SPORT A VIA­ TION or call 813/644-243l. April 27 - Levelland, TX Municipal Airport. EAA Chapter 19 Fly-In Breakfast, 8:00 AM. Contact Jolm Smith 806/793­ 7889. If it rains, drive - we'll be there. May 3-5 - Burlington, NC - EAA Anti­ que/Classic Chapter 3 Annual Spring Fly-In for antique and classic aeroplanes. All types welcome. Alamance County Airport. Trophies, a major speaker and vintage avia­ tion films. For more Information, contact R. Bottom, Jr ., 103 Powhatan Pkwy, Hampton, VA 2366l. May 3-5 - Camarillo, CA - EAA Chap­ ter 723 lIh Annual Fly-In. Pancake Break­ fasts, BBQ dinner dance on Saturday, speakers and more. Camping and hotel ac­ comodations available. Trophies given for best of each type aircraft. For more informa­ tion, call Larry Hayes, Chairman, 805/496­ 3750. May 4-5 - Winchester, VA Regional EAA Spring Fly-In at airport. Trophies for winning showplanes. Pancake breakfast Sunday. Concessions and exhibitors. All welcome. Contact George Lutz, EAA Chapter 186, 703/256-7873. May 5 - Rockford, IL EAA Chapter 22 Annual Fly-In Breakfast. Mark Clark's Courtesy Aircraft, Greater Rockford Air­ port. 7:00 AM until Noon. ATIS 126.7. For more information, call Wallace Hunt, 815/332-4708. May 5 - Nationwide Cessna 120/140 Breakfast Fly-In to be held simultaneously in each State. Sponsored by the Internation­ al Cessna 120/140 Association. Contact your State Rep. or Jack Cronin, President, 433 Franklin Street, Denver, CO 80218, 303/333-3000. May 17-19 - Albuquerque, NM, Double Eagle Airport. 4th Annual Albuquer­ que/Southwest Airlines Air Show and Fly­ In. Duke City "100" Race for experimentals. Awards all classes of show aircraft. Contact George Applebay, 505/264-0331. May 18-19 - Hampton, NH Airfield. 15th Annual Aviation Flea Market, Fly-In, Drive-ln. Camping on airfield; food avail­ able. No fees! No rain date. Anything avia­ tion related OK . For info, call 603/964-6749. May 19 - Benton Harbor, MI. EAA Chapter 585 Fifth Annual Pancake Break­ fast. Warbirds, Classics, Homebuilts, Car Show, Static Displays. For information con­ tact AI Todd, 616/429-2929. May 24-26 - Watsonville, CA. 27th Annual West Coast Antique Fly-In in memory of Jean Lamb. Contact: 2464 El Camino Real, Suite 445, Santa Clara, CA 95051,408/496-9559. May 24-26 - Columbia, SC Annual Pal­ metto Sport Aviation Memorial Day Fly-In.

Columbia Owens Downtown Airport. CUB. Contact Jack Hilton, (Day) 803/699­ 0233, (Evening) 803/782-0088. Housing, contact John Gardener, 803/796-2400. May 25-26 - Decatur, AL. EAA Chap­ ter 941/Decatur-Athens Aero Services 3rd Annual Memorial Day Fly-In and Southern Aviation Reunion. Classics, Warbirds, Homebuilts. Camping, transportation to Alabama Jubilee, Hot Air Balloon Races. UNICOM 123.0, VOR on Field 112.8 ­ 205/355-5770 for information. May 31-June 1 - Bartlesville, OK Na­ tional Biplane Association 5th Annual Con­ vention and Exposition - BIPLANE EXPO '91. Free admission for all biplanes and current NBA members, all others paid ad­ mission. For more information, contact Charles W. Harris, 918/742-7311 or Mary Jones, 918/299-2532. June 2 - DeKalb, IL EAA Chapter 241 will serve its 27th Annual Breakfast, 7:00 AM - Noon, Dekalb-Taylor Municipal Air­ port. Contact Ed Torbett, 815/895-3888. June 2 - Tunkllannock, PA Skyhaven Airport (76N). Fly-In Breakfast, 8am - 2pm. Located on the NY sectional 19 miles from LHY VOR 110.8 on the 289 degree radial or 19 miles from AVP vor 111.6 on the 333 degree radial Unicorn 122.8. Antique and classic people welcome. Crafts and Flea Market. Campground with modern facilities available on the field. More infor­ mation, contact Steve Gay at Skyhaven Air­ port, 717/836-4800. June 7-9 - Merced, CA Municipal Air­ port. 34th Merced West Coast Antique Fly­ In. For information contact Merced Pilots Association, P. O. Box 2312, Merced, CA 95344, or Mac Duff, 209/383-3975 . June 7-9 - Denton, TX Muncipal Air­ port. 29th Annual Texas Antique Airplane Association Fly-In . Registration $3.00 donation per person; Registration and meals $20.00 donation per person. Fly-In Chair­ men: Mary and Bert Mahon, 1803 Concord Lane, Denton, TX 76205, 817/387-2620. June 8 - Newport News, VA Patrick Henry Airport. 19th Annual Fly-In spon­ sored by EAA Chapter 156. Contact Chet Sprague for information and NON-RADIO ENTRY at 8 Sinclair Rd., Hampton, VA 23669, 804/723-3904; leave message. June 9 - Portsmouth, OH Airshow '91. Warbirds, Antique, Classic aircraft; ultralights, paraplane, rotorcraft. Military fly over and static display. Sky divers, hot air balloons. Hangar party June 8tll. Plus more. Hours 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Infor­ mation, Don Hulbert, 1012 Ruhlman Ave., Portsmouth, OH 45662, 614/353-3574 or 820-2400. June 21-23 - Middletown, OH. WACO Gathering, Hook Field. Forums, vendors and other activities. Chairman, Phil Coulson. For more information, call the IW A office, 812/232-1042, or Phil at 616/624-6490.

June 21-23 - Pauls Valley, OK. Ok­ lahoma City Chapter of AAA Fly-In. All types of aircraft welcome to eat, drink and be merry. For information, call Doug Andreson, 405/350-1420 or D. J. "Bud" Sut­ ton, 405/392-5608. June 26-30 - Lockhaven, PA Wm. T. Piper Memorial Airport. ERCOUPE OWNERS CLUB 1991 National Conven­ tion. Open to all Ercoupe owners and per­ sons interested in Ercoupes; public invited. Awards, trophies, special events, tours, seminars, picnic, banquet Saturday night. For convention and reservations, contact Steve Kish, 215/838-9942 evenings. June 27-30 - Mount Vernon, OH 32nd Annual National Waco Reunion Fly-ln. Wynkoop Airport. Make your reservations at the Curtis Motor Hotel 1-800/828-784 7 or (in Ohio) 1-800/634-6835. For additional information, contact the National Waco Club, 700 Hill Av., Hamilton, OH 45015 or call 513-868-0084. June 29-30 - Orange, MA Municipal Airport. 15th Annual New England Regional EAA Fly-ln with antique steam and gas engine show, flea market, food . Trophies both days for homebuilts, antiques, classics, warbirds. Chapter 726. Contact: David White, 508/544-8189. June 30-July 5 - Jelmings, LA. Inter­ national Cessna 170 Association 23rd An­ nual Convention; Holiday Inn on airport. P. O. Box 896, Jennings, OK 70546, 318/824­ 5280. Arrival Sat., June 30; Departure Sat., July 6. Information, Ron Massicot (Conv. Chrm.),318/332-4597. July 6-7 - Emmetsburg, IA Airport. Tail Dragger Club 3rd Annual Aeronca Champ Fly-In. Annual Flight Breakfast Sunday, July 7. Camping by airplane & free breakfast to pilot & co-pilot. Contact Keith Harnden, Box 285, Emmetsburg, IA 50536, 712/852-3810. July 13-14 - lola, WI Annual Fly-In, Central County Airport. "Old Car Show" weekend. Midwest's largest car and swap meet. Breakfast and transportation available both days. Info, 414/596-3530. July 26-Aug, 1 - Oshkosh, WI 39th Annual EAA Fly-In and Sport Aviation Convention. Wittman Regional Airport. Contact Jolm Burton, EAA Aviation Center, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 414/426-4800. For housing information, contact Housing Hotline, 414/235-3007. August 23-25 - Sussex, NJ Airport (Route 639). 19th Annual SUSSEX AIR­ SHOW '91. Gates open 8am, show starts 1:30pm. Information, contact Paul G. Styger, Sussex Airport Manager, P. O. Box 311, Sussex, NJ 07461, 201/702-9719 or 201/875-7337. September 13-15 - Jacksonville, IL. Seventh Annual Byron Smith Memorial Stinson Fly-In and Reunion. Seminars on Stinson 108s and Franklin engines, Saturday banquet. Fly-outs, contests, camping at field. Contact: Loran Nordgren, 4 W. Nebraska, Frankfort, IL 60423, or call 815/469-9100. October 6 - lola, WI Central Country Airport. Annual Fall Colors Chili Dinner Fly-In. Serving lOam-3pm. Come and enjoy the beauty of Central Wisconsin in autumn. Info, 414/596-3530. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 31

Conclusions free with stamped envelope. Total entire detailed reports free with $20 Aeronca flight manual or $12 outright. Charlie Lasher, 4660 Parker Ct., Oviedo, FL 32745 (3-2)

Where The Sellers and Buyers Meet...

AIRCRAFT: Culver LCA Cadet - A75 Cont., 444 SMOH, Stits fabric, Stits Aerothane green and ivory. Excellent wood, out of annual February 1990, hangared South Carolina. $12,000, 813/575-4162, 5-9 p.m. EST (3-1)

CUB PIN - Authentic yellow Cub with safety clasp. $5 ppd. Profile House, P.O. Box 331045, Ft. Worth, TX 76163-7105 (4-3)

CURTISS NJ4-D MEMORABILIA - You can now own memorabilia from the famous·Jenny", as seen on "TREASURES FROM THE PAST". We have posters, postcards, videos, pins, airmail cachets, etc. We also have R/C documentation exclusive to this historic aircraft. Sale of these items support operating expense to keep this "Jenny" flying for the aviation public. We appreciate your help. Write for your free price list. Virginia Aviation Co., PDv-5, Box 294, Warrenton , VA 22186. (c/11-90)

HANGARS : AIRPLANE HANGARS/STEEL ARCH BUILDINGS - made in USA, factory direct. Compare prices and options, then see. Some building companies distribute buildings that are made in Canada or Japan. Ours is 100% American made. (We will not be undersold.) ATLAS STEE L BUILDINGS CORPORATION 1-800/338-8457.

QUONSET STYLE STEEL BUILDINGS - Ideal for airplane hangars, equipment and workshops. Easy to erect and disassemble. Buy factory direct and save up to 40%. U.S. ARCH BUILDINGS COR­ PORATION, National 1-800-527-4044. (c-5/91)

Super Cub PA 18 fuselages repaired or rebuilt - in precision master fixtures. All makes of tube assemblies or fuselages repaired or fabri­ cated new. J.E. Soares Inc., 7093 Dry Creek Road, Belgrade, Montana 59714, 406/388-6069. Repair Station 065-21 . (UFN)

1910-1950 Original Plane and Pilot Items - Gosport System, $40.00, 1930's Lunkenhiemer Primer, N.O.S. $85.00, much more. 44- page catalog $5. Jon Aldrich, POB-706, Groveland , CA 95321 - 209/962­ 6121. (6-4)

NOSTALGIC AIRLINE POSTER BOOKS - Colorful publicity of the airlines of the World! FREE DETAILS! Gerard, 3668-VA Hilaire, Seaford, NY 11783-2710. (6-4)

MISCELLANEOUS: Cause, Circumstance - Results of 211 recent Aeronca accidents.


THOSE MAGNIFICENT MEN IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES Whimsical marionettes handcrafted in Germany measure 14" in height and sport colorful handsewn outfits. Perfect collector's item for aviation buffs.





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by George Hardie, Jr. Although the quality of the photo of this month's Mystery Plane is poor, it adds to the challenge of identifying the airplane. The photo was submitted by Edward Peck of Louisville, Kentucky . Answers will be published in the June, 1991 issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Dead line for that issue is May 5. The first response to the December Mystery Plane came from Pat Packard, Director of Exhibits, EAA Air Adven­ ture Mu se um, who telephoned his answer the day the magazine appeared. But Ted Businger of Evening Shade, Arkansas sent in the most complete reply. He writes: "The airplane is the Prest 'Baby Pursuit' built by Clarence Prest in 1930. Mr. Prest lea rned to fly in 1910, in­ stru cted military neophytes through World War I and barnstormed and raced motorcycles until 1921. Then he and Gil Budwing decided that Alaska bush flying was the upcoming bonanza so they flew a Jenny · there in 1922 but cracked it up on arrival. Returning to California, Prest set up a Iightplane manufacturing plant operation at Ar­ lington, California. The first plane be built was nicknamed 'The Poision.' It was a tiny 18 foot span biplane with a 50 hp Gyro rotary engine. 34 MARC H 1991

who lived on a ranch near Lancaster, "In 1929 and 1930 he built seven California. He brought the airplane to 'Baby Pursuits,' most powered by the 3-cylinder 45 hp Szekely engines. The the EAA Chapter Fly-In in January, timing was poor as this was the begin­ 1957 and took third place in the flight ning of the Great Depression. Most of contests. Later he allowed a young man to fly his plane. Unfortunately he them were sold in the Orient. One ship started to perform low level aerobatics was modified to carry a 6-cylinder air­ without authorization and hit inverted. cooled rotary engine of unknown make. Fillinger always promised to rebuild On May 28, 1930 Mr. Prest flew a 'Baby the wreck but that never happened, so Pursuit' around a 100 kilometer closed course at San Bernadino, California at we lost another bit of aviation his­ the then record speed of 100.79 mph. tory." Other answers were received from This was in the category of planes weighing less than 440 Ibs. Old-time John Underwood, Glendale, California, Charley Hayes, Park Forest, Illinois; residents at San Bernadino gleefully recall the times Prest flew to visit the Marty Eisenmann, Garrettsville, Ohio; Miles brothers, Lee and Fred. He al­ Frank Pavliga, Alliance, Ohio; Cedric ways put on an aerobatic demonstration Galloway, Hesperia, California; and for the onlookers. The airplane registra­ Lynn Towns, Brooklyn, Michigan. tion number was x­ 818K. "Around 1940 Clarence Prest's ' Baby Pursuit'. Prest went to work at Lockheed and passed away near the end of World War II. He and Tony LeVier were lon g-time friends. "The last known remaining 'Baby Pursuit' was owned by Ernest Fillinger


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