
Page 1


June 1994

Vol. 22, No.6

CONTENTS 1 Straight & Levell Espie "Butch" Joyce 2 AlC News/ Compiled by H.G. Frautschy

4 Vintage Literature/

Dennis Parks

Page 4

8 Mystery Plane/

George Hardie




Young Eagles Notice

10 Sun 'n Fun '94/ H.G. Frautschy 19 Pass it to Buckl E.E. "Buck" Hilbert

Page 10

Presidenf Espie 'Butch' Joyce 604 Highway SI. Madison. NC 27025 919/427-0216

Vice-President Arthur Mor\lan W211 Nl1863 Hilltop Dr. Germantown. WI 53022 414/ 628-2724

Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Leo. MN 56007 507/373-1674


E.E. 'Buck' Hilbert

P.O. Box 424

Union, IL 60180



20 Antique/Classic Photo Contest 25 AlC Calendar

26 Welcome New Members 27 Vintage Trader

Publisher Tom Poberezny Vice-President,

Marketing and Communications

Dick Matt


Jack Cox


Henry G. Frautschy

Managing Editor

Golda Cox

Art Director

Mike Drucks

Computer Graphic SpeCialists

Sara Hansen

Olivia L. Phillip Jennifer Larsen


Mary Jones

ASSOCiate Editor

Norm Petersen

Feature Writers

George Hardie. Jr. Dennis Parks

Staff Photographers

Jim Koepnick Mike Steineke

Carl Schuppel Donna Bushman

Editorial Assistant

Isabelle Wiske

Page 20

FRONT COVER ... Roger Sherman (A/C 199BO) in the Ryan STA-Special and his fellow Doctor and friend John Nordt (AiC 9259) pair up at Sun 'n Fun '94 . EAA photo by Jim Koepnick. Shot with a Conon EOS- 1 equipped with a BO­ 200mm/f2 .B lens. 1/250 sec. at f5.6 on Kodak Ektachrome Lumiere 100 film. Cessna 210 photo plane piloted by Bruce Moore. BACK COVER.. "Coffee Break". an alkyd painting by James Dunn. See page 2 for more information on this winner in the 1993 Sport Aviation Art Competition. Copyright © 1994 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division Inc. All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EM Antique/Classic DiviSion, Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd.• P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903-3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and al additional mailing offices. The membership rate for EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. is $20.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is for the publication of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE 10 foreign and APO addresses via surface mail. ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does nol guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invile constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Readers are encouraged to submrt stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely wilh the contributor. No renumeration is made. Material should be sent 10: Editor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 414/426-4800. The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EAA, EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of lhe above associalions and Iheir use by any person other Ihan the above association is strictly prohibrted.

John Berendt 7645 Echo Point Rd. Connon Falls, MN 55DD9 507/ 263-2414 Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh. WI 54904 414/231-5002 Phil Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton. MI 49065 616/ 624-6490 Chartes Harris 7215 East 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 918/622-8400 Dale A. Guslafson 7724 Shady Hill Dr. Indianapolis. IN 46278 317/ 293-4430 Robert Lickteig 1708 Boy Oaks r. Albert Leo , MN 56007 507/373-2922 Gene Morris 115C Steve Court. R.R. 2 Roanoke. TX 76262 817/491-9110

Robert C. ' Bob' Brauer

9345 S. Hoyne

chica~o . IL 60620

312/ 79-2105

John S. Copeland 28-3 williamsbur8 Ct. Shrewsbury. MA 1545 508/842-7867 George Doubner

2448 Lough Lone

Hartford. WI 53027


Sian Gomoll 1042 90th Lane. NE Minneapolis. MN 55434 612/784-1172 Jeannie Hill

P.O. Box 328

Harvard. IL 60033

815/943-7205 Robert D. ' Bob' Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield. WI 53005 414/782-2633 George York

181 Sloboda Av.

Mansfield. OH 44906


S.H. ' Wes' Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414/771 - 1545


7200 S.E. 85th Lone

Ocala . FL 32672


ADVISORS Joe Dickey 55 Oakey Av. Lawrenceburg. IN 47025 812/537-9354

Jimmy Rollison

640 Alamo Dr.

Vacaville, CA 95688


Dean Richardson 6701 Colony Dr. Madison . WI 53717 608/833-1291

Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Hoven. IN 46774 219/493-4724


by Espie "Butch" Joyce

There were a number of topics dis­ cussed at your Antique/Classic Board of Directors meeting held May 13 , 1994 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin . Here's a run-down on what was discussed dur­ ing this meeting. All of your Officers and Directors were present, and I might add they do so each and every time on their own, with none of the expenses involved in traveling to the meeting reimbursed by EAA or your Division. Once calling the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m . and going through the agenda including the minutes of the last meeting, Buck Hilbert gave the Treasurer's report that we, as a Divi­ sion, still have a positive rate of growth. We will continue to moni­ tor this at aU times because our cost of doing business continues to rise (postage and printing, particularly pa­ per, etc.). Next was a membership re­ port; this contained the news that we are now better than 9200 members and that we continue to grow at a good rate each month. Our retention rate remains high, at approximately 87 percent of our members sticking with us, year after year. Thanks for your support! Bob Brauer gave us a report on our Antique/Classic Chapters. We now stand at 18 solid chapters and have, as of late record, inquiries from four new prospects. A lengthy discussion fol­ lowed as to what is required to keep a Chapter healthy . Leadership guid­ ance and information on activities seem be be areas that we can expand upon. Should any of you have any ideas or questions, please feel free to contact Bob. His address is on the op­ posite page.

Under old business we discussed VINTAGE AIRPLANE , your publi­ cation. As you know, we have gone to color for each of the 12 iss ues. As your circulation grows , so does the willingness for vendors to advertise , and that helps offset the cost of your membership publication. All of the Officers and Directors petitioned for election ; these have been recorded and are in proper or­ der. You will again be receiving your ballot by direct mail this year. A number of requests were made last year for some form of patch iden­ tification for the Contemporary class of the Division. After one member submitted his id e a (thanks , Glenn Otto Mittel­ stadt!) , we continued to work on fur­ ther ideas. It was decided that we would continue to use the present An­ tique/Classic logo patch and have a rocker to go across the bottom that re ads "Contemporary ." It will be done in AIC blue with gold lettering. Also, we will have rockers that say "Antique" and another that says " Classic." We felt that everyone should have the option of showing off the class of aircraft that they have or like. Here's what it will look like:

The subject of the Antique/Classic Hall of Fame was discussed. The next inductees will be inducted into the Hall at our Fall meeting in 1995 at Oshkosh. So if you have someone whom you feel you would like to nom­ inate , please send those to Charlie Harris (he is the Chairman now); his address is also on the inside cover of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. By the way, those of you who have already sub­ mitted names for consideration for

the first induction do not have to re­ submit a nomination form to keep that person's name under considera­ tion, although you may certainly re­ submit if you have new or revised in­ formation you wish to have con­ sidered. Also discussed was your Antique/Classic insurance program. Norma Johnson with AU A, Inc. of Greensboro, North Carolina and Bob Mackey with the EAA insurance of­ fice talked to the Board about the progress with this program. All were good, positive remarks. This program continues to grow and improve with the efforts of all involved. Moving on to new business, Bob Lickteig presented to the Board a new membership drive program. The Board approved proceeding with this program. I think you will find this membership drive to be exciting. It should prove to be a good tool for you as members to influence new mem­ bers to sign up. It was also felt that we should do something extra for the member who has stayed with us through the years. We are having made up a pin that will be given to recognize those people who have been a member for 5, 10 and 15 years. I wiU keep you posted on the time frame for this lapel pin, which will be sent to you when you renew. A number of other items were covered during the one day time frame of our meeting, but I wanted to give you a fee l of what we do during a Board meeting. If you have any ques­ tions regarding the activities of the Board during the meeting, please feel free to contact any of the Board mem­ bers. Hats off to Antique/Classic Direc­ tor Charlie Harris, who is responsible for putting together a fuel discount program with Phillips 66 Company when flying in the Young Eagles pro­ gram. Any of you who wish to partici­ pate in this program are encoraged to do so, and with help from Phillips, it just got quite a bit cheaper. For com­ plete details on this program, please see page 9 of this issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Let 's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation . Remember, we are better together. Join us and have it all. ... VINTAGE AIRPLANE 1





"Coffee Break" is the title of this alkyd painting done by James Dunn, 23 Vernon St., Fitchburg, MA 01420. It was selected as one of the winners of an "Excellence" ribbon during the EAA Sport Aviation Art Competition. The PT-17 in the hangar is undergoing a fuel tank change, while the maintenance crew takes a brief break. The airplane pictured was built in 1943, and used as a Navy trainer. Later, it was sold to the Peruvian Air Force . Many years after that, the airplane was brought back to the United States, and was re­ stored for a doctor in Florida in 1980. In 1991, it was purchased by a Massachusetts businessman. James Dunn is a native New Englan­ der. During his career with the U.S. Navy, James worked as an artist, and then later worked for several advertising firms in Chicago before returning to Massachu­ setts to pursue a painting career. His wide ranging ability is mostly self­ taught, and he has painted everything for landscapes to architectural subjects. He has received a number of awards for his artwork . Recent commissions to paint WW II fighter planes have renewed his in­ terest in older aircraft, and he now de­ votes the majority of his time to research­ ing and painting these subjects. Our thanks to James for entering his painting in the EAA Competition.

ANTIQUE/CLASSIC PICNIC Sunday, July 31st at 6 p.m. , the An­ tique/Classic division will again host the annual A/C picnic held during the EAA Convention in Oshkosh, WI. A catered turkey dinner with all the trimmings will be served. Why spend your evening fight­ ing the traffic - be sure and stop by the Antique/Classic Red Barn to purchase your tickets. You're sure to have a good time and a great meal!

compiled by H.G. Frautschy

plane against its effects. Contents include: Causes and types of corrosion Inspecting for corrosion Corrosion-prone areas Maintenance and protection Hindall is a recognized authority on the subj ect of corrosion and has been in­ volved in aviation since the mid-1960s. Building Your Own Airplane: Corrosion is available for $24.95 (plus $3 shipping and handling). To order, or to obtain a free catalog of EAA videos and publications, call 1-800/843-3612. (outside the U.S. call 414/426-4800)



San Diego Miramar College is offering a college credit course entitled " Preven­ tive Maintenance for the Owner/Opera­ tor, " Aviation Maintenance 265. The 16 hour lecture and seminar will be held at the college's Montgomery Field hangar two consecutive Saturdays, starting July 9 at 8 a.m. and running until 5 p.m .. For more information , please contact the col­ lege admissions office at 619/536-7844.



Andrew King, the author of our article on Cable Splicing in last months issue, also mentioned in his note that he and Ken Hyde are searching for Lightweight rubber­ ized fabric, the same material that was mentioned in the Goodyear ad Dennis Parks reproduced in his column. Here is that same ad:

In the Sky, Relaxing Fabric Means DANGER! o-.-..d c..Id~." \... n<th_ ....... <ltN ..... "' _~ ...henb,d ... ~ ".m.Mo:! Of""tmol<:d" I&t.ra. Tbio io rolloweclby-.trelchmc.- .......hleo. ... 1br dnth!l,,~ <..-. do .... ~ ...,:I io II..: DANGER SIGNAL I

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The third release in EAA's "Building Your Own Airplane" series is now avail­ able. Building Your Own Airplane: Cor­ rosion is an hour long examination of cor­ rosion problem solving by host Geo Hindall. Corrosion is a threat to any air­ craft exposed to the elements, especially humidity and acid rain. Learn how to identify, prevent and protect your air­ 2JUNE 1994


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The Goodyear T.... & Rubber Company AKRON, OHIO

CUBS AND STUBS Sky Struck Enterprises of Oshkosh , WI is offering a two day restoration work­ shop featuring Clyde Smith, Jr. "The Cub Doctor." Various aspects of fabric air­ plane restoration will be covered , with lots of hands on experience as part of the workshop. Wing construction and repair, basic metal and welding, and fuselage re­ pair will be covered the first day. Dope and fabric, finishing and painting and then engines and props will be covered the second day. The workshop will take place just before EAA OSHKOSH, July 26 and 27,1994. You can make your reservations by calling 414/231-8277.



Under the heading, " how times does fly ," believe it or not , it will be 25 years ago next month we first saw Man walk on the moon's surface . Many of the men who were selected to walk on the moon as Earth's first human explorers came to the space program through their involvement in aviation. During a special evening pro­ gram on July 20,1994, EAA OSHKOSH will be the scene of a tribute to the men who were able to take part in the early Apollo missions as well as the lunar land­ ing missions. More than half of the astro­ nauts who walked on the moon are plan­ ning to attend EAA OSHKOSH , including the entire crew of Apollo 11 ­ Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. While the evening program on July 30 will be the focal point of EAA's "Salute to Apollo," a number of other key activi­ ties will take place throughout Conven­ tion week. Those activities include sev­ eral small, informal sess ions along the flightline, during which astronauts will share personal and professional aviation experiences. "This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime event," said Convention Chairman Tom Poberezny. There may never be another opportunity to see these famous aviators in one place at the same time." The "Convention Taxiway" will again be filled with a wide range of aircraft, from 3 DC-3's and the South African Air­ ways DC-4, to the Concorde and the C-17 Starlifter II. We've had a nice dry spring here in Oshkosh so far, so it is not antici­ pated that we will have some of the park­ ing problems we had to work around last

year. Be sure and make your plans to at­ tend right away.

TRANSPONDER NOTE Ray Bottom , in the "Antique Air­ ways" newsletter of Antique/Classic Chapter 3 in North Caroljna had this little note regarding transponder operations. "We note the small but helpful change in FAA requirements as relates to transpon­ der squawks in case you are lost. The old procedure called for a squawk of 7700 for one minute and then 7600 for 15 minutes. That's been quietly dropped for the fol­ lowing change for the better: if lost and equipped with a transponder , simply squawk 7600 and leave it there . The change , which we had not noted until now, was made last year." We understand the change was made in the Airman 's Information manual early last year, but was not highlighted in any information put out by the FAA.



Members may recall the article pub­ lished in the February 1993 issue of VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE regarding the capa­ bilities of Bennie Estes and his small company. Their work in reproducing the woodgrain on metal was unparalleled . We've received word that Bennie has now moved his company and gone into a partnership with Brad Hindall. The ad­ dress is Woodgrajn by Estes, Inc ., 7550 Richardson Rd., Sarasota, FL 34240 or you can call them at 813/379-3669.

TRANSPONDER SQUAWK If you ' re a Terra TRT 250 (or 250 D) owner, you probably already know about a nasty surprise from the FAA - your transponder is "jammed " by the new Mode S radar now being put into service with the FAA. Terra was the first to build a transponder that met standards for the new Mode S requirements, and the TRT 250 was first introduced in 1985. Al­ though the transponder met all certifica­ tion requirements, and the FAA contin­ ued to presume and state in reports that none of the currently produced transpon­ ders that met the requirements in 1985 would be affected by the new Mode S ground equipment, in fact, the FAA did not test all transponders in Mode Sand TCAS environments. As a result, both Terra and the FAA were unaware that a specific pulse would disrupt the function of the TRT 250. Terra has been put in the uncomfort­ able position of having to have the FAA issue an AD on the TRT 250. Terra has asked the FAA to pay for the rework needed to revise the transponder, but the FAA has not been willing to do so. If

your TRT 250 must be modified, please contact Terra at 3520 Pan American Free­ way NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107-4796. If you'd like to comment on this particu,­ lar AD , Richard Donovan, president of Terra, suggests you contact William J. Sullivan, FAA Assistant Director of A vi­ ation Certification, at 202/267-9554.

RAT'S NESTS No, we're not talking about that coil of wire that got all tangled up when you tried to pull it back to the rear of the fuse­ lage, we ' re referring to the real thing. Rodents can be a serious problem when they get into an airplane 'S structure, but an even more insidious concern should be brought to your attention. You may recall the big flap last year about the respiratory disease that had killed a number of Native Americans in the Southwest. The disease, hantavirus, is a particularly virulent strain that can rapidly kill its victims with pneumonia­ like symptoms. It is thought to be spread though the inhalation of vapors present in the urine and feces of infected rodents. While it is not believed to be carried by the common " Norway rat" commonly seen in urban areas, or house mice , it is thought to be carried by wild mice, deer mice and cotton rats and possibly other rodents . While first discovered in the Southwest, cases of the disease have been reported from coast to coast. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urge extreme caution in re­ moving any rodent's nest. They suggest the use of rubber gloves, respirators and protective clothing when handling ro­ dent's nests. The entire area around the nest's location should also be thoroughly disinfected. Use caution when disman­ tling an airplane for maintenance or restoration.



Rudy Profant, the man who has been the president of the AARS for so many years has decided to hang up his racing goggles. In his last newsletter, mailed in February, Rudy informed his small but steadfast group of air racing fans that it would be the last newsletter. We' re sorry to see it go, and we wish Rudy the best of luck in his future endeavors.



Three cheers for Donald " Doc" Mosher , one of our volunteers at the EAA Kermit Weeks Hangar here in Oshkosh. Doc has been selected by the FAA as the recipient of the Charlie Tay­ lor "Master Mechanic" award, which rec­ ognizes aviation maintenance personnel

who have at least 50 years of aviation maintenance experience. It is named for Mr. ChariesTaylor, the mechanic who worked for the Wright Brothers. In addition to his A&P with lA , Doc also has his Air Transport rating , and over 20,000 hours of flight time. He has worked as a Director of Aircraft Mainte­ nance, Chief Pilot and as an aviation con­ sultant. Congratulations, Doc.

CALENDAR NOTES Here are a couple of calendar items that may be of interest by arrived just too late to be included in the regular calendar page. Please, be sure and give us at least 3 to 4 months so that it may be included. If you send it to us the month before your event, it's highly unlikely that it can be in­ cluded in the calendar. JUNE 25-26 - CONCORD , NH - Con­ corde Rotary second annual airshow. Featured acts will include Delmar Ben­ jamin and his Gee Bee racer. Members of the Granville family are also expected to be on hand to greet Delmar. Antique and military aircraft displays will also be part of the show. Call Stephen Berardo for more information at 603/669-5555 . JULY 8-10 - ALLIANCE, OH - Bar­ ber Airport (2Dl). 23rd Annual Taylor­ craft Fly-In and Old-Timer's reunion. Big day is Saturday with a Bar-B-Q in the evening. Fly-In breakfast on Sat. and Sun. Food by Doug's Classic 57 all week­ end. Bring tied owns , plenty of motels. Never been here? Call Forrest Barber at 216/823-1168 or Bruce Bixler at 823-9748.

GRACE HARRIS Grace McAdams Harris, well known air racer of the 1940s and' 50s , passed away at the age of 91 on May 2, 1994 . Harris finished second in the National Air Races in 1947. In 1948, she set a new speed record of 235 mph , and won the Kendall Trophy . She also won the Kendall trophy in 1949, the last year the event ran in it's original format. Learning to fly while working at Ong Aircraft, Grace Harris rapidly became an accomplished pilot. According to her book , "West to the Sunrise", she was the first woman pilot to be issued a balloon pilots by the FAA. In later years, she also had a passion for racing sports cars, dri­ ving to a championship in the women's di­ vision in the SCCA Midwest division in 1958-60. Grace was a member of the EAA, Sil­ ver Wings Fraternity, Missouri Pilots As­ soc., Air Force Assoc., and the Aviation and Space Writers Association. She was the 1977 Silver Wings Fraternity Woman of the Year. Our condolences to her family and friends. ... VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3

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US Army Around the World

The early years following World War One saw a continual advance in the range of endurance flights. The North and South Atlantic had been crossed. Flights had been completed from England to Australia and England to South Africa. The U.S. Army had successful flights circumnavi­ gating the United States and non-stop coast to coast. The stage was being set for a world flight and one was attempted in

1922. WORLD FLIGHT ABANDONED The August 31, 1922 issue of FLIGHT reported the failure of a world flight attempt which may have been the first such attempt. Under the direction of British Major WT. Blake, it was spon­ sored by the DAILY NEWS. Major Blake was accompanied by Capt. Nor­ man Macmillan as pilot, along with a

cinematographer. The plan was to use four different air­ craft, two landplanes and two seaplanes, at different stages of the trip. The first leg used a DH.9 to fly from England to India, arriving on August 4, 1922 in Calcutta. At Calcutta the crew changed to a Fairey Type 3 seaplane departing August 19. Unfortunately, the plane was heavily damaged during a forced landing in the Bay of Bengal. The plan had been to fly on by seaplane to Vancouver where the crew would change to another DH.9 for the flight to Newfoundland ; and then a Flexistowe F.3 flying boat for the final leg to England.

1924 PREPARATION By 1924 the stage was again set for a round-the-world flight. Aviators of sev­ eral nations were in a race to be the first.







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The three remain!nj ~n the rocky beach at Unala~, Alaska.

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In the United States, both the Army and the Navy had submitted plans for such a mission. The Navy effort, put forward by Admiral Moffet had been rejected by the Navy. Thanks to the successful non-stop coast-to-coast flight of Lieutenants Kelly and Macready in the spring of 1923, the Army began to plan for a world flight. The U .S. Army Air Service scheme re­ ceived enthusiastic support from every government agency involved. Many officers were involved in the planning. These included General Patrick , Chief of Air Service; Brigadier General Mitchell, Chief of Staff; and Lieutenants Erik Nelson, Robert Brown Jr., St. Clair Streett and C.E. Crumine.

The task of preparing for the world flight was taken though two channels.

The first concerned the selection of the appropriate aircraft and personnel. The second concerned the advanced prepara­ tions and supplies needed around the world. Under the control of the Training and War Plans Division, a World Flight Committee was formed. The Committee's tasks were daunting. A route had to be selected. The route had to pass through countries where satis­ factory diplomatic arrangements would be assured. The legs of the flight had to be arranged so as to be within a reason­ able distance of a supply station. Each of the supply stations had to be provided with gasoline, oil, new engines and spare parts. Weather reports of several years had to be studied and charts and maps lo­ cated and studied. Permission was obtained for air pas­ sage from 28 separate nations , protec­ torates and mandates. One oil company agreed to distribute oil to all the stops but gasoline had to be purchased locally . Scattered at points around the world were 91,800 gallons of gasoline and 11,650 gal­ lons of oil.



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co Offloading and putting the finishing touches on a DWC at Sand Point, Seattle. The Boeing company undertook the installation of the floats on the Douglas World Cruisers.

PERSONNEL The personnel selected to attempt the flight were : Maj . Frederick L. Martin , Commanding Officer; 1st Lt. Lowell H . Smith , 1st Lt. Erik Nelson, and 1st Lt. Leigh Wade . Each of these officers in turn selected one additional crew mem­ ber per plane. They were; 1st Lt. Leslie P. Arnold, alternate pilot and mechanic; 2nd Lt. John Harding J r. mechanic; Sgt. Henry

H. Odgen, mechanic and Sgt. Alav Har­ vey, pilot and mechanic.

THE PLANES The aircraft design selected for the world flight was known as the Douglas World Cruiser. Much to the irritation of Admiral Moffett, whose plans for a world flight were denied, the plane was, with a few modifications, a direct copy of a tor­ pedo plane Douglas had developed for the Navy. It was 1st Lt. Erik Nelson that had approached Douglas about submit­ ting a proposal to provide the planes for the flight. In his book OUR WINGS GROW F ASTER, Grover Loening reported that he had tried to get work on his new am­ phibian speeded up enough the get the Army to consider it for the world flight. He felt his design would have been ideal, as time would not have to be spent chang­ ing from floats to wheels.

General Patrick approved the Douglas design and by October 1923 a prototype had been built and test flown. In Novem­ ber, the Air Service ordered four World Cruisers and spares. The Cruisers could be fitted with wheels or pontoons . Pow­ ered with a 400 hp Liberty engine, the landplane version had a range of 2,200 miles at a cruising speed of 103 mph. The fuselage , 35 ft. 2-112 inches long, was constructed of fabric covered steel tubing. The wings , of wooden box-beam construction , had a span of 50 ft. and a chord of 7-112 ft. The empty weight of the land plane version was 4,380 Ibs. With the plywood floats the empty weight in­ creased to 5,180 Ibs. The usable load for pilot, fuel, food, clothing and supplies was 3,000Ibs. The Douglas World Cruisers were big, heavy airplanes designed to fly long distances. That two of the four air­ craft completed the world flight practi­ cally intact with most of their original equipment, spoke highly of the design. T


Details of the Liberty 12 engine installation in the BOSTON. This photo was taken at Seattle.

Stormy weather forced the fliers to hold in the Aleutians till May 15. The planned non-stop flight to the Kurile Is­ lands of Japan was diverted by weather to the Soviet island of Komandorski where the crews stayed overnight in the com­ pany of a Coast Guard cutter. On May 17, the planes arrived at Paramushire in the Japanese held Kuile Islands . Their arrival marked the first crossing of the Pa­ cific by airplane. Of the crossing of the Pacific, Lt. Smith stated in the 1925 edition of AIRCRAFf YEARBOOK, "We knew the Pacific leg would be the worst of our flight , but it was ten times worse than we expected. Fog, snow, hail, wind and more fog con­ spired to prevent us crossing the Pacific. The natives in the Aleutians Islands said it was the worst winter in ten years, and we believed them." After encountering all the vagaries of the weather along the route , the crews

Douglas World Cruiser NO.4, later to be named NEW ORLEANS. This nicely detailed shot was taken at the Douglas plant before the airplane was flown.

THE START Originally the start of the world flight was scheduled for June of 1924, but with the rapid progress of preparations and challengers from England (MacLaren) , France (D'Oisy), Italy (Locatelli), Portu­ gal (Pias/Beires) and Argentina (Zanni) it was decided to move the start up to April 1924. The four planes arrived in Seattle on March 20, 1924. At Seattle plane No.1 (Martin's) was christened the SEATTLE , No. 2 (Smith's) the CHICAGO, No. 3 (Wade's) the BOSTON and No.4 (Nel­ son's) the NEW ORLEANS. Finalover­ haul and the change from wheels to floats was undertaken by the Boeing Airplane Company. The aircraft departed from Sand Point, Seattle on April 6, and headed for Alaska. The series of flights to Alaska would eliminate the Commander's aircraft, the 6JUNE 1994

SEATILE. On landing at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, the airplane pancaked and broke two wing struts. On April 15, on the way to a stop in the Aleutians, the SEATTLE's crankcase cracked and the engine lost all of its oil, forcing the craft down at sea. A new engine and supplies were brought by a Coast Guard cutter and fi­ nally, on April 25, the SEATTLE left to catch up with the others who had arrived in Dutch Harbor. The crew got off course and became lost far inland where they crashed into a mountainside. Maj. Martin and his mechanic, Sgt. Harvey were un­ harmed and eventually walked out to Port Moller for help. The other crews waited at Dutch Har­ bor for word about the SEATILE. On May 2, following a message to pro­ ceed from General. Patrick, Smith took command and proceeded with Wade and Nelson across the North Pacific.

reached Kasumingaura, a Japanese naval air station, about 50 miles north of Tokyo. From the 23rd to the 31st of May , the fliers changed engines, overhauled their aircraft, and attended the many functions the Japanese had planned for them.

BRITISH ATIEMPT It was at a reception in Tokyo that the world fliers met Colonel L.E . Bromme, advance officer for the British round-the­ world attempt. The British crew, under the command of Squadron-Leader Mac Laren, had departed England on March 25. The effort was to use two Vickers Vulture amphibians; one for the flight from England to Japan. The second Vul­ ture was sent ahead to Japan as a spare . The route planned was across Europe and the Aegean to the Persian Gulf, over In­ dia and Burma to Singapore, then via Tokyo to the Bearing Sea, across Canada and then across the North Atlantic via

Greenland and Iceland. On reaching Akya, MacLaren and his crew of two ran into monsoon conditions for three days. The aircraft had to ride out the storms on the water exposed to all the elements. On attempting to takeoff after the storm the plane plunged back into the water badly damaging the hull. The machine began to sink and was quickly towed ashore. The damage proved too serious to be repaired. MacLaren then asked for the spare machine to be transported from near Tokyo to Akyab. Upon hearing of MacLaren's situation from Col. Broome, the U.S. Army fliers, in an outstanding gesture of good will between competing pilots, came to the rescue. They were able to arrange for the U.S. Navy to trans­ port the spare Vulture to Burma. With the new aircraft , the crew was able to continue on to Tokyo where they picked up Col. Broome for the flight across the Pacific. The British world at­ tempt came to an end on August 2 when

the crew ran into heavy fog off the Kam­ chatka peninsula and they were forced to put down at sea . The forced landing in heavy seas damaged both wings. After taxiing for three hours they made it to Komandorski Island where the U.S. fliers had put down earlier. US FLIERS CONTINUE After two days in Tokyo crammed with receptions, the Army fliers returned to their airplanes at Kasumigaura. With MacLaren and his British crew back in the running, with French Captain D 'Oisy heading towards Tokyo, and with both Portugal and Argentina after the prize, Smith decided it was time to get back to their planes and prepare them for the flight across the China Sea.


Coming Next Month:

U.S. Army Around the World

Part II



by George Hardie Here's another from the Golden Age of aviation. The photo is from the Radtke col­ lection in the EAA archives. Answers will be published in the September 1994 issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Deadlinefor that issue is July 20,1994. The March Mystery Plane is a Mercury Kitten. Jack McRae, Huntington Station, NY sent a copy of his article on the airplane which appeared in the February 1961 issue of American Airman. Here it is:

Mercury Aircraft, Inc is located in Hammondsport, NY at the south end of Lake Keuka, in the area of the early flights of Glen Curtiss. It was organized in May, 1920 under the name of the Aerial Service Corporation. Its president was Henry Kleckler, expert mechanic and engineer for Glenn Curtiss from 1907 to 1920, who is credited with being responsible for the OX-5 engine . and much of the design of the Curtiss IN series airplanes. The vice president was William C. Chadeayne, who, prior to WW I owned a motorcycle manu-

Mercury also installed a 7-cylinder 110 hp Warner in X5743, after the Mummert engine proved unsatisfactory.

8 JUNE 1994

facturing business in Buffalo which was taken over by Curtiss interests. Operation of the Aerial Service Corpo­ ration established in a former barrel fac­ tory and at first consisted of manufactur­ ing wood and metal airplane and airship parts, mostly on contract with the govern­ ment. Employment was about 15 persons, many of whom had previously worked for Glenn Curtiss. The Mercury Kitten

In 1927 design was begun on a new commercial venture, the Mercury Kitten, SIN 19, registration X5743 , a three place high wing cabin monoplane which was of considerably different layout and con­ struction than previous Mummert designs. The entire structure was of welded steel tubing , including fuselage, tail surfaces, landing gear, wing spars , and ribs . The covering was of fabric. The seating arrangement located the pilot forward with two passengers seated side-by-side. The Kitten featured an un­ usual braking system. When the control

(Continued on page 27)

TO ALL Young Eagles Flight Leaders Participating In The Young Eagles Program This just in (May 17, 1994}.......The Phillips 66 Company has offered their support to the Young Eagles Program by making available discounted 路 AVGAS for flights between May 20, 1994 through July 17, 1994. 1. EAA members throughout the USA will implement a major effort to fly as many Young Eagles (young people 8 to 18) as possible in the time frame of May 20 through July 17, 1994. 2. EAA Chapters, members and aviation organizations (International Flying Farmers, Ninety Nines, Inc., American Bonanza Society, etc.) authorized by the EAA Aviation Foundation to participate in the Young Eagles Program will organize and carry out this program. 3. Phillips 66 Company will provide a $1 (one dollar) per gallon AVGAS discount credit for this program with fuel purchased for this effort through Phillips 66 FBO fuel dealers with Phillips 66 Company credit cards. This offer does not include auto or jet fuel. 4. Phillips 66 Company credit cards, if not currently held by the aircraft owner/pilot, are available in 7 to 10 days by application through Phillips 66 at (800) 362-7759, 8:00 am to 4:40 pm, Central time, Monday through Friday. 5. The customer receipt copy (or copies thereof) of the Phillips 66 Company credit card charge must be transmitted by mail to: Susan Wetherington, Phillips 66 Company, 6C-11 Adams Building, Bartlesville, OK 74004. The customer charge card receipt copies of AVGAS purchased for this Young Eagles effort will be used as a source document to credit the individual customer account with a $1.00 per gallon AVGAS discount on a future Phillips 66 billing cycle. Please note: the charge card MUST BE A PHILLIPS 66 COMPANY CREDIT CARD; other cards, Visa, Mastercard, etc., are not eligible under this program. Participants must submit all credit card charge copies for discount credits no later than July 31, 1994. For validation purposes, each pilot submitting copies for discount credits must write the following statement with your signature:

"I attest this fuel purchase was in support of the EAA Young Eagles Program." Pilot's Signature 6. This is a program for the EAA Young Eagles Program exclusively (for the dates listed above). It is for the discounted purchase of Phillips 66 AVGAS only, from Phillips 66 FBO Fuel Dealers only, acquired with a Phillips 66 Company credit card only. 7. ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE PROGRAM SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO: SUSAN WETHERINGTON at (800) 234-6603. PLEASE NOTE: The Phillips 66 FBO may have little or no knowledge of the plan. The discount credit is from Phillips 66 Company through the participant's personal credit card, not from the local FBO. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9

H.G. Frautschy


by H.G. Frautschy Dry ground and little rain during the Convention m ade for

a banner year at Sun 'n Fun . The AI C parkin g area was loaded by the first day of the event and a good measure of different airplanes were wingtip to wingtip, with a terrific sprinkling of rare or unusual airplanes in amongst the stan­ dard fa re. How about Allen Johnson's 7938 Dart, or th e Waco ZPF-6 resplendent in its Texaco livery? Sit back and re­ lax, and we ' /I show you the results of a lot of hard work by a bunch of people, including those who spend their winters in Florida to ensure Sun 'n Fun comes off without a hitch.

(Top) Roy Redman (AiC 6600) Fairbault, MN , keeps an eagle eye out for other traffic as he prepares to join up with EAA Photo 1. (Above) After linking up with the photo plane, Roy shows off the 1932 Waco UBF-2 he re­ stored for Jerry Wenger of Owatonna , MN. It was awarded the Silver Age (1928-1932) Antique Trophy.

---- ~TlfRUIE§


Allen Johnson (AiC 7285) of Spring, TX has fun with his sprightly 1938 Dart, which was awarded the Grand Champion Antique award at Sun ' n Fun '94. We'll have a full article on this delightful airplane in next month's VINTAGE AIRPLANE. 10 JUNE 1994

Grand Champion - 1938 D art, N20401 , Allen Johnso n, Spring, TX Reserve Grand Champion - 1947 Fairchild 24W, N77655 , Charles Be ll, Oklawaha, FL Silver Age (1928-1932) - 1932 Waco UBF-2, N13027, J erry Wenge r, Owa­ tonna, MN Contemporary Age (1933-1945) ­ 1936 Waco ZPF-6, N17470, Robert C. Tullius, Winchester, VA Best World War II Era· 1941 Stear­ ma n PT-17, C-G HOB, Stu Luten, Wa­ terdown, Ontario Best Biplane - 1943 Stearman N2S­ 3, N68238, Chris and Ly le Whee ler, Boca Raton, FL Best Monoplane - 1939 Cessna Air­ mas ter, N19498, Brad La rso n, Sa nta

Paula, CA Best Open Cockpit - 1928 Travel Air 2000/4000, N8853 , Gene Ramb o, Washington, DC Best Cabin - 1944 Beech D17S Stag­ gerwing, N80312, David Rogers, Cres­ cent, OK Outstanding Aircraft - 1940 Piper J­ 3C, N30629, John Eichmeier, Malinta, OH Outstanding Aircraft - 1945 Piper J­ 3, N42144 , Mike Horn , Little Rock, A R 72118 Outstanding Aircraft - 1938 Beech E17B Staggerwing, N57829 , J im and Shi rley Bolander, Morengo, IL Outstanding Aircraft - 1929 Curtiss Rob in , N168E , Fred Clark , D e Land , FL










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~ ~------------------------------------------~ (Above) David Rogers (AIC 11596) brought home the " Best Cabin" Antique Trophy to his "Sky High Farm" in Crescent, OK with his Beechcraft D17-S Staggerwing. Re­

stored by Jim Henning , with later work done by Bob Welch, David has put the fin ­

ishing touches on the ex-U.S. Navy work­



(Above right) Jack McCarthy and his Mono­

coupe 110 have been making the rounds of

the Fly-In circuit - we 've seen him recently

at EAA OSHKOSH , and again during Sun 'n

Fun '94. Jack's Monocoupe sports the fun

N-number of N12345.

(Right) I love surprises on the flight line,

and this jewel was one at Sun ' n Fun ' 94.

Restored by Gidair, Inc., this is a 1936

Waco ZPF-6, originally purchased by Tex­

aco when it was new. It's one of three built

by Waco. Bob Tullius, of Winchester, VA is

the proud owner and flying the airplane for

us at Sun 'n Fun was pilot Dick Trice, from

Pine Shadows Airport in Fort Meyers, Flo




(Above) Lois Eichmeier and her rest orer husband John were awarded an Outstanding Aircraft Antique Award for the restora足 tion of this 1940 Piper J -3 CUb. (Right) Lyle and Chris Wheeler (AIC 9443 and 16626) stop for a moment in front of the family' s Cub and Stearman , both award winners at Sun 'n Fun. The N2S Stearman was awarded the " Best Biplane" prize, and the Cub is a past winner at the Fly-In. This Curtiss Robin, SIN 76, came to Lakeland from De Land, FL. Flown by Bud Rogers and owned by Fred Clark, the OX-5 powered antique was given an Outstanding Aircraft award.


12 JUNE 1994

- aassics

Grand Champion - Not awarded Reserve Grand Champion - Not awarded Best Re stored, To 100 h.p . ­ Piper J-3, N7386H, J. W. Evans , Hamilton, AL Best Restored, 101 to 165 h.p. Cessna 170B, N2727C, Gene En­ gelskirger, Hinckley, OH Best Restored, Over 165 h.p. ­ Beech C-35 Bonanza, N2017 D , Dave Slovachek, Colgate, WI Outstanding Limited Produc­ tion - Johnson R ocket 185, NC90202, Roy Foxworthy, Odessa, FL Best Custom, To 100 h.p. - Lus­ combe 8A, N681A, Richard Hoyle, Vincent, AL Best Custom, 101 to 165 h.p. Aeronca 15AC, N1365H , Michael Milligan, Stafford Springs, cr Best Custom, Over 165 h.p. Stinson 108-2, N400C, Tom and Lorraine Zedaker, Las Vegas, NV Outstanding In Type - Aeronca 7AC, N84525, Br ia n A . Liley, Ki ngsport, TN Outstanding In T ype - G lobe Swift, N78099, T ucker Haynes, Smyrna, TN Outstanding In T ype - G lobe Swift, N78168, J oseph R ansom, Athens, TN Outstanding In Type - Stinson 108, N389C, B utch Wals h , Ar­ ri ngston, VA Outstanding In Type - Cessna 195, N9358A, D an Geb h a r t, Hanover, PA

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~----------~----------------------------------------------------~ ~

(Above) The winner of the Outstanding Lim­ ited Production award was Roy Foxworthy and his Johnson Rocket 185. A sleek speed­ ster from the post-war era, the Rocket was a darling of the Hollywood crowd for a while, but it never "took off" , so to speak, as far as production goes. It too will be a featured air­ plane in next month's issue of VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE. (Left) If you want to move an airplane dur­ ing the airshow, you got to see the man! "The Man" in this case is the ever-accom­ modating Len McGinty, the man in charge of Air Operations at Sun 'n Fun. Without Len's help, many of the photos we're able to get during Sun 'n Fun would be a lot harder to come by. Thanks, Len! (Above) For two years running, Pete and Carol Engelskirger (AIC 18337) of Hinkley, OH have taken home the Best Restored Classic - 101 to 165 hp trophy from Sun 'n Fun. Their nice looking 170 was the subject of an article in last month's issue of VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE.



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~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ (Above) Another snazzy Cub was this beauty, complete with gold plated(!) valve covers. AI Smith, of Valdosta, GA, pilots the Cub registered to Walt Perry­ man from the same spot in Georgia. AI thought the gold would go nice with the yellow color scheme, but he admits it was a bit expensive. Even still , it does add a bit more class to the Cub profile, don't you think? (Left) Dan Gebhart, Hanover, PA taxis past with his Outstanding in Type award winning Cessna 195.

(Right) Often a crowd favorite, Tom and Lorraine Zedaker's now famous Stinson 108-2 still looks great after a number of years on the fly-in circuit. It was given the Outstanding in Type trophy at Sun 'n Fun '94. (Below) Looking for a hot new design? The new Meyers com­ pany will be producing two versions of the Meyers 145. Accord­ ing to the company, you'll be able to purchase one of the models built almost identical to the original Meyers. Later versions will be refined further, with a "Hot Rod" version due out soon. Con ­ tact Meyers Aircraft, P.O. Box 53348, Fayetteville, NC 28305.

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~ ~------------------------------------------------~ (Right) New arrival Mike Milligan (AIC 22142) cleans off the bugs collected during his trip down the East coast from Stafford Springs, CT. Mike just finished the restoration of his 15 AC Aeronca Sedan, complete with float fittings, and was happy to hear he had won the Best Custom 101-165 hp trophy at Sun 'n Fun. 14 JUNE 1994

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Best Twin - Beech E18S, N18SE, W. King Sims, Atlanta, GA Best All-Metal Single - Beech Bo­ nanza, N801D , Bill and Pat Doty, Win­ ter Haven, FL Best Fabric Single - Tri-Champ 7FC, N7577B , Cli ffor d Harki ns, Ho uston ,

TX Mo st Authentic - Cess na 172 , C­ F DGS, J o hn Van Lies ho ut , Toro nto, Ontario (Left) One of the nicest Contemporary airplanes at Sun 'n Fun was this 1959 K model Beech Bonanza, owned and flown by Don and Wendy Gaynor of En­ glewood, FL. Captain Lloyd Franke, a retired Northwest Airlines pilot, accom­ panied Don during the photo shoot. (Right) An international winner in the Contempo­ rary class, here's John Van Lieshout's Cessna 172, C­ FOGS, the w i nner of the Most Authentic award at Sun 'n Fun '94. (Below) The Contempo­ rary winne r of the Best Fabric Single trophy was this sharp looking 7FC Tri­ Champ flown by Cliff Harkins , (AiC 21293) of Houston, TX. Cliff's 7FC is one of the nicest examples of this seldom seen ver­ sion of the Champ.



By Norm Petersen Best Fa bric Floatplane - Citabria , N86614, Doug Taylor, Clearwater, FL Best Metal Flaotplane - De Havilland Beaver, N82SF, Sound Flight, Pilot Don Kyte, Fort Meyers, FL Best A mphibian - Gru mm an Wid­ geon, N744G , C hu ck Greenhill , Kenosha, WI

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The largest amphibian at the seaplanJ' fly-in was this Grumman HU-16B " Alba­ tross", N48318, SIN 51-7187, registered to Aero Exchange Corp. of Arlington, VA.

(Above) On the hardstand at Sun "n Fun was this graceful looking Piaggio P136-L1 "Royal Gull", N40029, SIN 220, registered to the Thomas Thompson Trusteeship of Columbus,OH. Powered with twin Lycoming GO-480 engines of 295 hp, the 1959 Royal Gull was sold in the U.S. by Kearney & Trecker Corp. of Milwaukee. It is one of nine L 1 's and four L2's remaining on the FAA register.




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(Left) Mr. Personality himself, Geo Hindall (EAA 216658, AlC 14532), put his heart and soul into the Sun "n Fun Seaplane Fly-In at Lake Parker - and the results were spec­ tacular! Over 75 seaplanes arrived for the day's activities including a Fly-By at high noon past the crowds at the Lakeland Airport.

-+ >­




~ This beautiful red and white Grumman G-21A "Goose", N121GL, SIN 8-49, was flown in by Charles Greenhill (EAA 113991) of u. Mettawa, IL. Note the retractable wingtip floats, three bladed propellers and engine crankcases painted to match the airplane. o :i


(Above) A rather rare bird is this 1956 Colonial Skimmer C-1, N24813, SIN 8, flown in by Glenn Dettmann (EAA 138401) of Garfield, AR. Powered with a 150 ly足 coming, Glenn 's Ski mmer is one of 12 C-1 's remaining on the FAA register and is the forerunner of the many lake am足 phibian models. (left) Pulled in close to shore is this Champion 7EC, N7410B, SIN 7EC-442, mounted on a set of Aqua 1500 floats and featuring a silver paint scheme with yellow trim. The " For Sale" sign drew many lookers!

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(Below) Winner of " Best Metal Seaplane Award " was this DeHaviliand DHC-2 Beaver, N82SF, SIN 839, mounted on a set of Wipline amphibs and flown in by Don Kyte of Ft. Myers, FL. The Beaver features all sorts of mods including a three-bladed prop on its P & W R-985 engine.


(Left) Steve Wittman celebrated his 90th birthday with a series of flights in his fa­ vorite airplanes, including his Wittman Vee. Steve, who holds the distinction of being the only "Director Emeritus" of the Antique/Classic Division, still holds a valid Flight Instructor certificate, and was awarded his "Low-Level" airshow waiver during a birthday celebration at Leeward Air Ranch in Ocala, FL just be­ fore Sun 'n Fun.

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(Above) Sure, it's a cliche, but it's true - here are two of aviation's finest, Jo and Ray Olcott, with their well de­

served awards from Sun 'n Fun presi­

dent Bill Eickhoff. The "President's Award" is given to those who have given " ... outstanding service, dedica­

tion and personal commitment to Sun 'n Fun."

As you can see, Sun 'n Fun

has something for everyone.

Look around next time

you visit. You just might

find something you'd

never seen before.


18 JUNE 1994

pt\SS ========== IT TOlJ~

An information exchange column with input from our readers.

by Buck Hilbert

Buck in his official capacity as the Director of the NAA's Contest and Records board , with Bruce Bohanan and " Pushy Galore" during Sun 'n Fun '94.

That old Pearl Harbor Aeronca story sure has the letters and calls coming in! From way over in Finland, Oswald Stanley sent us a note with some pages copied from the 1966 book by William J. Horvat, "Above The Pacific. " I' ll parphrase what Mr. Hor­ vat wrote concerning Marguerite Gambo Wood and her career in the Hawaiian Is­ lands: "Hawaii produced numerous aviatrices in the 1930's . .. The most notable was Mar­ guerite Gambo (later Wood) , who began to fly ocasionally in 1932 with Edward D. Pea­ cock , and in 1937 was sent by Robert L. Tyce on her first solo in a Kinner Fleet. Paul I. Gunn provided the lady fly e r with advanced training and soon she was rated a commercial pilot. In 1938 she participated in flying meets, winning numerous events, gining stunting exhibitions. By 1939, the aviatrix established Gambo GFlying Service at John Rodgers Airport to meet demands by young men for flying training, a number of whom were primarily interested in inter­ island jobs and perparation for the eventu­ ality of war. The Gambo hangar was the first pricately built facility at the airport, ad­ jacent to that of Inter-Island Airways . Flourishing rapidly in an aviation-minded community, the scheel produced aviators who later wnt on to distinguished duty in the armed forces. Gambo, Andrew, Knox and Tyce's K-T Flyers were busy with pri­ vate flying activities." John Rogers Field was attacked by the Japanese on December 7, 1941during the at­ tack on Pearl Harbor. (Rogers Field is right next to Hickham Field.) Robert Tyce was killed as he was strafed by the attacking fighters. " ...Shot at in the air around the field was a privately owned Aeronca. Another Aeronca, with Oahu legislator Roy Vi­ tousek at the controls, was pursued and shot at by two Japanese planes near Kahuku Point , as the task force headed for Pearl Harbor. Both planes came down safely but with confused pilots and passengers. Mar­ guerite Gambo was flying with a student on a cross-country trip at the time. Seeing what was occurring, she went through a sel­ dom-used pass and landed safely. Four Gambo planes were in the air that day, two failed to ·return." (Italics ours - what's the story on these two? Did they simply land

wherever they could until the hubub sub­ sided, or is there even more to this story?) The complete story of Roy Vitousek and his son's harrowing escape on that Sunday morning is detailed in the booklet we've mentioned before, "The Unbelievable Ad­ venture" by Robert J.Casey and distributed by Aeronca. Though the generosi ty of Harry Mutter and Chuck Faber, we were able to make copies of the booklet. It is a bit on the long side to reproduce here, but suffice it to say that it was a day that the 50­ year-old lawyer remembered until his pass­ ing. (Editor's note - Does anybody know the name of the younger Vito usek ? His given name is not mentioned in any of the accounts of this event I've read to date. Given the de­ scription in the booklet, he may very well still be alive and able to fill in the missing details of that eventful day. - H G F) Ken Ruhnke, (A /C 20157) Beatrice, NE picked up the following piece for his newsletter about Roy's adventure, written by Bob Richardson, (A/C 8055) Broken Ar­ row , OK for the Aviation Booster" of lola, KS. Bob's writing concisely paraphrases the booklets contents: "Ever hear of Roy Vitousek? Well, don 't feel bad, Roy has been sort of lost to history with it's fleetness of fame. But there was a day when Roy and his young son made a mark and lived an experience that nobody else has ever lived, at least not in an Aeronca. " It's not necessary to bother remember­ ing what year it was for the day is better known ; December 7th, Sunday morning, warm and promising; a great morning to do a little flying. After an early breakfast, Roy loaded his young son into their Aeronca Tandem and took off to tool around Dia­ mond Head, Aloha Tower and, just for the heck of it, check out Pearl Harbor/ Hickham Field. He didn't expect much to be going on. Things were pretty slow on Sunday mornings when all the military (and civil­ ians , too) seemed to be sleeping off the night before. Roy was more interested in observing the beauty and tranquility on the ground than scanning the sky that morning and when he finally did look around, was sur­ prised to see he was not alone up there. 'Where in the world were they all coming from? ' he wondered. He had just seen all

(EAA 21 , Ale 5)

P.O . Box 424

Union , IL 60180

the planes parked at Hickam and yet the sky was filled with lots of airplanes bearing down on him. They were military types, he was sure of that but he never realized that Uncle Sam had so many extra airplanes around. Besides, they were going to have a whale of a parking problem at Hickham af­ ter they all landed there. "Roy decided to get out of the way and head for home. (Editor's Note - In the book­ let, Roy is quoted as hearing a gun go off near enough to be heard over the Aeronca's engine, which slartled him into looking at the airplanes around him a with even more inter­ est. After two or three loud cracks, he saw his cowl push back towards his face. - HGF) This was no place for a private pilot in an Aeronca to be flying around, in a swarm of military types. Before he knew it, the Aeronca was overtaken by the strange look­ ing incoming airplanes and it wasn't until then that he saw the red meatball where the familiar star should have been on both fuse­ lage and wings. " Before Roy could get down , all hell broke loose and the bombing of Pearl Har­ bor had begun. As a lawyer and one who followed current events, Roy was aware of the tenuous situation between the United States and Japan and realized that hostilities had finally erupted. Surprisingly, the Japanese pilots ignored the little Aeronca that chugged its was to­ ward its home base, John Rogers Airport. Upon arrival at the civilian airport, Roy found that it had bee n strafed by the early arrivals, but he was able to get safely down on the runway and make it to safety as the beginning of WW II exploded all around him. Roy Vitousek's little adventure was strickly one of happenstance, but, neverthe­ less, was a once in a lifetime experience which only proves you never know what might happen when you go flying in an Aeronca." It seems the events of over 50 years ago still hold some fascination for many folks, and are still the subject of some controversy. Thanks to all of you who have written let­ ters and sent information on this snippet of history. Over to you, f(


FIRST PLACE GROUND TO GROUND loW. Stephenson (AIC 3704) Menominee, MI THIRD PLACE GROUND TO GROUND LeRoy Falk (AIC 9411) Carpentersville, IL

Robert T. Beecher (AIC 17924) Chicago,IL

20 JUNE 1994


thoto Contest • • •


John O. Lang

(AIC 5737)

Cincinnati OH


LeRoy Falk

(AIC 9411)

Carpentersville, IL.


Dave Slaybaugh

(AIC 4973)



I. W. Stephenson

(AIC 3704)

Menominee, MI



John O. Maxfield,

(AiC 1123)

Northville, MI


Myron Heimer

(AiC 8190)

Rose Creek, MN

HONORABLE MENTION HUMAN INTEREST LeRoy Falk (AiC 9411) Carpentersville, IL 22 JUNE 1994

THIRD PLACE HUMAN INTEREST Lynn B. Willett, (AiC 19706) E. Wooster, OH


QYC21308) Houston, TX

SECOND PLACE WATER BIRDS Don Levandoski (AiC 2708) Macon,IL

THIRD PLACE WATER BIRDS James W. Fowler (AiC 2293) Houston TX

CHAIRMAN'S CHOICE I. W. Stephenson (AiC 3704)

Menominee, MI


These 20 Antique/Classic members entered the photo contest at EAA OSHKOSH '93, and mailed their entries this past fall and winter. Thanks for submitting your photos! A total of 105 mem­ bers signed up for last year's contest. For those of you who entered the contest but didn't submit photos, we'll look forward to seeing your photos for the 1994 contest. Be sure and register for this year's contest at A/C Head­ quarters, the "Red Barn." Dave Morrow

Crystal Lake, IL

Guy Snyder

Bartonville, IL

I.W. Stephenson

Menominee, MI

Robert Majka

Arlington Heights, IL

LeRoy Falk

Carpentersville, IL

Your judges for the 1993 Antique/Clas­ sic Photo Contest were, (left to right) Ted Koston, Dan Hans, Bill Lombardi, Eric Lundahl, Buck Hilbert, and Lee Fray. Contest Co-Chairmen Jack McCarthy and Lorraine Morris would like to thank all of the judges who poured over the many en­ tries in this year's contest. The AIC photo contest is on again for EAA Oshkosh '94, so get your cameras ready for some summer shooting. In next month's issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE

the rules for the contest will be published. Rules will also be available at when you register for the contest at the AIC Red Barn during the Convention. Remember, the contest isfor photos ofAntique, Clas­ sic or Contemporary aircraft shot either at the EAA Convention or traveling to or from the Convention. Our thanks to the one hundredplus (!) AIC members who took the time to enter last year's contest, and we look forward to seeing you again at Oshkosh.

Roy P. Williams

McAllen, TX

Pat Quinn

Ventura, CA

Bob Beecher


Saundra Pancake

Keyser, NV

Myron Heimer

Rose Creek, MN

John O. Lang

Cincinnati, OH

E. Robert Hall

St. Mtn, GA

Don Levandoski


David L. Slaybaugh


Owen Billman

Mayfield, NY

Don Dole

Cumberland, IN

John Maxfield

Northville, MI

James W. Fowler

Houston, TX

L.B. Willett


Phyllis Bower

Goshen, IN

24 JUNE 1994

The following list of coming events is furnished to our readers as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction of any event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to EAA, Att: Golda Cox, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Information should be receivedfour months prior to the event date.

JUNE 17-19 - DENTON, TX - Den­ ton Municipal Airport. 31st Annual AAA Texas Chapter antique airplane Fly-In. Contact: Dan Doyle, 214/542­ 2455. Host hot el is the Radisson : 817/565-8499. JUNE 17-19 - CREVE COEUR, MO - Annual American Waco Club Conven­ tion and fly-in. For info , call the A WC at 616/624-6490 or write A WC , 3546 Newhouse PI. , Greenwood, IN 46143. JUNE 18-19 - WAUSAU, WI Wausau airshow and fly-in. Hourly raf­ fles, fly bys, static display, camping, showers available, hombuilt workshop. Pancake breakfast and airshow Sunday. Wausau Downtown Airport, Wausau, WI call 715/848-6000 for information. JUNE 18 - HUNTSVILLE , AL Moontown Airport. 2nd Annual EAA Chapter 190 Father's Day Fly-In. Poker run , spot landing contest, refreshments, etc. Camping OK. 100LL and auto gas available. Rain Date: June 25. For in­ formation, call Rick Ne lson 205/539­ 7435 or Fra nk Fitzgerald 205/882-9257. Or you can write EAA Chapter 190, P.O. Box 18852, Huntsville, AL 35804. JUNE 19 - RUTLAND , VT - Annual Taildraggers rendezvous sponsored by EAA Chapter 968. Fly-in breakfast. Call Alpine Aviation for info. 802/773­ 3348. JUNE 23 - 26 - MT. VERNON, OH­ 35th Annual National Waco R e union Fly-In. 513/868-0084. JUNE 24-26- PAULS VALLEY, OK - Greater OKC AAA Chapter Antique airplane fly-in. Bring your own tie downs, and be sure to register! For more information , call Bob Kruse , 405/691­ 6940 or Bud Sutton, 405/392-5608. JUNE 26 - MICHIGAN CITY , IN­ Michigan City Aviators - EAA Chapter 966 Pancake breakfast. 7 a.m. - Noon. Call Glenn or Kathy Dee for info: 219/324-6060. JULY 1-3 - GAINESVILLE , FL­ EAA Chapter 611 26th Annual "Cracker" Fly-In . Antiques , home­ builts, Judging in 9 categories. Contact: S.S. McDonald, 404/889-1486. JULY 8 - 10 - GENESEO , NY - Na­ tional Warplane Museum (052). 6th Annual Northeast Stearman Fly-In. Bring your tiedowns! For info call Naomi Wadsworth, 716/243-5266 or Amy Mal­ colm, 716/243-0690. JULY 8-10 - LOMPOC , CA - ] Oth Annual West Coast Piper Cub Fly-In. Contact: Bruce Fall, 805/733-1914.

JULY 16-17 - DELA WARE, OH ­ 13th Annua l EAA Chapter 9 Fly-ln. Young Eagle rides , BBQ chicken , re­ freshments, more. Contact Don Rhoads. 614/747-2522. JULY 17-23 - ROSWELL , NM ­ 25TH Anniversary convention of the In­ ternational Cessna 170 Assoc. Contact: Lyn Benedict, ] 36 E. Orchard Park Rd. , Dexter, NM 88230. 505/622-3458. JULY 22-23 - COFFYV ILL E, KS ­ Funk Owners Association Reunion . Contact Gene Ventress, President, 10215 S. Monticello, Lenexa, KS 66227 tel. 913/782-1483. JULY 23-24 - SHIOCTON, WI - An­ nual Fly-In. Food served both days. Band Sat. night, no cover. Skydiving both days by the Northeast Wiscon si n Skydivers. Airplane rides, bingo , free teth ered hot air balloon rides. Sunday breakfast,7-noon. Free camping to EAA all through convention. Call Joyce Baggot, 414/986-3547 for info. JULY 2-4 - PORT CLINTON, OH­ Carl Keller Field. Gathering of Eagles Airshow and Fly- In . Awards for best antique, classic, homebuilt and warbird. for information , contact Bob Zak , 216/441-0661. JULY 24 - GRANTSBURG, WI­ EAA Chapter 875 Annual Fly-In wild rice Pancake breakfast. 7:30-Noon. P.Le. free. JULY 24 - MARSHFIELD , WI ­ EAA Chapter 992 annual Fly-In. Free pancake breakfast for fly-in pilots. Call Clem Spencer at 414/384-0800 (days) or 384-4694 after 5pm. JULY 28 - AUGUST 3 - VAL­ PARAISO , IN (VPZ) EAA Northwest Indiana Chapter 104 10th Annual Food­ booth during the week of Oshkosh. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. daily. 219/926-3572 for info. JULY 28 - AUG. 3 - OSHKOSH, WI - 42nd Annual EAA Fly-In Convention. Wittman Regional Airport. Contact John Burton, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, 414/426-4800. AUGUST 6 - LAKE ELMO, MN ­ Annual Stillwater Aviation Days. Ro­ tary pancake breakfast. Wings , wheels and whirlybirds. Weather date Aug. 7th. Call James Anderson , 800/321-6387 or 612/430-1200 for information. AUGUST 26-28 - SUSSEX, NJ ­ 22nd Annual Sussex Airshow. Gates open at 8 , airshow at 1:30pm. Ca ll 2011875-7337 for information. SEPTEMBER 3 - MARION , IN ­

Marion Municipal Airport. 4th Annual Fly-In/Cruise-In Breakfast. Call 317/664­ 2588 for info. SEPTEMBER 3-4 - PROSSER, W A - EAA chapter 3911lth Annual Prosser Labor Day Fly-In. Food , Flying, tours, raffle and more. Camping on the field. For more info call Thompson Aircraft at 509/786-1034. SEPTEMBER 10-11 - SCHENEC­ TADY, NY - Northeast Flight ' 94 Air­ show. Call the Empire State Aero­ sciences Museum for more information, 518/399-5217. SEPTEMBER 7-11 - GALESBURG, IL - Galesburg Municipal airport. 23rd National Stearman Fly-In. Contact: Tom Lowe, 823 Kingston Lane, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. Phone 815/459-6873. SEPTEMBER 16-18 - Arapahoe, NE - Antique Airplane Fly-In. Call 308/962­ 5240 for more info. SEPTEMBER 16-18 - FORT WORTH , TX - Alliance Airport. The All Am e rica n Sport Aviation Fly-In, sponsored by EAA Chapter 34. A wide variety of aviation activities are planned. Call 817/572-1205 for more information. SEPTEMBER 17-18 - ROCK FALLS , IL - 8th Annual North Central EAA "O ld Fashioned" Fly-In. Work­ shops, forums, exhibits, large swap area, awards, more. Camping on field. Call Gregg Erikson, 708/513-0641 or Dave Christianson, 815/625-6556. Pancake breakfast September 18. SEPTEMBER 23-24 - BARTLES­ VILLE, OK - Frank Phillips Field. 37th Annual Tulsa Regional Fly-in. For info call Charlie Harris, 918-622-8400. SEPTEMBER 23-24 - NORTH LAS VEGAS , NV - Sixth Annual western Waco Assoc. Reunion. Largest Waco gathering in the western U.S . Contact Jon Aldrich, 209/962-6121 for more info. SEPTEMBER 24-25 - BINGHAM, ME - 25th Annual Gadabout Gaddis air­ show and fly-in. Pilot contests, Booths, Displays, Demonstrations and lots of food. Contact Maine White Water at 207/672-4814 for more information. OCTOBER 12-17 - TULLAHOMA, TN - 1994 Staggerwing - Travel Air­ Twin Beech Convention , sponsored by the Staggerwing Museum Foundation. Howard , Spartans and Twin Bonanzas are also welcome. Membership in the Staggerwing Museum required - for more information , call 615/455-1974. Pre-registration by Oct. 1 is also re­ quired. ... VINTAGE AIRPLANE 25


On this page you'll see the latest additions to the ranks of the EAA Antique/Classic Division. Whether you're joining for the first time, or are coming back, we welcome you, and we'd especially like to welcome those of you who are joining us with your interest in Contemporary class aircraft. Welcome one and all! Albert A Alderin, Jr. Bowling Green, FL Roger W. Anderson Shafer, MN James B. Andrews Ashland,OH Dave Arnold North Branch, MN Patrick C. Atkinson Oscar, LA St Cloud, MN L. Gary Aysta Randy E. Azzarelli Lakeland, FL William H. Baker, Jr. Harleyvi lle, SC Robert 1. Bake Dorr, MI Liberal, MO Bruce L. Barker Dwight A. Barnes Alliance, OH Fit Lt R.K. Barnes Ipswich, Suffolk, England Michael H. Barnes Lindstrom, MN James Bartzsch Stratham, NH Maurie Baston Haymarket, Sydney, Australia Norman W. Batchelder Costa Mesa, CA Gordon A. Bellamy Birmingham, AL Gerard Bentele Huntington Beach, CA Lary Benton Venetia, PA Donald M. Beranek Davenport, IA Ocala, FL John M. Bishop John H. Bleck Lake Forest, IL Joseph W. Bognuda Santa Maria, CA Lester L. Bone Fort Wayne , IN Chicago, IL Vincent T. Borst James J. Brown Kinnelon, NJ Paul D. Brunks Pittsburgh, PA Ronald D. Bull Jupiter, FL Gerry Bunder Aurora, Ontario, Canada Paul S. Calantropo Boston, MA Bruce L. Campbell Aguila, AZ Ronald E. Carpenter Wolfeboro, NH Allen Cassens Edwardsville, IL Stephen D. Castano Sugar Grove , PA John Cicero Concord, CA Raymond Clark Caputa, SD Lowell, IN Richard L. Cleary Edward T. Clegg Standish, ME Anthony Co le Sacramento, CA Richard Coo k Pembroke Pines, FL James Dudley Cooper Superior, WI Jewe l S. Covington Detroit, MI John Cowen Naples, FL James T. Daugherty Omaha, NE Gregory Todd Davis Seneca, SC James Dinwiddic Summerfield, NC Donald W. Dix Jacksonville, FL Walter Dorlac Enid, OK Josep h A. Du Charme Libertyville, IL St Petersburg, FL Josph N. Durda Orlando R Echola Crystal Falls, MI David Elliott Heath, Horsham, W. Sussex, England Joseph R. Erale Cocoa, FL Joe Fenley Tarpon Springs, FL John Foote Marietta, GA Keith Fordahl Williston, ND Denzil Fowler Montgomery, IN Ronald S. France Schaumburg, IL William R. Francisco Omaha, NE 1. Chris Franklin Atascadero, CA Sylbia A. George Oxford, MD Norman K. Gilbert Linden, VA Dale Gillson Hill City, MN Harry Gladwin Tomahawk, WI Omaha, NE John 1. Gostomski Arthur W. Gottmann Denver, CO 26 JUNE 1994

G. Grassmann White Lake, Ontario, Canada Mike B. Griffith Omaha, NE Clyde L. Grimsley Snellville, GA Alfons Grochowski Hatten, Germany Frank S. Groner Germantown, TN Dave Grossman Pekin, IL Francois Guinand Paris, France Dudley Harrison Pakuranga, New Zealand Arthur W. Hawkins St Louis, MO Gerald L. Hayes Palm Bay, FL Scott Hazel Savannah, GA George E. Helland Ocea n Shores, W A Don L. Hernke Cannon Falls, MN Doug Hillmann Andover, MA Richard Hollow Knoxville, TN Jimmy L. Honeycutt Rangoon Inc Locust Grove, GA Brian Hope Shelburne, Ontario, Canada Dale A. Hopta Mi ami , FL Graham P. Hosking Mt. Eliza, Victoria, Australia Garrison, MN G. Richard Huff John Hughes Allendale, IL Kevi n A. Hunt er Bowling Green , KY Richard Hutton Huntington , NY Garfield Jermunson Brady, MT Monte G. Jestes Stillwater, OK Lowell E. Johnston Daytona Beach, FL Scott R. Johnston Rome,GA William H. Ke llogg Apple Valley, CA James A. Kemp El Paso, TX Hirokata Kito Kawaguchi , Japan John Kowalczyk Pasadena, MD Roger Krass Dayton, OH Fred Krueger Albuquerque, NM Burbank, CA Ferd Kuhn Albin J. Lange Morton, IL Martin Lange Baltimore, MD Sven E. Larson Northridge, CA Douglas H. Leamon Anchorage, AK Robert J. Lee Sewickley, PA O. Eugene Lejeune Virginia Beach, V A David T. Leugers Cincinnati, OH Seve rna Park, MD William A. Levitt Boze man, MT Tim Linn Abilene, TX Ken A. Linsenmayer Norman T. Lubis Bandung, Indonesia Collierville, TN Craig A. MacArthur Venice, FL Paul T. Marrone C. J. Marshall Colorado Springs, CO Quentin Marty Hightstown, NJ Robert Masker Norfolk, VA Mount Vernon , MO Richard A Mason Wayland McFarland Esco ndido, CA Austin, TX Mike J. McKay Winter Haven, FL James McKinney Tampa, FL Jon Robert McMurtry Edward F. Meisner New Berlin, WI Jack Meyer Dover, NH De Land, FL John W. Meyers Stewart C. Meyers Bethesda, MD Linda Dee Miller Haikune, HI Michael D. Milliga n Stafford Springs, Robert W. Minnich Rocky River, OH John G. Minor Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada Stu L. Moment Urbana, IL Cecil H. Morrison Dundee, OR John Morrow Kingston , NY


Michael K. Mue ller Snellville, GA

Jon J. Nace Mishawaka, IN

Darlo Nardini Farra Disonzo, Italy

Dave Nicholas Rolling Praire, IN

William D. Osborne Decatur, GA

William Parenteau Stillwater, MN

Daniel C. Parker Stillwater, MN

Walter Eugene Parsons Clinton, NC

Keith G. Patterson San Marcos, TX

Frederick B. Payne Fayetteville, GA

Chris Pelligrino Melbourne, FL

Henry D . Perry Warner Robins, GA

Ernie N. Petok Oregon,OH

Stanley Pickles Kincardine, Ontario, Canada

Paul Pish Barrington, IL

Michael Pollock Tampa, FL

W Wayne Poole Baton Rouge , LA

Robert L. Porter Hartford, WI

John R. Powell Salt Lake City, UT

Ralph D. Powers Poway, CA

Jeffrey V. Puckett Greenwood Village, CO

Louis S. Radwanick Virginia Beach, V A

Clifford E. Rakes Dallas, TX

Eugene A. Reich Dee rfield, IL

David D. Rich ardson Homestead, FL

Sam E. Richardson Fort Peck, MT

Morgantown, PA

Francis S. Ricketts Luca Rossi Pescara, Italy

Ralph Rossi Great Barrington, MA

Larry D. Rowan Kars, Ontario, Canada

Bradley B. Sasser, Jr. Roswell, GA

Len Saxild Manassas, VA

Cecil C. Schmidt Edina, MN

Thomas Schue ttoff Bamberg, Germany

Rutherfordton, NC

Jerry L. Self Robert R. Shackelford Woodbury, James D . Shadoan Gailesburg, IL

Brian Silcox Chico, CA

Daniel B. Silliman Augusta, GA

Donald A . Smith, Jr. Valdosta, GA

Paul J. Smith Bellevue, OH

Smiths Specialties Vidalia, GA

Steven R. Sowinski Naperville,IL

Daniel Squires Vernon, VT

Roger Starr Aurora, OR

Mr. Stehmann Oedenrode, Netherlands

Jimmy R. Stiles Cartersville, GA

Graham A. Sutherland Port Orange, FL

John Swett Tucson, AZ

Greg Taylor Turtle Island, Fiji

Robert S. Thompson Souderton, PA

Dewayne Upton Jackson, MS

Robert Van Buren Brentwood, CA

Robert W. Von Willen Lakeside, CA

John J. Vorndran Stoughton, WI

Carl D. Vought Huntsville, AL

William A. Walker Lynchburg, VA

Mark S. Waxman South Euclid, OH

Bill Weaver Camarillo, CA

Cathy Sue Weaver Orlando, FL

James L. Weber Rio, IL

Jim F. Wellington Santa Cruz, CA

Jack W. Wheeler Greensboro, NC

Danny L. Wilson Jacksonville, NC

Klyle D. Witt Naples, FL

Charles Wright Vallejo, CA

Bernard D. Wrightington Kingston , MA Michael J. Young Vero Beach, FL Bolingbrook, IL William John Zangs



(Continued from page 8) stick was moved aft , a cable p ass in g over th e rudd er pedals shaft was tighte ned by means of cams so th at brakin g actio n was o bt a in ed whe n th e rudd e r pe d a ls we re moved. The steerable tailwheel was built into th e lowe r portion o f th e rudd er and moved with th e rudder. On its first fli ghts whi ch took pl ace in June 1928, the Kitten was powe red with a special engine designed by Mummert. The e ngin e was ve ry unu su a l, b e in g a four cylinder, two cycle, high speed, ve rtical op­ posed piston ty pe. Two crankshafts were used, one at th e top and one at the bottom o f th e e ngi n e, dri v in g th e p r o p e ll e r thr o ugh gea rs. T he re was no cy lind e r head , th e pisto ns workin g aga inst e ach other at th e center of the engine. The en­ gine was bu ilt by Otto Ko hl , who was at t h a t t im e a mec h a ni c e mpl oye d b y th e Aerial Service Corp. T he engine was ex­ pec te d t o d eve lo p a b o ut 60 hp a t 4500 rpm , but even aft er superc h arge rs h ad bee n installed, its powe r was not consid­ ered to be satisfactory. About 75 hours of running time was put on th e engi ne and a number of fl ights were made with it. The Mummert e ngi ne is be lieved to be still in

existence and it is reported to be owned by T homas Bailey of Corning, NY. It was thought th at with a more conven­ ti onal engine th ere would be a good com­ mercial market fo r th e Kitten. It was first shown to th e public at th e Chicago A e ro E xpos ition in D ece mbe r 1928, po we re d wi th a 110 hp Warner engine and eq uipped with th e Mercury combinati on wh eel and ski gear. Unfortun ately no orders were re­ ceived and only one airplane of this model was built. The Kitten was also fl own with Le Blond and Veli e engines and was used by th e comp any fo r ge ne ra l utilit y wo rk for several years. 1.F. M eade, Ha mmondsport, N Y, wh o


sent in his answer on some very nice look­ ing Mercury A ircraf t Inc. stationary, is th e Chairman of th e Boa rd of Mercury Air­ crafi, and he m entioned in his answer that the aircraft was scrapped in the early 1940's to make room for WW II war work, th e production of P-40 tail surfaces. Other answers were received from John W. Grega, Bedford, O H; Charley Hayes, Park Forest, IL; 1. Borden, Menahga, MN; Lynn Towns, Brooklyn, M I; Lin dsley A. Dunn, Hammondspo rt, NY; Joe Tarafas, Bethlehem , PA; Lennart Johnsson, Elds­ berga, Sweden; R ich ard L. May, B utler, PA ; and R o bert Wynne, M ercer Island,





Sell and Buy Aviation Parts & Paraphernalia Parts accepted Tuesday, July 26 thru August 3 Sales begin Thursday, July 28 at 9 AM Aeromart located North end of Fly Mart, gate 13 Tags are $.15 each to cover tag + mailing

• All sales cash only • Price set by parts owner • Aeromart receives 10% commission • Sale tags available prior to convention


Aeromart, 2737 Pioneer Dr. Green Bay, WI 54313

Enclose a check to EAA Chapter 651


.9Lntique & Cfassic .9Luction


(Joe Gertler Collection) 92K Horton Ave., Riverhead, New York

J une 24, 2 5, 26, 1994

SALE SITE PHONE: (51 6) 727-6191

Auction To Include:


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(needs restoration)

1950 1)'oJa n A-2. all metal, 2-place. complete w/engine

(needs restoration)

(2) Porterfields, 1935 &1936 One w/LeBlond engine & One

wlout engine (both need restoration)


Hisso. OX-5, OXX-6. Heath-Henderson. Salmson .

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Current EAA members may join the Antique/ Classic Division and receive VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE magazine for an additional $20 per year. EM Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE mag­ azine and one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic Division is available for $30 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included).





15 Crescent Road . Poughkeepsie. NY 12601 USA (914) 473-3679

lAC Current EM members may join the Intemational Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT AEROBATICS magazine for an additional $30 per year. EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS magazine and one year membership in the lAC Division is available for $40 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included).

3~ per word, $5.00 minimum charge. Send your ad to

The Vintage Trader, EAA Aviation Center, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.

Payment must accompany ad. VISA/MasterCard accepted.

WARBIRDS Current EAA members may join the EAA Warbirds of America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazine for an additional $30 per year. EM Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and one year membership in the Warbirds Division is available for $40 per year (SPORT AVIA TION magazine not included).

MISCELLANEOUS: CURTISS JN4-0 MEMORABILIA - You can now own memorabilia from the famous "Jenny", as seen on "TREASURES FROM THE PAST". We have posters, postcards, videos, pins, airmail cachets, etc. We also have R/C documentation exclusive to this historic aircraft. Sale of these items support operating expense to keep this "Jenny· flying for the aviation public. We appreciate your help. Write for your free price List. Virginia Aviation Co., ROv-8, Box 294, Warrenton, VA 22186. (c/5/92)

EAA EXPERIMENTER Current EAA members may receive EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $18 per year. EAA Membership and EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine is available for $28 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included).



Please submit your remittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars. Add $13 postage for SPORT AVIATION magazine and/or $6 postage for any of the other magazines.

EAA AVIATION CENTER P.O.BOX 3086 OSHKOSH, WI54903-3086 PHONE (414) 426-4800 FAX (414) 426-4873 OFFICE HOURS: 8:15-5:00 MON.-FRI. 1-800-843-3612 MEMBERSHIP DUES TO EAA AND





SUPER CUB PA-18 FUSELAGES - New manufacture, STC-PMA-d, 4130 chrome-moly tubing throughout, also complete fuselage repair. ROCKY MOUNTAIN AIRFRAME INC. (J. E. Soares, Pres.), 7093 Ory Creek Rd., Belgrade, Montana. 406-388-6069. FAX 406/388-0170. Repair station No. QK5R148N.

(NEW) This & That About the Ercoupe, $14.00. Fly-About Adventures & the Ercoupe, $17.95. Both books, $25.00. Fly-About, P.O. Box 51144, Oenton, Texas 76206. (c-3/94)

GEE BEE - R-1, R-2 super-scale model plans used for Wolf/Benjamin's R-2. GB "Z·, "Bulldog," "Goon," Monocoupe, Culver, Rearwin. Updated, enlarged (1/3, 1/4, 1/6-1/24). PLANS on SHIRTS/Caps! Catalog/News $4.00, refundable. Vern Clements, 308 Palo Alto, Caldwell, 1083605. (c-9/94)

Rare Hub - 10 spline, 2-3/8"10, 3-1/2"00, 8 hole, 6-5/8"dia. bolt pattern, 6" prop. 708/985-9074. (6-2).

C-26 Champion Spark Plugs - orginal brass tip plugs for your Champ, Cub, Taylorcraft, Stearman, etc. Military reconditioned, $5.75 to $9.75.404/478-2310. (c-11/94)



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