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Designed to make purchasing of aircraft and kits more affordable, the EM Finance Plan is a new program available exclusively to EM members. Traditionally providing financing for normal category aircraft valued at $25,000 or more, the EM Finance Plan from NAFCO lowers the minimum loan amount to $10,000 and includes gliders, classics, antiques, ultralights, experimentals (under construction, as well as flying) selected warbirds and sport aircraft. Rates start at 9.75%*, with terms of up to 10 years. Whether you're a first-time buyer, or a seasoned owner looking to refinance your aircraft, you owe it to yourself to call the EM Finance Hotline. The lending professionals at NAFCO have been bringing pilots and aircraft together for more than 30 years. And, in addition to their competitive rates and flexible terms, they pride themselves on their outstanding customer service ... even getting together on a weekend, if that's more convenient for you.
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Same number in Canada
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·Rates and terms are subject to change.
'The EAA Insurance Plan rewards members for their participation in EAA Chapters, and their use of the EAA Technical Counselor and Flight Advisor Programs. The EAA Financing Plan opens the world of aviation to those who might not have been able to own or build their own aircraft. Aircraft owners and pilots can participate in these programs with confidence. The cooperative efforts - and combined strength - of EAA, AVEMCO, NATIONAL and NAFCO parallel EAA's mission of opening the world of flight to anyone who wishes to participate. " Tom Poberezny, President, EAA
Tom Poberezny Vice-President
Marketing & Cammunications
Dick Matt
October 1995
Vol. 23, No. 10
Jack Cox
Henry G. Frautschy
Managing Editor
Art Director
2 Straight & Level/ Espie "Butch" Joyce
Mike Drucks Assistant Art Director
Sara A. Otto
3 AlC NewslH.G. Frautschy
Computer Graphic Specialists
Olivia L. Phillip
Mary Jones Associate Editor
5 National Waco Club Fly-in! Ray Bradly 7 Mystery Plane/H.G. Frautschy
Norm Petersen
Feature Writers
Staff Photographers
Mike Steineke
Donna Bushman
Editorial Assistant
Isabelle Wiske
10 Antiques/Classics at Oshkosh!
H.G. Frautschy
President Espie 'Butch' Joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro, NC 27425
910/ 393-D344
17 Seaplanes at Oshkosh! Norm Petersen
20 Orlo Maxfield's Funk! H.G. Frautschy
George Hardie, Jr. Dennis Parks
Jim Koepnick Carl Schuppel
9 The Downwind Turn/ Dick Hill
Page 10
Secretary Steve Nesse
2009 Highlond Ave. Albert Leo. MN 5tlYJ7 507/373--1674
24 What Our Members Are Restoring/ Norm Petersen
Vice路 President Arthur Morgan Germontown, WI
Treasurer E.E. ' Buck' Hilbert P.O. Box 424 Union. IL 60 180 815/923-4591
DIRECTORS John Berendt
7645 Echo Point Rd. Connon Foils. MN 55009 507/263-2414
26 Pass it to Buck! E.E. "Buck" Hilbert
Gene Chase
2159 Carffon Rd. Oshkosh. WI 54904 414/231-5002
28 Welcome New Members
29 Calendar 30 Vintage Trader
Jennifer Larsen
4 Aeromail
Page 17 FRONT COVER .. . Orto Moxfield has owned this same Funk B-85C since 1958. n was recently restored and won the ReseNe Grand Champion Classic -Undy' award at EM OSHKOSH '95. EM photo by Jim Koepnick. shot with an EOS-l N equipped with a 70-200 mm lens. 1/250 sec at f9 on Kodok Lumiere 100 film. Cessna 210 photo plone flown by Bruce Moore. BACK COVER .. . During EM OSHKOSH '95. we had two of the five registered Johnson Rocket 185's on the grounds and in the air. EAA volunteer photogropher Phil High caughlthe two of them together. In the foreground is Roy Foxworthy's Rocket. SIN 9. ond in the bockground is Orval Fairbaim 's SIN 11 . Shot with an EOS-l equipped with a 80-200 mm lens. 1/250 sec at f9 on Kodak Lumiere 100 film. Cessna 210 photo plane flown by Bruce Moore.
Copyright @ 1995 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division Inc. All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPlANE OSSN 009H>943) is published and owned exclusively by the EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. of the Experimental Airaaft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Woscoosin 54903-3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WlSCOflSin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. The membership rate for EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. is $27.00 for current EM members for 12 month period of which $15.00 is for the publication of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membe<ship is opeo to all who are interested in aviation. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPlANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mail. ADVERnSlNG - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and wefcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through OIJ' advertising so that COITective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POUCY: Readers are encouraged to subm~ stories and photographs. Policy apinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authols. Responsibil~ for accuracy in reporting rests enfirely with the contributor. No renumeration is made. Material should be sent to: Ed~or, VINTAGE AIRPlANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 414/426-4800. The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EM, EM INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EM ANnQUE/CLASSlC DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are 庐 registered trademarks. THE EM SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EM AVlAnoN FOUNDAnON and EM ULTRAUGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohib~ed.
28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, M149065 616/624-<>490
Charles HonIs 7215 East 46th SI. Tulsa. OK 74145 918/622-a400 Dale A. Gust<non 7724 Shady Hill Dr. Indianapolis. IN 46278 317/293-4430 RobefI lickteig 1708 Bay Oaks Dr. Albert Lea. MN 5tlYJ7 507/373--2922 Gene Manis 115C Steve Court. R.R. 2 Roonoke. lX 76262 817/491 -9110
Robert C. ' Bob" Brauer
9345 S. Hoyne
Chicogo. IL 60620
John S. Copeland 28-3 Wtlliomsburg Ct. Shrewsbury. MA 01545 508/842-7867
Hartford, Wl5:W27
SlanGomoi 1042 90th Lane. NE Mir1neq:JoIis. MN 55434 612/784-1172 .Iecn1ie !iii
P.O. Box 328
615/943-7205 RobefI D. ' Bob' Lumtey 1265 South 124th St. Brookfiekl. WI 53005 414/782-2633 George York
161 SIobodo Av.
MansfiekI. OH 44906
S.H. "Wes' Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa. WI 53213 414/771 - 1545
DIRECTOR EMERITUS S,J, Willman 1904-1995
ADVISORS Joe Dickey 55 Oakey Av. Lawrenceburg. IN 47025 812/537-9354
Jimmy Rollison 640 Alamo Dr. Vacaville. CA 95688 707/45 HJ411
Dean Richardson 6701 Colony Dr. Madison. WI 53717 608/833-1291
Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Hoven. IN 46774 219/493-4724
by Espie "Butch" Joyce
Many of you who attend EAA OSHKOSH may recall that we lost our grass runway a couple of years ago when a new paved taxiway was constructed, cutting our old grass run way in half. Since that time, we have been looking for a new site for those Antique/Classic airplane pilots who prefer to operate off of grass. I re ceived a phone call from A/C Direc tor Gene Chase the other day related to our efforts in this regard. With all of the changes that have occurred on the airport, it had been difficult to find a site. It seems each time we think that we have found one, it does not work out. Be assured there is no political reason for this, but that an airport operation such as Oshkosh can become very complex. We will continue to pursue this grass runway for the future, and will keep you posted on our progress. Gene then proceeded to tell me that H.G. wanted to speak to me, and looking at the calendar, I knew what he was looking for. It was once again time for me to submit my Straight & Level column. That was about four days ago, and I have been racking my brain during that time trying to figure out what I was going to talk to you about this month . I was under the weather the first couple of days so I did not get too serious, but Sunday was " getting on the ball time," as Monday I was going to have to do some writing. There are two ways to get in the "writing about vintage aviation" mood: go to a fly-in or read a number of aviation publications. Well, there were a number of fly-ins around that 2 OCTOBER 1995
weekend, but it rained all from Friday to Sunday. I don't know about you guys, but I usually do my best reading and thinking in a room that is about 8 x 10 with a door that you can close to keep out the skunks, one that sur rounds you with tile and good light ing. However , it's hard to stay in a room this small for a weekend. What really jumped out to me this past weekend is this: Have you ever stood back and looked at how many publi cations are printed that are of total aviation interest? If you take all of the "classified, for sale" papers, the regional "news type" papers, all of the state DOT aviation division pa pers/newsletters, type club newslet ters, insurance company newsletters, federal government newsletters, na tionally known magazines and the membership magazines (of which your VINTAGE AIRPLANE is one {and one of the best)) you can see that a lot of people are involved and interested . I think the only other business having this much coverage is the computer industry! Based on what I see in this moun tain of paper, interest in aviation is alive and strong. For your informa tion, in 1994 there were 17 manufac turers in the United States producing (certified) piston powered airplanes. These 17 offered 51 different models from which to choose. There are five U.S. specialty companies that make agricultural planes and sailplanes. I think it's safe to say there are also eight foreign companies offering good products. These figures do not take into consideration the turbine, jet, airline or helicopter markets. Out of
all of this, your Antique, Classic and Contemporary aircraft are some of the most desirable to own , and there are individuals looking to own one every day. We have a bright future ahead of us. One of the side benefits of review ing all of this reading material is that I ran across an ad for a company called ESSCO, 426 W.Turkeyfoot Lake, Akron, OH 44319, (216/644-7724); they call themselves "The manual people ." I got a list of the manuals they offer and it was a very complete inventory indeed. They offer all types of pUblications; for example, engines Kinner, Lambert, LeRhone, Warner, etc.; flight manuals for all kinds of air craft, and other items you would have thought to be lost. Some of you may have already known about this com pany, but for those of you who don't, here's your chance to update or fill out your maintenance manual library. This issue of VINTAGE AIR PLANE is your EAA Oshkosh ' 95 re view issue; we hope you enjoy it this month. We would love to have some technical articles submitted from the membership; we also welcome any other items of interest. You do not have to be a polished writer; the staff (H.G.) can help to work it over and make you sound like the next Ernie Gann! The Antique/Classic Division is proud of each of its members and we want you to stay with us. Ask a friend to join so they can be part of us. Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation. Remember that we are better together. Join us and have it all! ...
compiled by H.C. Frautschy
Aviation retailer and services company Wag Aero has been sold , along with the overhaul and repair facilities that are part of its corporate structure, Aero Fabrica tors and Whirlwind Propeller shop. Bill Read and Mary Myers, a husband and wife team involved in the banking busi ness in the Milwaukee area have bought the compan ies from Bobbie and Dick Wagner. Mary Read will serve as the Wag Aero Group's president, and will be assisted by her husband, a licensed pilot. Dick and Bobbie will have more time to devote to the Wagner Foundation which operates orphanages in the Phillip ines and Bolivia, and provides food and medical supplies for the needy in under developed countries. OUR CONDOLENCES TO
Belford "B.D." Maule , age 83, Moul trie, GA. The designer and builder of the Maule series of aircraft, B.D. was a long time EAAer and a member of the OX-5 Cl ub , as well as an honoree of both the Michigan and Georgia Halls of Fame. He careful stewardship of his small , family run aircraft manufacturing business en abled Maule, Inc. to weather the difficult times that caused the decline of small air plane manufacturing in the U.S. James A. Damron, age 55, Columbus, MT. A United Airlines pilot and Army helicopter pilot in Vietnam, James was also a very active Antique/Classic pilot. He flew his 1949 Piper PA-18 Super Cub non-stop across the United States in 1991. He was an eloquent writer, able to clearly put his A/C experiences down on paper. Readers of Vintage Airplane may recall his story detailing his trip to give an entire school an airplane ride in his article "Air ~ort K!ds - The Dream Still Lives" pub lished ID the December, 1994 issue. His efforts to give kids the experience he so enjoyed can stand as a fitting memorial to his passion for life and flight. James A Rollison, Sr. Vacaville, CA. Father of Antique/Classic advisor Jimmy Rollison, James Sf. was a active and tal ented en thusiast of vintage airplanes. The family Cessna 195 is one of the most outstanding examples of the Cessna busi nessliner, and its brilliance is due in large par t to the extraordinary effo rt he put into the restoration of the airplane.
During EAA OSHKOSH '95 FAA Administrator David Hinson announced the FAA would publish an NPRM allowing medical self-certification for recreational pilots and removing the 50 mile limitation placed on the Recreational pilot's certifi cate. That NPRM has now been printed in the Federal Register. The significant points of the proposal are: - The proposed rule will aIJ ow for the self certification of medical condition for those exercising the privileges of the recreationaJ pilots License. The proposal will remove the 50 mile restriction from the current recreational pilots License. - Current private pilots can exercise the privileges of a recreational license without performing any retesting, notification, or any other contact with the FAA or a CFI. Private pilots ~ith 7xpired medicals could fly as a recreational pilot by making a statement of medical fitness and obtaining a Flight Review. -The public has until December 11 to respond to the proposed rule. -Any p~rs?n may o.bt.ain a.copy of.this NPRM by submitting a request to the Fed eral AViatIOn AdmllllstratJOn, Office of Public Affairs, Attention: Public Inquire Center, APA-220, 800 Independence Av. SW, Washington, DC 20591 or by caHing 202/267-3484. Requests should be identified by the NPRM number (Notice No. 95 11) or docket no. (Docket No. 25910). - C?~men ts o~ t~e p~oposals may be delivered or mailed in triplicate to: Federal AVlatlOn Admimstratton, Office of Chief Counsel, Attention : Rules Docket (AGC ~O) Dock.et 25910, 800 Independence Av. SW, Washington, DC 20591. For further fiZ::matlOn contact : John Lynch, Certification Branch, AFS-840, phone 202/267 ~ach of you should write the FAA in support of this NPRM. You can send copies of your letter to both your congressmen and representatives, asking for their support. In your own words, you may wish to point out how this revised rule would: -reduce the cost of processing third class medicals for the FAA -reduce the cost of sport aviation for the public -reduce the regulatory burden of sport aviation In your letter you should also mention that the proposal will not have an adverse ~ffect on the safety of sport aviation, and now it will help revitalize the depressed mdustry of sport aviation. In you response, make it clear that you are only responding to the portion of the t~e p~oposed rule that deals with recreational pilots. There are many other provi SlO~s m. the proposed rule that deal with other subjects, and it must be clear to those revlewmg the comments that you are responding only to the recreational pilot changes. If you wish to comment on the other portions of the NPRM not outlined here obtain a copy and read the NPRM carefully. ' The propose~ rule do~s. not ~llow ~hose who are not medically fit to fly to do so. lf a current medical conditIon dIsqualifies a pilot from holding a medical certificate, the pr~posed ~ule do~s not allow ~~em .to circumvent medical requirements by self certify~g. With medlca~ self c~rtificahon comes the responsibility to ground our selves If we are not medlcaJly fit. If we don't accept this responsibility in a mature manner, the FAA wiH reimpose its will in this matter. In addition to medical self certification, the removal of the 50 mile limit on the rec r~ational pilots certificate should make this level of pilot certification more at tractIve. . Many spor.t av~at.ion ~ircraft are flown within the recreational pilot guidelines, With the 50 t;nile lIout ~e mg a notable exception. The recreational pilot certificate alJows the pIlot to fly fIXed gear, single engine aircraft that is certified for no more t~an ~our occup~n~s, and has an engine of no more than 180 hp. The recreational pllot IS further limited to day VFR flight in airspace not requiring communication with ATC and can carry only one passenger. i\dditional information on EAA's stance on this issue is contained in article startmg on page 18 of the October issue of Sport Aviation.
I should have followed my hunch. Oh well, you can't win 'em all. Many thanks for writing and keeping me on my toes! Kindest Regards, Norm Petersen
JUPITER WINGSPAN Dear Mr. Frautschy,
BUCKAROO VS. THE MENTOR DearH.G, Loved the July issue of Vintage Air plane. The more Gee Bees the better! I did pick up one little discrepancy in Mr. Petersen's article on the Buckeroo. The fly off was between the T-35 B uckeroo and the Beechcraft T -34, which was not jet engined. The jet Cessna T-37 came much later. I find it very interesting that the T 35 lost the competition even though all the pilots rated it above the T-34. The Air Force picked the Beechcraft be cause the Buckeroo was a taildragger and they only had tri-gear airplanes in their future. See, Stinson pilots do read the arti cles and not just look at the pictures. Keep up the fine work.
Dear Larry, It's getting harder and harder to sneak one by the readership! So far, you are the only one to catch the P-3300 error. Con gratulations! I had checked the Group Two approval 2 124 and noted the C3B was approved on P 3300. The photo had the words EDO Deluxe Floats on it which should have put me wise. In addition, my first impression if the photo was, "Gee, those floats look small."
I do not know if I reported it wrong or if it was a typographical error, but the Jamison Jupiter wingspan is 29 feet, not 19 feet as printed (June 1995, page 26). I continue to enjoy your fine pUblication. Sincerely, Earl F. Stahl Yorktown, V A
It was a typo, Earl. Our apologies, and once again, thanks for sharing the Jupiter photos with us. - H.G. Frautschy
Gene DeRuelle Studio City, CA
NORM SLIPS ON A FLOAT Hello Norm, I was surprised and a bit amused that a caption slipped by the 01' float pro. Please peruse page 22 of the Au gust issue of Vintage Airplane and note the Stearman C3B. A great aeroplane and superb performer on wheels or floats, the C3B pictured is on a an early set of C-2525 EDO 's, although it was usually flown and certified on P-3300 floats. Besides no bumper on the scowl type bows, the dead giveaway lies in the overdeck spreader bar, found only on the EDO H,I,L,M,C and E floats. Also, the C models first used on the Waco 9 are significantly shorter at 16'0", while the P-3300 are an imposing 18'4". With the volume of work you folks do, I am very pleased and astounded at how very few errors appear in the EAA works. All good wishes, Larry Harmacinski Elkhart, IN 4 OCTOBER 1995
UNDERWOOD NOTES Hi,H.G.! Re the Carrier Pigeon: It is worth mentioning, I think, that the great Art Smith met his end in the original article. He was service testing it on the night mail 12 February '26 in weather and hit a tree near Bryan, OR. This resulted in AI Menasco going, reluctantly, in to the aircraft engine business. AI inherited Smith's warehouse full of 240 hp Salmsons, which subsequently became Menasco-Salmsons after conversion to air-cooling. Looks like Lindbergh in the middle picture, page 6. (See photo above. - HGF) Re Doc Roy's letter: Yes, Estes owned a Laird LC-DE Speedwing Jr., which was a sister ship to the "Solution." It was so small that it made its 145 hp Warner Super Scarab look big. Cheers! John Underwood Glendale, CA
REUNION AND FLY-IN by Ray Brandly President, National Waco Club
Wacos from New York, New j ersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Canada winged their way back to Mount Vernon, Ohio to join Wacos from Michigan, Indiana and Ohio for the 36th Annual Waco Reunion. Some of the finest and most colorful Wacos flying today touched down on beautiful Wyncoop airport. many persons from far and near enjoyed their first ride in a Waco. The delicious annual awards banquet on Saturday evening was again a very enjoyable success. Many have already made plans to attend the 37th annual Nationa l Waco Reunion june 27 - 30, 7996 at M ount Vernon, Ohio.
(Above) Sunburst color schemes are often attractive on curvaceous biplanes, and Fred Schmukler's UPF-7 looks great with it's red and white colors.
(Above) Jack Goodnight's Waco ZVN-8 is still looking good after it's restoration a few years ago. Jack is from Kan足 napolis, NC. (Right) Bob and Doug Leavens were international arrivals from Toronto, Canada with their Waco GXE. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 5
(Left) Bill Bohannan's Waco YKS-6 (left) and Jack Race's UPF-7 got lots of atten足 tion on the flight line at Wynkoop airport. (Below) A very smart looking UBF-2 from Ringoes, NJ. It belongs to John Bussard.
(Below) Mike Brown's UPF-7 from Dayton, Ohio and Joe Maguire 's UPF-7 from Canton, Ohio.
(Below) Three different Wacos high足 light the ability of the Waco craftsmen to build outstanding biplanes. From left to right they are: Joe Maguire's UPF-7 from Canton, OH, Tony Mro足 zowsky's ASO and the newly restored Waco CRG of Pete Heins of Dayton, OH.
6 OCTOBER 1995
by H.G. Frautschy
C-4 engine rated at 125 hp. Type certificate was issued 8-24 37. It was manufactured by Argonaut Aircraft Inc. at N. Tonowanda, NY. Hope I guessed correctly!" First ha nd recollections are always interesting, and Earl Van Gorder, of Tonawanda, NY was a young lad who haunted the Argonaut shops during the mid-1930's. Here's what he wrote: "... About the old Argonaut Pirate. I sure appreciate the photo copies you sent. They really bring back memories, es pecially the old hangar. The shops, where I worked, were in side the hangar. The hangar and the field were originally a test fie ld for Consolidated, when they had their factory in Buffalo at 2050 Elmwood Av., which later became the first home for Bell Aircraft when Consolidated moved all opera tions to the west coast. I used to ride my bike out there and watch the old Fleets and Fleetsters fly. The test field was in Tonanwanda , which was my home then, too. The photos are particularly interesting since, as you said,
This month's Mystery Plane is one of the many pre-war military hopefuls. The answer will be published in the January 1996 edition of Vin tage Airplane. Answers for that issue of Vintage must be received no later than August 25, 1995. The July Mystery Plane elicited a number of response s, including this one from Frank Goebel of Joliet, IL. He writes: "I would like to take a crack at identifying the Mystery Plane in the July issue of Vintage Air plane. The plane is the Argonaut 'Pirate' H-24. It was powered with the 4 cylinder inverted Menasco The Argonaut Pirate as built by the Buffalo, (Tonawanda) NY company during the mid-1930's. This is the model H-24, in what was to be the pro duction configuration. A close comparison be tween the photos on this page and the next page will show some slight differences. You can also see that the right aileron was not installed for this publicity picture and the shot on page 8. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7
Compare these two shots of the Arg onaut H-24 Pirate. The change in rudder shape is the most noticeable The top of the rudder and fin is more rounded in the lower photo, and the lower portion has a more flattened curve. Apparently the Pirate was found to be lacking in vertical stabi lizer/rudder area, so a fix was made. (Below, right) This is the only photo graph of the cockpit of the Pi rate we ' ve been able to come up wi t h. The sma ll j ump seat mounted be tween the two cockpit seats is visible, as is the center instru ment panel flanked by the round control wheels .
the hull appears to be silver with a trim stripe. This was not the final color of the aircraft, as ] remember it. I also think I know why the silver in the photos . . The entire aircraft was doped silver before the final color coats. I also think] remember why this photo (the shot used in the Ju ly issue) came about. Publicity was hard to get for "unknowns" in those days and when an opportunity presented itself for some free advertising, they would do a hurried assembly job and roll the old bird out for photos . My guess would be that the trim stripes were applied with tape to give a more finished look. You will note that it also appears that the right aileron is not installed. "The final colors of the Pirate were medium blue hull (fuselage) with in ternational orange wings and tail sur faces. The engine cowling and struts were also blue. (This corresponds with the color scheme as described in a fac tory brochure - the medium b lue was called "Argonaut Blue" - HGF) "Advertising specs also referred to it as a '3-place' aircraft which was not en tirely true. There was a little jump seat a . bit to the rear of the two front seats and a passenger there (no more than a young child could be carried) pu t his feet be tween the two main seats. I never saw it 8 OCTOBER 1995
fly with more than two people. Actually, the jump seat area was best used for a bit of luggage, or whatever. "] had one ride in the old bird when it was flown by Dick Benson, who was offi cial test pilot. That was a reward for and entire two day's work breaking in the re tract system which was totally manual ..
. really only a bicycle chain and a couple of sprockets which you used to wind it up and down by hand. I spent two days do ing that winding in the hangar, while it was up on blocks. At first it was mighty stiff and I had keep cranking it up and down and adding lube until it got to the point of fairly easy operability. I sure de veloped some arm muscles in those two days . Retraction was very basic - with the gear moun ted at the strut top, it just swiveled up 180 0 until it was under the wing. "Of course, you must rea lize that I might be slightly inaccurate on some points - after all, ] was 16 years old at the time, and I'm 74 now! (Continued on page 27)
Argonaut H-24 Pirate
Research sources: Earl Van Gorder, Jo sep h Juptn er, U.S. Civil Aircraft, Vol. III ~
.:i' ~
______________________________________________________________-, 8'5
by Richard C. Hill ATP - CFI
is covered. This causes a dive toward the touchdown zone. Any increase in airspeed causes a long landing flare and the plane touches down after much of the runway has passed. The pilot can anticipate this and pre pare himself by establishing the proper approach speed early. In order to do this, altit ude must be adjusted accord ingly early in the approach seq ue nce. The turn o nto th e base leg should be made a bit lower than normal and final ap proach speed shou ld be establ ishe d when the turn is completed. T he current philosophy concerning landing ap proac hes is o ne that estab lishes a 3.5 degree glideslope, with an airspeed of 1.3 over stall. This combina tion alo ng with a stabilized power set ting gives the optimum com fortable ride. The pilot can... prepare himself by establishing Due to the very restrictive the proper approach speed early. In order to parameters at Pioneer, we are do this, altitude must be adjusted accordingly not blessed with this type of approach. In order to make early in the approach sequence. The turn onto o ur approaches we must use a the base leg should be made a bit lower than steeper glidepath . If not pre normal and final approach speed should be pared, this increased rate of descent wiU produce higher ap established when the turn is completed. proach speeds. The Pioneer traffic pattern The most severe condition is the does not exceed 500 feet on the down southeast landing with a southwest wind wi nd leg. Pilots must be prepared to compo nent. This gives us the down start shedding this altitude as they enter wind turn from Base to Final. Due to the base leg. They must also be at the the restrictive location of Pioneer Air proper speed by this time, or they will port, the Final approach leg is extremely constantly be too fast due to the tail short and demanding. Landings from wind co mpone nt when turning final. the north are constrained by a short (1/4 Remember also, the tailwind shorte ns mile) final approach, in order to keep the amount of time avai lab le for de clear of Wittman field traffic on runway scent on base leg. 9-27. If th e pilot does not estab li s h the On the Base leg of this pattern with proper altitude early, he must force the the above me ntioned wind condition, plane down . A s previously noted, this the pilot is faced with a n increased increases th e speed, which in turn in ground speed and a tight turn to Final. creases the necessary bank in the turn With the high ground speed due to a to final. Then, with the turn completed tailwind, insufficient altitude is lost and approaching the touchdown spot, while the short distance over the ground the tailwind has di sa ppeare d. This The downwind turn during a landing approach presents a number of chal lenges to the aviator. As an illustration, we'll use EAA's Pioneer Airport as an example. When operating the planes at Pio neer Airport, pilots are most often faced with unfavorable winds. The runway is laid o ut northwest-southeast. Cross winds flow over the EAA Air Adven ture museum complex from the south west a nd over the trees and hangars from the north and east. In either case, when the gusts roll over those objects and across the runway, they create a major problem for the landing aircraft. If the wind is not almost parallel to the runway, the pilot is forced to make a complicated turn to the final approach.
changes the pilot's perception (related to groundspeed) and to complicate mat ters, he then finds him self wrestling with a gusty crossw ind on the roll-out from the turn. Approaching the touchdown spot, he will have an excess of airspeed and as he moves into the shelter of the mu seum building, he will enter a protected area and encounter a "no wind" condi tion, or a turbulent area, depending on the wind velocity. Now the plane has to float down the runway, bleeding off all of that speed before he can land. At about this same place, the runway starts a gentle downward slope at the far end of the runway. What's the point of all this? Be on speed, and be at a proper altit ude as you enter the Base leg. Be prepared to land on the touchdown spot. If you are fast, if you are passing the optim um spot for the to uchdown, make a wheel landing and then reduce the speed with the brakes. If this is not practicable, es tablish a go around and be set up prop erly for the next approach. Spend some time on your home field practicing short field landings. (It does almost no good for one to do this prac tice in a nosewheel plane.) Do a bunch of wheel landings. Establish a program where yo u duplicate this pattern and demand perfection of yo ur techniques. Do not allow your speeds to vary on ap proaches. Do not permit yourself the luxu ry of making slo ppy approaches with high speeds over the fence. Un derstanding how a tailwind will affect the ground track of your approach wiU help you anticipate the potential hazard of a steep base to final turn, and plan an approach that will put you at the right altitude and airspeed as you roU out on final. Only with practice can you be come attuned to the visual cues that will allow you to accurately judge what is happening during your landings, so be ... sure to get out there and practice! VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9
(Above) Dean Richardson, (center, in the red shirt) is an antique/classic advisor as well as a Classic judge. Dean and his wife Wendy also serve as the hosts for the Antique/Classic Past Grand Champi ons breakfast. Bill Turner entertained the attendees with stories of the building and flying of the various racer replicas he has been involved with over the years.
(Left) The Antique/Classic Division's An tique Grand Champion is the biplane in the foreground, a 1937 Bucker Jung meister restored for E.T. "Woody" Wood ward of Franklin, TN by Joe Fleeman of Lawrence, TN. Joe is flying the Jung meister, while Woody is flying the Bucker Jungmann he recently restored. Look for an article on these two biplanes in the November issue of Vintage Airplane.
Antique/Classic Excitement at
OSHKOSH '95 by H.G. Frautschy
If the sights and sounds of older airplanes gets your blood racing, then EAA OSHKOSH '95 was the right place to be this summer. An outstanding number (170) of Antiques graced the field along with 684 Classics and 236 Contemporary airplanes. It seemed that no matter what you were looking for, you could see it on the grounds of the Convention. Come take a look . ..
10 OCTOBER 1995
(Below) Robert Ragozzino, Norman, OK hopes to become the first to fly solo around the world. "The Spirit of Okla homa" is the name of the project and 450 hp Stearman you see on the fuse lage. Equipped with modern avionics and a belly auxiliary tank that boosts the range of the Stearman to over 1000 miles, the flight should prove to be quite a challenge for both pilot and airplane. The current record for an open cockpit circumnavigation of the globe stands at 175 days, set by the Army Douglas World Cruiser flyers in 1924. For more informa tion on the flight, you can contact Robert at 405/360-0736.
(Right) In the WW II Military Trainer/Liaison category, here is the winner of the Outstanding trophy, John Vorndran, Stoughton, WI and his 1940 Stearman PT-17. (Below) Darrell Miller of Ann Arbor, MI brought his modified Curtiss-Wright Travel Air 12Q to the Conven足 tion this year. It looks a bit different than it did in 1931 though - the fuselage has been metalized. Originally powered by a Wright Gipsy engine of 90 hp, it's now powered by a Lycoming 0-320.
(Above right) Your 1995 Antique Judges were: (back row,left to right) Chief judge Dale Gustafson, Faye Gustafson, Mike Shaver, Don Coleman, "Ace" Cannon, Xen Motsinger, Ken Morris, Bill Johnson and Dave Anderson. In the front row are (left to right) Steve Dawson, John Pipkin, Dave Morrow, Dave Clark, Gene Morris and Bob Kitslaar.
(Above) Alan Buckner's Immaculate Waco QDC was picked as the Antique Reserve Grand Champion. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11
(Above) Wacos as far as the eye can see! The American Waco Club spent over a year organizing a mass fly-in to the EAA Convention, and the results were amazing - 30 Wacos arrived together, and another 14 were also on the field, for a total of 44 biplanes. Congratulations to presi足 dent Phil Coulson and the American Waco Club.
(Right) The pick of the Closed Cockpit Monoplanes was this pretty '38 Fairchild F-24K, belonging to Warner and Wendy Griesbeck, Aldergrove, B.C., Canada.
(Above) Winner of the Outstanding Open Cockpit Monoplane, this is Gene Chase's 1933 Davis D-1-W.
(Above left) Steve Pitcairn's Waco CUC was one of the 44 Wacos on the airport, and was picked as the Bronze Age (1933-1944) Out足 standing Closed Cockpit biplane.
(Left) Another airplane in the WW II Military Trainer/Liaison category, this 1942 Interstate L-6 belongs to Clay Smith of Athens, Al. It was presented with the Runner-up trophy.
12 OCTOBER 1995
(Left) Simple is sometimes the best - Marion Burton of Little Rock, AR can subscribe to that philosophy while flying his Piper PA-17 Vagabond, picked as the Best In Class winner in the Piper classification.
(Below) Orlo Maxfield's son John poses with the Re足 serve Grand Champion Lindy presented to his father for the restoration of his Funk B-SSC. Orlo is only the second owner of the airplane, the first being the Funk Manufacturing Co! See the story beginning on page 20 for more on this sleeper of a classic.
(Above) The Luscombe TSF Observer is one of the more unusual looking classic airplanes and comes with 33 sq. ft. of plexiglass and four opening windows. Dur足 ing EAA Oshkosh we had these four TS's (there's only ten to twelve flying!) in one spot, along with their own足 ers. Form left to right are: Irwin Reeb, David and Ray Fulwiler, John Neely, James and Alan Bendelius. (Right) Ray Johnson's Aeronca 11AC Chief is back in the skies after a rebuild with the help of his friends in EAA Chapter 304 in Jackson, MI. It's the Class II (0-80) hp Champion.
195's seem to bring out the best in many restorer/owners. This is the 195 belonging to John Preiss, College Station, TX. A high scoring Classic, it was the 1994 Reserve Grand Cham足 pion - Classic. Mike Horn's Piper J-3 took home the Best In Class trophy. Mike's from North Little Rock, AR. The Best In Class winner in the Cessna 170/180 category is this Cessna 180 belonging to Alan Drain and Steve Kleiner, Bozeman, MT. Norm Petersen happened upon the airplane during a visit in the west during this past spring.
(Above) The 1995 Classic judging corps足 From left to right, starting with the back row we have: Karen Stephenson, Clyde Bourgeois, Joan Steinberger, Jerry Gippner, John Swan足 der, Chairman George York, Frank Bass, John Womack, Paul Stephenson and Frank Moyna足 han. In the front row, Left to right: Jean LeMay, Kate Tiffany, Shy Smith, Larry Keitel and Kevin Pratt. The hat in front? Oh, that's Dean Richardson! (Left) Registered to Airknockers, Inc. of Wadsworth, IL, this is the Best In Class Aeronca Champ winner, a model 7BCM. 14 OCTOBER 1995
(Left) Leroy and Pat Geisert of Medford, NJ have been coming to the EAA Con足 vention for the past eighteen years in the same Cessna 180, a 1953 model.
(Below left) Mooney Mites are always of interest, and Ted Teach's Mite had lots of folks looking at it, based on the worn down grass around it. It was the winner of the Limited Production trophy.
(Below) Our Class III (151 and up) award winner for 1995, this is James Sayers very pretty Cessna 195. James is from Edison,OH.
(Left) Photographer Jim Koepnick caught this beautiful shot of an original Globe Swift belonging to Duane Gold足 ing of Marion, TX.
(Below) The Antique Classic Workshop tent has grown in popularity year after year, and features var ious aspects of antique/classic aircraft repairs and construction. AlC Workshop Chairman George Meade (right) works on cover足 ing a rudder with the Poly-Fiber process, while Co-Chairman Rich Fis足 chler works on an aileron.
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The Grand Champion Con temporary, a Cessna 150 built in 1958 and restored by Craig Roberts of Aurora, OR. This isn't just anyone-fifty, it's the first production 150 off the line at Wichita.
(Right and below) "Bonanzas to Oshkosh" is the remarkable mass fly-in organized by members of the American Bonanza Society. After their late afternoon arrival (when the first arrivals were touching down in Oshkosh, the last were coming up on the lIIinois/wisconsin border north of Rockford, IL!) the partici pants all got together for this big group shot.
(Above) Larry Van Dam of Riverside, CA was the winner of the Contemporary Class III (231 hp and up) award with his 1957 Beechcraft Bonanza.
(Above right) This year's Contemporary Judging crew consisted of (left to right) Art Anderson, Den nis Agin, Tim Greene, Becky Greene, Rick Duck worth and Co-Chairman Dan and Dick Knutson. (Right) The Best Bellanca trophy in the Contem porary class is this bright example flown to the the convention by owner Drew Peterson, Yelm, WA. 16 OCTOBER 1995
'95 Seaplane Fly-In A Record Turnout Creates an Even Bigger Splash with this year's Convention Attendees by
Norm Petersen
The camaraderie of the seaplane crowd was at an all-time high this year as the num ber of seaplanes swelled to 126 in attendance for the EAA Oshkosh '95 Seaplane Fly-In. The old mark of 115 seaplanes was set back in 1992. In addition to the large number and wide variety of seaplane types, the "best kept secret of Oshkosh " , namely, the serene and peaceful Vette Seaplane Base, has somehow become known to the multitudes. It has long been suspected that many pilots and "wish-to-be" pilots have a latent interest in flying off the water. Apparently the oppor tunity to visit the Vette Seaplane Base was the trigger, because they came in droves this year. From one "Seaplane Base Shuttle Bus" at the start of the convention, it was necessary to expand to four buses on the busy weekend to hand le the hu ge traffic flow. Nearly 16,000 excited folks rode the buses and the expanded Seaplane Base parking lot (180 cars) was full to the brim on several oc casions and overflowing on Saturday. Although there were many activities for the seaplane folks, the highlight of the week end was the Saturday Night Bratwurst a nd Watermelon Feed, a "bash" that was literally
(Top) This aerial photo of the Vette Seaplane Base by Mike Steineke shows 81 seaplanes in the anchorage and along the shore plus the newly enlarged parking area next to the woods. (Above) From way out in Quebec, Canada, comes this beautiful Piper PA-18 Su per Cub, registered C-FKTW, mounted on a set of Edo 89-2000 floats and flown by Gary Milot. The beautiful condition of this airplane earned it the Best Fabric Floatplane Award at Oshkosh '95. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17
(Left) Pulling in close for the camera is AI Nordgren's Grumman Widgeon, N69058, which ran off with all the marbles when it garnered the Grand Champion Seaplane "Lindy" trophy at EAA Oshkosh '95. (Below) Winner of the Best Amph ib ian Award plus the Antique Champion Trans port " Lindy" was th is immaculate Grum man G-21 Goose, N121GL, flown by Jerry and Betsye Holmes of Chattanooga, TN. Notice how photographer Jim Koepnick, has carefully caught both engines with one prop blade pointing down as Jerry power s up for takeoff with some right rudder to compensate for torque.
(Above) Taxiing away from the dock amid the looks of many watch i ng people is Aeronca Chief S-65-CA, N34401 , SIN C 14261 , mounted on a set of matching Edo 60- 1320 floats . This pretty antique was flown in by Alan Gray of Lake Anne, MI.
oversubscribed. With the huge crowd waiting in anticipation, the "Polka Pi lots" from St. James, MN, cut loose with their lively music played by Bob Ander son (accordion), Ken Stradtman (guitar) and Norm Petersen (accordion) with some really fine help from Mike Kolb (drums & button box) and Roger Go moll (tuba). The normal one hour serving time stretched to over two hours - when the food finally ran out with a few folks still waiting - and the band was almost out of gas! The evening program included a fine talk and slide show on the joys of fly-in fishing at Jack Mark 's Wilderness North Camps out of Armstrong , On tario, Canada. The lure of such places is e nough to turn any red-blooded f1oat 18 OCTOBER 1995
plane pilot into heading north at dawn tomorrow. Normal capacity of the Vette Seaplane Base is approximately 75 moorings, how ever, this year, as the stream of float planes kept arriving, the crews were busy setting out new mooring buoys as fast as they could put them together and place them in the water. (The volunteers in this exercise were absolutely "above and be yond" the normal call of duty and an ex treme debt of gratitude is owed to this valiant bunch of workers.) When t he shouting was over, some 86 buoys were in use and several f10atplanes were placed along the precious shoreline where park ing was at a premium. Every airplane had been properly taken care of when the sun slipped beneath the western sky and the overworked volunteers breathed a collec tive sigh of relief. The Vette Seaplane Base was literally stuffed with seaplanes. Over in the nearby Base camping grounds some eighty camp sites were full and the campers enjoyed a new surprise this year - genuine showers! Sure, they were portable showers brought in to work from a newly drilled well, but the treat was appreciated and brought smiles to the faces of the campers. The seaplane judges had their work cut out for them this year as the quality of workmanship in the restorations was con siderably above previous years efforts. Chairman Ric Henkel and his busy crew totaled the scores and came up with a
Grand Champion Seaplane Award for AI Nordgren, Troutdale, OR, and his immac ulate Grumman G-44 Widgeon, N69058, SIN 1291. The complete story on this 1944 amphibian and its total restoration was re lated in the August 1995, issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. After running off with the "Best Am phibian Award " at Sun ' n Fun '95, AI brought the pretty seaplane to Oshkosh for the " really big shew" and proceeded to garner the "Lindy" award for Grand Champion Seaplane at Oshkosh '95. AI reports the extra weight of the trophy didn't slow the airplane one bit on the way home. The award for the "Best Amp hibian " at Oshkosh '95 was taken home by Jerry and Betsye Holmes of Chattanooga, TN, with their magnificent Grumman Goose, N121GL, SIN B-49 . In addition , the Holmes ' earned a Champion "Lindy " award in the antique transport category with their pretty Grumman. This color ful twin-engine machine ran off with the Grand Champion Seaplane Award at Sun 'n Fun '95, so you can well imagine the caliber of the restoration. Although a few Grumman "Geese" have been converted to turbine engines , this particular exam ple is still powered with a pair of ex tremely clean Pratt & Whitney R-985 en gines of 450 hp. Built in 1944, the G-21 Goose served in the U. S. Navy before going to Hon duras. From there it returned to the U. S.
and Dean Franklin owned it for nearly twenty years. Chuck Greenhill of Kenosha, WI, spent considerable time and money on the old girl, bringing it up to a highly presentable condition when it was sold to the Holmes' in 1994 - just fifty years after it was built! Since then, it had been continually up graded with a new super-soundproofed interior, new instrument panels (including the co-pilot) and all new avionics. The in stallation of Beech King Air seats really added class to the passenger compart ment. These are mounted on special rails for easy removal if cargo is being carried. Jerry reports the Goose will indicate 130 kts at cruise, burning about 45 gph, while hauling a very respectable load. Normal gross weight is 9200 lbs. and the maximum number of people on board can be eight. Jerry earned his multi-engine seaplane rating in the Goose although he had been single-engine seaplane rated for a number of years. He and his lovely wife, Betsye, fly the Goose between Chat tanooga, TN, and Ft. Lauderdale, FL on a regular basis with 1995 marking their first trip to Oshkosh. Believe me when I say, "They hauled home the hardware!" Con gratulations to a fine couple on a splendid airplane. The Best Metal Floatplane award was garnered by a sharp looking 1954 Cessna 180, N20KK, SIN 31022, mounted on (an unusual) set of Edo 2425 floats and flown by veteran pilot , Karl Kerscher (EAA 223108) of Land '0 Lakes , WI. The Cessna was purchased in 1989 in Toma hawk, WI, with only 1650 hours total time on the airframe and 250 hours on its Con tinental 0-4701 engine of 230 hp. A new interior was first on the agenda followed by a new instrument panel with all the desired avionics. The entire air plane was painted with Imron and the new " N" number of N20KK (which Karl had reserved for a number of years) was painted on the sides of the fuselage. In addition , the 2425 floats , which are con sidered by many to be a bit small for the 180, were sent up to float g uru , Wiley Hautala, in Ely, Minnesota , for overhaul
and new bottoms. When they were fin ished up with a new coat of Edo silver paint, things were starting to look pretty good. Although the engine was low time, it needed help in the form of chrome jugs and 4-ring pistons to bring it up to top shelf quality. When everything was fin ished, the 180 was assembled and a really useful, lightweight, Cessna was at hand . Karl reports the airplane will get out of the water very quickly and haul up to four people if the fuel load isn't too large. Actual useful load is about 900 lbs. at 2750 gross. Normal cruise is 125 to 130 mph at 65% power setting which uses about 12.5 gph. Karl's latest addition is a set of Landes wheel/skis for the 180 so we can expect to see the pretty bird at the Wisconsin skiplane fly-ins also. Congratulations to Karl Kerscher, his wife, Chris and two sons, David and Christopher, who are all pilots and had a hand in bringing the Cessna up to cham pionship caliber. You have to admit it is one very pretty classic airplane - even on floats. There were no less than 35 floatplanes from Canada this year along with a sub stantial contingent of Canadian folks who just seem to brighten up each day at the seaplane base. They are totally unafraid of hard work when it comes to volunteer ing and their appreciation for water flying is endless. And to top it off, their sense of humor is outstanding, which makes every task a bit easier. One of these active sea plane pilots is Gary Milot (EAA 379877)
of Ste. Ane du Lac, Quebec, who flew in with his very nice Piper PA-18 Super Cub, C-FKTW, mounted on a set of Edo 89-2000 floats. The Super Cub was totally restored over a two year period by Gary and his friend, Pierre Lambert. New longerons were welded in along with new fittings and the entire airplane was cov ered in Ceconite and Randolph dope (13 coats). Other amenities included new sealed wing struts, Booster wingtips and six STC's. Featuring a white and dark blue paint scheme set off by silver floats, the Super Cub drew many attentive looks from the crowds and especially the judges. The fabric work on the airplane was quite outstanding and when added to the deluxe interior, scored very well. A near perfect set of floats, complete with dual water rudders, aided the cause and when the totals were added up, Gary Milot's pretty Piper Super Cub had earned the Best Fabric Seaplane Award at Oshkosh '95. Congratulations, Gary, and we look for ward to your return for another seaplane fly-in in Oshkosh. The large and fascinated crowds, the lagoon and creek full of seaplanes and the numerous improvements to the base all contributed to one of the finest and safest Oshkosh Splash-Ins in history. Every one of the many hard working volunteers, who put forth a maximum effort when it was needed, should hold your head high in recognition of a job well done. The four seaplane awards thi s year were won by two antiques, one classic and one contem porary airplane - a clean sweep for the ... Antique/Classic group!
(Above) Very pretty Aeronca Champ on Edo 1400 floats from Canada is regis tered CF-PRC and was flown to Oshkosh by Dave Coburn (EAA 492339) of Brae side, Ontario. (Right) The Best Metal Floatplane Award at Oshkosh '95 was garnered by this 1954 Cessna 180, N20KK, mounted on a set of Edo 2425 floats and flown by Karl Ker scher of Land '0 Lakes, Wisconsin. You can readily see the much admired flat tops on the 2425's.
John O. Maxfield, Orlo Maxfield's son. He grew up with his father's Funk, and received his first official flying lessons in it. 20 OCTOBER 1995
Orlo Maxfield has been around the fly ing business for a long time, plenty long enough to know aeronautical "hooey" when he sees it. Like the rest of life, he's seen the promises made versus promise kept ledger, and knows the balance does not always swing to the positive side. But when he first flew a Funk in 1942, he found a set of promises that were being kept. Here was an airplane that seemed to be able to live up to its billing, and was able to serve his aeronautical needs in every way. How satisfied has he been with the Funk airplane? Well, except for a period of time while he was in the U.S. Army Air Corps serving as a crew chief on a C-47, and a time when he simply didn't fly, he's almost always had a Funk to fly. Orlo's first Funk, SIN 29, was one of the earliest airplanes built by the twin brothers Funk in Akron , OH. Powered by the water-cooled inline four-cylinder powerplant derived from the Ford model B engine, which was designated the Funk
Model B in deference to the extensive changes made by the brothers to the basic engine, Orlo's Funk was flown by him un til he entered the service. The Akron Aircraft Company had been busy making airplanes since produc tion started in 1939. As originally built, the engine required a bit more mainte nance than a "regular" aero engine. Sales began to slack off a bit. The Funk broth ers decided to equip the airplane with a 75 hp Lycoming GO-145 engine. But times were still tough in 1939, and when a slow down in production flow caused a cash crunch , a single debtor who was owed twenty-eight dollars filed suit, forcing the Akron Aircraft Co. into bankruptcy. By mid-summer 1941, the Funks had been able to hook up with the Jensen brothers of Coffeyville , TX , who were able to purchase the defunct company. Production resumed again, once more with the Lycoming engine. The coming World War would put an
(Above) The Funk brothers paid atten tion to little details when designing their airplane, including fairings for the aileron actuating rods. In many of these photos you can also see how the landing gear was faired using an extension of the boot cowl. (Far right) The low profile of the GPS an tenna is evident in this view, along with the broadband comm antenna and a ro tating beacon.
(Left) The cockpit of the Funk is another indication of the Funk brothers' ingenu ity. Sunken floor boards and a slanted sub-panel add to the legroom for the pi lot and passenger. Orlo has added a short radio stack consisting of a Ben dix/King KLX 175 GPS/Comm, and a transponder. The interior upholstery is not new to this restoration - even though it looks new, it was actually made for Orlo in the early 1960's!
abrupt end to the small airplane manufac turing business, and the Funks again had to scramble to finish work for the Funk Aircraft Company to do. They were able to procure a commitment to produce un der contract wing center sections for the Beech AT-lO. After the war, production was again resumed, this time with the Continental C-85-12 engine. For $3,695 you could flyaway with your new Funk in 1946, but as the bottom fell out of the pri vate plane market, the brothers found themselves scrambling again for a line of work. Fortunately, Joe Funk (who was 30 minutes older than his twin brother) had been working on a geared power take-off for a Ford farm tractor, and when the last airplane rolled down the Coffeyville pro duction line in April of 1948, they never produced another airplane on a produc tion line basis. (One more Funk, SIN 439, was built from leftover parts, according to G. Dale Beach, author of "It's a Funk," a book detailing the life and times of
Howard and Joe Funk. It was published by Sunshine House.) After Orlo sold his first Funk he didn't fly for another 15 years, until he took a ride with a friend in a Cessna 170 on a pretty Sunday morning. The doughnuts were good , and the ride rekindled his love for aviation . He started looking for a '51 Cessna when he ran across a '47 Funk B-85C at Detroit Metropolitan air port. Owned by a fellow Ford employee, he rented the airplane for a time and tried to buy it. It needed fabric and an engine overhaul. Orlo and the owner dickered over the course of a year and never could come to an agreement on a price. But the tug of the Funk of Orlo was strong, and when he heard that the Funk brothers had one last airplane to sell, he sent them a note. The word came back that a deposit had been made by someone else, but then, just in the nick of time, the Funks told Orlo that the man had backed out of the commitment. The
Funk was his! It was SIN 438, a B-85C. They wanted $2,250. He said $2,000 and a deal was struck for $2,200. Since he was on heavy overtime at the Ford plant, it was a bit of time before he could take a few days off and fly his "new" airplane home, in October of 1958. He flew his treasure for as long as he could, going to the EAA Convention dur ing the 1960's in Rockford, IL, but the day came when the bills for putting seven chil dren through college came due, and the fabric ran out, and well, I'm sure many of us can fill out the next line. Orlo put the airplane in storage in his garage in the late 1970's, looking forward to the day when he could get it going again. There was no serious thought given to selling the airplane , and finally, in the early 1990's, Orlo could see his way to get ting the project fired up. Stripping the airframe didn't reveal anything unusual. When he first bought the airplane in 1958, a lot of wheat kernels VINTAGE AIRPLANE 21
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The Funk designed tailwheel has a handy feature that allows the tailwheel to be disconnected from the rudder, allowing easy ground handling without having to fuss with a spring-loaded detent in a full-swivel tailwheel. It's shown in the disconnected mode.
were found in the belly. It apparently had been flown into a lot of fields with tall grass and wheat, no big surprise consider ing where it was based! But after so many years of servicing his airplane, he knew it pretty well, and had kept on top of its up keep. None of the triangular fuselage frame showed any rust , and nothing needed to be cut out and replaced. The wood in the fuselage was not too bad, ex cept for the lower stringers, which needed replacing. The cockpit of the Funk B-85 was well ahead of its time for a light two-place air 22 OCTOBER 1995
plane, according to Orlo. Since the air plane is powered with the Continental C 85-12 engine, there's electrical power to run a starter and other electrics. The air plane came equipped with a backlit instru ment panel, along with a dome cabin light. Sunken floorboards added to the comfort level of the pilot and passenger by increas ing the footroom. Other details outside of the airplane also added to the total of thoughtful features. On the leading edge of the stabilizers, mounted close to the fuselage, are han dles for moving the airplane. Their place
ment on the stabilizer instead of the lower longeron on the fuselage means that a pilot doesn't have to stoop as low to maneuver the airplane into the hangar or a parking spot. The tail wheel design is also unique to the airplane. A hydrauli cally dampened steerable tailwheel is used, with a novel disconnect feature that allows the tailwheel to swivel during ground handling. Simply pull a spring loaded pin installed in a U-bracket on the rudder that captures a welded steel yoke mounted on the tailwheel , and you can shove the airplane in any direction. When re -engaged, the tailwheel was steerable by the rudder. Instead of a separate trim tab cap tured on the elevator to effect longitudi nal trim, the Funk features a second set of cables that run to the elevator horns. The cable is spring loaded and moved with a crank and pulley in the cockpit overhead. Cranking the cable around the pulley would move the entire eleva tor, resulting in less drag when setting the trim. The instrument panel in Orlo 's air plane is original, and has nothing added.
Some Funks have had a radio added above the panel, since the fuel tank pre cludes installing it in the panel. Some re storers have gone to the trouble of re working the tank and cutting down the fuel capacity so a radio could be installed, but Orlo's installation of a Bendix/King KLX 175 GPS/Comm and a transponder is neatly placed between the pilot's legs, and a pair of headsets and push-to-talk switches completes the avionics. The first installation in this configuration by Orlo was way back in the 1960's, and had a King KX 150B. Since Orlo and his son John like to fly in the Detroit area, both new radios are a must, since the Funk came factory equipped with an electrical system. An eye catching part of the interior in stallation is the seat upholstery. Amaz ingly, what you see when you first look in side is not new - it's the fabric used in the 1964 Ford Crestliner. One of his friends worked in the prototype shop at Ford and ran a small upholstery shop out of his garage as a sideline. After buying his Funk and flying it for a few years, Orlo had him make up a new interior for his
airplane, and it's been with the airplane ever since, and hardly shows any wear at all. It was simply cleaned up and re-in stalled during restoration. Thoughout the restoration, Orlo's son John and his grandson Scott both worked on the project. For John, restoring an air plane that he literally grew up with was a fun experience. He was featured at the age of nine in the Detroit News when he took his first official flying lesson in the Maxfield family Funk . The Funk was even used by the family for a Christmas card, complete with a wreath on the pitot tube. Jim Weymouth of Westland , MI was picked by Orlo to help finish up the pro ject, working primarily on the fuselage. Bruce Panszl , Onsted, MI, a past War birds Gold Wrench award winner did much of the work in the wings and tail sur faces. The covering is Stits (now Poly Fiber) and all of the fabric is finished with Aerothane, but the metal parts are fin ished in Dupont Imron. A very good color match was made between the two differ ent paints, and the Maxfields hope that the colors age gracefully together.
The original wheel pants were retained, and since Orlo really didn't want to mod ify the pants to accommodate a Cleveland wheel conversion , so he carefully re worked the original Goodyear brakes, and he is satisfied they are reliable and quiet. To help prevent the problem of a jammed or loose disc, he had a new set of slightly oversize clips made to secure the brake discs in place. By making sure the disc stays in place, few problems are encoun tered. By 1993 , Orlo and his Funk were ready to fly together again. A trip from Michigan to EAA OSHKOSH '95 was made along with a companion Cessna 195. The Maxfield family Funk gave them a wonderful surprise - it was se lected as the Reserve Grand Champion Classic. With over 200 of the approxi mately 343 Funks built still flying, Orlo Maxfield's Funk can proudly serve as a reminder of how a couple of tenacious twin boys from Akron, OH were able to create and produce a durable and safe to fly light airplane, one that endures today as a useful private airplane, just as it was .. designed over 50 years ago. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 23
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by Norm Petersen Wisconsin winters while Peter flew the pretty two-placer all over the Midwest. In 1991 , he moved the family to Brooksville, FL, flying the 1300 mile trip without difficulty. Since then, the Luscombe has been repainted and the engine ma jored. The wind driven generator, which worked well for many years , has given up the ghost, so a new system is being considered. Peter has en joyed over 550 hours of flying in the airplane and often takes the family dog, Katy, along as co-pilot. After 40 years as a music teacher, Peter is now a CFI at Aerotel in Brooksville and enjoying every moment.
Peter Ayer's Luscombe SA These photos of Luscombe 8A, NC77859, SIN 3586, were set in by owner Peter Ayers (EAA 443647, A/C 21191) of Brooksville, FL. Built in August , 1946, the Luscombe was one month old when Peter took his very first flight lesson in a 1-3 Cub at San Antonio, TX. On August 24, 1977, the pur chase of the Luscombe was completed and Peter flew it from Sioux Falls, SO , to his home in West Bend, WI, in 4-1/2 hours flying time. For thirteen years , the Luscombe braved the
David & Laura Reeve's Seabee Project This interesting photo of a Republic Seabee project, N6102K, SIN 285, was sent in by David Reeve (seated on the gear) (EAA 489411) of Lawrenceburg, IN. He and his wife , Laura , purchased the project in May 1994. The fuselage was stored in a yard near Lake Washington (see photo), the engine in a hangar in Arlington, WA, and the remain ing components (wings, tail, prop, floats, etc.) in an apartment in downtown Seattle, WA! Built in 1947, this Seabee saw service in Alaska , Tex as, the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia. It was disassembled in 1982 for conversion to a Super Seabee, how ever, the owner had to abandon the project for health reasons and thankfully stored the project under cover until the Reeves pur chased it in 1994. It is bei ng tota ll y restored by WE Aerotech in Shelton, WA. Mods will include a Lycoming IGO-480 engine of 295 hp, ex tended wings, heater, new instrument panel , Cleveland brakes, heated pitot, keel replace ment and more. Most are Simufl ight STC's. The toughest job, acco rdi ng to David, is deciding on a paint scheme. They hope to be a irb o rn e in the fa ll of 1996 and have promised to send a photo of the completed project. 24 OCTOBER 1995
Navion from Argentina This photo of a 1946 Ryan Navion, Ar gentine registered LV-RXT, SIN 4058-D, was sent in by owner, Vitus Braig (EAA 500699) of Trevlin, Argentina. Vitus re ports the Navion was restored in 1991 and sports a Continental E-185-3 engine of 225 hp. The Navion appears to be pretty much stock and has an aux. fuel tank aft of the rear seat. Notice the beautiful snow covered mountains in the back ground of the picture. Argentina is home to AntiquelClassic Chapter 12, the only country outside of the U .S . to have its own A IC chapter.
James Alston's Luscombe BAlE This very pretty photo of Luscombe, NC2223K, SIN 4950, was sent in by owner James Alston of Plymouth , Mass. James reports the sharp looking airplane was restored over a period of six (long) years and required approximately 1281 hours of diligent labor. It was completed in August 1994. Af ter long consideration, Jim decided to convert the Luscombe 8A to the 8E configuration with the installation of two 12.5 gallon wing tanks instead of the 14 gallon fuselage tank and up front, a majored C85 Continental engine replaced the old C 65. Nice to see the 8E deck windows installed along with the wooden Sensenich prop. James wanted to add his thanks to David Thissel and the crew at Northeast Aircraft Mainte nance for assisting in the rebuild of the pretty Silvaire.
ton on the left stick. Aux . wing tanks increase the usable fuel to 48 gallons for a max. five-hour range. A bubble canopy and an electric trim system, all designed by Jack Nagle, have been added. Homer reports the aircraft is an absolute delight to fly and cruises at 148 kts at 25-square with its pseudo mili ... tary paint scheme and shark's mouth nose.
Homer Ellis' fancy Globe Swift This photo of a modified 1946 Globe Swift, N78104, SIN 2104, was sent in by Homer Ellis (EAA 53688, AIC 21270) of Ft. Smith, AR. He reports the airplane was totally re built at the Swift Works, Athens, TN, by Vaughn Arm strong during the period of November 1993 through May 1994. The new powerplant is a 210 hp Continental 10-360 pulling a constant-speed controllable prop. Other mods in clude control sticks , new instrument panel with a King Bendix KLX 135 Comm-GPS, new upholstery and Cessna 150 seats. A smoke generator is operated by a control but-
Working on a project of your own? Send your photos along with a short story on your airplane to: Attn: H.G. Frautschy
EAA Headquarters
P.O. Box 3086
PASSd ~BUCK by Buck Hilbert EAA #21 Ale #5 P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180
As most of you are aware, 01 ' " Bucky" is part of the Aviation Rules Advisory Committee (ARAC) a group tasked to rewrite the parts of the FARs that pertain to owner/oper ator (read pilot) maintenance respon sibilities. This ha s been a real e ducational experie nce for me . As Nick Rezich used to say, " Believe you me, you can't BUY experience like this! " I've been around these "wind wag ons" all my life and I've learned more abo ut the ways and whys in the past several months than I ever realized were important.
Do You Understand The Rules of Aviation? Here's the Unofficial Condensed Version! First off, who's responsible? All us have certain aircraft maintenance responsibilities. It's a cooperative ef fort on the part of all of us, manufac turer, owner, pilot, mechanic, techni cian, operator and repair stations. We all have a hand in it! The first thing, and probably the most impor tant thing, is to get into the reg ula tions a nd find out what they are a ll about. It gets a little complicated be cause there are portions of FAR's 1, 21,39,43,65,91 and 145, and even 25, that dovetail and compliment one anot her. FAR 1 is definition s. They id en tify words lik e person , operation, maintenance and preventive mainte nance. They don 't point any fingers; they just spell out what the words mean. 26 OCTOBER 1995
Part 21 gets into Certification of Aircraft, accessories, components and parts, if you please. Part 39 deals with Airworthiness Directives. These are VERY impor tant because they directly affect the ai rworthiness of your ai rplane, its en gine and its accessories. Part 43 now is the hands on wrench ing, knuckle busting or whatever you want to call maintenance, rebuilding and alteration. It tells the what and why and who needs to be certified and spells out his territory. This one also has Appendix" A" which spells out what the pilot/owner can do to his ma chine. There are also references to the owner/pilot working on his ma chine under supervision. Also in the many paragraphs of 43 are guidelines for Repair Stations, 100 hour and an nual inspections, large air carrier and commercial operator maintenance. Part 65, on the other hand, covers the privileges and limitations of the mechanic or technician . It's pretty specific on what he can and cannot do. Part 91, now, is for the owner/oper ator/pilot and gets into aircraft record keeping, responsibilities for the air worthiness of the airplane, and gener ally lays it a ll out as to how those records are to be kept and transferred with the airplane if it 's so ld or trans ferred to another category, ie ., Re stricted or Experimental. Part 145 comes into play with Re pair Stations, their certification, In spectors, Technicians and all their as sociated paperwork. Should I get into specifics ? Or should I let yo u go out and get copies of the FARs and try to interpret them? Tell you what, I'll hit some of the high spots. Let's start with a definition of air worthiness. Part 21 defines what a Type Certificate is, how to get it and
how to maintain it. This includes STCs which are altera tions to the original type certificate. There are also refer ences that it must be in condition for safe operation. Jump to Part 91.401 which states that U. S. registered aircraft must be maintained within and out of the U. S., and 91.403 then places the responsibil ity for maintaining the aircraft directly onto the owner or operator, includ ing compliance with Airworthi ness Directives (ADs). Part 43. Now we get into the Main tenance, Preventive Maintenance, Re building and Alteration. 43.1 Applicable to ALL certified aircraft except EXPERIMENTAL aircraft that have been issued any other kind of certificate. 43.3 notes the persons authorized and the work they are authorized to perform. It also refers to Appendix "A " and its preventive maintenance items. 43.3(b) & (c) refers to certified me chanics and repairmen and what specifically they can do . FAR 65 comes in here to specify what their privileges and limitations are. 43.3( d) covers persons working un der the supervision of a certified me chanic or repairman. (You get to do your own except that 100 hour and an nual inspections must be performed by authorized persons!) 43 .3(e), (f) concerns Repair Sta tions , Air Carrier and Commercial Operators. 43.3(g). Pilot may perform preven tive maintenance on aircraft owned or operated by him, not used in air taxi service. 43.15(c)(1) is a check list covering the annual and/or 100 hour inspections and refers to Appendix "D." 43.16 says you do the inspection or maintenance in accordance with the Manufacturers Maintenance Manual. FAR 91.403(c) then designates that "airworthiness limitations" must be compiled with. The two references are tied together. 43.13 (a) and (b) states you must use FAA acceptable methods , tech niques and practices, use the proper tools and any special test equipment or equivalent as recommended by the manufacturer, a nd that all of the above is to be in an acceptable man ner to the FAA with materials of such quality that the condition of the air craft is equal to its original or prop erly altered (read STCs and ADs) condition . A word of caution here: don't EVER use the words equal to or BEITER in a log entry. BEITER is a RED FLAG and an automatic down because if you make it BET TER , you must have altered it in
some way from standard or what it was. Now we go to Part 91 , Sub Part E which pertains to applicability, responsi ble persons, programs, record keeping and transfer of those records, operation after maintenance, rebuilding or alter ation, and how to do the inspections. There is a ton of information in this part, but basically all we can do is what is in Appendix "A," or what we do under the DIRECT supervision of an A&P if we are not licensed and are the owner or operator. 91.9 tells us we must comply with the operations limitations, and then 91.9(b) tells you where they come from, either the manufacturer, the Aircraft Flight Manual, approved markings, placards or any combination of all of these. And now we come to the AC system or Advisory Circulars. The FAA issues Advisory Circulars to inform the aviation public in a sys tematic way of nonregulatory material of interest. Read it again! NONREGU LATORY unless incorporated into a regulation by reference. The contents are NOT binding on the public unless they incorporate a regulation. Hey, I al ready like them! They are GUIDE LINES and spell out what we can and
Mystery Airplane (Continued from page8) "As I recall, when Argonaut went 'belly-up: everything was sold to White Aircraft (somewhere in New England) where it was again reproduced as the 'White Gull.' They too went under and as far as I know, the design concept con tinued to be sold to various firms ." Designed by Howard Heindell, the Pirate was of all wood construc tion, including the plywood covered fuselage which was finished off with a covering of doped fabric. The first version of the Pirate was the H-20 . There were a number of differences between the first and second models the first had a really ugly box, (look ing much like the crate the engine was shipped in!) mounted directly atop the fuselage, in which was mounted a Menasco C-4 swinging a short four-bladed prop. Upper and lower wing bracing wires were used, along with squared off, wire braced tail surfaces. The later model H-24,
should do. They are in plain English and are sort of official FAA policy. That pretty well covers what we have to know as pilots and owners to stay le gal. There is a lot of other meat in these regulations and I could go on all day with whereas and "whyfores," but what I 'd like to tell you about is the current thinking of your ARAC Committee and what we are proposing to the FAA through the entire committee. The committee is comprised of repre sentatives from just about every facet of aviation: the parts manufacturers, avion ics manufacturers, aircraft manufactur ers, DOT and FAA people from the United States and Canada, the Interna tional Association of Machinists, the Professional Aviation Maintenance As sociation, the alphabet groups (EAA, AOPA, GAMA, NPA, etc.), as well as the public. Hey! They all have some thing at stake here, work ethics , rules , professional standards and, believe it or not, an underlying "LOVE" of aviation. The general consensus of your repre sentatives, me and Charlie Schuck, is this: the regulations have stood the test of time. They were first written and ac cepted back in 1938. Since that time they have been massaged, altered and
made to fit as change took place. Char lie and I can find very little actually WRONG about them. The people who went to school or learned their trades as "on the job trainees," even the military and the peo ple working with them on a daily basis, have used these same rules as the norm since their inception. To kick them out and start with a clean slate would be mayhem . Charlie and I don 't see a need to change just for the sake of change. We feel it's in YOUR best interest to keep what we have . We ' re suggesting some changes in definitions and lan guage clarifications, including the sug gestions we've gotten from our members at the listening sessions: elimination and replacement of Appendix "A" with an Advisory Circular covering the same subject in a looser, more easily revised, format. We've kicked this around, rewritten our rewrites, and come full circle to the realization that this recommendation is in the best interest of the pilot/owner. Comments, please! Over to you for now,
seen in the photos and drawings in this issue, had a pair of inverted Vee struts with jury struts and a more rounded set of tail surfaces. The en gine was mounted higher above the fuselage on a set of struts, enabling the Menasco to swing a two-blade prop in air that was a bit less dis turbed than on the H-20's installa tion. Weighing in with a chunky empty weight of 1600 lbs., and a gross of 2250 lbs., the Argonaut Pirate had 200 square feet of wing to lift off the ground on 125 hp. Most likely, the term "sprightly" would not come to mind when describing the perfor mance of the Pirate, but its basic form may have inspired a few amphibious aircraft designers throughout the years. The three-views published with this month's answer are courtesy An drew C. Anson, publisher of the "AeroPlans" series of books and "AirWars ," a journal covering the military and civilian aircraft of avia tion's golden age. Each issue of " Air Wars" is filled with articles and plans (both model and historical) covering this time period. "AeroPlans" is sim ilar, with a stronger emphasis on pro viding documentation and plans to the modeler. For example, the issue that contains the Argonaut Pirate plans and three-view also features a
Peanut scale model plan and three view of the Elias EC-1 Air Taxi, as well as a model plan of the Blohm & Voss P-204 Fighter/Dive bomber. Also included are drawings of the 1946 Piper Skycycle, 5 different vari ants of the 1-16, the 1913 Sopwith Tabloid, RWD-15 Euro-Tourer, and an in-depth article on building 1196 (!) scale hardwood solid models. There are 29 editions of "Air Wars," with the first 6 sold out. Each "AirWars" costs $6, plus 1.85 for shipping. "AeroPlans" has 6 editions published so far, with No.7 on the way. Each is priced at 10.95, plus $2 shipping. For more information, in cluding full descriptions of each edi tion, send a self addressed, stamped business size envelope to AERO PLANS, 8931 Kittyhawk Av., Los Angeles, CA 90045. Tell them you read about it here in Vintage Air plane. Our thanks to A.C. Anson for his kind permission to reproduce the Pirate three-view. More information regarding the Argonaut Pirate can be fouJ)d in Joseph Juptner's U.S. Civil Aircraft, Vol. 7, page 170. Other answers were received from Lynn Towns , Brooklyn , MI; M. H . "Marty" Eisenmann, Alta Lorna, CA; Richard Byron, Orchard Park, NY; Charley M. Hayes, New Lenox, IL and Ralph Nortell, Spokane, W A. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 27
William P. Miller Tallahassee, FL Jeffrey S. Mitchell Farmington, ME Sterling Mocke Doorenpoort, South Africa Christopher Monday Lakewood, CA Dwayne L. Mood Portland, OR Frederick Mullins Sinking Spring, PA Patrick M. Murphy Round Rock, TX Douglas A. Nealey Barrington, IL Leonard E. Nelson Potter, NE Douglas M. Nichols LaGrange,OH Arthur E. O'Connor Bristow, OK Keith O'Dell North Wilkesboro, NC Carol Osborne Santa Clara, CA Richard B. Parker Costa Mesa, CA John C. Parsons San Antonio , TX Fred W. Patterson 1Il Mill Valley, CA W. H. Pelcher Innesdale, South Africa David Petersen Marrietta, GA A. M. Pharris San Diego, CA Robert L. Phelps Williamsburg, V A Gary Proctor W Jordan, UT E. E. Psaroudakis Westminster Park, Ireland Robert L. Ray Indianapolis, IN Scott Riggs Rochester, NY Bruce D. Riter Los Altos, CA Roger D. Ritter Austin, TX Jay Rodgers Flowermound, TX Clint Rodningen Grand Forks, NO William M. Roecker Kirkland , IL Roger Lori Roghrud Portage, WI Hampshire , IL Steve L. Runge Lockport , IL G. Gerald Schiera Gregory M. Schildberg Casey, IA James Dean Schrock Corvallis, OR Raymond A. Sheridan Harrisburg,OH Charles Siekman Appleton , WI Peter J. Silfven Dearborn, MI Lakeville, MN Michael E. Skinner Anchorage, KY Charles G. Smith MD Seal Beach, CA David S. Smith Larry D. Smith Sandyville, WV William B. Smith Long Beach, CA Bradley C. Smitheram EI Paso, IL Tim O. Snow Woodlands, TX Douglas Sockwell Lewisville, TX John A. Spalding New Carrollton, MD Fred Stewart Palatine, IL Vernard L. Stoops Santa Cruz, CA Christopher Danie l Sullivan West Jordan , UT James M. Sweet Eagan, MN David G. Sword La Luz, NM Ronald E. Tarrson Chicago,IL William M. Taylor Corvallis, OR Lawrence L. Thurow Monticello, IL John W. Tomlinson Freehold, NJ Tom Travis Dallas, TX Archie J. Turnbull Durango, CO Gerard Turrel-Moutin Saint Lucien, France Masayoshi Umino Torrance, CA Brian Uncles Salt Spring Island, Canada James Vasco Kirkwood, PA Ed Veach Blue Springs, MO Dan Volin Barrington Hills , IL Todd R. Wahl Buffalo Grove, IL David W. Walter Hartland, WI Charles L. Walthall Laurel, MD Tom B. Washburn Bedford, TX Michael D. Waymire Kalamazoo, MI Trevor 1. White Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand Donald E. Wilcox Cincinnati, OH William E. Wilder Fairhope, AL Alan Williams Bossier City, LA Ernie Worthley Chaska, MN Michael D. Wray Chicago, IL Raymond Yoakum Alexandria, LA John L. Zimmer St Petersburg, FL
New Members
Stoddard, WI Phil D. Aaker Mary H. Abel Holmen , WI Normal , IL OoiAkio Peter Allegretti Lake Geneva, WI Medford, MN Richard T. Anderson Nibel E. Arnot Glenbrook, Australia James H. Bailey Elkton, SO Michael E. Bakalars LaCrosse, WI Denver, CO Joye Baker James W. Bannerman D aytona Beach, FL Lawrence Bartell Waukesha , WI Peter Bennedsen Felding, Denmark Rochester, MN Christopher A. Bennick John B. Berens Webster City, IA M. Bevan Drumcondra, S. Ireland Wayne Beyer Chandler, AZ Michael S. Bohlander San Mateo, CA Michael D. Brasfield Memphis, TN Gordon W. Breuer Seattle, WA Gregory P. Bryham Manurewa, Auckland, New Zealand Daniel Burch Maplewood, MN Versailles,OH Del W. Burnett Robert E. Bush Maryville, MO Matthew P. Bushman Palatine, IL Shelton Cason Chatanooga, TN Jeff Coeur Whitefish Bay, WI Bolivar,OH Ronald E. Company Michael Cooper Dixon, CA Virgil E. Coryell Lexington , NE Gene F. Credell Kennebunk , ME Dennis A. Crenshaw Columbus, OH Andre Crucifix Laverriere, France Libertyville, IL Jim Danehy Walter Davis Hanover, MD Joseph O. Delage, Jr. Pelham, AL John R. Denlinger Pasorobles, CA Ross F. Duncan Auckland, New Zealand William M. Dyrstad Elgin, IL Masaru Eguchi Chicago, IL Mahomet, IL Denny G. Elimon Eau Claire, WI Stephen H. Erickson Carl G. Estler Katy, TX Joseph V. Farina Amsterdam, NY Lynton James Forster Brooklands, Australia A. Paul Fries Buffalo Grove, IL Metamora , MI Patrick H. Geyer James Giltzow Pinehurst, NC George G. Glenn Westford, MA Shelby Goodman Splendora, TX Gregory T Gorecki Fort Washington , MD Richard A. Grant Manchester, NH Bud Gray Visalia, CA 28 OCTOBER 1995
Carroll F. Gray Los Angeles , CA Albert L. Grell Tangent, OR Jack H. Hamilton Dallas, TX Ralph E. Hammond Byron Center, MI Russ Hammond La Jolla , CA Philip W. Harbaugh Arcanum , OH Thomas H. Harris Granbury, TX Gary D. Hart Wellsville, KS Vernon L. Hatch Kerrville , TX
Lansing, MI
Ronald C. Hayhoe Sycamore, IL
Daniel W. Helsper Stella, NC James W. Henderson Brian J. Herreman Elk hart, IN Ray H. Herrick Foster City, CA San Diego, CA Paul A. Himmelberger Walter Hinkson Crown Point, NY Drew A. Hoffman Churubusco, IN Mark Holbein Freeport, P A Iowa Park, TX John Hooker Charles Houghton Roanoke, VA Bart Hunt Kent, WA Highland Park, IL Michael H. Jacker Elbert V. James Emmett, ID Terry L. Jettenberg Anchorage, AK Mark G. Karl Bethel Park, P A Mark O. Kearns Placerville, CA Clay O. Keen Albuquerque, NM David P. Kelley Mayfield, KS Grady P. Kiehn Houston, TX Wesley E. Knettle, Jr. Eau Claire, WI Tanner D. Knox Hahira, GA Ronald E. Knudsen Crystal Lake, IL Ham Lake, MN Victor S. Kokx Warren H. Krause Tucson , AZ Gregory B. Kuhn Zanesville,OH Michael S. Lafranz Elburn , IL North Brunswick, NJ Eric Langman Berwyn,IL Michael Lardino Wayne E. Lasek Milwaukee, WI Thomas M. Leaver London , England Pearce, Australia William F. Leslie James F. Loop Wichita, KS Michael Lord Ottawa, Ontario,Canada Gary J. Lovan Memphis, TN Donald E . Lupei Yorkville, IL Sam A. Lyons Kennesaw , GA Eric March Clemmons, NC Gary E. Maricle Sun City, AZ Lee Maxson Chandler, AZ David L. McCarty Bend, OR Charles McLeod Ocala, FL Paul L. Mercandetti Centerville, MA
Albert Merschdorf East Troy, WI
Calendar Thefollowillg list of comillg events isfumished to our readers as a matter of illformatioll ollly alld does 1I0t cOllstitute approval, SPOII sorship, illvolvemellt, cOlltrol or directioll of allY evelll (jIy-ill, semillars, fly market, etc.) listed. Please selld the illformatioll to EAA, All: Golda Cox, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Illformatioll should be receivedfour mOlllhs prior to the evellt date. OCT. 12-15 - Phoenix , AZ - Williams Gateway airport. Luscombe Foundation Southwest gathering. For info , call the Luscombe Foundation at 602/917-0969. OCT. 12-15 - MESA , AZ - 24th Annual Copperstate Regional Fly-In. Call 800/283 6372 for info pack, or if you wish to commer cially exhibit , call 5201747-1413. OCT. 14 - OSHKOSH , WI - EAA Chapter 252 Steve Wittman Memorial Fly-In. 414/426 3481. OCT. 14-15 - SUSSEX, NJ - Quad-Chapter Fly-In , Flylflea-market sponsored by A IC Ch apter 7, EAA Chapte rs 238, 73 and 891. For info, call Herb Daniel, 2011875-9359 or Paul Styger (Sussex airport) 2011702-9719. OCT. 20-22 - KERRVILLE, TX - Southwest Regional Fly-In. 915/651-7882. OCTOBER 21-22 - TULSA, OK - Alexander
NOVEMBER 11-12 - Griffin, GA - Alexan der Aeroplane Co. Builders' Workshops. For info call 1-800/231-2949. FEB RUARY 10, 1996 - MERRITT ISLAND, FL - Merritt Island airport. Aviation Day '96, sponsored by Alpha Eta Rho , Sigma Alpha chapter, Florida Institute of Technology. Air craft rides and tours with F.1.T.'s NIFA preci sion flight team , the Falcons, as well as land ing and bomb drop comp e titions. C a ll 407/242-4949 for more info. APR IL 14-20 - LAKELAND, FL - 22nd An nual Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In and Convention.
Aeroplane Co. Builders' Workshops. For info call 1-800/231-2949. OCT. 27-29 - TUCON, AZ - Flying Treasure Hunt. 520/889-9411. NOV. 4-5 LAKELAND , FL Wings 'n Things '95. 813/251 -1820. NOVEMBER 4-5 - DAYTONA BEACH, FL - Daytona Skyfest, featuring the USAF Thun derbirds, Shockwave Jet Truck the largest dis play of current military aircraft in the south east. This will also be the last performance of the Eagles Aerobatic team - after this, they' re retired! For info, call 1-800/854-1234 NOVEMBER 4-5 - TULSA, OK - Alexander Aeroplane Co. Builders' Workshops. For info call 1-800/231-2949. NOVEMBER 4-5 - FULLERTON, CA - Air craft Spruce Avionics Seminar. For info call
813/644-2431. AUGUST 1-7 - OSHKOSH, WI - 44th An nual EAA Fly-In and Sport Aviation Conven tion. Wittman Regional Airport. Contact John Burton, EAA, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. 414/426-4800.
1-800/824-1930. ~
Statement of Ownership.
Management and
Circulation (ReQUlftN by
39 u.s.c. 3 685/ 9/25/95
$27 . 00
12 times per yell!:"
P.O . Box )086, Oshkosh,
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Box )086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086
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Golda G.
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WI 54903-3086
Box ]086, Os hk osh, WI 5490)-)086
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P . O. Box 3086, Oshkosh , WI 5490]-3086
TEl: 201-825-1400 FAX: 201 -825-1962 I.
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"Se=-p--:-t=9th;-;&:-::1=Ot;-h:' Oshkosh WI Oct 21st & 22nd: Tulsa OK
Two hands-on days of theory and practice. Introductory Course - $149. Excellent overview of designs, materials, & basic skills. Nf;k!~~n~ ~t
Intermediate Courses - $199 each. Nov 11th & 12th:
Fabric Covering: Cover an actual wing. Griffin GA
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EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $35 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is available for an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $20 annually. AIl major credit cards accepted for membership.
Something to buy, sell or trade? An inexpensive ad in the Vintage Trader may be just the answer to obtaining that elusive part. .40¢ per word, $6.00 minimum Current EAA members may join the Antique/ charge. Send your ad and payment to: Vintage Trader, fAA Aviation Center, P.O. Classic Division and receive VINTAGE AIR Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, or fax your ad and your VISA or MasterCard PLANE magazine for an additional $27 per year. number to 414/426-4828. Ads must be received by the 20th of the month for EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE mag insertion in the issue the second month following (e.g., October 20th for the azine and one year membership in the EAA December issue.) Antique/Classic Division is available for $37 per
year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included).
Current EAA members may join the Intemational 1939 STINSON SR-10 (Reliant) -10434 Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT n , 598 SMOH , 265 SPOH, KX175B AEROBATICS magazine for an additional $35 Trans, KI208 OBS, KT-76A Xponder, ELT. per year. Call John Hopkinson, 403/637-2250, FAX EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS maga zine and one year membership in the lAC 403/637-2153. (10-2) Division is available for $45 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). 1938 Aeronca Chief - Serial KCA47,
N21075, completely restored, new prop, windshield, headliner, tires, gas tank and Current EAA members may join the EAA Stits Poly-Fiber. $10 ,000 . Phone Warbirds of America Division and receive WAR 310/375-1000 or 310/375-3902. (10-1) SIRDS magazine for an additional $30 per year. EAA Membership, WARSIRDS magazine and one year membership in the Warbirds Division is MISCELLANEOUS available for $40 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). Plans - Ragwing Replicas - Ultralight legal Pietenpol , Pitts , Heath , Church EAA EXPERIMENTER Midwing. Plans $70. Brochure $3. 312 Current EAA members may receive EAA Gilstrap Drive, Liberty, SC 29657. (9/96) EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $18 per year. Ultraflight Magazine - Buy, sell, trade, EAA Membership and EAA EXPERIMENTER kit built, fixed wing, powered parachutes, magazine is available for $28 per year (SPORT rotor, sailplanes, trikes, balloons and AVIATION magazine not included). more . Stories galore! Sample issue, FOREIGN
$3.00. Annual subscription $36 .00 . INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF ONLY MEMBERSHIPS
$24.00 Ultraflight Magazine, 12545 70th Please submit your remittance with a check or Street, Largo , Florida 34643 - 3025. draft drawn on a United States bank payable in 813/539-0814. United States dollars. Add $13 postage for SPORT AVIATION magazine and/or $6 postage for any of the other magazines. GEE BEE etc. - Model plans used by Benjamin, Eicher/Kimball , Turner, EAA AVIATION CENTER
Jenkins. 52 plans, 1/3 smaller. Shirts, P.O.BOX 3086
etc.! Catalog/News $4 .00 , $6 .00 for OSHKOSH, WI54903-3086
eign. Vern Clements, 308 Palo Alto, PHONE (414) 426-4800
Caldwell, 1083605,208/459-7608. (9-3)
FAX (414) 426-4873
30 OCTOBER 1995
SUPER CUB PA-18 FUSELAGES New manufacture, STC- PMA-d , 4130 chromoly tubing throughout, also com plete fuselage repair. ROCKY MOUN TAIN AIRFRAME INC. (J . Soares, Pres.), 7093 Dry Creek Road , Belgrade, Montana 59718, 406/388-6069, FAX 406/388-0170 . Repair station No. QK5R148N.
Wright J6-7A forward exhaust system - I need pair of 22x10x4 Goodyear tires. Ralph Graham, 612/452-3629. (10-2) (NEW) This & That About the Ercoupe, $14.00. Fly-About Adventures & the Ercoupe, $17.95 . Both books, $25.00. Fly- About, P .O . Box 51144, Denton , Texas 76206. (ufn) FREE CATALOG - Av iati on books and videos . How to, building and restoration tips, historic, flying and entertainment titles. Call for a free cat alog . EAA, 1-800-843-3612. Wheel Pants - The most accurate replica wheel pants for antique and classics available. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Available in primer grey gelcoat. Harbor Products, Co., 2930 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 164, Torrance, CA 90501, phone 310/880-1712 or FAX 310/874-5934. (ufn) Curtiss JN4-D Memorabilia - You can now own memorabilia from the famous Curtiss "Jenny," as seen on "TREASURES FROM THE PAST." We have T-shirts , posters , postcards , videos, pins, airmail cachets, etc. We also have R/C documentation exclu sive to this historic aircraft . Sale of these items supports operating expenses to keep this "Jenny" flying for the aviation public. We appreciate your help . Send SASE to Virginia Aviation, P.O. Box 3365, Warrenton, VA 22186. (ufn)
WANTED Wanted - Pair of Goodyear 22x1 Ox4 tires or close size to fit my hubs. Ralph Graham, 612/452-3629. (10-2)
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