November 1995
Vol. 23, No. 11
1 Straight & Level/ Espie "Butch" Joyce 2 AlC News/H.G. Frautschy 4 Aeromail 5 Vintage Literature/Dennis Parks 8 Unintentional Spins/ George Townson
Page 13
10 What Our Members Are Restoring/ Norm Petersen 12 Mystery Plane/ H.G. Frautschy
Publisher Tom Poberezny Vice-President
Marketing & Communications
Dick Matt
Jack Cox
Henry G, Frautschy
Managing Editor
Golda Cox Art Director Mike Drucks Assistant Art Director
Sara A.Otto
Computer Graphic Specialists
Olivia L Phillip Jennifer Larsen
Mary Jones
Associate Editor
Norm Petersen
Feature Writers
George Hardie, Jr. Dennis Parks
Staff Photographers
Jim Koepnick Mike Steineke
Carl Schuppel Donna Bushman
Editorial Assistant
Isabelle Wiske
13 Bucker2 Betcha Can't Fly Just One!/ H.G. Frautschy 18 Norseman Festival/ John Parish
Page 18
21 Aero Commander 560/ Norm Petersen
Vice-President Arthur Morgan Germantown . WI
Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea. MN 56007 f'fJ7/373-1674
E.E. ' Buck' Hilbert
P.O. Box 424
Union. IL 60180
23 Calendar 24 Pass it to Buck! E.E. "Buck" Hilbert 25 Welcome New Members 28 Vintage Trader 30 Antique/Classic Merchandise
President Espie 'Butch' Joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro, NC 27425
Page 21
FRONT COVER AND BACK COVERS.. . The Grand Champion Antique of EAA OSHKOSH '95 is Woody Woodward ' s BOcker BO 133C Jungmeister, restored by Joe Fleeman (who also happens to be doing the flying In this photo) . This Jungmeister carries SIN 1001. and is the first production copy of the "C" model. It spent most of its service life with the Swiss Air Force. On the back cover is Woody's BO 131 Jungmeister, also recently restored by Woody. It has a firewall forward LOM engine installation engineered and built up by Joe Krybus of Krybus Aviation, Santa Paula, CA. EAA photos by Mike Steineke . Shot with a Canon EOS-l n equipped with an 70 200 mm lens. 1/250 sec @ flO on Kodak Lumiere film. Piper Lance photo plane flown by Ed Lachendro.
Copyright © 1995 by the EAA Antique/Classic Division Inc. All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903-3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. The membership rate for EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. is $27.00 for current EM members for 12 month period of which $15.00 is for the publication of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mail. ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertiSing so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Readers are encouraged to submn stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. No renumeration is made. Material should be sent to: Editor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh. WI 54903-3086. Phone414/426-4800. The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EAA, EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered trademarks. THE EM SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION and EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited,
John Berendt 7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls. MN 55009 f'fJ7/263-2414 Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh. WI 54904 414/231-5002 Phil Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 616/624-6490 Charles Harris 7215 East 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 918/622-8400 Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46278 317/293-4430 Robert UCkteig 1708 Bay Oaks r. Alberf Lea. MN 56007 507/373-2922 Gene Morris 115C Steve Court. R.R. 2 Roanoke. TX 76262 817/491-9110
Robert C. ' Bob' Brauer
9345 S. Hoyne
Chicaw. IL 60620
312/ 79-2105
John S. Copeland 28-3 Williamsbur8 Ct. Shrewsbury. MA 1545 f'fJ8/842-7867 George Daubner
2448 Lough Lane
Hartford, WI 53027
Sian Gomoll 1042 90th Lane. NE Minneapolis. MN 55434 612/784-1172 Jeannie Hill
P.O. Box 328
Harvard, IL 60033
815/943-7205 Robert D. ' Bob' Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield. WI 53005 414/782-2633 George York
181 Sloboda Av.
Mansfield, OH 44906
S.H. ' Wes' Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa. WI 53213 414/771-1545
ADVISORS Joe Dickey 55 Oakey Av. Lawrenceburg. IN 47025 812/537-9354
Jimmy Rollison
640 Alamo Dr.
Vacaville, CA 95688
Dean Richardson 6701 Colony Dr. Madison. WI53717 608/833-1291
Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven. IN 46774 219/493-4724
by Espie "Butch" Joyce
October 1995 marked another long-standing "happening", the fAA Antique/Classic Chapter 3 Fall Fly-In. This year, Chapter 3 moved their annual fly-in from Camden, South Carolina to the Darlington County airport, located close to Hartsville, Sc. The move was made, for the most part, because of the promo tional efforts of the Darlington County officials who actively re cruited Chapter 3 to come to their airport. The airport is an old WW II auxiliary training field with the three triangle runways. There are many of these airports located in a number of different areas through out the southeast United States. A number of them have not been well maintained by the local govern ments, causing a great many to be come unusable . The fly-in airport this year was not in this class! It's been well maintained; in fact, it has been upgraded and is in great shape. There was a grass runway and plenty of grass parking for the almost 250 aircraft attending. I would guess that approxi mately 90% of the airplanes that flew in were an Antique , Classic, Contemporary or Experimental. There was no air show, but plenty of buddy rides. Dr. Ed Garber was there with his Fairchild 22 which he has just completed , including an overhaul of his Menasco engine. He won the Antique Grand Cham pion award . There were a number of other award winners who were also deserving . On Friday night the County Airport Authority hosted a free "pig picking" barbe cue for the early arrivals. The Air port Authority had a presence all during the fly-in, hauling people
and doing whatever they could to make the attendee's stay more en joyable. There are some other air port authorities who could take a lesson from these people. All in all, it was a great time and from what I have heard, Antique/Classic Chapter 3 will be back there next year. There seems to be a great number of fly-ins dur ing the months of September and October each year. I have heard that the Copperstate Fly-in held at the Williams Gateway Airport in Mesa, Arizona was a great success. This was their 24th annual event and as soon as we have any infor mation on the Antique, Classic and Contemporary attendance, it will be passed along to you. In this part of North Carolina the fall colors are just beautiful this time of year, but sadly it is also a sign that the warm weather flying will soon be over. This means that for some of us the sea son will be totally finished, while for others it will entail a com pletely different approach to oper ating your aircraft. Changing your mode of operation as the seasons change can be as unsafe as having stored your aircraft for the winter and then bringing it out in the spring. I want to ask everyone to be extra careful when changing your habits. We seem to have a greater number of accidents when pilots re-start flying in the spring, and this is also true when pilots first start flying in a winter e nvi ronment. A number of these acci dents could be avoided if you would take a moment, just stand back and ask yourself, "If I do this, what is going to be the result?" We continue to have owners
dealing with damage done to their aircraft because of their hangars collapsing due to strong winds or heavy snow loads. We need to do an annual inspection of our hangars as well as our airplanes. Some years ago I had my pride an joy, a 1953 Beech 35, sitting outside of my workshop while I was doing some minor work to the airframe . Beside my airplane was an old windmill, approximately 40 feet high. One morning I showed up and this windmill had fallen over, just missing my aeronautical sweetie by only a couple of feet. The supports going into the ground had rusted completely through, but that windmill had been there since I was a kid and it never crossed my mind that it would ever fall over. Not only did I almost lose my air plane, I did lose myoId landmark that I miss every time I go to my workshop. One other area of concern is that we still have people letting air planes get away from them when they are hand propping their air craft. Hey, guys, a piece of rope is cheap when compared to a per sonal injury or the repair cost to your airplane or worse, your buddy's pride and joy. I am writing this just before the fall meeting of your Board of Di rectors. In the January issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE I will bring you up to date with regards to this meeting. Your EAA An tique/Classic Division is doing great; ask a friend to join up so they can also enjoy being a mem ber. Let's all pull in the same di rection for the good of aviation. Remember we are better together. Join us and have it all!
of Bob Hoover" fund headed by EAA President Tom Poberezny. A com plete overview of the three year long effort by Bob to regain his medical certification is published in the No vember issue of EAA Sport Aviation, starting on page 5.
compiled by H.G. Frautschy and Norm Petersen
THUMB'S UP ON HOOVER'S MEDICAL! R.A. "Bob" Hoover has been issued a restricted second class medical certifi cate by the FAA, allowing him to re sume his airshow schedule here in the United States. The restrictions to his medical re quire Bob to undergo yearly medical exams as well as neuropsychological and neurological tests, which will be taken by Bob at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. The other restriction prevents Bob from carrying passengers for hire. He has been given unrestricted Third class privileges as part of his med ical certification. Bob's reaction to the news given to him on October]S during a call from Dr. Bob Poole of the FAA, speaking on behalf of Federal Air Surgeon Jon Jordan , was understandable elation. He is grateful to the multitudes of EAA members and other aviators who expressed outrage at the FAA's handling of the entire affair, and also for the contributions to the "Friends
A reminder that you have until De cember 11, 1995 to get you comments in regarding your support of the self-certi fied medical and removal of the 50 mile limitation on the recreational pilot's certificate . A full description of the NPRM can be read in la st month's Sport Aviation. Please be sure and drop a note in the mail. Make it as sim pl e as a handwritten postcard or as a typed letter. Each of you needs to send in an individual letter, since form letters with multiple signatures count as one letter. Address you letter, in triplicate , to the Federal Aviation Administration, office of Chief Council, Attention: Rules Docket (AGC-I0), Docket No . 25910, SOO Ind e pendence Av., SW, Washington, DC 20591. Be sure and send copies of you let ters to your congressmen and senators, as well.
EAA OSHKOSH '95 TV SPECIAL Get out your pencils and mark your calendar - ESPN will air a one hour spe cial all about EAA OSHKOSH '95 on November 27, 1995 at 9:00 p.m. What will be included? Here's just the short list: The Golden age of Air racing, the Great Cross Country Air Race, the spectacular Tribute to Valor , commemorating the 50th anniversary of
the end of WW II, and airplanes, air plane, airplanes. You' ll also meet vari ous personalities, including race car dri ver Rusty Wallace (a big Stearman fan, we ' re told) , Air force pilot Scott O'Grady, who was shot down over Bosnia and then dramatically rescued by a joint services SAR mission, and Hoot Gibson and the Space Shuttle crew , fresh from their rendezvous in space with the Mir Space Station . If you 're not going to be home, figure out how to set your VCR and tape it - it's one hour of television you'll really want to see!
EAA ADULT AIR ACADEMY Basic aircraft maintenance , building and restoration skills will be the sub jects of the EAA Adult Air Academy during the first session, scheduled for February 19-23, 1996. The experienced staff of the EAA Air Acad e my will share their aviation knowledge and ex perience in many of the basic skills re quired to successfully restore, build and maintain aircraft. The $800 registration fee provides accommodations, meals , local transportation, classroom supplies and necessary materials during the five day session. The EAA/ZENAIR Aircraft Build ing Academy, scheduled for February 24 - March 3, 1996 is the first presenta tion of its kind for the EAA Air Acad emy. The goal of this academy will be to construct an all metal ZEN AIR Zo diac CH 601. The $800 registration fee provides accommodations, meals, local transportation, classroom supplies and necessary materials during the five day session. Further information and registra tion materials for these two sessions of the Academy are available from the Education Office of the EAA Avia tion Foundation by calling 414/426
PIPER AVIATION MUSEUM NEWS The Piper Aviation Museum Foundation has announced the appointment of Frank P. Sperandeo III, of Fayetteville, AK to its board of directors. In addition to his engineering background, Frank also has some fundraising experience, which he will put to use as the board works to fund and con struct a museum dedicated to Piper aviation history in Lock Haven. Frank has also made arrangements to donate his prize winning Piper PA-20!22 Pacer, "Miss Pearl" to the Piper A viation Museum. ("Miss Pearl" was selected as the winner of the "Best In Show" trophy at the Southwest Regional Fly-In in Kerrville, TX.) In the photo above, Bill Piper, Jr, (left) and Frank pause for a moment in front of "Miss Pearl" during Sentimental Journey '95.
4888 or by writin g P .O. Box 3065, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065. Space is limited, so please make your decision to attend as early as possible, and avoid being disappointed.
GREEN GRASS AT EAA OSHKOSH '96 If you've been one of the members who have exp ressed concern over the fact that a grass runway has been un available at EAA OSHKOSH during the past two years, you'll be happy to know that a new grass runway has been esta bli shed on th e east side of th e northlsouth taxiway (runway 18R/36R during the Convention). It's exact loca tion will be detailed in a later issue of Vintage Airplane. Surface grading and gro und work has a lrea dy bee n com pleted, and the new runway should be ready to use during EAA OSHKOSH '96.
AERONCA STRUTS Univair Aircraft Corp. a nnounces that it now has FAA/PMA approved sea led wing struts for the Aeronca/C hampion 7 series and 7 se ri es Citabrias. These new seal struts are structurally and dimensionally the sa me as the original equipment parts except that they are sealed to the envi ronment and treated with a prese rva tive oil on th e insid e . This improve ment prevents moisture from getting inside the strut and thus eliminates the concern of corrosion from within . The new struts range in price from $209 to $267 per strut. For more information, please contact Univair Aircraft Corp., 2500 Himalaya Rd. , Aurora, CO 80011. 305/375-8882 or fax then at 303/375 8888.
VALDEN C. BALTZ 1910-1995
One of my favorite aviation "o ld timers" has passed away, and I've asked his good friend Joe Dickey to write a few words about our friend Val. - HGF Whil e st ill in hi s teens, Val Baltz sta rte d his career in aviation with a large hammer in one ha nd and a star drill in the other. He sank many of the holes used to anchor machinery to the concrete floor of the new Fokker fac tory in West Virginia. Drilling holes in concrete proved to be an employment application test. If you could swing a hammer for three days without com plaint, you got a job building wooden airliners.
BILL BRENNAND INDUCTED INTO THE WISCONSIN AVIATION HALL OF FAME In a very prestigious ceremony at the Goldwater Conference Center in EAA Headquarters, Oshkosh, WI, on October 21,1995, Bill Brennand (EAA 13078, A/C 4061) was one of four inductees into the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame. The other three were Jim Conn, Libby Parod, and (posthumously) Her man "Fish" Salmon. Bill Brennand was born in Oshkosh , WI , in 1924 and made his first solo flight in November, 1943, in a Taylorcraft BC-12. As an employee of S. J . (Steve) Wittman from 1943 to 1950, Bill added a Private (1944), a Commercial (1945), CFI (1946), and Multi-engine (1949). He then earned his A & P ticket in 1951, his IA in 1955 and Seaplane Examiner rating in 1957. For two years, 1950-52, Bill was a corporate pilot for Marathon Oil Com pany, flying a Beech 18 and a Lockheed Lodestar. He then returned to the Oshkosh area and operated a Fixed Base Operation in Neenah for the next forty years, specializing in used aircraft and antique aircraft restorations. Per haps his most widely known project is a Stinson Trimotor, NC11170, SIN 5023 , which he restored with Chuck Andreas and Byron Fredericksen. It has been active on the airshow circuit for quite a number of years, giving many their first taste of travel during the Golden Age of Aviation. During the heyday of the Goodyear Races, 1947 to 1950, Bill flew the Wittman "Buster" racer under the tutelage of Steve Wittman, the old master, and was nearly unbeatable (at 105 Ibs.) at Cleveland, Miami, White Plains, Chattanooga and Reading. In addition, Bill flew the Pitts Racer "Lil' Mon ster" in '51 and '52. The Brennand Seaplane Base at Oshkosh was developed and improved over a forty-five year period by BilJ Brennand, giving a home to one of the largest seaplane fly -ins in the world. Recently, the base was sold back to the Vette family from which it was purchased in 1948 and has been renamed the Vette Seaplane Base. Congratulations to Bill!
Val was recruited by Aeronca specif ically to build the tooling for the Low Wing Aero ncas. Val was recruited by Aeronca in 1934 as a result of his expe rience with complex wooden wings. He was hired by Aeronca specifically to build th e tooling fo r the Low Wing Aeroncas. Over the next 12 years, his expertise led him to beco me vice president of Ma nufacturing, th e position he he ld when he left Aeronca in 1947. H e
join ed G e ne ral Electric and retired from their Cincinnati Engine facility. Of all his successes in his long career, Val was most proud of th e tea m he as sembled to create the first civilian high volume aircraft assembly line to build th e 7 AC Champion. (In early 1946 a production rate of 25 airplan es per day was achieved!) Thousands of pilots con tinue to enjoy the product of that post war effort. Our condolences to Val's ... daughters and his many friends. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 3
Aero Mail
... given the choice, you're
better off changing your pattern
(for instance, right traffic instead
of left) and taking a headwind on
base leg, then rolling into the turn
for final approach, picking up a
crosswind as the turn progresses.
HAMMOND 100 ADVENTURES Dear Sir, I enjoyed reading the article in the Se pt. '95 issue, page 16 on the restora tion of an antique I used to fly , the Hammond 100. I called Zac Howard in Ypsilanti, MI and confirmed that this was the same Hammond a t Ann Arbor, MI in 1941. While instructing in the CPT program , I would fly the Hammond on weekends hauling passengers and towing banners around the U of Michiga n football sta dium . One day the Kinner started act ing up and I had to jettison the banner. It la nde d in the parking lot and broke six windshields. Remember those old bann e rs were made out of bamboo poles and lead weights. To see pictures of this graceful old bipl a ne flying was like seeing an old friend recuperated from the hospital , bette r than new with the modern ma te rial a nd such. The H ammond is loca ted in Florida and enjoying year ' round flying. Sam Burgess San Antonio, TX
ter the September issue of Vintage Air then rollin g into th e turn for final ap plane was printed, we received a call from proach, picking up a crosswind as the turn Zac Howard , telling us that his wife and progresses. But in many cases, including partner for so many years, Doris, had our approach to the southeast here at Pio passed away. Doris was one of the most neer Airport, terrain , airport layout or a enthusiastic "aeronautica l spouses" 1'd populated area that is noise sensitive may ever met, and I really enjoyed meeting and require a base leg with a tailwind. (We talking with her at Sun 'n Fun '95. Our can only fly a right-hand pattern for the southeast runway at Pioneer Airport, due condolences to Zac and his family. to potential traffic conflicts with airplane DOWNWIND TURNS operating on run way 9-27 at Wittm an Field.) In that case, prudent operations with attention paid to the factors as ex Dear H. G. , plain ed in Capt. Hill' s article ca n heLp T hanks for printing the articles con minimize the ri sks in vo lved . - H.C. cerning pil ot techniques . I wou ld re Frautschy mind pi lots that they were written for the pilots participating in th e activities at Pioneer Airport. T hey do pertain to all types of flying and my note in parentheses in the Oc tober article does not mean that the downwind techniq ues do not app ly to tri-gear airplanes - the note was for the pi lots who needed to practice for the short fie ld landings at Pioneer airport in tailwhee l equipped planes . (Or for anyone with an usu a l p a ttern flown with tailwheel airplanes.) This type of approach and landing is also very common for runway 18 at Oshkosh . At least a couple of accidents have occurred during Convention while using runway 18 with a quartering tail wind. Quite often the wind shifts or in creases in velocity before a runway change can be made. M a ny landings are made on runway 18 with a north east wind . This is a very dangerous condition and the " hints " in the article definitely apply. That's for all aircraft nosewheel, tailwheel and Cubs to jets.
Editor's note: Sam's homebuilt Bucker Sincerely, (which has flown in each of the 50 states ) R ichard C. Dick Hi ll is on display in the EAA Air Adventure ATP CFI-MEI-II Mu seum in Oshkosh . His second Bucker powered by a Allison T-250 turboprop en Editor's note: Member Michael Coles gine holds the World Time to Climb (3,000 of Sh elter Island Heights, NY wrote for meters) record for turboprop aircraft. His clarification regarding the choice of taking a pattern with a base to final turn that has record stands in two categories, Class C IB and C-IC. He climbed to 3,000 meters a tailwind. Michael is correct that given (9,842 ft.) in 2 minutes, 47 seconds. the choice, you're better off changing your An additional, sadder note mu st be pattern (for instance, right traffic instead added to the Hammond 100 stan;. Just af of left) and taking a headwind on base leg, 4 NOVEMBER 1995
STINSON RELIANT HISTORY Dear Mr. Frautschy, Havin g e njoyed Hal Coonley's ac count of the restoration of his Gullwing Stinson Reliant in Vintage Airplane of September 1995, I am sending a little more information on its British career, taken from the recently published book " Fleet Air Arm Aircraft 1939 to 1945 " by Ray Sturtivant. USAAF serial 42-46770 was one of a batch of 250 AT -19's transferred to Britain und e r the Lend-Lease scheme. As RAF serial FK944 it was allocated to the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm and was at Royal Navy Air Station, (RNAS) Stretton in Fe brua ry 1944. In Novem ber 1944 it we nt to the Station Flight at RNAS Yeovilton which ho used No. 12 Naval Air Fight e r Schoo l (NAFS), where it carried th e code " Y9D ." ON 12 Septembe r 1945 it was flown by the Auxiliary Air Transport ferry organiza tion to RNAS Evanton, from wh e re it went to RN Air Repair Yard, Donibris tie, then on to RNAS Abbotsinch on New Year's Day 1946. When ret urned to the USA, it became USN serial 11469 for record purposes only, before being stricken on 30 April 1946 and tran s ferred to the W a r Assets Administra tion for disposal on 6 June 1946. I hope tha t this is of some interest. Sincerely,
Vic Smith
Uxbridge, Middlesex , England
VINTAGE LITERATURE Classic Early American
Aviation Magazines
by Dennis Parks EAA Library and Archives Director
The advent of powered flight saw the rise of the aviation magazine, "the earli est successful one being the English weekly FLIGHT, which began in Jan uary 1909 and continues to today. The earliest American aviation pub lication to last was AERIAL AGE, which began in 1915, followed by A VI ATION in 1916, which continues to this day as A VIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY. Another long sur vivor was AERO DIGEST, which com menced publication in 1921. The Aero Club of America began its own bulletin in 1912 which grew into the magazine FLYING. Here is some information about these early publications which will shed some light on their history and content. AERIAL AGE. New York. Monthly. Mar. 22, 1915-July 1923. Ab sorbed FLYING (New York) Aug. 1, 1921. Title changed from AERIAL AGE WEEKLY Aug. 1922. AERIAL AGE was the only avia tion weekly to survive beyond the first World War. It was published from March 1915 to July 1923 by the AERIAL AGE Company of New York. The founding editor was H. Chadwick Hunter, who was followed in April 1915 by G. Douglas Wardrop. He remained editor until the publication ceased to be. Contributing editor was Henry Wood house, who was also editor of FLYING, the Aero Club of America's magazine, which was absorbed by AERIAL AGE in 1921. The first issue of March 22, 1915 was announced as taking the place of AERO & HYDRO as the "American Aeronau tical Weekly." AERO & HYDRO had ceased in November 1914. AERIAL AGE boasted of an initial subscription list of 10,000 and listed among its first 25 subscribers were Katherine Stinson and
Capt. Thomas Baldwin. The first issue had 24 pages , but by June it was up to 46 pages. The covers of AERIAL AGE had reproductions of black and white pho tographs of aircraft and provide a good source of pictures of early aircraft for historians and pioneer era aircraft en thusiasts . Some of the cover shots in 1915 were: The Curtiss Flying Boat; the Thomas Military Tractor, and a Martin Tractor. The June 28,1915 cover had a picture of Glenn L. Martin with Mary Pickford from the movie "The Girl of Yesterday. " Unfortunately, in July 1915 the illustrated covers stopped and they only listed editorial contents. With the U.S. entry into World War I the cover photos reappeared. During 1922, the covers featured aerial photographs from around the U.S . These included downtown shots of Chicago, New York and Washington . Some of the pictures came from the Fairchild Aerial Camera Corp. Some of the regular features were: news of the week; foreign news; recent aero patents; books on aeronautics; and " Aeronitis." "Aeronitis" was a series of quips and quotes either new or reprinted from other sources. "Aeronitis" was de fined as a pleasant infectious ailment that made people "flighty." For an ex ample, one of the stories told goes, "Lady: 'What do you call the man who attends to your airplane?' Aviator: 'I re gret , but I never use profanity in the presence of a lady." Most issues had a feature on a new aircraft. These articles consisted of two or three pages and provided descrip tions, specifications, and a three-view drawing. Some of the aircraft covered in 1915 were: The Heinrich Tractor; the Burgess-Dunne Convertible tail-less land and waterplane; and the Jannus
Flying Boat. Some examples from early 1920 were: Supermarine Flying Boats; the Sopwith Transport Plane; and the B.A.T. "Baboon." For its time period , Aerial Age is the best source of descrip tions for new aircraft and its coverage resembles that later provided by AERO DIGEST. Technical topics were also covered. Neil MacCoull M.E. had a series of arti cles describing new engines and acces sories. There was also a series of reprints of NACA reports featuring topics such as the choice of wing sec tions and the strengths of laminated wing spars. Translations of foreign liter ature also appeared, an example is the article by A. Betz of Gottingen on the theory of the screw propeller. The growth of the aircraft industry over the period of the first World War is reflected in the growth of the size of the
magazine and in the number of advertis ers. The first issue of March 22, 1915 had 24 pages, and four aircraft compa nies; Curtiss, Gallaudet, Burgess and Martin had full page ads. The expecta tions of the post-war era is shown by the March 3, 1919 issue which has 112 pages with 7 full page and 3 double page ads from aircraft companies. The double page ads were by Curtiss, Wright-Mar tin, and Standard. The issue had over 100 display ads and the editorial ex pounded on "American Aeronautics ' Great Future." Unfortunately, American's aeronau tical future was brighter than the future of AERIAL AGE. In the June 2 final issue of 1922 the editor announced that the journal would cease publication as a weekly and with the August issue it be came a monthly magazine. One of the offers made to boost circulation was giv ing away a war surplus propeller along with a two-year subscription, aU for $10. One year later, it ceased publication al together. By that time A VIATION had expanded into a weekly and AERO DI GEST had become well established. AERO DIGEST. Washington. Monthly. Oct. 1921-Dec. 1956. First four numbers issued as official bulletin of the World's Board of Aeronautical Commissioners; title changed from AERONAUTICAL DIGEST Apr. 1924. AERO DIGEST is the premier avia tion journal for those students of air craft from the Golden Age of Aviation in the United States. Foremost in its field, this journal covered all aspects of civil and military aviation. AERO DI GEST began in 1921 as AERONAUTI CAL DIGEST was indeed a slim, 8 page, digest of current news. By the end of 1922 it had turned into a true monthly aviation journal. Its founder, President and first editor was Charles J. Glidden. He was a financier involved in the tele phone industry, a balloon pilot and served during the World War as an offi 6 NOVEMBER 1995
cer in the Aviation Section of the Army Signal Corps. Later Frank Tichenor became presi dent and provided an entertaining edi torial column " Air - Hot and other wise." The magazine 's strongest suit was in its descriptions of individual aircraft. Also covered were technological ad vancements, record flights, history, per sonality profiles, air races , and foreign activities. It was profusely illustrated with photos and three-view drawings. The April 1928 issue provided arti cles and descriptions on 18 different air craft. Among the aircraft covered in this issue were the Taylor " Chummy, " Bellanca 6-passenger monoplane, Alexander Eaglerock , Avro " Avian," and the Fokker F-I0 Super Trimotor. There was also a three-page article on the Cierva Autogiro. The journal not only kept track of developments of light aircraft such as the Taylor "Chummy," it helped to fos ter their development through the AERO DIGEST Trophy. This trophy was awarded to the winner of the speed and efficiency race for planes with un der 80 cubic inch displacement at the 1925 New York Air Races. Not only were the articles and no tices on aircraft informative, but so were the advertisements; many of which were full page. AERO DIGEST prided itself on the amount of aeronautic advertising. It stated that it provided a "greater variety of advertising than any other aeronauti cal publication." The May 1929 issue was a good example with over 340 ad vertisers. A large proportion of its advertising was by aircraft manufacturers. A com parison of a 1929 issue of AERO DI GEST with one of AVIATION shows that 38% of Aero's advertising was for aircraft while AVIATION had 25%. Thus AERO DIGEST is a very good source for aircraft manufacturer's infor mation. Though not noted for its cover art work, as most of its covers were duo tone, AERO DIGEST did have some full color ad inserts. The most colorful of these were from the Berryl Brothers Paint Company. These full page, full color ads featured fanciful finishes for well-known aircraft of the day to give them the appearance of birds. Aircraft such as the Eaglerock and the Buhl Airsedan were finished to represent birds such as bald eagles and macaws. A dozen of these ads appeared on a monthly basis starting with March, 1929. Another valuable feature of AERO DIGEST is its roster of important au thors. Names appearing in the table of contents included Giuseppe Bellanca, Charles Lindbergh Clarence Chamber
lin , AI Williams, General William Mitchell and Rear Admiral Moffett. Articles by these authors not only talked about technology and flying but about the impact and future of aviation. An important source of aircraft in formation was the journal's " Annual Digest of American Aircraft." This an nual series, which began in April, 1935, was preceded by an irregular feature "Descriptions of approved type air planes and engines," which first ap peared in April, 1931. The descriptions were a third of a page each and pro vided two photos and a three-view draw ing plus specifications for each aircraft. The first appearance in 1931 covered 90 aircraft from the Aeronca to Zenith . The annual directory appeared as the March issue from 1935 to 1956. The size of the issues of AERO DI GEST reflected the growth of the avia tion industry and the interest it gener ated. In the early 20s, the issues consisted of 50 to 80 pages. After Lind bergh 's flight, the total jumped to 150 180 pages. The size continued to grow from there, with the peak coming in September, 1929, with an issue of 366 pages. The last issue published with a cover date of December, 1956 had only 48 pages. AERO DIGEST was published by the Aeronautical Digest Publishing Cor poration of New York. As mentioned before, its second president, Frank Tichenor, provided an editorial column called "Air - Hot and Otherwise." for several years. Publishing History: 1) World's Board of Aeronautical Commissioner's Bulletin 1921 (4 issues) 2) Aeronautical Digest 1921- March, 1924 3) AERO DIGEST April, 1924 - De cember,1956 In April, 1945, it absorbed Air Pilot and Technician (formerly Sportsman Pilot). A VIA TION. New York. Monthly. Aug. 1,1916 to date. Title changed from AVIATION AND AERONAU TICAL ENGINEERING Nov. 1920; from A VIATION AND AIRCRAFT JOURNAL Jan. 1922. A VIATION was published from Jan uary 1922 through June 1947. It is a fol low-on to a title that began in 1916 and is the predecessor of AVIATION WEEK. The Gardner, Moffat Com pany of New York was the first pub lisher and Ladislas D'Orcy the first edi tor. McGraw-Hill became the publisher in March 1929 with Earl Osborn as edi tor. In the first issue's editorial it was stated that it was the magazine's inten tion to give the readers the kind of in formation which "will enable him to form for himself a clear view of ... air craft in civil and military pursuits." The
editor believed to accomplish that result it was best to give the "salient facts" even at the sacrifice of "sundry aero nautical news." This the journal did. Its specialty was in reporting technical news about air craft and data on aircraft production, distribution and marketing. A VIA TION is thus a treasure trove of statis tics of the industry in the '20s and '30s. This data was presented in monthly manufacturers' aircraft specifications and in annual statistical issues. The " Manufacturer's Specifications" covered both aircraft and engines in tabular form. Data was given on dimen sions , powerplants , propellers, weights and performance for production aircraft by manufacturer and model. The statis tical issues presented data on produc tion and licensing of aircraft. Some is sues even gave registration in each state by make and model of aircraft. Other data covered airports, aviation schools, military and naval aeronautics and air transport. Some interesting information comes to light by studying the statistical issues. For example, in 1930 three states had 33% of all the aircraft registered . New York had the most with 951 regis tered, followed by California with 876 and Illinois with 479. Nevada and Alaska had the least with four each. The most popular new aircraft regis tered in the last three quarters of 1929 was the Curtiss Robin followed by Wa cos and Travel Airs. These three ac counted for 31 % of new registrations in the time period. The newness of the air craft industry in 1930 is shown by the fact that 92% of the aircraft registered were less than four years old. The evapora tion of surplus military engines is demon strated by the decline in the percentage of new OX-5 powered aircraft regis tered, from 66% in 1927 to 6% in 1930. Besides excellent data on the indus try, AVIATION provided good graphic details about aircraft construction with their "Sketch Books." The February 1940 issue included detailed drawings of the flap mechanism and tailwheel as sembly of the Fairchild 24 and a cut away of the Ryan ST. AVIATION is a good source of tech nical and statistical data on the aviation industry. The EAA Library has a bound set from 1922 through 1931 and loose is sues from 1931 to 1947. FLYING. New York. Monthly. Jan 1912-July 1921. Title changed from AERO CLUB OF AMERICA BUL LETIN Oct. 1912; absorbed by AERIAL AGE WEEKLY Aug. 1, 1921. About one dozen aviation journals have had the title "Flying. " The most popular and longest running is the cur rent FLYING started by Ziff and Davis in 1927 as POPULAR AVIATION and
now published by Hachette. The first to carry the name was published in New York in 1912. It was founded, published and edited by Henry Woodhouse. Mr. Woodhouse was born in Italy in 1884 as Mario Casalegno, and while traveling in Eu rope he developed quite an interest in aeronautics. His arrival in the United States in 1904 coincided with a growing demand for articles on aeronautics. Al most immediately he became a contrib utor on aeronautics to magazines such as Collier's and McClure's Other founders of Flying were Robert J . Collier, editor of Collier ' s Weekly and Henry A. Wise Wood. As managing editor, Woodhouse prophe sied the development of military aero nautics, the employment of aeroplanes as mail carriers, and the development of the hydroaeroplane. As aeronautics was in its infancy, fatal accidents numer ous, and the general public skeptical of the practicability of aviation, he was told he was ahead of his time and that he should suspend publication of his magazine. Mr. Woodhouse lost his partners but continued to publish Flying at his own expense. His faith in aviation unabated, Woodhouse started publishing an avia tion weekly, AERIAL AGE in 1915. He later authored a few books including Textbook of Naval Aeronautics (1917) and Textbook of Military Aeronautics , 1918. The first issue of January , 1912 had 54 pages, 8 articles, 9 full page drawings, news from the Aero Club of America , for which this was their official publica tion, and over 30 photographs. The lead article in the first issue was "The Evolu tion of Aviation in 1911" by Mr. Wood house. In this article he thought that the previous year had shown "tremen dous developments - better machines , abler aviators, bigger purposes, all in great volume, confirming the advent of aviation as " ... an industry. " 1911 had seen 1,000 new pilots added to the 500 already certificated and these pilots had made no less than 200,000 flights. Such flights were being regularly made that would have been a sensation the year before flights of 3 to 5 hours in duration at 8 to 10 thousand feet altitude. The world record for duration had risen to 447 miles and a little over 11 hours. He saw as especially significant the tremen dous development in cross-country races with about 30 being held around the world. Some were the Paris-Madrid race over the Pyrenees Mountains, tht' Paris-Rome race over the Appennin{ Mountains , and the transcontinenta flight in the U.S. of Cal Rodgers. Also interesting was the increase iJ passenger carrying flights. Roger Som mer carried 5 people on a cross countr
flight and later carried 13 passengers aloft for a gross weight of 1,439 Ibs. E. Renaux carried a passenger with him on a 1,073 mile circuit of Europe including crossing the English Channel. All quite remarkable when you realize practical aviation in Europe was only in its third year during 1911. And on the soaring front, Orville Wright set a record flight of 9 minutes and 49 seconds at Kitty Hawk in a 55 mph gale. Stuart Benson had an article on the first three years of the Gordon Bennett International Aviation Trophy. The first contest at Rheims in France was won by Glenn Curtiss who covered the 20 kilometer course in 15 min. 50 sec. for an average speed of 47 mph. The second contest, held at Belmont Park in New York, was won by Claude Gra hame-White in a Bleriot monoplane. The distance had been increased to 100 kilometers and the winning speed was 62 mph. For 1911 the course was on the Isle of Sheppey, England. The dis tance was now 150 kilometers and Charles Weyman representing the Aero Club of America won in a Nieuport monoplane with an average speed of 78 mph. Mr. Henry Wise Wood, one the mag azine's founders, had an article in the first issue on marine flying. He believed that since Curtiss had put water flying on a practical basis, enough had tran spired to "permit us now to form a somewhat correct estimate of the possi bilities of the marine aeroplane. He saw that there were two types of "hydro aeroplanes," those with double hulls or follow the example of the boat than the catamaran and that the marine aircraft should not be a "floating aeroplane" but a "flying boat." It was his opinion that a comfortable "air-and-water," long-distance passen ger carrier was in sight and that the
world " may shortly expect to see arise heavier-tha n-air structures that will ri val the Zeppelin in longitudina l dimen sions, and far surpass it in carrying ca pacity." Anoth er art icle in t he first issue was a review of the third ann ua l "Salon de l' Aeronaut ic" held in Paris during December 1911. The author, G. F. Campbell Wood , thought that the exhibit gave a clear idea of the state of the art of aerona utics. He said the show not only revealed the expected progress in design and construction over ea rlier shows , but that it stood " head a nd shoulders" above previous shows in its " practical " aspects. For the first two years the craft displayed were crud e and the crowd mainly con sisted of cu riosity seekers. By the time of the 1911 ex hibit the idea of flying had become fami liar, the crowds were more intellec tual and the aircraft more practical. He reported the show contained no startling inn ovat io ns, but a lso it con tained no "Freaks," and the progress re vea led was of a sound evolutionary kind rather than revolutionary. He remarked on the tre mendous strid e forward in work ma nship and of sound design. It was also said that it " is of no secre t to state that but a few months ago the ma chines of certain manufacturers ... re vea led astonishi ng ignorance of the pri mary laws of construction engineering." T he above giv es so me id ea of the types of articles carried in Flying. Some of the other authors in 1912 were, Glenn Curtiss, Wi lbur Wright, Grover Loening, and Dr. A. F. Zahm. The journal pro vided thoughtful articles about the state of aero nautics and contemporary events in aviation. It did not cover the technical aspects of design or develop like other journals, but is very useful in providing an overview of events and trends in fl y ing and aviation until it ceased in Au gust, 1921. The EAA Library has a set ... covering 1912 to 1921.
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SPINS by George Townson NC #9519
In 1938 I wa s flying for a f ix e d base operator in Ca mden , New J er sey. The airport is now lo ng go n e a nd a shoppin g center occupies the space. W e had an inte resting "stable" of airplanes. The most luxurious was a five place W aco cabin mod e l CUC with a 300 ho rsepower Wright R -975 with a ll th e cu sto m er comforts that were ava il ab le in 1938 . The n ext down the lin e was a Fairchild FC-2. This, too, was a five-p lace type with a 220 horsepower Wright J-5 e ngi ne. This certain ly had a "coach " type in t e rior. Th e s li g htl y uph o ls t e r e d seats co uld be folded against the s id e walls when carrying cargo. T h e re was a " modern " Curtiss Wright Trav e l Air Mod e l 12Q , an open cockpit two sea te r with t he pi lot usu a ll y in th e rear and th e p as se ng e r in th e front. This had a Warner 125 ho rse power engine; an o ld e r model Trave l Air 4000 with a Wright J-5 engi ne, the same as th e Fairc hild FC-2. Th e re was a sporty two place cabi n Monocoupe wit h a 125 horsepower Warner e ngine. T he two persons in this were seated co zi ly side-by-side . The mo st unpr ete ntiou s was a Fairchild 22, high wing, open cockpit mono pla ne using a four-cylinder , in lin e e ngine offerin g 90 horsepower. T h e wing was m o unt e d on s truts abo ut three feet above the fuselage. Th e ai lerons ran the full le ng th of each wing, meeting each other at the center. On April 27, 1938, a young Chi nese gent leman came to the flight service to obtain flight training. The best aircraft in the fle e t , and the least expensive to rent for flight training was the Fa irchild 22. A ll the in struments in the airp lane were in
the cockpit that th e st ud e nt occ u pi e d . The instructor up front had n o ne. This was pretty much stan d a rd in those days. The control s were duplicated in each cockpit. T he communication system between the in st ru cto r and st ud e nt was abso lute ly basic. The "microphone" was a plastic funnel that was connected to a pl astic tube. This was connected to a se t of " h eadphones" at the pupil's ears. T he Chinese pe rson was a cook in a restaurant in Philadelphia. H e worke d nights and finished work in the early mornin g, u s in g a bus to trave l from Philad e lphi a across the brid ge to Centra l Airport. Hi s ar rival was usua lly about 9:00 a.m. H e took fairly well to his training. After th e appropriate amount of lea rnin g, his performance could be d escrib e d as good exce pt the most important part of th e flight - th e landing. H e wa s able to t ax i, mak e th e takeoff a nd fly the patte rn we ll. Be ca use this airp lane, as many of the a ircraft of that day , had no flaps, he had to "sideslip " the aircraft to lose altitude when he was too high on his approach. H e had done a number of th ese at th e a ppr opriate t ime a nd with s uffi cie nt ski ll. H e could a lso recognize that he was too low, if that wa s th e case, and a pply pow er to bring him up the threshold . Then in either case he could continue a proper approach to th e ground but he didn ' t seem to know wh e n t o "round o ut. " I cou ld d epe nd on my (Right) Fairchild Model 22 of the type described in the story. Notice the sharp leading edge on the wing and the two full span ailerons meeting each other at the center of the w ing.
pupil to take off, fly the pattern and almost land, but not flare - he never seemed to do it at the proper time. On May 12, 1938 he seemed to be doing well on one of the approaches, but one which seemed high. I knew that he would do the proper thing. He performed a left-hand sideslip. I had the "microphone " resting on my knee 'til his sideslip displaced it and it fell on the floor. When I reached down for it, my head went below the cockpit rim. While I was down there for a few seconds, I felt a sensation like someone "cut the string" that was holding us up. I felt the airplane "fall " out of the air. When I got my eyes above the cockpit cowling again, oh, my goodness! The approach end of Central Airport was rotating under our nose. I guess my Oriental pupil was con fused (I can ' t say "disoriented ," can I ?) when I "firewalled " the throttle , pushed the stick forward and moved the rudder against the direction of the spin. The rotating stopped , ironi cally , with the aircraft on runway heading. Most of my flying had been in air planes with the luxury of an airspeed indicator. I was quite able to recog nize almost the proper airspeeds from certain clues , like wind in my face, some part of the airplane vibrating or cowling making a whistling noise . I held the nose down as long as I dared . As I slowly pulled back on the stick, the nose did rise. There was not quite enough control to get the tail down as we slowed up when I raised the nose. We hit hard but nothing got
broken or bent. I taxied back to the hangar. My pupil paid his bill and departed, never to be seen again. I tried to analyze what had caused this unwanted maneuver. I had flown about 30 makes and models of air planes up to this date in my career. I had flown and instructed in a Fairchild 22 before, but it had a Rover
" I felt a sensation like
someone cut the string
that was holding us up.
I felt the airplane fall
out of the air. When I got
my eyes above the
cockpit cowling again,
oh, my goodness!
The approach end of
Central Airport was
. un der our nose. " rotatmg engine instead of the Cirrus that was in this one in which I had almost shortened my career. I remembered I had heard that the Fairchild test pilot was testing the Cirrus powered Model 22 and he was trying to do the spin tests for the De partment of Commerce Type Certifi cate. It was an overcast day and he was scarcely able to get high enough to perform the six-turn spins that were required, with safety. Starting the spin entry as close to the overcast
as he could, the 22 would just fall off to one side or the other and spiral. On another attempt he entered the clouds by accident or purposely. When he tried a spin this time, the craft spun beautifully. When this aircraft was examined after landing, it was found that the leading edge had taken on a triangle shaped strip of ice the full span. Prob ably it got wet when he was in the cloud. The temperature was low enough , at least at that altitude, to freeze the "wet" to ice. A strip of wood in this triangular shape was made and attached to the leading edge in the exact place that had been occupied by the ice . Flights were made and the spins were easy to en ter and recovery was normal. Back to the analysis of MY adven ture: The pupil had, at the proper spot, executed a sideslip to the left (stick to the left) to put the wing down, at the same time rudder to the right to cause a "skid" (in this case a sideslip). As he did this I had to go below decks to recover the mouth piece for my communication device. He made his recovery from the sideslip while I was down there. When I looked out, the airport was spinning around. When my pupil had moved the stick to the right to recover, his speed must have been a bit slow. The full span aileron stalled the left wing and the spin began . Never was the re quirement for maintaining proper air speed on final more graphically illus trated than that inadvertent spin entry on short final in 1938.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by
Norm Petersen
parts. It had last flown in 1969 and was consid ered a hopeless case. With the help of an A & P friend and the skeptical encouragement of his wife, Andrew launched into the project. The wings and engine were sent o u t for major re work, but the rest was all done locally. In 347 days, March 4, 1995, the straight tail 172 flew for the first time in 26 years! Andrew and Kathy have flown the pretty blue and white Cessna about 85 hours to date and have enjoyed every minute. Congratulations on a fine piece of restoration work and the saving of one more Con temporary airplane from the scrap heap.
Andrew Aurigema's Cessna 172 These two photos of a 1958 Cessna 172, N3968F, SIN 36868, taken " before" and "after," were sent in by first time rebuilder, Andrew Aurigema (EAA 486347) of Titusville, Florida. The first photo, right, reveals the very sad condition of the airplane when Andrew brought it home on several trailer loads in April , 1994. That's Andrew's wife, Kathy , wondering if the deal was so smart. The fuselage had never been wrecked, but most of the major components had been stolen over the years. The engine was not in much better shape. The "deal" came with several Cessna 170 wings and
in Grandby, CO, in July of 1994. The air plane had been totally recovered in 1988 and had been hangared ever since. The early photo was taken way back in 1971! (Note the turbine Grumman Mallard in the back ground.) Brian reports the Tri-Pacer fills his needs perfectly and he is pleased with the support given by the Short Wing Piper Club. He would also enjoy hearing from anyone who had previous experience with N3319A, either as an owner or pilot. Write him at 3715 Banyan Court, Loveland, CO 80538.
Brian Thomas' Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer From Loveland, Colorado, comes this set of photos featuring "before" and "after" the upgrade of Piper PA-22-150, N3319A, SIN 22-1595, that is the pride and joy of Brian Thomas (EAA 484417, AIC 24417) of Love land, CO. Brian reports he purchased the TriPacer from a gentleman (Marion Bricker) 10 NOVEMBER 1995
Alan Kasemodel's Piper PA-ll The photo, left, of this nicely restored Piper PA-l1 Cub Specia l, N4991H, SIN 11 884, was sent in by owner, Alan Kasemodel (EAA 420219 , A/C 21783) of Billings, MT. The airplane was completely restored in 1994 by Alan's father, Albert Kasemodel, of Renner, South Dakota, who had purchased the airplane in 1977. Alan made his solo flight in this airplane on his 16th birthday in 1981 and has since flown the Cub over 1,000 hours. The PA-ll spent most of its years in South Dakota, many as a sprayer. The re build mods include 36 gallons of fuel (18 each wing) , swing out left window, enlarged baggage, metal headliner, PA-18 front seat, HD gear with Cleveland wheels and brakes, 8:50 X 6 tires and Scott 3200 tailwheel. The fabric is Stits finished in Poly tone. The C90 8 engine was overhauled and it pulls a Sensenich 76AK-2-42 metal prop. All sheet metal was replaced including a new nose bowl. Note the tiedown rings on both the front and rear struts and the squared-off wingtips and splates that were installed on the airplane in the 1960's. Alan reports the long range tanks are nice when flying all day on skis in the winter. Empty weight is 847 Ibs. and normal cruise is 90 mph.
Rodney Anderson's Piper PA-ll Pictured, above and right, by his Piper PA-ll Cub Special, N4528M, SIN 11-32, is Rodney Anderson of Lake Preston, South Dakota. Rod
ney flew his pretty bird into the MAAC Fly-In at Brodhead, WI, where these photos were taken . The PA-ll is powered with a Continental C90-8 engine of 90 hp swinging a 74 X 42 Sensenich metal prop, which makes for very quick takeoffs. The original paint scheme of yellow and deep metallic blue has been faithfully adhered to and the original 8:00 X 4 wheels, brakes and tires are retained. The photo of the cabin and instrument panel reveals the nice workmanship in the aircraft rebuild. With wheels in the summer and skis in the winter, Rodney says the PA II is the ideal machine for having fun year around.
Jim Sweet's Aeronca 7AC Champ Photogra phed in fron t of his very nice Aeronca 7 AC Champ, N2627E, SIN 7AC-6209, at the annual fly-in of the MAAC at Brodhead, WI, is James M. Sweet (EAA 501436, A/C 25039 ) of Eagan, Minnesota. Fini shed off in the original paint scheme, which was chrome yellow and international orange, the Champ features a nice set of wheelpants, a brightly var nished wood prop and a Continental 75 hp en gine. What appears to be an extra set of tires in the rear window is actually a sleeping bag used for overnight camping! Working on a project? Send your photos and a short story on your airplane to: Attn: H.G. Frautschy EM Headquarters P.O. Box 3086 Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11
open up. Powered with an 80 hp French Anzani six-cylinder twin row radial engine, the Aircoupe had side-by-side seating for two under a hard canopy beneath a parasol monoplane wing, an arrangement that inspired the name Aircoupe. "An oddity apparent in the accompanying side iew photo is the similarity of the underlined script word Aircoupe on the side of the fuselage with the word Monocoupe in the same style and location on the contemporary Monocoupe built by Mono Aircraft, fnc. , of Moline, lL. "The Aircoupe was the last airplane built by Elias. In the ab sence of significant airplane production orders, the firm had been able to sur i e by building such military hardware as bomb racks for the armed ser ices. After the Aircoupe, references to Elias dis appeared from the a iation press."
by H.G. Frautschy This one is a tough project for you aeronautical sleuths. We do not have a positive identification here at EAA HQ - if you are able to pin it down, please be sure and mention your documenta tion when you write. The answer will be published in the Febru ary 1996 issue of Vintage Airplane. Answers for that issue of Vin tage must be received no later than December 25,1995. August's Mystery is well known to many members who are also modelers as the Elias EC-1 has been the subject of a few models in recent times. From Peter Bowers of Seattle , WA we have the first note about the August puzzler:
"The August Mystery Plane is the one and only Elias EC-J 'Aircoupe' built by G. Elias and Broth ers, fnc ., of Buffalo, NY. The General manufactur ing firm was founded in 1881 and didn't get into a i ation until after the end of World War f. The brothers then built a number of experimental and small-production designs for the U.S. Army and Na y in the early 1920's. "Their first commercial design was a liberty-pow ered mailplane for the U. S. Post Office'S 1925 fly off mailplane design contest that was won by the Douglas M-J . The Aircoupe was designed late in 1926 to meet a percei ed need for a light two-seat sportplane - the cheap war surplus models were wearing out and the market for new personal designs was expected to 12 NOVEMBER 1995
A surprising fact came to light while the Mystery Plane letters were read and filed - there still exists an Elias Aircoupe ...
"I was pleasantly surprised to open my copy of Vintage Airplane and find the Elias EC-1 Aircoupe was this issue's Mystery Plane. "The Mid Atlantic Air Museum own the Elias, X3981, sin 401, which was completed January 12,1928 after a fi e month design/build period. The EC-J was one of two built by G. Elias and Bros., at Buffalo, NY; howe er only one aircraft had 'papers' while both carried the same numbers. (The Elias was marketed as a con ertible, so the company built a second aircraft, the open cock pit 'Airsport' without the model 'A ' roadster looking enclosure and painted it identical including the same number, X3981, on the tail.) The Air~port burned in a fire in the late '50s; howe er the 'Air
(Continued on page 23)
Elias EC-l "Aircoupe"
Biicker by H.G. Frautschy Air to Air photography by Mike Steineke
Woody Woodward of Franklin, TN, knows he is a lucky man. Many an aer足 obatic pilot dreams of owning a Biicker of one type or another. Just one, just once. Woody's been lucky enough to own four of the nimble aerobatic mounts, and in 1995, he owns two of them. In the past he has owned two others, but nothing in his past has pre足 pared him for the absolute joy he ex足 presses about the two biplanes he now flies, a Bii 131 Jungmann and Bii 133.
Betcha Can't Fly Just One! VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13
th' "bi, im," (th' 757 "d 767)
for Delta is a great job, but it has a finite end - Woody's 60th birthday. As he looked beyond that date, he decided that he wished to take an interesting tack in aero batic flying - antique/classic aerobatics! A soaring pilot who was deeply into competitive non-powered flight, he served at one time as a V.P. of the SSA (Soaring Society of America) and as the chairman of the contest board. By the mid-1980's aviation had something else in store for him - the Antique/Classic airplanes he saw were very attractive, and he wanted to be a part of it all. A number of airplanes we might consider standard fare, including a Cub, Cessna 170 and a couple of Fleets have been on his hangar floor at one time or another. Nothing was like the two other biplanes he would own and fly. Built under the Blicker name, they proved to be worthy of their reputation as possibly the world's most nimble aerobatic biplane during the 1930s and '40s. Woody has been fortunate to find both a Bli 131 Jungmann (Young Man) and a Bli 133 Jungmeister to restore. The Bli 133 was restored by talented, award win ning craftsman Joe Fleeman (A/C 20349) of Lawrenceburg, TN. We'll get to a de scription of that airplane later. The Bli 131 Jungmann was to be Woody's own personal project. He would be responsi ble for its restoration, and he dove into the project with gusto. In one respect, the two airplanes would be substantially different. On the one hand , the Jungmeister would be restored as closely as possible to its original condi tion . The Jungmann, it was decided , would be built up as a custom airplane , but with an eye towards maintaining an original "look." This particular Blicker Bli 131 was ac tually built during 1947 in Czechoslovakia an Aero Praha Aero Z 131, SIN 85. Its first engine was a Walter Minor, and that installation is the first place this airplane has been changed, albeit slightly . The new engine is a Czech built LOM 332 AK aerobatic engine , a derivative of the old Walter engine. The new version of the Walter puts out a supercharged 140 hp while weighing 225 lbs. The entire installation has been put to gether by Joe Krybus of Krybus Aviation in Santa Paula , CA. He has developed and built the new engine mount for the LOM to mate it to the Jungmann. The new engine does have some added fea tures that we re not present on the older Walter Minor - a starter and generator, plus the supercharger. It also has a full in verted oil system. Joe developed the new cowl from the original nose bowl, building it out of fiberglass. 14 NOVEMBER 1995
The remainder of the engine cowl was built up out of sheet aluminum, intending to look as much like an origin al cowl as possible. Currently, there are three of the LOM powered Jungmanns built up and are flying, and they are looking forward to
Bli131Jun This Jungmann was built up
as a custom airplane, but with
an eye towards maintaining
an original "look. "
installing the engine in as many more air planes as possible. Joe also makes up the beautiful wheel spats that look so nice on the airplane and give it a definite "Blickery" look. The leather strut boots also contribute to the overa ll look , along with a simple color scheme that is also reminsient of the origi nal Bli 131's. Rebuilding the airplane from a basket case didn't present many difficulties to Woody. Three out of the four wings were in good shape, although one did need to be completely rebuilt. Fortunately, the fittings could be reused. The fuselage was cleaned up, sand blasted and painted with epoxy primer. From that point, each component was _,......:-.."...---.....r-: cleaned, rebuilt as needed and then installed with new hardware. A new set of flying wires was ordered from Macwhyte, and all the control cables were replaced. One of the keys to making an aer obatic airplane perform is to keep it as light as possible. Attention paid to little weight details pays off in better performance. The trim tab on the el evator, for instance, is just a bit lighter without fabric , and besides, it looks neat in its clear varnish finish . The wing walk area also has a clear finish , with a non-skid area added where your feet need to be. The fabric and
The cockpits of the Jungmann are built for aerobatic fun. The rear pit (above) includes a comm radio and a GPS. You can also see the sidewall material added between the stringers, to help prevent cracking the paint when the Hooker harness is inadvertently bumped into the fabric.
(Below) Woody Woodward, the proud owner of both the Jungmeister and Jungmann. (Below, right) The LOM 332 AK engine, a derivative of the Jungmeister's original Walter Mi足 nor, fits neatly in the cowl on the mount designed and fabricated by Joe Krybus of Krybus Aviation , Santa Paula, CA.
(Above) One of the most noticeable outward signs that a different engine has been mounted are the straight ex足 haust stacks, exiting the cowl on the left side. The LOM engine has a gener足 ator, starter and is supercharged, putting out 140 hp. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 15
finish is Stits (now PolyFiber, Inc.) Poly tone, with a coat of clear Aerothane to top it off. The colors are Stinson Maroon and a khaki tan that Woody mi xed himself, with a bit of gold outline trim aro und the letters. The covering process was quite an education for Woody. A man to whom the details all seem to add up , he had fin ished covering the fuse lage when he stood back, decided he cou ld do a be tter job, and proceed ed to get out a razor blade a nd cut off all the fabric. H e kn e w he could do a b e tt er job and , b y golly, he did n't want to look at a spot in later years a nd wish h e had don e it better. H e needn ' t worry now - he can be pro ud of his effort. In the cockpit, a complete Hooker har ness has been installed . To protect th e finish on the outside, a simple set of what looks like so undproofin g has been added by Woody between the stri nge rs. The fab ric gives the cockpit a finish ed look , and prevents th e harness from din ging the paint from the inside out. A trio of ga uges are mounted up fro nt , and th e e n gin e tachometer is built into a fairing on th e upper right of the forward cockpit rim, so it is visible from both cockpits. All up , it weighs about 950 Ibs, even with the added e ngine accessories and a GPS , comm radio and hydraulic brakes. But if a custom Blicker is not yo ur cup of tea, perhaps yo u need ...
(Above) The engine mount and firewall are all accessi
ble, as are the controls and forward part of the cockpit.
The side and bottom panels are easily removed, as is
the split cowl.
The rudder effectiveness (right) is enhanced through
the use of gap seals. The elevator hinge point allows
the forward edge of the elevator to act as an aerody
namic balance.
Joe Fleeman didn't care for the way the original control
cable exit fairing would crumple and wrinkle over time.
His fix consisted of a wire screen mesh being glued to
the inside of the fairing after it had been formed, and
then covering the screen with felt. The resulting fairing
should last quite a while, and look good as well.
(Below) The engine instruments are placed on the right side of the panel, and in the cen ter at the top is a beautiful compass, which has a circular heading "bug" built right into it, with a thumbwheel at the top to allow you to adjust it to your desired heading. The in strument panel did need to be completely re
built, but nearly all of the original instruments were still there - only the clock was missing. A metric sensitive altimeter is installed, and it is believed to be the same altimeter used by Swiss pilot Walo Horning during his com petition flights during the Zurich Interna tional Flying meet at Dubendorf Airfield on August 1, 1937. Horning placed third flying this same exact airplane. (Right) Master Craftsman, Joe Fleeman.
ft,,, pmduo'to" Bti 133e. sin 1001. This isn't just any Jungmeis
ter (as if it could ever be "just another old biplane") but the very first exam ple built of what would become the most popular aerobatic competition machine until the advent of Mr. Pitts' little biplane. Built as one of the air planes that would be used by the Swiss Dornier works as they set up the pro duction line fo r a run of 50 Bli 133C's, it spent most of its life as one of the advanced trainers for the Swiss Air Force. In 1968, it was mustered out of the service, eve ntu ally being sold across the English Channel for air show work, registered as G-AXNI. By 1979, it had made its way to Phoenix, AZ via Woodson K. Woods . The airplane continued to be flown until it was put into storage. By 1992, Woody Woodward had convinced Woods to part with the project, and it was brought back to Tennessee. The Jungmeister required a master craftsman to put the airp lane back to gether, and do it right, with all of the de tails just so. Woody knew where to go, for in Tennessee there's a fellow who does just that type of work - Joe Fleeman of Lawrenceburg, is known for his meticulous restorations, and his reputation grows with each restoration. AIC members probably recall the Piper PA-22 Tri-Pacer he re stored for Delton Perry. That airplane was the Reserve Grand Champion Class ic at EAA OSHKOSH '92, and the Best of Type at Sun ' n Fun '93 . He also had done a Blicker restoration in the past, the Bli 131 Jungmann belonging to Ralph Lerch of Boone, NC.
Jungmelster One of the nicest aspects of the restoration was the fact that the airplane had remained uirtually intact throughout its life.
One of the nicest aspects of the restora tion was the fact that the airplane had re mained virtually intact throughout its life time, so that few parts needed to be hunted down. It also had little total time on it just a little more than 900 hours. The wings did need to be completely re
built, but all of the fittings were OK . The
rest of the airframe was in very good condi tion, again requiring an extensive cleanup and pa inting with an epoxy finish. The wood stringers and fairings needed to be replaced, but again, since the airplane had been intact right up to the point it was put in storage, every part was still there, ready to be reproduced if need be. The Siemens SH14-A engine did need a bit of work, and in one of those fun little coincidences that seem to happen in sport aviation, the engine rebuilder turned out to be none other than Delton Perry, the gen tleman who had the restored Tri-Pacer mentioned earlier. A few internal parts did need to be replaced , but for the most part it was in good shape. With no internal oil ing for the gear train, you get pretty adept at pulling off the split cowl - the rocker arms must be greased every 25 hours, and the pushrods (which don't require cowling removal) have to be greased every 5 hours. Still, with its myriad needle and roller bear ings, the Siemens is still highly thought of by many pilots and mechanics. The bump cowling and the other sheet metal on the airplane was beginning to show the wear and tear of 900+ hours, and Joe estimates that 80 percent of it was re placed during the restoration. Each of the wing root fairing was replaced, and all of the remaining sheet metal spent a lot of time under a hammer or E nglish Wheel. The covering is the Superflite II process, with the finish coats in Randolph butyrate dope. One of the most durable parts of the airplane was still able to be reused. Each of the brass zippers used to gain inspection access was in perfect shape, and were sewn in place on the fuse lage covering. Looking back on the restoration, Joe says he continues to be impressed by the engineering put into the Blicker designs by chief engineer Anders J. Andersson and his staff. The enti re structure is designed to be "self equalizing," in that each of the structure fittings ends in a machined ball or socket, allowing the structure loads to be centered when the flying wires were tight ened. The airplane exhibits few problems with regard to areas that are always need ing to be fixed or reinforced . While its heyday ended in competition when the Pitts Special was able to show off with bet ter vertical penetration, the Jungmeister is still revered around the world for its finely balanced control harmony. Certainly Woody Woodward feels the same way. His only difficulty is in picking which one he wants to fly. When the time comes to leave the Delta cockpit and retire, it looks as though Woody will have plenty to do. ... VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17
The Norseman
Float Plane
Red Lake, Ontario, Canada by John L. Parish
Gold was struck at the annual Norse man Float Plane Festival at Red Lake , Ontario, on July 14, 15 and 16, 1995 . Red Lake is the most northern commu nity in Northwest Ontario served by road and its history dates back to a gold mining boom that started in the 1800's. Today, it is a "bush plane" cen ter which services the vast wilderness area north to the Hudson Bay. At EAA , we say, "If you like air planes, EAA is the place to be." How ever, if you like floatplanes , Red Lake is the place to be, especially in mid July. The Noorduyn Norseman was the first Canadian designed airplane of the 1930's to serve the vast areas of the Canadian bush country. To this very day , the Norseman still plays a vital role in bush transportation and Red Lake had labeled itself the "Norseman Capital of the World" and rightly so many still operate on a daily basis from this northern base. This year, 14 Norseman of the re ported approximately 30 still flying in the entire world , were on hand to cele brate this great aircraft's 60th Anniver
sary (1935 - 1995). On hand for the cel ebration was Robert Noorduyn , the son of the original designer , Robert Bernard Cornelius Noorduyn , and Phil Capreol, son of the first Norseman test pilot, Leigh Capreol. Many fine exam ples of this outstanding airplane were flown in from central and western Canada along with one example from Minnesota. The town of Red Lake goes all out for this event. The waterfront has been renovated, the entire community spruced up and the people take on the most friendly attitude of any hosts we have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Ron Robinson , the event chairman, and the Festival Committee were very well organized , in fact , Ron mentioned that they patterned their high standards after Oshkosh! The place was clean. We arrived at Red Lake in three f1oatplanes; Steve and Susan Dyer, Denver, CO , in their Cessna 185 on amphibs, Jimmy and Leen Hunt, Nashville, TN, in their Cess na
185 on amphibs and Charlotte and I in our Cessna 206 on straight floats. We were directed to the new government docks where parking assignments were made at private docks around the bay. Docking chairman Dave McLeod ran a smooth operation. Parking at private docks in the bay allowed us to make many new local friends. This was my second trip to Red Lake. Several years ago I visited the area trying to find the remains of a Staggerwing Beech which had operated out of Red Lake for many years. While this is another story, I was successful in finding some remains of the airplane , both in the lake and along the shoreline where the airplane was abandoned .
Standing in front of Norseman CF-BTC , which is believed to be the only remaining Model IV, are Phil Capreol, left, the son of Leigh Capreol, Noorduyn's first test pilot and Robert Noorduyn, son of R. B. C. No orduyn, designer of the Noorduyn Norse man. An ambitious youngster takes his turn in the Norseman Float Pumping Contest held on the main street of Red Lake, us ing an old pontoon from a Norseman.
18 NOVEMBER 1995
(Left) Mounted on a pedestal overklooking the bay at Red Lake is Noorduyn Norseman, CF-DRG, beautifully restored in its operating colors by Red Lake Seaplane Service and many, many volun teers. The colloquial name coined for this air plane during its working years was "Dirty Rotten Dog" - from the DRG registration letters. (Right and below right) From Selkirk, Manitoba, this Norseman, CF-IGX, was flown to Red Lake by Bob Polinuk, Gary Polinuk and Dave Lindskog of Selkirk Air, a charter operation located just north of Winnepeg, Manitoba. (Below) One of the prettiest Norseman restora tions was CF-SAN, all done up in a yellow and green paint scheme and nicknamed "Buffalo Joe." Restored by Doug and Lisa Johnson (left in photo) of Solor Aviation in Edmonton, Alberta, the big floatplane was restored for Buffalo Joe McBryan, owner of Buffalo Airways, Yellowknife, NWT, seen here on the right. The center person is Dave From, who rebuilt the P & W R-1340 engine.
(Below) Now flown by Red Lake Airways, this Mark V Norseman, C-FJIN, was an integral part of the Red Lake celebration. This particular Norse man attended the Oshkosh seaplane fly-in in 1985 and '86, flown by Ron Newburg (EAA 42328) of Orillia, Ontario, and was featured on the front cover of the September 1987 VINTAGE AIRPLANE.
(Left) Creativity abounds in the great north, as evidenced by the beautiful quilt work inspired by the Norse man. The cultural impact of this air plane on the lives of the Canadians who reside where the airplane is a main source of supplies extends far beyond the the airplane itself. (Right) The event organizers said they were so impressed by the high standards shown by EAAers at EAA OSHKOSH that they wanted pattern their event after the Convention. The "Biz Clean-Up Patrol" was part of that effort. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 19
Children were given plenty to do at the Norse man Festival. Here, (above) the kids get to try their hand at "fishing" for steel tools in the lake with a magnet on a string. (Right) The Red Lake Norseman Festival Chair man and Economic Development officer, Ron Robinson. Even the little tykes had their own Norseman to fly. (Below) This little PIC is about to board while her smaller companion enjoys some thing universal amongst children - splashing in the puddle along the curb.
Thanks to 1. B. Blaszczyk (EAA 265308, A/C 24845) and others, we have preserved this bit of aviation history plus developed some fine friendships. J. B. is an avid EAA member who rel ishes his Super Cub PA-18-95, CF-ZRL, on floats which he flew to Oshkosh this year along with a friend, Steve Wall , in a Luscombe 8F, CF-LJY, on floats. 20 NOVEMBER 1995
There was literally something for every one at this festival. Our wives had a great time at the quilting center, local museum, and shopping at the arts and crafts shops. The street activities ran the full gamut from "float pumping contests, good food, Indian crafts, kids fishing for tools in the lake with a magnet, model float plane flying and rescue demonstrations by huge C-130 Hercules. For those looking for a new flying ex perience, we suggest you consider Red Lake, Ontario next year. The town is also served by a fine airport, however, make your reservations early if staying
in a motel. Camping facilities are avail able and some in the community offer rooms at their homes. The local cham ber of commerce is quite efficient and I suggest you give them a phone call. The Norseman Festival was such an enjoyable experience that we are going back next year. In fact , if you want to join us in ' 96, let us know. We will leave from Ely, Minnesota (float plane parking can be arranged) and Ely also has an excellent land airport. If you are on floats, we can spend a day or two, half way between Ely and Red Lake , for some fishing at our re mote camp. Just give us a call at 615 455-8463 in Tullahoma, TN , or 218 365-4091 in Ely, MN. We struck gold in Red Lake, On tario, and we are confident you will ... too!
by Norm Petersen
O n e of the more interesting Classic restorations to come to our attention is this nicely done 1955 Aero Commander 560, N2722B , SIN 222, which is the proud possession of Joe and Desiree Radosky (EAA 492050, A IC 24590) of Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Although the pretty twin is over forty years old, it is in remarkable condition and the hard work accomplished by Joe and Desiree really shows. Built in May of 1955 at Bethany, OK, the "560" was the brainchild of noted designer Ted Smith, of Aerostar fame . N2722B was purchased new by Zan top Airlines of Ypsilanti, MI , who in turn sold it to Louis Ritt of Bellaire , MI. The next owner was Dimitri Rebicoff of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, who owned the Aero Commander for many years be足 fore Joe and Desiree became the fourth owners when they purchased the air足 plane in early 1995. They had spotted the Aero Com足 mander in the back of a hangar at Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport, covered with an old sheet to protect the plexi足 glass windows. Upon inquiring, they
Joe Radosky's
ero Commander
560 (Above left) The instrument panel shows some of the old and some of the new. Dual control yokes are hinged at the outboard ends by the cabin walls. The Stormscope is mounted in the center of the panel and the panel lighting is eyebrow lights installed above the instruments. (Left) Wow! The finished paint scheme is really looking sharp in this photo. Notice how much better the airplane looks with the wheels painted white to match the rest of the plane.
The clean, uncluttered lines of the Aero Commander 560 are readily apparent in this photo of N2722B taken along the shore of the Atlantic ocean near Ft. Lauderdale. The high shutter speed tends to make the props look like they are stopped.
were allowed to remove the sheet and examine the rather neglected old air plan e . The paint was very weather beaten and it had a paint scheme of yel lowish white, dayglo orange and brown e ngine nace lles. The interior seats were black with red, sweat-stained fab ric inse rts and the side panels were red vinyl. The headliner was brown and the carpet was gree n. The control yokes were wrapped in pieces of torn rope. It truly wa s a neglected machine in the eyes of the Radoskys, yet it had promise of being rejuvenated with a lot of tender loving care (TLC). This particular airplane was manu factured two serial numbers b efo re Dwight Eisenhower's Presidential Aero Commander 560, SI N 224, which is still extant in California. Fifteen Aero Com mander 560's were supplied to the U. S. Air Force for use as V.I.P. transports of which SIN 224 was one. The Air Force designation was L-26B. The Radoskys were able to negotiate a purchase with the owner who was in his eighties and had not flown the air plane for nearly four years. The owner's pilot took the Radoskys for a ride in the six-place twin and they were "sold " on the spot. The stable, powerful machine literally sold itself. The airplane had a total of 3156 airframe hours and the two Lycoming GO-480-1B engines of 295 hp a nd three-bladed Hartz e ll props had 745 hours total. For the next three months , Joe and Desiree worked every night and every weekend to completely refurbish the aircraft. They performed an extensive annual inspection on the newly acquired twin, recovered all the seats, rep laced the carpet and readied the big twin for a new paint job. The new paint sc heme ,
carefully put on by a couple of painter friends during a three week period, was basic white with black and silver stripes, all done in two-part Durath a ne - very striking to say the least. The new interior is done in gray and black to match the outside color scheme and a portion of the original red accent is retained to highlight the interior. In addition, some new avionics were in stalled (GPS and Stormscope) to update the aircraft's capability. Joe and Desiree operate an aircraft cleaning service on a full-time basis. Their company is called Executive Ae roclean and they often display the Aero Commander to show details of their work. On the weekends, they use the aircraft to visit the Florida Keys , the Caribbean an d tak e frequent trips to Disney World . With six seats in the big twin, their many friends often get to share the experience. Cruising at an easy 180 mph, the Aero Commander uses about 25 gp h , which is quite re markable for a six place executive twin
airplane. Joe reports the Lycoming en gines are running well and to date, they have put about fifty hours on the refur bished airplane. The biggest problem , according to Joe , is a nice problem to have - everyone who sees the airplane, wants to buy it! Joe made his solo flight at age 14 in a Schweizer 2-33 glider some twenty three years ago back in Pennsylvania. He has since added, Private, Commercial, In strument, Multi-e ngine and CFI ratings and has logged over 1800 ho urs to date. However , the sheer joy of flying the beautiful Aero Commander 560 is above and beyond all previous airplanes. Congratulations to Joe and Desiree Radosky on completing a much needed restoration on a 1955 Classic airplane. We look forward to seeing the pretty Aero Commander twin on the flight line at future fly-ins .
(Left) The beginning of the new paint job started with mask
ing off the props and spinners. Note the original dayglo or
ange stripe and vertical tail along with the brown engine na
(Above) With the white basecoat all completed, the masking
is begun for the black and silver gray trim. A good steady
eye is necessary when laying out the long stripes along the
length of the airplane.
22 NOVEMBER 1995
Mystery Plane
(Continued from page 12) coupe'sur i es and is presently being prepared for restoration by the museum. " The Aircoupe has not flown since 1935 when its six-cylinder Anzani engine was remo ed for 0 erhaul, and the Long Island shop caught fire, destroying the engine. The engine was ne er re placed and the aircraft went into storage. "The Elias was ne er certificated by the CAA, thus the 'X' regis tration number. Various engines were proposed and tried. Th e original 80 hp (Brownback) Amani, the Cirrus, ABC H ornet and finally the Kinner K5. The last factory sales material indicates the Kinner K5 and Anzani were optional powerplants. (At about this same time the Anzani was remo ed from the go ernment's ap pro ed foreign engine list.) "The EC-1 was painted 0 erall yellow with black fuselage from the rear of the doors forward. The landing gear and wing struts were also black. The fabric wire wheel co ers were also yellow. on the side of the fuselage in large black stylish script are the words 'Elias Aircoupe Buffalo NY.' The remo able 'coupe' top was tan can as 0 er wooden bows. "Designer Joseph Kato of C. Elias and Bros. had designed three aircraft pre ious to the EC-1 hence the serial number 401. . Elias also had contracts with the military to perform modifications to existing aircraft in military in entory at the time. " Though the company dates back to the 1800's as a lumber dealer, nothing can be found past ]929 on the Aircoupe or the com pany, though the 1930 edition of the Aircraft Yearbook lists C. Elias and Bros. as suppliers of aircraft wood. "The museum is interested in locating an Anzani engine, prefer ably the impro ed 'Brownback' ersion for the Elias Aircoupe. I would appreciate any information readers could pro ide which could lead to the acquisition of an engine so this 'little beauty' could appear at OSHKOSH in the future." Russell A. Strine President, Mid Atlantic Air Museum R.D.9, Box 9381, Reading, PA 19605
Ron Rex, Ocala, FL mentioned in his letter " . .. An interesting feature of the Aircoupe was the fact that most of its parts were interchangeable. This included the right and left control surfaces and irtually all the other right and left parts except the wings and landing gear Vees. "
Many of those who answered mentioned seeing the EC-1 in the new book by Joseph Juptner en titl ed "T- Hangar Tales.' Shown on page 23, the Aircoupe is only one of many stories and anecdotes about the early days of aviation collected by Joe and put together in an entertaining and informative fashion. I highly recommend it! T-Hangar tales is published by Historic Aviation , 1401 Kings Wood Rd. , Eagan, MN 55122, phone 612/454-2493. Other answers were received from Ralph Nortell, Spokane, WA; Robert Wynne , Mercer Island , WA ; John Beebe, White Stone, VA ; Frank Goebel, Joliet, IL; Vic N. Smith, Uxbridge, Middlesex, United Kingdom; Mike Cilurso, Allentown, PA; Dave Kingman , Ft. Walton Beach , FL; Bill Mette , Campbell, CA; William Rogers , Jacksonville, FL; and Charley Hayes, New Lenox, IL.
AIRCOUPE SPECS Wing span . ...28 ft, 1-1/ 2 in. Length ..........21 ft, 1 in. Wing Area . . . .. .. .192 sq. ft Empty WI. ......... .810 Ibs
Gross WI. ......... 1388 Ibs High speed .... ... .90 mph Cruise Speed ...... .80 mph Range ... ....... .400 miles
Fly-In ------- Jim NewmlJn
Calendar The following list of coming evetlts is furnished to our readers as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction of any event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to EAA, Att: Golda Cox, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Information should be received four months prior to the event date. NOVEMBER 11-12 - GRIFFIN, GA - Alexander Aero plane Co. Builders' Workshops. For info call 1-800/231 2949. NOVEMBER 18-19 - LEAGUE CITY, TX - Annual Gulf Coast Fly -in and Expo. Call 713/486-7762 for info. DECEMBER 3 - FT. MYERS, FL - EAA Chapter 66 Pancake Breakfast. For info call 9411947-1430. DECEMBER 3 - ARCADIA, FL Hadden A IC Aero Club Fly MarketlPancake BreakfastlBarbecue lunch. 941/494-5131. DECEMBER 9 - PUNTA GORDA, FL - EAA Chapter 565 Pancake Breakfast Fly-In. 8131575-6360. FEBRUARY 10, 1996 - MERRITT ISLAND , FL Merritt Island airport. Aviation Day '96, sponsored by Alpha Eta Rho , Sigma Alpha chapter, Florida Institute of Technology. Aircraft rides and tours with F.I.T.'s NIFA precision flight team, the Falcons, as well as land ing a nd bomb drop competitions. Call 407/242-4949 for more info. FEBRUARY 24-25 - MINNEAPOLIS , MN Minnesota Sport Aviation Conference and Flight Expo, Minneapolis Convention Center, 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday. Aviation speakers, exhibits, workshops. Sponsored by the Minn. Office of Aeronautics, FAA and Minnesota pilot groups and associations. Call 612/296-8202. MA R CH 6-7 - NASHVILLE, TN - Tennessee Mid South Aviation Maintenance Seminar. Contact TN Dept. of Trans. , Office of Aeronautics, P.O. Box 17326, Nashville, TN 37217. Call 6151741-3208 . APRI L 14-20 - LAKELAND, FL - 22nd Annual Sun ' n Fun EAA Fly-In and Convention. 813/644-2431. AUGUST 1-7 - OSHKOSH , WI - 44th Annual EAA Fly-In and Sport Aviation Convention. Wittman Re gional Airport. Contact John Burton, EAA, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. 414/426-4800. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 23
db by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert
EAA #21
Ale #5
BUCK P.O. Box 424
Union, IL 60180
"I guess it's time!" was my only thought when 1 did an other oil change on the Funny farm Aeronca Sedan. It 's still making metal. The C-145 only had 335 hours on it since new, and it had been back at the facto ry in 1948 to comply with a mandatory A.D. It had been remanufactured and given a new factory logbook at that time, so in reality it only had 301 hours on it. The previous owners, Pam an d Paul Workm a n had "top ped " it when it came o ut of long te rm storage, and shortly before they sold it to me, it ate up a piston. The pis ton parts were expunged from the case, the screen and all came out squeaky clean , but, there were little particles each time the oi l was cha nged. This made for some un easiness on my part even though it ran smooth and seemed to have no outward symptoms of internal distress. It was time!
Anticipating an eventual need for a replacement of the C-145 in number one so n's Cessna 170A or even more so the Sedan, we had acquired a C-145 core and did a complete Major. Now it was time to do the switch. 1 ca ll ed H .G. a nd told him what I was up to and was pleasantly surprised when he offered to help. We set a date and went for it! The old engi ne came off and the new one went o n. 1 won't say it was a " no sweat" (the four mount bolts were a bit frustrating for a little while! - HGF) , but it ac tu ally was fairly easy, and we accomp lished the bulk of the operation in a day and a half. While we were at it we did the ann ual as well, so that took another day or so. At EAA OSHKOSH '94 I had seen an oil filter installa tion by Aviation Development Corporation out of Seattle, WA . Comparing it with the filter system from EI Reno that number 1-1/2 son had on his Cessna 170B, this one seemed to have some extra features I liked . The adapters were much the same, but the ADC unit offered a firewall mounting and reusable filter screen. The price slowed me down a little as it was abou t a $150 higher. I stalled making a decision. As often happens, 'OSH '95 came up before 1 could fin ish the project. I again went to ADC's display booth and my decision was made for me when I found they were offer ing an " Oshkosh Special " at about $100 off the regular price. It was still over five hundred bucks, but figuring the numbers 1 had spent on the new engine and considering the reusable filters offsetting the costs of the spin-on o nes, I went for it. Especially when they told me they'd eat the shipping costs. When I got hom e from OSH, true to their promise the unit followed me home. I looked over the installation draw ings and did it! 1 had to have a field approval for th e STC because this was a first on an Aeronca 15AC, and I won't go into the details of taking a three week delay for that, but it's done and we 're ready to run. Now ADC's instructions and literature are specific in how this thing is installed and works. The cleaning process in very simple and the 3 micron scree n catches it all. When the screen does its job there is a little warning light installed on the panel that will light as the bypass function comes into p lay. Hey , cl ea n the screen and you're off a nd running agai n. And "WOW ," does it work! Read the letter I wrote to the company, and look at the insta ll ation pictures. If you are in the market for an oil filter, give this one some consid eration. Dear Gordon, et ai, I was amazed! I finished the filter installation on my Aeronca 15AC Sedan with th e newly major overhauled Continenta l C-145 and did the first run. The filter warning
Here are couple of shots of the ACC filter installation in the Sedan. The STC'd/PMA'd unit works exceptionally well, and helps cool the oil a bit as an added benefit. An electrical switch in the unit is wired to a amber lamp on the panel, warning the pilot if the oil filter is bypassed, should the filter become clogged. A bypass light earlier than you come to ex pect, after the engine has been broken in, could be an early indication of abnormal wear or failure. 24 NOVEMBER 1995
light came on after on ly six or seven minutes, act ually the first time I took the RPM up to about 1700. The light went out when I dropped the RPM back down to 100, and then a minute or so later it came on again and this time, it stayed on. When we pulled the screen, I was flabbergasted! The contam inates were right there in the screen and readily visible. Lint, gasket particles, a few small flecks of various metals, and maybe a few pieces of rubber from the hoses and O-rings. To think we normally run an engine for sometimes a much as ten hours before we do the first oil change. Wonder of wonders, there are all the contaminates right there to see without any fur ther ado. No can to cut open, no rag to slosh in a bucket - the screen lays it all out for inspection. Installation of the unit following your more than adequ ate drawings and instructions was easily accomplished. The only ex ception was that the engine mount was in the way, preventing a straight-in house connection to the adapter. It was was neces sary to rotate the adapter about 45 ° to clear the engine mount member, with one line and then a 45° elbow was used to direct the hose over the engine mount tube. Relocating the oil temperature probe involved some machine work as per your instructions, but was accomplished with a mini mum of stress. All in all, my lA, W.D . "Dip" Davis, who happens to head up the Superflite stick and rag department (formerly Cooper), and r were quite impressed with the efficiency of yo ur filter, the ease of servicing the unit, and the fact that all the contaminates as so easily viewed and immediate ly evaluated that we will reco m mend yo u unit to any and all who will listen.
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Over to you fellow AIC people,
Raphael C. DeChambenoit Abidjan, Ivory Coast San Lorenzo, CA John S. Dodge Apple Valley, MN Ryan B. Doyle Naperville, IL Dale R. DuFay Victorville, CA Larry Frattini Robert Gard Lauderdale, Tasmania, Australia San Ysidro, CA Lorenzo Gariibaldi Miami, OK Truman Geouge Walter A. Gester Riverside, CA Houston, TX Marcia K. Gietz Winston-Salem, NC Michael P. Greco Edward G. Greskovic LaPlata, MD Robert Hall Ormond Beach, FL Havana, FL James L. Hiatt D e Kalb, IL Robert G . Hiland William C. Hoyt Trimble, MO Per Kare Johnsen Molde, Norway Lance J. Johnson Salt Lake City, UT Barton F. Jones Colorado Springs, CO WilIow,AK Richard P. Keida William J. Kelsall Coatesville, PA David H. Kenyon E ugene, OR Jefferson City, MO Roy Lee Kirgan Tim F. Klein Cheektowaga, NY Byron, IL Edward S. Lanan Seattle, WA Lars Larson Hartland, WI Dean H. London Candor, NC Larry B. Long Edward Lynch Independance, KS Atlanta, MI Donald E. Marlatt Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Jim J. Martin Glenn R. McGowan Hamilton, NJ Griswold, CT Robert McGrath Encino,CA Douglas Menick
Glen Abrahamson Ken Adams Joe T. Bailey Joye Baker Edwin S. Barland Jack Reid Bell Nelson K. Bell Jake A. Bilstad Dennis W. Burns Tom Byfield Call Air Foundation David R. Carlson Douglas J. Cartledge David L. Clouser Harold E. Colson James Dempsey
Fairmont, MN Neosho, WI Church Hill, TN Denver, CO Marietta, GA Lithia Springs, GA Shreveport, LA Plano, TX Twin Lake, MI Indianapolis, IN Afton, WY Hay Springs, NE Brecksville, OH Weston, MO Jacksonville, FL Aloha, OR
Kirkersville, OH Sam Miklos, Jr. H . Jay Miller Islamorada, FL Hatillo,PR Rodolfo Montiteagudo Nashville, TN Donald R. Morris Modesto,CA Glenn W. Mount Langhorne, P A John Muhlig Carson City, NY Dayton Murdock Derby, KS Bob Murra Spring, TX Kerry O'Day Woolwich , ME Thomas P. Paiement Nashville, TN Robert J. Petrie Memphis, TN Charles T. Pitman James V. Pleasants St. Simons Island, GA Newton , TX Donald G. Powell Steven Powell Houston, TX San Antonio, TX James E. Ritter William H . Robbins Sanford, FL Midlothian, TX Mark A. Rowe Newburgh, NY Doron A. Salomon Edison, OH James B. Sayers Janesville, WI Robert B. Schmidt Hugh Schoelzel Litchfield, CT . Fond du Lac, WI Edward W. Seal William R. Shank Sandusky, OH Saranac Lake, NY Harold S. Snow Mrs. L. P. Soucy Louisville, KY James L. Taylor Rogers,AR Pierre, SD Galen ~heobald Lake Elsinore, CA Theodore P. Tuttle Ft. Lauderdale, FL Gale Walker Michael L. Walker Fredericksburg, TX C. Paul Wilcox Jacksonville, FL Leicester, NC Michael Douglas Wilde Ralph W. Witt Genoa, IL Edward S. Wyka Clifton, NJ VINTAGE AIRPLANE 25
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Diamond Jubilee Commemorative Issues Recognizing the 60th Anniversary of the famous Canadian bushplane and WWII utility transport rated by Peter G. Masefield in 1943 as /lin a class by itself" among the world's top 20 aircraft. Commemorating the anniversary gathering of 16 of these Vintage aircraft at Red Lake, Ontario, Norseman Capital of the World, in july, 1995.
Please send cheque or money order to: Norseman Festival Committee P.O. Box 131, Red Lake Ontario POV 2MO PH: (807) 727-2809 FAX: (807) 727-3975 All prices include Sh ipping & Hand ling. Canad ian Residents add 30% exchange and 7% G.S.T. 26 NOVEMBER 1995
The Vintage Weekend
& Fly-In
Awaiting you is a welcoming cocktail party in a private home on Friday evening, followed by a day-long celebration of cars, boats and planes, a genuine Maine lobsterbake, and an evening with our special guest, Maine humorist Tim Sample. On Sunday morning, an awards and farewell breakfast concludes the festivities.
Antique & Classic Airplane Fly-In
Antique & Classic
Yacht Rendezvous
The Board of Directors of Ocean Reef Club
Key Largo, Florida
cordially invites you to attend this exceptional event
December 8, 9 & 10, 1995
honoring classic conveyance by land, sea and air.
The Club's facilities include 270 guest rooms and villas.
two i8-hole golfcourses, a Lawn & Tennis Center, a i 75足 slip marina, twelve restaurants and lounges. a shopping
village and a 4,000' airstrip.
Our location is 55 miles south ofMiami International
Airport on the northern tip ofKey Largo.
RSVP to Lesa Crayne 305-367-5896 by December 1st.
Because Ocean Reef Club is a private club, the Vintage Weekend and Fly-In is open only to
invited guests staying in our Inn or Marina. Participation (exclusive of lodging) is $150.00 per person.
EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $35 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is available for an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $20 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership.
Something to buy, sell or trade? An inexpensive ad in the Vintage Trader may be just the answer to obtaining that elusive part. .40¢ per word, $6.00 minimum Current EAA members may join the Antique/ charge. Send your ad and payment to: Vintage Trader, fAA Aviation Center, P.O. Classic Division and receive VINTAGE AIR Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, or fax your ad and your VISA or MasterCard PLANE magazine for an additional $27 per year. number to 414/426-4828. Ads must be received by the 20th of the month for EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE mag insertion in the issue the second month following (e.g., October 20th for the azine and one year membership in the EAA December issue.) Antique/Classic Division is available for $37 per
year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included).
Current EM members may join the Intemational Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT Lawrance 5 Cyl. Radial Engine - 37 hp AEROBATICS magazine for an additional $35 at 4000 rpm. Conversion information per year. available. Must send your engine picture EM Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS maga zine and one year membership in the lAC first. George Copland, Route 2, Box 12, Division is available for $45 per year (SPORT Duncan, OK 73533. (11-1) AVIATION magazine not included).
Current EAA members may join the EAA Warbirds of America Division and receive WAR Collector's Item - G2 Gyrocompass BIRDS magazine for an additional $30 per year. EAA Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and System (Navy) with tech data plus one year membership in the Warbirds Division is 28VDC/115VAC inverter. Make offer. available for $40 per year (SPORT AVIATION Frank Mamrol, 361 E. Main Street, magazine not included).
Lansdale, PA 19446. (11-1)
EAA EXPERIMENTER Current EAA members may receive EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $18 per year. EAA Membership and EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine is available for $28 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included).
Please submit your remittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars. Add $13 postage for SPORT AVIATION magazine and/or $6 postage for any of the other magazines.
P.O.BOX 3086
OSHKOSH, WI 54903-3086
PHONE (414) 426-4800
FAX (414) 426-4873
8:15-5:00 MON.-FRI.
28 NOVEMBER 1995
Ultraflight Magazine - Hear our "FAST ACTION CLASSIFIEDS." Call 1-800-411 0042 . Buy, sell, trade, kit built, fixed wing, powered parachutes, rotor, sailplanes, trikes, balloons and more. Stories galore! Sample issue $3 .00. Annual subscription $36.00. INTRODUC TORY OFFER OF ONLY $24.00. Ultraflight Magazine, 12545 70th Street, Largo , Florida 34643-3025 . 813/539 0814. (11-1) "Carwell" Bubbleface Compass Recent overhaul, as new - $395 . "Kollsman" Bubbleface Compass Excellent Condition - $325 . "Chelsea" A.S .S.C . Aircraft Clock, 1918 - $450 . Zenith "Hight" Altimeter, 1918 - $395 . American Optical "Pursuit" Flying Goggles, 1930, Excellent - $155. 01' Jon Aldrich, Airport Box 706, Groveland, CA 95321. (11-1) Flying Field - by James Haynes can be purchased by mailing your check to Robins Nest Company, 21 Sunset Ln. , Bushnell, IL 61422-9739. Flying Field is about the historic Monmouth, Illinois air port. It is "the oldest continuously oper
ated airport in Illinois." 250 pp - 133 pho tos. $19.00 includes shipping and han dling. This is an excellent Christmas gift for those who love nostalgia, history and good flying stories. (11-1) Plans - Ragwing Replicas - Ultralight legal Pietenpol, Pitts, Heath, Church Midwing. Plans $70. Brochure $3. 312 Gilstrap Drive, Liberty, SC 29657. (9/96) SUPER CUB PA-18 FUSELAGES New manufacture, STC-PMA-d, 4130 chromoly tubing throughout, also com plete fuselage repair. ROCKY MOUN TAIN AIRFRAME INC. (J. Soares, Pres.), 7093 Dry Creek Road, Belgrade, Montana 59714, 406/388-6069, FAX 406/388-0170. Repair station No. QK5R148N . (NEW) This & That About the Ercoupe, $14.00. Fly-About Adventures & the Ercoupe, $17.95. Both books, $25.00. Fly-About, P.O. Box 51144, Denton, Texas 76206. (ufn) FREE CATALOG - Aviation books and videos . How to, building and restoration tips, historic, flying and entertainment titles. Call for a free cat alog. EAA, 1-800-843-3612. Curtiss JN4-D Memorabilia - You can now own memorabilia from the famous Curtiss "Jenny," as seen on "TREASURES FROM THE PAST." We have T-shirts, posters, postcards, videos, pins, airmail cachets, etc. We also have R/C documentation exclu sive to this historic aircraft. Sale of these items supports operating expenses to keep this "Jenny" flying for the aviation public. We appreciate your help . Send SASE to Virginia Aviation , P.O. Box 3365, Warrenton, VA 22186. (ufn)
Dr. John Nordt His father started as a pilot with Eastern
Airlines in 1942, which influenced John's aviation desire.
Began Hying in 1966 Member of EAA and Antique/Classic Division
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(Above) This sturdy natural cotton duck baseball cap has a brown leather brim and the colorful (blue, hunter green or maroon) NC logo. One size fits all, adjustable leather strap . .•.......••..........•••. .$12.00* (Above, left) You'll be warm and toasty with your fleece shirt/jacket, trimmed with the NC logo. 100% polyester Polartec®, it has zippered slash pockets and a zippered cowl neck. It's availab le in navy blue. Sizes M-2Xl ..........................$52.95*
(Above) The Antique/Classic sport shirt looks great whether at the airport or the golf links. Made of 100% combed colorfast cot ton, it is available in royal blue with teal trim, fuschia with blue trim and black with fuschia trim. Sizes M-2Xl ..................................$28.95*
(Right) This pinstripe oxford shirt is as classic as the airp lane you fly. Antique/Classic logo is embroidered above the pocket. Made from a high quality 60/40 cotton/poly blend. Available with bur gu ndy or blue stripes. Short sleeve only. Size 1 5 - 1 71 /2 .......•.•..••....
(Above) You' ll be covered fro nt to back w ith your favo ri te Antique, Classic and Contempora ry airplanes on these bright 100% pre-shrunk cotton T-shirts. Eac h is topped off w ith the NC logo on the sleeve. Ava il able in these pastel co lors: cream, fuschia, blue, green and orange. Sizes S-2Xl ........... •• ..•............. . .........$15.95 * (Above, left) Keep wa rm w ith thi s th ick fleece-lined sweatshirt neatly embroidered w ith the Antiq ue/C lassic logo. Made of a 70/30 cotton/poly blend. Cowl neck, w hite w ith black and go ld logo, grey trim. Sizes M-2Xl .... . .. . •.......... . ...... ..••.. . ..• ...$33.95 * (Left) Ju st ri ght for th ose wa rm summer afternoons spent at the air
port, the scoop neck 100% pre-shrunk cotton tee features the
embro idered Antique/C lass ic logo in the shi rt co lor. Available in
I ight green or cranberry.
Sizes S-l ........... • . •• ...................... •$12.95 *
(Below, ri ght) If you need a little more warmth (say, when you're
doing a li ttle open cockpit fly ing!) you' ll need the Antique/Classic
hooded sweatshirt. Ava il able in oatmea l fleece w ith accent stripes
of burgundy, navy blue and fores t green on the shou lders. Made of
a 70/30 cotton/po ly blend . Blue and burgundy NC logo.
Sizes M-2Xl ..•.•. . . ....... . . . ... . ......... •. ..$38.95*
(R ight) The 100% pre-shru nk cotton ribbed scoop neck tee is fem inine yet casual. It also features the NC logo embroi dered in a glossy th read in the same color, and is avai lable in blue or rose. Sizes S-l .. . .. . .. . .$12.95*
(Left) The Antique/C lassic Division's colors have never been brighter! Made of 100% pre-shrunk cotton, the A/e golf shirt is avai lab le in jade green, turquoise, navy blue and cranberry, with matching co lor logo. Sizes M-2Xl .....•26.95*
(Above) Embroidered caps have Antique/Classic logo stitched in metal lic gold thread. Poly blend fabric and broad brims make these hats comfort ab le and durable. One size fits all. Avai lable in teal or blue with red brim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.95* (Right) 10 oz . ceramic mug shows the logo of the Antique/Classic divi sion. Dishwasher safe. . . .. .$8.95*
(Above) This heavy, fleece lined sw eat shirt has the EAA Antique/Classic logo embroidered with silver, forest green and meta llic gold stitching. You'll enjoy the warmth and comfort of this long-wearing, machine washable, 50/50 cotton/polyester shirt. Size M -2XL . . . .... . . . . ..... . . . ... ..$3 2.95* (Right) Keep the essential tools ready with this heavy canvas tool roll. Features 14 pockets for wrenches, screw drivers, pi iers or any other tool you'l l never want to be without. (tools not included) . ......... . ... ....$12.00*
(Left) No flight bag shou ld be without a Mini Maglite. Uses
two AAA batteries and can be adjusted from spot to flood
with a twist of the wrist. Availab le in green, blue, black or
red with Antique/Classic logo ...... ...... . ...$19.95*
(Lower left) Compact barrel bag is made from heavy can
vas and is the perfect size. Measures 12" x 7" and features
the Antique/Classic logo. . . .• . ....... . . . . ..$10.00*
(Below) This lightweight jacket is perfect for the flight line
or the golf course. 100% nylon shell. Machine washable.
Avai lab le in navy, teal, eggplant and forest green.
Sizes M-XL $34.95 2XL ....... . .. • . .. . . . ..$36.95*