• I
"Noel-1" DC-3
12 1/2" Wingspan
11" Wingspan
Joe Hughes' Thundering Airshow Machine
Yuletide Express Delivery
Eastwood Exclusive In 1977, joe Hughes built this amazing flying machine. It is now on display in the Experimental Aircraft Association Museum in Oshkosh, WI. This die-cast metal replica is a tribute to Hughes and the Stearman itself bears original pad-printed markings. The cockpit canopy hides the coin slot and the engine cowl twists off for coin retrieval. Proceeds benfijit The BAA Education Foundation.
Eastwood Exclusive Santa is to sure make his deliveries on time, now that he has a DC-3! "Noel-I" features special two color, pad printed wreaths around the side windows and on the wing, and green engine fairings. Like the real thing, this DC-3die-cast plane!bank has retractable front wheels and turning propellers. This limited edition would make the perfect gift for that special aviation fan on your gift list.
#301500 Joe Hughes Stearman Biplane/Bank $34.95
#312000 North Pole Airways Plane/Bank $29.95
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580 Lancaster Ave., PO Box 3014, Malvern, PA 19355¡0714 Please Send me: QUANTI TY
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EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher Tom Poberezny
Marketing & Communications
Dick Matt
September 1995
Vol. 23, No.9
Jack Cox
Henry G. Frautschy
Managing Editor
Golda Cox
Art Director
2 Straight & Levell Espie "Butch" Joyce
Mike Drucks
ASSistant Art Director
Sara A.Otto
3 AlC News/H.G. Frautschy
Computer Graphic Specialists
L. Phillip
5 EAA Oshkosh '95 Award Winners
Jennifer Larsen
Advertising Mary Jones
.. 0
6 Mystery Plane/H.G. Frautschy
ASSOCiate Editor
Norm Petersen
7 Aeromail
Feature Writers
8 Type Club NoteslNorm Petersen
Page 10
Page 16
President Espie "Butch" Joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro. NC 27425
Vice-President Arthur Morgan Germantown, WI
Secretary Steve Nesse
Treasurer E.E. "Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180 815/923-4591
2009 Highlond Ave. Albert Lea. MN 56007 507/373-1674
22 What Our Members Are Restoringl Norm Petersen
24 Pass it to BucklE.E. "Buck" Hilbert 26 Von Willer's Command-Airel Norm Petersen 27 Welcome New Members 30 Vintage Trader
Mike Steineke
Donna Bushman
Isabelle Wiske
13 A "Mint" Contemporary Class Cessna 172/Norm Petersen
28 Calendar
Dennis Parks
Stoff Photographers
Editorial ASSistant
12 The Departure StalVSpin AccidentlDick Hill
20 Waco RNF/Norm Petersen
George Hardie, Jr. Jim Koepnick Carl Schuppel
10 Gullwing Anyone?lHal Cooney
16 Great Lakes TreasureZac and Doris Howard's Hammond 100/H.G. Frautschy
Page 26
FRONT COVER . From north of the border. here's John Van Ueshout's 1958 Cessna 172. winner of the "Most Original- Contemporary award at EM Sun ' n Fun '95. EM photo by Jim Koepnick . shot with a Canon EOS-l N equipped with an 8O-2oomm lens. 1/125 sec. at fl3 on Kodak Ektachrome Lumiere 100 film. Cessna 210 photo plane piloted by Bruce Moore. BACK COVER . "The Last Ride : a painting by San Diego artist Glen Winterscheidt. was awarded an Excellence ribbion during the 1995 EM Sport Aviation Art Competition. For more information . see A/ C News on page 3.
Copyright © 1995 by the EM Antique/Classic Division Inc. All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EM Antique/Classic Division. Inc. of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., P.O. Box 3086. Oshkosh. Wisconsin 54903-3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. The membership rate for EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc. is $27.00 for current EM members for 12 month period of which $15.00 is for the publication of VINTAGE AIRPlANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Antique/Classic Division, Inc., P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - P~se allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mail. ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely wrth the contributor. No renumeration is made. Material should be sent to: Editor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 414/426-4800. The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION and the logos of EM, EM INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered trademarl<s. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION and EAA ULTRAliGHT CONVENTION are tradernarl<s of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited.
John Berendt 7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls. MN 55009 507/263-2414 Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 414/231-5002 Phil Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton. MI 49065 616/624-6490 Cha~es HarTis 7215 East 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 918/622-8400 Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Dr. Indianapolis. IN 46278 317/293-4430 Robert Ucktetg 1708 Boy Ooks Dr. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507/373-2922 Gene Mortis 115C Steve Court. R.R. 2 Roanoke. 1)( 76262 817/491-9110
Robe~ C. "Bob" Brauer
9345 S. Hoyne Chicago. IL 60620 312/779-2105 John S. Copeland 28-3 Williamsburg Ct. Shrewsbury. MA 01545 508/842-7867 George Daubner 2448 Lough Lone Hartford. WI 53(127 414/673-5885 Stan Gomoll 104290th Lane, NE Minneopclis. MN 55434 612/784-1172 Jeannie Hill P.O. Box 328 HalVord, IL 60033 815/943-7205 Robert D. "Bob" Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield. WI 53005 414/782-2633 George York 181 Sloboda Av. Mansfield. OH 44906 419/529-4378
S.H. OWes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa. WI 53213 414/771-1545
DIRECTOR EMERITUS S.J. Wrllman 1904-1995
ADVISORS Joe Dickey 550akeyAv. Lawrenceburg. IN 47025 812/537-9354
Jimmy Rollison 640 Alomo Dr. Vacaville. CA 95688 707/45 H)4ll
Dean Richardson 6701 Colony Dr. Madison. WI 53717 608/833-1291
Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Hoven. IN 46774 219/493-4724
by Espie "Butch" Joyce
EAA Oshkosh '95 has come and gone with a speed that almost blows your mind. It seems that you work almost a full year to ensure that the week of the convention goes smoothly for those who feel the need to attend the greatest aviation convention in the world, and then Boom! its over! The Antique/C lassic Division can only continue to improve and provide the best services for the an tiq ue/classic area of the Convention with the input of the member ship to the Officers and Directors. Please let us hear from you with any suggestions that you might have that will help us make your stay more pleasant. I feel this was one of the best conven tions we have had in the Antique/Classic area. We had over 170 antique aircraft in attendance, a record for us. One of the reasons for this great attendance was the presence of the American Waco Club , which was responsible for having over 40 Wacos attend this year. Phil Coulson , president of this club, Antique Judge and a Director of the Antique/Classic Divi sion, was just beaming with pride at all those beautiful Wacos. I should mention that your past vice president of the Divi sion, Jack Winthrop, flew his UPF-7 from Texas and seemed to have a great time (very nice Waco, Jack). There were loads of nice antiques this year. You will be reading more about these airplanes soon in the October issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE. These color photos alone will be worth a years' dues. This year when it comes to Classics, the judges really had their hands full with the quality of workmanship greatly improving each year. Just riding down the flight line I could see what I would classify as show room quality airplanes . With over 700 Classics on the flight line, the Judges had to keep on the move. When the Antique/Classic Division es tablished the Contemporary category four years ago, there were a number of individ uals who felt that the flight line at Oshkosh was being given up to become a parking lot of regular, plain airplanes. Well, one 2 SEPTEMBER 1995
would only have to walk the flight line this year and view the quality of workmanship of many of these airplanes and the pride of ownership of this historic period of avi ation. The perfect example of this is the Contemporary Grand Champion this year, a Cessna 150. This airplane is the serial number one production Cessna 150, with over 6,000 hours of training time. This aircraft and its restorer, Craig Roberts , deserve to be recognized by the aviation community. There is a topic that the Division will be discussing in the near future. With the presence of the American Waco Club this year there were a number of "NuWacos" parked with the group, aircraft recently produced by the Classic Waco Co. in Michigan. I had a number of people stop by and talk to me about these planes be ing parked in the antique/classic area. Opinions on this issue seem to be split some people thought it was great, and then there were some who had the opin ion that maybe they should not be parked in the antique area. The topic is "should the Antique/Classic Division form a new category for these type of aircraft?" I' d appreciate hearing from the membership write to me and voice your views on this subject, so that the Board can make the proper call on this issue. Overall, I think that the EAA Oshkosh '95 Convention was a great success. We are already working to see that Oshkosh '96 is even better. While we are on the subject of fly-ins , Mr. Bob Hasson, chairman of the Copper state Regional EAA Fly-In, wrote to ask that I pass along the following: "The COPPERSTATE has always at tracted a larger number of show planes, usually averaging over 350. However, the fewest type to attend has historically been Antiques. Since most of our volunteer force are homebuilders, perhaps we haven't courted the antique community as diligently as we could have. But, we are all hard core aviation enthusiasts and ap preciate all machines aeronautical. In fact, most of our judging staff are into restorations. Three years ago they proudly selected a Bird aircraft as our Grand Champion! The purpose of this
letter is to advise you of our growth inten tions and to cordially invite the entire An tique community to join us in making the COPPERSTATE a true world class avia tion convention. " For information call 1/800/283-6372. I have a request of the individual Chair man at EAA OSHKOSH '95. It has been my desire for some time to assemble a written manual of Chairman's responsibil ities at the EAA Oshkosh Convention re lating to the operations of the Antique/Classic area. For the past several years I have been receiving written input from different Chairmen as to how they see their job responsibilities. If you have not sent me this information, please take a few moments to write down this info and mail it to me so that I can complete this project. It was great to have all of these Golden Age air racers back to Oshkosh this year. What a sight it was to see these racers rac ing around the airport. It was a scene that made me have goose bumps. On a sad note , Captain Harold Neumann passed away July 5,1995. Harold had flown a number of these racers during the original air races . Many of you may remember Harold from flying his white Monocoupe "Little Mulligan " and performing aero batics at air shows. Harold was a good friend to many people and aviation , and we'll miss him. One business item now. A special meeting of the EAA Antique/Classic Di vision membership is being called , to be held on November 10, 1995 at 9:00 AM at EAA Headquarters, Oshkosh, WI for the purpose of amending the Division's Arti cles of Incorporation and Bylaws in prepa ration for application to the IRS for 501(c)(3) status, which will classify the di vision as non-profit. Your membership has passed the 10,000 member mark. We were able to do this with the loyalty of the members and their hard work. Ask a friend to join us so they, too, might enjoy the benefits of be ing a member of the Antique/Classic Divi sion. Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation . Remember we are better together. Join us and have it all! ..
G len Winterscheidt's painting of a late evening scene depicts a 1929 Travel Air as flown in these modern times by Barnstorming Adventures, Ltd. of San Diego, CA. The plane frequently flie s over his home on its "Sunset Snuggler" flight , so named because the Travel Air holds two passengers up forward , side by-side. The return to the airport is the subject of Glen's painting. A Naval Aviator who later gradu ated from the Art Center College of Design in LA with a Professional Arts degree, Glen retired from General Mo tors in 1990 as the Chief Designer of the Truck and Bus II studio. Retiring to San Diego (a favorite spot for many re tirees who had been in the U.S. Navy at some point in their lives) Glen now en joys painting aviation and land scape scenes. For more information on Glen's paintin g, you can contact him at 5738 Del Cerro Blvd., San Diego, CA 92120.
TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE TO WIN LUSCOMBE In 1993, the Don Luscombe Aviation History Foundation purchased the Type Certificate for the 8 series of aircraft to help preserve the history of the aircraft and to make it possible to make parts and technical support available to the many Luscombe owners who wish to keep their aircraft airworthy. To he lp finance this work, the DLAHF ha s offered a rebuilt Lus combe 8 as the gran d prize in a raffle each of the past two years, and is doing so again in 1995. Only 2400 tickets are made available, and just under 500 tick ets remain for this year's raffle , which will be held in conjunction with the EAA Copperstate Fly-In in Mesa , AZ, October 12-15, 1995. Tickets can be purchased by contacting the DLAHF, P.O. Box 63581, Phoenix, AZ 85082, phone 602/917-0969. Proceeds are used to maintain an ex tensive Luscombe parts inventory and offer factory technical research and data upon request. Developments initi ated by the Foundation have included a redesigned and stronger landing gear, tail beef-up kits and fittings, wing in spection kits and other minor modifica tions that have been FAA reviewed and approved.
compiled by H.G. Frautschy
FLV-IN NOTES GADABOUT GADDIS FLY-IN now the oldest fly-in the the northeast, this fly-in sounds like a lot of family fun. Held in Bingham, Maine the event fea tures aircraft rid es, carniva l rides and competitive events for pilots, as well as a host of other community oriented ac tivities. Admission is $3. For lots more information, contact the Upper Ken nebec Valley Chamber of Commerce at 207/672-3978 or 4100. NORDO aircraft
pilots are requested to call 207/672-4814 prior to departing to give their approxi mate arrival time. Also, no foot traffic is allowed across the runway - a walk way will be provided at the north end of the field for pilots and their passengers. 7th ANNUAL R EUNION EAST COAST BELLANCA/CHAMPION CLUB - To be held October 6-8,1995 at Schuylkill Co unty Airport in Pottsville, P A. In addition to their so cia l gatherings, a service clinic will be held at Witmer's Aircraft Service. For more information, contact Ellie Thoens, 908/542-5599 or Tom Witmer, 717/544 9311. THIRD WEST COAST ILPA GET TOGETHER - The International Liai son Pilot's Association will hold a fly-in get-toget he r in conjunction with the Point Mugu Airshow, September 23-24. For more info, call George " Chip "
NEW MUSEUM EXH IBIT LEADS VISITORS TO PIONEER AIRPORT The EAA Air Adventure Museum bas added another dimension to it's Pio neer Airport experience with the dedication of a new exhibit within the main museum building. Visitors are now invited to Pioneer with a display that fea tures a hangar facade filled with artifacts such as an original airway beacon that was lit with acetylene, one of the first microphones used at the Cleveland air port and other interesting items from aviation's golden age. A display honoring the volunteer pilots at Pioneer is mounted on the wall, as well as photos of the various airplanes housed in the six hangars that make up Pioneer Airport. A seventh hangar honoring the memory and legacy of Steve Wittman is now under construction, and is scheduled to be dedicated during the Spring opening of Pioneer Airport in 1996. In front of the Pioneer Airport hangar in the Museum, a 1929 Velie Monocoupe 113, restored and donated by the late John Hatz is on display, as is a 1921 Ford Model T Depot Hack, restored by the late Lyle Milius, and loaned to the museum by his sons, Doug and Richard in honor of the father and their mother, Mildred. An aniio uncement is made to alert visitors throughout the museum that transportation is available to the airport, which lies just outside the the back en trance. When the announcement is made, a large rotating beacon is turned on to guide those who wish to visit Pioneer Airport to the new exhibit, where they can board a tram for the short ride over to Pioneer. We'll have a full report on 1995 activities at Pioneer Airport in the Novem ber issue of Vintage Airplane.
Audrey Poberezny was presented the National Aeronautic Association's Katharine Wright Memorial Award during EAA OSHKOSH '95. With Audrey are (left) Jack Cole of the NAA and Joyce Wells, president of the 99s (far right).
During EAA OSHKOSH '95, the National Aeronautic Association awarded Audrey Poberezny the Katharine Wright Memorial Award. Audrey, the wife of EAA Founder and Chairman of the Board Paul Poberezny, and mother of EAA President Tom Poberezny was selected for the award based on her life long contributions to the success of the Experimental Aircraft Association and to the growth of sport aviation over the past 40 years. While Paul was busy working during the day as a full-time officer in the Wis cousin Air National Guard, Audrey was responsible for the day-to-day opera tions of EAA from its founding in the basement of the Poberezny home in 1953 until EAA built its first offices in Hales Corners in 1964. Audrey then served EAA as General Manager until 1970. She continued to serve in various capaci ties, as she does to this day as the Chairman of Guest Relations facility at EAA OSHKOSH. Much of the outstanding reputation of EAA's offices can be at tributed to the organizational and business skills used by Audrey during the early days, and to the professional attitude she brought to EAA. The Katharine Wright Memorial Award is presented annually to a woman who has provided encouragement, support and inspiration to her husband and thus was instrumental in his success, or who made a personal contribution to the advancement of the art, sport and science of aviation and space flight over an extended period of time. Other recipients have included Moya Lear, Anne Lindbergh, Ascha Peacock Donnels, Olive Ann Beech, Elizabeth Pfister, June De Etta Maul and Nadine Jeppesen. Our congratulations to Audrey for this well deserved honor. L..-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---..:~_ _ _ __l
Robinson at 818/899-8647. For those of you who plan on being in Florida this winter, you may wish to start o ut your 1995-96 season with a visit to the Sun ' n Fun Foundation's Wings ' n Things ' 95, November 4-5. There will be an open house at the Sun ' n Fun museum, along with hands-on aviation workshops , an aviation parts auction, air adventure days for yo uth , f1y-bys , airplane rides , and gia nt scale radio controlled aircraft will be joined by the Polk Co unty Harl ey Davidson Owners Group Motorcycle show and a Corvette show to round out this event. 4 SEPTEMBER 1995
Proceeds are to benefit the Sun ' n Fun Museum. Contact W ayne Boggs, Chairman, 813/251-1820 or Art Hen derson, Sun ' n Fun Museum manager at 813/644-0741.
TYPE CLUBS If you 're a Culver aficionado, there's a newly re-created type club for yo u. Tt 's the Culver Aircraft Association. They hope to soon be publishing the Culver "Cadet-O-Gram " newsletter, edited by Dan Nicholson . I've not yet seen an example, but Dan advises it will
be a forum to exchange information on activities and technical information. For more information write: Culver Aircraft Association c/o Dan Nicholson 723 Baker Dr. Tomball, TX 77375 713/351-0114 As a point of interest, Allen Johnson has kindly Jent his restored Culver Dart, featured on the cover of the July 1994 issue of Vintage Airplane, for display in the EAA Air Adventure Museum. Thanks, Allen! A new Typ e Club has bee n formed for fans of the Cessna T-SO "Bamboo Bo mb er." D es ignat e d the AT-17 or UC-78 by the Army when it served with the military, the airplane has a dedicated following . The new president is Dwain Pittenger, owner of NU78 in Hereford , TX. The club will work to keep the few planes of this type flying and will pro mote restoration of the few basket cases which have escaped disposal. There are sixty-one owners listed in the FAA reg istry, out of th e more than 3,000 that were produced during WW II. Elmer Steier of Whittemore, IA is vice-president, and further information can be obtained from the club 's secre tary/treasurer, Jim Anderson, Box 269, Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047. A LITTLE HELP PLEASE . . .
First, from Tom Bins of Bins A via tion, Hangar 36, Adams Rd, Eagle River, WI 54521, phone 715/479-3484, we have a request for any photos, manuals, speci fications, or information regarding the Rearwin Speedster. Tom is working on the restoration of a 125 hp Menasco powered Speedster, and is finding infor mation tough to come by. Anything you can add would be appreciated. In wh at has to be one of our more unusual requests , we got a call a while back from Ed Love, a process engineer at Packard Electric Co. , Mail Stn. 03M, 408 Dana St. , P.O . Box 431, Warren , OH 44486. Ed is interested in obtain ing so me origi nal ignition cable pro duced under a new (in 1931!) patent by the company. A display is being made of some of the products made by Packard Electric for their corporate HQ. This particular ignition cable fea tures a multiple conductor wire en cased in a rubber insulator, with alter nating layers of Jacquer coated fabric and a flexible metal shielding that is also coated with a lacquer and fabric finish. It may be difficult to ascertain if the old ignition cable you hav e was built by Packard, but if you have an old sa mple of ignition cable lying around your shop that fits this description, feel free to send it to Ed Love at the a d ... dress noted above.
fAA Oshkosh '95 Antique/Classic
E. T. (Woody) Woodward , Franklin , TN - 1937 Bucker jungmeister, N133jU Reserve Grand Champion - Alan Buchner, Fresno, CA, 1932 Waco QDC, NC12434
Transport Category: Champion - jerry and Betsye Holmes, Chat tanooga, TN, 1944 Grumman G21 A Goose, NC 121Gl Runner-Up - john D. Fields, Sonora, TX, 1937 lockheed 12A, NC33RA
WW-II Era: Champion - Paul Romine, Fishers, IN , 1943 Beech Staggerwing, NC265E Runner-Up - William Quinn, Columbia, MO, 1947 Beech G-17S, NC80315 Outstanding - George Mays, lowell, IN, 1942 Waco UPF-7, NC39714
Customized Aircraft: Champion - jim Patterson, louisville, KY, 1938 Spartan, NC17615 Runner-Up - W. H. Symmes, Miami, Fl, 1937 Monocoupe 110 Special, NC2347 Outstanding - Dan White, Brooklyn Park, MN, 1941 Waco UPF-7, NC39713
Replica Category:
WW-II Military Trainer/liaison Aircraft:
Champion - jim jenkins, Goshen, CT, 1991 Gee Bee E, NC 856 Y Runner-Up - Stephen Halpern, Hewlett Harbor, NY, 1992 Wedell-Williams Type 44, NC161Y Outstanding - jim Clevenger, Marion, NC, 1984 Wedell-Williams, NC278V
Champion - David Wogernese, Eau Claire, WI,
1942 Fairchild PT-23, NC60606
Runner-Up - Clay Smith, Athens, Al, 1942 In
terstate l-6, NC47093
Outstanding - john Vorndran, Stoughton, WI,
1940 Stearman PT-17, NC58712
CLASSIC AI RCRAFT Grand Champion - Gene
Engelskirge r, Hinckley, OH, Cessna 170B, N2727C Reserve Grand Champion - Orlo Maxfield, Northville, MI, Funk B85C, N1654N Class I (0-80 hpj - Ray L. johnson, Marion, IN , Aeronca Chief 11 AC, NC3469E Class /I (81-150 hpj - john C. Reib, Stuart, Fl, Stinson 108-2, NC9818K Class 11/ (151 hp and Up) - james B. Sayers, Edi son, OH, Cessna 195, N2197C Custom Class A (0-80 hpj - Donald Claude, Dekalb, Il, Taylorcraft BC12D, NC96440 Custom Class B (81-150 hpj - Robert McBride, Cedar Par, TX, Piper PA-12, N98979 Custom Class C (151 hp-225 hpj - Frank Speran-
Roberts, Aurora, OR, 1958 Cessna 150, N5501 E Outstanding Customized - Charles Gunderson, Redondo Beach, CA, 1960 PA-23, N4373P Class I (0-160 hpj - Stephen l. Button, Indi anapolis, IN, 1957 Tri Champ 7FC, N7534B
Bronze Age (1933-1941 ): Champion - Edward Shenk, Garrett, IN, 1940 Luscombe 8A, NC28580 Runner-Up - Tom Flock, Rockville, IN, 1941 Waco UPF-7, NC 32021 Outstanding Open Cockpit Biplane - Richard Bushway, So. Strafford, VT, 1940 Waco UPF-7, NC29357 Outstanding Closed Cockpit Biplane - Steve Pit cairn, Bryn Athyn, PA, 1935 Waco CUC, NC14625 Outstanding Open Cockpit Monoplane - Gene Chase, Oshkosh, WI , 19 33 Davis D-l-W, NC13546 Outstanding Closed Cockpit Monoplane Wendy and Warner Griesbeck, Aldergrove, B.C., Canada, 1938 Fairchild 24K, CF-BWW
Silver Age (1928-1932): Champion - Willis and Claudia Allen, EI Cajon, CA, 1929 Travel Air D-4000, NC671 H
Groveland, CA, 195, N195KB Ercoupe - Keith Harding, Flint, MI, N179G Luscombe - james Bendelius, Accord , NY, T8F Observer, N2246B Navion - Canby Sales & Service, Brighton, MI , Best In Class: N91788 Aeronca Champ - Air Knockers , Inc., Piper }-3 - Mike Horn, North little Rock , AR , N69MH Wadsworth, Il, 7BCM, N84405
Aeronca Chief - Duane Huff, lawrenceville, Piper (Others) - Marion Burton, little Rock, AR, Vagabond PA-17, N4820H GA, 11 AC, NC3420E
Beechcraft - lorraine Morris, Marengo, Il - F Stinson - Andrew Heins, Huber Heights, OH, 35, N4242B
108, NC97141 Bellanca - Mark and judy Ohlinger, Akron , OH, Swift - R. K. johnson, Faribault, MN, GC-l B, Cruisair, N86937
N78068 Cessna 120/140 - Ken Morris, Marengo, Il, Taylorcraft - John Krumlauf, Nashport, OH , 140A, N5669C
BC12D, N43437 Cessna 170/180 - Alan Drain and Steve Kleimer,
limited Production: Bozeman, MT, 180, N3180D
Cessna 190/195 - Kent and Sandy Blankenburg, Ted Teach, Dayton, OH, Mooney Mite, N4122
deo, Fayetteville, AR, Piper PA-22/2 0, N3383 A
Custom Class D (226 hp and Up) - Colin and
june Powers, Independence, OR, Cessna 195,
Class /I (161-230 hpj - Roth Heinz, Merrill, WI,
1960 Cessna 182, N1895
Class 11/ (231 hp and Up) - larry Van Dam,
Riverside, CA, 1957 Bonanza N5478D
Class IV (Multi Engine) - Arthur Bastian, New
ton, Nj, 1956 Cessna 310, N364AP
Outstanding In Type: Champion - Cliff Harkins, Houston, TX, 1957 7FC, N7577B Beech (Single Engine) - Kenneth Howard, Queen Creek, AZ, 1960 Debonair 33, N601 V
Bellanca- Drew Peterson, Yelm, WA, 195814 19-2 Cruisemaster, N9846B Cessna 170/172-175 - William See, Centerburg, OH, 1958 Cessna 175, N45K Cessna 180/182-210 - john C. Brinton II , Wasilla, AK, 1958 Cessna 182, N4970D Piper PA-22 - Wally Rojem, lambertville, MI, 1957, N7557D Piper PA-24 - Mike Carpenter, DeSoto, TX, 1958, N5259P
by H.G. Frautschy This month's installment of "Mystery Plane" is a true puzzler - it took considerable effort on the part of Dennis Parks, the Li足 brarian here at EAA HQ to track down its identification. If you're able to ID it and you can supply us with a published reference, we'll all be the richer for it! We don't often give hints, but I will with this one - the photo was taken here in the United States. The answer will be published in the December issue of Vintage Airplane. An足 swers for that issue must be received no later than October 25, 1995. Tony Morris, Marsh Gibbon, Bicester, Eng足 land wrote with a most complete answer to our June Mystery. Here's what he penned:
"At last a 'Mystery Plane' that I have a chance with!!! - I very much enjoy this feature and must make a determined effort to pick up some more back issues of the journal. "The big help for me with June's 'Mystery Plane' was the 'G' on the rudder, thus indicat足 6 SEPTEMBER 1995
ing it was registered in the U.K. or the British Commonwealth. In fact it's the prototype Reid Rambler, registered G-CA va and first flown on 23 September 1928 by Martin Berlyn. W.T. Reid had left Canadian Vickers in February 1928 to set up his own company, the Reid Aircraft Company, with offices on Craig Street in Montreal. He was joined by Martin Berlyn, also from Canadian Vickers. "They began the design of a two-seat light aircraft for flying clubs, training schools and private owners and assembly took place in a hangar at Cartierville. The aircraft, the Rambler, was a sesquiplane with folding wings and Warren-truss bracing. A balanced rudder with no fin - as shown in the photo - was used and inversely tapered ailerons were fitted. The structure was all metal with fabric covering. I believe the powerplant was a 80 hp Cirrus II. That first flight mentioned above was somewhat hair raising as the ailerons had locked up as soon as the aircraft was airborne and a series of flat turns had to be used to complete the circuit to land. The geometry of the aileron control system had to be rearranged to cure the fault . (Continued on page 21)
KNOB REFINISHI NG Dear Henry, Regarding Bob Hollenbaugh's inquiry on restoration of plastic knobs for his Chief project, I believe he will find that their finish can be nicely restored by cleaning/polishing the knobs with Brasso metal polish (or equal). Probably any good metal polish will accomplish the same results as Brasso since metal pol ishes all seem to be compounded from the same ingredients. Use only small amounts of polish on the knob faces to prevent damaging imprinted legends or lettering, or until the effect of the polish can be determined . Recessed lettering can be refinished by filling (paint) and wiping process. If refilling lettering, al low paint to dry and repolish face care fully to remove the paint outside of re cess. The knob faces are easiest polished by rubbing them on a soft, thick cloth held stationary on the bench top. I also use Brasso with great re sults to clean/polish phenolic (plastic) cases on instruments installed in my pro jects. The only precaution when doing the instrument cases is to go easy on any inspection marks, logos or plates stamped or applied on the cases in the event one wishes to preserve the marks, as the Brasso will ultimately strip off the stamped marks. Hope this helps. Regards, Hubert Loewenhardt (AIC 19167) 835 New London Turnpike Stonington , cr 06378
Dear Hubert, Thanks for the tip - if just the surface of the knobs are discolored or oxidized, your method ought to do the trick nicely. Many of the plastic knobs on the controls of the classic airplanes we now fly were imprinted using a heated stamp. Th e letters would then have slightly raised edges, and then a slow dnjing enamel would be used to fill the letters, with the excess wiped off. I believe the problem experienced by Bob Hollenbaugh and many others goes much deeper though - in fact, it goes directly into the plastic. As plastic ages, the plasticizers
within the material begin to migrate to the surface and evaporate, causing the surface to become crazed as the plastic on the surface begins to dry out and shrink. As the aging process continues, the plastic cracks deeper and deeper, presenting the restorer with a tough problem. Other than a new set of knobs (long since unavailable in their origi nal form), what can a restorer do? What op tions do automobile rebuilders have when presented with this difficulty? The composi tion of the plastic is also an interesting ques tion - are thelj made of the same type of cel/u laid used on early plastic automobile steering wheels? We'd love to publish the answers, if one of you can help! - H.G. Frautschy REDHEAD RACER Dear Dennis (Parks), It was a pleasure to read your article in VINTAGE AIRPLANE of July 1995 about Gordon Israel and the crash of his racer, the " Redhead. " I was a kid at the time, about 15 years old , and spent my summer days at the Omaha Airport all summer, every summer. I never missed an air race in Omaha in the 1930's, and those who flew them imprinted them selves deeply into my memory. Gordon Israel had a brother named George with him that year in Omaha. George told people he didn 't fly the Red head himself because it was so small there was no place for his feet. I don't know if that was true , but Gordon was the only one I saw fly it. As Gordon was on approach to land ing that day in 1934, George Israel was standing by the speakers stand (the "PA system" of those days) in front of the grandstands not far from me . Gordon was lined up to land in the dirt alongside the paved runway. He made an excellent landing and was rolling out when it appeared the airplane started wobbling from side to s ide and then started up on its nose and cartwheeled onto its back, pinning Gordon inside and underneath. George was instantly on a run to the airplane, fearing fire. He was the first one to reach the Redhead , lifting up the tail enough to allow Gordon to slide out. There was no fire.
The next airplane after the Redhead was the Brown B-2, "Miss Los Angeles. " It was also making an approach to Runway 35, but that runway was closed by the Red head lying on it, so the Brown B-2 pilot (it was Roy Minor) e lected to land to the northeast and roll out into the grass, with no surfaced runway yet in that direction. Abo u t 300 feet into the grass the Brown started to wobble too, bit it got straightened out. At the end of the ro ll-out the pilot of the Brown B-2 tu rned off the ignition and walked back along its rollout path until he stopped to pick up something, after which he headed for the speaker's stand. When he reached the speaker's stand he was carrying a brickbat. It was thought around the airport af terward that the Redhead had encoun tered that same kind of brickbat, which caused the wobble in both airplanes, end ing in a much less favorable way for the Redhead. We went o u t and hand pushed the Brown B-2 back to the hangar. The Red head was carried back to the hangar by another group of people. After 61 years the pictures of those 1930's air races are sti ll vivid in my mind, and I wanted to share this one with you folks for your historical records. Sincerely, Robert P. Laible 5503 NW Fox Run Dr. Parkville, MO 64152
MORE ON PHILLIPS HEAD SCREWS Dear H.G.: This is in reference to Dan Cullman's letter concerning the use of Phillips head screws in early aircraft. Since we restored Bob's Champ in 1983, on several occasions the use of Phillips screws has been brought to ques tion . We used them on the rear window frame. It can easily be proven that this is correct by reference to Aeronca Drawing #7-458 (Covering-fuselage) where it clearly specifies #6-112 " Phillips Head Cadmium Plated Type A PK Screws." I don 't know exactly when the Phillips screws first were used, but I have a 1942 Aero Digest which advertises them. I also know that they were used in military birds that I flew during the Big War. There was another similar screw that was used extensively: the "Reed and Prince." It was frequently referred to as a "cross point" screw head. This type was not the same as Phillips and required a different driver with a sharply pointed end. My tool box contains both types. Sincerely, C. H. (Harold) Armstrong
(A/C 746)
Route 3, Box 46
Rawlings, MD 21557-9609
Type Club
by Norm Petersen
Compiled from various type club publications & newsletters
The Cub Club John Bergeson, newsletter editor (517-561-2393)
Fuel Starvation on Take-off in a
PA-ll - by David Pearce
The engine sputtered and nearly quit during a very hot, high density al titude takeoff three summers ago. I was doing a series of different "angle of attack" takeoff tests to determine the actual airspeed indications and rate of climb measurements to plot a chart for my students to use. The Piper factory does not have an official manual showing charts for takeoff and landing performances as do the mod ern aircraft handbooks, so I was creat ing my own for my students to use. This was the first time it had ever hap pened in the PA-ll over the many years I had owned it and when I was taking flying lessons in it as a student pilot. To determine the problem, I had the carburetor rebuilt and checked, mags overhauled, timing and the fuel system checked. After all of this, the problem persisted. I had replaced all the fuel lines, carburetor bowl assembly, etc. at the time of restoration, so I ruled out for the time being collapsed or failed hoses. Again, I had to resort to an engi neering analysis. First, I had to deter mine what, if anything, I was doing that was different from the past years. Af ter much worrying, I remembered that I had recently found a copy of a book that has listed the performance specifi cations for the various Pipers. It speci fied that the "best angle" (Vx) for the PA-ll was supposed to be 50 mph (about 1.2 to 1.3 times the stall speed of 37 mph). This was the speed that I had been using for my short field takeoff 8 SEPTEMBER 1995
calibration test when the problem first occurred. I had always used 60 mph prior to this, so this had to be the problem as it represented the only deviation from my old procedures. But why? Again I used my trusty inclinometer to determine the angle of attack that caused the engine to lose power. The other symptom was that when the en gine lost power, I would put the nose down to obtain the best gliding speed of 60 mph, and the engine would clear up and run at full rpm as if nothing had happened. Using this information, I used a set of the fuselage blueprints and deter mined that in the 50 mph climb speed, the angle of attack was so great that the carburetor was higher than the wing fuel tank as well as the infamous header tank. (Resorting to the old plumber's rule that water {in this case, fuel} will not run uphill, I found the problem.) I merely had to change the Vx speed to 55 and the problem went away. But if this was the problem, then why did Piper publish the Vx airspeed to be 50? Going back and looking at the book, I found that this airspeed was specified for a 65 hp PA-ll and not a 95 hp version. With the extra 30 hp, the angle of attack for Vx was much higher than for the 65 hp version . I have not been able to locate a Spec. sheet for the 95 hp PA-ll, but when I do, I am sure that the Vx will be shown as 55 to 65 mph. Of course different loadings and different density altitudes will affect the actual angle of attack, so an overall air speed must be chosen that will give a moderate angle of attack to ensure fuel flow in all conditions. For myself, I now use 55 until I clear any obstacle and then climb at 70 to en sure fuel flow, better cooling and visi bility. Using this procedure, I have never encountered the problem again.
Cessna Pilots Association John Frank, Editor (805-922-2580)
Removal of Mogas Stains by Don Mcintosh No sooner had I sent off a letter to you requesting advice on removal of Mogas stains from my Cessna 172 than the solution was presented to me by a local mechanic. The product he suggested and which I have tried with excellent re sults is a cleaner called " Dow Bath room Cleaner" and is available at any supermarket. Just spray it on and wipe it off - it works like a charm! You may wish to share this wi th other members, I'm sure it would work as well with 100LL although the dye in the fuel does not seem to be as obnoxious. The cleaner also works well on re moval of dust, grime, exhaust stains, etc.
From England Civil Aviation Authority
Cessna Model 172 - The pilot re ported that the rudder pedals had re sistance on both left and right (appli cation). Only by flying another Cessna 172 did he realize how much resis tance had been built up. He therefore asked the engineers (mechanics) to check the rudder control circuit. On thorough inspection, by engineers who did not normally maintain the aircraft, the tail section was found to contain a termite nest about the size of a house brick. The reporter went on to say that the aircraft was imported to the UK from the USA in 1992 and despite having various inspections in the inter vening period, the termites' nest was not noticed by any engineers.
Cessna Mode l 140 - During an an nual inspection, the e ngineer looked closely at the flexib le hoses and, from the date markings shown upon them , deduced that the hoses were over 30 years old. The LAMS schedule re quires , as a minimum , all flexible hoses to be in spected and tested six years after installation and then every three years the reafter. In some cases, the Manufacturer's requirements are stricter.
New Rules For ELT Annuals by Steve Ells Everybody counts on the ir ELT's . but until recent ly regulations have n' t demanded stringent inspections. Of ten ELT inspections consi s t of no more than repl acing the battery when due. Changes to FAR 91.207 effec tive June 21,1995, specify what is re quired as far as the ELT is concerned at a nnual inspection. These changes also require any new ELT's purchased after the effect ive d a te to b e a unit certified und er th e more stringent specifications of TSO-C91a. Since the introduction of the ELT in the 1970's, the specification for per fo rmance has been Technical Stan dard Order C91. In the two deca des si nce introduction , much ha s b ee n learned about E L T performance and more technically advanced units are available. T o d ay ELT's are on th e market that transmit not only the war bling crash signal but also have the ca p ab ility to transmit their longitud e a nd latitude if navigation equipment ca n supply the information. The main reason the specifications hav e been updat e d is the need for tighter controls on maintenance a nd performance to cut down on the num be r of false alarms which day in and day out averag e over 100 a day throughout the country. Where there is an actual crash the record is mar ginal, with only approximately 25% of crashes radiating a usable signal. New requirements for annuals on ELTs include inspections on the fol lowing four items: l)Proper installa tion ; 2) Battery corrosion; 3) Opera tion of controls and crash sensor and 4) The presence of a sufficient signal radiated from the antenna. Items 1, 4, and part of 3 can be done with the unit mounted in its rack. To complete it e m 2, the ELT must be removed from its rack and opened up. When the ELT is out of the plane , a primitive crash se nsor (switch) test in item 3 can be performed by striking the ELT against one's hand , or sling ing it in a throwing motion . The " Di rection of Flight" arrow must point in the right direction . If the ELT turns
on and sends out a di stincti ve war bling signal on 121.5, the crash switch has been tested sufficiently for annual signoff. By regulation , a ll ELT tests that actua lly emit a signa l must be done within the first five minutes after the hour and must be limited to three sweeps of the signal. The last part of the ann ual is to test the r a di a ted signal strengt h of th e ELT. In the past most mechanics would tune the comm radio of a nearby aircraft to 121.5 and mome n tarily turn o n the ELT they were test in g. If the signal c a m e over the speaker, that was sufficie nt. FAA Ac tion Notice A8310 .1 s ugges t s that ho lding a cheap battery powered AM rad io tuned to any sta tion within six inches of the antenna is a satisfactory test. If the ELT sig nal is strong e nough to overpower the station and come over th e speaker, that prov es the ELT is radiating enough power to comply with the sig na l strength part of the annual. A log e ntry is required saying that the ELT has b ee n t es t ed in accor dance with 91.207 (d) (1 throug h 4) and has passed all tests. This is due every annual. The Luscombe Courant Loren Bump. editor (208-365-7780)
I Learned From This! Hav e yo u ever sa t down and thou ght about what so me folks call the "good ole days"? Of course you hav e, we all hav e at one time or an other. I a ro se this mornin g at 0500 t o work on the " Courant" as I always do when J put out the newsletter. We ll, I thought , what am I going to do for this page? To muster up a little ma terial and possibly nostalgia, I plugged in the video tape of the 1985 CLA (Continental Luscombe Association) fly-in in the VCR only to see " Ole Bump," the great "Fearless Leader " land and taxi right up to the camera , jump out with his big mouth " just a f1appin '" as usual. I didn ' t pay any attention to what he was saying, I just sat there looking at that beautiful " rag-wing" Lus combe, the "Fearless Fargo Express" that he owned at one time, wondering how anyone p e rson could be so " dumb and stupid" as to sell such a nice looking " machine " as it shined like a diamond in the sunshine. I'll tell you something "Ladies & Gents", if you own a Luscombe, don 't, I repea t , don't ever se ll it. You'll re gret it for the rest of your life, believe me, I know what I am talking about.
A s I sat there watching it taxi out for tak eoff at the end of th e tap e, a very large lump arose in my throat , tears flooded my eyes, I rea lized then and there, I h ad made th e greatest mistake of my young life when I sold my belove d LUSCOMBE. I ' ll give all of yo u a piece of advice , don't ever sell yo ur Luscombe, else you'll regret it and cuss yo urself out. No matt er how much yo u are of fered , stop and th ink about it. Down the road , yo u can 't replace it for what yo u m ay acce pt for it a nd look at all the wond erful flying yo u' ll be missing out on. I kn ow there are other a irpl a nes out th e re to choose from. You are thinking, ''I'll get a bigger, faster ship." Of course you will , but when you are sitting there pushing buttons and turn ing knobs on that fancy new machine, you'll b e thinking thoughts of th e flights you had in your old Luscombe, ask ing yourself, " Why did I se ll m y Luscombe, I can 't replace it for what I got for it , I sure do miss the old ship. " This is a bucke t of bolts, etc. From the newsletter of the Bellanca! Champion Club, "B-C Contact" we have these notes.
Airworthiness Alerts: Lift Strut Rusts - 3/ 93 Durin g a sc he dul e d inspectio n , it was discov e re d that th e left front wing lift strut was corroded through from the inside. This corrosion caused a hole approxi mately 1 by 118 inch in the lower sur face of the strut Gust below the drain hole). Thi s hole was in the web fair ing betwee n the two steel strut sup ports. This condition compromised the structural integrity of the strut. It was further stated that all of the struts on this aircraft were changed due to surface corrosion. Tota l time - 1547 hours on the subject aircraft. Aileron Hinge Bolts - 4/93 During a scheduled inspection, it was discovered that the aileron hinge bolt holes were worn excessively. Further inspection revealed that the aileron hinge clevis bolts were not the proper length. The bolts installed were AN24-12, and the correct bolt is an AN24-16. this condi tion allowed part of the threaded por tion of the bolt to remain inside th e hole and interfere with th e bearing surface during aileron operation. It is a good maintenance practice to check all parts, both new and used for proper condition and fit before in stallation. Total time on subject air plane was 1058 hours plus. (Continued on page 27) VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9
Anyone? By Hal Coonley NC 17394
A Nostalgic Beauty
That Really Takes You Back!
I'll bet everyone of you over 50 years of age who built model airplanes as a kid has built a model of the Gullwing Stin son Reliant. You have to admit, it had class, not to mention size-and those dis tinguished and beautiful wings! Somewhere in the distant past, I re member someone describing the Spitfire elliptical wing as not having any two ribs alike. What about the Gullwing Stinson? Count them. There are exactly 22 ribs per wing, times two that makes 44, and no two of them are alike. No wonder the airplane cost almost $10,000.00 back in the thirties. (Depending on the engine installation, of course.) All handmade. Labor intensive was the rule then. The fact is, the entire wing is unique in design and construction! How many wings do you know of that have welded steel tube main spars? How about triangular plan form steel tube combination of drag, anti-drag and compression members front to rear spar? It certainly makes a stiff wing! Notice too, only one short lift strut. No rear strut to relieve the twist ing moments. Take a look at the relative inboard attach point of the lift strut and all that cantilever structure outboard! Airfoil sections have been engineered and designed to do many miraculous things. Consider some of our later model transports and the century series fighters with wing loads in the multiple hundreds of pounds per square foot. Well, our Stinson Gullwing comes equipped with the ever famous Clark Y, which came out sometime in the 1920s. Our wing is 18 percent thick at the li ft strut attach point and tapers to only six percent at the tip and root. It sure does the job. It lifts 4,000 pounds at gross takeoff weight with 258.5 square feet of wing area. That calculates to 15.47 pounds per square foot of wing load and, need less to say, it doesn't surprise you when it stalls, if you want to call it that. Really, 10 SEPTEMBER 1995
it's more like a "mush." Hold the yoke against the stop and it sort of floats from a burble to another burble, recovering by itself with a little nose down pitch and then does it all over again. Some of the old-timers say that they would never bail out of one in an emergency -they'd just continue the stall all the way down with a slower vertical speed than a parachute! This stall speed just happens to be about 50 to 54 mph with full flaps. You might call it an awfully heavy ultralight! Speaking of flaps, how about vacuum operated flaps! We have a port in the intake section of the crankcase that evacuates everything and lets static air push them down . We have a vacuum storage tank , which brings a play on words. If vacuum is almost nothing, why do we need a ten gallon tank to store it in? The Gullwing has it! It 's aft of the rear cabin bulkhead. When the flap lever is placed in the down position, this stored vacuum is ported to the up side of an actuator that is about six inches in di ameter and atmospheric pressure on the downside extends the flaps. No inter connect to prevent split flaps! A big spring to pull them up after landing if there is no air load. The ailerons are ca ble operated except the last part of the motion where we have a bell crank and push rods. Let's take another look at our wing structure. The ribs are made of square aluminum tube (about 5/16 inch each way). Not a weld in the whole assembly. Not really riveted either. Each joint at the intersection of cap strips and struc tural bracing has an aluminum gusset on each side and is secured with a round head aluminum rivet type pin with a snap on Tinnerman type steel fastener on the backside. No upset heads! No corrosion from dissimilar metals and none have vibrated off in the 50 plus years this wing has been flying! There
was plenty of zinc chromate though. The wing had been recovered twice after it was converted to civilian service. The last time with Razorback. There wasn't really any bad fabric but the wings had been rib stitched without using the invisi ble stitch and it just looked too rough, so we replaced it with Stits material and af ter about 1100 rib stitches later were ready to apply some color. We chose blue and silver and the Eastern Airlines logo because Eastern had three of these magnificent machines in the late thirties and early forties that were used for in strument trainers. This aircraft isn't one of the original SR-9 or -lOs that Eastern used, but it has been modified to those specs. This air plane was born during the middle part of WW II, September 30,1943 to be exact. It was known as an AT19, SIN 77-131 and carries the RAF SIN 42-46770. It was known by the British as SIN FK 944. We have some of the wartime logs on the airframe and engine but very little detail of missions andlor service. The aircraft went to England at the end of 1943 but we are unable to determine exactly where. The RAF forms we have indicate Evanton RNAS, Southern Aircraft, Gatwick, Abbotsinch, Fleetlands, Yeouilton, Donibristle and Stretton. (I'm not exactly sure of the spelling be cause the ink has faded.) Some of the names of mechanics and pilots that are almost faded out look like: E . D. Lock, RNAS Strelton, 1944 ; J. Arthur, RNAS Strelton, 1944; R. Brom ley, No.1 NAFS Yeouilton, 1945; H. K. Davison, No.1 NAFS Yeouilton, 1945; and D. K. Hayes, no station shown. "On 3-1-46 the main planes were re moved and 'emba lmed .' On 4-1-46 preservation for shipment was accom plished by A. Sweeney, A. Loggie and T. W. Barnfield and the lendllease contract was fulfilled."
Somehow the aircraft got back to the States and the civil logs begin August 29, 1946 with 318:55 hours on the airframe and engine. It flew until June of 1949 and the next log entry is August 1, 1954 when it was licensed. However it appar ently did not fly much because the next log entry is September 11, 1959 at which time it had accumulated 391:50 hours and then made it through June of 1965 at which time it was approved for a ferry flight with 438:00 hours. By April 20, 1967 it had run the time up to 566:00 hours. By 1973 it had made it to 602:01 hours and had found a home in LeMars, Iowa. Adrian Kale , a United Airlines Captain had acquired it and from then until July 25,1991 it logged a total of al most 48 hours. It was purchased in August of '91 by myself and Chuck Pease , both retired Eastern Captains. The rejuvenation be gan. The aircraft was strictly military in side. The instrum en t panel had been moved forward about six inches and in no way looked like the SR-10 s~tup. For tunately the factory left jig points for the civilian panel. The RAF gyros and fac tory installed instruments were still working so we began from that. There was one instrument that went back to the late 1930s called a fuel/air ratiometer. It does exactly what the nam e implies samples exhaust gas from the manifold and tells you how many pounds of air per pound of fuel you are usin g. It still works! The RAF used only the left seat for the PIC and had moved the engine controls from the center of the panel to the left side of the cockpit, and instead of Aherns type controls , had installed a three control quadrant (throttle, mixture and propeller). Idle cutoff was reversed from our American standards. Forward was off. The controls were installed in the center of the instrument panel so that the airplane can be flown from ei ther seat. The lack of nav/com equip ment made that conversion simple. We installed a KX 155 nav/com, a transpon der with encoder and an Apollo loran for those long, slow cross-countries! The only military equipment still installed (and unused) is the pilot's relief tube! The airplane had been covered with Razorback and was still as strong as the day it had been installed . However, the rib stitching was not to our liking and the paint was peeling anyway, so the wings, ailerons, flaps, horizontal and vertical empennage was removed for recovering. The Spartan military interior was redone in leather and Eastern Airlines colors. Wheel pants and Cleveland brakes were installed.
The Lycoming R 680-13 engine had less than 300 hours on it since new and was installed by the RAF just prior to returning it to the States in 1943. They apparently thought the airplane was for night operation because the entire en gine and accessories were painted dull night fighter black. The engine ran like the proverbial sewing machine but used about a gallon of oil a day setting in the hangar. The seals had dried and were incapable of holding oil where it was supposed to be. The engine was built before O-rings were invented so the cylinder base seals were of gasket mate rial. After sweating the oil problem , another engine was installed . That is another story for later. The original electrical system con sisted of a 20 amp Eclipse generator (!) and a 12 volt battery. One landing light consumed about 40 amps by itself! The 50 amp Jasco alternator and a complete rewire of the system put us into the modern world. The factory installed starter switch was right out of Henry Ford's Model A factory. Mash down with your left hee l and hope it didn't slip off. While we're talking about Ford parts, the pilot's side window will crank up and down , compliments of another Model A part-the window mecha nism . It still works good too! Inciden tally, this 20 amp generator weighed in at 20 pounds, including the control unit which is a watchmakers delight-all mechanical with the prettiest springs and interlocking electro/mechanical de vices they could dream up 50 years ago. Our test flight came about one and one half years after the restoration be gan. It was kind of soul satisfying to see smoke come from the exhaust stacks on the initial engine start and to get a good mag check on the first try! Since that day in February, 1992 we have become quite well ed ucated on the whimsies of
old, round Lycoming engines. The re placement engine was a 100 hour SMOH and it presented oil tempera ture problems which required removal and overhaul, all due to a badly worn master rod bearing. Initial oil pressure was good until the oil temp got up to normal operating range (140 degrees) and then the hotter the oil got, the lower the oil pressure dropped and the lower the pressure dropped , the higher the temperature became until both pres sure and temperature were at the red lines and we were at our max pucker factor. We tried a new oil pump and oil pressure regulator. We installed two types of oil coolers which helped but didn't cure the problem. We learned about oil transfer sleeves and associ ated rings. We about wore Steve Curry (of Radial Engines Limit ed) to the limit. However he was very knowl edgeable and patient and helpful, and was able to come up with the final solu tion of the out of tolerance master rod bearing. So now our piece of aviation history is running like a charm and flies like a dream. It still cruises at 125 mph like they did in the 1930s and it likes gasoline, about 16 gallons per hour, but if you like the sound of a round engine and the smell of aviation fuel and oil, and can stand low cruise speeds and love the looks of big gullwings, then this is the ultimate bird from the GOLDEN AGEOFA~ATION! •
(Right) Hal is busy doing something to this all metal structure you can rarely do with a wing - clean it with a pressure washer! VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11
When the POWER goes DOWN,
the NOSE goes DOWN,
Remember that TURNS and
Plan each takeoff with a
firm resolve:
Durin g recent years, very little at tention has been focused on this type accident. The accide nts continue, we are losing friends and aircraft too of ten. The FAA focuses little attention in this direction - some small effort is exerted during flight testing, and so me small influ e nce is used in the suggestion s for the Biennial Flight R eview, but almost nothing ap pears in our current literature. As a result of two recent accidents where "o ur type" of airplanes were involved, flown by personal friends, one on which was fatal accident and the other nearly so, I've written the following in the hope that it can help you identify this type of situation be fore it too claims you as a victim. The probable scenario in this type of accident is as follows: The engine had been running rough in the past, but just before this takeoff, it seemed to be OK. The plane got off the ground OK and started to climb. When reaching the tree tops, it started to miss a bit. (Remember, this can happen in any airplane, after any takeoff.) Eve n when everything is going good, the rate of climb will not be ex ceptional during the early climb phase - the airspeed will be low , and if the engine were to s low down, and the nose not be lowered immediately, the speed would rapidly diminish. Then, in about the amount of time it takes to read this, the STALL SPEED would be reached and no airspeed margin would remain. While this is taking place, the pilot would want to return to the airport. (This is a very natural urge, a very classic situation that I call , "the Search for the Familiar," or the desire to return to the normal. It is natural to land on the airport - no one wants
to land in a fie ld . It takes a firm re solve to resist the urge to turn back.) A turn would be started, but being so low , the pilot would not wan t to lower the wing and possibly snag a tree or wire so, 1. The plane is slow!
(Hold the nose up!)
2. The plane is low!
(Hold the nose up!)
3. Can't lower the wing!
(Hold the wing up! )
4. Have to turn back! (Push it around with the rudder?) These are the exact steps that are taught when student pilots enter into SPIN TRAINING. In training, it is done at a high altitude and then the SPIN RECOVER Y is taught after the spin is established. In the case of an unintentional SPIN at low altitude, recovery is only possible after a lengthy stay in the In tensive Care Unit. Each year we read about several ac cidents of this type. In some cases the pilot and passengers do recover, but all too often the results of the SPIN are s uch that there is no trip to the ICU, only to the cemetery. Inatten tion to proper procedures, too often , results in fatal accidents. Most all of these accidents are fully preventable. Please review the causes of STALL/SPIN ACCIDENTS. In the "old days," pilots were taught that there were, "NO TURNS BELOW 400 FT." We are still flying the same type of airplanes, with the same type of en gines, with the same type of problems and we see the same results when the laws of Gravity are resisted. ...
A "Mint" Contemporary Class
Norm Petersen
One mee ts the nicest people in this aviation business and while looking down the line of antique and classic airplanes at EAA Sun 'n Fun '95, I spotted the tall tail of a pre-1960 Cessna poking above the rest of the polished airplanes. Mov ing closer, the paint scheme on th e air plane clearly identified it as a 1958 Cessna 172 with Canadian registration, C-FDGS. The pretty airplane 's owner, John Van
Lieshout (EAA 414941 , AIC 23086) of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, was answer ing questions posed by several bystanders - as rapidly as he could . Everybody wanted to know how a 37-year-old air plane could look so close to factory new! For John Van Lieshout , th e answer was quite easy - he is the same age as the airplane - and look what fine shape he is in! It was fun to listen to John explain
the background of the 172 with his pre cise wording and his very becoming Ca nadian accent (out and about). A true gentleman and a ma n of many talents, John is one of those rare peo ple who stumbled into owning a really uniqu e piece of aviation hi story and sudd enl y found the spotlight to be directed at him. H e wears the illumination very well , I might add. John was born in London, Ontario, on August 8, 1958, of Dutch parents who had emigrated to Canada in the early 1950's. As a youngster, he was inter ested in alI things mechanical and was al ways building model airplanes. Even pa per airplanes drew his attention in school and he readily admits that if he had been the teacher, he would have thrown John Van Lieshout out of class on several oc casions. However, John did excellent school work and his teachers had infinite patience with the young lad who was con sidered by his classmates to be the class clown. At age 21, John had his first airplane ride in a huge Air Canada 747 airliner and was completely thrilled with flying. In the next few years, his theater avoca tion turned into movie production work which produced just eno ugh extra in come to afford flying lessons. He began flying at Toronto City Center Airport (called Toronto Island Airport in those days) with Central Airways. On the day of his first cross-country solo, he called up the school for a takeoff time and was informed it had gone bankrupt - no air planes were alIowed to fly! It was severa l months before John managed to gather four partners and pur chase a Cessna 150 at Thunder Bay, On tario. With this airplane, John was able to earn his Private ticket, his night rating and Commercial license. As John says, "I've never used my Commercial ticket, but I just wanted the extra training. Be sides, being in the film making business, it's a nice little item to have if you have to do some aerial photography." Later that same year (1991) , John be gan looking for an older 172 or similar airplane. Spotting a tiny ad in a Cana dian aviation paper that said, "1958 172, $17,000" John called up the person, who turned out to be a broker in Camloops, Be. The airplan e was located in Fort Simpson, way, way up in the Northwest Territories - miles from nowhere, how ever, in two we e ks it was to be flown down to Camloops. It was still too far away for John . But the n a funny thing happened. John's mechanic, Bill Davies, mentioned he was going on vacation for a couple of wee ks to (of all places) Cam loops to visit re latives. Arrangeme nts were made to have Bill inspect the 172, which had been ferried nearly 900 miles south from Fort Simpson, NWT, to Cam loops, BC VINTAGE AIRPLANE 13
(Above) Cruising along over the great state of Florida, John Van Leishout brings the 172 in close for the camera. Note the antennae poking up from the fuselage and the large rotating beacon on the top of the fin. This was deluxe transportation back in 1958. (Left) John's neat wheel covers on the 6:00 X 6 wheels match the colors of the airplane exactly.
The phone call fro m Bill D avies was quite a revelation, " I can't believe this airplane. The compression is so incredi ble. It's the original engine. T he paint looks original. I mean, it's just wonder ful." In no time at all, John negotiated the purchase (sight unseen) and with a pilot friend, John McMurttrey along for company, flew the airlines to Camloops and prepared for the long fli ght (over 14 SEPTEMBER 1995
2200 miles) back east to Toronto. Flying east over the Canadian Rockies in the 172 was an unforgettable experi ence. Neither pilot had ever flown over rugged mountains before and the fantas tic scenery used up most of their camera film. John Van Lieshout says, "This was the most spectacular trip I had ever done in my entire life. I had a lump in my throat. The feel ing was just overwhelm ing. I can now understand why people want to fly to Alaska, etc." Once past the huge mountains, the pair noted the flat prairie terrain of Al berta and Saskatchewan which gave way to the woods and lakes of Ontario. The long cross-country trip required three days and ended on the parking ramp at Toronto - with two very tired, but happy, pilots.
For those lucky enough to remember 1958, this is exactly the way the panel looked when this air plane came off the fac tory line. The Narco Su perhomer Mark IV cover plate with its "whistle stop tuning" receiver was the latest word in navigation in those days. With the cover removed, the new radio and transponder come into view.
The history of Cessna 172, N8534B, SIN 36234, goes back to when it was built on November 11, 1957, and when it was first sold to Earl Lloyd Danielson in the tiny town of Ferdig, Montana, on May 11, 1958. Fourteen years later, in early 1972, the 172 was imported into Calgary, Al berta, with 1103 hours total time . The "N" number was de-registered and a new Canadian registration of CF-DGS was al located. (Note: The Canadian Interna tional call sign was "CF," with three let ters following, for about 45 years before it was changed to "C," with four letters following, in the mid '70s. Hence our subject 172 became C-FDGS with the new system.) The Cessna was sold to a man in Fort Simpson and was stationed there for a number of years with a brief stay at Yellow Knife, NWT, on Great
A total of six or seven own ers operated the airplane from gravel runways and unimproved landing strips in the summers with flights being made in the winter from frozen lakes and even country roads. The farthest north DGS was flown was to a place called Rigley on the Mackenzie river to deliver supplies to an oil rig approximately 200 miles south of the Arctic Circle. It is quite evident that the 19 years that DGS spent in the cold, dry climate of the Northwest Territories helped consid erably to inhibit corrosion and delay the "aging" process that all airplanes en counter. In addition, the excellent care that Earl Lloyd Danielson lavished on the airplane while he owned it for 14 years in Montana also contributed to the unusually healthy condition the Cessna exhibits today. Since he has owned DGS, John Van Lieshout has devoted much of his spare time to buffing and polishing the bare aluminum and painted surfaces of the aircraft. In addition, he has installed a new carpet, a new (one-piece) wind shield and a second venturi for running the instruments. Using the original seat coverings, John was able to re-stuff the seats to original configuration. The in strument panel was refurbished to orig inal condition including the original Narco Mark IV Superhomer face plate which covers the GPS and NavCom equipment whenever the airplane is placed on display.
Perhaps the most amazing item on the aircraft is the factory original paint. Spe cial items like the spinner and the ven turies as well as areas of hangar rash, have been color matched and carefully repainted. Overall, DGS looks pretty much like she did back in 1958 when it left the factory and went to Montana as a new airplane with the registration, N8534B . At EAA Sun 'n Fun '95, John's beau tiful Contemporary Class 172 caught the judge's eye in the bright Florida sun and they seemed to stop to look at it on a regular basis - both inside and out. Ap parently the visits were not in vain as on the final evening of the fly-in, the awards ceremony loudspeaker rang out with the name, John Van Lieshout, Cessna 172, C-FDGS, winner of the Most Original Award in the Contempo rary Class. Suddenly, the hours and hours of ded icated labor on polishing, painting and fixing up the 37-year-old airplane didn't seem nearly so hard on the muscles and body joints. It's funny how a "pat on the back " makes the work seem so much smaller! Congratulations to John Van Lieshout for winning the Most Original Award at Sun 'n Fun '95. It was an award well de served. We look forward to visiting with this friendly and affable Canadian pilot on many future occasions and we wish him the best of luck while enjoying his .... immaculate Cessna 172, C-FDGS. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 15
Great Lakes Treasure Zac and Doris Howard's Hammond 100 by H.G. Frautschy
The early days of aviation are filled with stories about airplane designs that went through several manufacturers dur ing their production lifetime. The eco nomic realities of aircraft production meant that all too often a manufacturer would go broke before he could build enough airplanes to make a profit, or other money matters would make the sale of a company the prudent avenue to pursue. Sometimes, the simple act of copying a successful design was employed to put an organization in the aircraft building business. The Hammond 100 is one of those 1930's era biplanes that has a convoluted lineage. First conceived by the engineer ing staff and students at Parks College in East St. Louis, IL, the Hammond 100 had started as the Parks P-l in the spring of 1929. But its direct ancestor was the Kreider-Reisner C-2 Challenger. One
March day in 1929, Parks student Charles Ritsch was assigned the task of painting the Parks insignia on the tail of the new C-2 now stationed on the Parks airport. No other changes were made to the air frame of that airplane. As researched by Parks College stu dent and author Terry Bowden (EAA 389420, AIC 17353), and detailed in an article in the December 1991 issue of Vintage Airplane, there were four more C-2's purchased by Parks to serve as the starting point for their own design. The first was dismantled to serve as patterns for jigs and structural tests, and the other three were then modified to become Parks P-ls. The engineers and mechanics at Parks didn't just copy the C-2 design they improved it by moving the radiator from in front of the pilot's face on the top of the fuselage to below the cowling, just forward of the landing gear. A new oil
dampened shock absorbing tail skid was also employed. The engine was now a "Parks Super OX-5," a Curtiss engine modified by Parks Aircraft, Inc. The ex act nature of the changes made to the Curtiss engine is not known, and any in formation our readers can add to that mystery would be appreciated. Early P-l 's still used the "hay cutter" style of straight axle landing gear without brakes, but later examples had a split axle type gear, and included Bendix brakes. The P-l had a wingspan of 30'1" with a length of 24'1", and weighed in with a gross weight of 2078 lbs., all for a price of $3,165.00 during the summer of 1929. Students in the Parks Air College me chanics program were used to help build up the airplanes, learning the arts of weld ing, woodworking and covering in a prac (Left) The instrument panel of the Ham mond has an Elgin compass as its cen terpiece, and also features an early ser ial numbered Kollsman non-sensitive altimeter (SIN 45). The forward cockpit has SIN 46 Kollsman altimeter installed. The brakes are actuated by small toe pedals mounted on the outboard ends of the rudder pedals.
tical way as the P-1's and its higher pow ered sister ship, the P-2, worked their way down the assembly line. While it may seem logical that the Parks airplanes would immediately find themselves on the flight line at the college, Parks contin ued to use Travel Air biplanes to a great extent even after the production of the Parks airplanes had started. It may very well be that the timing of the airplane's production and the Great Depression may have had a big part in how those plans never fell into place. Only a few short months after production of the Parks airplanes had started in earnest, the stock market crash of 1929 created a twist in the fortunes of Parks Air Lines, inc., the parent company of Parks Air College and Parks Aircraft. Detroit Aircraft, Inc. gained a control ling interest in Parks Air Lines in the tur bulent times after October 29,1929, mean ing that for Parks to use a P-1 or P-2 on the flight line, it would now have to go to an outside manufacturer to purchase the airplanes that still bore the Parks name. Detroit Aircraft was a holding com pany that had, among its various compa nies, the Ryan Aircraft Co. During 1930,
after reorganizing its holdings, the offi cers of Detroit Aircraft decided to merge the Ryan and Parks concerns, with the re sult that the-P-2 was to be produced in Detroit as the Ryan "Speedster." A total of six Ryan P-2A Speedsters were built before Detroit Aircraft was forced to close its doors in 1931. As an aside, Oliver Parks was able to regain control of his flight school and college, but he would never again enter the field of aircraft pro duction. After the demise of Detroit Aircraft, Dean Hammond, a young aircraft de signer from Ann Arbor, MI, was able to purchase the production rights, drawings and tooling for the Parks series of bi planes from the now-defunct firm. Dean B. Hammond was the president and Gen eral Manager, and he had mechanic/pilots Galey Alexander and Erwin Skocdopole as part of the Hammond Aircraft Corpo ration , Ypsilanti, MI. By June 25, 1932, they had built their first airplane, which they dubbed the Parks P-1H. A number of changes had made the new P-1 series a shadow of the original P-l. The rudder was now squared off, and on the other end of the fuselage was mounted a new Kinner
K-5 radial engine instead of the OX-5. A tail wheel was now standard, and the land ing gear was markedly different. A wide stance (100 inches) split axle gear was now used, dampened by a pair of air/oil spring struts. A new name for the airplane was also in order - it was to be called the Ham mond 100. Production of the Hammond 100 could never be described as brisk. A total of 6 of the biplanes were built between 1932 and 1935, when Hammond closed down the plant. By then, he was busy working on a de sign for the Bureau of Air Commerce's "$700 Airplane Contest," an airplane with a radical new look that piqued the imagi nation of many of the general public who would be interested in flying an airplane. Later work by Hammond and his chief en gineer, Carl Haddon, with the assistance of Lloyd Stearman, resulted in the pro duction of the Hammond Y, Y-125 and Y 1-S series of pusher configured low wing airplanes by the Stearman-Hammond Co. of San Francisco, CA. In later years, Dean Hammond re turned to the Midwest, settling in Michi gan. One of his neighbors was Wendell VINTAGE AIRPLANE 17
(Above) From EAA's Radtke collection, this shot of the Hammond 100 shows the full exhaust collector used on some Kinner K-5 engines, as well as a set of Grimes navigation lights and the generous width (100 inches) of the landing gear. You can also see what appears to be aileron gap seals on both the upper and lower wings. (Below) A long stroke split axle landing gear helps soak up the bumps and jolts of grass fields. The wider stance of the P-1H helped improve its ground handling.
Carr, and the two became acquainted. At one point, Wendell had the framework for five Hammond fuselages and the plans for the airplanes as well. As an enthusiast, Wendell did much to preserve the history of the Hammond 100, and after Dean's passing, his knowledge and interest was all
that kept the memory of the airplane alive. During the 70s, Wendell collected many parts and pieces of various Ham足 mond 100's, keeping many of them in his friend Zachra Howard's hangar. A few changes in his personal life eventually led Zac to ask Wendell what he was going to do with the Hammond project. Knowing he probably was not going to be able to restore it, he said that he would be inter足 ested in selling it, but only to someone who would restore the airplane. "I will," was Zac's reply. A few weeks later they agreed on a price, and the Hammond project was Zac's to complete. After the purchase in 1983, Zac and his wife Doris took stock in what they had. The fuselage they owned was one of the few lOGs built, SIN 204. It consisted of
rusty steel tubing, rotten wood good only for patterns, and other odd pieces and parts. Not everything was there - as the restoration began, they kept finding pieces in unusual places. At one point, the fire足 wall was found acting as a patch on the side of a barn! While not any good as a firewall, it made a good pattern. The engine mount was found with a set of casters mounted to it, and a seat at足 tached where the engine would be bolted. It made a dandy roll-around seat, but the Howards felt it would work better in its original application, so they were able to bring it home to Ypsilanti. The fuselage was in reasonably good condition, although the aft end of the Hammond needed some tubing replaced. Oramel Rowe (EAA 17378, AIC 12007) of Stockbridge, MI was enlisted by Zac to
do the rework, replacing a couple of tubes at the tailpost. The cowling was in equally rough shape, and was only good for patterns, but between the originals and the set of prints that came along with the project, it was possible to make a new set of cowl ings exactly like the originals. Zac cred its the late Pard Diver, of Meyers Air craft fame, for the excellent work done on the new cowl and other fuselage sheet metal. Zac recalled that Pard seemed anxious to complete the project's sheet metal, all the while reminding Zac that the two of them weren't getting any younger. Only six months after finishing his work on the Hammond, Pard Diver passed away. One of the most remarkable finds while Wendell Carr and the Howards were gath ering parts was the discovery by one of Dean Hammond's nephews of the original paperwork for the Hammond 100. Parks College does not have a set of prints for the Parks series of biplanes, nor does the Smithsonian or the FAA. Re markably, not just one but four sets of original blueprints were found, the actual sets used by Dean Hammond and his craftsmen to build the Hammond 100s. The blueprints were intended for use by the design, engineering production and fi nal inspection "departments." The prints are dated starting in 1929, and end with Hammond drawing and revisions dated 1932. Also found was the original stress analysis, as well as the original bill of sale to George Downs, whose son now works for the FAA in Oklahoma City. The elder Downs sold the airplane in the early 1940's as war broke out and civilian airplanes were grounded. Finally, included with the papers is the original CAA Type Certifi cate! Add a set of jigs, tooling and an ap propriate engine, and you could go into the biplane business! The wings on this Hammond are com pletely rebuilt. An all wood structure, new I-beam spars had to be routed and 84 wing ribs needed to be made. Zac sat down each evening and turned out a new rib each night, and after three months, a full set of ribs were ready to be assembled to the spars. The Hammond 100 has ailerons on each wing, one of the differ ences (besides engine power) between the 100 and th e Parks P-2 , which had ailerons on the lower wing only. Even with the four ailerons, rolJ response must have been a bit on the sluggish side, since contemporary photographs of the Ham mond 100 have shown the use of aileron gap seals, in an effo rt to improve the aileron response. The instrument panels were surpris ingly complete, including a pair of Kolls man altimeters, marked with SIN 45 and 46 and an Elgin compass. Along with the others instruments, all were rebuilt by Great Lakes Instruments, overhauled,
yellow tagged and then installed in the new panels. Care was taken during the restoration to use the proper hardware during the re build. Where there were castelJated nuts, plastic insert nuts were not substituted only a drilJed AN bolt and cotter pin were used to safety the nuts. There were only two changes made to the airplane that are not original - the use of the Ceconite 7600 process to cover the airplane, and a change to the exhaust con figuration on the Kinner K-5 engine. Un able to find an exhaust collector system for their Kinner (and you thought colJec tors for Wrights were tough to come by!), the Howards had to use single Kinner ex haust stacks on each cylinder. If anybody can come up with a lead on an exhaust collector, I'm sure Zac and Doris would like to hear from you . A 100 hp Kinner K-5 was built up for the Hammond, after Zac investigated using the more common 125 hp Kinner B-5 or B-54. The paper work required to change the engine instal lation discouraged him from making the change, so the K-5 model was kept , al though the engine that came with the pro ject was unusable . A K-5 that had 10 hours on a major overhaul was bought from a restorer in Texas. The brake system is the original blad der/expander type brakes, and it also has the original tailwheel, including an origi nal Western Union Telegram from Ham mond certifying the use of a steerable tail wheel on the airplane. The wings on this Hammond are com pletely rebuilt. An all wood structure, new I-beam spars had to be routed and 84 wing ribs needed to be made . Zac sat down each evening and turned out a new rib each night, and after three months, a full set of ribs were ready to be assembled to the spars. The Hammond 100 has ailerons on each wing, one of the differ ences (besides engine power and other airframe changes) between the 100 and the Parks P-2, which had ailerons on the
lower wing only. Even with the four ailerons, roll response must have been a bit on the sluggish side, since contempo rary photographs of the Hammond 100 have shown the use of aileron gap seals, in an effort to improve the aileron response. Advancing age and the health prob lems that can sometime crop up during that time in one's life began to affect Zac as he worked to complete the Hammond, but it never occurred to him to stop - the project had become a strong reason to get up each morning and take whatever the day had to offer. Eight years after buying the project in 1983, the Howard was com pleted and test flown in 1991. Except for the hot summer months, Zac and Doris now reside in Florida, where the weather is kinder to Zac's lungs. No longer able to hold a medical certifi cate, he nonetheless enjoys flying the Hammond with his friend Joe Araldi (EAA 70897, AlC 9081) who serves as pi lot-in-command. Doris is also an avid rider in the Hammond, enjoying the fruits of her labors on the old biplane as it flies over central Florida with Joe at the con trols. Still, Zac and Doris have decided that it is time for someone else to own and fly the P-1 H, so it is up for sale. You can call them in Ypsilanti, MI until the end of September at 313/487-2180. Their florida phone number is 9411683-1757, and they expect to be there by mid-October. As the last of its breed, the Hammond 100 (Parks P-1H) restoration has proven to be a rejuvenator and common bond for Zac and Doris Howard that has helped them bridge the bumpier parts of life. Vintage aviation can have that cohe sive effect on folks who share their lives with one another - it's often the reason to keep going when life drops a rock or two in the road. The pride the Howards can feel when they look at the restored Ham mond 100 IS only part of the story. It's the time they spent together working on the project that has the most meaning in their lives. ... VINTAGE AIRPlANE 19
Pam Barker's
by Pamela Barker Germantown, New York
This Waco RNF, NC663Y, SIN 3356, is powered with a Warner 145 hp engine. It was built in 1930. The paint scheme is an original custom scheme copied from Wayne Hayes' flying RNF, NC11254, SIN 3457. His airplane was ordered from the factory in these colors by its original owner, Speed Hanzlik. NC663Y was orig inaUy blue and silver and powered with a 125 hp Warner. It was used in Texas for instrument flight training in the CPT pro gram in the early 1940's. NC633Y has only 625 hours total time, as it sat idle for many years after a landing accident that damaged the landing gear and engine mount. It was purchased by Wayne Hayes in the 1980's, who planned on restoring it for resale. Wayne agreed to sell me the basket case in 1989. Five years later, I test flew the airplane on August 24,1994. I did the restoration myself with a considerable amount of help from friends and my husband, John Barker. He did the necessary welding for the landing gear repairs and the 145 Warner engine mount. In addition, he provided the expertise for the engine overhaul and a great deal of misceUaneous help along the way. Ken Cassons did the we lding on the new aluminum oil tank and helped out with a supply of Warner parts. Karl Erickson spent a lot of time wet sanding and helpe d with the wood work on the new wings. Roger Story pro vided many of th e Waco parts that I thought I had - but didn' t. Thomas Beck relinquished the "N" number from his Ag cat as the Waco had been de-registered 20 SEPTEMBER 1995
This story on the restoration of Waco RNF, N663Y, was contributed by Pam Barker (EAA# 483575) of Germantown, NY, who happens to be an airline pilot by trade and a co-director of the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome (Cole Palen's legacy) along with her director husband, John Barker. We had a chance to meet this lauely young couple in the spring of 1994, when they visited EAA headquarters
to update us on the operation of Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome. (See SPORT AVIA TION, May, 1994, pp 70) The real joy was meeting Pam and John Barker and discauering two very delightful antique airplane aficionados who "practice what they preach." - Norm Petersen
for many years. Kevin Murray built the exhaust and carburetor heat system from scratch using original drawings and some sketches. Hannon Dickerson and George Olson supplied the overhaul parts for the engine. The aluminum nosebowl was made by Georgia Metal Shaping with some help from Bob and Barbara Kitchens. The side cowls are fiberglass and were constructed by Orville Williamson. Tim Salisbury dynamically balanced the engine. Harrison Engine re worked the valve seats and guides. AI Va sac did some pretty fancy soldering on one of the terneplate fuel tanks and many other friends provided a helping hand, gave advice, and loaned me tools, materi als and parts when I needed them. The fuselage of the airplane was virtu ally undamaged . It still had the original throttle-brake mechanism along with aU of the cables, pulleys and fittings for me chanical brakes. Many people told me that I would be very frustrated with this arrangement and would probably end up tearing it aU out to put in hydraulic brakes that worked. Just in case you are unfamil iar with this brake system, the throttle lever moves fore and aft as is conventional for the throttle. The lever also pivots in wards towards the ce nte r of the aircraft for brake activation. Everything is inter connected with the rudd e r pe dals by means of cables and pulleys so that if one rudder pedal is ahead of the other, more braking action is applied to that wheel. If the rudder pedals are neutral, equal brak ing is applied to both whee ls. It sounds
complicated , and I spent a lot of time thinking about it as I was restoring the air plane. All of the potential problems that I anticipated simply were not a factor. The brakes work better than any other antique airplane brakes that I have experienced. And the throttle arm brakes are very nat ural to use. The instrument panel insert had been modified to accommodate an at titude indicator and sensitive altimeter. Other than that, the panel was still com plete and original. I used aU of the origi nal aluminum cockpit combings, side pan els and head rest, so there are a few residual dents. The Waco weighs 1316Ibs. empty with a gross weight of 19381bs. With 32 gallons of fuel, five gaUons of oil and a passenger on board, there is still plenty of room for baggage. Of course, if planning a cross country of any length, a good deal of that space is taken up by tools, a grease gun for the rocker arms, extra engine oil and an oil squirt can for the valves. The airplane is kept at Columbia County Airport in Hudson, New York. It currently has 15 hours on it since rebuild. There are a few little things to finish up as there probably will always be. Right now, I'm trying to locate a short starter drive for the Warn e r e ngine . It likes to kick back when propping and I am a little on the short side, so a starter would help in venturing a little furth er from home base. On June 21 of this year, my fath er, who is also a pilot and airplane restore r, and I took off for the Waco Fly-In at Wynkoop Airport in Mt. Ve rnon, Ohio. It was the
first time I had ventured away from the open fields of the Hudson Valley. We flew nortb on the first leg of our trip, hop ing to avoid most of the Catskill moun tains. There were still some lingering clouds in the hills at six o 'clock in the morning that caused us to modify our straight line course. But even with my very rusty dead reckoning skill s, we still managed to find Cooperstown, New York. I didn't, however, have time to use the handheld radio or the intercom with head sets. When I packed all of that stuff, it didn't occur to me that while one hand would always be on the stick, the other wo uld be req uired to keep the sectio na l chart from flying away. Cooperstown Westvi ll e Airport is a taildragger paradise. T hey have a 2300 foot long beautiful grass strip that is plenty wide with excellent a pp roaches. After topping off with 80 octane fuel, we tax ied o ut for takeoff a nd notice d so me bl ack puffs of smoke coming from the short ex ha ust stacks. Well , I had just installed a fres hl y overha uled carb u re tor a nd sus pected tha t the id le mix ture may no t be set j ust rig ht. We too k off a nd headed
west towards Penn Yan, NY. The engine wasn 't sounding just right, in fact, I think I heard it skip a few times. Back we went to Cooperstown to take a look. The engine was really running rough by the time we made it back into the pat tern . With a conservative approach and a barnstorming slip, punctuated with a back firing engine, we touched down safely on the grass. The spark plugs were covered with black soot, so we cleaned them with my toothbrush and some gas. After check ing the carburetor for leaks and adjusting the idle mixture, we agreed that the en gine sou nded like it wo uld stay running, but decided the o ld Waco may not be ready for the long trek to O hio. We took off and climbed up to altitude over the air port, t hen t u rned east and headed for ho me . As soo n as I brought the e ngine back to cru ise RPM, it started backfiri ng and fa ltering. Well , we were beginning to become regulars at the Cooperstown A ir port by now. The fie ld is run by Jo hn and Marie Pe te rs a nd t here is a n ice little cafe run by Mar ie's pa re n ts th at feat u res a grea t breakfast and lunch. We could not have
chosen a better place to troubleshoot and repair the airplane. They provided us with a ride to town, a list of places to stay, all the tools and lights that we needed for our work, a hangar and a good deal of old fashioned hospitality. My husband, John, drove out with the extra carburetor that we had set out for emergency needs. In the next 24 hours, we met several people who worked at the airport or lived nearby. Everyone was really helpful. The adven ture we got was not the one we had planned . We did find out that aviation people are still like they were in the old days, ready to help their fellow pilots and mechanics and forever ready to drop the routine of work and join in the adventure. Most of the ti me these days o ur equip ment is so re liable, that we breeze in and ge t fue l a nd are on o ur way before we have the opportunity to meet anyone. In case yo u 're wo nderi ng wh at we fo und , it was a loose sea t o n the econo mi ze r va lve in the carburetor. Afte r the second re turn to the airport, the entire air pla ne was e ngul fed in black soot when it ran. So meone said it loo ked like it was run ning on coal instead of 80 octane fuel .
(Continued from page 6)
"The aircraft was named 'Rambler' by the wife of Toronto's mayor at Cartierville on the 29th of September. "'In December 1928 control of the Reid Aircraft Company was purchased by the Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Company and it was renamed the Curtiss-Reid Aircraft Company. A production list in the main source used, Molson & Taylor's 'Canadian Aircraft since 1909' gives 45 production aircraft in addition to the prototype . A headrest and fairing were added for produc tion machines and excepting on early pro duction aircraft, Friese ailerons and a fin and unbalanced rudder were fitted . Stan-
Peter Bowers, of Seattle, WA kindly sent along these two photos of the Rambler.
(Above) An early Curtiss-Reid Rambler with A.D.C. Cirrus II engine turning a right
hand propeller. Note the absence of vertical fin and the retention of the original trian
gular-chord ailerons. In January 1929, Canadian registrations changed from G-CA to
a new series starting with CF-AAA.
(Below) A later production Rambler with vertical fin , straight-chord ailerons, leading
edge slats, and a 100 hp De Havilland Gypsy engine turning a left-hand propeller.
Note the vane-type airspeed indicator on the outer wing strut.
dard powerplant was the 90 hp Gipsy [. The last development, the Rambler III, had considerable redesign and an inverted 120 hp Gipsy III. [hope that all makes sensei" G.A. Doten, Guelph, Ontario, Canada pointed out in his answer that the last Rambler built was built in 1937, and reg istered as CF-BIB . It was actually a re build of CF-ABR with a new fuselage. Other answers were received from Charley Hayes, New Lenox, IL; Robert Wynne, Mercer Island, W A ; Vic Smith, Uxbridge, Middlesex, England; Ralph Nortell, Spokane, W A. ... VINTAGE AIRPLANE 21
- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - by Norm
Dick Simpson's Fleet 16B These photos of a rece ntly restored Fleet 16B, NC41DJ, SIN 635, were sent in by owner Dick Simpson (EAA 92944, A/C 1568) of Birmingham, AL. Finished in Ceconite and butyrate dope (AN yellow a nd Dakota black), the Fleet is powered with a Kinner R-55 of 160 hp, swi nging a wooden propeller. The paint scheme is the same as the airplane displayed from 1941 to 1943 at the Royal Canadian Air Force training station #17 at Stanley, Nova Scotia. Once mustered out of service, the Fleet
spent a number of years in Mexico as XB-KOO, XA-JVW and XB-MUF be fore coming to the U . S. in 1978 in a derelict condition. The rebuild took three years (1992 to 1995) with needed parts coming from Canada, Mexico and six states in the U . S. Dick re ports the Kinner engine was over hauled by Hugo Bartel (EAA 92801, A/C 2067) of Williamsburg, P A, who also made the fuselage top cowlings. The pretty Fleet is based at Talladega , AL, just east of Birmingham.
Jim Knights'Taylorcraft Be- UD Pictured in front of his 1946 Taylorcraft N95185, SIN 9585, is Jim Knights (EAA 377639, A /C 18719) of Evans City, PA. He purchased the pretty two-placer in April, 1994, from Jim Brandt (EAA 145320) of Birmingham, AL. Brandt, an ATP, CFII, A & PIA l , even gave Jim ten hours of transition training (60 takeoffs and landings) be fore all parties felt he was ready to fly the bird back to Pennsylvania. The cross-country trip took two days and the local EAA Chapter 45 gang (Rostraver Airport) was just as excited as Jim to see the plane arrive . It was last covered with Stits in 1972 and is in remarkable shape, having been hangared all that time. Features include 24 gallons of gas (three tanks) with an EAA auto fuel STC and a McCauley "Klip-Tip" propeller. Jim says, "Having spent most of its 49 years in Alabama and Georgia, the T-Craft has acclimated well to the northern climes! "
Milton Smith's Great Lakes Biplane The photo of this pretty white Great Lakes 2 TIE, N108CH, SIN 235, was sent in by owner Mil ton Smith (EAA 87167, A /C 4467) of River Vale, NJ . The Great Lakes was built in 1930 as NCI1318 and in the 1960's, it was changed to N108CH by Charlie Hillard , who owned it for a spell. The Smiths purch ased the airplane as a basket case about five years ago and spent 4-112 years restor ing the pretty biplane to its present condition. The first flight after restoration was in May of 1995. The fully cow led engine is a 165 hp Warner and the wheelpants look to be of Cessna origin. 22 SEPTEMBER 1995
John Reib's Stinson 108-2 This in-flight photo of a Stinson 108-2, NC9818K, SIN 108-2818, which is the pride and joy of John Reib (EAA 446304, A /C 22994) of Stuart, FL, was sent in by his good friend Richard Smith (EAA 127143, AlC 23759) of Franklin, PA. The sharp looking Stinson was totally restored from a basket case by noted Stinson re storer, Butch Walsh (EAA 95866, A/C 11988) of Arrington , VA , who gave the old bird one of his famous original paint jobs that really glistens in the sunlight. Apparently someone else appreciated the fine work done on the Stinson as it ran off with the Classic Class II Award at EAA Oshkosh '95! For an oldtimer like John Reib, it was quite a thrill to come home with the hardware. John Reib learned to fly in this very same airplane way back in 1956 when it was purchased by Conair, Inc. The Stinson was eventually totaled
in 1986 and the parts were found in Butch Walsh's back yard! From there, the re build was begun. Prior to Oshkosh '95, the Stinson was flown around the perime ter of the U.S. in 96 hours of flying time, ending up at Oshkosh , WI. The entire fli ght went very well and the old girl aver
aged 9 gph for the trip. The Franklin en gine never missed a beat in spite of some rather sharp comments heard on several stops during the flight! There are presently 530 Stinson 108-2 airplanes on the FAA register and a total of 2319 Stin son 108 airplanes of all numbers.
Richard Smith's Monocoupe 90A Parked in the morning sunshine is Monocoupe 90A, NC18056, SIN A765, which is owned by Richard and Georgeen Smith (EAA 127143, A/C 23759) of Franklin, PA. Powered with a Warner Su per Scarab 145 hp engine, the Monocoupe cuts a mean figure with the full bump cowling and original metal wheel pants over the original lO-inch wheels. Richard reports the Monocoupe was taken down to bare metal and built up with 34 coats of hand rubbed butyrate dope over Ceconite. The colors are Ten nessee Red and Canary Yellow . With an original factory completion date of June 17, 1937, the pretty Monocoupe features an electric starter and a wind generator and has a total time on the airframe of only 1500 hours.
Bill Fulgham's '39 Taylorcraft This photo of a pretty pre-war T-Craft, NC23872, SIN 1508, was contributed by owners, Bill and De lores Fulgham (EAA 237499, A/C 18437) of Van Buren, AR. Bill reports the T-Craft, which started out as a Model B with a 50 hp Franklin engine, was ferried from the factory in Alliance, OH, to Waco, TX, on November 16,1939, for use in Jack New land's Civil Pilot Training Program. After two years in the CPTP, the T-Craft had 15 owners over the years before Bill bought the airplane in 1981 and commenced a total rebuild. It was quite a sur prise to find the airframe was in perfect shape and had never been bent in those preceding 42 years! In 1957, the Franklin engine had been replaced with a Continental A65-8, making the airplane a BC-65. Bill has flown the T-Craft over 500 hours since the rebuild and has visited a large number of the cen tral U.S. states in the pretty yellow and red two placer. With a 74 X 46 cruise prop, the little speed ster indicates 105, altho ugh the GPS says an actual 95 cruise. Bill really enjoys the get up and go of the lightweight pre-war model and admits it is a dandy ... cross-country airplane for two people.
Working on a project of your own? Send your photos along with a short story on your airplane to: Attn: H.G. Frautschy
EAA Headquarters
P.O. Box 3086
Oshkosh, VV154903-3086
nat ed, but I just could not be comfortable putting that airplane back in the air with out knowing the condition of the structure. Off came the fabric, and it was in great shape. But the rust on the fuselage frame and the bird nests, dead birds and rusted steel fittings in the wings made me forget all about my concern about taking off a good fabric cover. In the right wing, every bay outboard of the fuel tank was full of nests, dry weeds and grass. And that's my point; depending on what you know about a strange airplane, removing a good fabric may be the best thing to do. I have another disassembled parts air plane whose logbook says the wings were recovered with Ceconite about 20 years ago and never flown. I think I'll do the same thing if I have to use them.
PASSd ~BUCK by Buck Hilbert EAA #21 Ale #5 P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180
The events of Dec. 7, 1941 still continue to generate letters - here's another concerning Cornelia Fort: Capt. E. E. Hilbert, The Cornelia Fort subject continues to interest me very much. While I agree with some of the reports I must disagree with some that I know to be untrue. March 29 , 1940 to April 27 , 1940 I gave Cornelia Fort eight hours dual and 15 minutes solo, three takeoffs and land ings, in a Continental 50 hp Luscombe, NC22051. At mid-summer a newspaper report and pictures showed me prese nt ing Cornelia Fort a miller flyin g service diploma for obtaining a Private License in the shortest time ever for an any Berry Field stud ent. January 4, 1941 I fl ew with Cornelia Fort finishing he r aerial acrobatic training in a Waco UPF-7 and celebrating her obtaining he r Commer cial rating. During Cornelia's tim e at Miller Flying Service she paid for her fly ing time with personal checks. I wa s gone before March 1941 when Cornelia received her Flight Instructor rating, be coming Nashville's first woman flight in structor. After instructing in middle Tennessee, Cornelia went to Hawaii and went to work as a flight instructor for Andrew Flying Service in October 1941. She was in the air the morning of December 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked. On my scheduled leave (April 21 - May 3,1941) from the Albany, GA Southeast Air Corps Training Center I talked with Cornelia at Berry Field Nashville and she told me that she was flyin g a J-3 Cub with a male student when she realized what was happening. She stated that she half slow roll ed, invert ed, back with throttle and stick and dived straight down , very care fully leveling out at tree top level , return ing to the airport. Cornelia was the second person to vol unteer for the Woman 's Auxiliary Ferry 24 SEPTEMBER 1995
ing Squadron, late in Octobe r 1942. She died March 21, 1943 at the controls of a BT-13 that was struck by a fighter near Me rk e l, TX, at the age of 24. Her logs showed more than 1,100 hours. The credits of the motion picture "Tora, Tora, Tora has a line that reads "(An ac tresses name) .... Cornelia. Also, the au dio during a shot of a Stearman is "O K, Miss Fort." Buck, will you please let me know what you are able to substan tiate? Thank you very much . Sincerely, J. A. " Blackie" Blackburne
3477 Parkview Dr.
College Park, GA 30337
As I said, the civilian aviation activity that morning has really created a lot of in terest. We can all imagine what it might have bee n like to suddenly find oneself surrounded by rising sun emblems on the sides of unfamiliar airplanes! I'll bet the collective heart rates of all those involved probably registered on the Richter Scale. I'm sure the curiosity of what it must have been like that morning is part of the rea son so many seem to be curious about who was flying what airplanes and where on Dec. 7. Dear Buck: Your page in the June VINTAGE AIR PLANE had an interesting discussion and some good information. I thought I would stick in my two cents worth and share my experience with you . A few years ago I ac quired a disassembled Stinson 108-1 that had been in that condition about eight years or so. It had been stored both out doors (next to the bay in Rhode Island) and indoors. Although I couldn't confirm it, I was told it had been recovered about a year or so before it was disassembled. It was Ceconite in pretty good condition and I felt the finish could have been rejuve
Best regards, John G. (Jack) Young EAA 18004, AIC 4516 2400 Arnsley Drive Herndon, VA 22071-2537
Good thinking John - being prudent is one of the ways you can increase both you and your airplane's longevity! Over to you.
Small talk makes the world go 'round Radio communications notwithstanding! At the last Board meetings, Dave Ben nett showed me the pictures he had taken when I was inducted into the Sport Avia tion Hall of Fame Antique & Classic Divi sion. I eagerly accepted his offer to send me a set. They arrived yesterday and in with the pictures was a story about a pilot being a smart mouth talking to Air Traffic Con trol. It was good for a laugh, but it seems it 's happening too often these days. A word to the wise here; I understand there is another move from our friendlies to ini tiate violations for improper use of the ra dio- improper phraseology, off-color re marks , etc. They are bound and determined, it seems, to take the fun out of everything. When I was a hot shot airline captain , there was always a lot of chatter and good time conversations with the controllers. The enroute guys in the middle of the night were often a little bored and just longing to talk to stay awake, or just to have something to do. Sometimes the con versations went like this. "Hey, United 814, Kansas City Center. What's your flight conditions?" Now this is a cargo run , it 's two AM, and although this sounds formal, he's indi cating he just wants to talk. The copilot, somewhat of a joker, picks up the mike, "Uh, well, let's see. We are somewhat restricted to about seven layers of severe clear; can' t see much more'n 80 or 100 miles tonight."
"United 814, tbis is Kansas City. I just wo nd e red if yo u co uld see tb e ground . Ove r?" " Well, yea b, as a matter of fact we can see all tbree street ligbts in Leota, Kansas." "Hey, tbat's really sometbing, United. Contact Cbicago Center on 132.7. Good night! " " Chicago Ce nt e r, tbis is United 814 level three seven zero. Over." " Roger, United 814, Indent! Kansas City says your f1igbt conditions are VFR, that right?" " Yep! Wbatcba got there in th e Fox Valley Center? Over. " "Well, you know they got us cooped up bere in tbis building witbout any windows, but when I came to work at 11 it was rain ing. Wait a minute; Eddie just came back from bis smoke break. Hey, Eddie, wbat's it like outside?" You can bear someone in tbe background , and then our Cbicago controller comes back in loud and clear, "He says it's clearing up and be can see the stars. I guess the front's gone through , United . You are cleared direct O ' Hare. Tell me wbat your beading will be. " "Roger, Cbicago Center, proceeding di rect. Our new heading zero six two. Tell approacb tbis our night so we want a straight in tonight! " "Gotcba,814. Keep your speed up and we ' ll tell them. By the way , what' s tbe name of that town in Iowa?" And that 's the way it was. But there were other times, too, when business was the only way . Like tbe one I'm about to recount. This incident took place back in the 1960s when tbe evening (five o'clock) departures bank was all lined up for take off at O'Hare. There were about ten air lin ers all waiting for T.O . clearance on runway 14 rigbt , sitting on the parall el taxiway. Suddenly we hear a plaintive call from a FLIB (tower talk for a "Foolish Lit tle Itinerant Bugger") wbo is somewhat confused and a little lost. All activity comes to a bait while O'Hare controllers belp tbis guy find himself and then direct bim to O'Hare for landing. "Ub , can anybody bear me? Tbis is Piper 4144 Zebra. I need belp. " "4144Z, tbis is O 'Hare Tower, do you read?" "Tbis is 4144Z, I read you ." "44Z, what is your position? Over." " Ub, Tower, wbat did you say your name was?" "Everybody bold your position wbile we get tbis guy taken care of, Ok? Every body stay off tbe frequency! 44Z, tbis is Cbicago O'Hare. Over. " "Ob, gosb, you're a BIG airport, rigbt?" "Roger, 44Z . How can we belp? Over." "Well, uh, I seem to be a little lost and not quite sure wbere I am." "44Z, tbis is O'Hare. Describe your surroundings. Over." "Ub, what do you mean? Over."
"Wbat does it look like where you are? Wbat are yo u fl ying over? What are your landmarks?" "Oh , I get it. Yeab, let's see. I'm flying north , uh , east. Ub , I see a railroad abead of me a nd a bun ch o f hi gh lin es ac ross from that, some apartment buildings and a purple-no, blue- water tower with some writing o n it. I think it says Palomine or something." "Ok 44Z. Wbat is your altitude and say again your direction of f1igbt! " "44Z is he adin g toward s tb a t wa te r towe r now and I ' m headed eas t at 2300 fee t. Over. " " Ok 44Z. I tbink we have you on the radar. Turn to 180 for identification." "Roger, Tower, 180. Should I turn rigbt or left?" "Turn right and head SOUTH, 44Z. " " Ok- OKAY! Don ' t get nasty about it! " Several minutes pass. "44Z, radar contact. Turn beading 270. That's West! " "44Z turning to west heading." Several more minutes go by. "44Z , do you see the expressway just under you; you're just crossing it?" "Yeab, I see it! Wbere am I?" "44Z, you are crossing Highway 53, 14 miles nortbwest of O 'Hare. Turn now to a heading of 180; you should see Arlington Park racetrack just ahead after you make tbe turn. Confirm!" More time goes by. "Hey, yeab, got it!" "OOH KAY, 44Z, pick up tbe express way going southeast tbere; follow that un til you see the runway. You are cleared to land Runway 14 Left at O'Hare. Report the runway in sight." A couple more minutes and then, " Roger, O'Hare, I bave the runway in sigbt!" "GOOD, 44Z. You are cleared to land! Everybody else just bold until we get this guy on tbe ground!" "44Z, O'Hare Tower. Where are you? We don't bave you in sight!" "I'm on final for 14L, O'Hare, but there are a wbole bunch of big airplanes on tbe runway! " "44Z, you are lined up witb tbe parallel taxiway for 14 Rigbt ; you are cleared to land on 14 LEFT! " "Ub, I don't know wbat all the airplanes are doing on the runway, but I'm going around! Can you get them airplanes off the runway?" "44Z, this is O'Hare. The runway you want is off to your left. Turn to a 090 bead ing, then do a 270 to your left and line up witb 14 LEFT! " It's real quiet and we all watch tbis guy do a tigbt left 360 and line up witb our taxiway again. " Uh, Tower, tbis is 44Z . I ' m doing wbat you said but those airplanes are still on tbe runway and I'm going around
again!" "44Z, yo u have n't go t the big pictu re . Tbis is a big, busy airport and we have par allel runways. Tbere are TWO 14s, a Right and a Left; you are lining up with the taxi way for 14 Right. You should be a mile to th e le ft to lin e up with th e LEFT o ne. Have you got that? OVER! " Confused silence .. . " I AM lined up with the left one; why are all them airplanes still setting tbere?" "44Z, do you see tbe RIGHT runway? There is a 707 sitting in position waiting to take off." "Yeab, Tower, I see him sitting tbere." "Ok, 44Z, land on that runway, fly over tbe top of the airline r, land long and taxi up towards tbe te rminal and we ' ll direct you to parking!" "WHAT? Land ove r the top of bim ? Are you crazy or sometbin?" Ub, ub. It's too busy here; I'm going somewbere else wbere I can land! 44Z is leaving." Th e re wa s stunn ed sil e nce from tbe tower. Then a new voice came on , "TWA 633 cleared for takeoff Runway 14 Right; turn to a be adin g of 250 . United 527 cleared into position and hold. The rest of you close it up and we'll clear up this mess. UAL 527 cleared for takeoff. Who's next? Is tbat American 21 ? Ok, guys, let's get it moving again. Tighten it up; let's MOVE it! " Don't let tbem grind you down. Tbere are still real people bebind those micro pbones, people just like you and me. Treat tbem like people and everybody will be happy.
An anonymous note has poured in fro m upstate NC. Here's as it was written, verba tim: Dear Buck, I just read your editorial in the August Vintage Airplane. I drain two sumps on my Taylorcraft, tbe wing tanks, in addition to my gascolator when I preflight. Not to do so would be to invite disaster because tbese tanks both drain into the header tank as tbe plane is flown , by valves , as needed to replenish the beader tank. In addition , althougb your wise advise is well taken , the word "contaminate" is always a verb, never a noun, as you use it. Tbe noun form is "contaminant". Look it up in the dictionary; and work to preserve tbe Englisb language, as well as vintage airplanes. Yours truly, A subscriber
I stand corrected. Over to you A. Subscriber,
(Left) All dressed up in its white, orange and dark blue paint scheme, the Command-Aire looks just as it did when it rolled out of the factory in Little Rock, AR. This photo was taken prior to the painting of the uN" numbers on the airplane. (Below) The power section of the airplane is this neatly cowled OX 5 engine with its large wooden propeller. You can see the water temperature gauge on the top of the radiator. The landing gear is supported by bungee cords in tension.
Bob Von Willer's
Command-Aire 3-C-3
by Norm Petersen photos courtesy Bob Von Willer
Few people have the patience and determination to to tally restore an old 1928 biplane, however, Bob Von Willer (EAA 457002, A/C 22253) has recently finished his second biplane restoration, a beautiful 1928 OX-5 pow ered Command-Aire 3-C-3, NC6686A, SIN 511. Bob's previous efforts have been noted in the June 1995 issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine in the story concerning his mint 1930 Fleet Model 7 biplane, which had been on the California circuit of antique air plane fly-ins for a number of years. Designed by Albert Voellmecke, the Command-Aire was one of the airplanes that did a respectable job of f1y
(Above) The delicate framework is readily seen in this photo. All controls are by push-pull rods in cluding the Frieze ailerons on the lower wings. (Right) The bare airframe is assembled prior to covering. Note the nice fitting metal parts on the fuselage and the immaculate woodwork in the wings. The streamlined tube from the center sec tion to the landing gear replaces the normal cross wires between the center section. 26 SEPTEMBER 1995
ing well when powered with the 90 hp OX-5 engine of WW I fame. The large wing area of 303 square feet had to lift a gross weight of 2200 lbs. with a useful load of 790 Ibs. and with the big, water-cooled, V-8 pulling the large wooden propeller, the Command-A ire would lift a pilot and two passengers in great style. Normal cruise was about 85 mph and the 40 gallon fuel tank made for a range of about 440 miles. The pictures highlight the exceptional ... restoration work of Bob Von Willer.
(Continued from page 9)
Tracking parts When Restoring by Mike Smith In the process of rebuilding an air craft, I'm sure that many members look at the airframe and wonder how to iden tify all the small parts that make up the aircraft once they are removed for clean ing, bead blasting, and painting. I've known some people who keep separate individual bags or boxes of section of the aircraft (brake parts, aileron parts, wing parts, etc.) so that they can identify each
Stephen F. Abrew Knoxville, TN John G. Addams Mayfield Village, OH William R. Aikens Bloomfield Hills, MI William L. Arave Tollhouse, CA Melissa G. Ashby Sumner, W A Donald W. Baggett Okeechobee, FL Sergio Basso Venezia, Italy Michael Becker Alameda, CA Douglas Biagini Granville, IL Eugene A. Bibber Gorham, ME Wayne P. Biehle Loveland, OH Peter L. Bilan Albuquerque, NM John Blaszczyk Madsen, Ontario, Canada Dennis Boggs Cincinnati, OH William A. Borgstrom Chicago, IL Larry B. Botsford Newport News, V A Vista, CA Oliver A. Bradley John W. Brown Anchorage, AK John H. Burson III Carrollton, GA Jacob J. Bussolini Dix Hills, NY Paul Byrne Pleasanton, CA Pierre Cardinal Lachine, Quebec, Canada Ojai, CA Brandon M. Chase Ken W. Cheek Yadkinville, NC Flagler Beach, FL Lyman R. Chisholm Charles J. Christensen Cumberland, WI Kent Clark Ferguson, MO Peter J. Conroy Elmhurst,IL James W. Crichton, Jr. Victoria, TX John A. Davis Crete, IL Michael J. Denest Folcroft, PA Charles T. Dhooge Grand Prairie, TX Rick Dodge Alameta, CA Richard A. Doll E I Cajon, CA Gregory Donovan Brunei SI. Marys, KS Oliver W. Dredger, Jr. Larry Erd Toledo, OH Joseph Fields Oakland, CA H. Colin Fisk Durango, CO Ron French San Jose, CA Norbert Fronczak Warren , MI James T. Garlick Comber, Ontario, Canada Herman Gamier Oakland, CA Gordon L. Graham Kissimmee, FL Joseph H. Hamilton Miami, FL Jewell Hardee, Jr. Collinsville, OK Raymond T. Harrison Alta Loma, CA Kim Heme Yokine, WA, Australia Michael P. Hickey Battle Ground , W A Rod R. Hill Flagstaff, AZ George R. Holm Conifer, CO Donald B. Holton Ormond Beach, FL Todd L. Houdek Elmendorf AFB, AK Cheryl J. Hussan Norwalk,OH Robert R. Janke TwainHart, CA
part when assembly is again at hand . This is a good idea , since reassembly may be months or years in the making. However, even identification of parts from a box marked "wing parts" can be puzzling after a few months without some sort of easy identification. The method I use is this: After clean ing and repainting severa l parts that have locations and names fresh in my mind , I mark each part after the paint/primer has dried with a permanent fine point pen. I used a Berol brand that I bought at K-Mart or $2.27 for a pack age of 4.
(Editor's Note: The Sanford extra-fine point "Sharpie" also works well in this appli cation.)
The fine tip allows me to identify even the smallest of parts. I look the part up in the appropriate aircraft parts manual and mark it with the drawing number, item number part number and nomenclature . For example, 25-27-1-2613 brake pedal identifies the part with drawing #25 , index #27 , part number 1-2613, and nomencla ture brake pedal. This system tells me to go directly to the brake system and look at the aircraft and if there is any appropri ate hardware associated with it. Even if parts get mixed up, I still have a means of positively identifying the part. This may all seem like overkill, but it works for me. My IA approved of it and also said that this type of pen is not corrosive (like a pencil lead). ...
New Members
Vanessa 1. J ago Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Robert Wayne Johnson Kirkland, W A Ron ald E. Knudsen New Bern, NC Gary Koppie Emestburg, fA Thomas Kutschera Youngsville, NY Louis Q . LaSalle Frenchtown, NJ Keith A. Larson Locust Grove, V A Eric D. Libbey Santa Ynez, CA Charles Lilley Athol , MA West Linn , OR Jeffrey B. Lindsey Clarence R. Linsley La Crescenta, CA John O. Loney Montrose, CA Ronald E. Lund Anchorage, AK Brad C. MacArthur Larsen, WI Michael A. Mancuso leRoy, NY Ronald B. Massey Flower Mound , TX Thomas G. Matowitc Jr Mentor,OH A. C. McKinley Winston Salem, NC Wilamette, IL Timothy 1. Murphy H. Doak Neal Medina, TX Curtis N. Nippe Monticello, IL Susan A. Payette North York , Ontario, Canada Robert Penoyer Fabius, NY Dudley A. Philips Conroe, TX Stephen T. Pollina Adams, WI Michael P. Pope Chippewa Falls, WI Rick Purrington Fairfield, NJ Muscatine, IA Steven L. Rahlf
Edmund E. Rautenbe rg Speedway, IN Pewaukee, WI Herbert L. Ritzman George H. Savord Temecula, CA Jerry Schallock Rhinelander, WI Doug 1. Schumacher West Bend, WI John D. Seaver San Pedro, CA Lloyd S. Sorensen Solvang, CA
Frank Spinner Brooklyn, NY
Donald C. Stackhouse Vandalia,OH
Houston , TX
John A. Steiger Martin Stenger Gernsheim, Germany John C. Stevens, Jr. Park City, UT Bennie E. Swanson Hayward , CA Ed Thiel Park City, UT Dennis K. Thomas Colorado Springs, CO Susan D. Truman Reston , VA Shinichiro Tsuji Tokyo, Japan San Mateo, CA Ana M. Vegega Richard P. Von Buedingen Aiken, SC Peter Wahlig Lorsch, Germany James F. Wakenell Summerville, SC Jeffrey K. Walker Ogunquit, ME Phillip E. Walpole Marengo, TL Charles Watkins Jacksonville, FL Jonathon Whaley Chesham, Bucks, England James R. Williams Decatur, GA Glen M. Witter Wausau, WI Rich L. Worstell Gordonville, TX Wilmington , OH Dauo Yeagley JII Gary Zamis Pompano Beach, FL VINTAGE AIRPLANE 27
Fly-In Calendar
The following list of coming events is furnished to our readers as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, spon sO""hip, involvement, control or direction of any event (jIy-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed Please selld the information to EAA, Au: Golda Cox, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Illformatioll should be receivedfour months prior to the event date.
SEPT. 22-23 - BARTLESVILLE, OK - 38th Annual Tulsa Regional Fly-In, co-sponsored by EAA A/C Chapter 10, EAA lAC Chapter 10, AAA Chap ter 2. For info, call Charlie Harris , 918/622-8400. SEPT. 22-23 - LOm, CA - The Great West Coast Waco and Travel Air Fly In , hosted by Precissi Flying Service . Flying events , memorabilia auction, and great food. Contacts: Frank R ez ich , 805/467-3669 or Jon Aldrich, 209/962-612l. SEPT. 22-23 - MOCKSVILLE, NC Tara Airbase. 10th annual "Anything That Flies" Fly-In. Early arrival on the 22nd, Big Day on 23rd. USO style big band party Sat. night, awards, mili tary vendors. 2100x80 sod strip - pri vate field - operation and attendance is at your own risk. Call Novaro or Jan Nichols, 7041'284-2161 , Or 910/650 802l. SEPT. 23 - NORTHPORT, MI Woolsey IntI. airport (5D5), 30 miles north TVC VOR. Fly-In breakfast, Pancakes, sausage, ham, cherry Jam and more. Antique planes and autos. Biplane rides . sponsored by the Northport Pilot ' s Assoc. Contact: Keith Strong, 616/386-7557. Rain date 9/24. SEPT. 23 - SAN JOSE, CA - Reid Hillview Airport Day '95, call 415/941 6418 for more info. SEPT. 23 - CLINTON, MI - Ercoupe Owners Club Fly-In. 517/456-4806. SEPT. 23-24 - LEXINGTON, TN Tennessee Taildraggers Assoc. 11th Annual Fly-In. 901/968-3666. SEPT. 23-24 - ZAINESVILLE, OH Johns Landing Airfield . 4th Annual Antique/Classic Fall Fly-In, sponsored by EAA Antique/Classic Chapter 22 of Ohio. Food, fun and friends . Call Virginia for more information 614/453-6889. SEPT. 23-24 - LUMBERTON , NJ South Jersey Regional airport. Air 28 SEPTEMBER 1995
Victory Museum Air Fair, 10 a.m. -5 p.m., air shows at 12 and 3 p.m. Call 609/486-7575 to voluntee r, or 609/267 4488 for info and directions. SEPT. 23-24 - ALEXANDRIA, LA Gulf Coast Regional Fly-In. 504/467 1505. SEPT. 2S-0CT. 1 - CAHOKIA , IL Parks College reunion for WW II Army Air Force cadets trained by Parks at Sikeston , Cape Girardeau, Tuscaloosa or Jackson, MS . Call Paul McLaughlin 618/337-7575, ext. 364 or 292. SEPT. 30 - HARRISONBURG, V A Shenandoah Valley Airport. Fly-In pig roast, sponsored EAA chapter 511, contact Sheldon Early, 540/433 2585. OCT. 1 - lOLA , WI - Annual Fall Color Chili Dinner. 414/596-3530. OCT. 1 - HARRISONBURG , VA Shenandoah Valley Airport. Fly-In breakfast, sponsored EAA chapter 511 , contact Sheldon Early, 540/433 2585. OCT. 6-S - PAULS VALLEY, OK Antique Airplane Fly-In. Contact Dick Fournier 405/258-1129 or Bob Kruse 405/691-6940. OCT. 6-S - EVERGREEN, AL Southeast Regional Fly-In. 205/765 9109. OCT. 6-8 - WILMINGTON, DE - New Castle Airport. EAA East Coast Fly In 25th anniversary. " A Gathering of Eagles" WW II victory airs how and Fly-In. Special statue dedication in honor of the WASP's of WW II. For pilot's info pack, contact EAA East Coast Fly-In Corp., 2602 Elnora St., Wheaton, MD 20902-2706 or phone 301/942-3309. OCT. 6-S - HARTSVILLE , SC Annual Fall Fly-In for Antique/Classic aircraft, sponsored by EAA A/C Chapter 3. Awards in all categories. For info call or write R. Bottom, Jr., 103 Pwhatan Pky.,
Hampton, V A 23661 Fax at 804/873 3059. OCT. 7- LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 4th Annual Biplane Fall Classic. 404/413-7] 12. OCT. 7-S - RUTLAND, VT Rutland airport. Annual Leaf Peepers Fly-In , 8-11a.m. Sponsored by EAA Chapter 968 , the Gree n Mtn. Flyers and R.A.V.E. (Rutland Area Ve hicle Enthusiasts) . Breakfast both days , Fly-Market. Call Tom Lloyd for info: 802/492 3647. OCT. S - TOMAH, WI - Bloyer Field. 8th Annual Fly-In breakfast sponsored by EAA Chapter 935. Flea marke t, static displays . Call John Brady for info: 608/372-3125. OCT. 12-15 - PHOENIX, AZ - Cop perstate Regional Fly-In. 602/750 5480. OCT. 12-15 - Phoenix, AZ - Williams Gateway airport. Luscombe Foundation Southwest gathering. For info , ca ll the Luscombe Foundation at 602/917-0969. OCT. 12-15 - MESA, AZ - 24th Annual Copperstate Regional Fly-In. Call 800/283-6372 for info pack, or if yo u wish to commercially exh ibit , call 5201747-1413. OCT. 14 - OSHKOSH , WI - EAA Chapter 252 Steve Wittman Memorial Fly-In. 414/426-348l. OCT. 14-15 - SUSSEX, NJ - Quad Chapter Fly-In , Flylflea-market sponsored by A/C Chapter 7, EAA Chapters 238, 73 and 891. For info, call Herb Daniel, 2011875-9359 or Paul Styger (Sussex airport) 2011702 9719. OCT. 20-22 - KERRVILLE , TX Southwest Regional Fly-In. 915/651 7882. OCT. 27-29 - TUCON, AZ - Flying Treasure Hunt. 520/889-941l. NOV. 4-5 - LAKELAND, FL Wings 'n Things '95. 813/251-1820.
Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $35 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is available for an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $20 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership.
ANTIQUE/CLASSIC Something to buy, sell or trade? An inexpensive ad in the Vin tage Trader may be Current EAA members may join the Antique/ just the answer to obtaining that elusive part. .40; per word, $6.00 minimum Classic Division and receive VINTAGE AIR PLANE magazine for an additional $27 per year. charge. Send your ad and payment to: Vintage Trader, fAA Aviation Center, P.O. EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE mag Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, or fax your ad and your VISA or MasterCard azine and one year membership in the EAA number to 414/426-4828. Ads must be received by the 20th of the month for Antique/Classic Division is available for $37 per insertion in the issue the second month following (e.g., October 20th for the year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). December issue.)
lAC Current EAA members may join the International Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT AEROBATICS magazine for an additional $35 per year. AIRCRAFT EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS maga zine and one year membership in the lAC Division is available for $45 per year (SPORT 1939 STINSON SR-10 (Reliant) - 10434 AVIATION magazine not included). n, 598 SMOH, 265 SPOH , KX175B Trans, KI208 OBS, KT-76A Xponder, ELT. WARBIRDS Call John Hopkinson, 403/637-2250, FAX Current EAA members may join the EAA 403/637 -2153. (10-2) Warbirds of America Division and receive WAR BIRDS magazine for an additional $30 per year. EAA Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and MISCELLANEOUS one year membership in the Warbirds Division is available for $40 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). Wright J6-7A forward exhaust system - I need pair of 22x1 Ox4 Goodyear tires. EAA EXPERIMENTER Ralph Graham, 612/452-3629. (10-2) Current EAA members may receive EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $18 Ultraflight Magazine - Buy, sell, trade, per year. kit built, fixed wing, powered parachutes, EAA Membership and EAA EXPERIMENTER rotor, sailplanes, trikes , balloons and magazine is available for $28 per year (SPORT more. Stories galore! Sample issue, AVIATION magazine not included). $3.00. Annual subscription $36.00. FOREIGN
INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF ONLY $24.00 Ultraflight Magazine, 12545 70th MEMBERSHIPS
Street, Largo, Florida 34643-3025 . Please submit your remittance with a check or 813/539-0814. draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars. Add $13 postage for SPORT AVIATION magazine and/or $6 postage GEE BEE etc. - Model plans used by for any of the other magazines. Benjamin, Eicher/Kimball, Turner, Jenkins. 52 plans, 1/3 smaller. Shirts, EAA AVIATION CENTER
etc .! Catalog/News $4.00, $6.00 for P.O.BOX 3086
eign . Vern Clements, 308 Palo Alto, OSHKOSH, WI54903-3086
Caldwell, ID 83605, 208/459-7608. (9 PHONE (414) 426-4800
FAX (414) 426-4873
8:15-5:00 MON.-FRI.
SUPER CUB PA-18 FUSELAGES New manufacture, STC-PMA-d , 4130 chromoly tubing throughout, also com plete fuselage repair. ROCKY MOUN TAIN AIRFRAME INC. (J. Soares, Pres.), 7093 Dry Creek Road, Belgrade, Montana 59718, 406/388-6069, FAX 406/388-0170. Repair station No. QK5R148N.
(N EW) This & That About the Ercoupe, $14. 00. Fly-About Adventures & the Ercoupe, $17.95. Both books, $25.00. Fly-About, P .O. Box 51144, Denton, Texas 76206 . (ufn) FR EE CATALOG - Aviation books and videos. How to, building and restoration tips, historic, flying and entertainment titles. Call for a free cat alog. EAA, 1-800-843-3612. Whee l Pa nts - The most accurate replica wheel pants for antique and classics available. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Available in primer grey gelcoat. Harbor Products, Co., 2930 Crenshaw Blvd ., Suite 164, Torrance, CA 90501, phone 310/880-1712 or FAX 310/874-5934. (ufn) Curtiss J N4-D Memorabilia - You can now own memorabilia from the famous Curtiss "Jenny," as seen on "TREASURES FROM THE PAST." We have T-shirts, posters, postcards, videos, pins, airmail cachets, etc. We also have R/C documentation exclu sive to this historic aircraft. Sale of theses items supports operating expenses to keep this "Jenny" f lying for the aviation public . We appreciate your help . Send SASE to Virginia Aviation, P.O. Box 3365 , Warrenton, VA 22186. (ufn)
WANTED Wanted - Pair of Goodyear 22x1 Ox4 tires or close size to fit my hubs. Ralph Graham, 612/452-3629. (10-2)
Sept 9th & 10th:
Oshkosh WI
Two hands-on days of theory and practice. Oct 21st & 22nd : Tulsa OK In troductory Course - $149. Ex:cellent Nov 4th & 5th : overview of designs, materials, & basic skills. Lakeland FL Intermediate Courses - $199 each. Nov 11th & 12th: Fabric Covering: Cover an actual wing. GriffinGA Composite Bastes: Fabricate a real parr. Reservations & Information Sheet Metal' Assemble a typical piece. 800-831-2949 Welding: Learn how to handle a torch.
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"Last year I had the unfortunate experience to have to put my coverage with the Aviation Unlimited Agency to the test. "When I reported my loss, Mac McGee, from AUA, was very concerned and told me I would probably hear from an adjuster yet that day. He was right. Mike Wilhelms called to tell me that he would be at the airport Monday morning where I kept my plane. I didn't realize that he would be flying in from St. Louis, Missouri (about a 1,000 mile trip) and I couldn't have asked for a warmer reception . During the repair process he regularly checked with me on the progress. My PRIDE AND JOY is now beautiful again and we are back in the air - thanks to AUA. "Not only am I very satisfied with the
AUA's Exclusive EAA Antique/Classic Division Insurance Program liability and hull premiums ical payments included discounts for multiple aircraft carrying all risk coverages hand-propping exclusion age penalty component parts endorsements for claim free renewals carrying all risk coverages
price of the policy, I am delighted with the service from the agency and the claims - James S. Smith Remember,
We're Better Together '
COMAV, working with ADA Inc., has the broad knowledge it takes to cover the specialized needs of antique and classic aircraft pilots. COMAV coverage is backed by SAFECO Insurance, one of America's most trusted companies, with an A++ rating from A.M. Best. For more about our unique programs, contact your aviation specialist. Or, if you're an EAA member, call ADA at 800-727-3823. Remember, we're better together.