STRAIGHT & LEVEU Espie "Butch" Joyce 2
POSITIONER/John Underwood
17 OZZIE'S CRUISAIR/ Budd Davisson
21 MYSTERY PLANE! H. G. Frautschy
24 PASS IT TO BUCK! B.B. "Buck" Hilbert
Managing Editor
Contributing Editor
Computer Graphic Specialists
Photography Staff
AdvertisillglEditorial Assistallt
It is hard to think that EAA AirVenture '99 is over; r have just gotten my brief cases back in the office. We've been so busy catching up that I have not let the Oshkosh air out of them as of yet. Soon all the statistics we enjoy seeing will be compiled; the number of aircraft, people, campers, and other items, but that's only part of the story. Instead I'd like to tell you what was happening in the Vintage Aircraft area of the Convention grounds. I received a note the other day from Charlie Harris, your VAA treasurer. Charlie wrote: " . .. well done at Oshkosh '99. All went very smooth, we have some truly great people". I must say, "Ditto!" We have some truly great people, both volunteers and members. I continue to be amazed at the level of dedication and support the VAA membership gives back to the Vintage Aircraft Association. Three cheers for you all! This year the number of people who came forward and volun teered was up by a whopping 20%. The increase in volunteers has to do in a great part to the service and support the Vintage Aircraft Association gives to its members. An important factor is the effort Anna and John Osborn give to this recruitment function all year 'round. In order to operate the VAA area of the grounds during EAA AirVenture, the VAA puts together some 60 chairmen and 400 volunteers to help each other. The flight line consist of two rows of what we call the North 40, 140+ rows of aircraft east of the North/ South road just east of the Red Barn and the showplane camping area just south of the Theater in the Woods. This year's wet grounds gave us a bit of a challenge, but we filled every avail able space with some of the best airplanes ever assembled. Speaking of nice aircraft, we had the greatest number of return ing Past Grand Champions this year. One of your directors, Bob Lickteig, started this program years ago. We invite these beautiful aircraft to return each year and we honor them with a special park ing spot so the crowds can enjoy them. There are other things we do as well to make sure these people are recognized. Dean Richard son was the chairman of this activity for a number of years, but with Dean assuming the Chief Classic Judge Chairmanship, Steve Krog has become the Chairman and did an outstanding job this year. Steve's group of Past Champions continue to grow because the Judges continue to fmd new champions each year. 1999 saw us judging an increased number of quality antique restorations. The Judges would get their paper work, go out and judge the registered aircraft, add up the scores, and then fmd that the next day they had well restored new arrivals which would cause them to scratch their heads in amazement once again. Each year it becomes more understood that when you win an award at Oshkosh, it is one of the most cherished awards because the completion is so
close and the caliber of restorations so high. How would you like sitting there feeling pretty good about your day ' s work as a judge and then at the end of the day see a 1929 Kreutzer-6K5 with three Kinners spitting at you come taxiing in. Wow, where'd that come from? Then a 1929 Fokker Super Univer sal shows up, and to top that off, here is a farmer from North Dakota showing up in a pretty 1929 Menasco Great Lakes he put together in his spare time. A judges work is never done until the judging deadline passes. The Contemporary judges have their work cut out for them too. This class was slow in showing up with restored aircraft at first. 1 think that it has just taken some time for these restorations to be completed once we started to judge Contemporary aircraft a few years ago. The ones that we have now are top quality and, as time progresses, we will be seeing more new restorations. r might be wrong, but it seems to me that the greatest c0t'1jJetition is within the Classic group of owners. The completion and quality of restorations by these folks just blows my mind. My hat is off to the individuals who are restoring these great air planes and to the group of judges who have to make a choice as to which is best. Now we would not be able to judge or just look these aircraft if it was not for the great volunteers and chairman who work the flight line. These guys are on the job from first light to darkness each day, getting direction from the two primary chairmen for this area, George Daubner and Geoff Robinson, who have a great group of co-chairmen. We look forward to hearing more about their area in a future issue of Vintage Airplane. The wonderful group at VAA HQ keeps things moving here with information, plaques, mugs, merchandise, and general good fellowship. All of these happenings are reported to the VAA membership with the daily published "AEROGRAM," put together by Sara Marcy, Bill Marcy and Earl Nicholas, co-editors and publishers. Thanks to all the volunteers who made 1999 another great year. We truly have some of the greatest people! We held the annual membership and directors meeting at Oshkosh during the Convention on Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. During this meeting the membership approved all of the actions of the Board of Directors during the past year and the election results were announced. Those elected were: Vice-President, George Daubner; Treasurer, Charles Harris; Directors Robert Brauer, John Copeland, Phil Coulson, Roger Gomoll, Dale Gustafson, Robert Lickteig, Gene Morris and S.H. "Wes" Schmid. Should you have an opinion or infonnation you feel would benefit the members of the Vintage Aircraft Association, please contact me at any time. Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of avia tion. Remember we are better together. Join us and have it all! ...... VINTAGE AIRPLANE
AirVenture '99 Awards
ANTIQUE Grand Champion: Real Perra s, Mor
risville, VT, 1940 Lockheed 12-A
Reserve Grand C hampion : Ed Moore,
Mystic, CT, 1943 Howard DGA-15P
Antique Replica Aircraft Champion:
Sam Johnson, Racine, WI, 1998 Siko
rsky S-38 (NC6V)
CHAMPIONS CUSTOMIZED AIRCRAFT C hampion : Roland Rippon, Rockford , IL, 1940 Howard DGA-15 (NC 1227) Runner Up: John Scott, David Brown, Duke Baxter, Willard Brown , Rock Hill, SC, 1941 Piper J-3 (NC41105) Outstanding : Roy Redman, Faribau lt, MN, 1928 Waco ATO (NC41105)
TRANSPORT CATEGORY Transport: Greg Herrick, Jackson, WY, 1929 Keutzer-6 K5 (NC612A) Transport Runner-Up : Museum of Flight, Seattle, WA, 1933 Boeing 2470 (NC 13347)
1942 Boeing N2S-3 (NC58756)
Runner Up: Dohn Drews, Lake Mills,
WI, 1943 Consolidated Vultee BT - 13A
(NC I204N)
Outstanding: Edmund Strauchen, Park
City, UT, 1942 Boeing E75 (N75848)
WORLD WAR II ERA (1942-1945) Champion: Greg Herrick, Jackson, WY,
Interstate S-IA (NC37280)
Runner Up: David Fayman, Lawrence,
KS, 1944 Beechcraft 0 17S (NC4417S)
Outstanding Open Cockpit Biplane :
Dan Haas, Galesburg, IL , 1942 Boeing
SILVER AGE (1928-1932) Champion: Jerry Wenger, Powell , WY, 1932 Waco UBF-2 (NC I 3027) Runner Up: Robert Howie, Decatur, IL, 1930 Waco RNF (NC686Y) Outstanding Open Cockpit Biplane : John Woodford , Madison, WI, 1930 Bunner-Winkle C-Bird (NC876WC)
BRONZE AGE (1933-1941) Cham pion : William Smith, Franklin,
PA, 1937 Monocoupe 110 (NC2064)
Runner Up: Paul Sensor, Hampton, lA,
1936 Stinson SR-8E (NC 17118)
Outstanding Closed Cockpit Biplane:
Les Cashmere, McAle ster , OK, 1936
Waco ZQC-6 (NCI6203)
Judges Choice: Clark Seaborn, Calgary,
AB, 1929 Fokker Super Universal (CF
CLASSIC Grand Champion : Boyd "Butch"
Walsh, Arrington, V A, Stinson 108-3
Re se rve Grand Champion : L. Ga le
Perkins, Richwood , OH , Piper PA-17
Best Class One (0-80 hp): Clayton Ham
mond, Danville, KY, Piper J-3 (N7031 0)
Best Class II (81-150 hp) : Mark
Ohlinger, Akron, OH, Bellanca 14-13-1
Best Class III (151+ hp) : John Kennedy,
Martinsville, IN, Navion (N4 185K)
Best Custom Class A (0-80 hp) : James
Zangger, Cedar Rapids, lA, Taylorcraft
BCI2-D (NC94953)
Best Custom Class B (81-150 hp) : Marc
Krier , Ashland , KS , Piper J-3C-90
Best Custom Class C (151-235 hp) :
Donald Goodman, Goode, V A, Stinson
108-3 (N717C)
Best Custom Class D (236 hp & up) :
David Cole, Wilis, TX, Cessna 195B
Best Aeronca Champ: Lonnie Lynn, Je
sup, GA, Aeronca Champ 7 AC (N83320)
Best Aeronca Chief: Tom Miller, Vine
Grove, KY, Aeronca Chief (N86176)
Best Beechcraft : John Pinson, Harker
Heights, TX, Beech 35 (N3935N)
Best Bellanca : Charles Shou ldis, Rapid
City, SO, Bellanca 14-19 (N6563N)
Best Cessna 120/140: David Stadt, Wau
conda, IL, Cessna 120 (N2904N)
Best Cessna 170/180: John McCloy,
Polk City, FL, Cessna 180 (NI8IJM)
Best Cess na 190/195 : Scott Boy ton,
Campbell, NY, Cessna 195B (N 1955B)
Best Ercoupe : Alan C uthbert , Dowa
giac, MI, Ercoupe (N93512)
Best Luscombe: Mark & Yvonne May,
Chapmansboro, TN, Luscombe
Best Navion : Kent Strachan, Belleville,
MI, Ryan (N4545K)
Best Piper J-3 : Kenneth Clark, Tulsa,
OK, Piper J-3C (N88005)
Best Piper-Other: Daniel Ernst, Maple
wood, MN, Piper PA-12 (N530IM)
Best Stinson : Joseph Jacobi , Mexico,
MO, Stinson 108-3 (N652 1M)
Best Swift: Charles Nelson, Athens, TN,
Globe GC-IB (N80637)
Best Taylorcraft: John Knight, Jackson,
MI, Taylorcraft BC12-D (NC96035)
Best Limited Production: Stephen
Johnson, Redmond, W A, DeHavilland
Beaver DHC-2 (N888KM)
Most Unique: Don Luscombe Aviation
History Foundation, Phoenix, AZ, Lus
combe 8E (N2638K)
Preservation Award: Gary Hartwig ,
Sherwood, WI, Cessna 170A (N9713A)
Grand Champion: James Warren, Cas
tle Rock , CO, 1960 B eec h G 185
Reserve Grand Champion : Donald
Gaynor, Eng lewood, FL, 1959 Beech
K35 (N87DG)
Outstanding Customized Aircraft:
Rich Claude, William sburg , VA, 1960
Beech M35 (N688V)
Customized Class I Single Engine :
David Taylor, Mexico , MO , 1956 Piper
PA 22-20 (N7117B)
C u stomized C la ss II Single Engine:
Chris Bruck, St. Peters, MO, 1959 Cessna
compiled by H.G. Frautschy 182 (N182HD)
Customized Class III Single E ngine :
William Demray, Northville , MI , 1959
Piper PA-24 (N69PD)
AERONCA SPAR AD Customized Class IV Multi E ngine: Jay
As many of you know, we here at EAA Simmons, Bartlett, TN, 1957 Piper
have been involved in monitoring and Apache (N3294P)
commenting on NPRM 99-05-04 (Docket No. 98-CE-121-AD) concerning added in OUTSTANDING IN TYPE spection requirements for Aeronca spars. Beech Multi Engine: Ronald Hyde,
Unfortunately, the short comment periods Kennedy, TX, 1959 Beech EI85S
have meant that each close date for com (N317MH)
ments would be past by the time the next Bellanca : Thoma s Wright, Clyde , OH ,
magazine reached you. A extension has 1958 Bellanca 14-19-2 (N9833B)
been granted for comments until Septem Cessna 150 : Robert Untern a ehi ,
ber 10 (still very clo se to the time thi s Brunswick , MO , 1959 Cessna 150
magazine will reach you) so we strongly (N7835)
encourage you to quickl y contact the Na Cessna 170-172-175 : Charles Papas ,
tional Aeronca Association, Terre Haute, Crown Point , IN , 1959 Ces sna 172
IN 812/232-1491 and check the Citabria (N7612T)
O~ners Group Web site at http ://www . Cessna 180-182-210 : John Voninski , for up-to-date information on Manlius, NY, 1958 Cessna 182 (N2435G)
their efforts to minimize the impact this is Cessna 310: R. Dean Callan, Southlake ,
sue will have. TX, 1958 Cessna 310 (N6644B)
Piper PA-18 : James Patten, Hope, IN ,
CORRIGAN'S ROBIN 1960 Piper PA-18 (N285HC)
In the Ju ly issue on page II we pub Piper PA-22-20 : Leon Gruetzmac , Oel
lished a photo of Doug Corrigan giving his wein, lA, 1959 Piper PA22-20 (N2837Z)
engine a once over prior to his famous Pip er PA-24 Comanche: Robert Mc
flight in 1938. It wa s erroneously cap Graw , Chalfont , PA , 1960 Piper PA-24
tioned as a 185-hp Challenger engine. Not Comanche (N7028P)
so, as a number of faithful readers pointed Piper PA-23 Apache/Aztec : Robert
out. Doug Corrigan relied on a Wright J-6 Dalzell, Owenboro, KY, 1957 Piper
5 of 165 hp for his flight from California Apache (N103RS)
and thence onto Ireland. With the engine Limited Production : Allan Anderson ,
change, his Robin was designated a 1-1 . Santa Rosa, CA, 1959 Luscombe 8F
Outstanding Fabric: Roland & Earlene
Schab, Janesville, WI , 1941 Taylorcraft
Outstanding Homebuilt: Bob Harkness,
Longlac, ON, Northstar (C-FRMH))
Outstanding Workmanship: Julian Mc
Queen, Gulf Breeze, FL 1943 Grumman
Widgeon (N67867)
JULY 26 - AUG. 1.
DUTCH ISN'T FINISHED Contrary to the statement we published on page 5 in last month's issue, we're far from done with Holland "Dutch" Red field's remembrances published under the title "35 Years From The Outer Marker. " Keep enjoying Dutch' s early days, starting this month on page 5. ....
THE COVERS FRONT COVER . .. The EAA AirVen ture '99 Outstanding Customized Aircraft Antique winner was this Rare Aircraft cre ation , a Waco ATO Taperwing that has recently joined the stable of Jerry Wenger. It was also an award winner at the Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In, chosen as the Best Antique ~us tom airplane. EAA Photo by Mark Shalble, shot with aCanon EOS1 nequipped with an 80 -200 mm zoom lens. EAA Cessna 210 photo plane flown by Bruce Moore. BACK COVER . . . Post War Aviation" is the title of the oil painting by Walter S. Dougherty, 740 Dukehart Ct. , Stone Moun tain , GA 30083.3 years in the making, it started out as apainting of the J-3 in which he soloed , with his granddaughter added to the mix, and then, when he started to add a few more airplanes to keep them company, things just mushroomed! Once completed the painting includes 60 airplanes, 14 an tique cars (including his first, a '39 Chevy) and ahawk on the canvas. Can you name all the airplanes? Akey to the painting is at the bottom of the page.
As often happens when you hear about an incident that has been filtered through a couple ofsets ofears, invari ably some changes are made to the story (remember the childhood game of "telephone "?). Such was the case with the forced landing of Cessna 190 NC3089B , the Persimmon and silver Cessna now owned and flown by Ron Karwacky. Here's the note from the owner who skill fully landed the airplane after the departure of the prop ji-om the engine: Dear Mr. Frautschy, T read with some interest your article in the July issue of Vintage Airplane. Unless there are two 3089B's, the article is less than ac curate. It was early on a Sunday morn ing, during February 1971 when I took my friend Stewm1 Dauchy for a ride in my Cessna 190. He had his first flying lesson the day be fore and was doing a very nice job of flying the 190 when there was a loud crack, a violent shudder and then silence. The engine (Continental 670-A) had seized due to a plugged oil vent line from the thrust section of the crankcase. The prop left and I slipped it into a small country road. See enclosed photos. There was no damage to the air plane except to the engine and cowl, caused by the depm1ing prop. ] bought 3089B from a fellow air line pilot from New Jersey and my wife sold it to someone from Northampton, MA while I was fly ing contract work in S.E. Asia. The road we landed on is be tween West Wardsboro and Stratton, VT. 3089B had a cross wind landing gear at the time. Four years later the prop was found on the southeast side of Stratton Mountain in Vermont. It was an HS2B20 and I sold it to someone in Florida as it was still in good shape, with part of the 4 SEPTEMBER 1999
crankshaft still in the hub. The old bird sure looks a lot better now. Mr. Karwacky has done a fine job to a fine old airplane. Sincerely, H. Kennard Perkins
EAA 302126, VAA 14387
Captain, Retired, United Airlines
North Hampton, NH
lIve ears
att Outer Marker Continuing Dutch Redfield's early aviation carreer, he learns about short field operations from an old master and hears the "pop" of a iumpers chute.
t was while in the process of preparing for my Private Pilot spin tests that I came to know Ernie Halmam a little better. Ernie was probably the finest flight instructor on the field and his green fuselage and yellow winged Standard Trainer, powered by a short stacked, barking, clanking, popping, forever shaking 5-cylinder Kinner engine, was to be heard climbing past the open hangar doors for many hours almost every day. It was prob ably the busiest airplane on the field. When conducting a training ses sion, Ernie rode in the forward seat of the long bathtub-shaped cockpit. To forcefully demonstrate that his student had complete control, Ernie always rode with his arms outside grasping the center section struts bracing the upper wing panels and when airborne. He was seldom with out a dead cigar clenched between
his teeth. Ernie was noted for being very , very patient with his students, who all held much respect and affection for him . For Ernie to swear was most unusual, perhaps a "Damn it" on occasion. With little doubt he was the most natural flier I've ever known. Anyone aloft with Ernie, ex perienced or not, would be quick to detect the manner in which any air plane responded to his light touches as he delicately blended intricate flight fundamentals into a lovely rhythmic flow. This flow was planned and sure and beautifully co ordinated, and he flew with a softness and smoothness and preci sion that I had never seen before. A tall lanky farmer, Ernie walked with a gait that might be expected were he striding across the dead furrows of a plowed field. He was blessed with very inten se , deepest
blue eyes ; eyes that truly sparkled when he smiled or laughed. Ernie was seldom seen without a soft wool cap and always flew open cockpit airplanes with the peak turned aft and with no goggles. He was bald with only a fringe of hair around the edges. To act as his ticket seller, Ernie asked that I accompany him one win try, but sunny, Sunday afternoon to fly the Standard to Seneca Lake and Geneva in the Finger Lakes area of upstate New York. He had learned that the lake was frozen over for about a mile out from shore for the first time in several years. The rea son for the trip, I guess, was because he needed some poker money. Ernie loved to play poker on rainy Sunday afternoons with other grounded avia tors in the back shop of Harry Ward ' s hangar. Because the lake seldom iced over and because there
by Holland "Dutch" Redfield VINTAGE AIRPLANE
were no suitable landing fields nearby the town, Geneva had not been barnstormed for some time a nd Ernie was of the belief that time was ripe for making a few dollars hopping passengers from a highway clo s ely bordering the lake shore. As we descended toward the lake, it didn't look to me as if there wa s any ice at all. It looked all lake and open water until we cir cled directly overhead, where looking straight down could be seen a layer of dirty gray ice that appeared to be under about an inch of smooth water and this layer of ice extended but little distance from shore. Our approach was into the gen tle south wind blowing and toward thi s open water area . It was diffi cult at low levels to see where the ice ended and the unfrozen lake started, and Ernie touched the Standard down very short and very close to the shoreline after a steep s ide slip . Icy spray was thrown high over the lower wings and tail on our rollout. We taxied back to ward shore and a crowd of gathering automobiles through big puddles of shallow water. It looked like a very successful afternoon might be in store for us. Close to the highway, Ernie spun the Standard around with a blast of the barking Kinner. I loosened my seat belt and stepped out onto the walkway of the lower wing as the engine was cut. As I stepped down to the puddled ice, it seems we both looked at the same time and to our complete shock saw in the ice, just off our wingtip, a hole large enough to swallow the en tire airplane. As we had made our final tum we had missed rolling into it by only a few feet. " Wow!!" Ernie shouted, "Let's get out of this place!!," pumping the throttle and gunning the dying Kin ner back to life. I was still trying to clamber into the forward seat as we lifted off in a cloud of spray like a seaplane. Ernie banked rapidly, then climbed steeply for home without buzzing the crowd. Neither of us looked back. Ernie owned an impeccably spot less farm on the side of the beautiful hills south of Syracuse. Besides the 6 SEPTEMBER 1999
the nose rapidly rotated through many more de grees than normal to a now-steep climbing attitude. Speed bled very rapidly and with a sharp burst of power we plunked onto the hillside with the airplane In a steep climb. normal upstate farm products , he raised wonderful popcorn, and from his slaughtered pigs made real home fresh country sausage. The annual appearance of these two items was always an airport occasion. On a hillside in back of his house, which overlooked lovely Onondaga Valley, was a tiny , steeply-sloped, grassy patch bordered on three sides by tall growing com . Had this field been on a level plane, it would have been far too small to make a landing or takeoff with anything but a heli copter. Ernie, however, regardless of wind and with inches to spare, would land the Standard in an uphill direc tion, tum, and then take off downhill. He took me with him one day so I could see his farm. As we circled it was plain that this was going to be a hair-trigger flying job that had to be exactly done with the airplane flown right on the edge of its airfoils' low speed lift curves, and there was "no out" if there was miscalculation, as the airplane could not be climbed steeply enough, nor could it be banked sufficiently to miss his house and bam.
Ernie stopped our gliding turn high over the valley and the wings were leveled. As we descended to ward the tiny green patch on the side of the hill, it appeared we were flying the airplane straight into the ground, because of the optically distorted approach geometry. At the last second, the airplane was sharply flared for landing and the nose rapidly rotated through many more degrees than normal to a now-steep climbing attitude . Speed bled very rapidly and with a sharp burst of power we plunked onto the hillside with the airplane in a steep climb. Few pilots I had flown with up to this point would be able to pull this off. The Standard touched down with its wing tips brushing the cornstalks, and the drag of the uptilted elevators and the dragging tail skid took over as we rapidly decelerated while rolling up the steep incline. When we finally bumped to a stop, the idling pro peller was only a few feet from the outer cellarway entrance and Ernie's outside well pump handle. r was introduced to Ernie's wife, Lulu Belle, his two dogs and his cat. Then he gave me a tour of the farm , during which I was given a pa per bag of popcorn kernels that I stored in the front cockpit 'til we were ready to depart. When it was time to leave , we chocked just one wheel with a rock and Ernie pulled the prop through to start the Kinner while I operated the switches. He then lifted the tail and, with me still in the cockpit, swiveled the airplane around, pointing it back down the steep hill that we a short time ago had landed on. Takeoff ac celeration down the hill was very rapid and in a few feet we were air borne and in a few more seconds , again high over the valley. We cir cled back over the farm where the dogs raced and barked at us, and his wife Lulu Belle waved. On Sundays during the summer the local aviators doing business fly ing sightseeing airplane rides would take their tum putting on a short "air show" which was hoped would get a crowd out and perhaps in the mood to do some flying. It might be Clayt Welch looping
and rolling his red and silver Waco F, or Charlie Smith "buzzing" the field with his lovely Stinson, or, perhaps Ernie Hannam, taking a few minutes off from his student training, to put on a show with his Standard. It was always a real treat to be there as Ernie cut his engine and then slowly reduced airspeed 'til the pro peller windmilled to a complete stop. He would then glide with silent graceful wingovers and stalls from a position high overhead to a gentle touch down . Many years later when his beauti ful wings had been folded for him and he lay bedridden, I wrote Ernie a poem recalling this Syracuse Sunday event. Perhaps now, since you know a bit about Ernie, you'll enjoy read ing it with me.
Old flying friend
That they've got you draped on
Your sitting end.
Now this is a heck of a
Place to be,
Cause in case you don't know it
It ain't for free.
But perhaps old boy
As you stare at the ceiling
You are able to think back
With nostalgic feeling
To those good old days
Not too long ago
When flying was fun
And to heck with the dough.
My thoughts reminiscing
Are sharp as a tack.
Days of Webster and Ward
And Merrill and Mac.
See a Gypsy Moth
With old Tex Perin.
Hear your Standard's ShOlt stacks
Popping and rarin' ,
And those Sundays up high
Old Ernie shuts the engine off,
Stops her prop crosswise
Dare she not even cough,
From two thousand now
Graceful swoops he's gliding in.
Nowa lovely whistling swish
Without that Kinner din.
Side slipped gently
To that tiny airport corner
Barely missing wingtips
Clayt's "F" Waco Warner.
Puts her right where he wants her
Struts for seconds stay extended.
Wheels ticking o'er the grasstops
The flippers full up ended.
Yes, old Pappy fmally fluffs her
Very gently down,
Cap beak pointing backward
Atop his old bald crown.
Sure, a lovely three pointer
For which all of us try.
Done just that way not the lot of,
All ofthose that fly.
Fire eater Hibbard glances up from
His ticket selling chore,
"He'll never ever stop her
Before that hangar door!"
"That poor old battered hangar
With its urine-spattered tin."
"At night takes him twenty minutes
To squeeze and worm her in."
But she's ground borne now
And there is just no other out.
He's got to stop her in there
Of this there is no doubt.
Harmam bites his dead cigar
It's clenched between his teeth.
He hopes the tail skid does its job
Dragging underneath.
She's fading rather fast now
But he's closer to the door,
Only sound an idling 1-6-5
Two passengers want some more.
A shout goes up,
"He's got no choice
But now to take her in."
"Good God ifhe ever misses
What an awful mess of tin."
With inches spare inside he goes
And rolls her to a stop.
Doors quickly move together
And close up with a clop.
Long legs ease up out of cockpit
Cap's straightened with a spin.
To those tabled in the comer
"You didn't deal me in!"
Have you ever watched a para chute being packed? If you ever plan to use one, don't. Yet, it is done with meticulous care and ends up so tightly packed and with its very long shroud lines so folded and refolded , that its always been a wonder to me that it could ever open. Tugging the handle of the ripcord releases three pins extending through grommeted holes in the four canvas flaps of the parachute pack. Release of these flaps in turn frees a small spring-loaded pilot chute which is at tached to the crown of the main chute, pulling it free of its canvas pack and into the airstream. When a person is falling end over end, it is difficult to see how this mess of silk
and cords could possibly escape be coming tangled in arms , legs, and around the neck of the jumper, who is tumbling earthward and praying that it will open. The shock when a chute opens can be ferocious. If falling head down the "happy chutist" is now snapped heads up with neck-break ing force. Even if the descent after chute opening is uneventful, when contacting the ground the impact is the equivalent of what would be ex perienced had you jumped off a 15 foot building without a chute, which is pretty darn hard. Also, near the surface, if the air being descended through happens to be a surface wind of 18-20 mph- on top of the soon-to-be-contended with high de scent rate, there will also be the additional problem of an 18-20 mph drift and it might be backwards and toward something unseen. Many, many hours I've spent in open cockpit sitting on hard para chute packs, and how many times have I walked across airport ramps with the pesky, ungainly thing thumping the back of my legs. Did I ever jump? No!! and r have really never had any plans to do so. Yet, on some soft late afternoons, with a good student in the back cockpit, I've a few times been tempted to step out on the wing walkway, step off and drift down, but better judgment has always prevailed. This may be a good time to tell you about Ed Wynn, the professional parachute jumper. Ed made a living of sorts jumping out of airplanes at air shows after passing the hat for donations from the crowd. His specialty was the delayed drop which called for him to tuck a bag of flour under his arm then go over the side at 9,000-10,000 feet. On the way down, and in free fall , he would punch a hole in the flour bag with his thumb then leave a streaking white trail as he plummeted earthward like a rock at terminal velocities. At the last moment Ed would open his chute and drift the few remaining feet to earth . I have never liked to watch parachute jumps and have always looked the other way. Without his chute, Ed walked out on the field one day while I was prac ticing landings with the Waco . He waved me over to the edge of the VINTAGE AIRPLANE
field then stepped alongside the rear cockpit with his pants legs flapping in the prop stream. He asked if I would take him along so he could practice guessing how high he was (or wasn't) ; this, he explained, so he could better carry his delayed chute openings till the very last instant to further delight the crowds. Ed seated himself in the forward cockpit and we took off. As we climbed through 400 feet he turned around and shouted, "Don' t tell me we're at 1,500 feet - right?! !" "NO, NO , ED!," I shouted, and hastily in formed him how high we really were. During many tries that day, and on fol lowing days , Ed never even came close and consistently estimated his heights far above the actual. But this
the onlookers. With his bulky gear, I he lped him climb in, then passed him his flour bag, his helmet and his motorcycle goggles. With Merrill at the switches I swung the heavy metal prop and the Whirlwind idled to life. There was a big grin on Ed's face, kneeling on the cabin floor in his harness near the open doorway, as Merrill taxied away and blew dust in our faces. Ed waved to the antici pating crowd as the plane lifted off, then roared past with the wheels skimming across the field a few feet above the ground. Merrill planned a long climb to 10,000 feet. The Stinson climbed slowly, so while I had some time , I hand pumped some fuel from the
and his tumbling form too small. I looked away again. As I waited, I pondered the toes of my shoes, the laces, and then the lace knots I had tied that morning in the rooming house. Then I examined my pants cuff and slowly pulled out a loose thread . Would the "ahs" that al ways came as the chute blossomed never come? To stand it any longer was impos sible, and I had to look up, but I could not find Ed, or the flour streak. I looked up further and gasped in alarm because he was directly over my head and falling head down straight toward me. He was so close to the ground that I could plainly see his flapping white coveralls, his arm across his chest, his hand on the rip
liTo stand it any longer was impossible, and I had to look up but I could not find Ed, or the flour streak. I looked up further and gasped in alarm because he was directly over my head and falling head down straight toward me . He was so close to the ground that
I could plainily see his flapping white coveralls ... didn't seem to bother him, he said it looked different when coming straight down anyway. It was a short while after this that I accompanied Merrill Phoenix with the J-5 Whirlwind Stinson to a small town near the Pennsylvania border for a barnstorming weekend . Ed came along with us to do exhibition jumps to help draw a crowd to the field . The jump on Saturday went off fine, but Ed didn't seem pleased with it as he had missed the field entirely because he hadn't waited long enough before pulling the rip cord. "Oh boy," r thought, "Wait 'til tomorrow! " It was now mid-afternoon and past the scheduled time for the Sun day jump . Ed donned his white coveralls and then his two chutes as he stood under the wing of the Stin s on while Merrill, with a screwdriver, ca refully removed the cabin door. As he made his prepara tions a crowd gathered around Ed, who was a very gregarious guy and enjoyed the friendly bantering with 8 SEPTEMBER 1999
drums of gasoline specially deliv ered to the farmer ' s field by the local fuel supplier. It was pumped into five gallon cans to be ready when Merrill returned , so we could resume our passenger hopping with mini mum delay. A search for the Stinson showed it very high with the sounds of the la boring Whirlwind barely discemable. It was nearly time for the push-off and it has been recorded before that 1 don 't like parachute jumps, so when I finished my refueling preparations, I went over and sat on a gasoline can . With nothing else to do, I then busied myself counting the stubs of tickets already sold. Pretty good! When at last I heard the "oohs" from the crowd, it was known from past experience that Ed had left the airplane and was now falling free. Reluctantly, I stole a glance, and yes, there was the telltale streak of flour being painted earthward at frightful speed . Ed himself could not yet be seen. He was too high
cord, his shiny black shoes, and his goggled, leather helmeted head. "My God ," I thought, "He'll land on me!" As I took off and ran, I heard a powerful "wham" as the chute opened, jerked Ed upright, then vio lently pendulumed him up even with the straining , bulging canopy. He struck the ground on his side at the top of the swing, but miraculously the impact was not hard . He was not hurt, although the wind was knocked from him. The crowd was closing around him, but I pushed them aside to get to Ed . As he rose to his feet and loosened hi s helmet strap, I grabbed the front of hi s coveralls, shook him as hard as 1 could , and shouted , with our no ses close to each other, "Ed, if you ever do that again ... I ' II ... " Well , his little black mustache twitched and then he laughed, "I guess I shoulda had your altimeter!" The town girls pushed close to him. He was a good-looking guy . The girls all liked him and fol ...... lowed him around.
Hydraulic Locking and the wright R760-8 Engine
Crady Sharp路s Engine prop Positioner I have just completed the total restoration ofa 1929 Waco ASO and the instal颅 lation ofa Wright R 760-8. This aircraft, NC608N, was purchased new from the factory by the Texas Oil Company and was at that time their "Texaco 7". In 1930 it towed the "Texaco Eaglet" glider from California to New York with Capt. Frank Hawks piloting the glider and J.D. Jernigan flying the Waco. By Grady Sharp (EAA 3884, VAA 8560) VINTAGE AIRPLANE
~ 21/4"
=tJ ~~RJ
-- \
ENGINE/PROPELLER POSITIONER FOR EXTENDED PARKING This drawing is not to scale. It only indicates the method of construction
Worm drive teeth being removed .
Since I have read and actually found the Wright seems especially susceptible to having oil collect in the bottom two cylinders (and in the intake pipes, depending on valve position), I set about fmding a way to prevent it from accumulating. I had installed drains on cylinders 4 and 5 intake pipes having primer fittings into which I installed M520823-4D 45 degree el bows with AN929-4D caps. As it turned out, a drain on #4 intake is not often used unless you shou ld inadvertently leave the engine where the exhaust in #4 is closed and the intake open. Oil then can accumulate and will need draining. While working on this, the March '98 issue of Sport Aviation arrived containing an article on Bob Hedgecock and his beautiful SM-2AA Stinson with a Wright R760-8 engine. I wrote to Bob asking how he coped with the problem and he responded with a very nice, helpful letter. Thank you, Bob. He, too, had drilled the exhaust elbow and was clamped in a machinist's vice, the indifor installation.
using a drain on #5 intake and went on to say he just left the prop in a position where #4 exhaust and #5 intake valves were open. What Bob didn't mention was how he arrived at this position, but he did get me to thinking. I wanted to find a method of doing this quickly, dependably and without tools. This sent me back to the books for a review of the sequence of valve action, stroke and their functioning relationship between two adjoining cylinders; in this case, cylinders 4 and 5 on the Wright 760. Using engine drawing No.1, I found that #4 exhaust and #5 intake valves (these two cylinder's lowest points) can be open at the same time but you do have to be careful in positioning the prop for this. If you pull the front spark plug on #5 cylinder and position the prop based on seeing #5 intake valve in the open position you can be led astray; the exhaust valve in #4 cylinder may not have yet opened. Engine draw ing No. 1 shows the intake stroke on #5 just ending and the exhaust stroke on #4 just beginning. What is important to remember is that the intake valve on #5 has been open since just before TDC and will remain open through the entire stroke and just beyond BDC. Realizing this, it's now easier to visualize that you can read the open intake valve too early while the exhaust valve in #4 is still closed as that cylinder nears the end of its power stroke. Using cylinder #4 for prop position ing gives assured results. With its front plug removed and turning the prop by hand in the normal direction of rotation, watch for that cylinder's exhaust valve opening. As it opens, stop turning the prop - you have "arrived. " Now note the alignment position of one of the prop blades in relationship to a cylinder and mark this blade with a tiny dot of paint. It is this blade that you bring to the same position/alignment after each shutdown of the engine. Obviously, though, during one of every two revolutions the blade will be positioned with all valves closed in cylinders 4 and 5. See engine drawing No. 2. To find whether or not you ' re in the correct position means pulling #4 plug again to find the exhaust valve po sition each time you're going to park for an extended peliod. What that extended period is will depend on your own expe rience with your engine and its rate of oil consumption. Removing a hot spark plug each time is a bit of a nuisance.
ENGINE DRAWING No.2 #4 AND #5 VALVES ALL CLOSED ONE REVOLUTION LATER It was at this point that I realized that I could use the second of this engine's dual tach drives for prop positioning. The two drives are counter-rotating and the drive you use depends on the rota tion of the tach you're using, leaving the other drive unused. Until now . When you first fmd the proper blade alignment position with #4 exhaust valve opening, as described, note the clock position of
the slot in the drive shaft in the unused drive. This initial finding is a one time event. The tach drive rotates one-half of a revolution for every full revolution of the prop. Place the marked blade in alignment reference after shutdown; then check the clock position of the slot in the tach drive. Ifit's at the predeter mined clock position, you're all set. If it's 180 0 off, then you will, of course, VINTAGE AIRPLANE
have to go one more full revolution of the prop. No tools and no handling of a hot spark plug. I could have stopped at this point, but I took it further. I constructed an "instru ment" which I connected to the engine with a second tach cable. (See drawing and photos.) I started with a suitable used 2-1 /4" aircraft instrument. The back of the body has been sawn off and discarded . The case was mounted in a lathe, turned true where saw n and brought to an estab lished le ngth. Note here that no dimensions are given in the drawing . They are determined during construction based on the parts collected. The basic mechanical part in this device is taken from a used recording tachometer. What we're aiming for is to salvage just the ba sic threaded tach cable attachment with its integral bearing. We take this piece and remove most of its bulk with a hack saw to a point where we can chuck it in a lathe to clean up both sides of what will become the mounting flange . (Refer to the drawing). After doing this, the flange can be further refined to a nice oval shape with two countersunk holes for the The restored Waco ASO
drawing (indicated as flat head screws). Next, the new aluminum end plate can be turned per drawing and the center hole bored to accept the piece just de scribed above. With the reworked tach cable attachment piece temporarily in place, the two screw mounting holes can be drilled - the flange, itself, being the guide for this. It ' s now time to remove th e mild steel teeth from the worm gear; this is easily done in the lathe. Again, refer to the drawing for chucking. Remove the teeth and turn to a 1/4" diameter for the fitting of a round "radio" knob, one with a white pointer line and and solid brass insert having an Allen head set screw. A flat spot on the shaft can be filed for the setscrew and the screw se cured with a drop of Locktite Removable ThreadlockerTM. I've mounted my instrument (with a 337 field approval) just inside the the en gine cowl but still visible from the outside. Once the unit was connected, the prop was placed into position, the clock position of the white line noted and the instrument case/glass marked with a while reference point. After future shut
downs, place the marked prop blade into alignment position and check the instru ment. If it's 180 0 off, tum the prop one full revolution. Then hang a "Please Do Not Touch" sign on the prop , re move the drain cap on # 5 intake and place a drip pan under the engine. Just don ' t forget to replace the cap before the next engine start. Where you mount the instrument is a personal choice. You could even devise a small electronic unit giving an audio or light signal by using a proximity sensor mounted to detect a slot cut in a metal coliar, replacing the radio knob . All kinds of possibilities to have fun with! If you wanted to mount this new instru ment in the cockpit area ( but probably not where it would be twirling in front of your face), then you could add a dual tach drive unit between the existing tach cable and tachometer. One fmal note. Other engines will dif fer; for instance, the 220 hp Continental has the valves transposed from those on the Wright. This article refers only to the 7-cylinder Wright. You'll have to get fa miliar with the valve timing for your particular engine installation. ......
o begins Waco's advertisement in the April 13 , 1929 edition of Aviation magazine. Full of the hyperbole so prevalent of the advertis ing used in the roaring '20s, the boundless copy-writing enthusiasm of the day was matched by the extraordi nary flying of the great Waco pilots of the day: Len Povey, who would later create the "Cuban Eight" while train ing Batista's Cuban Air Force; Freddie Lund, first to perform an outside loop with a commercially available aircraft (prior to Freddie's stunt, the outside loop was the domain of a few military pilots) and Art Davis, race pilot extra ordinaire. So many pilots made their careers bloom in the Waco it almost became a cliche. One of the airplanes made famous by Len Povey was a Waco ATO, a Ta perwing built as SIN A-20, NC6711. Len 's initial brush with notoriety with this A TO almost cost him his life, as well as one other famous aviator. Here's what the late Ray Brandly, the Peering into the lockable baggage bay aft of the cockpit shows off just a bit of the beauti ful craftsmanship present in the Taperwing. 14
past president of the Waco Club, wrote in his book, "Taperwing Wacos," : "While the American Air Aces Show was in Buffalo, New York, Len purchased his first airplane from a doc tor, a J-5 Taperwing Waco NC67ll for which he paid $800.00. Three days later, while flying over Wilmington, Delaware prior to the show, Roy Hunt
fell out of a snap roll and connected with Povey's Taperwing Waco and were momentarily locked together. When they broke away Povey had lost his right upper wing from the struts out. Hunt's engine fell completely out of the Great Lakes and he bailed out. Len was sitting on a chute, but he had Harold Neuman in the front cockpit
without a chute. Harold told Len to jump, but he could not leave his buddy. Although the bright red Taperwing had lost four feet of its top right wing, Povey was able to get the Waco down on Bellanca Field. "The local constabulary grabbed Hunt and put him in jail - his engine fell smack dab into the roof of a house of ill repute in the dusky part of town , setting quite a fire. A customer was seen running out of the house and down the street clothed only in his under wear. Fortunately for the intrepid airman , the Curtiss Candy Company had sponsored Hunt and he was cov ered by insurance. " Len purchased a new right upper wing for $700.00 and about a year later sold the Taperwing to Bevo Howard." Bevo ' s turn with the airplane was almost as exciting . Bevo had to bail out of the airplane and while he was saved to fly another day, the Taper wing was reduced to little bits and pieces, plus a good set of logs and pa perwork . Bevo was lucky to make it through unscathed , according to the CAA accident report. On September 29 , 1938, at 6:30 p.m., he took off from his FBO, Hawthorne Aviation, in Charleston, SC bound for for Atlanta, but encountered a triad of dangerous circumstances that nearly got him killed . In well developed darkness, the non-in s trument rated Bevo (at that time) and his Waco (which did not have blind flying instruments) ran into low clouds and reduced visibility. Try ing to get on top, Bevo lost control of the airplane at about 7:30 p.m. and had to jump, in darkness, as the altimeter rapidly wound down past 500 feet. The Taperwing impacted about 20 miles southeast of Columbia, sc. Skip forward a bunch of decades , and you get to the point where Roy Redman (EAA 83604, V AA 6600) of Rare Aircraft in Faribault, MN and Jerry Wenger (EAA 169348 , V AA 19366) of Powell, WY come into our little drama. Long involved in the family busi ness, Jerry Wenger has had his hands on high quality wood products for many years. Those of us not involved in the music industry may not have heard the name , but anyone who's played an instrument in a school band and looked at the label for their music stand, acoustic panel riser or other mu sica l stage equipment will recognize
To help keep the 450 hp Wright E975-11 cool, this small oil cooler mounted between the landing gear legs was fitted.
Modern day meets yesterday with a multi-faceted windscreen that reminds you of the itty bitty racing windshields that were in vogue back then. A cover over the front 'pit keeps the airflow over the aft cockpit smooth and undisturbed, making cross country flights a lot more comfortable.
the Wenger name as the foremost sup plier of music equipment to everyone from schoo l kids to major bands and orchestras. Started in 1946 by Jerry's father , Harry , himself an award win ning band director, the company continues to innovate in the world of acoustics, including a computer-con trolled acoustic she ll system that can recreate the sound enviroment of a va riety of rooms and hall s, a "virtual acoustic room" that can allow a musi
cian to hear his music as though he were playing in the Royal Albert Hall, or a baroque hall of Mozart's day . Such a successful company can pro vide the resources to put together an impressive collection of anything your heart desires, and fortunately for those of us who enjoy biplanes, Jerry Wenger has a hankering for Wacos. A few years ago many of you will recall the Waco F-2 restored by Roy Redman and the craftsmen at Rare Aircraft for VINTAGE AIRPLANE
wings, including the center section and ailerons. Tapered wings present all sorts of challenges to the builder. Roy ex plains: "The spars are not parallel nor are they on the same plane. They both converge and they are slanted (the front one, anyway). So what you have to start off with - the rear spar is perpendicular to the butt rib so our jigging is very precise to keep the rear spar and the butt rib at a 90° angle. You can then slide the ribs onto the rear spar but then you must slide the spar into the ribs. Now the challenge is that your rib jigging and rib construction has to (right) with, what else, the TAPERWING. be quite precise because if the pieces that hold the rib to the spar are not quite in the right place then the rib isn't going to be in the right place or the rib isn't going to be parallel to its neighbors." From there on, the final setup of the wing is fairly normal , although trammeling the wing is not exactly the same - it's really checking precise mea surements for each wire against the blueprints. Included in the wing construction is the building of a set of ailerons. Model airplane builders may find this has a familiar ring. Again, Roy Redman: "The next challenge is the aileron exercise. It can be very tedious [to build the wood ailerons], and going to the aluminum ailerons, as they did in
Jerry. Jerry sure remembered, and when he decided he really wanted a Taperwing, he went to Roy. Because so much of the airplane was destroyed, there wasn't a lot to go on, but with the experience of the folks at Rare, that didn't present a huge problem. At first, due to their current workload, the wing building was given to an outside contractor, but as soon as they could, the wings were brought inhouse to be completed. It takes the woodworkers at Rare about 500 man hours to build up a set of tapered Roy Redman (left) and Jerry Wenger,
-Continued on page 22
teresting to know
what old Giuseppe Bel
lanca would have to say if he
could see how well his elegant at
tempts at efficient flight have stood the test of time. Over sixty years after he first laid down the lines for what he envisioned as a high speed airplane for the private pilot, the little round nosed Bellanc!\ Jr., its descendants are still held in high re gard not only for their performance but for what many see as their well balanced han
dling. It's quite common these days to hear
of someone getting their first ride in a Bel
lanca, almost any Bellanca, and coming
away with a " gottahaveone" attitude.
Ozzie Levi (EAA 355912, VAA
1) of Lancaster, Califor is one of those.
Ozzie says he was happy with the long string of Luscombes he'd owned, but one ride in a Bellanca Cruisair convinced him he had to have one. Most folks like the way a Bellanca flies, but it is usually an intuitive thing, rather than a quantitative "knowing" based on extensive prior aircraft handling experience. We like them just because we like them. Ozzie, however, brought more than a casual interest in airplanes to his lik ing for the airplane , as he has spent his life involved in the flight testing of new aircraft as an engineer and project manager. The string of pro jects in which he has been involved span the technological development of post war aviation. One of his first jobs was with Sikorsky in Connecticut where he was part of the earliest pioneering of practical helicopters including the S 55 and S-56, which set the pace for military use of helicopters during the Korean War. Then there was his stint at Edwards on the Ryan X-13 Verti jet. For those who don't know the airplane, it was a delta winged, verti cal takeoff jet that, upon landing, 18
would hover into a nose-up, ver tical position and then chin itself on a horizontal arresting cable I and hang there like a bat. Ozzie points to the program with pride and says, "It's the only X-plane program that finished the pro gram with the same number of aircraft it started with." In '57 he was working on the F-I05 at Republic, "a wonderful airplane but only had one en gine," and later the Gyrodyne, an unmanned helicopter drone. His longest stretch was at Northrop where he was heavily involved in flight test and man agement of advanced programs which included the T-38, F-5 OzzieLevi,Lancaster,CA and F-117. Although an engineer, in the which eventually led to a long line of back of his mind, he was always a pi 8As and 8E's . Somewhere along the lot, whether he was actually line, however, he got his first ride in a exercising the skills or not. Starting as Bellanca and, "after that first flight, I a pre-aviation cadet in WWII, he did always wanted one. They handle n't actually start taking training until beautifully and are good for serious out of college, "you know, kids, fam cross countries or just running over to ily, the usual things, slowed me get a hamburger." down." From the flying club he grad He got out of flying for a little uated into buying a Luscombe 8A while, but when he came back into it,
he knew a Bellanca would be his next air plane. Part of what cinched his owning a Cruisair was that one on his local field at Santa Paula, California suddenly came up for sale. It was a stock Cruisair that had had its 150 Franklin replaced with the healthier 165 Franklin. The airplane had never been allowed to go derelict, although its previous owner, Lou Boise, had gone through it from stem to stern and carefully restored the wood, which, if left unattended on a Bellanca can result in major headaches. Lou also replaced the bicy cle chain gear actuation system with a hydraulic system which used a DC-3 pump. The gear now took only five pumps to get it up and only a few pumps to lock it down as it Triple tails and the "strong as a tree" Bellanca wing give the Cruisair a sharp look that is still maintained today in the Bellanca Viking. free falls most of the way. So , by the time Ozzie began getting serious about buying a Bellanca, Lou had already put in all of the hard work and Ozzie also quickly points out that one of the major rea sons the project worked out so well and with relatively all Ozzie had to do was sign on the dotted line. Ozzie and his partner, Jerry Coates, had their Bellanca few paperwork problems was that he had a local FAA and were loving it. In fact they were loving it right up to type who understood Bellancas and was more interested the point several years later when the Franklin decided to in solving problems than weighing the project down with documentation. begin nibbling on its own cam, which sent metal through The engine he wound up with was an orphaned 0-360 out the engine . Faced with a total overhaul on an engine that was becoming increasingly difficult to overhaul, A I D with no logs. They overhauled the engine and mated it with a 72 " McCauley prop because " ... that was compati Ozzie's engineering mind began looking in other direc tions. Why not replace the engine with something a little ble with the engine and was available." The first question was how and where to mount the en more modern and easier to maintain? And, if it had more gine. Ozzie put the prop disk in the same place as the power, all the better. original and found, in calculating the weight distribution, Although Ozzie and Jerry (who did most of the de sign work) ran most available engines through his mind, that the e.G. was hardly affected at all. So, that's where the engine would hang. But on what? He says, "We used a the 180 Lycoming was the only one in serious con tention, if nothing else because it was the right size and Pitts type mount configuration right at the engine and weight. Also, there were a reasonable number available. joined that to the Bellanca configuration at the firewall. It VINTAGE AIRPLANE
that as an omen and he's been part of the flight crew every since." They began flying the airplane in 1993 and"". it has been ab solutely trouble free from the first flight." Ozzie says the cruise speed was only impacted a little, bringing it up to a solid 150 mph T AS at 10,000 feet while burning 7.7 gph. This is an increase of 5-7 mph. As would be expected, the real im provement was in climb. "This made a real airplane out of it as it nearly doubled the rate of climb. Before it would do 500 fpm, if you were lucky. Now it's always giving us 1,000 fpm plus." So, what's next for Ozzie Levi? What's the next airplane in line? He says, "I don't think there is one. This one is a keeper because it does everything I want and it does it so Having made the long cross-country trip from California, Ozzie enjoys the ability of the Cruisair Sr. to make a sojourn of that magnatude comfortable.
actually worked out very smoothly." When running the engine controls back to the cockpit, they did their best to adhere to the original cockpit lay out, so they put the governor/prop control in the same hole which had previously held the crank for the orig inal prop. When it came time to cowl the en gine the first of many EAA'ers to help on the project stepped forward . Ozzie points with pride to the brass plaque on the cowling which memori alizes the late Jim Osenga as being part of the team with Dan Burdette who fabricated the cowling. They used the usual "cover the engine with foam and start whittling" approach to cowling construction. The lines and openings were worked out by owners Levi and Coates, but it was Burdette and Osenga who worked out the de tails, laid up the glass and got the cowling ready for paint. It was neither a quick nor an easy process, but their craftsmanship is obvious. In speaking about the airplane, Ozzie is insistent that everyone knows how important local EAA'ers were to the project. He says every time he or his partner had a question or needed something done that was beyond them, there was someone standing, 20 SEPTEMBER 1999
pardon the play on words, in the wings ready to help. Among them were Mike Grimes, their FAA bridge who owned a similar aircraft, and Bob Critchlow and Rodger Hilyard who Ozzie characterizes as being "willing hands." He talks about the entire crew who helped as being " .. .smart, good guys and even better friends ." Ozzie also likes to point out the lit tle Pluto character sitting on its panel as some sort of patron saint of Bellan cas. "We had the airplane at Oshkosh '94 and left it for a while. When we came back, Pluto was sitting on the wing as if guarding it. So, we took
well. It is smooth handling and on landing, you'd have to be an idiot or asleep, or both to lose it. What I am going to do is keep improving it." The improvements he has in mind include reducing the amount of cowl ing air inlet because "".1 think we were being too conservative. I think we can tighten it up and get a little more speed out of it." Is he thinking about some of the speed mods, like gear doors, flap fair ings, etc.? "No, I like it the way it is. It's simple, it's uncomplicated and it's honest. I just couldn ' t ask for any more out of an airplane." Now we see why it's a keeper. ......
September Mystery Plane
Our September Mystery Plane is supplied by Brian Baker. Send your answers to: EAA, Vintage Airplane, PO Box 3086, 54903-3086. You answers need to be in no later than October 25, 1999 so they can be in足 cluded in the December issue. If you prefer, you can E-Mail your answer to Be certain to include both your name and the address in the body of the copy and put" (Month) Mystery Plane" in the subject line.
by H.G. Frautschy
We knew it was a longshot, but nobody had a clue as to the identity ofthe June Mystery Plane. We had hoped that the photos by Pete Bow足 ers would jog some distant memory ofone ofyou, but the short-coupled biplane shown the photos seems to be lost in the cobwebs ofone-offde足 signs that we never saw again. We've included another shot also provided by Pete which shows the airplane from a different angle. That's noted Ford Tri-Motor authority Bill Larkins peering into the innards of the little ship. Any more ideas? ...... VINTAGE AIRPLANE
'31, was a move I can understand. Be cause prior to that, the little Waco F, the R and others the ailerons had built up ribs. They don't look very compli cated but it is just a tedious task because of the false spars, and it isn't perpendicular, and the butt ribs aren't perpendicular, and all of that. But what you do is literally build the wing with out an aileron. You build a complete wing and then you build a false spar, and slide that false spar in, just the way
stunt pilots over the years. Slave struts are used to actuate the ailerons, and in the old days, they used to vibrate in certain flight regimes. Anecdotal evi dence says that this was a fairly common occurrence on the Waco 10, as well as the Straightwings and Ta perwings. To "unbalance" the struts aerodynamically, in the old days they used to cement a string along one side to upset the airflow slightly, curing the dancing strut. Roy's cure is more elegant, from an engineering standpoint. In the old days one end of the strut was adjustable,
them far and wide, so there are a num ber of customizations that make it an open cockpit cruising machine. A Scott tailwheel helps keep the Ta perwing manageable on paved runways, and a special not-quite-rac ing but racy looking windshield keeps the prop blast off your face. The multi faceted windscreen combines the look of the low, flat windscreens used on racing Wacos with the more upright, three piece units used on more pedes trian versions of the airplanes. You don't see it in the photos, but there is a second windscreen for the forward
you slid in the front spar. Then you lit erally cut off the ribs. Now there are some pieces you have to build and put in during the process, but your wing is your jig for the aileron." With four ailerons, the Taperwing had a wonderful roll rate, which is one of the reason s it was so popular with
while the other was a fixed bushing in the opposite end. On later models, Waco cured the problem, too, so Roy sim ply used their fix - make both ends adjustable , so the slave strut can be rigged to have a zero set angle of attack so it cannot os cillate. The only time they've seen the strut vibrate is when the biplane is be ing flown in an uncoordinated manner. Ninety-nine percent of the time, the struts never wiggle. Jerry does not let his airplanes sit for too long, and believes in flying
cockpit, which is covered by a "racing cover" for the photos. Like much of the metalwork on the Taperwing, Roy credits Tom Novak with the wind screen's flawless creation. Roy's son Jeremy is also one of the metalsmiths, and has been learning a lot from Tom, becoming quite adept at compound curve work. One of the most custom feature s of the airplane is quite prominent - in the best tradition of the airshow pilots of today and yesterday, there ' s a name scripted in gold on the wings. This time it's not the pilot or an advertiser,
-TAPERWING Continuedfrompage 16
but the airplane itself, with the word "Taperwing" emblazoned on the top wing. The actual lettering of the "Ta perwing" on the wing was done by eminent sign painter/ artist Bucky Roosmalen who also hails from Farib ault, MN. His association with Roy goes back many years; in fact, it was Bucky who painted the Stinson "bow and arrow" logo on Roy's award-win ning Stinson SR-8C Gullwing. (It was the Grand Champion Antique at EAA Oshkosh in 1982.) The color scheme, designed by Jerry while collaborating with Roy and executed by Rare Aircraft, looks as it should on a sleek biplane, and is a combination of many of the striping patterns in vogue in the old days. The project started out pretty stock, and re mains very true to the type, but the little custom touches help make it Jerry's, and fly it he does. Both he and Roy have flown extensive cross countr flights, including Minnesota to Florida, and Florida to Washington , D.C. as well as a flights from the Mid west to Wyoming. Roy gives Jerry a ton of credit for his drive, innovation and spirit that he puts into the restorations he's in volved with - much of what happens is due to his creativity. Roy points to the color scheme as a prime example of his involvement in the creation of the airplane. Jerry, on the other hand knows very well whose talented hands created the Waco - all the folks at Rare Aircraft, including Tom Novak, Matt Von ruden, Jeremy, Ben and Mike Redman, Ryan Gillette, Joe Lewellen, Matt Haefmeyer, Ella Bibe, and Judie and Freddie. The beautiful Advance Aircraft "decals" on the sides of the fuselage are a modern wonder. I 've put the word decal in quotes here because they are not the usual water-transfer decals we recall from our frustrations in building model airplanes, but a mod ern recreation that is much more durable, if not more painstaking to produce in some respects. When first made , decals were a wonder of the new modern printing age. A piece of artwork, often of mul tiple colors, was screen printed onto a coat of clear lacquer, which was in turn applied to a piece of paper that has a water-soluble cement coating. Soak it in water, the cement loosens its
grip and you can slide the artwork onto any surface. The only problem with it was its poor ability to stand up to weather. Often, a couple of coats of dope were applied over the decal to protect it, but it still didn't last as long as the finish it was applied over. But with the advent of modem plastics, we have something better. Coupled with the computer-driven cutter, very intricate designs can be created out of film plastics such as Mylar®. Modernistic in St. Paul, MN did just that with the Advance logo. The artwork to create the four color logo was done by another artist, and purchased by Jerry and Rare Aircraft. Modernistic then scanned the artwork so the cutter could do its thing, and the whole four color set of Mylars was ap plied to one large piece of clear Mylar. Trimmed to just a little bit larger than the overall logo, once applied it looks only a tiny bit thicker than the original lacquer-based decal, but is much more durable. The company actually made 53 of the logos, with three being used by Jerry for the Waco (one as a spare). Jerry then donated the remaining 50 logo "decals" to the Waco Historical Society, who can use them to help generate funds to further the cause of the organization. By the way, you'll note the original N-number is not on the airplane. SIN A-142 was originally NC6711 , but these days the number is NC6714. Early attempts to get the number back failed, that is until fellow Waco friend Jimmy Rollison of California would wind up with the Lockheed registered with N6711. Jimmy has offered to help with the paperwork the get 6711 back on the Waco, so a slight revision to the PPG Durathane finish will get to be made in the future. For serviceability the brakes are BT -13 brakes, available from Dusters and Sprayers, who can supply all the soft parts (seals, springs, etc.). On the big wheels a pair of Model A 500x20 tires with tread were used, so they could be readily replaced. Looking at the nose of the Waco can really take a bit of time , since the newly overhauled Wright R975-11 is so neatly installed it just begs to be looked at. The engine is built up so it too can be a reliable cross-country en gine. Smoothness can go a long way to minimizing mechanical problems, and as automobile manufacturers have fi
nally discovered, fuel injection can go a long way to evening out the fuel/air mixture. Certainly not a new inven tion, fuel injection has been around a long time, but you don't often see it on lightplanes (the Aeronca L-16, with its EX-CELL-O system comes to mind as an exception). For the Taperwing's 450 hp Wright, a Bendix RS 1OG was added to the installation by Rare Air craft, a non-standard alteration that did have to be addressed when the biplane was certificated . The engine work, done by Darryl Williams of Younkin Radial Engines in Fayetteville, AR is first class, and includes a set of "test run" cylinders, a new, old-stock set with only test cell time on them. The exhaust is custom with a bit of old design and look to it as well. Aerospace Welders in Burnsville, MN did the final finish work after a jig was created at Rare Aircraft by us ing a core engine. The beautiful sheet metal cowling culminates in a full spinner, one of a set engineered and spun under the guidance of Tom Hegy (EAA 6849, VAA 16421) from Hart ford, WI. Okay, enough of the tech talk. What'll it do, right? With a straight face (and I watched them, too!) both Roy and Jerry say it will cruise at ISO mph without pushing the airplane hard at all. Which brings up another point that Roy highlighted during our con versation. Sure, today it's no big deal to zip across the country in a light plane, making a Minnesota to Louisiana cross-country run pretty easy. In the Waco it too is possible, and has been since 1929! Only a cou ple of avionics items make it a bit easier to navigate, but imagine what a leap it must have been to the earth bound inhabitants used to the cross-country capabilities of a Ford Model A. 25 mph? Maybe 35 on one of the few paved sections of the new Lincoln Highway? But a Taperwing Waco could zip along at 135 mph with no trouble at all, a magic carpet thun dering over the countryside. What magic it must have seemed to be!
For information regarding the Ad vance Aircraft logo men tioned in the text, contact: Waco Historical Society, Inc., P. O. Box 62, Troy, OH 45373-0062. Phone: 937/335- WACO (9226). ...... VINTAGE AIRPLANE
by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert EAA #21 VAA # 5 P.O. Box 424, Union, IL 60180
"Two-hundred and fourteen air planes! Ninety-three biplanes and the re st insignificant others ." And that' s how Charlie Harris began his speech before the awards presenta tions at the 13th Annual Biplane Expo, June 4-5 . Charlie has been harping, cajoling and threatening "H.G." and myself for several years, about attending the Biplane Expo. Somehow we never seemed to make it. This time, fresh back from the Kansas City Antiquers bash at Atchison , Kansas, where again , Charlie Harris twisted my thinking into maybe I'd better attend or be blackballed for the rest of my life, I made the decision to go, come tomadoes or whatever. I called "H.G.," but again previ ous commitments wouldn't allow him to break away, so I repacked the bag, got Dorothy all enthused, and after perusing the weather we de
cided maybe United passes would be used . The only fly in the ointment was UAL doesn't have non-stops to Tulsa, the nearest major station, and we had to hub it through Denver. We did, and it wasn ' t bad at all. (Hold on a minute! Th e re ' s a T-6 doin ' passes down the runway, I gotta go wave at him.) Don't know the guy , but he made a couple passes and then headed off towards Rockford. Nice looking T-6 painted aluminum with black buss numbers. Maybe I'll get a call later on. We rode the new 777 to DEN and then a stretch 727 to TUL. Some times age has its privileges, we got first-class on both of them. Avis fixed us up with a car and we drove to Baltlesville. Like most airports these days, it's "Hard to Find," but we finally got there. There were already 40 or 50
Dorothy pauses in front of the Biplane Center, headquarters for the National Biplane Association on Frank Phillips Field in Tulsa, OK.
biplanes parked, and the usual social izing was already taking place. Charlie Harri s, the Prex., took us on a tour of the museum-hangar, and the facility . We were suitably im pressed , especially when told the place was "unencumbered," meaning it's paid for! I took a lot of pictures, but they were mostly of airplanes. The Guest of Honor was General Paul Tibbets, the commander of the Enola Gay. His speech at the banquet and his very presence were electrifying for the enthusiasts in attendance. I did n't get a picture of him, but I'll tell you right now, he knows who I am . As I reached across the table to shake his hand, I tipped over a water glass. Ice water in your lap is sure to make an impress ion! Here some of the pictures I took. What a great weekend. Over to You! rr ~t<'ck ~
Biplanes, biplanes, biplanes, as far as you care to walk!
Mike Wittmann of Santa Cruz, CA owns this hand足 some Waco YKS-7, complete with a polished alu足 minum funnel stripe on the engine cowl. The silver - - painted stripe is surrounded by a keyline of red, and the darker color is a soft metallic blue.
This blue and white Waco YKS-7 is registered to William Harter of Belleville, IL.
President of the American Waco Club and VAA Board member Phil Coulson (left) and Roscoe Morton, renowned airshow announcer, enjoyed the biplane fly-in .
Biplanes are biplanes, and you see all sorts of the kind on the field, includ ing many homebuilts. This Kelly D is owned by Bert Bahnson of Advance, NC who has been busy document足 ing each of the many fly-ins he's attended with the biplane.
Another homebuilt that is very popular with the antique crowd is the beautiful Hatz HC-1. This one was bu ilt by the Hatz craftsman from Texas, Billy Dawson.
This beautiful brute is actually a well-revised Boeing PT-17, doing its best to look like one of the "Gulfhawk" series. Jim Younkin of Springdale, AR did the honors, with his trade足 mark fairing work its spectacular best. Man, can this guy work metal!
Aerial Ads (note the tailhook) owns this Boeing N2S-3, which is equipped with a Rawdon hood over the cockpits.
(Below) They flew from all over - not just the West, but from the deep South as well. Ed Martin's DH-82A Tiger Moth came to Tulsa from Lake Charles, LA.
Bob Howie's gorgeous Warner-powered Waco RNF (left) flew over from Decatur, IL, as did his Laird LC-B-200 (below), powered by the original Wright engine.
Kerry 1. Harry ... .......... ............................ . .............. ... Lakes Entrance Vic, Australia John Garth Mader .......... ...... .................. . ............................... Calgary, AB, Canada Jim D. Swanson ..... ........... ........ ...... ..... .. .. ......... ........ ... Tumbler Ridge, BC, Canada Johan Bence ....... Winnipeg, MB, Canada Peter D. Moodie ....... ... ........ ........ ..... ... ..... ....... ... .... ............. Winnipeg, MB, Canada Gerald W. De Long ......... ........................ . ........ .. ............. Florenceville, NB, Canada Clarence Montag .... London, ON, Canada Richard Murphy ......... ............... ........... ... . ............................ Alvinston, ON, Canada Andres Buljevic Leon ....... ............. ......... . ...... ... ...... .............. Santiago Centro, Chile Eric Upuyenchet ... ....... .. .. Nantes, France David 1. Ponte .. ......Dorset, Great Britain David Gerard Curran ....... Belfast, Ireland Leda Basso .. ....... Vedelago Treviso, Italy Robert B. Mackley .. .... ...... ...................... . ............. Milford Auckland, New Zealand Ludmila Ushakova ... ................ ............. ... ...... .. ...................... St. Petersburg, Russia Euel1. Baker. ......... ...............Safford, AL Milton E. Whitley ............ Huntsville, AL Cris Ferguson .................. Evansville, AR Morgan W. Hetrick ... ..... Springfield, AR Embry Riddle Aeronautical University ... .................. ...... ..... ....... .........Prescott, AZ David R. Blomgren ........ Cave Creek, AZ Ronald Hasz ............. ...... ..... Phoenix, AZ Allan Anderson .......... ..... Santa Rosa, CA Bruce Boese .... ..... ....... ...... ..Oakdale, CA Joseph William Campbell .................... ... . ............................. .............. Glendale, CA Christian M. English .......Santa Cruz, CA Ken J. Frank .... ...... .......Nevada City, CA Kay Gallagher .............. Yorba Linda, CA Tom Hillier. ......................... Oakdale, CA Ronald Hull ............ .......... Temecula, CA Robert F. Kane ... ... ......... .... ... Wilton, CA Joseph S. Lowe ... .....Moreno Valley, CA Keith Raffel ..... ...... ..... ...Costa Mesa, CA Cynthia Spellacy ..... ..........Sand City, CA Steven R. Windh ......... .. ...Kingsburg, CA EAA Chapter 1.... .............. Riverside, CA Patrick Doyle .. .... ................. Boulder, CO Bruce L. Miles ................... Thornton, CO Tom J. Sarkes .................... .Seymour, CT Wayne D. Bilbrey ......... ....Bradenton, FL Frederick Gallup ...... .Daytona Beach, FL Donald 1. Gaynor .... ... .... .Englewood, FL John S. Leiby .... ................Riverview, FL Roger Young .... ...... ................ Jupiter, FL Jason C. Hornsby ..... .... ...Alpheretta, GA Jerry T. Ragsdale ....... .. ....... Newnan, GA Richard C. Russell ... ... ... ... St. Marys, GA Pat Cherne .... .................... Guttenberg, IA
Thomas 1. Dentel .................... Culfax, IA Denny Hayes ............. ..... Des Moines, IA Thomas Gerald Hildreth ....... Ankeny, IA Christian P. Ledet .................... Ames, IA James Romeo ................. .Des Moines, IA James 1. Smith .................. Davenport, IA Douglas Stierman ... ....... .... Coralville, JA Steven Appleton ......... ............. .Boise, ID Sam E. Harpham ........ ..... ....Meridian, ID William Boughton ....... ..... .. Belvidere, IL James J. Chernich .... .............. .Kildeer, IL Victor 1. De Croix ...... ........ Metamora, IL Peter C. Fay ................... ...... ...Gurnee, IL David R. Griffith .... ......... ...... Decatur, IL Charles S. Griffiths ......... ........ Roscoe, IL Dan E. Haas ....................... Galesburg, IL Bruce Hayner ..... ................. Deerfield, JL Scott Klemptner .......... Morton Grove, IL Gary J. Latronica ........... .Orland Park, IL Douglas MacBeth .............. Grayslake, IL Gregory L. Rhoads ............... Mattoon, IL Cory A. Sharar.. ......... .. ....... Plainfield, IL David Sutton ........ ....... Mc Leansboro, IL David Dodson .... ............. ...... Granger, IN Ronald D. Hensley .......... Fort Wayne, IN Robert Himmel .............Bloomington, IN John O. Jacox .......... ...... .Indianapolis, IN John Edward Lynch ............ Lafayette, IN Kenneth 1. McAtee II ........Evansville, IN Paul L. Moorman .. .......... Greensburg, IN Mark Outcalt ...... .......... .....Ft. Wayne, IN Bruce Scheffer. .......... ....... Valparaiso, IN David M. Sowder ... ............ Boonville, IN James O. Sutton ................. Columbus, IN Robert L. Van Hoosear ............... ............ . ......................................... Nobelsville, IN Philip Watson ................... Wheatland, IN Leigh Crotts ....................Dodge City, KS W. K. Gillmore ............... ...... Wichita, KS Lawrence Lambert, Jr. ....................... .... .. ..... ............................ .. ..... Greensburg, KS Bill Myers ..... ................. ......... Salina, KS Floyd M. Totten ...... ...... ..Coffeyville, KS Brian Von Bevern .......... ........ Olathe, KS Robert Randall Smith ............ Benton, LA Greg Kolligian ..... ............... Lincoln, MA Francis P. Garove .. ........ .. Baltimore, MD Edward H. Groom .......... Rising Sun, MD Albert G. Phillips ........... .... Croffton, MD William Woodman ........ Baltimaore, MD Joe Bowen .. ... .. .... .... ............ .Oxford, ME Arthur Partridge ....... ............... Sarco, ME Andrew Abbott ............ Traverse City, MI Earl Broihier ....... ........... .... St Joseph, MI Lynn Chamberlain ....... .Mt. Pleasant, MI Warren J. Craig ..................... Howell, MI Alan Cuthbert .................... Dowagiac, MI Mark Jacob .................. ... ...... Lansing, MJ
Barb Miller ... ............... ........ Gladwin, MI
James W. Sawyer ......... East Lansing, MI
Ben Slusher ................ ........... Durand, MI
Elmer C. Spencer. ...... ........ Scottville, MI
Richard Watz, Jr. ....... .... ...... Saginaw, MI
Dick E. Weir ........... Bloonfield Hills, MI
Garry G. Col benson .............. Blaine, MN
Clair Dahl... .......... Blooming Prairie, MN
Joseph E. Furman .. ....... Cold Spring, MN
James Hamilton .............. Ann Arbor, MN
William A. Mavencamp .......................... .
...... ......................... ...... .Maple Lake, MN
Gary A. Oliver ..... .............. .St. Paul, MN
David G. Paquette ...... ........ Luverne, MN
John K. Renwick .... .... .Minneapolis, MN
Thomas Schmelzer ....... .Lino Lakes, MN
David G. Stuart ....... ..... Minneapolis, MN
William D. Tischer ......... Shoreview, MN
Chris Bruck ..................... St. Peters, MO
Stephen M. Lawlor. ......... St. Joseph, MO
Vincent Lis ....... .... .... ......... St. Louis, MO
Heather Stepp ....... ...... ..... Sturdivant, MO
Jeffery L. Sullens ... ... .. .Kansas City, MO
Glen W. Travers ....... .. ........... .. ............. ....
....................... ........ Webster Groves, MO
Thomas K. Buchanan III .. ... ............ ...... .. .
........... ................... ............. Chariotte, NC
Ted H. Cannaday .. .............. ....Staley, NC
Chip Davis ............ ... ....... ......... Apex, NC
Charles H. Stites ............ Chapel Hill, NC
Rick Meryl Ennen ..... .... ....Menoken, ND
Sam Brown .... ..................... Bellevue, NE
Richard L. Watkins ....... ........ Omaha, NE
Doug A. Ferguson ......... Newmarket, NH
Donald Mains ............. West Ossipee, NH
Walter J. Weaver ... ..... .. ...New Egypt, NJ
Marvin L. Kaylor.. ...... ... .Los Lunas, NM
Bill M. Terrell... ...... ..... ...... Anthony, NM
Glenn Arrnstrong ............. Las Vegas, NY
Hal Fogg .................................. Utica, NY
William E. Larkworthy .... ... Merrick, NY
Frank Martucci ......... ......... Montauk, NY
Glenn R. Truesdell .................................. .
.. ....... ...................... ..... Ronkonkoma, NY
Johnny C. Burns ...................Batavia, OH
Duane R. Jones ......... Huber Heights, OH
Charles W. McNaught.. ..... Nashport, OH
B. David Petersen ............... Ashland, OH
Alan W. Sickinger. .................................. .
............................. New Philadelphia, OH
Douglas Smith ....... ......... .... Fairborn, OH
Brian Jay Todd ........ ....... ..Cleveland, OH
Darrell M. Todd ............... Zanesville, OH
Robert W. Colston ............ Piedmont, OK
Christian E. Buerk ........... .Sherwood, OR
Brent Burgess ............. .... .... .. Eugene, OR
Gene A. Baustian ....... Laurys Station, PA
Stephen M. Frye ..... ...........Charleroi, PA
-continued on page 28 VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Thomas R. Hall .... ...... .. ..... Ford City, PA
Don Kellner. ................. .. ... Sugarloaf, PA
Robert More ....................Bethlehem, PA
Harold Sugarman .......Nesquehoning, PA
Ba rry A. Triplett... ..................... Hope, RI
John D. Ellenberg ............. Greenville, SC
Lourie Salley .... ... ............. Lexington, SC
Alan Anderson ................. Lex ington, TN
Larry R. King .. .................. Knoxville, TN
Lynn Sky Larkin .... ... ........ Knoxville, TN
1. A. Rollow .......................... CJinton, TN
Kunio Suzuki .................. Shelbyville, TN
James W. Dougherty, Jr. ... Arlington, TX
Lt. Col. Dyrstad ............... Rosenberg, TX
Bill Gregg .............. .. ............Graham, TX
Todd E. Heffley .... ................ Rhome, TX
Dan R. King .............. .......... Portland, TX
John W. Newman, Jr ....... Fort Worth, TX
John W. Osborn .................. Kerrville, TX
Harold 1. Stieber ........... Brownwood, TX
Vernon J Waltman ................. Austin, TX
Pete King ........................ Annandale, V A
Earl Lyle ........................... Arlington, VA
Edward M . Mautner ...... Springfield, V A
Garrett P. Nievin ................ Ashburn, V A
Larry T. Omps ................ Winchester, VA
Claude Wheelbarger ....Waynesboro, VA
Jerald F. Wright ....... Virginia Beach, VA
lone E. Shallbetter-Stiles ... Guildhall, VT
Harvey Coburn ..................Olympia, W A
David Jewell ........ ............... Manson, W A
Lane E. Older ................ Bellingham, W A
Steven C. Smith ........... Des Moines, WA
Monty C. Stimrnel ............. Spokane, W A
Carl G. Tietz ........................ Renton, WA
Lawrence F. Wojdac ......... Richl and, WA
Jesse A. Bentley ................. Muskego, WI
Paul N . Farrell .......................... Viola, WI
Lowell Frank ..................... Okauchee, WI
C hristopher Gilbertson ........... Dodge, WI
Marlene F. Griffith .... .. .. .....Glendale, WI
Mike Jacobson ....... .......... ..Onalaska, WI
Ken Kannard ..... .......... ...... East Troy, WI
Thomas 1. Kelly ............... .Janesville, WI
Arden B . Krueger ................. Wausau, WI
Michael H. & Patricia Kuehnast.. ........... .
.................................Chippewa Falls, WI
Paul E. Kyle .................... ..... .Grafton, WI
Dennis Lange ................ Fond du Lac, WI
John 1. Mcqueeney ................................. ..
..... .................... ........ Chippewa Falls, WI
John K. Mullenmaster ....... Wautoma, WI
Robert E. Ostrowksk i ........... Rosho lt, WI
Paul Rankin ..........................Hudson, WI
Paul Riddle ................... Elkhart Lake, WI
Henry r. Sedin ............ Solon Springs, WI
Christopher 1. Spierings ........ Oregon, WI
Ronald Van Denboom ........................... ..
................... .. ................... Franksville, WI
Alan R. White ..................... Superior, WI
Fly- In Calendar The following list ofcoming events is furnished to our readers as a molter ofinformation only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction ofany event (fly in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to EAA, All: Golda Cox, Fo. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Information should be receivedfour months prior to the event date. SEPTEMBER 10012 -A TWA TER, CALIFORNIA Golden West EAA Fly-In at Castle Airport. Contact:
date 9/26) Info: Jamie Bamhardt 804/758-2753, on on the web at http://j7y. tp/wingsandwheels, E mail:wingsandwheels@hotmail. com
SEPTEMBER 11- OSCEOLA, WI - 19th Annual Wheels & Wings Fly-In. Antique car show, book sale, pancake breakfast. Info: 800/947-0581.
SEPTEMBER 15-16-ZANESVILLE, OH - John 's Landing. 8th annual Vintage Aircraft Chapter 22 of Ohio Fall Fly-In. Hog roast Sat., Breakfast and lunch both days. Info: Virginia, 740/453-6889 or call the airport at 740/455-9900.
SEPTEMBER 11-12 - MARION, OHIO - MERFI Mid-Eastern Regional Fly-In. Contact: Lou Linde man. 937/849-9455. SEPTEMBER 1I-11-EASTON, PA - EAA Chapter 70 FAA Safety Seminar. Annual Fall Fly-In. Fly Market, plaquesfor all aircraft. Info: 6i 0/588-0620. SEPTEMBER 11- MT. MORRIS, IL - Ogle County Airport (C55). Ogle Coullty Pilots Association and EAA Chapter 682 Fly-in Breakfast, 7a.m. - Noon. Info: Bill Sweet 815/734-4320 or the airport phone, 815/734-6/36.
SEPTEMBER 16 - GROVE CITY, PA - Grove City Airport (29D). EAA Chapter 161 Fly-In Breakfast/Lunch. Info: Ron Wagner 724/748-3200. OCTOBER 1-3 - HA YWARD, CA - West Coast Travel Air Reunion. Hosted by Antique aircraft collector Budfield. Private Museum tour, San Francisco Bay Area Tour. Memorabilia auction. good food and more. Contact Jerry Impellezzeri 408/356-3407 or Blld Field 925/455-2300.
SEPTEMBER 17-18 - BARTLESVILLE, OK - Frank Phillips Field. 42nd Annual Tulsa Regional Fly-In, sponsored by EAA Chapter 10, VAA Chapter 10, lA C Chapter 10, AAA Chapter 2, and the Green County Ultralight Flyers. All types ofaircraji and airplane enthusiasts are encouraged to attend. Ad mission is by donation . Info: Charles W. Harris, 918/622-8400.
OCTOBER 1-3 - DARLINGTON, SC - Fall Fly-In sponsored by Vintage Airplane Association Chap ter 3. Info: Call 910/ 947-1853 or FAX 757-873-3059.
SEPTEMBER 17-19 - LOUISE, TX - Flying VRanch (T26) 10th annual "Under the Wire "jly-in. Info: Robbie Vajdos. 409/648-2163
OCTOBER 9 - HAMPTON, NH - 9th Annual EAA Vintage Aircraft Assn. Chaper 15 Pumpkin Patch Pancake Breakfast Fly-In/Rafjle Drawing. Rain date 10th. Info: 603/539-7168.
SEPTEMBER 17-19 - JACKSONVILLE, IL - (lJX) 15th Annual Byron Smith Memorial Midwest Stinson Reunioll. info: Suzette Selig, 630/904-6964 SEPTEMBER 18 - COOPERSTOWN, NY - (NY54) EAA Chapter 1070 Pancake breakfast and old Aero plane Fly-In. 7al/l-noon. Info: 607/547-2526. SEPTEMBER 18-19- ROCK FALLS, IL - North Central EAA Old Fashioned Fly-In. Forums, work shops,jly-market. Camping and Air Rally. Info: 630/543-6743 or check our websiste at hllp://mem SEPTEMBER 15 - HANOVER, IN - Wood, Fabric and Tailwheels Fly-In. Contact Rich Davidson 812/866-5654. SEPTEMBER 15 - TOPPING, VA - Humm el Air Field. Wings & Wh eels '99, 9 a.m. -3 p.m.. (Rain
OCTOBER 6-10 - TULLAHOMA, TN - "Beech Party." Staggerwing, Twin Beech 18 and Beech owner/enthusiasts. Sponsored by the Staggerwing Beech Muselllll. Info: 9311455-1974.
OCTOBER 7-10 - MESA. AZ- Copperstate EAA Re gional Fly -In at Williams Gateway Airport . Contact: Bob Hasson, 302/770/6420. OCTOBER 8-10 - EVERGREEN, AL - 9th Annual South Ellst Regional EAA Fly-In (SERFI). Airshow. car show. ULiLightplane operations area. Fly Market, workshops, FAA Wings Program. Sat. evening awards banquet with gllest speaker. Camp ing on field. Info: 334/578-1707. OCTOBER 9-10 -FRANKLIN, VA - Franklin Air port. 29th Annual EAA Chapter 339 fly-in. For more information, contact Walt Ohlrich at 757/486 5192. OCTOBER 14-16 -ABILENE, TX - Southwest £AA Regional Fly-In, Abilene Regional Airport (ABI). rnfo: 1-800/727-7704.
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Clubhouse Jackets
High quality jackets feature two-button adjustable cuffs, elastic waist足 band, inside coat hook loop, inside pocket with velcro closure and more! Contrasting color trim pieces and adjustable lanyard cord on collar make this jacket very distinctive. Shell and lining are both 100% nylon. Natural/Navy Trim SM-XL V41250 $63.99 * V41254 $66.99 * 2X SM-XL V41250 $63.99* Navy/Forest Green Trim 2X V41254 $66.99 * Cotton Pique Golf Shirts
100% combed cotton . Knit collar and cuffs. Two-button placket. Drop-tail with side vents. White SM-XL V41294 $32.99 * 2X V41298 $34.99 * Khaki SM-XL V41299 $32.99 * 2X V41303 $34.99 * Navy SM-XL V41289 $32.99 * 2X V41293 $34.99 * Jacuard Golf Shirts
100% combed cotton. Knit collar and cuffs with beige trim. Five足
button placket. Drop tail with side vents.
Wine MD-XL V41281 $34.99 *
2X V41284 $37.99 * Navy MD-XL V41285 $34.99 * 2X V41288 $37.99 * Black MD-XL V41277 $34.99 * 2X V41280 $37.99 *
Membershi~ Services Directory_ VINTAGE
AIRCRAFT Enjoy the many benefits ofBAA and the ASSOCIATION BAA Vintage Aircraft Association
EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086
OFFICERS President Espie ·Butch· Joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro, NC 27425 910/393-0344 e~mail: windsock@aotcom
Vice·President George Daubner 2448 Lough Lane
Hartford, WI 53027
Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Leo, MN 56007 507/373-1674
Treasurer Charles W. Harris 7215 East 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74145 918/622-8400
DIRECTORS Robert C. ·Bob· Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60620 773/779-2105 e-mail: John Berendt
7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls, MN 55009 507/263-2414 John S. Copeland 1A Deacon Street Northborough, MA 01532 508/393-4775 e-mail: Phil Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 616/624-6490 Roger Gomoll 321-1/2 S. Broadway #3 Rochester. MN 55904 507288-2810 Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46278 317/293-4430 Jeannie Hill P.O. Box 328 Harvard, IL 60033 815/943-7205
steve Krog 1002 Heather Ln. Hartford, WI 53027 414/966-7627 a-mail: Robert Lickteig
1708 Boy Oaks Dr.
Albert Lea, MN 56007
507/373-2922 Robert D. ·Bob· Lumley 1265 Sourth 124th St, Brookfield, WI 53005 414/782-2633 &mail: Gene Morris 5936 Steve Court Roanoke, TX 76262 817/491-9110 e-mail: Dean Richardson 6701 Colony Dr. Madison, WI 53717 608/833- 1291 Geoff Robison
1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 219/493-4724 e-mail:
S,H, "Wes" Schmid
2359 Leleber Avenue
Wauwaioso, W153213
Gene Chase 2159 Carllon Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 920/231-5002
EAA and Division Membership Services
800-843-3612 .•.....• • .•.• FAX 920-426-6761 (8:00 AM -7:00 PM Monday - Friday CST) • New/renew memberships: EAA, Divisions (Vintage Aircraft Association, lAC, Warbirdsl. National Association of Fligh t Instructors (NAFI) • Address ch anges • Merch andise sales • Gift memberships
Programs and Activities EAAAirVen ture Fax-On-Demand D irectory " """,,,, , , , ,,,, , ,, , ,,, , ,,, 732-885-6711 Auto Fuel STCs , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 920-426-4843 Build / restore inform ation , , , , , , 920-426-4821 Chapter s: locating/ organizing " 920-426-4876 Edu cation" "" '" " """ " ,, 920-426-6815 • EAA Air Academy • EAA Scholarships • EAA Young Eagles Camps
P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180 815/923-4591 e-mail:
Alan Shackleton P.O. Box 656 Sugar Grove, IL 60554-0656 630/466-4193 103346.1772@compuser;
Flight Advisors information , , , , , 920-426-6522 Flight Instructor information, , , 920-426-6801 Flying Start Program ••••• • ••••• 920-426-6847 Librar y Services/Research , , , , , , 920-426-4848 M edical Questions, , , , , , , , , , , , , 920-426-4821 Technical Counselors, , . , , , , , , , 920-426-4821 Young Eagles . " " , . " " " . " ,, 920-426-4831 Benefits Aircraft Financing (Green Tree) ", 800-851-1367 AUA . , , , , , " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 800-727 -3823 AVEM CO " " " " " " """ ",800-638-8440 Term Life and Accidental "" ", 800-241-6103 Death Insuran ce (Harvey Watt & Company) Editorial Submitting article/photo; advertising infonnation 920-426-4825 ••••.•.••.•. • FAX 920-426-4828 EAAAviation Foundation Artifact Donations, , , , , , , , , , , , , 920-426-4877 Financial Support ", ". " " '" 800-236-1025
MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc, is $40 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION, Family membership is available for an addi tional $10 annually, Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually, All major credit cards accepted for membership, (Add $16 for Foreign Postage.)
VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Current EM members may join the Vintage Aircraft Associaton and receive VINTAGE AIRPLANE maga zine for an additional $27 per year, EM Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE mag-azine and one year membership in the EM Vintage Air craft Associat ion is avail able for $37 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included), (Add $7 for Foreign Postage,)
E.E. ·Buck · Hilbert
ADVISORS David Benne" 11741 Wolf Rd. Grass Valley, CA 95949 5301268-1585
Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax (920) 426-4873
Web Site: and E-Mail: Vintage
lAC Current EM members may join the International Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT AEROBATICS magazine for an additional $40 per year, EM Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS magazine and one year membership in the lAC Division is
available for $50 per year (SPORT AVIATION mag azine not included) , (Add $10 for Foreign Postage.)
WARBIRDS Current EM members may join the EM Warbirds of America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazine for an additional $35 per year, EM MemberShip, WARBIRDS magazine and one year membership in the Warbirds Di vision is available for $45 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included) , (Add $7 for Foreign Postage,)
Current EAA members may receive EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $20 per year, EM Membership and EM EXPERIMENTER mag az ine is available for $30 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not inciuded).(Add $8 for For eign Postage.)
FOREIGN MEMBERSHIPS Please submit your rem ittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars, Add requ ired Foreign Postage amount for each membership,
Membership dues to EAA and its divisions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.
Copyright © 1999 by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association
All rights reserved.
VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) IPM t482602 is published and owned exclusively by the EM Vintage Aircraft Associatioo of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000
Poberezny Rd., P.O. Box 3086, Ostlkosh, Wiscoosin 54903-3086. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additiooal mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes 10 EM Antique/Classic Divisioo, Inc.,
P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh. WI 54903-3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two monlhs for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surtace mail. ADVERTISING - Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee Of endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDrrORIAL POLICY: Readers are encouraged to submtt stories and photographs. Policy opinioos expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests enti,.1y with the contributor. No renumeratioo is made.Material shoukJ be sent to: Edttor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O. Box 3086, Ostlkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phooe 9201426-4800. The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, FOR THE LOVE OF FLYING and the logos of EAA, EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION, INTERNA TIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION, EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION and EAA AirVen!ure are trade marks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited.
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Web Goes
For the latest news and happenings on EAA's Vintage Aircraft, plug into
Something to buy, sell or trade? An inexpensive ad in the Vintage Trader may be just the answer to obtaining that elusive part..50¢ per word, $8.00 minimum charge. Send your ad and payment to: Vintage Trader, EAA Aviation Center, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, or Jax your ad and your credit card number to 920/426 4828. Ads must be received by the 20th oJthe monthJor insertion in the issue the second month Jollowing (e.g., October 20thJor the December issue.)
MISCElLANEOUS The site includesthe homepage for
EAA's largest Division,
the Vintage Aircraft Association.
Access it directly at Check out the most up-to-date Type Club list,Judging Guidelines, and a tribute to J04A volunteers, as well as plenty ofother information geared towards people who love the "Golden Age ofAviation."
BABBln BEARING SERVICE - rod bearings, main bearings, camshaft bearings, master rods, valves. Call us Toll Free 1/800/233-6934, e-mail Web site http://www. VINTAGE ENGINE MACHINE WORKS, N. 604 FREYA ST., SPOKANE, WA 99202. FREE CATALOG: Aviation books and videos. How to, building and restoration tips, historic, flying and entertain ment titles. Call for a free catalog. EM, 1-800-843-3612. Newsletters for Arctic/Interstate (6 Back issues!$9.00), Beaver/Otter (3/$5.00), Norseman (16/$21.00). $16.50/4 issues. Free sample: write, call, fax. ALL credit cards accepted. Dave Neumeister, Publisher, 5630 South Washington, Lansing, MI48911-4999. 800/594-4634,517/882-8433. Fax: 800/596-8341, 517/882-8341. BROWN BACK TIGERIAnzani 90hp, need info and spare parts for this 6 cylinder twin row radial. Ralph Graham, St. Paul, MN (651)452-3629, e-mail: Continental cylinders from annualed 0-99) 0-300. Complete w/pistons, pins, valves, springs, push rods and connect ing rods. Minus rockers. $275 per cylinder. BT-13, AT-6 wheels, tires, one hubcap. Original, never used. Fair condition. $750 pair. Javelin V-6 Ford engine package. Complete, all new, ready to assemble. McCauley prop, Rattray nosebowl, 2:1 PSRU, Griffin radiator. Call for detailed list. (207)563-1196 Maine.
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