Budd Davisson 17
1999 MONOCOUPE FLY-IN/ H. G. Frautschy
Executive Editor
COIl tributillg Editor
Art Director
Photography Staff
AdvertisillglEditorial Assistallt
Welcome to the year 2000! We're all being inundated by all the various media about the highlights of the past thou sand years and what we might expect to happen during the next century. While looking back and recalling the past, it became clear to me that the good friendships, relationships, activities, and adventures I've enjoyed have totally drowned out the not-so-pleasant memories. It always seems that be cause of the good people I have known, whatever bad times I have had were short-lived because of their help. I have had relationships go sour, but the new relationships are much stronger because I had learned what I did wrong in the past. I'll bet you've had the same experience. I have had some very good friends "go west," but I still en joy their friendship. All I have to do is recall the times I spent with them whenever I want, and feel their friendship still with me. It's also great that as time goes on, I continue to meet and gain new friends both in and outside of aviation. You can never have too many friends! There are activities I have enjoyed that will, for whatever reason, never be repeated, but there will be new adventures better suited for today's environment, all of them waiting for us in the new century. Now, the adventure part is not so easy to put your finger on. This is the stuff that is purely an indi vidual sport; there are really no rules that I have ever found. The adventure is the thing that keeps you young, and puts that gleam in your eye. It gives you that smirky smile when your friends ask and you can't tell them about the deed. It's the stuff that keeps you enthusiastic, and I will wager you that when you see some of the older pilots walking the air plane rows at a fly-in, they have some adventures that they can not tell you about, but would really like to do so. I look forward to all of these things in this new century, especially the adventure parts. Everyone loves Indiana Jones, right? The secret is when you climb out on that limb, just don't be too far above the ground! On page four of this issue of Vintage Airplane, please take a moment and read about the passing of Bob Lickteig. Bob will be greatly missed by the Vintage Aircraft Association and the EAA; he was a driving force as a director and was able to make ideas become reality. I personally will miss his friend ship and guidance, as we talked to each other once or twice a week for many years. I always valued his opinion. Bob was the president of the then Antique/Classic Division prior to my election in 1988, and he passed along a healthy, growing organization when he handed the baton my way. I'll always be grateful. As to the state of the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association,
Inc. I'm pleased to report we are doing well. Our bank ac count is in the black; membership is holding steady, and your publication Vintage Airplane continues to improve un der the guidance of H.G. Frautschy, your editor. All of that said, it doesn't mean we're going to sit on our empennages and enjoy the view! We can all add to our con tinued success. Vintage Airplane is a member-supported magazine. Sure, it's great that we have the EAA Headquarters staff to lean on for certain things, but they can't do it all. Since this is a members-for-members association, I'd really like to see more member input into the magazine, particu larly when it comes to technical articles. Send them to H.G. and he'll get in contact with you to get your ideas in print. We'd also like to see the membership ranks continue to grow as more and more folks see how enjoyable vintage avia tion can be. Some time in the next 12 months, please talk one person and invite them to join the Vintage Airplane As sociation as a member. All of us need to do this so the Association can continue to be strong and growing. I'll keep you up to date on how the membership as a group is doing by publishing a short report each quarter. The first one will be in the April issue of Vintage Airplane. Asking each of us to bring new member into the fold is a very simple ap proach and will not require a great deal of effort by anyone. Flip over your VAA membership card. All of the information you'll need to tell someone how to join up is on the backside of that card. Don't have a card like that yet? Then call EAA Membership Services at 800-843-3612 in Oshkosh, WI. They'll be sure and get one in the mail to you if you're a cur rent member or are renewing your membership. Winter's in full swing now. I know it's cold out there, but please take moment to check your hangar's structure. Each year we have a number of planes damaged by an old struc ture giving away and falling on a beautiful airplane. Can you imagine how that would break your heart? Don't let it hap pen to you! I've been talking about putting a new instrument panel in the Luscombe, but the weather has been too good for flying here. Not any more - even here in the South the weather can be pretty poor in the winter. It's time to get the drill out and start working. I guess a new windshield and interior would be a good idea, along with the panel. Hmm, how about the side windows and the ?? Well, you know how it goes! I've start ing to work on the airplane and I can't stop! Sound familiar? We're just starting on a new Century. Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation. Remember we are ..... better together. Join us and have it all! VINTAGE AIRPLANE
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Gene has often been involved in the building of a number of EAA aircraft. Here he's work足 ing of the aileron of EAA's Travel Air E-4000, which is now one of the airplanes flown at EAA's Pioneer Airport. Gene worked on the Travel Air with a number of other EAA staff members and volunteers, including his good friend, the late Jim Barton.
For fifteen years Gene gave introductory flights to students at EAA's Air Academy.
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compiled by H.G. Frautschy
Vintage Aircraft Association Director Robert j. "Dobby" Lickteig of Albert Lea, Minnesota passed away De cember 13, 1999 after a brief illness. Dobby was a native of Minnesota, and had his first airplane ride at the age of 13 in a Velie Monocoupe. He soloed in a J-2 Cub at the age of 16 while working at the local airport for flying time, and had been flying ever since then. After completing college in Minnesota, he entered Air Force pilot training and graduated in Class 42]. He was assigned to a new P-47
T HE C OVERS FRONT COVER ... Piper's savior air plane when it was on the verge of going under after the personal airplane market coll apsed in 194 7, the PA-15/17 Vagabond was no frills, but it continues to be a favorite "Short Wing Piper." Gale Perkins brought home the Reserve Grand Champ ion Class ic award from EAA AirVentu re '99 with this example. EM photo by Mark Schaible, shot with a Canon EOS1 n equipped with an 80-220 mm lens on 1OOASA Fuji Provia slide film. EM Cessna 210 photo plane flown by Bruce Moore. BACK COVER ... "German Air Ser vice " is the title of this watercolor by EAA Master Artist Bill Marsalko, 3717 Addington Ct. , Fairview Park , Ohio 44126. Bill has a pair of limited edition prints for sale , done in the same style. The fi rst depicts Eddie Rickenbacker's Spad in action , and the other shows a Siemens Schukert 0111 in combat. Sized at 16x20", they are priced at $25, $50 if you wish to have Bill sign and number the print. Bill also offers his originals for sale at prices ranging from $500 to $3,500. For information on the various details in "German Air Service," please see the key on the oppOSite page. 4 JANUARY 2000
fighter group, and his 2-1/2 year combat tour of duty during WW-JI was spent in the European Theater of Operations. Dobby owned a varied co ll ection of aircraft, including a Stinson V77, Stearman, L-2M, Aztec, Citabria, BT-13A and AT-6G. In 1985 he completed the restoration of a KR 21 Kinner-powered biplane and donated it to the EAA Aviation Mu seum . It can currently be seen on display at the Heritage Halls museum in Owatonna, Minnesota where it currently on loan. His airplanes were frequent visitors to all upper Midwest fly-ins. He had been active in EAA An tique/Classic and Warbird activities since the EAA Convention was moved to Oshkosh. Dobby served the membership as Vice-President of the Division in 1984 and then Presi dent from 1984 until mid-1988. He also served on the Board of Directors from 1990 until his death. VAA Directors and advisors come from all walks of life. A few are pro fessional pilots, but most are from the broad spectrum of everyday life. Man ufacturing, engineering, computer programming, and businessmen all are represented, linked by the com mon bond of aviation. Dobby brought a successful businessman's acumen to our table, and shared his expertise and enthusiasm unselfishly. We'll certainly miss him!
EAA ADULT AIR ACADEMY Time's running out to register for t h e first session of t h e Wright School of Building and Restora tion. Six separate sessions, two each in t h e winter, spring and fa ll, will present an overview of necessary building and restoration techniques or emphasize the construction of a specific model of aircraft. Winter ses sions are Feb. 7-11 (b as ic ski ll s of aircraft building and restoration) and Feb. 14-18 (building the RV series air craft). Spring sessions are May 8-12 (basic skills) and May 15-19 (kit air craft to be determined). Fall sessions are Nov. 6-10 (basic skills) and Nov. 13-17 (to be determined kit aircraft).
Rates vary according to the pro gram. Accommodations for all Air Academy programs are available in the new Air Academy Lodge, a spe cia lly built facility that provides Air Academy groups the opportunity to share time together in an aviation at mosphere on the EAA grounds. For more information or registra tion materials for the Foundation's education programs, call toll free 888-EAA-EAA9 (888-322-3229) or 920-426-6815. or contact EAA's World Wide Web site at www. eaa.arg. You may also e-mail the Education Office directly at educatian@eaa.arg. Don't delay!
SPORTAIR WORKSHOPS OFHCIALLY JOIN THE EAAFAMILY EAA has added another tool to its sources of information and hands on education for homebuilders SportAir Workshops. EAA has co sponsored the Alexander SportAir sessions that have been held around the nation since 1993, and it offi cially brought them under the EAA banner in January. Popular with EAA members and other aviation enthusiasts, at one and two-day weekend sessions experi enced instructors teach homebuilding skills to people building or restoring their own aircraft, or planning to do so. Topics taught include Introduc tion to Aircraft Building; Basic Fabric Covering; Com posite Construction; Basic Sheet Metal Construction; and Electrical Wiring and Avionics . All sessions include extensive "hands on" experiences that enhance an individual's confidence to begin or complete their pro ject. EAA SportAir Workshops also in clude three-day kit-specific sessions for several of t h e most freq uently built models, and a one-day Intro ductory Aircraft Building Workshop and an Owner's Maintenance course. The latter course offers aircraft own ers of all types-homebuilt or production models-training on basic maintenance procedures that aircraft owners can perform themselves. The
hands-on session includes safety wiring, maintenance items such as spark plugs, filters and tires, as well as proper pre-flight techniques. Participants in this year's sessions will see a lot of continuity with the well-respected Workshops. SportAir creator Ron Alexander will continue his leadership in the Workshops. He will oversee course development and instructor selection and training. In addition, Poly-Fiber Aircraft Coat ings and Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company will continue their sup port of EAA's educational mission. In all, 24 EAA SportAir Workshops are scheduled at locations around the nation during 2000, starting with session in Oshkosh on January 22 23. Other locations scheduled for this year include Arlington, Wash ington; Corona, California; Greensboro, North Carolina; Shawnee, Oklahoma; Columbus, Ohio; Lansing, Michigan; Griffin, Georgia; and Lakeland, Florida. The EAA SportAir Workshops will continue to use existing facilities around the nation, including Alexander's new facility in Griffin, Georgia. In addition, the weekend series will complement the improve ments planned for Workshops at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, the Sun In Fun EAA Fly-in, and the Northwest Regional Fly-in at Arlington, Wash ington. Alexander will administrate the sessions for 2000. For more in formation or to register for any EAA SportAir Workshop, call 800/967 5746 or visit the SportAir website at www.sportair.com.
TYPE CLUB WEB SITES If it's January, it must be time for
our annual Type Club List! Starting on page 21, you'll find all just about every type of airplane has a special group who want to "Keep 'em Fly ing." As the age of the computer continues to reach us in all sorts of ways, we've added listings for E-mail and Web Site addresses. As of the end of 1999, about a third of all the Type Clubs have some form of elec
tronic information available, and the number is increasing each month. We're doing it too, at www.vin tageaircraft.org. Drop in and read about Type Clubs, and peruse the same list you see here, updated on a regular basis all year long. While you're there, you'll notice that our Type Club list contains Hyperlinks to each of the Type Clubs who have web sites, making it easy for you to find out more about your favorite airplane . Check it out at www.vintageair craft.org, or start your EAA web site visit by exploring at www.eaa.org.
The recurring annual cost and paperwork of registering collector aircraft in Minnesota will disap pear for many owners under a new Law passed by the Legislature and becomes effective August I, 1999. The new law replaces the "Pio neer" classification which was only for aircraft manufactured through December 31,1939 with two new categories: "Antique" and "Classic". Antique covers aircraft manufac tured prior to December 31,1945 and Classic applies to aircraft manu factured after December 31, 1945 and are at least 50 years old at the time of registration. If registered un der either of these categories and the owner operates the aircraft as a col lector's item, the owner only need to complete an application and pay the one time fee of $25.00. According to the Department of Transportation this will be effective only for aircraft after August I, 1999. The Department is also beginning the design and procurement of spe cial decals for these new categories. This expanded recognition of collector aircraft was initiated by Ken Hengler of Hanover and Tom Render of Eden Prairie, both collec tors of antique aircraft and guided through the Legislature by State Senator Gen. Olson (R Minnestria).
BACK COVER PAINTING KEY 1. Albatros flown by Werner Voss of Jagdstaffel 5. 2. Jasta 18, flown by StaffelfOhrer Raden , GuntherVon Buren and Ltn. KOstner. 3. Obit. Kurt Student-JagstaffeI9. 4. Manfred Von Richthofen. 5. Medal: Knight 1st class with swords of the Albert order. 6. The Knights cross of the military Max Joseph order. 7. lVG C.V. reconnaissance aircraft. 8. Pfalz DXII-Jasta 35b.
Our congratulations to the 1999 "Win Me" Luscombe winner, Keith Smith of Minnesota. Sponsored by the Luscombe Foundation as a fundraiser to support the Founda tion's non-profit programs, including the development of a Lus combe museum and preservation of Luscombe historical information, the annual airplane raffle has be come quite popular. All of the 2,800 tickets available were sold, and Keith bought only three of them to win his airplane, which was awarded at the Copperstate EAA Regional Fly-In held in Chandler, Arizona. You can lend your support to the Luscombe Foundation by purchas ing a chance to win a Luscombe in 2000. Tickets for the Millennium Luscombe drawing are now available by calling 480/917-0969. Again, only 2,800 tickets will be sold, $40 each or three for $100. Donations are tax deductible. Visit their web site at www.luscombe.org and E Mail at: silvaire@luscombe.org ~ VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Flying Fingerlings and Aerial Lumber Yards
n subsequent years, Cranberry Lake in the upper Adirondacks became our spring and fall base of operations, continuing 'till the late season iced over ponds would force us to quit. While at Cranberry we operated from behind Given's Grocery Store at Cranberry Village, tying up alongside a long, quite of ten awash, low floating dock used by lakeside camp owners who came by small boats from down the lake to the village for supplies. Many a fall morning, Barb and I would come down from our room ing house quarters to the airplane only to find it covered with several inches of new wet snow. To make her flyable , one of us would perch on the upper wing center section throwing buckets of warmer lake wa ter onto the wings to slosh the snow off. And sometimes on a cold morn ing, the start air storage tank would be depleted while trying to get the Continental running. When this happened, we'd have to paddle her
to a nearby sandy, snowy beach, nose her in, and then swing the pro peller by hand, while standing with rubber boots in several inches of chilly water. Following a cold morning liftoff in quick freezing spray, only by greatly exaggerated actuation of the stick and rudder could the freedom of vital flight controls and water rudders be assured, with the plane's resultant aimless gyrations remind ful of a wounded duck flopping through the sky. During the fall season while work ing at Cranberry, we contracted with the State of New York to plant fin gerling trout in several backwoods ponds. We rendezvoused with an aerated state tank truck at the settle ment of Stillwater on Beaver River Flow where the baby fish were trans ferred into ten-gallon milk pails which were lashed to wooden racks bolted to the Waco's float support struts. As the day wore on, the loads were gradually increased and by
mid-afternoon we were carrying four ten-gallon cans on each of the float racks, and two in the front cockpit. When she was pushed off the beach and taxied out in the lake for take off, the back third of the floats would be awash by several inches. Yes, she was overloaded, but the Waco's per formance appeared to suffer little . However, during approach, unless considerable power was used to maintain an acceptable sink, she didn't glide in for landing at our des tination pond, she kind of fell in. I flew these planting flights alone, stopping the engine after landing so I could get down to the floats to un cover, then dump the cans one at a time. It was late afternoon when the last load had been flown and I re turned for Barb. Now lightly loaded, we took off and banked low and headed north across the hills for Cranberry. Low clouds had been forming since noontime, gradually obscuring the November sky, and they were now gray and cold and
by Holland "Dutch" Redfield 6 JANUARY 2000
spitting light snow. The route home would have to be from lake to lake using the large-scale topographical charts and I steered without the ben efit of familiar streambeds like those I knew so well in the lower Adiron dacks. The fall light was fading fast and the heavying snowfall was fast reducing visibility to little better than straight down. In the drafty cockpits we were cold and shivering in our wet clothes and wet boots. We passed low over Witchopple Lake where I had planted some fish earlier and as it slid beneath, I saw friendly smoke drifting from the stone chimney of the hunting lodge located there. I quickly banked and circled back, and hunters in red plaid shirts waved to us through the dusk and now steadily falling snow. It didn't take long to make a decision as the wings were brought level and the end of the long, narrow lake we had just passed over could barely be seen ahead through the snow. A short glide and we were down. We tied the seaplane to a tiny ca noe dock, covered the engine and the cockpits, then trudged up a short trail through the woods to the lodge where hot coffee and a crackling fire soon warmed us. We were now warm and secure and the seaplane was in a safe protected spot. Some while later when the hearth fire was getting low, Barb and I were shown to a bunk shack situated near the main building. Heavy, warm blankets covered our assigned bunks . Barb first crawled into his and fully clothed he quickly covered up with chattering teeth. I, too, then kicked off my boots and made a running dive over the end of my bunk where to my great surprise I landed with a crash. Barb, although snug, hadn't in formed me that there were no mattresses and that the blanketed boards were only there to keep a person in a sleeping bag off the cold floor. The next day was nice and we flew home to Cranberry in the sun shine, but with me nursing a bruised shoulder.
Some day perhaps, I will understand why nurses and aviators are attracted to each other. An awful lot of them are. Deep in the Adirondacks near Cranberry a hillbilly named Rudy had camped for many years. Every few weeks he would visit the village for supplies, rowing his leaking boat six miles up the lake from where the trail ended on the far south shore. The Waco was tied alongside Given's dock one day as Rudy was getting out of his tippy boat along side the half sunken, slippery dock. He hobbled over to our seaplane, his long whiskers dripping tobacco juice on his boots and pants, and a large chaw bulged his cheek beneath his matted, stringy hair and small round metal framed spectacles. Despite the beard and exterior ap pearance, Rudy seemed an educated man and he spoke well. Perhaps he hibernated in the solitude of the woods to get away from it all. Rudy asked me if we might be able to help him. He explained that his tent badly needed some new flooring, and because the woods were so wet and soggy from recent rains, he had been unable to get to his campsite with a team and wagon. Rudy in quired if we could possibly deliver
some lumber to him with the sea plane, leaving it on the shore of a nearby pond. I leaned into the cockpit and pulled out the large-scale topograph ical chart that showed the Cranberry area of the Adirondacks in the small est detail. Careful measurement showed the pond to be too small and I believed the matter dismissed, but Rudy bit off a new chaw and asked, "Well, why don't you drop the boards in to me?" Initial con templation showed this to be a somewhat ridiculous suggestion, un til at Barb's suggestion he and I put our heads together to talk things over. It was Barb's proposal that we could easily make up some bundles of about a dozen boards each, to be held together with bailing wire. With a bundle lashed to the deck of each float, we could complete the job with only a couple of flights down over Rudy's camp, dropping two on each trip. Arrangements were made to complete the task a few days hence. Rudy's tent was deep in the woods among dense and high trees. So we could locate his campsite, it had been previously agreed that he was to climb a nearby tree and tie a white flag to the top. With two of Rudy's bundles lashed to the floats, we took off, flew south, and after much searching fi nally located our prearranged target. As we circled to keep the tiny white marker in Sight, Barb eased himself out of the forward cockpit and out onto the lower wing walk. He then very carefully lowered himself over the lower wing leading edge, an inch at a time, until he was standing on the deck of the left float. In the meantime, I had begun a long, slow approach toward Rudy's campsite. As we got closer, and lower, Barb loosened the lashings, then upon a prearranged signal the boards were released and Barb pushed the bundle free with his foot. The first load plunged toward the forest far below, tumbling over and over. As I gently banked the Waco for another pass, Barb clambered back up to the lower VINTAGE AIRPLANE 7
wing, into the cockpit, and now fu ll of confidence, out the other side and down onto the deck of the other float where our lumber dropp ing procedure was repeated. Another trip back to Cranberry for a second load and we were done. On our way home, there was much shouting and laughing between cockpits. I must say now that during this process there were plenty of things for Barb to hang onto : struts, wing and float brace wires, etc., and once down th ere, the floats did provide a wide, stable platform upon which to stand, even in the strong propeller stream. But, would I do it? "NO!"
On Rudy's next journey to Cran berry Village, we were paid with soggy bills and also complimented on our bombing accuracy. It was ex plained that even though each of the bundles had burst on impact, and one had landed butt end first on a large stump, only one of the boards was unusable, and for this he was most pleased. But he also told us , when he had first seen us circling, in order for him to be certain where the tumbling boards were landing, he had positioned himself very close to the targeted tree, but then soon found h imself dashing about t h e woods in all directions as he fra n ti cally en deavored to stay out fro m under the plummeting lumberyard. Thus far in this narration nothing h as been said about any possible ro mance, bu t one b egan to blosso m a b o ut th e tim e we brou ght th e Waco F-2 bac k from Bu ffa lo. My love was Peggy Barkley, a stud ent nurse in training at the University of Syracuse. Onjul y 2, 1937, we elo ped and we re m a rri ed . At thi s w ritin g 44 yea r s late r, we hav e tw o son s, a wo nd erful d aughter-in-l aw a nd a beautiful granddaughter to show for a great marriage. It mu st be said, however, that al though the justice of the Peace, Guy Pickering, across the state line in Grea t Bend , Penns ylvania, pro n o unced u s man and wife on the 8 JANUARY 2000
second of july-it really wasn 't until two days later on july 4th, when I was busy hopping passengers at Owasco Lake, that it all suddenly sank in. The seaplane, with me at the con trols, was on a right descending turn toward the lake and passing low over the roller-coaster at an amusement park near where we were flying , when my mind suddenly ceased working as a total realization of my very recent marriage dawned on me "My God, what have I done?" As I contemplated the enormity of it all, the Waco continued its de scent, its pilot now an unseeing zombie, and we hit the water, and bounced in a cloud of spray, and bounced again. Finally, we were down and I had done nothing to as sist. The seaplane dropped off the steps and for several minutes wan dered aimless ly over the lake's surface as the prop slowly ticked over and over, and Barb on shore wondered what was going on. Then suddenly I came to, shook myself, smiled at my puzzled passengers, swung her around and taxied for shore. Some day, perhaps, I will under stand wh y nurses and aviators are attracted to each other. An awful lot of them are. Mu c h as I loved fl y ing in t h e Ad iro nd acks, our business in t hi s lovely area, even during the summer season , was ju st t oo slim . Besides th is, in order for us to do any busi n ess, it was n ecess ar y t o d o considerable non-revenue flying be tween mountain lakes looking for it. What I looked for was a new base of operations wh ere people would co m e to m e, a base wh ere th e air plane would only be flown when it was producing revenue. The colorful villa ge of Al exandria Bay, situated amidst the magnificent Thousand Is land s on th e St. La wr enc e Ri ve r, seem ed an ideal spot. We operated just the F-2 there during the summer of 1937, giving up our operations in the Adirondacks except for the still lucrative fall hunting season. But fly
ing a seaplane from the St. Lawrence quickly revealed itself as far more dif ficult than I had anticipated. Dozens and dozens of large 100-passenger tour boats cruising between the 1900 closely packed islands, plus th e countless boats of the island resi dents themselves , and large ocean-going tankers and freighters, resulted in heavy and very congested conditions, as well as a troublesome, seldom-abating surface dead swell which caused me many delays, air frame punishing takeoffs and landings, and severe problems from the boat swells when lying dockside. The business potential proved ex cellent, but I was very discouraged and frustrated with the conditions under which I was forced to operate. Gradually, however, I became more and more familiar with, and able to recognize from the air, the many tour boats operating from Alexan dria Bay, as well as the boats of the Islanders, where on the riverfront they were normally apt to go, and where they were most apt to be com ing from . I memorized the tour boat schedules, and those that threw large wakes and those that did not. Most of the landing approaches to the river on busy days were from a 270 degree descending pattern started from directly overh ead my plan ned, but ever changing, touch down area, th is permitting a view of the river th roughout the approach . From above, it seemed a turmoil of cri ssc rossi n g b oa t s a nd co n fuse d crisscrossing wa kes, but by studying th e boa ts and their wave patterns, r was almos t always able at th e last minute to pre-select a comparatively smooth spot for touchdown and still close to our dock. As we n ea red th e surface, I would loosen my seat belt and stand on the rudder pedals with h ead and shoulders high above the small windshield, this so in the last few seconds of the approach I could see ove r th e airpl an e's lon g n ose . Hundreds of touchdowns were made in this manner. When it was n ecessary to bas h through big waves, the softe st pene trati on would result with th e fl oat
bows high, just before going onto, or just after coming off the planing steps. And the retreating sides of wakes undulating across the river's surface in the same direction as a takeoff or landing run would pro duce a softer impact than crashing into a wake's advancing edges. Prob ably the softest ride of all would result when taking off or landing parallel to the swells. But on takeoff the rhythmic wing rocking that re sulted greatly interfered with essential smooth air flows over the lifting airfoils which was certain to produce a much longer takeoff run. In the case of landings, however, it made little difference as the quicker lift was lost, the better. The summer tourist was the prin cipal source of income for the natives of Alexandria Bay. The ex cursion boat tours in this magnificent area were, and continue to be, a big business, and there was considerable local concern that my scenic seaplane flights over the Is lands might cut into the business of the tour boats. This was made clear to me in various ways on several oc casions. But I tried to be a good neighbor, and as it turned out we were not hurting anyone's business at all. On the contrary, it was soon agreed we were probably actually helping everyone's business in the form of another village attraction. Over the ensuing years, I made many good and lasting friends at the 1000 Islands. The tour boat captains, as they became aware of my operat ing problems, did much to help me by keeping an eye out and not cut ting in front of me, turning so as to parallel my runs for better wave pat terns, and not objecting when I landed close alongSide. Often I would receive a friendly horn blast, when under tight conditions it would be necessary to make a low flat skidding turn, plunking down right in front of their bow. In the late fall the F-2 was rein stalled on her landing gear. We hauled her out of the water along side a tiny grass field bordering the
west shore of Onondaga Lake and then hoisted her up on a chain fall rigged between two trees. The bolts were knocked in place and soon she was sitting on her landing gear and tail wheel. A very short run across the postage stamp field and she was airborne with her still spinning wheels skimming the lake, then an other few minutes and she was back under a hangar roof for the first time in many months.
The tour boat captains, as they became aware
of my operating problems, did much to help me by keeping an eye out and not cuffing in front of me. During the ensuing winter I did some heavy thinking about the 1,000 Islands operation. Very often on busy days we lost an awful lot of business because I was able to carry but two passengers at a time, and prospective Sightseers, facing a long wait for a flight, would just walk away. Also, the seaplane operating season was only, at best, about six months long; the rest of the year the airplane was not very productive. If I had a seaplane that could carry four passengers, and an airplane that could also be operated in the south over the winter months, a far better operation would certainly result. But, besides this, I now had the up coming responsibilities of a father -to-be. The only four-place airplane that even came close to my performance and capacity requirements was the Waco cabin biplane. I was fortunate to find one, a Standard Model, YKS 7. It was only a year old and it was mine for $3,000. I was able to locate
a set of used floats for $1,100. But now, the F-2 had to be sold and on a cold blue skied February day I flew her south across the snow covered hills, delivering her to her new owner in Philadelphia. Al though very proud of the new Waco cabin, and full of hope for the suc cess of a new type of operation, I was also torn and hated myself for now turning my back on this lovely, lovely airplane that I loved so much and that had served me so well. As the hills and valleys passed below, I was tempted several times to turn back with her and I winced. Tears of frustration came, and I was angry at the way I was coping with a situa tion of my own doing. The air was smooth and stable and the Continental's song was crisp and sweet in the cold winter air. I wouldn't let myself toss her around and play with her a bit because she knew where to nip me and tease for more . So I let her doze and hoped she wouldn't realize where I was taking her. This beautiful thing. With my lap belt tight, I was joined to her and I was part of her. With the gentle pressures of her con trols she allowed me to feel her, and feel her element, the sky. And when I responded to her pressures with guiding pressures for her to feel, we were one, and totally dependent upon each other. She was vibrant and quick to sense my moods, perhaps reflected back to me in joyful, frivolous flight, or, at times there were worrisome, distracted flight where her plaCid na ture would do most of the work for me, times when I had many other things on my mind. Sometimes she was kittenish and without much teasing could be coaxed to stand on her tail, or do a back flip, or even roll over. When I left her at Philadelphia I believe she thought I'd be back. I didn't go back to pat her. Maybe someday I'll find her again and I am certain we'll know each other. Continued Next Month in Vin
tage Airplane.
Curtiss "Oriole"
by H.G. Frautschy Pete Bowers Collection
Many of you wrote in to iden tify the October Mystery Plane. Pete Bowers, Seattle, WA sent in a nice collection of photos, and this response: "The October Mystery Plane is the 1919 Curtiss "Oriole" an optimistic effort by the giant Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor Co. to provide a new post WW-J design for the commercial mar ket. Unfortunately, it faced an unpleasant fact of life. Competition from cheap war-surplus models like Curtiss' own IN-4D Jenny and the Standard J-1, many of which Cur tiss had bought from the government for refurbishment and resale. "Structurally, the Oriole was a step ahead of the Jenny in that it was a three-seater with a lami nated wood semi-monocoque fuselage. The wing was essentially shortened Jenny, and the engine was the same 90 hp Curtiss OX-5, a water-cooled V-So "The Oriole was initially priced at $9,S50 but with refurbished Jennies being sold by Curtiss for $2,000, the price of the Oriole was slashed to $3,000. A further blow came when the government began selling war surplus directly to the public instead of to manufacturers for refurb ish ment and resale. "Curtiss then aimed for a higher market. It put the new 160 hp Cur tiss C-6 engine, an in-line six, into a larger and heavier Oriole with a 10 JANUARY 2000
four-foot greater wingspan. The longer wings and canted inboard struts were normally a recognition feature of the C-6 Oriole, but some "Short Wing Ori oles" were retrofitted with the C-6 engine. "The improved perfornwnce didn 't help sales, and Curtiss soon ended Ori ole production. Undelivered airplanes were dismantled and stored. Supris ingly, some of these were sold to other
manufacturers and 1924 and 1925, one of whom used the wings on a new steel tube fuselage while another fitted new wings to the Oriole fuselage. " Larry Beidleman of Granada Hills, California wrote: " ... As you commented, the Oriole fuselage was constructed of molded plywood providing a very strong, streamlined shape. "While today we imagine racing
January Mystery Plane, .
Pete Bowers sent in this month's Mystery Plane, a handsome biplane from the 1920s. We've not touched the photograph, so any markings are still visible. Send your answers to: EAA, Vintage Airplane, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Your answers need to be in no later than February 25,2000 for inclusion in the April issue of Vintage Airplane. You can also send your response via e-mail. Send your answer to vin tage@eaa.org Be sure to include both your name and address in the body of your not e, and put "(Month) Mystery Plane" in the subject line.
(TOP) The improved Oriole with longer wings and 160 hp Curtiss C-6 engine. Note the canted inboard struts, rounded wingtips, and larger rudder. (RIGHn A close-up of the 160 hp Curtiss C-6 engine installation in an Oriole, the 1918 150 hp K-6 model. Note the unique vertical radiator used by both the OX-5 and C-6 versions of the Oriole.
planes as sleek, low wing monoplanes, the Curtiss Orioles were popular in their day as racers. One Oriole, fitted with a set of wings with the lower span shorter than the top, and braced with struts instead of wires, set several speed records in the 1920s."
Retired American Airlines pilot John Kidd of Garden Grove, California recalled a personal encounter with an Oriole:
Wing Span
36 ft.
25 ft.
26 ft, 1 In.
"In the early 1920s a barnstormer brought a Curtiss Oriole in my home town, Bristow, Oklahoma. I was 10 years old, and lived a couple of blocks from the cotton field where many barnstormers found profits. "l was lucky to be so close; I was the
Wing Area
326 sq. ft.
399 sq. ft.
-conitnued on page 26
Empty Weight 1,4281bs
1,732 Ibs
Gross Weight
High Speed
86.3 mph
97 mph
Cru ise Speed
69 mph
by E.E. "Buck" Hilbert EAA #21 VAA #5 P.O. Box 424, Union, IL 60180
H.G., your friendly editor, came down last weekend to immerse him self in airplanes. One of the "BIG" disadvantages he has as your editor is that he is so far into Vintage Air plane, he's out of it! Now that may seem like a foolish statement, but in reality, he very sel dom gets a chance to just fly for fun. Once in a while this leads to his showing up at my hangar door for an afternoon of revitalization . This was one of those times. H.G. is going for his Commercial, Instrument, and maybe his Instruc tor's ratings. I have the airplanes, and an old simulator, so he's gravi tated to the "Funny Farm" strip to sharpen up for the flight test. Preflighting the Cessna, he found my spoiler installation of sufficient interest to ask me to do an article on them, so here it is. Here at the "Funny Farm Airfield" we have some pretty strong south westerly winds. I was watching the airplanes bucking their tiedowns one afternoon in 30 plus gusts, and I de cided there must be a way to minimize this, so out to the Aero Shop and here are the results in words and pictures: I found two eight-foot lengths of 1 x 3" furring strips, whacked them in half and made a "T." Next came attachments of one-inch aluminum bar stock formed in the shape of the leading edge. I screwed them to the "T, " and padded them with some hi density foam, and put some padding on the bottom of the "T" as well. On the backside of the "T" I made a couple of loops to hook on some 12 JANUARY 2000
cheapie bungee cords. Now to prove my theory, I went out and installed them on the air plane. I slipped them over the leading edge, pulled the bungees back to the trailing edge, stood back and 10 and behold, they WORKED! The bucking all but stopped. They are now standard equipment on several of the airplanes parked out side here at the "Funny Farm Airfield." Take a look at the pic tures and if you want to reprod uce t h em, got to it. The who le shebang came to about $20, and that sure is minima l when you 're protecting an airplane investment. Oh yeah, I painted them with leftovers that were just laying around. Another neat little "field" expedient: for a pilot cover, a plastic film cartridge can worked out just fine . So well, in fact, that it's now standard equipment in the tiedown kit. You may want to add a length of red ribbon to it (just put the tail in the bottle and then snap the top down) as a "Remove Before Flight" reminder. Over to you,
~t(ck ~
like south Texas and Colorado. Flight planning a meager 90 mph, Gale is flying for the right reason. He's flying be cause he enjoys being in the air. So, the longer the trip, the better. As a true vagabond knows, the joy is in the jour ney, not in the arrival. It's obvious the little PA 15/17 series, both called Vagabond, has outgrown its original image as an econo plane to become a well liked little classic. The original de sign was Piper's desperate attempt to survive the crash of the much heralded, and to tally non-existent, aviation boom market of 1946. At a time when it looked as if few manufacturers were going to survive, the money man William Shriver came through Piper and laid down one law: Gale Perkins and his EAA AirVenture '99 build the cheapest airplane Reserve Grand Champion Classic trophy. you can build and use as much in-stock, already paid for ma terial as you can. That meant using rials as possible. This automatically the cheapest motor (Lycoming 65 hp meant the airplane had to be small. in the PA-15 because freight was And the wings could be shorter, if cheaper than for Continentals), with the airplane was lighter. This meant as few luxuries and use as few mate- fewer ribs, less spar material, shorter struts, etc., etc.. In the original PA ISs, the gear was simplified by the Gale loves to fly his Vagabond long distances, and prefers to use this thumb on the map and a good stopwatch. He's added a few more items to the instrument panel, removal of any shock absorbing including an a-day clock, turn and bank, directional gyro and cylinder head temp system. After all, they rationalized, erature gauge. that's what tires were for. The panel featured the absolute mini mum of instruments and military surplus mag switches were used. Simplify, simplify. A year later the design was subtly modified into the PA-17, still called Vagabond, with the most important changes being the installation of a bungee landing gear and an A-65 Continental engine. At some point in its early history before he bought it, Gale's airplane received several additional modifications that made it even better. Chief among the changes were a C-85 Continental, a wing tank , the side "D" windows which eliminated a serious blind spot, and a normal sized tail whee I. Gale came into aviation as a farm
Out side of aviation, the name conjures up images of a free spirit who spends his life moving from one happy experience to an other without a care in the world. Say the word within aviation circles, however, and th e image is of a stubby-cute little airplane that today is seldom thought of as floating across the landscape like thistle in the wind. Today, it's thought of as a long-ago airplane ideally suited for hamburger runs and local hops. And then there is Gale Perkins' Vagabond. Now we're back to the original definition of the word. And how do we know that? Because a quick review of Perkin's long shelf of awards will show a preponderance of "longest distance" plaques and tro phies. This particular Vagabond actually is a free spirit that enjoys the open road and doesn't consider distance to be an obstacle. Gale, who calls Richwood, Ohio home, can walk down his trophy row and proudly point out his Clyde Smith Award earned at Sentimental Journey in Lock Haven, Pennsylva nia. That's not too far from his Longest Distance awards from places
14 JANUARY 2000
kid who wanted wings. In fact, the family farm on which he now has his house, has been in the family for three generations. However, Gale had no taste for farming, choosing instead to go into education while his brother ran the family farm. For 30 years, he was an occupational teacher who " ...helped kids continue their education who might other wise drop out." He would tutor them in English, History and Government for half a day and they would then get on-the-job training for hands-on occupations for the rest of the day. He learned to fly while he was still in college as part of Ohio State's well-known aviation program. He laughs when he talks about getting his PPL in a Cessna 140 for the grand sum of eight bucks an hour, wet. Oh, for the old days! Gale moved onto the farm in 1965 and bought a J-3 shortly there after to utilize the grass strip he and his brother had carved out of a pasture. The Vagabond came to live with him in 1973 and it was love at first flight. "I don't know why, I just love the way it handles and the way it looks," he says. At one point, he thought he might like a clipped Cub,
so he sold the Vagabond to a neighbor. Then, he felt so bad seeing the airplane sit out side and missed flying it so much, he talked the neigh bor in to selling it back to him. He had been thinking about restoring the air The aileron horns should look familiar to anyone who's plane for a long flown a Cub and dinged his scalp on a turnbuckle! time when Ma Na ture made the decision for him. As he puts it, "I to keep my speed down. I was a little called home from the Rocky Moun nervous, although I probably didn't tain Fly-In in 1991 to tell my wife I need to be." had good news and I had bad news. The airplane had been rebuilt in The good news was I won a trophy. 1971 by a previous owner, so the cot The bad news was, just after the air ton cover was 20 years old and ready plane was judged, it got hailed on for replacement anyway. Gale didn't feel as if he could do and was full of holes." The hail was bad enough that it an adequate job of restoring the air punched over 60 nice clean holes in plane to his own satisfaction so he his airplane. "I got out the duct tape talked to a friend who lived over in and sealed each one of them up. Chatfield, Ohio, Tom Schulze. Gale Then I flew home being very careful had seen a PA-22/20 Tom had done and .1 knew he could do exactly the kind of job I wanted." Gale credits Tom, who has a full time job as an auto mechanic, with II ••
If the Vagabond were judged as art (and many of us might be tempted!) it would have to classified as "Minimalist," since the airframe includes just a little more than is absolutely needed for flight.
doing the lion's share of the work, although Gale was right there on weekends helping out. The airplane was dismantled in cluding taking the wings completely apart. The aluminum spars were cleaned and Scotchbrited and any rib that wasn't perfect were replaced with a new-old-stock part. Then the parts were epoxy primed, new lead ing edges fabricated and the wings reassembled. The fuselage was stripped and sand blasted and, "... we were lucky in that we could find very little rust any where. Only one small piece around
the doors needed some work." Although the old expander tube brakes have gotten ridiculously ex pensive to overhaul, Gale decided to stick with the originals rather than going for a Cleveland conver sion. Besides, as many who have made the conversion have found out, Clevelands are often too much brake for such little airplanes. From the door forward, the Vagabond's sheet metal was typical of the breed: it had nearly a half century's worth of small dents and dings. There was nothing major wrong; it just had enough minor imperfections that it There's no doubt about where the vent is for the fuse would drive anyone lage mounted fuel tank. Gale runs his Continental C-85 restoring an airplane on auto fuel, as the EAA Auto Fuel STC sticker attests. nuts. The cure? Replace all the sheet metal. This part of the project started with locating a new, old-stock nose bowl, which a California Piper dealer still had on his shelves. Fortunately, PA-17's and PA-ll's share the same nose bowl and Gale lucked onto one. Then they, " ... spent a huge amount of time getting a really good fit. Even the fac tory sheet metal had little puckers and we worked to make sure 16 JANUARY 2000
ours fit tight." The entire airplane, including the metal, was shot with Randolph dope, rather than using enamel on the metal. This guaranteed a perfect color match. Gale says, "We attended some Randolph workshops that showed us how to shoot dope on metal, but we still wound up redoing some cowling pieces several times. The only enamel is on the struts." The airplane was covered with Ce conite with the two of them dividing the labor. Tom did the outside and Gale did the interior. To guarantee that the envelopes fit , they had a woman come to the airport with her sewing machine and stitch them right on site. While he was doing the interior, Gale put sound deadening material in the walls in an effort to cut down noise and keep heat in. He says, "I really wouldn't recommend doing the same thing to anyone as I can hardly tell the difference." They decided to do the engine themselves with Tom doing the as sembly work and farming out the machine work. The hardest part of the project was finding a good crank for the engine. Then a new Sensenich 72/44 prop was fitted which Gale says, .falls somewhere between a climb and cruise prop." Gale doesn't believe in fancy any thing and his airplane shows it. The only electricity in the airplane is in the ELT battery and there isn't even a telltale mark where a GPS clamp might have been placed. When Gale goes somewhere, it is with chart in hand and his eye on the lubber line. He doesn't know for sure how many miles he's traveled in the airplane, but everyone of them has been by pure pilotage. So, now that he has the Reserve Grand Champion-Classic trophy to add to his collection, was the six year effort worth it? Absolutely," he says, "but not because of the tro phy. It's just nice to do something right without cutting corners and be satisfied with the result." Apparently the judges were satis fied too. ~ II ••
by H.G. frautschy
e recreational aviation renaissance is in great evidence all over the country. A great place to see it in action is a wonderful small airport on the western out skirts of st. Louis, Missouri. Dauster Field in Creve Coeur is a wonderful mix of regular general aviation activity and good old fashioned fun. At any given moment you might see a Stearman in the pattern with a Cessna Conquest, or if you're really lucky and pick the right day, you might even get to hear, smell and taste the castor oil in the air as a Le Rhone rotary engine powered Sopwith Pup is flown, or per haps a OX-S powered Jenny. It's quite a place, and later this year we'll tell you more about the airport and it's amazing collection of airplanes and people. But this time, we'll concentrate on one activity the hosting of the National Monocoupe Fly-In by Al Stix, proprietor of Dauster Field, and the Monocoupe Club. The weekend event drew Monocoupes from all over the United States, including the 110 Special flown from Vir ginia by Bob Coolbaugh, Monocoupe Club president, and Andrew King, who com pleted the restoration of the airplane with Bob. Let's take a look at what went on:
Andrew King and Bob Coolbaugh tend to the needs of the 110 hp Warner engine. Still a bit tight after its overhaul, it was still depositing quite a bit of oil on the fuselage of the 110 Special.
Bud Dake's Mullicoupe got plenty of use over the weekend, as the master builder himself demonstrated the exceptional abilities of the R-985 powered speedster to many first timers. Bud's masterful touch extends to his flying as well - the Mullicoupe is flown by very smooth, capable hands.
Jim Harvey is one of the local Monocoupe afi足 cionados who loves to fly at Creve Coeur, and "Snappy", his Monocoupe 90AL is no hangar queen . Jim is out flying it as often as he can.
These are the bare bones of the very first Monosport, built by Mono Aircraft of Moline, IL. This Monosport 1, SIN 200, was registered when first built as NC-89S7 . A "souped-up" airplane for its day, the Monosport was powered by a 110 hp Warner, and coupled with smaller wing area than the Monocoupe 113, it had plenty of speed, often w inning closed-course racing events. Glen Peck is working on the Monosport for the Historic Aircraft restoration Museum, based there at Creve Coeur.
Curtis Whitehead of Sanborn, NY owns this Lambert-pow足 ered 90A Monocoupe.
18 JANUARY 2000
Jim Harvey put these history boards together so we could all learn more about the history of Mono Aircraft and its successors. The Monocoupe's mystique and performance potential have kept it in pilot's minds for over six decades.
Monocoupe Club president Bob Coolbaugh grins as he adds throttle to the Warner on his 110 Special as we climb out after a "high speed" pass down the grass runway at Dauster Field.
(LEFT) Bill Symmes zipped up to St. Louis from his Miami, FL base in his
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"..:,.f ~ .. ..~ ~~~/~:~~~\f~~~~~a~O~I~ooth running 185 Warner mounted inside (ABOVE) Also from Miami, John McCulloch's Warner 185 powered 110 Special was first built in 1938, and rebuilt as a Clipwing by the Kimballs in Zellwood, Florida. It made its Clipwing debut at Sun 'n Fun '92.
(LEFT)Monocoupe color schemes are among the most rec足 ognized from the Golden Age of Aviation. From Minot, NO, this is Warren Pietsch's 110 Monocoupe. (BELOW)Master builders Bud Oake and Jim Younkin pause for a moment under the wing of Jim's Mullicoupe. Bud was busy during the weekend flying his 90AL. Jim, as usual, is also busy on a number of fronts. One of his many current projects is a new autopilot for homebuilts that promises to be quite an advanced system for a reasonable cost.
The highlight of the weekend was the surprise roast of soon足 to-be EAA retirees Jack and Golda Cox, seen here with Bob Coolbaugh. Jack and Golda were honored for their work at EAA and their years of dedication to Monocoupes. Indeed, some have accused the Monocoupe Club of hiring them as "Monocoupe Operatives" within the walls of EAA! While not exactly true, between John Underwood, Jack Cox and Jim Zazas, a major portion of Monocoupe history over the years has been documented in print.
Ted Oilse of Scranton, NO flies by in his Monocoupe, which is the prototype 90A, and was featured in the center spread of the May 1996 issue of Vintage Airplane. This airplane was once flown by Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart, among other notable pilots of the 1930s. It is SIN 662. 20 JANUARY 2000
2000 Vintage Aircraft Assoication
This list of Type Clubs should be the most accurate compilation we've ever publi she d . For th e past four years, we have sent each Type Club a postage paid postcard confirm ing their listing. If yo u have changes related to your Type Club list, drop a note in the mail detailing with your listing exactly as it will appear in the maga zine (use the format you see on these pages). Send your note to: An tique/Classic Type Clubs, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, or E-mail it to vintage@ eaa.org. The Type Club list is also available in the Division's web page at VAA's Web site, which you can find at: http:// www.vintageaircraft.org Aeronca Aviators Club Julie and Joe Dickey 55 Oakey Ave. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025-1538 Phone/Fax: 812.537.9354 E-mail: jdickeY@seida ta .com Newsletter: 4 issues per subscription Dues: None $16 subscription International Aeronca Association Aeronca Lover's Club Buzz Wagner Box 3, 401 1st St. EAST Clark, SD 57225 605.532.3862 Fax 605.532.1305 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $20 per year National Aeronca Association Jim Thompson, President 806 Lockport Road P. O . Box 2219 Terre Haute, IN 47802-0219 812.232.1491 Magazine: 4 per year Dues: $25 U.S. , $35 Canada, $45 Foreign
316.945-1700 Fax 316.945.1710 E-ma il: bonanza 1@ix.netcom.com Magazine: Monthly Dues: $45 per year Web Site: www.bonanza.org
Twin Beech 18 Society c/o Staggerwing Museum Foundation, Inc. P. O. Box 550 Tullahoma, TN 37388 931.455 . 1974 Newsletter: 4 per year Dues: $40 per year Staggerwing Club (Beechcraft) Jim Gorman, President P. O . Box 2599 Mansfield, OH 44906 4 19.529.3822 (HI, 755.1011 (W) Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $20 per year Twin Bonanza Association Richard I. Ward, Director 19684 Lakeshore Drive Three Rivers, MI 49093 Phone/Fax 616.279.2540 E-mail: forward@net-li nk.net Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $30 per year U.S. and Canada, $40 Foreign Web Page: http://www.twinbonanza.com Bellanca-Champion Club Robert Szego - President P.O. Box 100 Coxsackie, NY 12051-0100 518/731-6800 E-mail: szegor©bellanca-championclub.com Newsletter: Quarterly "B-C Contact" Dues: $33 per year; (2 yrs./$59L Foreign $41 (2 yrs./$68 US Funds) Website: www.bellanca-championclub.com Bird Airplane Club Jeannie Hill P. O . Box 328 Harvard, IL 60033-0328 815.943-7205 Newsletter Dues: Postage Donation
World Beechcraft Society Alden C. Barrios, President 1436 Muirlands Dr. La Jolla, CA 92037 619.459.5901 E-mail: worldbeech@aol.com Magazine Dues: $25 per year
Bucker Club Chris G. Arvanites 16204 Rosemarie Ln. Lockport, IL 60441 815.436.1011 Fax 815.436.1011 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $22 per year U.S. & Canada, $27 Foreign
American Bonanza Society Nancy Johnson , Exec. Dir. P. O . Box 12888 Wichita, KS 67277
Natonal Bucker Jungmiester Club & American Tiger Club, Inc. Mrs. Frank Price, President Rt. 1, Box419 Moody, TX 76557
International Bird Dog Association (Cessna L-19/0-1 ) Mitch Leland - President 406 N. Av. R Clifton, TX 76634-1252 Newsletter: Quarterly "Observer" Dues: $25 per year Website: www.L-19BowWow.com Cessna T-SO "Bamboo Bomber" Jim Anderson, Secretary/Treasurer Box 269 Sunwood Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047 612.433.3024 Fax 612.433.5691 E-Mail: jja@Wrmed.com Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: Contact Club for Info Web Site: www.cessnat50.org Cessna Owner Organization P.O . Box 5000 lola, W I 54945 715.445.5000 or 800.331.0038 Fax: 715.445.4053 E-Mail: cessna@cessnaowner.org Magazine: Monthly Dues: $39/year Web Site: www.cessnaowner.org Cessna Pilots Association John Frank, Executive Director P.O. Box5817 Santa Maria, CA 93456 805.922.2580 Magazine: Monthly Dues: $45 annually Web Site: www.cessna.org International Cessna 120/ 140 Association Stacey Greenhill 3 13 Partridge Lane Wheeling, IL60090 847.541 .7793 Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $15 U.S. per year West Coast Cessna 120/140 Club c/o Don and Linda Brand 9087 Madrone Way Redding, CA 96002 530.221 .3732 Newsletter: Bimonthly Dues: $20 per yea r Cessna 150 /1 52 Club Skip Carden, Executive Director P. O. Box 15388 Durham, NC 27704 919.471 .9492 Fax 919.477.2194 E-Mail: membership@cessna150-152c1ub.com Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $25 per year Web Site: www.cessna150-152c1ub.com VINTAGE AIRPLANE
International Cessna 170 Association, Inc.
Velvet Fackeldey, Exec. Secty. P. o. Box 1667 Lebanon, MO 65536 Phone/Fax 417.532.4847 E-mail:cI70hq@.lIion.org Newsletter: Fly Paper (12 per Yr.) 170 News (quarterly) Dues: $35 per year International Cessna 180/185 Club
(Cessna 180-185 Ownership Required) Scott White - President PO Box 639 Ca stlewood, VA 24224 Dues: $20 per year Eastern 190/195 Association
Cli ff Crabs 25575 Butternut Ridge Rd. North Olmsted, OH 44070-4505 440.777. 4025 after 6 PM Eastern
E-mai l: ccrabs@aol.comor classic I95@aol.com
Newsletter: Irregular; Approx. 4 Per Yr.
Dues: $15 initiation and as required.
Citabria Owners Group
Carl Petersen, President 636 lona lane Roseville MN 55113 E-Ma il: champ@citabria.com $25 US / $40 International (US Funds) Web Site: www.citabria.com Corben Club Robert l. Taylor, Editor
P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515.938.2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg . Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues Culver Aircraft Assoc.
c/ o Don Nicholson 723 Boker Dr. Tomball, TX 77375 281/351-0114 For newsletter and dues info, contact the club. Culver Club
lorry low, Chairman 60 skywood Way Woodside, CA 94062 650.851 .0204 Newsletter: 3 issues annually Subscription: $20 per year
Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $15 US and Canada, $15 Overseas Ercoupe Owners Club
Carolyn T. Carden, Membership 7263 Schooners Ct. SW A-2 Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469-5644 Voice/Fax 910.575.2758 E-Mail: coupecaper@aol.com Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $25 per year Fairchild Club
John W. Berendt, President 7645 Echo Point Road Connon Falls, MN 55009 507.263.2414 Fox 507.263.0152 E-mail: mjbfchld@rconnect.com Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $1 2 per year WebSite: http://homepoge2.rconnect.com/ mjbfchld/ Fairchild Fan Club Robert l. Taylor, Editor
P. O . Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515.938.2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues International Fleet Club
Sandy Brown, Newsletter Publisher P. o. Box 511 Marlborough, CT 06447-0511 860.267.6562 Fox 860.267.4381 E-mail: AyboY@ntplx.net Newsletter: Approx. 3-4 per year Dues: Contributions Funk Aircraft Owners Association
Thad Shelnutt 2836 California Av. Carmichael, CA 916.971.3452 Newsletter: 10 per year Dues: $12 Great Lakes Club Brent l. Taylor, Editor
P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515.938.2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues The American Yankee Association (Grumman)
Culver PQ-14 Assoc.
Ted Heineman 29621 Kensington Drive laguna Niguel, CA 92677 949.495.4540 Dart Club (Culver)
Uoyd Washburn 2656 E. Sand Rd. Pt. Clinton, OH 43452-2741 Newsletter: None Dues: None deHavilland Moth Club Michael Maniatis - Chairman 48 West 22 St New York, NY 10010 212/620-0398 Fox: 212-620-4281 E-mail : moth@sprintmail.com
22 JANUARY 2000
Stew Wilson 3232 Western Drive Cameron Pork, CA 95682 530.676.4292 Newsletter Dues: $30 per year U.S., $30 Foreign (Initiation $7.50 1st year/Foreign $10.00) Web Site: www.aya.org Han Club Robert l. Taylor, Editor
P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515.938.2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues American Han Association, Inc. lorin l. Wilkinson, President
221 Sauthridge Dr. Gurnee, Il 60031 847.360.1522 E-Mail: dservers@ameritech .net Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $15 U.S., Canada, $20 Foreign Web Site: www.weebeostie.net Heath Parasol Club
William Schlapman 6431 Paulson Rood Winneconne, WI 54986 920.582.4454 Continental Luscombe Association
Gordy and Connie Birse, Treasurer and Secretory 29604 179th Place SE Kent, WA 98042 253 .631.8478 E-Mail: wizard8E@msn.com Newsletter: Bimonthly (6 per year) Dues: U.S. $15, Canada $17.50 U.S. Funds, Foreign $25 U.S. Funds Web Site: www.luscombe-cla.org Luscombe Association
John Bergeson, Chairman 6438 W. Millbrook Rood Remus, MI 49340 517.561.2393 Fox 517.561.5101 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $25 per year U.S. , $25 Canada, $30 Foreign Meyers Aircraft Owners Association
William E. Goffney, Secretory 24 Rt. 17K Newburgh, NY 12550 914.565.8005 Newsletter: 5-6 per year Dues: Postage fund donation Monocoupe Club
Bob Coolbaugh, Editor 61 54 River Forest Drive Manassas, VA 20112-3076 703.590.2375 E-Mail: monocoupe@earthlink.net Newsletter: Approx. Monthly Dues: $15 per year N3N Restorers Association
Gerold Miller 3320 Northridge Drive Grand Junction, CO 81506 303.245.7899 Newsletter Dues: $12 per year American Navion Society
Jerry Feather, President & Editor P.O. Box 148 Grand Junction, CO 81502 970.245.7459 Magazine: Bimonthly Dues: $45 per year Nav Air/Navion Skies
Raleigh Morrow P. O. Box 2678 lcdi, CA 95241-2678 209.367.93908 a.m.-12 noon M-F Fox 209.376.9390 E-Mail: Navionl@inreach.com
Newsletter: Monthly
Navion Skies Dues: $39 per yeor
Web Site: www.navionskies.com
Buckeye Pietenpol Association Gront Mocloren
7 Crosswinds Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63132-4303
Phone: 314.569.2846
E-Mail: GMaclaren@aol.com
Newsletter: Quarterly
International Pietenpol Association Robert l. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127
Blakesburg, IA 52536
Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters
Dues: $15 for 3 issues
Short Wing Piper Club, Inc. Eleonor and Bob Mills, Editors 220 Main Halsteod, KS 67056 316.835.3307 (H); 835.2235 (W) E-mail: swpn@southwind.net Magazine: Bimonthly Dues: $30 per yeor Web Site: http://www.shortwing.org Flying Apache Assoc. (piper) John J. Lumley 6778 Skyline Drive Delray Beoch, FL 33446 Phone 561.499.1115, Fax 561.495.7311 E-mail: jckllum@cs.com Newsletter: Quarterly Dues$25.00 annually Piper Owner Society P.O. Box 5000 lola, WI 54945 715.445.5000 or 800.331 .0038 Fax: 715.445.4053 E-Mail: piperŠpiperowner.org Magazine: Monthly Dues: $42 yeor Web Site: www.piperowner.org Cherokee Pilots Assoc. P. O. Box 1996 Lutz, FL 33548 813.948.3616,800.292.6003 Magazine: 11 issues per yeor Dues: $32.00 (US) $36.00 Canada & Mexico $44.00 Foreign Cub Club John Bergeson, Chairman 6438 W . Millbrook Rd. Remus, MI 49340 517.561 .2393 Fax 517.561 .5101 Newsletter: 6 per yeor Dues: $25 per yeor U.S., $25 Canada, $30 Foreign L-4 Grasshopper Wing Bill Collins, Editor/Publisher RR 2, Box619 Gould, AR 71643-9714 870.263.4668 Newsletter: 6 per yeor Dues: $10 per yeor U.S., $15 Canada $20 Foreign-All US Funds
International Comanche Society Wiley Post Airport
Hangar #3
Bethany, OK 73008
Newsletter: Monthly
Dues: $35 per yeor
Super Cub Pilots Association Jim Richmond, Founder/Director P. O. Box 9823 Yakima, WA 98909 509/248-9491 E-Mail: answers@cubcrafters.com Dues: $25 per yeor U.S., $35 Canada, $40 Foreign www.cubcrofters.com Porterfield Airplane Club Chuck Lebrecht
91 Hickory Loop
Ocala, FL 34472
Newsletter: Quarterly
Dues: $5 per yeor
Rearwin Club Robert l. Taylor, Ed itor P. O. Box 127
Blakesburg, IA 52536
Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters
Dues: $15 for 3 issues
National Ryan Club Bill Hodges, Editor and Historian 19 Stoneybrook In. Seorcy, AR 72143-6129 501 .268.2620 E-mail: recruit@csw.net Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $20 per yeor $25 overseos Airmail and Canada The Stampe Collector Don Peterson, Editors 2940 Falcon Way Midlothian, TX 76065 Newsletter: 4 per yeor Dues: $40 per yeor, $45 U.S. Overseos Stearman Restorers Association Jack Davis, President 1209 San Marino Ave. San Marino, CA 91108 Newsletter: 4 per yeor Dues: $35 per yeor National Stinson Club (108 Section) Bill and Debbie Snavely 115 Heinley Rood Lake Placid, FL33852-8137 941.465.6101 Quarterly magazine: Stinson Plane Talk Dues: $25 US, $30 Canada and Foreign International Stinson Club leslie Purvis 811 E Dennett Ave Fresno, CA 93728-3318 559.237.7051 E-Mail: stinson@aeromar.com Newsletter: Stinson Skywriter (11 per yeor) Dues: $25 per yeor Web Site: www.aeromar.com/swsc.html
1-26 Association (Schweizer)
c/o Bob Hurni, Sec./Treos.
A Division of the SSA
516 East Meodow Lane
Phoenix, AI 85022
Newsletter: 6 per yeor (plus a directory)
Dues: $15 ($25/$35 foreign)
Swift Association, International Charlie Nelson P. O. Box 644
Athens, TN 37371
E-mail: swiftlychs@aol.com
Newsletter: Monthly
Dues: $30 per yeor
Swift Homepoge:
http://www.naponet.net/ -arbeou/ swift/
West Coast Swift Wing c/o Gerry and Carol Hampton 3195 Bonanza Dr. Cameron Park, CA 95682 530.676.7755 E-mail: annie@calweb.com Newsletter: Monthly Dues: $15 per yeor WebSite: http://www.naponet.net/- arbeou/ swift/ Taylorcraft Owner's Club Bruce Bixler II, President 12809 Greenbower, N.E. Alliance, OH 44601 330.823.9748 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $12 per yeor Virginia/Carolinas Taylorcroft Owner's Club Tom Pittman, President Rt. 6 Box 189 Appomatox, VA 24522 804.352.5128 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 per yeor Travel Air Club Robert l. Taylor, Editor P. O. Box 127 Blakesburg, IA 52536 515.938.2773 Newsletter: 3 - 16 pg. Newsletters Dues: $15 for 3 issues Travel Air Div. of Staggerwing Museum P. O. Box 550 Tullahoma, TN 37388 931.455.1974 Newsletter: 4-5 per yeor Dues: $40 per yeor Travel Air Restorers Association Jerry Impellezzeri, President 4925 Wilma Way San Jose, CA 95124 408.356.3407 Quarterly Newsletter $15/Yeor American Waco Club c/o Jerry Brown, Treosurer Phil Coulson, President 3546 Newhouse place Greenwood, IN 46143 616.624.6490 Newsletter: Bi -monthly VINTAGE AIRPLANE 23
Dues: $25 per year, $30 Foreign National Waco Club Andy Heins 3744 Clearview Rd. Dayton, OH 45439 937.866.6692 E-mail: wacoaso@aol.com Newsletter: Bimonthly Dues: $10 per year, $15 foreign
Artic Newsletter David Neumeister 5630 S. Washington Lansing, MI 48911-4999 517/882-8433 Quarterly Newsletters for AA1, AA5, Dues: $16.50 per year per type except Maule which is $20 for 12 issues National Biplane Association Charles W. Harris, Board Chairman P. O. Box 470350 Tulsa, OK 74147-0350 918.622.8400 Fax 918 .665.0039 Dues: $25 Individual; $40 Family,U.S.; add $10 for Foreign North American Trainer Association Kathy and Stoney Stonich 25801 NE Hinness Road Brush Prairie, WA 98606 360.256.0066 Fax 360.896.5398 E-mail : natrainer@aol.com Newsletter: Quarterly, Texans & Trojans Dues: $45 U.S., Canada; $55 all others Web Site: www.natrainer.org Replica Fighters Association Jim Felbinger, President 2409 Cosmic Drive Joliet, IL 60435 815.436.6948 Newsletter: Bimonthly Dues: $20 per year World War I Aeroplanes, Inc. Leanard E. Opdycke Director/Publisher 15 Crescent Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 914.473.3679 Journals (4 times annually):WW I Aero (1900足 1919) Skyways (1920-1940) Dues: Minimum - $30 each per year; $35 Foreign for each Journal
ORGANIZATIONS American Aviation Historical Society Timothy Williams, President 2333 Otis Street. Santa Ana, CA 92704 714.549.4818 (Tuesday, 7:00-9:00 PM local) Newsletter: Quarterly and Journal Dues: $49 U.S. and Canada; $64 Foreign (US Funds) Society of Air Racing Historians Herman Schaub, Sec./Treas. 168 Marian Ln.
24 JANUARY 2000
Berea, OH 44017 216.234.2301 Newsletter: Bimonthly "Golden Pylons" Dues: $20 U.S., $23 Other Florida Antique Biplane Association, Inc. 10906 Denoeu Road Boynton Beach, FL 33437 561.732.3250 Fax 561.732.2532 E-mail: BeyeVieW@aol.com Dues: $48 year Flying Farmers, International Kathy Marsh, Office Manager 2120 Airport Road P. O. Box 9124 Wichita, KS 67277 316.943.4234 Fax 316.943.4235 Magazine: 8 issues per year Dues: $40 per year U.S. Funds, plus Chapter dues. Average Annual dues $50.00 The Howard Aircraft Foundation David Schober P.O. Box 252 Volga, WV 26238 (304) 457-5026 E-mail: HowardClub@aol.com Website: http://members.aol.com/HowardClub International Liaison Pilot and Aircraft Association (ILPA) Bill Stratton, Editor 16518 Ledgestone San Antonio, TX 78232 21 0.490.ILPA (4572) Newsletter: "Liaison Spoken Here" Dues: $29 per year US $35 /yr Foreign and Canada Luscombe Foundation P. O. Box 63581 phoenix, AZ 85082 480.917.0969 Fax 480.917.4719 E-Mail: silvaire@luscombe.org Newsletter: Bimonthly "Luscombe Update" Subscription: $25 per year Web Site: www.luscombe.org Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association Thomas J. Okoneski 2223 Ariel St. North Maplewood MN 55109 651.770.2446 Bus. 651.462.4359 Newsletter: 3-4 per year Dues: $15 per year ($25-2 yrs.) National Air Racing Group Betty Sherman, NAG Treasurer 5508 7th Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98107-2727 Newsletter: Professional Air Racing Dues: $15 ($20 outside USA) poyable to NAG The 99s, Inc. International Women Pilots Lu Hollander, Exec. Director Will Rogers Airport Box 965, 7100 Terminal Dr. Oklahoma City, OK 73159 405.685.7969 Newsletter: Monthly/The 99 News Dues: $55 annually
ox-s Aviation Pioneers Robert F. Lang
P. O. Box 201299 Austin, TX 78720 512.331.6239 Newsletter: 6 per year Dues: $1 0 per year Piper Aviation Museum Foundation John R. Mevinay, Pres. One Piper Way Lock Haven, PA 17745-0052 570.748.8283 Fax 570.893.8357 Email: piper@cub.kcnet.org Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $30 annually Internet: www.kcnet.org/-piper Seaplane Pilots Association Michael Volk, Exec. Director 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 301 .695.2083 Newsletter: Water Flying (Bimonthly); $18 - Members/$38 non-members Web Site: www.seaplanes.org Sentimental Journey to Cub Haven, Inc. E. J. "Doc" Conway, Fly-In Director P. O. BoxJ-3 Lock Haven, PA 17745-0496 570.893.4200 Fax 570.893.4218 E-mail: Piper@cub.kcnet.org Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $10 annually Silver Wings Fraternity P. O. Box 44208 Cincinnati, OH 45244 800.554.1437 E-Mail: silverwings.org Newsletter: Bi-monthly Dues: $15 per year initially, $1 O/yr. Renewal Vintage Sailplane Association Gearge Nuse, Secretary 4310 River Bottom Dr. Norcross, GA 30092 770.446.5533 Newsletter: Quarterly Dues: $15 per year Women in Aviation, International Dr. Peggy J. Baty Morningstar Airport 3647 S.R. 503 South West Alexandria, OH 45381 937.839.4647, Fax 937.839.4645 Magazine: Bimonthly Dues: $35 per year ($25 per year for students) Waco Historical Society, Inc. Waco Aircraft Museum Matt Eaton, Treasurer P. O. Box 62 Troy, OH 45373-0062 937.335WACO 1-5pm Sat.-Sun. Newsletter: 4 per year Dues: $30 per year, 9/1 -8/31 Zlin Association David Sutton 8 Knollwood Rd. Hackettstown, NJ 07840 908.813.3164 E-mail: pilots@planet.net
'<~::a22~mes NEW Victor E. Mail. .... . .... . ....... . ... .
........ Smithfield Heights Q, Australia Ray Toews .. Fort Vermillion, AB, Ca nada Todd D. Cunningham .. . . . .. ........ . · ... ........... Winnipeg, MB, Canada Alan Filby....... . .... La Fleche, France Marvin Miller ..... . ........ Kenai, AK James E. Phillips .. ... . . . ... Opelika, AL Windle Henry .............. Sercay, AR Jim Hillabra nd .. . ... .. . . Springdale, AR Paul Seveerson ............ Phoenix, AZ James Beck ... ... ... .. . Bakersfield, CA Edwin M. Bower .... . ....... Norco, CA Steve Brown ...... ... .. .. Mentone, CA John T. Culp . .. .. ..... . . Palmdale, CA Steven Emley .. .. ....... . Oak Hills, CA E. Gene Frin k ....... Newport Beach, CA Travis G. Ga m mill . ....... Riverside, CA Stephen C. Hull ... . .. .......... . ... . · ................. Red Wood City, CA John Kearns .............. Pioneer, CA William C. Knauer ........ Riverside, CA Melvin D. McWilliams .. . . . Banning, CA Harold Nemer ............ Ramona, CA Taylor Smith . .. .... San Bernardino, CA William S. Timmer . ... . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Francisco, CA James F. Ure .. . . ...... . .. Fallbrook, CA Howard G. Wilson .. .. .. Los Angeles, CA James Bonner .............. Miam i, FL Da ryl 1. Bortel . ... . ... St. Petersburg, FL Wayne J. Boyer. .. . .. .. .. Clea rwa ter, FL Jim Heekin .. ............. Orlando, FL Fred W. Hill .... .. . . ..... Ft. Meyers, FL Pa ul E. Petro .......... .. . . . ....... . · ....... . ....... . Defuniak Springs, FL Kenneth A. Weld, Jr. ..... .. Sorrento, FL Wendell Davenpo rt . . .. ... Hono lulu, HI Claire Wilson .... . ..... . . Ho no lulu, HI Michael S. Jo nes . . . .. ....... Roscoe, IL Frank W. Mellberg ... . .. .. Park Ridge, IL Glenn R. Stout ... .... .. . Gages La ke, IL Edward A. Connell . ... . . Annapolis, MD Susa n]. Gagne ........... . . Wells, ME Steve Howe .... .. . . .. Bryant Pond, ME Matthew Cognata .... Pleasant Ridge, MI Charles E. Garrett .. . .. Grand Rapids, MI Jenny Hanson ........ Eden Prairie, MN
William R. Collette ...... .. Foristell, MO
Richard Christensen . ....... Lincoln, NE Denise A. Lauer. .. . .. ..... Helmetta, NJ John D. Northrup . . .... Ellicottville, NY A. Wayne Overton ... ... ... .. . Islip, NY Graham Bale ............ Lebanon, OH Jack Lenhardt . ..... ... . .. Hu bbard, OR Edward Gibbons . ..... Schwenksville, PA Keith S. Sargent ......... Hermitage, TN
Rodney 1. Doss ...... . ...... Dallas, TX Mark Lee.... ... ...... .. . Floydada, TX Joe Rogers .... . ........ . . Pearland, TX Bruce R. Hinds ....... Port Orchard, WA
Dennis Ames ... .. .... . .... Darien, WI
Harold R. Duehring .... Fond Du Lac, WI
Carlton D. Bailey ...... Barbersville, WV
David Hersman. . . . . .. Clintonville, WV
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-Mystery Plane from page 11 first kid to volunteer to carry water. And J did! "The Oriole landed in late Fall and stayed until next 5'pring. The pilot tried several times to get air borne but gave up. "Then he ordered several gallons ofdope. When it came he doped the wings, since the sagging fabric spoiled the lift. When the cloth was doped the airfoil held its designed shape. 50 he finally flew away, and later became a pilot for TWA. During WW-ll, J rode with him returning to Long Beach, California after ferrying an A -20 back east (J "Casey" Jones, manager of the Curtiss Flying Service and his consistently winning clip-wing Oriole was in th e Air Corps Ferry Com- ofthe early 1920s. It has a hopped-up C-6 engine, the new Curtiss-Reed bent-metal propeller, and mand). " the wing surface radiators made famous by t he Curtiss Pulitzer and Schneider Trophy racers. Other correct answers were re ceived from: George Townson, Willingboro, NJ; Larry Knechtel, GA; Robert Nelson, Bismarck, NO; Perry, who recalled his second Seattle, WA; Robert Guay, Rochester, John Miller, Poughkeepsie, NY; cousin Jimmy used to fly one, and NY; C.H. Armstrong, Rawlings, MO; Ralph Roberts, Saginaw, MI; Kaz would wear out a lot of guys trying ..... Wayne Van Valkenburgh, Jasper, Grevera, Sunnyvale, CA and Leon to start the C-6 motor!
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Fly- In Calendar
The fo llowing list ofcoming events is furn ished to our readers as a matter ofinformation only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction ofany event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to EAA, Att: Golda Cox, P.o. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. In formation should be receivedfour months prior to the event date.
An inexpensive ad in the Vintage Trader may be just the answer to obtaining that elu s ive part.. 50¢ per word, $8.00 minimum charge. Send your ad and payment to : Vintage Trader, EAA Aviation Center, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, or fax your ad and your credit card number to 920/ 426-4828. Ads must be received by the 20th ofthe month for insertion in the issue the second month following (e.g., Octo ber 20th for the December issue.)
MISCELLANEOUS BABBln BEARING SERVICE - rod bearings, main bearings, camshaft bearings, master rods, valves. Call us Toll Free 1/800/233-6934, e-mail ramremfg@aol.com Web site http://www. ramengine.com VINTAGE ENGINE MACHINE WORKS, N. 604 FREYA ST., SPOKANE, WA 99202.
MA RCH 2-4 - BILLINGS, MT - Holiday Inn Grand Montana. Montana Aviation Conference. Work shops. seminars. nationally recognized speakers. trade show. Info: MT Aeronautics Div., PO BOX 5178. Helena. MT 59604-5178.406/444-2506.
TAIL WHEEL CHECK-OUT available in a Classic 1941 J-3 Cub - dual or solo rental. Doskicz Aircraft Specialties, Bally, PA (610)845-2366
MA RCH 3-5 - CASA GRANDE, AZ - Casa Grande Airport. 42nd An nu al Cactus Fly- In . Info: WWlv.americanpilot.orgicactus or call Jon Engle at 480/891-6012from 0800 to 1700. Mon. through Thurs.
Wood Prop W76JR53 for 150 hp Stinson 108 w/spinner $1400. Also Comb. O.T. O.P. gauge for Gullwing $75. Twin Tach and Gen. $75. A-65 Engine $1100. 41 0/256-5803 (3187)
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Something to buy, sell or trade?
FEBRUARY 26-27 - RIVERSIDE, CA - Flabob Air port. EAA Chapter 1 Open House and Fly-In. Saturday nightfundraiser dinner, fly market, silent auction, Young Eagles, workshops, etc.. Info: 909/682-6236. 909/686-1318 or 626.287-2 139.
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Membershi~ Services Directo!y_ VINTAGE
AIRCRAFT Enjoy the many benefits ofBAA and the ASSOCIATION BAA Vintage Aircraft Association
OFFICERS President Espie ' Butch' Joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro. NC 27425 336/393{J344 e-mail: windsock@aoI.com
V1ce-President George Daubner 2448 Lough Lane
Hartford. WI 53027
e-mail: antique2@aol.com
Treasurer Cha~es W. Harris 7215 East 46th St. Tulsa. OK 74145 918/622-8400 cwh@hvsu.com
Secretary Steve Nessa
2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea. MN 56007 6071373-1674
DIRECTORS Robert C. ' Bob' Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago.IL60620 773/779-2105 EHTlCli: photoplot@aol.com John Berendt 7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls. MN 5f:IXYI 607/263-2414 John S. Copeland 1A Deacon street Northborough. MA 01532 fIJ8/393-4775 EHTlCli: copeland 1@ju1o.com
SteveKrog 1002 Heather Ln. Hartford. WI 53027 414/966-7627 e-maIl: sskrog@aoi.com
Robert Ucktelg 1708 Bay Oaks Dr. Albert Lea. MN 56007 607/373-2922 Robert D. ' Bob' Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield. WI 53005 414/782-2633 e-mail: Icmper@execpc.com
Phil Coulson
28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton. MI 49065 616/624-6490
Roger Gomoll 321-1/2 S. Broodway #3 Rochester. MN 55904 607288-2810 rgomoll@he~tagehal~.org
e-mail: n03capt@flosh.net
Dean Richardson 6701 Colony Dr. MadOOn. WI 53717 dar@resprod.com
7724 Shady Hill Dr. Indianapolis. IN 46278
Geo/I Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven. IN 46774 219/493-4724 EHTlCli: chlef7025@ao1.com
Jeannie Hill P.O. Box 328 Harvard. IL60033 815/943-7205
S.H. oWes· Schmid
2359 Lefeber Avenue
Wauwatosa. WI 53213
Gene Chase 2159 Cartton Rd. Oshkosh. WI 54904
E.E. ' Buck' HUbert P.O. Box 424 Unlon.IL 60180 815/923-4591 e-mail: buck7ac@mc.net
ADVISORS David Bennett 11741 Wolf Rd. Grass \bliey. CA 95949 530/268-1585 antlquer@inreach.com
Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax (920) 426-4873
Web Site: http://,eaa. org and http://www,airventure,org E-Mail: vi ntage @eaa,org
EAA and Division Membership Services 800-843-361 2 ., " ' ,. " • • , ' FAX 920-426-6761 (8:00 AM -7:00 PM Monday- Friday CST)
• New/renew memberships: EAA, Divisions (Vintage Aircraft Association, lAC, Warbirdsl. National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFT)
• Address changes • Merchandise sales • Gift memberships
Programs and Activities EAA AirVenture Fax-On-Demand Directory ... .. ......................... 732-885-6711
Auto Fuel STCs ............ . ... 920-426-4843 Build/restore information .... . . 920-426-4821 Chapters: locating/organizing .. 920-426-4876 Education .............. .. ..... 920-426-6815 • EAA Air Academy • EAA Scholarships • EAA Young Eagles Camps
Flight Advisors information ..... 920-426-6522 Flight Instructor information .. . 920-426-6801 Flying Start Program "", , " '" 920-426-6847 Library Services/Research ...... 920-426-4848 Medical Questions ............. 920-426-4821 Technical Counselors .. ... ..... 920-426-4821 You ng Eagles . ... ........ . , .. .. 920-426-4831 Benefits Aircraft Financing (Textron) .. ... 800-851-1367 AUA .......................... 800-727-3823 AVEMCO . . ............. ..... . 800-638-8440 Term Life and Accidental ....... 800-241-6103 Death Insurance (Harvey Watt & Company) Editorial Submitting article/photo; advertising infoIl11ation 920-426-4825 , , , , , , , , , , , , , FAX 920-426-4828
EAA Aviation Foundation Artifact Donations ............. 920-426-4877
Financial Support ............. 800-236-1025
Gene Morris 5936 Steve Court Roanoke. TX 76262 817/491 -9110
Dale A. Gustafson
EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086
Alan Shackleton P.O. Box 656 Sugor Grove. IL 60554-D656 630/466-4193 103346. 177~ .com
MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $40 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is available for an addi tional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership. (Add $16 for Foreign Postage.)
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The words EM, ULTRAUGHT, flY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, FOR THE LOVE OF flYING and the logos of EM, fAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, fAA VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION, INTERNA TIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered trademarks. THE fAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the fAA AVIATION FOUNDATION. fAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION and fAA AlrVenture are trade marks of lhe above associations and their use by any pe!SOfl other lhan the above associalion is strictly prohiMed.
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