29, No. 10
VAA NEWS/ H.G. Frautschy
PASS IT TO BUCK/Buck Hilbert
Exea,tive Director, Editor
VAA Administrative Assistant THERESA BOOKS Exerutive Editor
Contributitlg Editors
Grap'''c Designer
Photograp"Y Staff
Advertising/Editorial Assistant ISABELLE WISKE
here's so much to say, and so few ways to say EAA President Tom it. The events of September 11 will burn in Poberezny's testi our hearts for the rest of our lives, and they mony before the will be remembered by future generations in the aviation subcom same way Pearl Harbor, Gettysburg, and the Battle of mittee highlighted Britain have been etched in the national conscious the fact that even members of Congress are frus ness. The human toll is unimaginable. I've worked trated by the apparent lack of communication back with high steel structures for more to them from the NSA and De than 30 years, and when I saw the partment of Defense regarding the KNEW first tower fall and then the other, reasons for the continued shut down of VFR flight in the I knew all too well how high the cost would be. My prayers and enhanced Class B airspace. thoughts go out to all who have Over the years it has seemed to ALL TOO
suffered because of this evil deed, me that EAA has been so busy and I know that in the long run working closely with the FAA that those who perpetrated this un at times it didn't really "toot its WELL HOW own horn" about those actions. conscionable act will not profit from it. The United States and its I'm here to tell you that EAA mem great citizens have a big job to bers are very fortunate to have an HIGH THE
complete, and I hope that every EAA staff working as constructively as it does with the FAA. When the one will stay the course. world of aviation came to a stand Being involved in the aviation insurance business, my wife, still, some of the first phone calls COST
Norma, has heard a number of in made in the aftermath were be teresting stories about the tween EAA and the highest levels immediate grounding of our na the FAA, including repeated WOULD BE. of tion's aircraft. Many of our conversations Tom Poberezny had members were grounded miles with the administrator of the FAA, away from home and had to leave their airplanes Jane Garvey. Mrs. Garvey actively sought EAA's input right where they parked. Overall, the vast majority on many of the issues at hand. We may not have al of pilots have been very understanding about the ways liked the answers we got (neither did the FAA, as reasons and the effects on their personal lives. Many we understand it), but we were talking, and that was have also had to deal with the loss of income due to the direct result of regular communication and trust the inability to fly VFR for more than a week, and as at the highest levels of EAA and FAA. I write this more than 600 airports are still unable to Naysayers amongst us have written in other publi resume normal VFR operations, since they fall cations that, "We'll never again see the freedom to fly within the "enhanced Class B" airspace. VFR pilots that we have enjoyed in the past .... " I don't agree. can't go to their field to buy gas, to depart to other In Tom's special message on page 4, he writes, airports where they can stop for a visit or a bite to "We will not surrender all that aviation has achieved eat, or even to conduct business. Even if these re over the past 97 years because of the terrorist actions strictions are lifted soon, the ramifications of this of a few individuals." We here at the VAA second will be felt for years to come. that motion. We'll do everything we can to make EAA and VAA are hard at work each day, as they certain that President Bush's assertion that we will do their absolute best to ensure that federal authori not surrender our freedom is taken quite literally, ties are aware of the situation in general aviation. and that we will again enjoy the sky. .....
. . . I
FRONT COVER: When have you ever seen four Spartan Executives together in the air at the same time? From right to left, NC17665, Tom Horne, Savannah, Georgia; NC17616, Ken and Lorraine Morris, Poplar Grove, Illinois; NC34SE, Ben Runyan, Vancouver, Washington; and NC17667, Kent and Sandy Blankenburg, Groveland, California. EAA photo by LeeAnn Abrams, shot with a Canon EOSln equipped with an 80-200 mm lens on 100 ASA Fuji slide film. EAA Cessna 210 photo plane flown by Bruce Moore.
BACK COVER: Cliff Amrhein, Harri son, Michigan, was trained as a U.S. Navy photographer and a pro fessional architectural model builder. While in the Navy, he would travel to southern California air ports, including Los Angeles International, to photograph air planes, something he's done for most of his life. In the mid-1950s, the Lockheed Super Constellation was the queen of commercial avia tion, and it was a frequent subject for Cliff's camera. Cliff's watercolor painting depicts two Connies on the ramp at LAX and is based on a photo he took on one of his airport excursions. Currently busy painting mu rals, Cliff can be reached at 989/539-9975.
VAA MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN VAA is in the process of sending a mailing to non-member pilots who own aircraft that fall within our judging guidelines. A few current members who also received the mailing were curious as to why they were on our mailing list. The folks who put together the list for us ex plained that the FAA registration 2
HUGHES H-l REPLICA NEARING FLIGHT Designed by Howard Hughes and Richard Palmer, as well as a small team of engineers, and built by Glenn Odekirk and his team, the Hughes H-1 racer was designed and built to be the fastest landplane in the world. On September 13, 1935, Hughes achieved the design goal by flying the H-1 to a new world speed record of 352.322 mph. The record was set over a specially instrumented course near Santa Ana, Cali fornia. Now, after more than 35,000 hours of work, a team of master crafts men and craftswomen headed up by Jim Wright of Cottage Grove, Oregon, has nearly completed a full-scale, exact replica of the H-l. These photos, taken by EAA Technical Counselor Keith James, show what an amazing piece of craftsmanship the replica is. Noted metalworking and woodworking people such as Jim Younkin, Steve and Liz Wolf, and Kent White are just a few of the many who have been laboring on this amaz ing re-creation. John Newberry, now age 94, was a young man of 23 when he worked on the H-1 project as one of the design engineers. The last surviving member of the design team, Newberry was present when the replica was rolled out into the sun for the first time, and he was thrilled to see the airplane. Jim Wright, who heads up Wright Tools, is planning on having the airplane flown and revisiting the original speed record, which stood for more than two years until the Messersmitt Bf 109 wrested the record away in November of 1937. records and our membership list can have differences for the same name. A member's address may be slightly or completely different than the one used for the aircraft registra tion, hence the mailing would be sent to a current member. I've asked that the filter used to pare down our list be reviewed, and I have been as sured that the number of members who will inadvertently be sent the
mailing will be very low. If you do receive a mailing, we'd appreciate it if you would pass along the brochure and postcard to someone you know who loves our airplanes as much as you do and ask that per son to join us. We'd also like to know if you receive the mailing by mistake, so we can cross-check the methods used to generate the mail ing list.
The tragedy inflicted on the peo ple of the United States and its resulting restrictions will continue to affect most of us for some time to come. As I write this, VFR flight in "enhanced Class B" airspace is still prohibited, and many, many members are grounded, unable to move their airplanes. Countless others had to leave their airplanes at an airport nowhere near their home base (a number of Stear mans heading home from the Stearman fly-in, for instance). They can retrieve them at this time only if they're outside of the restricted airspace. FBOs and other related businesses are suffering or simply going out of business. The effect on businesses will ripple through the industry long after the last flight restriction is lifted. One of the greatest benefits of our close affiliation with EAA is ac cess to their Government Programs office. Here at EAA headquarters, VAA is working closely with that of fice, obtaining information to be disseminated as soon as possible. During the days following the at tack, the FAA was changing the NOTAMs on an as-needed basis, and we coordinated with the Gov ernment Programs office to get the word out via e-mail to those type clubs who had supplied us with
their e-mail addresses. The Internet and e-mail proved to be invaluable when it came to quickly getting in formation into the hands of members. Also, EAA's e-Hotline newsletter proved to be very help ful to members at large. You can sign up to receive e-Hotline at www.eaa.org. Finally, I have to commend the EAA headquarters staff members who spent long hours after the ter rorist attacks answering members' questions, fielding calls from gov ernment officials and members alike, and working hard to get the word out as quickly as possible. A special tip of the cap to the web development team, Government Programs office, and the clerical staff. It continues to be a chal lenge to meet the everyday needs of EAA and VAA members and to deal with the effects on our seg ment of general aviation, but they're doing it. Finally, a heartfelt "thank you " to our members. You've been pa tient, respectful of the magnitude of this tragedy, and helpful, as we've queried many of you on the effect of the shutdown. EAA cer tainly has not relaxed in any way and will continue to work toward re-establishing our flight privileges in the currently restricted areas.
CHARLIE JAMIESON We received word that Charlie jamieson, designer of the jamieson jupiter, has passed away at the age of 84. Charlie was active in aviation throughout his lifetime, and many members may recall him as the chair man of the annual corn roast at the Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In. His compatriots at EAA Chapter 635 have continued the tradition. Our con dolences to his wife, Lois, and their many friends and family members.
NEW VINTAGE TIRES AVAILABLE Desser Tire Company, 800/247 8473, has announced the production of two new tires. The first is a smooth, no-tread 800-by-4 tire intended for use on the Piper Cub. Cub owners have yearned for a replacement for the fondly remembered soft Goodyear tire, and Desser has accepted the chal lenge. These are new tires, stripped of the ribbed tread, re-vulcanized, and then re-certificated. Desser also will be making an other tire that will appeal to those who remember a tire produced in the 1940s-the 500-by-5 4-, 6-, or 10-ply tire and the 600-by-6 4-, 6-, and 8-ply tire with the diamond pattern tread on the outer tread area. The Aero Classic "Retro" tires will be available in November. They are new tires made here in the United States using the old-style molds. Taylorcrafts, Aeroncas, and Luscombes, among many others, used this style tire as standard equipment when delivered from the factory. Desser is making a lim ited time special offer on the Aero Classic Retro tire; learn more at
www.desser.com. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
September II, 2001
11, 2001, HAS become a date signifi cant to world history. Forevermore we will remember where we were when we watched commercial airliners fly into the World Trade Center, watched both World Trade towers collapse, watched smoke billow from the Penta gon-all in real time, right now, live on TV. No one ever envisioned tragedies of this magnitude, or the impact they would have on the world, our economy, and the lives of so many of us. I'd like to turn the clock back to September 10 and start over. But nothing controls time, so we must deal with the reality it measures and the ramifications of its events. EAA and the aviation world in which it exists reacted quickly when this na tional emergency grounded all airplanes. As airplanes returned to the sky, with airliners leading the way, we quickly re alized that we faced-and must deal with-issues never before addressed. In this national emergency, control of America's airspace shifted from the FAA and Department of Transportation to the National Security Council and De partment of Defense. FAA and DOT continued to play important roles, but national security determined who re turned to the sky, and when and how they would fly. Hours turned to days, days to weeks, all filled with con stant communication about how to resolve the issues of safety, security, and the essential and economic needs to fly. Members called and wrote, asking, "When will we get back in the air?" and expressing concern that temporary restric tions on VFR flight might become permanent. They wondered: Will aviation deteriorate and die at a fragile time when we've been working hard to rebuild it? Much has been written about September 11, and here is not the place to recount all EAA has done each day on be half of you and aviation. (You can step through EAA's news and actions on the website: www.eaa.org.) Moving forward, to address tomorrow's critical issues, we've extensively surveyed flight schools, instructors, and FBOs and interviewed aircraft manufacturers and suppliers SEPTEMBER
to gather important information to quantify the economic impact and long-term damage caused by their grounding. EAA's ultimate goal is to ensure that general aviation does not have permanent restrictions placed upon it that limit its ability to fly, grow, and continue to perform its crit ical role in the infrastructure that makes America and the world work. America has been-and will be-aviation's international leader. Since the Wrights first flew at Kitty Hawk, it's taught the world to fly. And it still does. Flight schools today, the core of U.S. general aviation, teach tomorrow's professional pilots to fly. If today's students are grounded, so, too, will be tomorrow's commercial aviation operations, because air planes need pilots and skilled mechanics. One of EAA's roles is to rebuild confidence in aviation . People responded to the tragedies of September 11 , met the challenges-and rose above them . Today, EAA and its members will do the same. We will not surrender all that aviation has achieved over the last 97 years because of the ter rorist actions of a few individuals. For almost five decades EAA has wel comed all people to aviation and made the dream of flight a reality. We are an organization of doers, people who ac complish great things, from designing and building airplanes and sharing in formation to volunteering our time to benefit the common good and reaching out to the future-our children. This is the spirit of EAA, and it will see us rebound to continued future success. Hard to believe at the time, but out of bad comes good. Since September 11, I've seen everyone respond to what ever is asked with a tremendous willingness . The cooperation and communication between aviation organi zations has been outstanding-all of us focused on getting you back into the air without restriction. I want to express pride and compliment the outstanding work of your Headquarters staff and Washington Office. Their efforts, combined with Chapter leaders, EAA councils, and EAA-affiliate the National Association of Flight Instruc tors, have enabled us to respond quickly to the challenges resulting from September 11, and, more importantly, to ad dress the long-term rebuilding that will overcome the losses incurred-and, we shall overcome them. ......
We will not surrender all that aviation has achieved over the last 97 years because of the terrorist actions of a few individuals.
Pioneer-era aircraft often can be baffling to many would-be mystery plane researchers, and the July bi plane with the extraordinarily flexible wing panels was no excep tion. We did have one response guessing it was a Curtiss product, but it was definitely not the model the respondent suggested. Close examination of the photo shows the airplane resting on a sandy beach, and a few details of the airframe and powerplant installation are evident. First, portions of the air frame appear to be made of bamboo, since the nodules are visible. The most interesting items in the photo are the engine installations. The en gines are mounted horizontally, driving the huge props through gear driven shafts. The structure appears to be not nearly stiff enough for safe
flight. We hope someone may be able to add to our meager knowledge about this particular model. We'll certainly leave it open to
those of you who have a particular interest in that era. Feel free to drop us a l ine at the addresses noted above. ~
Transition Training
Movin'on up
ou've been flying your ba also for sale. As I drove up to look at At first, I thought this was crazy. I sic seaplane or amphibian the Goose, my first thought was, already had 400 hours flying boat for a few years and have "How could I learn to fly something time, and the Lake seemed easy. The had experiences and trips this BIG?" When I got home I called insurance company was firm on you wouldn't trade for anything. Brian Van Wagnen in Jackson, Michi their 10-hour requirement , so I You 've mastered the Cub on floats gan, and asked, "If I ended up with a signed up with factory Lake instruc or the Lake Buccaneer and are think Widgeon or Goose, would you help tor Rich Eilinger. Boy, was I wrong. I ing about something bigger, faster, me fly it home and teach me how to learned more about the Lake in the or different-a new challenge to fly it?" Brian said, "Sure, when do next 10 hours than I would have move to the next level in th e won we start!" I worked out a deal on the ever lea rned on my own. Those 10 derful world of water flyin g. Goose, still amazed at how big it hours with Rich and the five hours With 400 hours in a Republic was. When I really started inspect with Lake instructor Paul Furnee Seabee and 500 hours in a Lake ing it I found I could climb all the were invaluable. We pushed that air Renegade, I was ready to move up. way back in the tail from the inside! plane to its limits in the air, on th e I had transitioned from the land, and on the water. I learned The Seabee is a great airplane for learning the ways of a taildragger on Seabee to the Lake after an hour of where those limits are and what land and how to handle a flying land and water work. It seemed like happens when it's pushed to its lim boat on the water. It is a tough, for no big deal, and in a lot of ways the its. I became a safe and competent giving airplane. It is probably not Lake was easier than the Seabee . pilot in the Lake. It also made flying the best airplane for a far-away ad Then my insurance company said I it mor e enjoyable beca use I had ve nture. The Lake Renegade is a needed 10 hours of dual, by a quali "been there, done that. " much better airplane for long trips fied Lake instructor, before my Wh e n my insurance company to remote places. Like most four insurance would take effect. said I would need 10 hours dual , 20 water takeoffs and land place airplanes, it is really a two-place airplane when ings, and 10 land takeoffs loaded with full fuel, two in the Goose, I didn ' t people, and gear for a fish think it was enough . I ing trip. thought, "How about 50 My kids are old hours of dual?" It seemed like a huge step up from e nough now that they the Lake and Seabee. The want to be included in five hours it took to get the Canadian fishing my multiengine water rat trips that my brother and ing in a twin engine I would do in the Lake. Seabee did not seem to So I began to search for prepare me for the Goose. something bigger. Since I Th e day came to pick am comfortable in flying up the Goose in Racin e, boats, my search pointed to the Grumman Wid Wisconsin, for the trip back to Pontiac, Michi geon. One of my trips to look at a Widgeon was Bob Redner and his wife, Kimberly, with their children, Arthur gan. Brian and I flew over only an hour away from a and Ellen , are enjoying the extra room and load-carrying ca in a Piper twin with a Grumman Goose that was pabilities of the Goose. friend, with Brian di s-
cussing IFR procedures into Racine. and would allow me to get near the ter crosswind takeoffs and landings, A front was approaching Racine limits before talking me back to nor water work on Lake st. Clair (with 2 from the west, so the weather was mal flight-all this while going to 1/2-foot chop!), and lots of engine going downhill in Racine. I com different lakes and airports, to mix it failures on takeoff. Going with Bob was good because it gave me an pleted the paperwork with the seller up a bit. and gassed up the Goose. A half One week later we went north to other opinion on how to properly hour later we were ready to go. Otsego Lake, Michigan, for more of fly a Goose. After 23 hours of dual, Brian seemed too relaxed. After all, the same training for me and also probably 40 each of land and water here we were with a tired 1939 training for Mark and Steve Taylor takeoffs and landings, I felt I could Goose that Brian had never seen be in their award-winning tur manage the Goose. How would I have made a safe fore and the weather was getting bocharged Widgeon. I rode in the worse. Brian looked over at me in back of the Widgeon during Mark transition without people like Brian the right seat and said, . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , and Bob? Qualified people are sometimes "Let's go." hard to find for train Right there my train ing in these unique ing started, with Brian aircraft we fly. In most explaining everything cases, those who are he was doing. It seemed qualified to teach en automatic for him. joy the opportunity so Halfway home we much that it's fun for stopped for lunch. everyone. If you are Then it was time for some water work on moving to a different airplane, search out the Gull Lake . Brian flew most qualified instruc this Goose like he was just in it yesterday. Af tor you can find. Spend the time and money ter we parked the Goose Goose N327 cruises in the soft skies over Lower Michigan. on the best. It is a small in its new home at Pon part of the total cost of tiac airport, Brian patted the instrument panel and and Steve's training, and they rode ownership and will probably save said, "Good job, Goose." Then he re in the back of the Goose during my you money in the long run. Good minded me that we are just training. It was very interesting to training may save you much more caretakers of these old airplanes and listen during their training and hear than money someday. Is my transi it is now my responsibility to fly and some of the same lessons while see tion training done? No way, but maintain Goose N327 carefully so ing it from a different perspective. it's a good start toward a healthy others will have the opportunity to After the weekend at Otsego Lake, relationship with Goose N327 . courtesy of Mark and his wonderful enjoy this airplane, too. By the way, the following week After two months of intense main family, I felt I could someday master end my wife and I flew to Mackinac tenance, inspection, and repair work, this Goose. Island in the Goose, her first ride in Because of some Goose mainte it and my first flight without an in N327 was ready to fly again. Day one started with Brian at 9:00 a.m. and nance and Brian's schedule with structor. It was one of the best flying we kept at it until 8:00 p .m. that American Airlines, thr ee weeks trips we have done. evening. Ten minutes after takeoff I went by before the next lesson. The moved to the left seat. We did stalls, next lesson was more of the same To locate a professional in steep turns, Dutch rolls, airspeed but included Single-engine work, structor, contact the National management, systems management, crosswind landings on pavement, Association of Flight Instruc and then landings-on grass run and formation flying with Bill Dis tors (NAFI), an affiliate of EAA. ways and then on the water. Brian ilva and his Grumman Albatross. At Send mail to them at NAFI, talked all the time, explaining in de this point I had 17 hours of dual in EAA Aviation Center, P.O. Box tail what was happening and why as the Goose and felt reasonably com 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903 well as the mechanics of what was fortable when the conditions were 3086. You can call them at going on. Most of the time his hands favorable. I felt I still needed more 920/426-6801 or send e-mail were in his lap and his feet on the and scheduled another six hours to nafi@eaa.org. Visit NAFI on floor. He would verbalize what to do with Bob Ulrich from Cleveland, the web at www.nafinet.org. and why while I maneuvered the Ohio. We did more water work, step ~ beast. He knew where the limits were taxiing, glassy water operations, wa VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Flying the Canuck
There are very few pilots who are interested in antique and classic aircraft who haven't wanted to fly a Curtiss Jenny (or its Canadian counterpart, the Canuck). Finding one to fly is the first problem. Convincing the owner to let you fly his piece oftreasure is another. There are a few other little problems, like finding a suitable grass field, a light wind right down the runway, and a place to put the aircraft down "just in case "-all very real con siderations ifyou are talking about the real McCoy.
ennys (Canucks) have no brakes. They have a metal plate on the bottom of the tail skid-which precludes any sort of a hard surface landing because of the lack of direc tional control possible once the tail is down. The Curtiss IN-4 series were basically powered gliders: They flew on their wing, more than the power generated by the engine. The rudder is small, and the aircraft has very marginal crosswind control. The main difference between the Canuck (made under license by the Cana dian Aeroplane Company) and the jenny was the addition on the Canuck of ailerons on the lower wings. This also affected the wing stagger. The tail on the jenny was, however, somewhat taller than those on the earlier Canucks. People that have flown both claim that the Canuck had better roll control. This is not to denigrate the qual ity of flight in a Curtiss. The Wrights' first powered flights took place dur ing December 1903. Although their success was monumental, practical flying machines were not in evi dence until 1908 or 1909-as seen in Los Angeles and later in Reims, France. So the Curtiss, which was operational in 1916, had only eight years of gestation in which to ma ture from those primitive flying machines of 1908. When looked at 8
in that context, the advances were pretty amazing. The heart of any aircraft is its powerplant-and reliability is the key. Of course, reliability is a rela tive term. What was considered satisfactory in 1916 would cer tainly not be considered so now. The Curtiss-manufactured OX-S engine, as used in the jN-4 aircraft, needed careful maintenance. It was especially vulnerable to poor qual ity fuel and oil. The water pump for its liquid-cooled cylinders was prone to leaking-and, being situ ated just above the carburetor, could easily contaminate the fuel. Having a single magneto was also a weakness-and many an OX-S en gine was stilled by a broken spring in the advance/retard section of the magneto. It is probably safe to say, however, that modern fuel and oils have done much to improve the reliability factor of all older pieces of machinery, be they auto motive or aircraft. Rigging is an important factor in the way a jenny (Canuck) flies, as there is no way to adjust trim while in flight. Because of the narrow speed range, this does not seem to present a particular problem. Con trol pressures are light and somewhat vague, much of that be ing attributable to the slow speeds at
which these aircraft operate. But let's start at the beginning of the flight. Glenn Peck, the resident guru of the Historic Aircraft Restoration Museum, is responsible for the gen eral care and feeding of all its aircraft. Preflight of the Canuck takes time. While still in the hangar, all fluid levels-water, oil, and fuel-are checked. (The oil level is critical, so don't believe the little pointer on the crankcase.) Oddly enough, there is no water temperature gauge on the instru ment panel-and a visual check of the radiator contents should be mandatory! If you haven't flown within a couple of days, you must be careful to check for sediment in the carburetor. There are four quick drains that should be allowed to flow for a few seconds-not just to check for water but to be certain that the carb is getting fuel from the tank, too. While you're back there, examine the water pump for leaks around the packing-making sure that there is no antifreeze on the top of the carburetor housing. You lay your hands on each fly ing wire-not so much to check for tension-but to assure yourself that they're not just a figment of your imagination, or a cobweb. But watch that drag wire from each side of the nose; it's a certain neck catcher!
Glenn has made a caisson, the OX fires. Music. Not the noise of an en using two old Jenny wheels, so that the Canuck can be moved gine firing. Music-conducted in and out of the hangar. Even , by the valve gear gently but pur with this device, the tail skid's ( posefully tapping to its own tendency to flop from side to rhythm. All the pushrods, in side makes moving the airplane their turn, rising and falling with a simplicity that belies the tech an interesting task . Its 44-foot upper wingspan gets perilously nology necessary to have come close to the Curtiss Robin on With its 90-hp Curtiss OX-5 engine swinging a even this far. The sight, the one side and the Sopwith Pup huge oak prop some 8-1/ 2 feet in diameter, the sound, the ambience is incredi on the other. But once out the Canuck is just about to break ground after a short ble. A slight increase in throttle door, the long walk to the grass ground run on the grass runway at Dauster field. opening, and the valve gear's tempo moves from a slow dance strip can begin in earnest. There always seems to be plenty of helpers anything adds to the wonder. The to a foxtrot-a still leisurely pace. willing to push. seat is comfortable, and the visibility No use checking the mag: the en Reaching the run-up area, the tail is excellent over the sides of the fuse gine's running. There's no carburetor is gently disengaged from its car lage. The throttle is on the right side heat either! Controls free. Water riage and lowered to the grass. of the cockpit, meaning the stick is temperature is okay if the engine Because the engine on this Canuck held in the left hand . It's a strange will pick up without stumbling. has not been "Millerized" and still setup for a Stearman pilot, but oh Chocks are still in, so the throttle is contains the stock valve gear, it must well! Seat belt buckled. Nonsensitive opened all the way. The airframe be oiled in the 24 places provided altimeter looks about right. Horizon strains, eager to get into the air. on the rockers, with three drops tal compass between the legs looks Wires vibrate, first one, then an each. For that task, a special tip has neat, but it's no DG (directional gyro). other. Glenn is holding an electronic been fitted to a squirt can to ensure That little gauge in the upper right handheld tachometer in front. This that the oil goes where it is needed, corner of the instrument panel is the thing doesn't move if we're not get and not all over the valve train. tachometer-it looks more like a Ford ting at least 1375 revs. I get a thumbs (Enough of the normal lubrication Model A speedometer. And it works up from Glenn. oil will wind up there and thence just as inaccuratel y. The carburetor The chocks are pulled. The throt onto the windscreen and ultimately has been "tickled ," filling the float tle is opened gradually, and despite on the pilot's goggles.) bowl. The fuel selector on the right the lush grass, with only partial Now it's time to climb into the rear side has been pushed down for ON. power the Curtiss eases itself for cockpit. Immediate feelings of excite The engine is pulled through. Now ward gently. More throttle equates ment overwhelm any tendency it's up to you. You flip the mag switch immediately to more speed down toward trepidation. The lack of brake on the outside of the fuselage up for the runway. The amount of torque pedals, the wooden rudder bar, and, ON. You call "hot," and with one pull this old lady develops is astounding. in fact, the almost total lack of metal by Glenn on the stiffly turning prop, In no time at all the power is full on, VINTAGE AIRPLANE
As this is your first fligh t, and the controls are responsive, and the airplane is doing exactly you have no idea what indicated what it's supposed to do. A little stall speed might be, you have a tendency to stay a little higher forward stick to get the tail skid out of the grass, and in no time, on final than necessary. But the Curtiss is, if nothing else, we have reached flying speed. What an incredible sensation. A pass down the runway shows the multitude of draggy. As you throttle back to Look ahead, and your eyes are struts and wires that give the Canuck and Jenny idle it is important to keep the riveted to the valve gear-click so much drag. Keeping the nose down while glid- nose down to retain energy. You can tell this machine is no ing and jumping in unison like a ing is imperative. bunch of berserk grasshoppers. floater. A glance at the airspeed Look to the side, and see the indicator shows SO. Then you're over the threshold, the wings in wires-not exactly vibrating, but trembling with an almost tangi ground effect. You can feel th e ble eagerness. Testing the control mains brush the grass, then the tail skid: you're down and pressures you find them to be stopped in a few yards. She rolls light but sluggish, but more than out straight as an arrow. You suited to the way you want to fly this machine. It's not in any look up to see the rockers doing hurry, so you needn't be either. that same little dance you saw By the time you've reached a just a few short minutes ago. And you smile. few hundred feet and are ready A burst of power with hard for your turn to crosswind, A calm, clear morning is just the right time of you've begun to relax and enjoy day to fly the Canuck and its hangar mate at the right rudder gets you out of the Historic Aircraft Restoration Museum , the rotary runway middle, and then you the ride. engine-powered Sopwith Pup. tentatively try a U-turn on the Suddenly it's 1916 and your expanse of the 175-foot-wide Sam Brown belt is cutting into your shoulder; the spurs worn by di roadblock. You pray that the guy in runway. It's amazing how easily that rective seem somehow in the way of front doesn't jam on his brakes, be floppy tail skid can steer you around, the cables running back from the cause even at your lethargic pace, if you're not in a hurry. Taxiing is rudder bar. You've been briefed by sudden stops are impossible. People surprisingly easy on grass and im your instructor, and now, after five strain to pass you, if only to see possible on hard surfaces. Any back hours and 45 minutes of dual in what strange conveyance you pos pressure pushes the tail skid into the sess. Unlike the Jenny, you are turf hard enough to make you think struction, you're on your own. Dream on, dummy. In reality, competing in their environment, you have an anchor back there. I motion to Phil: It's his turn. you've got 5,000 hours in God the modern road. It's their turf. But in the sky, there is no set path, knows how many different types, so REFLECTIONS AND what's the big deal flying something no identifiable landmark. Every FURTHER EXPERIENCES as rudimentary as a World War I cloud has its own special shape and training plane? Well, I'll tell you! look . Each landmark's visage The more you fly this classic, the It's utter magic! It's slow; freezing changes from that nonrepeatable more fun it becomes. Perhaps be speed is 65 or so. Anything past 80 angle and light condition from cause you gain more confidence in feels like Mach buffet. But this is an which it is initially seen. The sky is the engine. On the second flight the gearbox on the Scintilla mag slipped airplane-a flying machine. You never the same, yet always the sky. You've been flying around the air out of engagement and the fire went can feel every little current of air port for about a half hour, watching out. The OX had been purring along through her ailerons and elevator. Even the smallest input causes a re the various wires twitch and hum in when it suddenly became quiet. Be action-an alteration of her path the breeze, and now you have an ing over the lake, and close enough urge to land. Not because you're to the airport to affect a normal through your sky. Not a big one, perhaps, but you can sense it. This bored or afraid. You're just curious. landing, a few seconds were spent time capsule has transported you The landing is always the ultimate checking to see if the fuel was on. back 85 years in an instant. experience of an aircraft's behavior, The mag was switched on and off a I've driven veteran and vintage and your ability to handle it. So, couple of times, and the throttl e automobiles. Invariably, when you while on the downwind side of the jazzed, all to no avail. Dropping into venture out onto even a small, two airport, you start to throttle back, let the pattern, I began to remember all contin ued on page 27 lane road, you become an instant ting the Canuck lose some altitude. 10
Y6 ~intafJe (S)()yssey
FRAUTSCHY Above: Andrew King 's reincarna足 tion of the serial number 7 Ryan M-1 was breathtaking, complete with wrapped cable ends and flare tubes. His five-year effort was rewarded with a Champion足 Golden Age (1918-1927) trophy.
Looks like the student gets off lightly today in Mike Williams ' de Havilland DH -82A Tiger Moth. Mike doesn ' t have to contend with the hood being pulled over the aft cockpit, but he made sure it was included as part of his restoration . It was the winner of an Outstanding Open Cockpit bi足 plane trophy. VI NTAGE A IRPLANE
Sidney Cotton's civilian spy plane was used to get detailed photo足 graphs of Nazi installations in Europe just before the start of World War II. Now owned by Steve and Suzanne Oliver, the light airliner has a fasci足 nating history. See more of the airplane on their website at www.pep足
A The Contemporary category has all sorts of interesting airplanes to take on cross-countries. The Mooney M20C, like this one owned and flown by Monroe McDonald, is one of the smaller complex airplanes that are beginning to attract the attention of vintage airplane restorers . ...( A sextet of these smiling faces keeps V the exhaust pipes plugged when Jarad Smith of Huntington Beach, California, parks his 1946 Globe Swift on the flight line. Jarad's air足 plane took home the Best Swift plaque.
One of the most fascinating displays at the Countdown to Kitty Hawk Pavilion was the collect ion of original Wright produced parts. Included in that display was this Wright Vertical Four engine, serial number 20. Originally installed on a Wright Model B airplane, the engine had been in stor age for 85 years until Greg Cone restored and ran it last year. Greg is seen here adjust ing the timing of the single magneto as the engine was run during EAA AirVenture 2001. Learn more about it at www.wrightexperience.com.
A International visitors abound in the VAA area, and Marie Helene Dian and Enc Dussault flew Eric ' s Piper Tri-Pacer from the Canadian province of Quebec. When we caught up with them on the last day of EAA AirVenture, they had the last airplane in our parking area and were busy flight planning their trip home. They expected to fly around the top of Lake Michigan, island hopping after leaping off the tip of the Door County, Wis consin, peninsula.
A Paul Gould of Sardinia, Ohio , and his Aeronca 11AC Chief, which was _ ....,..;......:t""' ~
picked as the winner of the Reserve Grand Champion Classic Silver Lindy. Paul's Chief, seen here with the award-winning Chief restored by Ray Johnson, is complete right down to the Bedford whipcord uphol stery in the cabin. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
A Peter McMillan headed up this project a few years ago , but this was the first time the Vickers Vimy was shown at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. Since first being constructed, it's been flown on a series of extraordinary cross-country flights to Cape Town, South Africa , and to Australia . Plans are now being made to re-c reate the epic transatlanti c flight accomplished by Alcock and Brown in 1919.
~ John Nielsen 's Cessna 170 won
the Best 170/ 180 Classic trophy.
John's from Bloomer, Wisconsin,
and had helpful input from friends
who are classic auto restorers.
On opening day, which happened to be Amelia Earhart's birthday, the VAA Red Barn was the location fo r a press conference announcing the re-creation of Amelia ' s 1928 fall tour around the United States. Sponsored by Historic Aviation, Dr. Carlene Mendieta started the flight from White Plains, New York, and had made it to EI Paso, Texas, be足 fore the flight was stalled by the tragic events of September 11. Af足 ter VFR flight restrictions were relaxed , Carlene continued toward the West Coast. As you read this , she should be close to nearing the end of her flight in this Avro Avian, a sister ship of the Avian flown by Amelia . Follow the re-creation of the flight at www.ameliaflight.com. 14
Joe Fleeman (right) had plenty to do on one of his latest projects, a Piper PA-5 Cub Coupe he re stored for Carl Brasser (left). Kneeling in front is Kirby Totte, who was responsible for the en gine overhaul. The trio was all smiles later, as the PA-5 was awarded the Grand Champion Antique Gold Lindy.
A Darrell Collins of the National Park
A ne em the VAA area housed the metal shaping workshop, where members could try their hand at moving metal in various ways and watch the experts make and re pair airframe components such as this spinner.
Service is the historian at the Wright Brothers National Historic Memorial in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. After the Countdown to Kitty Hawk clock was started , everyone was invited into the pavil ion to listen to a dramatic presentation by Darrell , the same one he presents on a regular basis at the memorial's visitor center.
A Glenn Peck's magnificent restoration of a Tank engine-powered Curtiss Robin, featured in our May 2001 issue, is parked in front of the VAA Red Barn headquarters. Flown from St. Louis, Glenn's restoration for the Historic Aviation Museum was presented with the Antique Runner-Up Closed Cockpit Monoplane plaque . VINTAGE AIRPLAN E
Either he's really early or very late for the skiplane season in Wisconsin, but Herb Meloche of An足 chorage, Alaska, is prepared with his Piper PA-16 , right down to the pair of snowshoes tied to the right lift struts.
A All the way from
Bleienbach, Switzerland, with their Bellanca Cruisair 14-13-3, Willi Bernhard and Elizabeth Ruch spent the week camping and enjoying their visit to the United States . A fresh engine overhaul gave them addi足 tional confidence for their transatlantic crossing.
Vintage airliners seem to evoke a palpable nostalgic response from many who flew them when all airlin足 ers had propellers. Clay Lacy decided to reproduce the color scheme of United's Mainliner O'Con足 nor for his DC-3 restoration, and it attracted both pilots and passen足 gers alike while it was parked in the grass opposite the VAA Red Barn.
The tops in the Classic cat足 egory during EAA AirVenture 2001 was this spectacular Grumman Mallard, restored by the accomplished me 足 chanics and craftsmen at Victoria Air Maintenance in British Columbia, Canada. The Mallard was found by owner Steve Hamilton in a corner of the famed "Corro足 sion Corner" salvage yard in Miami. Actively involved in the planning and execution of the restoration , Hamilton was thrilled when he was called up on stage for the presentation of the Grand Champion Classic Gold Lindy, and he made sure the crew on hand was brought up on stage as well. Denny and Barbara Beecher of Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, have been flying their Piper PA-22-108 all over the United States. After its restora足 tion by Dave Liebegott of Classic Magic Aviation , they found an even deeper appreciation for the handy two-place Piper. The judges certainly noticed, too, for they gave the Colt the Reserve Grand Champion Classic Silver Lindy. H.G. FRAUTSCHY PHOTOS
A Custom Stearmans abound these days! Here's
A The Grand Champion Contemporary is this sparkling example of a Beechcraft B35-833 Debonair, brought to the convention by owner/pilot James Lynch of Lawton, Oklahoma.
David Bates' Boeing Stearman E75Nl. Dave 's from Faribault, Minnesota, and he carted home the bronze Lindy for the Champion-Customized An tique aircraft. The Fairchild FC-2W2 is one of those airplanes that you have to see to appreciate its size. HO Aircraft for Yellowstone Avia tion's Historic Aviation Museum recently completed this particu lar restoration. It was flown by the National Park Service early in its career. Just as the restoration was completed, it was learned this airplane was the first one owned by the Na tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the prede cessor to today's NASA. NACA had borrowed and leased vari ous aircraft before buying the Fairchild, but this was the first one with NACA listed as the owner. The restoration was pre sented with the Antique Silver Age (1928-1932) trophy. Paul Workman zips along in the littlest of the Mooney clan, the Mite he and his dad Ben, restored. Ben's lit tle speedster is a joy to fly, according to Paul. He even lets his dad fly it every now and then! It was chosen as the Best Class 1 (0-80 hpj Clas sic award winner.
Building an airplane for utility purposes can result in an un足 usual fuselage , and Jan Christie ' s Perci足 val EP.9 certainly fits that description. The clamshell doors open up on a cavern for a main cabin, with the pilot lo 足 cated forward of the
BY E.E. "BUCK" HILBERT, EAA #2 1 VAA #5 P.O. Box 424, UNION, IL 60180
My all-but-forgotten past
ver find yourself trans
ported back in time?
Doing something you
once did before going on
to bigger and sometimes not-so
much-better times?
Well, it happened to yours
truly. A couple months ago Clay
Lacy, who incidentally is a great
asset to EAA as well as all of avia
tion, broached the idea of
bringing his DC-3 to EAA AirVen
ture Oshkosh 2001. He wanted to
show his "new" 1948 United Air lines paint job in
honor of our United
Airlines alma mater.
I graduated (read
retired) in 1984 af
ter a career that
began with the DC 3 and ended with
the DC-8. Clay was
a couple years
younger than I and
had more seniority.
He flew the "three"
up and down the
California central
valley routes and to
Catalina Island,
maintaining his Me and an old qualification until
the DC-3s were phased out in the
late 1950s. He finished up on the
747-400, the queen of the fleet.
His admiration for the Douglas
"Racer" knows no bounds. This
particular airplane was never
owned by United, but it sure looks
it with that paint job. This was the last C-47/DC-3C built. It was deliv ered to the military in October '45 and became surplus in November. It became the state of Georgia's air plane, and Jimmy Carter used it when he was governor. After Clay acquired N814CL he embarked on a restoration project that borders on the sublime-a 10-passenger executive interior complete with a galley and all the trimmings, plus two new Pratt & Whitney 1830-94 engines-he had
land. He flew several more trips with "old timers"-retired United captains who had flown "threes" and had passed the baton to Clay when retirement overtook them. Now back to my nostalgic trip. When the trip did materialize, I called and asked if I could ride along. Clay returned my call, and we made the arrangements. He would bring the Mainliner O'Con nor to EAA AirVenture to assist the United Airlines Historical Foundation in its efforts to "Pre serve the Past and Inspire the Future." This foundation is independent of the corporation. It is trying very hard to . preserve the heritage and history of the airline. Clay appre ciates this heritage, and thus he decided to come to EAA Air Venture. The name Main liner O ' Connor is nostalgic in itself. Mary O'Connor was friend after our arrival at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2001. an "early on" stew ardess for United, a real winner on his hands. The probably one of the best PR people only thing it lacked was that final ever. She is known for her tremen touch, the United paint job. After dous power of recall for names and a lot of research, the 1948 paint people she served. When she was scheme was finalized and done. n't flying the line or doing For one of the first trips in the charters, she worked as a recep airplane he revisited Catalina Is tionist to United's preSident, Pat VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Clay Lacy Aviation's version of the 1948 Mainliner O'Connor.
Patterson. Patterson so admired this wonder ful person that he named his personal DC-3 after her, and when it was phased out, the Convair 440 that replaced it was also com missioned as the Mainliner O'Connor. But back to our trip. I left Oshkosh on Sat urday night and stayed with Jim Dier, a friend of the foundation, and the next morning we caught a United trip out to Los Angeles. We rode a bus to Van Nuys, where Clay Lacy Avi ation is based, and Monday morning we departed special VFR for Wichita, Kansas. Once on top of the morning fog layer, we went VFR direct to Lake Havasu at Laughlin, Nevada, and then to Bullhead City, Arizona. From there we flew at minimum en route alti tude over Grand Canyon National Park Airport and on to Monument Valley, Arizona. Then we passed Four Corners, Ship Rock at Farmington, New Mexico, Pikes Peak, and Pueblo, the old B-2S base at La Junta, Co l orado. We flew into Kansas, landing at Garden City. The first shock was the tempera ture: 106 degrees; the second shock was the fuel cost: $3 .79 a gallon! We cried and ca joled, and they gave us a 20-cent per gallon discount on 300 gallons. It only takes a minute or two to read about our progress this far, but we were five hours and 39 minutes getting to Kansas. We th en decided to bypass Wichita and continue on to 22
IE o o
The executive interior of Clay' s airliner isn't exactly what it would have been during its days on the line, but you can't beat it for comfort!
Up front, the cockpit fit just like a comfortab le pair of loafers. No super-duper glass panels up here, just steam gauges and round flight instruments. Some modern avionics are tucked in for navigating in the real world , but, hey, that's fine with me!
The spectacular Monument Valley in northern Arizona as we cruised along be tween the rumbling Pratt & Whitney 1830s.
Des Moines, Iowa. It was old home week there! At the FBO, half the airport people came over to see the "United" DC-3 and ask questions about UAL re suming service. We RON-ed at DSM and the next morning departed at about 9:00 a.m. for Oshkosh, arriv ing as scheduled at 10:45 a.m. on Tuesday-opening day. The parking crew put us in the grass right in front of the Vintage Red Barn with the other early Air mail airplanes, and I had to leave them and get to work. I got seven and-a-half hours of "stick" time out of the 10 hours and used a lot of body English on the three land ings. We never talked to anyone en route, flew minimum en route altitude all the way, and saw only one airplane until we approached EAA AirVenture. That is the story of my nostalgic trip. Just like old times, it was slow, by today 's standards, but scenic, bumpy, hot at times, and just de lightful. I'd do it again in a minute. .......
Over to you,
Michael Dale
Culpeper VA Trained as
a pilot in RAF,
2000+ hours in
and glider aircraft
EAA Foundation
Mary and Michael Dole with their N 435 WV Provost Exp.
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Ulrich Feldmann .. . .... ... .... Attendorn, Germany
David W. MacReady ... . ... Oxfordshire, Great Britain
Ole Maindal. .... . .... ..... ... .... Erslev, Denmark
Ruy Pavan Cardim ................. Sao Paulo, Brazil
james P. Morrissey . . . ...... . . ... . ... Dublin, Ireland
Dean Cumming .... ... ...... Viking, Alberta, Canada
Herman Vanden Bosch ...... McLeannan, Alberta, Canada
Rudy DiFrangia .......................... FPO, AE
Rick Girouard ...... . ............... Anchorage, AK
Bill Nelson . ........ ... ... . ....... . . .. juneau, AK
Mark D. Schledorn ........ . ...... .. . . . Lincoln, AL
james E. Reynolds ................... Scottsdale, AZ
Rod L. Wagoner .. ...... ........... .... Tucson, AZ
john B. Adams ........... . ..... ... ... La Mesa, CA
Donald A. Cooley .................... Fairfield, CA
Robert Dowlett ..................... Woodside, CA
Clifford Hunter. . . ... . . .. .. ...... . . . Ridgecrest, CA
Dr. Stanford L. johnson............ Pollock Pines, CA
james B. Matthews ............. . ..... Anaheim, CA
Timothy McCluskey .. . ............... Berkeley, CA
Charles F. McGraw ........ . .......... Fremont, CA
Joseph M. Perez .................... Santa Rosa, CA
Gregory T. Schuh ......... ... . . .... Northridge, CA
Keith Zenobia ..................... Las Angeles, CA
Burton E. jacobs ....................... Oxford, CT
Richard C. Berstling ................. Lake Placid, FL
Leslie C. Conwell. .... ....... . .. New Port Richey, FL
joseph M. Stanko ....... . ... ... Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Pieter G. Stryker .................... Fort Pierce, FL
Henry J. Tedesco . ... . . .... .. ... . ... . . Mt. Do ra, FL
Dan Davis .......................... Norcross, GA
Dale C. Peterson ................... Fayetteville, GA
Chris Reinhold Steckmann .............. Vidalia, GA
Erik Edgren .... .. ... ........ . ..... . . Oskaloosa, IA
William B. Weiser .... .. . .. . ... .. ..... Meridian , ID
Edwin F. Bobeng . . .... .... .... .. . . . . .. .. . Elgin , IL
Samuel D. Breeden ... . .... . . . . . . . .... St. Charles, IL
Lyndal E. Cloud . .. . ........ . . ....... . Shipman, IL
jacob Glass......................... Metropolis, IL
]. McConachie . .......... . .... .... ... Elmhurst, IL
Betty Mickel ........... .. .......... Scioto Mills, IL
Brian S. Wilke . .. ..... . ....... Arlington Heights, IL
j erald W. Rea ...... . .. ..... ... ....... Syracuse, IN
Darrel D. Zeck ..................... Terre Haute, IN
Glen M. Abrahamson . .. . . ..... ... ..... . Pfeifer, KS
Wayne Fritzemeyer .. . ...... . ..... Overland Park, KS
john Main .. . . ...... ... .......... . . Lexington, KY
Raymond Moreau ... .... .. . .. . . ..... . . . Slidell, LA
Thomas S. Cuddy . . . . .... . .......... Sherborn, MA
Dave Pepple ............ ... ........ . Standish, MA
Philip j . Wallace . . .... . . .. .. .. . Newton Center, MA
Jack Gillham ...... .. .............. Annapolis, MD
Jame Tinder ........ ... .. . . . ... . ... Stoneham, ME
Peter Boon . .. . . . ................ Grand Haven, MI
Donald Cannistraro ............ . .. . . Northville, MI
Dave R. Ebert ................... Ra y Township, MI
john W. Ferguson . ......... ... ... ... Marquette, MI
Charles M. Garda ................... Ludington, MI Nicholas Pane .. ..... ... ... ...... .. .. Lake City, MI joseph N. Skone .................. .. . . . Howell, MI john E. Von Linsowe ... . .. .... . . .... Metamora, MI Wenda II E. Wing .. ............ .... . ... Marion, MI Carolyn Frances Ca rlson ... . .... . ..... . Palisade, MN jeff Snell .. ... .... .. ... .. .. ... .. . Inver Grove, MN Karen Ruth Swanton ................ Saint Paul, MN George F. Blaich ....... . . .. .. . .. .. Poplar Bluff, MO Charlie R. Dischner ...... .. . . .. . . . . . Gladstone, MO Scott W . Rankin ... . . ...... .... . .. Kansas City, MO David Mars ... .. . ... .... .. ... .. ...... Jackson, MS Alvin Browning .. . . ... . .... .. . ... . . . Asheboro, NC Al Ramsay ...... . ............... .. . . . Norlina, NC Louis R. Berube .................. West Ossipee, NH Bob Larson ... .... . . .. . . .. . . . .... ... Hancock, NH George C. Vossler .... . . ... .. ... .. ... . . Auburn, NH Edward Dec ........................... Roselle, Nj Alan B. Hendershot ... .. .. . . . ...... . . Columbia, Nj Peter Hogan ..................... Basking Ridge, Nj Matthew V. Thompson .. . . . .... ..... .. Madison, NJ Catherine Zane . ....... . .... . ....... Wildwood, Nj Marilyn Olwin .................. j emez Springs, NM Bob Ray Woods ....... . .... . ....... . Las Vegas, NV john McConaughy . . . . .. . . ..... Van Hornesville, NY Paul Shade.. ........ . .... ... ........ Fairborn, OH Robert Wilson .... .. .... . . . . .. ..... .. Norman, OK David B. Gurkin ..... . ............. . Harrisburg, PA Stuart I. Hitner .... . . .. . . .... . .. . ... Greenville, SC Carlos Vanegas . . .................... Columbia, SC james E. Davis ............... . .. . ... .. Athens, TN Larry Dee Abernathy . ... .. ... .. ... ..... Vernon, TX jay Anding ...... .... . ... .... . .. .. .... . Bryan, TX Mike Burnett .... . .... . .... . . ...... . .. . Dallas, TX William Thomas Ellisor . .... . . . .... .... . Austin, TX Bryan Gangwere .. ... .. .... .. .. .. . Haltom City, TX Arthur C. Heunemann .... . . . ........ . . Garland, TX Wilbur L. johnson.... . . ... . . .. . . . .. . . Burleson, TX Tom Kasallis . . . . .. . . . .. ... .. . .... . Midlothian, TX Richard j . Smith .. .. . . .... .. . . .... . Round Rock, TX Robert N. Strong ... ... .... . . . Tennessee Colony, TX James R. Zivney ........................ Dallas, TX Michael Mladejovsky . ... . .... . . . . Salt Lake City, UT Wayne Bressler, Jr. .. .. .... . .. .... .. .. Herndon, VA J. R. Defreytas ..................... Alexandria, VA D. Scott Pantone .. . . . ........... Virginia Beach, VA W. E. Sivertson ..................... Yorktown, VA
Todd N. Young ................. Mechanicsville, VA
John C hrinka .... . ................ . . Arlington, VT
Michael Dillon ...................... Richland, WA
G. Andris Vaskis .................. Federal Way, WA Fred Willcutt ... .... ....... . ....... Arlington, WA Alexander Barclay ..... ..... .. .... .... .. Ripon, WI James W. Kent .. .... . ..... . ........... . Wales, WI John Nielsen . . . . .... . ..... ...... . ... Bloomer, WI john T. Parks .......................... Ripon, WI james B. Shannon ................... La Crosse, WI VINTAGE AIR PLANE
OCTOBER 13 - Hampton, NH - VAA
Ch . 15 Pumpkin Patch Fly-In and Pancake Breakfast, Hampton Air field . Rain date Oct. 14. Info: 603/964-6749. OCTOBER 13-14 - Winchester,
Th e foJ/owing list of corning events is fur nished to our readers as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsor ship, involvement, control or direction of any event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. Please send the infonnation to EAA, Att: Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903 3086 . Informati on should be received four months prior to the event date.
VA - EAA C h. 186 Fall Fly-In, Winchester Regional Airport (OKV), 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Pancake breakfast 8-11 a.m . Static dis play of aircraft; airplane and helicopter rides, demos, aircraft judging, children's play area, and more. Concessions, sou venirs, good food. Info : Ms . Tangy Mooney 703/780-6329 or EAA186@netscape.net.
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ell, OK. .. maybe he didn't actually say that. .. but we bet he would have if Poly-Fiber had been around in the '30s. His plane would have been lighter and stronger, too, and the chance of fire would have been greatly reduced because Poly-Fiber won't support combustion. Not only that, but Gi lmore's playful claw holes would have been easy to repair. Sorry, Roscoe.
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OCTOBER 13-14 - Alliance, OH - Mili
tary Vehicle Show and Fly-In at Alliance-Barber Airport (201) put on by Marlboro Volunteers, Inc. Military displays, reenactments & fly-bys. Info: {barber@allianceiink .com. or 330/823-1168
DECEMBER 1 - Fort Pierce, FL
EAA Ch. 908 Pancake Breakfast, 7 11 a.m. at the EAA Hangar, St. Lucie International Airport. Info: 561/464-0538 or 561/489-0420. JANUARY 19, 2002 - Fort Pierce, FL
- EAA Ch . 908 Pancake Breakfast, 7-11 a.m. at the EAA Hangar, St. Lucie International Airport. Info: 561/464-0538 or 561/489-0420.
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CANUCK - continued from page 10
those horror stories about how much drag the prop created when it stopped and how fast it stopped in the event of an engine failure. Well, the prop didn't stop until I was over the threshold, and when it did stop, it was no big deal. The magneto re duction gearbox was attended to by Glenn Peck the next morning and has worked perfectly ever since. We've learned a couple of things about the OX. Turn the fuel off to stop the motor. That way the plugs stay dry, and if you want to fly a short time after turning it off, it's much easier to start. After turning it off, stuff a rag in each exhaust pipe to prevent the valves from cooling too rapidly. Always oil the valve gear before each flight. Keep an eye on the water pump. The best part about using antifreeze is that you can see it more easily than water if it leaks out. For those of you who have flown other OX-powered aircraft, such as Waco lOs, Travel Air 2000s, and KR 31 s, there is a marked similarity between theirs and the Curtiss' han dling. They get off the ground nicely, but climb lethargically. Turns are best accomplished by "rudder ing," as coordinated turns tend to cause the nose to fall. All flight ma neuvers should be done gently; steeply banked turns will definitely lead to stalls if the nose is held up too long. We have all seen films of ]ennys and other pre-I927 OX-S powered aircraft doing aerobatic flight, but how many of those pilots got hurt doing it? And, how many aircraft were destroyed? Not with our Canuck, or KR-31, or Waco 10, or Travel Air. Now what we need is a Hisso powered Travel Air, or maybe a Hisso Standard!
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Something to buy, sell or trade? Classified Word Ads: $5.50 per 10 words, 180 words maximum, with boldface lead-in on first line. Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2.167 in ches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch. Black and white only, and no frequency discounts. Advertising Closing Dates: 10th of sec ond month prior to desired issue date (i.e., January 10 is the closing date for the March issue). VAA reserves the right to reject any advertising in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insertion per issue. Classi fied ads are not accepted via phone. Payment must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via fax (920/426-4828) or e-mail (classads@eaa.org) using credit card payment (a ll cards accepted). Include name on card, complete address, type of card, card number, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EAA. Address advertising correspondence to EAA Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.
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BABBITT BEARING SERVICE - rod bearings, main bearings , bushings, master rods, valves, piston rings Call us Toll Free 1/800/233-6934, e-mail ramremfg@ao/.com Web site www.ramengine.com VINTAGE ENGINE MACHINE WORKS, N. 604 FREYA ST., SPOKANE, WA 99202. Airplane T-Shirts
150 Different Airplanes Available
www.aim/anetshirts.com 1 -800-645-7739 BIPLANE ODYSSEY - Flying the Stearman to every U.S . State and Canadian Province in North America. Hardcover. 382 pages. 16 pages color illustrations. $25. Mountain Press , 609-924-4002. www.biplaneodvssev.com THERE'S JUST NOTHING LIKE IT
www.aviation-giftshop.com A Web Site With The Pilot In Mind (and those who love airplanes) For sale, reluctantly: Warner 145 & 165 en gines. 1 each, new OH and low time. No tire kickers, please. Two Curtiss Reed props to go with above engines. 1934 Aeronca C-3 Razorback with spare engine parts. 1966 Helton Lark 95, Serial #8. Very rare, PQ-8 certified Target Drone derivative. Tri-gear Culver Cadet. See Juptner's Vol. 8-170. Total time A&E 845 hrs. I just have too many toys and I' m not getting any younger. Find my name in the Officers & Directors listing of Vintage and e-mail or call evenings. E. E. "Buck" Hilbert 1940 Porterfield Collegiate LP-65, 201 SMOH , 2614 TIAF 9/10 in/out, always hangared, 1980 Oshkosh Award Winner, new annual. $25,900. 254-412-0646.
EM, in ar agreement with AeroPlanner.com, is pleased to announce an exciting new fv\embership bene~t...EAA Flight Planner. TaKe advanlof:le of the nevvest fv\emw benefit by heading over to www.eaa.org.Click on the EM Flight planner icon, get registered and log onto Flight planner to plan your next Right.
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Membership Services VINTAGE
EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086
OFFICERS President Espie 'Butch' Joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro, NC 27425 336/668·3650 windsock@aol.com
Secreta ry
Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507/373· 1674
Vice·President George Daubner 2448 Lough Lane Hartford, WI 53027 262/673·5885
Treasurer Charles W. Harris 7215 East 46th Sl. Tulsa, OK 74147 918/622·8400 cwh@hvsu.com
DIRECTORS David 8ennett P.O. Box 1188 Roseville, CA 95678 916/645·6926 antiquer@inreach.com
Jeannie Hill PO. Box 328
Harvard, IL 60033
815/943·7205 dinghao@owc.net
Robert C. ~ Bob " Brauer 9345 S. H~e
Steve Krog 1002 Heather Ln. Hartford, WI 53027 262/966-7627 sskrog®aol.com
John Berendt 7645 Echo POint Rd. Cannon Falls, MN 55009 507/263·24 14
Robert D. "Bob" Lumley 1265 South 124th Sl. Brookfield, WI 53005 262/782·2633
John S. Copeland
Gene Morris 5936 Steve Court
Roanoke, TX 76262
1A Deacon Street
North~8/3~~::1;5 01532 cope:land l@juno,com Phil Coulson
28G:~t~;'i~lb~fr!fr. 616/624·6490
rcoulsonS 16@cs.com ROlet Gomoll
3;~est~r~~~~~~: 507/288·2810
Dean Richa rdson 1429 Kings Lynn Rd Stoul(hton, WI 53589 608/877·8485
dar@apriiaire.com Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 219/493·4724 chief70Z5@aol.com
Dale A. Gu stafson 7724 Shady Hills Dr.
S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue
Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414/77 1·1545 shschmid@gdinet.com
Gene Chase
E.E. "Buck" Hilbert
2 159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 920/23 1·5002
P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60 180 8 15/923·4591 buck7ac@mc.net
ADVISORS Alan Shackleton
P.O. Box 656
Sugar Grove, IL 60554·0656
630/466-4 193
Steve Bender 815 Airport Road Roanoke, TX 76262 817/49 1·4700
Dave Clark 635 Vestal Lane Plainfield, IN 46168 317/839·4500
davecpd@iq uest.nel
Phone (920) 426·4800 Fax (920) 426·4873
Web Site: http://www.eaa. arg and http://www. airventure.arg £·Mail: vintage @ eaa,arg
EAA and Division Membership Services 800·843·3612 . , . ... .. .... FAX 920·426·6761 (8:00 AM-7:00 PM Monday-Friday CST) • New/ renew memberships: EAA, Divisions (Vintage Aircraft Association, lAC, Warbirds), ational Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI)
• Address changes • Merchandise sales • Gift memberships
Programs and Activities EAA Ai rVenture Fax·On·Demand Directory ... ......... . .. ... ........ 732·885·6711 Auto Fuel STCs .. . . .......... 920·426-4843 Build/ restore information ..... 920-426·4821 Chapters: locating/organizing .. 920-426-4876 Education . ..... .. ... .. ..... 920·426·6815 • EAA Air Academy • EAA Scholarships
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MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associ· ation, Inc. is $40 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is available for an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership. (Add $16 for Foreign Postage.)
VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Current EAA members may join the Vintage Aircraft Associaton and receive VINTAGE AIR· PLANE magazine for an additional $36 per year. EAA Membership, VINTAGE A IRPLANE magaZine and one year membership in the EAA Vin tage Aircraft Association is ava ilable for $46 per yea r (SPORT AVIATION magazin e n ot in cluded). (A dd $7 for Foreigll Postage.)
lAC Current EAA members may join the Interna· tional Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT AEROBATICS maga Zin e for an add i· tional $40 per year. EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS magaZine and one year membership in the lAC
Division i5 available for $50 per year (SPORT AVIATION maga Zine not included). (Add $10 for Foreign Postage.)
WARBIRDS Current EAA members may join the EAA War· birds of America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazine for an additional $35 per year. EAA Memb ership , WARBIRDS maga Zine and one year membership in the Warbirds Divi· sion is available for $45 p e r year (SPORT AVIATION magaZine not included). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.)
EAA EXPERIMENTER Current EAA m e mb e rs may rec e ive EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional $20 per year. EAA Membership and EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine is available for $30 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $8 for Foreign Postage.)
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Membership dues to EAA and its divisions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.
Copyright ©2001 by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091·6943) IPM 1482602 is pubtished and owned exclusively by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association 01 the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., PO. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903·3086. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Vintage Aircraft Association, PO. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903·3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at leastlwo months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE 10 foreign and APO addresses via surtace mail. ADVERTISING - Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITO· RIAL POLICY: Readers are encooraged to submn stories and photographs. Policy opinioos expressed in articles are ,,;eIy those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely wnh the cootributor. No renumeration is made. Material should be "",t to: Ednor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, PO. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903·3086. Phooe 9201426·4800. The words EAA, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, FOR THE LOVE OF FLYING and the logos of EAA, EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION, INTERNA· TIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered trademarf<s. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of the EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION, EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION and EAA AirVenture are trade· marks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited.
a. Fleece Youth Vests · .. ........... V00587
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Leather Bags from Vintage Aircraft n embossed logo graces each of finely cr afted, genuine leather bags, which come in either tan or black.
h. Leather PO(;ket _
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V00506 $39.95 Looking fo r a versatile pocket vest, this one is fOI' you. Back has Vintage Logo and vent with adjustable side bells for a com fortable fit. Black, 100% cotton.
o. Vantage Caps ............ $12.95 Choose a colol' and style to fit your personal taste.
Stone .................. V00225
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p. Youth Camo Shirt ••••••• $19.95 Sport shirt features foul' buttoned pock ets and Vintage Logo. Made of 65% poly/35% cotton and is machine washable. Youth sizes:
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q. Ladies Scoop-neck Tee .............. \110485
Genuine Austria crystals outline the Vintage logo on this navy SPOI't tee. 95% cotton/5% spandex fabl'ic holds it's shape and keeps you cool.
r. Select Bound Vantage Volumes Limited quantities of Vintage bound volumes are available.
TELEPHONE 1990 <lIId before .......... $25.00 ORDERS
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This classic jacket is sized for young people. Made of nylon with knit collar. cufrs. and waist. Sports an orange linel'. Youth sizes: Sill \100605
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t. Novelty Dolls ..... VI0500 59.95 A great conversation pi ece, these dolls look clever standing by your airplane. Approxately three feet tall.
u. Zippered Sweatshirt ..... 59.95 50% cottonl50% poly and machine wash able, this top has an elegant outline al'Ound th e Vintage logo with genuine Austrian crystals. Comcs in navy or forrest grecn.
na\'Y IIId VI 0489 navy Ig Vl0490 navy M Vl0491 green IIId V I 0492 green xl VI0494
MAIL ORDERS P.O. Box 3086 OSHKOSH, WI 54903-3086