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VOL. 29, No. 12


VAA NEWS / H.G. Frautschy

















Executive mrector, Editor


VAA Administrative Assistant THERESA BOOKS Executive Editor


Contributing Editors


Graphic Designer


Photography Staff


Advertislng/Editorlal Assistant ISABELLE WISKE





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COMPILED BY H.G. FRAUTSCHY nomination. We 've extended th e deadline for nominations to January 15,2002. Don't delay!

FRONT COVER: A beautiful fall day

in East-Central Wisconsin is the backdrop for Carl Brasser's 1940 Piper J5A Cub Cruiser, restored to Antique Grand Champion caliber by Joe Fleeman. EAA photo by LeeAnn Abrams, shot with a Canon EOSIn equipped with an 80-200 mm lens on 100 ASA Fuji slide film. EAA Cessna 210 photo plane flown by George Daubner. BACK COVER: Greenland and the Lindberghs is the title of Sharon

Rajnus' watercolor painting, one of the award-winning pieces of art included in EAA's 2001 Sport Avi­ ation Art Competition. Sharon, an artist before learning to fly in the 1970s, has restored a Stinson 108-2 with her husband. They flew it to Alaska, where she gained a whole new appreciation for vast expanses of untamed wilderness. This new perspective has helped her, as she has pain ted aircraft and landscape paintings that evoke an understanding of the fragile nature of flight in what can be a very hostile environment. In 1931 and again in 1933, Charles Lindbergh and his wife, Anne, explored long distance air routes that might be used by com­ mercial air carriers. In 1933, exploration of Greenland was part of the transatlantic search for suit­ able routes. Sharon's painting, which was presented with an Ex­ cellence ribbon, depicts how the combination of Lindbergh's Lock­ heed Sirius and the ice, snow, and glaciers of Greenland might have looked. It was Anne's idea to mod­ ify the previously open-cockpit configuration of the original Sirius to the sliding, closed canopy shown in this view. Sharon Rajnus can be reached at 30485 Transformer Road, Ma­ lin, Oregon 97632. 2



Last month's coverage of the avia­ tion-related aftermath of September 11 pre-empted our listing for last month 's back cover. Loren Chant­ land, 4219 Pillsbury Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota, painted the back cover for the November is­ sue of Vintage Airplane. Presented with a Merit ribbon by the judges during EAA Sport Aviation Art Com­ petition, Loren's oil painting shows A.E. Clouston and Mrs. Kirby Green as they attempt to set a new record for a round-trip flight from England to Capetown, South Africa, and back. Flying the de Havilland DH.88 Comet G-ACSS, they set a new mark of 15 days, 17 hours.

VAA HALL OF FAME On the facing page you'll see a nomination form for the VAA Hall of Fame. Our next induction will be in the fall of 2002, and we are look­ ing forward to honoring someone who has contributed to the area of vintage aviation since 1950. Don't be shy-if you know of someone who is deserving of this honor, please fill out the form and send in a

VAA JUDGING GUIDE­ LI N ES REVISED An additional year for the Con­ temporary judging category and two new awards for Custom air­ craft are among the changes approved by the Vintage Aircraft Association (VAA) Board of Direc­ tors. Both changes will be in effect for EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2002, which will be held July 23-29 at Wittman Regional Airport. During its fall meeting at the EAA Aviation Center, the VAA Board approved two new awards for the Classic and Contemporary categories, recognizing outstand­ ing craftsmanship exhibited by VAA members who choose to cus­ tomize their aircraft. The award winners of the two new trophies for Champion Custom and Run­ ner-up Custom will be presented with Gold and Silver EAA "Lindy" trophies, respectively. In the past, the highest Custom awards were Bronze "Lindy" awards. "It's important that we recogni ze the exceptional efforts made by restor­ ers when they choose to rebuild their aircraft and incorporate features which were not included by the original manufacturer," VAA Executive Direc­ tor H.G. Frautschy said. "Many of these changes have enhanced the reli­ ability and utility of the original airplanes. Many people use their Clas­ continued on page 27

SEASON'S GREETINGS Our thanks to Roy Redman of Roy's Air­ cra,ft Service, Fairbault, Minnesota, for providing us with a reproduction of the Waco greeting card we used on page 1. Waco originally sent out this card in De­ cember 1931.


DEADLINE FOR On this page is the nominat­ ing petition for the VAA Hall of Fame. If you wish to nominate an individual who you believe has made a significant contribu­ tion to the advancement of vintage aviation between 1950 and the present day, please make a cop y of this form, fill it out, add supporting material and send it to: Charles W. Harris, P.O. Box 470350, Tulsa, OK 74147-0350. Please mark the en­ velope: VAA Hall of Fame, Attn: C. Harris. Please be as thorough and ob­ jective as possible. Attach copies of materials you deem appropri­ ate and helpful to the committee. The person you nominate must have advanced the field of aviation during the period 1950 to the present day. They can be a citizen of any country, and may be living or dead. Their contribution could be in the ar­ eas of flying, design, mechanical or aerodynamic developments, administration, writing, or some other vital, relevant field , or any combination of fields that sup­ port aviation. To be considered for induc­ tion into the VAA Hall of Fame during 2002, petitions must be received by January IS, 2002.


Person nominated for induction in the VAA Hall of Fame:


Street _______________________________ Phone Number ________

City _____________________ State_ _ _ _ Zip ________________

Date of Birth _______________ If Deceased, Date of Death _____________

Area of contributions to aviation _____________________________

Date or time span of the nominee's contributions to aviation. Must be be­ tween 1950 to the present day.

Describe the event or nature of activities the nominee has undertaken in aviation to be worthy of induction into the VAA Hall of Fame._____

Describe other achievements the nominee has made ill other related fields in aviation. __________________________________________

Has the nominee already been honored for his/her involvement in avi­ ation, and/or the contribution you are stating in this petition? (Circle one)



If yes, please explain the nature of the honor and/or award the nominee

has received. ______________________________________________

Other information _________________________________________


Person's name submitting this petition: __________________________ Street _________________________________ Phone Number ________ City _____________________ State_________ Zip ________________ VINTAGE AIRPLANE





ne can contribute to vin­ tage aviation in many ways, and Ted Costopou­ los (aka Koston) of Melrose Park, Illinois, has managed to get involved in many of them. His first flight, made in 1937, was in a Kinner-powered Bird CK bi­ plane. Ted's lifelong fascination with photography blossomed, and he was soon shooting aircraft on a regular basis. During World War II, he served as a naval aviation pho­ tographer aboard the aircraft carrier USS St Lo (ex-USS Midway). His naval service also included a stint performing reconnaissance photog­ raphy in the Marshall Islands and Guam. Returning to Chicago after WWIl, he opened his own photog­ raphy studio and immediately got busy on a number of civilian avia­ tion fronts . He has served as: • President of the Illinois Air Pi­ lots Association • One of the founding fathers of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Aviation


In 1968, Ted pauses in the cockpit of a Stinson SR-7B during the EM conven­ tion at the Rockford, Illinois, airport. 4


Ted's first flight in an airplane took place at the long-gone Wilson Airport on the west side of Chicago, at the intersection of River Road and Lawrence Av­ enue. George King shot Ted posing with the Kinner-powered Brunner-Winkle Bird CK, which was flown by Mae Wilson.


Flotilla 3-8 at Glenview, Illinois • Member of the O'Hare Senior Squadron of the Civi l Air Patrol; named the CAP's Outstanding In­ formation Officer in 1964 • Director of the Cross and Cock­ ade Midwest Chapter of World War I Aero Historians • President of the Illinois Wing of the OX-S Aviation Pioneers and Historians. In 1994 he was honored by th e national OX -S organiza­ ti on during their annua l conven ­ tion when he was presented with their Avia ­ tion Historian of the Year award . In recognition of his dedication to antiq u e air­ planes, he was made an hon­ orary lifetime member of the Midwest Antique Airpl ane Club in 1972. He's num­ ber 3-Dale Crites and Paul Poberezny were numbers 1 and 2, respectively. Ted was inducted in the Illinois Aviation Hall of Fame in 1994. Over the past fo ur decades, Ted has blessed EAA with his services as a volunteer photographer. Starti n g in the 1960s he shot some of the most famous images of EAA and VAA members and their aircraft. He continues to contribute to Vintage Airplane on a regu lar basis, and our archive of images shot by Ted over the years continues to be a valued resource. Ted's photography h as been published in EAA publications and all over the world. Our congratu la ti ons to Ted on his induction into the VAA Hall of Fame! .......

Fellow aviation photographer Eric Lun­ dahl captured Ted with a few of his favorite cameras in the area he has documented for decades.

(Right) Ted Costopoulos, naval avia­ tion photographer, circa January 1943. Pensacola, Florida VINTAGE AIRPLANE



here is something about old airplanes. If you have any doubts, walk around the annual EAA convention at Oshkosh for a couple of reminis­ cent hours amid the mid-summer sky, gentle breezes, and sunshine of a Wisconsin summer day, and take it all in as you walk through the parking areas of the antique and classic categories of the Vintage Air­ craft Association. I do it every year. And when I lose that feeling over time, I know how to regain it. I drive to the small grass airport back home on the far side of town in the early hours of a day. I drag the Cub out of the T-hangar. I briefly look east to the long shadows and sunrise of an ea rly morning summer. I follow the routine, and it comes back. Perhaps eve ry pilot should consider looking to the simpler times in aviation to renew his or her spirit and cause. If you have not flown the Cub in a while, its draw and aura will remind you of its ways soon after you come back to it. It does not 6


take long. I had forgotten the sense of attachment, the allure of the t a il wheel, and the sounds of the propeller and the engine coming to life. The sights, the sounds, and the smells combine to remind me of yesteryear. Over time, I came back to the Piper Cub, the beginning of life for m e as a pilot. This was the founda­ tion of flying. Tailwheels, grass strips, and wooden propellers. Let th e small airplan e take you back . And just fly the Cub. So, that is how I approached this particular morn­ ing. Today, once again I let it remind me of the real roots of flying. I am in search of something in the sky. The pre-dawn hours being gradu­ ally broken by the sunrise in the east, the stillness of a new morning, the sight of fresh dew still left on the blades of grass on the turf runway, and the slow sunrise to the east re­ minded me of the only perfect way to begin a new day. Flying that morning remind ed me that there was something in common that any aviator could become instantly fa­

miliar with and know intimatel y. For me, it brings back memories of flying a Piper Cub at first light. Drag a Piper J-3 C ub from the hangar just before sunrise. Smell the sweet, pungent, and ripe fumes of the 100 low-lead avgas as you fuel the tanks and put blood in its veins. Preflight it in that typical routin e and ritual aviators appreciate. The routine is mostly the same. It is likened to a religious experience. Af­ ter you are finished checking out the machine, start the engine and hear the whirling of the propeller and en­ gine cough to life. Let it warm up to the morning. Relish the classic tail­ dragger, the grass airstrip, and the anticipation of flight as it slowly builds in your soul. Anticipate. The mere experience of it all waits for any pilot. Savor the experience of flight. Every time I strap into a Piper Cub, the feelings start coming back, and most often as I remember, they are the smallest things, those obser­ vant quirks that make the biggest impress ion. Cinching the black seat

belt and shoulder harnesses, pulling and pushing the primer knob, turning the magnetos and flipping the master switch on are all part of the routine. Starting the engine brings a familiar blast of propwash across my face and by the open right door and window. The engine-produced wind blast is the first sound of the machine. The roar of the engine, the wisp of the propeller, and the airflow all make me breathe deeply and take it all in. I ask myself, "Why has it been so long since I have flown?" The initial excitement always comes back. I still feel like the 14­ year-old kid who took his first flight lesson years ago in a Piper. The allure is still the same, and the captivating drive still moves me. Then, taxi out to the grass run­ way amidst the growl and hum of the prop. The right cockpit win­ dow is open. The cool rush of air from the humming propeller stirs the morning hours. You will get that feeling. Guaranteed. For this is what real flying is all about. The grass. The sweet smell of freshly cut rich, deep green summer grass fades through the air. It has just rained, and the damp smell of the moisture-laden sky has cleansed the humidity out of the stale sum­ mer air, cooling the earth and clearing the murky haze of the mid­ summer sky. It brings back memories as old as my first solo in one of Mr. Piper's airplanes. Ahead of me is 1,500 feet of grass runway, and in an awaiting sky I find pure escape. I start the en­ gine and slowly taxi to the end of the airfield. I swing the tail around with a gentle tap of a wheel brake and a blast of power. I paint the nose of the Cub into the wind, and facing down the grass runway I slowly apply power and easy right rudder pressure and then roll down the runway, slowly gaining speed and bumping along the turf. And then it happens at liftoff.

From the first moment when the wheels leave the ground of a grass strip, you know that this is different. It is in that instant of a moment where it is regained. It returns. The magic of flight is rekindled at the very moment I lift off and leave the earth behind. Flight. I bank slowly to the right, fly to the west, and take it all in. To a pilot, the Cub teaches you many things, not the least of which is those lessons of old-time flying, a tailwheel airplane, and the stick­ and-rudder skills of yesteryear. Flying on and off the grass fields. Those are the basic lessons of old, and those prinCiples of flying can be learned in very simple airplanes. Perhaps somewhere deep inside, we are all barnstorming airmen, and forever will we be in search of a greater truth. Forever lost in the al­ lure of the sky. Yes, we are bound to earth by the laws of physics and gravity as mere mortal men, but we have received a gift of wings to es­ cape those clutches in a machine we call the airplane. This machine we know as the airplane is our means to seek the sky. We, as pilots, are all in search of somewhere different from the ground, and in the process we seek a different destination. We must fly somewhere. Perhaps we head east today, or west, or south, or maybe north-in the end, the direc­ tion really does not matter. I am now heading nowhere in particular, just slowly flying and listening to the sound of the purring engine, the propeller pulling me along, taking in the sky and rushing wind. I will head to the distant horizon. It is somewhere over the distant hori­ zon, beyond our sights and maybe beyond our grasp. And that quest, in itself, stands alone as memorable. This old grass airstrip has brought me back to a very different place. The Cub is in a different place. It makes me feel far removed from the world of an airline pilot, flying the "Big Iron" for a career up

in the contrails where I now make my paycheck. The Piper Cub some­ how brings it all back and puts me back in time. Airborne again in a Cub will do that to any pilot. To pilots, that is what flying is: an adventure. It is the start of a les­ son of adventure every time we strap on an airplane and go flying. And we find that no place else but in the sky. No matter what airplane we fly, the unwritten rules of the adventure of flight are the same, even if it is in a small Piper Cub. And sometimes the Simplest adven­ tures in aviation are the greatest journeys, like with the Cub. For that is what one hour logged in a Piper Cub will do to you. It will bring you back to those times. I think of the summers long ago that I flew the Cub. I was just a young man with a machine in the sky, enjoying the simple joy of fly­ ing the Cub. Alone. In the isolation of the cockpit, in the sky filled with the rays of early morning light, in the direction of the compass gauge, and in the very act of flight there was escape. And that was all any avi­ ator could ever hope for. In the cockpit there was peace. And some­ how that, in itself, was enough. That adventure remains the same today. Seek the reward of that adven­ ture. And like all adventures, one never quite knows how it will turn out. For in aviation, as a wise person once said, it is not about the last ad­ venture; it is always about the next. Even if that feeling is found in the early morning in the seat of a Piper Cub.

Mark A. Werkema, EAA 9024244, is a member of the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association and attends EAA AirVenture Oshkosh every summer with his children. He is employed as a pilot for a major U.S. airline, currently as a first officer on the Boeing 757/767, and he is the author of the novel On Fulcrum's Wings. VINTAGE AIRPLANE





The Ireland N2B Neptune





he June Mystery Plane was the Ireland N2B Nep足 tune, which was also advertised as the Ireland Am足 phiplane. Starting in 1927 it was manufactured by Ireland Aircraft Inc. of Garden City, New York. The original N2 models had straight upper wings and 220-hp Wright J足 5 engines, and they were licensed 8


under Group Two Approval 2-16 of November 16, 1928, for serial number 16 and up. The first few had two open cockpits, but a cabin soon became standard. The N2B, which received ap足 proved Type Certificate A-153 on May 25,1929, had a five-place cabin and a 300-hp Wright J-6-9 engine , and the upper wing was

swept back to maintain balance with the heavier engine. The price was $22,500. The N2C was the same airframe but used a 450-hp Pratt & Whitney Wasp engine. It received approved Type Certificate A-248 on October 4, 1929 . The initial pr ice was $27,500, but this was reduced to $23,000 because of the Depression .

























Here's a note about the September Mystery Plane: [can't fly (Ernie wrote his postcard on September 19, 2001) so [might as well identify the September Mystery Plane. It's the Cornelius LW-1 Fre­ Wing. Note, no ailerons, but rather individually controllable wings-WOW Ernie Duenzl, Weatherford, Texas

George Cornelius's interesting experiments in attempting to create a stall-proof airplane led him to this different approach to wing struc­ ture. It appears his use of the wings to effect lateral changes was a byproduct of his belief that by allowing the wings to pivot on the main spar, they would always maintain the proper angle of attack, and the wings would not stall. With this feature locked out by the pilot, the wings acted on the air­ craft's intended direction in a manner similar to ailerons. One imagines there wouldn't need to be much deflection to effect a very rapid change in the airplane's roll rate! The Cornelius LW-1 was registered in 1933 as a two-place airplane, powered by a 120 hp inline Martin engine. Our other correct answer was from Bob Gordon, Unvasville, CT. Bob pointed out we've covered this airplane in a previous Mystery Plane, but it was nice to see a different picture of it. ......







Lou Seno, Downers Grove, Illinois, sent in this beauti­ ful photo of an Interstate S-I-A. Cadet he recently restored. Built in April 1941 as a civilian airplane, it was impressed into wartime service and used for Army avia­ tion cadet training. The Richard O. Burns family has owned the Cadet for 36 years and has used it to teach various members of the family to learn to fly, including one who went on to be an airline captain. When genera­ tion number three came along to learn to fly, it was decided a major restoration was in order. The first flight after the rebuild took place on November II, 2000. The only changes from the original configuration were the important STC'd installation of a pair of shoulder har­ nesses and a beautiful custom interior by Aero Stitch of Addison, Illinois . Lou would also like to thank Tim Talen, Springfield, Oregon, and Jack Reber, Eaton, Indi­ ana, who were very helpful with Interstate information . He's also appreciative of the help given by project secre­ tary Cathy Marchese and engine overhauler and IA mechanic Ken Hansen.

YELLOW PERIL Two tired crop dusting airplanes were used to com­ plete the restoration of this 1941 N3-N33. After collecting parts and pieces, the restoration took almost exactly one year, with plenty of long nights, according to Ed Stout, Corvallis, Oregon. Ed finished his N3 using the Poly-Fiber process, including an Aerothane finish. Ed and his partner, Lou Gates, now fly the N3, which is powered by a 4S0-hp Pratt & Whitney R-98Ss. The pair is now working on a Bearhawk homebuilt.


CHAMP Dennis Sabin, Chehalis, Washington , just completed the frame-up restoration of this 1947 Aeronca 7AC Champ. All new wood formers and plastic windows were used in the restoration, with a Poly-Fiber fabric finish of Poly-Tone. Tony Korn of Central Aircraft Repair over­ hauled the smooth-running Continental A-6S engine, and the airplane was test flown by Dennis' friend and EAA Technical Counselor Marty Kimbrel on August 7, 2001.

This stunning 1962 Beechcraft DSOE Twin Bonanza has bee n th e latest project for owner Chuck Schnatter, Louisville, Kentucky. Owned at one time by Ed King of King Avionics fame, this T-bone has been the subject of a number of upgrades, including a new set of wing bolts and a pair of new McCauley propellers. Replacing much of the older King Gold Crown series of avionics has re­ sulted in a weight savings of more than 100 pounds, which goes right back into the useful load of the air­ plan e. A one-piece windshield, new paint scheme, and interior round out the completion of this big Contempo­ rary category airplane. VINTAGE AIRPLANE


By TIM Fox


have been flying in and working on Ercoupes for a good many years and have resigned my­ self to spending a great deal of time upside down in the cockpit with my feet sticking up outside the cockpit. Many a time I wished I could work on the plane in a comfortable position. My friend Dave Spillers from Versailles, Ohio, pur­ chased an Ercoupe from a local resident that was a one-owner airplane, and it had been left in almost origi­ nal condition! After flying it for a while he decided to restore it to original condition. Dave has extensive expe­ rience in aircraft modification and restoration since he's been a part of several warbird restorations. He even was involved in the fabrication of the Reno Unlimited racer Vendetta. Dave and his father restored a wrecked A model P-S 1 to flying condition as well. Why an Er­ coupe? Why not! Dave is a very inventive person and came up with a way to make all the restoration work easier on his back. He realized that if he wanted to work right side up, the plane had to be upside down! So he built a cradle that attached to the wing attachment points, and by himself or with the help of one other person, he can turn the fuselage over. The height of the fuselage can be set at any comfortable height by simply using longer legs on 12


This Ercoupe is one of the most original I've ever seen. It even has an example of a Grimes Navigator. Just set your airspeed, crank in a little wind correction factor, and it told you how far you'd gone. Unless, of course, the wind changed, or your airspeed control was not consistent, or, well, you get the idea. That's why you don't see them any more. But it sure is neat to see!

the sides. Now he can stand up in足 side the fuse lage and work on whatever system he chooses. The pictures show the cradle at

a low point, as he is currently pol足 ishing the fuselage. The Ercoupe is light eno ugh to be easily flipped whenever he needs to work on any

surface or inside. Although his idea can't help me with my Coupe, it may be of use to you in your project. .......

Here are a couple of views of the cradle. If you're careful, and there's not much equipment on the air足 frame, you can easily turn it by yourself. To make it tall enough to stand under and work in the cockpit, just make the legs longer.



athering of Luscombes Over Washingt~~~~ '"'"


How you can hold a successful Luscombe fly-in with no Luscombes JONATHAN BARON t seemed like an excellent and innocent idea at the time-a Luscombe fly-in held at the old­ est continuously operating airfield in the world, College Park Airport (CGS) in Maryland. The airport was established in 1909, and a Wright Model B was used there to train early Army aviators. The instructors were Orville and Wilbur Wright. GOLOW organizers had worked on the event for the better part of a year. They had even obtained a waiver allowing a formation of Luscombes to overfly Washington, D.C. Then September 11 came. Amidst the strangest atmosphere in America in nearly 60 years, the Luscombe pilots arrived even though The Washington Post had proclaimed the event canceled . A week before it had run an Op Ed piece, "Clamp Down on General Aviation," by Joseph Kinney. In the opening para­ graph he described general aviation as "small, private aircraft that clog our skies." Just days before the fly-in




was to take place a tornado hit Co l­ lege Park, missing CGS by only four blocks and killing two people at the University of Maryland. As the air­ port's manager, Lee Schiek, put it, "The only thing left to try and stop GOLOW is a plague of locusts." One fellow at CGS performed a fast taxi that brought an immediate response by military choppers and law enforce­ ment vehicles. As it turned out, it took far less than a fast taxi to elici t a reaction. "One little thing that did occur at COLOW is worth mentioning. Sharon [Hasslinger} and J drove the car around the airport with the intention of pop­ ping out into the woods for some table decoration materials. Since the runway isn't being used, we just drove on down the runway to a spot opposite a hole in the woods where the path is. T bet it wasn 't 90 seconds later that the loca l enforcement helicopter was buzzing the fie ld checking out the movement. "Pretty spooky ifyou ask me." -Katie Wells, Texas

Despite the terrorist attack, Lus­ combe pilots came. Despite the complete lockdown of flights in all air­ space within 25 nautical miles of D.C., they came. They came from Houston, Austin, and EI Paso and from Califor­ nia, Kansas, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Wash­ ington State. In doing so the GOLOW clan expressed the ultimate act of defi­ ance in the face of, by far, the most horrendous act of terrorism in human history. While entirely too many of our citizens were dwelling on the tele­ vised horror, the GOLOW crew did the most meaningful thing an Ameri­ can could do right then-they got onto commercial airliners. "Bin Laden lost. The first gathering of Luscombes (COLOW) happened in spite of him and the locked-down air­ ports in the Washington, D.C., area. "Just over 40 Luscombe drivers from around the nation gathered at Co llege Park Airport in Maryland, despite not a single Luscombe, per se, in attendance." -Mike Culvel; Washington State

Many people took advantage of the tourist off-season and the gen­ eral mood in the country to take tours of the major museums in Washington, D.C. Some visited the Pentagon as well.

"Most of us put photos or drawings up on this chain-link fence in order to rep­ resent all the aircraft not able to fly in. " -Mike Culver

the attendees unilat­ era ll y determined that the event had been canceled. The folks at Garber had come to the same con­ clusion, as had the caterers. Nonetheless, all quickly adjusted to our most unex­ pected attendance.

"The restoration work being don e [at Garber] was an eclectic mix to say the least. Right next to the Farman biplane was a Weedhopper ul­ tralight. A Zia sailplane shared space with a Curtiss- Wright CW-l pusher. But the ultimate joy to see was the restoration work on the Enola Gay B­ 29 . One wing was laid out as the technicians worked at polishing it back to its former glory. Co uld there be a more stirring sight than a couple acres ofpolished aluminum?" -Dan McNeill, California

Getting some dual instruction in the "phantom Luscombe. "

"/ would have combat-crawled to get to that fly-in. " -Marc Roberts, Pennsylvania Instead of Luscombes, folks brought photographs. One notion was to put them into tie-down spots. Someone else suggested they be laid out as tombstones. The problem was that the ground was too firm for the sticks the photos were attached to.

"Most of us put photos or drawings up on this chain-link fence in order to represent all the aircraft not able to fly in. Each aircraft was on poster board over a paint stick. Not certain if this made the exhibit a crying wall or Lus­ combe on a stick (in the best tradition of the Minnesota State Fail)." -Mike Culver Event organizers Bill Tinkler and Sharon Has slinger had plenty of activities arranged that did not re­ quire flight. A tour of the Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration, and Storage Facility at Silver Hill took place despite the fact that the bus line contracted to transport

Lee Schiek was also a key member of the GOLOW team. He provided free tours of the Co llege Park Avia­ tion Museum and tents, as well as a hearty breakfast for one and all. As the winds picked up and the tem­ peratures dropped, Lee offered us space indoors for our banquet.

"S ince 1909, CGS has survived world wars, depress ions, hurricanes, {loads, tornadoes, hostile neighbors, and short-sighted politicians. I'm sure we'll survive overreaction in the name of 'security,' too. " -Lee Schiek

II We sta rted with a visit to an im­ promptu memorial where hundreds of flowers and photos were set up. Visitors ranged from folks like ourselves to ab­ solutely devastated people who [ assumed to be relatives of the victims. VelY tough to see." -Mike Culver The prevailing spirit, despite everything working to the contrary, was camaraderie and celebration of thos e splendid aircraft that had brought us ali togeth er. Somebody created a "stealth" Luscombe out­ lined with College Park Airport tape. Most of us took turns flying it. One former Luscombe owner, Kim Camp­ bell, took us with him as he recalled his missions in a B-17 over Europe during World War II. Aircraft, such as Luscombes, choose their owners, and they're good judges of character. During the event, one feliow­ Garrett Nievin-took delivery of a Luscombe fresh from total restora­ tion by the Don Luscombe Aviation History Foundation. It was flown to the nearest possible airport-Freder­ ick, Maryland-by Doug Combs, the Foundation's preSident.

III considered th e Foundation and my now-fellow owners to add signifi­ cant value to the Luscombe marque, making it a better investment for the fu ­ ture than many other old airplanes. Plus, the Luscombe does truly rule. " - Garrett Nievin, Virginia [n once sense, GOLOW was an op­ portunity lost. A flight of Luscombes over Washington, D. C., would have had great symbolic valu e far beyond what any of us could have imagin ed less than three weeks prior to the event. Still and all, what it became was a splendid reaffirmation of friendship and the American spirit, as well as de­ fiance in the face of an unimaginable act of hatred. As Lee Schiek put it, "This was fun , but let's try to do it again ­ with real aircraft next time." ....... VIN TAGE AIRPLANE


hen a company manu足 factures a product that becomes a bona fide hit in the marketplace, it 's only natural that it tries to build and expand on its popularity. Piper certainly had a hit on its hands with the Piper Cub, with a popularity that shows little sign of abating, even to this day. In the late 1930s, Piper was busy pumping Cubs out the door of its Lock Haven, Pennsyl足 vania, factory, but there was room for some variation. Pilots who had learned to fly while strapped into a

VI 16


C ub were looking for something with a little more room and a bit more panache. William T. Piper and his talented staff knew what had kept their bread buttered during previous years, and they continued the push to build airplanes with plenty of value at an affordable price. Getting profitability out of the Iightplane business took all the business and engineering acumen they could muster, not to mention sales calls with a real salesperson rapping on th e door of every prospect. The

Cub Coupe, with its side-by-side seating for two and a pair of real automobile-style doors, was satisfy足 ing to many, but some still wanted something a bit different. (Nothing really changes, does it?) The Coupe project was redesigned to feature a trio of seats, a wider bench seat in the back for a pair of slender passengers, and a single seat up forward for the pilot. A 7S-hp Continental engine was mounted up front, with eyebrow cooling scoops carrying on the Cub tradi足 tion. A snazzy spinner/cowling

Owner Carl Brasser (center, left) is flanked by (left to right) Woody Woodward, Kirby Totty, and Joe Fleeman.

combination gave the)5 streamlin­ ing worthy of the Cruiser name. To many, it remains one of the prettiest Cubs ever built. The)5 was intended for use by a small town owner/operator. As a utility airplane, it could be used as a "TaxiCub" or for other profitable charter work, and perhaps for a bit of instruction if the owner was a one-airplane operator. By the time the war turned off all civilian pro­ duction of lightplanes, Mr. Piper's factory had delivered 1,254)5 Cub Cruisers, most powered by the 75­

hp Continental and Lycoming en­ gines. Thirty-five more examples of the )5C, powered by the 100-hp Ly­ coming, were delivered before the line was closed to make way for wartime work. The Second World War didn't mean the end of Piper's work with the basic design of the )5 . Already very involved in military aviation with its L-4 Grasshopper, Piper Air­ craft Company was soon involved in modifying the]5 into a flying ambulance for the U.S. Navy. The re­ sult was the HE-1 (later th e AE-l, after the H designation was reserved for helicopters). A litter for one pa­ tient and the pilot 'S seat were installed, with the patient loaded into the airplane through a cleverly designed hatch. The top portion of the fuselage aft of the wing was modified to hinge up at the forward end, with the parting line at the longeron that ran fore and aft at the lower window line. Piper experi­ mented with two litters, but performance suffered with the extra weight of the added structure and equipment. One hundred aerial am­ bulances were delivered to the Navy, most being used in the Pacific the­ ater of operations. After the war, Piper didn 't skip a beat with the design. As soon as it

was relieved of its wartime duties, Piper continued production of the ]5C, the 100-hp version, which fea­ tured th e first pressure cowl used on that model. After a short pro­ duction run, Piper replaced it with the Piper Super Cruiser, equipped with a 125-hp Lycoming in a fully enclosed cowl. Carl Brasser's been a Piper man for a long time. He loved flying his PA-ll Cub Special, but he was keep­ ing an eye on Alan Curtiss' well-kept ]5A. Whenever they'd see each other, Carl would kid Alan by asking, only partly in jest, "When you going to sell me your airplane?" Months after their last meeting, Alan lost his medical , and he de­ cided to sell the Cruiser. Carl was pleased that he chose to sell it to him. Alan wanted to sell it to someone locally, so it would re­ main in the area, and so he might get a ride in it occasionally. Plus, Carl had experience with tail­ wheel-equipped airplanes, and even though others had offered him more money, they didn't have any tailwheel time, and Alan was afraid someone he didn't know would bang up his beloved )5A. That was more than a decade ago, and for more than seven years, Carl VINTAGE AIRPLANE


Other than the engine, the beautiful instruments were the only items not restored by Joe and Kirby. Keystone Instruments in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, expertly restored the instruments. Joe remarked that the metal strips on the top and bottom of the crinkle-finish panel did not need refinishing. The paint was in per足 fect condition, and the metal needed just a bit of polishing to bring it back to its original sheen.

wing contours .

flew the J5A, enjoying the wider cabin and the view from the single pilot seat. Carl agrees that Piper was pretty opti­ mistic when it called the Cub Cruiser a three-place airplane: "The one thing they stretched a little bit is when they called it a three-place; it was for a pilot and two executives. They must have been little execu­ tives! It is actually really good for a spouse and a child, or a couple kids in back." Carl has nothing but praise for the rest of the airplane's handling characteristics. "It flies very differ­ ently than the PA-ll. It has a heavier feel to it, but it is very forgiving and very nice to land. Stalling is as true as can be." (Left) The ripple-free cowling and very clean engine installation are all hall­ marks of a Joe Fleeman restoration. The exhaust system is almost com­ pletely new, with just a couple of components left from the original. The Continental A-75 engine is the same one installed by the factory in 1940.

Carl has homes in Brentwood, Tennessee, and near his boy­ hood home in Kohler, Wisconsin. In Tennessee, he's been friends with Woody Woodward and Kirby Totty, both longtime aviation enthusiasts. Kirby serves as Woody's mechanic, in­ specting his airplanes and keeping them maintained. Kirby also was Leo Loudenslager's mechanic for many years and is well known for his prowess with aircraft engines. Carl's friendship with Woody put him in contact with someone who would bring his J5A to an entirely new level of restoration-Joe Fleeman. A number of years ago, Joe had done the restoration on Woody's Bucker Jungmeister, and the work­ manship on that project, plus a few other airplanes Joe had done, con­ vinced Carl that Joe Fleeman was the right man for the job. Kirby wanted to help as well, and he was tasked with overhauling the 75-hp Continental. He got to help out in some of the other airframe restora­ tion work, too. Even though it had but 350 hours on it since a major overhaul, Kirby, Carl, and Joe all felt that it would be best if the entire engine was care­ fully overhauled. The cylinders went to Mattituck for rework, with other internal parts going to Rick Romans Inc. in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to be in­

spected. The crankcase went to DivCo to be checked for cracks. A new set of slightly undersized bearings was installed to carry the newly reground crankshaft. A new camshaft was in­ stalled with a set of reground valve tappet bodies. Joe did all the re­ painting of the engine parts, and Kirby did the reassembly of the en­ gine, using new parts. Mike's Metering in Tulsa, Oklahoma, spe­ cializes in Stromberg carburetors, and so it reworked the NAS3 carb used on the Continental. One mark of some of the most recognized restorers around the world is their willingness to go to whoever is acknowledged as the ex­ perts in their particular field. Joe did just that as he dove into this project, calling on the expertise of Clyde Smith Jr. For many restorers, Clyde, along with his father, has been a re­ liable source of information on Piper's steel tube and fabric air­ planes. In fact, in addition to helping ferret out a number of ob­ scure details in the J5A's history, Clyde was able to supply Joe with the center strips for the three-piece windshield, something few people include in their restorations. The airframe was still in good condition, but that just meant that Joe had a good project to start with-he still completely disassem­ bled the airplane, checking each of the ribs and the spars. "They were 60 years old and needed replacing, so we obtained VINTAGE AIRPLANE


new Sitka spruce from Wicks Air­ craft Supply and built up a new set," said Joe. Sometimes it's just easier to re­ place a part than to spend a lot of time fiddling with it, and the sheet metal lead­ ing and trailing edges are often prime candidates for replacement. On the wings of this J5A, most of the perimeter of each wing was replaced, including the tip bows. By the way, some sharp-eyed readers may note I've chosen to use the J5 model designation, rather than the more commonly used J-5. Even Joe Juptner's U.S. Civil Aircraft lists them with the dash included. As pointed out by Joe Fleeman, the factory did not use a dash within its model designations until later in Piper's history. Factory manuals for the prewar J5 do not us e the dash, so since this Piper Cub Cruiser was built in 1940, that's what we're using. Some of the most fluid lines on the Cub Cruiser are on the cowl, as it flows gently into the spinner. Years of opening and closing and vibration often make nosebowls look as though they've been beaten with a burlap bag bulging with frozen potatoes, and it 's up to the restorer to decide just how much effort will go into a complex piece. Unlike simpler shapes like flat panels and leading edges, nose­ bowls are not easily replaced when damaged. A few of the more popu­ lar nosebowls are still made by parts suppliers, but not this time. Joe said he lost track of how much time he spent at an old sandbag pounding out the larger dents with a plastic hammer and the countless excur­ sions to an English wheel to smooth out the ripples. Coupled with the exceptional sheet metal wrap cowling pieces, the engine 20


Com an Contacts: DivCo Inc. Tulsa, Oklahoma 918/836-9101 Rick Romans Inc. Tulsa, Oklahoma 918/835-1311 Mike's Metering Tulsa, Oklahoma 918/838-6217 CTK Aerotechnical Nashville, Tennessee 615/834-9203 Keystone Instruments Lock Haven, Pennsylvania 570/748-7083 cowling is one of the highlights of Joe's restoration. Each of th e side panels includes perfectly executed wired edges, with the aluminum n ea tl y folded over a section of mu­ sic wire. Even the wrap cowl edges are properly corrugated, and the original-style panel fasteners secure each one in place. There's one other facet to a suc­ cessful restorer's personality­ patience. Joe's got plenty of it, and it really shows in the details. Look at his work; he painstakingly fitted each of the wing root fairings , the door, and the various cockpit parts. Other than the chrome strips in the cockpit (which, amazingly, just needed polishing-the painted let­ ters needed no other attention!), the sheet metal pan el is all new work,

yet it's indistin­ guishable from th e original. No extraneous gaps as it lies on the fabric below, and no misplaced screws or over­ size screw holes. Each part looks as though it was molded in JIM KOEPNICK place. Those of us who want to do better work need to pay even closer attention to the work­ manship of Joe and others like him. All our airplanes will be better for it! The covering process is the Cooper (now Superflite) Ceconite finishing process, using Dac Proofer and then nitrate dope for the fill coats followed by a series of butyrate dope finish coats. Joe en­ joys using that process, and prefers the final finish look-when not paint ed with excessive coats , it looks most like th e older finish he's trying to duplicate. Joe and Kirby would like to thank two more people. Pam Charles and Paul Jones of the FAA's Flight Stan­ dards District Office in Nashville, Tennessee, were as helpful, cheerful, and enthusiastic about the J5A proj­ ect as the restorers. "They've been a super help and always there for us if we needed documentation or help, or just approving doing a field ap­ proval. They've done a first-class, top-flight job, and they don't get a lot of compliments. A lot of people bad-mouth the FAA, but these folks were just the opposite; they were su­ per-duper on it," remarked Joe. Joe's en thusiasm for the J5A Cub Cruiser went beyond just wanting to do a good job on a project that bore his name. It turns out that the very first airplane he ever flew was a J5. It must have been especially gratifying when the VAA awards were pre­ sented during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2001 and Joe's restoration of Carl's J5 Cub Cruiser was honored with the Grand Champion Antique Lindy award. .......

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BY E.E. "BUCK" HILBERT, EAA #21 VAA #5 P.O. Box 424, UNION, IL 60180

What were you doing in 1948? That's skinny, smart-alecky me with the first Bonanza we ever saw at Walworth County Airways near Elkhorn, Wisconsin. The factory demonstration pilot really showed us what this airplane could do!


had a pleasant surprise a while back. Frank Lindner, a former student of mine who hails from Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, dropped by and gave me a picture of myself at Walworth County Airways out­ side of Elkhorn, Wisconsin. This picture was taken the sum­ mer of 1948. And I' m standing in front of the very first Beech Bonanza to visit our little field for demo rides. Please, no comments about weight, hair, or loss of machismo. Lost somewhere, with myoid log­ book from those days , are the comments on the ride, th e drive, and my feelings. I guess the first comments were about how fragile this airplane seemed compared to th e Navion based at th e airport. The Navion, built by North American, was like a civilian P-Sl. Built to military stan­ dards, it seemed indestructible. On the other hand, the Beech was 22


an airplane of "highly advanced postwar design," to quote Joe Jupt­ n ef. The plane was beautiful, functional, fast, and economical. It was startling in appearance to this appreciative pilot. The above-aver­ age cruising speed, the economy, and the price made it an instant winner. Witn ess the popularity of the design to this day. My military background and the h eavy iron that I had flown and was most familiar with led me to believe that th e Bonanza would n ever stand up to the likes of the iron birds I was accustomed to. How wrong could I be? Experience proved otherwise. The design yielded good pa yloads and performance. It was fun to fly and not as challenging as some of the postwar machines of the day. I was concerned about its seem­ ingly flimsy gear, but that was soon dispelled when the demo pi­

lot showed us what it would and could do. lt was so clean that the gear ex ­ tension speed could be easily exceeded, as well as the VNE' The slow flight characteristics were really admirable, and the flight envelope was conSiderably improved over some of the airplanes I was used to . That six-cylinder E-18S engine, cou­ pled with the controllable prop, did the job very nicely with a cruise fu el burn of a little better than 8 gph. It was a "going places" machine. Another sidelight to this air­ plane's credit, the delicate beauty of it brought many into aviation . The appearance of the airplane ap­ pealed to the feminine taste. Pretty soon our airport bums had to watch their language becau se ladies were present. Things began to happen in "too's." Suddenly the restroom s were too dirty, th e office was too cold, too dusty, or too windy, and the airplanes were too dirty. The women had arrived. One of the first people I knew who had a corporate airplane wa s Borg-Warner's {{Mr. Clutch." He based his Spartan Executive at his residen­ tial farm airstrip just west of the Lake Lawn Lodge at Delavan, Wi s­ consin . Mrs. Borg flew the Spartan, too, but one day she turned up in a sparkling new Bonanza. The Spartan was history. Now she could carry al­ most as much of a load, go fast er,

A few years later(!) it's time for a fall flight with the Champ. Those thick cotton gloves you can get at the farm store come in handy in keeping fingerprints off a polished prop. On the Champ, the cotton gloves give just enough cushion to keep your fingertips from getting sore. They even make a pair of these gloves with a plastic rubbery compound in an open weave on the palms. The ones they sell around here at the home improvement store are orange in color. They help you keep from wrapping your fingers around the prop during starting (a no-no-use the friction of your palms to pu ll the prop through) . Besides, when it's chilly out, t hose aluminum props are really cold!

and feel a lot more comfortable in " her" airplane. It wasn't unusual for her to drop in on us with other women along for the ride to some­ where, and again our male-dominated airport felt their presence very strongly. Some res ented their intrusion; some welcomed it. But that Beech Bonanza signaled the beginning of change. The m ec hanics actually be­ gan to dress in clean work clothes, the restrooms were cleaned up and decorated, and some were even ded­ icated just for women. FBOs cleaned up their act. Offices began to see comfortable furniture. Pictures ap­ peared on the walls, and the place got swept out every day. The moral of the story is, "Beauty can be more than skin deep." And along with that beauty can come util­ ity and change, sometimes for the better.. .the Bonanza proved it. ....... Over



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Seth Kolbjoern .. .. .. .. ... . Hundvag, Norway

Egil lngva ldsen .............. Bergen, Norway

Bruno Vonlanthen .... Schmitten, Switzerland

Fred R. Anderson . .... . . .. ... .. .. Naknek, AK

Jeffery D. Latta . .. .... . ........ . . Wasilla, AK

Darrel Palmer ................. Pike Road, AL

Lee M. Wimberley .. . ....... .... Co nway, AR

Fred Bonn ... ......... ........ Chandler, AZ

William J. McCreary ..... . .... .. Glendale, AZ

Ben H. Middleton .. .... . . . ..... Hereford, AZ

Clark Sexton .... . . .......... .. . Surprise, AZ

William D. Silvestri ............. Chandler, AZ

Henry Allen .... . . .. . . . .. . . . Cucamonga, CA

Russ T. Alsobrook . .... . . ..... .. Pasadena, CA

Greg Bean ................... . Mariposa, CA

Sam B. Blanchard ............... Sunland, CA

Michael J. Green .............. San Rafael, CA

C. Hayden Hamilton ............. Bonsall, CA

Keith Larsen ...... . . ... ... . . Lake Forest, CA

Alfred M. Lopez . . .... . . ...... Beaumont, CA

Jeff Row .................. Mission Viejo, CA

John S. Schifferer . .. ...... . ... Escondido, CA

Martin Spragg .... . .. ..... .. San An se lmo, CA

Roger Stauffer ... . ... .. ..... . . . .. Acton, CA

Kevin C. Thorsen . . .. . ....... .. LaMirada, CA

Wayne Vanwinkle ......... .. Santa Maria, CA

David M. McRoberts ....... ...... Boulder, CO

Donald J. Bishop .... . . ....... . Kissimmee, FL

Thomas K. Buchanan, Jr. .. Fort Lauderdale, FL

David W o lfe ..................... Naples, FL

Terry E. Clifton .............. . Savannah, GA

Russell B. Lassetter ............ Cleveland, GA

Steven F. Borders ......... . . . . . . Iowa City, IA

Michael J. Co nnell .. . .......... . Decorah, IA

Dan Casa li ...... . .. . . .. . .. . . .. Ketchum, ID

Valerie Sonntag .................. McCall, ID

David Mo ntgomery ...... ....... Oak Park, IL

Donald Funk ............ ... Connersville, IN

David H. Prange ... . .. . . .... New Palestine, IN

Jam es Stutsman .... . . .. . . .. .. . .. Goshen, IN

Matthew C. Burch . . . .. . .. . ..... Lawrence, KS

John Bryan . ...... . ......... . Choudrant, LA

Richard A. Fredrickson ...... . .. Topsfield, MA

Lar Kaufman .................. Co ncord, MA

Burton Schriber. . .. . .. .. ........ Tauton, MA

Samuel P. Shipley ............ Timonium, MD



John Snyder .......... .. ... .. Baltimore, MD

Marvin L. Dunlap .. .. . .. .. Whitmore Lake, MI

Stephen Holdeman ....... . .. .. Muskegon, MI

Ralph H. Teichert. .. .. .... .. Grand Rapids, MI

Ray Anderson ................ Burnsville, MN

Randy J. Hodson . .. .. . .. ... Minneapolis, MN

Joseph Karpik .. . .......... .. Floodwood, MN

Frank D. Lunak ............ .. ... . Isanti, MN

Jeffrey Sheridan ... .. .. . . ... ..... Eagan, MN

Ro land Gilliam . .. .. . ... . . . .... Carthage, NC

John F. Hackenberg ............ Charlotte, NC

Melvin Lohr ................ High Point, NC

David Wallenburn .. . . . ... ... .. .. .. Ca ry, NC

William G. Mennen ... .. ..... ... Oldwick, NJ

Do ug Clark ................. Skaneateles, NY

Robert J. Lindsey .. . .. ... .. . Baldwinsville, NY

William Milton .. .. . ... . .. West Glenville, NY

Jim Bayman ................ Gates Mills, OH

Harry F. Butler ... . . ........ .... Grafton, OH

Chris Grasso ................. Cleveland, OH

Charles W . Higley ... . .. . ... . Miamisburg, OH

Ralph W. Widman, Jr.......... Lynchburg, OH

Floyd W. Atha ..... .............. Yukon, OK

Richard N. Knoblock ... .. .. ... Bartlesville, OK

Melvin C. Young ................. Adair, OK

Alastair MacDonald .. ............. Barrie, ON

Tom Sampson .......... . ....... . Tigard, OR

David M. Niles .......... ... . Landenberg, PA

William Ostrander . .. ... . .. .. .. Millerton, PA

Richard Picard .. . ... ......... Woonsocket, RI

William Roberson . .. .. ..... .. Cookeville, TN

Terry L. Bowden ... .. ... . .. .. . McGregor, TX

George Dascomb ............. Sugar Land, TX

Dave Howard ................. Coupland, TX

Mi chael McCredie ............. Beaumont, TX

William B. O 'Connor ....... Witchita Falls, TX

Michael V. Vance ............. Grapevine, TX

James B. Beville ....... . .. .. ..... Linden, VA

Robert G. Bailey ............ West Pawlett, VT

Richard S. Drury.. .. .. .... . Friday Harbor, WA

Ernest Hansen .. .. .. ........... Sequim, WA

Philip J. Philip . ... . ... .. .. .... . . Prosser, WA

Stanley L. Stiles .............. Chewelah, WA

Gary S. Werdall ................ Auburn, WA

Dan Grace . ......... . ...... .... .. Mills, WY

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JANUARY 19, 2002 - Fort Pierce, FL - EAA Ch. 908 Pancake Breakfast, 7-11 a.m. at the EAA Hangar, St. Lucie International Airport. Info: 561-464-0538 or 561-489-0420. FEBRUARY 100Mondovi, WI- Ski­ Fly-In at Log Cabin Airport. Info: 715-287-4205. FEBRUARY 23-Fort Pierce, FL­ EAA Ch . 908 Pancake Breakfast, 7-11 a.m. at the EAA Hangar, St. Lucie Internation al Airport. Info: 561 -464-0538 or 561 -489­ 0420. MARCH 1-3-Casa Grande, AZ­ the Arizona Antique Aircraft Assoc is sponsoring the 44th Annua l Cactus Fly-In, 480-987­ 5516.

The following list of coming events is furnish ed to our readers as a matter of informa­ tion only and does not constitute approval, sponso;'ship, involvement, control or direction of any event (fl y-in, seminars, fl y market, etc.) listed. Please send the information to EAA, A tt: Vintage Airplane, P.O . Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903 -3086. Information should be received four months prior to the event date.

MAY 3-5- Cleveland, OH-18th annu­ al Symposium of the Society of Air Racing Historians. Sessions featur­ ing illustrated talks by pilots, crew members and others will be held at the Holiday Inn-Airport. Info: Herman Schaub, 440-234-2301 or Don Berliner, 703-548-0405.

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NEWS CONTINUED sic and Contemporary category air­ planes for purposes other than recreation, and modifying them using excep ti ona l workmanship is a skill we're pleased to acknowledge." The VAA Board also voted to change the effective dates of the Contemporary jud ging category, which includes aircraft constructed by the original manufacturer, or its licensee, on or after January I, 1956. Starting in 2002, and continuing each year thereafter, a year will be added to the closing date for aircraft eligible to be judged in the Contem­ porary category. During EAA AirVenture 2002, aircraft con­ structed up through Decem ber 31 , 1966, will be eligib le for judging. Each year, the category will then grow by one year-in 2003 the cut­ off year will be 1967, in 2004 it will be 1968, and so forth. The VAA judg­ ing committee will review the policy on a yearly basis. "With each passing year we're see­ ing outstanding restorations of airp lanes built during the 1960s," said Espie "Butch" Joyce, VAA presi­ dent. "Owners of these airplanes now face many of the same maintenance and insurance issues Antique and Classic aircraft owners have faced for years. We're pleased to offer these pi­ lots the same benefits and the camaraderie that have been the hall­ mark of EAA's Vintage Aircraft Association for more than 25 years. " The other VAA judging guidelines will remain the same. An Antique aircraft is one constructed by the original manufacturer, or its li­ censee, on or before August 31, 1945, with the exception of certain pre-World War II aircraft models that had on ly a small postwar pro­ duction. A Classic aircraft is one constructed by the original manu­ facturer, or its licensee, on or after September I, 1945, through Decem­ ber 31, 1955. ......

' , : , . . LB •


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use of Dacron or simnor modern materials os a substitute for (otton is a de<ld giveaway la Ihe knowing eye. They simply do nOllook righl on vinloge oimoh: from Robert Mikesh( former curolor of Ihe Nalional Air ond Space Museum, in hi! oook Res/oring "'"",um Aif(rah.


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sell or trade? Classified Word Ads: SS.SO per 10 words, 180 words maximum, with boldface lead-in on first line. Classified Display Ads: One col umn wide (2. 167 inches) by 1, 2, or 3 in ch es high at $20 per inch. Black and white only, and no freq uency discounts. Advertising Closing Dates: 10th of second month prior to desired issue date (i.e ., January 10 is the closing date for the March issue). VAA reserves the right to re ject any adve rti si n g in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insert ion per issue. Classi fied ads are not accep t ed via phone. Payment must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via fax (920/426-4828) or e-mail ( using credit card payment (all ca rds accepted). Include name on card, complete address, type of card, card number, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EAA. Address advertising correspondence to EAA Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.

World of Flight


EAA's 2002 Calendar Features the Best In Aviation Photography with ... • 13 f l ight inspiring month s to sc hedu le appointments and importan t events. • 1 2" x 24" format you can proud ly displ ay in your ho me and office .

BABBITT BEARING SERVICE - rod bearings, main bearings, bushings , master rods , valves, piston rings Call us Toll Free 1/800/233-6934, e-mail ramremfg@ao/.com Web site VINTAGE ENGINE MACHINE WORKS, N. 604 FREYA ST., SPOKANE, WA 99202 .

• Full -co lor im ages ideal for framing. • Dates and web sites to ass ist in planning your trip to EAA A irVenture Os hkosh and the m any EAA Reg io na l Fly-Ins throug hout th e US.

Airplane T-Shirts 150 Different Airplanes Available WE PROBABLY HAVE YOUR AIRPLANE!

www.airp/ 1-800-645-7739 THERE'S JUST NOTHING LIKE IT ON THE WEB!! A Web Site With The Pilot In Mind (and those who love airplanes) For sale, reluctantly: Warner 145 & 165 engines. 1 each , new OH and low time. No tire kickers , p lease . Two Curtiss Reed props to go w ith above eng ines. 1934 Aeronca C-3 Razorback with spare engine parts. 1966 Helton Lark 95, Serial #8. Very rare, PQ-8 certified Target Drone derivative. Tri-gear Culver Cadet. See Juptner's Vol. 8-170. Total time ME 845 hrs. I just have too many toys and I' m not getting any younger. Find my name in the Officers & Directors listing of Vintage and e-mail or call evenings. E. E. " Buck" Hilbert 1940 J -3 Cub proj ect, disassembled , 65 Continental engine. $7,500 firm! 863699-1911



To Order Ca ll :

1-800-843-3612 (O utside US & Canada 920-426-5912)

Send your order by mail to: EAA Mai l Orders PO Box 3086 Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 Major credit ca rd s accepted. WI res idents add 5% sales ta x. Sh ipping and handling not included .



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10 . - 21 27

11le Leader In RecreatiollalAviation






12 18


Membership Services VINTAGE



EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086

OFFICERS President Espie ' Butch' Joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro, NC 27425 336/ 668·3650

Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507/ 373· 1674


George Daubner 2448 Lough Lane Hartford, WI 53027 262/673·5885

Treasurer Charles W. HarriS 7215 East 46th SI. Tulsa, OK 74 14 7 918/ 622·8400


DIRECTORS David Bennett P.O. Box 1188 Roseville, CA 95678 916/ 645·6926

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Steve Krog 1002 Heather In. Hartford, WI 53027 262/966·7627


Jo hn Berendt 7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls, MN 55009 507/ 263·24 14

Robert D. "Bob" Lumley 1265 South 124th Sl. BrOOkfield, WI 5300S 262/782·2633

John S. Copeland

Gene Morris 5936 Steve Court Roanoke, TX 76262


IA Deacon St reet North~8/3~~:4~;5 01532 copeland Phil Coulson Dean Richardson 1429 Kings~ Rd




rcou Roge.r Gomoll

3i.;J.~t~r~~~5~~] 507/288·2810

Dale A. Gustarson 7724 Shady Hills Dr.


Geoff Rob ison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 219/493·4724

S. H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 532 13 414/771·1545



Gene Chase 21S9 Carlton Rd . Oshkosh, WI 54904 920/ 23 1·5002

Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax (920) 426-4873

Web Site: a/ld Ilttl'://www,airve1lture,org E-Mail: vi1ltage @

E.E. "Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60 180 815/923·459 1

ADVISORS AJan Shackleton

P.O. Box 656

Sugar Grove, IL 60554-0656

630/466·4 193


Steve Bender

Dave Clark

81S Ai rport Road Roanoke, TX 76262 817/ 491·4700 sst l ~ma iLms n. com

635 Vesta l Lane Plainfield, IN 46168 317/839·4500

EAA and Division Membership Services 800-843·3612 ..... .. ..... FAX 920-426-6761 (8:00 AM-7:00 PM Monday-Friday CSn • ew/ renew memberships: EAA, Divisions (Vintage Aircraft Association, lAC, Warbirds), National Associa tion of Flight Instructors (NAFI)

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Programs and Activities EAA AirVenture Fax-On-Demand Di rectory ..................... . . ... 732-885·67 11 Auto Fuel STCs .. . ..... ... ... 920·426-4843 Build/ restore information ... .. 920·426-4821 Chapters: locating/ organizing . . 920-426-4876 Education . ... .......... .... 920-426-6815 • EAA Ai r Academy • EAA Scholarships

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MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associ· ation, Inc. is $40 for one year, induding 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership i5 available for an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership.

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Current EAA members may join the EAA War­ birds of America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazi ne for an additional $35 per year. (Add $16 for Foreigll Postage.) EAA Membership, WA RBIRDS maga zine and one year membership in the Warbirds Divi­ VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION sion is ava il ab le for $45 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $7 for Current EAA members ma y join th e Vintage Foreign Postage.) Aircraft Assoc iaton and receive VINTAGE A IR ­ PLANE magazine for an additional $36 per year. EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE EAA EXPERIMENTER magazi ne and one year membership in the EAA Current EAA memb ers ma y rece iv e EAA Vintage Aircraft Association is available for $46 EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional per yea r (SPORT AVIA TION magazine not in­ $20 per yea r. cluded). (Add $7 for Foreigll Postage.) EAA Membership and EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine is ava ilable for $30 per yea r (SPORT AVIATION magazin e not included). (A dd $8 for lAC Foreign Postage.) Current EAA members may join the Interna­ tional Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT AEROBATICS ma gaz in e fo r an add i­ FOREIGN MEMBERSHIPS tional $40 per year. Please submit yo ur remittance with a check or EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS draft drawn on a United States bank payable in magaZine and one year membership in the lAC United States doll a rs. Add required Foreign Division is availab le for $50 per yea r (SPORT Postage amount for each membership. Membership dues to EAA and its divisions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.

Copyright ©2001 by Ihe EM Vinlage Aircraft Associalion All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091·6943) IPM 1482602 is published and owned exclusively by Ihe EM Vinlage Aircra" Association of the Experimental Aircra" Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center. 3000 Poberezny Rd.• PO. Box 3088. Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903·3088. Periodicals Poslage paid at Oshkosh. Wisconsin 54901 and al additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes 10 EM Vintage Aircra" Association. PO. Box 3086. Oshkosh. WI 54903·3088. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow al least two monlhs lor delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE 10 loreign and APO addresses via suriace mail. ADVERTISING - Vintage Aircra" Association does not guarantee Of endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report 01 inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken.EDITO­ RIAL POLICY: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility!Of accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the conlribut()(. No renumeratioo is made. Materi~ shook! be senllo: Edrtor. VINTAGE AIRPLANE, PO. Box 3086. Oshkosh. WI 54903·3088. Phooe 9201426·4800.

The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, FOR THE LOVE OF FLYING and the logos of EAA, EAA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, EAA VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION, INTERNA· TlONAL AEROBATIC CLUB, WARBIRDS OF AMERICA are ® registered trademarks. THE EAA SKY SHOPPE and logos of Ihe EAA AVIATION FOUNDATION, EAA ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION and EM AirYenture are Irace· marks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above association is strictly prohibited.





a. Fleece Youth Vests ....... $12.95 These soft fleece vests are available in royal blue. grey, and green.

blue sm \100587 blue Ig \110509 blue xl VI 051 0 green sm \110511 green xl \I 105 14

grey sm \110515 gl'ey md V00516 gl'ey Ig\l10517 grey xlVI0518

b. Travel Mug ..... \100342


Classic stainless st.eel mug with plastic handle and cap. Standard base fits most car cup holders.


c. Leather Varsity Jacket ... $229.95 Leather and wool al'e combined to cI'eate this classic jacket with embossed vintage airplanes and Vintage logo on the back.

md \100344 Ig \100345

xl \100346

d. Embossed Denim Jacket .. $65.99 Cotton denim jacket with Vintage patch on the front and embossed planes and logo on the back.

md \100241 19 \100242

xl \100243 2x \100244

e. Pocket Vest ............ $29.95 Great for traveling, this vest helps to k.eep your hands free for using a camera, caring luggage or simply great for around the town activities. Comes in olive 01' khaki (not shown).

Khaki Olive

Ig \100507 Ig V00494

xl \100493 xl \100495

f. (;offee Mug ... . . V00234


Enjoy your mOI'ning coffee with this blue trimmed Vintage logo mug.




MAIL ORDERS P.O. BOX 3086 WI 54903-3086






g. Crew Sweater ......... ~ This dark navy kni t sweatel' has cotton patches at the shoulder and elbows and sports the Vi ntage logo. S~ k Sill V00516 xl Vl0525 :( ~.E: IIId Vl0523 xxi \100517 Ig \110524


Leather Ba3s frOnt Vinta3e Aircraft An embossed logo gr aces each of these fin ely cr afted. genuine lea th er bags, which co me in either ta n or black.

h. Leather rouch ..... . ..... $21.95 tan V00584 black V00513 Flapped, soft leather bag has shoulder strap. Approximate size: 7.5"11 x 5"w x 1.5"d

i. Leather Briefcase ..... . ..

$79.95 tan V00497 black \100510 Cr afted with a I'ich design, this case has sever al interi or pockets and goes from home to the boardroom in style. Approx i­ mately 12"h x 16"w x 4.5"d

j. Leather Backpack ........ $49.95

tan \100498 black \100511 Perfectly sized wi th convenient zippered pockets on the inside and outside. Approx­ imately: f1"h x 9"w x 4.5"d


Leather rocket Ba3 (black only) ..... ..••• \100512 $46.95 Convenient phon e/sunglass pocket make this bag a definite accessor y. Approximate size: 9"h x 6"w x 3"d

I. Golf Shirts ............

$31.95 The Vintage gol f shirt is your versatile, comfortabl e. 100% combed cotton sport shirt for almost ever y activity. Se~grass: Burgundy IIId \100539 Sill V00543 Ig V00540 Ig V00545 xl \100541 xl \100546 2x V00542 2x V00547 Ocean Blue \100549 IIId \100550 Ig V00552 xl \100553 2x \100554


Maize YeUow Sill V00555 md \100556 Ig \100557 xl \100558 2x V00559

m. Woman's Blouse ......... $84.95 This lovely. cotton/poly blend shift is trimmed with genuine Austri an cl'ystals and is wrinkle free. Machine washabl e. \I 10496 . ... • .. . . Pink size 10 \I 10497 . ........ Black size 12 \I 10498 . . .. .. .. Cream size 14 II.



Adult Bur3Undy Fleece Vest ........ . .............. $14.95 Similar to the youth fl eece vest, this adult ver sion is a welcomed layer during cold winter activities. sm V00586 Ig \110506 md \110505 xl \110507

o. Vintage Caps ...... . ..... $12.95 Choose a co lor and style to fit yo ur persona l taste.


Stone .. ................ V00225 Royal Blue .............. V00355

Khaki (nol shown) • • • • • • • • • • • • V00356

Olive (noLshown) • • • • • • • • • • • • V00357

Red ................... V00359

Maroon ...... .. ...... . .. V00438

Red w/mn'), Inol shown) • • • • • • • • V00361

Khaki w/na,,)' ....... . ..... V00439

Yellow w/na,,)' ............ V00435

Nat.ural wIred (nol shown) • • • • • • V00436

Red w/black . . ........... V00437

p. Youth Camo Shirt ........ $19.95 Sport shirt features folll' buttoned pock­ ets and Vintage Logo. Made of 65% poly/35% cotton and is machine washabl e. Youth sizes:

\100609 Ig V00611




q. Ladies Scoop.neck Tee 81m . .......... V 10485


Genuine Austri a crysta ls outlinc the Vin tage logo on this navy spor't tee. 95% cotton/5% spandex fabri c holds it's shape and keeps yo u cool. I'.

Select Bound Vintage Volumes Limited quanti ties of Vintage bound vo lumes are ava ilable.

TELEPHONE 1990 and before .......... $25.00 ORDERS

Aller 1990............... $30.00

s. Youth Flight Jacket •••••



This classic jacket is sized rot' yo ung people. Made of nylon with knit collar, cuffs. and waist. Sports an orange liner.

Youth sizes: Sill V00605

IIld V00606 Ig \100607

t. Novelty Dolls .... VI 0500 59.95 A great conversation pi ece. these dolls look clever sta nding by your air'plan e. Approxate ly thr'ee feet tall.

u. Zippered Sweatshirt ..... 59.95 50% cotton/50% poly and machine wash­ able. this top has an elegant outline around the Vintage logo with genuine Austrian crysta ls. Comes in navy or forTest gr'Cen. n3\')' IlId Vl0489 lIavy Ig Vl0490 113\')' xl V 1049 1 green IIId Vl0492 green xl Vl0494

MAIL ORDERS P.o . Box 3086 OSHKOSH , WI 54903-3086



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