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By E. E. " Buck" Hilbert President, Antique-Classic Division (Photo by Ted Koston)
Recently Verne Jobst, lAC President, and myself were attendant to meetings with the FAA top echelon in Washington. These meetings were arranged by Charlie Schuck, FAA co-ordinator, for the purpose of getting acquainted. Verne and I met the Acting Admini足 strator Jimmie Dow, the new Assistant Administrator for General Aviation, FAA Medical Chief, Chief of Flight Standards, Editor of FAA Aviation News and just about everyone who is in the frame of the big picture. I came away with a real sense of direction. These people are interested in sport aviation. They all want to help and they are people like you and me with jobs to do who need our help too. Most of them are pilots and although now behind desks they really are airplane oriented. There wasn't one of them, from the Administrator down, who didn't have fond memories of our airplanes and how they flew. I was asked repeatedly just what the Division was all about. Surfacing at each of the meetings was the question or questions as to how could they help. Several of them were hardly aware of the 80 octane problem and the shortage of good stick and rag men in the field - both within FAA and outside. Our suggestions were taken in good faith and I do believe we made some points. One thing for sure - they know we exist. They want to help so now it's our turn. We can do a little public relations work at our own level by dropping into the local GADO office and getting acquainted. Identify yourself as an Antique-Classic Division member. Meet the maintenance people. The Flight Standards guys. Ask them to show you around. Discuss any problems you might have and listen to theirs . Invite them to the meeting and fly-ins. You'll be surprised at how readily they'll accept, and how much easier it will be to talk the next time you meet. Verne and I plan to again meet with these people. If you can give me any ammunition for these meetings, fire me a letter apprising the problem and some suggested solutions and I'll talk it up.
HOW TO JOIN THE ANTIQUE-CLASSIC DIVISION Membership. in the EAA Antique-Classic Division is open to all EAA members who have a special interest in the older aircr,aft that are a proud part of our aviation heritage. Membership in the Antique足 Classic Division is $10.00 per year which entitles one to 12 issues of The Vintage Airplane published monthly at EAA Headquarters. Each member will also receive a special Antique-Classic membership card plus one additional card for one's spouse or other designated family member. Membership ' in EAA is $20.00 per year which includes 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION : All mem足 bership correspondence should be addressed to: EAA, Box 229, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. 2
(Photo by .Ted Koston)
MAY 1975
Old 728 .. . Ed Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Air Currents .. . Buck Hilbert . ....... . .. . . ... .. .. . .. . ... .. .. . .......... ... . ... . ...... ..... . .. Taylorcraft Memories ... B. J. Shinn .. .. ... . .... ... ... .... ... .. . ..... . . . .. . ... .. .... ... ....... Mr. Fleet ... Buck Hilbert . . .. . . ..... .... .... ........... .. . . ...... . ... ... .. .. .... . . . .. . . . . ... . Reminiscing With Big Nick ... Nick Rezich . ..... . .. ... . . ... . . .. . . .. . . . ......... .. . . .. ..... ... . Bob Von Willer's Fleet ... Jack Cox . .. .. . . ..... .. .. . .. . . . .... ..... . . . .. ... . ..... .. .. .... . . . ... ON THE COVER ... Old 728 Photo by Ed Williams
BACK COVER • .• Aeronca Sedan Photo by Ted Koston
EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher - Paul H. Poberezny Ass istant Ed itor - Gene Chase
Editor - Jack Cox Assistant Editor - Golda Cox
EVANDER BRIIT P. O. Box 458 Lumberton , N. C.28358
JIM HORNE 3850 Coronation Rd . Eagan, Minn . 55122
MORTON LESTER P. O. Box 3747 Martinsville, Va. 24112
KELLY VIETS RR1,Box151 Stilwell , Kansas 66085
CLAUDE L. GRAY, JR. 9635 Sylvia Ave. Northridge, Calif. 91324
AL KELCH 7018 W. Bonniwell Rd . Mequon, Wisc. 53092
GEORGE STUBBS RR 18, Box 127 Indianapolis, Ind. 46234
JACK WINTHROP 3536 Whitehall Dr. Dallas, Texas 75229
THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE is owned exclusively by Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc . and is published monthly at Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53t30. Second Class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office, Hales Corners, Wiscon sin 53130 and Random Lake Post Office. Random Lake. Wisconsin 53075. Membership rates for Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc . are $10.00 per 12 month period of which $7.00 is for the subscription to THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation.
Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc., Box 229,
Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53130
Copyright © 1975 Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved .
By EdwardD. Williams (EAA 51010) 113 Eastman Drive Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056
(Photo by Edward D. Williams)
North Central Airlines' old 728 is snapped by the author on one of its last flights over Minnesota .
It is a sad fact that old airplanes never die, they just end up in museums, and this fate has caught up with the flyingest airplane in aviation history. The champion flight time aircraft is a Douglas DC-3, registration number N21278, which amassed more flight time that any other airplane while it labored as an air transport and then as a corporate plane for North Central Airlines. But "Old 728", as it is affectionately known in the industry, now rests in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan . The famous DC-3 was donated to the museum on May 18, 1975, after flying 84,875 hours in a career that started on Aug. 11, 1939. The last flight of old 728 lasted only 15 minutes, from Detroit Metropolitan Airport to the Ford Motor Co.'s proving grounds at Dearborn. It landed at 11:25 a .m., and that was the last minute of its flying career. The plane had made a four hour flight the day before from North Central's headquarters at Minneapolis to the Detroit airport. At the controls were Capt. Arthur W . Hinke, North Central's manager of flight operations, and First Officer Louie Farrell. Jody Giegerich was the stewardess. Hinke, who has thousands of hours in North Central DC-3s, said that the controllers in the tower at Detroit read a farewell poem to old 728, entitled "Farewell to a Great Lady," as they left for Dearborn. He added that their voices appeared to be touched with emotion . At D~arborn, the famous DC-3 was formally present足 4
ed to Dr. Donald A. Shelley, museum president, by G . F. Wallis, North Central's vice president - flight opera足 tions . It had flown 83,032 hours as an airliner and an additional 1,843 as a corporate plane, and its job as a company plane was taken over by a Convair 580 turbo足 prop plane, N580, the type of plane that also had succeeded the DC-3 as the mainstay of North Central's propeller plane fleet. The author, who had flown in old 728 when it was both an airliner and afterwards as a corporate plane, recalls that it was treated with great fondness by all North Central employees. It was the pride of the fleet even after its retirement from active revenue-passenger service. The distinguished old 728 is not only an historic bird in its own right, but it also is one of a type of a aircraft that made aviation history. On Dec. 17, 1935, Douglas Aircraft Co.'s first DC-3 made its maiden flight from Clover Field, now Santa Monica Municipal Airport, in California. The new plane revolutionized air transportation and signalled the death of the Boeing 247, the top dog airliner until the DC-3 came along (The Vintage Airplane, April, 1975) . Douglas eventually built 10, 925 of the durable twin足 engine transports for the air carriers and the military. DC-3 No. 728 is an old plane, and it is older than most of the North Central pilots who flew it. One pilot, Capt. Edward L. Erickson of Minneapolis , Minn., was nine years old when it came off the assembly line. He
told the author that the DC-3 was the "Piper Cub of the airline" and that it was "an honest aircraft with no hidden tricks or idiosyncrasies." Number 728 was owned first by Eastern Air Lines, which sold it to North Central for an undisclosed price in 1952 when the aircraft had 51,398 hours and 12 minutes of flight time. It was certificated for passenger service by North Central on July 17, 1952, and was put into operation immediately on that day . For almost 13 years it served every airport on North Central's 90-city system. It also participated in countless scenic flights, giving many of today's frequent air travelers their first taste of flying . Its last day of scheduled service was on Monday, April 26, 1965. At 6:25 a.m., it flew Flight No . 2 from Milwaukee to Chicago. Capt. James E. Robb and First Officer Jay Thomas were at the controls , while stew足 ardess Charlotte MacKenzie served 22 passengers. It arrived at 7 a.m ., and at 7:30 a.m . it was off again as Flight No. 467 with 18 passengers back to Milwaukee . There were 16 on board to Madison, eight to La Crosse, Winona was overflown due to flood waters, and old 728 arrived at Minneapolis/St. Paul with six passengers at 10:59 a .m . By mid-afternoon, 728 had been reserviced and clean足 ed for more work, and a new crew took over. It con足 sisted of Capt. Herman C. Splettstoeser, First Officer James R. Topping and stewardess Jean Krbechek . As Flight No. 757, it took off at 3:30 p .m . with 13 passengers for Brookings, with 13 passengers to Huron and arrived at Pierre with two passengers at 5:12 p.m. At 6:50 p.m., it was on its way for the last time, as Flight No. 758. Six passengers were carried to Huron,
six to Brookings and seven to Minneapolis/St. Paul, where it landed at 10:19 p.m. True to form, it was on time all the way. Old 728 had carried 70 passengers on its last day of scheduled service, and it closed out its career as an airliner with a total of 83,032 hours and 52 minutes of flight time since it was completed in 1939. It had flown more than 12 million miles, equal to 480 trips around the world at the equator or 25 round trips to the moon. This also equals 1,667 round trips between Boston and Honolulu via San Francisco - a roundtrip of 7,200 miles. Or, if 728's flight time were accumulated on one continuous flight, it would have been in the air nine and a half years. For all that time, old 728 had been steady and reliable. It never had an accident. In its airliner labors, the plane had worn out 550 main landing gear tires, 25, 000 spark plugs and 136 engines. Its pilots joked that "everything has changed but the serial number and the shadow," but the air足 frame actually is 90 per cent original. The plane burned more than eight million gallons of gas and taxied more than 100,000 miles. After its last airliner flight, old 728 was given a new career of corporate plane and was given a refurbishing to go with it. The 26 airliner seats were removed and its interior changed into a lounge. Walls, divans, reclining seats, carpets and ceiling were decorated in blue, gold and beige. Furnishings include three tables, lamps, television, radio and stereo tape equipment for soft music and remote controls for the radio and stereo equipment. Space was made for 11 passengers - three on a down-filled blue divan, four in two double reclining seats in blue, two in two single reclining seats in gold, (Douglas Aircraft Photo)
This Douglas publicity photo was taken in 1965 - on the 30th anniversary of the first flight of a DC-3. Old 728 was posed with a DC-9 to dramatize the progress made by both Douglas and aviation in general over the period. Perhaps someday a DC-9 will be parked nose-to-nose with some hot new airliner of the year 2000.
two in two single reclining and swiveling seats, one blue and one gold . Because the aircraft was also used to test cabin equipment, accessories and color schemes, it was the most up-to-date cabin in North Central's fleet. The carpet is blue wool, specially created for the plane in Puerto Rico. The ceiling was done in light beige with a vinyl-backed fabric. The wall covering is lightweight vinyl simulating walnut and set off with a contrasting band of rattan matting. Lighting is indirect from 300 incandescent bulbs, similar to that in a Boeing 727. The lavatory resembles a plush lounge, with hot and cold running water and a special flush toilet. Old 728 was also used as a flying laboratory, so many improvements in navigational and safety equipment were installed in 728 for testing before being used by the rest of North Central's fleet. For example, 728 was the airline's first DC-3 to use Distance Measuring Equipment (DME). Outside, the only distinguishing features on the air足 craft are the registration number N21278 on the fuselage near the tail, the number " 278" painted on the fuselage behind the cockpit, and oversize windows, including two picture windows. North Central considered it a fitting honor for old 728 to represent the company as its show plane, and 足 although the plane made its mark in aviation history as a worker - all the finery and fluff do not seem out of place .
Old 728 flew an additional 10 years as a corporate plane for North Central, doing public relations and promotional work as well as carrying company execu足 tives . Its guest book contains the names of all types of celebrities and prominent aviation figures. When it started its new job as company .plane , 728 got this boost from Hal N . Carr, North Central's board chairman and president: "This historical aircraft will help us dramatize our achievements and tryout new ideas in passenger comfort safety." And it did just that. No one has ever disputed the claim that DC-3 number N21278 is the world's flight time champion, and it has received its share of deserved honors. On March 10, 1966, at Palm Springs, Calif., the venerable but vigorous DC-3 received a commendation from the man who built it more than 26 years before. It was honored by Donald W. Douglas, board chairman and founder of the Douglas Aircraft Co., who presented Carr with a bronze plaque, which is mounted permanently in the plane's cabin. The plaque bears this inscription : " This aircraft N21278 has flown more hours than any other plane in the history of aviation. It is symbolic of all the DC-3s and the role they played in the development of air transportation ." In June, 1971, during the 23rd annual air show at Reading, Pa., a special silver bowl was presented to "Red" Wallis for old 728, which had logged a total of 84,528 hours up to that time. And the grand old airplane still was to fly four more fruitful years and set a record that may never be equalled.
AIR CURRENTS By Buck Hilb ert, President
EAA Antique-Classic ,Division
Air Currents will be a feature of " The Vintage Air the Waco he owns that was once an instrument trainer plane" from now on . The volume of letters and pub for United . lications I receive every month can no longer go Fifty Danes are planning a group tour of Oshkosh . That's the Veteran Flying Klubben of Denmark headed unnoticed. It's through this column that 1'1/ try to acknowledge the receipt of some of the letters and up by Magnus Pederson (A-C 638), DK6971 Spjald, Den publications I get every month . mark. See you there, guys n' gals. " Buck" Type Club newsletters are coming in with regularity. The Division is beginning to draw their interest and we appreciate being on their mailing lists. I can't begin to emphasize how important the Type Clubs are to our The Illinois DOT, Division of Aeronautics has placed existence . The sharing of knowledge and a common EAA Headquarters on their mailing list. This should goal are most important to keeping the antiques and assure cooperation and a quick exchange of news. How classics flying . Join the Type Club nearest and dearest to you, guys, it'll pay handsomely with time . Ken Wil about you guys out there having your State Aeronautics liams' (A-C 513) Little Round Engine Flyer comes from Departments do the same. It would benefit all concern 331 E. Franklin St., Portage, Wisconsin 53901. This is a ed. digest of info on the LeBlonds, Ken Royces, Warners and Dick Wagner (EAA 25491, A-C 4) tells me there is a Kinners and what have you. There was even a reference bill before the Wisconsin State legislature for a one time registration and fee for antique airplanes similar to Velies in this last one. Trade secrets with Ken . He is keeping many old engines and airplanes alive with this to what the state requires of antique automobiles. This newsletter. Ken also sends me the Wisconsin Chapter will bear watching as it will ease the burden of paper work and finances on both the State and the owner. This news and keeps me up to date on happenings there. may set a precedent for similar action in the other The International Ercoupe Club President, Kelly Viets fo rty-nine if and when it passes. (A-C 10) and his Boss-Typist-Secretary, Edna, are putting Comments to my January editorial on the general the Ercoupe into the most prominent and active position lack of member response on NPRMs ran pretty high . of our Type Clubs. Kelly is also my right arm and advisor Just keep writing your FAA, Congressmen and Senators; when it comes to matters of tact. Take a good look at his that's the answer to this one. The latest NPRM's have picture in the June issue of SPORT AVIATION in the been in regards to immunity waivers for tattle tales Museum Centerfold. Get to know this guy. I predict you'll (FAR violation reporters) and the FCC wants to use see a lot of him in the next few years . Kelly and Edna can ground control freqs to trigger runway lights at untended be reached at RR 1, Stilwell, Kansas 66085. airfields at night. And now the FAA wants us to paint Aeronca Club President Ed Schubert, 28 E. State big circles around our gas caps showing the color of the Street, Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 writes a newsy letter. fuel that that particular machine uses . And of GREAT interest to all Aeronca E-107 and E-113 The Aviation Greats Day at Oshkosh is shaping up owners and operators: Tom Trainor (A-C 483), 4604 nicely. The thought of all those aviation pioneers in one Briarwood, Royal Oak, Michigan 48073, has located a place at one time, all telling stories, is overwhelming. source of manufacture for rod bearing inserts for your Verne Jobst, IAC Division President, and myself took engines. However, he must order in a quantity sufficient time last month to visit the FAA at Washington. Look to make a production run worth the manufacturer's for a report of our visit in FAA Aviation News. We met time . Tom needs numbers to compile the first order. with all the executive department heads at FAA Head Write him NOW if you have need for E-107 or 113 bear quarters and through the efforts of Charlie Schuck, ings now or in the future . Incidentally, Tom has a pretty Flight Standards Service General Aviation Division fair supply of E-113 pieces. He bought out the remaining Coordinator we had a personal tour of it all. I found the factory stock some years back. Another great Aeronca ranks to have a genuine interest in the health and wel enthusiast and probably one of the most knowledgable fare of General Aviation. Verne and I are planning a early Chief-Defender-L-3 men is George York (A-C 1085), repeat trip in July. 181 Sloboda Ave ., Mansfield , Ohio 44906. George is Letters! And, man, have there been letters. I can't put former Aeronca Club President and a real help on all them down here, but to name a few: Chuck Nickles Aeronca problems. He is pretty good on Staggerwings, (A-C 426) wrote from Brenham, Texas about a beautiful too. Fleet restoration. Dan Araldi writes from Plant City, Thomas E. Lowe, President of the Stearman Restorers Florida about Dr. Dan Kindel' s Bendix Mag Conversion Association, 823 Kingston Lane, Crystal Lake, Illinois on his Aeronca C-3's E-113. It really works, Dan! Ken 60014 sends his "SRA Outfit" every month. These Stear Davis (A-C 166) writes from Statesboro, Georgia that man guys are all set to take over the world. What's the Charlie Lock, curator of the United Airlines Training new tower at Galesburg gonna do for your annual Stear Center Museum at Denver, has provided him with neces man Fly-In, Tom? sary info for an original Boeing Air Transport logo for
Joe Kokura, a Rearwin rebuilder and president of EAA Chapter 241 keeps me up to date on happenings out his way. Carl F. Bury (A-C 694), President of the Stampe Club, 125 Old Orchard Rd., Hudson, Ohio 44236 sends his news letter. He is getting me interested in a machine that a short time ago I thought was just another version of the Moth. Hang in there, Carl, you'll sell the world on Re naults before long. Ray Brandly's National Waco Club publication, "Waco Pilot" , comes from 2650 Alex-Bell Rd. , Dayton, Ohio 45459 . This one carries the best reading in Waco sales and wants short of Trade-A-Plane . Sorry, I couldn't make the annual fly-in, Ray, I had a choice of Watson ville, Hamilton or Tullahoma then VAL chose to utilize my services so I lost out again. Leonard Opdyke's WW-1 Aeroplane from Greenbriar Apts. 12A, 347 South Rd. , Poughkeepsie, N.Y . 12601 surely is of interest to everyone, WW-1 fans or not. It's a beautiful publication and I sure like being on the mail ing list.
Bill Ehlen (A-C 441),4502 W. South Ave., Tampa, Fla . 33614 sends his SESAC publication, "Dixie Flier" and EAA Chapter 175 newsletter, "Smoke Signals", keeping us abreast of what's happening in the southeast. Bill, you just keep being the Spark Plug you are! It's guys like you who make this sport aviation move. Bob Whittier and Frank E. Brown produce New Eng land Sport Aviation News, 5 Centre Ave., Abington, Mass. 02351 and are doing a great job of keeping the New England sport aviation news in the wind. Whittier, as you know, is an author of some reknown and also has out a book of reprinted stories of the fabled Phineas Pinkham's misadventures during WW-1. And I guess that's about enuf wind for this month. There are letters and cards here from dozens and dozens more of you and just keep 'em comin'! I may not have time to write long answers to all of them, but I do appreci ate hearing from each and everyone of you. "Buck"
Byromville, Ga. 31007
The center section "carry-through" structure for the lower wings on the D17S (Staggerwing Beech, N69H) I'm restoring is made of 4130 steel tubing heat treated to 180,000-200,000 psi. It was made as a separate subassem bly, heat treated, and welded to the frame (which is not treated) via short stub tubes so as not to destroy the heat treatment of the carry-through truss subassembly. 4130 heat treated to this range is subject to a phe nomenon known as hydrogen embrittlement (H.E.). This mechanism results from contact with highly acidic or alkaline compounds whereby hydrogen is liberated and infiltrates the grain boundaries in the steel. This hy drogen intrusion causes extreme embrittlement and results in the formation of microscopic cracks which link up, grow, and can result in failure of the compon ent whether under load or not. Fortunately, the circumstances leading to initiation of H.E . (hydrogen embrittlement) in 4130 heat treated to 180,000 psi and above are not normally encountered in aircraft service. Except, that is, when stripping such items for repaint. Since this is just what I'm doing in restoring N69H, I researched the subject in depth. For such a seemingly simple task, wherein lies the danger? Well, most strippers contain ammonium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide which will cause H.E. However, since this characteristic is recognized, the stripper manufacturers add an inhibiting agent to their products qualified for use on steel susceptible to H.E. Two such strippers are: a. Intex 857
from Intex Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 6648
Greenville, S.c. 29606
b. B& B 1776
from B & B Chemical Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 796
Miami, Fla. 33166
But - like everything else, there are a couple of catches. The inhibitor has a nine month shelf-We after which its effectiveness begins to fall off. Also, the strip pers are hygroscopic (they will absorb moisture from the air each time the container is opened). Additional compounds are thus formed which further reduce the inhibitors' power. How about the strippers containing methyline choloride and alcohol which do not cause H. E.? Fine, but (another catch) the poorer grades of these strippers may have some hydrochloric add impurity which would cause H.E. and most of these strippers have no inhibitors. In the face of the "howevers", qualifications, cautions, and shelf-life problems associated with the chemical strippers, I gave up and resorted to mechanical means for removing the paint from the heat treated areas. (The rationalization was that N69H was one day going to tote '01 Number One's can around and "One" can't be too safe.) One of the old wing walkway non-skid coverings was the cloth-backed abrasive type. I tore this into long narrow strips and with a back and forth motion (like polishing shoes) removed the old paint and surface rust. I was careful, of course, not to excessively abrade the metal itself (remember, this is thin wall tubing). I had to resort to solvent cleaning and wire brushing the tube duster joints. This scheme worked very well and without the danger of H.E . Being proud of my achievement, I related it to the chemical engineering friend who had provided the original advise on strippers. He replied, "It's good you didn't use a carbon abrasive." It seems carbon materials will cause corrosion. He recommended using a silica or aluminum oxide abrasive. I breathed a sigh of relief - the non-skid I used was of the the latter material. Well, some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed. (Reprinted from The Slipstream , Newsletter of EAA Chapter 38, Macon, Georgia)
(Photo by Jack Cox)
An early Taylarcraft - all dalled up far present day air shaws.
By B. J. Shinn, A-C 301 835 Jahn Andersan Dr. Ormand Beach, Fla. 32074
Do you know where the first T-Craft was built? Alliance, Ohio? - Nope - Butler, Pa.! After losing the reins of the Taylor Airplane Company at Bradford Pa., to Bill Piper, C G. Taylor and a small group of key fol lowers regrouped at Pittsburgh-Butler Airport (six miles north of Pittsburgh). That was back about 1936 and I was an 8-year old kid at that time and got to see the whole development cycle of the design and fabrication of a new Taylor airplane - the Taylorcraft. (For awhile it looked like Beech was going to sue to keep them from using a name so much like Beechcraft.) My father, Byron Shinn, was President of Shinn De vices Company which made airplane wheels for the Taylor Cub and and Aeroncas of that period. It was in his little factory that the first plans took shape. I mar veled at the time how they could figure the CG. of that airplane on paper before building anything! I also re member a critical situation when someone stretched the fabric too tight on the elevator. When it was doped, it started to warp badly under the pressure. C G. Taylor recognized the problem and startled everyone by whip
ping out his pocket knife and slashing the fabric - thus saving the elevator framework . I watched wide-eyed as they pounded out the first nose piece on a big female wood form. Finally, it was finished and Al Hamburg, the chief test pilot (later to change his name to Al Hudson), took it to the air. It was fast! Up to that time the fastest little plane on the field was a fat little yellow Aeronca C-3 owned by Kenny Scholter. In a publiCized race with Kenny's C-3 and an E-2 Taylor Cub, the metallic green Taylorcraft easily won. It even passed Harvey Wirling's Fleet with its Kinner B-5 engine . There were many spectacular short field takeoffs, climbs, etc. in demonstrating this first T-Craft to prospective customers, but the production line wasn' t destined to be at Butler. Facilities and tax advantages attracted Taylorcraft to Alliance, Ohio, where many , many T-Crait's were turned out with Lycoming, Frank lin and Continental engines. (Reprinted from Antique & Classic News, publication of the Florida Sport Aviation Antique and Classic Association)
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By Buck Hilbert President, Antique-Classic Division
(Photos by Jack Cox)
I firs t noticed it las t summer - every time I flew the Aeronca C-3 or Dario Toffen etti's Rya n STA, or an y airplan e fo r that matter, Mr. Fleet would b e stolidly s taring, sulking in an unforgiving mann er wh en I got back to the h angar . . . acting jus t a little as thou gh I had been unfaithful. I couldn' t sh ake the feeling that h e was being jus t a littl e too p ossessive and that fee ling grew and grew to be almos t a n obsession as time went o n . People used to joke b ecause I' d stop in th e h an ga r a couple times a week jus t to say h ello - to p at him on th e wi ng or turtl ed ec k a nd talk awhile . But I n oticed there were times w he n h e wouldn' t res po nd - sort of turn his h ead and ignore me. This was puzzling a t fi rs t but a search of my ac tivities for the previous week or so us u ally turned up that this always h a ppen ed after 1'd flown another airplan e. Like the time I took the C-3 down to Seneca for Ed McConn ell to annual. When I got back a nd walked into the h angar, there w as oil all over the fl oor. Now Mr. Fleet never lea ked oil and still does n' t but h e did that day jus t for spite, I s us p ect. And the last time I was working on the T-Craft's fuel sys tem , I h ad to duck under the wing p ast the nose of M r. Fleet each time the phone ran g or I wa nted somethi ng fro m th e wo rk bench. The firs t time I ran into his p ro p I just said 'ouch ' a nd rep ositioned it - a nd m y h ea d so's 1'd miss it the next time. Th e second time it h ap p ened I was a little sh ook an d again pu sh ed it up out of the way. But th e third time, that was w hen I get the point. Mr . Fleet was ou t fo r reve n ge - I was worki n g o n an other airplane and h e was d own right jea lous. H ow about that? 10
I know some of you aren' t gonna believe this, but so help me, th at d an ged airplane had it in fo r m e or so I bega n to feel. I ac tually felt pe rsecuted . I felt that airplane was ge tting to the point of being over possessive. It beca m e oppress ive to h av e th at gu y lurking in the hangar, s ulking and trea ting me as though I was cheatin g. But w ha t to d o? Then las t fall a g uy ca m e o ut of n owh ere and offered to buy him . I wo uldn't sell a nd the reason I wouldn' t was because the fe lla just didn' t have the personality nor the ability to ha ndle Mr. Fleet. Mr. Fleet wo uld have m ad e an absolute fool of tha t gu y the fi rs t 15 rrtinutes . So I refused . I had in the back of m y mind th e kin d of pilo t I might sell to if ever the d ay cam e. But I r ea ll y didn ' t think th a t d ay wo uld ever com e. But it did . .. ente r Richard Bach . Richard call ed me o ne day a nd after a few rrtinutes conversation got right to the point. H e was looking for a Fleet and did I kn ow of one. I provided lea ds to the few Fleets I kn ew might be available. A week later Richard called again - three times in o ne day. H e was d etermin ed tha t my Mr . Fl ee t w as to be his a irpl a ne a nd literally forced m e to listen to him . I let him come to look an yway even though I wasn 't goin g to sell. I picked Rich ard Bach up at O'H are airp ort the next afternoon . I ha d in mind th a t h e couldn' t be se rio us, that h e was jus t a ti re kicker a nd wo uld slowly fa d e
away after sa tsifying his curiosity. Not so, I was soon to discover! I had d eliberately tried to discourage Richard. A few days before his arrival I' d pushed Mr. Fleet outside so the black top han gar floor could b e sealed . You might know it'd rain w hile the sealer was setting up a nd the res ultant mud sp o ts were still all over him . H e hadn' t been run in weeks a nd was sadly in need of air in the tires and a gen eral clea n up . Rich ard Bach took one look and said, " Let's get h im out!" And we did . About 15 rrtinutes later, fu eled and oiled w ith Richard at the co ntrols Mr. Fleet had himself a session of fl ying. Slow fli ght, stalls, spins left and right, a loop and then m aybe 7 or 8 landings, touch and go and full stop . And wo nder of wo nders, he did everything Rich ard wa nte d with no n onse nse . H ere was a pil ot - a pilot tha t could grab him by the sh ort hairs a nd make him d o w h a t h e wa nte d . I was sa tis fi ed . Rich ard Bach was satisfied a nd Mr. Fleet was sa tisfi ed . Then began one of the worst sess ions of my life. I didn' t wa nt to sell. Richa rd Bach wa nted to buy and Mr. Fleet h ad no p reference a nd was no help at all . Talk about a traumatic experie nce. All the while we were doing the new annual, all th e while I was getting him ready for the s umm er's fl yi ng I jus t knew Rich ard Bach was n' t going to take him. But he did and w hen Dick ca me back a week later and fl ew away, it was both a n end and a beginnin g for me . I w as happy Mr. Flee t h a d a ne w m as ter, sorry to see him go, r elieved to be free of that " p ossessed" obsession , but strangely hollow and lonesom e inside. I've heard the exp ression " I cried all the way to the bank" for years but this w as the first time it'd ever happened to me. What now? Well, I d on' t know . I'll have to concentrate on the Aeronca C-3 and I got myself a Classic I' ve always a dmired - a 1956 Cessna 170B that I can give th e family a co mfo rtable ride in . And I'm bac k to my fickl e w ays aga in - playing the field - th e airfields, that is, in search of another man 's airpla ne.
• • •
. . . GONE! 11
REMINISCING WITH BIG NICK Nick Rezich 4213 Centerville Rd. Rockford, 1//. 61102
Before we close the book on the Pylon Club, I must tell just one more story that I believe you will find amusing. Have you ever heard of Stag Beer? I clidn't think so . Neither had I and I was in the saloon business. When a Stag Beer salesman called on me to put Stag Beer in the place, I gave him a flat no! But when he informed me that Stag, the Griesedieg, chartered the Goodyear Blimp and would have it in Chicago for two weeks as part of their advertising campaign, I changed my mind about an order. I had an American Legion Air Show scheduled for Chicago during the time the Blimp would be in Chicago, and I figured it would be a great added attraction if I could have the Blimp fly during the show. I gave the salesman an order for 50 cases of beer with a provision that he bring in his boss the day the Blimp arrived . With an initial order of 50 cases the salesman promised me the president of the brewery plus 5 free "promo" cases. When the Blimp arrived at the old Ashburn Airport John Murray, our PR man, and myself were on hand to greet Capt. Vernon Smith, the skipper and the rest of the crew. I had flown with Capt. Smith some years ago in Miami and this was an opportunity to renew an old acquaintance and invite the crew to the Club. The Stag Beer people showed as promised and were quite surprised to find the mobile mooring van parked out front and the crew inside. After the formal introductions were over, John Murray, who was in his usual superb selling form, went to work on the beer people and by midnight he had arranged for the exclusive use of the Blimp in the afternoons to fly the Clubs members and the free use of the night sign advertising the American Legion Air Show and the Pylon Club. BELIEVE YOU ME, this guy Murray could sell ice cubes to the eskimos. First to ride in the Blimp were our daytime bartenders, Roy and Milo . Roy was shy, mild mannered and scared of 12
airplanes and would only ride with John; Milo on the other hand had a striking personality, was able to tell the tallest story with a straight face, had an incredible memory and loved to fly with John . . . with the aid of Jim Beam or Lord Calbert. Milo and Capt. Smith became instant friends - knowing Milo's personality, this was to be expected. After the first hour's flight Capt. Smith invited Roy and Milo back for a little dual on all the ballast valves and the flight controls. For the next four days Roy and Milo would go directly from their mail route out to Ash burn Field and fly in the Blimp. After about 8 hours of blimping they memorized all the specifications - amount of helium, size, weight, horsepower, etc. - along with all the procedures of flying a Blimp plus all the balloon lingo. Before the Blimp left Chicago, Capt. Smith pre sented both Roy and Milo their Blimp Pilot's Certificates which were proudly hung on the back bar for all to see. With Certificates in hand Roy and Milo became the Clubs balloon experts. BELIEVE YOU ME, if you didn't know before hand that they were mail carriers, you would swear they were the world's foremost balloon pilots. It didn't take long before John Murray recognized their talents as balloon pilots and suggested we capi talize on their humor and balloon knowledge. John immediately designed a poster and a matchbook cover w h ich read "Pylon Club featuring Roy and Milo winners Polish Balloon Races 1901-1903." I h ad 1000 matchbooks printed with the new cover and along with the poster I hung some photos of early day balloons, Blimps and dirigibles on the wall to go along with the gag. Then came the 'Polish Joke: Browsing through the Sunday Tribune I came upon an article about some Po lish balloon pilots in MPS who were conducting some upper atmosphere tests in a balloon and had sighted some flying saucers. By mere coincidence John Murray had also read the article and the next night John suggest ed we write a letter to the Polish balloonists and invite
them down for a weekend . I immediately dispatched the following letter: April 30, 1952 Mr. J. J. Kaliszewski Supervisor of Balloon Manufacture Aeronau tical Research Laboratories General Mills Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Kaliszewski: After your terrific title we are understandably out of breath, however, our lounge is recognized as a meeting place for pilots, maintenance men and balloon pilots. The enclosed matchbook covers will explain the balloon angle. Your recent siting of flying saucers, as you know, received nationwide recognition . The revelation that ballooning is still being practiced in this country comes to us as quite a pleasant surprise. Therefore, we are more than pleased to enclose membership cards both to you and Mr. J. Donaghue as well as the DC-3 pilots who visit our city. Please be assured a riotous welcome awaits you at the Pylon Club. Sincerely, Pylon Club Nick Rezich About three nights later I received a long distance call from a very excited Mr. Kaliszewski wanting to talk to Roy or Milo. After I informed him that Roy and Milo had left for the evening, he began to tell me about the 1901-1903 Polish Balloon Race. I was soon to learn that our phoney Polish balloon gag was going to back fire. As the conversation continued I came to find out that Mr. Kaliszewski and Mr. Donaghue were good friends of the real Roy and Milo who actually won the races of 1901-1903 and that they helped in the design and building of the winning balloon. He went on to tell me that they had not seen or heard from their friends since leaving them behind the Iron Curtain and were most happy to hear that they were in the U.S.A. He inquired about their health and their connection with the Pylon Club. With a name like Rezich he asked if I had anything to do with their release or escape from Po land. By now· I didn't have the guts or the heart to tell him it was all a gag. He then inquired if Roy and Milo would be in the place Saturday or Sunday and if so, they would fly down for a visit. Again I didn't have the guts to tell him about our Roy and Milo . I assured him that the balloonists would be in the Club over the weekend and to call me when they landed at MDW and I would send a car to pick them up. Now!! what the hell do you do about entertaining a couple of REAL Polish balloon pilots who come to see their long lost ballooning friends and all I have to offer is a couple of mailmen masqueraded as balloon pilots? Well, the first order of the day was to make sure that both Roy and Milo were not in the place and make sure they didn't come in. Next I recruited my brother Mike and the late Dan Clark to act as 'Ambassadors of Good Will' representing Roy and Milo. Mike, being a historian of sorts, was able to answer most of their questions about early day balloons. In fact if it wasn't for Mike and his knowledge about early day aviation we would have blown the whole bit. When they arrived, the first thing they spotted were the photos of the balloons encircled with a huge welcome
sign, signed by Roy and Milo. They were anxious to see Roy and Milo and then the 64 Million Dollar question - "Where are they?" I very nervously informed them that because of their age and a very important dinner the next day I was not aware of, they had just left and regreted not being able to stay and visit. By now Dan and Mike took the reins, Dan plying them with drinks and Mike talking about balloon races . Next we cranked up the band and played polkas to which they sang and danced. By midnight they were having so much fun they more or less forgot about try ing to see Roy or Milo. They stayed until closing and flew back to MPS the next morning, never knowing that Roy and Milo and the Polish Balloon Race was all a gag. And so went the Pylon Club. I could tell another 1000 stories that you wouldn't believe and I could write 2000 chapters that are X-rated but I promised the boss and Father John I would keep it ·clean. If you are really interested in hearing more about the Pylon Club, meet me at the Volunteer Booth and after you sign up we will all sit down to a cool one after the evening show and I'll tell it all. The Pylon Club closed on rather a sad note. PRPA deflated my interests somewhat but the real reason I closed the Club was my desire to fly. Club Member Bill Dotter, Chief Pilot for International Harvester, came in one night and made me an offer to fly a DC-3 for International Harvester that I could not resist accepting . International Harvester was one of the first corporate fleet operations that had good equipment, good pay and stability. I tried to keep the Club open and fly everyday but it just didn't work out. Schedules, hours and image never work out. Rather than sell the place, I approached form er Thompson Trophy racer Bruce Raymond - second in 1948 - 4th in 1946 - and asked him to take over the Club and run it as his business without any investment. All I wanted was to see the place stay open as the Pylon Club with an aviation personality at the head of it . Bruce was somewhat reluctant to get involved in the saloon business and he also feared the place might loose the business with me being out of it. I tried to convince him that he had nothing to loose but his time but the deal never jelled. He opened a hamburger and root beer place close to his home in Lansing, Illinois instead. When I found it almost impossible to fly for Inter national Harvester and run the Club properly, I informed the membership that I was going to close the Club and move to the country where I could spend more time with my new born son, James. With the announcement of the Club's closing came a torrent of suggestions and offers to keep it open, none of which I felt were acceptable. I set the closing date and without any other communications other than member to member, they came from- all four corners of the U.S.A. and some from Europe. Now, I wouldn't say we had the biggest or loudest party in Chicago but I do recall that the University of Illinois measured a tremor of about 6 on the Richter Scale with the epicenter being in the vicinity of 3017 W. 63rd St. When it was all over and time to turn the key for the last time, I then fully realized my costly mistake of having the 3-D murals painted on the walls instead of canvas. I would have paid any amount to have been able to take just one of them with me . The murals stayed but the wealth of memories contributed by the Pylon Club membership will remain with me forever. Yes, I miss the Pylon Club to this day. And as I pen 13
this closing chapter I find the lines are becoming blurred and am having difficulty swallowing. I dedicate this series to all the wonderful people who entered and exited the Pylon Club leaving behind a treasured friendship that has enriched my life. Thank you!!
The Goodbeer ... er, Stagyear .. . uh, Stag Beer blimp.
Capt. John Murray in the captain's chair ready for take-off.
Left to right, Roy, Milo and Big Nick. Notice photos of balloons over Nick's shoulder.
Here are some never before published photos of the "Mulligan" taken at the crash site by Mr. Earl Ewing of Sellersville, Pa. Mr. Ewing was one of the men who built the first DCA and later became my boss as plant super-
about the DCA 15 and past Howard history. Mr. Ewing gave John the photos to send to me. Mr. Ewing says he will try and be on hand at Oshkosh for the Howard Forum. If he makes it to Oshkosh in his
intendent. He and the late Mike Molberg went to New Mexico to bring back the remains of the Mulligan. These photos reached me the long way around. John Turgyan visited with Mr. Ewing recently to learn all
T-Craft, I promise you a very interesting speaker. He is now retired after spending many years with Bell Aircraft as plant manager during and after World War II. - Big Nick
(Photo by Earl Ewing)
That's the Howard company truck in the background, driven to New Mexico by plant superintendent Earl Ewing and the. late Mike Molberg to retrieve the remains of Mr. Mul足 ligan. Although some scraps and junk were left behind, the major portions of the aircraft were trucked back to Chicago and after study, were chopped up and passed out to employees and friends as sou足 veniers.
(Photo by Earl Ewing)
The culprit that caused the crash of Mr. Mulligan - a prop blade that separated from the hub in flight .
(Photo by Earl Ewing)
Miraculously Benny Howard and his wife, Maxine, survived this crash, although both suffered se足 vere leg injuries and Benny ulti足 mately lost the lower portion of one leg.
(Photo by Jack Cox)
Bob Von Willer 's Fleet 7.
Bob Von Willer, P.O. Box 1426, Spring Valley, Cal足 ifornia 92077 is president of th e Fleet Club . . . and as such sorta felt obligated to come up with something special when he restored his own Fleet. That he did - as evidenced by the pictures accompanying this article. His bird, NC684M (Serial Number 234) is a Fleet 7 and is really something special with its speed ring, bayonet stacks and fabric covered wheel pants. The Fleet 7 was an evolutionary model in the factory's product line-up. It was essentially an improved Fleet 2, which, in turn, was an improved Fleet 1. Only the engines - 110 Warner on the Fleet 1, Kinner K-5 on the Fleet 2 and the Kinner B-5 on the Fleet 7 - were really different. The 7 did have an outsize vertical fin to cure a flat spin tendency, but this can be a fool er as an identification point because some Is and 2s were retrofitted with it. The 7 received ATC No. 374 on October 4, 1930 and standard, seaplane and Deluxe versions were available. The Deluxe could be bought with what was called a "coupe canopy" that enclosed both cockpits. The speed ring and wheel pants Bob has on his Fleet were optional items on any of the 7s. 16
The Fleet was designed by Joseph Marr Gwinn, Jr. , who is listed on old literature as the Vice President in charge of engineering of Fleet Aircraft, Inc . of Buffalo, N.Y., a subsidiary of Consolidated Aircraft headed by Maj . Reuben Fleet. Lawrence Bell was president of Fleet. This team broke up during the 30s when Maj. Fleet moved Consolidated to San Diego. Larry Bell stayed on in Buffalo to form Bell Aircraft as did Joe Gwinn who designed the radical Gwinn Aircar, an interesting at足 tempt to build an "everyman's airplane." He formed a corporation to market the little two control biplane, but dissolved it after his demonstration pilot, Frank Hawks, was killed in the crash of the second Aircar built. Gwinn rejoined Fleet in San Diego and after World War II went to work with Gar Wood in Detroit designing trucks and heavy road equipment. He died several years ago . . . largely unknown as the actual designer of the popular Fleet biplane. The picture of Bob Von Willer's Fleet 7 was taken by the author at the Corona, California EAA Fly-In in early May.
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For Safe Flying 1. THOU SHALT NOT BECOME AIRBORNE WITH OUT CHECKING THY FUEL SUPPLY: It only takes a few minutes to gas up .. . it may save you a forced landing. 2. THOU SHALT NOT TAXI WITH CARELESSNESS: Taxi slowly and make S turns to clear the area in front of the nose. Know the proper use of the controls for taxiing in a strong wind. 3. THOU SHALT EVER TAKE HEED UNTO AIR TRAFFIC RULES: Keep a constant lookout for other air craft. Follow the rules so that pilots of other planes will know what you are going to do. 4. THOU SHALT NOT MAKE FLAT TURNS: This is particularly important when making power-off turns. You steer with the ailerons, not the rudder. 5. THOU SHALT MAINTAIN THY SPEED LEST THE EARTH ARISE AND SMITE THEE: Don't be fooled by the increase in ground speed resulting from a downwind tum. Keep sufficient airspeed. 6. THOU SHALT NOT LET THY CONFIDENCE EX CEED THY ABILITY: Don't attempt instrument flying in adverse weather conditions unless you have the proper training and the necessary instruments. Instrument fly ing is a highly developed science. Don't pioneer. 7. THOU SHALT MAKE USE OF THY CARBURETOR HEATER: The carburetor heater is your friend. Know when to use it. Remember that it's easier to preven t ice in the carburetor than to eliminate it after it has formed. 8. THOU SHALT NOT PERFORM AEROBATICS AT LOW ALTITUDES: Aerobatics started near the ground may be completed six feet u nder th e ground. There's safety in al titude. 9. THOU SHALT NOT ALLOW INDECISION IN THY JUDGMENT: Be certain! You can't afford to make errors of judgment. "I think I can make it" is on the list of fa mous last words. 10. THOU SHALT KNOW ALWAYS - THE GOOD PILOT IS THE SAFE PILOT: It's better to be an old pilot than a bold pilot. (Reprinted from the Piper Cub Owner's Manual - 1946)
Classified Ads
WANTED - 2 e<:lC h, 12 volt s trobes for fu selage mounting (top and bottom) for an Ercoupe 415C. Please g ive full partic ul ars firs t letter. Fred Sampson, 35 Allman Place, New Hartford, N.Y. 13413. WANTED - So m eo n e to trailer a J-2 from Ma in e to Oshkos h Fly-In thi s s umm er. Contac t Jim Horne, 3850 Co ronation Rd ., Eilgan, Minn. 55122 for detail s. WANTED - 1940 Pip er J4-A Coupe pilrts . Front struts, jury struts wheel pa nts, nose cowl, nose cowl grills il nd "Co upe" nil me plil tes for cowling. Please call o r write: Jilmes R. Bentch , Rt. I , Box 162, BroildwilY, Vil . 22815, Phone 703/896-2363 . AERO NCA ENG INE OWNERS - Send yo ur present and anticipated future requirements for plain insert-typ e con rod bearings along with crankpin diameter, if known, to: Tom Trainor, 4604 Briarwood, Royal Oak, Michigan 48073 .
FOR SA LE OR TRADE - Contin e ntal R-975-4 6, Ser ia l 101 592 . Co mpo ra tio 6.3:1 . For sa le or trad e tow il rds an 10 -360 Lycoming. No logs. O\' erhil uled a nd tes ted 1-11-63 il t Pe nsaco la NAS . On orig inill pallet and s tored in school. Make offer. Bud Rogers, La follette High School, Madi son, Wise. ph o ne 608/222-3652. FO R SALE - 1938 Arrow Sport, Model " M". 125 Menas co, 204 TT . Airfrilm e 200 IT, recovered in 1973 with Slits fabr ic a nd fini s h es. On ly exa mpl e b uilt by factor y a nd is id e n tical to Ford V-8 "F" except for engin e . Cruises 100, s tall 35, cl imb 1000 fpm . $5000 firm . Dav id Cleav inge r, 18611 Mapl ewood , Livoniil, Michigan 48152 . Ph o ne 313/477 -7121. WANTED - For Laird Super Solution project. The Florida Sport Aviation Antique and Classic Association is restoring this his toric racing aircraft and they need a prop e ller. The pl a n e was fitt e d with a Hamilton Standard, ground a djus table, design no. 21Al-7 SIN 36382 - 36385. Please contact Ed Escallon, 335 Mil ford Drive, Merritt Island, Florida 32952 (305) 453 0481.
Calendar Of Events
JULY 4-6 - GAINESVILLE , GEORG IA - 8th An nu al Cracke r Fly -In sponsored by North Georgia Chapter o f AAA . Fea tured speaker is Ma tly Laird . Contact Bill Davis, 2202 Williv ee Place, Decatur, Ga. 30033. (404) 636-4743 .
SEPTEMBER 19-21 - KERRVILLE, TEXAS - 11th Annual EAAIAAA Southwest Regional Fl y-In . Antiques and experimentals. Trophies, Air Show and Ba rbeque. Contact: Kerr County Chamber of Commerce, P.O . Box 790, Kerrville, Texas 78028. Phone: (512)896-1155.
JULY 19-20 - SHIRL EY (LONG ISLAND), NE W YORK - 13th Ann ual Fly- In of th e Antique Airplane Club of Greater New York . Dinner! dance on Satu rday night. Con tact Harry E. Geddes, 374 La tham Road , Mineola , New York 11501. Phone 5161746-3453.
SEPTEMBER 26-28 - CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA - EAA Chapter 395 (Antique) Fall Fl y- In - formerly held a t Gas to nia , N .C. Big Fall gathering of an tiqu e and classic aircraft with awards and plenty of flying fun. Contact Dwig ht Cross, Jr. , Box 468, Huntersville, N.C. 28078.
JULY 27-28 - WIC HITA , KANSAS - Cessna Airmas ter Reunion . O ne time gathe ring of wo rld's most effi cient airplane. Contact Ga r Williams, Jr. , 9 S 135 Aero Dr. , Rt . 1, Naperville, Ill . 60540.
O CTOBER 10-12 - TAHLEQUAH, OKLAHOMA - 18th Annual Tulsa Fly In . Located 50 miles ElSE of Tulsa. Sponsored by AAA Chapter 2, EAA Chapter 10 and lAC Cha pter 10. Contact P.O. Box 4409, Tulsa, Okla . 74104 .
JULY 29 - AUGUST 4, 1975 - OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN - 23rd Annual EAA Fly-In Convention. Sport aviation world's greatest event. It's not too early to make plans and reservations! AUGUST 24 - WEED S PORT , NEW YORK - Air Sh ow and Fly-In Breakfast sponsore d by EAA Chapter 486 . Whitfo rds Airport. Contact Dick Forger, 204 Woods path Rd. , Liverpool, N. Y. 13088.
FLORIDA SPORT AVIATIO N ACTIVITIES - The very active Florida Sport A viation Antique and Classic Association has a fly-in somewhere in the state almost every month . The decision on the location of the next fly in is usually made on too short notice for inclusion in The Vintage Air plane , so we recommend to all planning a Florida vacation that they contact FSAACA Presiden t Ed Escallon, 335 Milford Drive, Merritt Island, Florida 32925 for fl y-in details. Join the fun!
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