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VOL. 30, NO.8



2 VAA NEWS/H.G. Frautschy 4 MYSTERY PLANE/H.G. Frautschy














WWW.VINTAGEAIRCRAFT.ORG Edltor-In-Chlef Executive Director, Editor VAA Administrative Assistant Executive Editor Contributing Editors


Graphic Designer Photograpl.y Staff



AdvertislnglEdltoriai Assistant ISABELLE WISKE



News and Views This month's issue will be in the mail during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2002, and if you've joined the Vintage Airplane Association (VAA) while at EAA AirVenture, this is your first issue. Welcome! We ap­ preciate each and every member, and we hope that your visit to the Vintage area is a pleasant experi­ ence. Let us know if you have any suggestions or requests. We'll have the awards list in next month's issue, and it will be posted on the website af­ ter the convention ends. So many people have been telling me that they are coming to this year's event that I'm looking for­ ward to a great convention. I predict that if we have good weather, we will see a record year. I generally arrive on the Friday before EAA AirVenture starts. That way I can have my area of responsibility up and running when EAA AirVen­ ture begins. Plenty happens even before I arrive. Many volunteers work for weeks ahead of time to have their areas set up. With all of the effort we put into our annual convention, I hope that those of you who attend EAA AirVenture 2002 will have an enjoyable and fun experience. We at the VAA are always open to suggestions that might improve the operation of the Vintage area of EAA AirVenture. We also welcome sug­ gestions regarding our year-round operations and Vintage Airplane mag­ azine. Those of you who are active re­ storers or who maintain your own airplanes will get a chuckle out of the latest happenings in my hangar.

While doing an annual inspection on the Luscombe, I recalled that the generator had stopped working and needed repair. I removed the genera­ tor and discovered that it was totally trashed. I chose to replace the gener­ ator with a Jasco alternator (Skytronics). If anyone out there has a copy of an FAA field approval for this installation, I sure would appre­ ciate it if you could send me a copy to help with my field approval.

So many people have been tell ing me that they are coming to this year's event ... Anyway, I found that I couldn't get the new unit mounted onto the engine with the engine still bolted in place on the engine mount. (Once the alternator is on the engine, there seems to be plenty of clearance.) I went ahead and removed the engine completely to do some cleanup and to inspect the engine mount . You folks can already see where this is going, can't you? Well, since I was this far along, I thought maybe it would be a good time to install the new instrument panel that I have built up. A couple of months ago I showed you the new panel, with the radios and in­ struments installed and ready to be bolted in place. Okay, so I will have

to remove the windshield to re ­ move the old panel and put the new one in place. Then I thought a new windshield would be nice. Af­ ter looking at the engine hanging on the hoist, it would be a good idea to go ahead and install the new 0-200 STC for the C-85, with new cylinders and lightweight turnkey starter. You can see what I've started, and the list will go on and on, as it has in the past with other projects. I hope I can complete this work during the fall and this winter, so that I will once again have the Lus­ combe to fly in the spring of 2003. There are other items or projects that I'll work on with the Lus­ combe, but those are projects that I can complete while the aircraft is flying. I think it is great to be able to scoot along at 110 to 115 mph on 5 gallons of gasoline and arrive in comfort. I wonder how a small autopilot would work out? If you missed this year's EAA Air­ Venture, start planning for next year's event. The Centennial of Flight will be the centerpiece of EAA AirVenture 2003, and combined with the remarkable work done by Ken Hyde and the Wright Experi­ ence, I'm sure EAA and VAA will have a remarkable event for us all! Everyone be careful out there, and ask a friend to join up with VAA. Let's all pull in the same direc­ tion for the good of aviation . Remember, we are better together. Join us and have it all! ....... VINTAGE AIRPLANE



FRIENDS OF THE RED BARN Even with our late printing date for the July issue, it was inevitable that we'd miss printing the name of at least one of our members who stepped up and joined the VAA Friends of the Red Barn-2002. Our thanks to VAA member Roy A. Mc­ Galliard , Morganton, North Carolina, and the Microsoft Match­ ing Gifts Program, Princeton, New Jersey, for their generous support of our 2002 campaign.

EAA ADDS PILOT SERVICES PAGE TO WEBSITE EAA recently added a new "Pilot Services" page to its website that combines several online features in a convenient location. Before a flight, pilots can find the latest temporary flight restrictions, NOTAMs, or FAA waivers and then plan their flight us­ ing the popular EAA Flight Planner, provided through

CONTINUED INCURSIONS THREATEN FREEDOM OF FLIGHT Federal officials recently informed EAA's Washington, D.C., office that three recent airspace incursions by general aviation aircraft-two by ultra­ light aircraft-occurred in Camp David's restricted airspace when the president was there. While the incursions were labeled "accidental," their effect was profound. In our country's present state of awareness for terrorism, agencies re­ sponsible for our nation's security will not tolerate continued operational errors and indiscretions by pilots. At risk are the very freedoms of flight­ through expanded TFR airspace or increased penalties for violations-if incursions into sensitive areas continue. Since the terrorist attacks of September II, EAA's website has provided its members with full-color, online maps and sectional charts of all current U.S. temporary flight restrictions. EAA strongly urges pilots to log on, search for active TFR areas in their route of flight, and make absolutely certain to avoid all sensitive areas. Be fully informed before and during your flight. Other features include search ca­ pabilities for flight instructors through links to instructor directo­ ries on the NAFI and Ultralight websites. The "Pilot Services" button is located along the left side of EAA's home page at

PHILLIPS 66 DONATES REFUELER TO EAA'S PIONEER AIRPORT In recognition of the unique role EAA plays in presenting an interactive aviation experience to visitors of EAA's AirVenture Museum, longtime aviation supporter Phillips 66 has do­ nated an aviation fuel truck to EAA's Pioneer Airport. "In addition to their long-term sup­ port to the EAA Young Eagles program, this is another example of how all of aviation is benefiting from the long-term partnership between EAA and Phillips 66 Aviation," said Tom Poberezny, EAA president. "This refueler, along with other long-term support from Phillips 66, helps us to continue our important aviation educa­ tional outreach programs." Phillips continues to support the EAA Young Eagles program, as it has for nearly a decade. For information on the Phillips 66 fuel rebate program for the Young Eagles program, visit or call the EAA Young Eagles office at 920-426-4831. 2



CLASS A·B·C EXTINGUISHERS DAMAGE AIRCRAFT This information comes from the newsletter of the State ofArkansas De­ partment ofAeronautics. We are beginning to see an epi­ demic of Class A-B-C all-purpose fire extinguishers on airport ramps and airport service vehicles, including fuel trucks servicing our aircraft. This poses a severe aircraft dam­ age problem for all aircraft operators. The A-B-C extinguishers have excel­ lent firefighting capability, but the monammonium-phosphate chemi­ cal agent melts and flows when it comes into contact with heat. This is how it gets its Class A rating. This chemical is highly corrosive to alu­ minum, and once it contacts hot aluminum and flows down into the structural cracks and crevices, it can­ not be washed out in the same way the B-C dry chemical agents can be. Once an A-B-C extinguisher is used on an airplane, it is necessary to disassemble the aircraft piece­ by-piece and rivet-by-rivet to accomplish cleanup. Failure to do so will result in destruction of the aircraft by corrosion. The purpose of first aid fire pro­ tection (fire extinguishers) is to get

control of the fire early and mini­ mize the damage. As you can see, the use of an A-B-C extinguisher on a small aircraft fire may extinguish the fire, but it still causes as much or more damage than the fire itself. We can save the aircraft from the fire, but lose it to the ex tin gui shing agent. This is a serious education prob­ lem that we as aircraft operators must face . We have had excellent cooperation from the contractors and airport fire departments that have been contacted concerning the problem-once the problem was ex­ plained to them. Please pass the word along to your airport operators and servicing contractors that A-B-C extinguishers should not be located where they might be used on an air­ craft. Use B-C extinguishers instead.


FRONT COVER: The Curtiss Jenny is truly one of aviation's greatest icons. Ted Sacher took this photo of the Old Rhinebeck Museum's Curtiss Jenny, fresh from its restoration, which included the installation of a 180 hp Hispano-Suiza (Hisso) engine.

Nominating Someone for the EAA Vintage Hall of Fame

To be considered for induction into the VAA Hall of Fame during 2003, petitions MUST be received

by September 30, 2002. If you wish to nominate an individual who you believe has made a significant contribution to the advancement of aviation between 1950 and the present day, please make a copy of the form below, fill it out, add supporting material, and send it to : Charles W. Harris

VAA Hall of Fame

P.O. Box 470350 Tulsa, OK 74147-0350 Be as thorough and objective as possible . Attach copies of materials you deem appropriate and helpful to the committee . The person you nominate can be a citizen of any country and may be living or deceased. The contribution could be in the areas of flying, design, mechanical or aerodynamic develop­ ments, administration, writing, some other vital, relevant field, or any combination of fields that support aviation . You can also obtain a copy of the form online at

www.vintageaircraft.orgjprograms/ holform.html.

Person nominated for induction into the VAA Hall of Fame:

Name: __________________________________________________________

Street: _____________________________ City: _______________________

State: __________ ZIP: _________ Phone: _____________________________

Date of Birth :

If Deceased, Date of Death : ___________________

Name and relationship of closest living relative: _____________________________

Street: _____________________________ City: _______________________

State: _____________ZIP: _______ Phone: ______________________________

E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________

Time span Idatesl of the nominee's contributions to aviation:

(Must be between 1950 to present day.) ___________________________________

Arealsl of contributions to aviation: _______________________________________


" Belgian Aces" is the title of EAA Master Artist Bill Marsalko's water­ color painting featured on our back cover. Here's Bill's key to his artwork: Describe the eventlsl or nature of activities the nominee has undertaken in aviation to be worthy of induction into the VAA Hall of Fame: _________________________________

Describe other achievements the nominee has made in other related fields in aviation:

1. Belgian leading ace, Willy Coppens, 37 victories

Has the nominee already been honored for hislher involvement in aviation and/or the

2. Hanriot HDl 9 Escadrille Beige 1918

contribution you are stating in this petition? (Circle one) Yes No

3.Commandant Fernand Hacquet, 7 victo-

H yes, please explain the nature of the honor and/or award the nominee has received:

ries 4.Adjudant M. Medaets, 2 victories 5. Lieutenant Jan Olieslagers, 6 victories 6. The Order of Leopold I with Swords

Additionallnfonnation:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

7. Order of the Crown, 4th Class

Person submitting this petition: _________________________________________

8. Spad XIII 1st (Comet') Squadron

Street: _______________________ City: _____________________________

9.2nd Lt. Edmund Thieffry 10 victories

State: _________________.ZIP: __________ Phone: ______________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________ Please attach any supporting material with your petition for the committee's review. Mail to: Charles Harris, VAA Hall of Fame, P.O. Box 470350, Tulsa , OK 74147'{)350

10.Escadrille 7 H Farman-Observation and Bombing Aircraft




H.G .




he May Mystery Plane,

which came to us from the

collection of Charles Trask,

was a tough one.

Jack Erickson, of State College,

Pennsylvania, sent us this e-mail:

"It is the Bunyard BAX-3 Sports­ man, designed by Kenneth Bunyard and built by the Bunyard Aircraft Company of Flushing, Long Island, New York. Details are in Jane's All the World 's Aircraft for 1947 and 1948.

There also was a BAX-4 version pro­ posed, but I cannot remember ever seeing a photo of it." Russ Brown, of Lyndhurst, Ohio, sent us this letter: liThe May Mystery resting on retracts on a snow-spotted dock is the 1946­ 1947 Bunyard Sportsman BAX-4. (The photo in the May issue is of the BAX-3­ HGF.)

liThe January 1947 Aero Digest Direc-


tory data shows this modern Colonial Skimmer-like form offered outstanding performance at only $3,245, FOB Wi ­ chita! But 1947 was a very bad year to sell any airplanes. It's a pity this op­ tional color scheme beauty is not at Oshkosh for H.G. to don water wings and swim around for color photos." Another correct answer was re­ ceived from Ralph Peterson, of Dothan, Alabama. SEND YOUR ANSWER TO:






3086, OSHKOSH , WI



15 FOR

2002 ISSUE




Old-Fashioned Instrument Training:

Needle, Ball, and




t was time for a change in my life, so I asked Fred McGlynn, who owned the FBO, what he thought I ought to do next. I really didn't want to instruct in Taylorcrafts. Not that it wasn't a good job and there was nothing wrong with Taylorcrafts. Mine had served me well. McGlynn advised me to en­ roll in Northeast Airlines Instrument School (we called it liNE"). He had taken the course and had Bill Dunn with his Grumman Widgeon --­ purchased a DGA Howard to teach instrument flying. I took stood high on a rise where you could see the airport off to the west. There his advice. I was still nineteen years old when was a lot of water in between. Today I enrolled in NE in Boston. It was the airport has been expanded, with November 1941. its long runways almost reaching all Logan Field was Boston's munici­ the way to Winthrob. pal airport and that was where NE Bob Hinman, who used to in­ had their school. Logan was a big struct for Shorty Williams at Amboy, square field covered with cinders. It was just finishing his course with had no runways. Northeast Air­ NE. He was also living at the Cliff lines, who owned the school, was House. Bob went with American Air­ based there. American Airlines also lines and became a check pilot. Years used the field and so did the mili­ later he was killed on a training tary. The military had just received flight in the Boeing 707. As I under­ some Bell P-39s that they flew in stand it he was riding in the jump and out of Logan. Those fighters seat while they were practicing stalls. used every bit of that airport on The story was that the 707 went their landings. I doubt that they into a spin out of a Dutch roll. I left the Cliff House after starting had four thousand feet. I checked into the Cliff House. my course and moved in with one of Today we would refer to the Cliff our instructors and his wife. His name House as a bed and breakfast. We was Finch. Nice guy. My roommates called it a boarding house. It was sit­ were Herb Ricker and Ray Remick. uated in Winthrob Heights and They became real close buddies. Ray


was married and his wife lived in Portland, Maine. He had a little boy about three. Herb was a bachelor. Ray Remick was one of the fun­ niest guys I ever met in my life. He was a little guy about five-foot-five. He apparently inherited a lot of money and had a very pretty wife. Ray and I drove to Portland in his Buick Roadmaster convertible one weekend. Ray rented a small seaplane, and we flew out to Mon­ hegan Isle. When we returned his wife, June, was waiting for us on the beach. She informed us that we were at war with Japan. It was December 7, 1941, and the Japanese had at­ tacked Pearl Harbor. Where in the heck was Pearl Harbor? When Ray and I returned to Boston that night it was blacked out. It hadn't really sunk in yet that we were actually at war, but it was beginning to. I couldn't help but wonder how I might become involved in it. Little did I realize that four years later I would be very much involved. I would be a naval aviator attached to the Flag Utility Unit with the Seventh Fleet in the Philippines. I happened to be the first in my class to get my instrument rating in February 1942. I was very fortunate to take my flight test on a beautiful morning with perfectly calm air. The flight couldn't have gone better for VINTAGE AIRPLANE


me. Everything clicked as I had been taught, and I got two perfect cones of silence (the area of no signal di­ rectly above the radio beacon) over the range station. As I recall, it was the first time that had happened to me! I was pleased to hear that the CAA flight examiner told my in­ structor that it was the best flight he had ever sat through. Years later, whilst taking a flight with a naval instructor while under the hood, it wasn't all that great. (The hood was a large canvas covering, like a tent, that completely enclosed the stu­ dent, so there was no peeking!) Northeast moved their instrument school to Burlington, Vermont, in March, and Herb, Ray, and I got jobs as instructors. We started out as Link trainer instructors and shortly thereafter started flying the Stinson Gullwings. Instructing in the Gullwings was a great experience . I had never in­ structed any flying before and I soon learned that if you really want to learn something, teach it. I found that I was not only teaching the stu­ dent, but myself as well. In the plane the instructor would make the take off and landing because the only brakes were on the left, and they were heel brakes. I had heel brakes on my Taylorcraft, so it was no big deal. The big Stinson had flaps, which were a new thing to me, and being some­ what fascinated with them, I had to try something new. I found that as you were flaring to land, if you bled the flaps off slowly as you came back with the wheel you could grease that big bird on like magic. We were hav­ ing a lot of fun . Some of it could have turned out otherwise. One day I let a particularly sharp student try a landing from the left seat. This was against company rules. He made a good enough land­ ing, but when the plane started to bear right, he must have been trying to stop it with the left toe brake. In spite of my applying full left rud­ der-I had no brakes on the right side of the cockpit-and yelling "LEFT BRAKE," we went screaming 6


off the runway into the grass. Fortu­ nately, it didn't ground loop and the grass was friendly, and there was no damage. I then understood the com­ pany policy. That escapade was mild compared to a couple that followed. One day we were making our ini-

One day I

let a particularly

sharp student

try a landing

from the

left seat.

tial approach to the range station. One student was under the hood in the left seat and the other student was sitting in the back. It was my job not only to observe the student's performance but to watch out the front window for other traffic. The student in the back would watch out his window for traffic from the left. However, the three of us were con­ centrating on the job that the student under the hood was doing. Actually, the two of us were under the hood with the student doing the flying instead of watching outside as we were supposed to be doing. We were approaching the range station from the south on the SW leg. The student got a nice big fat cone of silence. He made his turn to go out the NW leg for his final ap­ proach and let down. Little did we know what was occurring outside af­ ter he made his turn. It could have been a permanent cone of silence for six people. After we landed my buddy Ray Remick told me what almost hap­ pened. It was something that we in our plane knew nothing about. Ray said, "we were making our initial ap­ proach to the station on the NW leg and were almost there when I hap­

pened to look out the window. There right on top of us coming right straight at us was the orange Gull­ wing. I almost did a snap roll to miss it." Of course, it was us. Ray was one of the coolest pilots I ever knew. Later he became a cap­ tain with Northeast. It would not be in his character to overexaggerate or dramatize. He was really shaken by this close call. A close call that I had known nothing about. Needless to say, I didn't spend much time after that under the hood with the stu­ dent. I became almost a part of that windshield. One day the plane that I was fly­ ing developed a rough engine. It had a very pronounced knock and I reported it. The next day I was scheduled to fly the same plane . When I fired it up, it still had the knock. There were two mechanics standing nearby, and I waved them over. I asked them if they could hear the knock. They said that they had checked it out and that it was okay. Being young and stupid I went ahead and flew it. I was over beautiful downtown Burlington, Vermont, sitting in the right-hand seat having switched with the student. The hood was up and the student in the back seat had his earphones on, as both of us up front did. Suddenly something let go in the engine and all hell broke loose . The cowl started to rock like it was going to depart. I closed the throttle and turned toward the airport. I had to get into that left seat and at the same time get that hood down. The student in the left seat had to get into the back seat to let me by and was also fighting to help with the hood and had forgotten to take off his earphones. The student in back volunteered on his own to add to the mayhem by reaching up and grabbing the mike to call some­ body. So between the three of us we had the darndest mess in that cabin one could ever imagine. I finally got established in the left seat, hood down, wires untangled, throttle still closed and of course, los­

ing altitude. The airport was dead ahead, but out of our gliding range. Well, the prop was still wind milling and I decided to turn it a tad faster and try to make the field. When I ap­ plied power the roughness and the shaking of the cowl was terrifying. The cabin was now starting to fill with oil smoke but the field was almost within range. The engine kept running and somehow we made it. The folks on the ground told me that the plane was pouring out so much smoke that they thought it was on fire. After landing we noted that oil dripping from the bottom of that fabric fuselage had gone all the way back to where it was dripping off the tailwheel. MyoId time friend, Fred McGlynn, told me later when I told him about it that I had been extremely lucky that it didn't catch fire. With all that hot oil and constant combustion, it could have exploded into the biggest fireball ever seen in the state of Ver­ mont. He said that I really should have pulled it up and stopped the prop after turning off the ignition. I suppose that with my past barnstorm­ ing experience, I would have had as good a chance as anybody in putting the plane down in somebody's back­ yard and walking away from it. The engine, of course, was de­ stroyed. There were pieces of it blasted back into the firewall. The two mechanics who had worked on it came up to me later in the day and showed me a little piece of pis­ ton pin lock that they had found in the base. The chief mechanic told them to forget about it. There hap­ pened to be a pilot's meeting that same night, and I told everybody the whole story. The chief pilot sup­ ported the chief mechanic and nothing was done about it. I have never been one to believe that when you are going to get it you're going to get it. Flying is very unforgiving and one cannot be too alert or too careful. I've had some good luck in my almost sixty years of flying. But I have always flown with the adrenaline pumped up a few notches. Sometimes several.

Ray told me about a funny little trick that he had pulled on his stu­ dents and I gave it a go. Without the student knowing it, I put our re­ ceiver on intercom. Then I would call the tower and ask for taxi in­ struction for the take off. I would be

... I have always flown with the adrenaline

pumped up a few notches. facing away from the student and would change my voic e and call back as the tower operator. I would then advise Stinson such and such to hold your position as there is a flight of six B-24s approaching from the south. The student hearing this went ape. He asked me, " Did you hear that? Did you hear that? B-24s? B-24s?" He almost jumped out of the plane to get a better look. B-24s were our newest bomb e r and he couldn't wait to see them. The trick worked like magic. Years later I pulled it again on a buddy over in the Philippines. Anne and I moved from our little house in Essex Junction into a big farmhouse near Lake Champlain south of Burlington. Herb Ricker moved in with us. They were just magnificent days, and Herb and I became life-long buddies. Herb ended up years later as one of East­ ern's senior pilots and a check airman in Lockheed L-lOlls. Ray and I were called down to Boston in the fall of 1942 to go on the line as copilots. I even got to route check riding the jump seat up to Bangor, Maine, and back to Boston. The next day upon return­ ing Herb gave me some good news.

Colonial Airlines was getting a mili­ tary cargo contract and was hiring pilots. It would be an opportunity to go with a smaller line and get better seniority established. So Herb and I went off to New York. Coloni al hired us and we checked into the Sanford Hotel in Flushing, New York, on Long Island. Colonial flew its passenger run be­ tween New York and Montreal, with stops at Albany, New York , and Burlington, Vermont. When they started the military cargo runs, it was to Dayton, Ohio, with many stops in between. We flew into Mitchell Field on Long Island; Newark, New Jersey; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Rome, New York; Buf­ falo, New York; and Detroit. On the cargo runs we flew Lock­ heed C-60s, Douglas C-47s, and we also had a couple of old DC-2s. The DC-2s were the last of a great breed. There weren't many around. That's for sure. Looking back I feel very privileged to have been able to get some time in them. They were just about the most stable flying ma­ chine that I have ever flown. Of course they had some drawbacks. The gear and the flaps had to be pumped up and down by hand. The brake system was worse than the old Standard with which I used to barn­ storm. Both of these hydraulic systems led to the demise of the two DC-2s that Colonial owned. My first trips with Colonial were on the passenger runs to Montreal. I flew with some great captains and some not so great. That wasn't all bad, however, because you learned how to do it right, sometimes from the mistakes of others. Three of the best were Canadians. They were Keith Murray, Eb McKay, and Stu Macklin. Keith and Eb were old bush pilots. Al­ though they were not all that old, probably in their forties. Stu, how­ ever, was young, really young. He was only twenty-two. He had started with Trans Canada when he was eighteen. He had to get a waiver to get his ATR to fly as captain! More to come... VINTAGE AIRPLANE





From the Eastern Cessna 190/195 Association newsletter, edited by Cliff Crabs.


n the last issue we discussed the necessity of accurate engine valve timing and looked at a protractor made from PVC plumbing parts and a VW timing disc that will help to accomplish that job. This month we will look at a variation on that tool suggested by your editor, Cliff Crabs, which will enable us to do the job with the propeller installed. Figure I shows the tool installed on the cylinder of a Hamilton Stan­ dard 2B20 propeller. It was necessary to enlarge the in­ side diameter of the 3-inch to 4-inch female PVC adapter slightly to slip over the 2B20 cylinder. This was ac­ complished in five minutes of sanding, fitting, and sanding again with a I-inch, 80-grit drum sander. The PVC adapter was then drilled and tapped to receive a nylon thumb­ screw (so as not to mar the cylinder). A 6-inch disc of lI8-inch aluminum was screwed to the 3-inch-by-4-inch PVC closet flange, and the 3/16-inch center hole was accurately drilled. The Bug Pack (PIN 4503) self-adhe­ sive degree disc was installed on the aluminum disc. A Heim female 8


threaded rod end was fitted with a 9­ inch, 30-pound test stainless steel fishing leader with a 2-ounce sinker weight. As t he prop is rotated, the fishing leader and weight (read "tim­ ing pointer") always remains vertical and provides a sharp line with which to read the protractor.

We will use the Time Rite or other top dead center indicator only to ac­ curately find top dead center (TDC) of the No.1 piston, so it will not be necessary to have the specific Jacobs Time Rite Card-any mark on the front of the Time Rite will do (See Figure 2).



A. Install the Time Rite or similar indicator in the No.1 spark plug hole. B. Bring the No. I piston to roughly TDC on the compression stroke (watch for the Time Rite arm to reach its lowest point). C. Install our timing disc and pointer. Center the pro t ractor at TDC (0) under the pointer and tighten the setscrew. D. Move the crankshaft clockwise roughly 45 degrees past TDC, then bring it back counterclockwise until the Time Rite painter lines up with our arbitrary mark on the housing. E. Note the reading on the timing disc. F. Now rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise (CCW) roughly 45 degrees past TDC, then clockwise

In order to time the magneto and distributor to the engine accurately, it will be necessary to compensate for back lash in the engine. This backlash is made up of the clear­ ances between gear teeth in the valve train as well as the master rod bearing clearance. (You can feel this backlash by rocking the propeller back and forth slightly and noting the small amount of play in the en­ gine-the more wear in the engine, the more the backlash.) If we ignore the backlash in the gear train when timing the magneto and distributor, we may find ourselves 2 to 3 degrees off, which is translated into added heat, increased fuel consumption, and reduced engine power.


~ ~













until the Time Rite pointer again lines up with our arbitrary mark on the housing. G. Again, note the reading on the timing disc. The difference between the read­ ings taken in steps E and G divided by two gives us the amount the pro­ tractor will need to be moved to compensate for the engine's inher­ ent backlash. For example, if the reading "right" of TOC had been 18 degrees, and the reading "left" of TOC had been 22 degrees, then the difference would be 4 degrees, and half of that would be 2 degrees. The setscrew should then be loosened and the timing disc moved 2 de­ grees to "split the difference" between 18 and 22. (New setting is 20 degrees before top dead center, or BTOC.) You will now have com­ pensated for engine backlash and can be confident that the timing

disc is zeroed. Just to shore up that confidence, let's check it on both sides of TOC again-the readings should be the same. You are now finished using the Time Rite. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise (viewed from the front) back to about 45 degrees BTDC. Again be sure that it is on the com­ pression stroke, then carefully bump the prop (or handle of the crankshaft turning bar if the prop is removed) CCW to 31 degrees BTDC (R755-A2 & B2). Install the mag­ neto at this position so the hash marks on the rotating cylinder gear within the magneto are aligned with the hash marks on the mag­ neto housing and the points are just opening (use a timing light). When you have the magneto hold-down nuts tight, again go clockwise to about 45 degrees BTOC, then CCW to 31 degrees

BTOC to double-check your work. According to the Jacobs Overhaul Manual, the distributor is timed to 1 degree BTDC (R755-A2 & B2) in the retarded position. Since the distributor is a 15-degree distribu­ tor, this will give us 30 degrees of engine advance. Theoretically, the distributor will fire at 31 degrees BTDC along with the magneto. We can check this by removing the distributor cap and manually ad­ vancing the finger CCW until it hits its stop. If all is as it should be, the points will open, the distribu­ tor shaft will hit its stop, and the crankshaft will be at 31 degrees BTOC simultaneously. All this may seem like a lot of ex­ tra trouble for the sake of timing accuracy, but the rewards in power, fuel economy, lowered operating temperatures, and engine reliability are surely worth the effort. ~ VINTAGE AIRPLANE


Biplane Bash

in Bartlesville Huge Success!

The 2002 edition of the Biplane Expo CHARLES W. HARRIS All photos courtesy of the National Biplane Association. Photographer was Rick Bryant Phd.

The 16th



Expo on

May 31

and June 1 was a roaring success!

Opening ceremonies on Friday morning, May 31, 2002, at the Memorial Plaza, marked by a five-biplane formation overflight as the national anthem played ... impressive . The Biplane Expo is in the background.

near-record number of 405 total aircraft at­ tended the colorful aviation event in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, of which approxi­ mately 115 were biplanes. The various airplanes and aircrews came from all over the United States and from as far away as Florida, New Jersey, California, Wisconsin, and Washington. Auto li­ cense plates from upwards of 35 states were observed in the 1,000-car parking lot, which seemed to be nearly filled throughout the two-day event. The variety and quality of the featured biplanes was seemingly endless. The biplanes ranged from a brand new Grand Champion 1928 Travel Air 4000 as shown by Les Gropeter of Creve Coeur, Missouri, to a ferry-time­ only Champion-level 1930 Waco ASO as flown by Dave and Jeanne Allen from Elbert, Colorado, and from the highly modified 1943 Boeing Stearman World War II military primary trainer that Robert Ragozzino of Nor­ man, Oklahoma, flew for a record-establishing, first-ever, solo, open-cockpit biplane flight around the world in 2000 to a magnificent re-creation of the fabulous Matty





Laird-built Super Solution racing biplane that won the 1931 Bendix Transcontinental Air Race from Burbank, California, to Cleveland, Ohio . The legendary Jimmy Doolittle flew the aircraft and then proceeded to set a new transcontinental speed record for the era by contin­ uing his flight on to Newark, New Jersey. The re-creation is the one and only flying Laird Super Solution in the world and was built by Jim Moss, retired Northwest Air­ lines 747 captain of Graham, Washington; it represents 11,000 man-hours of construction time. The range of airplanes continued with the exhibit of t he finest pre-WWII 1941 Waco SRE cabin biplane in ex­ istence as presently owned and flown by the father and son team of Al and Jeff Womack of Jackson, Louisiana, and of a spectacular, top of the line, new 2001 Hatz Clas­ sic experimental biplane as built and exhibited by Mike Foote of Olathe, Kansas. The several thousand visitors to Frank Phillips Field in Bartlesville were additionally treated to a breathtaking full-scale copy of the Wright brothers' flying machine of 1902. The airplane was the final evolution of the Wright

Major Award Winners for 2002

Grand Champion Open-Cockpit Biplane 1928 Travel Air 4000 N6116 Owner/Pilot: Les Gropeter Creve Coeur, Missouri

Jim Moss' show-stopping brand-new buildup of the Matty Laird-Jimmy Doolittle 1931 Bendix Race-winning Laird Su­ per Solution was a sight to behold!

Reserve Grand Champion Open-Cockpit Biplane 1930 Waco ASO N662Y Owner/Pilot/Builder: Dave and Jeanne Allen Elbert, Colorado Grand Champion Cabin Biplane 1941 Waco SRE N58785 Owner/Pilot: AI and Jeff Womack Jackson, Louisiana Reserve Grand Champion Cabin Biplane 1943 Beech Staggerwing N333 E Owner/Pilot/Builder: Jerry and Jack Miller Ft. Collins, Colorado

Robert Ragozzino of Norman, Oklahoma, was the Biplane Expo's guest of honor. Robert was the first person in his­ tory to fly an open-cockpit biplane solo around the world. He did it from June 1, 2000, to November 17, 2000.

brothers' many experimental airplanes just prior to their adding an engine and propeller when they created their 1903 first-powered flight machine. While biplanes were the primary focus, it was an amazing paradox of comparison to observe a fully air­ worthy, full-size replica of Clyde Cessna's first airplane, the Silver Wing, a 1912 model, Bleriot-styled, Toyota­ powered, SO-mph flying machine parked very near an absolutely superior, highly polished WWII North Ameri­ can p-s 1D Mustang, now a $1,300,000, 440-mph airplane and the finest fighter of its era. The Biplane Expo had something for everyone. The opening ceremonies were conducted on Friday, May 31, at 9:30 a.m. and featured a formation overflight of biplanes simultaneous with the playing of the na­ tional anthem and the raising of the U.S. flag. At these ceremonies, the names of six aviation personalities were added to the Memorial Plaza Monolith. They were Fran­ nie Rourke, George Goodhead, Bud Wielt, George "Sky King" Vaughn, Hale Wallace, and Douglas MacBeth. Ap­ proximately 40 names have been inscribed on the memorial since 1997.

Grand Champion Experimental Biplane 2001 Hatz N22 HZ Owner/Pilot/Builder: Mike Foote Olathe, Kansas Reserve Grand Champion Experimental Biplane 2000 Laird Super Solution N22 ML Owner/Pilot/Builder: Jim Moss Graham, Washington Chainnan's Award 1940 Waco UPF-7 N29927 Owner/Pilot/Builder: Jerry Brown and Tom Rock Greenwood and Rockville, Indiana Longest Distance in an Open-Cockpit Biplane 1943 Stearman PT-13 N1177 Owner/Pilot/Builder: Clark and Mary Dechant Lakeland, Florida The Robert P. Moore Memorial Award for Aircrafbnanship 2001 Hatz

N22 HZ

Owner/Pilot/Builder: Mike Foote

Olathe, Kansas



The crowning cabin achievement of the Waco era was AI and Jeff Womack's 1941 Waco SRE cabin biplane. It was voted Grand Champion Cabin Biplane. The airplane was previously owned by astronaut Frank Borman.

On Thursday evening, May 30, the National Biplane Association hosted An Evening with Robert Ragozzino," during which Ragozzino narrated a visual display of his 23,OOO-mile around-the-world flight in 2000. On Friday evening, May 31, the Biplane Expo rec­ ognized Robert in an honors tribute with major awards and acknowledgments of his accomplishments. Both Robert's "around-the-world flight" Boeing/Stear­ man and Jim Moss' sensational re-creation of the Matty Laird/Jimmy Doolittle Super Solution were prominently displayed on the airport ramp for all to see. The West Milton, Ohio-based Wright Brothers Aeroplane Com­ pany re-creation of the 1902 Wright brothers' flying machine joined these historic airplanes. The attending public was, again in 2002, afforded the opportunity of an open-cockpit biplane ride through the efforts of retired Air Force Col. Joe Kittinger and a 1929 New Standard biplane. Kittinger, who holds the world's record for high altitude parachute jumps and who flew more than 500 F-lOS fighter combat missions in Vietnam, is a member of the National Aviation Hall of Fame. The pilot of the world's largest biplane, Tom McMurtry of Edwards Air Force Base, Lancaster, California, was in at­ tendance. McMurtry piloted the NASA 747/space shuttle piggyback aircraft used to return the space sh uttle to Florida when the shuttle has landed in California. More than 300 aviation- and community-oriented volunteers beautifully hosted the biplane and sport avia­ tion gathering in one of the finest Biplane Expos in history. The "world's largest gathering of biplanes" of variety is again scheduled for Bartlesville, Oklahoma, at Frank ..... Phillips Field on June 6-7,2003. 1/

Dave and Jeanne Allen of Elbert, Colorado, earned Re­ serve Grand Champion in the Open -Cockpit Biplane category for their ferry-time-only 1930 Waco ASO (look at that grass, sky, and smiles!).

Les Gropeter of Creve Coeur, Missouri, was voted Grand Champion Open-Cockpit for his perfection-level 1928 Travel Air 4000. It drew big crowds for a full two days! 12




H.G .

Longtime members may recall Gerolamo Gavazzi ' s restoration of a similar Ca.100 on floats in the early 1990s. He 's done it again , restoring a landplane version of the Ca .100, complete with another exceedingly rare 130-hp Columbo S.63 engine . Both airplanes are the only examples of Italian civil aircraft from the pre-World War II era still flying. As a youngster, Gavazzi began to learn to fly in the float-equipped Ca.100, and he has continued his love affair with the type over the ensuing decades. The unusual wing structure , with the upper wing spanning 8.355 meters and the longer lower wing spreading out a


full 10 meters , gives th e Caproni an interest足 ing profile. This particular Ca.100 was used during the post-war period for skywrit足 ing and banner towing before being grounded in 1962. The restoration was started in 1996 and completed five years later. At the conclusion of its test flight , it became the oldest flying airplane in Italy. The two Ca.100s owned by Gavazzi are the only ones flying out of a total of five Ca.100s known to exist.

Tiger Moth From Howard Hollins of Pennsylvania we have this concerning his restoration: " I thought I' d send you a picture of my Tiger Moth, recently repainted / restored. The aircraft is a DH82A Tiger Moth, made at Morris Motors , Cowley, England, in September 1940. The wings and tail surfaces were totally restored during the winter of 2000 by Geo rge and Laura Denys, and the fuselage refinished and painted by Pat Burns, Jim Cherry, and myself. "The Tiger is currently a resident at Van Sant Airport in Erwinna , Pennsylvania. The British registration is au足 thent ic to the aircraft and would be assigned again should it return to England and fly at the Surrey Flying Club, as was intended. The U.S. registration N82DH is under the tail. " VINTAGE AIRPLANE




ld Rhinebeck Aerodrome's Curtiss Jenny is a 1918 orig­ inal and an American legend. So many things go into an aircraft: purpose, design, realiza­ tion, and its truth. How it flies and how it works in life are its truth. And if it lives long enough (and doesn't kill too many of its pilots), it can develop a classic reputation . While the Curtiss Jenny does have this, time has almost surrounded her in a historical haze of mystique to render that reputation grand and glorious. Indeed, the aircraft has be­ come an American icon; a touchstone. Her legend, though, confronts her reality at Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome. ORA, or liThe Aerodrome" as avi­ ation historians know it, has flown its Jenny for over 27 years. As such, Jenny has flown here more often than anywhere else in the world, 14


and her pilots know her quite well. Yet from the start, she surprised even Cole Palen. Moreover, the pi­ lots are still trying to figure her out. lilt is a big biplane," Ken Cassens said one afternoon while working on the ribs of a Ryan's wing. He's one of the pilots. "Emphasis on big. It's heavy on pretty much all the controls except the elevators; they're fairly sensitive. But the rud­ der is very heavy and the ailerons are very heavy, so it's just, ah, y'­ know ... it's, it's a crate! That's basically all you can describe it; it's just a flying crate." Odd words since it came in a crate. Cole looked into Trade-A­ Plane around 1967 and found an ad for a 1918J-1 Standard. Cole loved old airplanes: liThe older they are, the easier they are to fix when I break 'em! HAH!" He bought it sight unseen, and it came shipped to him

from Florida in a rail car crate. When he opened it and laid out the pieces on the turf of the Aerodrome, he later commented, "I thought it looked a little funny. After I stared at all those parts, I began to realize that I didn't have a Standard, I had a JENNY! And that's MUCH better than a Standard . Everyone knows the Jenny!" After rebuilding it as a barn­ stormer's bird, Cole and the gang flew the heck out of it. It became a workhorse, too, something Jenny was well suited to do. She was painted, "with whatever dark green Cole could afford, if not mix up himself," said Dick King. Just like the old days. And like the old days, she was broken, fixed, broken again and patched again, and flew and flew and flew, just like an original Jenny. 'Cause she was, and is. After a while, she looked beat. And

she was beat, but that was all right, too. Jennies lived that exact same way 80 or so years ago when barn­ stormers tried all the chea p tricks they knew to keep her in the air. But ORA's Jenny flew safe up until the day the gang wanted to retire her. Retire her? It was only a quickly passing thought. "We knew that we couldn't retire her after that word was said out loud. It is a 1918 aeroplane, one of Cole's originals, and we wanted to see her in the air. More importantly, the crowds wanted to see her in the air," Jim Hare explained. He's the announcer at the air shows. "We lis­ ten to the crowd, and so many people came up to us and asked where the Jenny was, after we grounded the 01' gal. Fortunately, in the microsecond after 'retired' was said in a meeting, we decided to re­ store her, and so we could now tell

people that she would soon fly again . You should have seen the look on their faces when they heard that. It was as if an old friend would be back soon." But how beat was she? I mean, if it is "a crate in the air," what does it matter that the Jenny looked a bit tired? "Well, the ailerons were looking like potato chips, they were so warped." Dick King, who has more Jenny time under his belt than any man alive, described her sorry as­ pects. "It was put together in 1968-70 by Cole and his friends and really hadn't been apart since then. It was time. The 'new' Jenny has been put together in the past three years by Ken Cassens, who is one of the outstanding premier aviation mechanics that I know of. In addi­ tion to regular welding, he welds aluminum and stainless steel. If you









look at the rigging wires there, he did all the wrap and solder jOints, a skill that is pretty well gone in this day and age. He had two or three part-time helpers with him during this time. They did the preliminary work, like they made all new landVINTAGE AIRPLANE


The Jenny's instrument panel located in the aft cockpit. From lower left to right: starting booster switch, Jones tachometer, Dixie magneto switch, fuel pressure (small gauge), and compass. Oil pressure, oil temperature, water temperature, and lower right, an altimeter. And yes, the stick DOES look like the handle of a baseball bat! What a comforting sight for an American boy learning to fly in 1918.

ing gear wood; the engine mounts are all brand new; the cabane struts are all brand new. These are the high-stress areas, so we decided that it would be the thing to do." Dick continued. "But we kept as much of the original structure as we could. And now, with her all re­ stored, the ailerons right (we think!), and everything in place, do you know she flies almost the same as the day we grounded her? Really, there 's not that much of a differ­ ence! It makes me realize how solid and dependable the Jenny is. I can really understand barnstormers tak­ ing the shirt off their back and ripping it to make patches for the holes in the fabric. I can see them doing it. "You said that Kenny says it flies like a crate? I can see that. That's a lot of airplane up there. But I like to think of it as a truck. You are moving a lot of wings, struts, wires and fuse­ lage in the air, and it takes some time for it to make that turn. But when you slow down, you slow down! It's forgiving though, and tough, really tough. Yup; like a truck." "But that's not necessarily a bad thing." Leo Opdycke, editor of WW

I Aero, the Journal of the Early Aero­ plane, pointed out something we all 16


Nope, there is no mistaking the Jenny for any other bird in the air. What large numbers on the fuselage! Perhaps to dis­ courage the Navy trainees from flying too low? Remember the old rule for minimum height restrictions in flight?

Petrol gauge. One

would think that it is

British made (petrol

VS. fuel), but this

gauge is American. It

was made by the

Boston Auto Gauge

Company. Another

odd thing: it seems

to be marked back­

wards, with the "full"

area to the far right.

kind of forget: not all legends are nimble and swift. "The Jenny was designed as a trainer by Curtiss; in fact a primary trainer. So it had to be slow, predictable, tough and reli­ able. It was not an aeroplane that would, or should, get ahead of the pilot. If the novice did something wrong, there was plenty of time for the instructor to recover the aircraft. Usually. And besides, a truck can take a lot more day-to day punish­ ment than a sleek sports car. That's one important reason why it was so successful as a barnstormer." Besides it being cheap to buy sur­ plus from the government. Many legends all have a beginning, and the legend of the great, cheap war­ surplus plane probably began with

the Jenny. After WW I was over, Jen­ nies and the notorious OX-5 engine were a dime a dozen. Well, almost. Being a home-grown aeroplane, and the Brits and Canadians turning off their contracts in a matter of weeks, anyone, and I do mean anyon e, could buy a Jenny for $50, brand new in the crate. And restless men who were pilots in war found an­ other type of day-to-day excitement in the air as barnstormers. And fly them they did, into the makings of a legendary time. And they beat their Jennies, too. "That's why it's so hard to find Jenny parts today." Ken, who was in­ strumental in the restoration of the

As you can also see on the wings, there are plenty of wires on the aft surfaces. Curtiss must have owned stock in an aircraft wire factory. But these are big surfaces to move, so all those wires are important.

Jenny, explained some of the many little surprises found in every restora­ tion. He was still working on the Ryan's wing when I bugged him again. "Jenny parts are getting scarce. That's because of the order by the government to burn all the Jennies." What? Not this theme again! Heartbreaking stuff ... "Are you kidding me?" I asked. "No; back in, I guess, the late '20s, they were having a lot of accidents with them. The government figured,

'Well, they were all wooden and old,' and put out an order to destroy them all. That's when they started regulating things; pilots had to get their licenses ... " "Waldo Pepper time." "Yeah, exactly; that was the whole idea of that movie, to show that the development of aviation led to the development of regulation. Fortu­ nately, though, we were able to find the parts we needed, and we kept al­ most all the original hardware and reused it. Yup, and we even kept the original stick; it's shaped just like the grip on a baseball bat." (How reassuring for a young cow­ boy from Texas of 1917 to see in a cockpit, the familiar shape of a base­ ball-bat handle. Now how American can that be?) "Well, it's pretty much all original," said Ken. "There's new wood work in the landing gear struts. Larry Potter built those up; that's ash. The cabane struts there in the fuselage in the cen­ ter section are all new; that wood's spruce. And we rebuilt the center sec­ tion [top wing]; the only original part is the hardware and the middle rib; there are three ribs there. And the trailing edge in the center section is all original, too. The top wing panels had extensive restoration; the leading edges are new. There were also a bunch of false ribs that were missing that we made up. We also made some new fit­ tings; the ones on top of the cabane struts are all new. "We changed the wheels; we put the right size wheels on it. They had real small wheels on it before. It just didn't look right, so we put the proper wheels on it." "So what is changed now on the 'new' Jenny?" I asked. "If one bird was ever modified by her pilots, this one was it." "Let's see ... We changed the fuel system over. The carburetor is right up on top of the engine, so you can't have a gravity feed system. What they did have before we restored it was a bicycle pump to pressurize the fuel tank, which is not the greatest situation. If you get a leak or a

cracked fitting or something, and you got the tank pressurized, it's like a spray can." "Spraying raw fuel every­ where ... Oh, goody." "Yeah, right. So uh, this is a Wright-built engine in there, and what Wright did was when they were making the engine, they made some changes. They were making it under license, but, uh, they changed, oh, the mag drive set-up. They put the mags on an angle to clear the engine mount, and they also put an engine-driven fuel pump on it. So we have the engine-driven fuel pump on that; now we have a system that is more correct for the airplane. The auxiliary pump is a hand wobble pump, so we can pump up the fuel for starting, and it's a full type carburetor of course. And then once the engine kicks over, it main­ tains about three pounds of fuel pressure, and that's all you need. "The old system with the pressur­ ized tank, you had to have a valve on there and shut the vent off on the tank, which is not a good idea; otherwise your air would just go out the vent! So there was a situation where they had a pressure gauge on it, and of course, you don't pump up too much pressure on the thing; you only get three to four pounds of good pressure on the old system. And, you know, if you're flying along and not paying attention, you lose your head pressure, then you could run your carburetor dry. So this way, we have a fuel pressure gauge, a backup wobble pump, and an engine-driven pump, and it's more of an updated fuel system." "Um-hmm; much safer." "Yeah, and it's simpler. You don't have to worry about shutting the vents off and things like that. A pres­ surized fuel system with air pressure is not the best system in the world." "You use 80 octane aviation fuel in it?" "Yeah; almost all the aircraft here use 80 octane. In fact in the days when they were flying these things, nobody knew what the fuel was. It VINTAGE AIRPLANE


was gasoline, but I'm not sure that they had octane ratings back then; maybe they did. But now a lot of these old airplanes that are certified, the early ones, you don't have to get an auto fuel STC, because they were burning car gas even before they had avgas. So it doesn't apply to some of these early airplanes./I "Gas is gas./I "Yeah. You know, we didn't want to get to the extent to being authen­ tic to where it's dangerous. We wanted to make it original, but we wanted to make it mechanically sound and upgrade it as close to mod­ ern day standards as we could. For instance, it's ridiculous to have eleva­ tors scraping on the ground just because there are no stops on the air­ plane, so we put stops on them./I (Why is it the head just begins to shake back and forth when you lis­ ten to these guys?) "I can't believe that they didn't have stops on 'em and just let them bang on the ground. Hmm! So I wonder why Curtiss did that?/I I asked. "I don't know. Unless maybe the original ones did have stops, and over the years they got taken off for more travel; I have no idea. But if it is a design deficiency in the airplane we have, we try to upgrade it make an improvement./I "The rudder doesn't have stops on it either. That seems almost suicidal to jam against the elevator in a situa­ tion where you really want control./I "Well, the design of the airplane wouldn't be suicidal; it wouldn't lock the elevators, it would rub against it. And it would create a chafing on the rudder and the eleva­ tor. It wasn't something, that if you were put into that position, it was like snapping a lock shut and not being able to open it without a key; it's not like that. And it was not a critical Situation, but there again, it's something where we didn't want to have the airplane looking like a piece of junk with rub marks all over the tail and things like that./I "Especially after all the time you spent on it,/I I added. 18


Granddaddy: one of the first, finest and most reliable V-8s ever made, the Hispano-Suiza powers the Aerodrome's Jenny. This is a type E­ 4, made by the Wright Company under license. It puts out 180 de­ pendable horses, especially when you consider the alternative: the more anemic 90-hp OX-5. The gray tank is for the ali-to-rare 80-octane aviation fuel, or, whatever. ("Gas is gas" for the Jenny.) Ed Hammerle re­ stored it. He pointed out it's from the mid-1920s, later than the Jenny, which was built in 1918.

"Yeah, and it's common sense; it's general practice; if the airplane was going to be certified, it would have all these things, so we might as well upgrade it to a point where it was at least a little more reliable, mainte­ nance free and all that, as far as we can make it./I "You still hand-prop this thing?/I (Big prop, big engine; big sweat.) "Yes. We put a booster mag on it. Supposedly, according to the [Hisso] engine manual, it should start like the Fokker D.VII (See Vintage Air­ plane, April 2000 for the 1918 Mercedes D.III. UA engine-start se­ quence), but we haven't come up with the proper sequencing for everything yet. We're still learning about the aircraft./I Like how it flies. Ken took her up for the first flight since she was re­ built. I was curious about that. Test flights are always exciting, no mat­ ter what the plane. So I asked. "It handles nice on the ground; it rolls straight. It's got a swiveling tail

skid. It swivels through 20 degrees or so. The thing has got a little more controllability on the ground than say something that has a rigid tail­ skid. It's the same set-up on the Spirit ofSt. Louis./I "So, is the response positive when you go to maneuver her in the air, or is it move the stick to the right, count three, and then she moves?/I "It's positive to the extent that it will eventually give you what you want. You do have a lag there. It's certainly not to the point where it's a problem, but it's just different. It's like flying a Cub or a Champ, you know; they're basically the same, but each one has little different characteristics, so it's hard to group everything into one. So you can't re­ ally generalize on a lot of these things: most of 'em are all individu­ als, just like people. They all handle differently; they all have their own personalities./I "So she's easy to fly?/I "Yeah, it's not difficult, depend­ ing upon the wind conditions. The airplane was a trainer for the mili­ tary; they were taking guys and giving them three to four hours in them and then they'd solo, so it's certainly not an airplane that's tricky to fly. It's just like a Stearman; it's a primary trainer./I "And it is slow?/I "Oh yeah./I "What's its speed, usually?/I "Well, we have one of those wind vane air speed indicators; I don't know how accurate it is; it shows about 65-70 mph on that thing./I "Again, it is a Ifly by the seat of your pants' kinda thing./I "Yeah, you don't look at it dur­ ing takeoff and landing; it's all done by feel./I Ken continued. "The visibility is­ n't too bad in it. It's just like any other biplane; you know, you don't try to look through the wing. You're going to have to get your peripheral vision. You know; you look past the wing; you pick what you feel com­ fortable with and use it as a reference pOint for flying the airplane./I

"Stall speed is pretty reason­ able; 55, 45?/I Ken shrugged. "I have no idea what she stalls at; you just fly the thing 'til it lands./1 "Well, after she was rebuilt, you took her up for some test flights and things like that./1 "Yeah./1

"What are stall characteris­ tics like?/1 I' m still trying; maybe a different tack. .. "Actually, I never stalled it; nope, just flew it around./1 "It's just one of those thing that we're not going to do aerobatics in. You get close to the ground and you stall it and make a full stall landing. You just get the feel of the airplane. If the thing ever got into a spin or something, I have no idea what it would do, so you don't get it into a spin. As old as the airplane is, it's one of those things where you just fly it straight and level and make some turns. You could take it up to altitude and feel it out a little more. But, why take a chance with an air­ plane that old and that valuable just to see how it would handle in a spin or a stall? "You should talk to Bill King if you really want to know what our Jenny flies like; he's flown both the 'old' and the 'new' one here much more than 1./1 So I did. Dick King is the other pilot. He smiles a lot and chuckles often. He's also wrapped those big hands of his around more odd fligh t con troIs than many museum curators have seen. If anyone knows Jenny ... "I notice that when I flare to land, it floats a little longer than it used to, and I think one of the reasons is, that all the warps are out of the ailerons, the elevators and things like that, There used to be a lot of drag there. Not that it doesn't have drag now (rueful chuckle), because it does have drag yet, with all thos e struts and things. It's just a little bit cleaner, and a lot nicer looking, when you look around. Immedi­ ately, that's one of the things you

The new colors of the Aero­ drome ' s Jenny represents a Navy aircraft. This service branch (as well as the Marines) operated Hisso-pow­ ered Jennies, whereas the Army operated Jennies that had the Cur­ tiss OX-5 engine. There's some question if the fuselage should be 'battleship gray' or silver. This one's particular markings represent an air­ craft based at the Pensacola Naval Air Station. notice when you sit in it. "It flies similar to the old one. But when we first got this new Jenny fly­ ing, it tended to overheat. It still does. The radiator may not have quite enough capacity for the en­ gine that we have in it now. We have a 180 hp Hispano-Suiza (Hisso) en­ gine in it. The one that was in it all those years was a 150 hp. And the Jenny has an OX-5 radiator on it. It may cool down once the engine is broken in a bit. "As far as taking off and so on, it takes off and flies pretty much the same with this engine as it did with the other one . Start down the run­ way, things bounce around a little bit, (more chuckles) and, the first thing you know, it sort of levitates into the air. It does do that quicker and easier than when it had the old engine in it. It does use a surprising amount of right rudder when you're first starting out on th e take off to keep it going straight. But when you give it throttle, a nice even motion throttle up to full power, the back of the seat comes in and gently presses against your back, so as to let you know that you're gonna move out, I guess, and once it gets up to 60 mph or so, then everything settles down

and so on ... /1 (And then you're flying an honest to goodness Jenny!) "And you usually keep throttle on, pretty well all the way in when you're making the approach to land, until you're right near the ground; then you can throttle back. The minute you pull the throttle all the way back, it slows down rapidly because of all the wires, and so on. So, you keep the speed up, and you're all right. And it works better if you're making a turn if you can get the nose down a little bit and gain a little speed. Then the ailerons are a little more effective when coming around. "I like to fly it. I think that it's a great airplane to fly. And there's no mistaking that airplane for anything else. It's a Jenny, and there's nothing else actually like it, and nobody who knows airplanes would ever mistake it for anything else./1 *Phew!* Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. In 1970, Jack Lincke wrote a book, Jenny Was No Lady. But here, I heard naught but good. Solid, dependable, slow and steady, Jenny introduced more Americans to the reality of personal flight than anyone aircraft, ever. She casts a long shadow. As I walked away from the Aero­ drome, I got the sense that the Curtiss Jenny is their new pride and joy, and, that they were still scratching their heads about her. It's amazing, really. What with all that has been written about the 01' gal, and the books, and the legends, and the other ones still sort of in the air, that in real life, that crazy gang of experts at the Aerodrome is still learning about what makes a legend tick. Anyone can come and watch it, too, every weekend. And, if they watch carefully enough, they'll see the pilots exploring and discovering the history of flight. In 2002. I picked up a rock from their grass strip and threw it absent­ mindedly away. .... I kinda like that... VINTAGE AIRPLANE


A Different Cub Gear




These two views are of the oleo-style shock absorber for the Piper CUb. This absorber dampened the rebound action of the internal spring by relying on the friction of a brake lining used inside the tube, instead of metering holes for hy­ draulic fluid. No fluid is used in this unit. While these units are not available, we present them as a "thought-provoker."

During the 1920s, I grew up on

local aero club. I took flying lessons

In August 1998 I visited myoid

the south shore of Lake Constance

in our Bucker Jungmann. The club

hometown, and it just so happened

in Switzerland. Dornier built a fac­

acquired a couple of surplus Piper

that an international air show took

tory on the Swiss side of the lake to

Cubs from the U.S. Army for about

place. Representing the United States

manufacture the Flying Boat DO-X.

$100 apiece. They needed some

was the MATS Connie, a Corsair, a P-

It also built a grass runway next

work because of bullet holes and

5 I, an Aircobra, a Stearman, some

door. In the '30s, we had airline

other damage. At the beginning we

Pipers and Cessnas, and a few others.

service on the Zurich-St. Gallen Al­

had a heck of a time starting the

To my surprise, one of the local Cubs

tenrhein-Munich route. We were

65-hp Continental. We were

had the shock absorber legs that my

also on a mail route, Altenrein­

spoiled by the Bucker, which had

friend Willy Kuhn and I developed

Basle. An open cockpit Klemm 25

an inertia starter.

more than 50 years ago. The cross-sec­

flew the route twice a day. A lot of

One other big difference we no­

tion drawing shows how it works. And

air history was made around our

ticed was the landing gear. The Bucker

you can see the way it looks on the

lake. Zeppelin built his airships

was equipped with oleo legs, and the

Cub in the photos. The takeoffs and

right across the lake in Frei­

Piper with bungee cords. My friend

landings on a bumpy field are no

drichshave n. As a kid, I often

Willy Kuhn and I decided to do some­

longer hippity-hop, like they were

watched the test flights of the DO­

thing about the bouncy landings of

with the old bungee cords. Back when

X. Since I was interested in

the Cub. After considerable effort, we

we made the units and got them ap­

airplanes, I joined our local glider

had a working shock absorbing leg.

proved, we sent a letter to Piper in

club. There I had my first takeoffs

We submitted our masterpiece to the

Lock Haven, but we didn't get an an­

on a primary glider.

Swiss FAA for testing. The article and

swer. I do not recall how many units

draWings are a translation of our sub­

were sold since I left the country in

mittal and its approval back in 1949.

December 1949.

The war stopped our activity. Af­ ter peace broke out, I joined our 20












Translation from : German WB : ie FEDERAL POSTAL AND RAILWAY DEPARTMENT Air Office Bern , March 23 , 1949 311. 61 -Ni

Mr . Willy Kuhn

Mech. Werkstatte


Dear Sir: Subject : New shock absorber legs for the undercarriage of the 'Piper Cub" plane . We have finished the testing of the shock absorber legs developed by you for the undercarriage of the "Piper Cub " plane and can advise you of the following test re­ sults : The breaking strength determined on our test machine in Horgen is 3,130 kg. As compared with the original con­ struction , this strength must be considered satisfactory . The strengthening of the bolt eyes contemplated for the mass production, which parts were the first to break in the test, will , however , in all probability increase the breaking strength to about 4,000 kg . The work performed until the resting of the spring is about 75 mkg , and the work given off upon the release from load is about 30 mkg . The work consumed by the damp­ ing is thus 45 mkg and therefore 60 percent of the total work . The "pancake landings " carried out during the flight tests show that upon the release of the load the remaining 40 percent is taken up primarily by the fric­ tion occurring upon the change in tread , so that there is practically no longer any tendency to bounce . Upon land­ ings at excess speed, on the other hand, the tendency to bounce , which is still present, although greatly reduced as compared to what it previously was , is not due to the relaxing of the spring, but due to the angle of attack produced upon the striking of the front wheels-and thus to an increase in lift . In the case of the original undercarriage with rubber shock absorber , the maximum energy absorption of the shock absorber leg is 40 to 50 mkg . Its damping was not measured . It is , however , naturally small. Upon the assembly of your shock absorber leg, it should be seen to it that all parts are free of grease

and oil . In the case of the experimental leg , the spring was greasy. Due to the backward and forward movements , the brake lining also became greasy, and the maximum work dropped , in the last tests, to about 60 mkg . Summarizing , we would like to say that on basi s of our examination and the test flights made and attended and on basis of the experience report of the flight teacher , Mr . Kramer (more than 400 landings) , we have arrived at the opinion that the undercarriage of the "Piper Cub " is im­ proved in every respect by the installation of your shock absorber leg . The taxiing, starting , and landing is softer and easier . The maintenance is less ; the new shock absorber leg is to be recommended both from a technical standpoint and from a flying standpoint , particularly for training . As soon as the mass production legs have been examined by our Mr . Rupp and provided with the stamp of the Air Office , they may be used on any "Piper Cub " plane (see our enclosed certificate) . We shall invoice you separately for our testing fee of Francs 30 . Yours very truly , FEDERAL AIR OFFICE The Inspection Engineer (Signed) Nicole Enclosure mentioned . Copy to Mr . S. Rupp Zurich 48 EIDG . LUFTAMT (FEDERAL AIR OFFICE) 311 . 61-Ni Certificate We here\oJith certify that the shock absorber legs de­ veloped by Mr . Willy Kuhn of Rorschach for the undercarriage of the Piper J3C-65 plane have been exam­ ined by the Federal Air Office and approved . The shock absorber legs provided with our inspection stamp may thus be mounted on any plane of the aforementioned type. FEDERAL AIR OFFICE The Inspection Engineer (Signed) Nicole Berne , March 23, 1949




P.O. Box 424,


IL 60180

Afather's lament

A very nice shot of the C-3, taken shortly after its restoration, by EAA pho­ tographer Lee Fray. The colors are dark green with an orange stripe and orange wings with green markings.

I've married off one daughter and three sons. In each of those events there was the knowledge that I was gaining a son-in-law and their three daughters-in-law. I've also gained some further fringe benefits, grand­ children. There's only one little shred of joy over this last one leaving home. My baby, my Aeronca C-3, NC13556, has flown the Funny Farm coop to an avid antiquer who has loved this airplane from afar for almost 20 years. He was so smitten with it that he reverse engineered it and built an Aeroncopy" (an exact copy with the exception of a Conti­ nental A-65 in place of the Aeronca E-113 engine). My feeling of loss hasn't abated much, and I'm still catching it from the five kids who all learned to fly and have grown up in the shadow of this great little airplane. (He's been hearing it from some of his friends, too!-HGF) Two of those five kids were born some time after the airplane came to live with us. The full story of the acquisition, restoration, and its flight character­ 1/




istics is in an article I wrote back in September of 1973 for Vintage Air­ plane. To encapsulate some of the highlights, I acquired it as a basket case in 1964 after a long search. Aeronca Club President Erv Eschel­ man and a number of other Aeronca people had provided leads, and nine years later I had a flying machine, the realization of a line boy's dream after being allowed to prop one back in 1939. The one bright ray of sunshine on the other side of this cloud is the fact that the new owner will love and care for this little gem even bet­ ter than I did. Its new home is Brodhead, Wisconsin, and I have leave to fly it whenever I'm in the area. So really, I guess I've gained something, a friend who will nur­ ture, feed, and house my treasure, and I'll still be able to fly it once in a while. We may even see it at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, as in the past when it was there 13 years in succes­ sion. Bon voyage, little C-3 friend, from the Funny Farm family you raised. Over to you,

"The story began with a kid work­ ing at the local airport way back in 1940. I saw one there, when I was a line boy at the old Elmhurst Air­ port outside Chicago. It was an Aeronca C-3 Collegiate, transient, on the way through to Michigan and someplace, with about the sportiest lookin' guy you ever did see flyin' it. I think the clothes make the man, and this was really a sporty guy­ dapper little mustache, pulling on a pipe, golf knickers, and real sport two-tone shoes. The airplane didn 't create as much attention as he did, for most, but I was more interested in the airplane." Buck wrote those words back in 1973, while recalling the day he first saw a C-3 in person. This photo, taken in 1973, shows Buck in nearly the same get-up, right down to the argyle socks and knickers!

C(Qt Vou 'Top'


Keeping the paint shop neat FRANK




hate pouring paint out of a gallon can, much less the quarts and pints. The typical scenario is this: the paint streams down the sides of the can onto the table, fills up the "gully" around the lip sealing edge, and eventually hardens, making it difficult to ever re足 seal the can as tightly as it was when it was new. Without a good seal, you can't keep the product fresh. What a mess! Secondly, you can barely hit the mark in the center of your paint cup when pouring your spray brew. Who needs this distraction when you are focused on doing a neat, orange-peel-free paint job on your winged Piper? The cure? Metal can screw tops. Gather up all the empty rectangular gallon cans used by auto body shops in your area for the use of their screw tops. These tops are soldered in place and can be removed with a small micro-torch. See the photos. It doesn't take a lot of heat to un-solder these tops from the cans. Big Warning: Make sure the scrap cans are free of flammable vapors before you detach the tops with the torch. There are no awards or medals to out足 standing members with the most pieces of shrapnel imbedded in their bodies while heeding the call of restoration duties. The tools to accomplish affixing the screw tops are minimal. Hole-cutting tools, such as knockout punches, sheet metal nibblers, and either an awl or a small pair of tin snips will suffice. The photos tell more of the story. A good source for hole-cutting tools is Avery Tools in Ft. Worth, Texas (800/652-8379). For soldering, you can't beat a micro-torch for that concentrated, small flame that doesn't overheat the round top, screw joint. An ex足 cellent type torch is manufactured by Blazer Products, P.O. Box 41, New York, NY 10021. (Home Depot or Lowe's may sell these type torches.) The results of this modification to the paint lids are a no-drip, clean, controlled pour into a paint mixing cup and a positive seal for future paint storage/usage. Also, the lids are reusable, so you can transfer them to other same-size paint cans. The only disadvantage of the screw caps on paint lids comes to light during stor足 age-the cans can't be stacked on top of one another. By preparing paint cans with the soldered screw caps in place, you can alleviate a lot of accidental paint spills and mess when attempting to paint an aircraft. Happy topping, painting, and pouring! ........




IS-Brookfield, WI-VA A Ch. FLY-IN CALENDAR AUGUST 11 18th Annual Vintage Aircraft

The following list ofcoming events is fur­ nished to our readers as a matter of information only and does not constitute ap­ proval, sponsorship, involvement, control or direction of any event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. Please send the informa­ tion to EAA, Att: Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, W I 54903-3086. Informa­ tion should be received four months prior to the event date. AUGUST 9-11-Alliance, OH-Ohio Aeronca Aviators Fly-In and Breakfast. Alliance-Barber Airport (201). Info: 216­ 932-3475 or or AUGUST IO-Toughkenamon, PA-EAA Ch. 240, 28th Annual Fly-In/Drive-In Pancake Breakfast. 8:00 a.m. New Garden Airport (N57). Young Eagles' Rally. Admission free . Info: 215-761-3191 AUGUST ll-Aubum, IN-Hoosier Warbird Fly-In/Drive-In and Airplane Auction. Dekalb County Airport. Pancake/Sausage Breakfast. Info: 574­ 457-5924 or AUGUST I7-Cooperstown, NY-(K23) Old Airplane Fly-In & Breakfast Sponsored by EAA Ch. 1070. 7:30 a.m.-Noon, rain or shine. Adults $4.00, Children under 12 $3.50. Pilots of 1962 or older aircraft eat free! Info: 607 -54 7-2526 AUGUST I7-Spear{ish, SD-EAA Ch. 806 19th Annual Fly-In, Black Hills Airport/Clyde Ice Field. Unicorn 122.80. Aircraft judging & displays. Camping under the wing for early birds who fly in on Friday. Sat. Breakfast served by Civil Air Patrol. FAA seminar. SO Aviation Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies 7:30 pm Sat. Info: 605-642-0277 or

Display and Ice Cream Social. Capitol Airport. Noon-5 p.m. Includes Midwest Antique Airplane Club's monthly fly­ in. Control-line & radio controlled models on display. Info: 262-781-8132 or 414-962-2428 AUGUST 23-2S-Mattoon, JL-6th Annual MTO Luscombe Fly-In. Luscombe judging & awards, forums & banquet. $50 cash to Luscombe that flies farthest to attend. Info: 217-234-8720, jerry or 217-253-3934 AUGUST 23-2 S-Sussex, NJ -Sussex Airshow. Top performers. All types of aircraft on display. Info 973-875-7337 or AUGUST 24-Janesville-Beloit, WI-EAA Ch. 60 Fly-In Pig Roast. Beloit Airport (44C). 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Info: 608-365­ 1925 or AUGUST 24-Crested Butte, CO-Ch. 881 CB Falcons Fly-In. Mountain flying seminars, FAA Wings program, Young Eagles flights. Crested Butte Avion Airport (3V6) (OC02), Elev. 8980 ft. MSL. Info: 800-663-5374 or AUGUST 3I-Marion, IN-(MZZ) 12th Annual Fly-In Cruise-In, at the Marion Municipal Airport, 7-1 p.m. All you can eat Pancake Breakfast. All types of airplanes and vintage automobiles. Info: AUGUST 3I-Zanesville, OH-EAA Ch. 425 Fly-In/Orive-In Breakfast. Riverside Airport. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Breakfast all day, lunch items 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Fly Market. Info: 740-454-0003. SEPTEMBER 6 -7-Fresno, CA-EAA Ch. 376 18th Annual End 0' Summer Fly­ In. Sierra Sky Park (Q60). Camping or hotels. Fri. arrival & registration 4-6:00 p.m.; dinner 6-7:30 p.m. ($6). Sat. pan­ cake breakfast 7-9:00 a.m. ($5); regis­ tration deadline for aircraft judging 10 a.m.; tri tip lunch Noon-1:30 p.m. ($6); awards 2:30 p.m. Info: 559-435­ 6349 or 559-439-5371 or wesand­ SEPTEMBER 7-Cadil/ac, MI-EAA Ch. 678 Fly-In/Drive-In Breakfast. Wexford County Airport. 7:30-11 a.m. Info: 231-779-8113

SKYWARD 31905 West 175, Gardner, KS (K-34) 913 -856 -7851;

SEPTEMBER S-Mt. Morris, lL-Ogle County Pilots Assn. & EAA Ch. 682 Fly-In Breakfast at Ogle County Airport (CSS)(Barnette Field). 7-12 noon. Info: 815-732-7268. SEPTEMBER I2-IS-Reno, NV-4th Annual Western Region Invitational. Co-sponsored by Rolls-Royce North America, NASM, Nat'l Aviation Hall of Fame and Reno Air Racing Assn. No more than SO aircraft are selected for each Invitational. For details on eligi­ bility and judging criteria, entry application, etc. contact Ann, 703­ 621-2839 SEPTEMBER I3-IS-Watertown, WI­ 2002 Midwest Stinson Reunion. (RYV). Info: 630-904-6964 SEPTEMBER I4-Hollywood, MD-EAA Ch. 478 Fly-In, Open House, Young Eagles Rally, and Pancake Breakfast. Captain Walter Francis Duke Regional Airport (2W6) . Info: 301-866-9502 SEPTEMBER I4-Palmyra, W I-(88C) Fly-In Lunch, noon-2 p.m. Info: 630­ 904-6964 SEPTEMBER I4-Andover, NJ­ Andover-Aeroflex Airport (12N). EAA Vintage Chapter 7 annual Old Fashioned Fly-In. 10 AM-4 PM, (rain date Sunday, Sept. 15). Antique, clas­ sic and contemporary aircraft. Food, prizes, Pilots' Choice and People's Choice Awards. Everyone is welcome so fly-in, drive-in or walk-in for a fun day. or Bill Moore, popmoore@Webtv, 908­ 236-6619 or Lou Okrent, LOAF­ HQ@ATI.NET, 973-548-3067 SEPTEMBER I4-Andover, NJ-VAA Ch. 7 Annual Old-Fashioned Fly-In at Andover-Aeroflex Airport (l2N) . 10 am-4 pm. Hosting a full range of antique, classic, and contemporary aircraft. Food, prizes, Pilots' Choice &

EAA FLY·IN SCHEDULE 2002 NEAA GOLDEN WEST REGIONAL FLY-IN www· September 6-8, Yuba County Airport (MRV)

EAA MID-EASTERN FLY-IN 419-447-1773 (telefax) September 6-8, Marion, OH

VIRGINIA STATE EAA FLY-IN September 7-8, Dinwiddie County Airport


www.eastcoastf/ September 13-15, Toughkenamon, PA

EAA SOUTHWEST REGIONAL FLY-IN www.swrfi·com September 27-28, Abilene, TX

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EAA SOUTHEAST REGIONAL FLY-IN www.serfi·org October 4-6, Evergreen, AL

COPPERSTATE EAA FLY-IN October 10-13, Phoenix, AZ

Peoples· Choice Awa rds. Fly-in, drive­ in, or walk-in for a fun day. (Rain date Sunday, 9/15.) Info: 908-236­ 6619. SEPTEMBER 14-15-Rock Falls, IL­ North Central EAA "Old Fashioned" Fly-In at the Whiteside County Airport (SQI). Best Country Pancake Breakfast 9/15. Forums, workshops, fly-market, camping, air rally, awards, food & exh ibitors. Info: 630-543-6743 SEPTEMBER 14-15-Bayport, New York-Antique Airp lane Club of Greater New York Fly-In. Brookhaven Airport. Static display of vintage & homebuilt aircraft. Awards in various categories. Info: 631-589-0374 SEPTEMBER 20-21-Bartlesville, OK­ 46th Annual Tulsa Regional Fly-In. Frank Phillips Field. Type club forums, static displays, exhibits. Admission by dona ti on. Info: Charlie Harris 918-622-8400 SEPTEMBER 20-21-Grantville, NC­ EAA Ch . 1176 Aerofest 2002, Smith Airpark (2SNC) Old-fashioned grass field fly-in and pig pickin'. Vintage, sport, ultralights. Camping and music Fri. & Sat. Info: 336-879-2830. SEPTEMBER 22-Hinckley, IL-Ch. 241 Fall Fly-In Breakfast. (OC2) On the grass. 7 a.m.-Noon. Info: 847-888­ 2919 SEPTEMBER 28-Millington, TN­ (NQA) 6th Annua l Memphis Plane Pull. Benefits the children of the Special Kids and Families, Inc. chari­ ty. Teams pull a Boeing 727 in vari­ ous categories of competition. Also, EAA Midsouth Reg'l Fly-In and Young Eagles event. Info: spkids@Wnm .net or SEPTEMBER 28-Hanover, IN-(641) Wood, Fabric, & Tailwheels Fly- In . Lee Bottom Flying Field. Cajun Avgas (IS Bean Chili). Beautifu l scenery, great people, old planes. Info: 812­ 866-3211 or WWl¥ SEPTEMBER 28-29-Alliance, OH­ American Military History Event. Barber Airport (20 1). Info : 330-823­ 1168, www.{ OCTOBER 5-8-Wallseol1, OH-Ch. 149 Annual Mini Chile Fly-In . Fulton County Airport (USE). In fo: 419-636­ 5503 OCTOBER 12-Toughkenamol1, PA­ EAA Chapter 240, 28th Annual Fly­ In/Drive- In Pancake Breakfast. 8:00 a.m. at New Garden Airport (NS7). Young Eagles' Ra ll y. Admission free. Info: 215-761-3191 OCTOBER 12-Ridgeway, VA-EAA Ch. 970 Old-Fashion Grass Field Fly-In and Pig-Picking. Pace Field (VA02). Info: 276-956-2159. OCTOBER 16-20- Tul/ahoma, TN­ Beech Party 2002, A Homecoming. Staggerwing!Twin Beech 18/Beech Owners/Enthusiasts. In fo: 931-455­ 1974 OCTOBER 19-5eguin, TX-(OTX6) Annual Fly-In at Elm Creek. Info: 830-303-6577 or VESta or

Workshop Schedule August 9-11. 2002 Griffin. GA

Sept 27-29. 2002 Corona, CA RVASSEMBLY


August 16-18, 2002 Griffin, GA

Oct. 18-20, 2002


Sept 14-15, 2002

Sept 20-22, 2002 Griffin. GA TIGWELDING RVASSEMBLY

Sept 20-22, 2002

Oct 19-20, 2002



Nov 2-3, 2002





Nov 8-10, 2002


Nov 9-10, 2002


Visit for a complete listing of workshops.




1-800-WORKSHOP 1-800-967-5746 VINTAGE AIRPLANE



Armando Salles. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Sao Sebastiao, SP, Brazil Dr. W. B. Carpenter .. Calgary, AB, Canada Tony Barrett ...... Fraserville, ON, Canada Jeffrey W.W. Crawford .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burlington, ON, Canada Stuart Hesse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . ... Georgetown, ON, Canada Elvey Rock. . . . . . . . . . . ... Monkton, ON, Canada Daniel Weinberger. . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. Santiago, Chile Satoshi Sone. . ............ Kanagawa-Prefecture, Japan Ray L. Struik ......... . ........ Arnhem, Netherlands H. W. Visagie ... Northern Cape, Republic of South Africa Curt Bogle. .............. . .. Dayeville, AL Robert Holycross. . ................... Livi n gston, AL Dane S. Knight. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russellville, AR Harvey Belliveau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Gilbert, AZ William Jensen. . ... Prescott Valley, AZ Larry Ryerson ....... Mesa, AZ Christopher W. Whitby. . .......... . ............ Prescott, AZ Gregory P. Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Folsom, CA James S. Carson. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . .... Nevada City, CA Robert C. Cole . Sacramento, CA Lawrence Blake Hannigan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . Los Gatos, CA Charles M. Hardison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Madera, CA Ron D. Headlee . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . ..... Moreno Valley, CA Roger Hewett .. Le n more, CA Charles Jones. . . Ferndale, CA Norman E. Jukes. . Burlingame, CA L. Dean Miller. . ...... San Jose, CA Brent Mone . . . . Santa Rosa, CA George Phoenix. . . . .. Torrance, CA Jay Ritter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....•.... . . ..... . Clovis, CA Kennon S. Shea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quincy, CA

HQward Hughes' Spruce C()()M!

"I don't know, Howard. Maybe if we'd used Poly-Fiber we'd have finished it on time." Absolutely! And because Poly-Fiber doesn't support combustion, fire wouldn't have been as big a worry, either. The gargantuan Goose would have been lighter and stronger, too, able to fly even higher! What a shame Poly-Fiber wasn't around back then. Timing is everything, huh Howard?



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Air c raft Coatings

Sanetaka Yokoyama . . . ... Los Gatos, CA Troy G. Zachary, Jr.. . . . . .. Rohnert Park, CA Eric Hayes . . . ... . Ft. Collins, CO Preston B. Kavanagh. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Avon, CT Mark Scott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . .. ... Bethany, CT . . West Redding, CT Henry J. Wimbrow. Gregory H. Bange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newa rk, DE John MacKay. . .. . Maitland, FL Paul Okean ....... Palm Beach, FL Eugene E. Rogers. . ........ Tampa, FL Patricio Seidel . . . ... .. .•...... ... . ... Key Biscayne, FL Soren A. Campbell .. .•...••... . . Cataula, GA John C. Talley. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .. . • . .. .• . ..• . . . . ..... Townsend, GA R. Douglass Williams. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mo reland, GA Keith Mason. ...... .......... .•....... .•.. . . Wheatland, lA Robert G. Troxel. . . . .. . . . . . . ....... Parma, ID William A. Borgstrom . . . .. Chicago, lL Kenneth Ciolino. ........... . .. .. Lockport, IL Robert E. Coon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warrenville, IL Robert Newhouse. . .. Rockfo rd, IL . ..... Burnham, IL Ryder G. Olsen. . Terry Wilke . . . .. . . . . . . . .... .. . . .. ... . .. ..... Round Lake Beach, IL Nancy Gingher . . ..... . .. . . . • . ....... Colu mbia City, IN George A. Lohmeie r . . .......... . ....... Indianapolis, IN Joe K. Richwine. ......•.... . .. Marion, IN Arthur Studenrot h ......... Hobart, IN Todd Thomassen. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. Bloomington, IN Jeff Mankin. . . .. .. . . Mission, KS J. Anthony Stephen. .......... . ... Baton Rouge, LA Noel Tadin .......... . . Sidell, LA Vance Gilbert. . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlington, MA Michael Purcell. . . .. • .. . .. ... . . . .... . . ... . .. . . . • ... ..... Florence, MA John Schutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Brimfield , MA Kenneth Tootell .. .. .. ... .... ...•.... . Brewster, MA Thomas W. Cameron .... . ... • . . . Lennon, MI ...... Gladstone, MI Bernard Coleman Gary D. Mountain .......... . . South St Paul, MN . . Bloomington, MN Ronald Schroeder. . . . . . . . • . Kathie Ernst. . . . . St Louis, MO Stephens W. Horton. . .... St Peters, MO . .. . •.. . .. . . . • . .. .. . . . •.. .. . . . . . . ..... Gautier, MS Morrie L. Eakin. John Carroll . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . • . . . • . . . . • . . . ... Auburn, NH Colbeth Kil lip. .......... . .......... Ossipee, NH Mike Forney. . . . . .. Lambertville, NJ David S. Halliday. . .... Point Pleasant Beach, NJ Richard L. Surgent ... Wa ll, NJ Hans Vandermeer. . . . . . . . • . . . . Ridgewood, NJ Bruce Weber . . . .... Bloomsbury, NJ Allen J. Pomianek ..... New Yo rk, NY Paul R. Scheerer . ... . .. . . • . . . . . .. . • ... .... . . . . .... East Hampton, NY Jon David Brausch ...... . . . • ... .. . . . • .. .. . .. .• ... . ....... Avon Lake, OH . . .. . . . . . . . . ••. . •. . . . . . . . •. . . . . ..... Cortl and, OH Donald E. Gray. . . . . . . •. . . . . . . .. Westlake, OH Stanley Lindholm. David J. Raney. . . . ...... West Chester, OH Vicki Rulli . . .......... . ... Columbus, OH ............ . .. Canfield, OH Larry Lee Smith. . Robert VanBalen ... • . . ..•. . . .. .. . • . . . . . .. . •... .•... . .... Somerset, OH John M. Nielsen ...... Skiatook, OK Richard Ray. . ..... .. .•. . ... Portland, OR Frank L. Sneed. . ........... . .. Beaverton, OR Joseph G. Watson .......... . .......... Eugene, OR William C. Fortmiller. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . North Hampton, PA Michael Mosenson . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . .. . Malvern, PA Fred M. Serfass . . . . . . . . . . . .. Douglassville, PA Donald L. Stouch . . ...... Emmaus, PA Moises Ortiz. .•. .... ... ... . . San Juan, PR Monty Jones. . . .. Beaufort, SC W. E. Rhi nehart. . . . . .... . ... Irma, SC Cynthia S. Grant. ... . ..• . . . . . . .. • . .. .. .. . • . ...•.. . • ... ...... Austin, TX Todd E. Heffley . . .. .. . . . • . .. .. . ... .. ...... Rhome, TX C. Keith Newman. . . Houston, TX Michael J. Schaetter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comfort, TX Scott Wa lchshauser . Lewisville, TX Owen Eugene Yarb rough. . . .... Euless, TX Wi ll iam J. Fitzgerald. . .•.. . . . . ..• . . . . . .. .•....• . ........ Vinton, VA Shirley Chevalier .•........ ...... ... . . Colchester, VT Dennis Alwine ..... C hewelah, WA Lt. Col. Kent D. Fister. . . . . • . . . Puyallup, WA Lawrence E. Handberg . . . .. .. . Linwood, WA George P. Kirkish . . . ... . .. .. ....... ... Vashon, WA Larry Sittauer . . .. . .. . . .. ..... . • .. . . .... .. ....... Snohomish, WA John James Jepson .....• .... • . . . . .. . . • . .. . . . . . • . . . . . .. ..... Fredon ia WI . ... Wa upaca, WI Rona ld Unertl. Adrian S. Wolverton . . . . .... Jackson, WY



David Ostrowski, Editor

Leonard E. Opdycke, Editor


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Write an article for



We're always looking for technical articles and photos of your latest restoration . We can 't offer you money, but we can make you a hero among fel­ low Vintage Aircraft enthusiasts!


Send your submissions to: Editor, Vintage Ai rp lane P.O. Box 3086 Oshkosh , WI 54904

e a: For pointers on fonnat and content feel free to call 920·4264825 28



sell or trade? Classified Word Ads: SS.SO per 10 words, 180 words maximum, with boldface lead-in on first line. Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2.167 inches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch. Black and white only, and no frequency discounts. Advertising Closing Dates: 10th of second month prior to desired issue date (i.e., January 10 is the closing date for the March issue). VAA reserves the right to reject any advertising in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insertion per issue. Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via fax (920-426-4828) or e-mail ( using credit card payment (all cards accepted). Include name on card, complete address, type of card, card num­ ber, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EAA. Address advertising correspondence to EAA Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. BABBITT BEARING SERVICE - rod bearings, main bearings, bushings, master rods, valves, piston rings Call us Toll Free 1-800-233-6934, e- mail Web site VINTAGE ENGINEMACHINEWORKS, N. 604 FREYA ST., SPOKANE, WA 99202.



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WE PROBABLY HAVE YOUR AIRPLANE! 1-800-645-7739 THERE'S JUST NOTHING LIKE IT ON THE WEB!! A Web Site With The Pilot In Mind (and those who love airplanes) For sale, reluctantly: Warner 145 & 165 engines. 1 each, new OH and low time. No tire kickers, please. Two Curtiss Reed props to go with above engines. 1966 Helton Lark 95, Serial #8. Very rare, PQ-8 certified Target Drone derivative. Tri-gear Culver Cadet. See Juptner's Vol. 8-170. Total time ME 845 hrs. I just have too many toys and I'm not getting any younger. Find my name in the Officers & Directors listing of Vintage and e-mail or call evenings. E. E. "Buck" Hilbert For Sale: 1914 Benz 6-cytinder cutaway engine, restored, with its original propeller and Salmson 9­ cylinder radial engine, complete with mags, carb and prop. Wanted: Antique airplane engines, even in very bad condition, rotary, if possible. Phone: 01141 -793346789 Flying wires avaitable. 1994 pricing. Visit f/yingwires_com or call 800-517-9278. Custom Aircraft Restoration and Construction­ Tube and Fabric, Wood, Aluminum. Customair, 202 Aviation Blvd., Cleveland, GA 30528, 706-348­ 7514 , 1938 Focke Wulf Stieglitz. Very rare, very beautiful. Museum quality restoration, Swedish military markings. Has won trophies at Oshkosh and numerous other places. A reli­ able low maintenance airplane with excellent flying qualities. Engine 65 STOH. $90,000 530-642-1970 or

46 TAYLORCRAFT BC12-01 PROJECT - Disassembled for recover, 2200 TT, metal has been soda blasted and primed, A-65-8 wood prop, Federal 1500 skis, wheel pants, new tires, new glass, autogas STC, all log books, $10,000. 715-426-9576, FAX 715-426­ 9612, TRAVEL AtR - I am a stroke victim selling my Travel Air 2000/4000 "Elephant Ear" biplane, NI848, N S No. 241 , made in 1927 (dismantled and minus fabric). New Macwhyte flying wires. Not a duster. Navy (Wright Whirlwind J-6 rotary) engine, like new, on a pallet, ready to go. Telephone Mr. Perry Moon at 757-235-3349 or Ms. Pamela Credle, 757-671­ 8733 or e-mail

Membership Services VINTAGE



EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086

OFFICERS President Espie 'Butch' joyce P.O. Box 35584 Greensboro, NC 27425 336·668·3650 Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507·373·1674

Vice..President George Daubner 2448 Lough Lane Hartford, WI 53027 262·673-5885

Treasurer Charles W. Harris 7Z 15 East 46th St. Tulsa, OK 74147 918·622-8400

DIRECTORS David Bennett P.O. Box 1188 Roseville, CA 95678 916-645·6926 antiquer@;

Jeannie Hill P.O. Box 328 Harvard, IL 60033 815·943·7205

john Berendt

7645 Echo Point Rd.

Cannon Falls, MN 55009



Steve Krog

1002 Heather Ln.

Hartford, WI 53027


Robert C. "Bob" Brauer

Robert D. "Bob" Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield, WI 53005 262·782·2633

c~lc!~;: 1~°lo~20 773·779·2105

j ohn S. Copeland lA Deacon Street


Gene Morris 5936 Steve Court Roanoke, TX 76262 817·491·9110

Phil Coulson

Dean Richardson

North'fo8~3~~:4~t5 01532

28t1~~~~';1?~f~fr. 616-624·6490 reoll/sonS

ROfer Gomoll

3;~~~st~r~~~~~~ 507·288·2810 pledgedrive@ms"com

Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hills Dr.

India3ntrz~~.~3t6278 daiefaye@ms1l,com

1429 Kings~n Rd


Geoff RobIson

1521 E. MacGregor Dr.

New Haven, IN 46774



S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-771·154S



Gene Chase

E.E. "Buck" Hilbert

2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 920-231·5002

P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180 815·923·4591

ADVISORS Alan Shackleton P.O. Box 656

Sugar Grove, IL 6OS54-0656

630/466-4 193


Steve Bender 815 Airport Road Roanoke, TX 76262 817·491-4700

Dave Clark 635 Vestal Lan. Plainfield, IN 46168 317·839·4500

Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax (920) 426-4873

Web Site: and E·Mail: vintage @ eaa,org

EAA and Division Membership Services 800-843·3612 ............ FAX 920-426-6761 (8:00 AM-7:00 PM Monday-Friday CSn • New/renew memberships: EAA, Divisions (Vintage Aircraft Association, lAC, Warbirds), National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI)

• Address changes • Merchandise sales • Gift memberships

Programs and Activities EAA AirVenture Fax·On·Demand Directory ...................... . ... 732·885-6711 Auto Fuel STCs .... .. ........ 920-426-4843 Build/restore information ..... 920-426-4821 Chapters: locating/organizing .. 920·426·4876 Education ...... .. .. ........ 920-426·6815 • EAA Air Academy • EAA Scholarships

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EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associ­ ation, Inc. is $40 for one year, induding 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is available for an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership. (A dd $16 for Foreign Postage.)

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Current EAA members may join the EAA War­ birds of America Division and receive WARBlRDS magazine for an additional $40 per year. EAA Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and one year memberShip in the Warbirds Divi­ VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION sion is available for $50 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $7 for Current EAA members may join the Vintage Foreign Postage.) Aircraft Associaton and receive VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE magazine for an additional $36 per year. EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE EAA EXPERIMENTER magazine and one year membership in the EAA Current EAA members may receive EAA Vintage Aircraft Association is available for $46 EXPERIMENTER magazine for an additional per year (SPORT AVIATION magaZine not in· $20 per year. cluded). (A dd $7 for Foreign Postage,) EAA Membership and EAA EXPERIMENTER magaZine is available for $30 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (A dd $8 for lAC Foreign Postage,) Current EAA members may join the Interna­ tional Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive SPORT AEROBATICS magazin e for an addi· FOREIGN MEMBERSHIPS tional $45 per year. Please submit your remittance with a check or EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS draft drawn on a United States bank payable in magazine and one year membership in the lAC United States d.ollars. Add required Fo reign Division is available for $55 per year (SPORT Postage amount for each membership. Membership dues to EAA and its divisions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.

Copyright ©2002 by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091·6943) IPM 1482602 is published and owned exclusively by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center,3000 Poberezny Rd., P.O. Box 3086. Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903·3086. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Vintage Aircraft Association. P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903·3086. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via sur· face mail. ADVERTISING - Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertiSing. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Readers are encouraged 10 submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. No renumeration is made. Material should be sent to: Editor. VINTAGE AIRPLANE. P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh. WI 54903·3086. Phone 920/426·4800. EM'" and SPORT AVlAnON"', the EM Logo'" and Aeronautica N are registered trademar1<s, trademarks, and service marks of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. The use of these trademar1<s and service marks without the permission of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is strictly prohibited. The EM AVlAnON FOUNDATION Logo is a trademark of the EM Aviation Foundation. Inc. The use of this trademark without the pennission of the EM Avialion Foundalion, Inc. is strictly prohibited.



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Paul Gould Sardinia, OH

• Started flying in 1956; purchased a 1-5 Piper Cub in 1957 -~.-... • Grand Champion Classic for 2002, Sun N' Fun • Reserve Grand Champion for Classic Aircraft, Air Venture 2001-0sh Kosh Paul Gould and his son, David, pause for a photo in front of Paul's 1946 Aeronca Chief N9526E.

"I started flying in 1956 and flew solo in a J-3 Piper Cub. Thirty­ eight years later, after retirement, I commenced flying again and it's been a very busy aviation revitalization program ever since. As for AUA insurance, I found AUA was the choice of other vintage aircraft owners. Naturally, I chose AUA."

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