VOL. 32, NO.6
VAA NEWS/H.G. Frautschy
JUNE 2004
2004 SUN 'N FUN EAA FLY-IN H.G. Fraustchy
Publisher Editor-in-Chief Executive Editor News Editor Photography Staff Production Manager Advertising Sales Advertising/ Editorial Assistant Copy Editi ng
Front Cover: What was going to be a quick paint upgrade turned into an award-winning restoration of this Beech Travelair owned by 5 partners . For more on the fun they had, see Budd Davisson 's article starting on page 16. EAA photo by Jim Koepnick, EAA photo plane flown by Walt Dori ac.
VINTAGE AI RP ...:L:::;A..N...E::...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--I
Executive Director, Editor VAA Administrative Assistant Contributing Editors
Back Cover: The EAA Sport Aviation Art Competition is open to a wide variety of media, including stained glass. This Navy N3N was a Merit rib足 bon winner in the 2003 competition for artist Gary Elshoff of Grafton, Wisconsin. Check out his website at www.flyingcolorsglass .com.
Division change & Chapter fun
This is my 189th "Straight & Level" co lu mn while serving as president of the Vintage Aircraft Association. After this one, the July and August columns will be the last ones I will be writing as your president. When you look at this year's ballot, you will see that I will not be running for the presidency, but will be staying on as a director. I've had the pleasure of serving the membership as the president of this division for 16 years, just more than half of the 31 years the divi sion has existed . The total enjoyment of having done this is hard to describe, because it has been such a long run. Over the years we've enjoyed the largest growth in membership, and with greater n umbers comes a more stable financial position. This was not my achievement alone; I have had great support from the officers, directors, mem bership, and staff. It just felt like the right time to turn over the leadership of the VAA to some younger people, folks with new thoughts and new en ergy. I am not totally going away, and look forward to serving as a di rector for a few more years. It is not my intent to try and run the division from the background, but to be there if needed when the in evitable questions come up concerning the "hows and whys" of past actions that concern the operation of the division. One of the areas I'll be working on within the coming months is the realization that as EAA staffers have rotated in and out of various positions over the years, we have
not paid attention to ed u cating these new people regarding the re lationship between EAA and its divisions. It is my hope that we can do a better job in the future in this regard.
I've had the
pleasure of
serving the
membership as
the president
of this division
for 16 years,
just more than
half of the 31
years the division
has existed.
I was ab le to attend th e VAA Chapter 3 Spring Fly-In that was held at the Burlington, North Car olina airport. This fly-in is held each year on the first full weekend in May. The past couple of years this event has been plagued by poor weather, and as you would expect, the attendance did not meet expectations. This year we had great weather, and there were at least 50 aircraft that showed up Friday afternoon. All of the old friends got to gether to socialize before the barbeque dinner that was served in
a hangar on the airport on Friday night. After the sun went down, the group retreated to the hotel to watch old movies before turning in for the night. Saturday morning the weather stayed great, and air planes started to fill the air. Before the day was over, the number of aircraft was estimated to be some where around 200! It was great to see a number of aircraft that I had not seen before at this fly-in . After lunch, the judges were hard at it, picking the winners that would be honored at the awards banquet Saturday night. This dinner was held at the some hotel that served as the head quarters hotel for the fl y-in . Sunday morning was one of those days that we get here in North Car olina in the early summer-an early morning fog smothered the trees and grass. You know when you look out of the window on such a morning that you can have a relaxing morning. As usual, the fog burned off around 10:30 or 11 :00 a.m., and people started to depart for home, except for a group that decided to fly out to a local restaurant for lunch before going home. It was a great weekend. I hope your local fly-in has great weather, too! Let's all pull in the same direc tion for the good of aviation. Remember, we are better together. Join us and have it all.
VAA Comments on FAA Air Tour NPRM Eighteen individuals spoke against the National Air Tour Safety Stan dards (FAA-1998-4521) notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) at the FAA's public hearing held Tuesday, May II, in Washington, D.C. Not one person who testified at the daylong public meeting spoke in favor of the rule. VAA Executive Director H.G. Frautschy appeared on behalf of the Vintage Aircraft Association and the National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI). EAA member Dave Humphreys, from Shephard stown, West Virginia, represented EAA at the hearing. H.G. Frautschy Humphreys inclu ded comments on the inherent un fairness of the proposed rule as well as the FAA's long tradition of partnering with EAA and others in aviation to address concerns. "In EAA's long tradition of working with the FAA, we did not just file comments in opposition to this proposed rule bu t provided comprehen sive alternatives to the proposal," Humphreys said. "Suggestions (were) based on the trust and knowledge of the u.S. airman, the resources of the FAA field inspector force, and our knowledge of general aviation. We can not help but ask: Why didn't the FAA ask the industry for this information before introducing this proposed rule?" EAA's official comments on the rule, which were submitted on March II, 2004, concluded that the proposed sweeping changes to commercial and noncommercial passenger-carrying operations are not justified by historic safety data nor is there sufficient evidence that safety will be en hanced by these proposals. The FAA also failed to adequately evaluate and address the dramatic negative cost-benefit impact these proposals would have on the general aviation industry. Therefore, the rule should be withdrawn. Afterwards, Frautschy noted there were several small-time aircraft owner/operators who testified that the proposed rule would put them out of business and deva lue their aircraft. "Nobody wanted that NPRM to stand," he said. "Everyone who testified wanted the rule to be withdrawn." Sitting on the panel for the FAA were Matthew Schack, Manager AFS-200; Tom Smith; Gary Davis; Patrice Kelly; Alberta Brown; and Don Byrne. For complete VAA and EAA comments, visit www.vintageaircraft.org and www.eaa.org. If you do not have access to the web, contact the VAA office at 920-426-4825 and we'll mail you a copy.
TCP Availability In recent notes published in Aero mail," mention has been made of the use of TCP as a fuel additive to help scavenge lead during the combustion process. A few members have men tioned the fact that TCP (Alcor's trade name for their product, which con tains, among other elements, the chemical tricresyl phosphate) was scarce or not available. To get the facts, I spoke with Cindy McCoy at Alcor, the manu facturer of the fuel additive. Our members were correct; there Ii
JUNE 2004
was a time when TCP was not avail able, due to a couple of factors. A move to a new facility disrupted pro duction, and then when they were set to restart manufacturing TCP, one component needed to make the addi tive was dropped from production by Shell Petrochemical, so they had to find a new ingredient. A substitute has been found, and happily both for Al cor and those who use the product, production of TCP has resumed. After an initial batch of 2,000 gallons was produced and tested, Alcor is now
shipping TCP in gallon cans to Aviall and other suppliers. By early summer, they expect to ship quart-size plastic bottles that feature a graduated sec tion, which will eliminate the need for the syringe dispenser currently used. Alcor expects to clear up their order backlog within 2 months. For more information, visit www.alcorinc.com. or call your favorite supplier for price and availability information.
The Aeronca Aviators Club Is now offiCially back! Originally founded by Joe and Julia Dickey, who published a very informative and en joyable newsletter for many years before retiring from the aviation world, the new club is dedicated to bringing you a new version of this venerable name with new contributors, expe rienced Aeronca owners, fliers, mechaniCS, historians, and enthusiasts. This is a self-supporting endeavor, backed by the administrative tools, experience and resources of the Bel lanca-Champion Club. Except for the back-office staff and some staff in common, this Club is a separate entity formed specifically to serve Aeronca owners, pilots and admir ers; as such it needs your support both as members and contributors. The initial staff (or cast of charac ters, as we refer to ourselves) will be comprised of the following people: Robe r t Szego, President of the Bellanca-Champion Club; Cy Galley, Editor-in-Chief of 8-C Contact! has consented to be Editor of The Aeronca Aviator; Tony Markl, L-16 rebuilder, fab ric recover instructor, tailwheel and (low and slow) formation instructor, has offered his technical support; Carl White, Aeronca Editor of 8-C Contact! and author of the Aeronca Corner" column and restorer of a good number of Champs and Citabrias. Also contributing will be Charlie Lasher, author of several books on Aeroncas and STCs; Bill Panca k e, renowned Aeronca expert; Jim Spee, our West Coast connection; Tony Ii
Do Your AirVenture 2004 planning at www.airventure.org!
Buttacavoli, with his inspiring prose; Joe Abrahamson, who hosts the Aeronca sector of the Cactus Fly In; and many more. We welcome and will recognize your contribu tions. The club's aim is to provide the Aeronca world with an international organization devoted to the marque and dedicated to the reborn Aeronca Aviators Club's long-term future. The first step in this process will be the organization's "flagship" publica tion, a quarterly newsletter. In this regard, the staff of the Bellanca Champion Club brings with them the ability and track record of the past six years, which began with a 16-page newsletter that has grown to the current, well-received B-C Con tact! of 28 pages and still growing. The AAC website www.aeronca.org will also grow with time and mem bership growth, providing not only an entry point for those on the In ternet, but gradually increasing its technical content. A longer-term goal is to establish regional fly-ins for our members and guests for face to-face contact with each other and provide venues to show off their air craft. Many other programs, limited only by imagination and finances, will be added as resources allow. We invite all Aeronca fans to join us and help us grow into the very valuable organization we hope to become. Your commitment now will allow us to commit the resources that will be required-all new memberships will run effective July 2004-the date of our first full newsletter. Aeronca Aviators Club, PO Box 66, Coxsackie, NY 12051, 518-731-313l. For more information, contact Robert Szego, Cy Galley, Tony Markl or Carl White at staf{@aeronca.org, or visit our website www.aeronca.org.
VAA Chapter 10 Steps Up The members of VAA chapter 10 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, have stepped up to the plate and elected to support the VAA Friends of the Red Barn campaign
with a $600 Gold level contribution. In a letter to VAA headquarters, chapter president Chris McGuire wrote "VAA 10 feels that the Red Barn is a great re source for the Vintage Division. Its service during the convention allows us to have a central point of activity for all the myriad of tasks as well as a place for members to congregate and socialize." No matter if you're an entire chap ter or an individual, we invite you to learn more about the VAA Friends of the Red Barn campaign on page 4 of this issue.
2005 VAA Hall of Fame Do you know someone who has made a lasting contribution to vintage aviation since 1950? Perhaps it was in the area of restoration. Or someone who has been an active instructor teaching others the correct way to fly older airplanes? These contributions could be in the areas of flying, design,
mechanical or aerodynamic develop ments, administration, writing, or some other vital, relevant field. If you feel these contributions to the world of vintage aviation are worthy of national recognition, consider nomi nating that person to the VAA Hall of Fame. Nominations for the 2004 awards are now being accepted. You can down load a copy of the nomination form at
www.vintageaircra{t.org/programs/nomi nnting.html. If you don't have access to the In ternet, call us at 920-426-6110 to request a copy of the form. The deadline to submit nomina tions for the 2004 VAA Hall of Fame is September 30, 2004.
VAA Elections/Annual Meeting In the center spread of this issue you'll find candidate biographies and a ballot for this year's VAA elections, continued on page 31
Happy Birthday, EAA Ford Tri-Motor! This year marks the 75th birthday of EAA's Ford Tri-Motor and the 75th anniver sary of transcontinental air service. To celebrate, EAA is planning Tri-Motor mini tours to selected Midwestern cities. The first tour will cover Michigan, Ohio, and Illi nois between June 25 and July 18. The second mini-tour will take off in September for cities still to be confirmed. "As part of EAA's mission to preserve our aviation heritage, we invite every body to live it firsthand by flying in the world's first mass-produced airliner and seeing it in its intended environment, flying from city to city," said EAA AirVenture Museum Director Adam Smith. EAA's Tri-Motor will land at cities that have a historic connection to the air craft or the Transcontinental Air Transport (TAT) Co., which began flying coast to coast with 11 Tri-Motors in 1929. To prepare this grand airplane for its milestone birthday, Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. repainted the Tin Goose at the company's Appleton, Wisconsin, facility. At each city, visitors can see their hometowns from the air during a 20-minute flight, available for $40 when booked in advance, or $50 per person at the flightline. A secure flight-reservation system and complete information are available through EAA's Tri-Motor website at www.flytheford.org.
EAA's Ford Tri-Motor 75th Anniversary Tour June 25-July 2 July 3-6 July 8-11 July 12-15 July 16-18 September
Pontiac, Michigan (Oakland County International Airport) Port Clinton, Ohio (Carl Keller Field Airport) Columbus, Ohio (Bolton Field Airport) Kalamazoo, Michigan (Kalamazoo Air Zoo) Aurora, Illinois (Aurora Municipal Airport) (To Be Determined) VINTAGE AIRPLANE
VAA's "Friends of The Red Barn" VAA Convention Fund Raising Program The Vintage Aircraft Associa tion is a major participant in the World's Largest Annual Sport Avi ation Event - EAA AirVenture Oshkosh! The Vintage Division hosts and parks over 2,000 vin tage airplanes each year from the Red Barn area of Wittman Field south to the perimeter of the airport. The financial support for the various activities in connection with the weeklong event in the VAA Red Barn area is principally derived from the Vintage Air craft Association's "Friends of the Red Barn" program. This fundraising program is an annual affair, begin ning each year on July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year. This year's campaign is well underway, with contributions already arriving here at VAA HQ. Our thanks to those of you who have already sent in your 2004 contributions. You can join in as well. There will be three levels of gifts and gift recognition: Vintage Gold Level - $600.00 and above gift Vintage Silver Level - $300.00 gift Vintage Bronze Level - $100.00 gift Each contribution at one of these levels entitles you to a Certificate of Appreciation from the Division. Your name will be listed as a contributor in Vintage Airplane magazine, on the VAA website, and on a special display at the VAA Red Barn during AirVenture. You will also be presented with a
special name badge recognizing your level of participation. During AirVenture, you'll have access to the Red Barn Volunteer Cen ter, a nice place to cool off. Gold Level contributors will also receive a pair of cer tificates each good for a flight on EAA's Ford Trimotor redeemable during AirVenture or during the summer flying season at Pioneer Airport. Silver Level contributors will receive one certificate for a flighat on EAA's Ford Trimotor. This is a grand opportunity for all Vintage members to join together as key financial supporters of the Vin tage Division. It will be a truly rewarding experience for each of us as individuals to be part of supporting the finest gathering of Antique, Classic, and Contem porary airplanes in the world. Won't you please join those of us who recognize the tremendously valuable key role the Vintage Aircraft Asso ciation has played in preserving the great grass roots and general aviation airplanes of the last 100 years? Your participation in EAA's Vintage Aircraft Associa tion Friends of the Red Barn will help insure the very finest in AirVenture Oshkosh Vintage Red Barn programs. For those of you who wish to contribute, we've included a copy of the contribution form. Feel free to copy it and mail it to VAA headquarters with your donation. Thank you.
---~----------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
VAA Friends of the Red Barn Name______________________________________________ EAA#_______________VAA# ______________ Address.____________________________________________________________________________________ Ci ty /State/Zi p ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________E-Ma il ___________________________________________ Please choose your level of participation: _
Vintage Gold Level Gift - $600.00
Mail your contribution to:
Vintage Silver Level Gift - $300.00
Vintage Bronze Level Gift - $100.00
D Payment Enclosed
Please Charge my credit card (below)
Credit Card Number _____________________ Expiration Date _ __ __ Signature______________________________
*00 you or your spouse work for a matching gift company? If so, this gift may qualify for a matching donation. Please ask your Human Re
sources department for the appropriate form.
NameofCompany __________________________
The Vintage Aircraft Association is a non-profit educational organization under IRS SOlc3 rules. Under Federal Law, th e deduction from Federal In
come tax for charitable contributions is limited to the amount by which any money (and the value of any property other than money) contributed
exceeds the value of the goods or services provided in exchange for the contribution. An appropriate receipt acknowledging your gift will be sent to
you for IRS gift reporting reasons .
JUNE 2004
Originally published in the February 1981 issue of Vintage Airplane PHOTOS COURTESY OF LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. CEDRIC GALLOWAY
hen we hear the word "Lockheed," we visualize fast, streamlined and graceful airplanes. But they were not always that way. Everything has to have a begin ning . Even the name became "streamlined" after a time. Allen Loughead, the son of John and Flora Haines Loughead, whose Scotch-Irish name, in its phonetic spelling, became Lockheed. Allen was the youngest of four children. The family lived in Niles, California, inland from the south east shore of San Francisco Bay. Allen's parents separated when Allen was quite young, and his mother took the children to Alma in the Santa Cruz foothills, where she operated a thirty-five acre fruit ranch. College trained and tal ented, Mrs. Loughead derived extra
income from writing novels and poetry. Allen, slowed by poor health, never finished grammar school, but his mother supplied an education with her fine tutoring. Young Loughead and his older brother Malcolm enjoyed ranch life, but much preferred tinkering with machinery. At 17 Malcolm got a job as a mechanic in San Francisco, working on White steam motorcars. Allen also left the ranch when he reached 17, and went up to the big city. His first job was in a hardware store at $10 a week, but he soon took a lower paying job as an automobile mechanic, like his brother Malcolm. Meanwhile Victor, the eldest of the three brothers, worked as a con sulting engineer in Chicago, where he spent his spare time as an aero dynamist and a writer. His "Vehicles of the Air" and"Airplane Design for
(Above) The first Loughead airplane still under construction. A seaplane powered by a Kirkham 6-cylinder en gine with the Kirkham horseshoe shaped radiator. Amateurs" were widely read, dis cussed and used by would-be aeronauts, including his brothers. Through Victor, Allen found work in 1910 as an airplane engine mechanic in Chicago and soon had a chance to take his first flight in an airplane. He met George Gates, the proud builder of a pusher biplane with a homemade 4-cylinder, SO-hp engine. Gates discovered he could n 't fly it alone because the control system required manipulation of the ailerons, rudder, and elevators in three separate operations. He asked Allen if he could operate the ailerons. Allen had never handled an airplane but was not lacking in VINTAGE AIRPLANE
cisco to work in a self-confidence. garage until such "Sure," he said. time as he might be They warmed up able to build an air the engine, Allen plane of his own. The climbed aboard the design for a three flimsy contra ption, place seaplane was sat behind Gates, already occupying and wrapped rags his mind. It should around the aileron be a tractor type, control wires to keep with engine in front; his hands from slip he was tired of wor ping. The plane took rying about a heavy off, circled the field motor mounted be and landed safely, hind, hanging there making probably the in readiness to crush first dual-controlled the pilot should the flight of its type in The seaplane after the installation of a V-S, SO-hp engine and con plane come down aviation history. ventional-type radiator. San Francisco World's Fair, 1915. nose first. The thrill lingered Allen often dis with him as he tuned cussed aerodynamics the powerplant for with his brother Mal the plane of his em colm, and at length ployer, James E. Plew, the two mechanics a truck distributor who was trying to joined up to build break into aviation. their own plane. A Plew's Curtiss-type hydroplane was the pusher, with a 3S-hp logical choice because engine, was made of the unlimited facil ready for demonstra ities in and around tion flights from a the Bay area, and San nearby racetrack. The Francisco's long-time pilot was having dif interest in boating. To give the impres ficulty in getting the The Model G taxiing out for takeoff. plane off the snowsion that they were covered ground. not building their When he finally gave up, Plew de flyer, which came to an abrupt end first plane, they deSignated the de cided to call the demonstration at Hoopeston, Illinois. Piloting a sign as Model G. off. Allen pleaded with Plew to let water-soaked and underpowered The brothers kept their jobs and him have a try at getting the plane Curtiss, Loughead left the ground worked every other waking mo into the air. With Plew's O.K., Allen in fine style, but could not gain al ment on their airplane. Truly, one re-tuned the engine, and with titude. His flight into the late of the earliest homebuilts. They higher rpm he coaxed the flimsy afternoon dusk was suddenly inter rented a former garage at the cor pusher into the air, gradually ori rupted by contact with some ner of Pacific Avenue and Polk ented himself to the controls and telegraph wire lines. The fragile Street, and for the next year and a the shoulder harness that worked Curtiss came to rest in a tangle of half, that corner was the scene of the ailerons. Jerkily he circled wires, hanging with one wing im ever-increasing activity as the new around and around the oval track paled on the crossarm of a pole. airplane took shape. Max Mamlock and landed in one piece. Of his Allen switched off the engine, of the Alco (locomotive) cab com first solo he says: "It was partly which was still running, and scram pany became interested in their nerve, partly confidence, and bled unhurt from the wreckage. project and invested $4,000 to partly damn foolishness, but I was Experiences on the country-fair help them along. now an aviator!" circuit taught Loughead what was The first Loughead-built airplane Allen had about an hour and a good-and bad-about the flying was a sizable ship. A biplane, its up half in the air when he began work machines of 1911. Not trusting his per wingspread was 46 feet and its ing as a "flying instructor. He also luck too far, and with a wife to triangular fuselage was 30 feet long. had a brief career as an exhibition support, he returned to San Fran- It weighed 2,200 pounds gross, and II
JUNE 2004
it carried a useful load of ator with a conventional nearly 600 pounds. It type. They obtained the was equipped with mid flying concession at the wing ailerons and, in the Pan Pacific, and during manner of French de the SO flying days at the sign, the entire tail fair, they safely carried swung on a universal more than 600 passen joint. The main center gers and made them float was built like a sled, selves $4,000. and outrigger pontoons Allen and Malcolm kept the wing tips from decided to move to dipping into the water. Santa Barbara after the When its Kirkham 6 exposition closed. Since cylinder engine burst its the gas tank of the crankcase after 15 min Model G held only 8 gal utes of operation, the lons, the boys couldn't designers substituted an attempt to fly the ship 80-hp water-cooled V-8 The movie acress Audrey Munson in the cockpit of the Model G the 300 odd miles south powerplant, retaining at Santa Barbara. so they packed the plane the Kirkham's horse in crates and shipped shoe-shaped radiator. them by train. The Model G had only Early 1916 found one instrument, an old them settled in South tachometer taken from a ern California and motorboat. launching a new proj On the afternoon of ect: The Loughead June IS, 1913, Allen Aircraft Manufacturing and Malcolm eased Company. For the third their creation into the time, the energy and waters from the beach obvious ability of Allen at the foot of Laguna and Malcolm attracted Street, just west of the fi nancial backing. It Army's transport dock came in this instance at Fort Mason. Allen from Burton R. Rod climbed in, started the man, a Santa Barbara engine, and swinging machine shop owner. into the wind, got the G Audrey Munson and Malcolm Loughead in the cockpit of the The new company pro up on the step. Soon the Model G. posed to build a 10 slapping of the waves passenger flying boat, below ceased and the plane was The G was well proven, but a an unprecedented design, which airborne. The ship was very sensi minor landing mishap and general called for slow and pains t aking tive to handle, but a short hop was economic conditions put the plane workmanship. enough to show that months of in storage for two years. Allen went Back to the Model G, the broth work had produced success. Allen, back to his old trade of keeping ers often flew it to keep up their highly pleased, returned to the San Francisco motorcars in run flying. It was finally retired in beach and took Malcolm aboard. ning condition . Malcolm, ranging 1918. With scant sentiment, the This time the "hydro-aeroplane" further afie ld, tried to sell the Chi engine was sold and the frame made a 10-mile flight, cruising nese a Curtiss pusher, only to have work of the Lougheads' first around the island of Alcatraz, soar the plane confiscated as contra airplane was junked for scrap. ing in grand style some 300 feet band by the British at the outbreak above Market Street. of World War I. References: The opening of the San Fran Of Men and Stars. A History of Lock The Loughead's Model G was one of the first successful tractor cisco-Panama Exposition in 1915 heed Aircraft Corporation, by type seaplanes ever built. It was inspired the Loughead brothers to Philip L. Juergens. highly unusual for this tender age dust off the Model G, and with of flight in that it could carry more fresh capital, they repaired the Revolution in the Sky, by Richard S. Allen. ....... plane, replacing the horseshoe radi than one person. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
H .G .
Our March Mystery Plane was fairly well known in its time, but memories of it have slipped away into the dim recollections of the past century. Here's our most complete answer:
The subject airplane seems to be one of the three Swanson W -IS Coupe aircraft built by Swanson Air足
craft Co. Inc. ofHopewell, Virginia (and elsewhere). They were built in about 1930-1931 and, with restrictions, could be registered under Group 2 Approval No. 312 dated 12/26/30. The three aircraft were registered as: c/n 1 10546 c/n 2 358N c/n 3 751Y
The W -15 was designed by Sven Swanson who had, just previously, designed the similar Kari-Keen Coupe, which became the Sioux Coupe. The references that I have used for the above informa足 tion are Joe Juptner's appropriate volumes and Aerofiles.com. The Swanson registrations mayor may not have had the N or NC prefixes. Jack Erickson State Col/ege, FA Other correct answers were received from Wayne Van Valkenburg, Jasper, Georgia; Charles F. Schultz, Louisville, Kentucky; and William Barger of Del Rio, Texas.
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JUNE 2004
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OkaYt it's not an antique, but if the folks at Mono Aircraft could have got足 ten their hands on a Vedeneyev M14 radial engine, you never know ... Based on the Mullicoupe fashioned by Bud Dake, Red Lirille, and Jim Younkin, John McCullough's "McCulloucoupe" has a wonderful old-fash足 ioned speedster look that Benny Howard, the designer of Mr. Mulligan, would have loved. McCullough's workmanship on the wings is nothing short offantastic. Each wing panel is perfectly smooth, with no dips or wiggles in the plywood skin. You'd swear they were molded, not built up with ribs, spars, and plywood covering. The McCulloucoupe will be fea足 tured in a Jack Cox article published in the August issue ofEAA's flagship magazine, EAA Sport Aviation. 10
JUNE 2004
After the spring rains departed on opening day, the remainder of the week in central Florida was nearly postcard perfect. Cool nights with highs during the rest of the week on either side of 80 gave those who attended the 2004 edition of the Sun 'n Fun EAA Fly-In a super week to learn about the latest aviation gadgets and catch up with all their aviation friends. John Morrison's tricycle-gear Bellanca 260 picked up an Outstanding in at Sun 'n Fun.
This ambulance version of the 1934 Waco YKC was on display; it's registered to John Van Surdam of Seneca, South Carolina. A 275-hp Jacobs R755B pow足 ers the distinctive biplane.
The seaplane activities at Lake Parker were split over two days; ultralights flew on Thursday, and the factory-built full-size aircraft were flying on Friday, with the almost sold-out seaplane pilot's dinner held that evening. S & N Aviation of Wilmington, Delaware, brought their TEC Champ mounted on a pair ofEdo 1400 floats to the event on Friday. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
N785H Stearman 4E Alan Lopez Princeton, NJ RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION
N22410 Howard DGA Mike Vaughn Charleston , IL SILVER AGE CHAMPION
N230EB Morane Saulnier Thomas M. Leaver London , UK BEST CABIN N9599H Howard DGA Joe Dudley Allen, OK BEST WW-II ERA N75675 Boeing N2S4 Rene ' St. Julien Stewart, FL
BEST RESTORED CLASSIC (101-165 HP) N91686 Cessna 170B James C. Kirby Mullica Hill, NJ BEST RESTORED CLASSIC (OVER 165 HP) N2152C CESSNA 195B Terry Robertson Boynton Beach, FL BEST CUSTOM CLASSIC (0-100 HP) N1408U CESSNA 140 Robert A. Runkle Swanton , OH BEST CUSTOM CLASSIC (101-165 HP) N2335M PA-12 Cody Owens Anderson, SC BEST CUSTOM CLASSIC (OVER 165 HP) N3214C Bonanza E-35 Jeff Beaton Morehead City, NC
CLASSIC GRAND CHAMPION N949D Stinson 108-2 Butch Walsh Arrington , VA
OUTSTANDING CLASSIC AIRCRAFT NC6010M Stinson 108-3 Shawn Haring Columbus, MS
BEST RESTORED CLASSIC (0-100 HP) NC43645 Taylorcraft BC-12D Raymond Cook Spring Cove, IL 60081
JU NE 2004
A side trip to Fantasy ofFlight in Polk City was a grand excursion, and Kermit Weeks graciously in足 vited me to fly with him in the attraction's German-built Fi 156 Fieseler Storch. As you can see, the view from the Storch is remarkable. Most Starches left are aircraft built by the French Morane-Saulnier company. This one was restored in Detroit, Michigan, by Jan Mueller. In addition to the complex you see here, a large new hangar is being constructed at Fantasy ofFlight. While at Fantasy ofFlight, you can see plenty ofone-of-a足 kind airplanes, including the Gee Bee R-2 replica built by Steve Wolf and Delmar Benjamin, and the Gee Bee Z built by Kevin Kimball and Jeff Eicher. On the ramp is the same Ford Tri-Motor used in the motion picture Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
BEST CUSTOM FACTORY RESTORATION N2313K Luscombe 8F Luscombe Heritage Fund Chandler, AZ
CUSTOM GRAND CHAMPION N100BH Beechcraft Travelair J. Janovetz and R. Wheeler Collyville, TX BEST TWIN N7765N Beech D-18 Twin Brad Neat Sarasota, FL
OUTSTANDING IN TYPE N8856R Bellanca 260 John Morrison Collierville, TN
OUTSTANDING IN TYPE N6233Y Piper PA-23 Aztec Jim Conley and Thomas Block Daytona, FL
BEST CUSTOM N87DG Beech Bonanza Don and Wendy Gaynor Englewood, FL
SEAPLANES BEST RESTORED N180DR Cessna 180 Bryon Jorgerson Wadsworth, OH
GRAND CHAMPION SEAPLANE N62000 Grumman Widgeon James Rogers Summerland Key, FL
BEST FABRIC AMPHIBIAN N19498 Cessna C-165 Glenn Larson Sarasota, FL
N5478D Beech Bonanza Larry Van Dam Riverside, CA
N6386K Republic Seabee RC-3 Bill Bardin Rockport, NY
During the winter months, Waldo Wright's Flying Service offers biplane rides at Fantasy ofFlight in its New Stan足 dard D-2Ss. Rob Lock and his father, Bob Lock, fly the biplanes more than 400 hours a year as they give a unique flight experience to thousands ofpassengers. They're ably assisted by the "Waldettes, a merry band ofwomen who take care of the passengers as they get ready to fly with one of the Waldos. At Sun 'n Fun, the Waldettes were Connie Buckner, Cheryl Lock, Sandy Lock, Kathy Crawley, and Cheri Sinclair. II
One of the most active small type clubs has to be the Howard Club, with a lot of the activity spark-plugged by Ed and Barbara Moore. From left to right we have: Mike Slingluff, Larry Skinner, Ed Moore, Ted Patecell, Jim Calvin, Frank Rezich (Ted and Frank are both former employees of Howard Aircraft during the '30's & '40's), Dan and Jean Dannecker, Barbara Moore, Jim Wade and Julie Wade. The owners missing from the photo are Joe Dudley, Chuck Nickerson, and Mike and Iven Vaughan.
Phil Wells
Thomas Leaver's Morane-Saulnier 230 has no brakes and a very small taiLwheel/skid, and is powered by a 230足 hp Salmson 9AB engine. If it looks vaguely familiar, it's because the airplane was used as the unnamed "new
monoplane" in the closing scenes of the 1960s World War I flying movie The Blue Max.
Thomas lives in London, England, but keeps the U.S.-registered Morane at the Winter Haven, Florida, airport.
JUNE 2004
Phil Wells was tickled to learn that the recent restoration of his Lus combe BAlE won the Classic Custom Grand Champion award. Dr. Wells did much of the work himself, including re-skinning por tions of the airframe. He's from Cumming, Georgia.
Ace Stinson restorer Butch Walsh of Arrington, Virginia, just completed this very pretty 10B-2, which was chosen to be the Sun 'n Fun 2004 Clas sic Grand Champion.
It's not too often you see a pair of Stearman 4E biplanes on the same field. Alan Lopez, Princeton, New Jersey, has com pleted the restoration of a very nice Stanavo 4E, and had it parked next to Ron Rex's Western Air Express 4E, which he keeps in Ocala, Florida. Alan's 4E was declared the Grand Champion Antique of the event.
Last year's Grand Cham pion Antique at Sun 'n Fun, this is Tim Baily's Piper PA-22 150 Tri-Pacer.
One of the highlights of the week was the night air show, which started at dusk on Saturday. The AeroShell Team started off the evening with a sound, smoke, and light show that certainly got everyone's attention! ....... VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Paint Job
There are Travel Airs and then there are Travelairs
onest," says ].]. ]anovetz, "we were going to pull the gear to repaint it and then have the airplane stripped and painted. That was it. Roll it in the shop, do the work, roll it out. Two, three months, tops. No biggie." It didn't work out that way. ]anovetz is talking about their 1958 Travelair. First, it's unusual to see a Travelair (at least that kind of 16
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Travelair) in the vintage/antique area. Second, it's even more un足 usual to see one that has been taken right down to its underwear and brought back up again, which was not the original plan. "The whole thing started I think just because a couple of us wanted to go flying with two engines. It seemed like a glamorous thing to do, and the Travelair seemed like an economical way to go. Charlie
Hillard had just traded a Widgeon project for the Travelair but hadn't registered it in his name yet, so it went directly to us. "Richard Wheeler, Archie Taylor, and I had been partners in a 1980 Piper Warrior II. We sold it to buy the Travelair from Charlie. Archie, who has over 400 hours instruct足 ing in Travelairs, then convinced another friend Lee Finley that it would be a great airplane, so Lee
Then we got the Travelair and there were times I was practically living in the hangar." The partnership's Travelair is se rial number TD 130 and was part of the very first year of production of Beechcraft's entry into the light twin field. The Apache is generally accepted as the first, full-produc tion light twin, but Beechcraft intended the Travelair to be a cut above the competition both in quality and performance. Comparing the Model 9S Trave lair to the Apache would seem to be unfair, if nothing else, because Beech designers spent so much time making their airplane look svelte and modern. Plus the Model 9S had a lot of Bonanza in its bones, which is to say its fit and finish were superlative. And it had a180-hp 0-360 Ly coming on each side. Did it blow the competition away? Not exactly, because the fat wing Piper had such a price advantage. Still the Travelair enjoyed success until the product was discontinued in 1968, long after the bigger engine Baron had been introduced. The economical machine is still being used by lots of flight schools for mul tiengine training. "When we got the airplane, it really wasn't in bad shape. It was a little tired, but it was 38 years old and had earned the right to be tired. We were going to do some cosmetic stuff, like paint it and remove the four or five layers of paint that covered the landing gear and just enjoy flying it. But we had something happen at the paint shop that forced us around the corner toward total restoration. "We had already discovered that we had a bad fuel bladder, so we were going to have to get into the wings. Then the paint shop didn't protect the lower molding on the windshield correctly and the strip per ate the gel coat. "No problem, right? We'll just
we ignored common sense and completely gutted the
joined us to help pay for the paint job. As we got deeper into the proj ect, Dan Bruhl jumped on board, so now there are five partners. "Beginning in 1990, I had my machine shop, Lone Star Aero, where I built parts for antique air planes in Charlie's hangar, and I was always hanging around. I had become a professional hangar rat and in 1994 he hired me full time, so I was working on his Widgeons and anything else he was flying.
remove the molding and fix it. Ex cept that to get the molding off, the windshield had to come out. And to get the windshield out, we had to remove the instrument panel to get at the hardware. You see where I'm going, right? "So, there we were, with a really ugly, stripped airplane with most of the panel laying on the seats, the gear off, and the wings par tially opened up. Oh, and the windshield was out. "At that point we had to make some serious decisions. We were al ready much farther into the airplane than we wanted to be. And the market value on a first year Travelair wasn't that high. Still, we had the airplane apart and we had bought it to fly, not to sell. So, what the heck, we said, if we're going to do it, we might as well do it right. If we had only known." There are thousands of airplanes of the same vintage as the partner ship Travelair that have never been completely gone through and re habbed. Most of them have never been allowed to go derelict, plus they seem somehow "modern" and haven't made it into the psy chological category we reserve for true vintage machines even though they are old enough. Because of this, few of the airplanes have had someone lavish the kinds of TLC (and money) on them that they truly need. Each of a long progres sion of owners did what they needed to keep it safe but, in the process, they left their indelible tracks behind. Airplanes like these resemble archeological digs where each layer reveals yet another layer and each bears the marks of the previous inhabitants. "When we had the panel out, we could see what a real mess it was. It wasn't even close to being unairworthy, but it had decades of wiring running around that served no purpose. Plus, as each new gen eration of avionics came out, yet another mechanic would chop yet another hole while patching up an existing hole. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Since the original panel had patches screwed to patches, the entire panel was redes igned and a new one fabricated. Behind the panel and throughout the airframe, the wiring harness was replaced, removing pounds of unused wiring left from previously installed instruments.
Three of the five owners of N 1 OOBH, (top to bottom) Rich Wheeler, Archie Taylor and II lanovetz . Partners Dan Bruhl and Lee couldn't make the
The Travelair 95 was Beechcraft's first en try into the "light-twin " market that was created in the post-World War II years. Pow ered by a pair of 180-hp Lycomings, it could tool along at a very respectable 180 mph. For this restora tion, everything from the baffles to the hoses was replaced in the engine compartments. 18
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"The instrument panel had been modified so many times, it was like a quilt, with pieces screwed to pieces that were screwed to other pieces. Plus it had radios on both ends of the panel. Not a tidy setup and by the time Richard was done, he had rewired the entire airplane. "When we pulled the do-it right trigger, we ignored common sense and completely gutted the airplane. Everything came out right down to the belly skins. For tunately, we found most of the skins were in good shape with no corrosion, but they had 38 years of crud on them. To get at the belly, we had to remove the floor boards, but it was a good thing we did-there had to be a solid half-inch of sludge from miscella neous oils and fluids that had collected there. "We didn't have to do any walnut shell blasting or any thing. We just got in there with solvent, rags, and tooth brushes and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. "The pulleys and cables were in good shape, so at least we didn't have to replac e those, but ev e rywhere there was a movable part, no matter how big or small, if it had a bearing or a bushing, we replaced it. "The nose baggage compart ment had some sort of tar-like sound deadener in it and every thing we tried to clea n it with
ate it . So, we sprayed it with a water-based truck splatter paint. "Every time we ran across something made of rubber, we took it out and replaced it. The same thing with all the bolts and screws. For some reason, however, we did use one origi nal screw on th e landing gear actuator switch handle. "I fabricated the aluminum side panels for the interior my self, but we took the seats and side panels to C & H Aircraft Interiors and had them don e in Ultra Leather, which is an imitation leather that 's easy to clea n. To make the seats more comfortable, I made and in stalled four armrests, which wa s just one of a dozen 33 7s we had to do. "When it came to the instru ment panel, we d ecided to go from scratch and design and build an entirely new one. First, I sanded the control yokes down and painted them, and then I made an instrument panel out of l/8-inch alu minum. I' m a machinist by trade, so it was no problem to make anything we wanted. "Even though this was a form of restoration, we didn 't want the panel to be 1958-orig ina!. We were looking for totally modern utility out of thi s airplane so we set it up with center stack radios a nd the standard "T" arrangement.
"I had seen something on Char lie's Widgeon that we copied on our panel. The basic panel has a piece of Lexan covering it. The backside of the Lexan is painted black and the front is painted with opaque white. Then it is silk screened with a chemical for lettering. After the front topcoat of Cadet Gray is painted on and dried, the panel is dipped in acid to remove the gray over the white lettering. Lights hold the Lexan overlay to the aluminum panel and light the lettering at night. The result is really impressive. "We used the original instru ments but shipped them all out to be rebuilt and refaced. At the same time we pulled every actuating ca ble, the throttles, and so forth and pressure lubed them. They work smoothly now. "The wings were basically as good as the fuselage so we did a lot of cleaning and touch up. At the time, only one bladder was leak ing, but we figured the others couldn't be far behind, so we re placed all four of them. "The magnesium on the control surfaces was corroded, so we went to aluminum on the ailerons, but the tail surface magnesium was
okay so we cleaned and painted them. Then they sat for six or seven years while we finished the rest of the airplane. "The engines were more or less okay but, like the rest of the air plane, they were tired. Of course, we managed to make the situation worse because we didn't pickle them. Hey, it was supposed to be flying in less than a year, right? I found some rust on the cam, and that made that decision for us. "We did the engines and, for the most part, used the original parts and had them overhauled. We sent the jugs out and had them welded and generally reconditioned. The cams and cranks were ground and everything was brought back to new tolerances. "The props were overhauled at the same time and the AD on the blade clamps and hardware was complied with. "By the time we were done, the logbook entry ran for five type written pages. We did five 337s on one day!" In typical pre-Oshkosh fashion they barely made it. "The last four months before Oshkosh were a real grind and our wives didn't see much of us. We flew
it for the first time 10 days before leaving for Oshkosh. We spent an hour and a half circling the airport to break in the engines, and that first flight had only a few minor glitches to fix. With fifteen hours on the Hobbs, we headed for Oshkosh. It was the first time the airplane had left the field in over seven years." So now that they're finished, what does J.J. think about the results? "You could look at this airplane several ways. Yes, we have far more tied up in it than we will ever get out of it. Still, it feels and performs like a brand new airplane and it gives exactly the utility we need re gardless of its age. It's a 1958 airplane that's giving us 2003 util ity we couldn't buy in a new airplane for two or three times what we have tied up in this one." So, I guess you could say they are pleased with the effort. ].J. says, "Mostly we're pleased it's over." Apparently the judges at Oshkosh 2003 were pleased too be cause they awarded the airplane the coveted Contemporary Reserve Grand Champion trophy. So, it looks as if a little insanity com bined with lots of dedication does have its rewards. ...... VINTAGE AIRPLANE
A grandfather's inspiration TOM MATOWITZ ike so many stories of flight, this one begins in May 1927. Charles Lindbergh's solo crossing of the Atlantic inspired many adventurous young people with the desire to fly. One of them was a 20-year-old resident of Cleveland, Ohio, named George K. Scott. He began taking lessons at a field located on Mayfield Road, operated by a local pilot named Ken neth Cole. George trained in Swallows and Waco Nines and Tens, and soloed late that summer after 13 hours and 20 min utes of dual. This made him a slow starter by the standards of his day, but he began to fly more frequently and started to catch on faster. By the summer of 1929, he held Lim ited Commercial Pilot's Certificate No. 4888, and with less than 100 hours total time, he was instructing students himself. During the next 10 years he flew extensively, log ging more than 2,000 hours by 1939. In the process, he owned or flew all the great light planes of that era. When he married in 1933, he and his new wife flew to Chicago in a Kinner Bird for their honeymoon. Subsequently he taught her how to fly in a Taylor Cub. The reason for my interest in these people is simple. They were my grandparents, and although they couldn't have known it at the time, they were building the founda tion for a love of flying that would last throughout my life . My grandfather's only child wa s a daughter who showed little interest in flying. I suspect he was pacing back and forth for a long time waiting for me. I was born in the late 1950s and by that time my grand father had been an active pilot for 30 years. Although I don't recall anyone consciously steering me in that direc tion, I can't remember a time in my life when I wasn 't aware of, and fascinated by, airplanes. By the time I knew him, my grandfather was retired and living in a small town in western North Carolina. He had a friendship with the local FBO and was doing quite a bit of instructing. Very early in my life I began spending my childhood sum mers with h im. I was so young the first time I flew with him that I have no conscious memory of it. He was good company, a warm man with a good sense of humor, and great ability as a teacher. I think it would be fair to say his students loved him, and I knew of several who were still friendly with him decades after he taught them to fl y. He was methodical and careful, and I trusted him completely. I never kn ew a m oment of uneasiness
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with him in an airplane. The airplanes we flew then were rather run-of-the-mill Cessna products. They served a useful purpose, but there was nothing particularly romantic about them. What fas cinated me were the old airplanes. He kept all his logbooks, and from time to time we would get them out and look through them together. I have them still; the oldest one is practically in tatters. I would sit on the arm of his easy chair and watch as he leafed through the pages. It seemed to me that every entry was the first line to an adventure story. One of my favorites was a tale he told about a delivery flight involving a Bird biplane. He was in Nebraska, lost in bad weather and low on fuel. He was seriously considering using his parachute and jumping because he felt he could n't make a safe forced landing under the prevailing conditions. Suddenly there was a break in the clouds be neath him and he found himself directly over an airport. He quickly landed just as the weather closed in again. He was met by a group of people who seemed very agitated. It seems he spoiled the dedication of the new municipal air port at Lincoln with his unscheduled landing. The plan was to have Charles Lindbergh land there first and be the principal speaker at a formal dinner. After some grum bling, someone pOinted out that my grandfather, after all, was the first pilot to land there, so they might as well pro ceed with their dinner with Grandpa as the guest of honor. He sat at the head table in riding breeches and a leather jacket, surrounded by men in tuxedos. This is the best part-sometime in the course of the evening, lind bergh called with his regrets, saying that the weather was too bad for him to attempt the flight! There were many other stories, and I wish I could re member them all, but I cannot. My grandfather seemed indestructible, and as a little boy I was sure he would go on forever, so there would be time to learn the other sto ries later. I was involved in one, though, that I remember vividly. In the summer of 1964 we flew from his home in North Carolina to Knoxville, Tennessee, to have a radio repaired. The shop that did this work usually had some sort of old airplane parked on the ramp. I remember a Fairchild 24, and a Gullwing Stinson that I marveled at because of its great size and radial engine. This particular day was some thing of a turning point for me. After hearing all th ese
stories about open cockpit biplanes, I was about to see one for the first time. We walked into the hangar and there stood a Stearman. It was a crop duster painted bright yellow and it clearly worked hard for a living. It was nothing like the flaw足 less restored examples seen at air shows today. I think it was a case of love at first sight. I was enthralled, and circled the airplane several times. There it all was, the ra足 dial engine, polished landing and flying wires, taut fabric covering, windscreens, struts, and a distinctive smell I later would always associate with old airplanes. I was seven, and too little to see into the cockpit, so Grandpa picked me up. No one had made any effort to interior decorate it to resemble a car. It was as functional as a steam locomotive. There was a control stick, the first one I ever saw, and a throttle quadrant on the left. The steel tube structure was plainly visible and there was a helmet and goggles draped over the stick. He pointed all this out and then lowered me gently to the floor. I walked around the plane several more times and then asked Grandpa to pick me up again so I could see into the cockpit once more. He laughed and said, "I don't think it's changed in the last five minutes. Come on, let's go get a hamburger." We started to walk away, but I stopped in the open door for a last look and vowed that I would fly one myself one day. I never dreamt how much time and effort it would take to achieve that goal. In the meantime, these idyllic summers continued. Any kid worth his salt clamored for the end of the school year, but I did more than most, since it meant an immediate departure for the mountains and three months of almost daily flying. The town where my grandfather lived was Bryson City, North Carolina. His best friend was the town doctor, Harold L. Bacon, known universally as "Doc." Well, almost universally, since I was sternly lectured by Grandpa never to address him as anything other than Dr. Bacon. I'm sure he himself would足 n't have minded a bit had I called him "Doc" since he was a man of great warmth and dealt on easy terms with every level of the small town's social strata. He was a skilled pilot himself, almost exactly Grandpa's age, and shared many adventures with us on the ground and in the air. He did a lot to reinforce my love of flying. His enthusiasm for it was almost childlike. Grandpa and I would stop by his office in the early
afternoon to ask if he wanted to fly with us later that day. He would usually say, "Let's go right now!" and exit through a side door, leaving a waiting room filled with patients. I don't know if he ever knew this, but Dr. Bacon re ceived what was probably the greatest compliment my grandfather ever gave anyone. For decades, literally, we were strictly ordered by Grandpa never to fly with any other pilot. The only exception ever granted was airline travel. Very late in his life, Grandpa said he felt we would be perfectly safe flying with Dr. Bacon, the only time he conceded this about another pilot in almost 50 years of flying. As I said, he himself was cautious. Once in the early 1950s he took my father with him on a trip to Indianapolis in his Bonanza. They were returning and had nearly reached Toledo. There was some ap parent bad weather to the east between them and their destination of Cleveland. To my dad's unprac ticed eye it didn't appear all that threatening, and he was surprised when Grandpa briskly announced that he was aborting the flight and landing in Toledo. Dad turned to him and asked, "Can't you get through that?" His reply was priceless-"Maybe." He explained that he didn't see any point in subjecting them or the airplane to any unnecessary risk when he could easily get a ride to Toledo the next day to recover the aircraft. They took the bus home. I was too young to realize this wasn't going to last forever. As I was nearly old enough to begin formal fly ing lessons in earnest, his health began to fail. I was 22
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able to log several flights with him as a student, and I remember how serious and demanding he was as an in structor. He held himself to very high standards and expected me to meet them without hesitation, some thing I found very daunting as a youngster. It all ended abruptly when heart disease caused the permanent loss of his medical. For a time we deluded ourselves that his health would improve and we would continue as planned, but it didn't turn out that way. I see now that after so many years, the loss of his ability to fly must have broken his heart, although he never said so. He died very early on a morning in May when I was a sen ior in high school. That was another turning point. For the moment, I thought my involvement in flying was over. It was never inexpensive, and I was to start college in the fall. To put this in perspective, the airport in the town where I lived charged $12 an hour for dual in an Aeronca Champ that summer, while my college ex penses would be based on fees of $ 7 per credi t hour. Anyway, two unexpected things happened. First, we lived on acreage, and owned horses. I used our old Ford tractor to pull a wagonload of manure out into a field to dump it. I stood on top of the wagon, intent on what I was doing, and was startled when an ancient air plane materialized directly over my head. It was a heavily wire braced two-bay, open cockpit biplane with a long wingspan. It took no notice of me, but flew to the southeast at a low altitude and a slow airspeed. To this day, I'm not sure what it was, but it sure made me think. I watched it until it disappeared.
The thing that really did it was a chance remark from a co-worker. I worked for a greenhouse, an exten sion of a part-time job I held throughout high school. One of the women employed there, Esther, was in her early 20s. We were eating lunch together one day, and she mentioned she was going to learn how to skydive at an airport roughly 15 miles west of us in Grafton. Skydiving never interested me all that much, but she got my attention when she said there were two open cockpit biplanes based at the field. I asked her for more details, but she couldn't really provide any. She said that if I would pick her up that evening after she ate dinner and got cleaned up, she would be glad to ride out there with me and show me around. She was true to her word. Several hours later I found myself looking through a window into a hangar with two Stearmans. It was the first time I had seen one on the ground since the episode in Knoxville more than 10 years earlier. No one was around and there seemed to be no way of get ting a better look at the airplanes. Just then the property owner arrived, and Esther introduced us. After a brief conversation, he invited me back the following day when the men who owned the biplanes would be pres ent, and almost certainly fly them. He thought there was a pretty good chance one of them would give me a ride. Esther and I got in my car and started for home. Somehow I found the nerve to ask her if she would like to go to a movie with me and she eagerly said yes. So, I now found myself offiCially out on a date with this beautiful woman who was five years older than I. It had only been weeks since I graduated, but I suddenly felt very far from high school. When the next day dawned, it was beautiful and I lost no time driving to the airport where I quickly found Esther and walked with her over to the hangar. She was looking her best, and with her at my side, I had no trouble attracting the attention of the pilots, one of whom quickly asked me if my "girlfriend" would like a ride in the Stearman. To my chagrin, she smiled and announced that she certainly would and
was soon strapped in and trundling across the grass as the airplane maneuvered into position for takeoff. This was not exactly what I had in mind, but I thought I better be patient and see what developed. The air plane returned 20 minutes later. Esther got out, stood on the wingwalk for a moment thanking the pilot, and then jumped lightly to the ground. One of the men who helped her get into the airplane in the first place accompanied her as she approached me. He said to me, "If you'd like to go up, we'll be glad to take you for a ride." I very nonchalantly said yes, and walked to the airplane. After a rather perfunctory briefing, I was in the front cockpit, strapped in and ready to go. I wore a borrowed helmet and goggles and could hardly believe where I was. There were no headsets, so the airplane was much louder than I was used to, but I didn't mind. Finally, the preliminaries were over and it was time to fly. The engine accelerated to full power, and the airplane began to roll. The tail came up, and a moment later we were flying. The visibility from the open cockpit, the engine noise, the slipstream, the changing sound of the wind in the wires, all these things kind of overwhelmed me, but the experience exceeded my expectations, and I felt sure I saw Grandpa'S hand in it somehow. Continued next month ...
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Hayward, CA, VAA Ch. 29 Meeting 2nd Thurs., 7:00 PM Hayward Airport, Hangar #7 William Field, President Phone: 510-784-1168 Email: w(ield49@aol.com
Overland Park, KS, VAA Ch. 16 Meeting 3rd Fri., 7:00 PM Gardner Municipal Airport-Term Bldg. Gerald Gippner, President Phone: 913-764-8512
Riverside, CA, VAA Ch. 33 Meeting 3rd Sat., 1:00 PM Clubhouse at West end of Flabob Airport Jonathan Goldenbaum, President Phone: 909-360-6792
Sacramento, CA, VAA Ch. 25 Meeting 2nd Sat., 10:00 AM For Location Contact: Red Hamilton, President Phone: 707-964-7733 Email: red@reds-headers.com
FLORIDA Lakeland, FL, VAA Ch. 1 Meeting 2nd Sat., all day. For Location Contact: John Brewer, President Phone: 386-649-4020 Email: FSAACA@2ndamendment.net
ILLINOIS Lansing, IL, VAA Ch. 26 For Time & Location Contact: Peter Bayer, President Phone: 630-922-3387 Email: c180bayer@aol.com
New Iberia, LA, VAA Ch. 30 Meeting 1st Sun., 9:00 AM For Location Contact: Roland Denison, President Phone: 337-365-3047 Email: eaaac30@cox-internet.com
MASSACHUSETTS East Falmouth, MA, VAA Ch. 34 Meeting 2nd Sat., 10:00 AM For Location Contact: Roger McDowell, President Phone: 508-457-0506 Email: oakhous@aol.com
MICHIGAN Niles, MI, VAA Ch. 35 Meeting 2nd Sat., 10:00 AM Niles, MI (3TR) Term. Bldg. Kenneth Kasner, President Phone: 269-699-7064 Email: KKasner@skyenet.net
Auburn, IN, VAA Ch. 37 Meeting 4th Wed., 7:00 PM Dekalb Co. Airport Term. Bldg. Lester Matheson, President Phone: 260-693-3642 E-mail: les_matheson@hotmail.com
Albert Lea, MN, VAA Ch. 13 Meeting 4th Thurs., 7:30 PM Albert Lea MN Municipal Airport William Koza, President Phone: 507-373-9062 Email: bjkalmco@deskmedia.com
JUNE 2004
Plattsmouth, NE, VAA Ch. 31 Meeting 1st Sat., 10:30 AM Plattsmouth Airport Term Bldg. Keith Howard, President Phone: 402-291-2103 Email: howardkj@Worldnet.att.net
Tulsa, OK, VAA Ch. 10 Meeting 4th Thurs., 7:30 PM Hardesty Library Christopher McGuire, President Phone: 918-341-6798 E-mail: cmcguire@att.net
North Hampton, NH, VAA Ch. 15 Meeting 2nd Sat., 11:00 AM Hampton Airfield, hangar SW corner Joseph Dion, President Phone: 603-539-7168 Email: president@Vaa15.org Website: www.vaa15.org
Cross, SC, VAA Ch. 3 For Time & Location Contact: Morton Lester, President Phone: 252-638-8783
NEW JERSEY Andover, NJ, VAA Ch. 7 Meeting 1st Sun., 10:00 AM Andover Aeroflex Airport William Moore, President Phone: 908-236-6619 Email: popmoore@Webtv.com
OHIO Delaware, OH, VAA Ch. 27 Meeting 2nd Sat., 8:30 AM Delaware Municipal Airport (DLZ) Term. Bldg Roger Brown, President Phone: 740-965-9252 Troy, OH, VAA Ch. 36 Meeting 3rd Sun., Noon For Meeting Location Contact: Richard Amrhein, President Phone: 937-335-1444 Email: dickandpatti@aol.com
TEXAS Houston, TX, VAA Ch. 2 Meeting 4th Sun., 2:00 PM Dry Creek Airport Cypress, TX Merrill Morong, President Phone: 281-353-7004 E-mail: mcmorong@pdq.net
WISCONSIN Brookfield, WI, VAA Ch. 11 Meeting 1st Mon., 7:30 PM Capitol Airport George Meade, President Phone: 414-962-2428 Email: gameade@execpc.com How To START A VAA CHAPTER
It's easy to start a VAA Chapter! All you need to get started is five Vintage enthusiasts. Then, con足 tact the EAA Chapter Office at 920-426-4876, or at chapters@eaa.org to obtain an EAA Chapter Starter Kit. They h ave ways to h elp you contact all the Vintage m embers in your area, plus, they'll walk you th rough the New Chapter process. VI NTAGE AIRPLANE
DOUG STEWART "Your engine has just quit !" I an nounced to the pilot sitting to my left, as I reached to the throttle of the T-tailed Arrow we were flying, and pulled it back to idle. The pilot was a client who was working on his commercial certificate. I sat calmly in my seat as the pilot went through the appropriate checks. Estab lishing best glide speed, he turned to head towards the key point of the traffic pattern we were near. He then switched tanks, turned on the electric fuel pump, pushed the mixture control to full rich, and put on the alternate air. Arriving over the key point he then pushed the propeller control to flat pitch and entered a steep spiral. About 1,000 feet above the airport he broke off the spiral and continued downwind. So far, so good. Everything was looking great; we should be able to land right on the second centerline without any problem. But as we turned to the base leg, it became obvious that the wind was blowing a little harder than the pi lot thought, yet he did nothing to modify his track. Rather than angling towards the runway, he continued in a perfect per pendicular track to the centerline. With an engine running this would only re quire a little more power on final, but we were simulating an engine failure. Shortly before turning final the pilot selected gear down, and as the gear came down and three big holes in the form of wheel wells appeared at the bottom of the airplane, the drag and associated in creased sink were going to make things interesting. I prudently cleared the en gine ... just in case. The combination of head wind and high sink rate made making the runway uncertain. The pilot allowed the Arrow to drift to the right to avoid the spruce trees that were now blocking our way to the runway threshold. With about one hundred yards to go the pilot an 26
JUNE 2004
nounced: "Well, I guess we would've crashed as he reached to apply full power, and go around. At this pOint I pushed his hand away from the throt tle, pulled the propeller control all the way back, and then reached to the flap lever and applied all three notches of flaps. The airplane rose into the air about 20 feet (from the application of flaps) while leaping forward simultane ously towards the runway (from pulling the prop control to full coarse pitch). We landed on the runway, and al though we didn't land on the second centerline, we at least cleared the dis placed threshold. What I had just witnessed was the hazardous attitude of resignation. The pilot had done a commendable job of dealing with the simulated engine fail ure until he broke off the steep spiral. At that point he forgot to account for the wind and for the increased drag of the gear coming down, and as he turned final, realizing his mistake, he gave up. He stopped flying the airplane. I cannot help but wonder how many accidents occur in just such a manner, or worse how many accidents result in fatalities because the pilot resigned him/herself to fate? I question how many pilots fail to apply the antidote of ''I'm not helpless ... I can make a dif ference" when confronted with the attitude of resignation? I know that many pilots, if not all of us, would tell ourselves (and any others who might listen) that we would keep flying the airplane in an emergency until there was nothing left but a smoking hole. But the specter of speculation rises in my brain; for I have seen pilots who have made such declarations exhibit resignation on al most every flight they make. How many pilots revert to resigna tion whenever they have to land? They get within a few feet of the runway and II
then resign themselves to the outcome. As long as they can walk away and still use the airplane they consider it a great landing. To my observation they cer tainly stopped flying the airplane when they got close to the runway. At that point reSignation took over and they were content with the outcome as long as the aircraft remained on the runway and didn't get damaged. There are three steps to be taken in dealing with hazardous attitudes. The first step is to recognize that you have the attitude in the first place. The sec ond step is to learn the antidote to the attitude. The third, and most difficult step is to apply the antidote. Whereas most of us might very well "keep flying the airplane" until there is nothing left but a smoking hole, it becomes a little more difficult to "make a difference" when you've come down final a little too hot. Now as you float down the runway, slowly drifting to one side be cause of the crosswind, do not resign yourself to a sloppy landing. Keep fly ing! Get the windward wing down; kick in a little opposite rudder. Land on the windward main, then the leeward main. Or better yet, GO AROUND and be on target and on speed on the next approach. Make a difference! Hazardous attitudes are an insidious danger. They are difficult to recognize in the first place, and it is even harder, at times, to apply the proper antidote. Do ing so will go a long way in helping us make the transition from being just good pilots .. . to being GREAT pilots. I hope you are making the effort. I know I am. Doug flies a 1947 PA-12. He is the 2004 National Certificated Flight In structor of the Year. Visit his website: www.dsflight.com.
P.O. Box 424, UNION , IL 60180
Take the pledge Shoulder Harnesses! Back when EAA was not as large an organization as it is today, when Paul Poberezny had a handle on everything that went on, one of the blanks on the membership application was a shoulder harness pledge. As an EAA member you advocated the installation of shoul der harn esses in your airplane, be it a homebuilt or a standard airworthi ness airplane. Well, somewhere along the line, that pledge faded away. Was it the sticky wicket the FAA Airworthi ness Inspectors made about unauthorized in stallation of equipment, or did we just ignore the situation? Not too long ago, there was a loosening up of the regulations, and the instal lation of the sho uld er harness has now become a minor item, as far as docu menting it in the logs. You can go to your friendly supplier of seat belts and harnesses, buy a neat new set that comes comp lete with installation instructions, and have them put in the airplane, and all the airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanic has to do after the installation is a logbook entry. Pretty simple, eh? Sure, it'll cost a couple of bucks, but when you think about how the altimeter could make an imprint
on your forehead and how much it would take to erase that imp rin t after they fix your nose and fit you with new teeth, maybe that couple of bucks would be worth it.
While I was thinking about this subject, I talked to a retired FAA accident investigator. He told m e that during his tenure as an investigator, he saw more than 20, yes 20, accidents where the aircraft was repairab le, b ut both occupants died from head injuries when they smacked the panel. He
is adamantly in favor of the five point harness, stating that he had seen where victims had "sub marined" and slid out from under the seat belt and diagonal harness. High wing or low wing didn't seem to make any difference, nor did a padded instrument panel help. The incidents he spoke of were in both agri cu ltural spray planes and everyday trainers. The crash-proof survival-struc tured cockpits and the five-point harnesses in stalled in the ag planes came out way ahead, in his opinion. No argument will fore sta ll serious injury! There just isn't any excuse that can offset the benefit of sav in g you from getting hurt or dead. You can still reach th e controls, and once airborne and in cruise, you can loosen up the harness to where you're comfortable. Just cinch it up again when you enter the pattern for landing or if an emergency is looming. Let's get back to the "old days" and take the shoulder harness pledge. As the o ld saying goes, "The life yo u save may be your own!" 1_ If Over to you, (( ~t<CICVINTAGE AIRPLANE
28-0 shkosh, WI- Vintage Aircraft FLY-IN CALENDAR JULYAssociation Picnic during AirVenture 2004.
The following list of coming events is furnished to Ollr readers as a matter of information only and dues not coYlStitute approval, spoYlSorship, involve ment, control or direction ofany event (fly-in, sem inars, fly market, etc.) listed. To submit an event, send the information via mail to: Vintage Airplane, I~ O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Or e mail the information to: vintage@eaa .org. Information should be received four montlls prior to the event date. JUNE n-l3-Gainesville, TX- Gainesville Municipal Airport (GLE). Texas Ch. Antique Airplane Assoc. 41 st Annual Fly-In. Info: jim 817-468-1571. JUNE l2- Gh ent, NY- Klinekill Airport (NY1 ), EAA Ch. 146 Summer Fly-In Pancake Breakfas t, 8: 30 n oon, $5. Fly-in o r drive-in, all welcome. (Gas availabl e at Columbia County Airport, I BI.) Rain date 6/13 . Info : 518- 758-6355 or IVIVIV.eaa 146.org. JUNE l2-l3-Ft. Pierce, FL- St. Lucie County Int ' l Airport. First Annua l Wings ' n Wheels Air Show, presented by Victory Children 'S Home. Spectacular displays in the air and on the ground, fro m vintage to modern da y aircraft and military vehicles. A two-day entertainment eve nt for the who le family. 9am-5pm, $7 adults, $3 children. Info: 1-800-804-5445, o r wWIV.slclVi" gsa"dlVheels.col1l. JUNE l3-Nottingham, UK-Nottingham Tollerton Airport. Today's Pilot 2004 Fly-In. Sat evening party for earl y arrivals. Camping available. Info: 44 0 1780 755131 or Stephell.bridgewatel@keYP"blishing.col1l. JUNE l6-1S-Lock Ha ven, PA-19th Annual Sentimental j ourney to Cub Haven 2004. Fly in, drive in, camp. Info: 570-893-4200 or i2atb@kcl/et.org. June 17-20-Kn oxville, lA-Bellamy Field, (OXV). Ercoupe Owners Club 2004 National Convention. Info: Mike, 515-287-3840, ppcmike@hotmail.com. Full info at IVww.ercollpe.org under 2004 Conve ntion button. JUNE 17-20-Middletown, OH- (MWO) 12th Nat'l Aero nca Assoc. Convention. Air Force Museum and Aeronca plant tours. Aeronca aircraft judging and awards, Aeronca fomms, banquet with speak ers. All welcome. Info: 216-337-5643, or bIVllllltz 11ac@yahoo.com. JUNE 26-Gardner, KS-Gardner Municipal Airport (K34). Greater Kansas City Vintage Aircraft Fly-In. Enjoy vintage aircraft at the "Greatest Little Airport in Kansas!" Info: jeff, 81 6-363-635 1, iSllllens@kc.rr.colII. JUNE 26-Prosser, WA-EAA Ch. 39 1 Fly-In Breakfast. Info: 509-735-1 664 . JUNE 26-27- BowJing Green , OH-Wood Coun ty Airport (1 GO) Ch. 582 Plane Fun 2004. Young Eagles, pancake breakfasts, aircraft di splays, pilot forum s, antiques, warbirds, homebuilts, and auto displays. 9am-5pm both da ys. Info: j ohn, 41 9 666-0503, ibmcavoy@thevavz.com, or IVIVIV.eaIlS82.org. JULY 4-Mt. Morris, IL- Ogle County Airport (C55). Ogle County Pilots and EAA Ch. 682 Fl y-In Brea kfast. 7am -noon. Info: 815-732-7268. JULY l O-Gainesville, GA- (GVL) EAA Ch. 6 11 36th Annual Cracker Fly-In. 7:30 am Pancake Breakfast & Fly-In. judging in several categories, trophies, awa rds, rides, food & drinks. All da y fun for the entire famil y. Info: 770-53 1-0291 or IVIvw. eaa6 1l .org. JULY 17-Zanesville, OH- Parr Ai rport. EAA Ch. 425 Fly- In, Drive-In. 8 am pancake, sausage and egg breakfast. Lunch served 11 a m-2 pm . Info: 740 454-0003 JULY lS-Algona, lA- Algona Municipal Airpo rt. Algo na Pilots Association Fly-In . 6 am-I pm. Info: Dean 515-332-4012.
JUNE 2004
Wednesday evening. 'll1e tram will start taking peo ple from the Red Barn over to the Na ture Center at 5:30 pm. Tickets must be purchased in advance at the VAA Red Barn. Each yea r has been a sell-out, purchase your tickets as soon as you arrive on site! The meal will be catered by the same great cook as the past few years. Type Clubs may purchase tickets for their group and we will reserve ta bles for those clubs who wish to sit together. Info: Theresa Books, 920-420-6 110 or tbooks@eaa.urg. JULY 3D-Oshkosh, WI- US Moth Club Annual Dinner during AirVenture 2004. Pioneer Inn near Lake Winnebago . Cocktails 6:30 pm , dinner 7:30 pm . Directions distributed durin g Moth Forum Friday morning o r by email. Please RSVP to: Steve Betzler, sbetzleT@empirelevel.com. AUGUST l3-1S-Aliiance, OH- Allian ce-Barber Airport (201 ). 6th Annual Ohio Aero nca Aviato rs Fly-In. Breakfast Sat & Sun. 7-11am by EAA Ch . 82. Primitive camping o n fi eld, local lodging avail able. All welcome. Info : 216-337-5643, bIVmatzllac@yahoo.com, or IVwlV.oaafly-ill.com. AUGUST l4-Cadillac, MI- Wexford County Airport (CAD), Fly-ln/Drive-In Breakfast, EAA Ch. 678. Info: 231-779-8113, idpas/lllri@llOtmail. com. AUGUST 2l-Newark, OH- Newark-Heath Airport (VTA). EAA Ch. 402 Fly-In Breakfast. Info: Tom, 740-587-2312, tmc@alillk. colII. AUGUST 2l- Broomfield, CO-jefferson County Airport. 8th Annual j effCo Aviation Assoc. Fly-In , 7a m-noon. Trophies awarded in 9 cl asses. Drawing for a free fli ght in Dick jon es T-6. Info: Daril 303-4 23-984 6. AUGUST 22-Madison, WI- Blackha wk Airport (8 7Y). Brat & Bea n Feed. 11 am - 3 pm . Info: jim , zfli er@aol. colII. AUGUST 27-29-Mattoon, IL-Coles County Airpo rt (MTO). 2004 Luscombe Fly-In. Forum s, Luscombe judging, shower, camping, electrical hook-ups. $50 distan ce award. Info : j erry 2 17 234-8720. AUGUST 27-29-Sussex, Nj- Sussex Airsh ow. Experimentals, Ultralights, Warbirds. Info : 973 875-7337 or IVwIV.5l1ssexairportinc.com. AUGUST 28-Niles, MI- j erry Tyler Memorial Airport (3TR). VAA Ch . 35 will host its annual Corn and Sausage Roast, l1am-3pm. Coffee and donuts for early arrivals. Rain Date: 8/29. Info: Len, 269-684 6566 or tripacerlen@yahoo.colll . SEPTnlBER4-Marion, IN-14th Annual Fly-In Cruise In, Ma rio n Municipal Airpo rt. Event features antique, classic, contemporary, h omebuilt, ultra light, & warbird aircraft and vi ntage cars, trucks, mo to rcycles, and tractors. Pancake Breakfast. Info : raYiollllsoll@FlyIIlCnliselll. colII or IVlVw.Flyl"Cn,iselll. colII SEPTEMBER 4-Prosser, WA- EAA Ch . 39 1's 21 st Annual Labor Day Weekend Posser Fly-In. Info: 509-735-1664. SEPTnlBER 4-Zanesville, OH-Parr Airport. EAA Ch. 425 Fly-In, Drive-In . 8 am pancake, sausage, egg breakfast. Lunch served II am-2 p m. Info: 740 454-0003. SEPTnlBER 4-6--C1eveland, OH-Burke Lakefront Airport. 2004 Cleveland Na t'l Air Show. Exciting ai r shows and displays. Finish line for U.S. Air Race Inc's Nat'l Ai r Race and Ai r Cruise (CA to Cleveland) celebrating the 75th Annive rsary of Cleveland's Nat'l Air Races of 1929. Info: 2 16-781 0747 or wlvw.clevehmriairsllOlV.cOIII. SEPTnlBER 6-l2-Galesburg, IL-Galesburg Municipal Airport (GBG) 33rd Nat' l Stearman Fly- In. Everything Stearman! Fun and camaraderie. Aerobatic, formation, sho rt-field takeoff and spot-landing contests. Aircraft judging and awards. Technical seminars. Aircraft parts & sou venirs for sale. Dawn patrol and breakfast. Lunch-time f1 youts. Pizza party. US.O. show. Anual banquet. Info: Betty 309-343-6409, stearman@stearman(1yi".com, or
wlvw.stearmanflyin .com. SEPTnlBER n-12- Baypo rt, NY-B roo khave n Ca labro Airport. Annual Fly-In of the Antique Airplane Club of Greater New York. Awa rds fo r va ri ous categories, fl ea ma rket, hangar party. Info: Roy 63 1-589-03 74. SEPTEMBER l2-Mt. Morris, IL-Ogle County Airport (C55). Ogle County Pilo ts and EAA Ch. 682 Fly In Breakfast. 7am-noon . Info: 8 15-732-7268.
JUNE 18-20 Golden West EM Regional Ay-In Marysville, CA (MYV) www.goldenwestflyin,org
JUNE 26-27 Rocky Mountain EM Regional Fly-In Front Range Airport (FTG) Watkins, CO www.rmrfi.org
JULY 7·11 Northwest EM Fly-In Arlington, WA (AWO) www.nweaa.org
EM AirVenture Oshkosh
Oshkosh, WI (OSH)
Virginia State EM Fly-In
Petersburg, VA (PTS)
Southeast EM Regional Fly-In
Evergreen, AL (GZH)
Copperstate EM Regional Fly-In
Phoenix, AZ (A39)
www.copperstate.org SEPTnlBER lS-Ba rtlesville, O K-48th Annua l Tul sa Regio n a l Fly-In. Info : C harlie Harris 918 622-8400. SEPTnlBER l 8-Ghent, NY- KJin ekili Airport (NYI), EAA Ch . 146 Fall Fly-In Pancake Breakfast, 8:30 noon , $5. Fly-in or drive-in, all welcome. (Gas available at Colu mbia Coun ty Airport, lBI.) Ra in date 9/19. Info: 518-758-6355 or wIVIV.eaa l 46.org. SEPTEMBER lS-lS-Roc k Falls, IL-Whiteside County Airport (SQI). North Centra l EAA "Old Fashioned " Fly-In . Forums, workshops, fl y-mar ket, camping, awa rds, food & exhibitors. Fun for the entire fa mil y. Free admission for all. Sunday, Sept. 19th Super Country Breakfast. Pan cakes, h am, sausage, eggs, fruit cup, juice, coffee, and milk. In fo: wIVw.llceaa. OIg. SEPTEMBER 23-26-EI Ca jo n, CA-Gillespie Field . 22nd Annual West Coast Travel Air Reunion. Info: Harry, 619-583-0 75 8. SEPTEMBER 2S-Ha nover, IN-Lee Bottom Flyi ng Field (641 ). Wood, Fabri c, & Tailwheels Fl y-In. Th e name says it alL .come and see us, you'll be amazed how friendl y and laid back "our famil y" is. Food and camping ava ilable. A certified half fa st aircraft asylum (certifi cate # 1). Info: 812-866 3211 or IVIvw.leebottom.colII . SEPTnlBER 25-26-Nas hua, NH-Boire Field, adjacen t to the College. Da niel Webster College 2004 Aviation Heritage Festival. Ai rcraft, speakers, activi ties. Adult admission is $ 15, children 6-1 2 are $7, and children under 5 get free ad mission. SpeCial discounts for families, seniors, veterans, and groups. Info: 603-577-6625 or IVlvw.dwc.edu. OCTOBER l-3-Pottstown, PA-Pottstown Municipal Airport (N47), Bellanca-Champion Club East Coast Fly-In. Info: 518-731-6800, Robert@bellallca -cllll lllpiollc/lIb. colII , or IVww.bellanca-cllilmpiollclllh.com. OCTOBER 2-3-Midlan d, TX-Midland Int'l Airport, AIRSHO 2004, Commemo rative Air Force HQ. Info : 432-563-1 000, est. 223 1 or pllblicrelations@Cafl'q·org. \ OCTOBER l3-l7- Tulla hom a, TN-Beech Party 2004, A Bona nza. Sponsored by the Stagge rwing Museum Foundatio n, Twin Beech 18 SOciety, and Bona nza-Ba ro n Museum. Owners and enthusias ts welcome. Info: 93 1-455-1 974. NOVEMBER 4-Madison , WI-Blackhawk Airport (S7Y) . EAA Ch. 93 An n ual Chili Fly-In . 11 am 2:00 pm . Info: jim zflier(glaol. colll.
Something to buy, sell or trade?
June 11 - 13
Denver, CO
June 25-27
Griffin, (iA
• TIG Welding
Atlanta area
June 25-27
Lakeland, FL
• RV Assembly
Sun 'n Fun Campus
August 28- 29
Arlington, WA
• Introduction to Aircraft Building • Sheet Metal Basics • Composite Construction • Electrical Systems and Avion ics
September 10-12
Corona, CA
• RV Assembly
LA area
September 10-12
Griffin, (iA Atlanta area
• RV Assembly. TIG Welding
September 25-26
Denver, CO
• • • •
Introduction to Aircraft Building Sheet Metal Basics • Fabric Covering Composite Construction Electrical Systems and Avionics
Classified Word Ads : $5.50 per 10 words , 180 words maximum, with boldface lead-in on first line. Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2.167 inches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch. Black and white only, and no fre quency discounts. Advertising Closing Dates: 10th of second month prior to desired issue date (Le., January 10 is the closing date for the March issue). VAA re serves the right to reject any advertising in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insertion per is sue. Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via fax (920-426-4828) or e-mail (classads@eaa.org) using credit card payment (all cards accepted). Include name on card, complete address, type of card, card number, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EAA. Address ad vertising correspondence to EAA Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 BABBITT BEARING SERVICE - rod bearings, main bearings, bushin9s, master rods, valves, piston rings. Call us Toll Free 1/800/233-6934, e-mail ramremfg@aol.com Website www.ramengine.com VINTAGE ENGINE MACHINE WORKS, N. 604 FREYA ST., SPOKANE, WA 99202. Airplane T-Shirts
150 Different Airplanes Available
www.airplanetshirts.com 1-800-645-7739 THERE'S JUST NOTHING LIKE IT
www.aviation-giftshop.com A Website With The Pilot In Mind (and those who love airplanes) Warner engines. Two 165s, one fresh O.H., one low time on Fairchild 24 mount with all acces sories. Also Helton Lark and Aeronca C-3 project. Find my name and address in the Officers and Directors listing and call evenings. E. E. "Buck" Hilbert. Flying wires available. 1994 pricing. Visit www.f/yingwires.com or ca1iSOO-517-9278. For Sale - 1939 Spartan Executive, 3500TT, 10 SMOH. 214-354-6418. Sensenich Model 73 BR 44 with front plate Fits an Aeronca Sedan, etc. (wood), excellent condi tion, $600. McCauley 1B90CM70 40 prop, Maxwell record, experimental, $400. Don Ma cor, Phone/Fax 218-723-1126 - Duluth, MN LAWSON AIRCRAFT - Chapter 651, Green Bay, WI is in search of plans for the MT-2 Lawson Tractor trainer which was built in Green Bay, WI in 1918. 920-465-0083, E-mail: cncis/er@yahoo.com
5 Smithsonian pictures with fabric sample. Mu seum wood framed and matted. Picture 9x11 , frame 16x21 . CURTISS N.C.-4, BLERIOT XI, AL BATROS Ova., FOKKER EX, DOUGLAS WORLD CRUISER, $100 each, plus shipping. 952-997 6797, E-mail: Kundelini@aol.com VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Membership Services
EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086
Phone (920) 426-4800 Fax (920) 426-4873
Web Site: http://www.eaa.org and http://www.a irventure.org E-Mail: vintage @ eaa.org
OFFICERS President Espie "Butch" joyce 704 N. Regional Rd. Greensboro, NC 27409 336·668·3650
windsock@aoi.com Secretary
Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507·373·1674 stnes@deskmedia.com
George Daubner
EAA and Division Membership Services
2448 Lough Lane Hartford, Wl 53027
800-843-3612 ...... ...... FAX 920-426-6761 MDnday-Friday Csn (8:00 AM-7:00 PM • New/renew memberships: EAA, Divisions (Vintage Aircraft Association, lAC, Warbirds), National Association of Flight Instructors
Charles W. Harris
7215 East 46th St.
Tulsa, OK 74147
• Address changes • Merchandise sales • Gift memberships
DIRECTORS Steve Bender 85 Brush Hill Road Sherborn, MA 01770 508·653·7557
sst lO@comcast,net
David Bennett P.O. Box 1188 Roseville, CA 95678 916-645·8370
Jeannie Hill P.O. Box 328 Harvard, IL 60033·0328 815·943·7205 dinghao@owc.net
john Berendt 7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls, MN 55009 507·263·2414
Steve Krog 1002 Heather Ln. Hartford, WI 53027 262·966-7627
mj bfchld@rconnect,com
Robert C. "Bob" Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60620 773·779·2105 photopilot@aol.com
Robert D. " Bob" Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield, WI 53005 262·782-2633
Dave CJark
Gene Morris
5936 Steve Court
Roanoke, TX 76262
635 Vestal Lane Plainfield, IN 46168 317·839·4500 davecpd@iquest.net
Dean Richardson 1429 Kings Lynn Rd Stoughton, WI 53589 608·877·8485
Phil Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 269·624·6490
Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 260493·4724 chief7025@aol.com
Roger Gomoll 8891 Airport Rd, Box C2 Biaine, MN 55449 763·786-3342
EAA AirVenture Fax-On-Demand Directory · ... .... ............... ..... 732-885-6711 Auto Fuel STCs .. ............. 920-426-4843 Build/restore information .... . 920-426-4821 Chapters: locating/organizing. 920-426-4876 Education ............. ...... 888-322-3229 • EAA Air Academy • EAA Scholarships
EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associ ation, Inc. is $40 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is available for an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership. (Add $16 for Foreign Postage.)
AVIATION magazine nDt included). (Add $15 for Foreign Postage.)
Current EAA members may jDin the EAA War birds of America Division and receive WARBlRDS magazine for an additional $40 per year. EAA Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and one year membership in the Warbirds Divi VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION sio n is available for $50 per year (SPORT Current EAA members may join the Vintage AVIATION magaZine nDt included). (Add $7 for Aircraft Associaton and receive VINTAGE AIR Foreign Postage.) PLANE magazine for an additional $36 per year. EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE EAA SPORT PILOT magazine and Dne year membership in the EAA Current EAA members may add EAA SPORT Vintage Aircraft Association is available for $46 PILOT magazine for an additional $20 per year. per year (SPORT AVIATION magaZine not in EAA Membership and EAA SPORT PILOT cluded). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.) magazine is available for $40 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $16 lAC for Foreign Postage.) Current EAA members may join the Interna tional Aerobatic Club, Inc. Division and receive FOREIGN MEMBERSHIPS SPORT AEROBATICS magazine fDr an addi Please submit your remittance with a check or tiDnal $45 per year. draft drawn on a United States bank payable in EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS United States dollars. Add required Foreign magaZine and one year membership in the lAC Division is available for $55 per year (SPORT Postage amount for each membership.
S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, Wl 53213 414-771·1545 shschmid@milwpc.com
Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Osh.kosh, WI 54904 920-231·5002 GRCHA@Charter.net
EAA Aviation Foundation Artifact Donations ........... 920-426-4877 Financial Support ............ 800-236-1025
john S. Copeland 1A Deacon Street Northborough, MA 01532 508·393·4775 copeland l @juno.com
Programs and Activities
Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hills Dr. IndianapoUs, IN 46278 317·293·4430
Flight Advisors information ... . 920-426-6864 Flight Instructor infDrmation ... 920-426-6801 Flying Start Program ...... .... 920-426-6847 Library Services/Research .. .... 920-426-4848 Medical Questions ............ 920-426-6112 Technical Counselors ......... 920-426-6864 Young Eagles .... ............ 877-806-8902 Benefits AUA Vintage Insurance Plan .... 800-727-3823 EAA Aircraft Insurance Plan ... 866-647-4322 Term Life and Accidental ... ... 800-241-6103 Death Insurance (Harvey Watt & Company) Editorial .................... 920-426-4825
........................ FAX 920-426-4828
• Submitting article/photo • Advertising information
E.E. "Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 424 Union, IL 60180 815·923·4591 b7ac@mc.net
Membership dues to EAA and its divisions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions.
Copyright ©2004 by the EM Vintage Aircran Association
All rights reserved.
VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091·6943) IPM 40032445 is published and owned exclusively by the EM Vintage Aircran Association of the Experimental Aircran Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd .. P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903·3086. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to EM Vintage Aircran Association. P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903·3086. Return Canadian issues to Station A. PO Box 54. Windsor. ON N9A 6J5. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mail, ADVERTISING - Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLlCY: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. No renumeration is made. Material should be sent to: Editor. VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903·3086. Phone 920/426·4800. EM® and SPORT AVIATIO~, the EM Logo® and Aeronautica are registered trademarks, trademarks, and service marks of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. The use of these trademarks and service marks without the permission of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is strictly prohibited. The EM AVIATION FOUNDATION Logo is a trademark of the EM Aviation Foundation, Inc. The use of this trademark without the permission of the EM Aviation Foundation, Inc. is strictly prohibited. 1U
JUNE 2004
continued from page 3
which will be ratified at the annual business meeting held during EAA Air Venture Oshkosh 2004. Notice is hereby given that an annual business meeting of the members of the EAA Vintage Air craft Association will be held on Monday, August 2, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. COT in the tent next to the VAA Red Barn headquarters during the 51st an nual convention of the Experimental Aircraft Association Inc., Wittman Re gional Airport, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Notice is hereby further given that the annual election of officers and directors of the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association will be conducted by ballot distributed to the members along with this june is sue of Vintage Airplane. Said ballot must be returned properly marked to the Bal lot Tally Committee, Vintage Aircraft Association, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086, and received no later than july 22, 2004. The Nominating Committee submits the following list of candidates: for president, Geoff Robi son; for secretary, Steve Nesse; for directors (eight total), Steve Bender, jeannie L. Hill, Espie M. "Butch" joyce, john Berendt, Robert D. "Bob" Lumley, David A. Clark, Dean A. Richardson, Steven L. !<rog.
Rolls-Royce Sponsors National Aviation Heritage Invitational The National Aviation Heritage In vitational comes alive through the efforts of Rolls-Royce North America, the Smithsonian Institution's Na tional Air and Space Museum and the National Aviation Hall of Fame. The 2004 bi-annual competition begins with Eastern Regional at the Dayton Air Races and Air Show, Day ton, Ohio, on july 15-18, 2004, and the Western Regional on September 16-19,2004, in conjunction with the Reno Air Races, Reno, Nevada. The Invitational allows vintage and military aircraft owners and re storers to showcase the pinnacle of their hard work. Visitors walk away with a piece of times gone by in their hearts and minds as they admire the beautiful symbols of the past. Aircraft operators, restorers and owners of fully restored vintage aircraft in origi
nal flying condition can enter either Invi tational in one of three entry categories: Antique (early aircraft to 1935); Classic (post 1935); and Military (all warbirds). Each aircraft must be 45 years old, or older, to compete in the Invitational. En trants will compete to win first place in-category, the "People's Choice Award" by majority popular vote and the presti gious first -in-competition trophy, the Rolls-Royce Aviation Heritage Trophy. "Rolls-Royce is proud to recognize and honor the preservation of our nation's aviation treasures at the tWice-yearly Invitational," said james M. Guyette, president and CEO of Rolls-Royce North America. "This year, Rolls-Royce celebrates its own 100th year-98 of them in the United States and we plan to be a part of avi ation history for at least 100 more." "Through Rolls-Royce, the Smith sonian and the National Aviation Hall of Fame, our common goal is to preserve aviation history and bring together all the elements," said Ken Perich, vice president, market devel opment, Rolls-Royce North America. "These three great partners are all looking for the same thing-to pre serve our aviation heritage." Each year inductees from the Na tional Aviation Hall of Fame join sponsors in presenting the presti gious awards. Past presenters include Neil Armstrong, jim Lovell, Paul Tib bets and Bob Hoover. "When people come to see the air craft, they are seeing the finest examples of restoration in the coun try," said Perich. judges look at the detailed aspects of the aircraft, docu mentation and degree of difficulty in overall restoration. The winner of each invitational is presented with the extraordinary six foot Rolls-Royce Aviation Heritage Trophy. When not actually being pre sented, the impressive trophy is on display at the National Air and Space Museum's Udvar-Hazy Center, where the winner's name and the name of the restoration facility are engraved on a plaque placed on the trophy. For application information, visit www.heritagetrophy.org, or phone jen nifer Ratza at 703-621-2784.
Helio Couriers at AirVenture Fifty years ago, Helio aircraft serial number 001 rolled off the production line at Bedford, Massachusetts. Over the years the Helio has claimed its own place in aviation history! It was the Harrier jet of its day. It remains one the safest aircraft ever built. And the lore surrounding it is as interesting as the plane itself. It served with distinction in the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force and also made a name as one of the premier mission airplanes. We will be celebrating the anniver sary with owners from around the U.S. and many who are well known in the Helio community, including the own ers of the Helio Aircraft Company, our friends from jAARS Inc. and others. At AirVenture Oshkosh 2004 there will be seminars on STOL flying and proper aircraft maintenance from the leading experts. The airplanes will be parked in the Type Club parking area, just to the south of the Hangar Cafe. For more information and a sched ule of events visit www.heliocourier.net. or call 704-523-0791.
Notice of Annual Business Meeting In accordance with the Fourth Restated Bylaws of the Experimental Aircraft Associ ation Inc., notice is hereby given that the Annual Business Meeting of the members will be held at the Theater in the Woods on Sunday, August 1, 2004, at 1 p.m. at the 52nd Annual Convention of the Experimen tal Aircraft Association, Inc., Wittman Airport, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Notice is further given that the election will be held as the first item on the agenda at the Business Meeting. Five Class III Di rectors (three-year terms) and one Class IV Director (three-year term; who resides within 50 miles of Oshkosh) shall be elected. In accordance with the Fourth Re stated Bylaws of the Experimental Aircraft Association Inc., the Nominating Commit tee has submitted the following candidates: Class 1/1 Curt Drumm Susan Dusenbury Bill Eickhoff Bob Gyllenswan Vern Raburn Barry Valentine Class IV Louie Andrew Curt Drumm
Alan Shackleton, Secretary, EAA Board of Directors VINTAGE AIRPLANE
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