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AG VOL. 34, NO. 6

E 2006






Straight & Level by Geoff Robison


VAA News




Sun 'n Fun Judging Results


Big Nick's Scrapbook Matty Laird's work for Roscoe Turner by Jim Rezich


Under the Wing, In the Shade-Sun 'n Fun 2006 Ca lling all Stearmans and Stinsons, Pipers and Fairchilds, Moths, Wacos, and more by Spa rky Barnes Sargent


Pass It to Buck Turnbuckles by Buck Hilbert


VAA AirVenture Map & Guide


The Vintage Instructor Who's in charge here? by Doug Stewart


Restoration Corner Fa mily involvement by Art Morgan


The Trella T-I06 A thoroughly modern pusher from 1949 by Robert F. Pauley


Mystery Plane by H.G . Frautschy




Classified Ads


FRONT COVER: A sandy Gulf of Mexico island. calm seas, and a beautiful biplane; what more cou ld an antique-airplane buff desire? This is John Corradi and his 1942 Waco ZPF-7, which he enjoys flying both at the Flying Circus Aerodrome in Bealeton, Virginia, and as part of his very own com­ pany, Blue Ridge Bipl anes . For more information, contact him at or check out the website at EAA photo by EM's chief photographer, Jim Koepnick; EM Cessna 210 photo plane flown by Bruce Moore. BACK COVER: Randall Mytar of Sherman Oaks, California, is the artist who created the watercolor painting depicting an American Airlines Ford Tri-Motor, titled " Father's First Flight. " Entered in the 2006 EM Sport Aviation Art Competition, the jury selected it to receive an Honorable Mention rib­ bon in the Open category. Randall tells us the painting is available for sale, as are a very limited set of prints. You can contact him at 818-789-7719 or e-mail

STAFF EAA Publisher EAA Editor·in·Chief Executive Director/Editor Administrative Assistant Managing Editor ews Edi tor Photography

Tom Poberezny Scott Spangler H.G. Frautschy Jennifer Lehl Kath leen Witman Ric Reynolds Jim Koepnick Bonnie Bartel Advertising Coordinator Sue Anderson Classified Ad Coordinator Louise Schoenike Copy Editor Colleen Walsh Director of Advertising Katrina Bradshaw Display Advertising Representatives:

Northeast: Allen Murray Phone 609·265· 1666. FAX 609-265-1661. e-mail: Southeast: Chester Baum gartner Phone 727-573-0586, FAX 727-556-01 77, e-mail : (/mum /// Central: Todd Reese Phone 800-444-9932, FAX 8 t 6-74 t -6458. e-mail: Mountain & Pacific: Keith Knowlton &. Associates Phone 770-5] 6·2743, e-mail:


California dreamin' and

input from our members

With April showers hitting the Midwest pretty hard the first couple of weeks in May, I was fortunate to find myself on the West Coast where the weather was delightful and the vintage spirit was found to be very much alive and well, not to mention exciting. It's now mid-May, and at this particular moment in time I am awaiting a flight out of Oakland, Cali­ fornia, to catch up with the rain that is still coming down back home in the Midwest and on the East Coast. My time on the B-17 tour has al­ lowed me the opportunity to visit with a number of my vintage air­ plane friends all over the country. Old friends, and some now-new friends, in the Hayward, Sonoma/Schell ville, and Napa area really rolled out the welcome mat for me, and a good time was had by all. As a lot of you are aware, this area of the country is absolutely rich with old flying machines. In the more than two weeks I spent in Califor­ nia, I bet I poked my nose into more than three dozen hangars contain­ ing a multitude of restoration proj ­ ects and plenty of truly gorgeous finished aircraft. There's a lot to be said about flying around in a vintage aircraft, but to be doing it in this area of California was a wonderful treat as the country­ side is absolutely beautiful. Another plus of visiting so many wonderful vintage enthusiasts on this trip was

having the opportunity to speak one­ on-one with many of these folks and responding to the many questions and concerns that have been raised with EAA and VANs ideas on address­ ing the aging aircraft issue.

. . . this area of th e country is absolutely rich with old flying m achines. I really enjoyed the opportunity to partake in personal discussions with so many people in the vintage com­ munity here in California, many of whom are mostly supportive of this initiative. The opportunity to ad­ dress their questions face-to-face re­ ally goes a long way toward having them understand the true intent of this initiative. A continual grassroots concern that nearly always gets raised is really an issue of trust. In my mind, this is one of the largest selling points to the vintage community. Initiatives of this sort are somewhat technical in nature, and a good number of people are telling me we should leave well enough alone and be careful of what we wish for.

My response has been that we truly realize we are on somewhat of a slip­ pery slope and that we know a fair number of folks are concerned that excessive change in the world of re­ storing and maintaining old aircraft could prove to be detrimental if the changes are not carefully formulated . I have been telling everyone to keep in mind the EAA and VAA have yet to formulate anything even close to a fi­ nal draft of what our proposal would eventually look like. That's why con­ structive comments from and dialog with the membership is so beneficial. Any time you deal with the federal government, especially on the regu­ latory side of the house, it must be done within an environment of mu­ tual trust. Presently, we at EAA and VAA strongly believe that such an en­ vironment does exist and, in fact, has never been better between the FAA and EAA. Now is truly the time to ex­ plore this issue further, and then and only then can we present a proposal that best suits and represents the en­ tire vintage aircraft community. The annual trek to EAA AirVen­ ture Oshkosh is again sneaking up on us. For those of us at the VAA, a lot of the final planning is now beginning to come together. I can assure you it is going to be yet an­ other banner year for us all. Front and center in the Vintage area will be the historic aircraft of the Ameri­ continued on page 35





Share the gift of flight on

International Young Eagles Day EAA Young Eagles' biggest day of the year is nearly here! Thousands of young people from throughout the world will take to the sky on Saturday, June 10, for the 13th annual EAA International Young Eagles Day (IYEO). More than 80,000 volunteers have supported the program, including 40,000 pilots, among them current program chairman, actor, and aviator Har­ rison Ford, who has personally flown 200 Young Eagles. Young Eagles coordinators, remember to report back to Young Eagles head­ quarters about your IYEO flight rally at

Register Your Type Club Gathering Online Is your type club having a dinner and/or meeting this year during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh? Send the details to EAA, and we'll share the informa­ tion with the membership on the EAA website,, and later, for folks on convention grounds, in the daily AirVenture Today news­ paper. Visit airventure/type_clubs.html, complete the online form, and that's it!

VAA Happenings at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2006 VAA Picnic

Our annual VAA picnic will be held on Wednesday, July 26, at the Nature Ce nter. Trams will depart the Red Barn around 5:00 p.m . The home­ cooked beef and ham dinner will start 2

JUNE 2006

being served at 5:30 p.m. Tickets for the event will be available, as usual, at the VAA Red Barn. If your group or type club is interested in purchasing a block of tickets, please contact Jean­ nie Hill as soon as possible. If noti­ fied, we will gladly reserve an area for your group at the picnic. These tick­ ets sell out, so please let us know your intentions as early as possible. Shawano Fly-Out

The annual fly-out to Shawano will take place on Saturday, July 29. The sign-up sheet will be at the desk in the Red Barn. The briefing will take place Saturday at 7:00 a.m. on the porch of the Red Barn. Last year we had great weather and record attendance, and everyone had a great time. The city of Shawano really goes out of its way to make us feel welcome. We hope you can join us.

Other Great Stuff While you're at the Red Barn, don't forget to check out our Pio­ neer video corner, where we'll have our original Pioneer videos playing throughout the week. Through these videos, we can re­ visit the aviation greats who are no longer able to be with us. Pilots attending with their aircraft can pick up complimentary mugs and plaques at the Red Barn. Coffee mugs are available to all EAA pilots, but you must also be a member of VAA to receive a personalized com­ memorative plaque. We will once again offer the Red Carpet van service to our members who need assistance getting around the field. This service is intended to aid those who have trouble walk­ ing or who need to carry heavy ob­ jects, such as luggage, camping gear, or materials, to the forums or other outlying areas. This service is avail­ able only on the Wittman airport grounds. To arrange transportation, stop at the desk at the Red Barn or call the Red Barn at 920-230-7796. If you don't require van service, we can also connect you to a golf cart transportation service available on the field. To add to your transporta­ tion options, trams will be depart­ ing daily from the north side of the Red Barn. With all of these avenues available, getting around the field will be easier than ever. It's a good idea to check in at the Red Barn on a regular basis. Message/information boards change daily, and frequent announcements are made reminding everyone of up-and-coming events. While you're there, stop in for a cup of lemonade and some fresh, hot popcorn . Don't forget , the VAA Red Barn is also your hospitality center. We always enjoy it when folks just stop by to say hello and sit a spell. It's a great place to catch up with all your VAA friends. We look forward to seeing you soon. continlled on page 32

Antique Homebuilt Glider I am looking for information or photos of homebuilt gliders that were being built during the time frame of 1927 through 1928. The students at Clemson A & M College there at Clemson , South Carolina, built a glider and flew it a number of times, but I have not been able to find even a picture or other details about it. It is said that it took about three months to build it in a wood shop. The students also built a small aircraft similar to the Heath Parasol and flew it in 1929. I have pictures of it. Any information appreciated, Otha H. "Skeet" VaughanJr. 10102 Westleigh Dr. Huntsville, AL 35803

Hangar Fires When I received my March 2006 issue of Vintage Airplane and read the article by Glenn Scott, it brought back unpleasant memories of another hangar fire in 1992 that severely damaged my 1948 Stinson Station Wagon . My airplane had been purchased in 1975, restored in 1976-1978, and in 1981 I flew it to Oshkosh and took home the award for Outstanding Stinson. I was quite proud to own and fly such a beautiful airplane, and I kept it in immaculate condition. Unfortunately, in December of 1992 the rented hangar it was in caught fire, and the airplane had the fabric melted off the wings and top of the fuselage. Because the cabin had been insulated with 1 inch of foam to try and reduce the noise level (unsuccessfully, I might add), the fire did not get into the cabin, and except for the headliner, I was able to salvage the interior. Next to my Stinson a beautiful Starduster Too was reduced to something similar to Mr. Scott's airplane. It had been covered with polyester and finished with butyrate

dope, and it practically vanished. The fire had started in a closed-in bay at the end of a five-bay T-hangar. The middle three bays were open to each other and contained my Stinson, the Starduster, and a set of homebuilt wings that a local homebuilder had on sawhorses. The end bay had been a maintenance bay in the past and contained shelves full of paint cans, etc. Also in that bay were two old cars and two old motorcycles. No airplane. There were combustibles everywhere. At the time the firemen arrived the airport owner's son was trying to reach in and cut the chains to slide the doors open in front of my Stinson, but the firemen ran him off with the statement that it was their fire now. Unfortunately, the man-access door was down near the fire, and there was no other way to get the hangar door open. The firemen made no attempt to open the door until the fire was out. I got to the airport just as they pulled my smoking airplane out. It was a sickening sight, but I told the local reporter that the old girl would fly again. I was fortunate to have used the Stits Aerothane finish on the plane

because at that time I believe it was the only coating that could be used on both the fabric and the metal. I did not want a two-tone airplane five years down the road. The Aerothane was truly flame-resistant, which saved the airplane from total destruction. The structural damage was limited to the wings and the vertical tail surfaces, and these were scrapped and replaced with parts from other airplanes. The state police fire marshals were not able to pinpoint the cause of the fire, but I learn ed a bitter lesson .about rented hangars. Specifically, be aware of who and what are in the adjoining hangar spaces. Keep after the manager or owner of the airport to adopt rules limiting what can be stored in an airplane hangar, and be vigilant in seeing that those rules are enforced. Renters should not accumulate piles of flammables or lumber or boats around their airplanes. Fuel in cans in the hangars should not be allowed. In the case of auto fuel users, the cans should be dumped immediately into the plane's tanks and the cans removed, as I do. Heaters should only continued on page 34




P.O. Box 3086 WI 54903-3086





' N


-CLASSIC足 ( BUILT 9/1/45 - 12/31/55 )


-CONTEMPORARY足 (1/1/56 TO 12/31/67)



1963 Beech H18

Steve W. Ox man

Riva, Maryland



1957 Cessna 180

Jason]. Grieff

Sarasota, Florida



1956 D-50 Twin Bonanza

John R. Carter

Gainesville, Georgia


N8704P 1965 Piper PA-24-260 Tracey L. Potter Hagerstown, Maryland BEST CUSTOM NOT AWARDED IN 2006

NC83739 1946 Aeronca 7AC Champ

Leo Roberson

Williamson, Georgia


N3214C 1954 Beechcraft Bonanza E-35 Jeff Deaton Morehead City, North Carolina BEST CUSTOM CLASSIC 0-100 HP


1946 Aeronca llAC

William G. McCranie

Stone Mountain, Georgia


N2592 1946 Piper PA-12 Scott & Sharon Haggenmacher Jonesboro, Arkansas OUTSTANDING CLASSIC AIRCRAFT


1955 Mooney M-18C

Keith Mackey

Ocala, Florida



1946 Piper J3C-65 Cub

Ray Cook

Spring Grove, Illinois



1946 Globe Swift

Will Roberson

Cookeville, Tennessee



JUNE 2006



NC488W 1931 Stearman SpeedmailJr. 4E Todd Stuart Key West, Florida RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION



Jerry Wenger

Owatonna, Minnesota



1944 Stinson V-77 AT-19

Don Henley

Sulphur Rock Arkansas



1942 Boeing Stearman 75

Brian Launder

Tulsa, Oklahoma



1931 Waco QVF-2


Owatonna, Minnesota


N17334 1937 Douglas DC-3 Flagship Detroit Foundation Shelbyville, Tennessee

Friends of the Red Barn Campaign

Many services are provided to vintage aircraft en ­ thusiasts at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. From parking airplanes to feed ing people at the Tall Pines Cafe and Red Barn, more than 400 volunteers do it all. Some may ask, " If volunteers are providing the services, where is the expen se?" Glad you asked. The scooters for the flightline crew need repair and batteries, and the Red Barn needs paint, new windowsills, updated wiring, and other sundry repairs, plus we love to care for our volunteers with special recogn ition caps and a pizza party. The list really could go on and on, but no matter h ow many expenses we can point out, the need remain s constant. The Friends of the Red Barn fund helps pay for the VAA expenses at EAA AirVenture, and is a cru­ cial part of the Vintage Aircraft Association budget. Please help the VAA and our 400-plus dedicated volunteers make th is an unforgettable experience for our many EAA AirVenture guests. We've made it even more fun to give th is year, with more giving levels to fit each person's budget, and more interesting activi­ ties for donors to be a part of. Thank·You Items by Level

Name lisled: I1ltage, Web &~ aIRed Ban

Donor Appreciation Certificate

Access to VoImteer Center

Special FORB Badge

Your contribution now really does make a differ­ ence. There are six levels of gifts and gift recogn ition. Th ank you for wh atever you can do. Here are some of the many activities the Friends of the Red Barn fu nd underwrites: • Red Barn Information Desk Supplies

• Participant Plaques and Supplies • Toni's Red Carpet Express Repairs and Radios • Caps for VAA Volunteers • Pizza Party for VAA Volunteers • Hightline Parking Scooters and Supplies • Breakfast for Past Grand Champions • Volunteer Booth Administrative Supplies • Membership Booth Administrative Supplies • Signs Throughout the Vintage Area • Red Barn and Other Buildings' Maintenance • And More!

Two Passes to VAA Volunteer Party

Special FORB Cap

Breakfast at Tan Pines Cafe

Tn-Motor Ride Certificate

Two Tidlels to VAA Picnic

Close Auto Parking

Diamond, $1,000







2Pttt>Ie/F,j 1\\



FuB Week

Platilll11, $750







2P"llielful 1\\



2 Days

Cold, $500









Silver, $250







Bronze, $100





Loyal Supporter, $99



& Under

VAA Friends of the Red Barn Name_____________________________________________________EAA#________ VAA#________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip,_______________________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________E-Mail____________________________________ Please choose your level of participation: ___ Diamond Level Gift - $1,000.00 ___ Silver Level Gift - $250.00 ___ Platinum Level Gift - $750.00 ___ Bronze Level Gift - $100.00 ___ Gold Level Gift - $500.00 ___ Loyal Supporter Gift - ($99.00 or under) Your Support $ _ _ o Payment Enclosed (Make checks payable to Vintage Aircraft Assoc.) .---M-a-j-I-y-o-u-r-c-o- n- t-r-jb-u-tj-o-n-to-:----. o Please Charge my credit card (below) Credit Card Number ________________________ Expiration Date ______ Signa ture___________________________________


*00 you or your spouse work for a matching gift company? If so, this gift may qualify for

a matching donation. Please ask your Human Resources department for the appropriate form.

NameofCompany ______________________________________________________

The Vintage Aircraft Association is a non-profit educational organization under IRS SOIc3 rules. Under Federal Law, the deduction from Federal Income tax for charitable contributions is limited to the amount by which any money (and the value ofany property other than money) contributed exceeds tile value of tile goods or services provided in exchange for the contriblltioll. An appropriate receipt acknowledging YOllr gift will be sent to you for IRS gift reporting reasons.



Matty Laird's work for Roscoe Turner


Here are a few Laird factory photos from Big Nick's scrapbook we thought you'd enjoy. To my knowledge, most of these photos have not been pub­ lished before. Here is Roscoe Turner's Wedell-Williams undergo­ ing repairs in the spring of 1937. The fixes were necessary after Turner's forced landing in New Mexico while he was on his way to New York for the start of the Bendix Trophy Race in the late summer of 1936. This is a fonner airtine repair ga­ rage at 59th and Cicero, just east and a little south of Chicago Municipal Air­ port (now Midway airport). The gentleman in the shirt and tie is Matty Laird. 6

JUNE 2006

Nick Rezich took these photos during the assembly of Roscoe Turn­ er's racing airplane. He and younger brother Frank rode t heir bicycles from the family home at 6424 South

Laporte St. to 59 th and Cicero on the southwest side of Chicago(about three-fourths of a mile) to see the air­ plane's progress and to get a glimpse of Turner himself.

Lead Photo: Here are Roscoe's two ships ready to go on the Muni ramp. It's hard to see in the photo, but the typical Laird finish shows the reflection of the magnificent bumped cowl in the top of the smooth plywood wing on the Wedell-Williams. After placing a disappointing third in the 1937 Thompson with his new Laird-Turner racer, Roscoe went on to win back-to足 back victories in '38 and '39 with the LTR-14. The '39 race was won with a speed of 282.536 mph, and the prize money wasn't too bad either; Turner won a check for $16,000. When he won the 1934 Thompson, the check was for $4,500.

You can really see the short 26-foot wingspan and immense size of the 550-hp Pratt & Whitney Hornet engine in this rear view of the Wedell.

From this angie, you can see the railroad in the ba(:k21tound.

remembers Roscoe standing on a flatbed rallrcataind!lu...,evin2'

progress on his famous racer. You can also see the

Hamilton Standard propeller in this shot, as well as



The completed airplane on the ramp in front of Air Associates at Chicago Municipal Airport. Remember, the airport wasn't renamed Midway until after World War II. It was commonly referred to as just "Muni." These photos were taken in the summer of 1937.

This dead路on profile shot shows how short the engine mount on the Hornet was. Also in the background, you can see the Laird路Turner LTR路14 Meteor, without its wheelpants. With his new Laird rarin' to go, Roscoe lent the Wedell racer, No. 44, to Joe Mackey in 1937, '38, and '39. After winning the Thompson Trophy Race in 1934 (at a speed of 248.129 mph), the Number 44 racer never placed higher than third after its rebuild. That was no reflection on the outstanding job Laird's workers had bestowed on the Wedell-Williams. The evolution of the air racer had simply passed it by. ~ 8

JUNE 2006

VnJe'r the Wing,

In the ~h9Je~

~tln 'n ftln 2e€).~: Calling all Stearmans and Stinsons, Pipers and Fairchilds,

Moths, Wacos, and more



the class roll had been called for vintage aircraft this past April, the list would have been a long one, beginning with Aeronca and end­ ing at Waco. For example, members of the Stinson family ranged from a Sta­ tion Wagon and Gullwing to a Junior and Trimotor; Pipers were well repre­ sented with the Cub, Vagabond, and Pacer; and Cessna's lineage was fun to behold, from the Airmaster and the Bamboo Bomber to the ever popu­ lar 170. At least half a dozen Waco biplanes commanded a presence on

Piper Cubs

the field, including the QCF, YKC, YPF, and SRE. And if Al Mooney had been around to take a stroll down the flightline, he just might have chuck­ led upon seeing two of his tiny Mites tied down shoulder-to-shoulder with two of Ben Howard's towering DGAs. But let's not leave the human ele­ ment out of this roll call, for as Air­ master owner and pilot Bob Jenkins Sf. summed it up, "I don't know which is the most enjoyable, the air­ planes or the gathering of friends ." It would be nigh on impossible to in­ clude every pilot, owner, and airplane

ca. out in numbers to participate in the 7f1l' anniversary of the Cub Convoy.

on these pages, but we'd like to share just a few highlights from conversa­ tions held with pilots and owners un­ der the wing, and in the shade.

North Carolina and Horida Fairchilds The early morning sun bathed Pat McAlee's Ranger-powered Fairchild 24 in its warm glow, slowly evaporat­ ing the beads of evening dew on its glossy red-and-cream-colored finish coat. The 1940 flying machine looked like it might just have come out of restoration right before the show-

Eddie Hoffman of Tarpon Springs, Rorida, with his 1946 Warnerpowered Fairchild 24_

lars de Jounge of Vero Beach, Florida, with his 1941 de Havilland Tiger Moth.

Newly minted private pilot Bob Jenkins Jr. with the Piper J-3 Cub he and his father restored.

Pat McAlee of Belews Creek, North Carolina, and his 1940 Rangerpowered Fairchild 24.

instead of 29 years ago . McAlee de­ parted from his home base at Shiloh Airport, North Carolina, a few days prior to the show, and his flight took five hours and 45 minutes, plus one fuel stop, before he joined light traffic in the pattern and landed on the field on Sunday. And there was another Fairch­ ild on the flightline as we ll. VAA member Eddie Hoffman of Tarpon Springs, Florida, had tucked his one­ man tent neatly behind the wing of his 1946 Warner-powered Fairchild 24. Hoffman bought his Fairchild on Valentine's Day in 1996 and flew it home from Chico, California. Remi­ niscing about that adventure, Hoff­ man smiled spontaneously and said, li lt was the trip of my life; it was so much fun. One of my favorite parts of the flight was in the late afternoon in west Texas, when we were flying along and watching the shadow of the Fairchild dancing on the orange­ yellow buttes."


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-Bob Jenkins Sr. Hoffman also enjoys flying the unique all-wood aircraft his father be­ gan designi ng an d building as early as 1959. These airplanes are cher­ ished me m be rs of t h e family, and their na m es reveal distinctive per­ sonalities: Sweet Patootie (landplane), Lil ' Orphan Annie (strict ly a water plane and always an orphan at fly-

in time), Th e Girlfriend (single-place landplane), and The Seabird (a biplane flying boat) . This year, Hoffman flew one of them, a 1980 amphibian called the Mullet Skiff, to Sun 'n Fun in addi­ tion to his Fairchild.

Georgia Cub, New York Pacer, and Ohio Vagabond Among the first to arrive for the fly­ in this year was VAA member Doug Cartledge. He was spied emerging from his tent and ducking below the wing of a smart-looking 1948 Piper PA-15 Vagabond as he arose early one sunny morning in the Vintage area. Cartledge was all smiles as he described his good fortune of being able to fly the Vagabond from Ohio to Florida, at the behest of owner Dave Satina . Cartledge landed at Lakeland after log­ ging 12 hours on the trip and discov­ ered that only he and Stinson Station Wagon owner Bob Kendall of Califor­ nia were keeping the flightline warm

Dan Vandenneer of Lake Ridge Airpark, North Carolina, journeyed to Sun 'n Fun with Robert Szego in Szego's 1973 Citabria.

Pilot Doug Cartledge with owner Dave Sa· tina's 1948 Piper Vagabond, which Cart· ledge flew from Ohio to Lakeland.

Wolfgang Buergel of East Aurora, New York, with his 1950 Piper PA·20 Pacer.

Tom and Elaine Huf with their Bumblebee, a 1944 Jacobs·powered Cessna Bamboo Bomber.

that Wednesday before the show. Cartledge figured he had an extra day or so, and it was the perfect op­ portunity to satisfy his hankering to fly all the way down to Key West. So up and away he went, after camping on the field one night, for his second cross-country adventure in the little airplane. His roundtrip flight took 10 hours of flying time, and he returned to Lakeland in time to claim a front­ row tie-down spot for the duration of the show. With a happy grin, Cartledge explained his attraction to the fly-in by saying, "Some people go to the ocean to relax and watch the waves, but I come here to relax by watching the air­ planes coming and going." Sun 'n Fun 2006 was an especially memorable occasion for Bob Jenkins Jr. lt was more than the fact that he earned his pilot certificate only three months prior to the fly-in and that it was his first long solo cross-country away from his home base in Rome, Georgia. He was flying a Piper J-3 Cub he and his father personally brought back to life . And sitting one row be­ hind the Cub was his father 's 1938 Cessna Airmaster. ''It's kind of neat, having two planes here at the same time," JenkinsJr. said with a smile. Although Jenkins Jr. literally grew up under the wing of his father 's Stinson Junior, his personal interest in flying began in earnest just a few years ago when he became intrigued by a Cub he and his dad saw at the Rome airport. Father and son were soon busy restoring a Cub Jenkins Sr. had kept in his hangar for nearly two decades. "We worked in rhythm

with each other and didn't even have to talk much," said Jenkins Jr. with contagious enthusiasm, adding, '' It was like each of us had another set of hands, we were so synchronized. Nine months later, the Cub was fin­ ished and we were flying it. After I earned my certificate, Dad suggested I fly the Cub to Sun 'n Fun, and it was a great flight down here." Pilots with varying levels of experi­ ence were easy to find along the flight­ line, from the newly minted to those who have been flying for 40 years or more. Wolfgang Buergel (EAA 30479) of East Aurora, New York, was enjoy­ ing a cup of coffee early one morning below the wing of his loyal 1950 Piper PA-20 Pacer. He flew it to Lakeland in only eight hours, with a little help from a friendly tail wind. Buergel, a longtime flight instructor specializing in tailwheel training, describes himself as an ordinary country pilot and a fair­ weather flier, who started out building model airplanes as a young boy. He explained, "The Pacer is my second airplane ever, and I've owned it for 37 years. I still have my first one, too­ an Aeronca Champ that I bought in 1968. I got the Pacer in bushel baskets, and I covered it with grade A cotton and finished it with Randolph butyr­ ate in 1970." He flies to Sun 'n Fun every year, weather permitting, so he can enjoy immersing himself in noth­ ing but airplanes for the week.

Pennsylvania Bamboo Bomber EAA members Tom and Elaine Huf shared the flying on their trip down VIN TA GE AIR PLANE


Mike Truschel of Nokesville, Virginia, with his recently acquired 1943 Steannan, the Yellow Mistress.

A golden 1941 Waco UPF揃7 glows in the soft light of an early morning sunrise over Lakeland.

south in their 1944 Jacobs-powered Cessna T-SO Bamboo Bomber. Elaine was working on her instrument rat足 ing at the time (having since passed her checkride), and her husband gave her a few instrument lessons during

their flight. "What a trip it was," said Elaine, with good-natured laughter, elaborating that, "We hit a wall of wa足 ter in Virginia and had to land. After tWiddling our thumbs for two hours, it cleared and we headed south again,

but we had to stop at Zephyr Hills. It was fogged in early the next morning, so we hung around until it was VFR and then came on in to Lakeland." Tom Huf calls Sun 'n Fun "the harbinger of spring. We leave the Northeast when there's still snow on the ground and enjoy this nice warm weather for a week, and by that time the spring has sprung back home. It's just a wonderful way to start the spring, and we've put eight hours of flying time on the airplane coming down here. It's running like a Swiss watch, and I hope it stays that way."

Florida Tiger Moth Like so many pilots who camp on the field, Lars de Jounge VAA mem足 ber of Vero Beach, Florida, was also camping with his airplane, a beloved 1941 de Havilland 82A Tiger Moth.

Don Henley's freshly restored award-winning Custom Champion 1944 Lycoming-powered Stinson V77. 12

JUNE 2006

Greg Herrick's 1936 Stinson A low-wing trimotor was one of the more unusual airplanes seen at Sun 'n Fun.

Agood-looking, perky Porterfield graced the flightline in the Vintage area for a few days.

It was built by the Morris car factory in England, on license from de Havil­ land. This Tiger Moth was in the Eng­ lish air force at first, and later it was owned and flown by a Swedish fly­ ing club before it ended up in private hands as an aerobatic trainer and glider tug. De lounge then purchased the Moth and stored it in Sweden for three years before shipping it to the United States. He restored it in the late 1970s and has owned it for 33 years now. With a gentle smile, he de­ scribed its flying characteristics this way: "It's a stick-and-rudder airplane, and it'll teach you flying in a hurry!"

Virginia Stearman

This 1934 Waco YKC was one of several Wacos at Sun 'n Fun.

EAA member Mike Truschel of Nokesville, Virginia, is a relative new­ comer to the fly-in; it was only his second time at the event, although VI N TAGE A IRPLA NE


Antique Wacos from the 1930s, in similar color schemes, were tied down wingtip to wingtip. Jerry Wenger's award·winning Reserve Grand Champion 1935 Waco YPF is in the foreground.

Sydney Womack's 1941 Waco SRE was yet another fine representative of the Waco family line.

he has been active in aviation for a number of years. This year he was fly­ ing his recently acquired 1943 Stea­ rman biplane, which he aptly named the Yellow Mistress. He had a leisurely eight-hour flig h t from Virginia t o Lakeland, spread out over two days,

Fred Cabanas taxis the award-winning Grand Champion Steannan Junior Speedmail into the vintage field.

and enjoyed th e scenery and people along the way-especia lly the warm and gregarious h ospitality he experi­ enced in Waycross, Georgia. An en­ thusiastic vintage airplane buff today, Trusch el wh etted his appetite for be­ ing airborne back in the 1970s while

flying the old Easy Riser type of hang glider and later transitioned to flying airplanes. He feels that the best part about being involved in general avia­ tion "is that the aviation community is a world apart from everything else, and it's great."

A1931 Waco QCF, one of several Wac:os at Sun 'n Fun this JUr.


J U NE 2006

This all-wood Mullet Skiff was flown into Sun 'n Fun by Fairchild owner Eddie Hoffman of Florida, whose father designed and built the amphibian.

A 1951 (in foreground) and a 1955 Mooney Mite were on the flightline together.

New York Citabria Robert Szego launched from south of Albany, New York, in his trusty 1973 Citabria and stopped by Cha­ pel Hill, North Carolina, to pick up his buddy Dan Vandermeer. From that point, they arrived at Lakeland in eight hours of flying time, plus two stops for fuel and an overnight stay in Myrtle Beach, South Caro­ lina . Vandermeer learned to fly in 1998 after he retired and has en­ joyed the benefits of being an EAA member-in particular the techni­ cal airworthiness expertise available through Joe Norris (EAA senior avia­ tion information specialist). "He was great," said Vandermeer, explaining that "he helped me with a spar air­ worthiness directive, and he knew so much." Vandermeer journeys to Sun 'n Fun to be a volunteer and enjoys the event for its "laid-back atmosphere. It's still a small enough air show to be manage-

Bob Jenkins Sr. of Plainville, Georgia, owns this 1938 Warner-powered Cessna Ainnaster.

able yet intimate as far as being able to be close to the airplanes and the air show. Plus, they have the night pyro­ technic air show here, and I haven't seen that anywhere else."

Vintage Roll Call Although we haven't been able to include each and every person or air-

plane in this smorgasbord of those who were present and answered the virtual vintage roll call this past April, we hope you've enjoyed learning a bit more about the airplanes and the camaraderie among those who gath­ ered together to make Sun ' n Fun a relaxing and welcoming "harbinger of spring." ...... VINTAGE A IR PLAN E



Turnbuckles urnbuckles are often taken for granted, but they're a nec­ essary part of almost every aircraft. When used in the control system, they enable control of the flying surfaces. Sometimes they hold things together when used as part of a bracing wire. They're special pur­ pose contrivances guaranteed to do the job if used in the proper manner. Coming through our shop recently was an airplane that was next to im­ maculate. It was a 60-year-old Wich­ ita product that had been completely redone a few years back with new ev­ erything. One of the nicest, cleanest owner-cherished airplanes you'd ever want to see. The annual was routine, with the usual oil leaks and exhaust muff stuff, except for the one thing. The turn­ buckles were safetied, but not with the safety wire sizes the book calls for. A mismatch of different sizes made it necessary to go back to the book (in this case AC 43-13-1B & 2A combined) to show the owner the proper sizes and proper method of safetying. AC 43-13 describes the turnbuckle, defines its usage, and sets down param­ eters for its use. Then it goes into differ­ ent methods of safetying to prevent a loss of tension. The mention of a loss of tension brings back a memory; actually, it was an honest-to-goodness nightmare of an incident I experienced a number of years ago. All the principals are gone now, so I guess I can write about it without maligning anyone. I was looking for something differ­ ent in both utility and personal trans­



JUNE 2006

port and finally focused on the Trella brothers' pusher, the T-I06. It was a pre-World War II design that became a one-off airplane due to the war ef­ fort shutting down general aviation at the time. Fred and Frank, the Trella brothers, were pretty good designers. They had created a little biplane that looked sim­ ilar to a Hatz homebuilt and, in retro­ spect, appears to look a bit like the later Anderson-Greenwood AG-14 and the little Cessna two-place pusher built in the 1960s. When I heard both of the Trella airplanes were for sale, I thought this would be the answer to my transporta­ tion needs. The Bipe, with its 125 Ly­ coming engine, would make a good glider tow tug, and the pusher, also with a Lycoming and having comfy seat­ ing and performance somewhat like or maybe a little better than a Cessna 150, would make a neat runabout. Frank Trella, the surviving brother, had a heart problem and could no lon­ ger fly. That's the reason for the sale of the two airplanes. One of my Civil Air Patrol pilots had a go-places twin, and after talking with him, we decided to fly over to Detroit and take a look. Neither airplane had flown in some time. After a quick look and some fuel, I flew the biplane first. It was a good little performer, and with just a little more power, it would have probably made a great glider tow ship. Then it was time to fly the T-I06 pusher. Frank briefed me on its per­ formance and then asked if he could ride along. He did, and he also did the flying. Since he had no medical

certificate, this was his last chance to fly the airplane. After a couple of times around the pattern, he got out and gave it to me. Now it was my tum. I had noticed a slight undulation when we were straight and level on the downwind, but I didn't pay that much attention. I figured it was the nature of the beast. I took off, left the pattern, climbed up to about 2,000 feet above the ground, and began to feel things out. Stalls were gentle, control and steep turns were good, and everything was going great. Then I stood it on its twin tails and let the nose fall through; as the speed picked up, an almost violent undulation started. The pitot tube was flopping around so violently, I thought the wing was going to break. I was bouncing up and down on the seat like I was on the bumpiest dirt bike ride I'd ever had. I was hanging onto the wheel and had the throttle completely closed. The airspeed was dying off, but the oscil­ lation didn't seem to diminish. It was less, but it was still bad. With the power all the way off and now slowed to about 60 mph indicated, it was still bad. I made a straight line for the base leg, turned final, and just as I went through about 200 feet, a Cessna 150 rolled out onto the runway and started his take­ off. I had to go around. Shaking, sweat­ ing, and swearing, and even praying, I cut as short a pattern as I could and plunked it on the ground. Needless to say, I was a bag of mixed emotions at this point. I was grateful to be on terra firma, mad at the Cessna

driver, and puzzled as to what the prob­ lem was. I was not quite coherent as I tried to explain to Frank Trella what had happened. Well, as it turned out, when Frank had lost his medical, he had disassem­ bled the airplanes, took them home, and stored them in the garage. With the pending sale, he had trucked them back to the field, assembled them, and in the process, overlooked safetying the elevator control cable turnbuck­ les. They were buried in the twin tail This spectacular private airport and luxury estate home can be yours! When only the

booms and were not as easily seen as best will do for the true aviation enthusiast. This historic airfield features an immaculate

the cables on the biplane. 3000' putting-green runway with great approaches, large main hangar with offices and

During our flights the elevator con­ custom architectural design plus two auxiliary hangars and 10k gal fuel farm.

trol cable turnbuckles had come loose, The spectacular large estate home features Old Southern charm and is perfectly situated

allowing the elevator to oscillate up on a stocked, picturesque 17-acre private lake, in an area of other exclusive upper-bracket

and down, slowly at first but more vi­ properties. Additional acreage is available. Located approximately 45 min South of

Montgomery, Alabama and just minutes away from the historic town of Greenville.

olently as the cable's slack increased. For more information on this very rare and special upper-bracket offering, please

There couldn't have been more than visit the website at or call Jimmie Ann Campbell at Prudential

three or four threads holding when we Ballard Realty in Montgomery, Alabama 1-334-221-5800 or email her at jcampbell@b

looked. After just a few more oscilla­ tions they probably would have come ~ Ballard completely apart. ...",;II 13 Realty Since that time, I have been a bit .;zooe,AA Mdopenillied mMnberafPrul;MntlelRee! Inc.

<I PnIdenUo.I •• S8I'ob mane d Prudentiall ~ Company 01 E4JiIII Houmg 0pp0rUVly.1iI

more sensitive about turnbuckles, ca­ bleten~on, and safetying. I must ad­ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mit, though, that prior to that incident I hadn't looked at AC 43-13-1B & 2A for some time. I'm guilty of having used whatever safety wire was avail­ able when doing my own turnbuckles. Search for vintage sheet metal parts no more. Check out Now, after I reviewed 43-13, and show­ Meta/AceTM English Wheels and accessories. You can ing the owner what the specs are, I'm shape custom vintage aircraft parts in your shop! You will doing it right. be surprised at how easy it is to form sheet AC 43-13 is our Bible, friends. If you metal. .... .even small details in panels with our specialty have any question about maintenance, anvil wheels. With MetalAce you'll find the answer here. Yours truly English Wheels, you can and a lot of other general aviation per­ produce a smooth sons were involved in the rewriting of professional quality this publication. Use it and use it well. finish on your I didn't buy either airplane, by the project. Try one of way. A couple days after I looked at the our machines biplane, it had a hand-propping inci­ today. Check out dent. With no one at the controls, it our web site ran wild into an open hangar door and for more totaled itself while eating up another information. airplane in the hangar. The T-106, last I heard, belonged to one of our EAA members in the Detroit ENGLISH WHEELS area. (It's now registered to a past member Craftsmen know. in Florida.-HGF) Check those turnbuckles, and 13958 Roberto Rd, Bloomington, IL 61704 it's ... phone: 1-800-828-2043 or 1-309-827-6878 Over to you, email:

Pdt· ru en I






Stop the Search




rnmm m0mrnrn~mrn ~m[p ~ moo 0oorn

~ <lire 'kJ1rM.e, 'kJ1td, ~ 'kJ/uy" Ifu, ~ ~! ~

Come visit us at the VAA Red Baml There's plenty to do when you step inside. You can: Get infonnation about VAA happenings at the VAA Help and Information Desk. Pick up your participant mug, free from EAA If you flew an aircraft into the convention. Pick up your VAA participant plaque, featuring a photo of your airplane as it rests on the fAA Ail'Venture grounds. The plaque is free to VAA members; the cost is a $10 donation for non-VAA members. Buy your tickets for the VAA picnic, held Wednesday evening at 5:30 in the EAA Nature Center. Leave a message for a VAA member or pick one up left for you at the VAA Help and Information Desk inside the Red Barn. Munch on fresh popcorn and wash it down with cold lemonade. All we ask is that you donate to the popcorn fund! Pick up free copies of older Vintage Airplane magazines. Need help getting your gear from your airplane to someplace else? Ask for help from Toni's Red Trolley van service. It'll pick you up and get you where you need to go on Wittman Field, induding the EM Bus Stop.

VAA Special Aircraft Display Area This year, the VAA and EAA are pleased to host the American Barnstormers Tour and their historic aircraft. The special display area is located directly across the road from the VAA Red Barn and just to the south of E.AA:s Communications Center. Oshkosh is the final tour stop for the American Barnstormers Tour, which is a nostal­ gic salute to the daring young men and women who ventured across America during the 1920s seeking fame and fortune in their biplanes. Come visit with the pilots and ogle their fantastiC flying machines!

VAA Type Club Tent If you have a favorite airplane, odds are there's a type club for it. More than two doze type clubs display information about their clubs in the VAA type club tent, located south of the VAA Red Barn. Stop by and talk to the experts on your favorite airplane. The friendly folks from the clubs will fill you in on the latest maintenance hints, social events, and tech­ nical information about their airplanes. They can also tell you when they will be holding forums in EAA's Honda Motorcycles Forums Plaza. (You can also check for times in the fAA AirVenture 2006 Info Guide.) Stop by-they're there to help!

Type Club Parking Every year the VAA invites a few type clubs to display their airplanes in a special park­ ing area south of the tram transfer statiOn as well as across the road near the Emergency Aircraft Repair area. This year's aircraft include Short Wing Pipers and Navions. Be sure to see these beautiful aircraft.

Fly-Out to Shawano Saturday morning, get up bright and early and join your fellow pilots at the VAA Red Bam for a 7 a.m. briefing on the fly-out to the Shawano, Wisconsin, airport. Located 49 miles north of Oshkosh, the local community comes out to visit with the pilots and view the airplanes. Pilots receive free meals! A special arrival procedure win get you back Into Wittman Reid before the airport closes for the afternoon air show.

Flightline Tours Just outside of the VAA Red Barn, tours of the Vintage Aircraft Associa­ tion parking area depart on a regular basis. Just look for the Flightline Tours sign, just north of the Red Barn along Vern Avenue. Sit back and let our vol­ unteer tour driver and tour guide show you many of the fantastiCairplanes flown into EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.

If you've ever wondered how to do it right when it came to starting an airplane by hand, be sure to attend the dally VAA hand-propping demonstrations, held on the lawn just outside the VAA Red Bam. For demonstration times, stop by the VAA Red Barn.

Shop with us in the VAA Red Barn Storel

Antique Engines

We carry a huge selection of VAA merchandise: men's and women's apparel, children's apparel, toys, jewelry, and many exciting gifts. The VAA Members Only sale is Friday, July 28, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. VAA members receive a 10 percent discount on all VAA merchandise. Open: Saturday, July 22 ­ Sunday, July 30 Store Hours: Saturday, July 22, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, July 23, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Monday, July 24, through Saturday July 29, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday, July 30, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Ever heard the four-cylinder engine the Wright brothers used? How about the Manley-Balzer engine built for the Langley Aerodrome? The Hay family will help you listen to the sounds of pioneer aviation in their antique engine display tent, located just northeast of the Camper Regis­ tration tent. Close your eyes, and you can hear the same sounds heard on the sands of Kitty Hawk.




JUNE 2006



Tall Pines cafe Hungry? Have we got a breakfast for you!

VAA Workshop Tent

On the south end of the field you11 find the only full breakfast menu available. Staffed by VAA volunteers, the VAA Tall Pines cate is just what the pilot ordered! On this year's menu:

Pancakes Sausage

Doughnuts Juice

Scrambled Eggs Applesauce Biscuits a. Gravy Cereal

Milk Coffee Soft Drinks Bottled Water

Breakfast Combo Bars (Ham, Egg, Cheese)

FAA FSS Preflight Weather Briefing Breakfast and a briefing can be yours. After enjoying a tasty breakfast at VMs Tall Pines cate, let the experienced flight service station personnel from the Green Bay Au­ tomated Right Service Station give you a preflight weather briefing. The AFSS folks will be on hand during the entire day. Stop by their trailer, located just north of the Tall Pines cate.

Vintage Volunteers Volunteers make it happen! Be a participant in EAA AirVenture Oshkosh instead of a spectator. Plan to volunteer in the VAA division and become a part of our 400­ strong Vintage family. Registration is held in the Vintage volunteer booth, located in front of the Vintage Red Bam. After registering, a souvenir name tag will be made for you. Your fellow volunteers will know who you are, and you can wear it proudly. Our volunteers receive and park airplanes, handle crowd control, help in the Red Bam Store, cook breakfast at the Tall Pines cafe, assist the photographers, and do other jobs on our end of the field. They work around beautifully restored aircraft and assist the pilots and other guests. All our flightline volunteers are given a brief and entertaining training session be­ fore working. You may do a shift of three or four hours, or you may choose to work more or less. Crowd control gives you the very best seat for the daily air show. Vol­ unteering is not all work: we have several social gatherings, a place for volunteers to relax and have a light meal, and the most fun of any group on the field. We11 see you at the Vintage volunteer booth!

Join VAA Today! Remember when flying was a great adventure? It still is! If you enjoy the airplanes of yesteryear, you should be a member of EAXs Vin­ tage Aircraft Association. You don't have to own an airplane to belong to the as­ sociation; you need only a passion for vintage airplanes. As a member of the VAA, you'll gain access to the exclusive Vintage Aircraft Insurance program, administered by AUA Inc. You'll also be a member of the EAA, with its fantastic member benefits. As a VAA member, you11 receive Vintage Airplane magazine every month. Each color issue is chock-full of helpful hints, fascinating member and aircraft profiles, and his­ torical articles that will entertain and enlighten. To learn more about the Vintage Aircraft AsSOCiation, stop by our membership booth, located under the arch just outside the VAA Red Bam;,;..iiiiliiiilIIIP'"

Ever wonder about shaping metal using a mallet or an English wheel? How about try­ ing your hand at fabric covering? These skills and many others are demonstrated every day at the VAA Workshop tent, located just south of the VAA Red Barn. Experienced instructors will not only guide you through the process, but also hand you the mallet and let you try it yourself. Then you can smooth it out on the English wheel. Or if you'd like to try fab­ ric work, you can learn to neatly attach and shrink modern synthetic fabrics to a real air­ frame under restoration by VAA volunteers. Go ahead--9ive it a try!

Getting Your Airplane Judged If you'd like to have your airplane judged, be sure to register it at the Aircraft Registra­ tion Building, located along Wittman Road just east of Antique Parking. The Vintage Aircraft Association contributes substantially to the awards, and all judges are VAA volunteers. To win an award you must be a VAA mem­ ber. You can sign up for the VAA at the reg­

istration building or at the membership booth located just outside of the VAA Red Barn. The VAA aircraft judging awards will be presented during the EAA awards presenta­ tion in the Theater in the Woods on Saturday evening.

VAA Judging Categories Antique

An aircraft constructed by the original manufacturer, or its licensee, on or before August 31, 1945, with the exception of cer­ tain pre-World War II aircraft models that had only a small postwar production. Examples: Beechcraft Staggerwing, Fairchild 24, and Monocoupe. Classic

An aircraft constructed by the original manufacturer, or its licensee, on or after Sep­ tember 1, 1945, up to and including Decem­ ber 31, 1955. Contemporary

An aircraft constructed by the original manufacturer, or its licensee, on or after Janu­ ary 1, 1956, up to and including December 31,1967.

neltDown! All aircraft parked on Wittman Field must be properly tied down. Please ensure your airplane is secured as soon as you possibly can. If you need tiedowns, they can be rented when you register your aircraft at the Aircraft Registration Building, or you can purchase high­ quality tiedowns at the VAA Red Barn Store. 22

JU NE 2006

Scott White Orient, OH • Owner; White Aero Ltd. Restorations

• fAA Oshkosh Antique Grand Champ and Reserve Grand Champ

• National Stearman Fly-in Best Army Restoration and Best Navy Restoration • Stearman Restorers' Association President's Award

"When projects are about to leave, I always recommend a call to AUA, even if they already have insurance. One customer had three Stearmans, a Cessna 195, and a Cessna 172. He literally saved hundreds of dollars and received better coverage when he switched to AUA."

- Scott White

- AUA CUSTOMERS AND PILOrs ­ Please join us in the North Exhibit building booth #2005. Thank you to our customers for your continued good businessl AUA is Vintage Aircraft Association approved. To become a member of VAA call 800·843·3612. ~.'xclu.i".

EAA Vlntag. Aircraft Auoelation 'n.urane. Program Lower liability and hull premiums

discounts for multiple aircraft carrying all risk coverages ~:~_IYfI1l$, ~~r'~lQiIIIHA18 rebeWal. carrying all

- No hand-propping exclusion

risk coverages


Who's in charge here?

Here is a question many pilots have difficulty answer­ ing: Is there ever a time when a pilot with only a student pilot certificate can act as the pilot-in-command (PIC) of a flight when there are passengers on board the aircraft? Many will answer that a student pilot can act as the pi­ lot-in-command only during solo flight, but that is only partially correct. Some will answer that the stu­ dent pilot might be able to log all the flight time during which he is the sole manipulator of the con­ trols, including time when an in­ structor is on board the aircraft, as PIC time, but the instructor would be the pilot acting as the pilot-in­ command. Again, this would be only partially correct. There are others who might add that a student pilot could be the sole manipulator of the controls with a passenger on board who is not a flight instructor, but who is a certificated, rated, and current pilot (with a current medical certificate)i however, the passenger, although he might never touch the controls, would be the acting pilot-in-command, and furthermore, the stu­ dent pilot could not log the time as pilot-in-command time. Correct again. (A clear example of this would be the two pilots who gained international notoriety by flying into the Washington, D.C., air defense identifica­ tion zone.) But all who answer that a student pilot may never act as pilot-in-command while carrying passengers wou ld be wrong. There's one time when he can indeed do this, and that's while flying on his practical test to obtain his private (or recreational or sport) pilot certificate. This is clearly stated in CFR 61.47(b): "The examiner is not (ital­ ics mine) the pilot in command of the aircraft during the practical test unless the examiner agrees to act in that ca-

pacity for the flight or for a portion of the flight by prior arrangement ...." I make it a pOint, on every practical test I conduct, to ensure the applicant understands this regulation. The regulation even applies when there might be another pas­ senger on board, such as an FAA inspector or perhaps a flight in­ structor who is sitting in the back seat to observe the practical test. Now, you might be wonder­ ing, "Why is Stewart explaining all of this? How does this apply to me? I have held my private (or higher) pilot certificate for years, and the vast majority of the read­ ers of Vintage Airplane are not stu­ dent pilots." It doesn't apply if you're not a student pilot, but it does raise the issue of understanding the dif­ ference between being the acting pilot-in-command and logging pi­ lot-in-command time and, further, of determining who is really the pilot with the "final authority and responsibility for the operation and safety of the flight." I have noticed many pilots do not really comprehend this subject, so let's see if we can bring some clarity to it. Let 's start with the requirements for logging pilot-in­ command time. According to CFR 61.S1(e), "a sport, rec­ reational, private or commercial pilot may log PIC time only for that flight time during which that person, (i) is the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft for which the pilot is rated or has privileges." So let's say you are a sport, or higher, pilot and have decided it's about time you learned to fly an airplane with the little wheel in the back. Now, we know an endorse­ ment is required to act as PIC of tailwheel aircraft, but is that endorsement required to log the flight time? No, not at all. As long as you are a rated pilot, you may log all that

Now, you might be wondering, "Why is Stewart explaining all of this? How does it apply to me?"


JU NE 2006

time you are receiving dual instruction to gain the tail­ wheel endorsement as pilot-in-command time, with the exception of time when the instructor is the manipulator of the controls demonstrating what needs to be done. The same rule would apply for those rated pilots seek­ ing to obtain their complex or high-performance en­ dorsements, as well as pilots receiving dual instruction toward their instrument rating. The pilot may log all of the time when he is the sole manipulator of the controls as PIC time. Now let's get back to the student pilot for a moment. For a student pilot to be able to log flight time as PIC, he has to: 1) be the sole occupant of the aircraft, 2) have a current (within the past 90 days) solo endorsement for make and model of aircraft, and 3) be undergoing training for a pilot certificate or rating. You might, at this pOint, be asking yourself, "Well, what about the instructor? When can the instructor log PIC time?" The answer to this is quite simple. As stated in CFR 61.S1(e)(3), "a flight instructor may log as pilot­ in-command time all flight time while acting as an au­ thorized instructor." Thus it would be possible for an instrument instructor (CFII) to log the flight time accrued while conducting instrument training to a pilot in a mul­ tiengine aircraft as PIC time, even though the flight in­ structor was not a multiengine instructor (MEl). (Please note, though, that the instructor would need to have a multiengine rating.) This leads to the question of how a pilot should log the time he spends as a safety pilot for someone who wants to log some "simulated" (hood) instrument flight. The answer, found in CFR 61.S1(f)(2), is that the safety pilot can log this time as second-in-command (SIC) time if he holds the appropriate certificate for category and class. Furthermore, the safety pilot must be instrument-rated if the flight requires an instrument rating. So far we have been discussing the issue of logging PIC time, but what about acting as pilot-in-command? Please note there is a big difference between the two. Let's also note the regulations do not use the words "be" or "is" when referring to pilot-in-command. To begin with , to act as PIC the pilot must have the appropriate certificate for category and class and must have a current, appropri­ ate medical certificate. Furthermore, if the flight is to be conducted under instrument flight rules, the pilot must be instrument-current. Thus, if you are an instrument pilot and have gone into your six-month grace period to regain instrument currency, you may not act as pilot-in-command if you wish to fly under IFR while regaining your currency. In that situation your safety pilot would have to be acting as the pilot-in-command (he would have to be instrument­ rated and could log the time as PIC) for the flight. The last situation we ' ll look at is when two pilots who are both certificated, current, and rated go for a flight together. Who is the pilot acting as PIC? What if one pilot holds a private certificate and the other holds

a commercial or airline transport pilot certificate? What if one of the pilots is a CFI but not acting as an instruc­ tor for the flight? This question should be answered prior to the start of the flight (it is possible the determi­ nation could change during the flight as well), for the pilot who is determined to be the pilot-in-command is, according to CFR 1.1, "the person who: 1) Has final au­ thority and responsibility for the operation and safety of the flight." This is important not only from a regula­ tory point of view, but also, and perhaps even more so, for insurance purposes. Unfortunately, the jury's still out on this ... literally. In discussions with FAA personnel and insurance under­ writers, I have found it really boils down to what the jury decides. It might be the highest-rated pilot in the aircraft. It might be the pilot in the left seat. Or it might be (for­ give my cynicism here) the pilot with the deepest pockets. This is why I strongly suggest that if you are going to be flying in the same airplane with other pilots, you should make no assumptions as to which pilot will be acting as pilot-in-command. So we have seen that the regulations are rather succinct in defining the who, how, and when of logging PIC time. They are a little more vague when it comes to acting as pi­ lot-in-command. But regardless of whether you are logging as or acting as, may your flight be blessed with blue skies and tail winds. .......

--- ~ ---


SYSTEM fO'fI -----'"­

VINTAGE LANES Superlllte's,.System l is the perlect covering system lor your vintage aircraft ~any original manufacturers colors are available. You get an award-winning, Old Time Finish with unlimited color choices.

Color mlltchlng Is no problem with the Superfllte Butyrate Dopel Covering price for astandard vintage aircraft: approximately $3500

, Purchase the entire kit and receive 10% discount.



Current Editor}s Note: Th is issue of Vintage Airplane contains one of a series of nine articles pertaining to the res­ toration of antique and classic airplan es. Directors of the then-named Antique/Classic Division of EAA originally wrote them in the mid-1 980s} but they are still relevant for todais vintage aircraft enthusiasts. The late Art Morgan} a longtime volunteer chairman of the A/C Parking Committee} wrote this article. Our members have years of expe­ rience and a tremendous amount of talent; however} ifs likely everyone will learn someth ing new fro m each article. Please let us hear from you; write to H.G. Frautschy} Editor} Vintage Airplane} P.O. Box 3086} Osh­ kosh} WI 54903-3086} or e-mail VintageAircra( -HGF

Family Involvement BY ART MORGAN

EAA 17674} AC 2355 Then you feel it. Just a little at first . You glance over and there they Sit} your heir apparent and sibling} and the one who promised to love} honor} and overlook occasional bouts of stupidity. Theire not try­ ing to} but by gum they are. They}re staring at you with puppy dog eyes that are saying} 1I0h} great loved one} what about us} your devout family? What shall we} the great unwashed} do while thee bury thyself and not a small So you finally did it. After years of payin} for the home} puttin} the little nippers through schooC and makin} sure your life mate is taken care oC you did it. You bought your dream airplane. You made the decision to do it some time ago . Now with the encourage­ ment of your family and the help of the local EAA chapter} and friends old and new} you}ve found it. Sure you paid more for it than you wanted to} and so what if it needs a complete re­ build} ifs yours. That loosely assem­ bled pile of tubes} rags} aluminum} and an engine is your treasure} and by the powers} you}re darn proud of it. So there you sit in your favor­ ite chair. Leaned back} hands behind your head} legs outstretched} and with your crooked little toes trying vainly to point skyward} dreaming of IIsoar­ ing with eagles. JJ Like the man said} lilt doesn}t get any better than this.JJ

That airplane

you just bought

could be one of

the greatest ways

you will ever

have of pulling

your family

closer together.

amount of our money on that heap of broken bones and torn skin that thee have so thoughtfully deposited in our yard} driveway} and garage? 115urely we are not to be put from

your life for the next few years? Are we to be only makers of coffee} run­ ners of errands} or worse yet} the third hand when needed? Are we to be relegated to the role of assuring the neighbors (most of whom are thinking about selling before prop­ erty values start to nose dive) that} no} we have not opened a home for lunatics. Is this to be our fate?JJ Dear friend} you may not know it} but you stand on the threshold of tri­ umph or tragedy. Opportunities present themselves in strange ways. That airplane you just bought could be one of the great­ est ways you will ever have of pulling your family closer together. Con­ versely} it can drive them apart. res up to you. But how} you ask} do I in­ volve my family? What can they do? Or for that matter} what can I do? Well} old saw} purveyor of bent bolts and corrosion} JIm glad you asked. JIll tell you. I don}t know. Every family group is as different as there are snowflakes in a blizzard. How}s that for helpin} you along? But here is the bright spot on the oily ga­ rage floor. You know your family better than anyone. You know their skills and talents} their likes and dislikes} what they will and won}t do. res up to you to recognize these talents and likes} be­ cause whether you like it or not} this is not just your project. You are an inte­ gral part of the family unit; what they



JU NE 2006

Vintage Airplane MARCH


do, you want to be part of, and what you do, they want to be part of. I once read a story where a fellow was buildin' a Thorp T-18, and his grandmother, bless her heart, bucked every rivet. We have all heard stories where the life mate did the upholstery or helped with the covering. The kids became involved in rib making, for­ mer cutting, welding, etc. We all mar­ vel at how lucky that individual is. There's no luck involved; the members of the family were invited to join in. In my own case, my wife had lit­ tle interest in things mechanical. She would help when needed, (it is always wanted) and at the end of the job she would be very proud of what she had done. At the end of the project (a Lus­ combe), I think the airplane was more hers than mine. To this day, heaven help the unqualified person who touches or bad mouths Go Whizz Kate! All 5 feet 2 inches and 115 pounds of my wife becomes meaner than a Ma­ rine drill instructor, and she will walk away with a piece of that person's ear dangling loosely from the corner of her mouth. All because I asked her to become involved. Now that we are flying our time machine, my wife finds that although she does not want to learn to fly, she loves to navigate. So whenever we plan any kind of trip, she grabs the sectionals, plots our course, and has been telling me where to go ever since. (Some blessings are more hid­ den than others.) Now, this isn't unusual. If you look around your local airport at all the people who have restored or are re­ storing an airplane, you are going to find family involvement . Some­ where along the line a spouse or kids or both helped get that pretty little "sky queen" into the air. They are now telling the neighbors (who have since decided that maybe you're not crazy and are eyeing an old car, boat, or heaven forbid , an airplane as some­ thing to work on) how much fun they've had over the past few years. It makes no difference that you're driving a car a little older (translated­ a lot) than theirs, or that the carpet­

Come for the weekend




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continued on page 35 VINTAGE AIRPLANE


The Trella T-I06

A thoroughly modern pusher from 1949 ROBERT



Buck's mention ofthe Trella pusher in his column this month sent us scurrying to the EM files for more on the sharp-looking airplane built after World War II. I'd seen it sometime in the past, perhaps white perusing www.AeroFiles.coill, and have al­ ways liked the ai1plane's modern looks. It's pretty obvious from the configuration ofthe T-106 that Frank Trella was influenced by the NACA reports written by Fred Weick after the wind-tunnel and flight testing of Weick's W-1. Buck's bad experience, due to a maintenance error and not through any fault of the design of the airplane, doesn't diminish my interest in the Trella, and while it didn't make it into production, it was intended to do so. Here's a bit more on the airplane, gleaned from a 1961 article by longtime VM and EAA member Robert F. Pauley. Robert wrote about the Trella in the January 1961 issue ofEAA Sport Aviation. This is a slightly abridged version ofthat article, along with his terrific drawing of the air­ plane and a few extra photos we found in our files.-H.G. Frautschy

The Trella Homebuilt

Frank Trella and the Trella T-l01. 28

JUNE 2006

At a recent meeting of De­ troit Chapter 13 [during the year 1960] the members were privileged to hear a talk given by Frank Trella in which he de­ scribed his series of homebuilt airplanes. Frank, with the help of his brothers, Fred, George, Henry, and Joe, has built seven original designs dating back to 1924. This series of homebuilt aircraft culminated with the Trella T-106 pusher, Frank's con­ cept of the ideal configuration for a two-place light airplane. Designed and built more than 12 years ago, the T-106 will still outperform many of today's fac­ tory jobs and has proven to be a rugged and trouble-free airplane. Frank studied aeronau tical engineering in 1924 under Pro­ fessor Powel at the University of Detroit, and Powel fired him with the desire to build an air­ plane of his own design. The Trella T-100, although it was never flown, started the Trella brothers in the homebuilding game. This first attempt was a single-place biplane of all wood construction powered with a converted Ford Model T engine. This powerplant was its down­ fall because the plane lacked sufficient power for takeoff. It

working for various aircraft manu­ facturers in the Detroit area, includ­ ing Stinson and Buhl, while brothers Fred and George continued with the homebuilt projects. The next plane in the series was the T-103, which Frank designed in 1930 and which George built in nine months. This again was a two-place open-cockpit biplane, powered by a 90-hp Lambert radial engine, and it too proved to be an ex­ cellen t flier. The T-I04 that followed in 1932 was identical to the previous biplane except for the adaptation of minor modifications, such as low-pressure tires. Unhappily, the T-I04lasted only a few months, for it was destroyed in a flat spin during final stages of flight test approval. The test pilot bailed out, although some observers felt a recovery could have been made. This marked the end of the biplane era for the five brothers, since the next project was to be a Lambert 90-powered, two­ place side-by-side, high-wing mono­ plane, the Trella T-I0S. Construction had begun on the new ship in 1935, but unfortunately it was never com­ pleted due to money problems. It was eventually dismantled. By this time Frank had left Detroit for Troy, Ohio, where he was em­ ployed by Waco as the chief drafts­ man. During the war years Frank was TRELLA T-l06 DIMENSIONS: Wingspan: 34 feet

was, however, used for taxiing about the field and taught the brothers many valuable lessons before it was eventually scrapped. A few years later came the first Trella airplane to get into the air, the T-lOl. It was a two-place biplane with welded steel-tube fuselage and wings of wooden construction using a USA-S airfoil, and it was powered by a six­ cylinder, 80-hp Anzani radial engine. This combination proved to be a suc­ cess and was flown for many hours, although the French engine was quite troublesome. In 1928 another biplane was built, the T-102, of similar appear­

ance and construction to the T-I01, but this time powered by a 6S-hp Ve­ lie engine. Enthused by the success of these last two biplanes, the brothers formed Trella Aircraft Inc. with the in­ tention of selling the T-102 Speedster for approximately $2,700. This model was displayed at the N?tional Aircraft Show held in Detroit in 1928 and at­ tracted many potential customers. Unfortunately, the costs involved in earning an approved type certificate were too great for the small company to finance, and plans for a production model had to be abandoned. During this period, Frank had been

Length: 21 feet 9 inches Height: 6 feet 11 inches

WEIGHTS: Weight empty: 1,080 pounds Weight loaded: 1,550 pounds

PERFORMANCE: Maximum speed: 112 mph Cruising speed: 102 mph at 2350 rpm Rate of climb: 600 feet per minute Stalling speed: 42 mph Range: 400 miles VINTAGE AIRPLANE


A nice view of the Trella T-I06 as it rests on the grass. The color scheme was white with red trim.



An illustration by Huuard of the T-I07. It was to be a five-place, twin­ engine pusher.

WEIGHTS EM PT Y-- - ·- 1080 " L O ADED - -- -1 55 0 #

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RANGE - - - - - - 400 MILES






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J UNE 2006

10 1




in charge of the Waco CG-4A and CG-IS glider programs, but his spare time was devoted to thoughts on a new design. This later materialized as the Trella T-I06 twin-boom pusher. Starting in the late '30s Frank had spent much time sketching and read­ ing NACA reports in an attempt to arr ive at the ideal arrangement for a two-place private plane . The solution evolved as an all-metal, high-wing, side-by-side, twin-boom pusher pow­ ered by an 8S -hp engine, The rear location of the powerplant would reduce both engine and propeller noise, and the forward cabin arrange­ ment together with a tricycle landing gear gave both excellent visibility and easy entrance. Doors on each side of the 44-inch-wide cabin made entry as easy as getting into the family car. The short fuse lage, just long enough to provide room for two people, fuel, and the engine, plus the two tail booms were easier to construct than the full-length fuselage of a conven­ tional airplane, In addition, the twin

The cabin of the Trella T-l06, N45OC.

Specifications for the Trella T-l06 Serial No. T·21 Two-seat, high-wing cabin monoplane with pusher engine.

WINGS: All-metal two-spar struc­ ture with 24ST skin . Clark Y airfoil. Streamlined V-lift struts.

FUSELAGE: All-metal central-keel struc­ ture covered with 24ST skin. Side-by­ side seats with dual wheel controls. Luggage space and an l8-gallon fuel tank behind the two seats.

EMPENNAGE: All-metal structure with 24ST skin except for fabric-covered elevator. LANDING GEAR: Tricycle type with steerable nose wheel. Main wheels are 6.00-6 ; nose wheel is 5.00-5.

ENGINE: Continental C-85-l2J of 85 hp. Flottorp fixed-pitch propeller ; 74-inch diameter by 46-inch pitch pusher. Also flown with a Beech-Roby hand-adjustable propeller converted to electric controls.

tail booms would prevent spectators from wandering into the prop and thereby served as a safety feature. When the war ended Frank left Waco and returned to Detroit, anx­ ious to start cutting metal on the new project. He and his brothers started work in 1946 in a 22-by-28-foot three-car garage. Complete drawings of all parts were made, and a pre­ liminary stress analysis was done on all critical items. In addition , sam­ ples of the wing section and the tail booms were tested under static loads to prove their strength. Unlike many homebuilt planes , the T-106 bor­ rowed no parts from any production shi ps, and the Trella brothers built every item in the airframe . This in­ cludes such parts as the hydraulic shock strut cylinders for the landing gear, rudder pedals, and even their own castings for the door handles . Truly a homebuilt airplane! Work continued for three years, and rollout was in July 1949, but the first flight was delayed until Septem-

ber of that year. Test pilot Paul Holst was full of praise for the new product. Aside from the minor changes in the nose gear and enlarging the rudders, no other problems were encountered. Because of the rear engine location, overheating problems were antici­ pated, but none occurred. And despite the fact that no special cooling baffles were incorporated in the design, cylin­ der head temperatures never exceeded 190°C. That's because an oil cooler was used to keep down oil tempera­ tures. For the flight tests a spin chute was added to the tail, and six spins were made in both directions, but no difficulties were apparent. The plane has since accumulated more than 300 hours and can be seen regularly flying from McKinley Airport, headquarters for the Detroit chapter of EAA. Following the completion of the two-place pusher, and as a result of newspaper publicity that appeared at the time of its first flight, Frank was approached by a group to develop a five-place twin-engine pusher-de­ sign executive ship. In 1954 the full­ size mock-up for the Trella T-107 was completed, but it was estimated that more than $250,000 would be required to complete the two pro­ totypes necessary to conduct cer­ tification tests. As with the earlier T-102 venture, the money could not be raised, and reluctantly the project had to be canceled. ....... VINTAGE AIRPLANE

3 1

continued from page 2

VAA Elections/Annual Meeting In the center spread of this issue you'll find candidate biographi es and a ballot for this year's VAA elec­ tions , which will be ratified at the annual business meeting held dur-

ing EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2006. Notice is hereby given that an an­ nual business meeting of the mem­ b ers of the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association will be held on Sunday, July 30, 2006, at 9:30 a.m. COT in

Happy 50th, C-172! Ask 100 pilots if they've flown a Cessna 172 Skyhawk. The over­ whelming majority will say they have, and a good chunk of those might have learned how to fly in a C-172. EAA will recognize the 50th anniversary of the stalwart Cessna 172 with a series of events and displays throughout the week. A special parking lot in the North 40 is being reserved for up to 500 Cessnas. The first 172 and the latest Skyhawk wi ll be parked together on Aero­ Shell Square, showing how the model has changed over the years. On the Saturday before AirVenture (July 22), a group of 50 Cessna 172s and 182s is expected to take part in the first Cessnas to Osh­ kosh (c20) group flight in honor of the milestone. (Pilots who wish to join c20 shou ld visit for details.) On Sunday night (July 23), Cessna will host a free barbecue for those parked at the Cessna Base Camp . On Wednesday, the c20 group holds its own catered barbecue at the base camp, with tickets available for purchase through the c20 websit e. EAA AirVenture Mu­ seum wi ll also create a special exhibit featuring the artwork of Rich­ ard Ten Eyck, Cessna's consulting design engineer from the 1950s through the 1980s. The exhibit covers original sketches and designs for paint schemes, interiors, and other items fo r many Cessna aircraft, including those never produced. So if you've ever trained in, flown in, worked on, or owned a Cessna 172, you've got to be at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2006. 32

JUNE 2006

the tent next to the VAA Red Barn during the 54th annual convention of the Experimental Aircraft Asso­ ciation Inc., Wittman Regional Air­ port, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Notice is hereby further given that the annual election of officers and directors of the EAA Vintage Aircraft Associa­ tion will be conducted by ballot dis­ tributed to the members along with this June issue of Vintage Airplane. Said ballot must be returned prop­ erly marked to the Ballot Tally Com­ mittee, Vintage Aircraft Association, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903­ 3086, and received no later than July 20, 2006. The Nominating Commit­ tee submits the following list of can­ didates: for President, Geoff Robison; for Secretary, Steve Nesse; for direc­ tors (eight total), Steve Bender, John Berndt, Dave Clark, Espie IiButch" Joyce, Steve Krog, Jeannie Lehman Hill, Bob Lumley, Dean Richardson.

New Member Benefit:

EAA Aircraft Financing Program

EAA members taking t o new aircraft financing program EAAers are showing a lot of inter­ est in the new EAA Aircraft Financ­ ing Program member benefit that was launched at the Sun 'n Fun Fly­ In at Lakeland, Florida, in April. EAA and partner AirFleet Capital Inc. offer EAAers the most comprehensive air­ craft-loan program in the industry. IiWe have been very pleased that both experimental owners and own­ ers of certified aircraft are taking advantage of the program," said Air­ Fleet Capital Vice President Jim Bless­ ing. IiEAA members have discovered not only are they getting a great deal on financing, but they are talking to someone in the finance industry who understands why they fly. We share their passion for aviation." EAAers can get exclusive competi ­ tive financing for new and used am­ ateur-built aircraft, type-certificated singles and twins, turboprops, jets,

and helicopters as well as light-sport aircraft. To learn more, call AirFleet Capital at 866-808-6040 or visit www.

Copperstate Hopes to Cool Off With Date Change In an effort to provide relief from the sweltering desert heat, or­ ganizers of the 34th annual Cop­ perstate Regional EAA Fly-In have moved their event back from Octo­ ber 12-15 to October 26-29 at Casa Grande Municipal Airport (CGZ). The date shift should reduce the av­ erage high temperature from 92°F to 80°F on average. Cooler temps, plus the usual severe clear skies, should make for perfect weather at the Southwest's premier aviation event. Those flying to Copperstate will also have a chance to fly in front

of the crowd. Copperstate invites builders, restorers , manufacturers, and pilots to show off their cre­ ations during dedicated airtime seg­ ments. "People come to Copperstate to see airplanes-and while giv­ ing them close-up scrutiny on the ground scratches one itch, seeing and hearing them in flight adds a totally different dimension to the experience," said Fly-In Chairman Bob Hasson. "That's the experience Copperstate will give you at this year's event-fly-in pilots won't be just attending the show, they'll be part of it." Casa Grande Municipal Airport (CGZ) is ideally located midway between Phoenix and Tucson, Ari­ zona , just a few miles west of In­ terstate 10. For more information, visit

EAA Ford Tri-Motor on Tour EAA's 1929 Ford Tri-Motor takes to the skies in late June and early July for a tour to several cities, starting in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on June 9 and concluding at Port Clinton, Ohio, on July 4. Nicknamed the Tin Goose because of its corrugated metal skin, EAA meticulously restored the airplane in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Af­ ter being displayed in the then-new EAA museum in Oshkosh, it has been based at Pioneer Airport, EAA's living history aerodrome that re-creates aviation in the 1920s and 1930s. Flights are available for $40 per person when booked in advance or $50 per person the day of the flights. A secure flight-reservation system and complete information are available through EAA's Tri-Motor tour website: www.FlyTheFord.OIg.

The Tour Schedu le june 9-12: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Capital City Airport june 14-15: Manassas, Virginia - Manassas Regional Airport june 17-19: Caldwell, New Jersey - Essex County Airport june 20-21: Poughkeepsie, New York - Dutchess County Airport june 23-26: Boston, Massachusetts - Lawrence Municipal Airport june 28-29: New Philadelphia, Ohio - Harry Clever Field june 30-july 4: Port Clinton, Ohio - Carl R. Keller Field Airport

EAA AirVenture


Now Available

The official r - - - - -----, 2006 EAA AirVen~ ture Oshkosh 2006 Notice To Airmen (NO­ TAM) booklets are hot off the press and ready to be mailed out top il 0 t s __.::===':'!.-=.:'= ._ who plan to fly to The World's Greatest Aviation Celebration on July 24-30. The Oshkosh NOTAM is also available in easy-to-print PDF document form on the AirVenture website at www. Those who have al­ ready placed their booklet orders can expect to receive their copies soon, while others can call EAA Member­ ship Services at 800-564-6322 and order a free copy today. The 32-page printed NOTAM, which is in effect July 22-31, outlines procedures for the many types of air­ craft that fly to Oshkosh for the event, as well as aircraft that land at nearby airports. It was designed by EAA and the FAA to assist pilots in prepara­ tions for their AirVenture flights. If you plan to fly to EAA AirVenture this year, the NOTAM is required reading before making your trip, so become familiar with Oshkosh's unique ar­ rival and departure procedures. Changes from the 2005 version include the following: A new additional VFR holding pat­ tern has been established at Green Lake; air show waiver times close the airport a half-hour sooner than previous years; there's a displaced threshold on Runway 27; and the time block for NORDO (no radio) ar­ rival requests is 7-10 a.m. daily. Besides following the published arrival and departure procedures in the EAA AirVenture 2006 NOTAM, pilots should maintain high vigi­ lance in watching for other aircraft. Call 800-564-6322 to order your copy or view it on the EAA website at VINTAGE AIRPLANE





continued from page 3 be used when the pilot is on site and standing next to the heater. Also, one should inspect the barriers between one's own airplane and the adjoining bay to see if they are properly sealed off. Unfortunately, in the case of my Stinson, the three center bays were open to each other so the fire got everything. The hangar my Stinson is in now is a new set of T-hangars, all partitioned off from the others at William Piper Memorial Airport. The only drawback is the bifold doors. In the event of a fire, the first thing the firemen would do is to cut the power, thereby sealing all the airplanes in their hangars. The hand crank furnished with each door would be useless, as it would take a stepladder and about an hour's labor to crank the door open by hand. Therefore, vigilance is the best policy. Keep an eye on what is in adjoining hangars, and keep up on your own housekeeping. I am enclosing a photo of my Stinson as it looks now after the second restoration, which took six and a half years. I am sorry to read that Mr. Scott is not going to restore his airplane, and I hope someone else picks up the balL It was a beautiful piece of history. Very truly yours, Kerry A. Uhler Howard, Pennsylvania


800-322-241 2 AND RECEIVE 12 ISSUES




~ 34

JUNE 2006

Nominate your favorite aviator for the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association Hall of Fame. A huge honor could be bestowed upon that man or woman working next to you on your airplane, sitting next to you in the Chapter meeting, or walking next to you at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. Think about the people in your circle of aviation friends, that mechaniC, that photographer, that pilot who has shared innumerable tips with you and with many others. They could be the next VAA Hall of Fame inductees-but only if they are nominated. The person you nominate can be a citizen of any country and may be living or deceased, and his or her involvement in vintage aviation must have occurred between 1950 and the present day. His or her contribution could be in the areas of flying; design; mechanical or aerodynamic developments; administration; writing; some other vital, relevant field; or any combination of fields that support aviation. The person you nominate must be or have been a member of the Vintage Aircraft Association, and preference is given to those whose actions have contributed to the VAA in some way, perhaps as a volunteer; a writer; a photographer; or a pilot sharing stories, preserving aviation history, and encouraging new pilots and enthusiasts. To nominate someone is easy. It just takes a little time and a little reminiscing on your part. • Think of a person, think of his or her contributions. • Write those contributions in the various categories of the form. • Write a simple letter highlighting these attributes and contributions. Make copies of newspaper or magazine articles that may substantiate your view. • If you can, have another person complete a form or write a letter about this person, confirming why the person is a good candidate for induction. • Mail the form to: VAA Hall of Fame H.G. Frautschy

PO Box 3086

Oshkosh WI 54903-3086


Call the VAA office for a form (920-426-6110), find it at www.vintageaircra{t. arg, or on your own sheet of paper, simply include the following information: • Date submitted. • Name of person nominated. • Address and phone of nominee. • Date of birth of nominee. If deceased, date of death. • Name and relationship of nominee's closest living relative. • Address and phone of nominee's closest living relative. • E-mail address of nominee . • Time span (dates) of the nominee's contributions to aviation. (Must be between 1950 to present day.) • VAA and EAA number, if known. • Area(s) of contributions to aviation. • Describe the event(s) or nature of activities the nominee has undertaken in aviation to be wortpy of induction into the VAA Hall of Fame. • Describe achievements the nominee has made in other related fields in aviation. • Has the nominee already been honored for his/her involvement in aviation and/or the contribution you are stating in this petition? If yes, please explain the nature of the honor and/or award the nominee has received. • Any additional supporting information. • Name of person submitting petition. • Submitter's address and phone number, plus e-mail address. • Include any supporting material with your petition.


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can Barnstormers Tour. Be sure to check out these barnstormers and their aircraft on the tour's website at As I have mentioned before in these pages, many of the members greatly enjoyed the demonstrations of proper technique in propping an airplane at last year's event, I am pleased to in­ form you that in response to your en­ thusiasm for this type of program at AirVenture, we are planning some ad­ ditional hands-on demonstrations of a number of critically important safety tips for operating your Vintage aircraft, So be sure to come by the barn again this year and check it out, Speaking of AirVenture in the Vin­ tage area, I wanted to report the Friends of the Red Barn campaign is once again coming along quite nicely, We cannot thank the sup­ porters of this important initiative enough for their generosity, Be as-

sured your funds will continue to support all of the special venues in our area, many of which would sim­ ply not be possible without such sup­ port. All of you fine folks are truly appreciated by all of us at VAA, For those of you who attend, please pat these supporters on the back and of­ fer your sincere thanks when you see them on the flightline , They are eas­ ily recognized in their special issue hats and badges that identify them as Red Barn supporters, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2006, the world's greatest aviation celebra­ tion, is July 24-30, 2006, VAA is about participation: Be a member! Be a volunteer! Be there! Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation , Remember, we are better together. Jo;n u, ,nd h,ve ;ft~

continued from page 27 ing should have been replaced two years ago, or maybe that the place needs painting. So what! So what, you say? Well, I'll tell you, We have an air­ plane, We go to breakfast fly-ins, here and there (100 to 500 miles away), Sometimes we bite the bullet to make a repair or to add something such as a ra­ dio, instruments, etc. Sometimes we fly just for the beauty of it But, by crack­ ers, we have an airplane. We stand tall y'alL Nice feelin' ain't it? So lean back in your chair. Look at your children, Capture the soul of the mate who promised to "love, honof, and buck YOUf rivets," and say, "Cast away your fears, This is not a field lying fallow. We will have more than just a project, more than an airplane at the end of it, We will have 'family involvement'" ~ V I N T AGE A I R PLAN E





Send your answer t o EAA, Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh , WI 54903-3086. Your answer needs to be in no later than July 10 fo r inclu sion in the September 2006 issu e of Vintage Airplane.

You can also send your response via e-mail. Send your answer to Be sure to include your name, city, and state in the body of your note, and put "(Month) Mystery Plane" in the subject line.



An "easy one" is fun for all, since it's still en足 joyable to read about the interesting airplanes made before jets. March was said to be easy by our correspondents, but hey, we can't stump you all every month! Here's our first letter: The March Mystery Plane appears to be an Applegate Duck, sin I, built in 1937 by Ray Ap足 plegate. It was first registered as NX 17866. He wanted Piper to manufacture it, so they tested it in 1940. The original Essex radial engine was replaced with a 60-hp Lenape Papoose engine (as pictured), then with a Continental 75 , Ly足 coming 75, and a Franklin 90. They installed J-5 36

JUNE 2006

Cub wings and tail surfaces and reregistered it as NX27960. Piper hoped to manufacture it as the Piper Amphibian (PA) or Cub Clipper with a Lycoming 125. The venture was made difficult by the shortage of aluminum due to the start of World War II. In mid-1941 the project was dropped. My source was Piper Aircraft, by Roger Peperell. Richard Crowell Lakeville, Massachusetts The exact nature of the wings and tail surfaces seems to be a bit muddy. Some sources I checked state the surfaces are J-3, with modified J-3 tail surfaces; others state that modified J-5 wings and tail surfaces were used. Here are a few other interesting items from your letters: Al Aplin, Chuluota, Florida, wrote, "Before Ray Apple足 gate was with Piper, he was an engineering instructor at the Casey Jones School of Aeronautics in Newark, New Jersey." And Lars Gleitsmann of Northeim, Lower Saxony, Germany, wondered about the tip floats: "Quite unique, its inflatable rubber tip floats-I bet they did stick badly on the surface on takeoff!" Other correct answers were received from Hal Swan足 son, Shoreview, Minnesota, and Wayne Muxlow, Minne足 apolis, Minnesota. .......

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The following list of coming events is furnished to our readers as a matter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, involve­ ment, control, or direction of any event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. To submit an event, send the information via mail to: Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Or e-mail the infor­ mation to: Information should be received four months prior to the event date. JUNE 8-10---Gainesvilie Municipal Airport (GLE). Texas Chapter Antique Airplane Association 43rd Annual Fly-In. Info: Jim 817-468-1571, Terry 817-703-3173, Kip & Neva 940-458­ 3556, Penny 940-482-6175 JUNE 8-11-Marysville, CA-Yuba County Airport (MYV). Golden West Regional Fly-In. Info: www. JUNE 1S-18-St. Louis, MO-Dauster Flying Field, Creve Coeur Airport (lHO). American Waco Club Fly-In. Info: Phil Coulson 269-624-B490, or Jerry Brown 317-422­

9366,, JUNE lS-lS-Middletown, OH-Hook Field Municipal Airport (MWO). 13th National Aeronca Association Convention. Info: Brian Matz 216-337-5643, bwmatzllac@yahoo.

com, www.aeroncapi/ JUNE 17-Fresno, CA-{;handler Executive Airport. 5th Annual KJWL Father's Day Air Show & F1y­ In. Five thrilling aerobatic performers, Warbird fly-bys, Classic and Vintage Aircraft on display, food and crafts vendors plus a children's play area. Info: 559-289-0887 JUNE 22-26-Terrell, TX-Terrell Municipal Airport (KTRL). The 2nd Great Ercoupe Round-Up. EOC Nationals. Info: JUNE 23-2S-Richland , WA-Richand Airport. EM Chapter 391 First Annual Fly-In. Info: Jeromie Mead 509-946-6958 JUNE 24-Zanesville, OH-Riverside Airport. EM Chapter 425 Pancake Breakfast Fly­ In, Drive-In Breakfast. 8am-2pm with lunch items available after 11am. Info: Chuck Bruckelmeyer 740-454-7487 JULY 7-9-Lompoc, CA-Lompoc Airport. 22nd Annual West Coast Piper Cub Fly-In. Flour-bomb drop and spot landing contests, awards, Friday night spaghetti, Saturday night Lompoc-Style Tri-Tip BBQ. Pancake breakfast on Saturday and Sunday. BBQ hotdogs and hamburgers for Lunch on Friday and Saturday. "Secret" entertainment. Cub clothing, hats and memorabilia will be available. Info: Bruce Fall 805-733-1914 JULY lS-Zanesville, OH-Parr Airport. EM Chapter 425 Pancake Breakfast Fly-In, Drive-In Breakfast. 8am-2pm with lunch items available after 11am. Info: Chuck Bruckelmeyer 740-454-7487 JULY 19-2l-Keokuk, IA-ILPA - IBDA Formatioin School. Many activities, all Warbirds welcome. Info: Jim Grenier 50&366-5876 JULY 22-Colusa, CA-Colusa County Airport (008). 10th Annual Old Time Fly-In. Info: www.airnav.

com/airport/OOB AUGUST l2-Auburn, CA-Auburn Municipal Airport (AUN). Thunder In The Sky. Info: www. AUGUST l8-20--McMinnville, OR-McMinnville Airport. McMinnville Antique Fly-In. Info: www. AUGUST l8-20--Alliance, OH-Alliance-Barber Airport (2Dl). 8th Annual Ohio Aeronca Aviators Fly-In. Info: Brian Matz 216-337-5643, bwmatzllac@

yahoo. com,


MAY 2006

AUGUST 25-26-Long Island, NY-Bayport Aerodome (23N). 2nd Annual Antique Aeroplane Club Fly-In. All vintage, antique, classic airplanes and pilots welcome. For "Welcome to Bayport DVD" and Info: Sbain@ AUGUST 26-Niles , MI-Jerry Tyler Memorial Airport (3TR). VM Chapter 35 Fly-In Drive-In Corn & Sausage Roast. 11am-3pm. Rain Date August 27th. Info: Len Jansen 269-684-6566 SEPTIMBER 2-Zanesville , OH-Riverside Airport. EM Chapter 425 Pancake Breakfast Fly-In, Drive-In Breakfast. 8am-2pm with lunch items available after 11am. Info: Chuck Bruckelmeyer 740-454-7487 SEPTIMBER 2-Prosser, WA-EM Chapter 391's 23rd Annual Labor Day Weekend Prosser Fly-In. Info: R.l. Shaub 509-735-7664 SEPTEMBER 2-Marion, IN-Marion Municipal Airport (MZZ). 16th Annual Fly-In CruiseIn. Features antique, classic, homebuilt, ultralight, & warbird aircraft as well as vintage cars, trucks, motorcycles, & tractors. AII­ You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast is served . Proceeds benefiting the local High School Band. Info: Ray Johnson 765-664-2588. www.

RylnCruiseln. com SEPTEMBER 7-10---Greenville , ME-Greenville, Maine 33rd Annual International Fly-In. Contests, poker runs, cruise on Moosehead Lake, cookout, buffet, demonstrations, and more. Info: Darralyn Gauvin, PO Box 1289, Greenville, ME 04441 or email darralyn@ SEPTEMBER 9-Blue Bell, PA-Wings Field (LOM). 17th Annual Vintage Aircraft & Classic Car Show. 10am-3pm. Free Admission. $10 Automobile Parking. Food, Music, Entertainment, & Exhibits. All net proceeds will go to benefit Angel Flight East. Rain Date: September 10th. Info: Bonni 800-383-9464 xl06 SEPTEMBER 9-Newark, OH-Newark-Heath Airport (VTA). Annual EAA Chapter 402 Fly-In Breakfast. Breakfast: pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice, coffee. Vintage and homebuilt aircraft. Young Eagles Flights. Buckeye Chapter of RVAtors fly over. Fly-ins and drive-ins welcome. Info : Tom McFadden 740-587-2312 or tmc@

For details on EM Chapter fly-ins and other local aviation events, visit www.eaa.orgjevents

EAA Southwest Regional­ The Texas Fly-I n Hondo Municipal Airport (HDO) Hondo,TX

May tl-14, 2006

Golden West EAA Regional Fly-In Yuba County Airport (MYV) Marysville, CA

June 9-tl, 2006

Rocky Mountain EAA Regional Fly·ln Front Range Airport (FTG) Watkins, CO

June 24-25, 2006

Northwest EAA Fly·ln Arlington Municipal Airport (AWO) Arlington, WA

July 5-9, 2006

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Wittman Regional Airport (OSH) Oshkosh, WI

July 24-July 30, 2006

EAA Mid·Eastern Regional FIy·ln Marion Municipal Airport (MNN) Marion,OH

August 25-27, 2006

Virginia Regional EAA FIy·ln Dinwiddie County Airport (PTB) Petersburg, VA

September 30-0ctober 1, 2006 SEPTEMBER 22-23-Bartlesville , OK-Frank Phillips Airfield. 50th Annual Tulsa Regional Fly-In. Info: Charlie Harris 91&622-8400. SEPTEMBER 24-Hinkley, IL-DC2 . EM Ch. 241 Breakfast on the Grass. 7:30am-Noon. Info: 847-88&2119 SEPTIMBER 3O-Hanover, IN-Lee Bottom Flying Field (641). 10th Annual Wood, Fabric, & Tailwheels Fly-In. Come see what everyone is talking about. If you love the good old says, then you'll love this event. Info: OCTOBER 29-Jean , NV-Jean Airport. 18th Annual North Las Vegas International Ercoupe Fly In and Halloween party (EOC Region 8) . Info: http://

EAA Southeast Regional FIy·ln Middleton Field Airport (GZH) Evergreen, AL

October 6-8, 2006

Copperstate Regional EAA Fly·ln Casa Grande (AR) Municipal Airport (CGZ)

October 26-29, 2006 For details on EM Chapter fly-ins and other local avia­ tion events, visit www.eaa.orglevents

Membershi~ Services VINTAGE



President Geoff Robison

George Daubner

1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 260-493-4724 cllie(

2448 Lough Lane Hartford, WI 53027 262-673-5885 vaafIybo}'

Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-1674


Charles W. Harris 7215 East 46th Sl. Tulsa, OK 74147 918-622-8400

DIRECTORS Steve Bender

Jeannie Hill

85 Brush Hill Road Sherborn, MA 01770 508-653-7557

P.O. Box 328 Harvard, IL 60033-0328 815-943-7205



David Bennett

Espie "Butch" Joyce

375 Killdeer Ct Lincoln, CA 95648 916-645-8370

704 N. Regional Rd. Greensboro, NC 27409 336-668-3650

John Berendt

Steve Krog 1002 Heather Ln. Hartford, WI 53027 262-966-7627

7645 Echo Point Rd. Cannon Falls, MN 55009 507-263-2414 mjbfchld@rco", Dave Clark 635 Vestal Lane Plainfield, IN 46168 317-839-4500

davecpd@;quest.lIet John S. Copeland

lA Deacon Street Northborough, MA 01532 508-393-4775


EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086 Phone (920) 426-4800

Fax (920) 426-4873 E-Mail: vintageaircra(

Web Site: and EAA and Division Membership Services 800-843-3612 ........ FAX 920-426-6761 Monday-Friday CST) (8:00 AM-7:00 PM oNew/renew memberships: EAA, Divi­ sions (Vintage Aircraft Association, lAC, Warbirds), National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) oAddress changes

oMerchandise sales

oGift memberships

Programs and Activities EAA AirVenture Fax-On-Demand Directory . ....................... 732-885-6711 Auto Fuel STCs ........ ... . 920-426-4843 Build/restore information ... 920-426-4821 Chapters: locating/organizing920-426-4876 Education ....... . .... . ... 888-322-3229 ° EAA Air Academy

° EAA Scholarships

Fligh t Advisors information .. Flight Instructor information Flying Start Program ... ... . Library Services/Research .... Medical Questions ......... Technical Counselors . . . .... Young Eagles ..... .. . .....

920-426-6864 920-426-6801 920-426-6847 920-426-4848 920-426-6112 920-426-6864 877-806-8902

Benefits AUA Vintage Insurance Plan. 800-727-3823 EAA Aircraft Insurance Plan . 866-647-4322 Term Life and Accidental. ... 800-241-6103 Death Insurance (Harvey Watt & Company) Editorial ..... ... ... . . .... 920-426-4825 Vintage ............. . FAX 920-426-6865 ° Submitting article/photo ° Advertising information EAA Aviation Foundation Artifact Donations . ....... 920-426-4877 Financial Support. ..... .... 800-236-1025 Robert D. "Bob" Lumley 1265 South 124th Sl. Brookfield, WI 53005 262-782-2633

Gene Morris 5936 Steve Court Roanoke, TX 76262 817-491-9110


Phil Coulson

Dean Richardson

284 15 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 269-624-6490 rcoll/sonS 16@cs,com

1429 Kings Lynn Rd Stoughton, WI 53589 608-877-8485

Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hills Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46278 317-293-4430

S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue

Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-771-1545




2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 920-231·5002

E.E. "Buck" Hilbert P.O. Box 424 Union, 1L 60180 815-923-4591


Gene Chase


Ronald C. Fritz 15401 Sparta Ave. Kent City, MI 49330 616-678-5012



Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $40 for one year, includ­ ing 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership. (Add $16 for Foreign Postage.)

Current EAA members may join the International Aerobatic Club, Inc. Divi­ sion and receive SPORT AEROBATICS magaZine for an additional $45 per year. EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBAT­ ICS magazine and one year membership in the lAC Division is available for $55 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included) . (Add $15 for Foreign Postage_)

EAA SPORT PILOT Current EAA members may add EAA SPORT PILOT magaZine for an additional $20 per year. EAA Membership and EAA SPORT PILOT magazine is available for $40 per year (SPORT AVIATION magaZine not in­ cluded). (Add $16 for Foreign Postage_)

VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Current EAA members may join the Vjntage Aircraft Association and receive VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine for an ad­ ditional $36 per year. EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE magaZine and one year membership in the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association is available for $46 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not in­ cluded). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.)

WARBIRDS Current EAA members may join the EAA Warbirds of America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazine for an additional $40 per year. EAA Membership, WARBIRDS maga­ zine and one year membership in the Warbirds Division is available for $50 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not in­ cluded). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.)

FOREIGN MEMBERSHIPS Please submit your remittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars. Add reqUired Foreign Postage amount for each membership.

Membership dues to EAA and its divisions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions Copyright ©2006 by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association PJI righls reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (USPS 062-750; ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., PO Box 3088. Oshkosh. Wisconsin 54903-3086, e-mail: Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional maling offICes. POST­ MASTER: Send address changes to Vintage PJrpiane, PO Box 3086. Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. PM 40032445 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to World Distribution Services. Station A, PO Box 54, VVindsor, ON N9A 6.15, e-mail: FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please ailow at least two months fO( delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mal. ADVERTIS­ ING - Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely lhose of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the conlribu\O(. No remuneralion is made. Malerial should be sent to: Editor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 920-426-4800. EM® and EM SPORT AVlAllON®, the EM Logo® and Aeronautica,. are registered trademarks, trademarks, and service marks of the EXperimental Aircraft Association, Inc. The use of these trademarks and service marks without the permission of the Experimental Aircraft Association. Inc. is strictly prohibited.



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Classified Word Ads: $5.50 per 10 words, 180 words maximum, with boldface lead-in on first line. Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2.167 inches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch. Black and white only, and no frequency discounts. Advertising Closing Dates: 10th of second month prior to desired issue date (Le., January 10 is the closing date for the March issue). VAA reserves the right to reject any advertising in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insertion per issue. Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via fax (920-426-4828) or e-mail (c/ using credit card payment (all cards accepted). Include name on card, complete address, type of card, card number, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EAA. Address advertising correspondence to EAA Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 Airplane T-Shirts

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BABBITT BEARING SERVICE - rod bearings , main bearings, bushings , master rods , valves , piston rings. Call us Toll Free 1-800­ 233 -6934 , e- mail ramremfg@aol. com Website VINTAGE ENGINE MACHINE WORKS, N. 604 FREYA ST., SPOKANE, WA 99202

KNOW ANYONE WHO'S INTO PLANES? Distinctive Greeting Card Sets ­ Boxed for Gifts BIRTHDAYS - FATHER'S DAY ­ HOLIDAYS - NOTE CARDS Artistically Rendered Antique Aircraft 12 cards per set (41/4 " by 5 1/2" )­ blank inside - $15 www.C/ Warner engines. Two 165s, one fresh O.H. , one low time on Fairchild 24 mount with all accessories. Also Helton Lark and Aeronca C-3 project. Find my name and address in the Officers and Directors listing and call evenings. E. E. "Buck" Hilbert.

WHAT OUR MEMBERS ARE RESTORING For many years, we ran a regular monthly feature called "What Our Members Are Restoring". Over the past couple of years, the number of submissions for that feature has dwindled to a trickle, and we'd like you to help us give it a boost. In the distant past, each new and renewing member of EAA and VAA received an "activity card" that gave the member the opportunity to tell headquarters what airplanes they were working on. Since that card is no longer part of a new-member packet, we have no way of knowing what you're up to, so here's our request. Are you nearing completion of a restoration? Or is it done and you're busy flying and showing it off? If so, we'd like to hear from you. Send us a 4-by-6-inch print from a commercial source Ino home printers, please--those prints just don't scan well) or a 4-by-6-inch, 300-dpi digital photo. A JPG from your 2.5-megapixellor higher) digital camera is fine. You can burn photos to a CD, or if you're on a high-speed Internet connection, you can e-mail them along with a text-only or Word document describing your airplane. IIf your e-mail program asks if you'd like to make the photos smaller, say no.) For more tips on creating photos we can publish, visit VAA's website at Check the News page for a hyperlink to Want To Send Us A Photograph? For more information, you can also e-mail us at vintageaircraft@eaa_org or call us at 920-426-4825. 40

APRIL 2006

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