AirVenture 2007
At this writing I again find myself pulling volunteer duty with EM's B-17 Bomber Tour. This time, my trip began in New Jersey. As I was flying commer cial into Newark, we passed by the is land of Manhattan in New York City. It is always a warm and reassuring feel ing to see my girlfriend just off shore, with her torch still flying high over head. She appeared as beautiful as ever, forever symbolizing the freedoms this great nation stands for. Again, I have had the joy of befriending dozens of EAA and VAA members all over these United States. This weekend we are in the "Queen City" of Cincinnati, Ohio, being hosted by Warbird Squadron 18. This is a great bunch of folks, and they have proven to be wonderful hosts to the bomber and its crew. When you receive this issue of Vin tage Airplane, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2007 will be but a memory to those of us who were fortunate enough to at tend. It was really a great show. One of the most surprising and heartwarm ing statistics I will share with you is the fact that we, the VM, attracted an all time record-high number of volunteers at this year's event. Be mindful that I am referring only to those deeply dedi cated individuals who, over the previ ous 12 months, have volunteered more than 24,000 hours of total volunteer time to further the success of our fine organization. It is with great pride that I report to the membership of the VM that we had more than 500 individu als volunteer at AirVenture during the 2007 event. That's a great number by itself, but another amazing element to this wonderful success story is the fact that the total number of volunteers continues to climb by 8 percent to 10
percent each year. The word is really getting out about how much fun and personal satisfaction can be had when volunteering. Start planning for next year: "You gotta be there."
I have had the joy of befriending dozens of EAA and VAA members all over these United States. As most of you are aware, each year the VAA board of directors makes a special effort to reward and recognize these special members, and it is there fore my p leasure to announce this year's "VAA Volunteers of the Year." Please join me in recognizing our 2007 Flightline Volunteer of the Year, Mr. A1 Hallett of West Chicago, Illinois. Al has been volunteering with the VM flight line for more than five years now, and he continuously has proven himself to be an extremely valued member of the flightline crew. AI, thank you for your dedication and tireless efforts to assist us in providing our membership with a great convention each year. We also recognize a "VAA Behind the Scenes Volunteer of the Year." With tremendous gratitude we high light the "behind the scenes" efforts of Steve Moyer of Lansdale, Pennsylva nia, for his support of the VAA. Steve is a longtime volunteer who has many talents that go a long way in providing some very special support to our VAA
volunteers. Steve works in the Vintage data shack (as well as being a terrific help as a photographer) and pumps out a great nimber of quality products in support of our organization and his fellow volunteers. While on the topic of this year's event, the post-AirVenture assessment of all the activities in the Vintage area reveals an enormous amount of suc cess. I tend not to measure our suc cesses solely in dollar amounts, as it is more productive to assess what I see as the true measure of these successes: the results of watching and listening to as many attendees as we can. One particularly notable improvement we observed, and were particularly pleased about, was this year's Vintage Aircraft Awards presentation in the Theater in the Woods on Saturday night. I personally fielded at least a half dozen strong and oftentimes emotional remarks complimenting the division on this much-improved program and its presenters. One of our long-tenured VAA board members informed me im mediately after the event that he has never missed our awards program since its inception back in the 1970s, and he had never seen the program conducted as well as this year's program. Many de served thanks are offered to everyone who had a part in this success, includ ing EM and VM staff, the board of di rectors, and the many volunteers who had a hand in the solid improvements to this program this year. I know what a home run looks like, and based on the many positive remarks we heard, it's apparent that we smacked this one out of the park! As a matter of course, we always re continued on page 38
LANE VOL. 35, No. 10
Straight & Level
AirVenture 2007
by Geoff Robison
Amazing AirVenture 2007
A vintage year for friends and airplanes
by H.G. Frautschy
The Remarkable Bucker Bestmann
A delight in flight!
by Sparky Barnes Sargent
Benny Howard's Racers Return The resurrection of Benny Howard's Giant Killers, Mike and Ike by Karl D. Engelskirger
What's New for Vintage Pilots
The Vintage Instructor
" . ..shall become familiar with all available information ... by Doug Stewart
Type Club Notes The Technical Corner-Instrument Systems As originally published in Travel Air Log, the newsletter of the Travel Air Restorers Association by Robert G. Lock
Mystery Plane
by H.G. Frautschy
EAA Publisher
EAA's New Reach for the Sky E-Newsletter
Helping people start making their dreams of flight a reality
Tom Poberezny
Director of EAA Publications
David Hipschman
Executive Director/Editor
H.G. Frautschy
Executive Assistant
Jillian Rooker
Managing Editor News Editor
Ric Reynolds
Classified Ads
Jim Koepnick Bonnie Kratz
Advertising Coordinator
Sue Anderson
Classified Ad Coordinator
Daphene VanHullum
COVERS FRONT COVER: An unusual angle for this shot highlights the strongly tapered wings of this Bucker Bu 181 Bestmann, restored and flown here in the United States by Richard Epton. De signed by Anders J. Andersson, the Bestmann has long been known as one of the great training aircraft of its day. See Sparky Barnes' story of Epton and his Bestmann beginning on page 16. BACK COVER: High over the broken clouds of the north-central Midwest, Skip Holm pilots the Keith Rider R-4 replica racer, the Schoenfeldt Firecracker as it rockets along amongst the cloud pillars. The Firecracker, owned by the Wathen Foundation, was one of the aircraft featured in front of the VAA Red Barn Hospitality center. For more on this year's VAA activities during EM AirVenture Oshkosh 2007, please see the article beginning on page 6. EM photos by EM Chief Photographer Jim Koepnick.
Kathleen Witman
Copy Editor
Colleen Walsh
Director of Advertising
Katrina Bradshaw
Display Advertising Representatives: Northeast: Allen Murray Phone 856·229·7180, FAX 856·229·7258, e·mail: aJ/mmlirraK"' Southeast: Chester Baumgartner Phone 727·532·4640, FAX 727·532·4630, e·mail: Central: Gary Worden Phone 800·444·9932, FAX 816·741·6458, e·mail: gary.wordell@Spc· Mountain & Pacific: John Gibson Phone 916·784·9593, e·mail: ioilllgibsoll(i!.spc· Europe: Willi Tacke Phone +49 (0) 8841 487515, FAX +49 (0) 8841 496012, e·mail: willi@{
VAAIEAA Reaction to Taylorcraft AD As this article was going to press, VAA staff and the EAA Government Programs office were drafting a re sponse to the recently issued Airwor thiness Directive (AD) 2007-16-14 concerning Taylorcraft lift struts. The AD, which covers a broad spectrum of the Taylorcraft fleet, including all A, B, and F models, requires owners to have their lift struts inspected us ing either eddy current or ultrasonic nondestructive testing (NDT) meth ods, with the testing being conducted only by certified NDT inspectors as defined in the AD and Taylorcraft Ser vice Bulletin 2007-001. This inspec tion, due within five hours ' time in service after August 20, 2007, applies to unsealed struts built in accordance with Taylorcraft part numbers A-A815 and A-A84, or their equivalent part numbers as supplied by other ven dors. Owners should have received their copy of the AD via the U.S. mail; if you've not received a copy, you can download it from the FAA website at or from the Taylorcraft website at In general, we support the con cept of inspecting the wing struts for corrosion. This AD is similar in scope to the Piper lift strut AD first issued more than 25 years ago, when internal corrosion caused the failure of unsealed steel streamline tubing struts. For this particular AD, we will be commenting on the need for alter nate methods of compliance for the inspection, as well as our belief that once the initial inspection has been accomplished, a longer interval than two years seems reasonable. Since the AD was issued, we've spo ken nearly every day with members af fected by it. Most are concerned with the rationale used to initiate the AD, and they have been struggling to gain access to local NDT inspectors at a rea sonable cost. They have also expressed concerns regarding the ability of the factory to supply replacement struts, 2
Alan Klapmeier to Speak at
EAA Halls of Fame Dinner
Cirru s Des ign CEO Ala n Klap meier, a longtime EAA member, will be the key n ote speaker at the an nual EAA Halls of Fam e dinn er on November 9 at the EAA AirVenture Museum. Alan and his brother, Dale, began their business with a Cirrus h om ebuilt des ign, the VK-30 (th e prototype is on display in th e EAA AirVenture Museum), in the 1980s. They moved on to production air craft, producing the SR20 and SR22, and in just over a deca de became on e of the top small-aircraft manu facturers in the world . At AirVenture this year, Cirrus announced develop ment of the SR Sport, a light-sport aircraft, and just weeks prior to the con ventio n unve il ed its "the- jet " personal jet. EAA m embers are inv ited to at tend the dinner, which includes the induction ceremonies for th e vari ous EAA h alls of fame, including the Homebuilders Hall of Fame (Randy Schlitter); Ultra li ght Hall of Fa me
Alan Klapmeier
(M ike Ma rkowski); Vintage Aircraft Hall of Fame (Chet Peek); Warbi rds Hall of Fa me (Connie Edwards); In tern ation al Aerobatic Club Hall of Fame (Debby Rihn-Harvey, Bill Ker shner); and Flight In stru ct or Hall of Fam e (Hal Sh evers, Wo lfgan g Lan gewiesch e) . Ticke ts ca n be or dered by con tacting Matt Miller at mmiller@eaa.orgor 800-236-1 025, or online at www.EAA .org/hal/of(ame.
as well as the cost from the factory to convert the vented struts to those that are "sealed." Members have expressed hope that other struts with parts man ufacturer approval (PMA) meeting the need for a sealed strut will be made available by other vendors. The replacement of the vented struts with new PMA'd or original equipment manager struts whose de sign has been modified to be consid ered "sealed" terminates the repetitive inspection requirements for the AD.
rosion though 70 percent of the strut attach fitting welded to the fus elage lower longeron. The corroded fitting failed, pulling out of the longeron and resulting in the separation of the left wing of the airplane. Renowned sea plane pilot Dave Wiley and his student/ passenger, Scott Alan Forsberg, died in the accident. The Taylorcraft factory has issued Service Letter No. 102-T, dated September 4, 2007, to address its concerns regarding maintenance of this area of the aircraft structure.
Taylorcraft Wing Strut Attach Fitting
VAA and EAA Comment on Draft Policy Concerning Type Certificates
We should also note that the struc tural failure cited by the accident in vestigator as the cause of the crash of a Taylorcraft BF12-65 on July 28, 2007, is not related to the failure of the lift strut. According to the investigator, it was the direct result of undetected cor-
Late this past summer, Edward S. Chalpin, AIR-110 and AIR-100, and Da vid Hempe, the FAA's manager of the Aircraft Engineering Division, issued a draft policy concerning "Managing Revoked, Suspended, Surrendered, And
Abandoned Type Certificates (TC) And Supplemental Type Certificates (STC)." EAA and VAA are pleased that the FAA has created this draft policy to deal with one aspect of the problems asso ciated with the release of data, which, coupled with a law pending in Con gress, will allow those maintaining and restoring some vintage aircraft to do so in a safe and cost-effective manner. We thank the FAA for its attentive ness to our previous request, made during previous meetings with EAA and other industry representatives, for a procedure that would allow for the distribution of certain types of TC data. We understand the difficulty in dealing with the issues of proprietary data and intellectual property rights when creating the policy. Having said that, there are a number of issues that we have addressed in a letter dated to Mr. Chalpin sent at the end of August. Among them were the following: • Concern that if the law pending in Congress is not enacted, there is no clear legal provision for the FAA to release the data. • Concern that the rule as cur rently written could be interpreted to preclude the export of vintage aircraft from the United States. • Asking for clarification regard ing this policy and the restoration of previously unrestored aircraft that do not have current airworthi ness certificates. • We believe it should be stated that while the FAA is not obligated to create service information, the FAA, in accor dance with the applicable law currently included in pending legislation before Congress, is obligated to release the data to a third party who may wish to develop service information. • We stated concurrence with com ments made by Dave Ostrowski re garding the issues related to aircraft produced starting in the 1920s though 1959 under Group 2 and Bulletin 7A aircraft approvals (more than 600 air craft that were approved in that man ner). If the policy in place during the active use of the TC concerning the furnishing of data to the Department of Commerce/CAA/FAA was the same as it was for TC'd products, then we
agree with Mr. Ostrowski's comment that these aircraft should be included within this policy. • We concur with Mr. Robert Lock's comments regarding the vintage air craft community's hope that this abandoned/revoked/suspended/sur rendered TC and STC data would be considered to have been p laced "in the public domain" for ready access by those who have an interest in maintaining the continued airwor thiness of Vintage aircraft. The widest possible latitude for the release of this data should be available to the agency so that CAMACO can assist the own ers/restorers of these historic aircraft by providing them with appropriate information. We also concur with Mr. Lock's comments regarding his con cerns related to the resources avail able within the FAA to comply with this policy, and we look forward to hearing positive news regarding the inventory and availability of the data related to this policy. As this article was being written, further comments regarding the ex port of vintage aircraft were being con sidered, with a fOllow-up letter being drafted to address this issue. It should be noted that this portion of the pol icy is driven in large part by the stan dards regarding the support of TC'd products imposed by other countries. For the full text of the letter, please visit www. VintageAircra{, e-mail us at VintageAircra(, or drop us a line at 920-426-6110; we'd be happy to put a copy in the mail to you.
Enjoy Fall's Colors in the Tri-Motor Wisconsin's spectacular fall foliage can be breathtaking at eye-level, but it's simply spectacular from the air. EAA's 1929 Ford Tri-Motor will again be taking fall color flights October 13-14. Reservations can be made by calling 920-426-6880 or going online at
Complete the AirVenture
Pilots ATC Survey
Did you fly your airplane to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2007? If so, the FAA's air traffic control team asks that you take a few minutes to com plete a lO-question survey located on the EAA AirVenture website at https://Secure. EAA.orgiAirVenture/atc feedback. html. Your help will provide impor tant information that will allow controllers to continuously im prove the process to make for safer, more efficient operations at future fly-ins.
Vintage Errata In last month's feature story about Bob Lock and his Command-Aire 5C3, we managed to misspell valued contribu tor Gilles Auliard's name in the credit line for the author. Our apologies, Gilles!
Copperstate Caps the Regional Fly-In Season Copperstate EAA Regional Fly-In of ficials report that early exhibitor regis trations for this year's event are running well ahead of previous years thanks to a great reception at its exhibit at EAA Air Venture Oshkosh. The fly-in is scheduled for October 25-28 at Casa Grande Municipal Airport (CGZ). Visit for an updated exhibitors list, as well as every thing else you need to know about this year's event. CGZ is located midway be tween Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, just a few miles west of Interstate 10. The Southeast Regional EAA Fly-In is scheduled for October 12-14 at Middleton Field (GZH) in Evergreen, Alabama. For more information, visit www. VINTAGE AIRPLAN E
It's Spooktacular! EAA's Haunted Hangar If you live within driving distance of Oshkosh, consider a fun trip with your children or grandchildren for a spooktacular event. The spirit of Halloween connects with aviation history at the EAA AirVenture Muse um's popular annual event as EAA's Haunted Hangar takes place Octo ber 19-20 and the following week on October 26 and 27. All the lights are turned off in the museum and spooky guides will lead guests on an exciting flashlight tour. Watch out for Halloween ghosts and
surprises as you hear chilling stories filled with ghastly aviation history. Admission to the Haunted Hangar is just $S per per son, and all visitors are en couraged to dress in their favorite Halloween cos tume. EAA members and children S and younger are admitted free . Reser vations are not required but are recommended by calling 920-426-6880 or by visiting our secure registration site at Volun teers are needed for this event. If you are interested please contact the mu seum at 920-426-4818.
The Slightly Haunted Hangar For younger visitors, EAA's Slightly Haunted Hangar is a fun and friendly way to celebrate Halloween on Octo ber 28, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. They'll have the opportunity to trick or treat, play games, participate in Halloween "activ ities, and even come dressed in their favorite costume. Admission to the
Slightly Haunted Hangar is included in regular museum admission. EAA members and children ages Sand younger are always admitted free.
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P.O. Box 3086
OSH KOSH , WI 54903-3086
Why, I Remember That Airplane...
Editor's Note: In addition to roles as the computer systems gum When I saw the cover on the July 2007 issue of Vintage and later as director of the EAA museum (and wearing a variety Airplane it brought back a memory of some SO years ago. ofother hats as well), Gene Chase served as senior editor ofEAA I was flying the Utah Oil Refining Company's Cessna publications and editor of Vintage Airplane magazine from 310, N4811 B, out of Salt Lake City and dropped off a 1979 through 1987, and he has remained not only a valuable passenger at McGowan Field at Boise, Idaho. Always on resource regarding the history ofEAA and its divisions (his wife, the lookout for old airplanes, I spotted this vintage Travel Dorothy, once served as the office secretary for the divisions), but Air tied down on the flightline and took two photos also an active EAA/VAA volunteer and all-around nice guy ever with my aged Kodak 620 (see below). On the back side since his retirement in 1987. Gene was bestowed with the title Di足 of the prints is noted: October 18, 1956, Travel Air lO-D, rector Emeritus upon his retirement from the VAA board. -HGF N418N, SIN 10-2011, Jacobs R-7SS. As I recall, the right side cabin door had been .--- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - , enlarged. Inquiring about the plane at the FBO office, I was told the Travel Air was used to drop bales of hay to snow-bound cattle in the nearby mountains. I am pleased to see this grand old girl is flying again, and I congratulate Ron Waldron and Harry Wooldridge for their beau足 tiful restoration. Gene R. Chase
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
by H.G. Frautschy
This spectacular 1940 Cessna Airmaster finished in Civil Aeronautics Authority (CAA) colors is the product of the hard work done by Vernon Heyrman of De Pere, Wisconsin. It was presented with the Antique-Bronze Age Outstanding Closed-Cockpit Monoplane trophy. 6
ore than a thousand vintage showplanes and campers parked by hundreds of VAA volunteers. Twenty-two Type Clubs hosted in the Type Club tent. Dozens of pieces of sheet metal used to teach sheet metal forming in the Workshop tent. Thousands of bags of popcorn popped in the VAA Red Bam Hospitality Center. Zillions of people served at the VAA Help Desk in the Red Bam. More than 600 VAA participant plaques handed out to members. About 15,500 flowers planted on the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh grounds (thanks, Karen and volunteers!). More than 400 volunteers who pitched in and helped the EAA maintenance department. Approximately 7,600 meals served to those volunteers before the start of AirVenture. And 2,500 meals served at the VAA's Tall Pines Cafe, cooked and served by dozens of VAA volunteers. Oh, yes, and nearly 1,200 portable toilets to provide for the comfort of the volunteers, members, and visitors who trek over the 1,600 acres of AirVenture grounds. Numbers are sometimes fun to contemplate, but if you look closely at the paragraph above, it repeats one word more than any other足 volunteer. Without your volunteer participation, the annual EAA convention simply wouldn't happen. Not like this, anyway. It would be a lot more expensive, and it probably would not be filled with as many member-requested forums and displays as there are today. This annual event has become the go-to destination for people worldwide, and you and your fellow VAA/EAA members can look at one another with pride and say, "Yeah, we help create the world's greatest aviation celebration./I Congratulations to you, the volunteers, to the hundreds of pilots who take the time and cover the gas money to fly their vintage airplanes to Wittman Field, to the thousands of members who attend the convention, and let's not forget the staff of EAA. Sure, it's their job, but I guarantee you, if it were not for the passion and dedication to the mission of EAA and VAA I see in the office all year long, the annual aviationfest we call AirVenture wouldn't come off nearly as effiCiently and well run. Our thanks to all of you! But it's not the prospect of swatting Wisconsin's legendary mosquitoes that brings us to the upper Midwest each summer; it's the vintage airplanes and our friends who we see each year that brings us back. Let's take a look at many of the planes and people who make AirVenture the Singular experience it is.
Wow! And this isn't everybody! Steve Moyer braved the heights of the VAA Flightline Shack roof to capture this shot of many of the nearly 500 VAA volunteers who make it possible for the VAA to host 1,014 showplanes and vintage campers. Great job, one and all!
Flightline "Volunteer of the Year" award recipient AI Hallett doing what he does best and with great enthusiasm, directing VAA members and their airplanes to a spot in the grass in the Vintage area.
~------------------------------------------------------~ VINTAGE A I R PLA N E
"Hey, isn't that a••• ?" Most people walking by Rick Hamlin's Ryan knew it looked familiar, but they just couldn't put their finger on what it was, exactly. Well, it's a Ryan PT-22, modified by the late Mark Hoskins in the early 1960s. Thanks to sharp-looking wheel fairings and a 220-hp Continental, the Super Ryan, as it was dubbed by Hoskins, wowed those who remember it from 40 years ago. Now owned by Hamlin, a noted Auburn, Cord, and Duesenberg automobile restorer and a vintage airplane pilot, the Ryan is again turning heads wherever it goes. Left: Dave Carlson (left) and Archie Jones have just put the finishing touch on the VAA Red Barn Hospitality Center, the VAA windsock. You can bet they wear their stickiest shoes!
The new VAA Awards program now presents all of the VAA awards within one hour on Saturday night, and thanks in part to the volunteer efforts of emcee David Clark (one of the VAA's judges, unfortunately not shown in this photo), the program came off beautifully. Seated on the left, VAA President Geoff Robison joins the crowd in acknowledging the efforts of the VAA judging corps, who were all asked to stand and receive the appreciation ovation. Shown are (back row, left to right), Dean Richardson, Dan Knutson, and Tim Popp, and in the front row, Geoff, Dale Gustafson, and Don Coleman.
The Grand Champion Contemporary Award went to Bill Rose's 1956 de Havilland DHC路1B路2路S5 Chipmunk. So often the sheet metal on a vintage airplane used for flight training can look a bit like a lumpy burlap sack, but not this excellent airplane. The sheet metal and nose bowl looked as though they'd just been created by the de Havilland factory, and the rest of the airframe was equally as expertly finished.
John Watts does his thing as he works the taxiway in the Vintage parking area. John travels to AirVenture every year from San Diego, California. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Lars DeJounge has the only flying Saab 91 Safir in the United States. Designed by legendary Swedish engineer Anders J. Anderson, this Safir was built in Linkoping, Sweden, late in 1961 and first registered in March 1962. Anderson also designed the Biicker Bestmann (see the article starting on page 16), and the two aircraft share many similar characteristics. The type was originally built as a training aircraft for both the Swedish and Finnish air forces.
It was fun to see the 1950 Anderson Greenwood AND-51-A on the flightline. Winner of the Classic Class II (81-150 hpJ Bronze Lindy, David Powell's neat restoration of this rare Classic category airplane (there are six currently registered) drew admirers throughout the week.
10 OCTOBER 2007
The subject of one of next month's full-color features in Vintage Airplane, this is the Antique Golden Age (1918-1927) Champion, Chuck Wentworth! Antique Aero's restoration of John Seibold's Stinson SM-1B, the only one left.
TelT}' Chastain lands the Waco QCF restored by the folks at Old Style Aircraft Company of Creve Coeur, Missouri. Special arrangements were made to designate a strip of grass south and slightly west of Runway 36L as a grass landing strip. Don't wony, Teny didn't land short; those cones highlight a spot in the grass a bit smoother for touchdown! The QCF was presented with the Grand Champion Gold Lindy award.
Each Saturday during
the convention, the town
of Shawano, Wisconsin,
hosts a fly-in for those
pilots at AirVenture
who'd like to "fly-out."
This year's "fly-outers"
gathered for a group shot
with VAA Director Jeannie
Hill (center, kneeling)
prior to their early足
morning departure.
The Antique airplane judges.
The Classic airplane judges. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
The VAA Tall Pines Cafe is the place on the field for a great breakfast. Cooking the pancakes in the foreground is Jim Roberts, and the scrambled eggs are being herded around the grill by Chuck Sandager. You can't see him very well in this shot, but Mike Hoag is also . helping in the kitchen.
Mary Lynch of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and David Carlson of Monticello, Minnesota, spent much of their day delivering bags of ice and bottles of water to hundreds of VAA members camping in the Vintage aircraft parking area. The construction of an insulated box to carry the ice allowed Mary and David to range far afield before having to return to base for more supplies. We caught up with them well south of the Runway 36 threshold, about Row 135. Like the many John Deere Gators lent to EAA for the convention by John Deere, this Gator proved to be invaluable in serving the members' needs. 12 OCTOBER 2007
A pair of award-winning Waco QCFs from Rare Aircraft of Owatonna, Minnesota, rest in the Antique parking area. On the left is the Antique Reserve Grand Champion, a 1931 Waco, while to the right is the Silver Age (1928-1936) Champion, another 1931 model QCF.
Michael Kosta, co-chainnan of VAA Flightline Safety, steps toward the cockpit as Glenn Peck, the restorer of the Historic Aviation Museum's de Havilland DH足 4M2A, shuts down the mighty Liberty engine in mid足 afternoon on Friday.
Oxyacetylene welding and many other sheet metal skills were taught and demonstrated in the Workshop tent located between the Red Barn and the Type Club tent.
The relief of finally making it to Oshkosh shows on Glenn's face as he greets friend Don Parsons after his alTival. The odyssey began the previous Saturday, and only through tremendous perseverance did he continue the flight from Creve Coeur, Missouri, to Oshkosh. We'll have more on this one-of-a-kind biplane, and Glenn Peck's restoration, in an upcoming issue of Vintage Airplane. While the DH-4 did alTive after the judging deadline had passed, the judges were unanimous that a special Antique Judges Choice award be presented to Glenn and AI Stix for their massive mailplane. V I N T AGE AIRPLANE
The Type Club tent hosted 22 type clubs from around the country, each a committed group of folks who enjoy flying and restoring their favorite airplanes.
Lorraine Morris and her husband, Ken, were two of the volunteers who hosted and demonstrated the proper techniques for hand propping a vintage airplane. The demonstrations, held just east of the Red Barn Hospitality Center, proved to be among the most popular of the VAA's educational programs.
The VAA board of directors and executive director (kneeling) pause for a group photo after the annual business meeting. Each of these folks dedicates hundreds of volunteer hours over the course of the year. (Except for yours truly, [kneeling] who gets paid to work with these fine folks.) Veteran VAA photographer Jack McCarthy kept muttering something about "herding cats" when referring to trying to gather the group for the shot. I'm sure none of us knew what he was talking about ••• 14 OCTOBER 2007
Left: Tom Poberemy speaks and Buck Hilbert presents the Dorothy Hilbert Volunteer Award, presented each year to a female EAA volunteer who exhibits the same passion, dedication, and devotion for volunteerism as did the late Dorothy Hilbert. Buck Hilbert created the award to honor the memol)' of his wife, steadfast EAA volunteer, who passed away last year. "Dorothy was a dedicated 3S-year volunteer at AirVenture," Buck said. "She was known as the 'Hangar Queen at the Wearhouse' because she has helped organize all of the women volunteers." The inaugural recipient of the award is Dolores Neunteufel, who chairs the EAA AirVenture Assistance Center. "Dolores is one of those 'quiet volunteers' who has always worked behind the scenes and not in the spotlight," said Sandy Marsh, chairman of the Activities Center. "She has always been willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done."
VAA Volunteer Center Chairwoman Anna Osborn chats with a volunteer. Anna and her volunteers processed more than 500 volunteers over the course of the week.
The Grand Champion Classic is this vel)' neat Cessna 170 belonging to Steve Jacobson of Fort Worth, Texas. Steve tells us that if he'd really known in advance what it would take to restore it, he'd have walked away. After admiring both the interior and exterior, I'm pretty sure he's glad he didn't think about it too hard. ...... VINTAGE AIRPLANE
A delight in flight! BY SPARKY BARNES SARGENT
'chard Epton is one happy pilot, and he radiates an in fectious enthusiasm when e describes his Bucker Best mann. He's owned other airplanes, but the Bestmann is something spe cial to him, and not just because it's the only one actively flying in the United States (one is on display at Fantasy of Flight in Florida), but also because of its classic good looks and excellent performance. "It's incredibly responsive on a 16 OCTOBER 2007
flyby when you waggle the stick. If you do that in a Tiger Moth noth ing happens, but do it with a Bucker and it goes knife-edge," says Epton, his cheerful countenance aglow, add ing, "For a 1940s airplane, it was way ahead of its time."
Brief Biicker Histol)' A brief look at the history of Bucker aircraft shows that in the early 1920s Carl Clemens Bucker, a naval avia tor who had taken his flying career
to Sweden from Germany, started an aircraft company called Svenska Aero (known today as SAAB). About 10 years later, Bucker moved back to Germany and named his new air craft company Bucker Flugzeugbau GmbH. In 1933, Anders]. Andersson, his chief engineer, designed and built a two-seat trainer, the BU-131 ]ung mann, in less than six months. The small biplane was fully aerobatic and economical to operate and soon went into production for the Luftsportver
"It's incredibly .
responsIve on a flyby when you waggle the stick. If you do that in a Tiger Moth nothing happens, but do it with a Bucker and it goes knife-edge."
for production in the United States, but by the 1960s they began enter ing the country and were classified as experimental-exhibition or exper imental-amateur-built, depending on how they were built. Their origi nal engines, such as the Hirth, Tigre, or Siemens-Halske, have often been replaced with more reliable Warner, Lycoming, or LOM (Letecke opravny Malesice) engines. over the years.
The Bestmann
-Richard Epton
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The wings are ready, and the fuselage is a work in progress.
band, a civilian flying association. In 1934, the need arose for a sin gle-seat advanced trainer that was more aerobatic, and the BU-133 Jung meister was designed. Other aircraft were also designed by Bticker Flug zeugbau GmbH, including the two place, low-wing Bti 180 Student; a
two-place Bti 181 Bestmann; and a single-place Bti 182 Kornett. In the following years, several other coun tries, including Switzerland, Japan, Spain, and Czechoslovakia were li censed to build various models of Bticker aircraft. Bticker aircraft were never licensed
The prototype Bticker Bu 181 Best mann took to the skies in early 1939, and production of this model began the following year at the Bticker fac tory in Germany, where it continued throughout World War II. The Best mann was a primary trainer for the German Luftwaffe, and it quickly be came quite popular for several rea sons. For one, it allowed an instructor and student to sit side by side in the comfort of an enclosed cabin, as op posed to the earlier Bucker models, which had tandem seating and typi cally an open cockpit. Its aerobatic capabilities, combined with its rapid and fluid response to control input, allowed students to learn basic com bat maneuvers. And its long fuselage and narrow gear encouraged students to develop the skills required for tran sitioning to the fighter of the day, the Me109. The Bestmann was also used for liaison work and towing gliders and was licensed for production in several countries, including Czecho slovakia, where Zlin continued post war production of the Bestmann (Zlin Z-381) after the war. It's estimated that around 7,000 Bestmanns have been built under li cense in at least 23 European coun tries since production first began. One interesting historical note is that the Bucker Student and Bestmann designs inspired the successful post war Zlin 26 series aerobatic aircraft. Notably, during the first FAI World Aerobatic Championships held in 1960 at Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Zlin Z-226As were the top competi tors, winning first, second, and third places. Additionally, according to Steve Beaver of Columbus, Ohio, who VINTAGE AIRPLANE
Now here's a nice clean engine room. The spacious cockpit of the Bestmann.
has restored both Zlin and Bucker aircraft, "There are many similarities between these aircraft, to the extent that a lot of components are inter changeable, particularly in the land ing gear and control system."
N94245 Epton's Bestmann (s/n 145) is a handsome example of the Czecho slovakian-built Z-381 and was manu factured in 1949. Previous owner Joe Moriarty of Phoenix, Arizona, im ported the aircraft in September 1981 from Karl Wittig of Gande Kasse, Ger many. It was shipped to Houston , Texas, where it was reassembled, in spected, and test flown before being flown to its new home in Arizona. According to Epton , Moriarty flew it for many years and then dis assembled it. "Joe is an outstanding gent, and he had decided it was time to restore the aircraft. Its fuselage is wooden monocoque construction and the wings and tail are wood as well, so he found a brand-new fuse lage somewhere in Europe," recalls Epton, adding, "and the aircraft was finished by a gentleman called Joe Krybus in Santa Paula, California. He's the guru in Bucker aircraft, and he also installed a new LOM 332B four-cylinder inverted, in line engine, with a constant-speed prop . Origi nally, the aircraft had a 105-hp Hirth HM 504 engine." Beaver further explains the advan tages of the LOM engine, saying, "It has true multipoint, timed fuel in 18
jection and an overhead cam, like a modern car. It is a very modern en gine that runs more like a Honda than a Lycoming! Unusually, the su percharger can be engaged or disen gaged in flight, so it produces 160 hp when the supercharger is engaged and 140 hp when it is turned off." Epton purchased N94245 from Mo riarty in July 2006 and requested the willing and capable help of Beaver, who also owns and flies a Bucker Jungmann, to fly it home to Brooks, Georgia. Reflecting on that flight, Beaver says, "It was a privilege to fly Richard's Bestmann from Phoenix. Even though N94245 has pic k ed up a f ew pounds over the years (as have I), the supersmooth LOM engine makes it quite a sprightly performer. The engine driven supercharger made light work of the density altitudes I encountered around Albuquerque and Tucumcari." Epton just couldn't wait for the Bestmann to arrive in Brooks, so he devised a way to meet Beaver en route. "True enthusiast that he is, Richard scrounged a ride to my last fuel stop in Wetumpka, Alabama," explains Beaver, "and we were able to make the last leg of the trip together. For me, that was the icing on the cake. As wonderful as old airplanes are, it is the friends you make while playing with them that makes this obsession so great!" Since Epton lives on an airstrip, it's been easy for him to fly the Bestmann on a regular basis. To date, he's logged nearly 100 hours on it and has enjoyed
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Close-up view of the main landing gear.
every minute of it. Epton isn't the only one who's enamored with the Best mann. So were the judges at the 2007 Sun 'n Fun Fly-In at Lakeland, Florida, who gave it the Most Unique Classic Aircraft award. And in July 2007, the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh judges gave it the Outstanding Limited Production award in the Classic Awards (Septem ber 1945 through 1955) category. For both of these awards, Epton is quick to credit the efforts of restorers Joe Krybus and Joe Moriarty; Moravia in Thun der Bay, Ontario; Pavel Novak in Brit ish Columbia; and the members of the Bucker owners club, especially "Bucker Boys" Steve Beaver and Brian Karli.
An Englishman in Georgia To better appreciate Epton's delight with his 58-year-old Bestmann and
aviation in general, it helps to know a bit more about this Englishman. He fondly recalls how, as a child, he helped his father, Eric Claude Epton, milk the cows in a cold milking shed while listening to "his tales of how Hurri canes and Spitfires chased Heinkels and Junker 88s all over the Lincoln shire countryside, known as Bomber County, and how he had heard the roar of the Merlin engines in Lancast ers. We made frequent visits to the old runways and airfields, which he
had visited as a lad, and I in turn took my son to the very same fields . I was hooked, and it was simply a matter of time before I became airborne!" Epton has been flying now for about 20 years and was first involved in the world of microlight flying in h is home country, where it 's quite ex pensive to learn to fly. When he relo cated to the United States in January 1990 to establish a company for one of his English clients, flying become much more feasible and accessible to him. "I came over with my wife, son, dog, and grandfather clock," he says congenially, "and I started a business which is now very successful. I import refrigeration dis play cases and supply th em to conventions, as well as selling via a dealer network through out the USA." By the mid-1990s, Epton completed his student pilo t training at Peachtree City and earned his pilot certifi cate. Then he bought an Ercoupe pro ject and, chuckling, says he "won dered how my transition was going to be from The aerobatic Bestmann has seats that were de 'super light' to 'heavy signed to comfortably accommodate parachutes, metal Ercoupe.' It was while a cargo net keeps items securely stowed in the great, and I flew it for 14 baggage compartment. years, then so ld it and
bought a Super 260 Navion, which we restored and made pretty. Then I bought a twin Navion, which my 22 year-old son, Richard, soloed wh en he was 19, and he's got 1,000 hours now. And to think when I was a teen ager, I was only driving a tractor!" Epton also owned a Tiger Moth prior to the Bestmann and, with h is jovial sense of humor, describes it as "a fabulous plane. Every Englishman should own one. It's the epitome of flight in Great Britain-just stick and rudder. Actually, it's a grea t t rain er because it highlights your shortcom ings as a pilot without breaking any thing. So my transition to the Bi.icker was an easy one because the engine is upside down, as the Americans say, and the propeller turns the 'wrong way,' as did the Tiger Moth's."
The Numbers N94245 holds 32 gallons of fuel in its fuselage tank, located directly be hind the seats and just below the bag gage compartment. Handily, the gas cap has a dipstick-similar to an oil cap-so the fuel level can easily be as certained visually. The Bestmann is a good short-field performer, taking off in 918 feet and landing in 459 feet. It has an empty weight of 1,166 poun ds and a payload of 704 pounds (less for aerobatics), so with a full load of fuel, 512 pounds are available for pilot, pas senger, and baggage on a typical flight. The efficient Czechoslova kian built LOM 332B engine burns fe wer
Above: Close-up view of the split flap. Left: This Bestmann is powered by a Czechoslovakian LOM 332B engine of 140 hp (or 160 hp when supercharged). The Bestmann opens wide for easy ac cess to the cockpit and engine. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
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Son Richard and his lady friend, Dee, flew a D16A Twin NaYion to the show, and Epton flew his Bestmann. 20
than 7 gallons per hour, according to Epton, "at an economical cruise of about 115 to 117 mph. If you want to burn more gas, you can engage the supercharger. I normally fly for two hours before refueling, but you could fly safely three hours, with a reserve remaining. So Lakeland, Florida, was an easy shot from my home in Brooks. I flew halfway, landed in Thomasville for gas, and then came straight on in to Lakeland. The weather was per足 fect, with a high overcast that kept the sun off my head. I've tinted the top glass of the aircraft because it is a greenhouse when the sun is shining directly on you." The nearly 6-foot 9-inch tall Bestmann sits a bit high on its narrow gear, yet Epton finds that its
Joe Moriarty with N94245 in Phoenix, Arizona.
Steve Beaver with the Besbnann, upon aniYal at Epton's home in Brooks, Georgia. ~ ~ ~
ground-handling characteristics are very good, with its large cableoperated rudder and effective brakes. The fully swiveling tail wheel has an oleo-spring shock strut, as do the main gear. The ailerons and elevators are activated by push-pull rods that glide easily through their bushings and require only the typical light-as a-feather Bticker touch. The ailerons, elevators, and rudder are fabriccovered, and the tail group is of wood construction (fabric-covered ply wood on the horizontal and vertical stabilizers), as are the tapered, canti levered wings, which have a span of 34 feet 9 inches. From nose to tail, the Bestmann measures 25 feet 9 inches, and its wooden monocoque fuselage has a steel tubing framework protecting the cabin area.
ADelight in Flight Although the Bestmann's inte rior has a rather Spartan appearance, Epton finds that it's a very comfort able airplane and functional as well, since the seats are designed to ac commodate seat-style parachutes and the instrument panel and controls are easily accessible from either seat. Since visibility over the nose is ex cellent, Epton doesn't need to S-turn while taxiing, and in flight visibility is even better. That, combined with its quick responsiveness, makes it a pleasure to fly. Describing his first flight in the Bestmann, Epton says, "It was in Phoenix, where it was 105 degrees. We had a heavy load. I was in the left seat, where the only brakes are, and the other pilot was in the right seat, with plenty of fuel. We taxied for 25 minutes, and I'm wondering just how we're going to do. Takeoff
asks for 15 degrees of flap, and with steady application of full power the aircraft accelerates smartly in a three point attitude. He said, 'Don't push the stick, just open the throttle and stay dead straight. At 45 mph, put one finger on the stick and move it forward one inch, feel the tail come up, and then at 55 mph move it back 1 inch'-and it gently becomes air borne. It's a throaty, noisy little rascal on takeoff, as it has straight pipes of only about 10 inches. Then with the split-style flaps retracted, speed in creases very quickly to the best climb speed of 80 mph, and by the time you level off at cruise, the airspeed is around 115 mph." The Bestmann is well-behaved dur ing landings, provided the pilot stays alert, as in any tailwheel aircraft. Ep ton describes the procedure this way: "With 15 degrees of flap at 115 mph (or less) slowing to a downwind speed VINTAGE AIRPLANE
2 1
Here you can easily see two of the four metal straps that run lengthwise on the wooden monocoque fuselage. The straps distribute the load of tow ing gtiders. !Z reveals just how much of a delight in ~ flight it really is. "Like its brethren, « ~
This Bestmann was built for towing gliders. Note the tow hook aft of the tail wheel.
of 80 mph, you turn base at 70 mph and fly final at 65 mph with the full 45 degrees of flap. Touchdown is around 50 mph and the aircraft may be three-pointed, or wheel landed, though attention must be paid to rudder input as she will 'smell the 22 OCTOBER 2007
the Bestmann is a good aerobatic per ~ former. The controls are very light, « ~ smooth, and perfectly balanced," ex :<: ~ plains Beaver. "They just beg to be ~ exercised to the full! Rolls are partic o ~;jjI!i<'I:;l;;,l ~ ularly easy to perform, and despite Cl. its relatively high aspect ratio wings, clover' if you are slow or too heavy there is little adverse yaw. The only on the input." thing the pilot must watch is that like Beaver also praises the Bestmann's many older aerobatic monoplanes, flying characteristics. "In flight, the though it handles well-flown aero Bestmann clearly shows its wonderful batics with ease, a poorly flown ma heritage. As with all of Andersson's de neuver can get you into trouble. The signs, it has a combination of stability Bestmann is quite clean and will pick and maneuverability that seems nearly up speed in a hurry." impossible. How can an aircraft have With the airplane's incredible re such powerful, positive stability and sponsiveness, comfortable cabin, yet be capable of any and all aerobat great visibility, and efficient, power ics with just the pressure of your little ful engine, it's no wonder that Epton finger? Aircraft with such immaculate displays such a happy countenance handling are rare indeed. The SIAI- whenever he flies, or even talks about, Marchetti SF260, Fournier RF4, Swear his Czechoslovakian-built Bestmann. ingen SX300, and the Zlin (Z-226 and It's a likely bet that he'll be flying Z-526) are the only aircraft I have flown N94245 for many years to come, so if that are in any way comparable." you're in the southeastern portion of And the Bestmann, similar to the the United States, be sure to keep an Jungmann andJungmeister with their eye open for a transplanted English instantaneous response to an experi man flying this handsomely restored, enced pilot's knowing touch, quickly award-winning classic. ......
Benny Howard's
The resurrection of Ben ny Howard's Giant Killers, Mike and Ike BY KARL PRESIDENT,
After nearly 60 years in relative obscurity, Benny Howard's origi足 na l 1932 Howard DGA-S air racers, Mike and Ike, are undergoing resto足 ration to airworthy condition. My business partner Tom Matowitz
Above: Benny Howard's Mike. The registration currently on the airplane is not the original number issued to the racer, Mike's original registration number of NR55Y is now registered to Gus Limbach's Gusty homebuitt aerobatic airplane, while Ike's original number is assigned to Kim Kovach's Ike replica. Left: Ike's original cowl and Menasco 8-6 Buccaneer engine await restoration. 24
and I were able to obtain both air planes from their longtime owner, Joe Binder. Binder purchased the vintage National Air Races aircraft in the early 1950s with the hopes of restoring both airplanes, but he never quite accomplished his goal. Other than brief appearances at Os hkosh in 1991, and Mike's brief stay at the Crawford Museum in Cleve land during the mid 1990s, both air planes have been out of public view for more than half a century. The restoration process began in early May 2007 at our shop in
We are very
fortunate that
both airplanes are
virtually complete
and in amazing
condition considering
their age.
Hinckley, Ohio . It is our goal to have Mike back in the air in roughly three years and Ike airborne shortly thereafter. We are very fortunate that both airplanes are virtually complete and in amazing condition considering their age . With the ex ception of Mike's original Menasco B6S engine, an original Bosch mag neto SWitch, and a few sheet metal fairings, all of the parts are pres ent. It is our goal to restore the airplanes as close to original con dition as possible. In the interest of safety, a few modifications will
Ike's Benny Howard stablemate, Mike. The early versions of the airplanes were distinctly different in appearance, with Ike sporting a pair of tandem-wheel main landing gears. Later, when Ike's gear was revised to the standard two-wheel gear configuration, only differences in the markings and nose bowl configuration (plus, of course, the different markings and aircraft registration numbers) made it possible to tell the differences between the two racers.
Moving day after the sale. Except for a visit to EAA during the annual fly-in and convention in 1991 for EAA's celebration of the Golden Age of Air Racing, and a display of Mike at the Crawford Museum in the 1990s, neither airplane had been out of the garage since Joe Binder's purchase from Benny Howard in the late 194Os. Thanks to the efforts of Binder, both airplane projects were complete.
Mike and Ike in the Ohio sunshine. Mike's restoration is further along, and the plan is for Mike (now equipped with a Czech LOM inline engine) to be completed first, followed shortly by Ike's restoration.
include the installation of brakes, ta il w h eels, and a Czech M-13? A en gin e to power Mike. To th e best of our knowledge, Be n ny Howard's Mike and Ike are likely the only original Thompson Trophy racers with any potential of retu rnin g to airworthy status. Both have great h is t orical importance: Mike placed third in the Thompson Trop hy Race in 1933 and won the Greve Trophy in 1935, and Ike held th e inverted world speed record dur足 in g the mid 1930s. When Ike returns to the air after an 80-year hiatus, he will be powered by the original six足 cylinder Men asco Buccaneer that he had wh en h e left Benny Howard's Kansas City shop in July of 1932. Please follow our progress by visiting our website at
Mike's uncovered fuselage highlights it as a racer: short, with its graceful aft neatly streamlined behind the inline six-cylinder Menasco engine. 26
Charles and Barbara Hagen Bradenton, FL
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Organized Weather Briefings Sometimes all the web-based downloads you can find are still not enough, and that's when Sporty's Weather Briefing Cards can help pilots organize information from weather brief ings . You can fill in information in the appropriate spaces on the kneeboard-size cards, wh ich are organized in order of in formation given. A pad of 50 (item number 1362A) sells for $3.95. For more information call 800-776-7897 or visit www.
DVD Offers Through-the-Helmet Look at TIG Welding HTP America Inc. now offers a new DVD designed to bring novice welders up to speed on TIG welding. The 70-minute in structional video, Welcome to the World of TIG Welding, pro vides explanations and exam ples of the TIG welding process. Call 800-872-9353 or visit www. to order. 28 OCTOBER 2007
FLY NOW! The Smithsonian's National Air and Space Mu seum and National Geographic present the his tory of flight in FLY NOW! The Poster Collection of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Mu seum, which spans nearly two centuries of aer ial adventure and air travel. The images in FLY NOW/-some never before published-are culled from the National Air and Space Museum's collec tion of 1,400 aeronautical posters. Each tells a story of flight, from the hot air balloon to the sleek 777 Worldliner jet. The earliest poster dates from 1827. The book, by Joanne Gernstein London, a curator at the National Air and Space Museum, is the companion volume to the FLY NOW/ traveling exhibition. It is also a companion to America by Air, a new exhibit opening at the museum's flag ship building on the National Mall in Washington in late 2007. Published by National Geographic Books, the book is available for $25 at your favorite local bookstore or online retailer.
Cessna 120/140 Fuel Valve The folks at Univair in Aurora, Colorado, never seem to stop solving vexing problems for vin tage airplane owners. This time the beneficiaries of its engineer ing and manufacturing expertise are the owners of Cessna 120 and 140 series airplanes. Ever since Imperial/Gould discontinued its series of brass fuel valves, the 120/140 owners have had to do their best to keep their valves in airworthy condition. Univair has been issued FAA-PMA approval for its new replacement fuel valve and handle for the 120/140 series. to have a smooth turning action,
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valve , using the same tank se
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lector plate and mounting hard
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ware. The new handle complies
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ber U0411716-500, and it sells for
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--- ~ ---
EAA SportAir Sponsors:
"• • .shall become familiar with all available infonnation... " The first day after my arrival home from EAA AirVen ture Oshkosh '07, with virtually no time to savor all the wonderful experiences of that annual pilgrimage, I found myself in my office, catching up on phone mes sages and mail as I awaited the arrival of two clients in their Cardinal, who were to begin their training for the commercial certificate. I had my handheld transceiver turned on to monitor the UNICOM frequency and thus give me a heads-up on their imminent arrival. Prior to tuning to the UNICOM frequency I had lis tened to the automated weather observation system (AWOS), not only to see if my weather observations matched those of the robot stationed at the north end of the field, but also to see if any of the pre-recorded announcements had changed. Indeed , nothing had changed there. The usual announcement of Runway 21 being the preferred calm-wind runway remained the same. As well, the notice to airmen (NOTAM) re garding the UNICOM frequency change that had be come effective back in the beginning of March was still being broadcast. When I heard my client announce entering the 4S de gree for the downwind to Runway 21, I headed out to the ramp. Sure enough, the windsock was hanging quite limply, so my client had made the proper choice of run way. But as I continued my survey of the field, I noticed a Super Cub turning base to final for Runway 03. Most Super Cubs have radios, but I didn't hear this pilot an nounce any of his intentions. Perhaps this was one of those tailwheel pilots who doesn't like to use the radio unless he has to . Or per haps it was a NORDO (no radio) Super Cub. Whatever the case, the pilot certainly seemed to know how to fly his airplane as he executed a beautiful short-field land ing, touching down on his large tundra tires in a perfect three-point landing. As the Cub taxied up to the self-serve fuel pump I strolled in that direction. (By now, my inbound cli ent was on a mid-field downwind for Runway 21.) As I approached the Cub, it looked very familiar, and I 30 OCTOBER 2007
realized that the pilot of this PA-18 had been a for mer client of mine. Indeed he had been one heck of a challenge for me, as an instructor. His stick and rud der skills were wonderful, so that had not been the challenge. What had been a Sisyphean chore for me was trying to help this pilot in overcoming his haz ardous attitudes. At the forefront of these was his anti-authority attitude. Prior to coming to me as a student pilot, he had been flying all over the place, without any current endorse ments, and furthermore , carrying passengers. It was dif ficult getting through to him that his actions would be frowned upon by the FAA. He feigned having difficulty understanding why he couldn't fly hi s Cub, minus a transponder, over Class C airspace. I could continue the list but would run out of space before I finished. The pilot, who shall remain anonymous, climbed out of the Cub with an excited, "Hey, Doug. Check out the mods I've done to my Cub!/I He was eager to show me not only a new 200-hp Lycoming engine, but also all the improvements to his panel. It was no longer a NORDO Cub, what with some of the latest and greatest in small, space-saving avionics now installed in his airplane. Not only a transceiver and transponder graced the panel, but a panel-mounted Garmin 496 was there, as well. As I walked up to get a closer look my clients were now touching down on Runway 21. The pilot of the Cub said to me: "Can you believe those folks in that airplane that just landed. They not only didn't announce a single word on the UNICOM, but th ey landed on the wrong runway as well. Someone should say something to them before they hurt somebody!/I "Sam,/I (I won't use his real name here) "what fre quency were you on?/I I asked. "122.8," he replied . "Uh ... did YOll listen to the AWOS before you got here?" I now asked . "No, I just came overhead and looked at the sock ... you know those AWOS things ... can't ever trust 'em," he responded. "And what was the sock doing when you looked at it?" was my next question. "Hang ing limp," he said.
"Well, Sam, if you had listened to the AWOS, in ad dition to all the pertinent weather information, like the ceiling, winds, and altimeter setting, you would have also heard that the preferred calm-wind runway is Runway Two One. And if you had listened further, you would have heard that 'effective March I, 2007, the new UNICOM frequency for the airport is 123.05.' It's been changed for five months now, Sam." A pained look of embarrassment started to spread across Sam's face . "And even if you hadn't listened to the AWOS, if you had looked at a current sectional ... Uh . .. you do have one, don't you, Sam? The new ones came out back in the be ginning of May . .. you would have seen the new frequency published there." I hoped I was having some impact. "But Doug, I looked up the frequency on my new GPS," he proudly said, "and it had 122.8 there, too." "Well, Sam, is your database current? Let me check," I said, as I climbed into his cockpit, turned on the master switch, then the avionics switch, and watched as the Garmin 496 came to life and annunciated the database date as August 2006. "Sam, your GPS database is a year old . Don't you think it's time to update it before it leads you into some serious trouble? Well, these are my cli ents taxiing in here. I've got to go now. It looks like not too much has changed over the years, has it? Oh well ... keep your airspeed up." But you know, the real sad thing is that "Sam" is not alone! It is almost a daily occurrence that someone lands at the airport, against the flow of all other traffic but oblivious to it, not only because they aren't using the most important piece of equipment in their cockpit, their eyes, but because they are on the wrong frequency. I hate to say it, but I sadly fear that it is only a matter of time before there is a head-on collision between aircraft on the runway. When we wake up and realize that almost every reg ulation is there to try and save us from our own igno rance, then we might start to pay a little more attention. Like FAR 91.103, Preflight Action, which states, in part, "Each Pilot In Command shall become familiar with all available information concerning that flight." (Capital letters are my emphasis.) The FARs mention specifically that this includes "Runway lengths at airports of in tended use, as well as takeoff and landing distance infor mation," and "if under IFR or a flight not in the vicinity of an airport, weather reports and forecasts, fuel require-
ments, alternatives available .... " Nothing is said, specifically, in 91.103, about NOTAMs, which might include frequency changes; navaid outages; airport closures, both temporary as well as permanent; fuel availability, or the lack thereof; the activity of SUA (special use airspace); and that old bugaboo, especially post September 11, TFRs. Nothing is mentioned, spe cifically, in the FAR, about having current publications, such as a current chart and Airport/Facility Directory (A/ FD). Need I continue the list? I know of several pilots who not only don't have a current chart with them, but also never have an A/FD on board, current or other wise. They choose to rely on their GPS for" all their available infor mation," but then only bother to update the database on their GPS on a once-a -year basis, if that. They use the excuse of not calling for a briefing, because the "wait times are ridiculous, now that Lockheed Martin has taken over." (This is probably true, but these pilots never called for a briefing, even back in the good old days be fore the FAA sold out the flight ser vice stations.) And they don't own or know how to use a computer, so they aren't getting their preflight briefings from DUATS either. These are the same pilots that bemoan the "ever tightening re strictions" the FAA is placing on general aviation, and gripe that the FAA is taking all the fun out of flying. I must admit that there are times when I have these same thoughts, but I also realize that so many of these regulations were "written in blood" and only came about as a way to pre serve our lives. There is nothing in aviation that is static, save for some of the displays that we might see in a museum. Everything else in aviation is dynamic. Things change. Obviously the weather probably heads the list, but fre quencies, airspace, airports, navaids, technology .. .the list could go on for quite a bit...are all susceptible to change. That is why it behooves each and everyone of us to find out all that we possibly can about our flights, prior to every single flight that we make. So please be sure, when blue skies and tail winds are beckoning you to be airborne, that you have obtained all available information prior to your flight .
When we wake up and real ize that almost every
regulation is there
to try and save us from our own
ignorance, then we
might sta rt to pay a
little more attention.
Doug Stewart is the 2004 National CFI of the Year, a NAFI Master Instructor, and a designated pilot examiner. He oper ates DSFI Inc. ( based at the Columbia County Airport (lBI). ....... VINTAGE AIRPLANE
The Technical Corner
Instrument Systems
As originally published in Travel Air Log,
the newsletter of the Travel Air Restorers Association
by Robert G. Lock ur subject for this issue is instrument systems. The discussion will focus on the primary instrument panel, those instruments required by reg ulation for flight. CFR Part 91.205 states that these instruments are the airspeed indicator, compass, engine tachometer, oil pressure and oil tem pera ture gauges (for liquid-cooled engines, a coolant thermometer is required instead of the oil tempera ture gauge), and an altimeter. Also in the regulation is the requirement for a manifold pressure gauge for each "altitude engine," a fuel gauge, and
a landing gear position indicator if the aircraft is equipped with retract able landing gear. The owner may wish further instrumentation, but the above gauges are required equipment. Other instruments may be added by necessity, such as an ammeter if an electrical system is installed and fuel pressure gauge if a pressure feed fuel system is installed. All instruments should be installed using brass hard ware. This is done to protect the com pass from magnetic deviation.
COMPASS: The magnetic compass is prefer
ably installed in line with the cen ter of the fuselage. Metallic objects that are magnetiC will affect accu racy of the compass. Therefore, non magnetiC hardware is always used for installation. Compass deviation is caused by anything magnetiC lo cated nearby, such as steel hardware and/or electrical wires. [Your porta ble CPS can also affect the compass. HCFJ Deviation can be corrected by "swinging the compass" once the airplane is completed. You will need a correction card to install directly below the compass. There are two methods to correct a compass for de
viation: Use a "compass rose" at the local airport or a "master compass." The most common method is to place the airplane on a compass rose and make mechanical corrections to the instrument in the N-S and E-W headings. On the face of the com pass are two screws marked N-S and E-W. These screws rotate tiny mag nets, which cause the compass card to move. Always use a nonmagnetic screwdriver when adjusting. I take a small piece of b rass brazing rod and flatten it to turn the screws. The most accurate compass correction will be with the electrical system li on" and the engine running. Most folks don't run the engine, and if there are no electrical wires near the compass, there 's no need to activate the electrical system.
SWINGING THE COMPASS: Place the aircraft on the compass rose with the main landing gear on th e E-W line and tail wheel on the N-S line (longitudinal axis aligned over the N-S line) and move the N-S screw until the compass reads 0 de grees (north) . Move the airplane 180 degrees, line up on N-S and E-W lines and note the compass read ing. Example : If the compass reads 176 degrees instead of 180 degrees, adjust heading until the compass reads 178 degrees (take 1/2 of the error and adjust N-S screw). Then repeat the process on the east-west direction. Once the cardinal head ings are adjusted , don 't make any more adjustments. Now place the airplane in the north heading and note compass reading on a piece of paper. Then move the airplane so as to change the heading by 30 de grees, noting compass reading, until you come back to the north heading. Your figures can then be transferred to the compass correction card that will be installed just below the com pass. If there are heading errors of more than 10 degrees, the compass must be overhauled or replaced.
TACHOMETER: All old tachs were mechanically driven off the engine accessory case.
There were no electric or recording tachs made in the early days. Use care when measuring the length of the housing cable. Don't make it too long, as excessive coils or changes in direction can cause friction. Note the direction of rotation of the tach cable drive at the engine. Make sure the drive cable is wound in the direc-
the glass, provide a small white line from the instrument case to the glass so glass rotation can be detected.
OIL PRESS URE GAUGE: Oil pressure gauges are Bourdon tube instruments. Inside the instru ment is a small semicircular ellipti cal-cross section tube that" springs out" under pressure. This tube drives the needle through a series of gears and rocker arms. Aluminum tubing is used to connect the instrument to the pressure port on the engine. The most common tube diameter is 3/16 inch, although 1/4 inch may be used. There should be a flexible area of tubing at the engine attach ment point. Either use a hose or coil the tube so it is free to flex when the engine moves in the mount. Initial installation of the tube to the instru ment should be done by first remov ing all air from the line. Disconnect the line from the instrument and turn the engine over with the starter until oil in the line is visible; recon nect the line to the instrument. En gine operating oil pressure, both the maximum and minimum, should be marked with small radial redlines.
OIL TEMPERATURE GAUGE: tion of the engine drive, not in op position to the drive direction. Also note that the drive cable is slightly longer than the housing , so as to properly engage in both the engine drive and tachometer instrument casing. I lubricate my drive cables with graphite grease during assem bly. There is an oil seal or other type of mechanism in the engine drive to keep oil from entering the tach drive housing and eventually getting into the instrument. If oil ever appears in the instrument, check the oil seal at the engine. The tachometer should be "redlined" at maximum operat ing rpm. A simple red radial line ad jacent to the rpm will suffice. Have the instrument overhaul shop install the redline at the time of overhaul or place the marking on the instrument glass. If the marking is placed on
The oil temp gauge is also a Bour don tube type instrument. Unlike the oil pressure gauge , there is a capillary line and sealed bulb per manently connected to the back of the instrument . The bulb and line is filled with a liquid [most com monly it is liquid ether-HGFJ that expands with temperature, thus causing the Bourdon tube to move. Small changes in movement cause the needle to indicate a tempera ture. Never cut the capillary line off a temperature instrument or the liq uid will immediately turn to a gas and the instrument becomes useless. The capillary line should be desired length; however, excess length can be coiled and clamped behind the instrument panel. The oil tempera ture gauge should have a red radial line indicating maximum inlet oil temperature as specified by the en gine manufacturer. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
AIRSPEED INDICATOR : Airspeed indicators are pitot/static instruments. That is, they operate on pitot (ram air) and static (ambient) pressures . A common location for the pitot/static probes on a biplane is on the left or right interplane strut, at about four-fifths of the gap above the lower wing. Pitot (ram air) operates a diaphragm, which ex pands under pressure and moves a series of rocker arms and gears that make the needle move. Static air sur rounds the diaphragm inside the case of the instrument. There usually is a tee connection that allows static air to be connected to the altimeter, and through another tee to the rate of-climb instrument (if installed). Some simple installations will have the static air source directed only to the airspeed indicator; the altimeter static air will be opened directly into the cockpit of the airplane through a lI8-inch pipe plug with a small drilled hole. The airspeed indicator should have a red radial line mark ing the never-exceed speed (V NE ) of the aircraft.
ALTIMETER: There are two types of altimeters used in the older airplanes: standard (nonsensitive) and sensitive. Both use static air derived from the pitot/static system. The instrument case is air tight and contains one to three sealed diaphragms that expand as the air craft gains altitude. This expansion is transferred to a needle that reads the aircraft's altitude. Standard altim eters contain just one needle on the dial, and the local "altimeter setting" in inches of mercury cannot be set. These instruments have accuracy er rors and are best set to zero so as to read the airplane altitude above the ground (AGL). Sensitive altimeters have a window to adjust the instru ment to local altimeter setting in inches of mercury. These instruments are more accurate than the standard altimeter; they are actually an aneroid barometer. Set the field elevation on the dial and the instrument will tell you the barometric pressure in inches of mercury. When installing the sen 34
sitive altimeter, a placard on the rear of the case should indicate that the instrument is a 0- to 20,000-foot al timeter. Sensitive altimeters have two or three needles on the dial and an adjusting knob at the 6 o'clock or 8 o'clock position. The sensitive altim eter can be overhauled and certified for accuracy. The standard altimeter can be overhauled but cannot be cer tified for accuracy.
AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS NEED A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF VIBRATION TO WORK PROPERLY. IF THERE IS NO VIBRATION , THE NEEDLES TEN D TO BE "JUMPY" , ESPECIALLY THE AIRSPEED INDICATOR AND ALTIMETER. PLUMBING : The most common type of tubing is soft aluminum alloy 3003. It is eas ily hand-formed and flared, and stan dard aluminum AN fittings (blue in color) can be used. Route the tubing so it does not chafe and clamp it to structure if necessary.
OPERATION : Aircraft instruments need a certain amount of vibration to work prop erly. If there is no vibration, the nee dles tend to be "jumpy," especially the airspeed indicator and altimeter. Some instrument panels were shock
mounted and some were not. Most older airplanes did not have shock mounted panels.
TROUBLESHOOTING: A common problem will be an obstruction in the pitot line, caus ing erroneous readings on the air speed indicator. Remove the pitot line from the instrument case (it's the one in the middle) and reverse blowout the line with compressed air. Caution: Use a regulator and start at 20 pSi, then continue raising the pressure until the obstruction is removed. Don't blast away with a line pressure of 100 psi and above or you can do damage to the system, es pecially if rubber hose is used to join the tubing together. If the oil temperature gauge ac curacy is in question, heat water un til it boils and place the instrument bulb (the portion that is mounted in the engine) in the boiling water and check the reading. It should read 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius. No adjustment can be made to the instrument. At overhaul each instrument has a calibration card furnished and you might want to re view that card. There are no adjust ments to aircraft instruments that can be made by an airframe and powerplant mechanic other than "swinging the compass." If the in strument indication is not accurate, the gauge should be removed and sent to a qualified repair station for maintenance. However, most simple aircraft instruments will give many years of trouble-free service. If prob lems do occur, check the system be fore removing the instrument.
MAGNETO SWITCHES : Magneto switches "ground" the magnetos in the "off" position. That is to say they short-circuit the ability of the magneto to gen erate a spark. When the switch is on "both," the left and right mag neto circuits to ground are "open." When checking the magnetos for proper operation, if the switch is on "L" the right magneto is grounded; if the switch is on "R" the left mag
neto is grounded. At idle speed, moving the switch to "off" position will cause the engine to stop. If it doesn't, one or both magnetos are not grounded. (We call this "hot mags.") You can check the magneto switch cir cuits with an ohmmeter or continuity light. The wir ing from the magnetos to the switch (P-leads) should be shielded and the shielding grounded on both ends of the wire.
MARKINGS AND PLACARDS: Some instruments require "range" markings. [The date of manufacture will determine the marking requirements in place at that time; for instance, an airspeed indicator for a 1960s-era Cessna will have a range of markings starting at the indicated stalling airspeed (Vso) with both flaps deployed and retracted, as well as a normal operating range, on up to the VNE. The requirements are spelled out in the airplane's type certificate data sheet, if the aircraft has one issued in concert with its type certificate.-HGFJ An airspeed indica tor needs a "red radial line" at the airplane's maximum operational airspeed (VNE). The oil pressure gauge needs a red radial line marking the minimum and maximum pressure. The oil temperature gauge needs a red radial line marking the maximum inlet oil temperature. The ta chometer needs a red radial line at the maximum engine rpm. Engine operating limits can be gleaned from the manufacturer's overhaul manual. Placards are operation limitation requirements. Exam ples are: "Solo Rear Seat Only," "Intentional Spins Pro hibited," "Avoid Continuous Operation Below 1650 rpm and Above 1800 rpm." Markings and placards should be in plain view of the pilot. FAA aircraft and engine speci fication sheets (the type certificate data sheet, TCDS) are a good source for placarding and markings. The FAA aircraft and engine listing is a poor source for this in formation. Since all older aircraft rarely had flight op erations manuals, they must be operated in accordance with markings and placards, commonly called "opera tion limitations." Some aircraft had a CAA-issued op erations limitations form, which listed the engine and airspeed limits. This form was to be displayed in full view of the pilot. CONCLUSION : Simple markings and placards are important to proper operation of the aircraft and engine. I suggest you in clude a copy of the type design data for the aircraft and engine in your paperwork file and even include it in the data carried in the aircraft. [If you have access to the Inter net, you can find your aircraft's TCDS (if it has one issued) at Scroll to the bottom of that page and click on the "Type Certificate Data Sheet" link. Follow the prompts to find your aircraft.-HGF) There is a large difference in data contained in FAA aircraft or engine specifications versus aircraft or engine listing. Your A&P mechanic can be helpful in obtaining this information. Happy flying! .....
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All-Urethane Recovering Handbook
Call to order your copies today! 110.00 us
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Your answer needs to be in no later than November 10 for inclusion in the January 2008 issue of Vintage Airplane.
You can also send your response via e-mail. Send your answer to Be sure to include your name, city, and state in the body of your note, and put "(Month) Mystery Plane" in the subject line.
Our July Mystery Plane was a bit of a stumper, as only two members ven tured a guess. The fllly 2007 Mystery Plane is a modified 1920 Nebraska Aircraft Cor poration Lincoln-Standard TOllrabout (it isn't a Lincoln-Standard Cruiser), that was owned by Capt. (RFC) Thomas Fos ter Hamilton (Hamilton Aero Mfg. Co.), later ofHamilton Standard fame. Another photo of this aircraft appears in Aerial Age Weekly (November 22, 1920. Vol ume 12, Number 11, The Aircraft Trade and Review, page 294). Wesley R. Smith Springfield, Illinois
Thomas Lymburn of Princeton, Minnesota, was on the right track, too, as he found three references to the Lin coln-Standard Tourabout. ~ 36 OCTOBER 2007
EAA's New Reach for the Sky E-Newsletter
Helping people start making their dreams of flight a reality illions of people have dreamed of learning to fly momentum would be lost if but have never taken the next step. The U.S. pilot we cannot build the pilot population has fallen by 25 percent over the past popUlation," Poberezny said. 20 years. Many VAA members are already pilots "This is an issue that every (according to our last survey, more than SO percent of you!). pilot, regardless of their expe For those who have not yet taken that first step, or for your rience, should be concerned friend or acquaintance who has expressed an interest in about. A continued net-loss of learning to fly, this e-newsletter will help people start making pilots affects today's aviators in availability of services, cost, those dreams of flight a reality. The free monthly newsletter will use the full resources of and public influence. And a EM and the National Association of Flight Instructors. NAFI's sharply lower number of pi 5,000 members are the nation's top flight instructors, includ lots in the future would have ing those who have reached the prestigious Master Instructor far-reaching consequences for level. A number of NAFI members are also vintage aircraft those who use commercial air enthusiasts who often train pilots using vintage aircraft. travel for business or pleasure. "Each pilot should make it a personal responsibility to "This online newsletter focuses on the basics for those who want to get started: What do I need to know? How encourage those with an interest in flight by simply pointing much time does it take? How much will it cost? Where do I them to this newsletter as a resource. No pilot can afford to find a good instructor?" said EM President Tom Poberezny. sit on the sidelines and say, 'It's not my problem. EAA's Reach for the Sky online newsletter is available by "The newsletter focuses on giving those interested in learn registering at the website. Look for the "Get ing to fly the confidence to take that first step ..." The Reach for the Sky newsletter evolved from EAA's Your Free Learn to Fly newsletter" link on the home page's ....... overwhelmingly successful Learn to Fly Center at EAA Air upper left corner. Venture Oshkosh 2007. Thousands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of potential pilots streamed through the center during the event, getting answers to their questions and receiv ing Reach for the Sky, a guide to flight training. The event also gave EAA and NAFI a unique understanding of the questions and doubts those people have about aviation. The newsletter also fits well into EM's mission of aviation participation on all levels. The organization already provides in-depth knowledge and in formation for those involved in specific areas of recreational flight, including aircraft building and restoration, aero batics, history, and more. In addition, EM's Young Eagles program has intro duced more than l.3 million young people to aviation since 1992 with a free demonstration flight, and the new sport pilot/light-sport aircraft commu nity-an initiative bolstered by EM for more than a decade-has cut the cost and time involved in pilot training and aircraft ownership. "There is so much momentum and excitement building toward what's ahead in recreational aviation, but that
continued from page IFe ceive many positive comments from our members and attendees about the good food we serve at the Tall Pines Cafe and the excellent selection of merchandise in the VAA Red Bam. This year, we had even more comments about the expanded de livery of ice to our many campers in the Vintage aircraft camping area. This year, we heard more positive remarks than we have in years past about our programs and offerings in the VAA area. The re sults reflect the hard work of our quality VAA volunteers. We're always open to constructive comments about how we can improve the AirVenture experience (the expanded ice delivery is a good ex ample of member input resulting in ac tion by our volunteers). Drop us a note in the mail or send us an e-mail at Vin
tageA ircra{ The activity around the VAA Chapter 37 hangar in Auburn, Indiana, has con tinued to be very productive throughout the spring and summer. The clubhouse is all but completed at this pOint, and work on the Neumann Monocoupe Lil Mulligan restoration project is now progressing on a regular basis. The clubhouse has also seen a number of activities, including Young Eagles flight rallies, as well as aviation-oriented enter tainment nights a couple of times each month. Of course, our VAA Chapter 37 meetings are conducted each month. Remember, as I have stated before, if you find yourself in northeast Indiana with some time on your hands, please feel free to stop by and visit with this great bunch of guys and gals. Hope to see you there. EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2008, the World's Greatest Aviation Celebration, is July 28 through August 3, 2008. VAA is about participation: Be a member! Be a volunteer! Be there! Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation. Remember, we are better together.
The following list of coming events is furnished to our readers as a mat ter of information only and does not constitute approval, sponsorship, in volvement, control, or direction ofany event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. To submit an event, send the information via mail to: Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Or e-mail the information to: vintageaircraft@eaa. org. Information should be received four months prior to the event date. OCTOBER 5-7-Camden, SC-Kershaw County Airport (KCDN). VAA Chapter 3 Fall Fly-In. All classes welcome . BBQ on field Fri. Evening. EAA judging all classes Sat. Banquet Sat. Nite. Info: Jim Wilson 843-753-7138 or eiwilson@ OCTOBER 5-7-St. Louis, MO-Creve Coeur Airport (lHO) The Monocoupe Club Fly-In & Reunion OCTOBER 10-14-Tullahoma, TN-"Beech Birthday Party 2007" Staggerwing, Twin Beech 18, Bonanza, Baron, Beech owners& enthusiasts. Info 931-455-1974 OCTOBER 12-14-Princeton, NJ- Princeton Airport (39N) East Coast Fly-In Visit our web site:
2007 MAJOR
FLy-INS For details on EM Chapter fly·ins and other local avi· ation events, visit www.eaa.orgjevents
EAA Southeast Regional Ry-In Middleton Field Airport (GZH), Evergreen, AL October 12·14, 2007 Copperstate Regional EAA Ry-In Casa Grande (Arizona) Municipal Airport (CGZ) October 25-28, 2007
STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685). 1. Title of Publication: Vintage Airplane 2. Publication NO.:062-750. 3. Filing Date: 9/19/07 . 4. Issue Frequency: Monthly. 5 . No. of Issues Published Annually: 12. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $36.00 in U.S. 7. Known Office of Publication: EAA, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903· 3806. Contact Person: Kathleen Witman , Telephone: 920-426-6156. 8. Headquarters or General Business Office of the Publisher: Same as above . 9. Publisher: Thomas Poberezny. EAA, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3806. Editor: H.G. Frautschy, EAA, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3806 . Managing Editor: Kathleen L. Withlan, P.O. Box' 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3806. 10. Owner: Experimental Aircraft Association, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3806. 11. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amounts of bonds, mortgages or other securities: None. 12. Tax Status: Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months. 13. Publication Title : Vintage Airplane. 14. Issue date for circulation data below: September 2007. 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation (Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months/ No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date): a. Total No. of Copies Printed (8,667/8,471) b. Paid Circulation (By Mail and Outside the Mail): 1. Mailed OutSide-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541 (Include paid distribution above nominal rate , advertiser's proof copies, and exchange copies) (7,224/7 ,156). 2. Mailed In-County Paid Subscriptions Stated on PS Form 3541 (Include paid distribution above nominal rate, advertiser's proof copies, and exchange copies) (0/0). 3. Paid Distribution Outside the Mails Including Sales Through Dealers and Carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales, and Other Paid Distribution Outside USPS (356/341). 4. Paid Distribution by Other Classes of Mail Through the USPS (e .g. , First-Class Mail) (159/159). c. Total Paid Distribution (Sum of 15b (1), (2), (3), and (4)) (7,739/7,656). d. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (By Mail and Outside the Mail): 1. Free or Nominal Rate Outside-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541 (0/0). 2. Free or Nominal Rate In-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541 (0/0). 3. Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other Classes Through the USPS (e .g. First-Class Mail) (53/50). 4. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution Outside the Mail (Carriers or other means) (570/379). e. Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (Sum of 15d (1), (2), (3), and (4) (623/429). f. Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e) (8,362/8,085). g. Copies not Distributed (See Instructions to Publishers #4 (page #3))(306/386) . h. Total (Sum of 15f and g) (8,668/8,471). i. Percent Paid (15c divided by 15f times 100) (94.69%/92 .55%) . 16. Publication of Statement Ownership: Publication required. Will be printed in the October 2007 issue of this publication. 17. I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/ or civil sanctions (including civil penalties). Executive Director/Editor: H.G. Frautschy, 9/19/07. PS Form 3526, September 2006
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MEDIA For Sale: Early antique aircraft magazines. Originals -1913-1916 and early 1940s, include Warbirds, materials and other flying magazines. Call Gary at 920-923 4268 after 04:00 PM. $260 for all, OBO
Membershi~ Services VINTAGE
ENJOY THE MANY BENEFITS OF EAA AND ASSOCIATION EAA's VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Pres ident Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 260-493-4724 c/Zie{
Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-1674
Vice-President George Daubner 2448 Lough Lane Hartford, WI 53027 262-673-5885
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john Berendt
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1002 Heather Ln.
Hartford, WI 53027
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john S. Copeland 1A Deacon Street Northborough, MA 01532 508-393-4775
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Phil Coulson
28415 Springbrook Dr.
Lawton, M I 49065
Gene Morris
Dean Richardson 1429 Kings Lynn Rd Stoughton, WI 53589 608-877-8485
rcollison5 16@cs.co11l
Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hills Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46278 317-293-4430
S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwa tosa, WI 53213 414-771-1545
Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 920-231-5002
E.E. "Buck" Hilbert 8102 Leech Rd. Union, IL 60180 8 15-923-4591
Ronald C. Fritz 15401 Sparta Ave. Kent City, MI 49330 616-678-5012
EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086
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~ ~art!~~ition
ENJOY THE PRIVILEGE OF PARTNERSHIP OearEAA, Our buying experience really was the nicest new vehicle purchase I've made. Much of that has to be due to the great dealer we had with Wilson Motors in Corvallis, Oregon, but agood part is also that the Ford Partner Program is treated by Ford and it's dealers as a discount from the factory and not a reduction in the commission that the dealer or sales足 man gets. The local dealer is not forced to pay for this benefit and therefore they see only upside on the deal. And that means that the customer sees only up足 side too. We saved enough from the Ford Partner Program savings that even at today's inflated aviation fuel prices I can pay for another 140 flight hours of 1DOLL for my 1946 Commonwealth Skyranger.
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