Va vol 35 no 7 july 2007

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The family experience

Today, I find myself again traveling with the EAA's B-17 bomber tour. I am currently well into week three of my travels with the tour, and we just got into Denver, Colorado, yesterday. My trip started in Seattle, Washington, and will end in Oshkosh in another week or so. Again, I have had the joy of meet­ ing dozens upon dozens of EAA/VAA members, as well as a bunch of former B-17 bomber/World War II veterans. We also continue to see a large num­ ber of their family members. One such fellow I met up with in Hillsboro, Or­ egon, was born in June 1945. His father was a tail gunner on the B-17 and was killed in action in March of that same year, presumably on a mission some­ where over Germany. We had a grand time offering this gentleman and his three sons the opportunity to actually sit in the tail gunner's position of Alu­ minum Overcast for an unforgettable photo opportunity to later be shared with the rest of their family members and friends. Emotions ran high when this father and his sons actually took a flight aboard the bomber for an unfor­ gettable 30-minute experience, reliving for a brief moment what their father and grandfather, whom they never knew, had experienced some 60 years in the past. I cannot express an appro­ priate level of gratitude to this fine or­ ganization we all know as the EAA for having offered me an opportunity to volunteer my personal time with a pro­ gram that so richly represents who we are. You can view the B-l7's tour sched­ ule at www. Come see for your­ self what a truly great chapter outreach program the bomber tour is. When you receive this issue of Vin­ tage Airplane, AirVenture Oshkosh 2007 will be just a couple of weeks into the

future. It's never too late to decide to make the pilgrimage. You've read my encouragement to attend and volun­ teer at the world's greatest sport avia­ tion event. To encourage you further, I'd like to share the words of VAA Di­ rector Charlie Harris, who also serves as the editor and chief writer of VAA Chapter lO's newsletter. "We are within 60 days of the 54th EAA Convention and Exposition . .. now called AirVenture Oshkosh! This event is now widely recognized as the greatest aviation event in the entire world, greater than the Paris Air Show, greater than Farnborough, greater than any other U.S. aviation event. "And, this event is primarily an ex­ tension ofpure grassroots aviation. Your editor knows perfectly well he is preach­ ing to the choir, but never let us take this event for granted. This phenomenal event occurs but once a year, and that time is just around the corner. It takes a bit ofplanning to attend, travel, and ar­ range accommodations, etc. so the time is now. The dates are Monday, July 23 through Sunday, July 29. There is abso­ lutely something for every aviation buff ... 700-800 Vintage airplanes parked wing tip to wing tip in the Red Barn area, probably half or even better of them highly restored, judging level air­ planes; 200-300 Warbird machines rep­ resenting the airplanes that flew in the military conflicts from WW-J to almost present day; hundreds of Experimental aircraft of every description, Ultralights, Light Sport Aircraft, Replicas, factory aircraft and Displays, Exhibit buildings filled to capacity with aviation "stuff" . .. everything you or your airplane could ever want, and on and on! And, every afternoon and evening Air Shows that know no rival and evening enter­

tainment at no additional charge that even includes musical groups such as the Beach Boys leve!! " Many of you have heard me extol the many virtues of spending some quality time with us in the Vintage area as a volunteer during the world's largest aviation event at Oshkosh each year. As many times as I have attempted to ap­ propriately describe to you how fulfill­ ing and rewarding an experience this can be, no one has done a better job of describing his experiences as our val­ ued Vintage volunteer/member Steve Glenn. To gain a true understanding of what r have referred to as the "re­ wards" of volunteering for EAA/Vin­ tage, I strongly recommend that you read Steve Glenn's story of his experi­ ences at AirVenture over the past 19 years of volunteering with us. No one has ever described these re­ wards quite like Steve has done in the "Members Forum" of the June 2007 edition of EAA Sport Aviation magazine. Steve, please accept my hardy thanks for sharing what EAA and the Vintage organization has meant to you and your family for all these many years of volunteer time. We'll see you out there on the line very soon, Steve. r hope to see you there! EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2007, the World's Greatest Aviation Celebration, takes place July 23-29,2007. VAA is about participation: Be a member! Be a volunteer! Be there! Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation. Remember, we are better together. Join us and have it all.

VOL. 35, No. 7


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Straight & Level The family experience by Geoff Robison




Waldron and Wooldridge's One-of-a-Kind Travel Air From a hangar loft to flying aloft by Sparky Barnes Sargent


Volunteering at Oshkosh! VAA volunteers are the key to a great AirVenture by Patty "Trish" Dorlac


Just "Plane" Tommy The conclusion of the three-part series of the story of the Thomas-Morse Aircraft Corporation, Part III by Al Kelch


Getting an A&P Rating You can do it! by Kathie Ernst


EAA's Swallow Biplane A history lesson in our own airport 'backyard' by Fred Stadler


Mystery Plane by H.G. Frautschy


The Vintage Instructor You're slipping by Doug Stewart


Pass It to Buck Restoration choices by Buck Hilbert




Classified Ads


FRONT COVER: The only Travel Air 10-D still ftying, this Golden Age cabin monoplane was restored by Ron Waldron and Harry Wooldridge of the Rying little River Airport community in McAlpin, Rorida. See Sparky Barnes Sargent's story starting on page 5. EM photo by Jim Koepnick, photo plane flown by Bruce Moore.


EAA Publisher Tom Poberezny Director of EAA Publications David Hipschman H,G, Frautschy Executive Director/Editor Executive Assistant Jillian Rooker Managing Editor Kathleen Witman News Editor Ric Reynolds Photography Jim Koepnick Bonnie Kratz Advertising Coordinator Sue Anderson Classified Ad Coordinator Daphene VanHullum Copy Editor Colleen Walsh Director of Advertising Katrina Bradshaw Display Adverti sing Representatives: "Iortheast: Allen Murray

BACK COVER: The VAA Friends of the Red Barn Campaign has been helping VAA put on the best con足

Phone 856-229-7180, FAX 856-229-7258, e-mail : all('

vention possible for the past four years. This year, we are honored to highlight the artwork of St. Louis

Southeast: Chester Baumgartner Phone 727-532-4640, FAX 727-532-4630, . -mail: c/)(lIIm l 1lii' Central: Todd Reese Phone 800-444-9932, fAX 816-74J-6458, e-mail: /()(ldl?spc-mag .com

aviation artist Ken Kotik. If you're a Diamond Plus contributor at the $1.250 level, you're entitled to one of Ken's prints, such as the one featured on our back cover, "Around the Storm " from Ken 's Aero Impressions gallery. To learn more about the Friends of the Red Barn or to make a contribution, please visit and click on the Programs link. You can also contribute using the special mailing you received last month, or simply call our office at 920-426-6110 for more information,

Mountain & Pacific: John Gibson Phone 9J6-784-9593, e-mail: jOllIIgibsoll@Spc-mas.colII

Europe: Willi lacke Phone +498969340213, FAX +498969340214, e-mail: lVilli@(/


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West Side 足 Vintage Aircraft Camping



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D Showers



Type Club Parking .,..,.. Starts at

- . - - - Row 74




Reg istration ()Hangar Cafe

~ . . Tall Pines

- . - - - Cafe Near Ultralights

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Theater In The Woods

Type Club & Workshop Tents (\ (\ ,/\ V Red Barn


Past Grand Champions - parked along road VAA and in rows 60 & 61.

Operations Shack VAA Large Special Interest Aircraft/ Antiques

VAA PARKING No Camping Row 62 through Row 77

Row 78


Rows 60 & 61


Comm Center

Row 50

EASTSIDE VAA CAMPING AND PARKING - -- - - - - " ' - - - - - ' - - - ' - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - 足 STARTS HERE, CONTINUES TO ROW 150

To help members who fly in understand the layout of the convention area administered by VAA, we've prepared this simplified map. As you can see, camping starts at Row 74 on the east side of the main north/south road (Wittman Road), with the areas to the north of that line set up to handle display-only vintage aircraft. That's why you may see open areas as you taxi south to your camping location. Once you arrive, you'll need to register your aircraft and/or campsite. In addition to roving registration vehicles , there is one main aircraft registration building, located just south of the Red Barn (see map). The EAA convention campgrounds are private campgrounds and are not open to non-EAA members. Each campsite must be registered by a current EAA member. If you want your aircraft to be judged by VAA volunteer judges, you need to be a current Vintage Aircraft Association member. VAA contributes a significant portion of the costs related to the EAA awards that are presented to the award winners. Another immediate benefit of VAA membership is your free VAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2007 Participant Plaque , which you can pick up in the rear of the Red Barn. EAA and VAA memberships are available at both aircraft registration and at the membership booth located northeast of the Red Barn. 2

JULY 2007

VAA Board Expands Contemporary Judging Category The VAA Contemporary judging category has been expanded to in­ clude aircraft built up to December 31, 1970, from December 31, 1967. This change, made by the EAA Vin­ tage Aircraft Association's board of di­ rectors, gives EAA and VAA members who have restored many of the capa­ ble personal aircraft of the late 1960s an opportunity to participate in EAA's world-class judging program. This distinction also allows those aircraft to be insured through VAA's aircraft insurance program, administered by AUAInc. Effective starting with this year's EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2007, the VAA's internationally recognized judging categories are: • Antique : Aircraft built prior to September I, 1945 • Classic : September I, 1945­ December 31, 1955 • Contemporary: January I , 1956­ December 31, 1970

New Handheld Computers to Aid Aircraft Judging This year's AirVenture aircraft judg­ ing process has received a major up­ grade ... and a new technical sponsor. EAA member John Craparo, a senior vice president with Hewlett-Packard (H-P), mentioned his willingness to help EAA in any way possible during conversations with EAA's development department and EAA President Tom Po­ berezny. Craparo was able to introduce Jeff Kaufman, EAA's director of bUsi­ ness development, to the right folks at H-P, which resulted in EAA receiving a considerable discount from H-P on the purchase of 150 of the company's iPaq handheld computers. After volunteer Rob Reece pro­ grams the units, EAA aircraft judges will use them to enter the scores of each judged aircraft beginning this year at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. "Since the inception of EAA's com­ puterized registration program, we've used handheld computers in this ap­ plication with varying levels of suc­ cess," said H.G. Frautschy, executive director of EAA's Vintage Aircraft As­

sociation, who oversaw the processes within EAA headquarters to purchase new units. "We're very grateful for H­ P's generosity and their willingness to make these new units available to us. The new units will streamline the judging process and take what is al­ ready the world standard for aircraft judging to even greater heights." H-P is also now the new technol­ ogy sponsor of the EAA Aircraft Judg­ ing Program. AeroShell Flight Jacket is the official sponsor of the judging.

Flight Planning for Your EAA AirVenture Trip As an EAA member (an important part of your VAA membership), you can use the EAA Flight Planner to chart your trip to Wittman Field for EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2007. Just click on the EAA Flight Planner link on the left side of the home pages at www. or www.vintageaircraft. org. As always, be sure you obtain the official AirVenture notice to airmen and become familiar with arrival procedures. Visit www.AirVenture. org/2007/ f/ying/ index.htmi for com­ plete downloading information or to order a hard copy. GRASS RUNWAYS AND FUEL Also on our VAA website, we pub­ lish a list created by VAA member Kris Kortokrax. Kris flies a variety of old biplanes that are more pleasant to fly when they are flown from grass strips, and he and his buddies from Shelbyville, Illinois, do their best to keep the old biplanes happy (and keep tire wear to a minimum) by flying cross­ coun try from grass strip to grass strip . Finding fuel facilities can be a challenge these days, and Kris has distilled this airport information to be useful for like-minded grass­ runway-preferring pilots. This data was current as of the beginning of the year, and we ' d suggest calling ahead to confirm fuel availability and hours of operation. If you have any changes or additions , drop us an e-mail here at vintageaircraft@ and we'll forward it to Kris. Our thanks to Kris for sharing his list. Let us know if you find it useful!

Breakfast and a Briefing The VAA Tall Pines Cafe will be in operation again this year with an expanded schedule prior to conven­ tion, and fly-in-style pancake break­ fasts during EAA AirVenture. Starting on Friday morning, July 20, and con­ tinuing through Sunday, July 22, the VAA Tall Pines Cafe will be open for breakfast (6:30 - 9:30 a.m.) and din­ ner (4:30 - 7:30 p.m.). Starting Mon­ day, July 23, only breakfast will be served at the Tall Pines Cafe (6-9:30 a.m.). Just to the north, an FAA Flight Service Station (FSS) trailer will be located near the cafe. At the trailer, which will be north of the VAA Tall Pines Cafe, you'll be able to check the weather for your flight and ob­ tain a full briefing from FSS special­ ists without having to trek up to the FAA Building near the control tower. We'll see you there each morning for "breakfast and a briefing."

Are You a Friend of the VAA Red Barn? If so, be sure to check in at the in­ formation desk at the VAA Red Barn. There, we'll issue you a special name badge. We can also point out the lo­ cation for the Ford Tri-Motor rides. If you have any questions, feel free to ask for Jillian Rooker, the VAA ad­ ministrative assistant. If you need to reach her in advance of your arrival, call her at EAA headquarters, 920­ 426-6110. Our thanks to each of you who have contributed to the VAA Friends of the Red Barn 2007 campaign. We'll have the list of contributors in next month's edition of Vintage Airplane!

VAA Message Center If you would like to leave a mes­ sage for people you know who fre­ quent the VAA Red Barn, stop by the information desk. You can write them a message in our "notebook on a string," and we'll post their name on the marker board so they'll know there's a message waiting for them . Sure, cellular phones and walkie-talkies are great, but some­ times nothing works better than a hand-scribbled note! VINTA GE A I RPLA NE


VAA Picnic Tickets for the Wednesday, July 25, annual VAA picnic held at the Nature Center will be available for sale at the VAA Red Barn. Tickets must be pur­ chased in advance so we know how much food to order. Tickets will be on sale at the VAA Red Barn prior to the start of EAA AirVenture. The delicious meal will be served after 5:30 p .m. Trams will begin leaving the VAA Red Barn around 5 p.m. and will make re­ turn trips after the picnic. Type clubs may hold their annual banquets dur­ ing the picnic. Call Jeannie Hill (815­ 943-7205), and she will reserve seating so your type club can sit together.

Shawano Fly-Out The annual fly-out to Shawano is Sat­ urday, July 28. The sign-up sheet will be at the desk at the VAA Red Bam, and the briefing will be at 7 a.m. the morning of the fly-out. The community of Shawano is a big supporter of VAA and puts forth a lot of effort to sponsor this event. It does a great job, and we hope you'll help us thank Shawano by joining us.

VAA Red Barn Store The VAA Red Bam Store, chock-full of VAA logo merchandise and other great gear, will be open with expanded hours all week long, Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. EarJy­ bird arrivals can shop on the previous weekend as well, during limited hours. Show your VAA membership card (or your receipt showing you joined VAA at the convention), and you'll receive a 10 percent discount. On Friday, July 28, from 7 p.m . to 9 p.m., there will be a special VAA members-only sale. Bring yo ur VAA card, and you'll receive an additional discount on specially priced merch an­ dise. See you there!

VAA Volunteer Opportunities Are yo u an ace pancake flipper ? If you' re not one yet, we can help !

The VAA Tall Pines Cafe is looking for volunteers who can help provide a hearty breakfast to all the hungry campers on the south end of Witt­ man Field. If you could lend a hand for a morning or two, we'd appreciate 4

JULY 2007

it. If that's not your cup of tea , feel free to check with the VAA volunteer center, located just to the northeast of the Red Barn. The volunteers who op­ erate the booth will be happy to tell yo u when your help is needed each day. It doesn't matter if it's just for a few hours or for a few days-we'd love to have your helping hands!

Designated Smoking Areas Near Flightline Smoking on the flightline at EAA AirVenture is prohibited because it's a hazard to all aircraft. There are several deSignated smoking areas with butt cans along the flightline, well away from aircraft and refueling operations. Designated smoking areas will be south of the ultralight runway; near the Hangar Cafe; near the Warbird area (northeast comer of Audrey Lane and Eide Avenue); the Wearhouse flag pole area; the shade pavilion north of the control tower; and near the Ultra­ light Barn. Locations will be indicated on EAA's free convention grounds map. The admission wristband also in­ structs visitors that smoking is allowed only in designated smoking areas.

More on the Web Visit for more information on EAA AirVenture 2007. - Admission and hours: www.air­ venture .org/2007/planning/admiss ion. html -Find or share a ride to Oshkosh : asp - Site maps: http://www.a irventure. org/2007/planning/forms_schedules. html - Forum schedules: www.airventure. org/2007/events/forums.html - Accommodations: www.airventure. org/ 200 7/planning/where_to_stay. html -Discounts on airfare: www. a irven 7/(lying/airline_ discounts.html -Get the NOTAM: www.airven­ .html -AirVenture Planning Guide : 07planning-suide.pdf -Alternate airports and stops to and from Oshkosh: www.airventure. org/2007/(lying/altemate_airports.html



1948 LUSCOMBE 86

WHAT OUR MEMB ERS AR E RESTORING Are you nearing completion of a restoration? Or is it done and you're busy flying and showing it off? If so, we'd like to hear from you. Send us a 4-by-6-inch print from a commercial source (no home printers, please-those prints just don't scan well) or a 4-by-6-inch, 300-dpi digital photo. A JPG from your 2.5-megapixel (or higher) digital camera is fine. You can burn photos to a CD, or if you 're on a high-speed Internet connection, you can e-mail them along with a text-only or Word document describing your airplane. (If your e-mail program asks if you'd like to make the photos smaller, say no. ) For more tips on creating photos we can publish, visit VAA's website at Check the News page for a hyperlink to Want To Send Us A Photograph? For more information, you can also e-mail us at vintageaircraft@eaa.orgor call us at 920426-4825.


hat do you get when you have two an­ tique-airplane bud­ dies who just can't say no to a one-of-a­ kind restoration project? Why, if those buddies are next-door neighbors Ron Waldron and Harry Wooldridge of the Flying Little River Airport community in McAlpin, Florida, you get a Sil­ ver Age Champion, according to the judges this year at the Sun 'n Fun Fly­ In at Lakeland, Florida. Their project? A handsome 1929 Travel Air Model lO-D. It's the only one known to exist today of the few originally manufac-


tured by the Travel Air Co., in Wich­ ita, Kansas. And with its prominent windshield and sturdy outrigger gear, the 8-foot 8-inch tall Travel Air is a real standout on the flightline. The Model10-D is just one of those airplanes; you know the kind. You're not really looking for another project, and then here it comes, flying head­ long into your heart, your shop, and your wallet. You yield to its wishes, learn what it needs to become whole again, and begin the laborious and rewarding process of breathing new life into its old steel tubing and wood wings. And then one glorious day-

which happened to be July 25, 2006, for Waldron and Wooldridge-it gra­ ciously and gallantly rewards your efforts as you lift the mains from the sod and upward you climb together, rising upon the wings of your labor.

Bit 0' Histo.. y The Model lO-D came to Waldron in a roundabout sort of way. The story began when Waldron , persuaded by his friend Jim Ward, went to El Ca­ jon, California, to look at a 1929 Curtiss-Wright Robin project that Charlotte Nelson had for sale. Wal­ dron looked it over and liked what he VINTAGE AIRPLANE



Travel Air !flllr p/oce

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Making new cowling around a dummy engine.

Wing is ready to cover.


JULY 2007

saw, so he purchased the Robin and hauled it back to Florida. He worked diligently to restore it and get it fly­ ing again, and shared some photos of the completed Curtiss Robin with Nelson. She must have been pleased with the final result because, as Wal­ dron shares, "She told Jim Ward, our mutual friend, to 'call Ron and tell him to come get the Travel Air 10-D.' I think the Travel Air was her husband's favorite airplane before he died, and she had been offered quite a bit of money for it previously, but

speed of the fast sport airplane and Whirlwind R-760 and installed a 225­ also enjoys the driving relaxation pos­ hp Jacobs L-4/R-7SS. Fortunately, the sible in the larger and normally more original Wright engine stayed with the stable ships." It was also advertised as airplane as the Model lO-D changed having a cruising speed of 110 mph, owners, and aside from some missing and a high speed of 130 mph, and a parts and pieces-such as the seats, landing speed of SO mph. Historian windscreen, and instruments-it was Joseph Juptner states in U.S. Civil Air­ a "pretty complete airplane when we craft, Volume 3 that "from a casual saw it the first time in El Cajon," re­ comparison of the two, it is easy to calls Waldron, adding with a chuckle, see that the Model 10 laid the ground­ "but on the way out to get it, I said to work for the Model 15 Curtiss-Wright my friend, Harry Wooldridge, 'I'm not 'Sedan' that was developed a year or going to buy this project if it doesn't so later." So the Model lO-D, though have a prop,' because I'd had such a of short production run, secured its hard time finding one for the Robin. So we got out there and they drug the own niche in aviation history. According to Waldron, NC418N prop down out of the loft! Just looking s/nl0-2011 was manufactured "in at it, it looked fantastic. We bought 1929 as far as we know; only 11 the airplane, loaded everything up, Model 10-Ds were built. I talked to and hauled it back home to Florida. Smithsonian a few times and quite a Then we sent the prop to the prop few other people, and it seems that shop, and they found corrosion in the three airplanes went to Mexico in the shank. So there I was, back in the mar­ -Harry Wooldridge 1930s, three crashed and were taken ket for an expensive Hamilton Stan­ off the FAA rolls, and we don't know dard ground-adjustable prop." what happened to the others." In August 1930, the Travel Air Co. Resto..ation Tealft sold NC418N to Herman Carus of Il­ Both Waldron and Wooldridge en­ linois for the sum of $5,500. In March joy working on old airplanes. Wal­ 1944, Julio Corsini became its owner dron has restored several Stearmans for a short while until Albert Carstens and built a Travel Air 4000 replica , bought it the following year. In May and Wooldridge has built several rep­ 1946, the airplane flew away from Il­ licas, including a Siemens-Schuckert linois when Donald Briscoe of Idaho and a Nieuport 28. Wooldridge says bought it. It changed hands five more that restoring the Model 10-D was times in Idaho, culminating with Dean "pretty easy; it was designed in the Wilson's purchase in September 1963. 1920s, so everything was old tech­ is Waldron had the opportunity to nology-almost like a homebuilt air­ 9 talk with one of the Idaho owners plane. It was just a matter of doing all ~ and says, "Apparently the guy who the work that needed to be done. We z ~ owned it in the 19S0s was the last just have a good time-if it's not fun, ~... one to fly it. He said he used to go we don't do it. " ~ with his son on hunting trips to the With that attitude, they make U mountains, and he flew it out of 800­ a good team, for not only are they she didn't want to sell it (to anyone foot strips with all their deer in it-so longstanding friends and neighbors, else). He bought it in 1970 and died the plane can get off the ground with but they each have their own areas in 1978, so the Travel Air had been a load in it. The last airworthiness of expertise. Wooldridge put his gas­ hanging up in the loft in her hangar certificate was issued in 1955, and the welding skills to work on the fuse­ for more than 30 years." paperwork with that said it had a to­ lage, while Waldron started working The larger Travel Air Model 6000 tal time of 1,050 hours. " on the spruce wing ribs and spars preceded the Model 10-D, and in In 1970, NC418N left Idaho for and wingtip bows. "The metal lead­ a company ad of the era, the 10-D California (via highway) when Spen­ .ing edges and spars were in good monoplane was touted as filling "the cer Nelson bought it and took it to El shape because it was dry in California needs of the traveling executive who Cajon. Throughout NC418N's life, it where they were stored. By the time I wishes to fly personally, also of the experienced its share of wingtip, strut, got the wings done, Harry was done mail or express line operator....The and prop repairs, and in 1953 its owner with the fuselage, so he started cov­ owner has at his command all the removed the original 2S0-hp Wright ering the wings with Ceconite, and I

"We just have a


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we dOD't do it."



Stylish cowling latches.

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~ ~ ~--------------------------------~ This logo is embroidered on the rear seat. :I:

Each wing root fuel tank holds 35 gallons.

The 30-by-S main landing gear facili足 tates smooth landings. Tall wheels like these were a necessity on the grass足 field airports so prevalent during the golden age of aviation.

The 10-D's instrument panel.

started putting new wood fairings on the fuselage and fitting plywood in the interior." Since there weren't any seats with the 10-D project, they fabricated their own. Wooldridge welded the frames and they shipped the front seats to a company in California that in足 stalled wicker on the seat backs. To enhance cabin comfort, the twosome 8

JULY 2007

decided to use cushions for the seat bottoms and the bench seat in the back-which, incidentally, has some hidden storage space beneath it in addition to the compartment behind the seat, which carries 125 pounds of baggage. And they hired a local shop to upholster the entire interior in a soft two-tone gray, complete with the Travel Air logo tastefully embroidered

in green on the rear seat back. Speaking of seats, Waldron con足 fesses with a laugh that when he flew the 10-D, his "knees were up around my chin; there's not much room for a 6-foot 3-inch person up there. But it's really a neat old airplane-I wish I was a little bit younger and smaller so I could fly it more. I have a hard time getting in and out of it with bad

Note the adiustable horizontal stabilizer, including the exposed mechanism below the fuselage. Here's a look inside the cowling.

knees; it's really tight." The two men made a new instru­ ment panel for the airplane by using the old one as a pattern, and with the help of their friend Jerry Impellezzeri of California, they located and pur­ chased the mag switch and instru­ ments. The wood control wheels are original, and Waldron suspects that the wheels were complete circles to begin with, but that someone along the way cut them down to have more legroom in the front seats. There's a little story behind the main landing gear wheels that are on the Travel Air today, according to Waldron, who recounts with a chuckle, "Jim Ward and Spencer Nel­ son were driving out through the des­ ert one day, back in the 1960s, and saw an old farm wagon. They said, 'Look at that-that looks like airplane wheels on that wagon!' So they pulled into the place and looked at it. Sure enough, there were two N3N-type 30­ by-5 wheels on it, so Spencer says to the owner, 'You want to sell me those wheels? ' And the guy says, 'Well, I'll sell you the whole wagon for $20.' They gave him the money, took the wheels off, and went on their way." The original Wright engine was

overhauled by Mike Connor in Geor­ gia, according to Waldron, and in or­ der to facilitate the fabrication and fit of the engine cowling, "Connor loaned me a dummy engine to use, and Harry and I both did the sheet metal work." Wooldridge painted the Travel Air, using his tool of choice-a high-volume, low-pressure system­ to apply the Air-Tech coatings and the final Forest Green and Diana Cream topcoats.

Challenges If you ask Waldron what challenges he and Wooldridge encountered dur­ ing the restoration, he responds with­ out a moment's hesitation. "Money!" he says with a good-natured laugh. And along with that were practi­ cal, mechanical challenges, such as making the control system work. "It's got pulleys and cables that you can't imagine on it," says Waldron, elaborating, "It has kind of a unique control wheel system that's run by a chain drive between the two wheels, and then it 's got cables going down from that to pulleys; it really is elabo­ rate . Travel Air used two cables for up and for down elevator, so we had to run double cables there and then we

had to run two cables back to the rud­ der and fasten them with bell cranks. While we were at it, we made the swiveling tail wheel into a steerable tail wheel." The Travel Air's trim system had its own intricacies to be worked out. Waldron describes it as having "an overhead crank in the cabin con­ nected to a long shaft that travels the length of the fuselage-with four universal joints on it-to the front of the stabilizer where a gear turns the trim wheel that's attached to the stabilizer. The whole stabilizer and the front bottom brace rods travel up and down. It's a pretty interesting ar­ rangement. Those brace rods actu­ ally stick down below the fuselage, kind of hanging out in the breeze. But back then, they weren't worried about streamlining." The Model 10-D's wingspan is 43 feet 6 inches, and the wing installa­ tion process posed another challenge. They were quite heavy, due to the all­ wood construction and the large fuel tank (35-ga llon capacity) inside each wing root, along with the fabric cov­ ering and coatings. So Waldron and Wooldridge devised their own instal­ lation system by "having four guys VINTAGE A IRPLANE








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Ron Waldron and Harry Wooldridge with their Travel Air Modell0-D.

hoist the wings up and put them on top of some scaffolding. That way, we could roll it right up to the airplane, and that helped."

Flying Cha..acte..istics When it came time to test those Travel Air wings, it was Wooldridge who stepped through the wide door­ way and settled into the pilot's seat, while Waldron stayed by the side of the grass runway. "Harry's a little shorter than I am-he's 5 feet 8 inches-and he could fit in it better than me. I let him fly my Robin for an hour that morning to get used to that type air­ plane, and so when we got back, he got in the Travel Air. He didn't do any taxi testing at all-just went to the end of the field and took off. He made a great 10 JULY 2007

landing with it, and we must have had 50 people standing out by the runway watching that day." Wooldridge also had the honor of flying it down to Sun 'n Fun this year and describes it as an honest airplane, with no surprises in either ground handling or in flight: "When I first flew it, I expected it to fly like an old airplane-heavy on the aile­ rons, because you don't have any le­ verage on the wheel and they don't respond real quickly. The elevator is easy enough to handle, and during takeoffs and landings, it tracks down the runway with no problem at all. I think by the time I look at the air­ speed while taking off, I'm probably showing around 60 mph and I'm air­ borne at that time . The visibility is


The 10-D's actually very good. I was surprised because when you're sitting up there, you're almost looking out your side window, but you can lean forward in the turns and look right up through that skylight in the roof." Landings are a pleasure, too, since the Model lO-D has oleo-spring shock struts in its outrigger gear and tail wheel. Wooldridge observed that when he was flying solo, it felt very light on the tail during a three-point landing. "It felt that way because when I touched the brakes, they'd catch suddenly and it felt like the tail was coming up, but I think the strut was just extending a little bit and it wasn't actually coming up," explains Wooldridge, adding, "The first time I ever had anybody in the back seat, I could tell that a little more weight back there helped. But I can hardly make a bad landing with that big gear; it just settles right down and stays there."

T ..easu..e f ..olD Yeste..yea.. After languishing quietly for de­ cades in a hangar loft, NC418N is proudly flying through the skies once more, its striking silhouette stark against a crystal-blue sky. Yes , the Travel Air Model 10-D is just one of those airplanes-the kind that finds a way to beguile two longtime aviation buddies to bring it back to life. And those at Sun 'n Fun could walk up close to it as it basked on the flight­ line in the warm Florida sun, listen to its Wright cough and growl, and feel the wind rip through their hair from its prop blast as it taxied into position for takeoff. Waldron and Wooldridge's Model 10-0 is a cherished aeronauti­ cal treasure from yesteryear. ......



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oun eerln af @c$hlte;c$h!

VAA volunteers are the key to a great AirVenture BY PArry "TRISH" DORLAC

Have you been looking for a way to become more involved at Osh­ kosh? I know it seems ridiculous, but have you already looked at the planes three times and are having a hard time explaining to friends and family that you truly need to be at Oshkosh for the entire week? I have a great solution-one they will accept handily and which will provide you with more opportuni­ ties to see even more airplanes! If you have volunteered at Oshkosh, you are nodding in agreement at this well­ kept secret. If you have yet to volun­ teer, what are you waiting for? 12

JULY 2007

I am partial to both volunteer­ ing and volunteers because my hus­ band and I have been a part of the Vintage family of volunteers for al­ most two decades! We are raising our children to volunteer at AirVenture, along with several other families who have also made this a family tradi­ tion . What a great way to prepare the next generation and help them to maintain the passion and love for the experience we all have enjoyed at the world's greatest fly-in! In the Vintage area, I have found volunteering to be a way to com­ pletely round out my Oshkosh expe­

rience. I have worked with all sorts of amazing folks from different coun­ tries and all around the United States. I work with incredible people from all walks of life who bring amazing tal­ ents and great stories with them. The volunteers I have worked with each year have become my friends and ex­ tended family! There are people who fly in, drive in, and trailer in just to work at Air­ Venture. It is hard to believe at first, but join us and I think you will soon find out why they do this. Love for aviation brings us to Oshkosh each year, and becoming involved keeps us


there. Paul Poberezny says it best: "It's the airplanes that bring us together, but it 's the people that keep us com­ ing back." Anna Osborn operates our volun­ teer booth on the corner, right in front of the VAA Red Barn. If you would like to do something extra special this year, go see Anna. She and her awe­ some crew of volunteers will help you to sign up to volunteer in the Vintage division . There are countless oppor­ tunities for everyone. These include flightline work (wa lkin g involved) , crowd control, aircraft parking, and various general operations. No experi­

ence is necessary, and training is pro­ vided. The Vintage area is a great place to be near airplanes, and to enjoy both the sights and sounds of aviation. Back to my opening statements . If yo u need to explain to someone why Oshkosh takes up so much of your time, volunteer. I will warn you, though. Volunteering can become addictive. You wi ll meet people who spend additi onal vacation time at Oshkosh getting the place ready for the fly-in. There are folks who spend hundreds of hours each year volun ­ teering and can share countless stories about why they keep coming back.

Still debating the idea? If you are worried about commitment, no prob­ lem. There are no timecards, sched ­ ules, or paychecks to worry about. Spend as little as a few hours help­ ing out, or dedicate as much time as you want. We appreciate that you are willing to share your hard-earned time off with us and are grateful for any time you spend in our area. Give it a try! As our VAA president, Geoff Robison, says, "VAA is about par­ ticipation . Let's all pull in the same direction for the good of aviation. Remember, we are better together. Join us and have it all. " VINTAGE AIRPLANE


The conclusion of the three-part story

of the Thomas-Morse Aircraft Corporation

Part III







two-part story in two 1960 issues of American Airman, ex­ 1982-The following three-part article on the Thomas­ tensively researched by Frank Strand with a great deal oforigi­ Morse Aircraft Corp., although extensively edited and further nal contact with William Thomas Sr. researched by me, should be credited to Robert G. Elliott of Frank had permission to use all ofthe material he had gath­ Daytona Beach, Florida, who sought out William T. Thomas ered to put together one more article specially tailored for Vin­ Jr., still living in Daytona Beach. Mr. Thomas generously tage Airplane magazine on the Tommy-Morse Scout of World shared pictures and recollections of his father plus some ma­ War I fame. For the real Tommy buffs, it would pay to seek Ollt terial from the personal collections of Paul D. Wilson, one of his extensive two-part story in the American Airman for June the three original test pilots. Robert submitted to me fresh ma­ and July 1960. Frank also did Profile No. 68 published by Pro­ terial on the earlier portions of the Thomas airplane venture. file Publications Ltd., P.O. Box 26, 1A North St., Leatherhead, On researching several older articles, I zeroed in on a wonderful Surrey, England. REPRINTED FROM Vintage Airplane SEPTEMBER 1982 Preface


JULY 2007

Thomas·Morse S4C fuselage final assembly before cover· Wing assembly and storage area in Thomas·Morse plant.

ing. Early models had lOO·hp Gnome engines; however, later

ones had 80·hp Le Rhones.

Thomas·Morse machine shop area. Note how all machines Wing fabrication section in Brindley Street plant, Ithaca,

are powered by the one overhead shaft. The U.S. flag on wall New York.

has 48 stars.

The S4 had been designed prior to the merger of the Thomas companies and the Morse Chain Co. and was the prototype of the famous Tommy. The 100-hp Gnome rotary was being built in the United States by The General Vehicle Co. of Long Island City, New York, and was the choice of power­ plants for the new S4. After successful test flights for the Army, an order was placed for 100 planes. Thus was born a series of fighters that very much resembled those being produced in Model S4B seaplane on the quiet waters of Lake Cayuga.

Europe, such as the Sopwith and Nie­

uport . A new design, the S4B, with a

shorter fuselage, was designed simul­

taneously with America entering the

war, and an order for 100 Scouts using

the 100-hp Gnome engine was deliv­

ered in November 1917 . This plane

had a top speed of 9S mph, climbed

to 7,500 feet in 10 minutes, and had

a ceiling of 16,000 feet.

Model S4B powered with a lOO-hp

Gnome rotary engine.

Model S4C has straight trailing edge on top wing. Standard 80-hp Le Rhone en­ gine. GFM machine guns were geared to fire through the propeller arc. Cam ac­ tion and Conastanesco interruptor gear made this possible.

Rotary Le Rhone on S4C. Triangular-shaped metal section on fuselage side was a means of fairing the round motor to the flat fuselage side. 16 JULY 2007

The Navy was not to be over­ looked, and an identical version with twin floats, designated the S5, was produced but, due to the additional drag, the Navy fighter had a lesser rate of climb and a lower top speed. An order was placed by the Navy for six airplanes. A further improvement of the S4B to the S4C and the imme­ diate need for additional advanced training planes moved the War De­ partment to order 400 planes of the new design . The major change was the elimination of cable aileron con­ trols in favor of the superior torque tube system. Smaller ailerons and elevators, a change to the 80-hp Le Rhone engine, and provisions for car­ rying one machine gun were also in­ corporated. The change in the engine was prompted by the troublesome habit of the Gnome spewing gasoline into the cowling and catching fire in flight. It was also reported to be more temperamental in starting than the Le Rhone. The Le Rhone was manu­ factured by the Union Switch & Sig­ nal Co. of Swissvale, Pennsylvania. By May 1918 the Tommy was found to be in service on nearly every Army Airfield in the country. Addi­ tional orders followed in rapid suc­ cession, including an order for 150 planes placed in August, and another for 400. These aircraft were not pro­ duced, due to contract cancellation in late 1918, after half of the parts were made. Somewhere between 600 and 650 S4B and S4C planes were delivered with enough spare parts to make 200 more. Quality control during this pe­ riod was far from today's standards, with only one out of every 10 Tom­ mys being flown by a company test pilot. The best-looking Tommy, the S4E was the last of the single-seat­ ers and featured tapered wings and a completely new set of tail surfaces. Only one was built in late 1918, and it was converted after the war for use as a racing plane and was seen on the National Air Race circuit. This signaled the end of the single­ seat Scout, which is certainly the best known of all the Thomas-Morse air­

Cowl detail on Thomas-Morse S4C. Note the smooth metal work with beaded edges.

Two-place Model TM-23 Alert Pursuit flipped over by test pilot Paul Wilson.

side-by-side two-seat trainer constructed modified Scout with extended wing panels and widened fu­ selage. It was completed from drawing board to flight in 29 days! Shown flying over Lake Cayuga, it was the only design of B.D. Thomas.

Thomas-Morse Model S4E with tapered top and bottom wings. The forward section of the fuselage was rounded to eliminate the triangular metal fairing.

First Boeing-built Thomas-Morse MB-3A used for tests at McCook Field (later Wright Field), Dayton, Ohio. McCook Field number P-259, military serial number A.S. 68237, and the engine was a 300-hp Wright. Boeing underbid Thomas and thus took away the successful design that could have saved Thomas!

planes and the one that will keep the memory of the company alive. Many other airplanes designed during this period did not reach production but were attempts to widen their scope of manufacture. Th e 56 was a tandem two-seat trainer that was said to be

one of the company's better designs, having better performance than the single-seat airplanes on the same 80­ hp Le Rhone engine. The 57 was also a two-place with side-by-side seating, and the 59 was a beefed-up version of the 56, with a

wider fuselage and the Wright radial engine. Their engineering was getting better, but the orders were not forth­ coming. Another similar effort to widen Thomas -Morse's scope was the at­ tempt at production of a series of pursuit p lanes . The MB-1 using the heavy 400-hp Liberty engine was a h igh-wing monoplane with unusual design, having lifting surfaces be­ tween the two sets of lift struts and an extremely stubby nose to get the proper center of balance. The second attempt was a bi­ plane with a 44S-hp geared Liberty engine. The third attempt in this ser ies, the MB3, reverted back to a single-seat fighter powered with a 300-hp Hispano-5uiza built by Wright-Martin. First flown in Febru­ ary 1919, the MB3 had a top speed of 163 mph and climbed to 10,000 feet in four minutes, S2 seconds. It VI N TAGE AIRP LA N E


Thomas-Morse MB-S racer built for the 1921 National Air Races in Omaha. It was not a winner.

Thomas-Morse MB-7 racer with a 400-hp Wrigflt H-3 engine. The aircraft was entered in the 1921 National Air Races with poor results.

Thomas-Morse Model MB-24 Ob­ servation plane. With odd­ appearing shorter wing on top, it flew with splendid perfor­ mance and was easily handled, according to test pilots.

Thomas-Morse XP-13A Viper with 525-hp Pratt & Whitney R-1340-9 Wasp engine. This last pursuit type built by Thomas-Morse was attempted around 1930.


JULY 2 007

was so much better than compet­ itors ' that the Air Service ordered SO airplanes. Procurement systems having changed , a bid was let for 200 planes, with the bids going out to all the industry. The order to build the MB3A was granted to the Boeing Airplane Company of Seat­ tle, Washington, due to its having the lowest bid . This was a critical blow to the Thomas-Morse Aircraft Company, which never fully recov­ ered. This order was also the estab­ lishment of the Boeing Company in the aircraft manufacturing busi­ ness, and the Boeing-Morse MB3A became the standard pursuit ship of the 1920s, a stroke of fate that in hindsight seems grossly unfair. In the continuing struggle to sur­ vive, the company designed a twin­ engine airmail plane called the MB4, powered by Hisso engines of 300 hp and a double fuselage. This plane was a complete failure. A continued effort brought out two racing planes, a bi­ plane called the MB6, and the MB7, a high-wing parasol. These planes saw action in the 1922 Pulitzer Race in Detroit, but did not win. The company then turned its ef­ forts to developing a new version of an all-metal airplane. The MB9 and MB10 were two-seat trainers with in­

One of the survivors. This is the 54 Scout restored by Ernie Freeman (left), and re-restored and maintained today by his son, Roger Freeman (right). The photo was taken at the Aerodrome '92 event in Guntersville, Alabama.

verted gull-wings and corrugated skin, similar to the Junkers and called Fly­ ing Washboards. The TM33 racer, the TM23 pursuit plane, and an observa­ tion plane called the TM24 contin­ ued the effort. The TM24 was nearly a success but, in another quirk of fate, it failed because of the airflow being diverted from the rudder by the gun­ ner standing up in the rear cockpit. This dealt the plane its death blow. Once more struggling to its feet, the company produced the OX6, an all-metal observation plane pow­ ered by a 400-hp Pratt & Whitney engine. Six airplanes were delivered to the Air Corps for testing and the

company continued improving the model, with the final result being the XO-6B pursuit, carrying a 424­ hp Pratt & Whitney Wasp C engine. It was a huge success and the final designation was 0-19. This was the last plane produced at Ithaca prior to the sale of the company in Au­ gust 1929 to the Consolidated Air­ craft Co. of Buffalo, New York. Success was reaped by Consoli­ dation, which moved the division to Buffalo and produced more than 170 of the 0-19 observation planes. By this time W.T. Thomas, the origi­ nal founder, had left and Larry Bell became vice president of the corpo­ ration. When Consolidated decided to move to California in 1934, the Thomas-Morse Division was abol­ ished and many of the people went to work for Bell Aircraft, formed by Larry Bell. The final bell had sounded, and all that was left was the memory of a very valiant fight by a spirited group of people who created a mark in history best remembered by the Tommy-Morse Scout itself. Several examples are in the hands of private owners, including Jim Nissen from California; "Skeeter" Carlson of Spo­

kane, Washington; and, last but not least, the one that was flown every Sunday for years in the Rhinebeck Aerodrome show, usually by the in­ imitable Cole Palen himself. The image of the Tommy is further etched in history by its appearances in innumerable movies, such as: A Romance of the Air (1918) Wings The Lost Squadron Dawn Patrol Hell's Angels Sky Devils Cock of the Air Heartbreak The Eagle and the Hawk Panama Flo Story of Vernon and Irene Castle Suzy Capt. Eddie Men With Wings Lafayette Escadrille The Great Waldo Pepper The Amazing Howard Hughes (1978

TV movie) So from the 1918 film A Romance of the Air to the 1978 TV film The Amazing Howard Hughes, Tommys have been flying in the movies for more than 60 years, probably lon­ ger than any other aircraft. ....... VINTAGE AIRPLANE


Getting an

A&P Rating

You can do it! BY KATHIE ERNST

Editor's Note: This is the first in a three-part series on earning your FAA airframe and powerplant mechanic's cer­ tificates. There are actually a couple of different methods one can use to earn the ratings, and VAA member Kathie Ernst gets us started by highlighting the pro­ cess she used.-HGF

Getting an A&P Rating Since I started flying a little over a deca de ago, I've had a strong de­ sire to get an A&P (airframe and pow­ erplant) rating. I enjoyed flying so much that I felt it was important for me to get my mechanic's certificate as well. Like many of you, I was work­ ing, so I could n 't attend a full-time mechan ic's school operating under FAR Part 147. The only option left for me was to get the required knowledge by "practical experience" (FAR Part 6S, Subpart D) and then get the FAA's approval to take the written exams and th e oral and practical examina­ tion s that comprise the A&P rating. FAR 6S.77 states that: "Each applicant for a mechanic cer­ tificate or rating must present either an appropriate graduation certificate or cer­ tificate of completion from a certified aviation maintenance technician school or documentary evidence, satisfactory to the Administration, or­ (a) At least 18 months of practical experience with the procedures, practices, materials, tools, and equipment gener­ ally used in constructing, maintaining, or altering airframes, or powerplants ap­ 20

JULY 2007

propriate to the rating sought; or (b) At least 30 months of practical experience concurrently performing the duties to both the airframe and power­ plant ratings.

It is important

to note that you

can work with

more than one

mechanic. I highly

recommend doing

so because

you'll acquire a

broader base

of experience.

Now this might seem like a daunt­ ing task, considering the regulation requires 30 months of practical experi­ ence, but with a little planning and per­ sistence it can be accomplished. And it will definitely be worth the effort! Here are a few suggestions to make the process a little easier: Find a rated mechanic to mentor you through this process . You may know someone whose skills you ad-

mire-perhaps someone who is a friend or an acquaintance. Most im­ portantly, find someone who has the interest and time to get you through your A&P. If at all possible, find someone who has a good working relationship with FAA maintenance inspectors in your area (this is impor­ tant, because you need a Signature from an FAA maintenance inspector before you can apply to take the rat­ ing exams). It is important to note that you can work with more than one me­ chanic. I highly recommend doing so because you'll acquire a broader base of experience. Again, I can't stress enough how important it is to find A&PIIA (inspection authorization) mechanics who totally support you in your effort to get your rating. It's a lot of hard work, and you don't need anyone thwarting your efforts. Un ­ fortunately, you may run into some people who will not encourage you to pursue your ratings in this way. Don't let them discourage you. Continue to search out the positive people out there who will help you succeed. The first thing I'd recommend is to get a notebook and start log­ ging your maintenance experience. You don 't need a special logbook; a college notebook will suffice. You just need something to keep track of your maintenance activities. Ev­ ery time you work with a mechanic, write down th e date, type of aircraft you worked on, the maintenance

you helped perform, and the time spent on the project . Ask them to "sign off" the work and put down their A&P number (this will add le­ gitimacy to your effort). Carry this notebook with you anytime you're at an airport, as you never know when you might have the opportunity to add to your experience. In addition, if you've worked on aircraft in the past, try to log that in some format. All that time counts to­ ward your 30 months' experience re­ quirement. It can be challenging to compile that list in an understandable format; I'd suggest listing the experi­ ence by aircraft type, in chronologi­ cal order. Again, be sure to document the aircraft N-number and mechan­ ic's name and A&P number. As soon as possible after you've made your decision to broaden your aviation knowledge and earn your A&P, make an effort to meet with an FAA maintenance inspector from your local FAA flight standards dis­ trict office (FSDO). Ask your me­ chanic mentor for a referral, and take the time to seek them out. A great place to meet them is at an aircraft maintenancejlA renewal seminar in your area. These are generally put on by your local FSDO and are listed on the FAA website. More often than not, they're held during the winter months in the Midwest and in the northern United States. Some of the FAA maintenance people are required to attend these events, and this is a great opportu­ nity to meet them. If one won't be held anytime soon, and if you're comfortable doing so, pick up the phone and call the inspector at the FSDO. Whether in person or over the phone, introduce yourself and tell them you're working toward your A&P. Explain that you're doing so us­ ing the practical experience require­ ments as detailed in FAR 65.77, and then ask them what they would like to see in an A&P candidate. For instance, do they want to see a detailed logbook of maintenance ac­ tivities, or will a letter of recommen­ dation from an A&PjIA suffice? Every FSDO is a little different, so find out

Mentors who have a positive attitude about helping you earn your mechan­ ic's certificates are critical to achieving your goal. EAA member A&Pj lA Mike Rohlman was a great help in providing Kathie Ernst the knowledge and experience she needed to fulfill the FAA's requirement for 30 months of experience before she could apply to take the mechanic's exams.

what the specific requirements are in your area. Remember, you'll need the signature of an inspector on FAA Form 8610-2 before you can take the oral and practical tests, so why not ask beforehand what's expected? Start a personal library of books and articles dealing with mainte­ nance issues . A couple of "must haves" include a current copy of FAA Advisory Circular 41.13, and a copy of the latest version of the Fed­ eral Aviation Regulations for aviation maintenance technicians . ASA Pub­ lications publishes a handy set titled FAR AMT 2007 (or whatever year is current). It includes all the FARs that pertain to work done by A&P me­ chanics, plus pertinent advisory cir­ culars. Make yourself familiar with the pertinent regulations regarding work as an A&P. Ask your mechanic mentor to rec­ ommend reading material. There are numerous textbooks, tapes, and mag­ azines to help you acquire the basic knowledge required of an A&P. You can find these on the Internet or at your local pilot shop . One publica­ tion I found particularly helpful in un­ derstanding piston engines was Light Plane Maintenance, published by Bel­

voir Publications, 800-424-7887, or at

When your logbook shows you've met the 30-month requirement, make an appointment to meet with an FAA maintenance inspector. Take your maintenance logbook, letter(s) of recommendation from the A&P/ IA mechanics with whom you 've worked, and three copies of the ap­ plication for the maintenance license (FAA Form 8610-2). After reviewing your paperwork, the maintenance inspector might sign your forms and you'll be on your way. The inspector may, how­ ever, ask you questions to verify your experience level. Don't worry! Just relax and answer the questions to the best of your knowledge. Re­ member, you're not expected to know everything. If the inspector finds you're not ready to take the exams, he or she will suggest that you come back with a stronger un­ derstanding of those areas where you ' re weakest. At this pOint, you haven't failed anything; the inspec­ tor is simply helping you learn the material you need know to qualify to take FAA exams. Once you have your inspector's VINTAGE AIRPLANE

2 1

What's in a Name? The A&P rating BY


Within aviation, we throw around the term "A&P

FRAUTSCHY are recognized by the FAA. A current list of FAA-accepted

rating" when it's really more than a single rating-it is

MOS ratings may be obtained through your local FAA FSDO.

two ratings , added to an airman's certificate. The actual

For more information, see the FAA website listed in the

certificate issued by the FAA is a mechanic's certificate,

resources box.

with airframe and powerplant ratings. In fact, you can earn one or the other; you don't have to earn both ratings after passing the Mechanic General Test. Typically, that happens most often with mechanics for large maintenance operations, such as an airline or large aircraft overhaul facility. Often, mechanics who work for these operations may choose to earn a mechanic's certificate with an airframe or powerplant rating, since they rarely, if ever, cross over to other mechanic's duties. That's similar to the military's set of MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) codes, where each area of maintenance has specific training requirements. By the way, if you were an aviation maintenance mechanic in the military, a portion of your military service could count toward earning your mechanic's certificate. Not all military MOS classifications


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JULY 2007

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approval signature on the 8610-2, you can think about taking yo u r exam. The approval does not expire, ~ 5vOVlM so you can take the A&P whenever it's convenient. You'll be required to pass separate tests for airframe and powerplant mechanic certificates, as well as a general test. If you have the resources, I wou ld recommend go­ ing to a prep course. For many of us, a course like this gives us the final push to finish the rating. Think of it as a way to learn a bit more of the material you'll need to know for the tests, which you'll take at the end of the prep course. They're admin­ istered by FAA-designated mechanic examiners. I attended the Baker's School of Aeronautics in Nashville and found it an efficient way to cap off the 30 months of work and earn the rating. Check Trade-A -Plane or the Internet for listings of other A&P prep schools. Getting an A&P rating is certainly not easy. But if you stick with it, I think you'll find it an especially rewarding r------------------------------------------------------------­ ....... experience. I know I did!

TAiLW t-l€€L5 we.

Getting Your A&P Resource Guide Here are just two of the many schools listed when entering "A&P Mechanic's Prep School" into Google: Baker's School of Aeronautics 164S-M Murfreesboro Road Nashville, TN 37217 Phone: 615-361-6787 or 800-264-1787 American Ainnan Ground School Inc. MacArUtur Plaza, Suite 260 E 4250 Veterans Memorial Highway Holbrook, NY 11741 Phone: 6311585-5179 or SOO/4-AlR­ MAN (424-7626) E-mail: The FAA has a page devoted to earning one's A&P at:




Swallow Biplane

A history lesson in our own airport 'backyard' BY FRED STADLER

Swallow NC4028 History The 1928 factory price for each of three brand-new OX-5 powered Swal­ low biplanes, crated and loaded in a railroad boxcar in Wichita, Kansas: $2,311.55. Their buyer was L&H Air­ craft, an airplane dealer in Hartford, Connecticut. One of the three Swal­ lows cost an extra $50, because it had a "booster magneto." That Swallow, serial number 899, was destined to 24

JULY 2007

fly 79 years later at EAA's Pioneer Air­ port. But before then, it was to have many adventures. L&H Aircraft h ad a customer for this Swallow even before it was un ­ loaded from the train . Mrs. Lou Coles Edgar, of Schenectady, New York, liked fast cars, and in March 1928 she be­ came t h e first woman in New York state to own her own airplane. She had her name pai nted on the Swallow's

tail, and the name Schenectady Ram­ bler applied to its fuse lage . A photo­

graph (above) of Edgar posing in front of the airplane was quite a surprise to her husband, Ellis Edgar, who felt avi­ ation was too risky for a woman and didn't know his wife had bought an airplane! No records have been found of Lou Edgar's flights in the Swallow, nor even confirmation that she had a pilot certificate. She is presumed to be

Their tillling

Lou Edgar casually leans against the fuselage of a Waco 10.

was fortuitous; a weel~ after

the pieces were rellloved, the barn unexpectedly collapsed! among the earliest recreational pilots and made advertising flights for Old Gold cigarettes. A year later, Lou Edgar sold her Swal­ low to Chester A. Jordan and George Wachtel]r., and the plane was moved to Troy, New York. Less than two months after the Swallow changed hands, it had a tragic accident. Wachtel was tak­ ing instruction from 34-year-old lieu­ tenant Ellsworth G. Hayner, described in a newspaper account as a "World War flyer and chief pilot and instructor for the Troy Airport." The engine failed and the plane crashed, receiving ex­ tensive damage. Wachtel crawled away from the wreckage without assistance, but Hayner had been mortally injured. A newspaper reported that "Lieutenant Hayner just before he died at the hos­ pital regained sufficient strength to cry out the words, 'George, George, give me that stick.' He kept repeating these words until death came." A May 1929 letter from the De­ partment of Commerce cancelled the Swallow's registration, stating that it had been "washed out." The damaged pieces were moved to a barn. Almost 30 years later, Donald A. Brewster of Poughkeepsie, New York, found them and decided to attempt a restoration. Cole Palen was also involved in the project and helped move it from the dilapidated barn. Their timing was for­ tuitous; a week after the pieces were

removed, the barn unexpect­ edly collapsed! The Swallow restoration project was apparently too much for Brewster. In June of 1961 he sold the pieces to Irving Siewert Jr., a Clin­ ton, Connecticut, building contractor who loved air­ plane projects. The parts were moved to Griswold Airport in Madison, Connecticut, where Sherman Griswold helped with the recovering, and his father, John Griswold, re­ paired the Curtiss OX-5 en­ gine. To replace missing or damaged landing gear parts, Siewert welded on N3N ax­ les found in a scrap pile and added 6.50 x 20 truck tires. He made the first test flight on Sept 2, 1961, and 18 more flights in the local area over the following year. VAA mem­ ber Ev Cassagneres also flew A Douglas M-l mailplane serves as the Swallow there. Siewert en­ drop as Lou Edgar rests on one of the massive joyed flying the Swallow, but wheels. The small cylinder just behind the step loved restoring aircraft even on the cowling is a Pyrene fire extinguisher. more. He had his eye on a cabin Waco cialized in Pratt & Whitney engines and to rebuild and sold the Swallow for also maintained an aviation museum. $2,200, which gave him the money to Colonel Earl G. Adams flew the Swal­ buy the Waco. low from Connecticut to Miami during The Swallow was bought in Septem­ a more than 1,200-mile weeklong trip ber 1962 by Air Carrier Engine Services with a total flying time of 24 hours, 35 (ACES) Inc. of Miami, Florida. ACES spe- minutes. The plane arrived in time for VINTAGE AIRPLANE


left: Irving Siewert Jr., the Connecti­ cut building contractor who loved to restore old aircraft. Siewert acquired the project in 1961, and, with the help of John and Sherman Griswold, he re­ stored it at the well-known Griswold airport on the Connecticut coast.

Cole Palen helps move one of the Swallow's wing panels when Donald Brewster of Poughkeepsie purchased the remains of the airplane.

an OX-S Club convention, which was held in Miami on October 18-21, 1962. Fourteen rides were given in the Swal­ low on the last day of the convention. ACES dissolved at some later time, and the airplane became the property of Mr. John H. McGeary Jr., although no bill of sale was filed with the Fed­ eral Aviation Administration (FAA). In December 1976 McGeary donated 37 items to EAA. The Swallow, disas­ sembled again and listed in error as a Laird Swallow, was among the donated items, which were transported in a large semi-trailer from Florida to EAA in Burlington, Wisconsin. The tail of the Swallow fuselage wasn't properly secured, and during the trip it hit the top of the trailer and was damaged . That damage was repaired before the parts were put in storage. Prompted by EAA Founder Paul Poberezny, a restoration effort was begun at EAA. Some felt that the origi­ nal OX-S engine should be used, but since the aircraft was intended for a flight to EAA's Pioneer Airport, more reliable components were selected to meet current standards for flying pas­ sengers. A 220-hp Continental engine was donated by Clay Lacy to replace the 90-hp OX-So The United Airlines Historical Foundation provided sup­ port for the restoration, and support was given by Stits Poly-Fiber and other companies. Although this Swallow never carried mail, it was painted to resemble the Swallows used by Varney Airlines on the difficult mail route be­ tween Pasco, Washington, and Elko, Nevada. Varney later merged with other carriers to form United Airlines. EAA's extensive restoration was com­ pleted in the fall of 2004 under the direcDon Brewster in the cockpit of the Swallow. That same instrument panel was still with the project when EAA was given the airplane in late 1976.


JULY 2007

tion of master mechanic Gary Buettner. Buck Hilbert, a retired United Airlines captain and prior owner of a Varney Air­ lines Swallow, performed the required 25 hours of test flights . The Swallow is again delighting passengers, now at EAA's Pioneer Airport, a part of EAA's AirVenture Museum in Oshkosh, Wis­ consin. Among its passengers this spring were Lou Edgar's two granddaughters, who are delighted that "Grandmother's airplane" is still in the air.

ACurious Notation A printed "his" crossed out and re­ placed with a handwritten "her" on a notary's statement more than 75 years ago-that's what sparked my quest to learn about the history of EAA's Swal­ low. I've been honored to be a pilot for Pioneer Airport for a number of years, and since I had been flying passengers in the Swallow at Pioneer Airport I be­ came curious about the airplane's his­ tory. Since the plane's early logbooks were long gone, I started with the FAA's CD copy of the plane's records. They listed the Swallow's first owner in 1928 as Lou Edgar of Schenectady, New York. But Lou's notarized signature had that curious strikeout mark with the additional "her" notation. Was the air­ plane's first owner in 1928 a woman? I tried the usual information sources. I did Internet searches of FAA pilot re­ cords and of the name and address, but I quickly realized local help in Sche­ nectady was needed. EAA is blessed with the widest possible social net­ work-EAA's extensive network of lo­ cal chapters-put together long before the Internet. So I called the president of the EAA chapter there, Bill Mischler, asking if someone might be interested in researching an old airplane. By co­ incidence, Mischler had already been working with the Empire State Aero­ sciences Museum on the 75th anni­ versary of Schenectady Airport and remembered seeing a photograph of an unidentified woman standing in front of an airplane. Mischler found the pho­ tograph, and the registration number of the airplane matched EM's airplane! Now we had a photograph of the Swal­ low as it looked in 1928, along with its owner. But who was Lou Edgar, and

Two views of the Swallow after the Siewert/Griswold restoration in the early 19605.

why did she buy an airplane? Genealogical research located Lou Edgar's granddaughters, who were amazed to learn that their grandmoth­ er's airplane was still flying. They pro­ vided many colorful details of the first owner's life. But the Swallow had more secrets to reveal. A cryptic entry in the FAA records indicated a serious accident in Wynantskill, New York. A detailed newspaper account of the 1929 acci­ dent was found by a helpful librarian in nearby Troy, New York. FAA records described the airplane as "washed out." They also showed the airplane's return to airworthy status 30 years later at Gris­ wold Airport in Connecticut, but with­ out detail of how repairs were made.

Responding to a Vintage Airplane magazine article last fall about another Swallow, Cassagneres mentioned that he had flown a Swallow, NC4028, in Connecticut. Cassagnares' letter was printed in the February 2007 Vintage Airplane along with H.G. Frautschy's observation that the same Swallow was still flying at Pioneer Airport. Cas­ sagneres graciously sent me personal photographs of the airplane as it ap­ peared in 1962, along with some in­ formation about Irving Siewert, who had done the restoration. Cassagneres had sharp memories of the airplane, but had lost touch with Siewert, who had moved to Colorado. More Internet searches found that Irving Siewert had died in 1993. On VI NTAGE AIRPLANE


a chance, I called a woman in Colorado who might be a rela­ tive. She turned out to be Siew­ ert's widow and was pleased to hear the airplane was still flying. She had come close to discarding her husband's re­ cords and photographs of the Swallow restoration, but had saved them just in case some­ one might need them some­ day! She was glad to finally reconnect the records with the airplane. The photographs added faces to the names in the FAA records. Another important resource has been the United Airlines Historical Foundation, which helped return the Swallow to flight status. Don Jiskra of that group has been active in re­ searching the background of this particular Swallow. Rediscovering the history of NC4028 is an ongOing project involving EAA mem­ bers across the country. Every newly discovered detail fills in more of the Swallow's story, but many questions remain. Little is known about the air­ plane's owner in 1962, Air Carrier Engine Services of Mi­ ami, and its later owner, Mc­ Geary, who donated it to EAA. It is hoped that other EAAers can add detail to this part of the story. Stay tuned!


~ ;:§

At the urging of EAA Founder and Chainnan of the Board Paul Poberemy, retired EAA mas­ ter mechanic Gary Buettner did the bulk of the restoration work on the Swallow. Thanks to the support of the United Airtines Histori· cal Foundation, and with a 220·hp Continental donated by Clay Lacy, the Swallow now graces the skies of Oshkosh, painted in the colors of Varney Airtines, a predecessor of United.




r-------------------------------, If you have informat ion we can add to the Swallow's story, please contact us here at EM Headquarters. You can e-mail us at, or write to us at Vintage Airplane, EM, P.O . Box 3086, Osh­ kosh, WI 54903-3086.

28 JULY 2007


Family Reunion

by Fred Stadler

Lou Edgar's two granddaughters, Debra Kalodikis of Syracuse, NY, and Carol Ashbee of Toronto, Quebec Canada and Carol's daughter Kelly during their visit to the EAA AirVenture Museum. 30 JULY 2007

When Lou Edgar's grand­ daughters learned that her Swallow was still flying, they decided they had to see it. After a year of plan­ ning, their trip from To­ ronto to Oshkosh led not only to a wonder­ ful airplane, but also to a Wisconsin branch of their family they hadn't known existed. Sisters Debra Kalodikis of Syra­ cuse, New York, and Carol Ashbee of Toronto were joined by Carol's hus­ band, Greg, and their adult daughter, Kelly, on the 700-mile drive to Osh­ kosh. On June 1 they participated in a program at Pioneer Airport about

the Swallow's history, and each took a ride in the airplane. Many of the vol­ unteers who helped restore the 1927 biplane were on hand, as were Lisa Edgar and her brother, Bruce Edgar, a private pilot from Milwaukee. Pioneer Airport volunteer John Edgar had lo­ cated Lisa and Bruce. Research on the Swallow's history had discovered that Lisa, Bruce, and John were direct rela­ tives of Lou Edgar's husband, Ellis. Before their visit to Oshkosh, Lou Edgar's granddaughters and great­ granddaughter didn't have a particular interest in aviation, but they greatly enjoyed their visit to the EAA AirVen­ ture Museum and now are eager to learn more about their ancestor. Lou Edgar would be proud! ~




Send your answer to EAA, Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903 -3086 . Your answer needs to be in no later than August 10 for inclusion in the October 2007 issue of

Vintage Airplane. You can also send your response via e-mail. Send your answer to mysteryplane@ Be sure to include your name, city, and state in the body of your note, and put "(Month) Mystery Plane" in the subject line.


As regular readers of this column know, on occasion we run a true Mystery Plane, that is to say, one whose identity we've been unable to confirm . Our April subject was one such mystery, as neither the supplier

of the photo, Wes Smith, nor I have any solid clues as to its identity. The twin fins are certainly a distinguishing feature, as are the four ailerons, with a slave strut between each wing's control surfaces. Beyond those two

clues and the numeral 7 on the fin, it looks like one of the many copies of a Curtiss "headless" pusher built during the latter end of the pioneer era of aviation. If anyone has any further information, please pass it along. V I NTA GE AIRP L A NE



You're slipping!

"You're slipping, Doug," my best friend told me, as I confessed that I had totally missed the deadline for sending an article to be published in last month's issue of Vintage Airplane. And sure enough, if I go by a couple of definitions I found in the dictionary, the term "slipping" would certainly apply. The dictionary defined slipping as "pass or change to a lower, worse or different condition, typically in a gradual or imperceptible way." It also included this definition: "Behaving in a way that is not up to one's usual level of performance." I must confess to exemplifying both definitions. But the dictionary also had this definition of slipping: "A sideways movement of an aircraft in flight ... ," and it was relative to that definition that I received the following e-mail from a reader: "I have a question on forward slips to lose altitude for landing (no flaps) . I was taught many years ago to slip 'low wing into the wind,' and I have done so for a long time. Recently, though, I have seen where that could cause some trouble, so here is the scenario. We are landing on Runway 36, winds are 330 at 8. We could put the left wing down into the wind with the nose headed about 030 degrees and land left main wheel first. Wind gusts play havoc on all that wing area pointed into the wind, and a go-around would be tough in underpowered planes (the reader flies a Taylor E-2), as we are low and trying to climb in a crosswind to the runway heading or to the left upwind leg. "All can be done safely, but not without some careful stick and rudder. The alternative is to point the nose into the wind (heading 330 degrees) and slip with the right wing down . Now, transition to landing on the left main 32

JULY 2007

wheel is a little tougher, but wind gusts have almost no effect on the plane during approach, as the area into the wind is greatly reduced and go-around is easy by leveling the wings and climbing into the wind to join the crosswind leg of the pattern." This reader had indeed shown a great understanding of the dynamics of a forward slip, when the wind is blowing. He had obviously thought the situation through and then flew his scenarios to confirm his beliefs. Reading between the lines I could also assume that this reader had some good stick-and-rudder skills! But before I get to my answer to this reader, let's define not only a forward slip, but a sideslip as well. Over the years I have found that confusion about the two (forward slip versus sideslip) exists in more pilots than I might have thought. Understanding the difference between them is crucial to answering this question. A forward slip is a maneuver that is used to lose altitude. In aircraft without flaps it is used regularly to keep an airplane on the glide slope as it descends down final approach for landing. (It is also used regularly in aircraft with a tandem configuration, when flown from the back seat, so as to afford a view of the runway when on final approach.) In a forward slip the longitudinal axis of the aircraft is pointed away from the direction of flight while the wing pointing in the forward direction of the airplane is lowered. Whereas this maneuver can be used in curving flight (as in the turn from base leg to final in the traffic pattern), it is most typically used on final. In that situation the nose is turned away from the extended centerline of

the runway, using rudder to achieve this, while simultaneously the wing toward the runway is lowered using aileron. This configuration produces a great amount of drag, as the fuselage is now facing into the relative wind and the airplane increases its descent rate without accelerating. Exactly what we need if we find ourselves above the glide slope on final. This maneuver is not limited to aircraft without flaps. In fact, the practical test standards for every certificate from sport pilot through commercial pilot include the forward slip as a maneuver to be tested. Indeed, proficiency with the maneuver is integral in a situation when you find yourself in an airplane whose engine has ceased to function and your only landing area is a small one surrounded by high obstacles. This would not be the time to find out that the first two definitions of slipping used in this article apply. Let us now define a Sideslip. The sideslip is a maneuver that is used in landing in a crosswind. It allows us to maintain the longitudinal axis of the aircraft with the direction of travel (ideally right down the centerline of the runway) without drifting. If the airplane were to be viewed without any form of ground reference it would appear to be drifting (slipping) in the direction of the lowered wing. When we add a ground reference (the centerline of a runway) the airplane is still slipping to the side, but the blowing wind counters this sideways motion over the ground, and the airplane remains centered over the runway centerline. In a sideslip, if you find that you are drifting away from the centerline, into the wind, raise your lowered wing




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slightly and reduce the amount of opposite rudder you have been holding. (As in the forward slip, the rudder is controlling the longitudinal axis [heading], and the ailerons, the bank.) Conversely, if you are drifting away from the runway centerline and away from the wind, lower the windward wing some more and add more opposite rudder to maintain heading with the runway centerline. Let's hope all of this has made sense to you. If not, it is possible that my verbal skills might be slipping, but that's another story. Again, understanding the difference between a forward slip and a Sideslip is important in my answer to the reader's question about forward slips. My answer now follows. For what it is worth, I teach the first technique you describe, "low wing into the wind." That's because for the vast majority of pilots it is much easier to transition into the correct, wing足 low Sideslip required for the landing. Let's take your scenario. If you were descending in a forward slip with your right wing low, the airplane would be less susceptible to gusts in that heading.

However, in order to land, you would still need to swap everything around and get the left wing low (not as low as in the forward slip) with the nose pointing in the direction of your travel (ideally aligned with the runway heading), thus converting a right-wing-low forward slip to a left-wing-low sideslip. If the wind is gusting, and there are any obstacles to create orographic turbulence, this could be a very challenging maneuver. By forward slipping with the wing into the wind as the low one, the transition to the sideslip required for a crosswind landing is much simpler, with much less risk. If the need to go around arises, I do not find the transition to the crab into the wind that would then be required to be that difficult. You certainly display a great understanding of the dynamics of both situations, and also don't seem bothered about putting either wing low. You seem to understand the pros and cons of either way of doing it, and I would assume you are also comfortable in either configuration. So I would suggest that you do what works best for you. If you have the dexterity of hand, foot, and eye

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JULY 2007

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to transition from one side to the other, then it shouldn't be a problem. The bottom line is that you need to end up with the proper wing low to counter the crosswind in the sideslip for landing. As an aside, I have flown with many pilots who, until I point out the problem, will only slip in one direction, regardless of what the wind might be doing. It's kind of like ice skating or skiing, where it is much easier to "cross one leg over" or turn in one direction than it is in the other. Many pilots, especially those flying airplanes with side-by-side seating, are only comfortable slipping with the left wing low. Depending on the wind, however, we need to be able to slip with either wing low. There might also be a situation when we will have to transition from having the left wing low to having the right wing low. Suppose we are flying a left base leg in the traffic pattern and realize we are high. To compound the situation, there is a crosswind blowing from the right side of the runway. We would now have to set up a forward slip with the left wing low while on the base leg, maintaining that forward slip through the turn to final. Then once on final we will have to transition to having the right wing low. It is a maneuver that requires some dexterity. As an aside, it is a maneuver that all of my clients receiving tailwheel transition training in my PA-12 must demonstrate proficiently. If it has been some time since you last practiced this maneuver, you might find that the first two definitions of slipping mentioned at the beginning of this article are the ones that apply to your skills in slipping your airplane. So the next time you are flying, practice a few forward slips. Then when there are blue skies, with tail winds that shift to crosswinds on your landing, you will be prepared. We welcome members' input and questions for Doug. Please send your questions to Doug at or directly to us at Vintage Airplane, EAA, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Doug Stewart is the 2004 National CFI ofthe Year, a NAFI Master Instructor, and a designated pilot examiner. He operates DSFI Inc. ( based at the Columbia County Airport (lBl). ~

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Restoration choices

A friend contemplating getting in­ volved with a restoration asked me, "Which is the better choice, an an­ tique or a classic/contemporary?" I tried to answer. First, let's identify which is which. For EAA/VAA Judging standards, we classify them this way: Antique An aircraft constructed by the orig­ inal manufacturer, or its licensee, on or before August 31, 1945, with the exception of certain pre-World War II aircraft models that had only a small postwar production. Examples: Beechcraft Staggerwing, Fairchild 24, and Monocoupe. Classic An aircraft constructed by the origi­ nal manufacturer, or its licensee, on or after September 1, 1945, up to and in­ cluding December 31, 1955. Contemporary An aircraft constructed by the origi­ nal manufacturer, or its licensee, on or after January 1, 1956, up to and in­ cluding December 31,1970. To begin your decision process, ask yourself a few questions. If you can answer them in an affirmative way, then the choice is easy. Are you looking for something to fly for fun, a real airplane to look at and be admired? Then consider the antique. If you want transportation, and want to go places, then consider the classic or a contemporary airplane Okay, if you've got that settled, here are a few more things to consider. Antique airplanes are pretty basic. 36 JULY 2007

Usually they're built of fabric, wood, and tube. Only a few have electrical systems, and they are equipped with older engines and no modern technol­ ogy. They are also sometimes fragile and need a lot of tender loving care.

"Which is the better choice ... First, let's identify which

is which ...

Their engines may be "old school," not the 2,000-hour overhaul type we've become accustomed to, and re­ placement parts are difficult to find for these old engines. Forced landing procedures had better be foremost in mind when flying behind these old guys, and routine maintenance is the order of the day requiring tolerance of oil leaks, spattered grease, an Arm­ strong starter (hand propping), and lots of patience. The lack of an electri­ cal system can be a problem for some folks. Flying one is a bit like trying to drive an antique car on modern free­ ways. One more consideration is try­ ing to find a knowledgeable airframe

and powerplant mechanic with an in­ spection authorization to lean on for advice, and if you need work done, mechanical expertise. To protect your investment and to take care of those routine preventive maintenance items, a hangar is an ab­ solute necessity, along with the sup­ port tools and equipment. Meanwhile, the classic is probably an airplane you first flew as you learned to fly. Perhaps it was the airplane you first soloed, or was an upgrade for in­ strument and cross-country flights . With its electrical system and "push button" starter, and with a more mod­ ern engine that uses higher-octane fuel and has more reliability, you may find that helps you with your deci­ sion. Longer time between overhauls, and better parts availability, can also strongly influence your choice. The classic also makes cross-coun­ try flights routine. Modern navigation equipment and instrumentation can be installed, and the conveniences we have become accustomed to make life just a bit easier. Many classics are made of metal and, in a way, offer the convenience of having their own hangar. Their newer engines can be run with modern oils and high-octane fuel available most anywhere. And the fact that there is no need to find a qualified "prop man" is a plus right from the "start." Airframe parts availability is an­ other consideration with the classic. Usually the type clubs are more active and have many more members. In some cases tech reps are available with

club membership. And there are many more salvage and parts dealers who deal with these airframes out there. The technicians of today are more fa­ miliar with the engines and airframes, and preventive maintenance becomes a good deal easier, often requiring just a wash and clean. The more advanced engine presents fewer problems, often requiring only occasional routine oil changes and minimal attention. The same is true with the airframe. An occasional wash and lube job is about all it takes, along with cleaning and polishing to keep it looking good. Keep an eye on possible corrosion; prevention is the word. Most of these old metal airplanes are 60 and 6S years old and showing their age. I don't mean to minimize the effort it will take to restore either of these types. Unexpected expenses will crop up. The engine may need extensive (and expensive) parts replaced, and both the airframe and the engine may have service bulletins and airworthi­ ness directives to be complied with. The same is true for the accessories. A number of supplemental type cer­ tificates may have to be used to up­ grade and increase reliability of the aircraft. New alternators, lightweight starters, electrical components, brakes, and other modern parts have been ret­ rofitted to these older classics, which not only increases the reliability of the airplane, but also decreases operating costs and downtime. The expense is another big consid­ eration. Aside from the pride of own­ ership and the personal satisfaction in accomplishing a restoration, you may never recover all the effort and money you will have put into the project. This may sound ridiculous, but if you can walk up to a pit, toss a couple hundred-dollar bills down that hole, and not feel regret, then you are ready to begin a restoration. How much is personal satisfaction in accomplishing the project worth to you? For most re­ storers, it's priceless. Over to you,






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The following list ofcoming events is furnished to our readers as a matter of information only and does not consti­ tute approval, sponsorship, involvement, control, or direction ofany event (fly-in, seminars, fly market, etc.) listed. To submit an event, send the information via mail to: Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903­ 3086. Or e-mail the information to: Information should be received four months prior to the event date. JULY 4-Mt. Morris, IL-Ogle County Airport

AUGUST lS-lS-Long Island , NY- Bayport

(C55) EM Chapter 682 Fly·ln Breakfast 7am-llam For information call Dr. Glen Orr 815-735-7268 JULY 6-8--Alliance, Oh (2Dl)-Taylorcraft and Ohio Aeronca Aviator's Fly-In . See the airplanes built in Alliance, OH & Middletown, OH and the people that built them. Camping, motels, food all day. 330823-1168 216 337-5643 http://www.oaaf/ see for airport diagrams . Breakfast served Sat & Sun 7AM to 11AM by EM Chapter # 82 JULY l 4-Zanesville, OH- Parr Airport (OH36) EAA Ch apter 425 Pancake Breakfast 8 :00 AM till 2:00 PM All you can eat pancakes, sausage and drink $5.00 for adults $2.50 for children under six. Lunch items served after 11:00PM Contact: Chuck Bruckelmeyer (740) 454-7487 August 4-Sunriver, OR-Sunriver Airport (S21) 16th Annual "Wings and Wheels " vintage planes and vintage cars 8 :00am-4:00pm Free food, fuel discounts for exhibitors Judging at 1:00pm- Great prizes Info: Brian Lansburgh , Airport Mgr. (541) 593­ 4603 AUGUST 5-Queen City, MO-Applegate Airport (15MO). 20th Annual Watermelon Fly-In & BBQ. 2pm 'til dark. Come and see grass roots aviation at it's best. Info: 660-766-2644 AUGUST 5-Chetek, WI-Southworth Municipal airport (Y23). BBQ Fly-In . 10:30am Warbird displays, antique and unique airplanes, antique & collector car displays , and raffles for airpl ane rides. Procedes will be given to local charities. Info: Chuck Harrison - Office 715-924­ 4501 , Cell 715-456-8415, fixdent@ chibardun .net; Tim Knutson - Home 715-237-2477 , Cell 651-308-2839, AUGUST l7-l9--McMinnville, OR-25th Annual West Coast Travel Air Reunion Come Celebrate the Rebirth of the Travel Air. Expected to be the largest gathering of Vintage Travel Airs in recent times. Held in conjunction with the Northwest Antique Airplane Club Event. Info: Bruce McElhoe 559-638-3746 AUGUST l 8--Forest Lake, MN-(25D}-Airport Fly-in and Open House lOam - 4pm. 24-hour gas and 24-hour grass: 3000-foot 31/ 13. Forest Lake Lions serve brats, corn-on-the­ cob and ice cream. 100LL is available John Schmidt EM 250021 st. Paul, Minnesota 6517761717

(23N) Annual Antique Aeroplane Fly-In Old time movies , popcorn, pig roast , flour bomb drop and spot landing contest with the days ending in the in famous " Sheep Shagger Baa For more info www.MCGNY. org or email Stuart Bain at Sbain@ AUGUST lS-Brookfield, WI-Capitol Airport (02C) . Ice Cream Social and vintage Aircraft Display, VAA Chapter 11. Dean London , 262-442-4622 AUGUST 25-Niles MI- Jerry Tyler Memorial. Airport (3TR) VAA Chapter 35 Annual Corn & Sausage Roast Lunch served 11:00am to 3:00 pm . Rain date on Sunday, August. 26th Donations of $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children under 12 Contact Len Jansen SEPTEMBER l - Marion, IN-Marion Municipal Airport (MZZ). 17th Annual Fly-In Cruise-In. 7:00am until 2:00pm. This annual event features antique , classic, homebuilt, ultralight and warbird aircraft as well as vintage cars, trucks, motorcycles , and tractors . An all-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast is served, with ali proceeds going to the local Marion High School Marching Band . www.FlylnCruiseln.comlnfo: Ray Johnson (765) 664-2588 or rjohnson@ SEPTEMBER l -Zanesville, OH-Riverside Airport (OH36) EM Chapter 425 Pancake Breakfast 8:00 AM till 2 :00 PM All you can eat pancakes , sausage and drink $5.00 for adults $2.50 for children under six. Lunch items served after 11:00PM Contact: Chuck Bruckelmeyer Phone: (740) 454-7487 SEPTEMBER 2-Mondovi , WI-21st Annual Log Cabin Airport Fly-In. Doug Ward , Owner/ Operator, 715-287-4205. Lunch @ noon. SEPTEMBER 8-Newark, Ohio-Newark­ Heath Airport (VTA) Annua l Fly-In/ Drive­ In Breakfast "Pancakes and More ," Young Eagles Flights, Vintage Airplanes, Classic Cars , Tom McFadden 740-587­ 2312; email : SEPTEMBER S-Mt. Morris, IL-Ogle County Airport (C55) EM Chapter 682 Fly-In Breakfast 7am-12pm For information call Dr. Glen Orr 815-735-7268 SEPTEMBER 2l-22- Bartlesville , OK-Frank Phillips Field (BVO) . 51st Annual Tulsa Regional Fly-In. Antiques, Classics, Light Sport, Warbirds , Forum, Type


JULY 2007

Clubs . Info: Charlie Harris 918-622­ 8400 www.tulsaf/yin .com OCTOBER 5-7-Camden, SC-Kershaw County Airport (KCDN) . VAA Chapter 3 Fall Fly-In. All classes welcome. BBQ on field Fri. Even ing. EAA judging ali classes Sat. Banquet Sat. Nite. Info: Jim Wilson 843-753-7138 or eiwilson@ homexpressway. net OCTOBER 5-7-St. Louis, MO-Creve Coeur Airport (lHO) The Monocoupe Club Fly-In & Reunion OCTOBER lO-l4-Tullahoma, TN- " Beech Birthday Party 2007" Staggerwing, Twin Beech 18, Bonanza , Baron, Beech owners& enthusiasts. Info 931­ 455-1974


2007MAJOR FLy-INS For details on EM Chapter fly-ins and other local avi­ ation events, visit www.eaa.orgjevents

GArlington EAA Ry-ln Arlington Municipal Airport (AWO). Arlington, WA July 11-15, 2007

www. 1

EAA AlrVenture Oshkosh Wittman Regional Airport (OSH), Oshkosh, WI July 23-29,2007

EAA Mld-Eastem Regional Ry-ln Mansfield Lahm Airport, Mansfield, OH August 25-26, 2007

Virginia Regional EAA Ry-ln Dinwiddie County Airport (PTB), Petersburg, VA October 6-7, 2007

EAA Southeast Regional Ry-In Middleton Reid Airport (GZH). Evergreen, AL October 12-14, 2007 www.

Copperstate Regional EAA Ry·ln Casa Grande (Arizona) Municipal Airport (CGZ) October 25-28, 2007

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Classified Word Ads: $5.50 per 10 words, 180 words maximum , with boldface lead-in on first line. Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2.167 inches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch . Black and white only, and no frequency discounts . Advertising CloSing Dates: 10th of second month prior to desired issue date (i.e., January 10 is the closing date for the March issue). VAA reserves the right to reject any advertising in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insertion per issue. Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via fax (920-426-4828) or e-mail (c/assads@eaa.or§tJ using cred it card payment (all cards accepted). Include name on card , complete address, type of card, card number, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EM. Address advertising correspondence to EM Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.O . Box 3086, Oshkosh , WI 54903-3086.


AVHOUSING Top of the Ledge Campground, Sites Available for EAA, 40 miles from EAA Grounds, Bar-Grill, Heated Pool, 110 sites Water/Electric. Info: Call 920-439-1496


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Membershi~ Services VINTAGE




George Daubner

1521 E. MacGregor Dr.

New Haven, IN 46774 260-493-4724 cllie(

2448 Lough Lane Hartford, WI 53027 262-673-5885 l'tla!1yboy@msfl.col1l

Secretary Steve Nesse

Treasurer Charles W. Harris

2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-1674

7215 East 46th 5t.

Tulsa, OK 74147


DIRECTORS Steve Bender

85 Brush Hill Road

Sherborn, MA 01770 508-653-7557 sst 10@comcast.l1et

Jeannie Hill

P.O. Box 328

Harvard, IL 60033-0328



David Bennett

Espic "Butch" Joyce

375 Killdeer Ct

704 N. Regional Rd. Greensboro, NC 27409 336-668-3650 wimisock@aoi.col1l

Lincoln, CA 95648 916-645-8370 oiltiqller@illreac}

John Berendt

7645 Echo Point Rd.

Cannon Falls, MN 55009

507 -263-2414 l11jb{i..'llld(glrcollllfct.C0111

Dave Clark

635 Vesta l Lane

PlainfIeld, IN 46168

317 -839-4500 davecpd@iqllest.flet John S. Copeland

1A Deacon Street Northborough, MA 01532 508-393-4775 (opela1ld

Steve Krog

1002 Heather Ln.

Hartford, WI 53027



Robert D. "Bob" Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield, WI 53005 262-782-2633 /

Gene Morris

5936 Steve Court

Roanoke, TX 76262


Phil Coulson

Dean Richardson

28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 269-624-6490

1429 Kings Lynn Rd Stoughton, WI .53589 608-877-8485 dar@apri/

reali/soilS 16@cs.col1l

Dale A. Gustafson

7724 Shady Hills Dr.

Indianapolis, IN 46278



S.H. "Wes" Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 532 13 414-771-1545



Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 920-231-5002

E.E. "Buck" Hilbert 8102 Leech Rd. Union, IL 60180 815-923-4591 buck7ac@dls.llct

Ronald C. Fritz

15401 Sparta Ave.

Kent City, MI 49330

6 16-678-5012




EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086

Phone (920) 426-4800

Fax (920) 426-4873

Web Sites: www.vintageaircra{,,

E-Mail: vil1tageaircra{ EAA and Division Membership Services Flying Start Program ............ 920-426-6847

800-843-3612 ............. FAX 920-426-6761 Library Services/Research ........ 920-426-4848

Monday-Friday CST) (8:00 AM-7:00 PM Medical Questions......... ..... 920-426-6112

Technical Counselors ........... 920-426-6864

-New/renew memberships: EAA, Divisions Young Eagles ............ ...... 877-806-8902

(Vintage Aircraft Association, lAC, Warbirds), National Association of Flight Instructors Benefits (NAFI)

AUA Vintage Insurance Plan ..... 800-727-3823 -Address changes

EAA Aircraft Insurance Plan ..... 866-647-4322 -Merchandise sales

Term Life and Accidental ........ 800-241-6103 - Gift memberships

Death Insurance (Harvey Watt & Company) EAA Platinum VISA Card .. 800-853-5576 ext. 8884 Programs and Activities EAA Aircraft Financing Plan .... 866-808-6040 EAA AirVenture Fax-On-Demand Directory EAA Enterprise Rent-A-Car Program ............................. 732-885-6711 .......................... 877-GA1-ERAC

Auto Fuel STCs ................ 920-426-4843 Editorial ...... ................ 920-426-4825

Build/restore information .... ... . 920-426-4821 VAA Office ................ FAX 920-426-6865

Chapters: locating/organizing .... 920-426-4876 Education.... .... ....... . .. ... 888-322-3229 - EAA Air Academy EAA Aviation Foundation - EAA Scholarships Artifact Donations ............. 920-426-4877 Flight Advisors information ...... 920-426-6864 Financial Support. . . . . . . . . . . .. 800-236-1025 Flight Instructor information ..... 920-426-6801


EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $40 for one year, includ­ ing 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership i5 an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership. (Add $16 for Foreign Postage.)

EAA SPORT PILOT Current EAA members may add EAA SPORT PILOT magazine for an additional $20 per year. EAA Membership and EAA SPORT PILOT magazine is ava ilabl e for $40 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not in­ cluded). (Add $16 for Foreign Postage,)

VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION C u rrent EAA members may join the Vintage Aircraft Assoc iati on and receive VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine for an ad­ ditional $36 per year. EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine and one year membersh ip in the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association is available for $46 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not in ­ cluded). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.)


Current EAA members may join the International Aerobatic Club, Inc. Divi­ sion and receive SPORT AEROBATICS magaZine for an additional $45 per year. EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBAT­ I CS magazine and one year membership in the lAC Division is available for $55 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $18 for Foreign Postage,)

WARBIRDS Current EAA members may join the EAA Warbirds of America Division and receive WARBIRDS magaZine for an additional $45 per year. EAA Membership, WARBIRDS maga­ zine and one year membership in the Warbirds Division is available for $55 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not in­ cluded). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.)

FOREIGN MEMBERSHIPS Please submit your remittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars. Add required Foreign Postage amount for each membership.

Membership dues to EM and its divisions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions Copyright ©2007 by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association, All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (USPS 062-750: ISSN 009t -6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EM Vintage Aircraft Association of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EM Avia­ tion Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903-3086, e-mail: Membership to Vintage Aircraft Association, which includes 12 issues of Vintage Airplane magazine, is $36 per year for EM members and $46 for non-EM members. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Vintage Airplane. PO Box 3086, Oshkosh. WI 54903-3086. PM 40032445 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to World Distribution Services, Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5, e-mail: FOR­ EIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mail. ADVERTISING - Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee

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EM® and EM SPORT AVIATION®, the EM Logo® and Aeronautica™ are registered trademarks, trademarks, and service marks of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. The use of these trademarks and service marks without the permission of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is strictly prohibited.


JULY 2007

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