Springtime It seems as though for every day closer to spring we get, the pres sure is slowly rising to a crescendo that will ultimately result in the very special week we all know as EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. Earlier in March I was in Oshkosh for five days of B-1? tour training, and I took the opportunity see firsthand the continuing development of the AirVenture convention site. Even though Oshkosh has ex perienced what I would categorize as a pretty mean winter this year, an amazing amount of progress can be seen all over the conven tion grounds. Just this week we re ceived word that the walls for the all-new Vintage Hangar have been prefabbed and are now in the process of being installed on the footers. If we get a break with the weather, the shingles should be installed on the building by the time you read this column. This is an exciting time for both EAA and the Vintage Aircraft Association (VAA), and we sincerely hope you can find the time to visit with us at this year's event. Speaking of rising pressures, I know we are all pretty much on pins and needles over The Trans portation Security Administra tion's (TSA's) developing Large Aircraft Security Program CLASP). I have already heard a few stories about how some fixed base oper ators are already reacting to this developing and, as yet, unimple mented program. Again, EAA has got its response to this one absolutely right. There
really is only one clear and con cise response to these proposed new rules. In its response, EAA writes: "This rule is a direct threat to our personal liberties .... Our very right to operate our personal flying machines whenever we de cide is being clearly threatened by these rules."
Just this week we received word that the walls for the all-new Vintage Hangar have been prefabbed and are now in the process of being installed on the footers. If we get a break with the weather, the shingles should be installed on the building by the time you read this column. In our response, we echoed that sentiment in comments the VAA submitted objecting to the TSA's LASP: IIWe urge this entire proposal as written be scrapped, and the TSA
work with the industry to continue to build on the enhanced security mea sures currently in place at airports across this great nation . To impose these onerous and overreaching reg ulations on general aviation would likely be a blow to the industry that could very well be fatal. Such an out come would be counter to the spirit and intent of [president Obama's] re cent message. As a nation, we must do our best to encourage and sustain our values and rights. 'Those ide
als still light the world, and we will not give them up for expediency's sake.''' Only recently we have begun to hear of more individuals inside "the Beltway" speaking out on their attitude about these rules. Two key phrases seem to be echoed by these key folks in government who have chosen to speak out. 1. General aviation has not been proven to be any real threat to our country's security. 2. This proposed policy is over bearing, and a clear abuse of power. We'll continue to monitor the situation with the proposed rule, and we urge you to continue to visit for more infor mation. Be sure to sign up for EAA's E-Hotline while you're there! Now we hear that the same old proponents of user fees on gen eral aviation are again attempting to establish a foothold in the new Congress as well as the new admin istration. This, after the U.S. House of Representatives' Transporta tion and Infrastructure Commitcontinued on page 38
VOL. 37, No.4
Straight & Level Springtime by Geoff Robison
An Eye-Catching Ryan
An international delight
by Gilles Auliard
Airmail Days
Magical moments of yesteryear . . . The 90th anniversary
of scheduled airmail in the United States
by Sparky Barnes Sargent
Light Plane Heritage
Uncle Bob's Midwing Midway
Part I
by Bob Wh ittier
The Vintage Mechanic
Critical inspection items
by Robert G. Lock
The Vintage Instructor
Soft-field techniques
by Doug Stewart
Mystery Plane by H.G. Frautschy
Tom Poberezny
Director of EAA Publications
Mary Jones H.G. Frau tschy
Executive Director/Edi tor Production /Special Pro ject
Kathleen Witman
Jim Koepn ick Bonnie Kratz
Adverti si ng Coordinator
Sue An derson
Classified Ad Coordinator Copy Editor
Lesl ey Poberezny Colleen Wal sh
Director of Advertising
Ka trina Bradshaw
An Ethanol Test Kit Making certain your fuel isn't tainted with alcohol by Irven F. Palmer Jr.
S TAFF EAA Publisher
Classified Ads
Display Advertising Representat ives: Specialized Publications Co. U.S. Eastern Time Zone-Northeast: Ken Ross 609-822-3750 Fax: 609·957-5650
COVERS FRONT COVER: With the U.S. Army expanding rapidly in the years just before World War
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II , a big market for military trainers opened up. Ryan Aeronautical Corporation responded with the Ryan STM. Many were exported, including th is aircraft destined for the Dutch Ma
rine Luchtvaart Dienst in Java. Gilles Auliard tells the story of owner Gary Kozak's resto
916·784·9593 Fax: 510-217-3796
ration of this rare aircraft, starting on page 6. Gi lles Auliard photo . BACK COVER: Sparky Barnes Sargent captured Jay Pemberton as he flew the airmail in his
father's 1931 Stearman 4DM from Antique Airfield to Ottumwa , Iowa, and back during Airmail days celebrated during the 2008 AAA invitational fly-in. See the story starting on page 14.
U.S. Mountain and Pacific Time Zones: John Gibson
Europe: Willi Tacke Phone: +49(0)1716980871 Fax: +49(0)8841 / 496012
LASP: The Next Steps Working toward a 'reasonable' approach
February 27, 2009, signaled the end to the comment period for the Transportation Security Administra tion's (TSA's) Large Aircraft Security Program (LASP), but not to the in dustrywide effort opposing the TSA plan. More than 4,200 comments were submitted to the docket. EAA continues to work closely with TSA and Department of Home land Security (DHS) officials toward a more reasonable approach to general aviation security through the use of a negotiated rulemaking committee. EAA is also meeting with members of Congress on the proposal, including an invitation to attend a roundtable discussion in March hosted by House Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Jerry Costello (D-Illinois), to further press the issue. Comments to the docket include letters opposing the LASP from con gressional representatives Tom Pe tri (R-Wisconsin) and Sam Graves (R-Missouri). Petri is the ranking member of the House Aviation Subcommittee and also represents Wisconsin's 6th District, which includes Oshkosh and EAA headquarters. In a letter addressed to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, he writes, " ... the TSA's actions related to the proposed LASP are extreme and unnecessary .... The TSA has lost sight of the important balance between security and the free flow of commerce." Petri also called the proposal an enormous invasion into the private lives and affairs of citizens of a free country." Graves, also a member of the House Aviation Subcommittee, rep resents Missouri's 6th District. In his 23-page letter to Erik Jensen, TSA's chief of policy, plans, and stakeholder affairs for general avia tion, Graves warned that if the TSA stayed on its current path and disre garded the near unanimous opposiII
APRIL 2009
EAAlFAA Summit Addresses Issues Throughout the year, EAA's advocacy team meets with government offi cials in Washington, D.C., in state capitals, and in local municipalities, rep resenting EAA members' interests and concerns. They also meet twice each year in Oshkosh-during AirVenture and also in the winter, when FAA leaders travel to EAA headquarters for two days of face-to-face meetings to identify issues and ensure that previous action plans, objectives, and benchmarks are being fulfilled. Several top FAA officials were in Oshkosh February 23-24. Front-and-cen ter issues included amateur-built aircraft and the 51 percent rule, vintage and aging aircraft, flight safety, sport pilot/light-sport aircraft, the future of aviation fuels, aerobatic flight, and warbirds. Participants included EAA headquarters staff and division heads and of ficials from the FAA's Aircraft Certification and Flight Standards offices. A FAA/EAA Winter Meeting report was published on pages 102-103 of the April issue of fAA Sport Aviation.
tion to LASP, it could face legal chal lenges or congreSSional obstacles to the program, such as a resolution of disapproval under the CongreSSiO nal Review Act. "Or TSA can heed the advice in these comments and select a flight path that will lead to a more rea soned decision-making process," he writes. Graves also urged formation of a negotiated rulemaking com mittee involving affected groups. Graves' letter was also signed by Rep. Nathan Deal (R-Georgia), Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Georgia), Rep. John Duncan Jr. (R-Tennessee), Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Missouri), Rep. W. Todd Akin (R-Missouri), and Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kansas). EAA encourages its members to continue contacting their congres
sional representatives seeking their support of general aviation and opposition to LASP. Read EAA's of ficial comments at news/2009/lasp_comments.pdf
User-Fees Language in Budget Proposal .. . Again The Obama administration's pro posed budget includes aviation "di rect user charges," in other words, user fees. Page 129 of the White House budget proposal suggests user fees to replace some repealed aviation excise taxes. It's a notion heard before: Dis mantle a fuel-tax system that is already in place and working, and replace it with a new system of us er-fee collections requiring more expensive bureaucracy.
Like some previous user-fees pro posals, this one specifies, liThe user charges are considered discretion ary and offset discretionary budget authority and outlays." This means there's no guarantee that proceeds from these user fees would apply toward national airspace modern ization, the aviation trust fund, or other specicil aviation needs. Rath er, they would simply offset the general deficit. EAA has contended that a user fees system would draw dispropor tionately from general aviation to fund the FAA and air traffic control operations. EAA's government re lations staff has maintained a dia logue with key members of Con gress and their staff on the user-fees issue. With this revelation in the administration's budget proposal, EAA is accelerating this outreach work while continuing to forge re lationships with the new adminis tration, legislators, and new agency staff appOintees. The strength of EAA's 160,000 members is integral to this effort. Your preparedness to take grassroots action when called upon is 'a potent tool in combating this threat.
FAA Funding Bill Introduced in House A new FAA funding bill, nearly identical to the 2007 House version, was introduced by House Commit tee on Transportation and Infra structure Chairman James Oberstar (D-Minnesota) and House Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Jerry Cos tello (D-Illinois). The previous bill was backed by EAA and most of general aviation because it retained the current funding method of fuel and passenger seat excise taxes and did not impose user fees. The Federal Aviation Administra tion Reauthorization Act of 2009 authorizes nearly $ 70 billion for the FAA for the next four years (fiscal years 2009-2012), including $38.9 billion for FAA operations, $16.2 billion for the Airport Improve ment Program, nearly $13.4 billion for FAA Facilities and Equipment,
Sun 'n Fun Set to Open the Fly-In Season It's April, and the 35th Sun 'n Fun Fly-In, April 21-26, at Lakeland Linder Regional Airport in Lakeland, Florida, is days away. EM will be there, with special offerings at the EAA Welcome Center, admission discounts, forum presentations, and more. If you're planning to attend, please note one major change from past years at the main admissions gate: There will not be a separate EM area. Instead, EAA members may enter at the main gate and receive their weekly or daily member discount by showing a membership card. Several EAA members and staff will present a variety of forums and work shops. Subjects include aircraft insurance, sport pilot/light-sport aircraft, homebuilding (featuring EAA's Joe Norris, EM homebuilders' community manager), and more. (See a complete forums schedule at www.Sun-N-Fun. arg.) A special EM chapter event will be announced soon. See you in Lakeland (and don't forget to bring your EM membership card).
and $1.35 billion for Research, En gineering, and Development. The House bill was introduced on the same day that a letter signed by associations representing virtually the entire aviation community was sent to key members of Congress, stressing the importance of passing a comprehensive, long-term FAA re authorization bill as soon as practi cal. Also included in this bill are pro visions allowing for the release of data related to abandoned type cer tificates of some vintage aircraft. Pas sage of this provision will be a first step in ensuring that critical data is available for the restoration and maintenance of vintage airplanes.
AirVenture Site Improvements Every construction project re quires a solid foundation incorpo rating essential systems and utilities
as the starting pOint from which to expand. The same is true for the comprehensive, multi-year project to upgrade the EAA AirVenture Osh kosh grounds and facilities. Much of the work accomplished since last fall has focused on essential under pinnings: site design and configura tion; drainage systems; roads and pathways; electricity, water, com munications, and other utilities; and relocations of buildings and other structures. Some observers of EAA's work have wondered how EAA will en sure that the digging, hauling, stockpiling, and paving currently under way will not disrupt the visi tor experience at AirVenture 2009. liThe site enhancements that we'll have made in time for AirVenture 2009 will provide yet another good reason to come to the event. The VINTAGE AIRPLANE
1909 Wright Model 'B' Replica to Fly at Oshkosh A replica of the Wright brothers ' 1909 Wright "B" Flyer will make its North American public flying debut during AirVenture 2009. The replica, dubbed the Silver Bird for its silver-painted frame and white fabric, was built by Dayton , Ohio-based Wright B Flyer Inc. It was the Wrights' first production airplane and helped ignite the air-racing era 100 years ago. The aircraft is scheduled to begin flight testing in the coming months and may participate in aviation festivities this summer in Europe before coming to Oshkosh. One tentative event in Reims, France, would commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Gordon Bennett Cup, often regarded as the first major air race in history. "It will truly be a global ambassador for Dayton," says Amanda Wright Lane, the Wright brothers' great-grandniece and a trustee of Wright B Flyer Inc. "There is not a single artifact you can hold, or place you can visit, or document you can read that equals seeing a Wright Flyer in the air. " Other activities commemorating 100 years of air racing will be held during EAA AirVenture 2009. These and additional details of the Wright B Flyer's appearance will be announced as they are finalized. For more information on the Wright B Flyer replica, visit www.Wright-8
infrastructure changes will be ac complished, several new amenities will be introduced, and site naviga tion, wayfinding, and transporta tion will be improved," says Steve Taylor, EAA facilities manager. • "As we move into summer, we'll suspend heavy construction proj ects to wrap up, clean up, and ready the site for members' and visitors' arrival. Our guests won't have to navigate around barrels, step over rubble, or be otherwise inconve nienced by an 'under construction' site," he adds. One of the most visible infrastruc ture changes is the relocation of the main gate approximately 400 feet west of its previous location. This 4
APRIL 2009
required an extension of the main aircraft display taxiway and a course diversion of Forest Home Drive. From the main gate, two new thoroughfares will branch out di agonally, one cutting its way to the northeast toward the forums area and the other making its way to the southeast to a point behind Hangar D ending at the "Paul's Woods" neighborhood of Camp Scholler. These thoroughfares form a "V" overlaying the site's other wise north/south and east/west grid of pathways to offer a more easily naVigated site. For example, previously the most efficient route from the Warbird area to the main gate entailed a 3/4-mile zigzag
through the grounds. This year, that same trek will be a 1/4-mile straight shot. One major part of this thorough fare project incorporated storm wa ter drains so the grounds dry prop erly. Storing drainage water on airport grounds is a safety issue be cause lakes, ponds, and reservoirs attract waterfowl. Consequently, site deSigners and engineers looked underground-turning to state-of the-art "green" technology-to create geogrids/geoblocks to ab sorb and treat runoff water. This underground reservoir naturally drains into the groundwater sys tem, eventually making its way to Lake Winnebago. The commitment to environ mentally friendly practices also included the use of recycled as phalt and recycled roofing shin gles to create the porous asphalt that covers the new thorough fares and allows for underground water drainage. The retention of trees was also prioritized. As new construction called for clearing, the site crews transplanted 61 mature trees into new shade and rest areas that will be a feature of the reconfig ured grounds. While the new thoroughfares, trees, and relocations of some buildings and facilities will be con spicuous, other major elements of the infrastructure work will not. Just as the cutting-edge new wa ter treatment and drainage system is invisible, so too are all the new utilities. Buried electrical lines have been reconfigured throughout the site to match the new exhibit lay out. Likewise, newly upgraded shower and flush-toilet facilities in the campgrounds must be sup ported by underground electricity, water, and drainage systems. Taylor noted that EAA's work on the physical infrastructure of the site is based on an underlying phil osophical "infrastructure" of sorts. "The major principles of this site enhancement program drive every continued on page 36
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Mail your contribution to: EAA, VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOC., PO Box 3086, OSHKOSH, WI 54903路3086 VINTAGE AIRPLANE
In 1939, Ryan sold an almost stock model, desig nated ST-A-l, which the Army called the XPT-16 (sin 39-717), and after initial evaluation, they ordered 15 more for service tests as YPT-16. The success of YPT-16 trials led to the order of 40 of a very similar model des ignated PT-20, the main difference being a larger cock-
Ryan ST-A Special used by NACA at its Langley Me morial Aeronautical Laboratory for research on flaps, slats, and internally balanced ailerons. Later it was used for pilot familiarization. Still later it was desig nated NACA 125 and used in the Loads Lab at Langley.
Taking off for the first time on June 8, 1934, from San Diego's Lindbergh Field, the Ryan ST was a low wing monoplane with external wire bracing to the top of the fuselage and to the main undercarriage legs. Tandem open cockpits had dual controls and dupli cated basic flight instrumentation. Construction was a metal monocoque fuselage, with wooden wing spars and metal ribs. As a trainer, the ST was uniqu e in its field and a big improvement over its competitors. Powered by a 95-hp Menasco B4 four-cylinder in-line engine, only five STs were built. The ST-A [for Aerobat ics], an upgraded version, was offered shortly thereafter, sporting a more powerful Menasco C4 engine. When fitted with a 150-hp Menasco C4-S, the ST-A became the ST-A Special. In 1937, a military version of the ST-A Spe cial was developed, dubbed the STM (for Military). With the U.S. Army expanding rapidly in the years just before World War II, a big market for military trainers opened up. S
APRIL 2009
pit with external stiffening in the cockpit area. Both models proved to be troublesome and were rapidly removed from service. During 1941, the Menasco en gine powering the YPT-16s and PT 20s was discarded by the Army in favor of the Kinner R-440 radial. The installation of the new engine in a streamlined nose fairing with exposed cylinder heads led to the new military designation of PT-21, of which 100 were ordered in 1941. The advent of the Army-Navy trainer standardization program co incided with the development of a more powerful variant, the ST-3, with a 160-hp Kinner R-S40-l. Orders for this model, designated PT-22 Re cruit, all placed in 1941, totaled 1,023. The PT-22s went into service
at Civilian Pilot Training Program schools across the country. Produc tion ended in 1942. But the in-line engine variant of the PT series wasn't dead. Other countries showed a deep interest in the STM, and the plane sold rea sonably well in South America and China. Ryan's biggest export cus tomer was the Dutch government. In 1940, the Dutch ordered 108 Ryan STMs, 24 of them equipped
with floats . Sixty of them were ear marked for the Militaire Luchtvaart van het Koninkliijk Nederlands In dishe Leger (ML-KNIL, Royal Neth erlands East Indies Army Air Force), to be operated from their main base at Bandoeng, in Java. Ordered in two batches, serial numbered RO W to RO-49 (STM-2 c/n 407-446) and RO-SO to RO-69 (STM-S2 c/n 49S-S14), the planes were delivered starting November 18, 1940.
Top: Resting in the verdant grass at the air port in Brodhead, Wisconsin, the Ryan has come a long way from its days in the Dutch Marine Luchtvaart Dienst (MLD, Naval Air Ser vice) in Java. Above: With a well-cushioned cockpit coam ing surrounding the snug cockpit, the Ryan ST is a comfortable airplane for the Sports man pilot. Left: The Ryan ST's spectacular wheel spats and landing gear fairing are a distinctive part of the airplane's persona. VINTAGE AIRPLANE
All of these aircraft were de stroyed by enemy action or captured intact when the Japanese overran the Netherlands East Indies (NEI) in late winter/early spring 1942. The other 48 were operated by the Marine Luchtvaart Dienst (MLD, Naval Air Service), mostly from its main base at Morokrembangan, near Soerabaja, on the Island of Java. Serial numbered S-l1 to S-58 (STM-2 c/n 447-494), most of these airplanes survived the Japanese in vasion and were evacuated to Aus tralia before the March 8, 1942, surrender of Java. After protracted negotiations, the aircraft were impressed into ser vice with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) as trainers or station hacks and allocated serials A50-1 10 APRIL 2009
to A50-34. By late 1944, most of the airframes were in storage at Ev ans Head, New South Wales (NSW), home of the Royal Australian Air Force 1st Air Observer School and 1st Bombing and Gunnery School. In April 1945, a major storm bat tered the NSW coastline, destroy ing five of the stored Ryans and damaging many more. At war's end, the surviving aircraft were sold by the Commonwealth Disposals Commission for an average price of 400 Pounds (200 without engine, eqUivalent to about $1,600 and $800 respectively) and released to the civilian market. Never a cheap airplane, the sur viving Ryans are now the pride and joy of their owners in Australia, New Zealand, and in the United States.
One prime example is still flying in the hands of Gary Kozak, of Down ers Grove, Illinois, its catchy MLD markings reminding the onlooker of this little-known theater of op erations of World War II. Ryan STM-S2 N8146 (c/n 457) was ordered by the Dutch govern ment on June 25, 1940, as part of a batch of 12 (S-l1 to S-22) ear marked for the MLD. The 12, plus 12 sets of floats, left Los Angeles aboard SS Hoegh Silver Dawn on November 18, 1940, bound for the NEI. Assigned serial S-21 , it arrived in Java on January 3, 1941, and it flew training missions from the main MLD Base at Morokremban gan, starting on February 26, 1941. Facing the advance of the Japa nese invaders, S-21 was crated along with 33 other Ryans and evacuated aboard the MS Tijnegara, which sailed for Australia on February 17, 1942, and managed to evade Japa nese air and naval forces. The crates lingered on the Sydney docks while the negotiations between the Aus tralian government and the NEI authorities in exile for the acqui sition of the Ryans were ongoing. Following its purchase by Australia, sin 457 finally arrived in its crate at Mascot Aerodrome, near Sydney, on August 27, 1942. It appears that the plane had to be rebuilt from its original fu selage and spare parts from parts
In the markings of the Dutch East Indies MLD, 5-21 flew from the base at Morokrembangan, Java, during 1941.
of sin 463, as sin 457 was either improperly crated or damaged dur ing transit. Assigned serial A50-30, it served with the RAAF until Feb ruary 12, 1945, at which date it was put in storage at Evans Head. Damaged again during the storm that hit this RAAF station on April 4, 1945, it was rebuilt and sold to Brown and Dureau Ltd. on April 19, 1947. Acquired by the Newcas tle, NSW, Aero Club on July 7 of the same year, it became VH-BBJ on the Australian register. After a lapse in registration, it was sold to G. Harle, of Newcastle, NSW, on June 9, 1957, who obtained the new VH-BXN identity for the Ryan. John Swanson, of Mareeba, North Queensland, one of the following owners, had to resort to a forced landing in November of 1964. Dam age to the plane warranted it to be stored awaiting extensive restora tion. Bernie Anderson acquired it on March 23, 1965, and immediately obtained the VH-RUM registration, as the previous had lapsed and he had formed the plan to bring the Ryan back to flying status. Work started in 1967, but was not completed before Dorr Carpen ter, of Chicago, Illinois, imported S-21 into the United States in Sep tember 1969, as part of a batch of Ryans. Carpenter obtained FAA registration N8146, restored the airplane, and repainted its origi
nal MLD markings. The first post restoration test flight took place on July 10, 1970, revealing only a mi nor need to adjust the rigging of the airplane. This accomplished, the Ryan was presented at EAA Oshkosh 1970 and the Antique Airplane Associa tion convention, where it was voted "Best Open Cockpit Ryan" and "Best Original Ryan" by the public. Sold in June 1971 to Robert "Bob" Friedman of Highland Park, Illinois, the Ryan was substantially damaged-again-in a ground col lision with another airplane in Bel videre, Illinois, on June 21 , 1975. Returning it to flying status, Bob Friedman enjoyed the airplane until his untimely death in an unrelated airplane accident. As the executor of his estate, Pat, his wife, became the owner of the ST, and she flew it for a couple of years before selling to James O'Donnell of Naperville, Illinois, in May 1990. In May 1999, after flying the air plane for almost 10 years, O'Donnell decided to sell it to Gary Kozak of Downers Grove, Illinois, its current owner, who recounts: "When I got it, it was a flier; I did not have to do much to it. The pre vious owner did an annual with me, so I got a good education on some of the unique aspects of the plane." Gary flew the Ryan for several years, enjoying each flight and the
challenges that go with antique air plane ownership. Then, during a flight on June 13, 2003, things got very interesting: "The engine started running very rough and could barely pro duce enough power to hold alti tude. There was belching smoke and blowing oil all over the plane. This led to a partial dismantling and in spection of the engine. The culprit was a blown supercharger seal that allowed large quantities of oil to be ingested by the engine. "I talked to Brad Ball , in Cali fornia-the guru of Menasco en gines-who told me that, in order to get to the seal, I would have to dismantle a large portion of the en gine, including the accessory case and gears. Since the C4 was ap proaching overhaul time, and that he also mentioned he was build ing a Menasco D4-87 engine, a very similar, but much improved engine, I decided to switch over." As usual with old airplanes, it was not as simple as it should have been. This modification had never been attempted before, and it had to be approved by the Federal Avi ation Administration (FAA) be forehand. With the help of EAA Technical Counselor Joe Lienau, Gary spent months preparing the documentation. One major com plication was that the carburetor was in a different position in the VINTAGE AIRPLANE
new engine and required a new induction system to be designed and fabricated. liThe 337 form was 13 pages long with diagrams I spent several months drawing up, as I am not ex actlya draftsman." The modification was finally approved: Now, the engine has nice, fil tered air, and even if it is only rated at 134 hp instead of the original 150, I get good performance." Gary takes us through a flight around the patch: After a normal preflight, it is im portant to remember to turn the oil on and pull a few blades to get it cir culating through the engine. It does have a starter, but it is just a battery and no generator, so you get 8 or 10 starts out of it; then you need to recharge. You give a few shots of the wobble pump, just to get a few pounds of pressure. Usually, the en gine starts right up, within a few blades. I tend to lean the mixture aggressively-because of the lead content of modern gasoline, I try to avoid deposits-and let the engine warm up. The run-up is pretty stan dard: mag checks, carburetor heat, and full power check. The engine is rated at 2260 rpm max. I have disk brakes, the same system as the II
12 APRIL 2009
Beech Bonanza, so there is plenty of brake power to keep the airplane stopped at full power. "When all the parameters are nominal, I taxi out and line up on the runway. Once in position, I normally apply full power before releasing the brakes, so I can do one last check inside the cockpit. When it starts rolling, all my attention has to be outside. My feet are never still, constantly adjusting for the trajectory of the airplane. Push the stick forward, and hold it until the tail comes up. You pretty much can feel it when the plane is ready to fly. In a crosswind, you have plenty of rudder authority, but you still have to make sure to keep it straight to avoid a ground loop. liThe gear is quite narrow and the center of gravity pretty high, which make for a relatively un stable situation. The geometry of the airplane is better, and the cen ter of gravity moves forward as the tail goes up. In flight the controls are very nice and well-balanced and very responsive. It takes off in about 800 feet, at about 60 mph; climb is at about 80 mph. It is sup posed to stall at 35 mph. lilt cruises at 100-110 mph, but you have to stay ahead of it at all times . On downwind, bring the
power back gradually, to bleed air speed and to be at idle abeam the touchdown point. Flaps down, al most straight to full 45 degrees. I usually make a pretty high ap proach in case of engine malfunc tion in the pattern; this helps keep the nose down to better see ahead. I slip it in on final to create high drag, to lose altitude fast, and try to keep the runway in sight until reaching the numbers. liThe plane is fully aerobatic, but I have not tried much yet, other than the occasional falling leaf," as the airplane is 68 years old. It was originally stressed to 9Gs, but I do not think I would like to push it that far. Nevertheless, I am sure the Ryan is perfectly safe for all the ba sic aerobatic maneuvers. "I am not a high-time tailwheel guy, so it is a very challenging air plane for me on the ground. It does like to ground loop, so you have to watch that. However, in flight, it is a very straightforward airplane." With its classic good looks and bright colors, Gary Kozak's Ryan ST-A Special cannot be ignored. II
Big thanks to Ted Miller for flying the Stearman photo plane during this air-to-air mission over the cornfields surrounding Brodhead Airport. .......
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Magical moments of yesteryear . .. The 90th anniversary of scheduled airmail in the United States ARTICLE AND PHOTOS BY SPARKY BARNES SARGENT
t was, in a word, outstanding. That's the most succinct way to describe the 2008 Antique Air plane Association (AAA) and Air Power Museum's (APM) annual in vitational fly-in, which celebrated the 90th anniversary of scheduled airmail in the United States. While there were many h elping hands along the way, the primary organiz ers for the event were Mike Gretz, APM president; Brent Taylor, AAA executive director and APM trea surer; and Blakesburg, Iowa, Post
14 APRIL 2009
master Susie Pierson. Taylor says, "The original idea was Mike's. He proposed that we celebrate the '90th Anniversary of Scheduled Airmail Service in the United States' in anticipation of the Pemberton Boeing 40 being finished and flying. I thought it was a capital idea and that if we were going to do that, we might as well go ahead and actually fly some mail while we were at it. We then proposed the idea to the APM board and again were met with enthusiasm. So there was no
turning back at that point. Consid ering that neither Mike nor I had any idea of how to accomplish being able to fly the mail, I approached Su sie Pierson, our Blakesburg postmas ter, and she too was smitten with the notion. So it was then that Mike, Susie, and I forged ahead and man aged to put together and success fully complete our plans. The whole event was challenging!" Their hard work and attention to even the smallest details paid off with dividends as the" Airmail
A nice example of a vintage postal cover, which was flown on July 17, 1928-First Flight, Kalama zoo, Michigan.
Herr, J 7 • Ide Cllnll 100 'ltew;.r t • Chioago. IG~"
Days" theme came to re ~~.:~~~~Ir.-.r.IIIIIII. splendent life, with the sound of ra cial postal dial engines reverberating overhead swearing-in ceremony and the sights of rare airplanes fly- of airmail pilots and crews every ingthrough the gorgeous blue sky in morning. They were required to southern Iowa. It was magnificent sign an airmail contract just like living history-magical moments the one Lindbergh signed in 1926, of yesteryear, alive in the present- and afterward, they were given a beginning with the offi set of gold wings. The mail was '--~~~~§~l:= ~ then loaded, and the impressive '" departure and arrivals of an que biplanes and monoplanes commenced at Antique Airfield (Blakesburg), Ottumwa, and Iowa
on the transcontinental airmail ty (which was an original stop route). A limited number of souve nir, commemorative postal cov ers were designed for the event, Postal cover with the Pitcairn ca chet, flown on August 28. cover with the de Havilland DH-4 cachet, flown on August 30.
Postal cover with the Boeing 40C cachet, flown on August 29. Postal cover with the Jenny cachet , flown on August 27.
Greg Herrick of Minneapolis, Minnesota, flew the airmail in his 1927 Ford 4-AT-B from Antique Airfield to Ottumwa and Iowa City and back on August 29. The Ford received the 2008 AAAjAPM Fly-in Ken Love Memorial award for the Best Wright-Powered Aircraft.
Rich Hornbeck of Bowdoinham, Maine, flew the mail in his 1929 Waco ASO from Antique Airfield to Ottumwa and Iowa City and back on August 29 and 30.
Inset: Ben Scott in his 1930 Stearman 4E; his father carried mail in the biplane during National Airmail Week in 1938.
Steve Gray flew international mail in this de Havilland DH-82C-owned by Bob Revell and Tom Dietrich of Robert Newhouse of Rockford, Illinois, took a turn fly足 Guelph, Ontario, Canada-from Antique Airfield to Ot足 ing the mail from Ottumwa to Iowa City to Antique Air足 field on August 30 in his Bird CK. tumwa and back on August 29. 16 AP R IL 2009
THEY WERE REOUIRED TO SIGN AN AIRMAIL CONTRACT JUST LIKE THE ONE LINDBERGH SIGNED IN 192&, AND AnERWARD, THEY WERE GIVEN Dick Jackson flew the mail in his 1931 Sikorsky S-39-, Spirit of Igor, from An t ique Airfield to Ottumwa and Iowa City and back on August 29.
based upon the size and appearance of 1920s and '30s air m ail enve lopes. And a custom 42-cent stamp, which closely resembled the origi nal 1918 airmail stamp, adorned the upper right corner, along with an outgoing cancellation stamp that replicated those used on the original contract airmail routes. A different cachet was featured on the postal cover for each of the four days during the fly-in-the Jenny, Pitcairn, Boeing 40C, and de Havil land DH-4. liThe Jenny was the key histor ical aircraft to tie the 90th anni versary flights back in time to the original 1918 flights," explains Tay lor, "since the U.S. mail service or dered Hisso-powered Jennys for use in the original flights of 1918. Frank Schelling brought his Jenny here from California, and it is one of only two Hisso-powered Jennys flyable in the world." If you weren't able to attend this special historical event, take a few moments to enjoy the photographs on these pages. These are the air planes that made Airmail Days" take flight in 2008. Nine of the par ticipating airplanes (or representa tive types) were originally airmail carriers, according to Taylor. They were the Curtiss Jenny, de Havil land DH-4, Boeing 40C, Ford 4-AT-B, Stinson SM-6000B, Stearman 4E, Stearman 4DM, Stearman C3B, and the Waco ASO. All told, there were
Eric Preston flew the airmail in Frank Schelling's 1918 Curtiss IN-4H Jenny from Antique Airfield to Ottumwa and back on August 27, 29, and 30. Schelling is from Pleasant Hill, California, and his Jenny received the 2008 AAA/APM Fly-in Antique - Grand Champion award.
Addison Pemberton flew his newly restored 1928 Boeing 40C from An tique Airfield to Ottumwa and back on August 29. The Boeing 40C was awarded the 2008 AAA/APM Fly-in "People's Choice" and Jack Knight Award - Best Airmail Carrier. VIN T AGE A I RPLANE
Quite the lineup for takeoff on the grass runway: A 1928 Cur tiss Wright Travel Air 4000 waits behind the 1931 Sikorsky S-39, which is behind the 1941 New Standard D-25, just behind the 1929 Texaco" Waco ASO.
Larry Tobin of Spokane, Washington , flew the airmail in his newly restored 1927 Stearman C3B from An tique Airfield to Ottumwa and back on August 29 and 30. The Stearman received the 2008 Lyle Hoselton Memorial award for Best Workmanship by Owner.
17 airplanes to carry the mail dur ing the fly-in. And in addition to the aircraft pictured here (so as not to leave anyone out), two other air planes also flew the mail: Tom Lowe of Crystal Lake, Illinois, flew the mail from Antique Airfie ld to Ot tumwa and return on August 28 in his 1942 Stearman N2S, and Dino Vlahakis of Lebanon, New Hamp shire, flew the mail from Antique Airfield to Ottumwa and return on August 30 in his 1941 Stear man N2S. These were historically significant as well, since Ottumwa was originally a Naval Air Station during World War II, where several hundred Stearmans were based. Th ough it's a challenge in itself to single out the most significant
The elegantly restored DH-4 and Jenny taxi over to the fuel truck at An tique Airfield.
reward for the long, laborious hours of orchestrating this year's fly-in, Taylor thoughtfu lly sh ares that it's lithe enjoyment tha t everyone from the pilots to the bystanders seemed to get out of the event. I
Jim Obowa flew the mail from Antique Airfield to Ot tumwa and Iowa City and back on August 29 in Greg Herrick's 1931 Stinson SM-6000B. 18
APRIL 2009
Ted Davis of Brodhead, Wisconsin, flew mail and postal officials from Antique Airfield to Ottumwa and Iowa City and back on August 30 in his 1941 New Standard D-25 (the biplane is dedicated to the mem ory of Denny Trone).
th ink all realized they were partic ipating in a historic moment that won 't soon be repeated, and that's pretty neat!" Indeed. For more in formation, visit www.AntiqueAirfield. com/flyin_2008.html. ......
Rare sights, such as this 1929 Texaco #7 Waco ASO and 1931 Sikorsky S-39 flyby, were plentiful during the Airmail Days themed fly-in.
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Light Plane Heritage
EAA Experimenter JULY
Uncle Bob's
This drawing of the Fokker Eindecker clearly shows why the midwing type was well-suited to the many cables re quired to brace the very thin monoplane wings of that time. "Eindecker" means "one decker," or "one-winger."
The odd title of this article obviously needs ex plaining! Well, you see, a glance at the calendar made us realize that the circus and carnival season is in full swing. That caused the happy thought to occur to us that it would be fun to present our readers with a sort of aeronautical midway. So here it is! Be assured, you'll find it to be every bit as juicy as an expertly grilled Wisconsin bratwurst. Airplanes of what are commonly referred to as the midwing type have been with us since the early days of flying, and they are still being built. But with the exception of certain military types, none have been built in significant quantities. How often do you see one at general-aviation airports? To the best of our knowledge this is the first time any magazine has published an article specifically about midwings. [Okay, now Vintage Airplane is the second.-HGF] In fact, it's even worth noting that textbooks on aircraft design contain next to nothing about the type. It is proper to say something right now about the word "m idwing." We choose to use it because it's both well-known and clear enough to most people as to its meaning. However, it's proper to point out that
there's also the term" shoulder-wing." By studying the illustrations accompanying this article and the se quel that will appear next month, you can decide for yourself which one to apply to a particular design. We should also mention that in the early 1930s the Heath lightplane firm applied the term "center-wing" to a model that was neither a parasol nor a low-wing. We don't really know why, but we have a hunch. Many early aviation entrepreneurs had a keen grasp of good public relations techniques and frequently used it to their advantage. It's possible that Heath's pro motion people felt that "center-wing" might be more meaningful than "midwing" to the aviation newcom ers toward whom their advertising was slanted. The reason early monoplanes like the Bleriots, Nie uports, Antoinettes, Moranes, Blackburns, Handley Pages, Fokkers, Taubes, Cessnas, and others of the 1909-1915 period were midwings was simple. This layout lent itself admirably well to the problem of how to make wings light yet acceptably strong. In those early days, aeronautical design was more a matter of cut-and-try than of precise mathematical calculation. Experimenters of that time often studied birds intensively, and this led most of them to believe
Editor's Note: The Light Plane Heritage series in EAA's Experimenter magazine often touched on aircraft and concepts related to vintage aircraft and their history. Since many of our members have not had the opportunity to read this se ries, we plan on publishing those LPH articles that would be of interest to VAA members. Enjoy!-HGF 20
APRIL 2009
The advent of thicker airfoils in the 1920s permitted the use of deeper, stronger wing spars and a significant reduction in the number of drag-producing stranded cables. Overhead struts gave pilots protection in nose-overs and offered conve nient hand holds for getting in and out of seats. The upper ship is a 1920s Farman Mosquito built in France. The lower one is an American Buhl Bull Pup of 1931. A deep fuselage provided a much cleaner attachment place for lower ends of the streamlined flying wires than the Fok ker's inverted cabane-strut arrangement.
that aeroplane wings should be as thin in cross sec planes will enable you to grasp this. When fuselages were of shallow depth, acceptable tion as the wings of birds. Because these early airfoils were so thin, wing spar depth was slight and therefore bracing angles could not be achieved. So build ers re so weak in bending that many external brace wires sorted, in some cases, to attach ing the inboard ends were necessary to stiffen them acceptably. of wing lift wires to the lower portions of the landing Better-educated pioneers made use of simple stress gears on some planes and in others to V-struts or king calculation and truss-work methods that had been de posts affixed to the undersides of fuselages. A few de veloped for the masts and rigging of sailing ships and signers made their fuselages deep enough to give good the truss work of bridges. But they, of course, were bracing angles to wires attached to lower longerons. under much more pressure to achieve structural light ness. Many therefore saw it as being logical to adopt the biplane type because it was so well-adapted to light but strong trussing. But the thought This diagram shows how wing truss doubtlessly oc loads increase as we go from para curred to some that sol to high-wing to midwing config they had never seen urations. This was less of a problem a biplane bird! If na in short-span racers than in low ture in her great wis powered, long-span Iightplanes. dom chose to give birds monoplane wings, why, then, they should there This Longster by Les Long could properly be fore make their fly called a shoulder-wing design. Top longerons ing machines of the were raised to position the wing-attachment monoplane type. fittings. This wing positioning might have ben 300 • The more clever efited strut and spar loadings. A top cylinder designers under and high vertical tail could have afforded some stood the princi turnover protection for the pilot's head. The ples of truss work plans are printed in the 1931 Flying and Glider well enough to re Manual available through EAA's Membership alize the great im Services Department, 1-800-564-6322. 300 • portance of what we call bracing an gles . A study of the nearby drawing of parasol, high-wing, and midwing mono V I NTAGE A I RP L AN E
Based on Parasol components, the Heath Center Wing of 1932, below, had a 27-foot span
instead of the Above-Built by students at Curtiss Wright aviation school in Glendale, California , in 1936, the 36-hp Aeronca-powered Bunting had a jaunty look. Th e shoulder-wing design , similar to the Longster on page 21, positioned the wings higher to the benefit of the bracing angle.
It was fairly standard practice to attach the inboard ends of wing spars directly to fuselage upper lon gerons. This procedure was simple, light, and strong. The sturdy fuselage cross member took the compres sion loads that wing lift acting on the lift wires cre ated. As the thin airfoils often had to be installed at appreciable angles of incidence, for the sake of lift, the rear spars were positioned too low to attach to top longerons. In such cases, suitable supplementary crosspieces at an appropriate distance below the lon gerons were used. This layout worked well. In 1913, only 10 years after the Wrights first flew, the French Deperdussin midwing monoplane powered by a 160-hp twin-row Gnome rotary engine attained the speed of 130 mph.
feet. It was faster and rode better in choppy air. The 40 hp Continental was the powerplant. Note the rather shal low strut angle. The ship is de scribed in U.S. Civil Aircraft by Juptner, Vol. 5.
In the autumn of 1914 Bleriot, Morane, and Taube midwings were among the first aircraft to go to war. They crossed battle lines to observe and report on en emy movements, the location of supply depots, and before long, on the accuracy of artillery fire. The poor downward visibility that's characteristic of the midwing configuration soon prompted mili tary aviation people to ask airplane makers to develop parasol monoplanes. Then observation plane pilots began shooting at one another's airplanes with pistols and rifles. It wasn't long before forward -firing machine guns were be ing installed and dogfighting appeared on the scene. The French hit on the idea of attaching steel deflector plates to the rear sides of propeller blades to keep bul-
Homely to modern eyes, the carefully thought-out Loen
ing M-8 of 1918 was surprisingly lighter and faster than
European biplane fighters. Openings in fuselage sides
below the wings and wing-root cutouts, combined with
the absence of wings above and below as on biplanes,
afforded pilot and gunner superior visibility in the direc
tions that counted in combat. The short , one-piece el
evator was less in the line of fire. Derived from the M-8,
the tiny Loening Kitten of 1922, left, was a quick-erect spotter plane for submarines. It was designed as a
seaplane from the outset, and its floats provided an ideal place to attach wing struts. 22 APRIL 2009
Left- The low aspect ratio of the 1919 Huntington gave a wing chord of 54 inches and put the front and rear spars fa r enough apart to give an ample cockpit opening. Be low right-The Heath Baby Bullet of 1928 used the thin St. Cyr airfoil for speed. The rear spar had to be well for ward of the trailing edge to get the needed depth, so its spars were only 17 inches apart. The cockpit was thus positioned aft of the rear spar. At 5 feet 2 inches and 110 pounds, the slight Ed Heath balanced the 95-pound Bris tol Cherub in the nose. If a larger person tried to fly it, it would probably have been tail heavy. Reproductions of early race planes are not for unskilled pilots!
lets from "sawing" the blades off. The Germans cap tured one of these planes; Tony Fokker studied it and came up with a mechanical interrupter gear to do the job more effectively. The Eindecker did not have ailerons but relied on somewhat sluggish wing warping. But its ability to shoot down Allied aircraft prompted the Allies to de velop pusher-type fighters with steady-firing machine guns in their noses. They had ailerons and rolled faster than the Eindecker. So the Germans replaced it with the aileron-equipped Albatros and other biplanes. When an airplane is subjected to violent maneu vering, aileron loads can apply great stresses to wing structures. This is what prompted fighter construc tors on both sides to adopt the biplane configura tion. But it should be mentioned that as the war progressed, the British developed the mid wing Bris tol Bullet, a monoplane that could attain 130 mph on the 110-hp LeRhone engine. So wary were the British aviation people of monoplanes, however, that they shipped these admirable midwings to the Middle East for use in observation and communica tion work rather than in dogfighting. In 1917 one of the few real American aeronauti cal engineers then in business, Grover C. Loening, went to France to make a thorough study of Euro pean battle planes. He paid particular attention to the two-seaters that were becoming increasingly popular by virtue of observers in their rear cockpits being able to shoot at enemy planes attacking from behind and above. These ships were all biplanes . Their wings tended to block both pilots' and observers' views into certain upward, sidewise, and downward angles both in level flight and in dogfighting attitudes. Back in the States, Loening put the lessons he had learned into developing a better battle plane. He de signed what we can properly call a shoulder-wing
monoplane. As it first flew in August of 1918, it never reached the front. But its performance made mili tary people really take notice. The monoplane design called for significantly fewer parts, was lighter, had less drag, and did a very respectable 143 mph with a 300-hp Hispano-Suiza in the nose. The pilot had a good forward view between the banks of the V-8 engine. Large openings in the fuse lage sides just below the wings afforded him a better view below than he could get in a biplane. Cutouts in the wing trailing edges at the roots gave the gunner good downward vision. And here's an important point. Pilots don't vary in height all that much when standing up, and even less when sitting down. In a plane of the Loening M-8's size it was easy to seat occupants so that only their heads projected above the cockpit rims. But when a pilot of average size gets into the cockpit of a small sportplane having a normally shallow fuselage, not only his head but also his shoulders, arms, and up per body will stick up into the airstream. He'll be cold on a chilly day, and his form will add significantly to his low-powered ship's air resistance. When doodling small airplanes we must, therefore, be aware of the pi lot's proportionally greater bulk and weight. Although it never got into combat and is all but forgotten today, the Loening M-8 exerted great influ ence on American airplane designers' thinking. As the 1920s moved on, a number of midwing and shoul der-wing planes appeared that gave broad hints as to whence they got their inspiration. In 1922 Loening scaled the M-8 down to create the Kitten, an 18-foot-span scouting seaplane for the Navy. Looking at a picture of it can still set airplane lovers to daydreaming! With the pressures of war behind them, engineers in the early 1920s had time to undertake methodical wind tunnel work. The realization spread that thicker VINTAGE AIRPLANE
The English Short Satellite of 1924 had an aluminum monocoque fuselage of oval cross-section. Its midwing design gave a clean juncture of wing roots to fuselage. To get a fair takeoff and climb on the 32-hp Bristol Cherub, a 34-foot span wing was used. A small propeller led to a short landing gear. If this had been a low wing, the wingtips would have scraped the ground often. Downward visibility from the front cockpit obvi ously was good.
Built at Defiance, Ohio, the Simplex Red Arrow, left, seated two side-by-side. From Downey, California, the Emsco B-7, right, seated two in tandem. One sometimes has to do a lot of thinking to figure out what advan tages some designers saw in the midwing configuration. Looking at the relationship between the cockpit openings and wing roots of these two ships, one can wonder how each fared as regards turbulence and tail surface buffeting. Simplex is described on page 307 of the 1929 edition of Jane's All the World's Aircraft, and Emsco on page 274 of the 1930 edition. See also volumes 3 and 5 of Juptner's U.S. Civil Aircraft. Em sco wheel pants were made of welded steel tube frames covered with fabric. They were quick and easy to make, but water splashing into the pants rusted the frames.
airfoils were more efficient than the old thin ones. Their thickness meant that deeper spars could now be used, which in turn led to a reduction in the amount of external bracing and parasite drag. Another aspect of the relationship between pilot and aircraft size is the matter of cockpit size in mid wings. An accompanying drawing shows the Heath Baby Bullet of 1928. In a typical midwing the front wing spars attach to the longerons where a crosspiece is located more or less at the bottom of the instru ment panel. The rear ones similarly attach just be hind the seat back. The Bullet used a thin airfoil for the sake of speed. Its rearward portion was so thin that the rear spar had to be located farther forward than is usual so it could be made deep enough for strength. In the Bullet this resulted in the front and rear spars be ing only 17 inches apart. Even as small a man as Ed Heath would have been very unhappy with a cockpit as short as that. So his plane's cockpit had to be lo cated in the first bay aft of the rear wing spar. Those who'd like to study the Bullet more thoroughly can find detailed plans in the 1930 Flying and Glider Man 24
APRIL 2009
ual. (Call 1-800-564-6322 or visit the EAA store at http://Shap.EAA .arg.)
Fortunately, in larger and more typical sportplanes the distance between front and rear spars tends to be around 25 to 30 inches. That provides cockpits of more acceptable, safer, and more comfortable front to-back length. Sight should not be lost of the fact that tapered wings are sometimes advantageous on midwings. The distance between their front and rear spars at the wing roots is greater, and this translates into cockpit length. As with other types of aircraft, it can be risky to make pat statements about midwings. Someone who says "Midwings are better (or worse) than other types in this-or-that respect" is likely to learn something someday that shows how wrong he is. There have been midwings that have had very poor downward visibility, and others in which it was acceptably good. There have been some that were awkward to get into and out of, and others that were easy. And there have been those that were aerodynamically dirty, and oth ers that were admirably clean. We'll look into such things next month. ......
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Critical inspection items I sent out e-mails to various Travel Air Restorers Association (TARA) members asking for input into what they felt were critical inspection items. Thus far I have received three responses . I am looking for "com mon threads" that may run through the lists. My task was to compile a list of 10 critical items, publish that list in TARA's newsletter, and then add to the list as other concerns ap pear. These additional concerns can be added at a later date, but I want to get things going. We will only be helping ourselves by getting informa tion like this out to members now. By publishing these critical inspec tion items and proactively address ing them during maintenance, there should be little or no need for future airworthiness directives (AD) notes on these old airplanes. In other words, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is allowing us to "police" our own airplanes for critical airworthi ness issues. I think that is much better than facing possible future AD notes. While this list is specific to the Travel Air, it can serve as a "brain teaser" for you as you create your own critical in spection item list for your favorite air plane. So let's get with the program. The old Civil Aeronautics Admin istration (CAA) airworthiness mainte nance bulletins were the first attempt to warn owners of potential haz ardous problems with their aircraft. These bulletins apparently began in 1938. Today they are airworthiness directives, or AD notes (FAR Part 39). I will rely on some fine work for warded to me by Phil Wyels and will duplicate it here in this column. For 26
further information, contact the Travel Air Restorers Association. The following is quoted from Phil Wyels. There are no airworthiness di rectives listed in FAR Part 39 ap plicable to the Travel Air or Curtiss Wright Travel Air. There were the equivalent of today's AD notes is sued by the CAA. These were titled airworthiness maintenance bulle tins. The three of which the writer has a copy are: Bulletin 8 dated 4-11-39. Subject: Wing to center section spar fitting; early model 2000, 3000, and 4000 with single vertical bolt. Bulletin 30 dated 7-13-40. Sub ject: Axle inspection and rein forcement; B series with outrigger landing gear. Bulletin Sl dated 6-10-41. Sub ject: Rear safety belt attachment; applies to all Travel Air aircraft. The CAA also issued a document titled "Changes in Aircraft Specifi cation" which in later issues were titled "Aircraft Maintenance Inspec tion Notes for Curtiss-Wright Air craft." The latest copy the writer has is No A-1231 dated July 7, 1941. The introduction states, "Supplements Aircraft Specifications for all models listed below. Inspectors must report compliance in accordance with the current Certification and Inspection Division instructions covering spe cial inspection procedures." Thirty three Travel Air and Curtiss-Wright Travel Air models, each certificated under a different ATC or Group 2 Approval, are listed. The writer is
of the opinion that these should be treated the same as a recurring AD.
0-4-0 6-8
2-178 352
11 2
10, 12, 19,21
10,17,19, 21
11,20, 23
9, 11, 20, 23
9, 11, 23 9, 11, 20 , 23
11,20, 23
11, 13, 20 , 23
9,11, 20 , 23
11, 20,23
11, 20,23
11, 20,23
11, 20,23
2 2,12
A-6000-A SP
2, 12
5-6000-8 SP
*ATC numbers with 2-xxx indicate a Group 2 Approval.
Periodic (Annual) Inspection Required for the Following Notes: SPECIAL NOTE 2: November 5, 1930. Open fabric under fuselage or remove floorboard and check for failure of dual control column socket. SPECIAL NOTE 9: February 18, 1938. On airplanes equipped with Bendix 30-by-5 inch wheels, de termine that the hub cap bolt ex tends through outboard wheel adapter and axle proper; or in case axle tube is short and hub cap bolt goes through wheel adapter only, make sure that the adapter is welded to the axle proper around the entire circumference instead of by only a few spot welds, as found in the field. SPECIAL NOTE 10: October 20, 1938. Inspect U-shaped center sec tion diagonal wire fitting at upper front spar for cracks at the base of the flange. Faulty fittings must be replaced and defects reported on the usual form. SPECIAL NOTE 11: October 20, 1938, revised March 6, 1939, and June 15, 1940. Ascertain that in spection has been made and en try has been made in logbook in accordance with Airworthi ness Maintenance Bulletin No.8. (Model 0-4-0 added September 10, 1940). • Inspect the stabilizer connect ing tube forward through the bolt attachment for off-center location and/or elongation of the holes in both the stabilizer leading edge tube and the internal cross tube. Inspect the bolt for wear. • Inspect rudder and elevator cables in the fuselage aft of pilot's seat for chafing on each of the bulkhead brace wires. If the tail skid has been replaced by a tail wheel, check the wires for chaf ing against the tail wheel and support structure. . The early 30-by-5 wheels used brass bushings instead of bear ings between hub and axle. Check
these wheels with the weight re moved for side play wobble. • Check the stabilizer adjust ment lever for positive seating of the pin in the quadrant slot when plunger is released . This check should be performed under simu lated air loads on stabilizer.
SPECIAL NOTE 20: November 22, 1940. On airplanes with de tachable engine mounts, inspect the engine mount members for cracks in the vicinity of the at tachment fitting to the fuselage. In case defects are found, the entire end fitting should be replaced .
SPECIAL NOTE 12: January 7, 1939. Ascertain that the inspec tion and safetying of the shock absorbers has been accomplished in accordance with Maintenance Bulletin No.4. A copy of this bul letin has been forwarded to all owners and inspectors.
SPECIAL NOTE 21: February 3, 1941. Inspect the stabilizer front spar for cracks in the vicinity of the root ribs. If defects are found, repair and reinforce with out side sleeve (1-1/4 by 0 .049 inch X4130).
SPECIAL NOTE 13 : March 23, 1939 . Inspect the aileron hinge bracket on the wing for cracks in the vicinity of hinge pin lugs . The ailerons should be removed to fa cilitate this inspection. In case de fects are found, brackets must be replaced with stiffer ones, prefer ably made from 0.065-inch thick X4130 steel. SPECIAL NOTE 17: July 31, 1940. Ascertain that the shock ab sorbers piston head and packing gland nut of the cylinder are safe tied in a positive manner. In this connection, Airworthiness Main tenance Bulletin No.4 should be considered as also applying to the Model 16-E. SPECIAL NOTE 18: July 31, 1940. Ascertain that the logbook carries a record of inspection or rework of the landing gear axle in accordance with Airworthiness Maintenance Bulletin No. 30. SPECIAL NOTE 19: Septem ber 10, 1940. Inspect rear stabi lizer support fitting for cracks in the weld where streamline tube joins fuselage longeron. If de fects are found, repair and re inforce by welding finger straps (0.065 inch X4130) on both sides of fitting with fingers extending along streamline tube and fuse lage longerons.
SPECIAL NOTE 22 : May 2, 1941. Ascertain that portions of the exhaust collector rings inside of the cowling are shielded from the engine accessories compart ment by means of baffles extend ing from the engine ring to the inside periphery of the cowling. Such baffles were originally in stalled by the manufacturer, and their removal is prohibited. The original engine mount ring is provided with drilled holes for the insertion of such baffles, and the engine cowling is provided with exits for the cooling air, which impinges against the re quired baffles. SPECIAL NOTE 23: July 7, 1941. Ascertain that the rear safety belt installation is revised in accor dance with Airworthiness Mainte nance Bulletin No.5 1. NOTE: If anyone has a copy of Airworthiness Maintenance Bulle tin No.4 or any others not listed, the writer would appreciate a copy to add to TARA files . From Phil Wyels comes the fol lowing list of critical inspection items: Items to Check When Doing an Annual Inspection on Your Travel Air Aircraft: • The steel tubes at the aft end of a tailwheel aircraft can corrode VINTAGE AIRPLANE
internally. Check the lower por tion of the tail post, both lon gerons in the last bay, and the elevator torque tube. These have been areas where moisture accu mulates. Punch test the tube at I-inch intervals using a Maule fabric tester or an ice pick. • If your Travel Air has pulleys installed in a control system, in spect the pulleys for wear in the groove and the cable for broken strands where it rides on the pul ley. (AN type pulleys presently may not be used in a control sys tem where the bend in control ca ble is more than 30 degrees. Prior to 1941, a 2-7/8-inch pulley could be used.) • If your Travel Air still has return springs attached to the rudder pedals, they should be in spected for grooving at the attach points and for rust corrosion. And now a list as prepared by Bob Lock: Critical Inspection Items for Travel Air Airplanes: • Structural Considerations: All major attachment points for security and cracks. Streamline wires for correct tension (loose ness could indicate possible in ternal structural problems) . Wood deterioration, particularly lower wings at Wing-walk trailing edge . Any suspicious wrinkles in fabric at any location could mean possible internal prob lems. Landing gear attach points for wear/cracks. Shock cords for condition (replace cords before they stretch and/or break). • Seats and Restraint Systems: Seats firmly attached to struc ture. Seat belt/shoulder harness attachment points secure. Belts/ harness for chafing. Locking de vices (if any) are positive and work freely. • Trim System : Excessive wear on trim sector and handle. Cable tension correct. Excessive loose ness (slop) in stabilizer (up and down, sideways). Tension on brace wires. Lube hinge points. • Primary Flight Controls: Ex 28 APRIL 2009
cessive looseness (slop) from cock pit control to surface. Push/pull tubes and cables for wear/damage (always set/check cable tensions with surface in neutral position). Lube all hinge points. • Fuel System: Evidence of leaks and chafing of fuel lines. Positive movement of selector/shut-off valve . No fuel flow with valve(s) in OFF position. • Oil System: Leaks and chafing of lines. Tank hold-down straps for security and cracks. Hoses for cracking/deterioration and clamps tight. • Engine Controls: Full range of travel and "spring back" on cock pit control when stop is reached. Condition of control ends. Elimi nate any excess movement. Carb heat for proper operation and condition of air filter. • Main wheels: Closely inspect Bendix 30-by-S wheels for cracks or loose rivets. It will be necessary to jack aircraft, deflate tire, and break bead . Move the tire bead in to inspect rivet heads around rim. It's a pain to do this but well worth the effort if loose rivets or cracks are found. Also check inner and outer spinnings for dents or other damage. • Tail Wheel , Steering/Lock ing: Tire for correct inflation and check wear pattern. Steerable as sembly: Check for positive move ment with rudder, springs snug, positive locking in "trail" posi tion. Locking assembly: Check for positive lock/unlock, shock strut condition, servicing, and lubrica tion points. .Tires: Check for wear patterns; when wear pattern becomes vis ible, remove and reverse tires. Al ways replace tube when replacing tire. Never allow cord to show. • Brakes: A most important item that must always work and work well. • Mechanical: Cables and pulleys (metallic pulleys should always be used), re turn springs, lubrication of assembly, lining and drum
condition. • Hydraulic: Leaks, correct fluid type used for servicing, return springs, lubrication of moving parts, condition of lining and drums (check for out-of-round; if they're out-of-round, the brakes may "grab"). This commences our listing of the most critical inspection items on Travel Air and Curtiss-Wright Travel Air aircraft . The list will expand with time, and we will continue to publish the data as it is received and compiled. My thanks go to Phil Wyels for his in put into this column. Any owner/ operators, mechanics, or inspec tors are encouraged to file your list of critical inspection items for Travel Air airplanes. You may send the lists to the association, and the lists will find their way to me. Thanks in advance for all your help in keeping owners, pi lots, and our aircraft safe. If you have a task that you feel is a criti cal inspection item on a different type of aircraft, and you think it's generic to most other vintage air planes, send it along. Also included in this article is an example of an old CAA airwor thiness maintenance inspection notes dated November 6, 1942. It concerns Command-Aire Model 3C3 aircraft and is signed by the ship's original deSigner, Albert A. Vollmecke. Note that Albert was division chief of the CAA (later the FAA), a position he occupied until his retirement from the FAA in 1968. .......
Travel Air Restorers Association (TARA) Jeny ImpelBmII'i 4925 Wilma Way San Jose, CA 95124 408-356-3407 E-mail: Website: www. Dues: $15Iyear New.ater: Travel Air Log, QuarleIty
aSH 1 The recommended speed for maximum aviation enjoyment. 2 Optimum dream lift-off speed. 3 The designated speed for stress retraction. 4 The speed at which Oshkosh comes each year. See also:
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Soft-field techniques For most pilots the arrival of spring is a joyous occasion. By the time the temperatures start to moderate, the burdens of winter operations have, at least for folks like me, who are in their vintage years, become very old. Unless you reside in places like Florida, Arizona, or Southern Cali fornia, by the time spring beckons, you are most likely tired of having to bundle up to the point of immo bility to be comfortable while you preflight your airplane. You are prob ably weary of having to preheat not only the engine but also the cock pit of your airplane. Perhaps you 're ready to scream if you have to de-ice your airplane one more time before you can go flying. With the advent of spring, you no longer notice the lack of warmth that the primitive heating system of your pride and joy failed to deliver. Now that you no longer have to wear those felt-pac boots, your feet can fi nally renew their acquaintance with the rudder pedals that for the past few months you never really felt. Whereas the onset of spring is cause for celebration, especially after a long, cold winter, for those of us operating out of airports with grass or dirt runways, spring does pres ent a few challenges, especially if your airport is located in a northern clime. During the winter, perhaps the runway was covered in snow and you were able to operate with skis. Maybe the turf or gravel runway was plowed, and in that case it was prob ably frozen harder than, though not necessarily as smooth as, concrete. 30 APR I L 2009
But now, as the temperatures start to warm up and the frost goes out of the ground, that runway can turn into a quagmire. It is quite possible that there might potentially be a week or two when the runway will become unusable,
.. . spring does present a few challenges, especially if your airport is located in a northern clime. because it is so soft that even taxi ing on it would leave axle-deep ruts. But the time will definitely come when the runway, although soft, will be usable and your eagerness to be airborne, overwhelming. It is at this point in time that you had bet ter have your soft-field takeoff and landing techniques down pat. Since that time of year is upon us, let's re view the soft-field techniques that we need to use. Our techniques have to start from the moment we begin our taxi. If the field conditions are truly soggy, you won't be able to come to a stop from
the moment you begin to taxi until you apply full takeoff power and be gin your takeoff roll. When dealing with those conditions, it would be best if you have completed your run up and before-takeoff checks prior to starting your taxi. If you are not sure of the proper soft-field takeoff configuration for your airplane, refer to the pilot's op erating handbook (if one indeed ex ists for your airplane) to find out. For most airplanes with flaps it is typical to have anywhere from 10 to 2S de grees of flaps deployed, which will aid you in getting airborne as quickly as possible. Regardless of whether you are fly ing a tricycle-gear or a tailwheel air plane, you will need to maintain full back-pressure on the stick or yoke all the time you are taxiing. In the case of the nosedragger, you are en deavoring to keep the nose wheel as "light" as possible, thus keeping it from sucking into the muck and bringing you to a stop. It is quite possible that it will re quire full power just to taxi. If that is truly the case, you might want to reconsider whether you will really be able to accelerate to flying speed. It might be best to taxi back to your tie down or hangar and wait a few more days for things to dry out some more. That would be much better than get ting out on the runway and rutting it up and perhaps even getting stuck. Assuming that you can indeed keep your taxi going, ensure that no one is on final approach as you con tinue onto the runway without stop
ping. Don't ever relax pressure on the stick as you smoothly apply full take off power. Remember, our purpose here is to get into the air as quickly as possible. No matter where the lit tle wheel is, either front or back, we have to keep the stick all the way back as we start the takeoff roll. In the case of the tricycle-geared airplane, we want to get the nose wheel out of the muck and mire as quickly as possible. As we accelerate, we will need to slowly relax the back pressure once the nose wheel starts to lift, and then maintain the same pitch attitude that keeps the nose wheel just off the ground, until we lift off. Once we lift off, we now have to level off and accelerate while we are still in ground effect. If we don't re lax pressure on the yoke, reducing the angle of attack, the possibility is high you will climb out of ground effect, stall, and find yourself back in the mire. Once Vx (if obstacles are present) or Vy speed is achieved, the
rest of the climb-out is the same as for any other takeoff. But as the old saying goes: what goes up must come down, and so we now have to deal with landing back on this sodden piece of terra not-so firma. As long as we use the proper techniques, there is no need for terror of the un-firma. The important thing to remember here is that it is neces sary to keep the approach speed slow, no faster than 1.3 times Vso' and to touch down as lightly as possible. It might be necessary to fly a steep approach if obstacles are present. Even if there are no obstacles, it is easier to fly a slow, steep approach than it is to drag it in slowly on a low approach. Either way, just be sure to be lion target ... on speed." Many pilots will add just a touch of power as they break the glide and dissipate the energy. Keeping the nose high, they cut the power just as the main wheels touch down. This allows them the soft touchdown that is needed. (In many ways this is very
Lead Scavenger
similar to the "glassy water landing" of a seaplane.) But "it ain't over 'til it's over," as Yogi Berra used to say, and the fat lady hasn't even cleared her throat yet. Unless you want to be "clearing the throat" of your airplane, it is im perative that you keep the stick all the way back, keeping the nose wheel out of the mud (or the airplane from nosing over, if the little wheel is in the back) for as long as possible. It might very well be possible that you will need to add some power to keep the taxi roll going. So there are the techniques for a soft-field takeoff and landing. But then I have to ask ... how many of you are ever going to operate into or out of an airport that is really that soft? How many of you are ea ger to coat your beautiful bird with a layer of slime and goo? In fact it is quite possible that the only time you will use these techniques is during a flight review, or practical test. Unfor continued on page 39
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Send your answer to EAA, Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Your answer needs to be in no later than May 15 for inclusion in the July 2009 issue of Vintage Airplane.
You can also send your response via.e-mail. Send your answer to Be sure to include your name plus your city and state in the body of your note and put "(Month) Mystery Plane" in the subject line.
APRIL 2009
We didn't get a single correct answer for the January Mystery Plane. A few folks wondered if it was a Ryan Brougham, but it's not. It is the 19Z8 Neilsen Steel Aircraft Company's Golden Bear, X883E, which www.Aerofiles. com also refers to as the N C-l, or Coach. On the Aerofiles site, there 's a photo of the NC-l cred ited to William T. Larkins. There's also an intriguing entry attrib uted to Richard Korman: "Destroyed by an angry crowd at a 'thrill show' at Oakland Speedway in August 1939 after its performance failed to meet their expectations . A second one, with 300-hp WrightJ-6, was reportedly under construction at the time, but its history is unknown . Fac tory was at Berkeley's then-new airport by San Francisco Bay." Destroyed by an angry crowd? Wow! By then the airplane, a smaller Ryan Brougham look alike, was 10 years old. I wonder what they expected? If any of our West Coast members can add to this story, we'd love to share it with the rest of the membership. Powered by the 130-hp Comet 7D seven-cylinder radial, the 37 liZ-foot wingspan carried a useful load of 800 pounds. The Comet engine was built in a plant next to the Gisholt Machine Company in Madison, Wisconsin, after the Comet Engine Corporation was re-formed from the Aircraft En gine Company of Oakland, Cali fornia. This engine would have been brand new when it was used on the then-new Golden Bear, which would have sold for $7,500 if any beyond the prototype had been built at the factory at the Berkeley, California, airport. Other than the mention that there may have been a second NC-l under construction, we know nothing else about the Neilsen Steel Aircraft Company and its cabin airplane. ~
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An Ethanol Test Kit
Making certain your fuel isn't tainted with alcohol
Recently, here in the northwest ern United States, I paid $5.53 a gallon for 100LL avgas for my air plane. Years ago I had obtained a supplemental type certificate (STC) for using auto fuel in my airplane engine. My engine is a Continental 0-300A and was designed to run on 80/87 avgas, which is no longer available. During 35 years of flying in the Alaskan bush, self-fueling was a way of life for me because if you don't self-fuel, you won't get far from your local airstrip! Several knowledgeable sources recommend using a mixture of widely available 100LL and auto fuel for these older engines ow ing to the problem of spark plug fouling or lead deposits from the high lead content in lOOLL. Earl Lawrence, EAA's vice president of industry and regulatory affairs and an engineer who has been in volved in EAA's fuel STC program for many years, tells us that a 75 percent autogas/25 percent 100LL mix approximates the maximum lead level allowed in the old 80/87 avgas (when using the tetraethyl lead levels as specified in ASTM specification D9lO).
The present administration's en ergy poliCies require the increased production of ethanol from corn . Even with EAA's constant push to keep at least one grade of auto fuel ethanol-free, ethanol will find its way in increasing amounts into our auto gasoline supply. Since the regulations can also be locally driven, across the United States the requirements for use vary from optional to "must have" in all grades. In the distant past, etha nol had been mixed with gasoline during the winter months to help improve air quality. With the in creased price of a barrel of oil, we will see an increased use of ethanol in our auto fuel supplies all year long and, unfortunately, in some states, in all auto fuels. Given the current trend in fuel production, the price of both autogas and av gas is probably only going to get worse over the long run. Chemically, ethyl alcohol, the main ingredient in ethanol , is completely miscible with water; that means it is capable of being mixed in all proportions with wa ter, and it does this almost imme diately when the two liquids are
brought together. The other prop erty of ethanol that is of most con cern to us it that it degrades or corrodes airplane fuel lines, fuel injectors, and carburetors. The problem for us aviators is that in its normal state, you can not visually detect if any ethanol is in the auto fuel. If you plan to use unleaded auto fuel in your supple mental type certificated airplane, or are considering getting an STC owing to high avgas fuel prices, you must check the fuel to be cer tain it does not contain ethanol. That brings us to the little eth anol-in-fuel test kit. I know many of you have seen the label on the fuel pump, but are you willing to trust your airplane and your per sonal well being to a 10-cent label on a pump at Joe's Mini-Mart? Test your auto fuel, and be sure it's not modified with ethanol!
After testing for ethanol you need a ladder to support your weight , a fire extinguisher, self-venting 5 gallon containers, and a large fun nel with a chamois attached.
When a ladder is not available, an aftermarket step attached to the Cessna strut provides a place to put your foot to maintain balance.
The funnel in the Cessna wing tank ready to accept fuel. Note the clamps holding the chamois skin to the funnel.
APRIL 2009
The Test Kit Here's what you do. Buy some ol ives or pickles or some other prod uct that comes in a small, tall glass bottle. Empty the contents. Rinse out the jar and dry it. Take a per manent ink marker or black paint
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and carefully mark a line around the bottle about a quarter or third of the way up from the bottom. An ultra-fine-point Sharpie marker works great for this. You are now ready to tell if any of your auto fuel has ethanol. First, of course, you'll need a water source, so get yo ur self some of the ubiquitous small water bottles that are available ev erywhere, and buy a small syringe. Now go to your favorite auto fuel station that does not have an etha nol label (of course) and buy your auto fuel. I use self-venting 5 gallon containers to fuel my auto fuel STC'd Cessna 170.
The Test Carefully pour water into your marked bottle until the water just touches the marked line. Now us ing a bulb syringe, or basting bulb, transfer enough gasoline from your S-gallon auto fuel container into your marked bottle. Put on the cap and shake well. Then let the fluid settle. If there is no ethanol in the gasoline, the water in your little test bottle will still be at the marked line on your test bottle. If there is ethanol in the auto fuel, the etha nol would have combined with the water, thus increasing the appar ent volume of water, and the level of the water at the bottom of the bottle would be above your mark on your test bottle. If the water alcohol (ethanol) level is above your mark, then DO NOT USE that auto fuel in your airplane.
Precautions Fueling your airplane can be dan
gerous. There are a few precautions you should take if you intend to fuel your own airplane. A few safety steps are as follows: • First check with your local air port officials to see if self-fueling is allowed. • Use a sturdy ladder-one de signed to hold your weight plus the weight of 5 gallons of fuel. • Use a chamois skin inside your funnel as a filter to prevent any water from entering the gas tank. I used large clamps to fasten the chamois to the funnel. • Use a large metal funnel that will hold a rather large quantity of fuel. • Have a fire extinguisher close at hand. I always try to have someone standing by with a fire extinguisher to help if needed. • Place each container on the ground first and then touch the container to a metal part of the air plane to ensure a good ground con nection to eliminate any possibility of a static electricity spark.
Final Thoughts If you are as aware as I am of the increasing fuel costs, then maybe now is the time for you to give seri ous thought to getting an STC for your airplane engine, if your en gine can operate safely on auto fuel. The savings are nearly one dollar a gallon. With that kind of savings, pretty soon you are talking about real money. Remember, if you do get an STC to use auto fuel in your airplane, then the responsibility for safety
Only 528.95
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transfers to you. The challenge for us aviators will be to seek out auto fuel sources that do not contain ethanol. That may require you to test the gasoline at several auto fuel service stations. For this and more information go to . I particularly urge you to read the associated documents whose links are posted on both the right and left sides of that webpage. They explain in greater detail the issues related to auto fuel use in aircraft, and will expand your knowledge on why using fuels tainted with ethanol is a bad idea in aircraft commercially produced to date. When properly designed and manufactured, internal com bustion engines and fuel systems run well on ethanol, but the air craft we are flying were not de signed with these issues in mind, nor the eng in e and accessories. In addition, the extreme environ mental changes that take place during an aircraft flight preclude the use of the ethanol-based fuel. Fly smart and check your auto fuel! ....... Auto fuel STCs for the airframe and engine can be obtained from :
EM Flight Research Center
Attn: Auto Fuel STC
1145 W. 20th Ave .
Oshkosh, WI 54902·6649
920-426-4881 (Fax)
Petersen Aviation
984 K Road
Minden, Nebraska 68959
todd@gtmc. net
continued from page 4
construction decision that we make," Taylor says. Those principles, de lineated in EM's site-enhancement planning document, are: Culture-Continue to reflect the core values and attributes of EAA members. Safety-Enhance attendees' safe ty by incorporating restricted vehicle zones and thoroughfares that separate pedestrian and ve hicle traffic. Quality-Improve amenities such as camping facilities, restrooms, shade, and relaxation areas in keep ing with modern-day expectations. Convenience-Make the site easier to navigate using better site layout, roadways, wayfinding aids, and tram services. Fun and interesting-Provide participants a wider array of eve ning-activity venues, more oppor tunities for social interaction, and expanded educational exhibits. Growth-Address current and fu ture demand for additional exhibit space and upgraded visitor amenities. Look for continuing updates on and in EAA publications.
Last Month's Racers In the caption for last month's back cover identifying the racers shown on the ramp at Cleveland, two racers are missing from that list. Here is the full list: The racers pictured on the back cover are (by race number/CAA reg istration number, and from left to right): 40, N1210M, Thompson, Screaming Meany; 39, N24C, Keith Sorensen, Dearfly; 63, N5541N, Ace of Diamonds; 97, N9059H, Denight Special, DDT; 94, N68732, Al Foss Special, Ginny; 51, N2E, Johnson, Betty /0; 4, N21C, Cosmic Wind, Min now; 20, NX14855, Wittman, Buster; 35, NlOE, Coonley, Little Toot; 67, NX5111H, D. Long, Midget Mustang; 29, N138C, Lawrence Tech, L.I. T.; 3, N20C, Cosmic Wind, Little Toni; 92, N60089, Bill Falk, Rivets; 10, N1E, Kensinger-Corkill, Tater Chip; 47, N66317, Pack Model C, Lil Reb el; I , NX1292, Wittman Bonzo; 5, N22C, Cosmic Wind, Ballerina; 34, N44183, Williams, Estrellita; 14, N74J, Miller, Little Gem.
VAA Hangar Project Moves Ahead March 16 saw the erection of the first walls for the new Vintage Hangar being built to host the type clubs, work shops, and other events during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. The prolonged winter weather that set in after the founda tion footings were poured prevented the construction crews from building the walls for the building on-site, so they were put together in a warehouse in Ripon, Wisconsin. When the weather finally broke, the pieces were trucked to the site and assembly began. The building is scheduled to be ready for volunteers to perform interior finish work by April 30. Look for regular updates on the VAA website at www.
EM Calendar of Aviation Events Is Now Online EAA's online Calendar of Events is the "go-to" spot on the Web to list andfind aviation events in your area. The user-friendly, searchable format makes it the perfect web-based tool for planning your local trips to a fly-in. In EAA's online Calendar of Events, you can search for events at any giventime within acertain radius of any airport by entering the identifier or a ZIPcode, and you can further define your search to look for just the types of events you'd like to attend. We invite you to access the EAA online Calendar of Events at http://www.eaa.orgfcalendarj
Upcoming Major Fly-Ins Aero Friedrichshafen Messe Friedrichshafen, Frledrichshafen, Germany April 2-5, 2009 www.Aero-Friedrichshafen.comlhtmllen
got the idea from Ponce. It's called rejuvenadon, and it works great with real dope finishes. Spray our rejuvenator over aged dope; it soaks in and restores flexibility for years of added life. It can even hide hairline cracks. And no finish has the foot-deep luster of authentic polished dope. Roll back the calendar on your plane's finish!
Sun 'n Fun Fly-In Lakeland Under Regional Airport (LAl), Lakeland, FL April 21-26, 2009
Virginia Regional Festival of Flight Suffolk Executive Airport (SFQ), Suffolk, VA May 30-31, 2009 Golden West Regional Fly-In Yuba County Airport (Myv), Marysville, CA June 12-14, 2009 Arlington Fly-In Arlin9ton Municipal Airport (AWO), Arlington, WA July 8-12, 2009
EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Wittman Regional Airport (OSH), Oshkosh, WI July 27-August 2, 2009
"It 's a ll right! T here's t he Pol~-Fiber stamp! Go ahead a nd g}ve'er the gun!"
Colorado Sport International Air Show and Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (BJC), Denver, CO August 22-23, 2009
And the rest is history.
Mid-Eastern Regional Fly-In Grimes Field Airport (174), Urbana, OH September 12-13, 2009 Copperstate Regional Fly-In Casa Grande Municipal Airport (CGZ), Casa Grande, PZ October 22-25, 2009 Southeast Regional Fly-In Middleton Field Airport (GZH), Evergreen, AL October 23-25, 2009 For details on EAA chapter fty-ins and other local aviation events, visit www.EAA.orglevents.
You don't have to be a ma~ician to put the tou~hest, easiest-to-repair fabric coverin~ on your pride and joy. Just follow the clear detailed instructions in our ente~ manual. Before you can say "Hocus-pocus!" you'll have a ~or~eous coverin~ job that you can show off and bra~ about for years to come. You don't need a m~ic wand - all you need is Poly-fiber! * Friendliest manual around *ToII-free technical support
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Something to buy, sell , or trade? Classified Word Ads: $5.50 per 10 words, 180 words maximum, with boldface lead-in on first line. Classified Display Ads : One column wide (2.167 inches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch. Black and white only, and no frequency discount s. Advertising Closing Dates: 10th of second month prior to desired issue date (i.e., January 10 is the closing date for the March issue). VAA reserves the right to reject any advertising in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insert ion per issue. Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via fax (920-426-6845) or e-mail (classa ds@ eaa.orm using cred it card payment (all cards accepted). Include name on card, complete address, type of card, card number, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EAA. Address advertising correspondence to EAA Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.
AIRCRAFT For Sale: Economical C-120. TT-1247 TTAF-4326 - TT E-35, Intercom, King Transponder, Metalized Wings. $23,000 Based SLM - Todd: 575-737-9057
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tee recently approved the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act of 2009 (H.R. 915), a funding bill that does not contemplate new user fees for gen eral aviation. Let's all stay vigilant as well as vocal on these new and con tinuing threats to our civil liberties. Things arou nd the VAA Chapter 37 Club House have been quite busy of late. I am pleased to report to the membership that the restoration of Harold Neumann's 90AW Mono coupe Little Mulligan has been pro gressing very well. We are hanging a lot of pieces back on the airframe. The doors are being framed up and re-skinned. The instrument panel is also now com plete and ready for re-installation . All of the wood formers are now back on the airframe, and the first coat of varnish has been installed. The inte rior wood trim is also in place, and fabric will soon be installed to com plete the rear window and hat rack area of the interior. Pulleys, control cables, and con trol mechanisms are next on our list. Once the rigging is in place we will cover the airframe. It is really gratify ing to watch the momentum build over time with this project. We hope to maintain our current pace with this project so we can have it on display in
the restoration shop at the new Vin tage Hangar facility. Many thanks to Mr. Phil Riter, who heads up this project as chairman. The core group has grown quite a bit in the past five months, as there are now more than 10 volunteers who consistently show up on each work weekend. These committed and talented individuals all have unique capabilities, and they just tend to migrate to jobs that fit their talents and the job gets done. Our sincere get-well wishes go out to Audrey Poberezny, who took a fa ll in her home in February. Au drey is mending quite nicely, and we wish her a speedy recovery. Get well wishes also go out to Vintage Aircraft Association Director John Behrendt, who had bypass surgery in early February. John is on the mend, and we hope to see him at the upcoming board meeting. Please do us all the favor of inviting a friend to join the VAA and help keep us the strong association we have all enjoyed for so many years now. EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2009, The World's Greatest Aviation Cel ebration, is July 27 through August 2.2009. VAA is about participation: Be a member! Be a volunteer! Be there!
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APRIL 2009
Copyright Dave Brown 2009
continued from page 31
tunately I see this as leading to a po tential disaster. Almost every pilot and instructor will use the technique of adding a lit tle power during the flare to soften the landing. If you are indeed inten tionally landing on a truly soft sur face-such as a sodden grass runway, or perhaps off airport on a beach or other unpaved surface of unknown consistency-and it is long enough to allow the extended landing that the addition of power might lead to, then that technique is fine. But for the vast majority of pilots, the only time they might be landing on a soft surface-such as a mucky meadow, or a sandy beach, or a re cently plowed field-is after the en gine has gone quiet, and refuses to restart, and the airplane has turned into a glider. As Murphy would have it, it might be that th e only place available to land is a very soft field. To add to the problem, it might have
trees at both ends, or power lines, or some other type of obstacle. And if Murphy is really having sway, it prob ably isn't too terribly long. For those pilots who have only practiced soft-field landings using power to cushion the landing, they might now find themselves nose deep in doo-doo. So I wo uld sug gest that you learn and practice the techniques of a power-off soft-field/ short-field/steep approach landing. Learn how to effectively use either a forward slip and/or flaps to con trol your glide path. Your only way to con trol your speed will be with pitch. By combining pitch, configu ration, and the use of the forward slip, you will find that you can still remain lion target, on speed./I The timing of breaking the glide in a power-off or dead-stick soft field landing is critical. You need to have enough energy left to hold the nose high through the touchdown and rollout. Be sure that you don't
break the glide too high or you will find yourself running out of energy, and now you won't be able to keep the nose up, as required, through the touchdown. Obviously flaring too late might very well end up with the airplane inelegantly inverted in terra unfirma. So with the arrival of spring and the softening of winter retreating be hind us, it is important to be aware of the proper soft-field techniques. Remember that even if you do not normally operate off of a nonpaved runway, the situat ion might occur that results in your having to land on a surface that is anything but hard. Knowing, practicing, and being profi cient in the proper techniques will al low you to get up in the air to enjoy ... blue skies and tail winds. Doug Stewart is the 2004 National CFI of the Year, a Master Instructor, and a designated pilot examiner. He operates DSFI Inc. (www.DSFlight. com), based at the Columbia County A irport (lBl). .....
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OFFICERS Pres ident Geoff Robison 152 1 E. MacG rego r Dr.
Vice-Presiden t
George Dau bner
2448 Lough Lan e
H artford, W I 53027
secretary Steve Nesse
Treasurer Charles W. Harri s
New Haven, IN 46774 260-493·4 724
2009 Highl and Ave. Albert I.ea, MN 56007 507·373- 1674
72 15 East 46th St .
Tulsa, OK 74147
9 18·622-8400
cwh@h v5u .com
DIRECTORS Steve Bende r
Dale A. G usta fson
85 Brush H ill Road Sh erborn, MA 0 1770 508-653-7557 sst J()@co m CQs t .l1et
7724 Sh ady Hills Dr. Indi anap olis, IN 46278 317-293-4430
David Be n nett
375 Killdeer Ct
Li ncoln, CA 95648
antiqller@il1reac/J, com
Jeannie H ill
P.O. Box 328
H arva rd, IL 60033-0328
8 15-943-7205
john Berendt
7645 Echo Point Rd.
Cannon Fa lls, MN 55009
507-263-24 14
Esp ie "Butch " j oyce
704 N. Regiona l Rd .
Green sboro, NC 27409
Jerry Brow n
4605 Hickory Wood Row
Green wood, IN 46 143
Da n Knutson
106 Ten a Marie Circle
Lodi, WI 53555
608· 592-7224
/odi cub@charter.lIet
Dave Cla rk
635 Vestal Lane
Pl ainfield, IN 46168
Steve Krog
1002 H ea ther Ln .
Hartfo rd, WI 53027
joh n 5. Copeland
I A Deacon Street
Northborough, MA 0 1532
copelmul l
Robert D. " Bob" Lu mley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield, W I 53005 262-782-2633 iu
Phi l Coulson
284 15 Springb rook D r.
Lawton, M I 49065
rco ll i soIlS
S. H . " Wes" Schmi d 2359 Lefebe r Avenue Wauwa tosa, W I 532 13 414-77 1- 1545 shschm id@gmai /.com
Robert C. Brauer 9345 S. Hoyn e Chicago, IL 60643 805· 782-97\3 pllotopilut@aol .com
E.E. " Bu ck" H ilbert 8 \02 Leech Rd. Union, IL 60180 8 15-923-459 1
Gene Ch ase 2159 Ca rlto n Rd. Osh kos h, W I 54904 920-23 1-5002 GRCHA@Cllarter.t1t'l
Gen e Morris
5936 Steve Cou rt
Roa n oke, TX 76262
8 17-49 1-9 1 IO
nonald Fritz 1540 I Spa rta Ave. Kent City, M I 49330 6 16·678-5012 rFri t z@path waynet .com
Jo h n Turgyan ro Box 2 19 New Egypt, Nj 08533 609-758-29 10 jrturgya
Membershi:R Services Directory
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Fax (920) 426-4873
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888-EAA-INFO (3224636)
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Current EAA members may join the International Aerobatic Club, Inc. Divi sion and receive SPOR T AER OBATICS magazine for an additional $45 per year. EAA Membership, SPOR T AER OBAT ICS magazine and one year membership in the lAC Division is available for $55 per year (SPOR T AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $18 for Fo reign Postage,)
EAA SPORT PILOT Current EAA members may add EAA SPORT PILOT magazine for an additional $20 per year. EAA Membership and EAA S P OR T PILOT magazine is available for $40 per year (SPOR T AVIATION magazine not ineluded). (Add $16 for Foreign Postage,)
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Copyright @2009 by the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association, All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (USPS 062-750; ISSN OO9t -6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EAA Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 64903-3086, e-mail: Membership to Vintage Aircraft Association, which includes 12 issues of Vintage Airplane magazine, is $36 per year for EAA members and $46 for non-EAA members. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 64901 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Vintage Airplane, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 64903-3086. PM 40063731 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to P~ney Bowes IMS, Station A, PO Box 64, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES - Please allow at least !WO months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mail. ADVERTISING - Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Members are encouraged to subm~ stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entireiy with the contributor. No remuneration is made. Material should be sent to: Ed~or, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 64903-3086. Phone 920-428-4800. EAA® and EAA SPORT AVIATION®, the EAA Logo® and Aeronautica T. are registered trademarks, trademarks, and service marl<s of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. The use of these trademarks and service marks without the permission of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is strictly prohibited.
APRIL 2009