Freedom and EAA Vintage Aircraft Association Chapter 37 in Auburn, Indiana, is a truly exceptional group of individuals. Now nearly 70 members strong, we are privileged to have a hangar facility that consists of more than 5,300 square feet, which also houses an outstanding clubhouse facility. Our clubhouse is decorated with dozens of aviation artifacts, antique aviation signs, photos, and paintings. One unique, signed photo is of the founder of the Experimental Aircraft Association. In your chapter facility, you, too, may have one of these highly treasured photos, first published in the late 1980s, titled “Freedom is what EAA is all about.” Here are the words of our founder as they appear on this most treasured aviation artifact: Freedom to create and build…to dream…to fly. Freedom is something that is often taken for granted…until it is lost. Freedom is a precious gift that has been given to us by our forefathers and by all who served—and died—in wars fought in its name. Yet, there are those who would chip away, erode and destroy this most basic right. Restrict our ingenuity and inventiveness. Take away our availability to move freely across our borders . . . to dull our senses and blur our view from the top. For more than 35 years, EAA has carried this banner of personal freedom. We have persevered…and won many battles along the way. I believe that, in some small way, we have
made a difference. 125,000 EAA members, speaking with a strong and unified voice, help keep the flame of freedom burning brightly. However, many challenges remain. We need your help to fuel that fire… to build stronger representation in Government affairs, continue vigorous activities at the local level—through EAA’s strong Chapter network—and further develop youth programs so that the aviation challenges of the future can be met with skill, talent and knowledge. The price of Freedom is measured not in time but in commitment. Join us. Freedom is what EAA is all about. Signed: Paul H. Poberezny Isn’t it amazing how so few of
You have to wonder, “What’s next?” these threats to our way of life have really changed much over the past 20-plus years? Since he wrote these words, it’s been 57 years since he founded EAA, and we now number more than 170,000 members. Yes, the EAA has accomplished a great deal in the arena of government affairs before and after Paul wrote these important words of wisdom. But many of these challenges to our way of life are very much still in existence today. I, like many of
my fellow aviators, remain deeply concerned about our freedom to fly. You have to wonder, “What’s next?” Because of these continuous threats, we all need to stay vigilant and continue to engage ourselves in the debate of all aviation issues, local and otherwise. Be it throughthe-fence issues or airspace changes or whatever, we need to continue to be committed to the association and speak with a strong and unified voice in an effort to help keep the flame of freedom burning brightly, as Paul spoke about so many years ago. At least once every few months when I catch myself walking past this picture of Paul, I will pause and read these words to yet again remind myself why this organization is so important to my way of life. It also continuously reinforces my personal commitment to this wonderful group, and it keeps me focused on the importance of these freedoms Paul referred to. Virtually little has changed when it relates to the threats to these freedoms we still hear about on nearly a daily basis. It also serves as a constant reminder to me of my gratefulness and appreciation of all of our Armed Services. Many thanks to all of our service members, past and present, for choosing to serve. We are forever in your debt! VAA is about participation: Be a member! Be a volunteer! Be there!
A I R P L A N E Vol. 38, No. 2
CONTENTS IFC Straight & Level Freedom and EAA by Geoff Robison
2010 VAA Friends of the Red Barn Campaign
Larry Howard’s Lovely Laird ‘The thoroughbred of the airways’ by Sparky Barnes Sargent
Dear Jenny . . . A fellow never forgets his first love by Bill Larmore
My Friend Albert Vollmecke
Part II by Robert G. Lock
Light Plane Heritage The 1923 Mummert Sportplane by Jack McRae
The Vintage Mechanic My thoughts on propeller care, Part I by Robert G. Lock
The Vintage Instructor That turn to final by Steve Krog, CFI
Mystery Plane
STAFF EAA Publisher Director of EAA Publications Executive Director/Editor Production/Special Project Photography
by H.G. Frautschy
What Our Members Are Restoring
Classified Ads
Advertising Coordinator Classified Ad Coordinator Copy Editor Director of Advertising
Tom Poberezny Mary Jones H.G. Frautschy Kathleen Witman Jim Koepnick Bonnie Kratz Sue Anderson Lesley Poberezny Colleen Walsh Katrina Bradshaw
Display Advertising Representatives: Specialized Publications Co.
COVERS FRONT COVER: Some of the rarest of antique biplanes around today are those built by the E.M. Laird Airplane Company. World famous in their day, few were built in quantity, meaning that even fewer sur vived the ensuing decades. This beautiful example of a Laird LC-1B-300 was restored by Larr y Howard. Read Sparky Barnes Sargent’s ar ticle on its restoration beginning on page 6. EAA photo by Mike Steineke; Cessna 210 photo plane flown by Bruce Moore. BACK COVER: Hats in the Ring, by noted ar tist James Dietz, depicts the Nieupor t 28 biplanes of the “Hat in the Ring” 94th Aero Squadron in 1918. This detail of the painting (the original is significantly wider; if this is widescreen, Dietz’s painting is Cinemascope!) also shows a Packard staff car. The painting is oil on canvas. It was finished in time for the Automobile Fine Ar tists of America show at the Pebble Beach Concors d’Elegance in 2009. No prints are available of the ar twork. For more information on the ar twork of Jim Dietz, visit www.jamesdietz.com.
U.S. Eastern Time Zone-Northeast: Ken Ross 609-822-3750 Fax: 609-957-5650 kr40@comcast.net U.S. Eastern Time Zone-Southeast: Chester Baumgartner 727-532-4640 Fax: 727-532-4630 cbaum111@mindspring.com U.S. Central Time Zone: Gary Worden and Todd Reese 800-444-9932 Fax: 816-741-6458 gary.worden@spc-mag.com; todd@spc-mag.com U.S. Mountain and Pacific Time Zones: John Gibson 916-784-9593 Fax: 510-217-3796 johngibson@spc-mag.com Europe: Willi Tacke Phone: +49(0)1716980871 Fax: +49(0)8841 / 496012 willi@flying-pages.com
DC-3 Celebration at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh They’re coming from everywhere; some three dozen DC-3 and C-47 aircraft have already shown interest in participating in “The Last Time . . .,” the 75th anniversary celebration of the aircraft at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2010. The list of potential aircraft that will be participating in the DC-3 mass arrival is still being finalized, but many of the participants are listed at www.TheLastTime.org, a nonEAA website dedicated to the formation arrival coming to Oshkosh. The registration list for the mass arrival on July 26 has reached its limit of 35 aircraft; it’s necessary be-
cause of limitations at the staging airports. Other DC-3/C-47 operators are welcome to participate, however, by individually flying to AirVenture, which will be held July 26-August 1 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh. Those operating the aircraft are asked to contact Adam Smith at EAA headquarters at asmith@eaa.org. “This is a tremendous response in just the several weeks since the 75th anniversary commemoration was announced,” said Smith, EAA’s vice president of membership. “We are still receiving inquiries from owners of some very special DC-3s, and we welcome all of them to be a part
of AirVenture 2010, whether or not they are able to participate in the mass arrival.” Several of the DC-3s have been regular visitors to Oshkosh in past years, while others have made only rare appearances or have never been here. In all, it promises to be the largest airborne group of DC-3s assembled since World War II, and likely the last. One of the details being solved currently is parking for this many magnificent DC-3s at Oshkosh. It’s anticipated that AeroShell Square, along with the Warbirds and Vintage aircraft parking areas, will be fully engaged in showcasing these venerable airplanes. Fewer than 100 of the aircraft remain airworthy in the United States, meaning that nearly half of the current fleet could be present at AirVenture 2010. The weeklong festivities at Oshkosh will also include historical and technical forums/presentations, fly-bys, and a special evening program commemorating the DC-3 at the Theater in the Woods.
Marking Cherokee’s 50th With Mass Oshkosh Arrival Along with a DC-3 celebration at Oshkosh this summer, enthusiasts will honor another iconic general-aviation airplane of the past halfcentury, the Piper Cherokee. A mass arrival of 50 aircraft will kick off the celebration with other activities and programs included for Cherokee owners and enthusiasts throughout the week. All Piper Cherokee clubs and owners groups are invited to participate. According to the “Cherokees to Oshkosh” website, the mass arrival of Cherokees will be on Friday, July 23, which is the weekend before AirVenture’s opening day. The Cherokees 2 Osh group has already filled its maximum of 50 aircraft, but all Cherokee owners and pilots are welcome to arrive at Oshkosh independently and participate in all the other festivities. More than 30,000 Cherokees and their direct descendants, Piper Warriors and Arrows, have been built since Piper received its FAA type certificate in 1960. Additional highlights and details of the Cherokee 50th anniversary will be announced as they are finalized. You can learn more about the celebration at www.Cherokees2Osh.com. Several other airplane groups are planning their traditional group flights to Oshkosh; to learn more, visit their individual websites: Bonanzas to Oshkosh (www.B2OSH.org), Mooney Caravan (www.MooneyCaravan.com), and Cessnas to Oshkosh (www.Cessnas2Oshkosh.com). 2 FEBRUARY 2010
Nominat ions
Bonus EAA Magazine i ffor Some Members Those of you who are VAA members with a “non EAA-magazine� membership may have noticed that you received a January 2010 copy of the newly revamped EAA Spor t Aviation. Rest assured your membership status hasn’t changed, but EAA felt ever yone should get a chance to see the new Spor t Aviation, so all EAA members received a copy. Stickers explaining the courtesy copy were placed on the back of the poly bag in which the magazine was mailed, but in case you missed it, that’s why you received a copy. If you’d like to continue receiving the new Sport Aviation, please call our membership ser vices depar tment at 1-800-Join-EAA (800-564-6322) to upgrade your membership.
continued on page 36
2010 VAA Friends of the Red Barn Campaign The VAA annual fundraising campaign fuels VAA action by H.G. Frautschy Each year at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh the largest single space for the display of enthusiasts’ aircraft is the Vintage parking and camping area. For more than three decades it’s been not only a picturesque scene of the finest restored airplanes in this country, but also a gathering place for aviation people and their magnificent machines to share knowledge and friendship. Each day during the convention, we get to see the widest variety possible of airplanes, including a few one-of-a-kind aircraft. Don’t forget the special Type Club parking area, where we host many examples of a particular manufacturer’s airplane. From replica race planes to the American Barnstormers Tour, the amazing colors and outlines of the golden age of aviation are on display for all to see each year. All of this is possible through the efforts of the nearly 500 VAA volunteers, the volunteer VAA board of directors, and the VAA staff. Their passion is what makes it a great place to be throughout the week at Oshkosh; and it’s why so many visitors and aviation enthusiasts come back year after year to work, relax, and enjoy aviation’s premier event. It’s a place to rekindle old friendships and make new ones. A time to relax and enjoy aviation, learn something new, and rub elbows with our fellow aviators. As you can imagine, it takes some fairly substantial financial resources to underwrite such an event, and the Vintage area at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is no exception. The Vintage Aircraft Association has, by necessity, elected to underwrite a portion of its yearlong activities with funds other than members’ dues. The proceeds from this fund pay for all sorts of volunteer activities and improvements to the VAA area, as well as supporting VAA advocacy efforts and educational endeavors. It serves as working capital for improvements such as the new kitchen for the popular VAA
Tall Pines Café, as well as for upkeep of many structures. There’s never a shortage of windows that need caulking, doors that need to be replaced, and roofs that need to be repaired. To be certain, almost all of the labor involved is performed by our dedicated and talented volunteers, but what about the cost of supplies and hardware? That’s where our Friends of the Red Barn campaign comes in—it provides all of us, who wish, the opportunity to assist in the vital financial support of the VAA’s activities. We’re most appreciative of the contributions made by hundreds of VAAers who see the tangible benefits of supporting their fellow VAA members in this manner. As a critical part of the VAA budget, the fund pays for such diverse items as VAA awards presented during the annual EAA aircraft awards program, special recognition for our many volunteers, and expenses associated with our special displays, forums, and educational areas such as the VAA Workshops and Type Clubs located in the new Vintage Hangar. Your annual contribution made in the first half of 2010 will directly benefit this year’s convention activities and VAA programs throughout the year. Please consider actively participating in the 2010 VAA Friends of the Red Barn Campaign. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, and you can enhance your participation if you work for a matchinggift company. You can do so by copying and filling out the form included on these pages, by filling out and sending in the form included in the mailing that will arrive in your mailbox in April, or by donating online at www.VintageAircraft. org/programs/redbarn.html. If you desire more information concerning the VAA Friends of the Red Barn Campaign, feel free to call us at 920-426-6110. We’d be happy to speak with you!
Many services are provided to vintage aircraft enthusiasts at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. From parking airplanes to feeding people at the Tall Pines Café and Red Barn, volunteers do it all. Some may ask, “If volunteers are providing the services, where is the expense?” Glad you asked. The scooters for the flightline crew need repair and batteries, and the Red Barn needs paint, new windowsills, updated wiring, and other sundry repairs, plus we love to care for our volunteers with special recognition caps and a pizza party. The list really could go on and on, but no matter how many expenses we can point out, the need remains constant. The Friends of the Red Barn fund helps pay for the VAA expenses at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, and it’s a crucial part of the Vintage Aircraft Association budget. Please help the VAA and our nearly 500 dedicated volunteers make this an unforgettable experience for our many EAA AirVenture guests. Your contribution now really does make a difference. There are seven levels of gifts and gift recognition. Thank you for whatever you can do. Here are some of the many activities the Friends of the Red Barn fund underwrites: • Red Barn Information Desk Supplies • Participant Plaques and Supplies • Toni’s Red Carpet Express Repairs and Radios • Caps for VAA Volunteers • Pizza Party for VAA Volunteers • Flightline Parking Scooters and Supplies • Breakfast for Past Grand Champions • Volunteer Booth Administrative Supplies • Membership Booth Administrative Supplies • Signs Throughout the Vintage Area • Red Barn’s and Other Buildings’ Maintenance • Tall Pines Café dining tent • And More!
Please help the VAA make EAA AirVenture Oshkosh an unforgettable experience for our many guests. Become a Friend of the Red Barn. Diamond Plus $1250 EAA VIP Center
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Silver $250
Bronze $100
Loyal Supporter $99 & Under
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VAA Friends of the Red Barn
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VAA FORB PO Box 3086 OSHKOSH, WI 54903-3086
*Do you or your spouse work for a matching-gift company? If so, this gift may qualify for a matching donation. Please ask your human resources department for the appropriate form.
Name of Company __________________________________________________________________ The Vintage Aircraft Association is a nonprofit educational organization under IRS 501c3 rules. Under federal law, the deduction from federal income tax for charitable contributions is limited to the amount by which any money (and the value of any property other than money) contributed exceeds the value of the goods or services provided in exchange for the contribution. An appropriate receipt acknowledging your gift will be sent to you for IRS gift reporting reasons.
‘The thoroughbred of the airways’
he biplane was elegantly poised on the flightline, its shimmering golden-bronze wings and empennage softly framing a bold black fuselage, creating
a sublime semblance of the golden years of aviation. This Laird LC1B-300 is a sight so alluring and lovely that it’s somehow surprising to learn that this “thoroughbred of the airways” was quite the workhorse after it first flew away from Ashburn Field in Chicago in
September 1930. Let’s wing our way through the highlights of this biplane’s life, as owner/restorer Larry Howard shares its colorful details.
A Thoroughbred’s History First of all, let’s place this Laird in its appropriate context—there were
Larry Howard’s
Popular Aviation January 1928
The first owner, A.D. Knapp, lived in the Detroit area and soon sold the biplane to another pilot in the area. In May 1931, it was purchased by Thomas Berry Colby, vice president of Berry Brothers Incorporated (maker of Berryloid aircraft finishes). As with the previous five airplanes the company owned, the Laird was christened after its advertising slogan, “On the Wings of Progress,” and bore the number “VI.” “Colby flew it as an official ship during the 1931 Ford National Air Tour,” says Larry. “He was the assistant timer and flew ahead of the fleet. He took the times as the
Aero Digest April 1928 pilots arrived at each stop.” During the mid-to-late 1930s, the biplane was flown to its new home in Pennsylvania, and a banner release mechanism from a PCA-2 autogiro was installed. NC10402 started towing banners—first in Pennsylvania and then at Miami Beach. In 1941, yet another owner installed a 30-gallon smoke-oil tank in the front cockpit, and the Laird was used for an additional form of aerial advertising—skywriting. The biplane changed hands several times during World War II and was flown to its next home in Van Nuys, California, in May 1945. “Un-
only four LC-1B-300s built by the E.M. Laird Airplane Company, and each one was built by hand. The “C” stands for commercial, and the “1B300” indicates that NC10402 was a high-performance version, powered by a Wright J-6-9 of 330 hp. “There were less than 40 Laird commercial aircraft built all together, from 1925 up into the early 1930s,” explains Larry. “Of those, there were about three built with an OX-5 engine, two with the Wright J-4, and most of them had Wright J-5s. Four had the Wright J-6-9s, of which this is one—this airplane was built in 1930 and had a very fun life.”
Aviation January 1928
The Laird, after conversion to a sprayer in 1952. Extensive modifications were made to the rudder, fin, and cockpits, and a Lycoming R-680 had been installed in place of the Wright. 8 FEBRUARY 2010
NC10402 as it emerged from the E.M. Laird Airplane Company at Ashburn Flying Field, Chicago.
Aero Digest June 1929
Aero Digest April 1930
fortunately it was wrecked on its arrival,” says Larry, “but after it was rebuilt, it served for the United States Army as a coastal patrol and target tug off the coast of California.” In 1946, the Laird flew to Long Beach with another owner and was converted to a crop duster. A hopper, venturi, and agitator were installed, and “all of the controls were taken out and BT-13 controls were put into it,” says Larry, “along with a BT-13 tail wheel. It served as a duster in southern California for several years.” Then in 1952, the Laird was converted to a sprayer. A metal tank and sprayer bars, along with a Lycoming R-680-13, were installed, and
the biplane worked in the California valley and Arizona for several years—up through 1957. By the late 1950s, the thoroughbred “was retired to a duster’s yard in Woodlake, California,” says Larry. “It was discovered as a derelict behind a hangar there by local Dick Edmiston. He rescued it in 1984 and spent years trying to get it restored.”
Enter Larry, a dentist (now retired) from Greenacres, Washington. He heard about the aircraft from a patient. “We were talking about airplanes, and he said, ‘I know a guy who has a Laird’—and that started about a five-year com-
m munication with Mr. Edmiston, who owned the Laird but didn’t w want to sell it.” w Backing up just a bit, Larr y sshares how he became interested iin aviation. “I’ve dreamed of flyiing airplanes since I was a teenager,” he recalls, smiling. “In those a days Mechanicx Illustrated had cards d you could tear out and send in to y get a brochure about Cessnas and g Beechcraft and whatnot. EventuB ally I bought the very aircraft that a I was dreaming about—my first airplane was a 1957 straight-tail a Cessna 182, and then I had a V-tail C Bonanza. Thankfully, I got to know B Addison Pemberton [a neighborA iing antiquer] who infected me with tthe old-airplane disease. And before you know it, I was trying to explain to my wife why I needed to buy a wrecked Great Lakes in Guatemala. I brought it back to the United States and restored it from the frame up.” It was during that time that he began talking with Dick, and in November 2001, after completing the Great Lakes, he bought the Laird. Chuckling, he reflects, “I kind of went to grad school in the restoration game, straight from the grade school of a Great Lakes to the Laird, and I loved learning the skills involved. I live at Sky Meadows Airpark, and my hangar and shop is just 100 feet from the house. I don’t like television, so I work in my shop every evening, and it was a fun project. It is very rewarding
During the Ford National Air Tour in 1931.
The Laird as a skywriter with a 30-gallon smoke-oil tank in the front cockpit and extended stacks. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 9
Larry Howard with his bare Laird in July 2005.
(Februar y 2004) Larr y Howard works on the wings. You can also see the unusual aluminum tube fuselage framework construction. All steel junctions were plated with silver cadmium, and the aluminum tubing was coated with zinc chromate.
It takes quite a few helping hands to carefully install the wings. STEVE SCHULTE
The neatly finished baggage compartment, aft of the pilot’s seat. to see this aircraft come to life, after spending about nine years and thousands of hours restoring it.”
The distinctive rounded tail group of the Laird. 10 FEBRUARY 2010
Research A good portion of those hours were invested in research. In his quest for drawings, he traveled to the Smithsonian and the FAA office in Chicago, but departed emptyhanded. He did collect some drawings when he “communicated with Matty Laird Jr. in Carson City.” He also spoke with a 90-year-old Laird owner in Canada: “Mr. Edmiston had actually collected quite a few, and he had communicated with the Colby family, as well,” says
The instruments were overhauled by Keystone in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania.
The folding windscreen for the front cockpit can easily be installed or removed.
These 30 x 5 wheels were made by Dick Fisher of California.
A spacious front cockpit seats two窶馬ote the fuel tank below the panel. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11
Larry. “It was interesting, though, that sometimes I’d have two or three drawings of the same part, yet they were different, because the airplanes were pretty much all custom, hand-built to order; they weren’t production line.”
LC-1B-300 According to the late aviation historian Joseph Juptner, this model Laird was cleaned up aerodynamically by the addition of a low-drag cowl, and its lower wing roots were neatly faired into the fuselage—plus it had the advantage of 30 extra horses. With an upper wingspan of 34 feet and a lower span of 30 feet, this thoroughbred measures 23 feet 9 inches from tip to tail. It came equipped with a Pioneer instrument panel, an Eclipse hand inertia starter, and a Hamilton-Standard groundadjustable propeller. Its landing gear was the split-axle type with rubber shock cords for smoother landings, Goodrich tires, and Bendix brakes. Today, as powered by a 300-hp Wright J-6-9, the Laird has an empty weight of 1,958 pounds, a gross weight of 3,022 pounds, and a useful load of 1,064 pounds.
12 FEBRUARY 2010
Fuselage The Laird’s fuselage isn’t made from steel, as one might think. The tubing that composes the complex framework is all aluminum. “The tubing fits into steel clusters at each station,” explains Larry, “and the longerons slide through these weldments—while the vertical and horizontal tubes just nest in. There is one bolt that bolts through the longeron, to locate the longeron fore and aft, but that’s the only bolting. Then there are tie rods at each station in all directions— they go crosswise through the center of the station, and the sides, bottom, and top all have cross tie rods in them. There are up to 12 tie rods per station, with at least 60 tie rods in the whole fuselage. It’s very much like the construction of World War I airplanes that were built out of wood, with steel stations and tie cables. So the construction was difficult, especially since those stations had corroded after being a duster for years.” Larry built the adjustable aluminum seat for the rear cockpit by taking measurements from an original one that he was able to locate. One
interesting feature that is easily visible in the cockpit is an elevated floorboard, which neatly conceals the flight control connections and cables. “Down in the belly, just above the last station, is a plywood floor that goes from the firewall all the way to the back of the aft cockpit,” he explains. “All of the controls are underneath that plywood floor; so the cockpit is very clean, both front and back. You could fill it up with marbles, and they wouldn’t run into the belly!” Another feature—the combined rudder/brake pedals—requires some fancy footwork of the pilot. “There’s a structure that suspends the brake mechanism under the floor, and the rudder pedals rotate inward for brake. The brakes are unique in that the rudder pedals are longer on the inside than they are on the outside. You have to push on the inboard side of the rudder pedals to activate the brakes, which is quite a difficult undertaking, to train yourself to do that,” notes Larry, smiling. “That’s the hardest task of flying the airplane—getting from landing to braking. Also rare for the time was that the throttle, mixture, and carb
Larry Howard
Rubber shock cords cushion the Laird’s landings. heat controls were located in the sidewalls of the cockpit.”
for an airplane of this vintage.”
Empennage Wings Surprisingly, most of the wing hardware, along with the original flying and landing wires, survived those long years of neglect. “That was a big help,” he comments. “The wings are built of spruce with truss construction ribs. The cap strips are all routed, and the center webs are reinforced plywood with diagonal reinforcing strips. There are two very healthy spruce spars, so each wing is very strong, and the ailerons are built of wood, as well. All the wood construction is new, of course, which is not surprising
The tail group is of mixed construction; the horizontal stabilizer is built of wood, but the fin, rudder, and elevators are all welded steel tubing. They presented yet another challenge to this restorer. “They’d all been extensively modified when it was a duster,” Larry details. “At one stage, the aircraft had a Cessna T-50 tail wheel installed, and the bottom foot of the rudder had been cut off to accommodate that. It had a balanced rudder and fin design built on top of it, so I rebuilt all of those parts. Some of the structural welding was done by Matt Burrows of Spokane.”
The Laird’s trim system is rather nice, with a full trimming stabilizer. A Johnson bar provides gross trim control, and a wheel directly behind that provides a fine trim control. “You can trim it up at any power setting to fly straight and level,” says Larry, “which is nice! You can’t do that with all old airplanes. It’s a pushrod affair that actually works a bell crank, which jacks the tail up and down.”
Wright Since Larry lives in Washington, where mountains loom large on the horizon, he decided to go with a later version of the Wright Whirlwind, instead of the older “snap cap” engine. Radial mechanic Al Holloway of California overhauled the Wright J-6-9 R975-11. “This one is a sacrificial ‘oiler’ engine, so it has pressure lubrication to the valves on the top half of the engine and gravity lubrication to the ones on the bottom. It’s a very nice, clean-running engine—it does not leak very much at all,” he says, adding, “John Swander of Missouri built the cowling ring for it.”
Finishing Touches Meticulous with his restoration, Larry took the time to include several nice yet subtle finishing touches for his rare Laird. For one, he installed a brass trim plate along the top edge of the front cockpit, which has LAIRD neatly engraved on its top, polished surface. Brass buckles and latches fasten the front cockpit and baggage compartment (there are two) covers, and a three-piece folding windscreen for the front cockpit can be quickly installed or removed with brass thumbscrews. But perhaps the crown jewels of these extra details are the navigation lights. Originally, the Laird was equipped with Pioneer lights, which could be ordered through the Nicholas-Beazley catalog of the day. “I’ve only seen them on two other airplanes, and I couldn’t locate any,” explains Larry, “so
NC10402’s first flight was in September 2008, and Larry logged about 20 hours before winter set in. This past spring, it returned to the sky. “We’ve put about 120 hours on the airplane this year already,” he says. The Laird maneuvers nicely on the ground, thanks to its steerable tail wheel and BT-13 brakes. Accelerating down the runway on its 30 x 5 wheels (made by Dick Fisher of California), the biplane begins levitating skyward at 80 mph. “It’s a very spirited aircraft on takeoff,” says Larry, smiling. “It climbs out somewhat over 1,600 feet per minute, and the takeoff run is very short. It’s got a very skinny wing with a little undercamber on the bottom of the wings, and I was real concerned that it would have a lot of adverse yaw and be a snappy staller. Well, it is a snappy staller, but it has very little adverse yaw once it’s in the air. It’s a very fast airplane and cruises between 125 to 135 mph at 1950 rpm. We’re burning between 16 and 17 gph, and it carries 74 gallons total, with 53 in the main tank (located in the front cockpit) and 23 in the wing center section tank. So it’s got long legs and has about three and a half hours’ duration.” In flight, the Laird has “very nice control harmony. It’s fairly neutral in pitch, so it will hold pitch without a struggle, but it’s not nearly as pitch stable as a modern airplane. But in smooth air, you can fly it hands-off for a long time,” he says. “Landing is a little more of a challenge. It sits a little high on the
14 FEBRUARY 2010
Aloft in the Laird
gear, and the way the wheels are set up, the camber actually changes— when it’s in flight attitude, the gear has a neutral toe in and toe out. But as the weight of the aircraft comes down on the wheels, they toe in because of that camber. So in normal landing configuration, it’s very docile, and it rolls out straight and handles just fine. It much prefers a three-point landing; it tends to dart and weave on a wheel landing,” he explains. “During crosswind landings, you’ve got to get it going straight, or else it’ll skip, and with all the bungee cords in there, it’s like a slingshot—so it can relaunch itself pretty easily. And at that point, it quits flying all together! So we tend to make approaches at about 80 mph and start to flare at 75, and once you get to 55, it’s done flying all together. You have to be very near the ground or it will land, because the thin airfoil does not allow it to float. Yet the aircraft glides surprisingly well; compared to something like a PT Stearman, it will glide 50 percent better at the same speed. It’s taken most people who have flown it a while to get used to that—you have to fly a little bit bigger approach because it doesn’t like to come down.” One of the most rewarding aspects of this restoration is that, after all those long years of work, Larry has discovered that he really does like flying the Laird. “It’s a nice-flying airplane, and it is pretty much as Matty Laird advertised it— the thoroughbred of the airways. It has a beautiful combination of performance and looks. The fact that it’s the one and only is certainly fun,” he says, smiling, “and I love to show the airplane, because not many people have seen one—there are not many Lairds around.” Larry’s years of research and hard work have also been formally recognized, with accolades including the Silver Age (1928-1936) Champion Bronze Lindy at AirVenture 2009 and the Antique Pre-1936 Sweepstakes and the Ken Love awards at the Antique Airplane Association
I made my own light bases using rubber molds and lost wax casting. I reproduced the lights, the lenses, and the castings [for the fixtures].” A few modifications were also made for safe operations in today’s environment. They include modern avionics, such as a transponder, encoder, GPS/comm, emergency locator transmitter, and a fuel flow meter. Additionally, a Scott tail wheel (as opposed to a tailskid) and hydraulic brakes have been installed.
fly-in. “We’re flying it extensively this year, and then the future is uncertain for the airplane,” relates Larry. “I hope it lives a long life, and I’m hoping that I can move on and build something else. I’d love to build a World War I aircraft— maybe a Sopwith Pup. That’s kind of my thought, so I’m looking for a Le Rhone rotary engine.” And in the meantime, keep an eye open for this owner/restorer and his rare Laird LC-1B-300 at fly-ins…where the antique flying machines gather together to effortlessly transport us back to the golden age of aviation.
Bernhard Rouschal, ATP, Lufthansa German Airlines ■
15.000+ hours in more than 70 different types of planes from J3-Cubs to the A340-600
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Dear Jenny… A fellow never forgets his first love BY
ne bright, sunny July day in 1929, I was a 12-year-old Iowa farm kid out at the Ottumwa Airport for a Saturday afternoon air show. The air was rich with engine sounds, sweet with the wonderful aroma of hot oil, inline and radial engines playing sweet music to my ears, and there were airplanes everywhere. Tied down! Sitting loose! Taxiing! Taking off! Thundering overhead! Landing! Whatever! I was in heaven! There were glistening monoplanes, including my favorite, a Ranger-powered low-wing Buhl Pup. Biplanes were at many hardstands, as well, including powerful Wacos, red Eaglerocks, even an ancient Lincoln Standard…and…a Curtis JN-4 biplane (affectionately
16 FEBRUARY 2010
known by all us flight buffs as a Jenny). It was squatting off to itself over near the gas trucks, like an old crow that had flapped down to rest in a cornfield. I was to find out a bit later that those good old birds were usually World War I vintage. In fact, that particular craft probably looked like it had been through the entire conflict. But on that momentous Saturday in 1929, it looked to me like it was brand new! There was a sloppy-lettered, marked-up sign erected near the plane, indicating that plane rides had been “TWO DOLLARS” but were now “ONE DOLLAR!” Well! It just so happened I had one dollar from Dad for that day. That was my Saturday pay. That was all I had, and I was lucky to get that! It was supposed to last not only for the air
show, but also for the entire Saturday. That included a double-feature Western later that afternoon in the old Rialto (Rathole) theater in Ottumwa; Bob Steele in one show, Col. Tim McCoy in the other one, followed by a great serial segment of “Don Winslow of the Navy.” I was to give up all of that, plus a huge hamburger at the Canteen Lunch later, to pay for the wonder of my first flight! A leather-jacketed, hairlinemustached, glossy-booted hero with helmet and goggles hanging around his neck was posed like Tarzan by the Jenny. I discovered later from Ole Oleson, the airport manager, that the pilot was really a skinny balding old WWI vet with a scraggy scattering of mangy lip hair he called a mustache. And that he
Above: 12-year-old Bill Larmore with his parents in 1929. Left: Until federal air regulations came into effect, war-surplus Curtiss Jenny biplanes and similar airplanes were used by barnstorming pilots to eke out a meager living. Bill Larmore’s experience with a barnstormer and his tired Jenny would keep him enthralled with aviation for a lifetime. had slept under the wing in his outfit while sobering up from a lively night before at the Twinkle Inn. Be that as it may, at that special moment, to me, he was a movie star. I was ushered into the Jenny’s front cockpit by the pilot while being grimly ordered not to step on the already-tattered wing root, and was belted into an apple-crate-style seat behind a yellowed, badly scratched windscreen. I was left to observe the instrument panel while the pilot staggered around to the propeller. I now recall seeing an old Sperry compass, an engine oil-pressure gauge, a tachometer, an ammeter, a large off/on switch, and a couple of rustylooking snap switches for added wingtip running lights. That’s all I can remember. At the time, however, I felt as if I had just been introduced to a major wonder of the world! My hero checked the wheel chocks, grabbed the badly scarred wooden propeller blade, pulled the wheezing engine through a couple of times, and then, wonder of wonders, actually involved me in the startup! “Turn on your ignition switch!” he bellowed. “Yeah! That big one! When it’s on, holler ‘CONTACT!’” I did so,
feeling like I had just been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor! The pilot snapped the prop through, and the engine started. It shook as if it were setting loose in the bedplates. But instead of fleeing for his life, he yanked the wheel chocks himself, ducked under the wing as the plane began to creep forward, and leaped into the rear cockpit. The next miraculous moment we were shaking, rattling, and rolling out onto the old graveled east-west runway, with rocks flying out from under the metal tailskid. Then the tail was off the ground. A kick of the rudder to line up with the runway, an asthmatic burst from the old engine, an ever-increasing duck-waddle, and we were in the air. I was flying! I was in heaven! But there was a snake in my Eden. The underpowered 90-hp V-8 OX-5 liquid-cooled engine. It announced its traitorous intentions by starting to throw large globs of grease. That was accompanied by the sound of a boiler factory running amuck! Looking ahead at the engine, I was petrified to observe that right in front of me one of the all-too-exposed leftbank engine cylinder-head rocker
arms was loose and flailing around like a blacksmith’s hammer! We are going to die! I had that interesting thought as the seat of my pants started to be in definitely damp danger. We will crash in the muddy, murky old Des Moines river below, and our bodies will never be recovered, and I’ll never ever have a real date with Donna . . . or with Helen . . . or with Evi . . . or even with that one with the buck teeth . . . but the pilot, hero that he was, proved to be fearless and even unconcerned. He grinned like a hungry hedgehog, made a daring thumbs-up gesture, and we completed the entire 10-minute flight. Later I was to discover that such an adventure was, for him and his noble equipment, the rule, rather than the exception. In closing this odyssey, I want to make this final important statement: In my 91 years of life to date, I have forgotten many names (even my own on occasion!), but there are only two names I’ll never forget—the wonderful name of my beloved wife of 61 years, Eloise, and the name of the other lady who captivated me at the age of 12. I will never forget . . . Jenny!
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J U LY 2 6 – A U G U S T 1
My Friend
Albert Vollmecke Part 2 BY
nother idea that Albert Vollmecke brought to CommandAire from Germany was the formation here in the United States of glider clubs to teach young boys how to fly an airplane. The program had been so successful in Germany that Albert reasoned, why not here? He undertook a project to design a small primary glider that CommandAire could market to glider clubs that would spring up across the United States. Application was made (see Figure 1) to the Aeronautics Branch of the Department of Commerce December 19, 1927, just after Albert Vollmecke became employed with Arkansas Aircraft Company. The stated purpose of the airplane was “experimental.” Later he intended there would be production of the gliders for sale to organizations such as Boy Scouts of America and community glider
clubs, the same as in Germany, and to individuals who wished to have a small plane for experimental purposes. “Will be completed January 1st, 1928 at our factory, Little Rock, Arkansas.” In the application a description of the airplane appears, “Biplane Glider for motorless flying. Steel tube fuselage and wooden wings. Controls same as conventional airplane. Designed by our engineer Mr. Albert Voellmecke, formerly of the Ernst Heinkel Airplane Works, Germany.” Because of the pressures of designing and producing powered biplanes, the glider idea never was put into production. In a letter from the company dated July 22, 1928, to the Aeronautics Branch, an explanation appears. “For your infor mation this was a glider, and through the press of other business was never assembled. We will likely sell it shortly to some of the boys in the factory who expect to complete it and install a small motor of some sort. We will see that they make application for identifi-
cation numbers at the proper time. Enclosed, fi nd the metal identifi cation plate for the glider. The records of the company were recently moved from the factory to an uptown office, and the license itself has apparently been lost as we cannot find it.” W.S. Shannon, on behalf of Arkansas Aircraft Company, signed the communication. Four North Little Rock boys spent two years completing a glider. First flights of the glider were made by Albert Vollmecke, chief engineer at Command-Aire Incorporated, who furnished plans and sketches of the glider. However, it was not the biplane glider he proposed that Arkansas Aircraft Company manufactured. On Sunday, June 1, 1930, the Arkansas Democrat reported, “Gliding became a reality in Little Rock Friday when four North Little Rock youths, shown in the picture, took their first gliding lessons in a glider they built themselves during the past 18 months. They worked on the glider after school hours and at
Figure 2 Figure 1
night. At the top, the glider is shown in flight with Albert Voellmecke, chief engineer at Command-Aire, Inc., at the controls. He made two flights of about 75 yards each, attaining an altitude of about 25 feet. The four glider builders are shown below. From left to right they are: Hubert MacDonald, Elmo Bachus, Buddy Pyles and Weldon Clark.” (See Figure 2) At the completion of the test f l i g h t s M r. Vo l l m e c k e s t a t e d , “Glider training is good for preliminary training of an airplane pilot.” He himself was a glider pilot, having made a fl ight of two and one half hours in Germany in 1923. “In several countries, before a person is permitted to train to fly an airplane, he must be a glider pilot. Flying a glider is much safer for the beginner than flying an airplane, as the glider very rarely gets over 25 feet from the ground. If it fell, it would be less than a jump from the same height and consequently is very safe. If the glider is broken,
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repairs can be made easily and without much expense.” Vollmecke further stated, “Gliding should become popular in the United States since Colonel Lindbergh demonstrated its safety. Training should begin on a primary type, after which a sailplane can be flown. The Ozark mountains should furnish excellent opportunities for a sailplane pilot to make a new long-distance record in a motorless plane.” O n e o f Vo l l m e c k e ’s c r o w n ing achievements while at Command-Aire was the design and construction of a small racing aircraft powered by an American Cirrus four-cylinder, inline engine. It would be entered in the All American Cirrus Derby, a 5,541-mile race that began on July 21, 1930, in Detroit, Michigan, and ended 11 days later. The story of the Little Rocket racer is quite interesting; the construction, the race, and the final chapter of the airplane are a great insight into the inner workings
of a long-since-departed company. 1930 was also the year of the final chapter for CommandAire Incorporated, as it fell into bankruptcy and quickly ceased to exist. The Little Rocket racer was a single-seat low-wing monoplane constructed mostly of wood and powered by a 110-hp supercharged American Cirrus fourcylinder, inline, upright, aircooled engine. With pilot Lee Gehlbach at the controls, it won the Cirrus Derby with an average speed of 127.11 miles per hour. Sponsored by American Cirrus Engines Incorporated, a unit of Allied Motor Industries Incorporated, the derby was organized to demonstrate the possibilities of long-distance flight by light airplanes. The course of 5,541 miles took contestants from Det r o i t , s o u t h t o Te x a s , w e s t t o California, and back to Detroit over the mountains and deserts of the South and Southwest. It
Figure 3
Figure 4
presented all the difficulties of flying that may be found in the confines of the United States, yet 10 of the 18 ships that started completed the course on schedule. In only one instance was the withdrawal of a plane the result of engine trouble. Lee Gehlbach, the winner flying the CommandAire Little Rocket, averaged 145 miles per hour while in the air. On one lap, that from Detroit to Buffalo, New York, he attained a
speed of 200 miles per hour. A number of private investors from the Little Rock area put up approximately $10,000 to have the ship designed and built. It was built for the Little Rock Racing Association Incorporated. Gilbert Leigh was president, R.B. Snowden Jr. was vice president, and Charles E. Shoemaker Jr. was secretary treasurer. The aircraft was constructed July 7, 1930, and issued registration number X-10403. Manufacturer’s serial number was R-1, and the model number was MR-1. CommandAire vice president Charles M. Taylor stated, “The Little Rocket, Command-Aire, Little Rock, and the state of Arkansas got national publicity as the Little Rocket, flown by Lee Gehlbach, won most of the daily legs as well as being declared the over-all winner of the race. This was one of those few cases where the local financial sponsors—some 40 people including Governor Parnell— got their money back with a profit.” Figure 3. Aero Digest, September 1930, published a drawing, which depicts the course, complete with stops and miles between stops.
When Gehlbach returned to Little Rock with the racer, he was treated as an air hero. The Arkansas Gazette reported, “Little Rock got its fi rst glimpse of its ‘air hero’ as he trailed behind a formation of fi ve National Guard planes as they circled the city shortly before noon Wednesday. Immediately upon arrival at the Municipal Airport the tiny monoplane was loaded on a truck and the procession through the business district started, headed by Gehlbach, state, county and municipal offi cials. Gehlbach, smiling and still wearing the grimy pilot’s uniform, was seated on the top of a large touring car, which had been lowered. The event recalled the reception given for Lindbergh shortly after his epochal Atlantic flight.” Following the small ship were cars with state and local officials, including Albert Vollmecke, designer of the plane; officials of the Little Rock Racing Association, which sponsored the plane; officials of Command-Aire Incorporated, which built the plane; and members of the city council. After the celebration was over, the plane was offered for sale by the racing association (see Figure 4). It was sold to Mr. Jack Walker of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the sum of $750. Included in the sale was the following: one Little Rocket racing airplane, one second-hand 28-foot Irving backpack parachute, one extra blade for the propeller of Little Rocket, and one small lot of parts for the engine. This was not the end of the story of the Little Rocket by any means. The plane would race again at the National Air Races held in Chicago from August 24 to September 1, 1930, this time flown by E.Z. Newsom. ( E d i t o r ’s N o t e : Ye a r s l a t e r, a faithful flying replica of the Little Rocket was built by Joe Araldi; it’s on display at the Florida Air Museum on the grounds of the Sun ’n Fun Fly-In in Lakeland, Florida.) The end was near for Command-Aire Incorporated as the
Figure 5 Depression that gripped the country starting with the stock market crash in 1929 was about to take its toll on many small airplane-manufacturing companies. In Albert Vollmecke’s brief four-plus years with Command-Aire, the company received 14 approved type certificates (ATC) that resulted in the construction of 116 aircraft powered by the Curtiss OX-5 engines. The company built approximately 184 aircraft of all types; a respectable record for only four years of operation. Vollmecke detailed to me the story of his design of a larger and more powerful Little Rocket— type aircraft that featured a retractable landing gear. The design was for a pursuit-type ship for the U.S. government, and his compilation of sketches was presented for review. However, the company ceased operations before any negotiations could be completed for a prototype ship. In one interview with Albert Vollmecke I asked what it was like in the last few weeks of Command-Aire as an employee and well-known designer. First he indicated that the president, Bob Snowden Jr., had his hands in several business entities in 1930, primarily his large farming operation, the frozen food business, and other interests. No matter how bad things got for the general public, they all needed to eat, which meant Snowden would have an income from his agricultural interests. However, there would be little
22 FEBRUARY 2010
Figure 6
“In several countries, before a person is permitted to train to fly an airplane he must be a glider pilot. Flying a glider is much safer for the beginner than flying an airplane, as the glider very rarely gets over 25 feet from the ground.” money available in the market to purchase such an extravagance as an airplane. Therefore he paid little attention to the floundering Command-Aire Incorporated. In the last days, Vollmecke said he took all his ATC drawings and locked them in the large safe
located in the factory building. Then, he and others turned out the lights, walked out the front door, and locked it. The days of Command-Aire had ended. When asked who was Neil Romich, Vollmecke answered, “Romich joined Command-Aire in 1930, just before the company went into receivership. He was in charge of production, replacing a fellow by the name of Fielding. Romich and Bob Snowden moved small parts, including wings, fuselages, empennage, etc. to a National Guard building on the municipal airport. They planned to build more airplanes later when money was more plentiful, but they never did.” Now unemployed and with the country on hard times, Vollmecke had to find work to support his wife, Maja, and their two sons, Walter and Albert Jr. He found a job with the Civil Works Administration program for airport construction in Arkansas. He was an advisor and inspector in the construction of airway beacons for airmail pilots flying at night. Although this program lasted only a short time, 13 new airports were constructed and nine existing ones improved. On the horizon was looming greater government control of civilian aviation. Seeing this, Vollmecke applied for a position with the
Figure 7
Figure 8
Bureau of Aeronautics in 1933. He was not the only talented person with aircraft experience to join the government; however, his career would be solidified as he climbed the ranks of the Civil Aeronautics Administration and finally the Federal Aviation Administration. Vollmecke was to make a tremendous mark on aviation, with his experience in design at Command-Aire and Ernst Heinkel Airplane Works giving him a tremendous background as he started his new career.
In the April 1980 issue of OX-5 News, “Moving over to the CAA/ FAA in 1933, and for the next 30 years, as an Aeronautical Engineer, Vollmecke originated and developed many advanced designs regarded as major contributions to the safety and performance of all types of civil and military aircraft. He served in the early ’40’s as Senior Member of the Air Force/Navy/Civil Aircraft Design Criteria Committee that achieved standardization of design, testing and analysis of new and modified aircraft. The result of this was a tre-
mendous savings in money and engineering manpower during WWII.” Vollmecke joined the government to help regulate the growing field of aviation in 1933. The Aeronautics Branch of the Department of Commerce would be reorganized and renamed in 1934, becoming the Bureau of Air Commerce; it was still within the Department of Commerce. In 1938, Congress created the Civil Aeronautics Agency, which would be known as the CAA. A change from “agency” to “administration” came a short time later, and Vollmecke, with all his talent, began to climb the ladder toward the top. As civilian aviation continued to grow in the 1930s and 1940s, Vollmecke was assigned the formidable task to develop a manual for the repair of aircraft. This was to be a document for mechanics to make “approved” repairs on wood and steel tube aircraft. Prior to this publication, each repair had to be inspected and approved by a government offi cial, which was a timeconsuming task and caused great delays and frustration to mechanics and owners since ideas on correct procedure for repairs varied among mechanics. Vollmecke assembled a small group of design engineers in Washington, D.C., and set out to create the document. He designed splices for wood and steel tube structures that still appear today in the FAA’s Advisory Circular (AC) 43.13-1B. When asked how he and his committee went about the task, he said, “We looked at how to put the margin of safety back into an aircraft after it had been damaged. I designed the scarf splice for wood wing spars and most of the steel tube splices. We sent the drawings to craftsmen in the Washington, D.C., area, and they made samples of the repairs. Then we had them tested to destruction to see if they worked.” The fi rst publication was Aero-
nautics Bulletin No. 7-H (see Figure 5), signed by Daniel C. Roper, Secretary of Commerce, on September 23, 1935. The document became effective January 1, 1936. In this document there appear several drawings of steel tube repairs and of splices to wood wing spars and ribs. It is most likely in Aeronautics Bulletin No. 7-H that Vollmecke and his committee designed the repairs. The drawings are very similar to those found in Civil Aeronautics Manual (CAM) 18 and FAA Advisor y Circular
43.13-1B. Aeronautics bulletins appeared in 1927 beginning with No. 7, Airworthiness Requirements for Aircraft. This document was needed to comply with government regulations regarding ATCs. Aeronautics Bulletin 7 was amended to AB-7A September 1, 1934. Aeronautics Bulletin No. 7-H is significant because it was the fi rst document to address alterations and repairs to certificated aircraft. Prior to AB-7H there was no documented repair procedure
Since the EAA fly-in (AirVenture) arrived in Oshkosh in 1970, the “Brown Arch” has been the gateway to countless aviation dreams and accomplishments. This is the original and traditional entry to the Oshkosh flight line. Millions of people have walked under this arch to discover the innovation, imagination, and craftsmanship within the thousands of airplanes that have been a part of the “Oshkosh Experience.” The EAA grounds and AirVenture Oshkosh have expanded greatly since 1970, but the ingenuity, camaraderie and high standards remain the same. The Brown Arch represents all of those EAA attributes, becoming a favorite gathering point. “Meet you at the Brown Arch” is a part of the Oshkosh lexicon that stretches across generations. From this place, aviation’s premier event provides a year-round spirit that reaches every corner of the aviation Purchase your brick NOW and have it community. For those with a passion for flight…this is inscribed and placed by AirVenture 2010! your home. If you select a full brick, pricing beginning at $1,000, you may select the location of YOUR BRICK in the full design! That’s right – you can place it! Compass Rose brick (limited availability) ..................$10,000 Biplane Landing Gear and Cockpit brick.......................$5,000 Tom Poberezny Biplane Wings and Struts brick ......................................$2,000 EAA President and Chairman of the Board General Area Full brick ..................................................$1,000 General Area Half brick ....................................................$600 General Area Quarter brick ...............................................$350
Leave Your Mark
The design, symmetrical in nature, will consist of 3,000 tribute bricks, each measuring 2 feet by 2 feet. Within the design is a Biplane made up of 160 bricks – 120 bricks make up the wings, 20 reflect the struts, 6 complete the cockpit, and 16 bricks stand for the landing gear. Four “Compass Rose” bricks – two flanking the North and two flanking the South – will make up the “cowling” of the Biplane design. The center piece in the Compass Rose will be the official NOAA marker providing the distance to Kitty Hawk.
Inscription Guidance*: Full brick (24”x24” square): – 30 characters across with up to 11 lines of text Half brick (12”x24” square): – 30 characters across with up to 6 lines of text Quarter brick (12”x12” square): – 16 characters with up to 6 lines of text * Logos can be reproduced on the brick for an additional charge of $100. Logos and other graphic designs will impact the available space for lettering.
For more information and to purchase your brick today, visit www.airventure.org/arch or contact EAA’s Development Office at 1-800-236-1025.
24 FEBRUARY 2010
if an aircraft was damaged. Figure 6 shows a sketch of a structural tube splice using an inside sleeve (as originally published in AB-7H it is Figure 5). Vollmecke led the committee who designed and tested these types of repairs for both 1025 and 4130 alloy steel tubing. All ships with ATCs used either this type of steel tubing for fabrication of the structure. Figure 7 (Figure 9 in AB-7H) is the method of splicing solid or laminated rectangular wing spars. This basic design is still used to this day. If properly cut, finished, glued, clamped, and cured, the splice is as strong as the wood itself. It is called a “scarf” splice, the angle being 10 times the thickness of the spar. This type splice puts the glue in shear and gives grain continuation. Figure 8 (Figure 17 in AB-7H) is a typical rib splice at a spar. While similar to the splice shown in the current AC43.13-1B, it is not the same. There is good reason to believe that Vollmecke either designed or had a hand in the design of these major repairs to primary aircraft structural components. Vollmecke’s main concern in aircraft design was always safety, and the designs for major repairs to aircraft primary structure reflect this vision. To design a repair that, when properly completed, is as strong as the structure itself is noteworthy. He was indeed a genius, a person with immense talent. Former Command-Aire Vice President Charles M. Taylor, in his presentation of November 11, 1983, stated, “The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics—the NACA—appointed him [Vollmecke] as a member of the Committee on Aircraft Construction and on the Research Advisory Committee on Aircraft Structures.” In next month’s installment, I’ll have more on this accomplished man, including his involvement in the construction of the world’s largest wooden aircraft, the Hughes H-4.
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Light Plane Heritage published in EAA Experimenter October1989
by Jack McRae EAA 93
he second of the Mummert homebuilt lightplanes, which appeared at Roosevelt Field in 1923, was intended to be a low-powered, inexpensive airplane with a good cruising range and low operating cost. It was an all-wood midwing monoplane of very clean design, powered with a 74-cubic-inch Harley-Davidson V-twin motorcycle engine, rated at 18 hp. It was designed and built in his spare time by the Curtiss engineer Harvey C. Mummert. The fuselage was of monocoque construction, using three-ply maple veneer skin, spruce frames, and three longerons, with the single longeron at the bottom. The engine mount was a formed sheet steel piece to absorb the engine vibration. Gas and oil tanks were mounted between the firewall and the cockpit, which was said to be roomy and comfortable, with good vision provided forward.
A steel tube landing gear was used, with shock absorbers mounted inside the fuselage. The propeller was a miniature Curtiss Reed-type of twisted aluminum. It was 52 inches in diameter and had a maximum rpm of 2800. A propeller spinner and cowling added to the neat appearance. The cantilever one-piece wing was fabric-covered and had two spruce spars of box beam design. The spars were continuous across the fuselage, and they were fastened to the top longerons with pins that could be easily removed and the wings quickly detached for towing behind a car. The wing ribs had cap strips glued to a 1/28-inch plywood web. The ailerons were plywood-covered. A variable-gearing arrangement between the stick and the control surfaces was used to prevent the airplane from being too sensitive on the controls at high speeds and to allow ample movements of the control surfaces
Editor’s Note: The Light Plane Heritage series in EAA’s Experimenter magazine often touched on aircraft and concepts related to vintage aircraft and their history. Since many of our members have not had the opportunity to read this series, we plan on publishing those LPH articles that would be of interest to VAA members. Enjoy!—HGF
26 FEBRUARY 2010
for small stick displacement at low speeds. The tail surfaces were of wood construction with plywood covering and well-faired into the fuselage. The wingspan was 20 feet and the length 14 feet 1 inch. The empty weight was 286 pounds. Cruising speed was estimated to be 75 mph. Test flying was done by the Curtiss pilot Jack Pierson. The plane was apparently successful until, during a demonstration of short-field landings, the wheels hooked on some electric wires at the edge of the field, which resulted in the loss of the airplane, but without injury to the pilot. It was reported that Mummert corresponded with the Polish lightplane builders Pawel and Jan Gabriel of Bydgoszcz, Poland, concerning lightplane design. In 1924-25 the Gabriel brothers designed and built the L-7 ultralight airplane, which was very similar to the Mummert Sportplane and was powered with a 24-hp Indian motorcycle engine. A photo of this airplane appears in the 1970 German book Das Buch der Deutschen Luftfahrttechnik, by Bruno Lange. References: Aviation Magazine, August 13, 1923; interviews with Curtiss engineers of the 1920-30 era. Photos are from the collection of Charlie Geignetter, former Curtiss engineer. Note: In this Light Plane Heritage series, we have endeavored to present the many outstanding light airplanes of the past to illustrate the longtime interest in the purely personal airplane. Fortunately, we have enlisted the assistance of two very knowledgeable colleagues to contribute articles on these many forgotten airplanes. Jack McRae (EAA 93) of Huntington Station, New York, is
well-known for his interest in early homebuilts. Owen Billman (EAA 648) of Mayfield, New York, also is well-known to EAAers. We hope you will share our enjoyment as we review the development of the purely personal sport airplanes in future articles. Send us your favorites to be included in the series. If you have photos, lend them, and we’ll get them copied. And let us know if you enjoy the series.—George A. Hardie Jr., EAA Historian Emeritus 2010 Editor’s Note: The late George Hardie Jr.’s note from 20 years ago is still valid today—we’re always open to articles on vintage lightplanes. All we ask is that you share your sources with the editor here at EAA so we can properly credit them within the article. Feel free to contact us via e-mail at vintageaircraft@eaa.org, or at the address shown in the back of the magazine in our Membership Services Directory.—HGF
Har vey Mummer t, in front of the Mummert Sportplane, circa 1923.
Vintage Mechanic
My thoughts on propeller care, Part I
Figure 1 Wire pointer shown fastened to No. 5 rocker box on Wright R-760 engine. It’s a quick and simple way to verify prop pitch.
This article will cover some thoughts on the care and maintenance of propellers, specifically groundadjustable props. For the antique aircraft, there are three types of materials from which propellers can be manufactured—wood, aluminum, and steel. I have experience with each of these three types of props. But first let’s make sure that we understand that per the Federal Aviation Regulations, a mechanic can perform the following maintenance on propellers: 1) remove and install, 2) check track, 3) smooth leading edges due to minor nicks, 4) paint the face and tips of the prop, and 5) varnish wood props. Airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanics may make major repairs to propellers in accordance with Advisory Circular (AC) 43.13-1B. It is important to remember that a prop must retain the balance recommended by the manufacturer,
28 FEBRUARY 2010
both spanwise and chordwise. So care must be taken not to disturb the balance by adding excessive finishes. It is possible to finely balance a propeller with paint or varnish; however, a propeller maintenance shop is usually the only source for prop balance. FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-1B is a good guide for care and maintenance of aircraft propellers. Perhaps a quick discussion of engine crankshaft sizing would be in order at this time. Crankshafts were sized according to SAE standards. These sizes were No. 1 and No. 2 tapered and No. 20, No. 30, No. 40, No. 50, and No. 60 splined. Older engines, such as the Wright J-5 and Curtiss OX-5 had tapered crankshafts. Other small single-row radial engines, such as Continental W-670, Lycoming R-680, Jacobs R-755 series, and Warner had crankshafts that were SAE No. 20 spline, while the Wright J-6-5, J-6-7, J-6-9 and Pratt & Whitney R-985 series engines were No. 30 spline. Propeller hubs, whether they were for wood or metal props, were manufactured according
Figure 2 The pointer is made using a length of 3/32-inch diameter welding rod with 1/4-inch inside diameter loop formed on one end.
to an approved type certifi cate (ATC) to match engine propeller shaft sizes.
WOOD PROPELLERS: Inspect wood props to assure continued airworthiness. The inspection should include visually looking for cracks, dents, warpage, glue failure, and delaminations between the wood laminates. Also, the hub bolt torque should be checked. Loose hub bolts can cause elongation of the holes in the prop hub. Wood propellers are manufactured from yellow birch, and the laminations are bonded with Resorcinol glue. Wood prop leading edges are protected by brass tipping fastened to the wood by copper rivets and steel screws. After attachment, the screw and rivet heads are secured in place by soft solder. Check for loose screws and/or rivets by observing the condition of the solder. Thin cracks in the solder around the outer edge of the fastener (which is covered by the solder) indicate the fastener is working in the hole, and it and the tipping are becoming loose. If the hub bolts are loose, check for possible elongation of the holes and for wear between the steel hub and wood propeller. All varnish should be in good condition. If the varnish is faulty, showing cracks, or checking (where the varnish is failing with a web of fine cracks all over the surface), carefully sand and recoat both blades with a good grade exterior spar or epoxy varnish. Remember, balance is critical to smooth engine operation. Typical critical data on a wood prop that operates at 2100 rpm shows that the tips will travel at roughly 612 mph, or Mach 0.80. Wood does not fatigue like metal; therefore, a good visual inspection of the prop and its attaching hardware should be conducted at regular intervals. Avoid operating the propeller in the rain as it will effectively remove the varnish coating. ALUMINUM ALLOY GROUND-ADJUSTABLE PROPELLERS: I recently came across a Hamilton Standard Propeller Corporation brochure dated 1930. It details two- and three-blade ground-adjustable models and contains some interesting data regarding care and maintenance. Hamilton Standard manufactured two hubs that fit most small single-row radial engines that used either the SAE No. 20 or No. 30 crankshafts. These hubs were: 1) The 5404, ATC 250, rated to 330 hp at 2200 rpm. Crankshaft size for the 5404 hub is a No. 20 spline, and it weighs 30 pounds. 2) The 5406, ATC 251, is rated to 500 hp at 2500 rpm. Crankshaft size for the 5406 hub is a No. 30 spline, and it weighs 32 pounds. It’s interesting to note that the Hamilton Standard 5406 hub for my Wright R-760 (235 hp) is rated for any engine up to 500 hp at 2500 rpm; however, the 4350F aluminum blades are rated for only 125 hp each (250 total engine hp). The 4350F (11C1) blades will work in both 5404 (SAE No. 20 spline) and 5406 (SAE No. 30 spline) hubs.
Like engine crankshaft sizes, hub sizes were also based on an SAE numbering system. The SAE No. 0 size hub is used for engines up to 125 hp, including the Warner, Kinner, OX-5, LeBlond, G\ipsy, etc. The SAE No. 1 size hub can be used on engines with either SAE No. 20 or No. 30 crankshafts. On larger engines, such as the Pratt & Whitney Hornet and Wright Cyclone, the SAE No. 1-1/2 size is used for two-blade propellers. The SAE No. 2 size is used for geared engines requiring propellers of a large diameter. I’m going to extract this Hamilton Standard data and list some of it here in this column. The quotes are directly from this manual. “Dynamic Balance of the Propeller: The running or dynamic balance of the propeller is ordinarily roughly checked by testing the ‘track’ of the propeller. The propeller is mounted on the engine or on a suitable mandrel, and the blades are swung through an arc of 180 degrees. Both blades should pass through exactly the same path, and the amount by which they fail to do so is the ‘error in track.’ For this reason Hamilton Standard Propellers are set very accurately at the factory, the two opposite blades being set to correspond to within 1/10 of 1 degree. It is not always possible to set these blades accurately in the field, but it is recommended that an effort be made to keep the angle of the two blades alike within 2/10 of 1 degree.” Here, a side note from the author may be helpful. A certain prop shop recently overhauled and returned to service two 5406AR-4350F Hamilton Standard props for a pair of Wright-powered biplanes. Both engines had vibration modes around 1400-1550 rpm; they were so bad that we didn’t run the engines in that range, only to accelerate or decelerate. After they had been overhauled at the shop and reinstalled on the airplanes, I checked the blade angles and found that both props had a deviation in blade angle greater than specified above. One blade had 0.090 inches more pitch than the other. I reset the blade pitch, and now both engines operate smoothly. Figures 1 and 2 show the “special tool” I used to check/reset the pitch. According to the Hamilton Standard manual, “When it is desired to change the rpm of the engine at full throttle by adjusting the pitch of the propeller, the following general rule may be applied. The engine will slow down 60 rpm for each degree of increase in pitch and will speed up 60 rpm for each degree of decrease in pitch. “Care of Propeller Blades. Whenever there is any sign of pitting on the leading edge of a blade, it must be attended to immediately. If the pitting is at all bad, the rough edges should be smoothed with a fine file, the whole leading edge smoothed down with fine sandpaper and finished with crocus cloth. However, the file should be avoided if possible and be used only when the pitting is so extensive as to make its use necessary. Occasionally, when severe pitting occurs, it may
be necessary to remove so much material that the propeller becomes unbalanced. This condition must be watched for and be corrected.” (Editor’s Note: Be careful when choosing abrasive cloth. Sometimes the term “crocus cloth” is used generically when referring to abrasive cloth, but it originally was an iron oxide product. Crocus cloth made using iron oxide is appropriate for use only on steel propeller blades and should not be used on aluminum blades. The iron oxide abrasive particles used to create crocus cloth will induce dissimilar metal corrosion if used on aluminum. If it’s necessary to use abrasive cloth when dressing out a pit on an aluminum blade, use mineralbased abrasives such as emery cloth.—HGF) “Vibration: The question of vibration in the powerplant, propeller and mounting is a very important one. There are, of course, a number of possible causes of vibration. One of the most obvious causes is the static unbalance of the propeller and that can be controlled by inspection. The dynamic unbalance of the propeller can be controlled within fairly close limits by checking the face alignment or ‘track’ of the blades at a number of stations. “An aerodynamic unbalance of the propeller may be caused, as is well known, by unequal angle setting of the two blades. It may also be caused by improper template fit of the two blades, resulting in different characteristics for the airfoil, and this feature is carefully controlled by inspection at the Hamilton Standard plant.” Hamilton Standard’s book continues: “Unequal amount of stiffness in the two blades may also cause vibration, as the blades will deflect by unequal amounts. In Hamilton Standard Propellers, this condition will not be found, as the material is carefully tested to ensure uniformity of structure and hardness. “There are, of course, possibilities of vibration coming from the engine, even assuming good distribution, ignition and timing. One of these is the uneven torque reaction due to the gas pressure. A second source of vibration comes from improper balance of the reciprocating parts. “However, vibration frequently occurs at certain speeds, and is comparatively small in amount at other
speeds. This is often the result of the period of vibration of some of the parts coinciding with the rate of engine impulses or with the rate of revolution. It can sometimes be eliminated by changes in the mounting of the engine or by changes in propeller design.” Climb and/or cruise performance of the airplane is in direct relationship to propeller pitch. There are “climb” props and “cruise” props. Climb props allow the engine to develop maximum rpm at full throttle, thus achieving maximum rate-of-climb. Quoting from the manual, “For example, it may be desired to get out of a small field even at the expense of the speed of the airplane. In this case the propeller should be set at a low pitch, allowing the engine to turn-up fast on take-off. The plane will then get off the ground in a short distance. “On the other hand, it may be desirable to economize on fuel. For this, the pitch of the propeller should be set at a high angle and the engine held down to a low rpm at full throttle. This setting will give the greatest economy of fuel, or, in other words, the most miles per gallon.” The Hamilton Standard manual further states, “Adjustment of Pitch for High Speed: For racing or any other type of flying in which high speed is important, an intermediate setting between these two will be found the most desirable. In determining the best setting (or the prop) for speed, the pilot should try several pitch settings, flying level and at full throttle with each setting. A reading of the airspeed meter should be taken during each test. The setting which gives the greatest speed is, of course, the one most suitable for that particular airplane.” Before I leave this interesting little manual, there is one more bit of information I found fascinating. The manual says, “Shoulders on Blade Ends: The shoulders on the blade ends are so designated that the shearing strength and the crushing strength are equal and, though nearly so, are not quite as great as the tensile strength of the smallest section of the blade end. Tensile tests on these blade ends show that they fail at 320,000 lbs. load for the No. 1 size. This corresponds to a factor of safety of approximately 5 for our standard 10 ft. propeller when turning at 1800 rpm.”
The propeller is mounted on the engine or on a suitable mandrel, and the blades are swung through an arc of 180 degrees. Both blades should pass through exactly the same path, and the amount by which they fail to do so is the ‘error in track.’
30 FEBRUARY 2010
STEEL PROPELLERS: My only experience with steel propellers is on the McCauley installed on stock Stearman aircraft. These props have been around for a long time, and there is an airworthiness directive (AD) on the prop requiring disassembly and inspection every 100 hours’ time in service, which makes this prop expensive to operate. The McCauley has steel blades with a steel hub, making it heavy. The AD requires disassembly, magnafluxing, and a visual inspection of hub and shank end of blades for pitting corrosion. If corrosion pits or any evidence of cracks are found, the component is “red tagged” and scrapped. I have four McCauley props in my shop that have been scrapped by prop shops. Many owners have decided that the prop is too expensive to operate and have opted to replace it with a wood prop or a Hamilton Standard with 5404 or 5406 partnumbered hubs. Finding a 5404, 20-spline prop hub can be difficult and expensive. My experience shows that the 5406, 30-spline hub is more prevalent. Again, propeller pitch is set by the manufacturer or the propeller repair shop. Prop pitch is generally set at the 42-inch station (42 inches measured from hub center line) for many props. Smaller props may use the 36inch station; the manufacturer determines the exact station location. FIXED-PITCH METAL PROPS: Most 220-hp Continental-powered Waco aircraft left the factory with Curtiss Reed aluminum alloy propellers. Curtiss Reed propellers featured small hubs and graceful blades and were a one-piece prop. Length and pitch angle could be varied slightly by an approved propeller facility. Care of this type of prop was similar to the Hamilton Standard groundadjustable models; leading-edge care and corrosion protection is important. Never let surface corrosion get to the advanced stage of pitting, especially near the hub where aerodynamic forces are concentrated.
I hope this information will be useful for both owners and mechanics. Let me stress again that the owner cannot make any repairs to the propeller; A&P mechanics are very limited in what they can legally perform. If there are questions regarding the propeller, especially the older props, contact a propeller repair facility. Make sure it is familiar with the type of prop you have; some shops won’t deal with the older groundadjustable props. Good luck and happy flying.
Sources for Technical Data: FAA AC43.13-1B, Chapter 8, Section 4 Hamilton Standard Propeller manual dated 1930 “Good Wood,” Smithsonian Air & Space magazine, dated June/July 2003 FAA propeller listing for Hamilton Standard blades and hubs FAA engine listing for various radial engines
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STEEL PROPELLERS: My only experience with steel propellers is on the McCauley installed on stock Stearman aircraft. These props have been around for a long time, and there is an airworthiness directive (AD) on the prop requiring disassembly and inspection every 100 hours’ time in service, which makes this prop expensive to operate. The McCauley has steel blades with a steel hub, making it heavy. The AD requires disassembly, magnafluxing, and a visual inspection of hub and shank end of blades for pitting corrosion. If corrosion pits or any evidence of cracks are found, the component is “red tagged” and scrapped. I have four McCauley props in my shop that have been scrapped by prop shops. Many owners have decided that the prop is too expensive to operate and have opted to replace it with a wood prop or a Hamilton Standard with 5404 or 5406 partnumbered hubs. Finding a 5404, 20-spline prop hub can be difficult and expensive. My experience shows that the 5406, 30-spline hub is more prevalent. Again, propeller pitch is set by the manufacturer or the propeller repair shop. Prop pitch is generally set at the 42-inch station (42 inches measured from hub center line) for many props. Smaller props may use the 36inch station; the manufacturer determines the exact station location. FIXED-PITCH METAL PROPS: Most 220-hp Continental-powered Waco aircraft left the factory with Curtiss Reed aluminum alloy propellers. Curtiss Reed propellers featured small hubs and graceful blades and were a one-piece prop. Length and pitch angle could be varied slightly by an approved propeller facility. Care of this type of prop was similar to the Hamilton Standard groundadjustable models; leading-edge care and corrosion protection is important. Never let surface corrosion get to the advanced stage of pitting, especially near the hub where aerodynamic forces are concentrated.
I hope this information will be useful for both owners and mechanics. Let me stress again that the owner cannot make any repairs to the propeller; A&P mechanics are very limited in what they can legally perform. If there are questions regarding the propeller, especially the older props, contact a propeller repair facility. Make sure it is familiar with the type of prop you have; some shops won’t deal with the older groundadjustable props. Good luck and happy flying.
Sources for Technical Data: FAA AC43.13-1B, Chapter 8, Section 4 Hamilton Standard Propeller manual dated 1930 “Good Wood,” Smithsonian Air & Space magazine, dated June/July 2003 FAA propeller listing for Hamilton Standard blades and hubs FAA engine listing for various radial engines
logy, ces in Techno an v d A e it sp e D
l l i t S s i n o i s i V r u lying. MaintainingayYo F p e e K o t the Best W A Unique Supplement to Support Eye Health*
MacuHealth™ with LMZ3 contains ALL three carotenoids found in the retina to help maintain eye health throughout our later years.* This formula combines powerful antioxidants that help protect tissues against the potentially damaging effects of harmful blue light and is designed specially to support macular health.* Patented formula contains Meso-Zeaxanthin, the only carotenoid found exclusively in the macula. ORDER NOW! Visit http://www.marco.com/LMZ3 Use Discount Code LOVE2FLY *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. www.marco.com | www.TheDifferenceisMarco.com | 800.874.5274 | 904.642.9330
STEEL PROPELLERS: My only experience with steel propellers is on the McCauley installed on stock Stearman aircraft. These props have been around for a long time, and there is an airworthiness directive (AD) on the prop requiring disassembly and inspection every 100 hours’ time in service, which makes this prop expensive to operate. The McCauley has steel blades with a steel hub, making it heavy. The AD requires disassembly, magnafluxing, and a visual inspection of hub and shank end of blades for pitting corrosion. If corrosion pits or any evidence of cracks are found, the component is “red tagged” and scrapped. I have four McCauley props in my shop that have been scrapped by prop shops. Many owners have decided that the prop is too expensive to operate and have opted to replace it with a wood prop or a Hamilton Standard with 5404 or 5406 partnumbered hubs. Finding a 5404, 20-spline prop hub can be difficult and expensive. My experience shows that the 5406, 30-spline hub is more prevalent. Again, propeller pitch is set by the manufacturer or the propeller repair shop. Prop pitch is generally set at the 42-inch station (42 inches measured from hub center line) for many props. Smaller props may use the 36inch station; the manufacturer determines the exact station location.
I hope this information will be useful for both owners and mechanics. Let me stress again that the owner cannot make any repairs to the propeller; A&P mechanics are very limited in what they can legally perform. If there are questions regarding the propeller, especially the older props, contact a propeller repair facility. Make sure it is familiar with the type of prop you have; some shops won’t deal with the older groundadjustable props. Good luck and happy flying.
Sources for Technical Data: FAA AC43.13-1B, Chapter 8, Section 4 Hamilton Standard Propeller manual dated 1930 “Good Wood,” Smithsonian Air & Space magazine, dated June/July 2003 FAA propeller listing for Hamilton Standard blades and hubs FAA engine listing for various radial engines
FIXED-PITCH METAL PROPS: Most 220-hp Continental-powered Waco aircraft left the factory with Curtiss Reed aluminum alloy propellers. Curtiss Reed propellers featured small hubs and graceful blades and were a one-piece prop. Length and pitch angle could be varied slightly by an approved propeller facility. Care of this type of prop was similar to the Hamilton Standard groundadjustable models; leading-edge care and corrosion protection is important. Never let surface corrosion get to the advanced stage of pitting, especially near the hub where aerodynamic forces are concentrated. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 31
Vintage Instructor THE
BY Steve Krog, CFI
That turn to final any of you reading this article are experienced pilots and have excellent flight safety records, while others are relatively new to the world of Classic, Antique, and Contemporary tailwheel fl ying. However, both groups are probably thinking, “Who is this guy and what does he know about flying old airplanes?” I have had the pleasure of flying airplanes and providing flight instruction for more than 40 years. For the past 25 years I’ve focused almost exclusively on tailwheel (conventional gear) instruction, providing me an opportunity to fly with a lot of individuals in a lot of different tailwheel airplanes. I offer primary instruction, tailwheel instruction leading to a tailwheel endorsement, FA A W I N G S i n s t r u c t i o n , a n d numerous FAA-required flight reviews. Most of the flying time has been uneventful, but some has proven to be quite interesting! One can always learn something new and helpful from the viewpoints of others. For those of you who are relatively new to the world of vintage tailwheel fl ying, you may find this information of interest as you prepare for the 2010 flying season. Perhaps the single greatest weakness I see in pilots young and old is the portion of the traffic pattern from the point of power
32 FEBRUARY 2010
reduction to landing, especially the turn from base leg to final. Why should that be so hard? It’s not! But executing that portion of the flight smoothly, safely, and comfortably can be a challenge when additional factors are added to the equation. L e t ’s t a k e a c l o s e l o o k a t a typical scenario that you may face when flying into a nontowered airport. The wind is from 260 degrees at 10-12 knots, and the active runway at our destination is Runway 29. The airplane you are flying could be any one of a dozen different models, as many have similar approach and landing speeds. In this case you’re slowing to 90 mph after applying carburetor heat and making the i n i t i a l p o w e r r e d u c t i o n . Yo u r final approach speed will be 70 mph. The traffic pattern is the traditional left-hand with a published traffi c pattern altitude of 1,000 feet AGL. What’s so unusual about this? You deal with this scenario all the time at your own airport. How can this be a problem? So far, it isn’t anything unusual. But let’s add to the equation the fact that we have two additional airplanes in the pattern. The fi rst is a slower airplane ahead of you just making the turn from downwind to the base leg. The second airplane is a light twin entering the traffic pattern behind you, and based on his radio call,
he’s in a hurry! Entering the traffic pattern using the normal 45-degree approach, you turn to 110 degrees, apply carburetor heat at the runway midpoint, make your initial power reduction to 1200 rpm, and establish your 90-mph glide attitude. While completing the pre-landing checklist assuring the fuel selector is on the proper tank, making trim adjustments, and securing maps and other loose items lying on the seat, you momentarily lose sight of the slower airplane in front of you. It takes a few seconds, but the airplane is finally located. “Man, he sure is taking his time,” you think! You’ll need to extend your downwind leg just a bit to give him more time for his approach. Now where is that twin behind you? Finally, the slow airplane is on final approach. You’re wingtip to wingtip, he on final and you on downwind, so the turn to base can be initiated. As you establish your bank angle for the turn, things don’t seem quite right. But no problem. You’ve landed this beautiful old bird many times before. Gosh, that slow plane in front of you is sure taking his sweet time. To compensate, you roll out of your base turn a few degrees early and add 100 rpm. That should provide a few seconds’ more time and better spacing. Things still don’t seem quite right. You have no worries, though. After what seems to be an
eternity, the slower airplane is finally on the ground and rolling out. You can begin your turn to final. Just as you start your turn the twin behind you radios that he is on base leg and beginning his turn to final. You think to yourself, what’s he doing? Doesn’t he know I’m here? Doesn’t he see me? While your neck is straining to look behind you, your beautiful bird is still flying the base leg heading. As you initiate your turn to final you realize that you’ve overshot the runway by a little and you’re a little too high. You need to realign yourself with the centerline and reduce the power. Without realizing it, while in the turn to final, you’ve added a little bottom rudder to speed up the turn and to help get realigned. The bank angle seems a little steep, and you apply opposite aileron to keep the bank at a comfortable 30 degrees. Straining in your seat you take a quick look over your left and right shoulder tr ying to locate that fast-approaching twin supposedly on your tail, and unknowingly, you have applied some backpressure. Wow. What started out to be a normal pleasure flight has caused some stress. Small beads of perspiration form just below the bill of your flying cap. You can’t find the airplane behind you, your airplane is too high and not aligned with the runway, and without realizing it, you’ve added even more bottom rudder to help with the alignment. This is a classic stall/spin predicament, the most common cause of accidents in general aviation. It is only then that you recognize that knot in your stomach. Your gut is telling you this is not where you want to be. Listen to it! This is neither a comfortable nor safe situation in which you find yourself. Roll out of your turn, add power, and go around! Before we go back and do a quick analysis of this situation, let’s put things into perspective. You’re
sitting at the controls of a nicely restored airplane. You’ve put your heart, soul, and a fair amount of money into the beautiful old bird. Why risk your $30,000 - $150,000 investment trying to salvage a landing for the cost of a couple of bucks worth of avgas?
What’s so unusual about this? You deal with this scenario all the time at your own airport. How can this be a problem? Now, let’s go back to the point of the pattern entry and look at what could have been done differently. First, you had an approximate 15-mph quartering tailwind from the right increasing your ground speed significantly while pushing you toward the runway. A 5-degree crab angle to the right and slightly less power would correct the downwind leg. You might even put your airplane in a slow-flight configuration extending the downwind leg by 5-10 seconds beyond the normal no-traffic approach. Then you
can make the base leg turn when wingtip to wingtip with the traffic ahead of you, which will usually provide adequate spacing when the airplanes have similar performance parameters. The turn to base also requires a slight crab angle to the left to compensate for the wind that is now pushing you away from the runway. Upon completing the base leg turn, you should have approximately 500 feet of altitude (assuming you’re not on a 2-mile final!). Due to the now left-quartering tailwind, the turn to final will need to be initiated a few seconds earlier than normal. Doing so should eliminate overshooting the runway and prevent the desire to apply additional bottom rudder pressure. From this point the approach and landing can be conducted normally and safely. As a longtime flight instructor in these old airplanes, I like to have students begin the turn to final with a shallow (15-degree) angle of bank. This provides the flexibility to either safely increase or decrease the angle of bank to align the airplane with the centerline of the runway and never exceed a 30-degree bank angle. A d d i t i o n a l l y, i t i s a g o o d practice to review slow flight in your airplane from time to time. Know your airplane and what it is safely capable of before finding out the hard way in the traffic pattern and under pressure. Steve Krog Steve learned to fly in 1968 and has been flight instructing since 1973. For the past 25 years he has focused on tailwheel fl ight training in all types and models of tailwheel aircraft. Located in Hartford, WI (HXF), he also owns a small flight school, training sport and private Pilots in tailwheel airplanes. Steve and his wife Sharon run the Cub Club and Luscombe Association type clubs. He has been an EAA and VAA member since 1982.
MYSTERY PLANE This month’s Mystery Plane comes to us via Wes Smith of Springfield, Illinois.
Send your answer to EAA, Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Your answer needs to be in no later than March 20 for inclusion in
the May 2010 issue of Vintage Airplane. You can also send your response via e-mail. Send your answer to mysteryplane@eaa.org.
Be sure to include your name plus your city and state in the body of your note and put “(Month) Mystery Plane” in the subject line.
NOVEMBER’S MYSTERY ANSWER Our November Mystery Plane also came to us from Wes Smith. It’s the 1934 Potez 56 from France. Built first for business use, it soon caught the attention of the French military. Tom Lymburn of Princeton, Minnesota, sent us a detailed response:
34 FEBRUARY 2010
The November Mystery Plane is the 1934 Potez 56 prototype, first flown on June 18, 1934, later shown at the Paris Aeronautical Salon and registered F-ANSU. The same photo appears in John Stroud’s European Transport Aircraft Since 1910 (Putnam, 1966). Designed by Louis Coroller as an executive transport, the Potez 56 was said to have good flight characteristics and was quite stable. A clean all-wood aircraft with retractable landing gear, it was powered by a pair of 185-hp Potez 9Ab nine-cylinder air-cooled radials in NACA cowlings. The Model 56 accommodated six passengers in addition to the pilot and copilot and had a mail compartment in the nose. Variable pitch props are said to have improved takeoff qualities. Cleaned-up cowlings and refined cockpit lines were also retrofitted to standard Model 56 (also called Model 560) production aircraft. Some sources compare the Potez 56 to the British Airspeed Envoy/Oxford. The prototype entered service on May 15, 1935, on Ste Potez Aero Service’s Bordeaux-Toulouse-Marseilles-Nice-Bastia route. Six examples served LANChile, at least 11 flew with SARTA (later LARES) in Romania from 1935 until World War II, and Regie Air Afrique in North Africa used two (F-ANMZ and F-AOCB). The standard transport had a top speed of 168 mph, a ceiling of 19,600 feet, and a range of over 400 miles. Further models followed, including the 1936 Potez 56E with an arrester hook for operation off the aircraft carrier Bearn; three armed Potez 566’s with 240-hp Potez radials had a top speed of 193 mph. In 1937, 22 Potez 567s were built for the French navy with provisions for target towing, and 26 Potez 568 multiengine trainers, with the instructor sitting behind the pilot, were built for the l’Armee de l’Air. These also saw use as liaison, day/night reconnaissance, and unit hacks. Total civil and military production is believed to be 72, with the last examples delivered at the time of French surrender in June 1940. Crew: 2 Capacity: 6 passengers Length: 38 feet 10-1/4 inches Wingspan: 52 feet 6 inches Height: 15 feet 1-1/4 inches Empty weight: 4,211 pounds Gross weight: 6,570 pounds Powerplant: Two Potez 9Ab 185-hp radial piston engines Maximum speed: 168 mph Range: 404 miles Service ceiling: 19,685 feet
Vintage Tires New USA Production Show off your pride and joy with a fresh set of Vintage Rubber. These newly minted tires are FAA-TSO’d and speed rated to 120 MPH. Some things are better left the way they were, and in the 40’s and 50’s, these tires were perfectly in tune to the exciting times in aviation. Not only do these tires set your vintage plane apart from the rest, but also look exceptional on all General Aviation aircraft. Deep 8/32nd tread depth offers above average tread life and UV treated rubber resists aging. First impressions last a lifetime, so put these jewels on and bring back the good times..… New General Aviation Sizes Available:
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Telephone Orders: 800-843-3612 From US and Canada (All Others Call 920-426-5912)
Only one other correct answer was received, sent by Wayne Muxlow, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Or send to: EAA Mail Orders, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 Limited supplies available. *Shipping and handling NOT included. Major credit cards accepted. WI residents add 5% sales tax.
EAA Calendar of Aviation Events Is Now Online EAA’s online Calendar of Events is the “go-to” spot on the Web to list and find aviation events in your area. The user-friendly, searchable format makes it the perfect webbased tool for planning your local trips to a fly-in. In EAA’s online Calendar of Events, you can search for events at any given time within a certain radius of any airport by entering the identifier or a ZIP code, and you can further define your search to look for just the types of events you’d like to attend. We invite you to access the EAA online Calendar of Events at http://www.eaa.org/calendar/
NEWS continued from page 3
Upcoming Major Fly-Ins AERO Friedrichshafen Messe Friedrichshafen Friedrichshafen, Germany April 8-11, 2010 www.AERO-Friedrichshafen.com/html/en Sun ’n Fun Fly-In Lakeland Linder Regional Airport (LAL) Lakeland, Florida April 13-18, 2010 www.Sun-N-Fun.org Virginia Regional Festival of Flight Suffolk Executive Airport (SFQ) Suffolk, Virginia May 22-23, 2010 www.VirginiaFlyIn.org Golden West Regional Fly-In and Air Show Yuba County Airport (MYV) Marysville, California June 11-13, 2010 www.GoldenWestFlyIn.org Arlington Fly-In Arlington Municipal Airport (AWO) Arlington, Washington July 7-11, 2010 www.ArlingtonFlyIn.org EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Wittman Regional Airport (OSH) Oshkosh, Wisconsin July 26-August 1, 2010 www.AirVenture.org Colorado Sport International Air Show and Rocky Mountain Regional Fly-In Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (BJC) Denver, Colorado August 28-29 2010 www.COSportAviation.org Mid-Eastern Regional Fly-In Grimes Field Airport (I74), Urbana, Ohio September 11-12, 2010 www.MERFI.info Copperstate Fly-In Casa Grande Municipal Airport (CGZ) Casa Grande, Arizona October 21-23, 2010 www.COPPERSTATE.org Southeast Regional Fly-In Middleton Field Airport (GZH) Evergreen, Alabama October 22-24, 2010 www.SERFI.org For details on hundreds of upcoming aviation happenings, including EAA chapter fly-ins, Young Eagles rallies, and other local aviation events, visit the EAA Calendar of Events located at www.eaa.org/calendar.
36 FEBRUARY 2010
Now’s the Time to Plan! AirVenture may seem a long way off, but it’s never too early to make your Oshkosh plans. Fortunately there’s a place that has all the information you need to get started: www.AirVenture.org. Take advantage of this comprehensive website to explore your various housing options, from hotels and motels throughout the area to private housing, college dormitories, and camping—www.AirVenture. org/planning/where_to_stay.html. Looking for a way to cut travel expenses? Check out the RideShare program (www.AirVenture.org/ rideshare), where you can offer your extra seat to a fellow member or find transportation for yourself. For information about getting here, visit www.AirVenture.org/flying if you plan to fly to Oshkosh or www.AirVenture.org/driving if com-
ing via ground. And while you’re at it, you can always pre-purchase admission by clicking on the red “Buy Tickets” link in the main menu. As we approach the convention, the AirVenture website is updated regularly so there’s always something new to learn about programs, schedules, services, and other information.
Book Review Contact Info We have some revised information if you wish to order the two books reviewed in last month’s issue. For Sparky Barnes Sargent’s book, A Hunger for the Sky, her website for ordering is http://Home.Windstream. net/av8terz/book.html#order. You can also order it through Wind Canyon Books; Women in Aviation International; Swift Museum Foundation Inc., Athens, Tennessee (accepts credit cards via phone call); the 99s Museum of Women Pilots, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and the Tennessee Museum of Aviation. For Carl Gunther’s book, Harold F. Pitcairn: Aviator, Inventor, and Developer of the Autogiro, you can contact the publisher’s representative, Mr. Nash, at rob.nash@newchurch. org or 267-502-4922.
What Wh hat O Our ur M Members embers Are Restoring
Are you nearing completion of a restoration? Or is it done and you’re busy flying and showing it off? If so, we’d like to hear from you. Send us a 4-by-6-inch print from a commercial source (no home printers, please—those prints just don’t scan well) or a 4-by-6-inch, 300-dpi digital photo. A JPG from your 2.5-megapixel (or higher) digital camera is fine. You can burn photos to a CD, or if you’re on a high-speed Internet connection, you can e-mail them along with a text-only or Word document describing your airplane. (If your e-mail program asks if you’d like to make the photos smaller, say no.) For more tips on creating photos we can publish, visit VAA’s website at www.vintageaircraft.org. Check the News page for a hyperlink to Want To Send Us A Photograph? For more information, you can also e-mail us at vintageaircraft@ eaa.org or call us at 920-426-4825.
VINTAGE TRADER S o m e t h i n g t o b u y, s e l l , o r t r a d e ?
Classified Word Ads: $5.50 per 10 words, 180 words maximum, with boldface lead-in on first line. Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2.167 inches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch. Black and white only, and no frequency discounts. Advertising Closing Dates: 10th of second month prior to desired issue date (i.e., January 10 is the closing date for the March issue). VAA reserves the right to reject any advertising in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insertion per issue. Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via fax (920-426-6845) or e-mail (classads@eaa.org) using credit card payment (all cards accepted). Include name on card, complete address, type of card, card number, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EAA. Address advertising correspondence to EAA Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.
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Go Wide.
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EXPERIMENTER All homebuilding, all the time.
Light Plane World For EAA’s ultralight and light-sport community.
Vintage Aircraft Online A staple for antique and classic aircraft fans.
Warbirds Briefing Warbird owners, flyers, and enthusiasts debrief here.
Get more out of your membership—and your passion for aviation— with EAA’s family of publications.
Plus e-newsletters for Canada, learning to fly, Young Eagles, and more! Go to www.eaa.org/newsletters and sign up today.
VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 260-493-4724 chief7025@aol.com
Vice-President George Daubner N57W34837 Pondview Ln Oconomowoc, WI 53066 262-560-1949 gdaubner@eaa.org
Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-1674 stnes2009@live.com
Steve Bender 85 Brush Hill Road Sherborn, MA 01770 508-653-7557 sst10@comcast.net
Jeannie Hill P.O. Box 328 Harvard, IL 60033-0328 815-943-7205
David Bennett 375 Killdeer Ct Lincoln, CA 95648 916-645-8370 antiquer@inreach.com
Espie “Butch” Joyce 704 N. Regional Rd. Greensboro, NC 27409 336-668-3650 windsock@aol.com
Jerry Brown 4605 Hickory Wood Row Greenwood, IN 46143 317-422-9366 lbrown4906@aol.com
Dan Knutson 106 Tena Marie Circle Lodi, WI 53555 608-592-7224 lodicub@charter.net
Dave Clark 635 Vestal Lane Plainfield, IN 46168 317-839-4500 davecpd@att.net
Steve Krog 1002 Heather Ln. Hartford, WI 53027 262-966-7627 sskrog@aol.com
John S. Copeland 1A Deacon Street Northborough, MA 01532 508-393-4775 copeland1@juno.com
Robert D. “Bob” Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield, WI 53005 262-782-2633 lumper@execpc.com
Phil Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 269-624-6490 rcoulson516@cs.com
S.H. “Wes” Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-771-1545 shschmid@gmail.com
Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hills Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46278 317-293-4430 dalefaye@msn.com
Membership Services Directory Enjoy the many benefits of EAA and EAA’s Vintage Aircraft Association Phone (920) 426-4800
Robert C. Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60643 773-779-2105 photopilot@aol.com
E.E. “Buck” Hilbert 8102 Leech Rd. Union, IL 60180 815-923-4591 buck7ac@gmail.com
Gene Chase 2159 Carlton Rd. Oshkosh, WI 54904 920-231-5002 GRCHA@charter.net
Gene Morris 5936 Steve Court Roanoke, TX 76262 817-491-9110 genemorris@charter.net
Ronald C. Fritz 15401 Sparta Ave. Kent City, MI 49330 616-678-5012 rFritz@pathwaynet.com
John Turgyan PO Box 219 New Egypt, NJ 08533 609-758-2910 jrturgyan4@aol.com
Fax (920) 426-4873
Web Sites: www.vintageaircraft.org, www.airventure.org, www.eaa.org/memberbenefits E-Mail: vintageaircraft@eaa.org
EAA and Division Membership Services (8:00 AM–7:00 PM Monday–Friday CST) membership@eaa.org 800-564-6322 FAX 920-426-4873 www.eaa.org/memberbenefits •New/renew memberships •Address changes •Merchandise sales •Gift memberships EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 888-322-4636 www.airventure.org Sport Pilot/Light-Sport Aircraft Hotline 877-359-1232 www.sportpilot.org Programs and Activities Auto Fuel STCs 920-426-4843 EAA Air Academy 920-426-6880 www.airacademy.org EAA Scholarships 920-426-6823 Flight Instructor information 920-426-6801 www.eaa.org/nafi Library Services/Research 920-426-4848 Benefits AUA Vintage Insurance Plan 800-727-3823 www.auaonline.com EAA Aircraft Insurance Plan 866-647-4322 www.eaa.org/memberbenefits EAA VISA Card 800-853-5576 ext. 8884 EAA Hertz Rent-A-Car Program 800-654-2200 www.eaa.org/hertz EAA Enterprise Rent-A-Car Program 877-421-3722 www.eaa.org/enterprise Editorial 920-426-4825 www.vintageaircraft.org VAA Office FAX 920-426-6579
airventure@eaa.org sportpilot@eaa.org dwalker@eaa.or airacademy@eaa.org scholarships@eaa.org tdeimer@eaa.org slurvey@eaa.org
membership@eaa.org membership@eaa.org membership@eaa.org vintage@eaa.org tbooks@eaa.org
EAA Members Information Line 888-EAA-INFO (322-4636) Use this toll-free number for: information about AirVenture Oshkosh; aeromedical and technical aviation questions; chapters; and Young Eagles. Please have your membership number ready when calling. Office hours are 8:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Monday - Friday, CST)
MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $40 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is an additional $10 annually. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $23 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership. (Add $16 for Foreign Postage.)
EAA Aviation Center, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086
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VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Current EAA members may join the Vintage Aircraft Association and receive VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine for an additional $36 per year. EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine and one year membership in the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association is available for $46 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.)
receive SPORT AEROBATICS magazine for an additional $45 per year. EAA Membership, SPORT AEROBATICS magazine and one year membership in the IAC Division is available for $55 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $18 for Foreign Postage.)
WARBIRDS Current EAA members may join the EAA Warbirds of America Division and receive WARBIRDS magazine for an additional $45 per year. EAA Membership, WARBIRDS magazine and one year membership in the Warbirds Division is available for $55 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $7 for Foreign Postage.)
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Copyright ©2010 by the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association, All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (USPS 062-750; ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EAA Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54903-3086, e-mail: vintageaircraft@eaa.org. Membership to Vintage Aircraft Association, which includes 12 issues of Vintage Airplane magazine, is $36 per year for EAA members and $46 for non-EAA members. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Vintage Airplane, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. PM 40063731 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Pitney Bowes IMS, Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES — Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mail. ADVERTISING — Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Members are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. No remuneration is made. Material should be sent to: Editor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 920-426-4800. EAA® and EAA SPORT AVIATION®, the EAA Logo® and Aeronautica™ are registered trademarks, trademarks, and service marks of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. The use of these trademarks and service marks without the permission of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is strictly prohibited.
What Our Members Are Restoring Texas Ercoupe 415D Glenn Chiappe of Austin, Texas, sent us these nice photos and a write-up about the Ercoupe he restored for his father, Gene Chiappe of Granbury, Texas.
My dad’s 1946 415D Ercoupe project started out as a “simple” re-covering of the fabric wings. I volunteered to do the work, thinking I’d have it done in a couple months. (Doesn’t that sound familiar?—Editor) Well, about 15 months later it flew again. The wings were in worse shape inside than we expected, so all new leading edges and several new wing ribs needed installing. It was my first re-covering job, but I had a great coach—AP/ IA Bob McBride Jr.—watching over my work. (Bob has three EAA Lindy aircraft awards on his bookshelf). The covering is made by Air-Tech Inc., and the paint is Aerothane Nevada Silver. After obtaining a supplemental type certificate from Skyport Services, we installed the shoulder harnesses. The interior was repainted, new carpet and upholstery installed, new wiring replaced the old, and I also added a landing light. Lots of “elbow grease” went into polishing it out. The
40 FEBRUARY 2010
panel is redone all stock, but we are searching for glovebox doors and yoke centers to complete it . . . let me know if anyone has any leads! It flies great—and you don’t need rudder pedals to have a real FUN airplane! If you have glovebox doors or plastic yoke center pieces that you’d like to get to Glenn, you can contact him through us by sending an e-mail to vintageaircraft@eaa.org. Please put “Ercoupe Parts for Glenn” in the subject line.
Enjoy the privilege of partnership
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EAA Members who are considering the purchase or lease of a new Ford Motor Company vehicle should be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to save with the Ford Partner Recognition Program. Get your personal identification number (PIN) and learn about the great value of Partner Recognition/X-Plan at www.fordpartner.com Certain restrictions apply. Available at participating dealers. Please refer to www.eaa.org.
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