Va vol 40 no 5 may 2012

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may 2012

The New 2013 Ford Mustang

We Amped Up The Attitude

The Privilege of Partnership

The 2013 Mustang features an aggressive new look. From its redesigned front end with a more prominent grille to the LED accents in the head and tail lamps, the 2013 Mustang is a sleek representation of modern power.

EAA members are eligible for special pricing on Ford Motor Company vehicles through Ford’s Partner Recognition Program. To learn more on this exclusive opportunity for EAA members to save on a new Ford vehicle, please visit

When it’s time to perform, you benefit from the power of choice – the 650 HP Shelby GT500, the Hi-Po Boss 302 with 444 HP, the legendary 5.0L GT with a tire smoking 420 HP, or the 305 HP, 31 MPG V6. Purely Mustang.


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A I R P L A N E Vol. 40, No. 5




Straight and Level Blue skies, old friend by Geoff Robison



4 Espie “Butch” Joyce 5 5,000 Breakfasts a Year and Growing Fulfilling a member-requested need by Steve Krog



VAA’s EAA AirVenture Volunteers of the Year by Patty Dorlac

7 The Tale of an Extraordinary Gipsy Swiss de Havilland DH-60G Gipsy Moth HB-AFO still going strong by Stefan DeGraef

14 John Underwood 2011 VAA Hall of Fame inductee by H.G. Frautschy


Light Plane Heritage Exploring the Amphibian Historically and Technically by Bob Whittier


2012 VAA Elections


Leverage Your Fly-In, Leverage Your Group


by Roger Thiel


The Vintage Mechanic Semi-monocoque fuselage structure by Robert G. Lock


The Lure of Airplanes by Philip Handleman


The Vintage Instructor Airport at Sunset by Steve Krog, CFI


Mystery Plane by H.G. Frautschy



STAFF EAA Publisher Director of EAA Publications Executive Director/Editor Business Manager Senior Art Director

Rod Hightower J. Mac McClellan H.G. Frautschy Kathleen Witman Olivia P. Trabbold

Advertising: Manager/Domestic, Sue Anderson Tel: 920-426-6127 Email: Fax: 920-426-4828 Independent Business Relationship Representative, Larry Phillip Tel: 920-410-2916 Email: Classified Advertising Tel: 920-426-6809


FRONT COVER: de Havilland DH-60G HB-AFO is based at Biel-Kappelen aerodrome in northwestern Switzerland near the well-known Lac de Bienne. It’s now owned by Willy Kampfer, a retired Swissair B747 captain, who worked on the pretty biplane trainer when he was an aviation apprentice. Read more about it starting on page 7. Photo courtesy Stefan DeGraef and Edwin Borremans.

For missing or replacement magazines, or any other membership-related questions, please call EAA Member Services at 800- JOIN-EAA (564-6322).

BACK COVER: Most VAA members have a soft spot for a favorite airplane (or two, or three…) and the Ryan ST-A is often near the top of the list for many folks. This spectacular watercolor by artist Barry Ross depicts a beautiful example over the hills near the San Francisco Bay area. Walter Bowe and Dr. Carlene Mendieta are the caretakers of this fine example. For more on Barry’s art, visit his website at


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STRAIGHT & LEVEL Geoff Robison president, VAA

Blue skies, old friend


t is with a very sad heart that I report to the VAA membership that the vintage aircraft community recently lost a very dear friend. I know that many of you were closely acquainted with Butch Joyce, and I can state with great certainty that anyone who called Butch a friend was as deeply saddened with his loss as I was. When I was recently asked to reflect on my friendship with Butch, I had to remark that he was one of those rare individuals whose friendship just happened to unexpectedly sneak up on you. Butch was one of those champions of old airplanes who would just quietly work his magic on you until “very suddenly” I owned a taildragger and I was wrestling with it to keep it somewhere close to the centerline of the runway. He was simply infectious with his love of everything old with wings. When it came time for Butch to step aside as the president of our organization, I was absolutely astounded when he approached me, wanting to promote my name as the next president of the VAA I remain humbled by serving this association as Butch’s successor. To my everlasting gratitude, Butch remained involved in the association by serving on the VAA board of directors until his passing. As you can imagine, he served as a wonderful mentor to me throughout our friendship. My heart goes out to his wife, Norma, as well as his family and many friends in North Carolina. Blue skies and smooth, grassy runways to you, my friend. The vintage airplane movement has lost one of the most gallant soldiers to have ever served us.

I just got home a few days ago from Oshkosh after attending the VAA spring board of directors meeting and the first Vintage weekend work party in preparation for Oshkosh 2012. I am a bit concerned here, as I have recently learned that there are now a number of pictures floating around the Vintage community that depict me with a shovel in my hand, and worse yet, it appears as though I am actually using that shovel to move some dirt. You’ve got to help me out here, friends, because if those pictures are seen by my wife, I am certain to be spending fewer days in Oshkosh having fun. Now we wouldn’t want that to happen, would we? Please! Speaking of fun. Too often we all tend to get caught up in the mundane daily tasks of a routine life, when in fact we have the excitement of aviation at arms’ length. Oftentimes we need to just open the hangar door and take in the wonderful aroma of aviation around us. Are you a lot like me, and have you allowed the pleasures and “fun” of aviation to slip to the sidelines because of your busy lifestyle? Well, I’m a bit inspired here by all this talk about these wonderful memories and experiences my friends are having. I’m now very much inspired to shake off all things negative that have kept me from enjoying these simple pleasures that in fact are not just at arms’ length, they are virtually at my fingertips, and all I need to do is reach out and restart the process. So, you better watch out! I hope to see you in the pattern! Anybody got a nice Piper Cub for sale? The VAA board of directors spring

meeting went very well. A vast number of the directors commented on how much business we were able to accomplish in just a short couple of days. All of the subcommittee meetings were well-attended, and everyone came together and made a great deal of progress. The association’s finances continue to concern your board of directors and our staff of two, and we are continuing to develop and implement a new fiscal policy in response to these challenges. We must continue to watch our bottom line and keep the ink black. Non-dues income funding mechanisms will continue to be our primary target of opportunity to keep the VAA on sound fiscal ground. We will continue to work hard to offer a good balance of AirVenture programs that you have become accustomed to enjoying at the convention each and every year.

VAA is about participation: Be a member! Be a volunteer! Be there! Do yourself a favor and ask a friend to join up with us. Let’s all pull in the same direction for the overall good of aviation. Remember, we are better together. Join us and have it all. Come share the passion! Hope to see you at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, the 60th annual celebration of flight — July 23 through July 29, 2012.

2 MAY 2012

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VAA NEWS EAA, AOPA Request Exemption to Third-Class Medical Requirements Your time to comment is now! On March 20, 2012, the longawaited exemption request regarding third-class medical certificates was formally submitted by EAA and AOPA. The reaction to this request has already been strong and positive. More importantly, now is the time for you to forward your comments to the FAA on the proposal. EAA and AOPA submitted the proposal jointly because the exemption, if granted, would increase the level of safety and significantly reduce a substantial economic and regulatory burden for those who fly recreationally. The organizations are asking the FAA for an exemption to the current regulation that requires all pilots hold at least a third-class medical certificate to exercise the privileges of a private or recreational pilot certificate. The exemption request would give pilots who fly recreationally the option of either retaining a third-class medical or, instead, participating in a recurrent online education program that will teach them how to self-assess their fitness to fly. The aeromedical education prog r a m w o u l d e x c e e d t h e FA A’s currently mandated training. Participating pilots would be required to hold a valid driver’s license and conduct a meaningful self-assessment prior to each flight. The self-assessment required in the exemption will be similar to what pilots do now between AME visits, except pilots will have a higher level of knowledge for the self-assessment after completing the required education program. The requested exemption would help to mitigate the increased risk inherent in transitioning to unfamiliar and sometimes distinctly different aircraft, which is the only alternative currently available to the FAA’s thirdclass medical. The complete exemption request is now posted and open for public

comments; visit www.SportAviation. org for a link to the docket. EAA and AOPA also have created a guide for commenting on the proposal, which is also available at www.SportAviation. org. Don’t wait—let the FAA know that you support this important exemption request!

Friends of the Red Barn Before we nailed down the details of this year’s Friends of the Red Barn campaign, we asked each of last year’s contributors for their ideas on what they wished for when it came to events or ways for us to express our appreciation for their valued contributions. As you would expect with a program that has more than 125 participants, for each person who said we could do away with something, someone else said we should be sure to keep it! Consequently, the only change at this time is that we are including an opt-out provision for the name badge for those who don’t want to receive it. Another request that came in as a benefit of being a middle to high level donor would be the option for close-up “seating” (really, closeup standing) for the Monday night/ opening night concert. This year it’s the Steve Miller Band. We checked, and we are able, this year, to get a few sets of tickets for the close-up location! So on Thursday, July 12, we’ll do a random drawing here in our office from all donors at the Silver Level or above (if we did it below that level, the IRS wouldn’t allow for much or anything in the way of a tax benefit to those below a Silver). We will notify the winners shortly afterward. Winners must pick up their tickets at the Red Barn on the pre-Sunday or Monday of AirVenture. There’s still plenty of time to get your donation in; you can use the form available on our website at www., the form published in the March issue of Vintage Airplane,

or the form sent to you via mail if you were a donor over the past few years.

VAA Lifetime Memberships We know that many VAA members are EAA lifetime members. Did you know you can also be a lifetime VAA member? If you’re looking for a way to show your commitment to the mission and activities of the Vintage Aircraft Association, a lifetime membership is a great way to do it. For most of us, being an aviator or aviation enthusiast is a lifetime avocation or profession, and if vintage aircraft are a big part of your way of life, consider joining VAA as a lifetime member. For more information, contact VAA headquarters at 920-426-6110 or online at

VAA’s 40th Year Among all the celebrations surrounding the 75th anniversary of the Piper Cub and activities that will take place during EAA AirVenture, we have another milestone to celebrate. This year’s convention will mark the 40th year since the founding of this EAA division in the fall of 1971. Since then we’ve become one of the highlighted areas of the EAA convention. We look forward to the next 40 as well, and to seeing as many of you as possible during this year’s convention as we continue to work together to “keep ’em flying!”

75th Anniversary of the Piper J-3 Cub Cubs 2 Oshkosh There’s plenty of great planning taking place in both Hartford, Wisconsin, the home of the Cub Club, and here in Oshkosh, as we all look forward to celebrating the 75th birthday of one of aviation’s great icons, the J-3 Cub. If you’re planning on attending, we hope you’ve taken a few minutes to check out the website at www. That’s a great place to start, with information on flying into the event and links to the celebration.


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Espie “Butch” Joyce 1944–2012

P AST PRESIDENT OF THE V INTAGE Aircraft Association, and director emeritus of EAA, Butch Joyce, of Madison, North Carolina, passed away Sunday, March 25, 2012. He was 68. B u t c h J o y c e ’s f i r s t l o g b o o k entry for a half-hour of dual instruction at age 10 in a J-3 Cub was made on September 9, 1954, but his roots in aviation go all the way back to his birth. His father, Espie Sr., was a pilot and owned a variety of aircraft when his son was growing up next to the local airport near Mayodan, North Carolina. In fact, as a little boy, Butch’s propensity to hop into any airplane in which a ride was offered earned him a firm “discussion” with his mother, L e n a , w h o d i d n ’t q u i t e a g r e e with Butch’s trusting nature in that regard! While in college and serving in the Army (where he served with the elite Special Forces “Green Berets”), he built a Pitts Special biplane and became an EAA member, serving as EAA Chapter 8’s president during the 1960s. Later in that decade, Butch became involved with an aircraft group whose primar y interest was older airplanes. That group, now VAA Chapter 3, rekindled his love for antique and classic aircraft, and he would go on to own and fly a Staggerwing Beech, Monocoupe, UPF-7, Clipped


November 1990—Butch in front of one of his favorite aircraft, a Monocoupe, at EAA’s Pioneer Airport.

Wing Cub, and a Model 35 Bonanza, among others. Over the years he served as president of EAA Chapter 8 and VAA Chapter 3. He started his service to the national membership in 1981, when he was appointed to the Antique/Classic Board as an advisor. Butch began the Type Club tent in 1982. He was elected president in 1988, and he held that position until 2004, a span of 16 years. During that time he also served as the chairman of VAA’s activities during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. Butch said he was most proud of the fact that

in 1991, in cooperation with the Aviation Unlimited Agency, he initiated the creation of the VAA Aircraft Insurance program. During his years as VAA president, Butch also served on the EAA board, and he was presented with the EAA President’s Award in 2004. After stepping down as VAA president in 2004, Butch was elected to continue to serve on the VAA board, providing his counsel and guidance to his fell o w b o a r d m e m b e r s a n d VA A volunteers. Of course, for many of us, B u t c h w a s f a r m o r e . M e n t o r, friend, and confidant, Butch was one of our most enthusiastic members and officers, and we will miss his wise counsel and gentle but firm guidance. Butch’s funeral service took place on Friday, March 30, in Mayodan, North Carolina. If you wish to remember Butch with a donation, the family asks that you consider a donation in Butch’s name to the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI, 54903, and/or Hosp i c e o f R o c k i n g h a m C o u n t y, P.O. Box 281, Wentworth, NC 27375 www.HospiceOfRockingham Our thoughts are with his wife, Norma, and his children, and we ask that you keep them in your prayers and thoughts as well.

4 MAY 2012

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5,000 Breakfasts a Year and Growing Fulfilling a member-requested need BY




hat began as a VAA service to AirVenture attendees has grown to serve thousands,” according to Tall Pines Café Chairman Steve Nesse. “The Tall Pines Café, launched in 2002, came about as a result of requests from AirVenture attendees. There was no food service available to attendees camping near their airplanes parked at the south end of Wittman Field,” he added. Continuously looking for more and better ways to serve the VAA members, the VAA board of directors (BOD), at the urging of board member Steve Nesse, agreed to establish a temporary food service facility near the south end of the EAA grounds. “Back in 2001, we surveyed a number of attendees who were camping near their airplanes in what is known as the South 40. By far the biggest request was for some form of food service at a reasonable price in that area,” Steve commented. Armed with that information, Steve prepared a business plan and made a presentation to the VAA board of directors at its fall 2001 meeting. The presentation covered establishing a temporary kitchen and seating area to serve breakfast to attendees throughout the weeklong event. The BOD unanimously approved the plan with one caveat: No VAA dues money was to be expended on this venture. Steve accepted the challenge and immediately went to work. The VAA Tall Pines Café, located just south of the Ultralight area on the EAA grounds, became a reality beginning with the 2002 EAA AirVenture. Staffed entirely by volunteers and completely funded through donations, this idea soon became reality and was ready to serve breakfast to any and all 2002 AirVenture attendees. “The first year or two the café looked like a small tent city, similar to that found in the old West of the 1880s. Both the kitchen and seating area consisted of two large white tents,” stated Steve, adding, “advertising consisted of a small sandwich board sign in front of the tent and word of mouth. Approximately 1,500 breakfast meals were served that first year.” Kitchen equipment and appliances for the first year of operation came about through Steve’s tireless effort contacting various EAA/VAA chapters. Many of these chapters lent the needed equipment to make the kitchen a reality. Steve, along with a couple of dedicated volun-

Volunteer Dave Resler cooks scrambled eggs for the hungry early morning crowd at AirVenture 2011. teers, spent many weekends in the cab of his truck toting kitchen equipment to Oshkosh from a four-state area. After two years of operation, the Tall Pines Café was deemed a success and renewed effort was put forth to make the operation more permanent. EAA management approved building a permanent structure to house the kitchen. Again Steve went to work and gathered the needed donations for building materials. A volunteer building crew was assembled, and the kitchen became a reality. Steve turned to board member Bob Lumley for help acquiring the needed kitchen equipment for permanent installation. Bob, a vice president of a commercial construction business specializing in the construction and repurposing of retail and commercial buildings, was able to locate a portion of the needed equipment for the continued on the page 40


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VAA’s EAA AirVenture BY

PATTY DORLAC Art Morgan Behind the Scenes Volunteer of the Year 2011

Dale Masters

Pat Blake

Dale Masters, right, is congratulated by VAA Flightline Safety co-chairman Michael Kosta upon being selected as the Art Morgan Flightline Volunteer of the Year during AirVenture 2011. Dale has been volunteering for the Vintage Aircraft Association for 13 years and comes to us from Cicero, New York. He started attending AirVenture about 15 years ago and decided that he wanted to spend all of his time with the older planes. He loved their classic beauty and their lines, the engineering that went into them, and the history they created. Dale has been parking airplanes and also runs “the point” (a critical aircraft taxiing spot for vintage airplanes on the Papa taxiway) during the week. He enjoys meeting interesting people from all over the world and enjoys the interaction with the other volunteers. Working with the other volunteers is great because they all want to be there and enjoy the people and airplanes as well! Dale and his wife, Nan, drive every year from New York, and Nan also volunteers in the first aid building at Camp Scholler. When asked about his most memorable moment on the line, Dale replied, “I would have to say when Jack Roush ‘parked’ his Beechcraft Premier I right in front of me.”



Art Morgan Flightline Volunteer of the Year 2011

Pat Blake

Pat Blake, wife, mother, registered nurse, and VAA volunteer, was the VAA’s 2011 Behind the Scenes Volunteer. Attending her first EAA convention in 1985, for much of the last 18 years she was the ultimate behind-the-scenesvolunteer-of-the-year as mom to the Blakes’ two boys, allowing Dad to volunteer full-time. When the boys grew old enough to join the ranks of volunteers, Pat went to work for the VAA’s Operation Thirst, providing drinks and snacks to volunteers. In 2008 she became manager of the day-to-day operation. Other responsibilities include organizing the annual chicken dinner for volunteers, organizing the nighttime air show supper, and serving as the unofficial social director for the VAA’s chairs. Pat never thinks of this as work, but rather as an honored privilege for her Vintage family. Pat is a joy to work with, and her lovely smile (along with the cool drinks and snacks), brightens our day when she and her wonderful helpers cruise down the flightline!

6 MAY 2012

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The Tale of an Extraordinary



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or almost 70 years, de Havilland’s DH-82 Tiger Moth biplane family has gained its well-deserved place in the aviation world’s “hall of fame” as a dedicated World War II pilot training aircraft for countless numbers of Allied aviators. In the postwar years, the Moth soon became obsolete as a military pilot training asset. But this de Havilland Moth family descendant quickly gained international success around the globe as a leisure aircraft,

due to its low price, easy maintainability, and abundance of airframes, spare parts, and engines. Lesser known by many biplane owners and aviation enthusiasts around the world is DH-82’s predecessor, the de Havilland DH-60 Gipsy Moth, developed in the early ’30s as elementary (military and civilian) training aircraft. With various examples of the DH-82 Tiger Moth still flying nowadays in almost all western European nations, the population of “active” DH-60 Gipsy Moths is far

more numerous. One of the key representatives of this majestic Gipsy in Europe is Switzerland-based DH60G HB-AFO, nowadays based at the rural airstrip of Biel-Kappelen in western Switzerland.

Switzerland’s Gipsy Moth Survivor de Havilland DH-60G Gipsy I Moth c/n 1878 was constructed at DH’s facility at Stag Lane Airport in Edgeware (Middlesex, United Kingdom) in 1931. Its Certificate of Air-

8 MAY 2012

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All external control cables are inspected visually during the preight walk-around and inspected in detail during periodic 50hour inspections.

Flown by the pilot from the back seat, the front seat cockpit is deprived from all ying instruments but still retains the control stick.

DH-60G HB-AFO is now owned by Willy Kampfer, a retired Swissair B747 captain. As a teenager, Willy serviced the aircraft in 1960 as an aircraft mechanic apprentice.


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The Segeluggruppe Oberaargau used the DH-60G HB-AFO as a towing tug for its gliders. In 1961, the aircraft was grounded and stored in a garage, its registration canceled and its future highly uncertain.

Moth HB-AFO is based nowadays at Biel-Kappelen aerodrome in northwestern Switzerland near the well-known Lac de Bienne.

10 MAY 2012

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Its initial flying career in Switzerland proved to be rather disastrous. . .

The Gipsy I engine is fed by simple gravity from the overhead fuel tank built in between the two upper wings above the front seat, containing 19 gallons (i.e. 86 liters).

worthiness Nr. 3231 was issued by the British Air Ministry on October 16, 1931. Registered CH-325 some two weeks later, the aircraft was based at Dubendorf aerodrome, east of Zurich. Its initial flying career in Switzerland proved to be rather disastrous, being badly damaged while attempting an emergency landing in 1932, as it hit trees in the landing pattern. Almost immediately after having been repaired in 1933 the aircraft hit power cables and was grounded. DH-60G CH-325 was one of 10 Gipsy Moths to be entered in the Swiss civilian registers since the aircraft was popular with various sections of the Aeroclub de Suisse, scattered around the various Swiss aerodromes all over the country. Used for initial pilot training, the Swiss Gipsy Moth armada was frequently hit by accidents, enforcing frequent rebuilds and cannibalization of crashed aircraft. After storage for almost five years, CH-325, becoming HB-AFO after a reorganization of the Swiss civilian register, was repaired at the Fliegerlager Grenchen (southwest of Basel) and sold to the Aeroclub of Suisse section at the nearby Langenthal aerodrome. This Segelfluggruppe Oberaargau used the DH-60G as a towing tug for its gliders, unfortunately not without any accidents. And finally, in 1961, the aircraft was grounded and stored in a garage, its registration canceled and its future highly uncertain. Some three decades later, in 1992, British architect Chris Tucker, living in Switzerland, purchased the airframe and started an in-depth restoration of the worn-out Gipsy Moth. Assisted by the Airla Flugzeug Service overhaul/maintenance company at Langenthal-Bleienbach

A vintage cockpit as it should be; no digital instruments (save for the small one in the corner), just the old-school analog displays and switches.

. . . British architect Chris Tucker, living in Switzerland, purchased the airframe and started an in-depth restoration of the worn-out Gipsy Moth. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 11

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aerodrome, the aircraft was restored to pristine and airworthy condition in 2003. The “newborn” HB-AFO, wearing striking marine-blue and silver colors, made its maiden flight on December 17, 2003, at the same time commemorating a century of powered flight by the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, exactly 100 years earlier. The de Havilland Gipsy I engine with four upright cylinders and a 5-liter total displacement provides 85 hp. Built as well in 1931, the engine was completely restored to zero hours in 1997. Consuming around 30 liters per flight hour (about 8 gph), it offers its pilot a range of 300 kilometers! The Gipsy I engine is “fed” by simple gravity from the overhead fuel tank built in between the two upper wings above the front seat, containing 19 gallons (86 liters).

Change of Ownership On April 27, 2007, the aircraft was sold by Chris Tucker to its present owner, Willy Kampfer, a retired and very experienced Swissair B747 captain and a lifelong DH Gipsy fanatic. Although his purchase of his own de Havilland was his first, Willy’s connection and affection for HB-AFO started well before: In the early ’60s, when he was a 17-yearold mechanic apprentice under the supervision of a licensed aircraft mechanic at Langenthal. He was responsible for the servicing of this

biplane. During a simulated takeoff run in September 1960 on the empty Langenthal aerodrome, he revved the engine too high and HB-AFO unintentionally became airborne. Fortunately, he was able to correctly put the aircraft down within seconds, and Willy discovered his love for flying. He started lessons in 1964 at the age of 24, beginning his airline flying career by entering the Schweizerische Luftverkehrsschule Hausen am Albis, south of Zurich. Initial flight training was instructed on the Bucker Jungmann and Jungmeister (for aerobatics) taildraggers, giving him the tailwheel experience needed decades later to master the DH-60G Gipsy Moth. Having successfully completed initial training, all students were instructed on the Piaggio P-149 and DC-3, also used for instrument rating. Finally Willy started his Swissair flying career in December 1965, flying as a copilot on a piston-engined Convair Metropolitan with 44 passengers from Zurich to Geneva. His last line flight as a captain of B747-300 HB-IGE was flown to Boston-Logan airport as SR126, carrying around 250 passengers. The SR127 BostonZurich return leg was his farewell flight, marking the end of a long commercial airline pilot career on December 28/29, 1996. His first post-rebuilt flight on the HB-AFO was nearly as eventful as his 1960 experience; while transfer-

ring the airplane to its new home base, good weather conditions in Langenthal (altitude 480 meters) were prevailing with a light easterly wind, temperature minus 5ºC, and the grass runway surface frozen. After three flights with landings in Langenthal and a final adjustment of the carburetor, he then transferred the plane to Motiers (altitude 732 meters) in the Val-de-Travers near Neuchatel—only to find the local airfield covered by a layer of 10 inches of powder snow. Although the landing was uneventful, the pilot was almost frozen! With a landing and takeoff run of some 120 meters, the aircraft is easy to fly and has no documented wind speed limitations. However, Willy Kampfer selected 25 knots in runway direction and 10 knots crosswind as his personal limits while flying HB-AFO. The leading edge slats, mounted on the upper wing, deploy by aerodynamic force around 55 mph (88 kilometers/ hour) by floating softly from retracted to fully deployed position, and vice versa. The aircraft has flown some 1,300 hours, including 67 post-restoration hours in the aircraft’s second life. Hampered by the small range of the aircraft, HB-AFO is until now very rarely seen outside Switzerland. However, Willy is hoping to show the marine-blue Gipsy Moth to aviation enthusiasts around Western Europe in the near future.

12 MAY 2012 Vintage May2012.indd 14

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Spinning Lamp Illuminated images spin around in the cylinder. Approximately 8.5 inches high. 5265896500000


Aeronautical Jacket Perfect for men and women to wear depicting a sectional chart. Simply tuck this light weight jacket in the airplane and you are ready for any weather. 5266341503000 MD 5266341504000 LG 5266341505000 XL 5266341506000 2X


Vintage Journal Lined journal is great for making lists, planning, reminiscing about ight travels, etc. 7.5 x 9 with 100 pages. 5266135600000


Travel Mugs Vacation, here we come! These mugs have a wonderful soft texture, smooth, but not slippery. Curved in at the middle for a good grip. 5266139000061 Blue 5266139000051 Green 52661139000031 Orange 5266139000020 Red 5266139000011 Pink

$13.99* Telephone Orders: 800-843-3612 From US and Canada (All Others Call 920-426-5912) *Shipping and handling NOT included. Major credit cards accepted. WI residents add 5% sales tax.

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John Underwood 2011 VAA Hall of Fame inductee BY


John W. Underwood of Glendale, California, was honored in last fall’s VAA Hall of Fame induction ceremonies, which took place in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in the Founders’ Wing of the EAA AirVenture Museum. Author of a dozen aviation books (including Of Monocoupes and Men, The Stinsons, and Acrobats in the Sky, among the dozen) and numerous articles concerning aviation history, John has had a lifelong fascination with airplanes since he was a little boy of 7. His life has been immersed in aviation ever since. In 1949 he learned to fly at the famous Glendale School of Aeronautics as he worked

for Grand Central Aircraft. His working days there were filled with refurbishing surplus World Wa r I I a i rc r a f t i n c l u d ing P-51s, Curtiss-Wright C-46 Commandos, and B-25 Mitchell bombers. Later, as an aviation technical writer and illustrator, he continued to earn a living in the industry, all the while amassing a vast collection of photographs and aeronautical materials. His work in the center of one of aviation’s most active locations, the Los Angeles basin, saw him working for Lockheed, being friends with famed Lockheed test pilot Tony LeVier (with whom John worked on the restoration of a Velie Mono-

A lifelong affair with aviation was rooted deeply in John’s childhood, starting with model aircraft, including this rubber-powered pair, a Monocoupe and Art Chester’s Goon racer. 14 MAY 2012

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A longtime friend was noted lightplane and glider designer Volmer Jensen. John is enjoying a flight with Jensen’s Sun Fun glider, a hang glider designed by Jensen based on decades of lightweight glider experience. Its rigid structure and predictable aerodynamic responses made it a favorite amongst rigid-wing glider enthusiasts.

coupe), air racing and test pilot Gordon Israel, pilot/ designer Alden Brown (creator of the Brown racer), and even Douglas “Wrong Way” Corrigan. John’s dedication to “getting history right” often sees him lending materials and photos to other authors so more people can be made aware of exactly what happened when. His longtime help to us personally here at VAA HQ has been invaluable for both our editorial work and for our members, who are often the beneficiary of his knowledge and aeronautical collection. VAA is pleased to include him in its Hall of Fame, honoring his contributions to the modern-day efforts to keep the world of vintage aircraft alive and vibrant through his writings and research.

John Underwood, left, shares a moment with test pilots Gen. Chuck Yeager (center) and Tony LeVier.

Skeeter Carlson’s clear Mylar-covered Curtiss Jenny was a delight for John to experience.


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Light Plane Heritage published in EAA Experimenter JUNE 1993






o make use of the long, level landing areas provided by nature in the form of lakes, rivers, and bays, a few pioneer aviators replaced the wheels of their primitive airplanes with floats to create seaplanes. As time went by, the number of airports increased. While flying over them, seaplane pilots found themselves wishing they could land there to rest, eat, phone ahead for weather information, and buy gasoline. Obviously, then, what they really needed was an airplane that could operate from either land or water. They remembered that back in 1911, Glenn H. Curtiss left the wheels on one of his pusher biplanes, attached a float under its amidship area, and created the very first crude amphibian. Since the wheels were not retractable, we have to guess that the slim bike tires on those wheels cut through the water and let the plane take off from and on water. After all, it was quite light and slow—like a modern ultralight. It is reasonable to assume that water flow caused the wheels to start rotating, which could have further reduced resistance. In 1913 the Englishman Thomas O.M. Sopwith built and flew his “Bat Boat,” the first true amphibian by reason of having wheels that could be retracted for water operations. While much work was done during World War



Editor’s Note: The Light Plane Heritage series in EAA’s Experimenter magazine often touched on aircraft and concepts related to vintage aircraft and their history. Since many of our members have not had the opportunity to read this series, we plan on publishing those LPH articles that would be of interest to VAA members. Enjoy!—HGF

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Experimental Commonwealth Trimmer of late 1940s retracted wheels into neat hull-mounted streamline fairings. I with flying boats and seaplanes, apparently the armed forces in that conflict could find little military use for amphibians. When peace returned, aviation people began work on airplanes suited to private and commercial flying. This included amphibians. That word comes from the Greek amphibious meaning “to live a double life.” In the early 1930s the spelling amphibion became popular (particularly by Sikorsky), but with the passage of time amphibian has come to be the accepted form. A vast amount of effort has gone into developing this type of aircraft, as you will come to realize as you read this article and study the illustrations. Only in the amphibian field has such a great variety of configurations been devised, all in an effort to make acceptable compromises between inherent handicaps and demanding requirements. Not infrequently, Catch-22 situations are encountered. Here’s an example. Because a hull’s bottom must withstand the considerable pressures created by clipping wavetops at high speed on takeoff and coming down on water at the rate of sink typical of coming in for a landing, it must be quite sturdy. But because an amphibian’s hull bottom is likely to be somewhat wider than that of a seaplane float, areas, and thus bending loads on structural members, are greater and up goes the airframe’s weight. Either intentionally or in an emer-

As you can see from this Grumman Widgeon, tip floats must be positioned neither too high nor too low.

gency, a seaplane or amphibian will someday come down on grass, mud, snow, ice, or whatever, so the keel or keels must be amply strong. And that’s a weight no landplane has to carry around. A practical amphibian must have a retractable landing gear, which is bound to be heavier than a nonretractable one. With a simple retractable gear, the wheels will remain out in the airstream and create drag. For stability on the water, a single-hull flying boat or amphibian must have steadying floats mounted somewhere out on its wings. These may look small enough, but along with their supporting struts they add weight and frontal area not found on landplanes. Because of its considerable diameter, an air propeller is a problem to locate on any airplane and in particular on an amphibian, where its tips must clear some part or another of the hull due to engine location. Because striking spray can quickly and seriously damage fast-moving blade leading edges, a propeller should, as far as is feasible, be located where the hull and wing will offer maximum shielding from spray. This usually results in a high-mounted engine, which causes propeller thrust to create a strong nosing-down force. A common way of coping with this is to set the stabilizer at a negative angle of incidence to create a counterbalancing download on the tail. Since a tail download has the invisible but very much present effect of

adding to the overall load which the wing must support, it adds to an amphibian’s actual flying weight. The necessary extra lift adds to drag and burns fuel. Sometimes engines are mounted so that the thrust line is tilted downward. In cruising flight the propeller blast thus strikes the upper side of the stabilizer so as to create a download. When the engine is throttled back, both thrust and download are decreased. It is characteristic of amphibians that when their landing gears are lowered, their centers of drag move even farther below their thrust lines than when in level flight. Study the large trim tabs on the horizontal tail of the next Lake amphibian you see, for one example of how a designer coped with this change-of-trim problem. Fuselage frontal area has a direct effect on any plane’s drag, as we come to fully appreciate when viewing the slim in-line engines, very narrow fuselages, and reclining pilot positions typical of racing planes. But, an amphibian hull must be wide enough to afford adequate buoyancy when at rest in the water and dynamic lift when planing along swiftly during a takeoff run. So amphibians tend to have broad, high hulls offering a lot of frontal area. It would be hard to mount an engine in the nose of an amphibian, although we have to acknowledge that it can be done, as is shown by the Loening and Grumman amphibians that were built for the Army and


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Figure 1. In 1930 designer S.S. Rabl sketched these proposed waterplanes for the old Modern Mechanics magazine. Surprisingly, the twin-float seaplane turned out to be the lightest. Navy. But in most civilian amphibians, the engines are mounted in nacelles atop the hulls, which of course adds frontal area not seen in landplanes. It’s worth noting that because of their nose-mounted engines and lack of wingtip floats, overall frontal area of twin-float seaplanes is usually less than in most amphibs. Another way to reduce frontal area is to install the engine down inside the hull and use a chain, belt, or shaft drive up to the propeller. The Spencer-Larsen of 1938 had 125/150 hp, straight-four, air-cooled Menasco engine in the hull aft of the passenger area. A shaft went up to a gearbox ahead of the pusher propeller. These types of drive offer an opportunity to incorporate whatever reduction ratio might be felt desirable. Gears and their related bearings

and housings require quality design and manufacture if they are to be dependable. Chain drives can be noisy, can present lubrication problems, and can break suddenly. Long chain and belt drives can experience flapping and vibration problems. An engine in the hull just ahead of the seating area can tear loose and fly forward in a crash. Because gasoline vapor is heavier than air, it collects in the bilges of any enclosed hull and creates a serious explosion hazard. The Coast Guard has elaborate regulations for boat engine compartment ventilation, fuel, and electrical system details to cope with this danger. Locating the engine down in the hull can interfere with passenger or baggage space. Yet it significantly lowers the center of gravity.

Shown above and in the opening photo of this article is the newest amphibian design in the lightplane world. Introduced at Sun ’n Fun ’93, the SeaRey was designed by Kerry Richter and Paige Lynnete.

The propeller shaft supporting structure for a shaft or belt drive must be sturdy to cope with forces generated by the propeller, and may therefore be heavy or create air resistance. Because of their long noses and obstruction-free bottoms, amphibians as a class resist nosing over and suffer minimal damage in forced landings. It’s fun to daydream about amphibians and make sketches of imaginative designs, but successful ones are the result of able calculation of the loads, weights, and forces involved. In 1930 a meaty little magazine called Modern Mechanics was being published in Minneapolis. It later moved to New York, became Mechanix Illustrated, and finally, Home Mechanix (which ceased publication as a stand-alone publication in 1996—HGF). The editor got the idea of printing plans for a single-seat flying boat to be powered by a vee-twin motorcycle engine in the 15- to 17hp category. His reasoning was that such engines were then cheap and readily available, and that a flying boat operated from miles-long lakes would be feasible, despite long takeoff runs and slow rate of climb. He put this idea up to Sam S. Rabl, a well-known naval architect who also had aeronautical experience. Rabl sketched and did calculations for the three possible layouts shown in Figure 1. The first was a monoplane flying boat having a long, upswept aft end to support the tail. Where two seaplane floats have four side panels to a flying boat hull’s two, he initially thought this design would be lightest. But this hull would require a broad, strong bottom to handle wa-

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The 525-hp Fokker F-11 of 1928, right, had wheels mounted at outboard ends of swing-up sponsons.

The Spencer-Larsen amphib of 1938 had a Menasco engine in hull, shaft and gear drive to propeller. Tip floats and landing gear combined in swing-up units. Tapered steps reduced air drag but were laborious to make.

This sketch shows ease with which twin-float seaplane can approach a dock.

The 1933 Seversky (ancestor of the Republic P-47) had twin floats that pivoted up to bring tail wheel into use for runway landings.

ter loads, would need two wingtip floats, and the afterbody would have to be strong and thus heavy to absorb twisting loads created by the rudder. This design went too far over the agreed-upon 500-pound maximum weight. Also it was feared that in a crash, the high-mounted engine would pivot down onto the pilot. Furthermore, Rabl calculated that to trim this plane against the high thrust line, a download of 27 pounds would be required on the stabilizer. Setting it at the necessary negative angle would then create a strong nosing-up tendency in power-off flight. A sesquiplane having its tail mounted on two booms was then evaluated. One would think that the favorable bracing angles seen in the boom layout would produce a strong yet light structure. But calculations showed that to get necessary strength with the materials and methods feasible for homebuilders of 1930, this layout would be even heavier. A contributing factor was the many steel fittings needed to tie things together. Then a low-wing, twin-float seaplane was investigated. In it, all major loads such as engine mount, float strut attachments, wing, fuselage, and pilot seat were concentrated in a small area, and so a light but strong structure resulted. This ship figured

out to be acceptably light, so out the window went the editor’s flying boat dream ship. Up until the early 1930s most amphibians were biplanes, and not just because that light and strong type was then popular. A study of photographs of them shows us that the biplane truss made it possible to position the lower wings at the tops of the hulls. This had the happy result of putting all of the streamlined tie rods and struts well above water level. But because of the many wing parts needed, biplanes were expensive to manufacture. Their high-mounted top wings raised an amphibian’s center of gravity and added a lot of wind in crosswind operations. The deepening depression in 1930 caused designers of all sorts of planes to look to the cheaper-to-build monoplane. In amphibians having externally braced monoplane wings, tie rods or struts had to run from the undersides of the wings to attachment fittings well down near the waterline. That was not good. The lower ends of struts and tie rods were liable to ordinary corrosion, or in salt or polluted water, to galvanic corrosion. Constant hosing-off, inspection, and maintenance were vital. Also, lowriding rods and struts could easily clip driftwood or small buoys. Seaplane designers calculate the displacement of hulls and thus de-

termine where the waterlines will be. The need to make certain that rod and strut terminals will sit an acceptable distance above the water is an example of the importance of such calculation work. FAA requirements for type certification of amphibians and flying boats under 12,500 pounds state that wingtip floats must have a righting moment of at least 1.5 times the upsetting moment caused by the aircraft being tilted by any overturning force that can reasonably be expected to act upon such an aircraft. Since a crosswind should have less tendency to overturn a monoplane than a top-heavy biplane, some weight and frontal area can presumably be saved by choosing the monoplane and building smaller tip floats. The higher a wing is positioned, the longer must be the struts which support tip floats, and they will thus weigh more and have more drag. The 45-foot span of the Loening OL-8 Navy amphibian positioned the tip floats so far outboard that no struts were needed. The squat hull of the Privateer P-2 carried this monoplane’s wing so low that again no float struts were needed. Today’s Lake amphibian has similar strutless floats and uses them as fuel tanks. If tip floats ride too far above the water when an amphibian is floating level,


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Above left – The Argonaut of 1935 used a straight-four Menasco to minimize frontal area. Not so accessible for maintenance, though. Above right – Curtiss-Wright built a few LeBlond-powered amphibs based on the “Junior” parts. The engine here is reasonably accessible for servicing. Right—Keystone-Loening Commuter of 1929 was powered by a 300-hp Wright engine. Note the opened hatch to the front of the windshield that presumably acted as propeller guard when docking. Note, too, how high the propeller thrust line is in relation to the ship’s center of drag. they will allow it to tilt objectionably to one side and then the other as it taxis or swings at a mooring. If too close to the water, the low one can clip a wave top, and that’s not good when moving fast. Study the illustrations and notice how tip floats are rigged at an appreciable angle of incidence. This is to minimize the chance of digging into a wave when moving fast. One reason many amphibian designers favored the biplane configuration is that the wingspan can be comparatively short, as in the Keystone Loening Commuter. This is useful not just in hangars but also when taxiing through crowded yacht mooring basins and approaching docks. A twin-float seaplane can slide up alongside a low-lying dock easily, but as the photo of the Boeing B-1 flying boat illustrates, wingtip floats have an inherent docking problem. New pilots get coaching in such matters from experienced ones when checking out in amphibians. We can’t go into detail here but can point out that a common procedure is to taxi straight toward a dock, shut off the engine at an appropriate time, open the foredeck hatch, hop out onto the dock, turn around to strong-arm the amphib’s contact

with the dock, and then run mooring lines from port and starboard tip floats to the dock. The ability to go forward easily and quickly is the hallmark of a well-designed amphibian. When approaching a dock going straight into the wind, things can go nicely. But when there’s a strong tail wind or appreciable river cross-current, things can get frantic. At some docks there will be willing and very welcome helpers, but at unattended docks, amphibian pilots are on their own. Some amphibs have tractor propellers; others have pushers. Baffles on air-cooled cylinders didn’t become common on smaller engines until around the mid-1930s, so many earlier designers favored the tractor layout for the sake of getting the strongest possible prop wash over the cooling fins. Some amphibs have used four-bladed props to blow or suck cooling air past the cylinders as well as possible, short of going into the complexity and expense of special blowers. Those who favor the tractor layout claim less disturbed airflow into the propeller. Some pusher installations have had vexing problems with turbulent or inadequate airflow into their props. A forgotten reason why tractor props won out over pushers on

World War I landplanes was that it’s easy for mechanics to stand in front of nose-mounted engines and props to start the engines by pulling through the props. While the many struts and brace wires adjacent to the prop of a pusher could prevent the unwary from walking into a whirling prop, they also made it hard for mechanics to step quickly away after propping a pusher engine to life. To be truly practical, any amphib should be powered by an engine that can be fitted with a starter that is both convenient and reliable. A pusher propeller on an open cockpit amphib can be seriously damaged by almost anything that the airstream might blow out of the cockpit. When either a pusher or tractor prop is too close to an open cockpit, occupants can lose fingers when they point to something without thinking of the nearness of the whirling blades. On tractors, forward hatches can be designed to ward people away from the propeller when they emerge from the hatch, as on the Keystone-Loening Commuter. But we want to ask ourselves what might happen if the hatch blew open while in flight, or a hot spot in a cylinder caused a shutdown engine to unexpectedly kick back. The tractor-versus-pusher de-

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Above—Simple, economical Privateer P-2 of 1930 had 110-hp Warner. Note prominent down-tilt to the trust line and short distance between main and tail wheels— made for skittishness on runways. Above right – Tri-gear Curtiss-Wright/Courtney amphibian solved the short wheel-based problem. The nose wheel retracted straight up and acted as a bumper. Left—The tip floats on an amphibian or flying boat such as this Boeing B-1 can pose a problem when coming alongside a dock. Amphibs have been built with retractable and even inflatable-deflatable tip floats to alleviate this awkwardness.

bate will undoubtedly go on for as long as there are amphibians. Some homebuilt Volmer amphibs have tractor engines; others have pushers. In an open-cockpit amphib with a high-mounted tractor engine, the outer portions of the prop blades may send strong, annoying, and fatiguing pulsations back onto the occupants. The adoption of fully enclosed cockpits got away from the hazards and discomforts of open ones. But as you study various amphibians, ask yourself how you’d hand-prop the engines if the battery went dead and how you’d get at the oil dipstick when preflighting. In some cases a stepladder or a plank laid across a pair of sawhorses would let you get at the engine for periodic checks. But in others you’d probably decide to build a well-thought-out scaffold. Thousands of hours have been spent over drafting boards figuring out retractable landing gear layouts. Probably the simplest arrangement is to have a sturdy tube running through the hull, with downwardextending landing gear legs mounted on its outboard ends. Rotating the tube will swing the wheels up out of the water—but not out of the airstream. This arrangement will give a narrow wheel track under what will

probably be a top-heavy airplane. Positioning the wheels farther apart can lead to bending forces likely to call for heavier parts. It’s logical to have the wheels swing back and up, for then airflow can help to raise them quickly after taking off. But if the wheels are at all heavy, we’d want to figure the effect on rearward center of gravity travel—a CG that shifts too far aft can have a serious effect on stall and spin behavior. Struts or streamline tie rods on an externally braced plane can get in the way of rearward wheel retraction, in which case forward rotation may be the only solution even if it looks awkward. The advent of cantilever wings did away with struts and tie rod problems. Armed forces and wealthy private aircraft owners tend to put a premium on speed. On planes such as the various Grummans we thus see quite elaborate retraction linkages that tuck wheels snugly into wells on fuselage sides. The experimental Trimmer amphibian that appeared after World War II tucked its wheels into streamlined pods affixed to the hull sides. The Fleetwings Seabird of the mid1930s had open-topped pants fitted around the wheels. When the wheels

were retracted these fitted up against the hull sides to create low-drag wheel housings. Centrally mounted wheels combined with wingtip skids as used on sailplanes have been experimented with on amphibs. They reduce weight, drag, and cost and work well on sailplanes that are towed along taxi strips with someone walking along to hold one wingtip. But on powered planes they seem to have worked indifferently. Taxiing under power and crosswind landing could be hairy, and pilots missed the directional control afforded by right and left wheel brakes. The 1928 Fokker F-11 had swingup stub wings. When they were in down position they put the wheels onto the ground. Being buoyant, when in the up position they served as stabilizing sponsons. The Spencer-Larsen of 1938 had its main wheels fitted into the aft ends of swing-up floats. Fat airplane tires have substantial volume and hence floatation, so in a way this idea made sense. But we must wonder about the effect of long immersion in water— especially salt water—on the wheels, bearings, and brakes. As you study these amphibians and others, note the varying distances between the main wheels and the tailcontinued on the page 40


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Notice of Annual VAA Membership Meeting—to be held Sunday, July 29, 2012, 9:30 a.m., in the Vintage Hangar, south of the Vintage Red Barn, on the EAA convention grounds, at the annual convention of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc., Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Notice is hereby further given that the annual election of the officers and directors of the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association will be conducted by the ballot distributed to the members inside this May issue of Vintage Airplane.


Following are three pages of the biographies of the people who are running for election in 2012. The ballot is inserted in this magazine and is to be completed and mailed to the VAA to arrive on or before July 19, 2012.

For Election to President GEOFF L. ROBISON

For Election to Secretary STEVE NESSE

New Haven, Indiana

Albert Lea, Minnesota

Geoff began flying in 1982 and received his private singleengine-land certificate in 1983. He attended his first EAA Oshkosh fly-in in 1983 and immediately became active in the Vintage Aircraft Association ( VA A ) . H e b e g a n v o l u n t e e r ing with the Aircraft Parking & Flight Line Safety Committee in 1983 and served as the cochairman of this committee for about 15 years. Geoff also served as the chairman of the VAA Security Committee and on the VAA Convention Committee as well during that same period. He served as an advisor to the VAA board of directors for seven years, has served as a director since 1996, and was elected president in 2004. He is currently flying a Cessna 120 and a Cessna 170A and is engaged in the restoration of a 1940 B Model Funk aircraft. Geoff also currently serves as a tour coordinator for EAA’s Aluminum Overcast B-17 Tour and has participated in this EAA program since 1998. After spending three years with the U.S. Army in Europe as a military policeman in the early ’70s, he returned from military service and became a police officer and later the police chief in his hometown of New Haven, Indiana. He now serves his community as a city court judge and has done so for more than eight years.

Steve was born in Albert Lea, Minnesota, and grew up on a farm near there. Having a deep interest in aviation, he received his private certificate in 1967. In 1975 he purchased a 1946 Navion from his father. After joining EAA in 1967 at Rockford, Steve has attended each EAA convention since. A charter member of VAA Chapter 13, he has served as vice president and president of that chapter. Currently he serves as chairman of the Metal Shaping Workshop and Tall Pines Café at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. After serving two years as an advisor and later as a director, he has been serving as secretary of the Vintage Aircraft Association since 1991.


CANDIDATES FOR DIRECTOR POSITIONS RON ALEXANDER Griffin, Georgia Ron Alexander learned to fly at age 16 in his hometown of Bloomington, Indiana. He went into the U.S. Air Force in 1964 and completed pilot training in 1965. He served a total of five years in the Air Force, including a combat tour in Vietnam. After military service he was hired by Delta Air Lines in 1969 as a pilot.

He retired as a captain in 2002 after 33 years of service. Ron has been involved with antique airplanes since 1975 when he first began restoring a PT-17 Stearman. In 1979 he founded Alexander Aeroplane Company, which was later sold to Aircraft Spruce. Ron also developed the SportAir Workshops which are now being presented as the EAA SportAir Workshop program. He lives in Griffin, Georgia, where he has several antique airplanes including a Stearman Model 6 and a Curtiss Jenny that is under restoration. He is developing an antique airplane museum that replicates the original Atlanta, Georgia, airport.

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Lovell, Maine

Harvard, Illinois / Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Earning his commission in the U.S. Navy in 1976, Steve completed undergraduate pilot training in 1978, Navy Fighter Weapons School (Topgun) in 1979, and test pilot training in 1981. He flew fighter aircraft from the decks of the USS Ranger, Constellation, Kitty Hawk, and the Enterprise. Recently retiring from airline flying, Steve earned type ratings in the B-727, B-737, B-757, B-767, FK-28100, and DC-9. Some of his more challenging work with the airline included positions as check airman, FAA designee examiner, and certification as a maintenance and engineering test pilot. Owning and restoring several aircraft including Beech Staggerwings, Twin Beeches, Cessna 195s, and vintage warbirds, Steve earned his A&P certificate with inspection authorization. He is currently building his retirement home on a Maine lake and has started new flying adventures with floatplanes. Joining EAA in 1986, Steve currently serves VAA as the chairman of classic aircraft judging, volunteering countless hours in improving aircraft judging standards. Steve has been a VAA director since 2002.

Along with her late husband, Dick Hill, Jeannie has restored three award-winning vintage aircraft: a 1931 Kinner Bird biplane and two 40-hp Taylor Cubs. She still owns the 1933 E-2 and 1937 J-2 Cubs, along with a Tri-Pacer and a Bamboo Bomber. She has published newsletters as secretary of the Bird Biplane Type Club and has coauthored and edited two books and numerous aviation articles. Jeannie mentors young people pursuing aviation careers and aids pilots involved with medical certification issues. She has worn many chairman hats during her 40-plus years of volunteering. For the past many years, she’s served as chairman of the VAA Headquarters Information, Press/Media, Shawano Fly-Out, and the annual picnic. Years ago she started the Pioneer Airport video interviews, which continue during conventions and have been adapted by EAA’s Timeless Voices program. Jeannie helped establish EAA Chapter 1414 at Poplar Grove, Illinois, her home airport. Jeannie was elected to the board as a director in 1990. She looks forward to continuing to serve both the VAA and the general aviation community for many years to come.



Plainfield, Indiana

Hartford, Wisconsin

As a child, Dave built almost every type of flying model airplane. Dave learned to fly in J-3 Cubs in 1958 in Indianapolis, where he and his wife, Wanda, moved so he could attend pharmacy school at Butler University. He has owned an Aeronca Chief, an Aeronca Scout, and two Tri-Pacers. Dave has been working on and restoring airplanes since 1969. Currently he is restoring his 1946 Aeronca Chief. After his retirement, he enrolled as a student in the Vincennes University Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) program in Indianapolis and graduated in 2005. He is now an A&P instructor there. For five years Dave served as the president of the Hendricks County Board of Aviation Commissioners to build a new airport (2R2), which opened in December of 2001. Dave attended two EAA conventions in Rockford and has attended all but two fly-ins in Oshkosh. He served as a judge of the antique aircraft category for 25 years, served as co-chairman of Antique Judging, and now serves as the Vintage Aircraft Association chief judge. He also serves as the VAA Development Committee chairman.

Steve “migrated” to Wisconsin in 1982 and continues to reside in Hartford, Wisconsin. Family friend and mentor Carroll Bressler introduced him to the pleasure of aviation by giving him his first ride when he was 12 years old. Steve has been “hooked on aviation” ever since. He earned his private certificate in 1969 and completed his training in 1972, obtaining commercial and flight instructor certificates as well as instrument and multiengine ratings. Steve retired from and sold his marketing communications firm in early 2007 and established Cub Air Flight LLC, a primary flight school for sport and private pilot students who want to learn in a tailwheel airplane. He also provides tailwheel training for vintage aircraft owners. Steve and his wife, Sharon, who also flies, own several aircraft. Steve and Sharon have been EAA AirVenture Oshkosh volunteers for well more than 12 years. They also own and manage the Cub Club, the Luscombe Association, and the Taylorcraft Owner’s Club, three very active type clubs.


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Brookfield, Wisconsin

Riva, Maryland

A native of Athens, Georgia, Bob is currently the vice president for a Milwaukee-based construction firm. He soloed in 1968 in a Piper PA-11 and holds a commercial pilot certificate. Bob is a lifetime EAA and Vintage Aircraft Association member. He’s also a charter member of VAA Chapter 11 in Brookfield, Wisconsin. As a volunteer Bob has, since 1984, designed and managed the construction of additions to the VAA Red Barn, the new Vintage Hangar, as well as the Vintage area entry arch and other Vintage buildings. His EAA AirVenture Oshkosh responsibilities include the selection and purchase of VAA logo merchandise and setting up the Red Barn sales area prior to the convention. Bob was also a volunteer at Pioneer Airport, participating in its Young Eagles program with more than 300 missions. He serves as Santa for the EAA AirVenture Museum Christmas in the Air program and is on the EAA Nominating Committee. In 2009 Bob was a recipient of EAA’s President’s Award.

Soloing in 1965 on his 16th birthday, Steve now holds commercial, Single Engine Land, Multi-Engine Land, IFR, tailwheel, and rotary ratings and an HAB. Steve owns a Beech Bonanza (three Lindy Awards), a Twin Beech (one Plaque Award), a Cessna 140A, and a Bell 47G. He is also in the Civil Air Patrol, where he teaches aerospace education. Steve has served as the president of the World Beechcraft Society, the North East Bonanza Group (NEBG), and the Mid Atlantic Bonanza Society. He has been on the Board of the American Bonanza Society (ABS) and the Beechcraft Heritage Museum (BHM). Steve is presently the vice president of the Twin Beech 18 division of the BHM). He owned and ran the OXKO Corporation for more than 20 years and was the founder and first president of the Anne Arundel High Tech Council. He presently works for the U.S. Navy in Washington, D.C. Steve is a member of the VAA, EAA, AOPA, BHM, NEBG, and the ABS, and is an FAA volunteer in the FAASTeam for safety education.

JOE NORRIS Oshkosh, Wisconsin

TIM POPP Lawton, Michigan

Joe joined EAA in 1976 and became a lifetime member in 2002. Joe is also a lifetime member of VAA (VAA 5982). Joe earned his private pilot certificate in 1978 and bought his first airplane in 1979—a 1955 Piper Tri-Pacer. He flew it for about a year and then converted it to PA20 Pacer (tailwheel) configuration. During this time Joe helped form EAA Chapter 706 in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. Over time Joe has earned commercial pilot and flight instructor certificates with airplane and helicopter ratings, as well an A&P certificate with IA. Joe has been actively involved with EAA, serving as a technical counselor and flight advisor, and has been an officer in two EAA chapters. Joe was one of the five original members of the EAA Homebuilt Aircraft Council. Since 2011 Joe has been working as a flight instructor at Cub Air Flight in Hartford, Wisconsin. Joe currently owns and maintains three vintage aircraft—a Cessna 180, a Piper Super Cub, and a Waco UPF7. He has previously owned a Piper J-5A Cub Cruiser and another Super Cub. Joe built and flew a Sonerai II homebuilt and also owned a homebuilt Pitts S-1C.

Tim joined EAA in 1988 and is now a lifetime member. He began taking flying lessons and attended his first EAA Oshkosh convention that same year. He has attended every convention since then. Tim earned his private pilot certificate in 1989 and later added a tailwheel endorsement and an instrument rating. He joined VAA in 1994, about the time he began volunteering with the VAA Contemporary Aircraft Judges, and currently serves as the vice chairman of the group. Tim owns a 1958 Cessna 172, which he purchased in 1994 and has slowly restored over the years. He is currently building a Van’s Aircraft RV-7. He is an active member and past president of EAA Chapter 221 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Tim is an active Young Eagles program participant having flown more than 500 Young Eagles over the years. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Michigan and is an environment, health, and safety manager for a major pharmaceutical company. Tim has been happily married for more than 25 years to his wife, Liz, who also actively volunteers with the VAA.

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Leverage Your Fly-In, Leverage Your Group



At our midwinter meeting of the Potomac Antique Aero Squadron, we enjoyed the company, as always, of our “same loyal faces” (sound familiar?), but discussion gravitated toward ways to “leverage” our coming annual antique airplane fly-in, which for us meant new ways to promote our event and our group, to publicize our hobby/ avocation, and especially, to attract new members. Our first new idea was to depict our event as a “Gallery of Affordable Aviation.” Compared to the prices of light-sport aircraft, ultralights, etc., our antique airplanes are the value leader for all of aviation, especially as an entry point. At our fly-ins, the PAAS will put up a banner with those words, have ownership facts and figures available, and line up member/owners to give information to newcomers about their planes, our hobby/avocation, and our group. Since our winter meeting, many other ideas have blossomed and are included here, as idea-makers for your consideration:


Antiquers are usually “givers,” and without them we wouldn’t have our hobby/avocation. But as you do all of this giving, give yourself credit! Members of your group are highly historically aware and are often very willing to make their aircraft available for the aviation community and the general public to enjoy. Your group’s members are qualified to be interviewed by the mainstream media and interested persons, and their knowledge of classic eras of aviation is valuable and not known by others. Your group likely includes experts on aircraft restoration, antique airplanes, historic aviation, and more. The names oh-so-familiar to us: Cub, Aeronca, Taylorcraft, Luscombe, and all the rest—are not known to the overwhelming majority of the rest of the world, and it’s easy to lose sight of this. For this article, we’re going to metaphorically “fly our course” away from straight highways and railroad tracks. We’ll steer a bit to the left and right as we consider many other ways to “leverage”

your group and its events.

Invite and Involve Other Aviation Organizations Many groups could use your fl y-in as a destination or featured locale, not just to attend, but also to hold a rally, and make announcements and awards, with photo opportunities. Here are some examples. —Your local EAA or VAA chapter. If your event is not actually part of a chapter activity, why not invite them to partner with you? There’s often plenty of aviation enthusiasm and manpower available. —Your state aviation board or other entities could announce or induct a hall of famer or present a lifetime achievement award against the backdrop of your beautiful old airplanes. —A retirement ceremony or tribute to an area aviation person. —A local aviation university, trade school, or flight school could publicize their work of course, but also have awards or ceremonies. —Same for the Silver Wings,

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other aviation fraternities, the 99s, and other flying theme groups of all sorts (flying Shriners, dentists, legal eagles, etc.). —A publicity/sales opportunity for operators of residential airparks, fly-in resorts, and aviation-themed self-published authors, just to name a few. —Model aircraft groups: 1) traditional balsa modelers, with limited rubber band or glider flight, and youth with molded plastic kits for tabletop display are “feelgood,” but for your group members to decide. 2) Powered/fl ying R/C scale aircraft: Beware of perhaps some feeling of encroachment by your members, consider the physical practicality at your fly-in site, the timing of performances relative to your event, and the mandatory issue of specialized insurance (if it’s an AMA [Academy of Model Aeronautics] sanctioned event, insurance coverage under its banner will be extended to its operations during your event), both by the visiting scale aircraft group and yours as hosts. —Aviation-themed crafts enthusiasts: whirligigs, kites, etc., or other craft media that depict aviation. — N a m i n g R i g h t s : Yo u a l s o have the right to call your fl y-in “Aviation Heritage Days,” “Living History Classroom,” etc. Involvement of nonaviation presenters can be a touchy subject; only your group can decide your policy on this. If it comes up as an issue, don’t ignore the comments. It’s always better to work it out well before the event.

Reach Out to the Mainstream Public These are “new blood” ideas that move “out of the aviation box.” —Invite area Scout troops, Explorers, or Air Explorers. They will usually be glad to hear from you, and it exposes those of Young-Eagle age to your group. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts offer an aviation merit badge. Ask if someone in your group is willing to be the counselor

for these badges. And all of this won’t hurt one bit in the ongoing political stance for your group and/ or your airport. By the way, the antique boating hobby/avocation has a program for youth judges, with the slogan: “One-time youth judge, lifetime wooden boating enthusiast.” Could this idea be on the horizon for the antique airplane interest as well? —Consider informal participation of antique car enthusiasts by placing a paid notice in Hemmings Motor News under “Events” by state. (I strongly suggest you indicate: no entry fee, judging, or trophies.) —Have your fly-in be a waystop for a sports-car rally, high-tech scavenger hunt, etc. (and put out donation cans for your group alongside the goal!). —Art and photography groups. There are aviation associations for these interests, but consider involving local art or photography groups not already allied with aviation. —A manufacturer promoting a product that is very, very new—to use your antique aircraft for contrast. There are potentially many more ideas in this category. Also note many of these will trigger organizational issues for consideration by your membership, including: crowd control, car parking, permissible distance from exhibit airplanes, revetments and boundaries, tape or string barriers, taxiway/ground control procedures, and willingness of your members to serve as guides or docents. These human factors will determine the whole profile of your “leveraging.”

Encourage Media Attendance Decide with your group on limits of media participation. You could invite TV and radio stations, newspaper reporters, etc., but beware of member burnout and a feeling of encroachment here. Also beware of having too many media displays distract from your physical event.

However, there are now many newtech ways of recording and depicting aircraft restoration, vintage aviation, interviews of antiquers, etc. And, if you have a shelter, media activities are especially welcome if you have marginal weather.

Strike Up the Band Before you invite a band, make sure the concept and their type of music is acceptable to your membership. The band may be willing to play for free. To narrate awards programs, public dedications, or fly-bys, arrange in advance to use their sound system. Or: consider procuring or borrowing a sound system, or contracting with a DJtype who has a system you can also use for club or visiting group purposes through the day.

Use What You Have Using what you already have on-hand, create a show of historic aviation. —A seminar on stick and rudder skills. With the mags off and the prop stopped of course, have the owner/pilot of an antique (I’m visualizing a Cub-type here) sit inside with hands and feet on the controls, and narrate how the airplane is maneuvered, while onlookers can see the ailerons, rudder, elevators, trim, and brakes in operation. (No matter how familiar this is to you, most of the rest of the world has never seen it.) Again, a solid audio reinforcement system can really help make this a great part of your event. —As a group visits your fly-in, invite a member of that group (especially of youth age) to sit inside the airplane (with engine off of course), while your member/owner narrates how the aircraft is flown. —Simply open up the cowling of an aircraft. Your engine compartment itself is a display for the majority of people. (Again, for possible narration by a member/owner.) —Take off a couple of circular inspection panels and narrate subjects such as rib-stitching, wooden


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spars, bolt-safetying, annual inspections, etc. —Narrate vintage checklists like the words CIGARTIP, GUMP, etc. This can be entertaining for pilots of modern aircraft. —Conduct a seminar on navigation by sectional charts. This could be depicted as a safety seminar for pilots in case of failure of electronic navigation systems. For this, it is ideal if one of your group has preflown a route being depicted and taken pictures from the air of features on the ground, for review and comparison to the chart by your audience members. Such a narration could even extend to a description of flying by VOR stations and the now-defunct A-N quadrants. —On the ground, demonstrate the rectangular air traffic pattern used at most noncontrolled airports, possibly with a wall chart. Or you could have fun with this: Mark off an area on the grass and have your members walk as if they were airplanes in that pattern. —Hand-propping demonstration. With the mags off and a pilot at the controls, and brakes on, performing the sequence for starting an airplane by hand-propping, including verbal calls and brake checks. NOTE: An actual mags-on handpropping start in front of an audience can subject your members to performance anxiety and is not recommended. And check your insurance even for a mags-off demonstration. Any such demonstration must be conducted in every respect as though the engine could start. Hey, it’s happened! —A Parade of Flight. (If insurance permits, for both your group and its individual members/pilots.) Do this with a careful (and mandatory) briefing, and have your group’s planes fly in a long trail formation with plenty of separation. If you create such a formation, you may wish to have it take place near the end of your event, with pilots doing fly-bys and then departing, which will have your (preferably

narrated) parade as the crescendo of your event.

Promote Your Own Group Have a sign-up table and smiling club members ready to receive money and make change (unless your group has a policy against drop-in sign-ups at major events). —Donation cans: Instead of handling these last or as an afterthought, place them at the top of your list. Decorate them with images of antique aircraft. Consider affixing slogans like, “Vote here for historic aviation preservation,” or “Sign up here for next year’s fly-in,” etc. (Consider group promotion and fundraising to be as important as your fly-in director, runway flagman, etc.) —Food service. If these “leveraging” ideas require your group to enlarge your event, consider inviting an existing civic or other group that already has a food preparation setup to attend, and allow them to keep the vast majority of the profits. (This can be a member burnout and liability issue, so there are times when it makes sense to let another group, with experience managing such an operation, take the lead.) —Consider inviting political leaders. This is a joke setup with unlimited punchlines and might or might not be acceptable to your membership. But your fly-in is a “best foot forward” day for your group and your airport and could be the sort of fun appearance and photo-op that public servants like. —Political thrust. Whether or not you have area leaders visit your fly-in, all of these “leverage” ideas should, ideally, be strategized with ongoing political value in mind, to be cited as your group or airport relates to your community, county, region, state, etc. All of these ideas are intended for an outdoor event, but of course variations of them can be applied year-around to your group’s nonaviation events. Here are some more idea-makers. —Your club’s “speaker’s bureau.”

Consider having your qualified members listed as available for public talks, lectures, appearances, etc. on historic aviation, aircraft restoration, and other “antiquer” topics. —Schedule a symposium. This can be outdoors or indoors over the winter. Your group can create it or cooperate with another entity on historic aviation. Make sure you have a theme or agenda, a qualified panel, a leader/facilitator, and resonant program content. Indeed, considering the state of the economy, challenges to aviation, and avgas prices, your area’s other aviation entities should be looking to your group to “leverage” them! And so, your event already is a “Gallery of Affordable Aviation,” a destination, a media event, and an opportunity for pageantry and parade. It is an educational and ceremonial opportunity, reunion site, community rallying point, political fuel, and artistic and visual magnet. And these self-promotional ideas are especially appropriate for those of us who venerate the antique airplanes: Look at any of the magazines from the classic era and you’ll see nothing but rock-hard promotion, from a gritty, earlier time in which everything was—leveraged. INSURANCE NOTE: Make sure each of your member’s aviation insurance policies permit the concepts detailed herein, and that this review is acceptable to your members. This may include coverage for participation in fly-ins, and for long, trailing group fly-bys, even if not technically formation flying. And check your group/ event policy re: overall liability, ride-hopping, food service, etc. Outside the scope of this article would be venues in which a separate organization invites or hires your group to attend, where there is an advertised admission price for the public, or where alcohol is served.

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Vintage Mechanic



Semi-monocoque fuselage structure Fuselage structures can be classified as monocoque, semi-monocoque, and truss, which defines the type of design and construction use for fabrication. Monocoque structures use outer skin to carry all flight loads, while semi-monocoque structures have stringers on the inside of the skin to carry some of the flight loads. Monocoque structures are very difficult to repair, and when damage or degradation occurs some components must be replaced in their entirety, or at least large entire skin sections must be replaced. Semi-monocoque structures can be repaired if the damage is local and does not exceed a certain size, by riveting on patches, either flush or scab (external overlapping). An example of a monocoque structure is shown in Illustration 1 that will immediately be recognized as a John Northrop designed Lockheed Vega. In the Lockheed Illustration I one can immediately see the laminated wood bulkheads in the foreground with the left and right molded plywood skin bonded in place to those structures in the background. There’s an assembled Vega in the upper right corner of the photograph. These types of structures can be fabricated from wood, aluminum, and composites. Since the skin carries all flight loads, any repair must produce 100 percent of the original strength. In plywood structures the scarf patch, if properly executed, will meet the 100 percent require-

Illustration 1

Illustration 2 VINTAGE AIRPLANE 29

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Illustration 3

Illustration 4

Illustration 5 ment. But with aluminum structures the repair will only reach 80 percent maximum strength across the patch; that is why this type structure will need replacement of the entire skin panel if it is damaged. On the other hand, semi-monocoque construction allows repairs to be made to an aluminum structure because the skin does not carry all the flight loads. Illustration 2 shows an aluminum semi-monocoque structure. Illustration 2 is extracted from Civil Aeronautics Bulletin No. 27, Pilots’ Airplane Manual by N.O. Anderson, September 1940. It a semi-monocoque aircraft float assembly and depicts all components for a structure of this type.

Illustration 6 Illustration 3 shows typical stringer shapes. Most structures used an aluminum extrusion for stringers; however, aluminum could also be bent into angle or “zee” shapes for stringers. If the structure is fabricated from aluminum, the stringers are riveted into position, and flight loads are transferred to the stringers through attaching rivets. If the structure is fabricated from wood, the flight loads are transferred into the stringer from the skin via bonding adhesive. The same is true if the structure is fabricated from advanced composites; however, new processes will cocure the stringers to the skin, shown in Illustration 4. Co-curing describes a method of construction whereby the skin plies and stringers are laid up as a complete assembly. It is then placed in an autoclave and cured under pressure at 250°F or 350°F. The sample of the structure in this photo is a state-of-the-art wing skin produced of unidirectional carbon fiber prepreg composite material. Illustration 5 extracted from Aircraft Materials and Processes by George F. Titterton shows a stainless steel fuselage aft section from a seaplane, possibly a Fleetwings Sea Bird amphibian. The formers and stringers of this semi-monocoque structure can readily be seen. Although stainless steel is heavier than aluminum, it was selected for the Fleetwings because of its corrosion resistance to saltwater. Repairs to semi-monocoque structures are made in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, if those instructions are available. If there is no manufacturer’s data, consult the FAA AC 43.13-1B for guidance. When repairing semi-monocoque structures with aluminum skin, there are several types and shapes of patches that can be fabricated and installed. However, one must weigh the time required to install a surface or flush patch against replacing the entire panel, if replacement is possible. Many owners do not want unsightly surface patches on their aircraft; therefore, panel replacement is the answer, if the panel is not

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Illustration 8

Illustration 7 large and access to bucking rivets is available. It is not my intent here to describe in detail how to design and make repairs, but to provide insight in the thought process when determining just how to repair the skin of an aluminum semi-monocoque structure. Illustration 6 shows Figure 4-16 extracted from AC 43.13-1B. The AC 43.13-1B provides general information about the maximum size of the patch and the number of rivets required in each side of the crack. Once again, 100 percent of the original skin strength cannot be achieved with a riveted patch repair. If 100 percent strength is required, then the entire skin panel would have to be replaced, which, as a side benefit, gives the best final appearance. The AC also speaks to splicing of stringers that is used to support and supplement strength in a semimonocoque structure. Typical stringer repairs are shown in Figure 4-17, although stringer splices are more difficult because the reinforcement must be bent to shape and must fit the inside or outside of the original stringer. Illustration 7 shows typical stringer repairs. As in the stressed skin repairs in Figure 6, the AC calls out the number of rivets on each side of the splice. Looking at these sketches one can readily see that fabricating a doubler (the shaded sections) can be challenging and time-consuming. Repairing stressed plywood skin is somewhat easier than repairing aluminum (however it all depends on

the mechanic’s skill level). Here the AC 43.13-1B details several different types of repairs; however, the only repair that has no size limit is the scarf patch. The scarf patch is sanded to a taper of 10 times skin thickness (10T) using a disc sander. The scarf patch gives grain continuation and places the bond line in shear (shearing load) and, if accomplished properly, is completely flush. However, the airworthiness of any bonded joint depends on the person making the repair because different adhesives require different clamping pressure, cure times, and temperature restrictions. Once a scarf joint is clamped and cure takes place, you cannot detect if the adhesive cured correctly or incorrectly. One should always glue up a sample and then test it to destruction. When making test articles, always replicate the actual repair as closely as is possible; that is, use same adhesive batch, same clamping pressure, same cure temperature, and same cure time. Illustration 8 shows a plywood scarf joint. Above, (Illustration 8) the left photograph shows a birch leading edge plywood about to be joined using a scarf joint. Scarf taper is 10T; therefore, a 1/16-inch plywood skin would be tapered by sanding to 5/8 inch in length. When the two sections are joined, a nailing strip applies pressure to the bond. After the cure is complete the strip is removed and the joint sanded for a smooth surface. The leading edge is on my Command-Aire wings. Semi-monocoque structures are the most popular when designing and constructing aluminum aircraft. Inspection of aluminum structures is visual, and the focus is corrosion and cracking. There are areas of the structure that are impossible to inspect thoroughly, such as lap seams. An indicator that corrosion has formed within a lap seam can be detected by closely observing topcoat paint along the seam. If the paint is bubbling up, it is a sure sign of corrosion. If the paint blisters anywhere else, it is a sign of filiform corrosion.


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The Lure of Airplanes T BY


he lure was airplanes, beautiful airplanes. Or, more precisely, it was hand-painted profiles of the winning aircraft of the Great War. I stumbled upon a treasure of exquisite books, handsomely bound folios really, containing page after page of meticulously drawn, full-color renderings of the sleek pursuit ships flown to glory by the great French aces. The richly detailed depictions of Nieuports, SPADs, and more almost leapt from the thick, glossy paper to give fitting expression, an impeccable face, to the machines behind the legends that enthralled a 12-yearold aviation enthusiast like me. The text and captions were printed in French. That was understandable because this impressive collection of gorgeously illustrated albums of World War I aircraft was housed in a Paris bookshop. The colorful scale images, which constituted the crux of these hefty volumes, “spoke” a universal language, a dialect, you might say, that transcended culture, nationality, or, for that matter, age. The airplane profiles, in all their majesty, had a mesmerizing effect. Leafing through the folios caused me to lose track of time. During my perusal, I was in the bookshop only in the corporeal sense for my head was, well, in the clouds, imagining the dramatic maneuvers of chivalrous pilots locked in aerial duels. A half-hour, maybe an hour ticked by. I was in a king-

dom unto myself, as if a traveler in Emily Dickinson’s poem which muses “There is no frigate like a book To take us lands away…” In the tightly scheduled itinerary that my mom had organized for her three children on the summer trip to the major capitals of Europe, this part of our day had been allotted for window-shopping. Suddenly, it dawned on me. My mother would be worried about what had happened to her middle child. I felt momentarily as if I had fallen overboard into a vast and strange sea. My mother had meticulously planned the trip far in advance; it was the first time abroad for all of us. Dad wasn’t able to take off from work, so it was a gutsy thing for Mom to single-handedly pack up and chaperone her children — two preteens and a newly turned adolescent. Exposing us to other cultures was her oft-stated reason for the whirlwind journey, but part of her motivation was her own hankering to see exotic places from having had her sense of adventure titillated by magazines and books. It was 1963 and the gleaming blue-and-white Pan Am jets out of Idewild (later to be renamed John F. Kennedy International) enabled the Atlantic crossing with a level of service rarely experienced in commercial air travel since. The air transport back then was as much fun as the immersion in our destinations. On the day of my bookshop escapade, we had taken a breather from the surfeit of museum and

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palace tours. Together we strolled along either elegant Avenue Montaigne or the equally sumptuous Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. d F b S i tH é (I don’t d ’t remember which from so long ago.) Nowhere was the incipient transformation of the once scrawny garment trade more visible than on the imposing, almost intimidating, channel we paced that summer day in Paris. For a middle-aged woman who had grown up in a small town on the outskirts of Cleveland and whose children were themselves hitherto cloistered in the American Middle West, the long row of mainly high-end apparel stores, ensconced in the block’s ornate façade, exuded a baroque splendor almost as if it were an adjunct of Versailles or the Louvre. This was a far cry from our hometown best, the Halle’s and Higby’s department stores of metropolitan Detroit. For a 12-year-old dreaming of flight, clothing stores, no matter how hoity-toity, didn’t register. In fact, for me such retailers continue to be boring places (as my wife, Mary, freely attests). I ambled ahead of my mother and siblings until a few doors down the street I came across the bookshop, an establishment that grabbed my attention. When I stepped out of the bookshop after the indeterminate lapse, my family members were nowhere to be seen. It quickly sunk in that we had been separated. There I was, alone in Paris. What to do? We had walked to the shopping district from the hotel, so walking back on my own oughtn’t to be much of a strain. It would be a matter of simply retracing the outbound route in a city noted for its memorable landmarks. I’d be like the waifs in the old fable who found their way across unfamiliar territory by backtracking with the help of the bread

crumbs dropped b d d along the way, only nly my markers would be the unique statues and street-corner ner architecture passed earlier in thee day day. In the unfolding saga, my mother tried to keep her wits. While guarding her two other children with iron-like grips around their wrists, she acknowledged afterwards that at this juncture she nearly fainted. Also, Mom later confessed to fearing the unthinkable, a kidnapping and worse. She scrambled back and forth, peering into windows in search of her missing son, but to no avail; our paths were irretrievably divergent by then. Without a working knowledge of the native tongue and, as a stranger from abroad, not knowing anyone to call for help in this beautiful but unfamiliar city, she frantically entered a shop noted for its lovely silks. The shop just happened to be the closest place when the sensation of despair overtook her. Mom wondered if she would ever see her son again. In the depth of her fright, she threw herself to the mercy of the first sales clerk within earshot. That clerk proved to be a godsend. A delightful bilingual woman not quite in middle-age, she instantly picked up on the motherly distress and consoled with a most welcomed empathy. The Paris gendarmes needed to be alerted that there was an American boy of average height and weight, attired in suit and tie, aged 12 who went missing in the late morning on the city’s streets. The clerk made the call on the shop’s telephone, but the duty officer at the precinct station insisted that any missing person’s report be filed

in the station. The clerk took the requirement in stride, stride showing no sign of letting up her involvement in finding the lost boy. Calm and focused, the clerk connected with my mother on a visceral level, though we were to learn that she was neither a spouse nor a mother herself. She seemed to be impelled by a humanitarian ethic, the wish to offer the gift of kindness to someone in dire need, to be a beacon of light in the City of Lights. Without a moment’s hesitation, Mom’s new friend grabbed her things and flagged down a taxi for the ride to the station. Along the way, with my mother, brother, and sister squeezed into the cab, the clerk introduced herself. My family was so very glad to be accompanied by Marri Lou Bercot. Years later, I perceived a parallel between Mademoiselle Bercot and one of her illustrious countrymen. In 1943, the pilot-author-philosopher Antoine de Saint-Exupery had a similar choice to make, albeit on a far grander scale. After France’s fall early in World War II, he made his way to the United States where he held court in the literary salons of Manhattan and the arts colonies of the Hamptons. This is when he produced his classic children’s book, Le Petit Prince, which tells young and old alike much about the meaning of life. But the expatriate was far from content. His country’s politics were bitterly divided between the objectionable Petainists, on the one hand, who shamelessly collaborated with the Nazis under the Vi-


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chy banner and, on the other hand, the unbending Gaullists who demanded obeisance to an ideological purity. Saint-Exupery sought a middle ground that looked to the eventual postwar France when he wished all Frenchmen, regardless of their wartime politics, might be reconciled without recrimination. Alas, the dreamer’s vision was premature, some would say idealistic. Disenchanted with the course of political events, his solution was to ask, indeed lobby hard, to rejoin his squadron. I think, too, he felt uneasy in the well-heeled lifestyle he had adopted so far removed from the calamitous occurrences befalling much of the world as war raged. To fly again in the cause of humanity’s future would surely transcend politics and give renewed purpose to life. Also, it meant he would be in the company of believers. He had served virtually from the war’s beginning in the autumn of 1939 through the spring of 1940, flying reconnaissance missions in an antiquated Potez. He knew at the time that the Battle of France was lost, at least until America might be induced to enter the fray. Also, with the deterioration of conditions on the battlefield he suspected that no one at headquarters had use for the recon photos he brought back from harrowing flights over enemy positions. Undeterred, he and his squadron mates kept flying their assigned missions until the inevitable debacle. The cause was galvanizing even if futile. The greater motivation, however, is alluded to in Saint-Exupery’s wartime reminiscence, Flight to Arras. It was the camaraderie among his fellows, the bond that united these stout-hearted men. So, they flew on until there was no sky left for a Frenchman of their convictions. More than three years after his exile from Nazi-dominated France and despite suffering the ever-worsening pains of crashes sustained in his varied flying career, SaintExupery, the inveterate airman, realized his destiny demanded that he return to be with them, his

brothers in the sky, to again prowl over his native land to make it free. It wasn’t the easy thing to do; it was the right thing to do. It was a most pleasant July day, and I wasn’t really lost. Amid the bustle of the city, I easily retraced my way back towards our hotel, passing remembered landmarks of one kind or another on the return walk, including the impressive Place de la Madeleine.

Alas, the dreamer’s vision was premature, some would say idealistic. The hotel’s high-ceilinged lobby was decorated at the time in subtle mauve tones that projected an oldworld charm. I got as far as the elevator when its operator, a uniformed boy only a few years my senior, looked at me and in broken English inquired if I was “Philippe Hand-oman?” I nodded, and a bemused look illuminated his face. Come with me, he said, and I followed. As I later learned, an all-points bulletin had been issued by the Paris police, and the hotel’s staff got a call to be on the lookout. My brief notoriety was about to cease; the sooner the better for all concerned. The alert elevator operator handed me off to the head concierge. Attired in a double-breasted mauve uniform to match the building’s décor, the elder gent, in manner and tone, resembled Claude Raines in the role of the French prefect in Casablanca. It was like dropping into the scene where after being presented with his winnings from the croupier’s table in Rick’s Café the supreme authority declares that he is “shocked, shocked” to learn that gambling is going on, only in my case the man in charge waved his finger at me as he chortled “naughty, naughty” with the grin of someone who had once been young and done likewise. He sat me down behind the semi-

circular desk and though he kept grinning, he wouldn’t let me out of his sight until my mother and siblings came to claim me. It seemed forever before my family members arrived from the police station. I’ll never forget my mother’s expression when she first laid eyes on me. To be sure, there was anger for my having caused such a commotion, but it was superseded by the relief in knowing I hadn’t met a terrible fate. Her mixed emotions were revealed upon her first words. Don’t ever do that again she lectured as tears welled up in her eyes. I got the message. It wasn’t until the following summer, during a return trip to Paris, that I met Mademoiselle Bercot. My mother, brother, sister, and I arrived at the silk shop at a prearranged time. It was my opportunity to thank this upstanding individual for her assistance when Mom needed it desperately. We walked into the shop at the appointed hour. “Ah, this is little Philippe?” a woman radiating consummate poise asked rhetorically as she smiled in my direction. It was hard not to blush. When I hazarded a glance at her, I saw a very gentle and attractive lady. Her beauty wasn’t the physically seductive sort that modern media proffer as the accepted template, but the kind that stems from the way one carries oneself, suggestive of a quiet dignity underlaid with a deep and abiding character. It was an honor to meet Mademoiselle Bercot. Three decades after our Paris trip, Mom passed away. Two years later, Dad followed. Among the chores necessitated by their deaths was clearing out the valuables in the safety deposit box that they shared. As I rummaged through the confined space, an envelope surfaced. It had the alternating red and blue hash marks denoting air mail handling and was addressed to my mother. The postmark read “Paris, Gare Montparnasse.” The single pale blue onionskin sheet inside, folded in thirds lengthwise

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and once in width, brimmed with a delicate and graceful script. It was dated Sunday, September 29, 1963. It turned out that my mother and Mademoiselle Bercot had corresponded. The crackling onionskin letter contained an expression of thanks for the gift Mom had sent as a token of her gratitude for the courtesies she received in her hour of crisis. Mademoiselle Bercot’s letter was laced with grammatical missteps but overflowing in its humility. Our newfound friend of a generation ago wrote that she hoped one day to take up Mom’s invitation to visit us in Cleveland. Though we were never blessed by such a visit, the essence of the letter conveys a heartfelt and timeless message that more than sufficed: “[M]y gesture to help you find little Philip did not need a renewed thanks fromyou, [sic] as my reaction was in my opinion a human spontaneous behaviour [sic] which I would have loved to feel have [sic] I been in similar circumstances. More congenial and spontaneous feelings between people would certainly help to make a better world, and this is always a daily goal for me.” In the wanderings of youth, I had crossed an uncertain threshold and landed unexpectedly upon a treasure of eye-catching images of streamlined biplanes, the fastest and most maneuverable flying machines of their time. The bonanza captured my imagination, and in doing so it caused an additional excursion that led to yet another unexpected fortune, an encounter with the profound soul of a caring person. As we age, we are prone not to venture out unless there is a cognizance of what awaits us at the other end. Sadly, by inhibiting youthful indiscretion, we step on youthful curiosity. In some ways, it is better never to grow up for then we retain the natural impulse to uncover the unknown, which at times may lead to riches like the discovery of folios with beautiful pursuit plane paintings and the acquaintance of such admirable people as Marri Lou Bercot.

Come Celebrate the 75th birthday of Piper and the Piper J-3


SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY 2012 A Family-Oriented Fly-In William T. Piper Airport (LHV), Lock Haven, PA 17745

June 20-June 23, 2012

Featured Planes: Piper J-3 Cub, L-4 and PA-16 Clipper

Greg Koontz and the Alabama Boys J-3 comedy appearing on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

t Seminars t Static Displays t Fly-Bys t Great Food t Fun t Fellowship tCamping t Under-Wing Camping t Awards t Nightly Live Band t Entertainment t Corn Roasts t Tours t Motel Transportation Friday is member appreciation day. Member’s pass is 1/2 price. Daily Pass (includes flight line): $8: ages 18-adult, $4: ages 13-17, Free: children under 12 Primitive Camping and under wing: $15/night RV Camping w/o hook-ups: $20, with hook-ups: $25

All Makes and Models of Aircraft Welcome Call: 570-893-4200 Fax: 570-893-4218 Email:, PO Box J3, Lock Haven, PA 17745-0496


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Vintage Instructor THE

BY Steve Krog, CFI

Airport at sunset


here is nothing more peaceful and serene than a country airport near sunset. The daylong 25-mph crosswind has died to a very light breeze. A single Aeronca Chief is in the traffic pattern practicing a few takeoffs and landings as the last vestiges of the orange sunrays stretch across the clear blue sky. A pair of sandhill cranes, which have found a home on a small pond on the southeast corner of the airport property for the past four years, gracefully fly low overhead on a flight path back to the pond. The bullfrogs at the pond have been singing for over an hour. As daylight comes to an end for another day, all is peaceful. Pilots, who have been flying their airplanes for pleasure for the past two hours, have put their airplanes away for the day, leading edge bugs have been wiped from the wings, and the windshield cleaned, in readiness for flight again tomorrow if the weather is conducive to pleasure flying. A young mother with two young boys in tow has driven onto the ramp area. We wave to her and invite her and the boys to come to the hangar and look at the airplanes. The boys are quite shy at first, but with some prodding from Mom they approach the J-3 Cub parked in the front and excitedly state, “Mom, this is the airplane that was flying over our house today.” The mother laughs and says, “Every time you fly over the house the boys stop what they are doing, look to the sky, and point at the airplane overhead. They are fascinated by the yellow airplanes.” I invite the boys to have a closer look and ask if they would like to sit in the airplane. Again very shy, they look to Mom for an “okay.” I assure her that they won’t hurt anything and show them how to get in the Cub. The step is just high enough that the 6-year-old can just barely reach it. He hangs onto the doorframe and hoists himself up and quickly crawls into the front seat. The 5-year-old requires a little help to reach the step but ably climbs into the rear seat. Once in the Cub I explain how to move the control stick, pointing out the moving ailerons and then have them look back toward the tail while moving the stick

forward and back. They see the elevator move and are fascinated by how the moving control stick makes the controls move. A few minutes at the controls and Mom breaks out her cellphone camera and asks if she can take pictures of the boys. I give her an okay, but first place the intercom headsets on the boys and turn them on. They giggle and can’t believe they are talking to one another. Pictures are taken and she comments that she will have to print them for placement on the refrigerator at home, as well as for “Show and Tell” at school tomorrow. Soon it is time for the boys to exit the Cub and head for home, so excited they can’t wait to tell Dad about their airport visit. I invite Mom and the boys to come out anytime and, with her approval, the boys can go for a short plane ride the next time. Once the boys have left, those of us who have gathered migrate back to the picnic table in front of the hangar to again enjoy the peace and serenity at the airport. One of the guys comments, “Well, I think you’ve just signed up two more students. They will be back in a few years wanting to learn to fly the Cub!” As calm again settles, a small flock of geese pass overhead. It’s near dark now and the normal honking and squawking is silent. The geese have been feeding in a nearby stubble field and are now headed back to a nearby pond for the night. Then someone points out a red fox that has appeared from the southern tree line and slowly makes its way across the runway. It’s almost dark out now, so the fox is comfortable to move freely while on the hunt for an evening meal. As the stars begin to appear, several of the guys begin pointing out different constellations. I’ve always been fascinated by the constellations, but I’ve never been able to connect the dots to see and recognize them. Except for the Big and Little Dipper, that corner of the creative side of my mind must still be locked away. Then someone points out a satellite high overhead moving rapidly from south to north. It’s the first one of the evening, and all eyes quickly turn to the sky. Soon a second and then a third satellite are spotted. We often

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have contests to see who can spot the most satellites in a 15- or 20-minute period. It is not uncommon on a clear night to see at least 10 pass overhead. Soon it is time for all to call it a day. As the hangar guys and gals begin to leave, we all pause and comment on what a beautiful day and evening it has been. As the last pilot leaves, I begin lowering the hangar door, calling an end to another great day in paradise. The Cubs all seem to be sitting at the ready, anxious for another new day to begin and prepared for another challenging day of students learning how to handle their controls. Sometimes I think they might want a day off after bucking and bouncing in the traffic pattern for hours on end. But they never seem to mind. They sometimes remind me of a well-trained young dog. Though very tired from a full day of activity, they can’t wait for the next sunrise and another day filled with fun and excitement at the airport. But now it’s time to get some rest. As the hangar door closes and the door is locked, I oftentimes will sit alone at the picnic table for a few more minutes and think about the great day and beautiful evening I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing. So calm, so peaceful, so quiet, and so serene. Is there any better place in the country to spend a few reflective minutes? The airport is a great place to spend a day. I love every waking moment that I’m there, but I especially love the last hour of the day. As I sit and reflect on the day’s activity, I think about the six or seven students with whom I flew. Each made progress toward learning to fly, and at least one of them made their first solo flight that day. It brings a huge grin to my face as I think about how that student acted after the first flight lesson and then how they felt after completing three solo takeoffs and landings. What an achievement for them. With rare exception the new solo flight student can’t stop talking about the flight. The conversation usually begins with, “I can’t believe how short the Cub gets off the ground and the way it climbs when you’re not sitting in front of me! And it seems to float forever when landing.� When a first solo flight occurs, the other folks at the airport all drop what they are doing and gather in front of the hangar to offer their personal congratulations. All await the traditional shirttail cutting, then follow with another round of backslapping, handshaking, and good-natured ribbing. Any one of you reading this article certainly has a love for and great appreciation of flight. But the true “icing on the cake� is the fun and camaraderie that take place at a small country airport. There are no finer friends, I’m convinced, than those who are active at the airport. As I finally get off the picnic table and head for the parking lot I think, yes, it was another great day at the airport. I can think of no other place I’d rather be.





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MYSTERY PLANE This month’s Mystery Plane comes to us from the EAA archives/Cedric Galloway collection.

Send your answer to EAA, Vintage Airplane, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Your answer needs to be in no later than June 10 for inclusion in the August 2012 issue of Vintage Airplane.

You can also send your response via e-mail. Send your answer to Be sure to include your name plus your city and state in the body of your note and put “(Month) Mystery Plane” in the subject line.

FEBRUARY’S MYSTERY ANSWER We enjoy your suggestions for Mystery Plane—in fact, more than half of our subjects are sent to us by members, often via e-mail. Please remember that if you want to scan the photo for use in Mystery Plane, it must be at a resolution of 300 dpi or greater. You may send a lower-resolution version to us for our review, but the final version has to be at that level of detail or it will not print properly. Also, please let us know where the photo came from; we don’t want to willfully violate someone’s copyright.

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The A-38-1 was powered by a 450-hp Walter-built Bristol Jupiter IV radial, which gave it a maximum speed of 118 mph and a cruising speed of 106 mph. The February Mystery Plane came to our attention through Wes Smith of Springfi eld, Illinois. We received one answer, from Thomas Lymburn of Princeton, Minnesota. Here’s his letter: “The February 2012 Mystery Plane is the 1929 Czechoslovakian Aero A -38. Your photo is one of two A-38-2s delivered to the French airline Compagnie Internationale de Navigation AĂŠrienne, or CIDNA by Aero Vodochody. Developed from the earlier Aero A-23 and A-35, the A-38 featured a two-man cockpit moved forward, an enlarged passenger compartment for eight seats, and a toilet and baggage space in the rear. The cabin had doors on each side for easy entry. “The A-38-1 was powered by a 450-hp Walter-built Bristol Jupiter IV radial, which gave it a maximum speed of 118 mph and a cruising speed of 106 mph. Its range was 500 miles. The A-38-2 used a 420-hp French Gnome Rhone 9A2 radial. Its performance was similar to the Jupiter powered model. Wingspan was 54 feet 11-1/2 inches, length 50 feet 2-1/2 inches, and loaded weight ran from 7,050 to 7,200 pounds. “Three A-38-1s were delivered to the Czech airline Ceskoslovenske Statrti Aerolinie, or CSA, registered L-BACB, OK-ACC, and OK-ACD. ACD lasted in service until July 1936. The two A-39-2s were delivered to CIDNA in May 1929 and were registered F-AJLF and F-AJLG. “Aero had been formed as Aero Tovarna Letadel in 1919 near Prague, initially to build Austrian Phoenix fighters under license. It manufactured a series of airliners, fighters, and bombers of its own design and others under license, including the Bloch MB-200 bomber, up to WWII In 1921, its Aero A-10 was Czechoslovakia’s first commercial aircraft. “Stroud’s European Transport Aircraft Since 1920 (Putnam, 1966), Taylor’s Jane’s Encyclopedia of Aviation (Portland House, 1989), and Eden and Moeng’s The Complete Encyclopedia of World Aviation (Barnes & Noble, 2002) all provide basic data on the Aero A-38, with Stroud’s work having the same picture on page 36 of Vintage Airplane.â€?

CONTACT US TODAY! TOLL FREE: TEL: FA X: SALES: VDOHV#VXSHU IOLWH FRP WEB: Z Z Z VXSHU IOLWH FRP Scan this QR code with your smartphone or tablet device to view our complete line RI IDEULFV WDSHV DQG ÂżQLVKHV

What W hat OOur ur M Members embers AAre re RRestoring estoring

Are you nearing completion of a restoration? Or is it done and you’re busy ying and showing it o? If so, we’d like to hear from you. Send us a 4-by-6-inch print from a commercial source (no home printers, please—those prints just don’t scan well) or a 4-by-6-inch, 300-dpi digital photo. A JPG from your 2.5-megapixel (or higher) digital camera is ďŹ ne. You can burn photos to a CD, or if you’re on a high-speed Internet connection, you can e-mail them along with a text-only or Word document describing your airplane. (If your e-mail program asks if you’d like to make the photos smaller, say no.) For more tips on creating photos we can publish, visit VAA’s website at Check the News page for a hyperlink to Want To Send Us A Photograph?

For more information, you can also e-mail us at vintageaircraft@ or call us at 920-426-4825. VINTAGE AIRPLANE 39

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S o m e t h i n g t o b u y, sell, or trade? Classified Word Ads: $5.50 per 10 w o rd s , 1 8 0 w o rd s max i m u m , w i t h boldface lead-in on first line. Classified Display Ads: One column wide (2.167 inches) by 1, 2, or 3 inches high at $20 per inch. Black and white only, and no frequency discounts. Advertising Closing Dates: 10th of second month prior to desired issue date (i.e., January 10 is the closing date for the March issue). VAA reserves the right to reject any advertising in conflict with its policies. Rates cover one insertion per issue. Classified ads are not accepted via phone. Payment must accompany order. Word ads may be sent via fax (920-426-4828) or e-mail (classads@ using credit card payment (all cards accepted). Include name on card, complete address, type of card, card number, and expiration date. Make checks payable to EAA. Address advertising correspondence to EAA Publications Classified Ad Manager, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.

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continued from page 21

continued from page 5

skids or tail wheels. Short “wheelbases” on some of these top-heavy airplanes made them prone to ground looping. When most airfields had turf or gravel surfaces, tailskid shoes being dragged along such surfaces helped a lot to keep them going straight. But the 1930s saw the appearance of more and more paved runways, and pilots quickly learned that hard metal skid shoes could slide sideways just as easily as dead ahead. We saw some wild ground loops! So tail wheels—fixed, lockable, or steerable—began to appear. The 1933 Privateer P-3 had a steerable tail wheel whose streamlined housing served as a water rudder. The Courtney-designed Curtiss-Wright amphib of 1935 adopted the then-radical tricycle landing gear to make landings less wild and woolly. The smaller Argonaut that also appeared that year had its tail wheel set at the extreme aft end of the hull to give a longer “wheelbase” and stronger directional control. With such a tail wheel location, the aft ends of hulls had to be made strong enough to cope with tail wheel stresses. Today we have epoxy adhesives, all sorts of moldable plastics, composite materials, a wide selection of tubing, very light and compact ultralight engines that drive small-diameter propellers, and computer-assisted engineering. Already several light and ultralight amphibians are on the market in both kit and completed forms. Ultralights need little room in which to take off and land, and as a result have wonderful versatility. It’s a safe guess that we’re going to see an everincreasing number of amphibians. Designing a really good small amphibian is undoubtedly an engineering challenge. But then, compare what we see at present-day EAA fly-ins with the much less sophisticated homebuilts of 20 and 30 years ago. Just ask Al Reay and some of the others how much fun it is to fly back and forth between the Ultralight area at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh and the seaplane base on Lake Winnebago!

price of just hauling it away. Steve and a small core of very dedicated volunteers located other equipment, and with his trusty truck and group of volunteers, they went to work reconditioning and transporting the equipment to Oshkosh. For many weekends prior to the next AirVenture this dedicated group of volunteers could be found on the EAA grounds properly installing the commercial kitchen appliances to meet necessary building and food service codes. This operation is inspected annually for compliance for both food and fire safety, and it’s never failed to impress the authorities with the operation and professionalism of the Vintage crew. Today the Tall Pines Café has become an early morning daily stop for EAA AirVenture Wittman Field campers as well as many attendees. Nowhere else on the EAA grounds can you get a hearty breakfast of eggs, toast, pancakes, coffee, and milk for a very reasonable price! In fact, more than 5,000 breakfast meals were served during EAA AirVenture 2011. When asked what’s next for Tall Pines, Steve replied, “Part two of our business plan is to add a permanent picnic-style shelter, eliminating the tent used for serving the meals and as the dining area. However, we’ll first need an okay from EAA management. Then we’ll go to work gathering donations to cover the building materials. From that point forward, with the help of the many loyal volunteers, we’ll complete the building.” Steve concluded, “I can’t express my thanks enough to the volunteers who have helped make the Tall Pines Café a success. Without the volunteers this venture would never have become a reality.” Thanks to Steve’s tireless efforts, food service at a very reasonable price is now available to all folks young and old at the south end of Wittman Field.

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Enjoy the many benefits of the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association

President Geoff Robison 1521 E. MacGregor Dr. New Haven, IN 46774 260-493-4724

Secretary Steve Nesse 2009 Highland Ave. Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-1674

Vice-President George Daubner N57W34837 Pondview Ln Oconomowoc, WI 53066 262-560-1949

Treasurer Dan Knutson 106 Tena Marie Circle Lodi, WI 53555 608-592-7224

DIRECTORS Steve Bender 85 Brush Hill Road Sherborn, MA 01770 508-653-7557

John S. Copeland 1A Deacon Street Northborough, MA 01532 508-393-4775

Espie “Butch” Joyce 6257 NC 704 Madison, NC 27025 336-427-0971

David Bennett 375 Killdeer Ct Lincoln, CA 95648 916-952-9449

Phil Coulson 28415 Springbrook Dr. Lawton, MI 49065 269-624-6490

Steve Krog 1002 Heather Ln. Hartford, WI 53027 262-966-7627

Jerry Brown 4605 Hickory Wood Row Greenwood, IN 46143 317-422-9366

Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hills Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46278 317-293-4430

Robert D. “Bob” Lumley 1265 South 124th St. Brookfield, WI 53005 262-782-2633

Dave Clark 635 Vestal Lane Plainfield, IN 46168 317-839-4500

Jeannie Hill P.O. Box 328 Harvard, IL 60033-0328 920-426-6110

S.H. “Wes” Schmid 2359 Lefeber Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-771-1545

DIRECTORS EMERITUS Ronald C. Fritz 15401 Sparta Ave. Kent City, MI 49330 616-678-5012

E.E. “Buck” Hilbert 8102 Leech Rd. Union, IL 60180 815-923-4591

Gene Chase 8555 S. Lewis Ave., #32 Tulsa, OK 74137 918-298-3692

Charles W. Harris PO Box 470350 Tulsa, OK 74147 918-622-8400

Gene Morris 5936 Steve Court Roanoke, TX 76262 817-491-9110

John Turgyan PO Box 219 New Egypt, NJ 08533 609-752-1944


Vintage May2012.indd 43

Joe Norris 920-688-2977

PO Box 3086, Oshkosh WI 54903-3086 Phone (920) 426-4800

Fax (920) 426-4873

Web Site: E-Mail: VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Current EAA members may join the Vintage Aircraft Association and receive VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine for an additional $42 per year. EAA Membership, VINTAGE AIRPLANE magazine and one year membership in the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association is available for $52 per year (SPORT AVIATION magazine not included). (Add $7 for International Postage.)

EAA Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $40 for one year, including 12 issues of SPORT AVIATION. Family membership is an additional $10 annually. All major credit cards accepted for membership. (Add $16 for International Postage.)


Robert C. Brauer 9345 S. Hoyne Chicago, IL 60643 773-779-2105

Ron Alexander 118 Huff Daland Circle Griffin, GA 30223-6827

Membership Services Directory

Tim Popp 60568 Springhaven Ct. Lawton, MI 49065 269-624-5036

Please submit your remittance with a check or draft drawn on a United States bank payable in United States dollars. Add required Foreign Postage amount for each membership.

Membership Services Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM—6:00 PM CST

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Sport Pilot/Light-Sport Aircraft Hotline 877-359-1232 Auto Fuel STCs


EAA Air Academy


EAA Scholarships


Library Services/Research


VAA Insurance Plan


EAA Aircraft Insurance Plan EAA VISA Card

866-647-4322 800-853-5576 ext. 8884

EAA Hertz Rent-A-Car Program


VAA Editor/Executive Director


VAA Office


Copyright ©2012 by the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association, All rights reserved. VINTAGE AIRPLANE (USPS 062-750; ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusively by the EAA Vintage Aircraft Association of the Experimental Aircraft Association and is published monthly at EAA Aviation Center, 3000 Poberezny Rd., PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin 549023-3086, e-mail: Membership to Vintage Aircraft Association, which includes 12 issues of Vintage Airplane magazine, is $42 per year for EAA members and $52 for non-EAA members. Periodicals Postage paid at Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54902 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Vintage Airplane, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. CPC #40612608. FOREIGN AND APO ADDRESSES— Please allow at least two months for delivery of VINTAGE AIRPLANE to foreign and APO addresses via surface mail. ADVERTISING — Vintage Aircraft Association does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through the advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. EDITORIAL POLICY: Members are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor. No remuneration is made. Material should be sent to: Editor, VINTAGE AIRPLANE, PO Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. Phone 920-426-4800. EAA® and EAA SPORT AVIATION®, the EAA Logo® and Aeronautica™ are registered trademarks, trademarks, and service marks of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. The use of these trademarks and service marks without the permission of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is strictly prohibited.

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