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plans you have for sale. As soon as sufficient informa­ tion is forwarded to us, we shall run th e listings in a future issue of THE VI NTAGE AI RPLANE and plan to update it thereafter on an annual basis. With your help we can have the most complete and accurate informa­ tion available anywhere. We hope that, with the help of all of you who have plans or information, we shall be able to compile a list of available drawings which will have sufficient diversifica­ tion so that there will be something of interest for every­ one. Wouldn't it be great to see many of the almost extinct, but not forgotten, airplanes of the 30's back in Some months ago we discussed in this column the the sky again, or a whole squadron of World War I advantages of building a replica of our favorite antique fighters fly by in formation? or classic design when a restorable basket case was not This year we would like to publish reports and pic­ available . That particular column brought forth more comment and suggestions from you members than the tures of all of the Antique/Classic Fly-Ins around the sum total of all of the other" Restorer's Corners" writ­ country. However, to accomplish this we shall need the ten to date. Apparently we hit upon a vital point, and help of local chapter reporters and photographers, as we were very happy to learn that we had . All of the your editor and his staff can not possibly attend all of replies were very favorable, and some members were the fly-ins, even though they would certainly like to try. kind enough to send along information concern ing Now is the time for each of you fly-in chairmen to estab­ where certain plans could be obtained, or who might lish your press coverage committee and staff it with your happen to have a full or partial set for a particular air­ best reporter and your best photographer. Please be sure plane. We assure you that all of the information supplied to remind your photographer to use black and white has been cataloged for future reference, but we are a film and to send us glossy prints, preferably 4 x 5 inches long way from having a complete file on all of the old in size or larger. Please ask your reporter to write a story designs which could conceivably become popular rep­ telling about all of the interesting things which happe ned licas. at your fly-in. We all would like to know abo ut what A reasonable start wou Id be to catalog the names and went on as well as reading the list of trophy winners. addresses of the suppliers of copies of original plans Here is your chance to get the best possibl e free public­ which are commercially available at the present time. To ity for your fly-in. And while we are talkin g about free accomplish this initial task, we need your help. If you publicity, please send us the dates and other important have bought any copies of original plans, please send us information concerning your planned fly-in this year. We th e nam e and address of the supplier. Also, those of you need over ninety days lead time on everyth ing we print, who are offering copies of original plans commercially so the sooner you get the information to us, the sooner please send us your names and addresses and tell us what you will start getting that free pUblicity.

Restorer'S Corner



NOMINATIONS FOR ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS In accordance with the division By- Laws as amended, the terms of two officers and four directors will expire at the 1977 EAA Antique/Classic Division Annual Busi­ ness Meeting to be held on August 6, 1977 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin , during the 25th I nternational Fly-I n Conven­ tion. Those offices which will expire are: VICE-PRESIDENT TREASURER DIRECTORS

Jack C. Winthrop E.E. "Buck" Hilbert William J. Ehlen Claude L. Gray, Jr. James B. Horne George E. Stubbs All of th e incumbents have indicated that th ey will be candidates for reelection. Additional nomination s for these offices shall be made on official nomination forms obtainable from the Headquarters of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc., P. O. Box 229, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. The nominating petition shall include a recent photograph of the candidate and shall contain a brief resume of his background and experience. Can­ didates must have been members of the EAA Antiqu e/ Classic Division in good standing for the previous two consecutive yea rs. Each petition requires a minimum of ten (10) signatures of Antique/Classic Division members in good standing with their Division membership number and ex piration date . Nominating petitions must be submitted to the Chair­ man of the No minati ng Committee, EAA Antique/ Classic Division, c/o EAA Headquarters no later than March 9, 1977. Voting instructions and proc ed ures will be published in a later issue of THE VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE. Arthur R. Morgan , Chairman No minating Committee





Editorial Staff Ed itor AI Kelch Associat~ Editor H. Glenn Buffington 81 8 W. Crockett St. No. 201 Seattle, Washington 98119


Associate Editor Robert G. Elliott 1227 Oakwood Ave. Daytona Beach, Florida 32014

Associate Editor Edward D. Williams 713 Eastman Dr. Mt. Prospect, Illinois 60056

The Restorer's Corner . . . . " . . ,""" " " ", . " ' ," "" ', . ,, . ,'" The Linco ln Flies . . , ... """ " " " " " " ' , ... . , "" " " " , .. , ' 3 Knight Night Flight. , . , , . , , , , , , . , , , . , , , .. , . , , . , , , , , , , ... . .. , .. " 6 "Let's Get The Sh ow On Th e Road" (by H, Glenn Buffingto n, Assoc, Ed.) . " 7 Vintage Album " " ,. , " ' , . . ,', . . ,.,., ... ," ." " " " ' , .. , . .. . 11 A Si lver Eagle (by Robert Elliott, Assoc. Ed ,) , . ," " "" ", . ,. , ... . . , 13




RT, 1, BOX 111

ALLEN , TX 75002

AI KelCh 7018 W. Bon n iwell Road Mequon, Wisconsin 53092

Claude L. Gray. Jr . 9635 Sy lvia Avenue Northridge, California 91324

Eaga n, Mi nn esota 55 122

Evander M. Britt Box 152 5 Lumber ton. North Ca rolina 28358

George E. Stubbs Box 113 Brownsburg. Indiana 46112

M. C. "Kelly" V iets RR 1, Box 151 Stillwell, Kansas 66085

William J. Ehlen Route 8, Box 506 Tampa, Florida 33618

Morton Lest er P.O. Bo. 37 47 Martinsville. Virginia 241 12

James B. Horne 3840 Coronation Road




P,O, BOX 181

LYONS, WI 53148


8102 LEECH RD ,

UNION , IL 60180


Assistant Ed itor Lois Kelch

Associate Editors will be identified in the table of con· tents on articles they send in and repeated on the artic le if they have written it. Associate Editorships will be assigned to those who qualify (5 articles in any calendar year).



W. Brad Thomas. Jr. 301 Dodson Mill Road Pilot Mountain. North Carolina 27041

Oale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis. I N 46274

Robert A. Whi te 1207 Falcon Drive Orlando, Florida 32803

Roger J. Sherron

446-C Las Casitas

Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Maunce "Sonny" Clavel Box 98 Wauchula, F L 33875

Stan Gomoll 104 290th Lane, N.E. Minneapol is, MN 55434

THE VINTAGE A I RPLAN E is owned exclusively by Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc. and is published monthly at Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53 130. Second class Postage paid at Hales Corners POSt Office, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53 130. Membership rates for Antique Class Aircraft. Inc. at $14.00 per 12 month period of which $10.00 is for the publicat ion of TH E V INT AGE A I R PL ANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation.


NON· EAA MEMBER - $34,00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic Division. 12 month ly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associa­ tion , 12 monthly issues of SPORT AVIATION and separate membership cards. NON· EAA MEMBER - $20.00, Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic Division , 12 month ly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; (;ne year membership in the Experimental Aircraft Associa­ tion and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION not included. EAA MEMBER - $14,00, Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic Division , 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE and membership card . (Applicant must be current EAA member and must give EAA membership number.


jim Hayden's Lincoln PT- W flies at last. See story page 3,

PICTURE BOX (Back Cover)

The B&W- l A in flight during the tour o f the East. Flo wn by Clayton Leigh Scott, See story page 7,

Copyright © 1977 Antique Classic A ircraft, Inc o All Rights Reserved .


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By: jim Hayden 4774 Pasadena Dr. Boise, Idaho 88705 Photos furnished by author

Editor's Note: In 1970, Jim Hayden, antiquer, found the remains of a Lincoln out of a farmer's junkpile. The details of are described in the November 1974 VINTAGE AIRPLANE.

Boise, Idaho PT路W sticking its restoration issue of the

The weatherman was cooperating. Saturday, April 3, 1976 was sunny and mild with only a light breeze blow路 ing. The Lincoln PT路W that had been rolled out of it's hangar was groomed to near perfection. Only one thing fly it. Owner Jim Hayden completed the


Above: Antique airspeed indicator mounted on right wing strut is a gift from Buck Hilbert in appreciation for Hayden's help in the final preparations for United Airlines Commemorative Swallow Flight. The indicator is fairly accurate at slower speeds with about a 70 mph variance with airspeed indicator in cockpit at 90 mph.

final inspection. As a "zero" time biplane pilot, he was its logs, it had flown only 450 hours at the time of its often reminded of this fact through the previous restless last flight in 1943. Its reputation was respectable. Older night. Work now had stopped altogether at Hubler pilots who had flown Lincolns had tagged them gentle Field near Caldwell, Idaho. Most of the spectators and forgiving (if any plane built during that era could be present were pilots and owners of older aircraft based at so described). The Lincoln was built as a pilot trainer the sandy strip along the Boise River. Lee Coch, owner with large control surfaces for good control at low of Lee's Aero, had signed the logs certifying that the speeds. machine was airworthy. Now he too made a last round The first order of business was to be a series of taxi of inspections. runs. Hayden lowered himself into the rear cockpit and The Lincoln was built in 1929 by the Lincoln fastened his belt. Gas on...switch on ...brakes... clear. . Aircraft Company of Lincoln, Nebraska. According to .contact! The 125 Warner radial started quickly: its zerk

Two more flights that day confirmed what owner Jim Hayden had been hoping for. The Lincoln was indeed an easy airplane to fly. "Perhaps too easy considering its primary job was to train pilots" Jim suggests, recalling the handling characteristics of contemporary aircraft such as the KR21 Fairchild and Waco 10. Hayden, who has also owned a Cessna 195 for a number of years, found control response to be much slower than that to which he was accustomed. "It's a straight forward machine with no bad tricks" he says, after 50 hours in the Lincoln. He explains, however, that manuevers have been limited to the ordinary with the exception of Chandelles. "After all, an aircraft surviving 47 years of rough treatment is deserving of some kindness" Hayden declares.

Below: Shield shaped insignia was used on most Lincoln aircraft company models. Hayden's insignia is hand painted as were the originals. NC number was assigned at the time of certification by the CAA.

Above: Basic flight instruments are located in rear cockpit only. Gauge on left side of front cockpit is oil temperature. Oil pressure is on right side. lubricated rockers moved up and down smartly. The first taxi run was followed by a second. Each time the tail came up quickly and directional control was easy to maintain. The controls, while stiff, seemed co-ordinated. The brakes were effective. No doubt about it, the Lincoln was eager to fly. One final mag check. Then, the airplane headed down the sandy runway breaking free of the ground in less than 250'. After briefly circling the airport, the most difficult test for its pilot remained ...the landing. True to its reputation, the Lincoln settled evenly, touching down in a smooth three point attitude. The landing was perfect. Rollout was accomplished easily with good control from the large rudder and heel-type brakes. 4

The Lincoln PT-W flies, with pilot jim Hayden!

Above: Front view shows 72 volt wind-driven generator mounted on landing gear cabane strut. Perforated exhaust stacks reduce bark of 725 Warner. Breeze shielded ignition harness is early style used on radials for radio noise suppression. The system was installed on the Lincoln during the early '40's, along with a low frequency radio. On X-C the Lincoln has a tendancy to wander and about one quart in three hours . According to Hayd en, must receive the pilot's regular attention to stay on the aircraft's range of four hours is probably beyo nd the course. It gets off the ground well with or without a range of human endurance. Oil temperature, even on hot passenger. Baggage is limited to 50 Ibs. Starter, battery days, seldom exceeds 150 0 F. The eight foot Hamilton and generator reduce the craft's useful load by 75 Ibs. Standard ground adjustable propeller provides rapid Even so, Hayden relates "performance is excellent even acceleration and gives the power pl a nt very smooth run足 on 90 degree days". On a recent air tour of the Scarf and ning characteristics. Original literature advertising the Goggle Flying Club , a Northwest biplane group, the Lincoln PT-W gives it a top speed of 10Smph and a Lincoln also performed well at the higher altitude strips. cruise of 87mph. Both figures are very close to that During the tour which included stops at Pendleton, provided by Hayden's machine. Red line speed is lOS Oregon; Boise, McCall and Sun Valley, Idaho; and mph. Passengers will find the front cockpit relatively qu iet. Jackpot, Nevada, the Lincol n shared the company of such illustrious machines as a Brunner Winkle Bird, C3 A large windshield, perforated exhaust stacks and Stearman, Navy N3N and a Fairchild F24 (the latter smooth running engine keeps the noise level quite tol足 monoplane handled the baggage chores for the group). erable. During the first few hours of flight the flying The 125 Warner burns 7gph and oil consumption is wires sang a bit. Tightening and aligning them solved this


problem. The tail wheel assembly, fabricated from the type used on N3N's, shimmied despite a bungee cord designed as a dampner. A change in caster proved to be the solution. A lack of anti-friction bearings in the control syste m resulted in an initial over tightening of the cables. This situation was corrected during the first few hours the machine was flown. The bungee cord on the landing gear was also shortened. To solve the problem of access to controlled air fields a small transceiver will be installed later at the right side of the pilot's seat. All those who view the Lincoln PT-W, including veteran restorers of past grand championship antique air足 craft, have been impressed by the craftsmanship invested in the restoration. At its first fly-in appearance held at Boise's Strawberry Glen Airport, th e Lincoln won the best biplane trophy. Recently at a fly-in sponsored by the Northwest Antique Airplane Club in Evergreen, Washington, the Lincoln was chosen "Best Biplane" (1919-1935) and "Grand Champion" of the event. Head足 winds on the return flight to Boise helped prove that biplane pilot's wives must be patient and und ersta nding. The 3S0 mile course took 6~ hours to cover. During that time, Jim relates no complaints were heard from wife, Verna, in the front cock pit. When asked if the end result was really worth five years of toil and expense, Jim Hayde n has an answer, "Affirmative! "


u.s. Air Mail Service Pilot jack Knight

By: Lee Williams

(EAA No. 709844)

Apt. E 7006 Stoney Meartnw~ Valley Park, Mq., 6308E!


Fifty-five years after his historic night air mail flight, J ames Herb ert (j ack) Knight is being immortalized by his hometown of Buchanan, Mich., which pl ans to build a memorial chapel in his honor, and the city has good reason to be proud of Jack Knight. It was Knight, who through sheer determination assured the future of air mail service. Piloting a de Hav ill and DH-4B throu gh darkness, snowsto rms, bitter co ld and fog, Knight flew the f irst nightair mail flight in hi story in Febr uary, 1921. As a boy in Michiga n, Jack acq uired the first of sev­ eral ni ck names, "Sky" (Knight) , an interesting portent of his flying career. Jack atte nded the Michigan Agricul­ tural College, now Michigan State University. At Mich­ igan Agricultural, "Sky" picked up the name "Jack", the name of an older brother who previousl y attended the sa me institution. Th e name Jack remai ned his favored name throu gho ut his career. With the outbreak of World War I, he joined the U.s . Army, where he learned to fly. In stead of being se nt overseas, Knight was assigned to duty as a flight instruc­ tor in the 122nd Aero Squadron at Ellin gton Field near Houston, Texas. The war's end found Jack , by this time also known as "Skinny", facing the possibility of taking an office job . Certainly not willing to live with the confine ment of a desk , he sought a flying career. Otto Praeger was then the Second Assistant Post­ master Gene ral of the U.S. Postal Service. His posit ion put him in charge of the transportation of all mails. This includ ed the responsibility for the infant United States Air Mail Service. By late 1920, the Congress had presumed the service to be a failure. No other country had a workable air mail system and the U.S. system utili zed the railroads to transport the mails during the night whi le the aircraft flew during daylight. Poor weather, with its attendant poor visibilities, was a serio us

flight obstacle. This was particularly true during winter month snowstorms. By winter 1920, things were looking grim for the fledgling air mail service. Additionally, the administration of Woodrow Wilson wou ld be ending the following March 4th . Wilson had given the air mail serv­ ice its beg inning and had showed unsee ming confidence in it. Th e incoming Harding Administration, however, ca mp aigned on a platform of "a return to normalcy." It was und erstoorl that this philosoph y included drastic cuts in funding for several domestic program s, the air mail service was assumed to be one of them. So Otto Praeger, a hard-driving, tooth and nail ad­ vocate of th e air mail service, was up against the wall. The air mail service had to prove its value immediately. Jack Knight previously had signed up as an air mail pilot and was regul arly flying the dayti me route betwee n Cheyenne, Wyoming and Chicago, Illinois. He was to be an element of Praeger's plan to save the concept of air mai l. Th ere were to be two eastbound flights out of San Francisco and two westbound flights out of New York . The flights were to go coast-to-coast with per iod ic cha nges of plane and pilot. Night flying would be a req uirement. The flights would be co ndu cted during February, on Washington's birthday to provide an added ele ment of drama. Su ccess would demonstrate the practicality of all-ai r, day-and-night routes and em­ phasize the urgent need for lighted airways. Delivery time could be at least cut in half. On February 22, 1921, fo ur de Havi ll and DH-4's departed their respective airfield s. Di sasters pl agued three of the flights; the worst caused the death of Capt. W. Lewis. Capt. Lewis had departed fro m San Francisco

and successfull y comp leted the legs to Reno and Elko,

Nev. On takeoff fro m Elko, his plane stalled and Lewi s

died in the resulting crash .

(Continued on Page 79)



Above: Clayton Leigh Scott (Scotty) gives the word "Contact", through the B& W wires!

Right: Airborne in the B& W replica, helping to celebrate The Boeing Company's 50th anniversary, Summer of 7966. (Photo by Boeing)

Clayton Leigh Scott, a native Pennsylvanian, has made an enviable flying career from its beginning at Pearson Field, Vancouver, WA, February 25, 1927 when he soloed an OX Waco 9. He still holds a very active S&MEL&S with Instrument License Number 2155 and he is considered to be one of the Pacific Northwest air pioneers. A stalwart member and past Seattle Hangar Governor of the Quiet Bird man, Scotty also served as the first Northwest President of the OX-5 Club of America. He was cited for the OX-5 Aviation Pioneers Hall of Fame at the annual convention at Charleston, SC, October 12, 1974 and was inducted into the Hall at Hammondsport, NY, the following Spring. A couple of his most recent OX-5 outings have taken him to Yakima, WA and San Diego, CA. September 18, 1976 he flew his Cessna 310 to Yakima to attend the feting of Charlie McAllister, Yakima's oldest pilot-

instructor still in business. Flight time was 35 minutes which compares favorably to the one hour 25 minutes required) une 2, 1928, via OX-5 Travelair, when Scotty won the race from Seattle and was awarded a silver trophy, a feature of the 1928 dedication of Yakima Air足 port. In the ensuing airshow, Scotty finished second to Tex Rankin in both the aerobatic competition and the closed-course pylon race. He travelled to San Diego Octo足 ber 1-3 for the annual convention of the OX-5 Club, sponsored by the Orange County/San Diego Chapter, at which fifteen pioneers, four posthumously, were cited for the Hall of Fame. Prior to JOining William E. Boeing as his per足 sonal pilot, Scotty had worked as a station attendant for Pacific Air Transport, and had flown Loening Air Yachts (1929) for the Seattle-Bremerton Air


Above: The Dornier with the float instal/ation on Lake Washington.

Below: The Piper Aztec and the B& WI A on the Post-Rogers Memo­ rial Seaplane Ramp, north end of Renton Airport, WA.

Above: Jobmasters 01/ -- Cessna 310, two D(Havilland Beavers and a Howard, south of the Renton tower, by the second and present home of jobmaster. Ferry owned by Verne Gorst, the founder of PAT. Duri ng those formative years, they set a record of carrying 10,000 pas­ sengers during a 90-day period. Scott then went to Alaska, representing Gorst there, and did charter work in the Loen ing, primarily out of Cordova. Here he met Myrtle Smith, a school teacher, formerly of Windom, MN, who became his better half and they currently enjoy a beautiful home at the north end of Mercer Island overlooking Lake Wash­ ington. He flew the right seat for United Airlines in 1933 on the Portland-Salt Lake City run in Boeing 247s and then joined William Boeing, flying a Boeing Flying Boat, a Douglas Amphibian "Dol­ phin" and then a DC-5. CLS joined Boeing Flight Delivery, the forerunner to Production Flight Test, in June of 1941 as an acceptance pilot for the B-17, DB-7B and the A-20C aircraft.


After Slim Lewis' retirement in early 1947, Scotty became chief pilot and headed up the group. During his Boeing affiliation over 11,300 new airplanes were delivered - all models from the B-17 Flying Fortress to current models of the jet-family, 13 years into the jet age. Scotty says some of his most in­ teresting flying assignments were a survey flight to the South Pacific with Orvis Nelson's Trans-Ocean Airline shortly after the end of WW II and subsequent Boeing flights to the far-corners of the world making test hops after aircraft repairs and modifications. As a person who had always liked to "tinker", CLS launched The J obmaster Company as retirement age approached and Sandy McMurray assumed the lead in Prod. Fit. The first J obmaster project was an air spray unit for use with offset print­ ing. In only a short time, Scotty renewed

Notables at the christening of the 8&W-7A replica, Summer of 7966 -- (L to R), Claire Egtvedt, Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, Mrs. William Allen, who did the chris­ tening, Mrs. C. L. Scott, Mrs. Claire Egtvedt, Mrs. Frank Dobbins, Clayton L. Scott, Frank Dobbins and Fred Laudan. his love for "floats" and Howard DGA­ 15s were used in [he conversion from wheels to floats. Hi s ex perti se was called upon in 1966 when Th e Boeing Company o b se rved its 50th year an n iversary ce leb ratio n and decided to construct a replica of its first aircraft, the Boe ing & Westervelt. Wh e n another company defaulted, Scotty and six other people took on the project and the airpl ane was built in the re maining four mo nths. At the same time the floats were being built in the Boeing model shop. Th e B&W replica was test

f lown a nd ready fo r the schedul ed an niversary, Jul y 15, 1966. After nu­ mero us flights in and around the Seattle area, and a demonstration flight between Philad elphi a and New Yor k, the airpl ane was taken to Wichita where wheels were attached for operation on land. I n spite of the added drag induced, Scotty flew it up to the Abbotsford, B.C. Air Sh ow that year. Th e uniqu e difference betwee n th e origin al aircraft and the replica was th e installation of a 260 hp. Lyco ming engine which was limited to 150 hp. The air­ pl ane was retired and now hangs in the

Clayton Scott ready for a test hop in a Boeing B-29, Winter of 7945. Note the au­ tograph "Lets get the show on the road."

Flight Foundation Mu seum at the Seattle Center; it could be ready for flight once again with new fab ric on the wings. S cotty has made, and is making, co nversion kits for the Howard s as well as having finished fiftee n of the complete units ready for fly-away. In ad dition, he has done the initial install ation , conver­ sion and FAA tests for approval o n a number of aircraft; among others, the German Dorni er, Itali an Lasa, Swiss Pilatus-Porter and the Piper Aztec. The "now " project is the rebuilding and "floating" of a couple of surplus De-

Hav illand Beavers. Shop activities co ntin­ ue to hum, at Jobmaster, located at Renton Airport, Renton , WA. Being an av id sportsman, Scotty enjoy­ ed a partn ership in the sailboat "Despy" for a number of years, and he has been able to utilize hi s aircraft on floats by winging into Northern Canadian woods and some of the higher mountain lakes wh ere good fishing and hunting are assured. (Continued on Vintage A/bum pages 7 7 & 72)



Men and ThE

Pictures from Claytol

Above: Scotty in the Seattle Flying Service OX-5 Travel Air with student Madelene Takaberry. From the looks of things he is telling her which way is up!

Below: Scotty at Cordova, Alaska with the Loening Air Yacht.

Regarding retirement, Scotty recommends that a perSOf should have something definite in mind to do befon making the move, and then retire as quickly as possible

Above: Time out for leisure with the Dolphin "Rover".




"Scotty" Scott's album. For him, it hasn't exactly been retirement; more a matter of recycling his flying activities! So, the show continues to roll along!

Above: Suited up for "Northland" flight with the OX-5 Travel Air. In 7929 it was a chore to get the engine started. Hot water and hot oil were necessary. Below: Scotty and the Loening Air Yacht at Percy Barnes' dock at Lake Union, Seattle.

Above: "Northland" togs were very necessary for winter flights in the cold north. Scotty suited up for a Seattle Flying Service Inc. trip.

- - . .... ---.

Below: Seattle Flying Service OX-5 Travel Air on exhibit at the (7929) boat show.



E a gle (~ By:

Robert G. Elliott (Assoc. Editor) 7227 Oakwood Ave. Daytona Beach, FL 3207 4

My first introduction to Captain Clinton E. Herberger occurred during the production of an Air Force training film at the Hal Roach Studios in Culver City, California. It was late in 1943. The First Motion Picture Un it had been organized primarily by gathering together all varieties of studio talent already in military service. As an Air Force motion picture studio, our prime function was the production of training films, ...and in so doing, on a certain picture, I was a production camera assistant and Captain Herberger was pilot-technical advisor. During the months that followed, until about September, 1945, it was my good fortune to have been assigned as an aerial cameraman on numerous flights with Capt. Herberger as pilot. Whether we flew in a Beech AT-11 or our old B-17, "Allez Oop", none of us were ever concerned with Capt. Herberger as pilot. His unblemished reputation as a motion picture stunt and camera pilot was known to all, but was overshadowed by his calm, friendly serene nature. The passing years now found Clint and I visiting and reminiscing about the past. ..Clint's aviation career... unique to the extent that most of his years were spent in aviation for the motion picture studios in Hollywood. So it was, during June of 1975, in Orlando, Florida, Clint's retirement home ...that he unfolded a view of his aviation career. "I was ten years old, when, at the Boise, Idaho, State Fair, I saw my first airplane in 1912. The fact is, there were two planes on exhibition, a fourth generation Wright and a Farman boxkite. Both were peculiar by today's standards. The Wright had no ailerons...wing warping effected similar control that later was provided



by ailerons . The Farman, of French design, had fabric between the front and rear wing struts hopefully to provide more directional stabil ity. One of the feature attractions at the San Francisco Pan-Pac ific International Exposition, was to be the appearance of Lincoln Beachey with f:lis mid-wing mon足 oplane. We visited that Exposition as did thousands of others, in 1915. I had an opportunity to examine his plane. The single wing was wire braced from the landing gear to a cabane

Hell's Angels Pilot. Clinton E. Herberger, Lt. Col. U.S.A.F. (Ret.), J une 7975, Orlando, Florida (Photo by Robert G. Elliott). strut, but in spite of this design feature, the wings collapsed on what became his final flight. The plane had a tri-cycle landing gear, and if I recall correctly, it was powered by a LeRhone rotary engine. Beachey's crash was an unfortunate quirk of luck, in that he survived the impact upon the water, but was drowned before he could free himself from his safety belts.

In order to continue the aeria l attractions, Art Smith was engaged to fly what was known then as a clip-wing Martin biplane. Being such an awe struck kid, I was hanging around the plane doing any odd job necessary, from polishing wings to carrying gas, for Art Smith was my idol. One day, shortly after having overhauled the engine, he was about to take it up on a test hop. He turned to me and said .. . "Hey kid want to go up with me?" I darn near flipped right then and there and said ... "Sure". Well ... it was a single seat plane, so he strapped me on the leading edge of the lower wing next to a strut, tying me to the strut . ..and that's the first ride I had in the air ... right out in front. I never told my mother of that first ride until much much later. Like so many others of that era, I learned to fly in a J N-4, and later graduated to a great big bomber. ..the DeHaviland ...which incidently was the first airplane with a 400hp engine. This particular subject really gripes me, because, when I was an active military pilot in the 1940's or shortly thereafter, the Air Force decided that any time under 400hp wouldn't count on your I lost about 3000 hours flying time right then. And I asked them... "When in the Hell did yo u think we got 400hp?" "While in high school during WWI, they inaugurated a military training program called ' High School Cadets'. It was the forerunner of the ROTC. As it happened, our school had no instructor, so I volunteered. What success I had, was directly related to the fact that I immediately went to the Army-Navy store to buy an Army Drill Man­ ual, and by diligent study and no little amount of manip­ ulation, I managed to stay one step ahead of the class. My rash gamble paid off later, because our schoo l won a military competition. This must have been in mid 1918. As high school ended, our Cadet group became Reg­ ular Army. We spent about a month and a half in Army training and were actually entrained for Europe on Armistice Day. I then returned to high schoo l, but the following May I en li sted in the Signal Corps for Air. My first actual military organization was the Second Aero Squadron. For our Primary Training we were assigned to March Field. Here, we were exposed to the workings of an aircraft in the one and only tried and true way. We had to disassemble the plane engine, overhaul it by hand, scrape and polish bearings, fit it all

back together after completely going over every piece. Then it was a re-assembly job, clim axed by the best test of al l. .. we had to get in and fly it. After Primary, we moved to Mather Field for advanced flight. Mather was just a plain dirt field with no runways, in fact not much else either. Part of our advanced training was participation in the first forest fire aerial patrol in northern California. Our planes, five of them, were old DH-4B's. The patrol schedule called for one round trip daily from Mather Field to Yreka, California and back ...but it wasn't that simple. Yreka was quite high in elevation, and with the heat of mid day... we couldn't get those DH-4B's off the ground as they didn't have the power. So...we'd wait until the afternoon began to cool off some, then we'd make the return fl ight." "Flight training concluded in 1920. For several months we had been at North Island in San Diego, training in Navy flying boats. The reason for this was that our first tour of duty was to be on Corregidor. Being a rugged island with no space for a landing strip, the Second Aero Squadron was assigned HS-2L flying boats to be used from anyone of the numerous small beaches. Our whole Squadron had about ten of these flying boats. Th ey were large single engine pusher biplanes with a three-man crew.. .pilot, co-pil ot and gunner/radio operator.. .my job . Mine was the best seat in the plane . . .right out front in the nose." "Clint".. . 1 asked, "how did your Squ adron planes come to have that familiar nose design?" Smiling and laughing, Clint responded .. . "You've no doubt heard that the Flying Tigers of WWII were supposed to have originated the menacing sharks teeth design on the nose of their P-40's ... well, t'ain't so...our planes had th is decoration in 1920, and here's the picture to prove it." With that exclamation Clint launched into a brief description of how it all came about. "The design and idea were mine. As it happened, the ground crew was planning to refinish the hulls, so...on this particular plane I created my masterpiece after the basic refinish was completed. There was the mouth with the sharp white teeth, towards the rear was an eye on both sides, with scales to the rear completing the dragon-like creature. When it was finished the Commander came down for

Above: Clinton E. Herberger, upon entry

in Regular Army, just prior to Armistice

Day, 7978. (Photo courtesy of C. E.


what he supposed was a routine paint inspection. He took one surprised look at our plane and quickly asked ... "Who did that?" . which I responded ... "1 did, Sir". Directly to me, he said ... "Well, I like it. . . paint the others", meaning the rest of the Squadron planes. Our operatio n was somewhat hampered by the fact that a tractor was necessary to launch and retrieve each plane from the water. Makeshift hangars and work areas were higher on the beach somewhat in the jungle. Some years ago, my wife Virginia, and I, were visiting the Smithson ian Museum and we observed an HS-2L fu­ selage. In checking the Serial number, I was surprised to learn that it had been one of the planes in our old Squadron that I had flown." "Clint.'ve told me in time past that your even­ tual association with Howard Hughes in the production of 'Hell's Angels' began in an odd manner ."


"It sure was an oddity. I was working for an aircraft company in Glendale. You see ...strangely enough all these years.. . 1've never owned an airplane. I've always been paid for all my flying. So ... 1 was flying one of this company's aircraft, then known as a 'Thunderbird'. I think there were only about three of them built, and they never received CAB flight certifica­ tion. This was about the time that the licensing agency was formed . The inspectors were not engineers, just former pilots. I had been scheduled to fly the spin tests one day and these guys incorrectly loaded my plane, as I later discov­ ered. Well ... it spun alright. ..the flattest spin you can imagine ... seventeen turns in 3000 feet. I bailed out. It was a free jump from open cockpit, not a pullout.. .and as I rolled out and dropped, the wing rotated above me as I pulled the ripcord. I did ONE ...TWO...THREE ... swings and hit the ground . That emergency jump ad­ mitted me to the Caterpill,ar Club. Strangely enough, years later a lad came to the house selling Capitol brushes. He looked at me kinda funny and said to me... "Didn't you used to be a pilot?" . .. and I said, "Yes". He continued, "Didn't you bailout of a plane over the Baldwin Hills?" ...and I said, "Yes" ... he says, "I've got the stick of that plane . ..wou Id yo u like to have it?" I've still got it today ... it was about the only piece of that plane which hadn't been smashed. This Thunderbird was one of the first planes that had an adjustable stabilizer. It was powered by an old WWI Hispano Suiza. You could land it very slowly .. .or set the stabilizer and it was hotter than a pistol. It would have made a great training plane, but it was never cer­ tified." Above: Fokker D- V/I, similar to those flown by Clinton E. Herberger during his participa­ tion in the filming of Hefl's Angels. This particular plane, when photographed, was part of the Tallmantz Collection. (Photo by Robert G. Elliott).

Below: Launching and retrieval of the HS-2L's from the beach was accomplished with the aide of a tractor and manpower. Lack of sufficient flat, clear land on the is­ land, demanded the use of the water-based planes. Note the 'shark nose' design. (Photo courtesy of C. E. Herberger).


"That was the plane I was flying when Hughes con­ tacted my Company to rent it for Hell's Angels. A deal was agreed upon which included the plane with me as pilot. After I arrived on the filming location, they discovered I was the only military trained pilot. My first assignment then, was to spend over a month teaching all those other film pilots how to fly formation. Frank Clark was Chief Pilot, and he had introduced me to Howard Hughes after I'd been there about a week. Howard said ... "How much are you getting, Herb?"...and I told him . . .he said "I'll double it"... and he did. I collected two salaries all through that from my Company and one from Hughes. I was with them for just over a year, until all the flight sequences were finished . You know .. .the first version was silent, but when sound came in, Hughes did it allover again. Hughes had two fields, at first, which represented the German and Allied home bases. Caddo Field was the All ied Squadron Headquarters and was close to Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley. His other field was up near Newhall from which the German Squadron flew." Because Clint had numerous opportunities to fly WWI aircraft, I asked if he thought any single aircraft was sup erior . To this he responded . . ."Well, the Fokker O-VII was very definitely a superior plane. Incidentally, I logged more time in a Fokker O-VII than most any individual German pilot had during WWI, and it was logged while making Hell's Angels as well as other pic­ tures later on. I considered its design to be superior. It was a very maneuverable airplane . You see...actually, the O-VII was one of the first full cantilever wing aircraft, but the pilots wouldn't trust it, so they put struts in it. I've seen it flown without them .

Above: Clinton E. Herberger, in nose of HS-2L, during tour of duty on the island of Corregidor with the Second Aero Squadron, in 7920. (Photo courtesy of C. £. Herberger). Below: Clinton E. Herberger, third from left, during his advanced flight training at Mather Field, California. This was one of the five DH-4B's which were used in the first forest fire aerial patrol. (Photo courtesy of c.£. Herberger).


Nieuport 28, similar to those flown in the filming of Hell's Angels, earning a reputation for being hazardous to fly because of the characteristics of the LeRhone rotary engine. This particular plane, when photographed, was part of the Cole Palen collection. (Photo by Robert G. Elliott).

Group photo showing some of the 87 planes and 78 pilots who were engaged by Howard Hughes for the filming of Hell's Angels. In the center is the Sikorsky S29A, converted to resemble a German Gotha bomber. Included in the photo are British SE-5's, Fokker D- VI/'s, Nieuports and converted Travel Airs. (Photo courtesy of C. E. Herberger).

I he wreckage of Stuart Murphy's plane laying in a cow pasture, after the mid-air collision with Ira Reed. (Photo courtesy of C. E. Herberger).


An outstanding characteristic was its ability to fly very slowly and still retain sensitive control response. It could literally hang on its prop in a steep climb , a deadly maneuver against the und erside of Allied planes. Conversely, a plane that ruined many a pilot was the French Nieuport 28. Garland Lincoln owned the Nieuports flown in the picture. One day Garland said .. . of one Nieuport. .. "There's a little vibration here" we took off the cowl and looked. Of the fourteen bolts that should have secured the LeRhone rotary to the motor mount, there were only three left. wonder there was vibration. That's another thing the youngsters of today don't believe...the rotary engine. The engine rotation acted to create a gyroscopic effect. ..a positive reason why you never made turns to the right at low altitude without being very careful to counteract that tremendous pull to the right. Those old LeRhones could not be idled with retarded throttle as was the custom on conventional engines. So .. .on top of the stick was what we called a blip-button, which cut out each alternate cylinder, thus reducing power. Instead of the sharp staccato exhaust in normal operation, the blip switch created a succession of "Thrruupp...thrruupp . ..thrruupp, blasts. It was this tremendous torque which caused a near fatal accident during the fil ming of Hell 's Angels . Howard Hughes decided he wanted to takeoff I recall. . .either a Thomas Morse or a Nieuport, down the line of hangars and do a right Chandelle up over the hangars . When the flight crew was informed of his inten­ tion ... we all tried to talk him out of it, judging that he, being a novice pilot, would be attempting a very dan­ gerous maneuver. There was no stopping Hughes however. The more we cautioned him, the more excited he became...and in those days his voice rose to a high pitch falsetto as he finally cried ..."Oh bunch of damn pansy pilots ... "1'11 show you how to do it". I was near him when he started to climb into the plan e and I said ... "Howard, don 't try it now . .. we know the risk", but he said, "I'll do it".. _as he settled himself in the cockpit. Next thing we knew, his chocks were pull ed and he went barreling down the field just in front of the hang­ ars." "As Hughes lifted off, he began a tight climbing turn to the ri ght and WHAM . .. he went righ t into the side of a

hangar. We were all running towards the wreckage by then and thinking to ourselves ... "My God ... there goes our Angel". All there was to see was a pile of fabric , splintered wood, tubing and lots of smoke. We just stood there momentarily stunned. Fortunately there was no fire. Suddenly the pile of junk erupted and out staggered Hughes with hardly a scratch. We were so shocked with his sudden appearance that Hughes broke the silence with his falsetto voice, remarking ... "Well. .. 1 guess you knew what you were talking about". As I was leafing through Clint's collection of pho­ tographs, a group photo of many Hell's Angels planes prompted Clint to continue. "That group photo included many of our 87 planes and our 78 pilots. Across the front are the pilots, guess I was somewhere near the middle. Behind, in the center was the converted Sikorsky S29A, made to appear as a German Gotha bomber. The two light colored planes near the front were authentic SE-5's. Behind are four Fokker D-VII's, while the rest were not only authentic Nieuport 28's but also converted Travel Airs. Filming another Hell's Angels couldn't be done today, I'm sure. In the first place there wouldn't be enough old planes that could be made airworthy, and the newer ones, converted, would fly too fast. At one time during the main dog-fight sequence, we had fifty planes within camera view ...all milling about, one upon the other's tail_ . .or spinning down out of action." Interrupting Clint for a moment I questioned how they communicated the complicated directions to each pilot from the lead camera plane. To wh ich Clint repli ed ..."Each scene was di­ agrammed on a blackboard with all participating pilots present. Much the same as football plays are planned. Each plane's move was thoroughly planned before we went up. As a backup, we'd all memori ze an alternate scene, just in case the clouds weren't exactly right for camera, or something else had prevented our following the original plan. We would communicate by hand sig­ nals in such an instance and change to the altern ate scene, which indeed ... we did frequently. During the filming of Hell's Angels we had relatively few accidental crashes. There was one though that stand s out in my memory . . .as I very nearly became a part of it" ... chuckled Clint. He had flipp ed through the photo co ll ection and had

stopped to study a pil e of wreckage on a hilly field. "Th at wreck is the resu lt of a near fatal mi shap and it happen ed over the foothills near Oak land, Ca li fornia. Actually, this pil e of junk was in th e middl e of a cow pasture. Th e day's shooting was pl anned aro und a dog fig ht with 50 planes. Stuart Murph y and I were Germ an, and Ira Reed was the Briti sh. Stuart, ahead of me, was making the proper attack on Ira, when sudd enl y, he dove down and went right t hrough the upper and lower left wings of Ira's plane. It all happened right in front of me and I damn near was the third victim, but luckil y managed to pull up over them as they sp lit apart. As I ca me abo ut I saw Stuart bailout so I fo ll owed him down to make sure he safely landed. Ira, in the meantime, was limping along down coun­ try lookin g for a lik ely land in g place. Darn if he didn't make it too ...and all th e more mirac ulous because his converted Travel Airhad a broken mai n spar in his top wing. " Talking it ov er with Ira soo n after he landed I as ked, " Ira. . . why in hec k didn't yo u bail ouP", to which he responded in a murmur.. ." 1 was afra id to". But he never ad mitted it to anyone else", chuckled Clint. We all went back to that pasture to pick up th e pieces of Stuart's plane. Th e whee ls were abo ut all we cou ld fi nd that were useable. Impac t had been on top of a low rise in the pastu re fu ll of cows. Wh en they saw this monster fal ling upon them, they took off with tails high and not a one was hurt. Th e Unit man ager and all of us, for that matter, fully ex pected we'd find an irate farmer ready to sue, but in stead . . .he came to meet us laughing way down in his boots. "You know " .. .he gasped .. . "every one of those darn cows will go dr y fro m th at scare". He really thought it was hilarious ... much to our rei ief. "For the record , Clint" . .. 1 continued as he fell silent a moment.. ." 1 suppose the background of that Sikorsky should be clarified somewhat. Your photo of this re-constructed pl ane shows it in its final configuration, that of rese mbling a German Gotha bomber. The Sikorsky S29-A was built in 1924 by Igor Sikorsky, his first aircraft built in America after im ­ migratin g from his native Russ ia. Igor struggled for months to finance and build that 14 passenger, 100 mph commerical aircraft. He flew it successfully on more than 200 flights, carrying both passengers and freight,

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Group photo of a number of pilots who figured prom­ inently in the filming of Hell's Angels standing beside the conllerted Sikorsky S29A. Clinton E. Herberger is first to the right of the skull. (Photo courtesy of C. E. Herberger).

proving its commercial worth to many skeptics. In 1926 Roscoe Turner bought the S29-A for $11,000, a sizeable sum in those days. Roscoe flew it on various money mak ing ventures for nearly two years until he entered into the sales agreement with Howard Hughes in 1928. Th e S29-A was to star in the picture, though in doing so... its career would be ended."

TO BE CONTINUED IN MARCH ISSUE A Sillier Eagle Clinton E. Herberger The Sillier Eagle series is an honorary deSignation of the Florida Chapter, the series being researched and written by Robert G. Elliott, Associate Editor. 18

Above: A typical "pick-up" on an early air mail flight. Note the Model T Fords.

Above: jack Knight beside his plane, with his name stenciled on the wooden side.

(Continued from Page 6)

The pilot of the first airplane out of New York was E. J. Leonhardt. He discovered that his aircraft could not develop full power, and with the prevailing bad weather, he chose to execute a forced landing somewhat south of Du Bois, Penn. The second fl ight made it to Ch icago where weather conditions also forced its termination. The second eastbound fl ight was piloted by Farr Nutter. He broke the earth's bonds at 4:29 a.m., San Francisco time. His cruising altitude reached 12,000 feet so that he could clear the peaks of the Sierra Mountains and landed at Reno as the sun was rising, 6:45 a.m. With the mail loaded onto another plane, pilot Jack Eaton left Reno at 6:55 a.m. for the second leg of the flight. He reached Elko at 9:24 a.m., refueled, and departed at 9:31 a.m. His leg was completed upon his landing at Salt Lake City at 11 :30 a.m. Pilot James Murray, also with


another DH-4, throttled up his 400-horsepower Amer­ ican Liberty powerplant, and took off at 12: 37 p. m. The DH-4 these pilots were flying at this time were reconverted Army armed observation planes used during World War I. They were constructed of wood, their fabric coverings replaced by natural finish birch plywood for use by the air mail service. The open-cockpit biplane had been lightened during reconversion. As a result, it could carry 500 Ibs of mail in the area where the observ­ er's seat had been. The limited fuel capacity, 100 gal­ lons, gave the workhorse a range of only 350 miles max­ imum. This meant that the refueling stops were too fre­ quent to please the pilots. The alternative, however, was even less desirable. Instrumentation consisted of a compass, airspeed in­ dicator, tachometer, altimeter, ignition switch, and

water temperature gauge. Only the latter two could be considered reliable. Although it wasn't much, it was a beginning. Jimmy Murray touched down at Cheyenne, Wyoming at 4:57 p.m. From Cheyenne, pilot Frank Yaeger took over, and left that field at 4:59 p.m. He made North Platte, Nebr. by 7:48 p.m. Jack Knight was waiting to begin his segment. Jack had already flown his usual day flight from Omaha to Cheyenne. He had to depart immediately from Cheyenne for North Platte to meet Yaeger. Knight was to fly the important payload on to Omaha. He had had no sleep and no supper when he met Yaeger after the latter landed at North Platte. Although Yaeger was there at 4:48, there were complications with Knight's plane. Three hours of

Above: Jack Knight after arriving in Chicago on the 20th anniversary of his epic flight.

mechanic's time was required to get the engine started and running properly. Also, a tail skid was being replaced. The pilot also had problems; he had a broken nose and other injuries sustained in a landing mishap seven days previous. The North Platte-to-Omaha leg finally began at 10:44 p.m., in the dark. Knight climbed to 2,200 feet. "I didn't dare go any higher because land markings were barely discernible from this level ," he said. "Through occasional slits in the clouds I caught glimpses of the

Filling the radiator

dim silver thread of the Platte River. It was my guide." The other major navigation aid was bonfires, which were lighted by enthusiastic farmers and chambers of com­ merce along the proposed route. The postal service had requested the fires, and cooperation was en thusiastic . "All along the route were bonfires built to serve as bea­ cons and I fel t as if I had a thousand friends on the grou nd . . . Lexington, Kearney, Grand Island, Columbus, Fremont slipped by , warm glows of well­ wishers beneath the plane's wings," Knight said. "And then I saw the lights of Omaha. The field was magnif­

icently illuminated. There were at least 2,000 persons at the airport to welcome me -- indicating the true enthu­ siasm for the mail." Blazing gasoline drums guided Jack to his touchdown at 1 :10 in the morning of the 23rd. " I climbed out of the ship thinking only of supper and sleep." So much for routine. Inside was Bill Votaw, Omaha airport manager , who related the news that Knight's relief pilot had failed to make the trip from Chicago to Omaha. Also, he found out that the westbound flights


Below: Jack Knight ready to take off on U.S. air mail route. Note the poor forward visibility.

Above: Reno, Nev., U.S. air mail stop. were both snowbou nd. Jack m uttered to Votaw, "I t's too damn bad to get halfway across the continent and have the flight fizzle out. I'm going to take this mail on to Chicago." Votaw felt the fli ght should be terminated and Jack pleaded to be allowed to continue. Against continuing were the facts that: 1) no bonfires would be available along the route, 2) the weather was atrocious, 3) Knight had never flown the route before .- even during the day, 4) Knight was already exhausted, and 5) the on ly map available was an old railroad map. The only factor for continuation was that this flight was required to secure the future of the air mail service. Jack won his point. He studied the map and his plane was refueled. "It was one minute before 2:00 a.m. when I opened the throttle and skimmed away from the Omaha field." A strong crosswind from the north compl icated navigation. "From here on I was flying over territory absolutely strange," he said. "I knew nothing of the land


markings', even if they had been visibl e. I had to fly by compass and by feel. I passed over Des Moines." Des Moines was scheduled to be a refueling stop. In addition to poor visibility, snow was deep on the Des Moines real estate. Too deep to land. The fuel selector was switched to the emergency tank. "By this time I was dead for lack of sleep," Knight recalled. "I wanted to doze off. The throbbing rhythm of the motor didn't help matters. It was almost a lullaby. I gripped the control stick with my knees and began slapping my face to keep awake. I stuck my face over the side of the cowl and let the rush ing zero air bite my cheeks almost raw. " It was a new danger that restored my wakefulness, however, fog. I dropped to low altitude trying to catch a glimpse of some kind of marker. The landing gear grazed a treetop. I tried again, praying that this time it wouldn't be the ground. Luckily, I spotted a railroad track. I followed it because I thought it would lead me to Iowa City. "There was a break in the clouds and I saw lights which I thought to be I.e. but I couldn't find a field. The gasoline was running low. I think it was good for about five more minutes . . . I just kept circling. Then I spotted a red flare. It might have been for a railroad train, but I had to take the chance and went down. The flare was planted in the center of the field and I made a rather rough landing." This was Iowa City. All the ground personnel, thinking the flight was cancelled in Omaha, had left the field. The one remaining person, the night watchman, had heard the twelve pounding cyl足 inders above and lit the red flare. The landing was at 4:45 a.m. The watchman helped Knight refuel the DH-4's tanks. Th ey waited for the snow to let up a little. "A ham sandwich and I was in the air again," Knight continued. "I didn't dare eat any more for fear it would put me to sleep. It was 6:30 a.m., Wednesday. The rest of the way I flew by instinct. I just pointed the plane's nose for Chicago and kept going. Snow whirled around the ship for a wh ile and the wi nd blew stiff from the east. Itwas hellishly cold. But as the day grew brighter, I saw the grey smoke of Chicago mixing with the clouds and it was the finest sight I have ever beheld. Within sight of the field, the motor started to sputter. I guess I could forgive it then because the job was done." "Go ahead and quit," Knight told the engine, "we'll make it anyhow." And that they did, he landed at

Checkerboard Field in Maywood at 8:40 in the morning, Feb ruary 23. Th e Buchanan native, had to have his clothes cut loose to get out of the cockpit and was greeted by a wild crowd welcoming a hero. It was a jubilant scene, but his mod est statement to the news medi a was, "I happened to be the man on the spot, but anyone of the rest of the fellows would have don e what I did. We all knew how important this flight is, and we are all deter mined to mak e it succeed. Too many pilots have sacrificed their lives flying the mai l during the past couple of years to let this thing fold up. This isn't just a case of 'the mail must go through '; the whole idea of the transcontinental airway is at stake." The news immed iately bega n to spread nation-wide.

Head lines procl aimed him as a hero. From Chicago, pilot Jac k Webster left at 9:00 a.m. and arrived at Cleveland at 12:52 p.m. Ernest M. Allison took off from Cleveland at 1 :03 p.m. and ended the transcontinental flight at 4:49 p.m. at Hazelhurst Field on Long Island. It took 33 hou, sand 20 minutes to cover the 2,629 miles. Average speed was 104 mph (with a flying time of 25 hours and 16 minutes). Th e first night air mail flight was mad e. The coast-to-coast time of delivery was more than halved. One pilot had given his life. As a result of the last two day's events, the American public was sure that air mail was here to stay. Congress was impressed and approved $1.25 million for the continuation and ex pansion of the Air Mail Service and for airway lighting. Th e Congress also began work on legi slation governing civil aviatio n. The flight was a terrific success -- a success made possible by the determination, the sk ill, and, perhaps, the luck of Jack Knight. For many years after his historic flight, Jack Knight continued th e battle to moderni ze the airways and make the job of navigation less a life-a nd-death proposition. Two-way radio communications was in the works, too. In the fall of 1923, Jack flew the same route, at night, but this time there were operating beacons and he had radios aboard. It must have seemed like a milkrun.

His long distance flights were not ended either. Also in 1923, he made another important flight, flying 960 miles in 14 hours, from Cheyenne to Buchanan, to be at the bedside of his dyi ng father. Later, he became a pilot for United Airlines. He retired from fulltime flying in 1937 to take the job of Director of Public Education for United, after having flown 2,400,000 miles without an accident. Retirement followed several years later. World War II brought Jack again into service. He flew to South America to get rubber for war materials; he contracted malaria while on this mission. After the war had ended, Jack took a severe fall while at a lecture. The injuries suffered in that fall precipitated his death from malaria on February 24, 1945, in his moth er's home. He was only 53. At his previous request, his ashes were scattered from an airplane over Lake Michigan. His memory has lived on. In 1967, the city of Omaha conducted a re-enactment of Knight's flight from Cheyenne to Omaha. That city and North Platte had declared Jack Knight Days. And now, the Jack Knight Memorial Chapel in Buchanan will honor him for poster足 ity. Because of Jack Knight's outstand ing service and because of the example he set, it is understandable that his successor air mail pilots proudly took on the motto, Civis Aerius Sum -- "I am a citizen of the air."

Left: jack Knight and Henry Ford in re足

Below: Crowd at one of the stops on the coast足 enactment of first through day and night coast足

to-coast air mail flight re-enactment.

to-coast air mail flight.


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