By }. R. Nielander, Jr.
Over the past several months you r offrcers and directors have made a point of trying to provide Divi sion headquarters representation at the various Division chapter fly-ins as well as the larger regional fly-ins which attract antique and classic aircraft. In attending these events and talking with the chapter officers and flyein chairmen, one theme seemed to permeate the conversations. Most of these officers and chairmen lamented the fact that, while they had wonderful dedicated people with which to work, many of these people were inexperienced in their jobs, having assumed their duties for the first time at the current fly-in. This inexperience resulted in much wasted time and lost motion, as well as some problems which should have been anticipated and remedied before they occurred. There were numer ous discussions concerning how these situations could be alleviated. Of course all agreed that if a volunteer is willing to serve in the same capacity for a series of fly-ins or chapter activities, his knowledge and ability improves with each successive exposure, and he soon becomes an expert at his job. This fact is of course most evident at Oshkosh where some volunteers have been doing the same job for over twenty years. It is also evident at the Sun 'n Fun, Wat sonville, and other large regional fly-ins. This is not to say that there are no mistakes made in the opera tion of these large fly-ins. There are, but there is also more likely to be the expertise at hand to bailout those
who made an error in judgement and to straighten out the problems. In discussing these matters with the chapter of ficers and fly-in chairmen it was agreed that the ideal situation would be for a chapter to designate its fly-in committee chairmen and committee volunteers a year ahead of time, and then encourage these indi viduals to volunteer their services at other fly-ins in advance of their own function so that when their time of responsibility arrived, they would be well trained and knowledgeable with reference to their assigned tasks. In keeping with this thought, your Oshkosh chairmen and co-chairmen welcome all those who hold regional or chapter fly-in responsi bilities and encourage them to work on the same committees at Oshkosh. They may not do everything right at Oshkosh, but they certainly have a multitude of opportunities to do it over and over and over until they get it right. The end result is that an Oshkosh volunteer is an expert in his field when he goes home and accepts the chairmanship of a similar committee at his local fly-in. There is no better training available. The complete list of Antique/Classic Division con vention committees with the names and addresses of their chairmen and co-chairmen appeared on page 24 of the May issue of The Vintage Airplane. Drop a note to the chairman of the committee which interests you, and let him know that you want to help. He'll appreciate hearing from you, and you'll become a fly-in expert on the committee of your choice. If you will not be sure until the last minute that you'll be able to attend, just show up and tell him, "here I am". He'll welcome you with open arms. Elsewhere in this issue you will find the Division convention activities schedule including the forums schedule and the Division evening programs. This service is provided to help you plan in advance those activities in which you would like to participate. Please note that the Division will sponsor a picnic dinner on Tuesday evening, August first, and a social hour on Friday evening, August fourth. The latter will be later in the evening following the awards program. Division members are cordially invited to attend either or both of these fu r.ctions so that all may become better acquainted with their officers, directors and fellow members. Don't forget the membership contest. Five new members gets you a set of antique flying goggles. Five more gets you a leather flying helmet, and the member recruiting the most new members by the end of the year gets a five year free membership in the Division. Start your recruiting campaign now. SEE YOU AT OSHKOSH!
A pai r of Antique Goggles by persuading 5 people to Jom.
Leather Flying Helmet
when you get 10 people to
sign up.
- then start over and win again ~ A
free five year member ship in the Antique/Classic Division if you sponsor the most new members in 1978.
To Qualify: Write your name and member ship number on the back of the member ship blanks we've been providing in THE VINT ACE AIRPLANE. Headquarters will keep score.
Editorial Staff
Publisher Paul H. Poberezny (Photo by Chris Sorensen)
A pair of Parakeets over Iowa .
Editor David Gustafson
Copyright" 1978 EAA Antique/Classic Division . Inc .. All Rights Reserved .
JULY 1978
P.O. BOX 2464
RT. 1, BOX 111
ALLEN , TX 75002
Directors Willi am J. Ehlen
Route 8 Box 506
Tampa, Florida 33618
AI Kelch
7018 W. Bonniwell Road
Mequon, Wi sconsin 53092
Claude l. Cray, Jr .
%35 Sylvia Avenue
Northridge, California 91324
Box 3747
Martin sville, Virginia 24112
Dale A. Gustafson
7724 Shady Hill Drive
Indianapolis, Indiana 46274
Art hur R, ., ""organ
3744 N. 51st Boulevdfd
Milwaukee, Wi sco n sin 51216
Richard Wagner P.O. Box 181
M. C. " Kelly" Viets
RR 1 Box 151
Sti lwell, Kansas 66085
8102 LEECH RD.
UNION, IL 60180
(Cover Photo by Lee Fray: EAA Air Museum s Lockheed 12 Electra.)
The Restorer's Corner by J. R. Nielander, Jr. . ... . .. ... , .. ........ . ... . .. On Converting a Tri-Pacer toa Taildragger by Bob Schumaker .. ,',...... Franklin Rose by Edward D. Williams ..... . , ......................... ,.. Chino 78 by Claude Gray ..... .... .... .. . .. .... . . ... . ............. ... . Vintage Album . .. . , .......... , . . .. . . . . .. . .. ...... , .. .. ... .. . , .... . . . .. Judging Update by Claude Gray ... ........ . , .. . . . ..... ,., . ... ......... . The Crouch-Bolas Dragonfly by David Gustafson " ........ , .. . .... ..... ,. Oshkosh Convention Schedule ........ .. . , ......................... . .. The Tiger and the Tempest by David Gustafson .. ,., .. ... ...............
Morton W . leste r
Lyo ns, Wisconsi n 53148 Advisors
Associate Editors: H. Glenn Buffington, Robert G. Elliott, AI Kelch, Edward D. Williams, Byron (Fred) Fredericksen Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are assigned to those writers who submit five or more articles .which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Division for their efforts. POLICY-Opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor.
Ron ald Fritz
1989 Wil son , NW
Grand Rapid s, Michigan 49504
Stan Gomoll
1042 90th l ane, NE
Minneapoli s, Minneso t a 55434
John R. Tur gyan
1530 Kuser Road
Trenton , New Jersey 08619
Robert E. Kessel
445 Oakrid ge Drive
Roc he ster, New York 14617
EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP o NON-EAA MEMBER - $20.00_ Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/ Classic Division , 12 monthly iss ues of THE V INTAGE AIRPLANE ; one yea r mem bership in the Experimental Aircraft Association and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION magazine not included.
EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA. Antique/ Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD . (Applica nt must be c urrent EM member and must give EAA membership number .)
Robert A. Whit e Box 704 Zellwood, Flori da 32798
THE VtNTAGE AIRPLANE is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division , In c .• and is published monthly at Hales Corners. Wi sconsi n 53t30. Second ctass Po stage paid at Hales Corners Po st Office . Hales Corners, Wi sconsin 53130, and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/ Classic Division , Inc., are $14.00 per 12 month period of which $10.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation .
Page 8
Page 17
(EAA #60859)
403 Meadowview Dr., S.E.
Huntsville, AL 35802
(Photos provided by Author) Easy does it! The highest 6" in th e world about to be consumed for that first landing - th e D arlin ' touch ed on all 3 points - the end of a perfect flight.
So you think a Tri-Pacer is a great little ole plane , but, it looks like a flying milkstool. I, too, thought this and therein lies quite a story. It was November in Huntsville , Alabama and the local FBO at South Huntsville Airport was making his plans for the wet days - (We don't have winter with snow, etc., in the SOUTH Su'h). He and I were chatting about where and when I could get a plane and he said "Bob - did you ever think about a Tri-Pacer? Although this didn't really turn me on, there was a slight spark lit, and I asked him what he had in mind. Ole' Mc said he knew where he could get a " slightly" damaged Tri Pacer which he thought could be obtained at a low dol lar output. There was one small problem though, he wanted the wings to fix up a Tri-Pacer he had to fix for a customer. Oh sure, I could have the damaged wings off of the plane he was fixing. As just a matter of side interest I asked him what was the "s light" damage the original Tri-Pacer had before it lost its wings - Well it seems the front landing gear was in the cockpit, along with a damaged oil cooler, broken generator pully, crushed exhaust pipe and broken carburetor flange, also odd and assorted bits and pieces which needed straightening and/or welding. Well, we all have to compare with something and his idea of "s light" and mine are not too far apart, and, they got a lot closer to
gether when he added, "Oh yes Bob, the engine has only 6 hours since a fresh major. That did it. We changed $, wings, parts, etc., and "Away We Go." My wife's husband is off on another project . Then the problem was what to start on. The wings looked like someone had landed on them (and in fact they had) so we started on them. Since the right wing spar could be straight~ned and all but five ribs, one drag strut and the leading edge tip were real fair, it seemed logical to start on that wing. The act of pricing parts for aeroplanes has some violent side effects. The first is a sick empty feeling (starts in the wallet and ends with the eyeballs, throw ing daydreams out of focus). Second, this wonderful person called WIFE - (that's the one who brings your dinner to the shop (garage), brings colas, "holds" till dope drys, backs rivets (with finger in one ear and shoulder over other), who with all of her fine attri butes, has a breaking point. This usually occurs just as you add the third figure to the "Well Honey it won't cost too much ... just .. . DOLLARS!" The third is where you change from buyer to scrounger and learn the fine art of getting for little or nothing those things you need so badly. As you become more and more pro ficient your smiles become larger and the project gets done, with the maximum of labor, but the minimum of cost. Now for the project. I've got a young man who lives down the street named Joey Sieja who is endowed with
an uncanny mechanical aptitude and a deep love for the Aeroplane. Between us, we started the job . The first move was to de-hide the wings. Then the true needs became painfully obvious : nine ribs, two outer leading edges, drag wires, drag struts and a main spar. The bad ribs were removed as well as the other parts. A jig was made and a lot of rib repairing was done, but, there were still five ribs needed and a drag strut, to say nothing of the spar. An old friend who had just rebuilt a J-3 wing came up with the needed ribs. A friend at another local airport said he thought he remembered seeing an old Pacer or Tri-Pacer wing back in " the junk pile in the woods." By golly he was right, there was a complete Tri-Pacer wing in the pile. It was badly dam aged , but there it was with a good main spar and three drag struts. Boy, oh boy. What a find . Cost: NOTHING . " If you can use that old junk you're welcome to it friend." That's what the good ole' FBO said. Wing, honeysuckle vine, pine needles and all headed for the house . Now we had all we needed to build the wings. They were re-built in four weeks and one was covered and completed when we found the MARTIN fasten ers we'd planned to use in lieu of wing stitching were out of production. This in itself isn't too bad, but when you have had enough for one wing and then make the discovery, you are in a world of hurt. I called everybody I could think of, or had heard of, who might have enough for the other wing. No luck! But all was not lost. I had noticed the Cessna rag wings had clips in
Lined up for welding - very important.
Another shot on how to block up the fuselage - It's done just like you milk a porcupine - " Very Carefully. "
their li ' l ole' wings. Hummmm! Call GADa. I did and whether you are aware of it or not that's one great bunch of g uys. They are there to help, and they do. A check of their record s showed the Cessna clips had never been approved for Piper , however, the wing structure was similar and the airfoil and speed factors were close . They told us how the original tests were conducted, and advised we use the same technique on Piper rib s. They said if the tests were within the re quirements they would buy-off on their use . Well things were brightening up . We obtained some Cessna clips and set up a simple pull test device using a scale and some weights. Our "engineering analysis" proved the clips more than adequate so we bundled the pack age up and sent it to the GADa. They sent us a letter approving the use of the clips on our Tri-Pacer wing. Since these clips are readily available we are now fin ishing our other wing. While all of this was going on , the bent and broken parts in the propeller end were welded, straightened or replaced. The prop was sent off to the propeller hos pital and made well again . The cowling was left lying in a pile. I kept looking at this thing, this airplane, thinking to myself I sure wish it had a tailwheel. Without that milk stool gear it would look pretty slick . Then it came to me, as I sat looking through the "Tennessee Yellow pages ." I saw an ad which said: convert your PA-22 to a PA-20. Easy conversion . Ho Ho Ho. Well as
a matter of fact , the conversion is not real hard , but as you can see some real backyard engineering was re quired. When we finally got the fuselage jacked up we all held our breath while I welded and welded and welded. Finally, all was done. The gear was removed from the box and placed in the mounting brackets. Hey! I've got a tail dragger. Whoops. No tail wheel. The price of a new one jerked me up short, so away we went on a scrounging mission. After exhausting almost every resource, and our patience , we heard of a place up in Tennessee where an A&P had a shop in a barn with bunches of "good junk." We called him and he al lowed he might just have a tailwheel. So we took off in the ole' 63 pick'em-up and headed for the hills. Be lieve it or not you have to ford a stream to get there and his house was built in 1835. The barns look about as old, but he did in fact have a correct tailwheel and as we wound around the J-2 & 3's, Aeronica 7AC's, a Bellanca Cruisemaster without cover, etc., I thought I'd have to go back to see Ole' Charlie's one day soon and just mosey around. It would take all day just to see all that's in those barns and sheds . He even has a 1200 ft. strip (I may work up enough courage to try some day) . Meanwhile, back at the Pacer . .. With the main gear in place and the tail wheel mounted, at least I could roll it in and out. Brakes came from a friend at Moontown Airport (just changed to Mills Airport) who just had them laying around.
(Mill s is, by th e way, one of th e few airports left with smudge pots for runway lights) . Now the brakes are in too , so we may be flying soon. Anyway , w e've loved every minute of it.
PART II Well here we are again. The Pacer is being loaded on the back of the pick' em-up truck, tail first to start its first long " taxi run ." We got down to good ole South Huntsville Airport with the fuselage in great shape but our nerves shot. Did you ever notice as the cars pass you they seem to cut you off? (It's a phenomenon called " drive where you ' re looking".) I can understand though, because you just don't see an aeroplane going down the road every day. Eventually the fairings went on and the systems were checked out. The engine ran real rough. Why? Because , as you turn it over each week or every other day or whatever, a little oil is worked up into each cyl inder. Comes the big day and you hit the starter : It starts with a cloud of blue smoke . You have just fou)ed out all of your bottom plugs and some of the top ones too. After I cleaned the plugs and checked the setting, the 0-290 ran fine. The next day I was out at the airport bright and early and found a puddle of gas beneath the plane. For those who don't know, this is a revolting development,
mainly because the inside of a J-3 thru PA22 is covered with fabric just like the outside . Where was the leak? Why the selector valve of course . We tore a hole in the interior big enough to remove the thing and found it shot , worn out , non repairable , etc. We took jeweler's rouge and lapped it smooth, then put it back together , checked it out and it worked fine , on the RIGHT TANK position. When turned " off" it leaked again. This is when you quit playing games and wonder, where can you find a fuel selector valve on a Saturday afternoon? In that old Tri-Pacer fuselage you saw on the side of a hill about 15 miles up the road. Back in the pick'em-up truck and back to the hills. Lo and behold in this thor足 oughly stripped out hull all that was left were wasps and the selector valve. There were so many wasps we had to cut a hole in the outside fabric and remove the valve from the outside . The wasps hummed and fussed , but didn 't come out after us so we were home free. Sunday morning the valve was cleaned up , checked out, and installed. The engine was run up and then came the first big moment. The plane moved under its own power. Out to the runway and up and down we go ,
Lin e up ch ecked and rea d y fo r welding.
Joey hard at the w ing b uildin g b usiness 足 I just had to stop .~nd sn ap hi m - Th at's a " Ya n kee screwdri ver in A labama-.
Brakes, at las t (o nl y 15,000 m o re thin gs to d o) .
slowiy at first checking for toe-in or toe-out, and feel足 ing of squirreliness. All was good, the runs became faster and finally the tail came up and you won't be足 lieve it but it took off and was flying. Well that ended the ground test. The flying tests followed the approved sequences and all ' went well. Look Ma, no hands, and it's straight and level. Meanwhile back on the ground a good friend called Joey, my daughter and her boyfriend hopped in Joey's 210 and came up with cameras in hand. Many pictures later we peeled off for the land足 ing. The first one was hot and high because I was over warned about the sink rate. The second was on and rolling. I disengaged my eight white knuckles from the control wheel crawled out amid back patting and chat足 ting and the whole world looked great. (Now to finish the KR-2) Bye! See ya'il at Oshkosh!
Back up Runway 6 and ready to go - this is the last of several "Taxi Passes" - "Now or Never!"
In the back yard rigged and checked - I really wanted to fly it out.
By Edward D . William s (EAA #5701 0) 71 3 Eastman Drive Mt. Prospect, '" . 60056 (Ass oc iate Edito r)
(Photos provided by the Author) If Hollywood ever decides to make a movie on the life of aviation pioneer Franklin E. Rose , the plot will probably seem far-fetched . To make things worse for credibility, the colorful Rose in hi s youth was as hand some as any movie star . Rose had a brief connection with film making, it self, when he flew in the early 1920s as a movie stunt pilot. But he also was an airmail pilot , mechanic, barn storming pilot, commercial pilot , aircraft salesman, military pilot and finally commander of an Air Force base in Germany. Rose, 78, now retired for 21 years and living at Wal nut Creek, Calif., also missed by a whisker sharing a place in history with another pilot , Leon D. Cuddeback, in flying the first successful flight of the mail by a pri vate contractor in 1926. That route, by Varney Air Lines, holder of Contract Air Mail Route #5 (CAM #5) authority, consisted of northbound and southbound service between Pasco, Wash., Boise, Idaho, and Elko, Nev., begun on April 6, 1926. Cuddeback flew the inaugural southbound route successfully, thus gaining a prominent place in avia tion history. But Rose , who flew northbound from Elko, was forced down in a storm and didn't make.a success ful flight .. . or the record books.
...... r "
H andsom e Fran k lin E. Ro se strikes a d as hin g pose next to his Swallow M ailplane in 1926 .
To make the Hollywood scenario more implausible, it is a fact that Rose 's wife , Mildred, 75 , who learned to fly in 1926 and flew aerobatics, taught their son , Frank lin Rose , Jr., to fly. The son in turn did so well he later became one of America's first jet pi lots, but not until he had shot down 13 German aircraft in World War II. The younger Rose retired from the Air Force as a full colonel, still being outranked by his father , who retired as a brigadier general. "Stars and Stripes, " the U.S. military newspaper, more than 23 years ago - on Jan. 5, 1955 - said of the elder Rose :
BRIG GEN FRANKLIN ROSE, an aviation pioneer who has been pushing aircraft through the skies for the past 36 years , is going stronger than ever today. As commander of the 322nd Air Div (Combat Cargo) headquartered at Ramstein Air Base, Rose controls all the troop carrier and transport aircraft in the USAFE theater of operations. The huge C119S of the 322nd roll up an average of 27,000 miles daily in flying vital supplies to 32 U.S . air bases in 13 countries in Europe and North Africa. Rose himself has rolled up quite a few hours in the cockpit since he first earned his wings as a flying
cadet in 1918. He's 54 today, and a rundown of the jobs he's held reads like a ca psu le history of the growth of the aviation industry. The ge neral, an affab le, soft-spoken man , holds the 16th air mail pilot's license iss ued in the U.S .; the 125th co mmercial pilot' s licen se; and the 118th engineer mechanic's licen se. For a good part of hi s yo uth he barnstormed across the U.S. with a flying circus perform ing death-defying feats standing out on the wings. During this period the early 20s - he also worked as a Hollywood stuntman, earning hi s bread by leaping from a speed ing cycle to a plane or transferring from low flying planes into cars. "Those were exciting days," the general recall s. "We landed anywhere there was enough space for a take-off and crowd s would flock for miles to see us perform. " I was se llin g airpl anes at this time , too," said the general. "As a matter of fact , I was in just about every phase of the business. " But then you just abo ut had to be, or you'd starve to death. That' s part of the growth of aviation. Every body had to be a pioneer and stay with the business or get out of it entirely. It was one of the best ways we had of promotin g commercial aviation." In 1926 the senior Rose joined Varney Air Lines , the company which got the first air mail contract . He flew the first northbound mail flight from Elko, Nev., to Boise , Idaho. " I was forced down in a storm and landed in the middle of a desert, " the general related. "It was 40 miles to the nearest ranch and I came in by Pony Ex press with the mail sack slung over a horse's neck ." In 1929, Rose got in on the ground floor of the fledgling passe nger airline industry. He became pres ident of Varney Speed Lines , "the fastest airline in the world," flying Lockheed Orions from Los Angeles to San Francisco in o ne hour and 58 minutes. Rose made his first trip to Europe in 1934, demon strating Lockheed Orion airc raft to various gove rn ments. From 1935 to 1940 when he returned to active duty with the Army as a captain, Rose had a distribu torship for Stinson and Taylorcraft on the West Coast. From 1940-1946 Rose headed the Pacific Coast Technical Training Comd, supervising the chain ,of schools set up to train defense workers. Following the war, Rose became associated with Pacific Aircraft Sales Co., West Coast distributor for Beechcraft. He became a brigadier general in 1948 and in 1951 again went on active duty with the Air Force, ass umin g command of the 349th Troop Carrier Wing
Very rare photo of Franklin E. Rose in cockpit of his Swa llow with original Curtiss K-6 engine in ea rl y 1926. Ma n standing next to plane is unidentified.
Franklin E. Rose 's Swa llow Mailplane No.4 shown after its original I S0- hp Curtiss K-6 was replaced with the Wright Whirlwind }-4, with 200 horsepower.
at Hamilton AFB, Calif. A year later he was named commander of Donaldson AFB, S.c., and in November 1953 he took over the 465th Troop Carrier Wing. When the 322nd Air Div. was formed in March 1954 to control USAFE's vast fleet of troop carrier and cargo transports, Rose soon got the commander's job. Rose retired from the Air Force and closed out a 37 year career in aviation on July 30, 1956. "I haven't flown since my retirement," he said in an interview recently at his California home with this author. "I used to fly Lockheed C-130s in the Air Force, and that was work," he said. Although his days as a young pilot are more than 50 years in the past, his recollections of the trials and hazards of being an airmail pilot are still vivid. "I've got a pretty good recollection of the early days," said Rose, who at 78 is in as good health and is as alert and sharp as a much younger man. "I started out with Walter Varney in 1919 and was associated with him in various deals," Rose recalled . "I was flying at that time in an air show act chang ing from an automobile or a motorcycle on to a Lincoln Standard, and we were using Varney's aircraft. When Walter Varney got the contract for the airmail in 1926, he asked me if I would be one of his pilots." Rose said Varney selected Leon Cuddeback, Joe Taff, George Buck and himself as the pilots for his new airmail company, which was to be based at Boise. Var ney had bought six Swallow biplanes with Curtiss C-6 and K-6 engines for his operations, and they prepared for the inaugural flights. "We all went up to Boise and helped overhaul the engines for him and helped install them in the planes," Rose recalled. After that, Rose flew his plane - Swal low No.4 - down to Elko to prepare for his first run on the Elko-Boise-Pasco route. The following, from Rose's interview with this au thor, are his recollections of the events of April 6, 1926, the inaugural day: "I took off around ten in the morning. The weather wasn't too good, but in those days we had to fly con tact and not instrument flying, because we didn't have the instruments to do it. In taking off from Elko, head ing north, there was a little saddle in the mountains. I had to have 10,000 feet altitude to get through, and I just barely cleared it. Then I went into the plateau cou ntry. I got over this saddle and there were thunder storms ahead of me that were darker than black, so I had to keep down where I had visual contact. I got to where I was bucking headwinds in these storms and I was just running out of gas. It was approximately 225 miles from Elko to Boise, and I had about a 30 minute reserve, for normal conditions. 10
Four prior 1. & Chris
new Wright Whirlwind j-4 engines uncrated to installation at Boise in May, 1926. Left to right: 2 . Unknown, 3. Ralph Fifer, mechanic, 4.
DeVelschow, chief mechanic, 5. Franklin Rose,
pilot 6. Leon Cuddeback, pilot, 7. Charles Wrightson,
business mgr.
The j-4 replaced the underpowered Curtiss Cob and
K-6' engines used in the first two months of Varney Air
Lines operations.
THEY LED THE WAY: Shortly after the historic Pasco Boise-Elko flight of Varney Air Lines on April 6, 1926, this group posed before a Swallow biplane at Boise. Shown (from left) are pilot joe Taff, pilot Franklin Rose, Hal Bruntsch, Mrs. Walter T. Varney, chief pilot Leon Cuddeback, the senior Varney's chauffeur, and a rep resentative of the U. S. Post Office with Curtiss K-6 engine.
"But I bucked these winds and terrific turbulance and was flying right down on the ground, and the gas gauge was getting to the bottom. I figured, well, if I run out of gas and land in this 5agebrush and stuff out here, I'm going to roll the plane up in a knot. So I started using my head - or I thought I was - and I saw a bunch of wild horses over on a mesa, and I saw two men on horseback rounding them up. I figured if I could get down there and get to some kind of civiliza tion, or get somebody to find me, I would land. "I worried if I would have enough power, and for tunately I did, and I landed on a little mud bar in the river. I had to use power and almost stalled it. If I'd have landed at normal flying speed I'd have just rolled up in a knot as the tires went down six inches in the mud. I just sat there, and finally about an hou r later I saw these two horsemen coming down the side of the mesa. I told them what happened. They wanted to know if I was in trouble . One was an old man, and another man about 22 or 23 years old and I asked them where I was. "They said the closest town was Jordon Valley, Ore gon, and it was 60 miles away . I said, ' Well how am I going to get there?' One cowboy said, 'I'll guide you in : I asked, ' How much do you want?' and he said , 'About a month 's salary,' I asked how much did he make a month, and he said, 'Ten dollars a month: So I said, 'Well, I'll double that if you can get me there: "Fortunately, I had about $50 or $60 with me. We carried a 30-30 rifle in the ship and a 45 caliber auto matic and a bunch of chocolate bars, and I had figured when I landed there that if I could shoot a horse and eat it, then I wouldn't starve to death. There were plenty of horses and antelope roaming around. Any way, the cowboy got a horse and said, 'This horse may be a little frisky. He hasn't been ridden for a year since we been out here last: They evidently went out once a year to round the horses up. "I get on the horse and I just hit the saddle and I went up about 3 feet, then landed flat on my fanny on the ground, with the horse' s hoof going by me. So I got on again and rode on. "In two days we got into Jordon Valley, and after two hours of trying, I phoned Walter Varney in Boise to tell him I was safe . "The next morning a truck driver agreed to take me into Boise, and we finally got there after I helped him dig the truck out of the mud about five different times. We'd get stuck and we'd put chains and sacks under the wheels to get going again. But we finally got into Boise. " The Evening Capital News of Boise carried this ac count of Rose's misadventures on April 7, 1926:
"MISSING MAIL FLYER FOUND, FORCED DOWN BY BLIZZARD Rose Lands on Mountain Slope in Idaho 75 Miles Off Course "BOISE, Idaho, April 7 (A.P.) - After twenty-four hours of anxiety Franklin Rose, air mail pilot lost on his first trip from Elko to Boise was rep<;>rted safe and uninjured sixty-five miles south of Jordon Valley at 8 :10 o' clock tonight in a telephone message to Boise. " Rose continued with his recollections, saying, "I flew for about two months and then Varney got per mission from the Post Office to shut down the line to put new Wright J-4 engines on. We had K6 and C6 en gines, and they were giving us a lot of trouble. In the north leg, from Pasco to Boise, our boys went down several times with engine trouble. So they got permis sion for a delay in operations to get those J-4s on." Rose said that he flew for Varney for another four months and then went to work for Pacific Air Trans port, at a raise in salary from $150 to $200 a month, flying between San Francisco and Fresno and Los Angeles . Although he had a colorful and highly eventful ca reer in aviation, Rose had no roots in aviation . He was born to an army cavalry officer at Fort Riley, Kans ., and lived at a number of army posts, so he swore he would never go into the military service. But a strong yearning to fly caused him to reconsider by enlisting in the army as a cadet in 1918, and he got his wings at Bakersfield, Calif. Although he left active duty in a few years , he remained in the reserves. Although still in the Army Reserve, he did consid erable civilian flying. He recalled: " I was stunt flying, and a kid by the name of Johnny Townsend and I bought a ship after we got out of ser vice in 1919, and we tried to figure out some stunts and how we could make some money. We did pretty well. I was first one to ever make a change from a motor cycle to an airplane and from an automobile to an air plane, and I did stunts like that in front of newsreel cameramen. This helped us out with publicity and we got several calls from air show promoters about it." This led to his airmail service with Varney and Pa cific Air Transport but in 1929 he stopped such flying to take on a Stearman aircraft sales agency at Oak land because Varney Air Lines with replacing its Swal lows with Stearmans, and writer Varney bought the newer planes from Rose. Varney sold Varney Air Lines soon after. "Then Walter Varney bought out my little company as he wanted to run another new airline - as Varney Speed Lines - in California, but he kept me on as president. Later on, he went to Lockheed and bought these Lockheed Orions, although we had started out
with little Stinsons on the original route between Oak land and Sacramento and Los Angeles . V.a rney k~pt Rose on as. president of Varney Speed Lines because "He didn't want any part of it. He was the owner and he liked to give the orders , but he didn't want to be an official in the company," Rose said. The company operated from July 1929 until 1934 on that route when it got a mail contract from Los An geles to Mexico City. " We outbid Pan American, which had that business at that time. We operated the Mexi can line for about two years," Rose said. "And we closed down because the politics down there were something very difficult to deal with. " Then Walter Varney offered me a job surveying the aviation situation in Rumania, " Rose continued. " We thought we'd sell all our Orions to Rumania. So I went over there and surveyed their airline needs. I took an Orion to New York and put it on the deck of the ship Europa bound for Bremerhaven. I flew it off the dock from there to Rumania. " But getting away from Bremerhaven proved to be an adventure. "That's when Hitler was in business over there," Rose said. "The Nazis had an eye on me all the way through. From Bramerhaven clear until I crossed the border into Poland and down to Rumania. " But it took a ruse and exceptional flying skill to get the Orion out of Bremerhaven in the first place as the Germans impounded the plane. Every day Rose would get into the plane on the dock and "warm it up" to get the armed German guards used to that procedure. Fi nally, one day, after the usual "warm up," Rose sim ply took off. Rose said, "As I took off from the pier at Bremer haven, I missed those tie-down things (for a ship's an chor) by about three feet, and the wing tips were only about three feet from the light poles. " Rose continued: "I had been waiting for the wind to change, and I had revved it up for about fou r or five days while the wind was still at a little angle. While I waited for a square wind, these guys with their guns on their shoulders and their green uniforms just stood back watching me. "There was just a little drizzle-rain as I moved the plane down the dock, and it sank low after takeoff, but I was still about three feet above the water. So I held it down low over the river, got up steam, came back and made some turns around a smokestack. I zoomed by about five feet from them because I was so happy to get off from the dock. With all those German police, it was the only way I could get it out of there. " But Rose admitted that he probably couldn 't have taken off from the dock if it weren't for the great flying capabilities of the Orion. 11
(Photo Courtesy of Franklin Rose)
RQse eluded th e. Naz i~ at · Bremerh aven, he fl ew
'51' n* the': 'Of;On ' io
Rumania, w here it was sold. This rare pic ture sho ws th e Orion after takeoff on a flight in Rum a nia in w hich Rose demonstrated its capabili ties.
" Oh, that Lockheed, I loved that thing, " he said . "I could do all kinds of things with it as it had no bad hab its at all. That Orion was the sweetest flyin g airplane , and I could do many tricks with it. " Although he got out of Germany all right, his trou bles were not over because of German influence in Rumania. "I'll never forget the day I got down to Rumania . They decided to buy the ship , so I had no airplane. The police met me at the airport when I landed and they were going to put me in jail . But a Standard Oil man I got acquainted with fixed it all up and they let me go ." Rose not only sold the Orion in Rumania, but he gave King Carol rides in it and took pictures of the Ruman ian King inside the plane. Rose still has those photos in one of several scrapbooks . In 1935, Rose went back in business for him self and took on an agency for Stin son aircraft which he oper ated until World War II, when he went back into ac
tive service as a captain . Rose continued: " I knew Donald Douglas, Bob Gross and Jack Northrop , all that bunch weil. So when I was called back in the service in '40 , I wa s in charge of all the technical training on the Pacific Coast, in all those factory school s. And I could get things done be cause I knew these people . When I'd request things, they' d do them. So I had a pretty good record going ; that's wh y I wa s made General in February, 1948, and I was a General until July 30 , 1956, when I retired after 34 years in the service." Rose also spoke with great pride about the military career of his son and his son ' s flying ability. " He went into service in 1940," Rose said , "and during his advanced training he won a plaque for the acrobatic flying. He went to Mississippi and he wa s checked out in the Mustangs and then went to England and flew in support of the invasion . He al so followed
Patton' s army all the way down through th e end of the war. " Before he retired to Springfield , Va. , the youn ger Rose flew the Lockheed F-80 in the first jet fighter squadron in the Air Force . He and his wife , Mary, also had the di stinction of having thei r picture in Life Mag azine in Dec. 9, 1946, issue . Today the elder Rose is content to play golf on the cour se adjoining his home and not think back. Al though he has a number of scrapbooks and a large trunk of aviation momentoes , he rarely looks at them . They contain historical matters only touched on briefly in this article and someday may find themselves in a museum or library on aviation. The aviation career of Franklin E. Rose , Sr. , could form the basis of a great motion picture , but they don ' t make 'em like " Ceiling Zero" or " Dawn Patrol " any more.
GRAND CHAMPION American Eagle 101 Claude Gray Northridge, CA
(jack Cox Photo)
By Claude Gray 9635 Sylvia Ave. Northridge, California 91324
After days of early morning fog and marginal weather in the Los Angeles basin, Friday's weather was a great improvement and the fly-in got off to a good ~tart. Both Saturday and Sunday were beautiful clear days . President Paul claimed credit for this by announcing he had used his influence with the " man in charge " and had traded us two days of good Wis consin weather. His efforts were greatly appreciated by everyone. With this good change in the weather the registration of display aircraft reached th e 300 mark. The Antique and Classic aircraft were well repre se nted from the 1927 OX-5 American Eagle, which was fly-in Grand Champion, jud ge's choice Antique and oldest aircraft, through a Waco 10, Porterfields, Rear wins, Fairchild 22's and 24's, Travelairs , the Harlow Cessna Airmaster, Staggerwings, Stinsons and Stear mans and into some beautiful Cessna 140'5, 195's,
Swifts, the judge 's choic e Bellanca and runner-up Mooney Mite and the classic Stinsons. A Ford Trimotor, a Stearman, a P-51 and a helicop ter stayed busy hauling passengers and gave the pub lic a chance to fly in some rare aircraft. Top quality aerobatic shows were put on by Bob Herendeen in his Pitts, Gerry Massey in the "Little Toot " and Frank Sanders in his Sea Fury. Another favorite act was the mock dog fight between the replica WW I Nieuport and Fokker Triplane flown by Erich Schilling and Jim Ap pleby. Being the home base for many of the Warbird air craft plus their out of town members, the display and fly-by 's of the two Sea Fury's, P-51 ' s, a Corsair, a Hell cat, a rare 0-47, B-17, B-25, a Spitfire and others gave a show much like Oshkosh. All of this along with an awa rds dinner Saturday ni ght with an outstanding Bar-B-Que beef meal made for a very successfu l, gr.eatly enjoyed fly-in that is rap idly becoming one of the best. We are all looking for ward to n ext year.
This prett y 1941 Porterfield CP-65 belongs to Fred Holla way who flew it from Ontar io, California.
AWARDS Chino '78
ANTIQUES Judges Choice American Eagle 101 Claude Gray Northridge, CA Oldest Antique American Eagle 101 Claude Gray Northridge, CA Best Multi-Wing Travel Air Speedwing Frank Rezich Irvine, CA Best High Wing Cessna Airmaster C34 Clyde Bourgesois Santa Ynez , CA Best Low Wing Harlow PJC-2 Mel & Dod Heflinger Redondo Beach, CA CLASSICS Judges Choice Bellanca Roland Joslyn Malibu, CA 1st Runner Up Mooney Mite Anthony & Larry Terrigno Buena Park, CA
In 1937 the Rearwin company turned out this Sportster 9000L which is now owned by Ken jorgensen of San Dimas.
Above: Best High Wing Antique Award went to Clyde Bourgeois of Santa Ynez for his 1934 Cessna Airmaster C34 which is powered by a Warner 165.
Below: This Stinson 108-2 was built in 1947 and packs 230 horsepower under the cowling. It's owned by Ken Wicken of North Hollywood.
Album ~
Right: Carl Cox brought this sharp 795 7 Rya n Na vion in from Fullerto n.
Below : O wned by AI Kiefer o f So uth Pasa足 dena, this Wa c o 70 GXE is pow ered by a 77 5 hp Tank OX-5.
u ace
By Claude Gray
Chief, Antique Judge
9635 Sylvia Avenue
Northridge, California 91324
During the past year considerable time has been spent by the Division officers on an update and review of the judging of aircraft at Oshkosh and the Compe tition Judging Manual. This Manual will be available to members in the near future. It is a guide for judges, restorers, builders, exhibitors, and competitors. It covers maintenance, restoration and construction standards. These standardized rules and point grading sys tem have been used for the past three years at Osh kosh . It has been interesting to note how close the final scores have run each year for the various cate gories of winners. The Grand Champions have all scored within 2 to 3 points of each other for the past three years. The Reserve Grand Champions also have been near each other in score, but 7 to 8 points below the Grand Champions. This has shown that the re storers who give the small details of authenticity considerably more attention are the ones who are winning Grand Champion .
It has been the small non-authentiC items that have kept well done aircraft in 2nd place instead of 1st. Many of these negative points have come from non-authentic hardware, instruments, chrome, seat belts, etc. There has been more competition between aircraft in the Reserve Grand Champion scores. On one occasion, two Reserve Grand Champion awards were given because of tie scores. This emphasizes the point again that the small details of authenticity, plus good workmanship, make the difference.
Each year there have been some very well done aircraft which, due to the restorer's personal desires, have been modernized and customized too much to score well from an authentic point of view. With this in mind, a new category for judging has been added: Customized Aircraft. These are judged on the basis of workmanship and beauty with awards for Cham pion, Runner-up and Outstanding in Class.
A category for Replica Aircraft has also been added. These aircraft must be full scale replicas of the ori ginal, and they are judged on the basis of how well they follow the original manufacturer'S plans, plus quality of workmanship. Another category of aircraft, though very small in numbers, has appeared. It is the Antique Home built. Some of the early homebuilts of the late 20's and early 30's are being found and restored. These add much to preserve the early history of flying, and they are most welcome. They are judged and awartled on the same basis as a company manufactured product. For the restorer's information, it is important to point out again that the aircraft is not penalized for any items currently required by FAA regulations that it did not originally have such as strobe lights, bea cons and ELI's. Radios and their related indicating instruments are also not penalized. From this point on though, any changes from original and authentic will probably cost points. It must be remembered that many changes and ideas used in later years are not necessarily done for safety reasons, but more probably for cost reduction and ease of production. There are many fine 30 to 40 year-old airplanes flying today that are more highly stressed and have less restric tions than do those new products being built today. At Oshkosh we are fortunate in having enough willing, knowledgeable, and well qualified help so that each aircraft is judged by at least 10 judges. The individual scores are averaged and no one score can affect the final score too greatly. At the local chapter fly-ins, averages of a lesser number will still give a fair and equitable score. With an open mind the restorer can follow the grade sheet and judge his own aircraft. He will come up with a score very close to that of the judges. This has been done and has been proven in the past. It might be noted that on the grade sheet there is no space for a grade for what a fine fellow the restorer might be, or for how much work he has done at some fly-in or chapter event. The judges are only judging the aircraft for authenticity and workmanship. Well done restorations have been, and will continue to be, the winners at Oshkosh. When an owner takes home a trophy from Oshkosh he knows that his aircraft has earned it, and he can be proud of his aircraft and his workmanship. We are preserving history in our restorations, and an authentically done aircraft can still be a safe and dependable machine with good workmanship and proper maintenance .
By David Gustafson, Editor
(Photos provided by Walter Scheibe and Mrs . Kurt langborg) During the early 1930's in a factory originally built to stamp out Ford fenders in Pawtucket, Rhode Island , two men led the efforts of fifty others to develop one of the first successful STOl aircraft. The airplane, called a Crouch-Bolas Dragonfly, performed beautifully on the field, where it set several records on its first flight, and failed miserably in the market place. It was the wrong time. Some of the ideas developed in that aircraft were practiced enough to be carried up through design fea tures found on modern planes like the Helio. So natu rally, there are some fascinating parts of the Crouch Bolas twin that merit a brief " du sting off" here . There have been a number of Dragonflys - all bearing a resemblance to their namesake, but this ver sion of the insect had so me unique features.
The Crouch -B olas Drago nfly stands read y for a flight at Providence airport in Rhode Is/and . The yea r was 1935.
The conceiver/designers were Briti sh, and like most engineers of the period they travelled with im pressive handles : Captain Goodman-Crouch , O.B.E ., M.I.Ae.A., F.R.Ae .S., M . I.Ae.E. , F.R . S.A. and Mr . Harold Bolas M .B.E., A .M.I.C.E. Crouch's experience included extensive time as a Royal Air Service pilot, a stint as ~ec hnical manager in charge of all metal air craft production in England and then three years as a designer of dirigibles , aeroplanes, and air screws at the R.A. F. Bolas, meanwhile, distinguished himself as a re sourceful designer who'd already impressed his inter national colleagues with designs like the Pixie , winner of a speed prize for light planes at lympne in 1923. At the time, it was the world's smallest airplane with eight foot racing wings . Pixie II had more power and number III was a monoplane that cou Id be converted to a bi plane - with folding wings . The Imp and the Elf fol lowed and as their names suggest, they were studies
in near-miniature. That proved to be perfect training for a future task: Bolas was to spend several weeks out on a submarine figuring out how to equip it with a re connaissance plane. To accomplish the miss ion , the gun turret on the deck was emptied and converted to an airtight hangar . Bolas then designed a two-place folding biplane, with floats of course, that could be cat apulted from the deck. The plane had a wireless and effectively extended the vision of the sub by several hundred miles. It was a bad way to build flying time, however, because if the plane reported any kind of enemy activity, the sub immedi ately went below, tak ing the hangar with it. Good man-Crouch h ad visited the Un ited State s early in the thirties and fo und that despite the depres sion, the aviation industry seemed to be doing quite well in America. Certainly there were more potential backers with good money than in Britain . On the way home , he turned over some ideas in hi s head for a new, "safe" airplane , which was a sort of industrial preoc cupation in that era. He docked in Southampton and call ed Bolas at 2:00 AM to inform him that they were both heading out immediately for the States . Within a week they were off. They cock tail-partied their way from New York to Pawtucket, raisin g enough money in the process to begin work on some new engine concepts. The engines were to serve a specific "experimental " purpose. They were to be mounted on a new airplane that was being designed to fly in its own slipstream. Like the engines, the aircraft structure was designed solely to test a theory and explore a potential. Practical production models could be developed later. To direct the slipstream over both wings, they needed a high thrust line so the cylinders were mounted in a vertical, inverted line. The first Dragon IVD had verti cal fins and a baffle shroud that was vented forward with a four bladed fan just inside . The fan was driven by an enclosed shaft that connected to the engine by leveled gears. Incorporating a lot of standard automobile parts , the engine could run on a direct drive or geared basis. It weighed 125 pounds and developed 76 horsepower at 2100 rpm, which, in those days, was a very respect able weight to horsepower ratio . The type IVG was a 2 to 1 geared companion that generated 90 horsepower at 3000 rpm and weighed 245 pounds . Cooling was handled the same way. The engines were mounted on the Dragonfly air plane with 10 degrees down thrust. Therefore, the slip stream, created by two nine-foot props , developed automatic lift over the wings . Goodman-Crouch re 17
portedly said that "eve n before the Dragonfly starts to move , more than 65 percent of its weight has been lifted by this 60-mile an hour slipstream breeze, which on ordinary aircraft is totally wasted." Crouch and Bolas were contributing to the rush in the 1930's to develop an airplane which could be landed at incredibly slow speeds in short fields, as simply as one drives a car. With 65 percent lift at zero forward speed, they were well on the way . To maximize their lift at slow forward speeds they invented leading edge slots and drooping flaps which would increase chord and lift in ground effect. The actuating devices were all hydraulic, and the fittings involved were the stuff nightmares are made of - typically British, in other words. In fact, the look of the Dragonfly has a dis tinctly British accent for the period . Early testing revealed some amazing performance results, both positive and negative. With 1600 pounds, including pilot and fuel, the Dragonfly slipped into an attitude on departure and final that was truly fore shadowing the helicopter. However, the Dragon en gines were unreliable . They plagued the test program with constant failure . So the Dragons were replaced with more dependable, if heavier, Menascos. At the same time , the tail group was enlarged and additions like wheel pants were worked in to improve cruise speed.
Crouch-Bolas "Dragon" Type WG.
An early Dragon engine for the plane. It had dual elec tric and inverted cy linders. Note the vertica l cooling fins.
The next step: a fan driven by linkage to the prop shaft aided an intake cooling fan , but the problem of heat persisted.
The added weight cut into performance curves but the strange looking plane with its odd take-offs and landings still amazed people. On December 4, 1935, the Dragonfly was flown in its first public demonstration. A few days later, the Providence Journal reported: " Those who went to the State Airport at Hillsgrove last Wednesday had been promised something revolu tional in aviation, and they were not disappointed. At least, they saw four world 's records claimed for a plane, produced in a Rhode Island ' hatchery' and de signed to take off and land at a slow, safe speed and to be free from the hazards of unexpected stalls, spins and other bad manners. "There she goes," the crowd roared when the Crouch-Bolas ' Dragonfly' took the air for its first public demonstration . It was a friendly but a critical audience, for many an expert was present having come to Provi dence for a convention. "And the show was effective, especially so since the ' Dragonfly' was teamed with a standard type of sport plane so that the performances might be contrasted. Together they took off. Together they flew at their min imum speeds, the 'Dragonfly' gradually falling behind.
The upper surface of the top wing, showing fuel tank and atta ch points for leading edge sla ts. Leading edge of the lower wing and landing gear.
End view of the tail group. That's a lot of space for work on one aircraft.
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speeds 1he ·draaon· 15 Bolas s b t _ eradllall) (a1lme behlOd It wal Crouc h who put It over Th~Y ) TOl et hH they Jand('d from 1400 make II fin e . pa ir at plrtn ers 85 of them lh~ last word o r a SUCCUS- l in flYing T oo many m en w en bell,. place amon,lhe equl pmftlt oC major' • three seal ed !P'>tt~r, de,l,ncd to fU t eel, the ~ portp18ne using the great,.r \ you would wan t to .ee \ career at home rubbed out for trivia l cauaes. ~ lea,ue Navies Ir. u tl tuc k ed aWl ) o n the d ec k of a ,tt of one of the concrete rU/lWiI)S I.ona be rMe the ""ar Goodman· The t.:.ptam had just developed. At hml lh Bolal w.s d lsml . led t ram warsh ip durrne Heet milnOCu\res dr:l~unny' r amr do .... n almOllt G~~:n.~~~\!~~k~ ~I'): SaIPt~I~\ ~~~t~~h J;a~h:Oa~; ~~~~~:ee /lle;o~: ~r;~\~d~~~raa:~~~~!~!. ~~t~~1SI~~::!..: ~~ty. tor ...sIX mO~lhl At t~e .P,nna ll ~n~ t~e Pipit , I sln&l~ pur · v '" t'r;,l1~ ',,\I~v ...r1 h~ 1\ ""~ ""'1 r1 .. " .. A FRAt' ~ :M I A,. J;' " p <.: fl)
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but a ,n "perl ! 8 me of .i> mb.••low "."10" ~~ '. ' ~~"""II!~. dence tor . convention TIlE PAa.TNEB.8 . And the show was el'l'eetive, Hped ally so ,inel!' the "dr.gontly" wal WELL TEAMED l earned wit h a standard type ot sportThe per:tena\ slory ot then exp~r1 . 1 h I h f . ht menten. b oth of them o[llini lly from pane so 1 III t e per or manees mle En&loii;lld. where they were lon, be contrilsted, Toa-elh cr they Identitlred with avJatlon,;S., full of manoeu\'r«i on the n c1d. Toa:ether In\e r('Sl as the nove l prinCI ple they they took off. TQi:elhcr they n ew at have evolved in their !C hop on Camp-
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worid', r~ords claimed for a p la ne. ! :/a ~.~~i1I! :.~::: ~::](~nea~~U~~':,l~~ plan t". )U!t bdore the drmon~l ra· proouc ro in 51 Rhode bland "hat ch' l to c')ntrol:' at the Stale Au pnl·t. Nu te ery" and dr! igm'<i to lake off and Th is U~ of the :,Jlp~ tream IS e\'i. the radi cAl (h 'partur,", In dCloign tha t land II 1I l!1o ...... safc ~ peed a nd to be 11 dent when thl!' "dra , onOy" tOXI C'! tilts the (,11einc. forwJird. direct . 1r ee from lhe ha.:3rd, o f Ullt'xpcc ted along the eround. Ala!!s from the lin g lh(' !li stl'("am aga ins t the p ropeller, wh ic h commonly are liven p . . t.alb.. s p ir.s, and other bad manners. to mOlik e the ru dder of Ilrcraft e fwangs and thCTt'by gilHlmg hflme "Th.r,- ' he goes," Ihr no wd ,""ed f",I ;v. al I... Ihan My ;n, n. pow,,, AI 'he lOp ore ,orne of Ih e ll,'hf'n the Crou(·h· il(,I9.J "Draaon"y" unnCt'('~:o:a r)' In man('J("u\rilll the I ('arly ~);pcrim("'nlal pllln(,J d~ · took lh(' 1f1r fue lis ~ ...~t public d cm- Cr,..,uch ·E ol!l$ .plan.. Llkew l~. lh~ ~lg nl-d b.v Mr. BoI.~: From l<'ft
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HOSE: \\ho went to the \ C'orl\'('nllrmall y .mintlCd , But C C)OO Stolte A irport at H ills - man.Crouch Jnsi!-ts hi:\ "dr.le.))) f!y " IS
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" Together they landed from 1400 feet, the sport plane using the greater part of one of the concrete run ways. The 'Dragonfly' came down almost verticall y, followed by a ground run on landing of less than f ive feet . The sportplane had been forced to circle, unable to make the field the first time . A wind between 20 and 28 miles an hour velocity added to the interest of the test. " Sponsors of the new plane claim world's records for it as to speed range, slow flight , angle of descent, landing distance and take-off." That almost vertical descent proved to be the drag onfly in the ointment . It's difficult to convince passen gers that everything is alright when they're suddenly lying in their seats instead of sitting in them . The ef fects of the depression buried whatever potential the airplane might have had and Misters Crouch and Bolas went back to England . Apparently the engines were scrapped , the wings were destroyed many years later, and no one knows what happened to the fuselage. Rea d y for th e fir st tes t hop . The D ragonfl y w as posed with its Dragon eng in es prio r to h aulin g off to th e airpo rt.
The tail group i s read y for co ver . Ve rtica l fin s w ere later replaced with larger models as can be seen in the newspaper photo.
Airborne! Due to chron ic problem s with the Drago n engines the ai rcraft on l y flew wi th Menascos. They ---Were rated at 725 hp, but only developeJ 90 beca use of the nine-foot props.
_ _ _lIIiiiill!!l!t:;iAlIII!!:ZP"-:
The paper predictions for the Dragonfly were pretty fantastic, but performance was really far behind.
9:00 A.M. - 10:15 A.M.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 1,1978 6:45 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
Picnic Dinner, Ollie's Park (Tickets must be purchased in advance at Antique/Classic Division Headquarters barn).
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2,1978 4:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.
SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1978
Piper Cub : Building & Restoration
CL YDE SMITH, JR . Piper Corp . Technical Instructor
10:30 A.M. - 11 :45 A.M .
Rearwin-Commonweath Skyranger
GEORGE WILLIAMS , Chairman , Rearwin Club
12 :00 N - 1 :15 P.M.
Cessna 170
GEORGE MOCK, Past P International Cessna 170 Association
1 :30 P.M. - 2:45 P.M .
Cessna 120/140
Pres., West Coast
120/140 Club
3 :00 P.M. - 4:15 P.M.
Navion, Buying, Speed Modification & Maintenance
ROBERT G. ROGIEN, Dir. American Navion Society
"History of Flight" Air Show
FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1978 8:00 P.M . - 8:45 P.M.
Antique/Classic Awards, Main Pavilion
10:00 P.M. - 11 :30 P.M.
Social Hour, Ollie's Park (Tickets must be purchased in advance at Antique/Classic Division Headquarters barn).
MONDAY, JULY 31,1978 Taylor & Piper Cubs
Chairman, Cub Club
10:30 A.M. - 11:45
The Wonderful World of Amphibians
DON KYTE, Pres. Canadian-American Amphibian Assoc. "SPENCE" SPENCER
12:00 N - 1: 15 P. M.
European Antique Airplanes
HAROLD BEST-DEVEREUX EAA European Representative
1 :30 P.M. - 2:45 P.M.
Howard Airplanes
National Howard Club
3:00 P.M. - 4 :15 P.M.
Australian Vintage Aircraft : Talk & Movies
CAPT. ALAN SEARLE Associated With Australian Air Force Museum
9:00 A.M. - 10:15 A.M.
SATURDAY, JULY 29,1978 9:00 A.M . - 10:15 A.M.
10:30 A.M. - 11 :45 A.M.
12 :00 N - 1 :15 P.M.
Antique Chapters: Their Importance & Activities
Florida Sport Aviation
Antique & Classic
Airplane Association
Fail-Safe Instrumentation
J. R. NIELANDER, Pres. EAA Antique & Classic Division Capt. Pan Am Airlines
TUESDAY, AUGUST 1,1978 9 :00 A.M . - 10:15 A.M.
Luscombe Association
1 :30 P.M. - 2:45 P.M.
DH Moth
JOHN BRIGHT, Chairman DH Moth Club
10 :30 A.M. - 11:45 A.M.
3 :00 P.M. - 4 :15 P.M .
Aeronca " K" & Older Models & Engines
EDWARD SCHUBERT, Chairman Aeronca Club
12 :00 N - 1 :15 P.M.
Interstate Airplanes Maintenance & Restoration
Western Coordinator,
Interstate Club
Aeronca: Keeping Champs & Chiefs Flying
Stampe SV4 Aircraft
Nationally Known Aeronca Authority
1 :30 P.M . - 2:45 P.M.
Magneto Overhaul & Repair For The Beginner
3:00 P.M. - 4 :15 P.M. Cessna 170
BILL HASEL TON Antique Engine Authority RICHARD TOMASELLO, Wis. State Repre足 sentative International 170 Ass'n.
9:00 A.M. - 10:15 A.M.
Vagabond 15/17
CECIL OGLES, Editor " Vagabond News"
10:30 A.M . - 11 :45 A.M .
Vintage Cessnas
12 :00 N - 1:1 5 P.M .
Aeronca Chief
GEORGE YORK, Classic Aircraft Judge
1 :30 P.M. - 2:45 P.M.
JIM GORMAN, Pres. Staggerwing Club, & GEORGE YORK
3:00 P.M . - 4:15 P.M.
ART MORGAN, Sec./Treas. American Luscombe Club
9:00 A.M. - 10:15 A.M. Taylorcrafts
FORREST BARBER, Taylorcraft Test Pilot, Representing TaYlorcraft Owners Club
10 :30 A.M . - 11 :45 A.M.
Servicing The Cessna 120/140
DALE RUHMEL, Cessna Authority
12:00 N - 1 :15 P.M.
Bourke Engine
JOHN HENDRICKS, Bourke Experimenter
1 :30 P.M. - 2:45 P.M. Cessna 195
DAN KINDEL, Pres. Eastern Cessna 195 Association CLIFF CRABS BILL TERRELL
3:00 P.M. - 4 :15 P.M.
DAVE FOX, Nationally Known Pilot of Antique Airplanes
1908-1938 Aircraft Control Development
FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 9:00 A.M. - 10 :15 A.M.
10:30 A.M. - 11:45 A.M.
12 :00 N - 1 :15 P.M .
Ercoupes : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
SKIP CARDEN, Exec. Dir., Ercoupe Owners Club
1 :30 P.M. - 2:45 P.M. Biography of WACO
RA Y BRANDL Y, Pres. National WACO Club
3:00 P.M. - 4:15 P.M.
CHARLES LASHER, Pres. Aeronca Owners Club
Restoring The Post-War Aeroncas
9 :00 A.M. - 10:15 A.M .
Antique/Classic Aircraft Judging : The New Standard Procedure
CLAUDE GRAY, Chief Antique Judge BRAD THOMAS, Chief Classic Judge
10:30 A.M . - 11 :45 A.M .
Antique/Classic Division Business Meeting Newsletter Editing : A Discussion On Why , How, and Its Rewards
J . R. NlELANDER, Pres. Presiding
1 :30 P.M. - 2:45 P.M.
The Staggerwing Museum : What A Type-Club Created
ALLEN D . HENNINGER, Museum Director
3:00 P.M. - 4:15 P.M.
Culver Cadet
JAMES REZICH Culver Authority
12 :00 N - 1 :15 P.M.
Ryans: In General
DORR CARPENTER, Nationally Known Ryan Authority
CHARLES NELSON, Pres. International Swift Association
(Photo by David Gustafson)
Paul Poberezny tries out the cockpit of the replica Wright Flyer commissioned by the fAA Foundation to honor the first 75 years of powered flight.
Th e EAA M useu m 's new Tige r M oth, a generous g ift of Mrs. Christian Dohn. .
(Gene Chase Photo!
By David Gustafson , Editor Last winter the EAA Museum received a newly re stored DH 82 A. The airplane is in beautiful condition and likely will make a grand entrance at Oshkosh 78. Donor of the tiger moth was Mrs. Christian Dohn, who's husband was killed in November, 1974 while flying his Pitts S2. Mr ; Dohm had purchased the Moth from a flying club in ' England in 1972. At the time, it wasn't air worthy. In fact, just bringing it up to ferry status would have been an accomplishment. So the plane was transported by truck to a restoration facil ity near Heathrow Airport outside of London. The plane was totally stripped down and refurbished in original RAF markings . It was shipped to the port of New Orleans , where it arrived in December of 1973. Mr. Dohn had the plane 24
assembled and hangered. Unfortunately, he only got to fly his handsome Tiger for 5 hours before his un time ly death . Mrs . Dohn, being interested in preserving the Moth , decided at the suggestion of Reg Braddock (EAA #2989) to pay the expenses of Reg and Stan Thigpen (EAA #64155) to dismantle the plane, crate it, and move it to EAA's facility in Burlington where they'd put the pieces back together (Reg is an A&P and an AI, which certainly helps). Sounds like a perfect set-up for another page in the annals of old fash ioned EAA teamwork and the spirit of " Can-do." That spirit was about to get a test of fire , however, and a real chilly one at that. Typically, Reg and Stan turned the breakdown pro cess into a Chapter 405 project . Their group, which meets at varying locals, assembled at Hammond Air
port , just north of New Orleans , and spent a Saturday pulling the wings off the Moth. They got enthus iastic help from President Dick Warner , Don Lea, Bill Sisco, Jim Corkeran , Don Austin, Hugh Duncan , Don Brown, and Gary Kramer. In the effort to provide secure non-abrasive crating , the men of405 cleaned out one store of its entire inven tory of foam mattresses . Satis fied f inally, that the plane could be moved without damage, Reg and Stan hooked the twenty-foot gooseneck trailer to thei r three-quarter ton pickup and moved out. On the map it looked so simple. But maps don 't recognize the whims of Mother Nature. They hit Macomb , Mississippi and they passed into another atmosphere. For 200 miles they humbly crawled through a steady downpour of 'ain. " In Arkansas, that rain turned solid, " said Stan. They pulled into a motel
The Moth was comp letel y restored in England prior to being shipped to the States in 7973. C Ch ase Ph oto ) (ene
an •
( ....-
(Photo by David Gustafson)
Reg Braddock (left) and Stan Thigpen took a look at the two-place Acrosport after hauling the Moth through winter's worst between Louisiana and Wisconsin.
at Osceola, while the rain and sleet mixed it up with cold temperatures and laid a blanket of ice on every thing . The next morning Reg had to call a tow truck to get his own truck "unstuck" and out on the road. Things got worse. The ground turned white and then "disappeared." They were driving into the tail end of winter' s worst in the Central Mid-West. Movement ahead was steady, if slower than the current of a back bayou. Eventually they wound up behind a semi-truck which crawled onto a bridge spanning the pure white Mississippi River at Cairo, Illinois. The semi stopped for a minute, a quar ter mile short of bridge's crest. Reg stopped too. The semi moved again . Reg didn ' t . He couldn ' t. Snow tires and chains aren ' t standard equipment in Louisiana, so Reg and Stan just sat there, spinning rubber. Traffic backed up for miles, until a kid in a four-wheel drive vehicle pulled out ')f the line, up to Reg's truck and dragged him over the hump. They drove into Cairo, which was smothered under 18 inches of snow. At that time , there were about as many plows in Cairo as watermelons. It didn ' t take long to get stuck. The police came by and radioed for a tow truck saying "we need to pull an airplane out of the corner of 22nd and Spruce." Well, the people with police monitors were all listening in after a storm like that, and before long there was a large crowd at the corner of 22nd and Spruce. Quite a few brought their cameras.
Night was falling, and it became apparent that Cairo was the end of a rough day. Unfortunately, there was no room at the Inn for our intrepid EAA'ers. Other folks had given up the battle earlier in the day,-5o Stan finally had to ask the local constabulary for a warm cell. The request was granted, but the Police eventu ally decided the local fire hall had more to offer in the way of comfort . The police did provide a sort of taxi service though , by bringing them to a restaurant for dinner and taking them over to the fire hall when they were finished. Before Reg and Stan got out of Cairo they met the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, the Mayor, and a lot of other friendly people. On the next day they' made Burlington . It was late at night, however, and they were unable to rouse the Motel owner, so they left the trailer at the Hangar and drove down to Lake Geneva. The day after they put the plane together inside EAA's Flight Research Center, where it would remain until the weather warmed up. Then, after a tour of EAA's Museum and shops the two movers started their return trip, which was dull by comparison. Our thanks to Reg and Stan and the people in Chap ter 405 for a job well done. And special thanks to Mrs. Dohn for her part in making your EAA Aviation Museum one of the finest in the world.
Calendar of Events
JULY 9 - EASTON, PENNSYLVANIA - 2nd Annual Aeronca Fly In, Easton Airport. 10 AM to 2:30 PM , open to all types of Aeroncas. Rain date, July 16. Contact Jim Polles , 215/759-3713 nights and weekends . JULY 14-16 - MINDEN , NEBRASKA - Second Annual National Stin son Club Fly-In. Pioneer Field near Harold Warp's Pioneer Vil lage. BBQ Friday night for early arrivals . Saturday night banquet and awards. Scheduled events. Fly-In Chairman Bob Near, 2702 Butterfoot Lane, Hastings, Nebraska 68901. 402/463-9309. JULY 14-16 - HOLLISTER, CALIFORNIA - " The Friendly Fly-In " at Hollister Airport, Sponsored by EAA Chapter 62 . Contact May nard Ingalls, 1125 Pembridge , San Jose, California 95118. 4081 266-2225. JULY 14-16 - GARDNER, KANSAS - (Greater Kansas City) EAA Chap ter 200 Fly-In. Potluck Friday night. Contact Chuck Morlan , 9000 Gillette, Lenexa , Kansas 66215. 913/888-5668. JULY 15-16 - LOCKPORT, ILLINOIS - Chapter 15 and 86 of the Chicago area EAA are now formulating plans for their 18th Annual Fly-In and Air Show to be held at Lewis University. In formation: Janice P. Fish, P.O . 411, Lemont, Illinois 60439. JULY 15-16 - LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK - Antique Airplane Club of Greater New York 16th Annual Fly-In, Brookhaven Airport, Brookhaven , Long Island , New York . JULY 15-16 - EUREKA, MONTANA - Fly-In at Eureka Airport and Crystal Lakes Country Club . Golf, tennis, swimming, contest, awards. Accommodations available. Contact 406/889-3733 . JULY 15-16 - LEWISTOWN , MONTANA - First fly-in and air show at Beacon Star Antique Airfield just outside Lewistown . Fly-in and campout. Sponsored by Frank and Billie Bass, Lewiston, Montana. JULY 16 - DUNKIRK, NEW YORK - Annual Fly-In Breakfast sponsored by EAA Chapter 46 and Dunkirk Rotary. Free break fast to homebuilders, antique and warbird pilots . Trophies in all EAA classes. Spot landing contest on arrival. Contact Charles Gallagher, 19 Shelby Drive, Buffalo, New York 14225. JULY 16-22 - EL PASO, TEXAS - American Navion Society Convention and fly-in at the Airport Hilton Inn . Awards, seminars. Contact Mrs. Betty Ladehoff, American Navion Society, Box 1175, Municipal Airport , Banning, Calif. 92220. 714/849-2213. JULY 19-22. - MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE - National reunion of the 91st Bomb Group. Contact Bob Gerstemeier, 930 Woodlawn Drive , Lansdale, PA 19446. JULY 20-23 - WICHITA, KANSAS - Fourth annual Beech Aero Club roundup at Beech Headquarters . Contact Norm Dunn, 316/681 7602. JULY 21-23 - COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS - Funk Fly-In . Funk owners, pilots and friends invited. Fly-bys, factory and museum tours , banquet. Contact G. Dale Beach , 1621 Dreher Street. Sacramento, California 95814 or Joe c. Funk , 2409 Edgevale Drive , Coffey ville, Kansas 67337. JULY 22-23 - CLOVERDALE, CALIFORNIA Fly-In and air show sponsored by EAA Chapter 124 . Pilots contests, fly-bys , aircraft judging, nearby camping. Contact Rich DashieI707/544-1146. JULY 29-30 - TIETON, WASHINGTON - Annual fly-in and camp out for members and families of Western Travelairs. JULY 29 - AUGUST 5 - OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN - 26th Annual Fly-In . Plan now - it 's the greatest show on earth. JULY 30 - LIVERMORE , CALIFORNIA - 9th Annual Livermore Fly-In Air Show. Homebuilts, antiques, warbird s, prizes, gifts. Contact Air Show 78, P.O. Box 494, Livermore, California 94550.
AUGUST 6 - ILWACO , WASHINGTON - Washington Fl y in g Farmers sa lmon fishing fly-in. Contact Vanard Bedker, Mabton, W as hington . AUGUST 6-12 - LAKELAND , FLORIDA - International Cessna 170 Association convention fly-in. Contact Carl Spink, Jr., Rt. 1, Box 373-B8 Crystal River, Florida 32629. AUGUST 7-12 - FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN - 13th Annual EAA! lAC International Aerobatic Championships. For further informa tion contact Sam Maxwell , 2116 Erie, North Kansas City, MO 64116. AUGUST 11-12 - MEDFORD , OREGON - Annual Shakespeare fly-in spon sored by Medford Chapter, Oregon Pilots Associa tion, Contact Baumers , Box 1682, Medford, Oregon 97501. AUGUST 11-13 - ABBOTSFORD, B.C. - Abbotsford International Air Show. Contact Abbotsford International Air Show Society , Box 361, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 4N9 Canada. AUGUST 20 - WEEDSPORT, NEW YORK - Antique, ClaSSiC, Home built Fly-In sponsored by EAA Chapter 486, Whitefords Airport. Air show. Field closed 1 :00 to 5:00 with intermission for early departures. Pancake breakfast. Contact Herb Livingston , 1257 Gallagher Rd. , Baldwinsville , N .Y. 13027. AUGUST 27-SEPTEMBER 4 - BLAKESBURG, IOWA - Antique Air plane Association Convention , Antique Airfield, Blakesb urg, Iowa (Members and guests only). SEPTEMBER 6-10 - GALESBURG , ILLINOIS - 7th National Stear man Fly-In , Galesburg Municipal Airport. Contact Jim Leahy , P.O. Box 1505, Galesburg, Illinois 61401 . (309) 343-2119; or Tom Lowe, 823 Kingston Lane, Crystal Lake , Illinoi s 60014 (815) 459 6873 .
CLASSIFIED ADS REPLICA 1912 CURTISS PUSHER - Excellent craftsmanship, fabric, C-65, 90 SMOH. A real crowd plea ser - $4800 or best offer. 805/498-5101. TAYLORCRAFT BD-12D - Razorback , butyrate. New Slick ignition. Genave 100 Comm portable installed . Spare prop and compass. Sound 65 hp Cont. Fresh annual. $5000 firm . Crawford,7500 Balboa, Van Nuys, CA 91406. 1934 REARWIN SPORTSTER - Ken Royce 90 hp, 90% restored. Good history . Complete. $4800.00. Larry J. Kruljac , 545 3 Rochester Street, Riverside, CA 92504 . 714/686-4305. SOPWITH PUP REPLICA - 125 Warner, licensed June 78. $13,500.00. Joe Zacko, 13201 Hathaway Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland 20906. 301/933-1292.
First Landing
for a friend or yourself
First Takeoff
First Landi ng
First Passenger
First Snaproll, First TCA
First Skydiver
11" x 14"
HENRY'S FIRSTS 11440 W. Woods Rd.
Franklin , WI 53132
Dear Dave: In regards to your WAZZIT on the back cover of the April 78 issue. It izzit a Gallaudet CO-1 (Co rps Obser vation) all metal powered by a 400 Liberty, number AS68587. In the early 20's the air service used the DH 4's for many roles (they still had 1000 DH 4's in active use in 1925). The observation design was virtually stagnant then as the Air Corps stipulation was that any new de sign had to be Liberty powered (they had many, many war surplus Liberty engines). Some other manufac turers tried to build an observation type, namely the Engineering division of the Air Service, Fokker, Boeing & Loening . They even tried up-dating the DH 4 with a steel tube fuselage. It wasn't until 1924 the Air Service had an open competition for an observation type. This bred the Cur tiss Falcon X01, Douglas X02, Dayton Wright, Cox Klemin and Thomas Morse (five manufacturers all to gether). Enough rambling, sure do enjoy the classic aviation as well as antique portion of Vintage Airplane. Sincerely, Roy Oberg 8040 Shady Brook, S.E. Ada, Michigan.. 49301 EAA #5000
Are you restoring a Classic?
q.Lt, ~~ I/~,
WALL PANEL SETS • HEADLINERS· CARPETS Airtex interior upholstery items are all made up into complete assemblies, ready for you to install. Your choice of three fabric styles and twenty colors. Luxurious cut pile carpets in seven colors, wrinkle free Duraliner headliners, baggage compart ments, seat slings and fire wall covers are also available for Classic planes.
Available for all Classics and some Antique models, in Ceconite #101, #102 and cotton. Airtex makes the world's finest envelopes!
Nitrate & butyrate dope, enamel, tirethane, thinners, reducer, retarder and primers. Complete stock of re-covering supplies. Send $1.00 for Catalog and Our
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