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By Brad Thorn as

Last month we advised you of the change of command in the Division, quoted our PURPOSE we intend to follow, described the objectives of our monthly publication The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, and in­ troduced your new President. The vacated position of Secretary of the Division has been filled by a highly qualified Director, M. C. "Kelly" Viets, who assumed his new duties following our Board meeting of Feb­ ruary 9, 1979. Each of your Officers, Directors, and Advisors has been active in the EM AIRSPACE ACTION program. Personal contacts were made to the Presidents and newsletter editors of the many type clubs, stressing the importance of voicing each members' written comments to the FM and his Congressmen. The re­ sponse was overwhelming. Meetings were called for ANY person interested in the effects of the FAA proposals - and not only pilots, but fixed base operators, their line crews , mechanics, corporate re­ lated personnel , and interested United States Con­ gressmen attended, were given the facts and then re­ quested to take individual action relative to the issue. Newsletter editors forwarded emergency bulletins or published the facts in a current issue. Every member of EAA, the Antique/Classic Division, the International Aerobatic Club, the Warbirds of America, and mem­ bers of chapters who mayor may not belong to EAA or one of its Divisions has been contacted and pro­ vided with the facts in the FAA proposals. WE have responded. The WE concept has been exploited , dis­ cussed, cursed , and used as a means for personal gain , whether it be a political move to " gather in the


flock", or just an honest person giving credit to another where due. This time WE have joined in one common cause to voice our individual opinions about the bureaucratic move of a politically appointed indi­ vidual who seeks to satisfy the request of his superiors in "the interest of safety" and is apparently unwilling to listen to the thousands of constituents af­ fected by his proposals. Regardless of the final out­ come, our hats are off to you - an individual who believes in a cause and then supports the issue with personal contact in writing - not by a petition of signatures - but by individual expressions of the thoughts and feelings within yourself. WE are a unique group of professionals, airline pilots, mechanics, wives, industrialists, accountants, painters, lawyers, politicians, doctors, writers , photo­ graphers, teen-agers, retirees and enthusiasts who have a common interest in aviation whether he or she be a restorer, builder, owner, pilot, admirer, or mod­ eller. WE are those who look forward to the after­ noon, the weekend of fun and pleasure when the pilot brings out his Antique , Classic, Aerobatic, or Warbird machine and then admires it, flies it, works on it, polishes it, or just sits in it and smiles for the photographers or answers the questions of interested parties. WE are that unique group of volunteers who be­ lieve in a cause, support it wholeheartedly, and then gather collectively to enjoy and pursue our aviation hobbies at local fly-ins, regional meets, and the " daddy-of-them-all ", the annual International Con­ vention . You may be only an antique buff, who con­ siders a homebuilder "way-out"; or a sheet metal

radical who considers fabric and dope just something to put a finger through; or a gyro flyer who adores only the feel of total freedom in the air movement; or the Pitts driver who considers straight and level fly­ ing "for the birds" ; or the Warbird pilot who feels the tremendous power surge " that nothing can com­ pare with" . WE are all this, and more. In order to function effectively, WE must re­ member that as active members of the Antique / Classic Division of EAA, WE are a segment of the knit­ ted group of persons who collectively represent sport aviation in its entirety. Our individual interest, admit­ tedly, may favor a special interest group of the parent EM; but without the assistance, expertise, staff, and services provided by EAA, we could not survive, much less publish our outstanding magazine The VIN TAGE AIRPLANE . The great success experienced each year during the International Convention at Oshkosh is due en­ tirely to our volunteers who offer themselves each year for hours of work (and fun) to promote and make ou r part of the Convention a strong attraction. WE are a part of EAA, yes, even a part of the War­ birds and the lAC, and the combined effort of these special interest groups jells not only in the annual Convention, but unites to support our outstanding museum and effectively promote sport aviation. Let us not forget that the fellowship of the aviation enthusiast, the builder, the pilot, the restorer, the mechanic is the WE that brings to each of us the en­ joyment, pleasures, and satisfaction that we pursue and desire.

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Editorial Staff





Publisher Paul H. Poberezny

CopyrightO 1979 EAA Antique/Classic Div ision , Inc., All Rights Reserved . (Chris Sorensen Photo)


Bill Barbe r rolls his 450 hp Stearman in an air show.

Editor ·d G t f Ph D us a son, .. aVI

APRIL 1979

Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs . Associate Editorships are assigned to those writers who submit five or more articles which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR ­ PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Division for their effort s. POLICY-Opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors . Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rest s entirely with the contributor.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Straight and Level by Brad Thomas ........... . .... . ..... . . . ........... Oshkosh, Half The Fun Is Getting There by Karyl B. Herman . .. . .. . . , ... The Rebuildin g Of A Grand Champion Classic by Elymus "AI" Nase .... . . Vintage Album . ........ . . . ...... .. . . . . .... . ........ . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. The Longest Flight 1931 by John L. Polan do ................... . .... . ... Borden's Aeroplane Posters From The 1930's by Lionel Salisbury . .... . ... Model Your Favorite Antique! by Bob Whittier ................ . . . ...... Completed Antique/ Classic Aircraft. , ......... , ... . ... . .. . ........ . .... Antique/ Classic Ai rcraft Under Restoration ... ... ...... . .... • .. . ...... . . Letters To The Editor . . . ........... . .............................. . . . . Calendar of Events . . .. ..... .. ............ . . ..........................




919/368-2875 Home 919/368-2291 Office


SECRETARY M. C. " KELLY" VIETS 7745 W. 183RD ST. STILWELL, KS 66085 913/681-2303 Home 913/681-2622 Office

TREASURER E. E. "BUCK" HILBERT P.O. BOX 145 UNION, IL 60180 815/923-4205

AI Kelch 66 W. 622 N. Madison Avenue Cedarburg, WI 53092 414/377-5886 Home

Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis, IN 46274 3171293-4430

Morton W. Lester

P.O . Box 3747

Martinsville, VA 24112 703/632-4839 'Home 7031638-8783 Office

Richard H. Wagner P.O. Box 181 Lyons, WI 53148 4141763-2017 Home 414/763-9588 Office John S. Copeland 9'Joanne Drive Westborough, MA 01581 617/36&-7245 Ronald Fritz 1989'Wilson, NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 61 61453-7525

Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane, NE Minneapolis, MN 55434 61 21784·1172

Robert E. Ke sel 455 Oakridge Drive Rochester, NY 14617 71 61342-3170 Home 716/325· 2000 , Ext. 23250/23320 Office Gene Morris 27 Chandelle Drive Hampshire , IL 60140 3121683·3199 '

o NON-EAA MEMBER - $20.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/ Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE ; one year memo bership in the Experimental Aircraft Association and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION magazine not included .

Dan Neuman 1521 Bern e Circle We st Minneapoli s, MN 55421 61 21571· 0893


John R. Turgyan 1530 Kus er Road Trenton , NJ 08619 ' 609/585- 2747 Robert A. Whit e P.O. Box 704 Zellwood , FL 32798 305/88&-3180

2 4 10 14 16 18 20 23 23 24 25


Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd . Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/442-3631



The Cover ... Travel Air 4000 belonging to Gene Morris of Hampshire, Illinois.

(Ph oto by Ted Koston) ,

Associate Editors: H. Glenn Buffington, Edward D. Williams, Byron (Fred) Fredericksen

Claude L. Gray, Jr. 9635 Sylvia Avenue Northridge, CA 91324 2131349"1338


EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. (Applicant must be current EAA member and must give EAA membership number. )

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THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is .:>wned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division . Inc ., and is published monthly at Hales Corners , Wisconsin 53130. Seco~d class Postage paid at Hales Corners Posl Office , Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130, and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EM Ant ique/Classic Division , Inc., are $14.00 per 12 month period of which $10 ,00 is for the publicalion of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviat ion .


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San Bruno, CA 94066

Rear view of 68K and our camping area .

Bethlehem , Mecca , Oshkosh. Pilgrimages are made to these places . Pilots make their annual pil­ grimage to the EAA Convention in Oshkosh , Wiscon­ sin, in mid- summer . This aviatrix had a longstanding yearning to journey across our country and join the thousands of similarly-enchanted fliers in this "mid­ summer ni ght's dream" . Since beginning flying lessons four years ago , I had imagined what it would be like to be at a place whe re there were airplanes almost as far as the eye could see , and where the majority of people would be pilots. The appetite for this fantasy-to-come-true was whetted by hangar sessions with pilots who had been to Oshkosh, and by attending local California weekend f ly- i ns . But neither my ego nor my wallet permitted the thought of renting an airplane for such a venture. I decided to wait and attend Oshkosh as a participant, not as a sightseer only. Enter Luscombe 2368K ("Phantasy " - my pet name for my craft) . In November of 1977, this 1947 8E became part of my life, and by the following weekend , a group of us had gathered to discuss plans to " go to Oshkosh" . Several had made the trip previ­ ously; most of us had not, yet. All of us were eager for the experience - the trip itself, and the conven­ tion as " icing on the cake ". Plans were eventually formalized to include leaving California the weekend before the beginning of the show, barnstorming cross-country during the week, staging at a pre­ planned redezvous point (in case any of us diverted some place else during the week ), and arriving at Oshkosh as a flight. Vacation requests were made and confirmed, though not always willingly. As the departure date neared, excitement built. We had been counting months, then weeks, and now were counting days until departure. Everything was set, checklists made of things not to forget. Our practicing wheel landings (which I had yet to master) to an isolated strip - to be ready for anything the trip might offer - a bad magneto drop showed up on runup. Why now? It's only 23 days until we leave. Guess I'd better have that checked and fixed before the trip ... Into the shop 68K went to have the ignition lead replaced - a two day job, I was told, because the lead would have to be ordered (they don't get many C-85s to work on). On the appointed day, I called the repair shop to verify my airplane is ready. "Yes, the ignition lead is installed, but, well, uh, there's another problem ... the compression check shows 46/80 on #3" (not a cy­ linder affected by the ignition lead), "and the cylinder will have to be topped before we can give your plane

back to you ." Oh no . . . " How long will that take and", with dread "how much will it cost?" Two days later they'd pulled the cylinder : it was cracked . Would have to be replaced or welded. Welding is less expensive. The shop with the airplane couldn't do it - the cylinder would have to be sent out for the heliarc job. Take about a week. But they would take " plastic money" (credit card) for the repair. Otherwise, Oshkosh 78 would have to be cancelled then and there from the sound of the repair estimate. During the next week, I kept telling myself it was good it had happened now, instead of maybe some­ where out in the middle of nowhere on a long cross-country. The week dragged on ; I wasn't con­ vincing myself very well. Calling on the day the plane was to be ready the second time, thinking I'd just have enough chance to go flying to re-sharpen my skills in time for the trip, I was told they hadn't even started the welding job yet. Hadn't started? Okay, time to put on some pressure - call the welding shop. Promises, promises. Another week of impatient waiting. Still not ready. Then the phone calls were placed daily, enforcing the urgency of the situation. Forget about sharpening skills, first I have to get my airplane back . Finally, 36 hours before departure, 68K was returned to me. After carefully washing and waxing my bird for the trip, which by now I was determined to make, I made the first after-repair flight to return to home base (Hayward) and pack the airplane for the beginning of the trip to Oshkosh . As we climbed out to about 1,500 feet, an alarming symptom developed - the needle on the oil temperature gauge climbed almost as fast as the altimeter to within 8 degrees of redline. It was a warm day, but not even close to being hot (like the weather expected on the trip), and the oil temp had never done that trick before. Setting down at the nearest airport, I called the mechanic who'd fixed the cylinder. Disaster had struck - he said the trip was a definite "no go", and furthermore, the first chance he'd have to do anything for 68K would be three days hence. Now near panic at the thought of not making the Oshkosh trip, I gingerly took my baby home, put her to bed, said good-by to another pilot in our group who was making the trip, went home and cried. Dis­ solved to tears, I had almost given up. The next morning the group left without us. I was offered a ride in Jim 's Cessna 140 but declined - it just wouldn't do to go to Oshkosh without my Lus­ combe. Now total frustration set in. Why had I worked all those extra hours, even giving up some

weekends, to finance the trip if I couldn't go? All my connections (people who knew anything about who /what/where to turn to for help) were in that group, now enroute to Oshkosh. But wait . . . I'd seen an ad in a newsletter about a C-85 for sale ­ maybe that person would know someone I could trust with a still sick airplane. Worth a call. Sure enough , after hearing my predicament, a name and phone number were immediately offered . With the next phone call I found my rescuer in the form of Tex Harding (an EAA Designee) at Columbia, about an hour'S flight from Hayward. Listening to my sad story and description of the engine's problems, he offered that if I could ferry the plane to Columbia , he'd have a look at it for me. And this was Saturday . . . Care­ fully following his ferry instructions and making a necessary cooling stop enroute, by that evening we'd started taking 68K apart to find and correct the over­ heating problem. Tex moved his own plane, a Cessna 140, out of its well-equipped hangar and moved mine in. Not only did my savior know and love old airplanes (shucks, he' d been an A & P since before my plane was even type-certificated!), but he also knew what a trip to Oshkosh meant! Tex and his wife Mitzi, two absolutely marvelous people, totally de­ voted the next four days to getting me headed east; they also took me into their home, fed and bedded me, not to mention the understanding and emotional support they provided. Finding no obvious explanation for overheating, and after checking the baffling and re-timing the mags, we decided to put on an oil cooler to make the trip possible. Deciding is one matter, finding an oil cooler for a C-85 is another! Long distance phone calls yielded only suggestions for other places to call. One place in Hayward had the adapter, but not the cooler. Several more calls finally located a scavenge yard in Bakersfield that had a cooler from a wrecked Luscombe that "seems okay - no guarantee". The next morning Tex and I set out in the Harding's 0-200 equipped 140 to collect the parts. Now only pilots can appreciate the mobility that an airplane gives. If it hadn't been for the 140 (cruising at an easy 120 mph indicated, thanks to the 0-200), we NEVER could have collected those supplies in one day - Columbia back to Hayward, to Bakersfield, and return to Columbia - in less than five hours aloft! It was now three days since the group had de­ parted for Oshkosh without Phantasy and me. Realiz­ ing that if the oil cooler would do the trick and know­ ing that time was beginning to run out if I was going to try and catch the group, Tex set to putting on that


W ild est Luscom be W est of the Rock ies - Sa lt Lake Ci ty, Utah, BE owned by Jim Ca rru th.

cooler in record time . Easier said than done: the as­ sembly butted right up against the motor mount. More head-scratching and frustration . What we need is a spacer, but no such thing exists. Now Tex ' s creativity is challenged. Okay, he says, we need a spacer there, we' ll build one. The man's a genius! And maybe the best part is that he loves to teach too. I was set to work cutting out the spacer he designed. Putting all the parts together, by the evening we test flew 86K - so far , so good - and fueled up for the next morning. It looked like it would be a " go" in­ stead of a fIno go" !! That evening, I realized that now it appeared I WOULD be able to fly to Oshkosh, I was going to have to navigate, too! I'd completely forgotten about that little detail with all the worry about the engine! (I had figured that with six or seven other planes, SOMEONE would do the necessary navigation, but I probably wouldn't have to do much except follow the leader. Having rescued my engine, Tex and Mitzi now set out to rescue me from myself. With no charts and no idea of which way to go other than east, Tex pulled 6

out his own set of charts from a trip he and Mitzi had made to Milwaukee only a few months before . Charts marked with course lines , magnetic headings , mileages and checkpoints! We discussed the route, where to stop for 80-octane, where to expect the un­ expected , and all those details only someone who's been there before can provide. As if that wasn ' t enough, Tex and Mitzi volunteered to guide me over the Sierras on the first leg the next morning! That would be the final "test flight" (to altitude) to prove that 68K could make the trip. Dawn of day five since the group departed: two planes depart, one to return (reluctantly) , one to con­ tinue (hopefully) to Oshkosh. It is a perfect morning to be flying. Cool, a few pretty cumulus with plenty of ceiling, a beautiful sunrise, and a partner to follow over unfamiliar terrain. Phantasy and I ARE going to Oshkosh! The dream will be a reality. Thanks to Tex and Mitzi, day five has become day one - the first day of my finally-to-be-realized trip! Frustration turns into exhilaration. After a flight of about one and three-quarters hours duration and with oil temperature behaving it­

self, we land at Lovelock (Derby), Nevada. However, the plane still isn't qu ite su re it wants to make thi s trip - she's spewing oil ALL OVER herself. Con sulta­ tions are made. Negative and positive feedback is ob­ tained . Diagnosis: oil is blow-by from unseated rings in the cylinder that was topped less than four hours of flying time ago. (Tex has pressure-checked the oil cooler before installation, so that had already been ruled out). Decision: continue trip with more fre­ quent stops than planned for fuel to check oil com­ sumption. We' re off! This is for real! ! Frankly, I'm scared . . . Tex and Mitzi are now going in the opposite direc­ tion, and somehow things seemed all right as long as they were in sight and I could pick up the mike and give a running account of engine behavior. The next leg is over more rough terrain, in the company of a homebuilt biplane and his partner in a Grumman who think I should go back, not continue the trip. Chal­ lenge acknowledged and accepted. We will go. The three of us climb out heading east. Our for­ mation is so loose that we're not always even in sight of one another. But at least I have someone else to tal k to , for now. Phantasy and I begin to settle in for the duration - everything's in the green . An hour or so later I decline making a stop at Elko with the other two and push on, saying "see you at Oshkosh" . 68K and I are all on our own now, but I'm anxious to catch up with my group, wherever they are by now .. . Two point six tach hours out of Lovelock, we land at Wendover, Utah . Lots of oil on what was a clean airplane, but the sump only takes a little over a quart of oil, so it's still well within the minimums. The biplane/Grumman flight were only planning to make Salt Lake today, it's still early afternoon, there's lots of flying left in this day ... Salt Lake passes far below us. We're going to Oshkqsh! At Rock Springs, Wyoming, 2.8 hours later, we are greeted by a mechanic who wonders if we know about the oil leak. By now our confidence has built to

Saturday, th e la st day of O shkosh , packed up and rea d y to de part.

the point where we tell him yes we know, but it's only blow-by and no, we won ' t need him, thanks; we' ll just fuel up and add some oil and continue on our way . As we feed the airplane and our own body, three beautiful T-18s land and taxi up for fuel. Don't even ask where they're headed in their lovely birds ­ we' re All going to Oshkosh! Whew, it 's getting hot, let's go back upstairs where it's cooler ... We've still got a ways to go to­ day, so let's get with it! Rock Springs FSS doesn ' t want me to take off in the direction I'm headed, even though a 172 just used that runway and there's not a hint of a breeze. I' m still not used to this much de­ nsity altitud e, and would rather not have to turn as soon as we 're off to get going in the direction we're headed. Affirming that thi s is an uncontrolled field , we take off towards the east. Phantasy doesn ' t exactly climb like a homesick angel , but we' re headed upstream and the oil temp's still behaving . At altitude, I lean out and settle in. All trimmed out , I turn to retri eve an item from the bag­ gage co mpartm e nt , and m y airplane teaches me something new - a Lus co mbe can be flown some­ thing like a hang glider, by shifting your weight! Wow! This visibility is spectacular! Checkpoints are see n 50 plus miles ahead of time. SPORT AVIA­ TION mentioned a place in Wyoming that welcomed EAAers enroute to Oshkosh . We decided to try for Torrington tonight , unless all these bumps try and discourage us . Maybe we escaped so me of the heat, but it' s making itself felt. However, it's CAVU, so let's co ntinue . Three hours plus a few minutes later, the golden sun is brushing the horizon as we touch down at Tor­ rington to be welcomed , pushed into a hangar, and rest . In 10.2 tach hours, we haven 't done too badly for ou r first day! I ca ll Tex and Mitzi to report that 68K and I are better than half-way there, and eage r for the morning so we can be on our way. My sleep­ ing bag is rolled out besid e the ai rplan e in the han­ ga r. The coup le from Redding with the old st raight-


tail 172 opt for bedding down in the FBO. After com­ paring notes on the day's flights, sleep comes in tired contentment. The friendly sound of an engine being propped to life announces that it's dawn, and time to pack up and move on. If we hustle, maybe we can make the rendezvous point by this evening - a day before the original schedule cal led for - and be there to greet our group headed for Oshkosh! After eyeballing the sky for a weather briefing (severe clear), I decide to have some fun and fly low following a river southeast to retur n to my planned cou rse. This is fu n - we' re really cooking - time for a ground speed check. All right! 130 mph! At this rate, we could go all the way to Oshkosh tonight .. . Now we ' re in Nebraska and back on course. Time for a fuel stop. Let's see , which one of those little towns is Broken Bow? Oh, okay, over there - guess we've been blown off co urse a little - have to re­ member th at. Airborne again, we pick up our magne­ tic h eadi ng and relax. Why, if anything went amiss, any of those lovely fields would be perfect for setti ng down. Very different from yes terday, when the ter­

rain underneath stimulated imagination of " what if". Besides , today, Phantasy has relaxed , too, and no longer spews out her life's blood onto her belly and gear. Each fuel stop eventually brought an interesting exchange from the line person, or from airpo rt bums found everywhere. Since this was my first venture out of California, the further east I traveled , the more in­ credulous were responses to my answers. After the fuel and oil order was clarified , the series went some­ thing like : " Is this you r airplane? " " Yes. " " Where are you from?" "Ca lifornia." "California? " " Yes." " Did you fly it? " "Um -hum , it's my airplane." "Yo u flew it here from California? " " Yes." " By yourself? " " That's affirm. " Thi s last question even came from those who'd seen me taxi up and be the only body to dis­ mount ! Oddly enough, as large as California is (a nd having been all over the state in my bird), I'd never encountered these questions beyond the "Your bird? . . . Where you from?" point. I must admit it was something of an ego trip, es pecially if the inquiry in­ cluded the plane's age - frequently almost twice that of th e questioner! 7

Karyl and Phanta sy.

At this point in the journey, navigation became in­ teresting. To a Californian, pilotage mainly consists of knowing that the ocean is to the west, the mountains to the east (both almost always visible to VFR fliers like me), picking a convenient freeway and going IFR (I follow roads). In the flat farmlands of the Midwest, an uninitiated pilot is left with trying to distinguish between small farm towns, many of which seem to have an airport handy for reference but airport names aren't marked (as in California) and runway headings are frequently the same from town to town. (I had yet to learn to look for and read water towers, and never did get comfortable with section lines.) Also, my Mark III didn't seem to want to track inbound to the VORs that could be tuned in . Thus, around mid-day of the second day out, I slowly came to realize that the checkpoints I thought I'd verified were apparently not the right ones - and I was lost! How stupid. For­ tunately, I realized this before the fuel situation be­ came a factor. However, here I was , somewhere in Nebraska or Iowa, enjoying the scenery, but not re­ ally sure where I was. (I did know a border was due soon, but they don't show!) Okay, let's see , how does one get found? First, try the VOR again, maybe we can get a cross-check. Negative; can't even get an identifier, let alone a needle wiggle. Okay, pilotage it is. Already at a good altitude, that doesn't seem to offer any clues . . . maybe drop down for a closer look and discover


That 's 10,500 fee t not 500 feel! Efficient cruise altitude for 68 K.

which of these towns is which . And, oh yes, now re­ member the drift off course at the last fuel stop, make a big correction for that (why did I forget that ???) . Closer down, and paying very careful attention to comparing town shapes with the sectional, after what seemed an eternity but was probably closer to 15 or 20 minutes , I thought one town was definitely identified. If so, I was truly off course, quite a bit by now. Making yet another correction and noping it was right, we continued for 10 to 15 minutes. Hooray! The new checkpoint turns up! Back to al­ titude so fuel can be saved by leaning . . . One more correction, and a half hour later the next planned fuel stop shows up, now on course. Whew! Have to be a little more careful .. . In my attention to details while getting re­ oriented , I'd noted what seemed to be many small turf strips not marked on the sectional. Having heard about the marvelous grass strips that the Midwest holds for those of us who have to live with concrete, I was looking forward to landing on one . Strom Lake , Iowa, our fuel stop, appeared to have one. And the wind was favoring the turf, not the concrete runway! I was going to have a chance to land in the grass! Cough , sputter . .. Oh no, don ' t run out of fuel now . . . field 's in sight ! Pre-landing (cough) check - carb heat (sputter), ah, mixture-sputter-sputter-right ­ there, that's mu c h better . . . Setting up for downwind , I saw a couple of pickup trucks and sev­

eral men doing something to the runway - probably checking the lights, or some such, I figured. Turning base and coming down final, I had second thoughts - they were on the runway - what were those guys doing, really? On short final , just before flaring for a three-pointer, I suddenly realized that they were MAKING a runway - the grass had to be over a foot tall, and would certainly tip me over if I were to land. Whoops! Full power for go-around . . . sure hope there's enough fuel . . . set up for the other (con­ crete) runway ... that was a little too close for com­ fort! As I taxied in to the fuel pumps and shut down , I was met by a truckload of the workmen, who justifi­ ably kidded me about trying to land on the non­ runway . I explained that I'd really been looking for­ ward to a turf landing, and hoped they were going to make a turf runway there, to find out it was to be another concrete strip. Oh well, such is progress . For the final leg of the day, after my fright at hav­ ing been lost, I decided to play it safe and find a big highway to follow . A check of the chart before take­ off indicated a "concrete compass" for me to follow to the rendezvous point! Lovely - now all I had to do was wing over there. An uneventful two and a half hours later, Winona , Minnesota appeared . Now I was really getting excited - would my group be there, or would I have gotten there before they did? Flying over the field to check for wind and to active while dumping off altitude , I couldn ' t be sure from all the

Wyo mi ng iro m aloft appea rs less tha n hos pitab le fro m 68K .

planes there if I recogni z ed any . On short final I thought I caught a glimpse of a familiar color , and while rolling out confirmed it! I hadn 't beat them , but I had caught up .. . Taxiing over to park with the group I saw no one . Oh well, we're all here now, we' ll find on e another soon enough. Going into the FBO, I inquired of the whereabouts of the pilots of that group o f 140s parked outside - to find they'd walked into town for a beer and pizza. Which way? Directions obtained, and in sore need of exercise my­ self , I made a beeline for the feeding grounds . Open­ ing the door to the restaurant, " gee, it sure is dark in here", I was greeted with shouts , "Hey, look who's here! " and immediately surrounded by my group, " You made it!! We'd given up on you! " " Given up on me? " " When 'd you leave? " " Yesterday morning. " "From California?" "Yep ." "Wow!! How's the bird? " " Fine , thank s. Guess you 140 drivers had better watch out for us Luscombe pilots . .. hee, hee. " And so the reunion went , comparing notes, finding out they'd had some real problems enroute (one of the group was no longer with us, having had to crate up his plane and return home via the ground ), and so on . But we were together now, and how sweet it was! The following morning, Friday, we decided to go on into Oshkosh. Actually, they'd planned to go on in anyway , they really had given up on me, even though I was a whole day early by the original schedule! So we took off en masse for a fue l /

Line up fo r iuel on arriva l (R to Lj: Larry, m e, Caro l/D oug, Jim, Lou, Nita.

breakfast stop at La Crosse , and even picked up a couple more planes enroute there , just a short dis­ tanc~ down the river. Even though our leader had re­ ported a flight of seven, the tower at La Crosse wasn ' t quite sure what wa s happening when one after another we announced our numbers and sequence on downwind (as requested ). Once we were all down, it was simply a matter of feeding all the mouths and fuel tanks . That done , we were all eager to get to Oshkosh. This time , the tower simply cleared our flight for take-off, and we were on our final leg! And what a sight we were! Having been alone for so many hours of flying, I discovered I was getting nervous with so much company , " Lou , you ' re in my blind spot , can you fly lower so I can see you? " " Thanks, that re­ lieves my paranoia. I haven ' t see this many planes since I left California! Arriving at the initial reporting point for Oshkosh (Ripon ), the group offered me a chance to land first at Oshkosh since I'd put so much effort into getting there , but I deferred to Larry, who'd been there be­ fore and knew the way, to lead us all in. I'd go in second . We formed up echelon left, our leader re ­ ported for us , flight of seven, and the never-to-be­ forgotten experience of landing at Oshkosh , the greatest fly-in show on earth , began . Expecting to have to circle for a while before being cleared to pro­ ceed to Fisk and then to report downwind, we were

immediately cleared to come in , ;' report with type and color on downwind ", and begin the greatest week ever . The adventure wasn ' t over yet, however . As any­ one who 's been to Oshkosh knows (and everyone' s heard ), traffic is at a maximum , and unfortunately not everyone always plays by the rule . As we rounded base-to-fi nal , the tower was yell i ng at a " Banana " (Bonanza) on a straight- in (forbidden) approach. After that, the actual landing was almost anti-climatic. Ex­ cept that, even though I' d listened to the ATIS, I hadn ' t heard it in my excitement, and wondered why I had such a squirrely three-point landing. Expediting my turn-off from the runway as directed, I caught a glimpse of another of our group making a bounced wheel landing. Ten minutes later when we were all taxied to where we would partake of Oshkosh fo r the next week, I found out that there had been a 20-knot direct cross-wind on the runway! So that's why it was difficult ! ! Oh well, next time I' ll listen and be pre­ pared. The rest of the story you ' ve already heard, the new friends to make, all the hundreds of beautiful birds on which to feast one's eyes and camera , the forums and seminars , the air shows to watch, the fly-by pattern to show off in and really challenge your flying skills, th e " living and breathing airplanes " for a whole week - you simpl y have to experince it to ap­ preciate it. But at least half the fun is getting there , solo in a Luscombe . Now next year .. .


!David Gustafson Photo)

AI Nase 's Aeronca Chief, Grand Champ at Sun ' N Fun this yea r, and last m onth's cover shot on Th e VINTAGE AIRPLANE.

By Elymus " AI" Nase

RD 1, Box 359

Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971


Back in 1973, an acquaintance of mine , Eric Hop足 kins of Sudlersville, Maryland, purchased a run-down Aeronca Chief intending to recover and fly it from his farm. During the year, Eric disassembled and unco足 vered the Chief. The fuselage frame looked fairly good, but the bulkheads were badly warped and the stringers bowed. The instrument panel was dented and cut up from previous radio installations. The wings needed lots of straightening , cleaning and re足 pairing . As Eric's farm work consumed a lot of his time, the "simple" recovering project loomed bigger,

seemed harder and was pushed off further in the fu­ ture. Eric eventually became even more disillusioned with the thoughts of rebuilding the Chief and de­ cided if he could sell the Chief, he would buy a "fly­ ing" aircraft. Having previously owned a 1946 Aeronca Chief from 1948 thru 1952, and having logged over 600 hours in it, including many trips across the United States, I guess I just had a big soft spot in my heart for the Chief. A little haggling with Eric and I became the owner of a shed full of Chief parts. Several trips with a truck and myoid Chevy wagon succeeded in transporting the Chief bones from the farm to my hangar at Sussex County Airport, Georgetown, Dela­ ware. During the next three years, the frame was com­ pletely disassembled, restored and rebuilt. The fusel­ age frame was thoroughly cleaned, all landing gear fittings were repaired for a snug bolt fit, and then primed with an epoxy primer . All bulkheads and stringers were made up new from hand selected wood stock. The instrument panel was straightened and reworked back to original. An original wood grain finish was applied to the main instrument panel. All controls, cables and pulleys were reworked or re­ placed. Control wheels and emblems were hand re­ stored. The interior was painted light tan and medium brown was applied to metallic trim . A new headliner was installed. Interior side panels were upholstered or painted and installed. Finally, the fuselage was ready to cover. Now the landing gear frames, tails and ailerons were dressed down, straightened, aligned and primed. The landing gear, shock struts, wheels and brakes were all rebuilt back to original specs and in­ stalled. Next, the wings came up for their turn at re­ work . Ri bs were straightened, leading edges straightened or replaced, fittings cleaned and primed, and spars revarnished. The wing tip bows were re­ formed and aligned. Finally, everything was rea€ly for recovering. The Stits process with ceconite D101 was the covering choice, and here the whole family was put to work. Mother and daughter helped Dad in the process of applying fabric, attachment screws, tapes, poly-dope and that sloppy project called wet-sanding. When the fabric work was completed thru silver, it was time to install the engine. The engine had been overhauled by Vincennes University A & P School in 1970 and had logged only 50 hours since then. It was assumed to be in good condition. However, the years of disuse had taken their toll. The cylinder walls were all deeply corroded

and one piston ring was found broken. A replace­ ment set of used cylinders were obtained and instal­ led. The engine was repainted in Continental Gold. The carburetor was overhauled, new baffles made and the engine installed in the aircraft. Cowling was the next step. The nose bowl required extensive re­ working. The top cowl was made up new. The wrap cowl and lower cowl were in fair condition, and re­ quired only normal reworking. But now - surprise! The engine did not "center" in the cowling! A day's work of measuring, checking thrust lines and angles finally revealed that an old repair to a tube in the en­ gine mount was made too long and threw the thrust line way off center. A jig was built up for the engine mount and the offending tube replaced . All of this might have gone unnoticed, were it not for the instal­ lation of the McDowell hand starter. This unit sits in a recess in the nose bowl and the engine to cowling alignment is critical. The hand starter was original equipment on the 1946 Chiefs, but most of them have been removed for various reasons. A brand new (1946) McDowell starter was located in the midwest and installed on the engine . The starter pulley brac­ kets, fittings and handle became impossible to locate and were finally built to the original manufacture drawings, which were obtained from Bellanca Aircraft Corporation. During the three year rebuilding process, a set of Hanlon Wilson mufflers, new lift struts, original metal wheel pants and miscellaneous original interior con­ trols, knobs, latches, fuel gauges, etc., were ob­ tained, restored to new condition and fitted to the aircraft. Now new door and rear windows, and new wing and landing gear fairings were made and fitted and the Chief was ready for painting. It was a family choice to stay with the original col­ ors and design, however, this proved to be more dif­ ficult than expected. The original Aeronca yellow was just not available. All currently available dope, as well as commercial colors in urethane and enamels we checked to get a yellow to match, but none would match. Luckily, I had some original color chips from the late 1940's to use as a color guide, plus my mem­ ory of my original 1946 Chief. Stits offered to match my color chips, which they did very successfully, and the aircraft was finished in Stits Aerothane, Urethane Enamel. Many p i ctures of my previously owned 46 Chief were consulted to determine the design, size and location of the registration number and the ' "Aeronca" emblem on the tail. A special stencil was made up just to paint this "Aeronca" emblem on the vertical fin.

The completed Chief first flew in April of 1977 and made its first show appearance at the Potomac An­ tique Aero Club show in May, 1977 at Horn Point Air­ port near Cambridge, Maryland. Here it earned its first award, despite the fact that the Chief was mis­ sing a completed glove box and door, which I had been unable to locate. It also did not have the regist­ ration number on the wings. Up to this point, the aircraft had been rebuilt with only the desire to once again own and fly a nice Aeronca Chief, like the one I had previously owned. Now, having my first experience and exposure to re­ stored and antique aircraft, is quite an exhilarating experience. My interest was sp<\rked by other beauti­ fully restored aircraft, and the good fellowship of the other "Antiquers". We went back to the workshop, painted the numbers on the wings, finished the mis­ sing glove box, and added the final finishing touches of authenticity to the Chief. The missing glove box door was obtained from Dave Long, the owner of a beautifully restored Aeronca Super Chief, whom I first met at my first fly-in. The final results were very rewarding. The Chief is a fine aircraft, very enjoyable to fly and has proved to be a trophy winner wherever it goes. A short history of this aircraft shows that in its past, it has been up and down the West Coast, across the country, in the Midwest, and down the East Coast. In 1970, it had been a shop project for A & P students at Vincennes University Aviation Mechanic Technology Program. It has had at least 16 previous owners. Surprisingly, it still sports the same Conti­ nental A65-8 engine (confirmed by the serial number) with which it was built in 1946. In December, 1978, enthusiasm abounded to at­ tend the 1979· Sun 'N Fun Fly-I n at Lakeland, Florida. However, the previously installed, used cylinders were showing their age and it was decided a top overhaul was in order. A set of freshly overhauled standard cylinders were located, after many phone calls and false leads. New balanced standard pistons, rings and valves, and valve springs were obtained. A set of rocker arms were overhauled. By this time Christmas and New Year's had passed and Sun 'N Fun time was fast approaching! The engine was removed from the Chief, cylinders and accessories were re­ moved and set aside. The crankcase was stripped of its Continental Gold finish. The entire engine was now refinished in the original Continental dark gray and black colors. All engine external hardware was replaced. A frantic schedule of weekend work and late nights succeeded in getting the Chief back to­ 11

(David c;.ustafson Photo)

AI NaSe in the cockpit of his Craod:i:;~l'p.

gether less than a week prior to the Sun 'N Fun Fly­ In. Weather at the time allowed only a one and one­ half hour test flight of the rebuilt engine and that took place in light rain and sleet. A post flight check showed everything looking good, so a day later, in the face of gale winds and freezing temperatures, the Chief embarked on a dawn take-off, and we headed for Florida. What better way to break in an overhaul than a flight to Florida. The flight was beautiful and uneventful, except for the strong gale winds during the early morning, and the strong cross winds experi­ enced in lower Virginia and the Carolinas. Ice formed on the windshield shortly after take­ off, due to water in the wing fairings from the previ­ ous day's wash job. This ice disappeared in the lower Virginia area. The South Carolina and Georgia area had me turning off the cabin heat. Florida called for open windows, and a welcome change: a 25°F depar­ tu re at Delaware was greeted with a 78° day at Lake­ land. The trip had involved 113/4 hours of flying and the Sun 'N Fun was just getting set up at my arrival.

(David Gustafson Photo)

AI runs her up on a taxiway at Lakeland, Florida.

AIRCRAFT DATA Make .. . .......... ... . . ..... .. .. .. . . Aeronca Chief

Model ... . ...... . .. .. . ....... ... .... . . ....... 11AC

Registration Number ...................... NC85829 ·

Serial Number ........................... 11AC-239 ·

Date Of Manufacturing ................. July 1,1946

Engine ....................... .. .. Continental A65-8

Engine Serial Number .'. ................ .... 4627568

Aircraft Based At ............ Sussex County Airport ,

Georgetown , Delaware Covering Material ............... Ceconite D101 and Stits Poly-dope Color Exterior ............ Original Aeronca Yellow ­ Medium Metallic Blue Paint Design ... ............ As Original Manufacture Color Interior . . .. . ........... . ......... . Light Tan ­ Medium Metallic Brown Upholstery .......... Light tan ribbed woven fabric ­ medium brown vinyl Original Equipment Installed : McDowell Hand Starter, Continental A65-8 Engine, Metal Wheel Pants, Instrument Panel , Goodyear Wheels and Brakes, and Full Swivel Tail Wheel.

Molt Taylor's Aeroca r, which is currently being rebuilt to roada ble co ndition. Molt originall y put it togeth er in 1950 .

Classic homebuilts in the EAA Air Museum.


(Dick Stouffer Photo)

Chuparosa (above) designed -,Jod buift by Ray Hegy bet~cj50-1950. Ray Sti~ -Efaby, built in 1952 is

tifiH1'FIe maior attraction

in the EAA

Air Museum.



Lon;est FIi;ht '13'

Holder. of world's rec&rd for a non-atop, non-rueling ~(ighl . New Y

to Istanbul, Turkey - 5050 miles in 50 hours - July 28th

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By fohn L. "Polando

Mill Road

East Sandwich, Ma ssachuseus 02537

It was in the early Twenties that Russell Boardman and I first met and we were immediately attractpd to each other. Ou r vocations and avocations were iden­ trcal. On the night of our meeting, Russell ,-,,,as riding a motorcycle in a cycledrome at Revere Beach and I was a fascinated spectator. Also, we had both been


bitten by the f lying bug so we were spending much of our time at airports, specifically, East Boston (now Logan International Airport), I got my license in De­ cember, 1927 and he had earned his a short time be­ fore. Flying at that point was still in its infancy and re­ cords were established one day and broken the next. Intrigued by this phenomenon, Russell as early as 1930 began seriously considering challenging the world's longest distance record. This was not stunt

flying. The current distance record had been estab­ lished by Coste and Bellonte in 1929' on a trip from Paris to Manchuria. Russell's destination must, to be accepted as a new record, exceed the then existing record by one hundred miles. The distance factor ruled out Moscow or Rome. Istanbul , Turkey was his final choice. In less time than it takes to tell it, the word got around that Russell was contemplating such a trip.

Scores of people begged to be part of the adventure. Finally, Russell came to me and said, "john, how much do you weigh?" "One-twenty," I replied. " Okay, you'll do." With that the formalities were completed and the planning began. Earl Boardman, Russell's brother, was our financial backer. With him, we planned long and carefully each detail of our proposed flight. No stone was left unturned, but, in spite of our cautious preparations, we almost lost the "Cape Cod" in a fire that de­ stroyed a wing and part of the fuselage when we were fueling here in October, 1930. The wing struc­ tu re was then removed and she was trucked to Wil­ mington, Delaware, where Mr. Bellanca, her designer and builder, repaired the damage. Between the time needed for repairs, the onset of winter and pretty consistantly poor weather conditions, it was july be­ fore we were ready to depart. The fuel capacity of the plane , as she was origi­ nally designed, was insufficient for our needs, so Mr. Bellanca suggested that we carry additional gas in five gallon cans. The main gas tank was our seat. The aux­ iliary fuel was placed behind us within easy reach for funneling into the main tank over our shoulders. Dis­ posing of the empty cans was a hazard and we prac­ ticed for hours throwing empty cans over the outer harbor. The can was held out the window, I tapped Russell on the shoulder, the stick was pushed for­ ward and the can dropped. In spite of the careful maneuvering, one can struck the stabilizer during the flight when the handle broke off. The plane shook from the impact and caused us some very anxious moments but no particular damage resulted . Now, pretty much in readiness, we must await the weather reports . Dr. Kimball was the meteorologist whose predictions were used by practically everyone of the pilots on the East Coast. The ;' Cape Cod " weighed 2,400 pounds empty , she grossed 7,460 pounds loaded for the flight with 720 gallons of fuel and 25 quarts of oil. Much must be said for the cooperation of the telephone and electric companies who, obligingly laid down the poles on Flatbush Avenue that proved to be a hazard on low take-off at Floyd Bennett Field . In spite of this our first attempt was aborted because we were so over grossed that we were flying between the taller build­ ings of Brooklyn and we were finally obliged to dump five hundred gallons of precious fuel on that unlucky city before returning to Floyd Bennett. The Bellanca , powered with a Wright j-69; 300 hor­ sepower engine , performed perfectly. She sputtered just once on the flight. The weather, after leaving the comforting coast of Newfoundland, deteriorated con­

siderably . We were forced to climb to twelve thousand feet over the Atlantic so we saw nothing of the water in the passing. The instruments behaved er­ ratically. The artificial horizon failed to function within the first few hours. Once the movement of the full fuel cans caused the magnetic compass to fluc­ tuate and we made a 1800 turn and were, momentar­ ily, headed back for Newfoundland. Sleep was virtually impossible. Russell drowsed briefly but in doing so fell forward on the stick and it was almost impossible for me to maintain altitude. I too, dropped off for what seemed hours but was in fact only a couple of minutes. Russell woke me with a "Hey you really had a long nap. You look great - re­ ally terrific." The hoax worked like a charm - I really felt rested and refreshed. Before departure we had met Charles Lindberg, who wished us success in our venture but failed to tell us that the endless hours of sitting in one posi­ tion is painful at best. He failed to say that we would experience cramps and swelling that were agony and that the hours of the constant droning of the engine would make us almost totally deaf long after the ordeal was over. In our discomfort, we rubbed the only thing available on our sore and aching joints ­ toothpaste . It is doubtful if the "medication" was helpful but the rubbing probably improved the circu­ lation. The night of the 29th was frightening. The clouds hung low over the mountains making the visibility practically zero. To rise above the clouds meant as­ cending to fourteen thousand feet and we would have picked up ice. The darkest hours were spent Circling in a valley near Munich . As the glow of the rising sun finally fingered its way between the peaks and the fearful suspense lessened, we grinned at each other. The odds were now more in ou r favor. The city of Munich, the Danube , the Balkans slipped slowly under our wings and, finally, the minarets of the ancient city of Istanbul became visible on the horizon. We were going to make our destination. The margin by which we made our destination was mighty slim . We found we had only twenty minutes of fuel left in our gas tanks when we laDded. American Ambassador joseph Grew was the first to clasp our hands as we climbed stiffly out of the faithful old "Cape Cod". Mr. Grew and his daughter had spent the night at the Yashlokov Airdrome, de­ parted briefly, then had second thoughts and re­ turned for fear of missing our arrival. Grew's greeting was warm and cordial but tinged with disappoint­ ment. "So sorry you had to land in Wales', too bad." The American flyers referred to were Pangborn and

Herndon who were making a routine fuel stop on their round the world flight. The barograph in the tail section of the "Cape Cod" had recorded 5011.8 miles in 50 hours and 8 minutes which gave us the world's long distance record for a single engine aircraft. The welcome from the Turks was enthusiastic. Crowds stood for hours around the Parapalace Hotel where Russell and I were attempting to unwind and rest in the bridal suite provided for us. I fell asleep in the bathtub and came up sputtering. When we finally awakened sufficiently to ask for food, we were served a fabulous feast complete with drinks and cigarettes. Too much food and too little real sleep made us both drowsy and we set the sofa on fire with our smoking. There were banquets, receptions, moonlight boat rides on the Bosporus and trips to the summer palace of Mustapha Kemal Pasha, President of Turkey. Each of us was presented with the Turkish Medal of Honor, Turkey's highest award , and a beautiful Tur­ kish rug. The "Cape Cod" was in sad shape after the long journey without lubrication. We spent several hours at the airdrome ' readying her for a return flight to Marsailles where she would be crated and loaded aboard the steamship Excaliber for the trip back home. The return to the United States was a hero's wel­ come with a ticker tape parade in New York and another in Boston. There were speaking engagements and banquets including one in Hyannis on Cape Cod. Then we were notified that President Hoover would present us the Distinguished Flying Cross on the White House lawn. One does not, cannot, expect such adulation to last and it dwindled to infrequent speaking engage­ ments and mostly old, close friends who remember our days of glory. In 1933, Russell Boardman , a skillful and talented pilot, was killed in the infamous GEE BEE racer. The world lost a pioneer and I lost my closest friend and possibly the finest man I have ever known. I barnstormed with my flying circus, won several air races and managed Plum Island Airport for a while. In 1934 jack Wright and I flew the "Baby Ruth" in the famous MacRobertson Trophy Race from Lon­ don to Melbourne, Australia. Forced down in Cal­ cutta, India, due to engine problems that could not be solved, we returned home richer in memories and experience but poorer in pocket. As of this writing , I am still holding a commercial pilots license and flying charter for Hyannis Aviation on Cape Cod.


BORDEN'S AEROPLANE POSTERS FROM THE 1930'S Article number 3, poster number three, series number 1

The Northrop Gamma

By Lionel Salisbury

7 Harper Road

Brampton, Ontario

Canada L6W 2W3



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This is the third in our series of posters that were published in 1936, by the Borden Company, at Toronto , Ontario . These posters were pri nted as a promotion for one of their products, Chocolate Flavored Malted Milk . The purchaser sent in a proof of purchase from the outside of the can to get a poster of his choice free. The three-view line drawing is reproduced full size from the back of the poster. The notes on NR12265, are also from the back of the poster. NEXT MONTH - The Pitcairn Autogiro



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CAPTAIN FRANK HAWKS' NORTHROP GAMMA The Texaco Sky-Chief was built by the Northrop Corporation of Inglewood , California, and is flown by Lieutenant Commander Frank M . Hawks , noted cross-country speed pilot. John Northrop has de­ signed many airplanes, but the Sky-Chief is his latest creation - having been turned out as the fastest plane of transport type in the world. The craft is com­ pletely equipped with the newest improvements of aeronautical sc ien ce, and is used by Commander Hawks in research flight at high altitudes in a search for lessons that may be applied to air transport.


Specifications: Span, 48 feet; length, 30 feet ; wing area, 363 square feet; wing loading, 20.7 pounds (full load ); power loading , 12.5 pounds ; equivalent flat plane area, 5.62 square feet; gasoline capacity, 616 gallons; oil capacity, 27 gallons; gross weight , 7511 pounds; disposable load , 4000 pounds; Wright Whirl­ wind motor GR-1510 geared 8 to 5, delivering 600 horsepower at 12,000 feet. Perfonnance: Maximum speed, 250 miles per hour; crui sing speed, over 200 miles per hour ; landing speed, 42-50 miles per hour; rate of climb, 1,100 feet per)

minute (full load , sea level) ; absolute ceiling, 27,000 feet ; radius, 2,500 miles . The entire plane - fuselage, wings, rudder as­ semb ly - is of aluminum and magnesium alloys. The plane is equipped with DeBesson automatic robot pilot; Hamilton-Standard three bladed propeller ; aerol strut shock absorbers ; Eclipse starter; Bendix brakes; Pioneer instrument board ; Sperry artificial horizon and directional gyro; Western Wireless, Ltd . trans­ mitter and receiver, call letters KHVCX , and full night flying equipment.


antique airplanes vicariously by making a tine scale model. Here's a nicely executed Avro 504K on display in a museum .



model Vour rODorite Bntique 1

By Bob Whi ttier (EAA 1235)

Box T

Duxbu r y, Ma ss achuse tt.s 02332

(Photos Provided b y th e Author)


At first thought, an article on model airplanes in this magazine would seem to be out of place . But when one thinks it over, the connection between models and real aircraft becomes quite obvious. Many dream of restoring an antique airplane to prize winning condition but just don ' t seem to be able to get going on such a project due to lack of money, time, work space and similar deterrents. For them, making a good model of their favorite aircraft offers an appealing outlet for their frustration. Others who are able to locate , buy and take home a basket case antique find that the job can become tedious after a while. Taking time out to dash off a model of the plane can be a refreshing tonic. And, a good model once finished can offer tangible encour足 age ment to keep working on the real plane. As a long restoration job approaches completion, one starts dreaming of a color scheme . A model of足

fers a three-dimensional "test bed" for colors under consideration. Rendering a proposed sc heme on a model enables one to visualize much better how one 's ideas might look on an actual aircraft. It's easy to make sketches and to color them , but often a three-dimensional model can show how small changes will make a big improvement in how the real airplane will look from various angles. And finally , the antique aircraft restorer should always remember that a lot of information on original color schemes, instrument panel layouts and so on can be obtained from so me of the better , more de足 tailed model plans. One can find model k i ts for some antique airplanes in hobby shops. But what is to be found there is meagre compared to what can be located when one has knowledge of the more obscure sources of model plans . These are often one-man or

"ma and pa" companies. There is , for examp le , Golden Age Reprodu ctions, Box 13, Braintree, Massachusetts 02184. It operates out of the basement of joe Fitzgibbon, who teaches high school in the daytime and carries on this activity in the evening and on weekends. He locates , repairs and reprints plans that accompanied the fi ne rubber-powered model kits so popular in the 1930s. His catalog, which sells for $4.50, contains over 150 half-page reprodu ct ion s of these plans. Too small to make mod els from, but large enough so one ca n see exactly what th e various plans look Ii ke before order­ ing, each of these plan reproductions is fascinating to study . Some are for ultra-s imple models meant for sport flying but others are for very detailed, built-up exhibition scale models for various Waco , Stinson, Bird , Bellanca , Taylor and Monocoupe types. Golden Age also offers high quality kits for 24-inch flying sca le model s of the Curtiss Robin , Fleet Bip­ lane, Rearwin Speedster and Piper j-3 . Send them a $.15 stamp for a brochure describing these . All balsa ~ wood strips are hand-selected for proper grade, and (Photo Credit: Tern Aero Co., Inc.) tissue is of a fine, light quality. Then there is Peck Polymers, P. O . Box 2498, Faithfully reproducing the appearance of a 1928 Curtiss LeMesa, California 92041. It is operated by Bob and Robin cabin monoplane, this rubber-powered model was Sandy Peck . Bob is confined to a wheelchair and has built from a kit cos ting under five dollars. Balsa and tissue embarked on this mail order model plane ventu re as construction is very light. a way of making his living in an interesting, construc­ tive manner despite his problem. His catalog of sev­ eral pages is $.50 and lists kits and plans for many rubber-powered models. These plans tend to be for models designed on the light simple side for good flights , but the variety of types and vintages makes it quite a fascinating thing for any devotee of old airplanes to browse through. And Peck also sells a line of high quality construction materials. Flyline Models of 10643 Ashby Place, Fairfax, Vir­ ginia 22030, has several very detailed models of such well-remembered planes as the Velie Monocoupe, Stearman C-3 , Chamberlin's Bellanca and the OX-5 Curtiss Robin. Some are for rubber , some can also be flown free flight or radio control with glow plug en­ gines. Folders on these models is $.25. Model Builder magazine, 621 West 19th Street, Costa Mesa, California 92627 runs a "Model Builder Plans Service" . Their list of available plans is long and covers all types of flying models, among which the antique airplane fan is likely to find some gems. Send a stamped, addressed business size envelope for a copy of the list. Sig Manufacturing Company, Inc., 401 South Front Street, Montezuma, Iowa 50171 is a distributor for all

Coming in for a landing at a grassroots airfield is this gracefu l rubber-powered sca le model of the old Aeronca C-3 spo rtplane of the 1930s. Slow flight of rubber i~b;7

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Aero Co.. '0'.1



major lines of commercially-produced model kits and supplies. You have to buy the kit to get the plans. While their offerings are much the same as what you can see in any large hobby shop, their $2.00 catalog is worth having as another weapon in one's arsenal of information on sources of data on your favorite airplane. If you like very old airplanes, 1910 to 1930, you'll love the plain little catalog of Oldtimer Models, P. O. Box 18002, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53218, $.25. It lists many plans similar to those offered by Golden Age but does not illustrate them. If you became interested in aviation as a result of seeing an Ideal Nieuport or Cecil Peoli Racer built by a neighborhood kid in 1926, you'll revel in what this catalog contains. It lists quality materials, too. While they specialize in old aviation literature, Vintage Aero, 1 The Glen, Tenafly, New jersey 07670 offers kits for the SE-5, Fokker 0-7, and 0-8 and Nieuport Monoplane based on the plans from the old Megow and Continental model kits. The Nieuport is a 13 inch span "peanut scale" job done around Bill Hannan plans, the others have 24 to 25 inch wingspans. Catalog is $1.00. There are several places that offer other interest­ ing catalogs , some just simple lists, some one-pagers, but all potential good hunting grounds. Send $.25 to Bertram P. Pond, 128 Warren Terrace, Longmeadow, Massachusetts 01106 for his list of plans from the 1910-1930 period. Send stamped, ad­ dressed business size envelope to john Pond, P. O. Box 3113 , San jose, California 95156 for price list of four different lists of various types of rubber powered models . . . scale, contest, etc. There's no relation­ ship between these two Pond outfits, by the way. For $.15 Fallston Plans Service, P. O. Box 133, Phoenix , Maryland 21131 will send you a price sheet for plans of "peanut scale" models. We have their Fleet Biplane plans, for a 13 inch rubber model, and it is a charmer, almost able to draw attention away from a real Fleet at Oshkosh, b'gosh! Majestic Models, 3273 West 129th Street, Cleve­ land, Ohio 44111 has a $.25 catalog of plans and kits, many imported from Europe. Modernistic Models, P. O. Box 6974, Albuquer­ que, New Mexico 87107 offers for a stamped, addres­ sed business size return envelope, a list of plans for "peanut scale" (13 inch span) and "walnut scale" (18 inch span) rubber models. Aero Era, 11333 Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, Wis­ consin 53092 offers a line of plans for peanut and jumbo scale (36 to 48 inch span) rubber powered models including some birds of interest to antiquers such as the Pietenpol and Gere Sport.


One can do interesting things with the plans avail­ able from model airplane supply houses. Here's a scale model Curtiss Robin made of durable woods and ~ rendered into a fascinating weathervane!

If you favor powered models, a free-flight or radio-controlled scale model of an interesting old airplane can be a lot of fun and help you visualize what th e real thing looks like in the air. Here's a glow plug Avro Avian of 1929 and a Waco 70 of 1928 rendered into a rubber powered version .

If you 're gonna build ' em, you wanna fly 'em, no? Then for $3.95 plus $.50 postage, Fred Hall of 29 ' Sun­ rise Terrace, Westville, New Hampshire 03892, will send you a paperback book he wrote, "Indoor Scale Model Flying". While it does deal with how to fly small models advantageously in gymnasiums, hangars and the like, the principles apply to all small models, outdoors as well as indoors. Finally, you'll be delighted to learn that the fam­ ous old "CD" Cleveland model firm is still in busi­

ness. They don't sell kits but do sell all the plans they had back in the 1930s and 1940s for highly-detailed scale models of many popular civil and military planes. They have, added a lot of new plans including fine ones of such popular antiques as the Waco 10, Eaglerock, American Eagle, Curtiss Wright Junior and so on to their collection. To get their latest catalog send $1.00 to Cleveland Model and Supply Company, 10307 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102.

COMPLETEDANTIQUUC~SSICAIRCRA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AERONCA CHAMP 7ACBCM Charles E. Hughes, Rt. 1, Box 68 , Pansey, AL 36370 AERONCA CHIEF William C. Hiscoe, 205 SW Williams Drive, Beaverton, OR 97005 CESSNA 120 Wayne A. Hendrickson, Rt. 1, New London, MN 56273 CESSNA 140 Randy L. Prince, 720 Red Oak Terr., Edmond, OK 73034 CESSNA 140A Stephen R. Phoenix, 11838 - 26 Avenue, So . #337, Seattle , WA 98168 CESSNA UC78 Fred Huddle, 612 North Howard Street , Union City, IN 47390 ERCOUPE Ronald H. Kidd , 2100 Shane Drive , Greensboro, NC 27406

FAIRCHILD 24 John & Shirley Helvig, 741 South Montezoma, Pres­ cott, AZ 86301

SIAl MARCHETTI FN333 Hugh O. Thomas, 9352 Lochside Drive, Sidney, B.C., Canada

PIPER J-3 Carl Hunter Freed , Jr. , 7608 Oster Drive, Richmond , VA 23227 Kenneth E. Henderson, Box 8, Newagen, MA 04552

STAGGERWING Omer K. Reed, 4517 North 32 Street, Phoenix, AZ 85018

PIPER J-3 CUB William J. Anderton , 2223 Ardmore Road, Trenton, MI 48183 Tomas A. Thayer, 7372 West 82 Street, Los Angeles, CA 90045 PIPER PA12 J. S. Tombleson, c/o Kruchel, 20 Van Bergen Street, Brackenhurst Alberton, Johanniesberg, South Africa Roger Wood, P. O . Box 92, Rexburg, ID 83440

STAGGERWING G-MODEL BEECHCRAFT George W. Freeman, Midway Medical Center, P.O . Box 992, Canton, NC 28716 STINSON 108-1 Jim Bybee, 423 South 900E, 2A, St. George , UT 84770 TAYLOR CUB J2 Ben Warne, White Waltham Airfield, Millville, PA 17846 TAYLORCRAFT BC-65 Arthur F. Modesto, P. O. Box 398, Gillett, AR 72055

7AC Edward E. Self, RR #1, Box 384, Leitchfield, KY 42754

ANTIQUUC~SSICAIRCRAFTUNDERRES~RATION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. AERONCA llAC William Lone, 8099·South Breeden Road , Bloomington, IN 47401

ERCOUPE Charles E. Carlson, Sr., 2620 South Fifth Street, Mil­ waukee, WI 53207

AERONCA 7AC CHAMP Samuel C. Mazzotta, 2504 Tecumseh Avenue, Lees­ burg, FL 32748 John B. Shandrow , RD #1, Middlebury, VT 05753

ERCOUPE 415-C Richard W. Land, 2411 Longview Drive, Dayton, OH 45431 Larry D. Sweetser, 493 Apple Tree Lane , Fairfield, CA 94533

BELLANCA 14-13 Ralph H. Prince, 117 Rockwood Drive, Grass Valley, CA 95945 CESSNA 170 Pasquale Bartone, 40 Bonner Drive, East Hartford, CT 06118 CESSNA 170B Stephen R. Phoenix , 11838 - 26 Avenue, South #337, Seattle , WA 98168 CURTISS IN-4D Harry Bodotsky, 2516 Merribrook Road , Wilmington, DE 19810

GLOBE SWIFT GC LB Garvin H. Germany, Jr., P. O . Box 2650, Freeport , TX 77541 Curtis Wetherell, 104 Hickory, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 PIPER J-5A Edward E. Sell, RR 1, Box 384, Leitchfield, KY 42754 PIPER J-5B Mrs. Thelma B. Grahn, Nine Chase Street, Ly nn , MA 01902 PIPER PA-ll William D. Graves, P. O. Box 2279; Auburn, AL 36830

PIPER PA22-150 Roy M. Simonson, 6964 York Drive, Dublin, CA 94566 STAMPE SU-4C Louis R. W. Edmonds, 409 ·Beacon Street, Apt. 3, Bos­ ton, MA 02115 STANDARD ,1 Peter F. Turdin, 66 Jobs Road , Wallingford, CT 06492 STINSON 108-3 Lary W. Breitbarth , 1420 Macadamia Drive , Fallbrook, CA 92028 TAYLORCRAFT BC12D Francis Barnum , 1320 Goodrich, Lander, WY 82520 TAYLORCRAFT L-2A Andrew S. Dorris, 6370 Waterman, University City, MO 63130 WACO UPF 7 Mark Trimber, Box 377, Branson , MO 65616



Dear David : Enclosed are a few photos for The VINTAGE AIRPLANE . I am restoring a 1940 Bellanca 14-9 pow­ ered by a 90 hp Ken Royce 5G. The photo below shows the same aircraft in Savannah, Georgia in 1956. The head on photo was taken in 1957 by the previous own­ er, Val Banes in Monnett, Missouri. The photo of me working on the w ing was t aken in the w inter of 1976, and the " early stick time " photo was taken last February. I have everything up through silver at this time. I have plenty of work yet on the interior and firewall forward. I realize that I can make them , but I would like to locate a gasket set for the Ken Royce 5G. N86881 is my 14-13-2 that I've owned for more than eight years . She's powered by a 180 hp Franklin. She won " Best Bellanca " at Oshkosh , 1975. NOTE : The Bellanca 14-9 was the first light aircraft in production featur ing retractable gear. Designed in 1937, the last one was made in 1941 , after a production run of 45. My air­ craft, NC25193 i s number 14 and was pur­ chased by Mr. E. P. Lunken of Cincinnati, Oh io in February 1940. Believe it or not Mr. Lunken i s still around and remembers the Bellanca . When she 's done, I' ll give you the whole treatment! Sincerely , Dan Cullman 2448 Edna Street Sacramento, CA 95822

" --~~-'~

--­ 24


Dear David : Please excuse the informality. After meet­ ing many EAAers at Oshkosh, I don 't believe that formalities are of any help in communica­ tions between people with common interests, so here goes. I cut my teeth on an OXX6 Travelaire and flew out of Mansfield , Massachusetts when it was just a pasture! I found out then that when the flying bug bites it is just like the Oshkosh bug, there is NO cure! My license number was 26827 and my exam was taken in a Spartan C2 with a Jacobs 3 cylinder 60 hp engine . Roosevelt 's depression took my license in 1933 as I couldn't fly the required hours to stay current on 2 or 3 days work a week and still feed a growing family . Up until that time I had time in the following aircraft :

OX5 Wacos OX5 Challenger OX5 Bird OX5 Eagle Pitcairn Gyro OX5 Eaglerock A40 Taylor Cub Wright Spartan C3 Cirrus Fairchild 22 Challenger Bird GipS!!y Moth Hank Kurt lives in the next town to me and when he autographed my copy of his book " Water Flying ", he wrote : " Flying was fun back then ". What happened to FAA 's original purpose to promote flying? Have we been sold down the river? How about Administrator Bond 's promise at Oshkosh to get government off our backs or was that some more Washing­ ton hot air? Yours for fun flying , Eddie Kamps

Dear David : Please find enclosed some photos and text which may be of use to you for The VINTAGE AIRPLANE . The plane is a NORD NC854 Norvigie and was purchased in the autumn of 1978 from Cliff Lovell , a well known restorer and re­ builder of interesting aircraft here in the United Kingdom. The plane is owned by two friends of mine, Ray Simpson and Andy Alexander , and is based at Panshanger airfield in Hertfordsh ire. Engine is a 65 hp Continental, cruise speed 65 to 75 mph according to power setting, stall speed , full flap, 28 mph, take-off run 75 yards, landing run 50 yards , fuel , one 12 gallon tank : range 3 hours, built in 1949, registered no. F. The plane is great to fly, has superb visi­ bility , S.T.O.L. performance , and is believed to be one of about 3 airworthy in the United Kingdom. Yours faithfully, Pau l Bussey

Dear David : Attached is a 1934 pictu re of Jay Moore and his wife. Jay died in a crash a few years later. His son Jerry, works with me in San Antonio and would like to know : 1. What make (manufacture, year, model, etc .) of plane is in the picture . 2. What is the insignia on the fuselage.

Jerry Moore 's dad flew and may have owned the plane in the picture in 1934. Please fur­ nish the above information back to me. Sincerely ,

Bob Drumm , Lt. Col.

7050 Frest Way

San Antonio , TX 78240

Dear David : May I ask if any of your readers have had any experience which might be helpful to me in respect to the undercarriage of my 1946 Bellanca 14-13. Specifically, I would like to know of the importance of the fluid level in the hydraulic shock strut . I have experienced difficulty in keeping the legs sealed since the hydraulic fluid leaks out pretty well constant­ ly. At Oshkosh last summer , I noticed that many of the Bellancas had what appeared to be nearly flat oleos and since they have an internal spring I wonder if it is necessary to have two or three inches of the shiny part of the leg showing . In order to ensure that leak­ age does not occur, is it adviseable to have the legs chromed and reground to ensure a closer fit? Any help which your readers may be able to suggest would be much appreci­ ated. Since the demise of " the Bellanca pilot ", it has been difficult to exchange information with other Bellanca owners. Is it possible to form some kind of a follow-on association through the columns of your paper? Perhaps we could explore such a venture since it would seem to make sense. Yours very truly , Mr. R. V. Bays Five Brookhouse Road Dartmouth , Nova Scotia Canada


Bu cker Jungmann own ed b y Bria n Zeederb erg and Ian Popp lewell of Jo hannesburg, South Africa.

Owner of this Cess na 740 is Wo lfga ng O . Schuele, Falkenweg 72, 0 7970 Leutkirch IAllg ., Wes t Ge rmany . Date of ma nufacture - 912 1146. Th e pho to was taken at Laxa, Sw eden.


BURLINGTON , NORTH CAROLINA - EAA Antique/Classic Chapter # 3 will hold its Spring Fly-In . The planes to be judged should be on the field on Saturday, May 5, by 2 P.M. For further i nformation , contact Geneva McKiernan, 5301 Finsbury Place, Charlotte , NC 20211. MAY 20 - ROMEOVILLE , ILLINOIS - 1st Annual Fly-In Breakfast of the year at the EAA building at Lewi s University A i rp o rt. 7 A .M. to 1 P.M . For further information conta ct J. P. Fish , P.O . Box 411, Lemont, Il­ linois 60439: MAY 25-27 - WATSONVILLE , CALIFORNIA - 15th Annual Antique Air­ craft Fly-In and Air Show at the Wat sonville Airport. Co-sponsored by the Northern California Chapter, Antique Airplane Association and Watsonville Chamber of Commerce . For further information contact Earl Swaney, 525 Saratoga Avenue #3 , Santa Clara , California 95050, (415) 645-3709 '(days), (408) 29b-5632 (evenings). JUNE 2-3 - MERCED, CALIFORNIA - The 22nd Annual Merced West Coast Antique Fly-In welcomes Antiques and Homebuilts. Early bird reception is Friday, June 1. For further information , contact : Fly-In Committee , P.O . Box 2312 , Merced , California 95340 or F. M . M cRae, Fly-In D i rector, Telephone (209) 529'3894. JUNE 3 - BURLINGTON , WISCONSIN - The EAA Chapter #18' s annual gathering of Eagles with Antique, Classic , Warbirds , homebuilt, etc. should fly- i n to EAA Flight Test Center, Burlington , Wisconsin. Break­ fast until noon. Rain date is June 10, 1979: For further information , contac t Ja ck Smolensky , President (414) 534-3352 , or Ken Whyte, Vice Pres ident (414) 781-8646. JUNE ~10 - TAYLORVILLE , ILLINOIS - The First Aero Squadron of An­ tique Airm e n, Inc. , will host its second Antique Fly-In and air show, with air show being on Jun e 10. Fun for all ages. For more informa­ tion , contact Spike Woodard , (217) 562-4209 ' or (21 7) 824-9083 . JUNE ~10 - FLANDERS , NEW JERSEY - The First Annual Fly-In at Flan­ ders Valley Airport is spon sored by EAA Antique/Classic Chapter #7. Hangar Squ are Dance is Saturday, June 9 'in the evening. Room re ser­ vation s and transportation upon request. Rain date is June lb-17 . For further information , contact Walt Ahlers , President , 60 Main Street ,


Flanders, New Jersey 07836, (201 ) 584-7983 or Anne M . Fennimore, Four Ridge Road , Succasunna , New Jersey 07876 - (201 ) 584-4154. JULY 8 - EASTON , PENNSYLVANIA - 3rd Annual Aeronca Fly-In at the Easton A irport . Any and all Aeroncas invited . 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M . (Ra in Date July 15). Contact Jim Polles, (215) 759'3713 night s and week­ ends. JULY 14-15 - ROMEOVILLE , ILLINOIS - 19th Annual Midwest Fly-In and Air Show at Lewis Unive rsity Airport. Shows theme and feature will be W .W . I aircraft. Airport will be re-named to add to the illu sion of the era . Spon sored by Chapters 15 and 86. For further information contact J. P. Fish , P.O. Box 411 , Lemont , Illinoi s 60439: JULY 28-29 ' - DEER PARK, WASHINGTON - Parade, contests, di spla ys, trophies , camping. Saturday and Sunday there will be a pancake breakfa st. Friday ni ght party. Saturday night awards banquet with entertainment. For further information , contact Otto Hartman (509) 276-5114 . JULY 28 - AUGUST 4 - OSHKOSH , WISCONSIN - 27th Annual EAA Fly-In. Plan now - it ' s the greate st show on earth. SEPTEMBER 5-9 '- GALESBURG, ILLINOIS - 9th Annual Stearman Fly-In . Anyone with an y interest in Stearmans is cordially invited. For further i nformation contact the Stearman Restorers Association , In c., 823 Kingston Lane , Crystal Lake , Illinois 60014. SEPTEMBER 27-30 - TULLAHOMA, TENNESSEE ..:.. 1st Annual Fly-In. Plan now for the greatest show on earth. OCTOBER 12-14 - CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA - Fly-In. All divi sions , awards will be presented. For f urther information contact Geneva McKiernan , 5301 Finsbury Place , Charlotte, North Carolina 28211. Spon sored by EAA Antique Classic Chapter #3 . OCTOBER 12-14 - CAMDEN , SOUTH CAROLINA - The Fall Fly-In spon­ sored by EAA Antique/Classic Chapter #3 will welcome all antiques, classics , w arbirds, and homebuilts. Awards to be presented in many categories. For further information , contact Geneva McKiernan , 5301 Finsbury Place , Charlotte , NC 28211.

Classifieds CESSNA UC-78 RUDDER - Excellent condition, ready to cover , Gilbert K, Hausler, 6546 West Devonshire Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85033, (602) 846-2016, . PROPELLER WANTED - for Luscombe Sedan, Hart­ zell two position, Snap-o-matic. HC 42 X F. Contact Paul Jones, Rt. 1, Box 222, EI Dorado, Arkansas 71730. (I would like to pass on a possible trouble spot on the Luscombe Sedan. Any backlash in the elevator trim mechanism will cause a constant vibration that will eventually break the trim attach bracket at the elevator while in flight. It is time to get the backlash out of the trim mechanism by rebushing the parts attached to the horizontal stabilizer. WACO UPF-7 T-SHIRT . Silk Screened navy on blue poly-cotton . S, M, L, XL, $6. USAAC, 6 Roosevelt Drive , Newtown, CT 06470.






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