By Brad Thomas
By Brad Thomas
Antique/Classic Division
January arrived unceremoniously and those of us in the eastern half of the USA are suffering from ex treme, sub-normal temperatures. Not many of our an tiques and classics will be flying or operated during these periods of bone-chilling cold. A few fortunate owners have heated hangars or pre-heating facilities to warm up their engines before flying, but the bulk of us just allow our aircraft to rest until the conditions improve for near-normal flight conditions. Some of us who had the time were able to enjoy the warmer cli mate for a brief holiday relaxation period and yours truly accepted an invitation from a good friend to spend a few days with them in Key West, Florida. Being North Carolinians, we expect the day after Christmas to be chilly but not overtaxed with the ex tremely cold temperatures we have been experiencing. Arriving at the airport we loaded the luggage into our "spam can" and soon realized the temperature was 6° F! With the help of jumper cables and an extra battery, fifteen minutes of attempts, a few sputters, and cool ing time for the starter she did fire, and away we flew to St. Augustine, Florida for our midpoint refueling stop . St. Augustine has a fine airport, an EAA Chapter, many antique, classic and custombuilt aircraft, together with a fine group of pilots who were all sitting in the lounge, sporting winter apparel. Abnormally low tem peratures had invaded this section of Florida and power failures were frequent as the locals had purchased and were utilizing small portable electric heaters in their homes and businesses, thus over-taxing the supply of electricity. We departed, wishing them success in get ting their power restored. Being vectored west of Vero Beach and then direct to Key West we experienced a most pleasant trip over central Florida and into Key West International airport. Our visit to this historic area was our first and we enjoyed the fishing, sight seeing and even a ride on the Young America replica sailing vessel, sporting full sails in 15 knot winds. Florida has a lot to offer during the winter months and this brings to our attention the upcoming big event in Lakeland, Florida on March 15-22. This will be the Seventh Annual Sun 'n Fun Fly-In. Mark these dates on your calendar and make plans to be there. Some of us have attended the six previous events and have watched with admiration the great success these fine people have achieved through their endeavors to make this annual event a continuing success. All you could desire is available: camping on the site, daily fly-bys,
air shows, exhibits, forums, and warm weather. So many of us get "cabin fever" during the winter months, that even the thought of traveling to the warm climates and participating in the Sun 'n Fun Fly-In make the pleasant spring days appear closer. Those of you who are not flying your antique or classic because of the winter weather , why not enter into a progressive maintenance program on the bird while it rests. While the time is available , clean the engine, check the wiring and plugs, fabric, cotter pins, bolt torques, lubricate needed parts and hinges, and give the plane a general overall look-see. I have never checked my aircraft without finding some item, small as it may be, which did not need at tention relative to maintenance or replacement. Elimi nate errors by using a check list made up by yourself or the one supplied by the manufacturer, if available. We frequently have seen many aircraft parked during the winter with the tires deflated to about one half of normal. The use of a portable air tank or even a hand pump and a tire gauge will keep those tires at the proper inflation and will definitely help to eliminate cracking of the walls. If the fuel tanks are not full, then routinely drain the sumps to remove any possible accumulation of water that may collect during the cold winter months. It will not be long before March arrives and we can have that aircraft ready for the trip to Lakeland or just to fly around the patch when spring does arrive. We have received several fine comments from our membership regarding methods to increase our mem bership and enhance our image. Some of the sugges tions and proposals are new and will be considered at the Board of Directors meetings. We probably cannot initiate every proposal that has been suggested, but after each has been analyzed, a pattern of thoughts will emerge, giving us guidance in planning for the future . We are a unique group of dedicated enthusiasts whose purpose is to encourage the restoration , mainte nance and flight of antique and classic aircraft; also to compile information about these planes and continue to record the history of this era of aviation. We con duct meetings, displays and educational programs rela tive to aviation and in particular, concerning antique, classic and historical aircraft and engines. We have come a long way since the initial formation of this Division in EAA, and through our dedication and en thusiasm we shall continue to grow and assure our future in aviation .
OFFICERS PRESIDENT W. BRAD THOMAS , JR . 301 DODSON MILL ROAD PILOT MOUNTAIN , NC 27041 919/368-2875 Home 919/368-2291 Office SECRETARY M. C. " KELLY " VIETS 7745 W. 183RD ST. STILWELL, KS 66085 913/681-2303 Home 913/782-6720 Office
VI CE-PRESI DENT JACK C. WI NTH ROP ROUTE 1, BOX 111 ALLEN, TX 75002 214/727-5649 TREASURER E. E. " BUCK " HIL BERT P.O. BOX 145 UNION, IL 60180 815/923-4591
DIRECTORS Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City , MI 49330 616/678-5012
Morton W . Lester P.O. Box 3747 Martinsville, VA 24112 703/632-4839
Claude L. .Gray . Jr. 9635 Sylvia Avenue Northridge, CA 91324 213/349-1338
Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd . Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/442-3631
Dale A . Gustafson 77? Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis. IN 46274 317/293-4430
John R. Turgyan 1530 Kuser Road Trenton , NJ 08619 609/585-2747
AI Kelch 66 W. 622 N. Madison Avenue Cedarburg , WI 53012 414/377-5886
S. J. Willman Box 2672 Oshkosh , WI 54901 414/235-1 265
Robert E. Kesel 455 Oakridge Drive Rochester , NY 14617 716/342-3170
George S. York
181 Sloboda Ave .
Mansfield , OH 44906
FRONT COVER ... Seen at Oshkosh '80 was this beautiful 1945 Beechcraft D17S Staggerwing owned by Lewis W . Lindemer (EAA 56710 , AI C 2806), 45 E. Golden Lake Road . Circle Pi nes , MN 55014. (Photo by Ted Koston)
BACK COV ER . . . Rare 1930 Stearman 4E flown by owner Danny R. Wine (EM 98146 . AlC 4261 ) at the 1980 National Stearman Fly-In . See story on page 5. (Photo by Kenneth D. Wilson)
TABLE OF CONTENTS Straight and Level .. . by Brad Thomas . . . .. . .. . . . . A/C News ... by Gene Chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. The Ninth Annual Stearman Fly-In .. . by John M. Crider, Jr. ........ . .. . . ..... .. .. . . .. To Rebuild A PA-12 ... by J. M. Thede ....... . .... . The First Lockheed ... by Cedric Galloway . ....... New Restoration Of A Curtiss Robin . . . by Gene Chase .... ... .... . . ... . . . .. . .. ... ..... Sky Pal 32Bravo .. . by Kary/ Herman . . . . . . ........ How To Build The Famous " Demoiselle " Santos Dumont's Monoplane - Part II ... by Arthur E. Joerin and A. Cross , A.M . .... .. . . . . Vintage Planes In Brazil ... by J. C. Boscardin .. . . . Calendar Of Events ......... .. .......... . ...... . ..
2 4
5 10 14 17 18
20 24 25
ADVISORS John S. Copeland 9 Joan ne Drive Vestborough . MA 01581 617/366-7245
Stan Gomoll 1042 901h Lane , NE Minneapolis, M N 55434 6121784-1172
Gene Morris 27 Chandelle Drive Hampsh i re . IL 60140 312/683-3199
PUBLICATION STAFF Publisher Paul H. Poberezny
G ene R. Chase
Page 5
Page 14
Pag e 24
Editorial Policy : Readers are encouraged to subm it stories and photographs . Pol icy op inio ns expressed in arti c les are
solely those of the authors. Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with th e co ntributor. Material shou ld be
sent to : Gene R. Chase . Editor . The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners. WI 53130.
Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are aSSigned to those writers who submit
five or more articles wh ich are published in THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE during the current year. Associates re ceive a bound
volume of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE and a free one-year membersh ip in the Division for their efforts . POLICY - Opinions
expressed in articles are solely those of the authors. Responsibility f or accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributo r.
THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is owned exclus ively by EAA Antique/Classi c Divisi on. In c .. and is publ ished
monthly at Hales Corners , Wisconsin 53130 . Second Class Postage paid at Hales Corn ers Post Office , Hales Corners ,
Wisconsin 53130. and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/Classic Division . Inc .. are $14.00 per 12
month period of which $10.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE . Membership is open to all who are interested
in aviation .
ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertising . We
invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that cor·
rective measures can be taken .
CESSNA 150/152 CLUB A club for owners and enthusiasts . of the Cessna 1501152 line has been formed. Monthly newsletters, money saving discount offers, safety and maintenance tips, repair articles and product evaluation are services that members will receive. The club was formed by N. F. "Skip" Carden, III, who will serve as Executive Director. Skip has over 11 years experience directing airplane clubs. Interested persons should contact: The Cessna 150/ 152 Club, P. O. Box 15388, Durham, NC 27704.
NEW DATES FOR AAA/APM FLY-IN The annual Antique Airplane Association/Air Power Museum Fly-In held traditionally during the week pre ceeding Labor Day at Blakesburg, Iowa, have changed the dates to August 16-23 for 1981. This should avoid a conflict with the opening of schools for those families with school age children who wish to attend.
MUSEUM NEEDS The following items are needed to carryon the pro grams of the EAA Air Museum Fou ndation. If you can help, please contact EAA Headquarters , telephone 4141 425-4860. Donations to the Museum are tax deductible. *Air operated automotive bumper jack
*Planer (wood)
*Wing fittings for Curtiss JN4D
*Miscellaneous aviation mechanic hand tools *Tools for V-1650 Merlin engines *Complete engine or parts, Merlin V-1650 *Semi-tractor, double or single axle *Modern NA V /COM radios for B-25 and Lockheed 12 aircraft
(Photo Copyrighted by Chris Sorensen)
This 1930 Stearman , N788H , si n 6003 , is registered as a Model 6L. Powered by a 165 hp Continental engine , it is painted in the colors of an Army YPT 9B. Owner is Ray H. Stephen and the plane is pictured here in 1978 as a part of the Hill Country collection at Morgan Hill, California.
*Hydraulic Mule *Hydraulic Maintenance Stands *Metal to metal seat belts *28 volt rectifier - 100 amp *Mechanics wash tank *Spark plug cleaner *Belt grinder *Lawn mower blade balancer *Caterpillar or crawler tractor with front end loader * 1 set Aeronca C-3 flying wires *Engine rebuilding stand for automotive engines *Overhaul Manual and Parts List for Me 109 (Spanish built) *Wright Cyclone R-1300-1A engine for the Museum's North American T-28A *Sewing machine with zig-zag attachment for flag repair, etc., at Oshkosh
Lionel J . Salisbury who authored the series of Bor den and Thompson Malted Milk Products airplane posters from the 1930's which ran for about two years in The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, is planning to publish a book on these posters. To complete his collection he still needs the two posters titled "The Stout Sky Car" and "Captain Jimmy and His Dog Scottie". Of the several EAAers who so generously sent their' posters to us for copying and subsequent reproduction in the magazine , not a one had the above mentioned is sues . Lionel requests that anyone having either or both posters, please send them to him so he can make copies. He will return the originals to the sender. Lionel's ad dress is: Seven Harper Road , Brampton, Ontario L6W 2W3, Canada.
September 3-7, 1980
(Photo b y Dick Stouffer)
A line up of many of the Stearmans attending the Nati onal Stearman Fly-In at Galesburg , Illinois. Photo taken from " Griff" Griffin's Stearman.
By John M. Crider, Jr . (A IC 5824)
1606 B lake Drive
Richardson, TX 75081
(All Photos by Kenneth D. Wilson , Except As Noted) The month of September has a special significance to Stearman pilots and enthusiasts , for the Wednesday fo ll owing Labor Day marks the start of the Annual National Stearman Fly-In at Galesburg , Illinois. Ther~, those who fly or admire , or at one time trained in the Stearman, gather for five days of fe ll owship centered around this marvelous old biplane. The Fly-In opened this year with a clear, cool day and blu e skies painted with high , white clouds. By six o'clock Wednesday eveni ng, 15 Stearmans were graz足 i ng in the grass at th e n orth end of Galesburg Mu nici足
pa l Airport whil e th eir pil ots a nd passe ngers renewed old fri end s hips or start ed n ew on es . That night , th e early a rrivals got a previ ew of th e film showing de足 t a ils of work at the Stearman Aircra ft Company during th e la t e 1930's. Thursday morning , ea rly ri se rs at the Gales burg Holiday Inn peeked out th eir windows to see overcast s ki es and a s teady rain . Th e warm front that had patched Wednesday's s kies with high cirrus , was crossing ov er Ga lesburg . By 9:00 a.m ., however , th e rain had s topped , a nd by 10:00 Fly-In parti cipa nts were enjoying a three th ou sa nd foot ceiling and 15 mil es of visibility . Th e on ly casualty of the night's s torm was the new grass runwa y that Sam Mend enhall h a d sp ent all summer pre paring . Wednesday , it had shown signs of drying out from the eight-inch downpour that soaked Gales足 burg th e previou s week e nd. But Thursday morning's 5
Stearman E75, N99266 was one of two identical matched Stear mans sporting a bright yellow and black paint scheme. It was flown by Thomas and Don Randolph.
rain kept the yellow crosses on the grass and the Stear mans on the concrete. The weather also slowed new ar rivals to a trickle . By noon Thursday , only four more Stearmans had landed , and arriving pilots told of hav ing to divert around rain showers or thunderstorms . In the hopes of having a larger number of partici pants later , the aerobatic contest was rescheduled for Friday . Thursday was dedicated to formation flying, buddy hopping and story telling . Stearmans taxied in and out , and the chipmunks hiding in the grass scat tered in all directions. Singly and in formation , the Stearmans spread out from the field. Over town , for mations wheeled in V's , diamonds, or echelons , while out over the cornfields , single Stearmans looped and rolled. By late afternoon, most planes were back on the ground. The field was becoming quiet as pilots topped off their tanks and checked dipsticks . Then at six o'clock sharp , Dan Wine and his Stearman 4E crossed the field boundary and all that changed. People began running and shouting to one another and taking pictures. Dan's beautiful black and yellow Model4E was the first civilian model Stearman ever to land at the Fly-In . Built in 1930 and powered by a 450 hp R-1340 WASP radial engine, NC663K can cruise at speeds up to 160 mph. Dan said , however , that he prefers an "economy" cruise of 130 mph which lowers fuel consumption to a mere 24 gal lons per hour. (See photo on back cover of this issue . .. Ed.) Last year , the airplane developed an engine vibra tion while at the Antique Airplane Association Fly-In in Blakesburg, Iowa and had not been able to reach Galesburg . But this year, NC663K not only succeeded in reaching the National Stearman Fly-In, it was a cen t€T of attention from the moment it touched down . Dan purchased the airplane four years ago from Bob Penny of Southern California. It is one of only three Model 4E's still in existence and is the only stock one flying. Bill and Beth Mason also arrived Thursday evening. Their flight to Galesburg took around 30 hours of fly ing time , but then it's a long way from the San Francisco area to Galesburg . Their flight earned them the Tired Butt award for flying the longest distance to the event. By sundown there were 34 Stearrrians on the ground . They ranged from immaculately restored airplanes, like Dan Wine's 4E , to the duster flown up from Mississippi by Pete Jones . Pete's airplane showed that it worked hard for its living , and it was good to have the working Stearman represented at the Fly-In. How many of the neatly restored PT's and N2S's looked just like Pete's only a few years ago? 6
Thursday evening saw another fine party at Tootie's Steeplechase. Friday morning it began raining again. At the field, the irregular pattern of raindrops ricocheting off taut fabric became a steady rhythm as the rain and wind increased. Even in the rain, Rick and the other line per sonnel were out on the field cheerfully handing up the gas hose as the rain ran down their sleeves . The people at Galesburg Aviation were proud that they had man aged to obtain a special load of 80 octane for the Fly In . John Lewkowicz was one of the hardy few who camped out at the airport in spite of the weather . When asked if he was having to bailout his tent each morning, he only laughed and said, "No problem." By afternoon the rain stopped and the weather cleared. Pilots began organizing and practicing for Saturday's formation contest as well as hopping passengers. Those climbing above 2,200 feet found a layer of warm, smooth air above the cool chop next to the ground. The additional rain kept the grass runway closed for the third consecutive day and eventually, for the entire Fly-In , while the low ceilings forced another postpone ment of the aerol'iatic contest. Still, everyone enjoyed a good afternoon of flying. The Stearmans were draw ing attention from all quarters. Truck drivers along the highway by the airport were blowing their airhorns in salu te as they sped by . More and more townspeople be gan coming out to see the biplanes take off and land. The only incident took place Friday afternoon and wound up uneventfully . Willard Duke was flying forma tion with three other Stearmans when the rear cockpit throttle linkage failed . Willard was left with 1600 ' rpm and what must have seemed like a long way back to the airport . After he had the field made, Willard shut the engine dowtJ. , the prop stopped turning, and he made a safe but soggy landing in the grass. It turned out that his passenger for that flight had been a photographer from the Galesburg Register Mail. The next morning Willard and his forced landing were on page one. For the second year, one of the most popular figures at the Fly-In was Deed Levy, Chief Experimental Test Pllot of Stearman Aircraft Company during much of its corporate existence. Deed's wealth of history, anecdotes and information kept him at the center of a circle of Stearman enthusiasts all week. Stearmans continued to arrive despite the weather and at 7:20 P.M. the sun set on · 52 Stearmans at Gales burg airport. Friday night the Stearman enthusiasts dined and danced at the Elks Club. Saturday's events began early as pilots and their passengers piled out of the sack early for the popular Stearman N2S-5, N52129, was a new restoration by Jack Fox of Monett, Missouri.
Stearman, N60657, received the SRA Blood, Sweat & Tears Award for workmanship and effort for Teddy and Joe Shelor.
This beautiful silver Stearman in U.S. Navy Instru ment Trainer markings was flown by Ray Snyder from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Dawn Patrol to Monmouth, Illinois . But as Greg Toland drove the olive drab bus to the airport, the ground fog began thickening . The sun rose at 6:33 A.M., but the Stearmans had to stay on the ground. Still, everyone was treated to the sight of the sun rising on a fog shrouded field of Stearmans. At that moment it was not hard to imagine that the year was 1942 and that this was Randolph Field instead of Galesburg . Gradually the visibility improved and by 7:25 A.M. the first 1000 feet of Runway 20 was filled with idling Stearmans impatiently waiting for VFR minimums . At 7:27 A.M. the visibility reached three miles, and in the space of three or four minutes, some 30 Stearmans be came airborne. Many of the airplanes joined in a huge "V" formation and after circling town , crossed over the airport west bound for Monmouth. The rising sun glinted off pockets of ground fog that still lay in the valleys. Several hundred. feet above the ground the air was warm. When the last plane landed, there were 41 Stear mans on Monmouth airport, and for the second year in a row the flight to Monmouth was accomplished without incident. Pilots and their passengers adjourned to break fast prepared by the Monmouth Flying Club. After breakfast the long-delayed aerobatic contest was held. This year, ten pilots participated in the fun-type contest. By one o'clock the Stearmans were back at Galesburg, and Bob Cassens began briefing pilots for the flour bombing contest. Shortly afterwards , sacks of flour be gan raining down around the target barrel out in the grass . In addition to flour bombing, the contest also included the traditional short-field take-off and ac curacy landing competitions. The use of the intersect ing runway by tower controlled aircraft forced the Stear mans to make tight left turns after take-offs and bomb ing runs . The north side of Galesburg airport quickly
became a hornet's nest of activity . At three o'clock, Bob Cassens once again masterfully briefed his irreverent group of aviators, this time for the formation contest. Five flights competed , including one flight made up entirely of 450 hp Stearmans. The last formation land ed just in time to beat the thundershower which sent everyone running for the tents and washed out the Mini Air Show that had been planned for five o'clock. Wet but happy, everyone headed back for the Holi day Inn where the dinner and awards banquet were held Saturday evening. After a delicious meal, catered and served by the Inn's staff, Fly-In guests were intro duced . They included the honorable Robert W. Kimble , Mayor of Galesburg; Larry Asaro , the City Manager; Deed Levy , Chief Test Pilot for Stearman Aircraft Company; and Mrs. Marilyn Carr, Lloyd Stearman's daughter. Thanks were expressed to the many people and organizations that had made the Fly-In possible. Dusters and Sprayers Supply, Inc. awarded three beautiful trophies to the airplanes which they felt represented outstanding restorations. In future years there will be one award each for the Company's choice of Best PT, Best N2S and Best Civilian Restoration . This year , however, one trophy went to Bill Wilkins and his N2S-1, N50142 . Bill's Stearman , which was 60 percent destroyed by a tornado this summer, had been flying only a little over 12 months following a rebuild ing process that took 25 years. John Hooper, who sponsored the aerobatic contest, presented plaques to each pilot who participated in that competition and also presented some comical awards. Various other individuals' accomplishments and foul ups were recalled and recognized with appropriate'awards . Bob Cassens announced the results of the day's con tests . The work done by Bob and his staff of judges and 7
300 hp custom Stearman, N52967, was flown by John Schoonhoven from his private strip at Evergreen, Colorado.
starters, produced a very enjoyable afternoon for all those who participated. Pete Jones and his duster received a special award recognizing the contribution that the blue-collar Stear man makes to the Fly-In. Tom Lowe , President of ,the Stearman Restorers As sociation and Ken Wilson, the Association's Historian , presented the SRA Awards. Tom and Ken also announced that they have been collecting material and research ing Stearman history for several years and that they plan to co-author a book on the history of the Stearman Aircraft Company.
As Sunday morning wore on, more and more Stear man pilots checked the weather , said good-bys and head ed home . The final count was 61 Stearmans in atten dance. Had the weather been better during the early days of the Fly-In , an even greater number might have attended . Sunday afternoon , the townspeople of Galesburg and the remaining Stearman pilots were treated to an air show featurir:.g parachute jumpers J. T. Hill and Jim White; Bob Heuer and Dave Dacy each performing aero batics in his 450 hp Stearman and Jim Leahy's aero batics in his stock 220 hp N2S-3 . Pete Meyers performed in his Decathlon , Rick Cunningham in his Bucker Jung mann, and Ed Merchant flew his Pitts Special. The crowd again enjoyed the antics of Dick Willets and his Crazy Cub act, and the fly-by of three F-4 Phantoms from the Springfield, Illinois Air National Guard was another high point of the show. Those who participated in this year's Fly-In again enjoyed the fellowship that has brought back Stear man lovers year after year . To see old friends , to make new ones is the essence of the Nationall Stearman Fly In . The tenth National Stearman Fly-In will be held September 9th through the 13th , 1981. Those who enjoy flying , talking about, or just looking at Stearmans will find those five days to be very special ones.
A sprayer, N52470, flown by Pete Jones for a delivery to a new owner for restoration at Galesburg. The first working, Ag Stearman to attend the Fly-In for several years. ~tearman
Stroh's Award - Stearman N2S-3, N9914H, Jim Leahy Best Hangar Pilot - Bob Simmons, Stearman PT-17 , N50058 Tired Butt Award - Stearman PT-13D, N65874 , Bill and Beth Mason
Hard Luck Award - Stearman N2S-3, N64993 , Peter Spear SNAFU Award - Stearman PT-17 , N72AA , Willard Duke Hero's Award - Stearman PT-17C, N300E , Ralph Ras nick Early Bird Award - Stearman PT-17, N66740, Dick Baird and Stearman N2S-3 , N66263, Rick Baird (owned by Jim Furlong) Short Field Take-Off Contest - Stearman N2S-5, N631E, Peter Reed Spot Landing Contest - Tom Beaver Flour Bombing Contest - Stearman PT-17 , N55170 , Bill McBride Formation Flying Contest - Stearman N2S-5 , N520HT, Harry Thomas; Stearman N2S-2 , N60562 , John Hoop er; Stearman PT-17, N72AA , Willard Duke; Stear man N2S-3, N61P, John Crider Stearman Aerobatic Contest - 1st Place - Stearman PT-17 , N79535, John Ruhlin; 2nd Place - Stearman PT-17, N66740, Dick Baird; 3rd Place - Stearman N2S-2, N60562 , John McCormick Special Award - Stearman A 75N1 duster, N52470, Pete Jones
Special Award - Stearman N2S-1, N50142, Bill Wi lkins Military Restoration - Stearman, N69654, Dick Fritz and Jerry Wetterling Civilian Restoration - Stearman 4E, NC663 K, Dan Wine STEARMAN RESTORERS ASSOCIATION AWARDS
Lloyd Stearman Memorial Award - Lawren ce Palmer Ball , Jr . Bill Adams Memorial Award - Monmouth Pilots As sociation "Outfit" Contributor's Awan,i For 1979- LaVerne Heck , for her article, "TO SOLO A STEARMAN" Best Stearman PT - Stearman PT-13D, N4599N , Tom Hoselton Best Stearman N2S - Stearman N2S-3 , N66302 , Chuck Andreas and Byron Fredericksen Best Custom Stearman - Stearman N2S-5, N9078H, "Griff' Griffin Best Civilian Stock Stearman - Stearma n PT-17, N60323, Larry Kampel Blood, Sweat & Tears - Stearman, N60657, J oe and Teddy Shelor
The National Stearman Fly-In was just one of the many stops made by Bill and Beth Mason in their " Big Red " on a several month trip from California to the east coast and return.
A PA-12
By J. M . Thede
EAA 122712, AIC 3708
Elmuale, Ontario, -Canada Towing the fuselage home to start the restoration project.
January 15, 1975 brought bad news , the engineer doing the annual inspection of my PA-12 discovered that the wing fabric, although looking good , would not pass the fabric punch test and both wings would have to be recovered before the aircraft could be certified airworthy . I had purchased C-FZJI four years previously and had flown it in most Canadian provinces and several of the northern United States. During this time I had noticed many "rough edges" on the plane which some day I had hoped to improve. Now, I decided, was the time ... I would rebuild the entire aircraft. I only had two problems, (a) no workshop, as the house I was living in at the time was very small and had no basement, and, (b) no experi ence in fabric or metal work. Hans Mayer, EAA 58867, came to the rescue. He was building a VP-2 at the time and upon hearing what I had in mind he immediately offered me the use of his old workshop (he had just finished building a new one) which was just the right size for the fuselage. Hans also volunteered his time and experience with the re covering work. He had worked in a glider factory in Europe and had lots of fabric experience. As owner of a machine shop he also had the skill and equipment for any metal repairs needed. On January 30, I dismantled the aircraft thinking at this time that I would be reassembling it in 6 months or so (ha, hal . I towed the fuselage behind my land rover to Hans' workshop not realizing that it would be 2V2 years before I towed it back again. The local FBO at the Midland, Ontario airport had said that I could store and work on the wings at the back of his hangar and so the following day I stripped the fabric from the wings. This of course was the easy part. I figured that since the wings were the largest part of the aircraft, it would be best to attack them first and have them finished before I started on the rest of the pieces; knowing that the 10
largest part.'l were finished might give me strength to carryon. I first cleaned the dirt and old fuel stains from leak ing gas tanks from the aluminum ribs. A close inspec tion of the structure revealed no serious damage or cor rosion. New wing tip bows had been installed shortly before I bought the aircraft and as they were warp free, so these were sanded and varnished . Fittings were re moved, cleaned, inspected, painted and reinstalled . All ribs were examined and a few small bends and dents were straightened . Aileron cables and bellcranks were removed, inspected, reinstalled and lubricated. All elec trical wiring, nuts, bolts and PK screws were checked and replaced as necessary . About two feet of leading edge was replaced on each wing as it was badly dented. In the entire project this was one of the few areas we should have done further work ' on. I wish now that I had installed hew leading edges over the entire length of the wings as the small dents which were inconspicuous at the time, showed up more after the aircraft was cov ered and painted. The ailerons were similarly rebuilt and fitted on the wings and checked for smooth opera tion. The wings and ailerons were entirely zinc chro mated and we were ready for inspection . The engineer signed both wings off for recovering and after covering all chafe points with tape and installing inter-rib brac ing tape we were ready to cover. I had decided to cover with Lincoln cloth (similar to Ceconite) and use butyrate dope but did not know where to begin. Hans made a few quick measurements, tried the fabric envelopes on for size (we had to cut open the end of the envelope as it did not fit the wing tip bow at all) and began applying the glue to the left wing. It was much easier and faster than I had thought . The follow ing day we applied heat to the wing with an iron to shrink the Lincoln cloth and then brushed on the first
The instrument panel, before . ..
. .. and after.
coat of dope. Two days later the right wing was also covered. Then came the rib stitching, one of the worst jobs of the whole project. The first rib took me two hours and I wore out one pair of running shoes travelling from one side of the wing to the other. Having a short memory, I had to check a textbook everytime I tied the approved rib stitching knot. Eventually I caught on to the opera tion and things went a little faster although I had some sore fingers for a while . Next I doped on drain grommets , reinforcing tape and grommets for inspection covers. I also added reinforcing patches around a.Jl openings and over the grommets. I brushed on two more coats of Rand-o-proof and set the wings aside. I then took a one week holiday and attacked the fuse lage with great vigor. Stripping the fabric, removing the engine, landing gear, instruments, floor boards, and controls I was soon left with a bare frame. At this point it became obvious that I had been carrying around a lot of excess black tape which had been used in the past to fasten electrical wiring, fuel lines and other assorted objects to the frame . Also there was consider able excess wiring on the plane which had simply been cut off whenever the item it was connected to was re moved. I found two broken wooden stringers which had been fastened together with masking tape at the time of the last recovering instead of being replaced. Although the aircraft was basically in excellent condition I found many examples of sloppy workmanship in the past. The fuselage tubing looked good but just to be sure I sandblasted the entire frame to remove all paint and dirt. All tubing was closely inspected and the bottom longerons were checked with a centerpunch for deteri oration. Fortunately no rust was found. Some of the longerons had been bent slightly by the tightening of the old fabric. These we straightened with a large rub
Cathy Thede lends a helping.hand.
bel' mallet. All welds were inspected and the only prob lems were a few broken welds on the channels which support the wooden stringers on top of the fuselage . These were quickly repaired and the fuselage was painted with zinc chromate and enamel. I work for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and was able to use one of their wood working shops for cleaning and painting small parts and cutting new floor boards. I also stored the engine here and my fiancee volunteered to clean it up and give it a new paint job. I had taken the rudder, elevators and stabilizers home where I stripped and checked them and applied new fab ric to them on my front lawn. Thus I had four different working places. I then started to reassemble the fuselage . First, all control systems were reinstalled . Everything was lubri cated and checked for tightness and smoothness of opera tion . New floors , stringers, battery box frame , electri cal wiring were added . As the old instrument and elec trical panels were cracked and full of miscellaneous holes new ones were planned, built and installed. An entire Airtex interior (headliner, side panels, seats, fire wall cover) was installed with much fiddlework. A fish ing rod tube was installed and a strobe light was added on the bottom of the fuselage just forward of the tail. The door was reworked , a new handle was fabricated
Hans Mayer shows the author how to shrink the Lincoln cloth.
out of aluminum and installed, and a locking mechanism was designed and added . The fuselage was inspected and signed off for covering by a mechanic . I used three large pieces of Lincoln cloth to cover the fuselage and one small piece for the cabin roof. I brushed on a coat of Rand-o-proof then added reinforc ing patches, tapes , grommets , and inspection rings and rib stitched the fin. Not having any spray equipment available I brushed on two more coats of Rand-o-proof and 7 coats of aluminum butyrate. I tried applying two coats with a paint roller but this appeared to give a pebbling effect to the finish so I gave up. The fuselage was sanded between every second coat. The landing gear was covered and installed using new bolts , rubber bumpers, and bungees. To install the bungees , Hans made a special tool which allowed us to stretch them into place without using too many strange words. The main wheels and brake system were disassembled, cleaned and inspected. P A-12 brakes are notoriously poor but it is amazing mine had worked at all with all the gunk and rust found inside them. I had the brake frames chrome plated to prevent -any further deterioration and reassembled the system using new springs, retainers and seals. They have since worked considerably better although are still not perfect. The main wheel bearings, showing no signs of wear, were repacked and replaced and the wheels installed on the landing gear. While cleaning and inspecting the tail wheel assembly the bearings fell apart in my hands , so I figured it was time for new ones. To protect the new bearings Hans made a new very tight fitting hub cap for the tail wheel. Instruments, panel lighting , radio, push-pull controls and plumbing were then installed in and behind the new instrument panel and the electrical wiring, fuse system and switches were added to the electrical panel. Three new instrument panel covers were made by form ing the aluminum over wooden patterns . A new trim panel which covers the dual throttle controls was fabri cated for the left side of the cockpit and another one was made for the door. Microphone and earphone jacks were installed in the left trim panel, and a push to talk switch was added to the top of the stick. The headset system is a lot better than tryinb to fumble for a micro phone when you're on final approach. My uncle volunteered to make genuine walnut knobs for the throttles, trim control, door handle and stick tops. When everything had been fitted to the instru- ment panel , electrical panel and two side trim panels they were all removed, painted with zinc chromate. covered with naugahide and reinstalled. The boot cowl was stripped of many layers of old paint; several bends and wear points were repaired and it was covered with zinc chromate and installed. All new side windows were cut from plexiglass and a new wind shield was purchased. The heating system was improved by changing the position of the intake for the air supply so it provides more air to the heater and by modifying the heat muff so the fresh air picks up more heat from the muffler before it passes into the cabin. Together with the tighter fitting windows and door and upholstery insulation the heater now makes it possible to fly in winter with only a light jacket when previously I had to wear a snowmobile suit. I then transported the engine. fuselage and other parts to the airport and began final assembly using all new hardware. I installed the motor mount and motor and had the engineer do a compression test. He decided it needed a top overhaul so I pulled the engine and took it to a reputable engine shop. In addition to the top over haul they rebuilt the carburetor, and added 2 new primer lines so that I now can prime all four cylinders before
starting, which is a definite advantage for winter fly ing. The engine was gone for a month and I spent that time preparing the fuselage for painting, installing the muffier, painting small parts and labeling the cockpit controls. Finally the engine came back and it was per manently installed and all the controls and plumbing connected. I then turned my attention to the cowling. I had al ready purchased a new nose bowl (at great expense) as the original was dented and cracked. When we examined the rest of the cowling Hans decided to make all new panels. This took a lot of cutting and fitting but they were eventually completed and installed. Next I made a complete set of new baffies as the old ones were badly damaged. Meanwhile the engineer had sprayed several coats of aluminum butyrate dope on the wings and now every thing was ready for painting. Over the past two years I had done a lot of thinking about the color scheme and had finally settled on Lock Haven Yellow with Hershey brown trim. I gave some consideration to the original paint scheme but decided against it. When rebuilding the plane I had no intention of restoring it to the exact original state. I enjoy using it on cross country trips and with this in mind, made several changes and im provements during the project, thus detracting from the originality of the aircraft. I masked off the fuselage and told the engineer to call me when he was finished spray ing the butyrate colors. Since I had no experience in spraying nor equipment for the job I figured it was worth the extra money for him to do it. I checked both fuel tanks and found several minor leaks. I attempted to solder these twice before deciding to remove all the old solder in the area of the leaks and start from scratch. After soldering and vacuuming out
the tanks I filled them with fuel and left them for three days . Thankfully there were no leaks. With the assistance of several friends the wings and struts were installed in short order. The fuel tanks were added and new fuel gauges (cork float and wire) were made and installed. All fairings and covers were inspected and either reworked or replaced by new ones made up to fit better than the old ones. I then installed the tail feathers and hooked up all controls and check ing same for smooth operation. I vacuumed out the fuse lage , installed the seats and seat belts and called the engineer for final inspection. After rigging the aircraft and completing the final inspection he weighed the plane and computed the weight and balance. The plane weighed ten pounds more than it had prior to the rebuild and the extra weight was probably due to the added interior trim, upholstery , insulation and strobe light. He then signed the log books and completed the necessary paper work. As I hadn't flown since dismantling the aircraft I asked the engineer to make the test flight. Every builder knows the feeling of seeing his machine fly for the first time and C-FZJI flew perfectly on the first flight. After 2'>-2 years and 2,500 man hours of work I felt as if a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders . The aircraft is still powered by the original Lycoming 0-235-C 100 hp engine as when it was built in 1947. It cruises at 105 mph using 5 imperial gallons per hour. Since the rebuild I have flown the plane about 300 hours including three trips to Oshkosh , one to Sun 'N
. Fun and several times north to James Bay. I have re
cently added a vacuum system, directional gyro , artifi
cial horizon, intercom and a heating system for the
rear seat. Thanks to a lot of patience and the h elp of several friends I am enjoying owning and flying a great classic aircraft. 13
The first Loughead airplane still under construction. A seaplane powered by a Kirkham 6 cylinder engine with the Kirkham horseshoe-shaped radiator.
By Cedric Galloway EAA 35278, A IC 152 14624 Willow Street Hesperia , CA 92345 Photos Courtesy of Lockheed Aircraft Corp . When we hear the word "Lockheed", we visualize fast , streamlined and graceful airplanes . But they were not always that way . Everything has to have a begin ning . Even the name became "streamlined" after a time. Allen Loughead , the son of John and Flora Haines Loug head, whose Scotch-Irish name, in its phonetic spelling, became Lockheed. Allen was the youngest of four children. The family lived in Niles , California inland from the southeast shore of San Francisco Bay . Allen's parents separated when Allen was quite young, and his mother took the children to Alma in the Santa Cruz foothills , where she operated a thirty-five acre fruit ranch . College trained and talented, Mrs . Loughead derived extra income from writing novels and poetry. Allen, slowed by poor health , never finished grammar school , but his mother supplied an 'education with her fine tutoring. Young Loughead and his older brother Malcolm en joyed ra nch life , but much preferred tinkering with machinery. At seventeen Malcolm got a job as a mechanic in San Francisco , working on White steam motorcars . Allen also left the ranch when he reached seventeen , 14
and went up to the big city. His first job was in a hard ware store at $10 a week, but he soon took a lower pay ing job as an automobile mechanic, like his brother Mal colm. Meanwhile Victor , the eldest of the three brothers , worked as a consulting engineer in Chicago, where he spent bis spare time as an aerodynamist and a writer . His "Vehicles of the Air" and "Airplane Design for Amateurs" were widely read, discussed and used by would-be aeronauts , including his brothers. Through Victor , Allen found work in 1910 as an airplane engine mechanic in Chicago and soon a chance to take his first flight in an airplane . He met George Gates , the proud builder of a pusher biplane with a home made 4-cylinder , 50 hp engine . Gates discovered he couldn't fly it alone because the control system required manipulation of . the ailerons, rudder , and elevators in three separate operations. He asked Allen if he could operate the ailerons . Allen had never handled an air plane but was not lacking in self-confidence. "Sure," he said. They warmed up the engine, Allen climbed aboard the flimsy contraption , sat behind Gates, and wrapped rags around the aileron control wires to keep his hands from slipping. The plane took off, circled the field and landed safely , making probably the first dual controlled flight of its type in aviation history . The thrill lingered with him as he tuned the power plant for the plane of his employer, James E. Plew, a truck distributor who was trying to break into aviation .
Plew's Curtiss-type pusher, with a 35 hp engine, was made ready for demonstration flights from a nearby race track. The pilot was having difficulty in getting the plane off the snow covered ground When he finally gave up, Plew decided to call the demonstration off. Allen pleaded with Plew to let him have a try at getting the plane into the air. With Plew's O.K. , Allen retuned the engine, and with higher rpm he was able to coax the flimsy pusher into the air, gradually oriented him self to the controls and the shoulder harness that worked the ailerons . Jerkily he circled around and around the oval track and landed in one piece. Of his first solo he says: "It was partly nerve, partly confidence, and partly damn foolishness, but I was now an aviator!" Allen had about an hour and a half in the air when he began working as a "flying instructor" . He also had a brief career as an exhibition flyer , which came to an abrupt end at Hoopeston , Illinois. Piloting a water soaked and underpowered Curtiss , Loughead left the ground in fine style, but could not gain altitude . His flight into the late afternoon dusk was suddenly inter rupted by contact with some telegraph wire lines. The fragile Curtiss came to rest in a tangle of wires , hang ing with one wing impaled on the crossarm of l'! pole. Allen switched off the engine, which was still running , and scrambled unhurt from the wreckage. Experiences on the country-fair circuit taught Loug head what was good - and bad - about the flying machines of 1911. Not trusting his luck too far , and with a wife to support, he returned to San Francisco to work in a garage until such time as he might be able to build an airplane of his own. The design for a three-place seaplane was already occupying his mind. It should be a tractor type , with engine in front, he was tired of wor rying about a heavy motor mounted behind, hanging there in readiness to crush the pilot should the plane come down nose first. Allen often discussed aerodynamics with his brother Ma·lcolm , and at length the two mechanics joined up to build their own plane. A hydroplane was the logical choice because of the unlimited facilities in and around the Bay area , and San Francisco's long-time interest in boating. To give the impression that they were not building their first plane, they designated the design as Model G. The brothers kept their jobs and worked every other waking moment on their airplane. Truly , one of the earliest of homebuilts. They rented a former garage at the corner of Pacific A venue and Polk Street, and for the next year and a half, that corner was the scene of ever-increasing activity as the new airplane took shape. Max Mamlock of the Alco Cab company became interested in their project and invested $4,000 to help them along. The first Loughead-built airplane was a sizable ship. A biplane , its upper wingspread was 46 feet and its triangular fuselage was 30 feet long. It weighed 2,200 pounds gross, and it carried a useful load of nearly 600 pounds. It was equipped with midwing ailerons and, in the manner of French design , the entire tail swung on a universal joint. The main center float was built like a sled, and outrigger pontoons kept the wing tips from dipping into the water . When its Kirkham 6-cylinder engine burst its crankcase after fifteen minutes of opera tion , the designers substituted an 80 hp watercooled V-8 powerplant, retaining the Kirkham's horseshoe shaped radiator . The Model G had only one instru ment, an old tachometer taken from a motor boat. On the afternoon of June 15, 1913, Allen and Mal colm eased their creation into the waters from the beach at the foot of Laguna Street, just west of the Army's transport dock at Fort Mason. Allen climbed in, started the engine, and swinging into the wind , got the G up on
The seaplane after installation of V-8, 80 hp engine and con venti onal-type radiator. San Francisco Worlds Fair, 1915.
The Model G taxiing out for take-off.
Aud rey Munso n in cockpit of the Model G at Santa Barbara. She was a movie actress.
the step . Soon the slapping of the waves below ceased and the plane was airborne. The ship was very sensitive to handle, but a short hop was enough to &how that months of work had produced success. Allen, highly pleased, returned to the beach and took Malcolm aboard . This time the "hydro-aeroplane" made a 10-mile flight, cruising around the island of Alcatraz , soaring in grand style some 300 feet above Market Street. The Loughead's Model G was one of the first success ful tractor-type seaplanes ever built. It was highly unusual for this tender age of flight in that it could carry more than one person. The G was well proven , but a minor landing mis hap and general economic conditions put the plane in storage for two years. Allen went back to his old trade of keeping San Francisco motorcars in running condi tion . Malcolm, ranging further afield, tried to sell the Chinese a Curtiss pusher, only to have the plane con fiscated as contraband by the British at the outbreak of World War 1. The opening of the San Francisco-Panama Exposi tion in 1915, inspired the Loughead brothers to dust off the Model G, and with fresh capital , they repaired the plane, replacing the horseshoe radiator with a con ventional type. They obtained the flying concession at the Pan Pacific, and during the fifty flying days at the fair, they safely carried more than 600 passengers and made themselves $4,000. Allen and Malcolm decided to move to Santa Bar bara after the exposition closed. Since the gas tank of the Model G held only 8 gallons , the boys couldn't at tempt to fly the ship the 300 odd miles south so they packed the plane in crates and shipped them by trairi. Early 1916 found them settled in Southern Cali fornia and launching a new project: The Loughead Air craft Manufacturing Company. For the third time , the energy and obvious ability of Allen and Malcolm at
(Publicity Photo)
Audrey Munson and Malcolm Loughead in the cockpi t of the Model G.
tracted financial backing. It came in this instance from
Burton R. Rodman, a Santa Barbara machine shop owner.
The new company proposed to build a 10 passenger flying boat, an unprecedented design which called for slow and painstaking workmanship . The second Loug head airplane will be the subject of the next article in this series. Back to the Model G, the brothers often flew it to keep up their flying . It was finally retired in 1918. With scant sentiment, the engine was sold and the frame work of the Lougheads' first airplane was junked for scrap. References:
Of Men and Stars. A History of Lockheed Aircraft Cor
poration, by Philip L. Juergens.
Revolution in the Sky, by Richard S . Allen .
1941 Ryan PT-22, a/n 41-15425 photographed by Ted Koaton at Fond du Lac, Wlsconaln In Auguat, 1976.
By Gene Chase The photos on this page were con tributed by long-time EAAer John "Jack" Rathjen , RFD 1, Ft. Calhoun, Nebraska 68023. Jack's EAA number is 2576 and his Antique/Classic Divi sion number is 272. J ack is the proud owner of this re cently-restored 1929 Curtiss Robin , Serial Number 477. Jack's son , Bi ll Rathjen, EAA 122305 rebuilt the plane from the ground up and from the photos it appears his craftsmanship and atten tion to detail are fi rst rate. We hope the Rathjens will bring this beauty to Oshkosh '81. We beli eve it will be the first appearance of a Wrigh t J6-5 powered Curtiss Robin at the Osh kosh Convention.
Jack Rathjen and his newly restored 1929 Curtiss Robin.
November 15, 1980 . .. Jack makes the first take-off after rebuild. Plane is based at Bil-Lo Airport, Ft. Calhoun, Nebraska.
Bill Rathjen, who did a great job of authentically restoring the Robin.
Karyl Herman after her memorable flight In Sky Pal.
s\tt:\ Pal
At the 1980 Continental Luscombe Association (CLA) fly-in, we had the biggest collection of Luscombes ever to assemble at one time in one place; 71 during the last weekend of May. At this fly-in, an event occurred which I'd like to share with you . The first hint of this event-to-be came on Friday when Phantasy (my Luscombe, N2368K) and I flew to Colum bia , California, landed , and parked next door to some of our favorite neighbors , our club president Loren Bump's pretty polished A model , and Sky Pal , a comfortably familiar partner (whom we followed home from Osh kosh '79). Now I'm sure many of you Luscombe Lovers are aware that Tim Bowers' Sky Pal is the 1979 EAA Convention's Grand Champion Classic aircraft. Mighty fine company to be among . Soo after getting parked and then greeting our friends , some of whom we hadn't seen for a whole year , Tim Bowers and I were chatting . Almost in passing , Tim casually mentioned that he'd decided he wanted me to fly Sky Pal. Me? Almost as casually , I responded that he'd just given me a superb compliment for which I was thankful (how many people , even friends , offer to let you fly a champion airplane?); but I really couldn't fly Sky Pal , as much as I'd like to. No , I simply couldn't fly the one-and-only classic champion . . . Not much more was said about it , and we moved on to other topics. Saturday morning several of us were up at 5:30 for the best flight of the day - Dawn Patrol - which is never better than at the setting of Columbia - foggy mists lying in the valleys while the sun peeks and then 18
By Karyl H erman
EAA 112967, A IC 3772
725 Shelter Creek Lane, #225
San Bruno, CA 94066
Photos by the Author
suddenly blossoms over the Sierras . After gently roll ing into the grass , we park and go have breakfast. Then it's time for the scheduled events - th e flour bombing/spot and short-field landing contests - a ll in one flight. Phantasy and I "bomb" the flour-bombing , get calculatedly lucky in the spot (first place), forget to stop short and keep rolling to the turn-off (worst place), and park. By now there are quite a few of the "wheels-on backwards" type aircraft entering the pattern. Columbia is a restored Gold Rush town, and a favorite fly-in spot for weekend pilots . Taking a hangar-flying break be side the parked Luscombes , our illustrious neighbor starts pushing Sky Pal out to go flying . I inquire if Tim needs any help, and he says , yeah, come on , you're going to fly. After a close-encounter-of-the-Bonanza-kind and after the dust settles, Tim bids me to come on and get in. No , Tim , really I can't . Oh come on , it's just like your plane. Not by a long shot! (It may be the same model with the same engine, but no way is it "just like" my plane no plane is just like a champion!) Standing by the left door, Tim says to come on and get in again, and I meekly obey. (Oh no , he's going to let me fly from the left seat.) While fastening the seatbelt, he starts explaining the switches for the radio and generator . At that point , I get just a wee bit apprehensive - you mean I'm going solo? Timmy, aren't you going up with me?? No , go fly - and enjoy yourself! I don't , I really don't believe this is happening . But Tim .. . He shuts the doot , stands back and waves. Smiling. (How can he be so casual?) Well, might as well get on with it. Fit the headset , find the mags and pull-to-start, and 32B comes to life with the accustomed Luscombe sound. By now , the air port manager has closed the grass trip, so we begin to taxi for take-off on the paved runway. Whoops , watch
it, the rudders are different and need more pressure. Using some brake to correct for the lack of rudder input in the turn, I discover that 32Bravo's brakes are notice ably better than 68Kilo's . After almost fouling up the first turn, I get the feel for the rudders and don't need brakes to steer anymore . In the run-up area , everything checks out as ready, and we wait for some landing traffic before rolling into place. As we do so , that familiar feeling of excitement in the pit of my stomach makes itself known - the same feeling I get whenever I haven't flown for a while and am about to do so (but I've already flown twice today , so the excitement must be due to being in Sky Pal). Slowly adding power and starting to roll while waiting for something to feel different, the tail comes up on schedule and soon we're airborne! Ah , that sure feels good - hold her down in ground effect and let the speed build up. Nice , that familiar feeling again . Hold her down to the end of the runway, then pull back on the stick for my favorite zoom climb on take-off. All right! Feels good! About 2 G's on the meter, airspeed bleed ing off, now push over - don't stall it .. . Now we must do a fly-by for the CLAers down there . Check for traffic, turn crosswind, check again and turn downwind . Verifying altitude and airspeed takes a couple of seconds longer than usual - I have to find the instruments; they're not quite where I'm used to finding them. Hey , this plane really feels great - so smooth and purring, it feels comfortable and familiar. Slow down on base and final to allow enough room between us and that 150 ahead so we can have room to build up speed again for the fly-by ... The Cessna doesn't clear the runway until the end, so we have to settle for a high fly-by. We'll have to go around and try that again , it just won't do to make a low speed fly-by . This time around, I begin to think (and get nervous) about the landing coming up after the next circuit of the pattern. As we turn crosswind, someone comes up on the radio and says for me to leave the pattern and wait. Okay , but who's that? It's Tim and C~cil Shuman in Cecil's Luscombe, and they're coming up to get some in-flight photos. OK guys , I'll be over here near the bridge. In the meantime, let's get a better feel for this plane. Trying some maneuvers and having difficulty finding instruments to verify what I'm doing, I decide to forget
about looking at the panel (pretty though it is) and just fly the airplane by the "seat of my pants". Oh yes, that works out much better. I do remember to check the oil pressure/temperature from time to time, but ignore everything else. Soon Cecil 's Luscombe is in sight, and with him another Luscombe - Al LaForge's "Lady Bug" with brother Fred flying . We switch frequencies so we can chat and so Tim can get us where he wants us for the pictures. Oh dear, I don't know if I really want to fly Sky Pal in tight formation . .. Oh well, just fly the plane and everything will be all right . Sure enough , it is . We fly around, changing places several times , and the only thing I miss is having the D-windows for spot ting my partners . So I tell myself to just pay attention to the plane I'm flying wing on, and let the other guy worry about me. Works out great! Entering the pattern and back on Unicom, Tim hand signals for me to take the lead for a fly-by at about 100 feet . Gee , this is great , I almost wish it would go on and on. Hey gang , look at us-I'm flying the Grand Champion! Wow! What an indescribable feeling! This really is happening ... Turning downwind , the upcoming landing becomes a decision to make , shall I stall it or wheel it? It might be nice to try a stall landing, my tailwheel always shim mys, so I almost never do one. On the other hand, I'm more comfortable doing wheelies ... Aw shucks , wheelies look so good , and I'm happier doing them, let's wheel Sky Pal on . Turning final, I realize that this historic (for me) flight is almost over, and what a privilege it has been. This is definitely one for my logbook , which shows nothing but "68K", page after page, since I got my Luscombe. Yes, that's right, 32B is only the second Luscombe I've soloed . Coming down the last few feet on final , I let Sky Pal tell me what to do and , "just like" my Luscombe, she does and soon our main!'> chirp on the runway - stick forward - and she rolls straight as an arrow . No rudder-fanning at all, just wait for the tail to settle to the ground and then add some power for taxi to the parking area . Shutting down and climbing out, I'm ecstatic - Tim let me fly Sky Pal, the Grand Champion Classic!! What a privilege! Thank you, Tim Bowers, for a flight I'll never forget!
Tim and Barbara Bowers' 2132 B, Ka ryl Herman's 2368K, Loren and Adele Bump's 71134.
t7 1
By Arthur E . Joerin
A. Cross, A. M .
The Santos-Dumont "Demoiselle":
Historical Background
By George Hardie, Jr.
EAA Historian
Part II Having finished the steering arrangement it would be wise to take up the construction of the wings . The wings of the "Demoiselle" are made entirely of bamboo rods with bamboo or ash lateral beams as shown in Plate V. However, Clement Bayard, at whose factory in France these monoplanes are being manufactured, makes them of poplar or ash . Aluminum tubes have also been used . It would be advisable , however, to stick to the bamboo rods which served Santos-Dumont so well. In order to secure the curves as shown at the top of Plate V, on the left, it would be sufficient to bend the rods over a form by force. They may also be bent by means of a string tied to the ends, drawing them to gether, and then plunging them into boiling water for about 15 minutes . The rods should be given plenty of time to dry before the strings are removed and they are placed in position. They will retain their shape if given time to dry, so no attempt should be made to hasten matters . If the builder desires to use wood he may pro ceed in like manner. The curve is almost the true arc of a circle. It is not necessary to bend the rear lateral rod. It suffices to bend the one in front . The whole plane struc
Building Santos-Dumont mono planes at the Clement Bayard factory in France.
ture is kept rigid by guide wires running from the rods to the frame as shown in Plate I. In order to attach the cloth to the extremities of the rods, it is not necessary to employ any other method than that shown at C , Plate III. This is the best method known . As with the steering device the front ends of the rods have to be covered by means of cloth hemmed over . This diminishes the friction of the air against the rods. Santos-Dumont has not always used the same method of attaching the cloth, but the method shown here is the one he used on the machine with which he made the famous flight, and is the method which the builder is advised to follow. In the original flyer there was a rod just above the head of the pilot. It has been thought advisable, however, to leave this rod out. Santos-Dumont is quite short , and when he was in the pilot's seat, his head did not reach the rod . In the machines now being manufactured in France, the rod is omitted. The wings completed, it would be well to next under take the construction of the frame. The wheels are easily made, for, save that they have a longer hub , they are very similar in construction to the ordinary bicycle wheel. In the construction of these wheels it would be well to use strong wire spokes , for at times, when the machine strikes the ground suddenly, great stress is put upon them . Santos-Dumont experimented a long time with the wheels before he finally settled on a hub
length of 6 in. This he found was strong enough to sup port the machine when he used a 35 hp motor. If a lighter motor is used, the size of the wheel hubs may be modi fied. These hubs are, as may be seen in the drawings , simply put on over the tubes and fastened by a cotter pin. The tubes should be allowed to extend out several inches beyond the end of the hub. Great care should be taken in the selection of this lower tube , for almost the entire weight of the machine comes upon it. It is not necessary to provide any special bearings for the wheels , as it is intended they should work with a slight friction . It may readily be seen that the wheels are inclined to ward one another at the top. The angle of inclination of that part of the tubing, which forms the axle, is 1 to 9. This manner of placing the wheels prevents them from being broken when subjected to a slight jar if the machine takes to the ground unexpectedly . The connection of the tubing with the framework of bamboo is somewhat difficult , but the details of as sembling are always the same in principle, and are shown on Plate VII. The pieces, which are to hold the tubes are introduced, the shoe is firmly bolted. (See Detail of Assembly "A" on Plate VII .) If the builder does not care to prepare these special pieces, the flattened end of the tube may be affixed to a square piece of metal by means of an additional bolt. It is considered bett-er, however , to prepare these special pieces as receptacles for the ends of the tubes . It would be imprudent and dangerous to make a hole in any of the three main bamboo rods which con stitute the frame of the machine, for this would detract from their strength. When we _are ready to attach the
tubing to the frame, it would be well to follow the method shown on Plate VII . (Detail of Assembly of a Post with the Bamboo.) Out of a piece of sheet metal a joint may be formed so as to make a receptacle for the end of the tube. Provision should be made by a small piece of metal so that the bamboo will be protected if the end of the tube should strike it. Pieces of sheet metal can be wound around the bamboo rod as indicated on the drawing. Let us now call your attention to the joint at the junction of the lower bamboo rods with the two upright tubes at the inside bearing of each wheel. This fork like joint should be brazed in the manner of a bicycle frame. It may also be forged or made of a piece of sheet metal forced into shape. There may be some play at the joint, but this does not matter, as the wire stretchers, to be put on afterward , will give the necessary strength, and prevent the pieces from gliding one upon the other. The machine thus far completed, we may proceed to attach the piano wire stretchers, and then the wires controlling the horizontal and vertical rudders and gov erning the warping of the planes. The rudder controls may be installed in accordance with the builder's ideas, and the motor controls will vary, of course , with the type of motor used. In the "Demoiselle" the wire regulat ing the horizontal rudder is attached to a lever within easy reach of the pilot's right hand. The vertical rudder is governed by a wheel at the pilot's left hand. The lever which controls the warping of the planes is placed be hind the pilot's seat. Santos-Dumont operated this by bending his body to the right or left, the lever fitting into a tube fastened to his coat in the rear. A side move-
Left hand Wing of the"Demoisellc" P LATE 1Z or: ASSE:M8L,{"C 'OF THE PIEc e VICOD WITH THE 2 BAMBOO PIECES
L-___________________ ___ ------ - -- - 足 This view gives a good Idea of the location of the gasoline tank and the radiator.
How Santos-Dumont conveyed his aeroplane to the aviation field.
General Dimensions of the "Demoiselle" SIDE ELEVATION OF FRAME
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View of the "Demoiselle" showing position of motor and propeller.
ment pulls the rear end of the wing opposite to the side to which the pilot leans. The balancing of the whole apparatus, is, therefore , in a manner , automatic. The pilot has but to bend over to one side in order to balance the machine. Springs are introduced on the wires which control the rudders of some of the machines so as to bring the rudder back to its normal position without effort on the part of the operator. The seat is a piece of canvas or leather stretched across the two lower bamboo rods just behind the wheels. Santos-Dumont had his motor control so arranged that he could regulate the supply of gasoline by his foot. The spark switch may be placed on the steering lever. These controls may be arranged differently , however , with other motors. It is of prime importance that the motor should be perfectly balanced. It should be direct connected to the axle holding the propeller. The gasoline reservoir is located behind the pilot's seat, the fuel being forced up into a smaller one just above the motor. In his remark able flight from St. Cyr to Buc, the inventor of the mono plane used a two-cylinder Darracq motor of 30 hp , which gave the propeller 1000 rpm. It weighed a little of 99 lb. The ent ire machine weighed 260 lb. without the pilot. At the end of the crankshaft, opposite the propeller , is a pinion and eccentric working the oil pumps. This pinion also meshes with the gear which operates the water pumps . The cams which raise the valves at the same time operate the magneto . The radiator , which is composed of a great many small copper tubes con nected up to a larger tube at the front and rear, is placed under the main surface of the wings and extends from the front to the rear of the planes.
Details of the "Demoise"e" PLATEW
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Some of the aircraft displayed in the Museu Aeroespacial - Campo Dos Afonsos - Rio. On the left are the Santos Dumont 14 BIS and Demoiselle, a Muniz M-7, a CAP 4 and others.
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By J. C. Boscardin
EAA 127040, A IC 4376
Silveira Peixoto 1077
80,000 Curitiba Panama
Photos Courtesy of the Author _J 't ....... ~..\..01
1929 Curtiss Fledgling, a pioneer Brazilian airmail plane.
Like some other large countries with partially de veloped areas, Brazil has had a dual attitude regarding the importance of aircraft since the beginning of this century . There have been short periods of time when both private concerns and government-sponsored facilities have attempted to design and build aircraft. Since 1910 the¡military has assembled and operated imported planes and after 1930 several U. S. and German types have been built under license. In Rio de Janeiro, in 1914, the Brazilian Navy or ganized a naval aircraft facility where, with the help of a Mr. Horton Hoover, and others , many naval aircraft were constructed. This American individual is named because he remained in Brazil where he worked in an institute at the State University in Sao Paulo under Frederico Brotero making several studies , some of which had been contracted by the Navy . The group designed and built various airplanes using native Brazilian materials such as wood, plywood and fabric. Wood was used for longerons, struts and propellers. Between 1930 and 1950, this group known as the I.P.T. turned out some 2 dozen prototypes. The most prominent plane was a high wing monoplane similar to
A view inside the Museu Aeroespacial - Campo Dos Afonsos Rio. The Curtiss Fledgling on the left is airworthy.
EAA member J. C. Boscardin and a Fleet biplane. Fairchild PT-' 9 in background.
the J-3 Cub, produced in 1934. This aircraft called the "Paulistinhas" was powered by a 3 cylinder, 45 hp engine and approximately 1,000 examples were manufactured. While this work was being done in Sao Paulo State, a Naval factory in Rio was assembling imported planes a.nd manufacturing under license such types as the Focke Wulf FW-44 and FW-56. After the start of WWII pro duction changed to Fairchild PT-19s and later to Fok ker trainers. The private aviation industry in Rio was represented by a naval shipbuilder, Henrique Lage who owned a sizeable facility and hired the French designer, Mr. Renee Vandaelle. By 1934 the serialized production of planes, the M-7 and M-9, designed by Guedes Muniz had begun . Mr. Muniz studied in France where he constructed one or two prototypes as a student. The M-7 and M-9 were biplane trainers powered by Gipsy engines. In 1938-39 the Henrique Lage factory began to pro duce the HL series. The HL-1 was a Piper-like high wing monoplane and the HL-6 was a low wing aerobatic trainer. Even a single, light trimotor craft was built. After 1945 there was a "house cleaning" program and many training and general use aircraft used during WWII were scrapped. Many good, vintage aircraft in flyable condition were dismantled and the components simply disappeared. More than 2,000 airplanes dis tributed during the war effort to clubs and schools, were reduced to a few dozen . Planes like the Focke Wulf Strosser were lost while some American Fleet 2's and British Tiger Moths survived. Nowadays it isn't uncommon to see a PT-19 in use by an Aero Club as an aerobatic trainer. A single PT-22 is being flown by one of the clubs. We were highly frustrated when governmental ac tion resulted in the scrapping of two FW-44's. We have succeeded in restoring a Fleet 2 and some gliders in cluding a Kranich II which is one of the most gratify ing of all to fly. At one time during 1944 a Brazilian facility was pro ducing one plane a day including a large number of Piper-like monoplanes, the M- 7, a biplane trainer re sembling Moths and Buckers, and the HL-6, a 2 place low wing aircraft with very good performance. In 1960 we helped with the restoration of one of the last HL-6 aircraft. This gave us a good opportunity to evaluate its performance and other general character istics . I think this plane constitutes the biggest in-
terest for the foreign reader and I will try to obtain some figures. Examples of the HL-6 can be seen in two Brazilian museums, one in Sao Paulo and the other in Afonsos-Rio which also displays a flyable Curtiss Fledgling. As late as 1950 there were some Ju 52's, Weihe's, and even a flyable Me 108 but they have since vanished. American types such as Wacos and Stearmans have deteriorated from abandonment mostly because of a lack of operable powerplants. Today we can only see a possible restoration project, some Aeronca Chiefs, 2 or 3 Luscombe Silvaires, a Bucker Jungmann or two, and perhaps 2 or 3 Tiger Moths .
CALENDAR OF EVENTS MARCH 15-22 - LAKELAND, FLORIDA - 7th Annual Sun 'N Fun EM Fly-In. First big fly-in of the year. Don 't miss it - make your plans now. MAY 1-3 - BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA - Fly-In. Antiques, Classics , Homebuilts, Ultralights and Warbirds invited. Awards and banquet Saturday night. For further information, contact Geneva McKiernan, 5301 Finsbury Place, Charlotte, NC 28211. JUNE 5-7 - MERCED, CALIFORNIA - 24th Annual West Coast Antique Fly-In sponsored by the Merced Pilot's Association. Early Bird re ception, dinner and dance Friday night; Award Banquet Saturday night; Air Show Saturday and Sunday. For further information, con tact Don or Dee Human, 209/358-3487 or write, Fly-In Committee, P.O. Box 3212, MerCed, CA 95340. AUGUST 1-8 - OSHKOSH, WISCONSIN - 29th Annual EAA Fly-In Convention. It is never too early to start making plans for the world 's GREATEST AVIATION EVENT. AUGUST 9-15 - FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN national Championships.
12th Annual lAC Inter
SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOBER 4 - TULLAHOMA, TENNESSEE Annual EAA National Fall Fly-In . Don 't miss this one.
OCTOBER 16-18 - CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA - Fly-In. Antiques, Classics, Homebuilts, Ultralights, and Warbirds invited. Awards and banquet Saturday night. For further information, contact Geneva McKiernan , 5301 Finsbury Place, Charlotte, NC 28211 .
1973 1974 1975 -
March through December All Are Available July/August, September/October, November/ December 1976 - January through May , August through Decem ber 1977 - All Are Available 1978 - January , March through June, August, October, November 1979 - February through December 1980 - All Are Available 1981 - January
Back issues are available from Headquarters for $1.25
each, postpaid, except the July 1977 (Lindbergh Com
memorative) issue , which is $1.50 postpaid.
ACRO SPORT - Single place biplane capable of un limited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to follow plans , includes nearly 100 isometrical drawings, photos and exploded views . Complete parts and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans plus 88 page Builder's Manual - $60.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Super Acro Sport Wing Drawing - $15.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/ 425-4860. ACRO II - The new 2-place aerobatic trainer and sport biplane. 20 pages of easy to follow , detailed plans. Com plete with isometric drawings, photos, exploded views. plans - $85.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., P .O. Box 462, Hales Cor ners , WI 53130.414/425-4860. POBER PIXIE - VW powered parasol - unlimited in low. cost pleasure flying . Big, roomy cockpit for the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to beat 3V2 gph at cruise setting. 15 large instruction sheets. Plans - $45.00. Info Pack - $4.00. Send check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 414/ 425-4860. DERRICK INDUSTRIES , INC. - Repair Station 464-61. Wooden propeller repair and manufacturing. 1565 North Broadway, Stockton, CA 95205. Phone 209/462-7381.
Wanted: 120 hp upright Gipsy II engine or 145 hp in verted Mark 7 engine. Need propeller and hub for same. Engine must be complete. Al Kelch, 622 North Madison Avenue, Cedarburg, WI 53012.
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Box 469 Hales Corners, WI 53130
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MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION • Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is $25.00 for one year, $48.00 for 2 years and $69.00 for 3 years. All include 12 issues of Sport Aviation per year. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $15.00 annually.
• EAA Member - $14.00. Includes one year membership in EAA Antique-Classic Division , 12 monthly issues of The Vintage Airplane and membership card. Applicant must be a current EAA member and must give EAA membership number) • Non-EAA Member - $22.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique-Classic Division , 12 monthly issues of The Vintage .A lrplane, one year membership in the EAA and separate membership cards . Sport Avial/on not included.
issues • Membership in the International Aerobatic Club , Inc. is $16.00 annually which includes of Sport Aerobatics. All lAC members are required to be members of EAA lAC in the Warbirds of America , Inc. is $20.00 per year, which includes a subscription to Warbirds Newsletter. Warbird members are required to be members of EAA WARBIRDS • Membership Membership in the EAA Ultralight Assn. is $25.00 per year which includes the Ultralight publication additional for Sport Aviation magazine) . For current EAA members only, $15.00, which includes Ul_ TRALIGHT • ($15.00 Ultralight publication. 12
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