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By Brad Thomas President

Antique/Classic Division

Communications, whether internal or external, have a direct bearing on the success of any business or or­ ganization. The President of the Antique/Classic Divi­ sion is elected to guide and lead the Officers, Directors and Advisors in a successful and coordinated effort to uphold the purpose of the Division. At times, it appears that I have overlooked some items of interest which are important to the membership and others interested in antique and classic aircraft. It has recently come to my attention that our dis­ play area in the EAA Air Museum is very limited with reference to the wall space explaining the activities of our members and I feel the responsibility lies specifi­ cally with my oversight in not taking proper action earlier. It will require the cooperative effort of many to achieve our goal. Al Kelch has volunteered to chair a committee and pursue the theme of our Division Hall of Fame. Interest in this will be centered around those aviation enthusi­ asts who have contributed their efforts toward aviation in the era our Division represents. Appropriate displays will draw the attention of visitors to our Air Museum and exemplify our efforts of recognition for those in­ dividuals honored. When reading SPORT AVIATION we always en­ joy the section entitled "What Our Members Are Build­ ing". Several months ago we invited our membership to send in color photos of their restored antiques and classics, and if possible , have the photo contain not only the aircraft but the owner or pilot standing beside the plane. We would like to renew this request for two reasons: First , if the aircraft has just recently been restored, we would like to use the photos in a new monthly section in The VINTAGE AIRPLANE called "Member's Projects". Secondly , we need your photos so we can display and rotate them in our Museum display area. Be sure to include your name, address, complete details of the aircraft as to type, date of original manufac­ ture, date of restoration, and date of the photo. If pos­ sible please send an 8 x 10 color print. These photos and complete information should be forwarded to: The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, P .O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130. Our museum " Wall of Fame" project has been placed in the able hands of Ted Koston and Ed Burns. They have accepted the exciting job of organizing the display of our aircraft photos. They are enthusiastic over the proj­ ect, and with your help in supplying the photos and in­ formation needed, we will have an outstanding histori­ cal display that will be of interest to all. Through the Wall of Fame display and the annual Hall of Fame proj­ ect of Al Kelch, visitors to the Museum will be able to see and appreciate the accomplishments of our Divi­ sion and the history we desire to preserve.

E . E. "Buck" Hilbert, Division Treasurer and Past President has volunteered to chair a project of research­ ing and organizing the history of the Antique/Classic Division of EAA. Our records contain the date of our origin, names of charter members, and information con­ cerning past officers, directors and advisors. Our Divi­ sion also represents the period of time when aviation advanced by leaps and bounds. Many of those pioneers are members of EAA and the Division and we need to assure that we have their recorded history. We will contact many of our members requesting their assis­ tance in the collection of data relative to the Division history and for specific information on individual mem­ bers. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated when you are requested to help. For two years we have analyzed the participation of aircraft at the Annual EAA International Convention at Oshkosh and we have cross-checked the list of own­ ers or pilots of each registered aircraft with reference to membership in our Division. We are all aware of the fact that only EAA members can register their aircraft to be judged, however we also believe that we have not communicated properly with those EAA members dis­ playing antique and classic aircraft who are not Division members. The analysis shows , regretably , that only about 50% of the antique display aircraft owners or pilots are members of our Division, and further that only about 25% of the classic participants are Division members. Frankly, we feel dejected that we have not made an effort to bring these folks into our fold. We are in the process of contacting each of these participants directly with a letter of explanation, a brochure describ­ ing our Antique/Classic Division, a copy of a past issue of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE , and an application blank for membership. We sincerely hope that the aforemen­ tioned effort will result in a significant increase in our membership. It is possible that some EAA members receiving the above special mailing will contact current Antique/ Classic Division members seeking more information about Division membership. If this happens to you and you are unable to answer all the questions you might be asked, please contact EAA Headquarters and re­ quest their assistance. Your interest and support will be greatly appreciated.



MARCH 1981


OFFICERS PRESIDENT W. BRAD THOMAS , JR . 301 DODSON MILL ROAD PILOT MOUNTAIN , NC 27041 919/368-2875 Home 919/368-2291 Office SECRETARY M. C. " KELLY " VIETS 7745 W. 183RD ST. STILWELL, KS 66085 913/681-2303 Home 913/782-6720 Office

VICE-PRESIDENT JACK C. WINTHROP ROUTE 1, BOX 111 ALLEN , TX 75002 214/727-5649 TREASURER E. E. " BUCK " HILBERT P.O. BOX 145 UNION , IL 60180 815/923-4591

FRONT COVER ... Dick Wagner's Piper Vagabond based at his private strip north of Lyons, Wisconsin . (Photo by Jack Cox)

BACK COVER . . . Cole Palen flies by in his Avro 504K at an air show at Oshawa, Ontario, Ca足 nad a in 1963. (Photo by Gary Blanchett)

DIRECTORS Ronald Fritz 15401 Sparta Avenue Kent City. MI 49330 616/678-5012

Morton W. Lester P.O. Box 3747 Martinsville, VA 24112

Claude L. Gray. Jr. 9635 Sylvia Avenue Northridge , CA 91324 213/349-1338

Arthur R. Morgan 3744 North 51st Blvd . Milwaukee, WI 53216 414/442-3631

Dale A. Gustafson 7724 Shady Hill Drive Indianapolis. IN 46274

John R. Turgyan 1530 Kuser Road Trenton , NJ 08619



AI Kelch 66 W. 622 N. Madison Avenue Cedarburg , WI 53012 414/377-5886

S. J. Wittman

Box 2672

Oshkosh, WI 54901

Robert E. Kesel 455 Oakridge Drive Rochester , NY 14617 716/342-3170

George S. York

181 Sloboda Ave.

Mansfield , OH 44906

703 /632-4839

414/235-1 265

TABLE OF CONTENTS Straight and Level ... by Brad Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 NC News .. . by Gene Chase . .... . . . . . . ... . . . ...... 4 East Coast Ryan Fly-In ... by Richard K. Farrell. . .. 7 A Phenomenal Piper PA-20 . . . by Matt C. Poleski . . . 8 Ford Trimotor Status Report ... by Gene Chase . . . . . 10 How To Bu ild The Powell " P-H " Racer .. .

by Orville Hickman . ..... ... .. .... ... . . . .... . ... 11 Letters . .. . . ..... . ... .... .. . .. . ...... . ..... . . ...... 16 Members' Projects .......... .... ...... . . . .. .. . .. .. 17 Calendar Of Events ...... . ... . . ...... .. .. . ..... '. ... 18


ADVISORS John S. Copeland 9 Joanne Drive stborough , MA 01581 6171366-7245

Stan Gomoll 1042 90th Lane , NE Minneapolis, MN 55434

Gene Morris 27 Chandelle Drive Hampshire, IL 60140



PUBLICATION STAFF Publisher Paul H. Poberezny. President xperimental Aircraft Association

Editor Gene R. Chase

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Editorial Pol icy : Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs . Policy opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors . Responsibility for accuracy in reporting rests entirely with the contributor . Material should be sent to : Gene R. Chase. Editor. The VINTAGE AIRPLANE , P.O. Box 229 , Hales Corners . WI 53130 . Associate Editorships are assigned to those writers who submit fiv e or more articles whi ch are published in THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIRPLAN E and a free one-year membersh ip in the Division for their effort . THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division. Inc., and is pub足 lished monthly at Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53130. Second Class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post Office, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130, and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/Classic Division , Inc., are $14.00 for current EAA members per 12 month period of whi ch $10.00 is for the publi catio n of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE . Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation . ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through ou r advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained through our advertising so that cor足 rective measures can be tak en.




Jessie Woods, Chairman of the Hospitality Center at the Sun 'N Fun Fly-In to be held at Lakeland, Florida, March 15-22, asks that · we make the following an­ nouncement: The directors of the Sun 'N Fun Fly-In have declared Friday, March 20 to be AVIATION PIONEER DAY. Free admission for that day and Saturday will be given to persons and their spouses who can confirm solo on or before December 31 , 1935. Screening teams will be pre­ sent at the admission gate all day Friday to handle eligibility. The three Florida OX-5 Wings will again host a hos­ pitality center for ALL aviation pioneers. Refreshments will be available at this popular gathering place where much relaxing and "bull-wrestling" takes place. A no-host cocktail party will kick off the Friday night Gathering of Eagles to be held in the 500 capacity banquet room at the King's Villa restaurant near the airport. There will be lots of free hors d'oeuvres . and many consumable-type awards given for outstanding (?) aviation accomplishments. A distinguished emcee will ramrod the entire fun-fest shebang. Daily shuttle buses will provide transportation to and from the motels, air­ port and the evening social activities.

AIRCRAFT JUDGING UPDATES AND REMINDERS Claude Gray, CHIEF JUDGE, Antique/Classic Division With the availability of plans for homebuilt aircraft such as the CUBy and other full size aircraft the Antique/Classic Division would like to inform the mem­ bership of the following section of our judging rules. This section pertains to the replica category. Our rules read that a replica is a full size reproduction of any aircraft covered in the age bracket that qualifies as an Antique or Classic. This being any aircraft built up through 1955. This applies only to homebuilt replicas, not factory built aircraft. With this in mind the CUBy and others of this type are invited to be a part of the Antique/Classic Division activities and judging at Oshkosh and other EAA Fly­ Ins . Also in regard to the above judging rules, only full scale reproductions are considered as replicas in our Di­ VISIOn .

We wish to extend a warm welcome to all builders! owners of replica aircraft as described above , to join the Antique/Classic Division of EAA, if not already on our membership rolls. 4



The following is quoted verbatim from FAA's Gen­ eral Aviation News for NovemberlDecember 1980. "Bar­ gain parts have proved to be no bargain for owners of vintage aircraft who have problems obtaining replace­ ment components for their early model aircraft that are FAA approved. Recently unapproved wing lift strut forks of clearly inferior workmanship were discovered on Piper model 12 and 14 aircraft when these vital parts were removed for a routine inspection. Advertisements for hard-to-get parts at low prices appear frequently in aviation publications. Pilots who want guidelines for standards of aircraft components should send for a free Advisory Circular, 20-62C, Eligibility, Quality, and Identification of Approved Aeronautical Replacement Parts." Address DOT Publications Section, M-443 .1, Washington, D.C. 20590.

MUSEUM NEEDS The following items are needed to carryon the pro­ grams of the EAA Air Museum Foundation. If you can help, please contact EAA Headquarters, telephone 4141 425-4860. Donations to the Museum are tax deductible. • Planer (wood) • Wing fittings for Curtiss JN4D • Miscellaneous aviation mechanic hand tools • Tools for V-1650 Merlin engines • Complete engine or parts , Merlin V-1650 • Semi-tractor, double or single axle • Modern NAV/COM radios for B-25 and Lockheed 12 aircraft • Hydraulic Mule • Hydraulic Maintenance Stands • 28 volt rectifier - 100 amp • Lawn mower blade balancer • Caterpillar or crawler tractor with front end load­ er • Engine rebuilding stand for automotive engines • Wright Cyclone R-1300-1A engine for the Mu­ seum's North American T-28A • Sewing machine with zig-zag attachment for flag repair, etc., at Oshkosh • 3 Propeller hubs, 30 spline #5406-AL, and 6 blades #3792X - 8' 9". These are Hamilton Standard ground adjustable props for P & W R-985 engines for the Ford Trimotor.



This ad requires repetitive inspections of the push rods, Part Number 73806, for loose ball ends, bulging, splitting, proper length and proper tappet clearance. This results from findings of damaged push rods that have led to eventual failure of the rods, resulting in rough engine operation and power loss.

DEFECTIVE PROPELLERS The FAA is asking pilots, owners, mechanics and re­ pair stations to provide information on defective propel­ lers in an effort to develop data for possible design im­ provements. Forms for reporting any prop blade failure will be available at the GADO's.

PIPER WING STRUT FORK Wag-Aero, 1216 North Road , Lyons, WI 53148 has completed and obtained FAA approval for a new heavy­ duty, permanently identified , high-tensile-strength strut fork for Pipers, according to Dick Wagner! Wag-Aero president. These wing strut forks are currently production units and feature an improved alloy and stronger design. Rolled threads and a permanent identification mark provide assurance of conformity and easier field installa­ tion and inspection. The forks are FAA-PMA approved and conform 80­ 22-15.

LUSCOMBE DOOR HANDLES This tech tip comes from the January/February 1981 issue of the Continental Luscombe Association newslet­ ter. For tbose of you who may be looking for inside door handles and bezels for your Luscombe, look no further .. I am a Ford mechanic, and one day when I was work­ ing on the door of a 1977 Ford Courier, I looked very closely at the door handle. It looked so much like the Luscombe, that I ordered a set and the bezels. The square hole in the handle is exactly the same as the shaft in the door of the Luscombe, but the hole for the pin is just a bit smaller, but a few quick strokes on each side with a small rat-tail file lets the pin go through very nicely. I'm enclosing the stock numbers for your convenience ... Right Handle - D27Z1022600-A Left Handle - D27Z10226201-A Bezel - D87Z1022620-F. Ira Stone (EAA 86734) 1013 Del Vale Avenue Modesto, CA 95351



The National Aeronautics Association has awarded the 1980 Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy to Mrs. Olive Ann Beech in recognition of her leadership in the development of aviation and aeronautics .

TIGER MOTHS ARE 50 YEARS OLD The following is from the Fall , 1980 issue of the PAPER TIGER, the newsletter of the DH Moth Club: The DH82 Tiger Moth first fl ew in October, 1931. To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of this historic air­ craft special events are being planned in various parts of the world wherever Tiger enthusiasts can gather. Bill Hitchcock of the Australian Tiger Club and Stuart McKay of the English DH Moth Club are planning a number of special events. We are also planning to or­ ganize special activities for Tiger Moths in. conjunctio.n with regional U.S. fly-ins. In order to effectively do thiS we would like very much to hear from those who plan to attend the fly-ins at New Garden, Watsonville, Oshkosh and Blakesburg. If you think you may be able to attend any of these please drop a note as soon as possible to Gerry Schwam, Moth Club Chairman, 1021 Serpentine Lane, Wyncote, PA 19095.



The San Diego Aero-Space Museum has acquired a basket case 1929 Ryan Brougham B-5. This plane had been stored for many years in upstate New York and is currently being restored by volunteers. Among those working on the project is Ed Morrow who worked on Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis. His input is invaluable because plans for the B-5 are not available and he recalls from memory, many details of the planes as they left the factory.



Dave Miller of Miller Aviation, Inc., Yelm, Washing­ ton reports in the January, 1981 issue of the West Coast Cessna 120/140 Club newsletter that he is operating a 34 year old Cessna 120, N1847N on the flight line as a taildragger checkout aircraft at Western Airpark. The plane is proving to be popular with student pilots as well as being exceptionally well suited to the task of teaching tricycle gear pilots how to "fly" rather than "drive". Dave predicts that several student pilots will have received their private pilot certificates within the year. .. the right way ... in a taildragger. 5

CULVER V TYPE CERTIFICATE AVAILABLE Bob Hunt, who passed away recently had the man­ ufacturing rights, type certificate, and a hangar full of parts for the Culver V aircraft. This 2 place, side-by-side post WW 2 design was of all wood monocoque construc­ tion and had good performance. The family is anxious to dispose of the above items and would welcome any offers. Contact Mrs. Hunt at 7930 Karen Drive, Encino, CA 91316. Telephone 213/ 345-9334,





George Michael will 'be leading a tour to England for a limited group of 39 participants departing Boston, Mas" sachusetts on September 19, 1981 and returning Octo­ ber 4. Of special interest will be the Biggin Hill Battle of Britain Air Display, the de Havilland Mosquito Mu­ seum, the Shuttleworth Collection, the Imperial War Museum, Spitfire Museum and the British Historical Aircraft Museum . The tour will also include some non­ aeronautical sightseeing side trips. For copies of a brochure from the tour operator, con­ tact: Great Journeys Ltd ., P.O. Box 707, Annapolis, MD 21403. Telephone 301/268-1860.

The January, 1979 issue of The VINTAGE AIR­ PLANE features a 1933 Waco UBF-2 on floats along with a story of the restoration of this plane by its own­ ers, Alice and Henry Straugh (EAA 145735), 29459 Cul­ ver Lane, Junction City, Oregon 97448: An article in a newsletter from the Oregon Antique and Classic Aircraft Club states that the Straughs spent several weeks in Hawaii on location for a movie in which their Waco lands in a river to rescue the hero from certain oblivion. When we learn the name of the movie, we'll pass it on to the readers of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE .

Birds eye view, 1500 ' over Lake Washington. Note the elaborate paint sc heme.

Close-up of floa t attachment points, flying Wires, etc. Following the shore lin e of Lake Washington , good profile of aircraft and the 1930 fda #2665 floats.


Lineup of Ryans at the fly-in. Left to right: STA Special owned by Lou Russo; PT-22s owned by Rick Ferrell, Eric Friedrichsen, Bill Ahern, Bill Plecenik, and Bill Fennelly.

East Coast Ryan Fly-In

Story and Photo by Richard K. Farrell (Ale 2852)

55 Sharon Road, Apt. A 24

Robbinsville, NJ 08691

Well, the Ryaneers on the East Coast finally did it. On September 20, 1980, at Van Sant Airport. Erwinna, Pennsylvania, the first East Coast Ryan Fly-In was held and it was a whopping success. The day started off rath­ er badly as visibility was only 2 or 3 miles and an early morning ground fog was very slow in clearing, but by 11 a.m. things began to happen. I was the first to arrive in my PT-22 and just as I was making my initial wake-up-the-field pass, Bill Plecenik was rolling out his 22 from his hangar. My co­ pilot for the day was Phil Ashworth and we parked in an isolated spot so others hopefully would line up along side. Soon the unmistakable sound of Kinners was heard and suddenly out of the north came two 22s in nice for­ mation. Bill Ahern and Eric Friedrichsen made a nice fly-by followed by beautiful landings on Van Sant's not so level grass runway. Both ships are beautifully fin­ ished in military markings and when they finally lined up along side my own we began 'to have the makings of a fine day. Finally Bill Plecenik finished polishing on his Ryan, cranked up and pulled over to make it four in a row. Bill said Lou Russo gave him permission to roll out his STA just in case he didn't show. (DIDN'T SHOW?, come on LOU, you've got to be kidding.) By now it was approaching 1 p.m. as we got out the steering bar and rolled out the STA. Now there were five Ryans in a row. What a sight! Now if the weather would only break so we could get some pictures. But wait, where was Fennelly? Bill Aher said Fen­ nelly was coming and to hold on. Before long Bill Fen­ nelly's Ryan arrived flown by a friend and wife (sorry I don't have their names). They said Bill was coming in his Mooney. Mooney? That's as bad as Lou not showing up, maybe worse . Oh well, who can complain at a time

like this? The Mooney arrived and 10 and behold, so did Lou Russo who even took out a rag to remove some hang­ ar dust from his STA (I have a photo to prove this al­ though those knowing Lou would swear It was faked) . At last, all six known Ryans from the local area were on one field and lined up in perfect formation. SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL! The sun even broke out for a while and everyone scrambled to take pictures. One quick trip down the line to set the props at the same angle and VOILA! . . . the first annual East Coast Ryan Fly-In was termed a great success. The Posey's (airfield owners and operators) provided generous quantities of sandwiches and beverages as we all sat around and got to know one another. We enjoyed looking over each other's ships and even though some subtle differences surfaced, the PTs all looked just as they did nearly forty years ago. As this was my first attempt at planning a fly-in, many ideas came to mind which would make things run smoother next year. Yes, we do hope to have a Second Annual East Coast Ryan Fly-In at Van Sant Airport in September, 1981. We are considering making this a two day affair which would allow those from outside the immediate area to participate. I'd like to extend a warm invitation to any and all owners of Ryan-built air­ craft to participate in the fly-in next fall. We have started a good thing and with more people exchanging ideas we can continue to maintain and expand the interest of Ryans in the East. Those in attendance were: Rick Farrell, Robbinsville, NJ - PT-22, N46805 Bill Fennelly, Oceanport, NJ - PT-22, N38965 Bill Ahern, New Rochelle, NY - PT-22, N46205 _ Bill Plecenik, Erwinna, PA - PT-22, N46501 Eric Friedrichsen, Wilton, CT - PT-22, N51707 Louis Russo, Doylestown, PA - STA, N18904

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PipE Jeannie Poleski and the family PA-20. The N number gives a clue as to the equipment one would expect to see in the panel.

Story and Photos by Matt C. Poleski (EAA 39244)

R .R . 3 25 Immelman Lane Hampshire, IL 60140

It all happened in 1955 when I went to Sally's Flying School at Pal-Waukee Airport on Chicago's north side for my first lesson . I was fourteen then, and the bug (fly­ ing type ) bit and sunk its teeth very deeply into me. Since that first day, I've had a soft spot in my heart for the old "rag wing" Pipers that Sally used to operate including J-3s, PA-lIs, and PA-22s. As the years went by, I received all the ratings and went to work for the "Friendly Skies" (a dream come true ). All the big ones were a real challenge and plea­ sure to check out in and fly, but I still longed for owning and flying one of those little-bitty paper Pipers. The PA-20 Pacer's line and form appealed to me and I came up with every excuse in the book to tell my wife, Jeannie , attempting to justify our owning one. Sweet girl she is , though she lacks an iron will , and one day she lovingly agreed to my expensive folly. It didn't take long looking through the hallowed pages of Trade-A­ Plane, the aviators "Bathroom Gazette", before I found thi s cute little blue and white PA-20A screaming for at­ tention from any pilot that might be willing to part with a few bucks.


Believe me, when I told Jeannie, affectionately called "Good Ole Watsername", that with a few more dollars for a radio and a new set of Ceconite rags, it would be complete, I believed it also. Not so . . . she knew this was going to be a real financial roller coaster. My friend Norb Binski, who runs a maintenance shop in Hampshire, Illinois, is a master with dope and fabric and also an excellent tool and die man. So I hired him at a reasonable rate, and we started the rebuild project. From then on my pocketbook started showing signs of malnutrition. The reason being that every time some component of the airframe came up for cleaning and close scrutiny, I kept saying, "Wouldn't it be nice if we modified this to the 'present state of the art." At the same time my friend' Sam added, "It only costs 10% more to go first class." I'm not going to listen to you anymore, Sam! Hence a small fortune went by the wayside, but I'm totally in love with this machine's performance and re­ sponse to the slighest control input. You're probably wondering "What could a person do to a little Piper 'pea-shooter' which would just about

This is not the average PA-20 dashboard .



Matt Poleski and Norb Binski perform exploratory surgery on Matt's new acquisition.

equal a middle income person's salary?" It's kind of like a kid looking into a toy store window and wanting to buyout the joint. First I exchanged the 125 hp engine with a 160 hp Lycoming 0-320 B2B (STC). Then came the reserve fuel tank (STC) and the ram's horn control yokes (STC). Okay, now you can't have ram's horn control wheel with­ out a new stock mounted panel, can you? Naw .. . so, Norb and I designed a nice center mount radio panel. But then it just wouldn't be right to leave the panel bare without radio, so in goes a full King package, including an H.S.1. and RNAV. You also can't operate radios like that and run the risk of voltage spikes, so next a 60 amp alternator is in­ stalled (STC). At this point the dollar bills were really starting to sprout wings (who needs an airplane now!) . We're also starting to discover a few different methods of support­ ing this habit of mine ... McDonald's hamburgers and used cars instead of new. Would a person want to poke his nose into a small cloud without a pitot heater? Nope. Alas! A new heated

pitot probe (STC). You guessed it ... more bucks. How about some additional utility from this new prima donna? Okay, so we now have a glider/banner tow hitch and Cleveland wheels and brakes (all STC). Oh Heck! Let's go the route and spray on a few more coats of Butyrate ... 22 total, to be exact. Aha! It's finished, two years later. Anyone want to buy a house cheap? Is there an Aircraft Rebuilders' Anonymous grOUP in my neighborhood? All in all it's been a lot of work; it cost many pay­ checks, and a few long sleepless nights of figuring how to do this and that. But I'm nuts about this little "Rem­ brandt" of Mr. Piper's collection. It gets off the ground in about 250 feet and climbs like there's no gravity. It tows a glider nicely. It cruises at a moderate 130 mph. What else could a guy want? Gee! I wonder if my banker would be interested in . . okay , okay, Jeannie , forget it! I'll stain the house this season.

The partially-skinned fuselage of NC8407 in Kal-Aero's shop.

lord lrimotor Status eIIeport

We are pleased to report further progress on the re­ build of the EAA · Air Museum Foundation's Ford Trimotor, NC8407. Since the last status report which appeared in the December, 1980 issue of The VINTAGE AIRPANE, suf­ ficient donations have been received to completely skin the fuselage. As can be seen in the accompanying photo­ graph, several pieces of the original skin were reusable. The next step in the restoration will be mounting the wing center section to the fuselage so the final pieces of fuselage skin can be put in place. At that point in time we hope to be able to determine whether the Ford will be returned to the Museum shop here for completion by volunteers or be left in Kalamazoo, Michigan with the folks at Kal-Aero where their full time staff can finish the project in much shorter time. The answer to that question will be determined by the amount of monies re­ ceived through tax deductible donations. Those who contribute ten dollars or more will receive as a gift, a 60 page booklet, "A Ford In EAA's Future" by George Hardie, Jr. This 8W' x 11" publication con­ tains a fascinating story of Ford planes including spe­ cific information on EAA's model 4-AT-E, NC8407, Se­ rial Number 4-AT-69. Contributions can be made to SAVE THE FORD FUND, EAA Air Museum Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 469, Hales Corners, WI 53130. 10

By Gene Chase (Photos by the Author)

Left to Right: Representatives of the EAA Air Museum Foun­ dation , Bill Chomo, Dave Jameson, and Tony Goetz met re­ cently ' with Ken Fryling and Maurice Hovius of Kal-Aero in Kalamazoo, Michigan regarding the restoration of EAA's Ford Trimotor.

Powell racer ·powered with a Bristol Cherub


A ir Force Photo 'from Jack McRae



EDITOR'S NOTE: One of the neatest little planes in the air during the early 1930's was the Powell "P·H" Racer. Its vintage is clearly established with such features as the spreader bar landing gear, It has lots of character and even though the builder is cautioned not to use a converted automobile engine because of the excessive weight (by the editor, of the 1932 FLYING AND GLIDER MANUAL from which this reprint is taken) a converted VW engine should make an excellent powerplant, Of course, a Continental A·40 would be more authentic, and there are some of those around, This is Part I of a two part series, . . Part II will appear next month. This construction article, which is printed verbatim, is an example of the many which are available in the EAA repr ints of the 1929-1933 FLYlNG . AND GLIDER MANUALS. Information for ordering is contained in the ad on page 19. - Gene Chase The editors have consistently endeavored to present plans of lightplanes which were easy to build and within the price range of the average amateur. Here, however, is a one·place sport plane, designed especially for the builder who is willing to spend more money for greater speed and higher ceiling.

By Orville Hickman

Lightplane designers and man­ ufacturers have adhered so con­ sistently to the high-wing mono­ plane that many persons have come to believe that lightplane and monoplane are synonymous. There are some fans, however, who have so insistently demand­ ed a one-place biplane of steel fuselage coristruction that their plea could not be ignored. In the Powell "P.H." Racer these fans will find a ship that will require skill in building and flying, a knowledge of welding, strict adherence to the plans as given, and a real honest-to-good­ ness aero engine. For one who can exercise enough self-control to follow plans to the letter, and who has the price of a good light-

plane motor, this article will pre­ sent something that will get out and step with the best of them. A high speed of 95 mph and an absolute ceiling of 14,000 feet can be attained with this little biplane if the builder will give the job the time and money needed on a ship such as this. Those who want to use a two-cylinder motorcycle en­ gine, and who can't do a good job of welding, had better leave the "P.H." alone. Before we tackle the actual building of the plane, let us look around and see what we can use for the power plant. Only one model of this racer has been built, and it was powered with a Bristol-Cherub motor. This is an excellent little engine for a racing

job such as this, as it develops plenty of horsepower for its weight. The ,"Cherub" is a British mo­ tor, and is distributed by the Aero Engines of Canada, Ltd., of Montreal. Two American motors have recently been developed which are just suited to such a job as this. These are the Aeronca motor, manufactured by the Aeronautical Cor p 0 rat ion of America of Cincinnati, and .the Continental A-40made by the Continental Aircraft Engine Co. of Detroit, Mich. You will find the Heath Henderson motor a very fine little power plant if eco­ nomy is what you are after, but the above mentioned higher pric­ ed engines will give you top per­ 11



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The lines for your fuselage shollid be lalid out on a level surface from these drawings.

formance. You will notice that nothing has been said of converted auto­ mobile or twin motorcycle en­ gines. Such motors are absolutely unfitted for powering the "P.H." Racer, the former having too much weight and the latter not enough horses. Now that I have scared off those who hoped to build some­ thing cheap from a few odds and ends picked up here and there, we fellows who have the price and want to build a real racer will step over to the corner of the hangar and take up the matter of constru·ction. Let us start with the fuselage. This structure is all steel and is of conventional design. Twenty­ gauge steel tubing, commonly listed as .035 thickness is used throughout, the longerons being o/a in. material, while all other members are of 1/2 in. diameter except where otherwise specified on the plans. The first thing to do is to lay out your plan on some absolutely level surface such as a wooden 12


floor or a long table. When you are sure that everything is right to the fraction of an inch, take two pieces of tubing that are long enough for the entire length of the fuselage and outline them over your layout with nails so that they are right over the lines for the longerons. Now you are ready for the ver-



Length Overa ll ... 14 ft. V2 in.

Height Overall .... .. ... 5 ft. 3 in.

Span, Upper Wing .. 15 ft. 9 in.

Span, Lower Wing .. 15 ft. 9 in.

Chord, Upper & Lower Wing 32 in.

~p ... _ .. .. ~i~

Stagger ...... 9% in.

Airfoil ............ R.A.F. lS

Angle of Incidence, Upper and Lower 0 Dihedral, Upper and Lower . 1 deg. Spa.n of Stabili:r:er . . 6 ft. Maximum Speed (With 35 hp Bristol-Cherub Motor) ... 95 mph Cruising Speed ... 80 mph Landing Speed ..... . .. .. 32 mph Ceiling .. 14,000 ft.

tical members and diagonals. The tubes should be cut with a hack­ saw so that all are in place right to the dot. When this is done, spot weld all of the fuselage side to­ gether. Now make the other side just like the first and spot weld it too.' We are now ready for the most particular job of the entire -fuse­ lage construction. Having satis­ fied yourself that your floor or table is perfectly level, lay out the top plan of the fuselage and cut these pieces to the proper size. Then using nails or some other sort of jig to hold the mem­ bers in their proper places, place one side of the fuselage, with the top longeron down, in its proper place, forming it around the lines you have already laid down, using a square to get the side absolute­ ly perpendicular to the floor or table. Now do the saine with the other side and spot weld the cross pieces and diagonals in place. The jigs will hold the work while you are welding it. Now layout your bottom plan, invert the fusel~ge and square it

motor mount should be. The main thing is to get the weight of the motor in the right place. It is best to leave the motor mounting and cowling to' the last, as the only practical way to attain perfect balance is move the motor an inch or so forward or backward as found necessary. Empennage Ht-- - - - - - - - - : ­ DR ' L L IBRAZE COL L ARS • TO XL E


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Figure 2. The landing gear' is one of the most im-porta.n t parts of your plane and one of the hardest to build. Full details a,r e shown here. DETAIL OF STRUT LUG a ·RtQ ' O







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up as before, cut your diagonals and cross pieces and spot weld them. After making sure that your structure is still square you can cut and s.pot weld the internal diagonals, and will then be ready to weld the fuselage together. This welding must be done by a man who thoroughly knows his job. If you don't feel competent to tackle this most important task you can hire a welder to come to your shop. An experienc­ edman should be able to do all of the cutting and welding in two . days at the most. Of course this will cost you more than if you did

the job yourself, but if you have to make a forced landing (anJl who doesn't at one time or ·arl­ other?) it's a great satisfaction to know that your fuselage isn't going to come apart at some crit­ ical point. Welders demand good money for their labor, but it seems paltry beside what a doc­ tor or undertaker can charge. Start welding from the front end and go around the fuselage, working toward the tail. In this way you chase out all the kinks and warps that would develop if you went at the job in a hit and miss manner. Now that you have the struc­ ture completed let us put on the lugs for the landing gear, center section struts, flying wires, and the tail group. These are all made of 13 gauge steel % in. wide and 1 in. long. They are put in their respective places and welded on (see Fig. 2) . After all of these fittings are in place; the entire fuselage should be treated to a good coat of Honoil. The motor mount is not given in detail, but is merely suggested in Fig. 9. The reason for this is that a mount suited for one motor will not fit another, and besides this, all of the boys have their own pet ideas as to just what a

Little difficulty will be experi­ enced with the tail assembly after having built the fuselage, for the same procedure is followed. This job will also require welding, so if you have called in a welder you might just as well let him go ahead with these details, which are fully given on Fig. 5. If you are tackling this job yourself, lay out the fin, rudder, stabilizer and elevators on a flat table and out­ line in nails. Then cut the pieces to fit the forms and weld. Be sure to make the hinges and .put them on the torque tube as you go along, for they are rather hard to put on afterwards. After all of the tail group is finished, check and see that it fits the fuselage , for you may have to make a few minor alterations, and it will be found much easier to have them done now than later when the parts are covered. The Landing Gear

The landing gear is one of the most important parts of the ship and one of the hardest to build. It must be built well to stand the strains of landing. Layout the "V" struts on some flat surface, cut your 2 in. by 17 gauge steel tubing to the proper size, spot weld as shown in Fig. 2, then shape the tops of the struts and fit them to the fuse­ lage lugs which are already in place, secure with 14 in. eyebolts, and weld according to the draw­ ing. Spreader bars of % by 20 gauge steel are then measured, slotted in the ends, welded up, and a hole bored for bolting to the spreader bar and brace wire lug which is welded to the struts as shown in the detail drawings on Fig. 2. The % in. square tub­ ing axle guides are then cut and welded in place. 13

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Figure 3.

This three view drawing

of the Powell "P.H." Racer gives you

some important dimensions. TURTl.E



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_____ ~HE "P-H" RACEPLANE NO. 2 .....

Powell recer at the 1925 Air Races held at Mitchell Field, N .Y.

A ir Force Photo f ro m Jock M c Rae


JANUARY MYSTERY PLANE The response from readers was very gratifying on this one with a high percentage of correct answers. The plane pictured on page 27 of the January, 1981 issue of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE was the one and only Breese-Dallas Transport. It was designed by W. "Art" Mankey and built in 1932 by Vance Breese in Detroit, Michigan at the Detroit City Airport. Ron Fritz of Kent City , Michigan sent a copy of a page from the March, 1957 issue of ~NTIQUE AIR­ PLANE NEWS which contained a brIef story of the plane. . d The following letters are among the first we receIve which correctly identified the plane: Dear Gene: The plane on the inside back cover of the January, 1981 issue is the Breese-Dallas monoplane, built at De­ troit City Airport. Charles Dallas, a used car dealer lo­ cated at Gratiot and Connors, across the street from the airport, was the financial backer. Vance Breese, la.ter known as a test pilot for Vultee, Lockheed and CurtISS, was the "motive effort". The plane was designed by Art Mankey, and my good friend, Steve Hudek witnessed th~ co~struct~,on as well as the first test flight by Breese wIth Dusty Cole as his copilot. Later, financing failed and the plane changed hands several times. At one time the plane was ca.lled t~e Lambert-Dallas. Richard Allen, Lockheed chronIcler dId some research on the plane. Regards, Robert C. Mosher (NC 1383 ) 2504 N. Wilson Royal Oaks, MI 48073 Dear Sirs: In answer to your "Quiz Photo" in The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, January, 1981 issue. I am going to stick my neck out and say that the airplane was originally called the "Breese-Dallas" model I. If my memory serves me right, this plane was designed by Vance Breese and two other people who I'm sure helped with this project .. I believe their names were Charles Dallas, and the en­ gineer William Mankey. We all remember Vance Breese as builder of the "Aloha". The Aloha is the plane in which Martin Jensen and Paul Schluter flew to second place in the Dole Air Derby. The Breese-Dallas was designed and built in 1932­ 33. It was a very fancy design for that time, right in the middle of the great depression. It was a six place, all metal, cantilever low wing monoplane with retractable landing gear, and other advanced features . . Vance never got the plane in production, so he sold It to other interested parties. X-12899 changed hands many times in rapid succession and it appeared in print under at least one or two other names. It is said t~at Monocoupe Michigan Aircraft Company, JacquelIne Cochran a~d Paul Mantz had owned this ship (at different times) b~fore it ended up in Mexico. By then the air­ craft's engine had been changed from the P& W 1344 to the P& W Twin Wasp with 800 .hp (approximately). It is very likely that X-12899 really ended its flying days in 16

Spain. It was sent to Mexico in 1937. Many U.S. civil high performance-type aircraft went to Spain by way of Mexico during this period. Please bear in mind, the above information is not all first hand , but bits and pieces picked up ov~r the years. Sincerely, Roy G. Cagle (NC 1691) 8525 Jennifer Drive Juneau, AK 99801

Dear Gene: It was good to see the old Howard, N1227 in print on the back cover of the December, 1980 issue of The VIN­ TAGE AIRPLANE . I'm sure some of the East Coast members will recognize her. Also good to know Ron Rip­ pon presently has her. She may already have joined the ranks of the "priceless antiques". I still have the office desk log from Air Service and the Howard was contracted to Mel Lamb at Long Is­ land's famous Montague Point during the busy summer months (we provided the pilot, too). We ran a shuttle from La Guardia to Montague and noted in the pages of the log are such names as Edward Everett Horton, Errol Flynn, DeCastro Sisters, Skitch Henderson, Faye Emer­ son and many other entertainment personalities of the time. She carried some "fancy folks" in her working days! Someday I'll write you a story on our (Air Services) Barkley-Grow aircraft. It, too, was an honest, hard work­ ing airplane that would carry anything you could close the door on. Best wishes , Al Wheeler 12 Bishop Pine Lane El Sobrante, CA 94803 Dear Gene: I own a 1941 Aeronca Chief, NC33899 , SI N CA14321. As far as I can determine from the log books, my Chief was used for flight training in Bryan, Texas, presumably as a trainer in the Civilian Pilot Training Program. By June, 1945 it had over 1500 hours. I am aware of only two previous owners of the plane and would like to learn more of its history, including names of those who might have logged time in her, other previous owners, etc. The only names in the log books are those of mechanics such as J. B. Reece (1943), Floyd Huff (1943), W. G. Lytle (1944), C. W. Fellers (1944), and W. C. Krug. H any of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE readers can fill me in with any history of my plane, I promise to answer all correspondence and will be exceedingly grateful. Sincerely, Raymond E. Ziebell (EAA 87467) 34710 Chestnut Street Burlington, WI 53105


This section of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE is ded­ icated to members and their aircraft projects. We wel­ come photos along with descriptions, 'md the projects can be either completed or underway. Send material to the editor at the address shown on page 3 of this issue.



According to the "Hangtown Strobe", newsletter of EAA Chapter 512 of Placerville, California Jim Hutton is rebuilding an OX-5 powered Lincoln-Page. He also has a couple of Bellancas to rebuild. Jim's address is 2250 Sly Park Road, Placerville, CA 95667.

This rare plane has just been restored and once again sports its original factory colors and paint scheme, done up by Gary Johnson of EAA Chapter 265 , Box 1474, Minot, North Dakota 58701.


Tim Talen, P.O. Box 920, Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 and others in the Eugene (Oregon) area are spearheading an effort to establish a means of docu­ menting, preserving and describing the rich aeronauti­ cal heritage of Oregon. Those interested can contact Tim at t he above address. This information taken from "The Taildragger", newsletter of EAA Chapter 292.


Information in the newsletter from EAA Chapter 444, Appleton, Wisconsin brings us up to date on the re­ build of this behemoth. The fuselage and wings of this Stinson Model 6000 are now covered, requiring over 130 yards of 67" cloth and some 6 to 7 gallons of Poly-Tak cement. Among those working on this restoration are Chuck Andreas and Bill Brennand.

Chuck Herr (EAA 14339) of Star Route, Knights Landing, CA

95645 owns these two 1928 Stearman C3B aircraft. It's an

unusual sight these days to see two such rare aircraft on the

same airport. Chuck rebuilds and relicenses duster aircraft , . . -... for a living and he complete ly rebuilt these two planes in his

spare time over a six year period. Both are powered by Con­

tinental W-670 engines which replace the oriainal Wright

J-5s. N6496 is currently in a flight test program for recert·ifi­

cation , checking out newly manufactured parts and engine n~~~~~~ cooling.




MARCH 14-15 - LAKE HAVASU , ARIZONA - Cessna 120/ 140 Club Fly-In. Swimming, camping , shuttle bus between the airport and the Nautical Hotel. Red gas available. For further information please contact, Paul Pitkin , Tempe , AZ, telephone 602/966- 1123. ' MARC H 15-22 - LAKELAND, FLORIDA - 7th Annual Sun ' N Fun EAA Fly-In. First big fly-in of the year. Don 't miss it - make your plans now. MAY 1-3. - BURLINGTON, NORTI;I CAROLINA - Fly-In . Antiques, ClassI cs, Homebuilts, Ultralights and Warbirds invited. Awards and banquet Saturday night. For further information, contact Geneva McKiernan , 5301 Finsbury Place , Charlotte, NC 28211. MAY 15-17 - CAMBRIDGE , MARYLAND - The Potomac Antique Aero Squadron and the Dorchester Heritage Museum will host the 13th Annual Antique Fly-In at Horn Point Aerodrome on the former Francis duPont Estate. May 14, Early Bird Day. For further infor­ mation, please contact , Barry P. Flashman , P.O. Box 478, Severna Park, MD 21146. MAY 29-31 - COLUMBIA, CALIFORNIA - Fifth Annual Luscombe Fly-In sponsored by the Continental Luscombe Association Goal is 100 Luscombes in attendance. For further information, please contact, C.L.A. , 5736 Esmar Road , Ceres , CA 95307. JUNE 5-7 - MERCED, CALIFORNIA - 24th Annual West Coast An­ tique Fly-In spo~sored by the Merced Pilot's Association . Early Bird receptIOn, dmner and dance Friday night ; Award Banquet Sa­ turd ay night; Air Show Saturday and Sunday. For further informa­ tIOn : contact Don or Dee Human, 209/358-3487 or write, Fly-In Co­ mmittee, P.O. Box 3212, Merced , CA 95340. JUNE 7-13 - FORT WAYNE , INDIANA - 70 KNOTTERS TOUR, an­ nounced by EAA Chapter 2. This seven-day tour for aircraft flying at approximately 70 knots will visit Blakesburg , Iowa ; Wichita, Kansas ; Little Rock, Arkansas ; Tullahoma, Tennessee ; and Sey­ mour, Indiana. For further information about the tour send a self- ' addressed , stamped envelope to , Joe Dickey , 70 KNOTTERS TOUR, 511 Terrace Lake Road , Columbus, OH 47201 . JUNE 13-14 - ANDERSON , INDIANA - 2nd Annual Summer Festival sponsored by EAA Chapter 226. Free breakfast to sport plane pi­ lots (anllques, claSSICS, experimental , ultralights, warbirds) , bal­

loon races, camping , fly market. For further information, please contact , Steve Darlington 317/644- 1238 or Dale Faux 317/378-5028. JUNE 20-21 - FREDERICKSBURG , VIRGINIA - 14th Annual Antique Aircraft Fly-In and Air Show at the Shannon Airport . Air Show at­ tractions : Eagle' s Aerobatic Flight Team , Bob and Pat Wagner ­ w ing rider, Chuck Carothers - Pitts Spec ial , Charlie Kulp . For fur­ ther information, please contact , Shannon Airport , P.O. Box 509, Fredericksburg , VA 22401 . JUNE 26-28 - HAMILTON , OHIO - 22nd Annual Waco Reunion Fly­ In . Honoring fifty year-old Wacos. For further information . please contact, Ray Brandly , 700 Hill Avenu e, Hamilton, OH 45015 , 5131 868-0084. JUNE 26-28 - AIRDRIE , ALBERTA , CANADA - Wild Rose Antiquel Classic Fly-In , sponsored by the Airdrie Country Club of the Air. at Airdrie Airport, 8 miles north-northeast of Calgary International Airport. All aviators, enthusiasts , and aircraft are welcome. For further information, please contact , Airdrie Field , Attn . Mr. George B. Pendlebury, RR 2, Airdrie, Alberta, Canada. JULY 12 - EASTON, PENNSYLVANIA - 5th Annual Aeronca Fly-In. Largest Aeronca Fly-In in the East. Fun events scheduled. Easton Airport . For further information, please contact Jim Polles , 299 Nazareth Drive , Nazareth, PA 18064. 215/759-3713 RAIN DATE, July 19. AUGUST 1-8 - OSHKOSH , WISCONSIN - 29th Annual EAA Fly-In Convention. It is never too early to start making plans for the world ' s GREATEST AVIATION EVENT. AUGUST 7-9 - LEWISTOWN , MONTANA - 4th Annual Montana Chapter AAA Fly-In at Beacon Star Antique Airfield . For further in­ formation, please contact , Frank Bass, Beacon Star Ant ique Air­ field , Star Route, Moore, MT 59464 . 406/538-7616 . AUGUST 9-15 - FOND DU LAC. WISCONSIN - 12th Annual lAC In­ ternational Championships . SEPTEMBER 30 - OCTOB ER 4 - TULLAHOMA , TENNESSEE - 3rd Annual EAA National Fall Fly-In. Don 't miss this one . OCTOB ER 16-18 - CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA - Fly-In . Ant iques, Classics, Homebuilts, Ultralights, and Warbirds invited. Awards and banquet Saturday night. For further information , cont act Geneva McKiernan, 5301 Fin sbury Place, Charlotte , NC 28211

Jacket: Unlined Poplin jacket, features knit waist and cuffs. The gold and white braid trim on a Tan bo~y emph~sizes the colors proudly dis­ played In the An tique/Classic logo. Sizes : X-small thru X-large $28.95 ppd

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Wisconsin Residents Include 4% Sales Tax


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March through December All Are Available July/August, September/October , November/ December January through May , August through Decem­ 1976 ber 1977 All Are Available 1978 - Janua ry , March through June, August, October , November 1979 - February through December 1980 - All Are Avai lable 1981 - January, February

Back issues are available [rom Headquarters for $1.25

each , postpaid , except th e July 1977 (Lindbergh Com­

memorativ e) issue, which is $1.50 postpaid.

ACRO SPORT - Single place biplane capable of un­

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FLYING AND GLIDER MANUALS 1929, 1930, 1931 1932, 1933,

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MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION • Membership in the Experimental Aircraft Association , Inc . is $25.00 for one year , $48 .00 for 2 years and $69.00 for 3 years. All include 12 issues of Sport Aviation per year. Junior Membership (under 19 years of age) is available at $15.00 annually.


• EAA Member - $14.00. Includes one year membership in EAA Antique-Classic Division , 12 monthly issues of The Vi ntage Airplane and membership card. Applicant must be a cu rrent EAA member and must give EAA membership number.) • Non-EAA Member - $24.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique-Classic Division , 12 monthly issues of The Vintage .A irplane , one year membership in the EAA and separate membership cards. Sport Aviation not included. • Membership in the International Aerobatic Club. Inc . is $16.00 annually which includes 12 issues of Sport Aerobatics. All lAC members are required to be members of EAA.


• Membership in the Warbirds of Ameri ca, Inc . is $20.00 per year , which includes a subscription to Warbirds Newsletter . Warbird members are require d to be members of EAA. Membership in the EAA Ultralight Assn . is $25.00 per year which includes the Ultr alight publication ($15.00 additional for Sport Aviati on magazine). For current EAA members only, $15.00, which includes Ultralight publication.


P. O. BOX 229


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