Vintage events 2018 04 16

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VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION - EVENTS AIRVENTURE 2018 Special Events 1. Fun and Affordable Airplane Showcase. Loca(on: Across the paved road to the east of the Red Barn 2. World War I aircraH encampment. Loca(on: Across the paved road to the east of the Red Barn. 3. Vintage milestone anniversary aircraH: Cessna 170, Swi@, Hatz Biplane, Cessna 175. Loca(on: Type club parking area south of the Hangar Café and west of the paved road. 4. VAA Town Hall MeeOng. Loca(on: Vintage Hangar. Meet and talk to the VAA officers and directors over coffee and doughnuts. Monday, July 23, 8:00-8:45 am. Coffee and doughnuts star(ng at 7:30 am. 5. DedicaOon of the “Charles W. Harris Memorial Park”. Loca(on: Behind the Vintage Hangar. Monday, July 23, 11:45 am. The Ladies for Liberty will be performing. 6. Youth Day. Tuesday., July 24, 8:00 am-Noon. Vintage Hangar: Youth Forums. 11:00am-Noon. Interview Circle: Interviews with young aviators. 7. Vintage Day, VAA fundraiser lunch. Loca(on: Tall Pines Café. Wednesday, July 25, 11:30 am-1:00 pm. Hot dogs, apple pie and ice cream. 8. Vintage Annual Membership MeeOng. Loca(on: Tall Pines Café. Wednesday, July 25, 5:00 pm-6:15 pm. 9. Annual Vintage Picnic. Loca(on: Tall Pines Café. Wednesday, July 25, 6:30pm. The Ladies for Liberty will be performing. Tickets on sale at the Red Barn. 10. Ladies Day at Interview Circle. Thursday, July, 26, 11:00 am - Noon. Interviews with ladies in avia(on. 11. Vintage Lindy Awards Ceremony. Loca(on: Vintage Hangar. Friday, July 27, 7:00 pm.

Pre-ConvenOon 1. Tall Pines Café. Sat., July 21 and Sun., July 22. Open for breakfast (6:30-9:30 am) AND supper (4:30 pm-7:00 pm). 2. Vintage Red Barn. Hospitality. Lemonade and popcorn. VAA history on display. Informa(on desk. Sat., July 21, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm. Sun., July 22, 9:00 am-5:00 pm. 3. American Barnstormer Tour planes. Arrive Sunday, July 22, midday. 4. Red Barn Merchandise Sales. Sunday, July 22, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm. Daily Events 1. AircraH Judging: Monday, July 23, 9:45 am through Friday, July 27, Noon 2. Vintage Bookstore. Loca(on: Behind the bleachers. M-F 9:00 am-4:00 pm. 3. Vintage Hangar – Forums M-F 9:00 am – noon, Type Clubs M-F Noon - 5:00 pm 4. Vintage Red Barn. Hospitality. Lemonade and popcorn. VAA history on display. Informa(on desk. Mon., July 23-Sat., July 28, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Sunday, July 29, 9:00 am-3:00 pm.

5. Vintage in Review at Interview Circle. Bill and Myrt Rose Park. M-F. 11:00am-Noon. Daily OX-5 engine run and Ladies for Liberty will be opening the program every day. 6. Tall Pines CafÊ. Mon., July 23-Sat., July 28. 6:30 am-9:30 am. Breakfast. 7. Hand propping demonstraOon. Loca(on: Just west of the bleachers beside the Bookstore. M-F. 10:00am and 1:00pm. (Except Mon., 10:00am and 2:00pm.) 8. Metal shaping workshop. Loca(on: Vintage Hangar South door -Metal shaping workshop M-F 9. Vintage Charging StaOon. Sun., July 22-Sun., July 29. 8am-5:00pm. Closes at noon on July 29. 10. Red Barn. Merchandise sales. M-T-Th-F: 8 am – 6 pm. Open to 8 pm W & S. Closed at noon July 29. Revised 04-10-2018-1

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