By E. E. " Buck" Hilbert President, Antique-Classic Division (Photo by Ted Kaston)
SHARING THE WEALTH A two day trip to Blakesburg/Ottumwa proved again that Antique and Classic airplane lovers are just that . .. lovers, not fighters. In the time I was there I heard some testy comments and dire suggestions, but they all seemed to evaporate in the presence of good camaraderie and aviation lore. The realization that the airplanes were the center of attraction and not at all part of the petty rivalries came late to some people, but it came. Talk about allegiance to this or that group soon dissolved and there was a constant stream of traffic between the two fields as people tried to see all they could. The welcome mat was out at both fields and the barriers that were in some minds soon tumbled. I left early - not by choice - but I'm sure the outcome was what I expected. The airplanes will win . .. in the end. There was just too much experience and airplane happiness to share. Most of the joy of air足 planes comes from sharing it with other interested people and the common goal of keeping them flying can't be ignored.
HOW TO JOIN THE ANTIQUE-CLASSIC DIVISION Membership in the EAA Antique-Classic Division is open to all EAA members who have a special interest in the older aircraft that are a proud part of our aviation heritage. Membership in the Antique足 Classic Division is $10.00 per year wh ich entitles one to 12 issues of The Vin tage Airplan e published monthly at EAA Headquarters. Each member will also receive a special Antiqu e-Classic membership card plus one additional card for one's spouse or oth er desi~ated family member. Membership in EAA is $15.00 per year which includes 12 issu e~ of SPORT AVIA TION . All mem足 bership correspondence sh ould be addressed to: EAA, Box 229, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. 2
I~f ~ ~IAbf ARPlA~f
(Photo by Dick Stouffer)
Lincoln PT-W Res toration ... Don Rayborn ........... ............ . . ........ . ... .......... . ... Bellanca .. . The Early Years, Part III ... John Morgan ....................... .. . . ..... .. . . .... AAA National Fly-In .. . Dick Stouffer ... . .............. ............ . . .................... . .. Reminiscing With Big Nick ... Nick Rezich . .. . ................................. . ............. Howdy Do, YaH Welcome To Tahlequah ... Gar Williams ...... . ............ .... .......... ... . Around The Antique-Classic World ............................ . ...................... .. ......
BACK COVER .. • Cockpit of Reagan Ormand's Heath. Photo Dick Stouffer
ON THE COVER . • . Neils Sorensen 's Hisso Standard. Photo Dick Stouffer
EDITORIAL STAFF Publisher - Paul H. Poberezny Assistant Ed itor - Gene Chase
Ed itor - Jack Cox Assistant Editor - Golda Cox
DIRECTORS EVANDER BRITT P. O. Box 458_ Lumberton , N. C. 28358
JIM HORNE 3850 Coronation Rd. Eagan, Minn. 55122
MORTON LESTER P. O. Box 3747 Martinsville, Va . 24112
KELLY VIETS RR 1, Box 151 Stilwell , Kansas 66085
CLAUDE L. GRAY, JR. 9635 Sylvia Ave. Northridge, Calif. 91324
AL KELCH 7018 W. Bonniwell Rd . Mequon , Wisc. 53092
GEORGE STUBBS RR 18, Box 127 IndianapOliS, Ind. 46234
JACK WINTHROP 3536 Wh itehall Dr. Dallas, Texas 75229
DIVISION EXECUTIVE SECRETARY DOROTHY CHASE . EAA HEADQUARTERS THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE is owned eXClusively by An tique Classic Aircraft. Inc. and is publIShed monthly at Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53130. Second Class Permit pending at Hales Corners Post Office. Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. Membership rates for Antique Classic Aircraft. Inc. are $10.00 per 12 month period of which $7.00 is fo r the subscription to THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE . All Antique ClassIc Aircraft . Inc. members are requ ired to be members of the parent organization. the Experimen tal Aircraft Associ ation . Membership is open to all who are interested in aVI.a tion.
Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Antique Classic Aircraft, Inc., Box 229, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130 Copyright
1974 Antiq ue Classic Aircraft, Inc. All Rights Reserved
LINCOLN PT-W RESTORATION BY Don Rayborn (Photos by the Author)
A 1929 factory photograph of Jim Hayden's Lincoln PT-W, the first of only five Warner powered PTs built. This is the same photograph used to illustrate the PT-W in Volume 3 of Joe Juptner's U.S. Civil Aircraft series. Note the hastily applied registration number on the rudder - probably done for the taking of this picture.
The restoration of Jim Hayden 's Lincoln PT-W bi plane began in 1970 shortly after its Wamer engine was spotted sticking out of a farm junkpile near Ashton, Idaho . The PT-W, N-561M, was the first of it's type to be built and offered an opportunity to restore a truly classic airplane. The project might have discouraged a less determined rebuilder. The fuselage had been cut in two and the for ward half used as a snow plane. The Hamilton standard ground adjustable prop's blades had been reversed and the landing gear equipped with skis. It is probably safe to suggest that the snow plane was not highly successful. The wings, through years of storage and mishandling, were not rebuildable, although the fittings were in good condition. Some parts were missing and others were re moved from the airframe and indiscriminately stored in barrels. Fortunately, the original logs and documents came along with the machine. Since acquisition, Hayden's Lincoln PT -W has moved steadily forward from basket case to its present factory new appearing airframe, ready for it's Irish linen cover. The log shows that the aircraft was completed July 25, 1929 and test flown shortly thereafter. A TC No. 284, how ever, was not issued until December 31, 1929. Although the factory first quoted a price of $4,625, the depression caused this figure to be revised downward to $4,315. The Lincoln could also be purchased without engine or pro peller for $2,235. . The machine's first owner was M. A. Dawson of North Platte, Nebraska . According to the logs the plane's early days were spent carrying passengers. N-561M found it's way to Idaho in 1935, passing through half a dozen owners until it's career ended temporarily in 1943 while owned 4
by the Lincoln Flyers, Inc . of Salt Lake City. At the time of its last logged flight, the aircraft had flown a total of 450 hours. Surprisingly, two Lincoln PT-W's remain today of the five built in 1929-1930. The other owner is the Ray Hen dershot Estate in Leavenworth, Kansas. Jim Hayden acknowledges the generous help provided by Ray Hender shot. Ray, who was a retired TWA mechanic before his death in 1973, provided data and a number of original Lincoln parts, which have been vital to N-561M's restora tion. The EAA Aviation Museum in Hales Comers, Wiscon sin now owns the Kinner powered PT -K, N-275N, beauti fully restored a few years ago by Norm Sten of Minnea polis. FAA records also list Lincoln PT series owners as: N-789K - Andy Anderson of Mansfield, Mo., and N-12553 - Bruce Overmyer of Findlay. Ohio. The Lincoln PT -W was designed as a pilot trainer. The large tail surfaces and the ailerons on both wings give it excellent control at low speeds. It is characterized by those who have flown it as a gentle and forgiving airplane. One unusual feature of Hayden's machine is the Bloxham safety stick in the rear cockpit. Based on the assumption that a student may "freeze" on the stick, the instructor in the forward cockpit could pull a safety cable. This tug released the stick from it's socket. The PT~W is powered by a 110 horsepower Wamer Scarab engine. This powerplant made the airplane some what more expensive than it's sister model the PT-K which was powered by a Kinner engine. The PT -K's lighter powerplant increased the overall aircraft's length four inches. N-561M has it's original Wamer engine, SIN 250. It has been majored with cylinders Channel chromed and
fitted with new valves and guides. All bearings were re placed but the crankshaft, con rods and pistons are ori ginal. The spark plugs are of the original type and the wiring is a very early type of Breeze shielded harness, manufactured by Air Associated. Mags are Bendix Sin tilla PN7D's. The aircraft does not have an electrical sys tem. In order to quieten the engine, the tips of the individ ual exhaust pipes are flattened and perforated with 51 small holes in each. The 28.5 gallon gravity fuel tank is located forward of the front cockpit. The fuel shutoff con trol is a lever located in the rear cockpit. The fuel guage and engine instruments are located above and forward of the front windshield so that they can be viewed by both pilots. A four gallon oil tank is mounted on the firewall. A wooden Supreme propeller was standard equipment but a metal propeller was offered as an option. Hayden'S Lincoln was an "0" taper Model 1595 Hamilton Standard, 8' in diameter. The logs indicate the propeller was instal led in 1934. During the snow plane era the original blades were shortened. These were replaced and the hub rebuilt last year. The carburetor heat box is constantly heated by the exhaust, a design that reportedly allows better fuel burning characteristics. The carburetor itself is a Strom berg NAR5A updraft type located well below the bottom of the engine. Restoration of the wings is now in the works. The spars are sitka spruce. Front spars are 1" x 51/2" and the rear spars are P/2" x 31/2". The original ribs were basswood. These are being replaced with spruce. The bottom wings have two degrees of dihedral. The top wing is flat. The interplane struts are steel and the wings are rigged with streamline flying wires rather than cables. The control system is interconnected with !/s" cable. Elevator cables are doubled. The horizontal stabilizer can be adjusted with a jack and torque tube arrangement that
is controlled from the rear seat. The pitot tube is located on the left N-strut. Control cables are all internal except for the juncture point below the rear control stick where they protrude from the bottom of the fuselage. The 24" x 42" cockpits have bucket type seats with wells for para chute packs. Hayden plans to use the standard factory color scheme of squadron blue on the fuselage and Omaha orange on the wings. For a number of years the fuselage carried the insignia of Betty Boop, an early movie cartoon heroine . Hayden is still considering this nostalgic touch. He expects to test hop the machine in the summer of 1975. SPECIFICATIO NS ATC284 Issued 12131/29
Overall length .. .... . .... . . ..... . .... . . .... . . . 25' 3" Height .................. . ..... . ... . ...... . . . ..... 9' Wing span - upper .... . ... . ... . . . . . ..... . .. .. 32' 3" Wing span - lower . . ..... . .. ........ ........ . 31' 9" Chord both wings ......... ....... . . . .. ... . ...... 58" Wing upper area ........ .. . ..... . . .. . .. . . . 154 sq. ft . Wing lower area . ....... . . . . .. . .. . . . ....... 143 sq. ft. Air foil .. . ... . ... . ...... . . .. . .. . .. GOETTINGEN 436 Empty weight . . .. .. . ....... . ............. .. 1203 Ibs. Useful load . . .. . . .. .... . ......... .. .... . .... . 591 Ibs . Baggage allowance ......... .... ... . ... . . .. . . . . 501bs . Gross weight ..... . . . . ..... . .. . . .... ... . .... 1794 Ibs . Maximum speed ... . .... ... . . . .. . . ... . . . . . .. 108 mph Cruising speed . ... . . ...... . . ....... . . .. .. ... 87 mph Landing speed ...... . . .... .. . ....... . .. .. . .. 36 mph Rate of climb . . ... . .. . . .. 870 ft. per minute at sea level Ceiling ..... . . .. . ... . .. . . ... . ...... . ....... 14,000 ft. Cruising range at 7 gallons per hour . ... .... . 330 miles
LEFT: The Lincoln's 110 hp Warner Scarab, the exposed rocker arms tell you this is an early Warner - and that wiping grease after every flight is going to be standard procedure when the plane is flying! This was the most highly desired engine for the PT series, but it was also the most expensive. Consequently, the less expensive Kinner powered PT-K was the bigger seller in those post Wall Street Crash days. One of the few concessions to the modern day is the N3N tail wheel assembly mounted on a leaf spring - re placing the original tail skid.
Jim Hayden and his Lincoln PT-W - nearly ready for cover.
Horizontal stabilizer is moveable for trimming aircraft. Tail surfaces required only minor repair. Hayden esti mates 75% of the aircraft is still original.
Accessory compartment showing the mags, oil tank and engine mount. Note the flattened exhaust stacks with the pattern of drilled holes. This was a trick old timers used to quieten the bark of the individual exhaust stacks. Recently, a national aviation magazine printed an article showing a Cessna equipped with a similar exhaust stack and hailed it as a " new" advance in aircraft sound sup pression . Ah, progress!
Original wheels were 26 x 4 without brakes. Low pres sure air wheels were also available for $133.35 extra. Wheels used for this restoration are 30 x 5 with 12" Ben dix shoe-type brakes which are mechanically actuated from heel pedals in the rear cockpit. .
RIGHT: Fuselage details . Notice the Cub-type bungee cord landing gear. All steel parts were sand blasted and primed. The only wood in the fuselage is in the floor boards . That's right , there are four throttles, allowing one to fly right or left handed. Actually, this was a com mon practice in that day and is still seen on some new European lightplanes. Wichita and Vero Beach , take note! 6
The Irish Swoop after being rebuilt for Jimmy Mollison in 1936. The picture was taken during a test flight over New Castle, Delaware with the author's late brother Richard D. "Dick" Morgan, at the con足 trols.
BELLANCA ... THE EARLY YEARS Part III By John McC. Morgan (EAA 83694)
Summit Aviation, Inc.
Middleton, Delaware 19709
(All Photos Courtesy of the Author)
Last month we carried Part 1/ of John McChesney like the DeHavilland Comet, to the American Cee Bee Morgan 's pictorial article on the Bellanca Aircraft Corpo足 Q.E.D., Roscoe Turner and Clyde Pangborne's Boeing 247, ration. In Part 1/1 some of the lesser known but most a KLM DC-2 and many others. But of most interest to us exotic Bellanca designs are presented for your enjoy足 around New Castle, Delaware and the Bellanca plant was ment. Mr. Morgan is Vice President and General Manager the construction for an Irish group of a low wing, twin of Summit Aviation in Middletown , Delaware. Wasp powered two seater with trans-Atlantic range. To use a low and thin wing for speed, C.M. went with a The Fabulous Flash wire braced, typical high lift section. As accompanying pictures will show, this aircraft (and subsequent versions In 1934 Bellanca received an order which did more built for the Chinese) had odd looking pylons hanging to keep it in business during the latter part of the '30s down from its belly on which to attach th e wires. Every足 than any other activity. The MacRobertson race from one wanted to know what a wheels-up landing would be London to Australia was to start in the fall and all sorts of like, but did not discover the answer until th e Chinese aircraft were entered - from specially built British racers
broke u p mos t 'o f an order of twenty Flash es (as they ca me to be known in p rodu ction). This firs t low win g s peed ster was obviously fa st, but flew little before being shipped to England for fu rth er testing an d preparation for th e race . It was know n as th e Irish Swoop and was fl own by Jock Bonnar and navigated by a Fitzmaurice, I believe. Trouble in Lond on kep t it from the race and it was bro ught back to New Cas tle w h ere it was demolis hed in a poor la nding at the factory. It had lain in a pil e of ju n k for several yea rs wh en Jimmy Mol足 lison asked if it could be ma de fl yable. Somehow it was
and my brother, Dick, tes t fl ew it in 1936. Mollison took d elive ry and set a trans-Atlantic record fl yin g it h om e that held until military aircraft b ro ke it during World War II. After anoth er record breaking flight from En gland to South Africa, th e Irish Swoop was not heard of again . Th e basic d esign , h owever, lived on in the form of two o rders for twenty each of an ad va nced version . Th ese we re th e Chinese Flash es and are sh own in the pictures. They diffe red slightl y from th e Irish Swoop in that the las t batch had wing fla ps. All w ere flown by Dick Morgan and Clyd e Pangborn e w h o n ever scratch ed on e in all the
First of the Flash Series, known as the IRISH SWOOP. At New Castle , Delaware in 1934 prior to being shipped to London for the MacRobertson race .
The Irish Swoop in London for MacRobertson Race (1934) .
BELOW: Another view of the "Air France " Flash showing to good effect the strange keel posts for the flying wires.
One of the first batch of 20 Flashes for China . These did not have flaps. The " Air France " insignia is not explained - could it have been a ruse to disguise the actual desti足 nation of the aircraft?
LEFT: Before you read this article, a lot of you never realized there was more than one Bellanca Flash, right? Well, how does a line of 12 of them grab you? These are a part of the first order of 20 that wound up in China . The original contract called for a penalty of $1 ,000 per plane per day for late delivery!
A close-up of one of the China Flashes. Note the armament and the retractable oil cooler on the side of the fuselage.
tes ting . The short runway at Bellanca was only 1800 feet, yet under the right conditions, they easily flew in and out. The Tri-Motor Racer
A Bellanca Flash being dragged in over the threshold of the 1800 foot Bellanca factory field .
Prior to Bellanca's development of the small airplane (the low wing Junior) , C.M. built one last special purpose aircraft which was most intersting. Alex Papana, the Rumanian aerobatic pilot of Jungmeister fame, wanted something to fly home with in record time . A single seated tri-motor was decided on, built and flown between the winter of 1936-7 and National Air Race time in Cleveland in September of 1937. The pictures show the 400 hp Fairchild Ranger in the nose and the two supercharged Menascos outboard. They developed something like 300 hp. Papana was, as far as could be learned, a superb aerobatic pilot of unsophisti足 cated aircraft like the Jungmeister, however, was not familiar with supercharged engines and controllable props. He made the first flight of the new airplane, landed too fast and ran off the edge of the airport in足 flicting no damage - except for two seized Menascos. Art Chester was called in from Menasco. He had all the racing experience with these engines and knew of the cooling problems at high power output. He overhauled them on the spot. A hassle developed between Bellanca and Papana and the latter backed out of the deal . The air足 craft then sat except for the next two Bendix races . Frank 9
Cordova flew it in the 1938 race and quit short of Cleve land with a failed Menasco . He later removed the engine and prop and ferried the airplane to New Castle on the two remaining engines. The next year, 1939, was better and Art Bussy finished second, one hour behind Frank Fuller in a big Seversky. At that he averaged 244.486 mph by covering the distance
between Los Angeles and Cleveland in 8 hours 21 minutes and 8 seconds. Second place prize money that year was $5,800.00. Bussy continued on to New York in just ten hours even. The tri-motor then sat in our hangar at Bel lanca Field until dismantled and sold to some South Ameri can country - probably to never fly again. This was the last of the special and larger Bellancas. Tools and dies for
The Bellanca Model 28-92 trimotor built for aerobatic ace Alex Papana for a record flight from the U.S. to his native Rumania. "Model 28-92" meant 280 square feet of wing area and 920 horsepower.
the Skyrockets and Air Bus types went to Canada and the New Castle plant was converted to production of the little low wing Junior, which evolved into the Cruisair; Cruis master and, finally, to the present-day Bellanca Viking. -
LEFT: The Bellanca tri-motor at Floyd Bennett Field in New York with Art Bussy in the cockpit. He is either starting the ferry flight to Los Angeles for the start of the Bendix race - or has just arrived at Floyd Bennett after competing in the Bendix and continuing on to New York in ten hours flat in an attempt to set a trans continental record.
RIGHT: Front view of the unusual Papana tri-motor unusual for anyone except designer G. M. Bellanca, who had his own unique solutions for achieving speed and efficiency in aircraft.
1974 AAA GRAND CHAMPION . .. a 1918 Hisso Standard J-1 restored by Niels Sorensen of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
AAA NATIONAL FLY-IN By Dick Stouffer (EAA 8221)
65 Miller Rd.
Lake Zurich, III. 60047
(All Photos by Author)
Nostalgia airfield is where it's at. Where it's at is a sod, ridge running airport set in picturesque, wooded, rolling land about 12 miles westlsouthwest of Ottumwa, Iowa and it is home for the Antique Airplane Association where President Bob Taylor gathers vintage and antique aircraft for a grand annual fly-in about Labor Day time. The airport strains at the seams with campers and families down in the hollows and ravines, and airplanes pushed in rows along fences and taxiways. But, it is all very colorful. There were rows of Stearmans, Wacos, Stinsons, Ryans, Tiger Moths, Meyers OTW's, Luscombes, Aeroncas, Fair足 childs, Ercoupes, Fleets, Buckers and more . Piper Alley was over that way to the left! There was Gypsy Rose and Ramblin' Rose, and two Rose Parakeets beautifully restored and flying as twins in color scheme. There were two Arrow Sport biplanes and two Standard J-1's. The Grand Champion J-1 was a 180 Hisso powered type by Niels Sorenson from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Charles Klessig had an OX-5 powered version at the fly-in . .. probably the only two Standards flying in the U.S. A 1931 Heath Parasol stood along the fence with a factory installed Continental A-40 engine. Just to the right was the Georgias Special which looked like an oversize
Heath Parasol (but wasn't) from 1930. Further along was a Welch with overhead controls and strut braced wings that looked just like an Aeronca C-3, but wasn't. Next to the Welch was a low wing, strut braced Arrow Sport by th e Arrow Aircraft and Motors people from out Lincoln, Ne足 braska way. Along the taxiway was a beautifully polished Ryan SCW to head up Ryan row. A trike gear Waco N head足 ed up Waco row with Standard Wacos, 10's and UPF's. A single DH89A Rapide in war time RAP colors stood off with a wonderful Travel Air 6000 by Robert L. Younkin from Fayetteville, Arkansas . The Travel Air was co-runner up with a 1929 Stearman C-3R by Jack Greiner, Boulder, Colorado. This was the first time that there was a tie for the Sweepstakes award, I understand. Going along another direction to the Buddy Ride Gate was a Waco JYM doing yeoman service hopping rides. This was an early stretched airplane since the fuselage was strectched about 4 feet to make room for a mail compart足 ment. It was used and flown by Northwest and was so painted and identified. This JYM was dated 1929 and is otherwise a standard looking Waco Taperwing. There were other activities to keep interests alive during the week. There was a Fourth of July Parade led by the Blakesburg High School Band - in August! All day 11
ABOVE: The newest Aeronca C-3 restoration - just completed by Don and Ann Pellegreno of Story City, Iowa . Here Don gives EAA Business Manager Gene Chase a last minute cockpit check before Gene buzzes off into the blue. He reports the C-3 flies beautifully - one of the best rigged he has ever flown.
Just a Bird at twilight . ..
The Georgias Special, an antique (1930) homebuilt oWf 'ed by John Fine of Owasso, Oklahoma.
BELOW: Bill Wright's 1938 Waco AVN-8.
This aircraft, Bob Younkin 's Travel Air 6000, and Jack Greiner's Stear足 man C-3R tied for the runner-up posi足 tion to Niels Sorensen's Grand Champion Standard J-1 at the AAA Fly-In.
long antiquers lined up at the buddy gate for rides in exotic aircraft: the Standard J-l of Neils Sorenson, the Waco JYM, the Stearman C-3R, Tiger Moths, Cubs, Waco Cabin models, the Air Power Museum Fairchild F-l in Pan Am markings, and many others. If you were aerobatically inclined you could have gone to nearby Albia Airport for a session of precision flying in your Stearman, Waco, Fleet, Driggs Dart, or whatever. For those limited by airplane or experience there was a very simple performance limited to spin, roll and loop. For others a full aerobatic routine was prepared in the various classes of sportsman, advanced, etc. Always it was "pass th e time of day" with the fellow standing next to you in the chow line, coke line or watching the planes fly by. The joy of greeting old friends was some足 thing that just cannot be beaten or appreciated by non足 participants . This annual renewal of friends and activities must be experienced as it is at all aviation activities and fly-ins all over the country. Major Award Winners GRAND CHAMPION -1918 StandardJ-l, N-22581, owned
by Niels Sorensen of Minneapolis .
SWEEPSTAKES (Runner-up) - (Tie) 1929 Travel Air 6000,
N-377M, owned by Robert L. Younkin, Fayetteville, Arkan足
(Tie) 1929 Stearman C-3R, NC8828, owned by Jack Greiner, Boulder, Colorado.
ANTIQUER OF THE YEAR - John Turgyan of Trenton,
New Jersey .
OLDEST ANTIQUE -1917 Standard J-l, N-9477, owned by
Charles "Chuck" Klessig, Tucson, Arizona.
Standard pilots Chuck Klessig , left, and Niels Sorensen .
How far back would one have to go to duplicate th is scene - two Standards? That's Chuck Klessig 's OX-5 J-1 in the foreground and Niels Sorensen 's Hisso powered J-1 in the background.
Another rare sight - two Arrow Sport Pursuits. N-8181 , foreground, belongs to Charles Zangger and Roy Cram of Burwell, Nebraska . N-853H, back足 ground, is owned by Roy Cram . Both the little tapered wing, side-by-side beauties are 1929 models.
REMINISCING WITH BIG NICK Nic k Rezich 4213 Centerville Rd. Rockford, III. 61102
OX-5 ANNUAL REUNION ( Photos by Jessie Woods and Bob Collins)
The South has risen!! BELIEVE-YOU-ME, it has!$9.20 for four drinks ... $21.00 for a fish plate and a cold steak. I just returned from the colorful and historical city of Charleston, S. C. I have always been a fancier of the South, but I believe the Charlestonians are still mad at us damn Yankees . (That's "damyankee' in the South, Nick ... one word. I was 14 before I was told it was two words up Nawth! - Editor) Every time I tried crossing a street with the green light at least two of them would try to get me. I swear they can smell a Yankee a traffic light ahead!! A blind man is safer in downtown Chicago! It all started when I boarded an Eastern Airlines DC-9 at O'Hare on October 9. I knew I had been " had" as soon as we started to taxi. Now, I wouldn't say we were taxiing fast . . . but when we turned onto the taxiway leaving the gate area, my calendar watch moved up one day! My wife turned to me and asked, "Are we taking off?" 足 to which I replied, "No, the best is yet to come." Sure enough, we tum onto the runway running full bore with about a 4G side load. We rotate and before. the gear doors close, he racks this hog into a 45 0 bank and we are on our way. My wife turns to me again and asks, "Has he turned the smoke on?" About the same time I was reaching for a phantom microphone to announce this act! As they vectored us to the airway, each tum became more vigorous than the preceeding one. When we finally leveled off and the hostess started hustling drinks, I ordered the first martini of my life and my wife had a double, her first. The next hour and fifteen minutes were routine and dull .. I. with only an occasional 300 bank using only about a 180 0 per second roll rate ... Now it was time for Act II - and sure enough, he had a whole new bag of tricks in store for us . It started with
going from cruise power to idle with the articulate arm of King Kong, followed by a push over to zero G. Again, I instinctively reach for the air show mike for I know he is setting it up for an outside snap as we roll into a 60 0 bank. About this time the number two boy decides to bring the cabin down to catch up with the airplane, but overshoots and has us on the ground as we are going through 25,000 feet. By now all the sinus sufferers are ready for interment. A few more downhill point rolls and we wind up on a ten thousand foot base leg . Now King Kong wants to play Bob Hoover .. . out go the high lift devices, full rear flap and the gear. He pushes over to about 60 0 and pro足 ceeds to clean out all the ash trays. When we roll out on final, he blows the whole Bob Hoover bit - we are about two miles out and he has us down in the toolies with the speed meter reading slow . About this time someone up front remembers Lesson Num足 ber 8 and the P&Ws spool up to about 105%. Jo Anne turns to me and says, "Is this a Whisper Jet?" For the next two miles we all get to enjoy the same comforts a bronco buster thrives on. The impact and roll out magnified my thoughts .. . that the machine is master of the man . . . !! When we turned off at the end, I noticed that King Kong was a very thoughtful and considerate pilot. He applied the same 4G load to the opposite gear from the one he limbered up on take-off ... and set my watch back on the correct date. After checking into the hotel, I decided to check out the availability of some much-needed spirits. I walked down a block and as I stepped off the curb to cross the street, here comes one of those Charlestonians aiming at me full bore. Out of nowhere a very strong hand pushed me to safety. I swear on an old Southern Bible, the driver of that car was wearing an Eastern Airlines uniform!! The purpose of my trip to Charleston was to attend the 19th Annual Reunion of the OX-5 Aviation Pioneers. The highlight of the reunion was the announcement of 15
the Hall of Fame inductees who will be enshrined in May at Hammondsport, NY. I was proud and very happy to learn that Gordon Israel of Howard fame was named as a recipient of this unique honor. I had a long chat with another Hall of Fame Inductee, Mr. Clayton C. Scott, the retired Boeing chief test pilot. Mr. Scott is the owner of Jobmaster, Inc., the company that produces Howard DGA seaplanes. He also owns all the STCs and ATC for Howard aircraft. He informed me that he has many parts for the DGA-15. He also told me that he wants to spend more time fishing and hunting and that the whole Howard Aircraft business is for sale. He would rather sell it to a Howard enthusiast than a commercial group. Here is your chance, you Howard Lovers! The New Flying Aces
I also had a long visit with Mrs. Jessie Woods, the lady I mentioned in the May issue. Jessie and her late husband opera ted th e "Flying Aces" air show from 1929 to 1939 using 3 Travel Air 4000s . Jessie was the wing walker, the parachute jumper and pilot of one of the ships. During our chat she told me about the "New Flying Aces" up in the Northwest U.S.A. They are a real bunch of gung-ho antiquers who have the market cornered on Travel Airs, Wacos, Stearmans a nd many other golden oldies. They are part of the Northwest Antique Airplane Club. Max Robertson, Bob Collins and Bill Warren of Med足 ford, Oregon along with Carroll Pope of Grants Pass, Ore足 gon restored three Travel Air 4000s and painted them in the original paint scheme of the Flying Aces - complete with the insignia of the hand of aces on the fuselage and the sin gle ace, each of a different suit, on the vertical fins. The airplanes are all original except for the engines 足 the Weight J-5s have been replaced with 220 Continentals. This past March Jessie Woods joined the New Flying Aces and took a trip into the past. Saturday morning, March 23, 1974, Jessie donned a flying suit and climbed aboard Paul Lawrence's red and white Curtiss Wright Travel Air 12-W, joined by Dale DeTour in his red ASO Waco and Al Kroft in his PT -13, and took off from th e Evergreen Airport at Vancouver, Washington and pointed their nose south for a cold 245 mile flight to Medford. Jessie's first glimpse of
Jessie Woods, left, Dale De Tour and Evelyn Waldren at Evergreen Airport. The piece of cowling contains the old Flying Aces calling card.
Paul Lawrence and his 12W.
" The Medford Occasion" - Kneeling, left to right, Bob Collins, Bill Warren and Max Robertson. Stand足 ing, left to right, Dale De Tour, AI Kroft, Gary Kroft, Paul Lawrence, Jessie Woods and Carroll Pope .
the New Flying Aces came when they landed at Cottage Grove, Oregon for some gas and some much needed coffee. As they taxied to the ramp, Jessie spotted those famil iar eleph ant ears on the blue and white 4000 belonging to Carroll Pope. Next in sight was "Miss Jessie", th e blue and white 4000 owned and flown by Max Robertson, their host for the weekend . . . and the ramrod behind the revitalization of the Flying Aces. The sight of the two Travel Airs brought a tear to the eyes of Jessie - as she put it, "I kept swallowing, but th e lump in my throat stayed." After much back-slapping, hugging and hand shaking, they were off for Medford where the third and final Travel Air of the Flying Aces would join the flight. The trip over the snow covered Calapooya Mountains was cold and slow, but rewarding. As the Medford airport came into view, so did the bright red and white Travel Air of Bob Collins and Bill Warren . Jessie was freezing, but seeing th ose 3 Travel Airs soon warmed the blood and heart. The evening was spent at Max and Michelle Robertson's place talking about Travel Airs and the Flying Aces. Sunday morning dawned bright and clear and soon Jessie Woods would be treated to one of the greatest mo ments of her life. After a short trip to the airport in Max Roberton's meticulously restored Model A truck, th e three 220 Continentals barked to life and as the Flying Aces taxied out in formation, Jessie closed her eyes for a mo ment and thought, "Is it really March 1974 .. . or is it March 1929?" The New Flying Aces treated Jessie and her friends to a special show reminiscent of 1929. When it was over and time for home, Jessie expressed her feelings with the following words, "Here at last my dream had come true! This flight had been made that I might see three Travel Airs together once again and re painted in the same configuration as our Flying Aces Air Circus of the late 20s and 30s . I, too, like Alice walked through a looking glass into the past and experienced th e delights of 'The Medford Occasion' ."
Jessie Woods and Carroll Pope enjoying the sun at the Cottage Grove gas stop.
I salute you , Max Robertson, Bob Collins, Bill War ren , Carroll Pope and the Northwest Antique Airplane Club, may your galaxy shine forever. Keep the Travel Air flying! - Big Nick
Paul Lawrence giving Jessie Woods some much needed help donning the last layer of clothing prior to take-off from Cottage Grove to Medford. That's Paul's Curtiss Wright Travel Air 12W in the background.
Max Robertson 's Travel Air 4000 " Miss Jessie ", painted up just like one of the original Flying Aces' show planes. (Photo by Jack Cox)
(Photo by Gene Chase)
The Grand Champion of the 1974 Tulsa Fly-In held at Tahlequah, Oklahoma, the one and only Lus combe Colt. Beautifully restored by Bobby Slaton and Joe Johnson of Bedford, Texas, the aircraft was built by Don Luscombe and engineer Fred Knack in 1944 - in Luscombe's back yard at Ambler, Pennsylvania. Several companies, including Weatherly-Campbell and Swallow Aircraft Corporation, acquired the design rights at one time or another, but, unfortunately, the plane was never put in pro duction . It's a shame because the Colt flies beautifully.
9 S 135 Aero Dr. Rt. 1
Naperville, Illinois 60540
" Thar's nuthin' like a big, hearty 'HOWDY DO', a tho . .. less'n we come up 'twixt' now and then with some whack on the back and a handshake to make ya feel 80 oct. thar'lI be 100 oct. ONLY. (Gent hy'ar says they welcome . .. and that's whut we're aimin' to do . Them don't take bank credit cards - just Phillips, Gulf, Texaco, people wearin' blue name tags with H-O-S-T on it .. . Exxon, Chevron and Conoco . . . or CASH!) well, they're hy'ar to help y'all any way they can. In re When ya mosey on up thar to register, y'all find of' turn we'd like ya to help us, friend, so why not find a Dave's coffee house thar somewhere . .. he's got some potty, relax and read on ... souvenir cups for a buck yet, but coffee's a dime now (in First off . . . and THIS IS IMPORTANT . .. y'all try to flation, ya know.) register soon's ya can 'cause without a name badge folks Don't be saunterin' across the runway . .. thar ain't might not know y'alls one o'us. Besides, someone's nuthin' on the other side to see nohow. If'n ya have kids, likely to be holdin' out their hand if'n ya don't have a better keep a tight rein on 'em . .. wouldn't want them lit ticket . . . it's good for the free cookout (which ain't free tle buckaroos to hurt theirselves. Also gotta have WING if'n ya don't have a ticket - then it costs two bucks), the WALKERS in the parking area ('til ya get to the taxiway) cake and stuff in the mornin', the booze and chow to so if'n ya got passengers able to walk, how 'bout helpin' morry night and breakfast fix'ens Sunday. us? If'n you ain't, just holler and we'll get some for ya ." Secondly, thar's tiedown stakes and rope for them The preceeding few paragraphs were taken from the whut needs'em, but thar's going to be a deposit to pay. program for the 16th Annual Tulsa AAA-EAA-IAC Fly 'Nuther thing, once ya stakes a claim, we'd 'preciate it In held October 11 through 13 in Cherokee country (that's not Piper, either) - Tahlequah, Oklahoma. For those of if y'all not mosey over to someone else's tiedown ' cause we don't take kindly to claim jumpers. you who missed it, Tahlequah is located in the north eastern comer of Oklahoma, about half way between Soon after ya arrive y'all be gitt'n some tags. If'n ya Tulsa and Fayetteville, Arkansas. Sixteen years of fly-ins want free oil, hang the blue tag on the prop and we'll do our levelest best to git t'gether with ya and GIVE ya gives the sponsors quite a bit of experience which was as much Aeroshell as ya need. For gas, hang .the red one readily apparent in the manner in which the weekend was on the prop, and the gas truck'lI be by ... gotta problem organized.
One very nice feature of th e Tahlequah location is th e utilization of the facilities of the Northeastern State Col lege for lodging and meals. THE place to stay - where all the action is - is on campus in the "visitors" dorm . Quite a bargain - four bucks a head a night. Impromptu live entertainment - including a "wild west show " - carried on for hours in the dorm lounge . Registration fees of only eight dollars for the fly-in included the Friday night fried chicken dinner at the airport, the Saturday evening cock tail hour and banquet and a Sunday morning breakfast in the Stu<:~ent Union on campus. These accommodations really help solidify the group and added considerable continuity throughout the weekend. This setting provides an environment of natural beauty, fine facilities and genuine hospitality that is diffi cult to match. Mix in exotic airplanes such as the one and only Luscombe Colt and you have the ingredients for a tremendous weekend. Early arrivals were in abundance this year and by Friday evening quite a cross section of airplanes were sitting on the turf. The resultant turnout for the evening cookout was excellent. The meal actually was a catered chicken dinn er served in the hangar and was as good as if it had come straight from the finger lickin' shop. The Fixed Base Op erator, Cecil Hammons, really contributed to the success of the evening by allowing the use of his hangar - in fact, he practically turned over his facilities to the fly-in for the entire weekend. Of course, the meal was only the start of the evening. After a short bus ride from the field to the college campus, the party began with the introduction of John Turgyan's and Bob Taylor's liquid fixins '. First rate enter tainment was provided by Alex Whitmore and his guitar, which completed the makings for a genuine wild west show! Saturday morning activities started with a fly-out to a grass strip called Whitehorn Cove located just a few min utes west of Tahlequah on the shore of Fort Gibson Reser voir. Within a short walk of this smooth runway is a neat floating restaurant - what a place for breakfast! The Tulsa crowd were not strangers to th e waitresses - ap parently it's only a half hour trip from Tulsa's Riverside and Harvey Young Airports and is frequently utilized for weekend meals . Back at Tahlequah the homebuilts , classics and an tiques were doing their trick around the patch. One of the most active ships was the freshly finished Luscombe Colt belonging to Bobby Slaton and Joe Johnson. Not many Grand Champion candidates are found with other than the owner in the left seat. This white and green ma chine was quite an exception for many lucky chaps were given the opportunity to sample this exotic machine. We can all look forward to an article on their rebuild of the Colt in a forthcoming issue of The Vintage Airplane. Saturday afternoon fly-bys and buddy rides ended just short of 4:00 P.M. for the air show - possibly too soon for the gaudy hawkers of rides in the Airpower Mu seum Fairchild 71 piloted by Steve Carroll. This rare old bird arrived at Tahlequah after a five hour plus ride at 27 gallons per from Antique Airfield at Blakesburg, Iowa with a crew of young antiquers. The ship was utilized for sightseeing rides with the hope of making enough to get that thirsty Pratt and Whitney back to Iowa. The air show did cut the sightseeing short for awhile while the sky was filled with smoke and the whine of the high powered Pitts and other aerobatic craft. The awards banquet was held Saturday evening follow ing the 6:00 P.M. happy hour in the Student Union. Excel lent mixing - excellent meal and many awards.
(Photo Courtesy Mike Kearby)
1974 Fly-In Chairmen , left to right, Chuck Welch (lAC), Bert Mahon (AAA) and Mike Kearby (EAA).
Grand Champion Ladies Choice Oldest Aircraft Rarest Aircraft Best Antique Biplane Best Antique Monoplane Best Classic Best Classic Monoplane Best Neo-Classic
"Best J-3 Cub *Best Primary Glider
1941 Luscombe CoIt. NX54082 1941 Luscombe Colt, NX54082 1928 Waco ATO, N719E 1931 Heath Parasol, NXS719 1942 Tiger Moth, N12731 1940 Cessna Ai rmaster, NC2548S 1941 Luscombe Colt, NX54082 1946 Dart, NC31690 1946 Stinson 108, NI08HW 1941 Piper J-3, NC38493 Explorer Post 94
Joe Johnso n/Bob Slaton Joe JohnsonlBob Slaton Gordon Bourland, Jr.
Reagan Ormond Leon Whelchel Gar WiUiams Johnson & Slaton Larry Goode Harry Whiting Dale Gore Mark Ramey, President
Greatest Distance in an Antique Best Experimental Biplane Best Experimental
Monoplane Best Original Design
1943 Howard DGA-1S, N95462 1974 Baby Great Lakes, N8727 1949 Pitts 190, N8JD 1973 Sonerai II, N2MX
John Turgyan (N. J.) Robert Shindler Jim Dulin
Gregg Erikson
(Photo by Mike Kearby)
Gordon Bourland, Jr., left, of Fort Worth , Texas receives an award from Sam Hockett, President of Chapter 2 of AAA
(Photo by Gene Chase)
N-8JD is a Pitts Special, but obviously a racer instead of the usual midget biplane. Curtis Pitts designed and built this little speedster for the old Goodyear class and it was flown in competition by Phil Quigley and Bill Bren足 nand. This was the second of two racers built by Curtis Pitts. It is now owned by James Dulin, Box 158, Paoli, Oklahoma 73074 and the aircraft is based at the Pauls Valley Airport. Power is still the Goodyear required Con足 tinental 85.
(Photo by Gene Chase
Bobby Slaton, left, and Joe Johnson , restorers of the 1974 Tulsa Fly-In Grand Champion Luscombe Colt. (Photo by Gene Chase)
1942 DH82A Tiger Moth owned by Leon Whelchel of Dallas, Texas. N-12731 is powered by the old faithful Gipsy Major of 130 h.p. This engine is considered one of the most reliable ever built in any nation . Best Warbird
1941 Meyers OTW. N26485
CharJie Botts
Grea tes t Distance in a n Experimenta l
Gregg Erickson (11 1.)
1973 sonera i II, N2MX
II . NATIONAL H EADQUARTERS AWARDS From Antique Airp lane Assn. President's C hoice
1941 Luscombe Colt, NX54082
Jo hn son & Slato n
From Experimental A ircraft Assn. Best C ustom - Built Best Vintage Airplan e Best Warbird
III. CONTEST AWARDS Short Field Take-Off Spot Landing Bomb Drop
Balloon Burst
1%1 Smith Mini-Plane. N85P 1941 Luscombe Co lt, NX54082 1943 Fairchild PT-19, N54712
1937 1946 1941 1941
Stearman A-75, N4739V Piper J-3. N3580W Taylorcr.ft, N33948 Waco UPF-7, N32060
IV. CH APTER CHOICE AWARDS Kansas City C hapter AAA Award 1937 S tinso n SR-9, Nl8425 Okla. City Chap ter AAA Awa rd 1941 Meyers OTW, N26485 Texas Chap ter AAA Award 1946 S tinso n 108, N108 HW V. LIGHTER S IDE AWARDS ' Steve Ca rro ll Most Me rtio us Flight
Bes t Hangar Flyer O ld es t Pilot Youngest Pilot
Alex Whitm ore
Reaga n Ormond (60 years) Liz Winth rop (18 years)
Judy Mason Johnso n & Slaton
Chet Brake fi eld
Art Lindquist Lee McCarty Bill Fulgham
Liz Winthrop
Jonesy Paul Char lie Botts
Harry Whiting
(1927 Fa irchild 71)
Hard Luck Best Chapter A ttenda nce
Ken Love (Missed Happy Ho ur) Texas Chap te r AAA (33 members)
VI. INDIV IDUAL AWARD PRESENTATION Presented by Sam H ocke tt , Johnny Arms trong Memorial Awa rd Prese nted by Hurley Boehler, Ack nowledgement to Pete & Regina Pann ell
C harlie Kunzer Greatest Antique Couple
Departures began fairly early Sunday morning for the weather was forecasted to deteriorate during the day . The Colt was still making th e rounds and apparently wasn't overloaded by all the hardware garnered during the awards banquet. It was with great reluctance that many of us turned tail and pointed our ships towards home . Al足 though Cherokee Indians were not known for hospitality - this gathering at the Cherokee Nation capital - the Tulsa AAA-EAA-IAC Fly-In certainly qualifies as one of the most hospitable gatherings available to those who enjoy this type of weekend escape. " That's About it, folks. y'a ll have a good time now, y'hearf"
(Photo by Gene Chase)
Left to right, Mary Alice and Gar Williams (the author) and Dick and Bobbie Wagner with Gar's Cessna Air足 master at the White Horn Cove ' airport.
(Photo by Gene Chase)
N-6593N is a 1950 Bellanca 14-19 Cruisemaster (Ser. No . 2046) owned by Dick (EAA 49177) and Helen Guthrie of P. O. Box 187, Bedford, Texas 76021 . It is powered with a Lycoming 0-435-1 of 190 h.p . Not many people walk into the pitot tube on this bird! (Photo by Gene Chase)
Larry Good flew in this sleek Dart for the owner, Aircraft and Engine Enterprises of Moore, Oklahoma. NC-31690 is powered by a 145 h.p . Continental.
(Photo by Gene Chase)
Above - This little Continental A-40 Heath Parasol was manufactured 43 years ago - in September of 1931 - and again enjoys basking in the Oklahoma sun as a result of the restoration skills of owner Reagan D. Ormand of Arlington . The Heath carries its old registration number NX-5719. This is the way non-certified aircraft were designated in the old days.
(Photo Courtesy Gene Chase)
EAA was represented at Tahlequah by, left to right, Gene and Dorothy Chase and Bobbie and Dick Wagner who zipped down from Wisconsin in Dick's Aztec.
(Ph oto by Gene Chase)
No , this is not a two place Acro Sport - it's a Willy 2 built by C. B. Cunningham (EAA 61104) , Wagoner, Oklahoma. Powered by a Lycoming 0-320, the Willy 2 weighs 907 pounds empty and has a max gross of 1296 pounds. Passenger weight is limited to 130 pounds.
Books for Buffs
Around The Antique/Classic World
Dear Mr. Cox: I a m sending to you tw o ph otographs o f air plan es w hich were taken about 35 to 40 yea rs ago a t eith er Bettis Field or old Allegh eny County Airport, Pittsburgh , Penna. I obtained these prints from a fri end of mine w h o still has the n ega tives, including many mo re of this era which h e hlmseIf took. One photo looks like the " In vincible" which appeared in th e article " Th e Invincible Center Wing(s)" in the Augus t 1974 issu e o f The Vintage Airplane . Th e oth er photo is a Lockheed Vega w hlch is painted like an eagle. I would appreciate it if you or an yon e else who receives " Vintage" could fill in th e details behlnd th ese photos . Sincerely, Grover Rahiser, jr. EAA 62573, N C 664 SF Van Buren S t. Evans City, Pa. 16033 (EditOr's Note: The Lockheed Vega is NC-106N, Ser. No. 118, the Stanavo Eagle , owned by the Standard Oil Development Company of New York City. The fuselage of this plane was later mated to the wing of Serial No . 69 and emerged as Jimmy Mattern 's " Century of Progress" re-registered as N-869E. Crash landed and abandoned in Siberia in June of 1933 during Mattern's abortive solo, round-the-world at tempt. The little midwing we are not sure about. It Is very similar to the two place Invincible, how While I have a fairly compreh en sive a viation ever, in comparing the photos differences can reference m orgue, I n eed man y m ore sources be seen (i.e., different wheels, two headrests, of material for m y paintings. slightly different fin and rudder, thinner aft I am writing to you in hopes th at you can pro fuselage, shorter nose, different windshield, vide me with sources that I can contact. I sp e etc.) Can any of you shed light on the situation?) cifically n eed good photos, b ooks, etc. of air cra ft for th e p eri od between the 1920's a nd the mid 40's. The more m aterial I ca n accumulate the m ore accurate m y paintings will be and I will be most gra te ful if you can a dvise me on this Mr. Cox: matter. I can ' t tell you how much we have enjoyed Thank you. being a me mber of th e Antiqu e and Classic Sincerely, Division . Robert C. Sherry Not being able to attend th e Oshkosh Fly- In 4716 Amhers t A ve. this year, th e sus pense of wai ting for The Vin Bingh a mton , N. Y. 13902 tage Ai rplane is ever m ounting. September's issu e was just grea t. You and the rest of the s taff Dear Sir. and officers are to be commended on the won At th e present time I am rebuilding a model d erful job you are doing. V-470 Tank aircra ft engine, serial number 440 We have a SOL Aeronca Chief that w e h op e to and it is rated a t 115 horsep ower. Th e en gin e get back n ear original som e time. Perhaps swings a Curtiss Reed prop eller, model DWG . some of th e members could help - we n eed an EX 32909-69. Afte r all of the ab ove h ave been original pan el for a '38, '39 or 1940 Aeron ca restored th ey will be mounted on an Ashley Chl ef. Large tach , in struments O.K. Consider S P-5 aircra ft . oth er pa rts for SOL Model 1939 Chie f. However, a t the present time I a m h aving an Sincerely, extremely difficult time locating a sufficient Harold L. Prior (EAA 42823) amount of technical material to restore the en R. D. No. 1 gine - torque s pecs, part sizes, assembly pro Fulton, N . Y. 13069 cedures, parts availability, e tc. Any and all coopera tion in obtaining the above information Dear Paul : will be greatly appreciated . In the O ctober 12 issu e of Trade-A-Plane Sincerely yours , there is an ad under " Fairchild Miscellaneous" Louis j . Grabiec, Jr. (NC 1142) for a company that proposes to build center 6960 Sy Rd. sections for PT-19, 23 and 26s . You might caII Niagara Falls, N . Y. 14304 this to the attention of the inte res ted people o f EAA. I a m de fini tely interes ted a nd am also Dear jack: going to contact Bob Taylor of AAA . Could you please place thls in th e n ext Vin Th e price range will b e from $1800 to $2200. tage Airplan e. The address is: Hamilton Tool and Manufac SELLING OUT! 1939 Stinson HW-75 - 80% turing, 905 Slack Dr., Anderson , Ind. 46013. res tored to o riginal - all new fairings , lift struts, Thanks, etc . Fuselage and tail covered and up through Leonard Bonker (EAA 78001) silver. Disassembled 0-200 Continental with 403 E. Washington chrome cylinders - 1/2 roll o f 102 Ceconite - all Albia, Iowa 52531 there to fini s h this rare bird . Thank you , Dear Mr. Hilbert: Gene d e Ruelle I am an artis t specializing in aviation paint (NC 963) ings. I a m under contract to a company wh ose 4258 Beeman Ave. business is (among other things) the marketing Studio City, Calif. 91604 of prin ts of my paintings . Telephon e 213 980-0240
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HISTORICAVIATIDN prints and books for the collector 3850-8 Coronation Rd . Eagan, Minn. 55122 Enc. $ (Minn . res . add 4 % tax) Name _____________________________ Address ___________________________ City ___________________________ State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z,p _ _ _ _ _ __ Postpaid 14 day Money ·back Guarantee 75¢ Handting on Orders Under $1000
« « w
Mail in plain brown wrapper
(Act of August 12. 1970 : Secti on 3685. Title 39 . United Sta tes Code) Ti tle of Publication Date of Filing -
The Vin tage Airplan e
October 31. 1974
Freq uency of Issue -
Lo cation o f know n o ff ice o f publication Milwaukee , Wisconsin 53132.
11311 W. Forest Home Ave .. Franklin .
Location of headq uarters or general busi ness offi ces of the publ ishers as above. Publisher -
Paul H. Poberezny. Box 229 . Hales Corn ers. Wisconsin 531 30.
Edi tor - Justin B. Cox. Box 229, Hales Corners , Wiscon si n 531 30. Owner - Ant ique Classic Aircraft, Inc .. Box 229. Hales Corners. Wisconsin 53130. Known bondholders. mortgagees and other sec urity holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amoun t of bonds, mortgages or other securi ties - None.
Avg. no. copies Ac tual number of copies of each iss ue
during p receeding single issue published 12 months
nearest to Extent and Nat ure of Circulation filing date Total No. co pies p rin ted (net p ress run) ............. . . 2,300 1.883 Paid Ci rcu lation 1. Sales t hrough dealers and carriers ,
street vendors and counter sales
None None 2. Mail subscriptions 1.136 1,488 To tal Paid Ci rcula tion . t ,136 1,488 Free distribution by mail. carrier or o the r means 1. Samples. compli mentary and o ther . .. .. . ....... . free co p ies . 155 215 2. Copies distributed t o news a gents. but not sold ...... . ....... . . ....... . None None To tal distribu tion . . ... . .. . . , . . . 1,291 1.703 Office use, left over. unaccounted . spoiled after prin ting .......... . ..... . ........ . .. . ....... _. . . .... 592 597 Total 1.883 2.300 I certify th at th e statements made by me above are co rrect and compl ete. JUSTIN B. COX . Editor
WANTED - Wings, ailerons and lift struts - or plans for these items - for my basket case 1931 Stinson Jr. S. Also need 1930 Monocoupe 90A wing and metal pro peller for a Lambert R-266 and a Curtiss Reed prop, No. 5501. Jim Home, 3850 Coronation Rd., Eagan, Minn. 55122. Phone: 6121454-2493.
WANTED - Original instrument panel for a '38, '39 or 1940 Aeronca Chief. Large tach, instruments O .K. Will consider other parts for SOL Model 1939 Chief. Harold L. Prior, R. D. No. 1, Fulton, N. Y. 13069.
Calendar Of Events JAN UARY 24-26, 1975- LAKELAND, FLORIDA- Sun and Fun Midwin ter
Fly- In . For an informational m ailing, contact: Marti n Jones, 1061 New Tampa Highway, Lakeland, Florida 33802. JU LY 29 - AUGUST 4, 1975 - O SHKOSH , WISCONSIN - 23rd Annual EAA Fly-In Con vention . Sport aviation world 's greatest event . It's n ot too early to make plans an d reservati ons!
FLORIDA SPORT AVI ATIO N ACTIVITIES - The very active Florida Sport Avia tion Antique and Classic Association has a fl y-in somewhere in the state almos t every month . The decision on the location of the next fl y in is usually made on too short notice for inclusion in The Vintage Air plane , so we reco mmend to all p lann ing a Florid a vaca tion th at th ey contact FSAACA President Ed Escallon , Box 12731, SI. Petersburg, Florida 33733 for fl y-in details . Join the fun!
Back Issues Of The Vintage Airplane Limited numbers of back issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE are available at .sOc each. Copies still on hand at EAA Headquarters are: 1973 - MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 1974 - JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARGH, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER 23