1 minute read

Social Inclusion

Putem discuta despre bullying fizic, verbal, sexual sau psihic. Manipularea, bârfa, constrângerile, criticile, minciunile, comicul exagerat adresat unei persoane sau unui grup de personae, diferențelor pe care acestea le prezintă (înălțime, greutate, culoarea ochilor, culoarea părului, nivel cognitiv, potențial de învățare, rasă, etnie, religie, dizabilitate, tip de familie, nivel de cultură etc.) constituie comportament de tip bullying, comportament din cauza căruia am avut cu toții de suferit și mai ales, un comportament pe care toți l-am manifestat. Cu toții am jignit și am fost jigniți și ne dorim incluziune socială. Geniul Albert Einstein considera că: Lumea nu este amenințată de cei răi, ci de cei care permit răul.

Teacher Sandu Mihaela Claudia Alexandru Vlahuță Technological High School


Respecting the rights of all individuals in society is desirable, but unfortunately we often face discrimination or disrespect for the status of members of vulnerable groups. The hostile behavior of students is called Bullying, referring to the intimidation and terrorization of more shy, introverted colleagues or from a disadvantaged family. The phenomenon is not only found in schools, but also in the media, at work or in the neighborhood. The humiliation of colleagues has as a starting point a certain weakness of the exploited person. Bullying opposes inclusion which involves the exclusion of physical and mental aggression, the avoidance of social exclusion. Bullying involves several aspects: the victim, the aggressor or the group that initiates the humiliation - the mobbing, the spectators-bystanders and the damage caused by the physical or emotional abuse. The term "bullying" translates as "intimidation", but it is not limited to this, it starts from labeling, mockery, spreading rumors, to physical violence. Bullying behavior is felt especially when there are differences in economic, racial, cultural, age, etc., and children learn it from adults, older children, television. The aggressor seems to have no empathy and is even happy to cause pain to others. He wants to dominate and degrade, he exaggerates in ordinary situations. The aggressor abuses his power to hurt others, deliberately and repeatedly. What we do not realize is that the aggressor was also a victim and perpetuates an offensive behavior. There are two categories of people: those who are offended and out of date and those who become abusive in turn. Wanting to gain attention and popularity, they continue the aggressive behavior.

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