LIFESTYLE story by Cynthia Ford
How the Heart Mirrors Love In February, we are reminded of the importance of having a healthy heart, sharing love, and having healthy relationships. As we know, American Heart Health Month and Valentine’s Day reigns as a top focus. Even though the heart is about the size of a fist, it pacts a powerful punch with the huge responsibility it has for the body’s survival. The heartbeat is one of the first signs of life and has the power to send an immediate ray of joy to parents waiting to hear from their unborn child. There is a shattering number of individuals diagnosed with heart disease throughout the world. Therefore, everyone must understand the purpose and functionality of the heart as we strive to implement healthy change. This understanding will lead to intentional shifts in what is consumed and in purposeful pursuits. In this article, we will walk through the basics of the physical heart and how it mirrors love and relationships. Let’s start with a basic breakdown of the heart. The heart is separated into four chambers (right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, and left ventricle). Blood flows into the heart through the vena cava to the first chamber, the right atrium. Blood then travels down to the right ventricle. After leaving the right ventricle, it flows to the lungs. While in the lungs, the blood picks up oxygen as we inhale and exhale. The oxygenated blood displays a brighter red color after this exchange in the lungs. The blood then travels back into the heart through the left atrium and down to the left ventricle. After leaving the left ventricle, blood flows away from the heart to the rest of the body.
How does the heart mirror love and relationships?
This interaction between the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system is a powerful and amazing depiction of how our bodies are simple yet complex. The units within our body operate together strategically and the heart serves as a necessary central unit. The main purpose of the heart is to pump blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body.
Culturally, we learn the art of establishing relationships and how to display love. Yet we maintain some sort of commonality at the core of love and relationships. Love and relationships have a flow just like the heart has a continuous flow through the circulatory system.
Right Atrium Love Love offers a space to receive. In healthy relationships, we open ourselves to receive love from others. As we mature, we learn to filter out things that are not candid 24 24
February February2022 2022
and present to be risky. Receiving is multifaceted, as we can receive emotionally and physically, naturally, and materialistically. It is important to allow space to receive love and remain vigilant yet open to those offering love.
Right Ventricle Love Love offers connection. From our inception, we have been connected to someone or something. No one is exempt from this attribute. This connection deepens with time and continuous interaction. What was your