When it comes to your health, are you listening to the Angel on your shoulder or the Devil?
story by Brock McCallister, Owner Flo-Town Fitness, Certified Firefighter, Crossfit-L2
This may be a crude analogy, but if you really think about it, it happens to all of us! We have two small voices in our head, one telling us we probably shouldn’t eat this whole box of cookies, while the other is saying “You’ve earned it!” The decision is 100% your own, so no excuses! Throughout the years I have seen that, without education and goals, it’s hard to consistently make the right choices. So that gives us two things that we have to do, Make goals that reflect where we want to be, not where we are and then educate ourselves to make decisions to move us towards those goals.
Step 1: Set
your goals
Who do you want to be? Where do you want to be 6 months, 1 year, 5 years from now? What is the number you are trying to hit? If you want to be someone who works out, step one would be to START WORKING OUT! A lot of people get lost in the how, where, why, etc. If you want to be in shape you must work out! So Start, then make adjustments along the way. Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle? Well then let’s start with making ALL of your meals yourself. Find some recipes and let’s have some fun with it! Maybe you want to get back to your college weight. You’re going to have to find out how much you need to eat and then start keeping track every day. Let’s set those goals high and crush them!
Step 2: Learn
how to get there
You want to run a marathon, but you don’t have running shoes. Do some research on quality running shoes and go get some new ones! Then find a running program to start and maybe even a strength program to compliment it. Then just start! If you don’t know anything about healthy food, then learn how to read and understand food labels. Find an app to help you log how much you are eating. You may find that you are not eating enough! At the end of the day, when you know where you are trying to go it is much easier to avoid that devil on your shoulder! YOU are the key to your success, so take ownership and just get to work!
Flo-Town Fitness 612 S Irby St, Florence www,
May 2021