Selected works

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V IR NA ROS S E T TO Selected works



is my name and I would like to invite you to browse through my academic and practice design portfolio. I am a young and ambitious professional with five years of experience in the field of architecture: travelling, learning and working. This portfolio presents several selected projects that reflect my diverse experiences. At the same time, I want to pinpoint my per-

sonal relation with architecture that is based on spatial awareness and the corresponding human interrelations. In each of my projects I am experimenting with different techiques reflecting on design issues and goals. Aiming for the best results, I consider computer design as valuable as freehand drawing skill that I use not only as a final illustration, but also as an analysis tool.

My work follows themes of reinvention, experimentation and conceptual metaphors. I look for relevant references and concepts that are challenging and completely unique, with the ultimate goal to translate them into buildings and environments that work, inspire people and transform communities. I explore all

the possibilities and constraints through extensive research to create a new undestanding towards a better design solution. Throug experimental and playful articulation of design concepts, I create possible scenarious through iterative process of virtual modelling.



VIRNA ROSSETTO 08 | 08 | 1993 Cittadella |Padova | Italy MASTER’S DEGREE

october 2015 – on going (Completed all exams, expected date of graduation: March 2017)

address email Issuu

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Internship / Architect collaborator

University IUAV of Venice

Department of “Architecture of the New and the Antique”

BACHELOR’S DEGREE october 2012 – july 2015

University IUAV of Venice

Department of “Science of Architecture” Graduation mark | 110L / 110

HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Scientific High School “IIS Rolando da Piazzola” WORKSHOP W.A.VE.; + AUTUMN WS; ° TRIPS (All organised by Univ. Iuav of Venice)

Produces CAD drawing for plans, sections and details from 1:50 to 1.:10 drawing scale; contribution and collaboration in restoration work; relief; public competitions; historical research. partecipation in different project phases: conceptual design, planning stage, computer aided design, graphic design, oversaw the layout, building practices, production of conceptual 3D, meeting with providers clients and work’s partners. Historical “Ausonia&Hungaria Hotel” in Lido of Venice

Monumental Palace “Antonianum College”

2014 | “Second nature: A new urban ecology to

“via delle Melette” recovery plan |

Relief and design objects and furnitures.

reoccupy the post-in dustrial abandonment in Marghera”

retraining plan into the urban project.

Pietro Valle / architettivalle - IT assemblies”

+ 2014 | “Unexpected”

Alberto Veiga / Barozzi-Veiga - ES

° 2014 | Study trip from Swiss to France Pierre-Louis Faloci architecture

2017 | LAFARGEHOLCIM AWARDS “Islands of Possibilities. Venice and the Lagoon City”

Team: Laura Cipriani / Superlandscape, G. Carlesso; D. Casani; M. Presta; D. Tassera

2015 | Students representative into the joint groups (Teachers on going students) for the good governement of the University. (Commissione Paritetica e Commissione di Riesame)



Project of the cladding of facades and feasibility study.

Pasquale Lovero - IT

Marta Moreira / MMBB - BR



2013 | “La progettazione critica”

2015 | “The lagoon of nature: The theoory of


Main working / commissions

11, Gaiola St., Limena (PD), 35010

2013 | “Tradizione / Innovazione”

SOFTWARE SKILLS I have the ability to use a range of IT packages competently and have been developong these over my time in practice so far. I am eager to continue improving this skillset and learn new packages.


OTHER SKILLS Personal carateristichs; Interests;

University Iuav of Venice

Assistant the installation of the exhibition

2013 | “Case a corte”

University Iuav of Venice Exhibition of the Lab. 1 results


Autocad 2D Autocad 3D ArchiCAD Adobe Illustrator InDesign Photoshop Sketch Up Office pack

(Word, Excell, Powerpoint)

Italian English French Self-discipline and determination, individual/group under time pressure, conflict resolver, open-minded, flexible, responsable and organised. Graphic design and layout, modelmaking with various materials, photography, interior design, redesifn of furniture, arts & crafts, readring, swimming and climbing. Drivers Licence B



Metropolitan architecture between archeology and uprooting

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Location: Porto Marghera, Italy Type: Academic Work Time: October 2015 - February 2016 Level: Year 4, First semester Supervisors: M. Doimo, D. Trabucco, A. Mazzuccato


The future of an universal exposition

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Location: Milan, Italy Type: Academic Work Time: February 2016 - July 2016 Level: Year 4, Second semester Supervisors: S. Maffioletti, M. Rigo, O. Mazzarella


A space that become a vessel of infinite social possibility

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Location: Palmanova, Italy Type: Academic Work Time: October 2016 - February 2017 Level: Year 5, First semester Supervisors: A. Dal Fabbro, S. Di Resta, P. Foraboschi, A. Faggiani

IDENTITY HORIZONS Friuli as a border country

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Location: Friuli, Italy Type: Academic Work Time: October 2016 - February 2017 Level: Year 5, First semester Supervisors: L. Cipriani


Lost islands in the Venetian Lagoon

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Location: Venice, Italy Type: Competition Time: March 2017 Level: Year 5, Second semester Supervisors: L. Cipriani / Superlandscape

ENERGETIC NEEDLES A new urban ecology

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Location: Porto MArghera-Venice, Italy Type: Workshop Time: July 2015 Level: Year 2, Second semester Supervisors: P. Valle / Vallearchitetti


How to evok and create a new place Location: Santiago de Compostela, Spain Type: Workshop Time: October 2015 Level: Year 3, First semester Supervisors: A. Veiga / Barozzi-Veiga

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URBAN-TECTONIC LAYERING Metropolitan architecture between archeology and uprooting Porto Marghera-Venice, Italy

The area encompassed between via Fratelli Bandiera and via dell'Elettricita' presents itself as particularly strategic to the overall transformation of Porto Marghera. It borders on one side with the urban fabric of the city-centre of Marghera and on the other with the actual industrial zone. The city's urban planning has been foreseeing for some time the radical transformation of this territorial strip, predominantly in favor of the service sector, in order to repurpose the axis of via Fratelli Bandiera into an urban road with a centrality character, in close connection with the populated part of Marghera. The project consists on a balanced juxtaposition of volumes following two othogonal axes that created a complete unit: this interlacing of axes shapes the whole series of configurations and elements that combine a vertical punctual structure with different horizontal factory shapes which succeed in connecting different buildings. The tower of 100 m high and composed by 22 floors stands in the heart of the site to show as a new typology building which is intended to bring about a qualitative improvement for its use. This vertical structure is devided into two parts: hall, workshop rooms, offices and the entire business center on the lower floors and lounges, cafe and auditorium on the highest floors.

Mapping of the site


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15 km

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5 km

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10 km

15 km

15 km

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20 km 0 km

5 km

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Site plan

15 km


Ground floor South elevation

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Axonometric section Detail section of the tower


REST(ART) EXPO The future of an universal exposition Expo Milan, Italy

Expo is located in what formerly was a disused industrial and warehousing site at the northern edge of the Milan metropolitan area, just north of the Rho-Pero Milan Fair. Although in theory connected to the city center by the underground, the tramway and a cycle lane, the site is nevertheless quite marginal both in a urban and in a psychological sense. The site layout reproduces the structure of ancient Roman cities, based on an orthogonal grid anchored by two principal axes: the decumanus and the cardo. What is the future of Expo-Milan? What can be maintained to re-start the area? This is the questions where we started to design. The green spaces and the canals surround the site, carry out a unifying approach and, as the old Boeri and Herzong's masterplan, there's a need to establish a solid connection between the inner spaces and the outside. The project is composed of three parallel bar-shaped volumes, clad in based fibre-cement and corten, equal in 18 m width but differing in height. A internal "square" crosses the volumes to connect the various functions to the outside and to enhance the efficiency of the control of the flow of the visitors. Every building have a different use (workshops, library/museum/ auditorium, rehearsal rooms and caffee) but they melt together sharing their spaces : the crossing square present runways and stairs that connect the different areas. The project aim to value the spaces than the geometry.

Project diagram


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First floor Section CC'


Cross section DD' North elevation


Section BB' Photo from the model


Architectural focus: section, elevation and plan of a part of the musem


Architectural focus: section, elevation and plan of a part of the theatre



Section of the library


THE EXEDRA A space that become a vessel of infinite social possibility Palmanova, Italy

The site is situated in Palmanova, an old city that was designed and built from new by the Serenissima; it's role was that of defending the eastern borders from Turkish invasion and from the espansion of Austria. The city fortress presents a centred urban nucleus of 70 hectares, contained within three concentric city walls wich give Palma its characteristic nine-pointed star shape (total external perimeter is approximately 7 km). The inhabited area is organised following strict geometric modules and extends in close connection with the fortified perimeter; these two elements represent an ensemble where each construcion work is linked in shape and function with the military structure. To fully understand the perfect integration between the urban setup and military framework, we need to start with the geometrical centre and symbolic hub of Palma and proceed outwards towards the nonagonal defence perimeter. The bastions are linked by the curtains eache one around 340 m long; in the middle, the three city gates open up (north-west, north-east and south respectively) called Udine Gate, Cividale Gate and Aquileia Gate; they have kept their primitive names dedicated to the three vital town centres that were historically linked to Palmanova. The project aim to regenerate the area removing buildings of little value and to restore the others with an important

architectural and historical merit. The project consists in a new cultural centre that mixed an itinerant museum, artigianals labs with showrooms and workshop rooms: everything related by a semicircular runway on the heart of the site strictly connected with the Palma hexagonal piazza, by the main street. Although the form of this main element could appear inusual compared to the urban setup characterized by a close rigidity, it reflected the inner ambiguity of Palmanova. The exedra creates a new square and heart for a city that's been frozen in an unrecognizable past and it gets in touch as a belt the more important occurrences: the "Gamerra" barracks (an ancient building to be restored) to the new semi-hypogeum exposition hall like a snake that passes through the different ambiences. The external spaces contribute to enrich the visitor's walk: the entire concept aim to create a link to the natural configuration of the site and the ways on the ramparts, the complex system of defence and , therefore, the outer wall of the city. At the end, the belt-function is visible also in the relation between the two military zones close to each other: Montezemolo barrack and Piave barrack, both placed on the outermost urban ring of Palmanova that presented different military facilities (the old path called via delle milizie).


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26 Urban connections

Transformation of the external system of defence

Urban density and abandonment situation

Relation between the Gamerra barrack and the bastions





Critical interpretation of the current situation

Project outline

The Republic of Venice has interpenetration of different enemies goverment

The Archduchy of Austria has got jagged territory into the Republic of Venice

Palmanova subjected the Napoleon Empire

First Venetian city walls: 1593-1613

Creation of the gates

The barrack has yet to be built

High density in the city blocks

The barrack has yet to be built

Gates, baluardi and curtains

Restoration activities: Donato and Barbaro bastions

Third Venetian city walls: 1805-1809

High density in the city blocks

Ravelins, lunettes and the moat

Part of the regiorn passed to italian government

Palmanova: convergence point of the regional most important cities

Increasing the flow of visitors

city walls no longer used: state of disrepair

Venetian city walls current orography original morphology maintained

punctual injuries (80% original hallmark)

numerous injuries (40% original hallmark)

Improvement activities of the conditions of city walls and creation of new landmarks and paths

High density in the city blocks

High presence of abandoned buildings into the urban setup

Re-activation of a portion of Palma. A belt-building connected old military zones on state of disrepair

- lack of the relations between each other - presence of the original bastions orography

- strictly relation between the two elements - presence of punctual injuries given by the abandonment status - secondary paths in addiction to the originals

- strictly relation between the two elements - punctual presence of the original peculiarities given by the abandonment status - uneasy feasibility of the paths

- improvement of the feasibility on different quotes and connection between new/old buildings and the bastions - improvement of the urban walls conditions





Ground floor plan

Axonometric view Section AA' Section BB' North-west elevation

Detail of the esedra and the connection of this one to the Gamerra barracks by a bridging

30 Covering slab Tiles, size: 6x41x14,5|18,5 cm Protective sheath Cementitous mortar cape, thickness di 3 cm Clay planks, size: 25x36x0,4 cm. SAP reinforced clay rafters, size: 40x55cm


Rough stone walls Historic walls composed of local stones, selected in shape and size linked each other with large mortar joints. These walls present courses of bricks corrisponding to the top layers on wich the covering slab is built. It’s probably due to the insertion done during past restorations.



Flange and arch in bricks details, extracted from Trattato di restauro architettonico, G.Carbonara (pic extracted from La pratica del fabbricare, C. Formenti - R. Cortelletti).

Second floor slab Finishing layers consist of sand and inerts Concrete screed Stratified layer (mortar, rags and other loose materials) Stone vaulted I4

Stone vaulted scheme, extracted from Trattato generale sulle costruzioni, G. A. Breymann.

Average height of the stones: 30 cm excepted for the courses on the top of the openings in the frontage: 40 cm, November 2016-inspection


First floor slab Concrete finishing layer with a rectangular shape texture to imitate the local stone. Mortar bed Concrete screed Stratified layer (mortar, rags and other loose materials) Brick three-centered vaulted

Brick wall with with natural stone cladding Each Gamerra barrack’s turret presents a brick wall with natural stone cladding: this is well visible in correspondence to the openings on the ground floor, and to the other places where some holes were been executed fot the passage of systems.

Ground floor slab Red stoneware tiles floor Mortar bed Concrete screed Stratified layer (mortar, rags and other loose materials) Brick three-centered vaulted

Brick three-centered vaulted / intersection between a vaulted and an arch, extracted from Trattato di restauro architettonico, G.Carbonara (pic extracted from La pratica del fabbricare, C. Formenti - R. Cortelletti).

Sack style masonry with two brick walls Underground floor slab Concrete finishing Concrete screed



hy do I insist on the idea that buildings are not the exclusive property of the architect? Mainly because I believe the presence of the architect quickly disappears and that, once completed, buildings take on a life of their own. Architects endure all the difficulties involved in raising buildings -artifacts that perhaps at first can be said to reflect our intentions, express our desires and represent the problems we dicuss in schools. For a time, we regardour buildings as mirrors; in their reflection we recognize who we are, and eventually who we were. We are tempted to think that a building is a personal statement within the ongoing process of history; but today I am certain that once the construction is finished, once the building assumes its own reality and its own role, all those concerns that occupied the archi-

tects and their efforts dissolve. There comes a time when buildings do not need protection of any kind, neither from the architects nor from the circumstances. In the end, circumstances alone remain as hints, allowing critics and historians to gain knowledge of the buildings and to explain to others how they took their form. The building itself stands alone, in complete solitude -no more polemical statements, no more troubles. It has acquired its definitive condition and will remain alone forever, master of itself. I like to see the building assume its proper condition, living its own life. Therefore, I do not believe that architecture is just the superstructure that we introduce when we talk aboutbuildings. I prefer to think that architecture is the air we breathe when buildings have arrived at their radical solitude. Rafael Moneo

The solitude of the buildings


IDENTITY HORIZONS Friuli as a border country Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

Today the break-up of the great military infrastructure (conceived as a pourous trench against the widespread communism), puts some question about the meaning and times for re-use. Friuli Venezia Giulia is an italian region located in the north-east of the country and it has always been seen as a border region of the occidental world, therefore as time went on, FVG becomes the most militarized region of Italy. This analysis begin with the foundig of Palmanova that was designed and built from new to defend the eastern borders from Turkish invasion and from the espansion of Austria. Among the many special features of the Fortress-city is the union between the strictly military connotation with that of the "ideal city": the shape of the nine-pointed star, the city walls and the imposing presence of military buildings along the perimeter, these are the frame within which the technical experts designed the urban fabric with geometric perfection. The perimeter lies along the French fortified wall which represents the functional and physical continuation of the two Venetian, at the end, the two World Wars and the Cold War changed the need for military spaces. These conflicts, fought on very different political maps, have led to the foundation of various outpost located in selected places compared to classic borders. The main difficult of this study consists on searching the military identity of FVG.



7 845 km²










119,2 km² FVG AREA

7.845 km²


9,65 %


7 845 km²


119,2 km²






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SPZ (Special Protection Zones)

wet-areas restraints

hydro-geological restraints

landscape restraints

biotopes and fields

archeological sites

woody species (1) restraints

woody species (2) restraints

old woody species and IAF restraints

SPZ (Special Protection Zones), hydro-geological restraints and the "wet areas", are the specific water-restraints. The preservation of these particularly zones is visible on the maintenance of habitats good to the movement of wildlife. The biotopes, the fields and SCI (Site of Community Interest) composed the lanscaping and archaeological constraints that aimed to limit the urban construction in precious places. At the end, the forestation areas interest the restraints link with the woody species (arbororiculture, viticulture and thei production systems).


PHASE 1_Today The project respects the verticality of the existing routes, close to watercourses and historical ways.

PHASE 1_2030 The plan is influenced by the horizontal expansion of the urban centre and the changing of the guiding lines generated.

PHASE 3_2050 The landscape is stressed in terms of horizontality, compared to the particular stratigraphy that emerge from the "road map".


Fase 1_2030 Fase 2_2050

42 Rivers Ausa's and Corno's border

River Stella's border

River Isonzo's border

The Venetian border as reuse path

Tagliamento pincher as suffer way

The oriental border as sport border


What needs to be done to restore the "fragile territories" of this region? And so the design of this highly fragmented territory, starts with this question. The aim is to give a new meaning, studying the cultural and physical speciticities of this place. These are the points on which the research is based to create a new form of economy through an efficient local marketing. We use every kind of refuses (pieces of

territory, too), to combine a unique network of pathways with specific themes that aim to give dignity to that territories and to be better identified into the landscape. This is an hypotetical "today-scenario" that would respect the verticality of the existing routes, close to watercourses and historical ways. The refuses become the Gilles Clement' Third Landscape through the ideation of different itineraries:

sport paths, equipped softair camps, cultivation of suffron fields, niche products industries, bioplastic and manufacturing industries, didactic farms, exhibition halls and reception centres for refugees. The series of "forgotten places" becomes a particular series of "repossession places" in this picture of current scenario.


Tagliamento pincher as suffer way

This specific route is at the heart of the "way of saffron". In the south of the region is cultivated two kind of this plant with different flowering: the Crocus weldeni (March-April) and the Crocus reticulatus (February-March). The saffron could be cultivated between fields and woods-constrained as a frame to the nature trails, educational programmes, cultural events and others initiatives.

The Venetian border as reuse path

The barracks were also the training site, so how can they come back to be? So the east battlefront become the new sport-front: the scenary to practice sports immersed in the Fiuli's natural landscape, like aisoft in which participants (adults and teens) "eliminate" opponents by hitting each other with spherical plastic pellets launched via airsoft guns. This will help to create a sort of "tourism of memory".

The oriental border as sport border

The Venetian border becomes the theater of the reuse-path in three different ways: the old barracks will be ready to become reception centres for refugees and immigrants, the Aquileia's missile base will maintain biodiversity through permaculture activities and measures applied with respect for the natural ecosystem and Torviscosa, a workers' village will attend to return of industry.



If, in the current scenario, the series of "forgotten places" becomes a particular series of "repossession places" stressed on general vertical lines; in the hypotetical future scenario (approximately 2050), the landscape will be characterised in terms of horizontality, compared to the particular stratigraphy that emerge from the "road map" and the hydrogeolodical risk-map that

could fooded many territories of the south of the region. The horizontal matrix is repeated into the territory subjected to the trasformations, emphasising the places identity, the configuration of the cities and the countryside (projected modellisig sea-levels and coastal erosion: approximately + 34 cm).








Territorial alnalysis Territorial strategy


LOST ISLANDS Lost islands in the Venetian Lagoon. Elementaty piers. Venice islands, Italy

COMPETITION: Lafargeholcim Awards

The islands of the Venice lagoon have been abandoned for a long time. The city of Venice absorbs and concentrates tourist flows and economic resources whereas the islands and borderlands are today little known and poorly connected. The "Lagoon Park" institution has recently been abolished by the City of Venice. The islands are being sold to private enterprises and people are progressively losing an inestimable patrimony made of military forts, monasteries, ancient remains. The project starts from the belief that landscape is not only an environmental resource but also that it can become an economic resource, a resource to be cultivated. The strategy adopted involves a minimal project of lagoon exploration, characterized by minimal interventions and costs and bringing economic, environmental and social benefits in the long term. MINIMAL DESIGN The project on the lagoon and the islands is meant to be minimal, simple, flexible, and to be followed by a program of small target interventions. The project envisions four phases:1.the knowledge project; 2.the construction of elementary piers; 3.the project of connections; 4.the establishment of temporary activities in the islands.


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THE KNOWLEDGE PROJECT: is thought to promote knowledge of the islands to the people (local population and tourists). The research project was initially undertaken in an academic studio at the Iuav University of Venice (prof. Laura Cipriani) and later on it was developed in a series of participatory workshops, seminars and temporary installations and students. Dissemination activities had already started and the book "Island of possibilities" in phases of publishing. The construction of ELEMENTARY PIERS will provide safe and easy access the islands. The wooden piers - shaped as elementary forms - can be adapted and placed in any abandoned island of the lagoon. Initially, the piers will be built in the islands that are located next to the mainland borders and that wew used as military forts: San Giuliano, San Secondo, Campalto, Tessera, San Giorgio in Alga, San Giacomo in Paludo, Buel del Lovo, Sant'Angelo, Carbonera, Le Tresse. The first elementary pier will be constructed in the other islands. The + construction of the piers will involve local communities and NGOs. Funds for construction will be obtained through crowfunding and through a limited public investment (e.g. City of Venice, UNESCO, EU projects). The PROJECT OF CONNECTIONS will allow to easily access the islands by boat through planned thematic itineraries. From Fort Marghera, Pellestrina and Cavallino Tessera have been identified as the three points of access to the lagoon routes. The first itinerary to be developed will consider the defensive system of "fortress-islands" which protected Venice from attack from the sea and land. TEMPORARY USES wil ensure the maintenance and use of the islands. Today, the majority of islands are mostly inaccessible since they are occupied by brambles and by uncontrolled vegetation without any maintained path. Islands + will be given in charge to independent associations and NGOs that will be responsible for the maintenance of the piers and for planning Carbonera temporary uses (e.g. vegetation will be "cut" at zero cost by sheep; some islands will be temporarily used for agricultural purposes; one island will be used as a camping site).

+ + Tessera



++ +


+ +

+ Biological agriculture


Maintenance of biodiversity Breeding




Biological agriculture Maintenance of biodiversity Breeding Camping

+Carbonera +



Buel del Lovo


Biological agriculture Maintenance of biodiversity Breeding Camping



San Giacomo in Paludo


Le Tresse

Le Tresse




Le Tresse




+ +

+ +

+ San Giorgio in Alga

Buel del Lovo

Biological agriculture


Maintenance of biodiversity portfolio_page/holcim/ Breeding



Competition-team: Laura Cipriani: Superlandscape


+ G. Carlesso, D. Casani, M.Presta, Tessera V. Rossetto, D. Tassera.

+ Maintenance of biodiversity Breeding Camping

Le Tresse




Biological agriculture

Buel del Lovo


San Giacomo in Paludo



+ San Secondo San Giuliano


+ +


+ +

San Secondo San Giuliano


+ +



San Giuliano





+ +







ENERGETIC NEEDLES A new urban ecology to reoccupy the industrial abandonment in Marghera Porto Marghera, Italy

WORKSHOP: Pietro Valle / Vallearchitetti At the edge of the industrial area, east from Fratelli Bandiera in front of Canale Industriale ovest (Grandi Mulini Italiani). BIOMASSE At the moment the project area is characterized by a set of isolated areas and by a running industry which stores and processes corn and seeds. The new part of the city will no longer have the haracteriNUOVE ENERGIE stics of the old mono-functional productive areas that "waste land" but will consist of flexible areas capable of accommodating dwellings, small-scale production, offices, services, private and publicENERGETICA green landscaPRODUZIONE pe. The course wants to define a new "urban density" that absorbs different functions, and will be characterized by an environmental form "open" to changes in time. The project concept starts from the maintenance and the reuse of existing industrial strucutes (converting them for the production of biogas) and from the building of new structures, capable of self-sustaining through creation and use of alternative energy; that area will become a research center, specialized in studying and producing green energy. This project imagines an innovative idea: create a flexible urban-net which fits for different usages (accomodations, residences, laboratories and services). In this way it created a mix of elements that combine vertical punctual structures with horizontalECONOMICO factory shapes whiRISPARMIO ch succeed in connecting different buildings.






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Servizi Laboratori

Tower diagram View of the vertical punctual structure


Servizi Laboratori

Zona giorno Zona notte

Zona giorno Zona notte

Photos from the model Ground floor plan of the tower and the service buildings Section BB'


UNEXPECTED How to evok, interpret, discover and create a new place. Santiago de Compostela, Spain

WORKSHOP: Albero Veiga / Barozzi-Veiga studio







1: Workshop 2: Auditorium 3: Area Relax 4: Servizi






-2,00 Âą0,00











1: Workshop 2: Auditorium 3: Area Relax 4: Servizi







The project is placed on a hillside located in a close relationship to the monastery; it's divided into two parts: a public place (exposition halls and conference centre) and a private place (atelier for the artists and laboratories). The choise fot the project-concept consists to configure these two realities as two separated portions: two buildings with different volumes but connected by the rythm of the openings, the materials choises and the finishing color. The exposition hall icludes a strongly characterized building to favor the visual view of the observer towards the large window looking out onto the city. The other building is made up of two volumes next to each other but in the same time separated, despite having the same private nature, because they contain different destinations. These two volumes are balanced on the side of the hill maintaining the space as permeable as possible to people thanks to copious entries and a walkable covered place along the area. The openings open outwards with a telescopic view to the main poins of interest of the city: the park, the urban city, the access road to the monastery. Light color has been chosen to differentiate the new places of public life from the dark colors of the stone characterizing the privacy and the segregation of monastic life.

1: Workshop 5: Ingresso


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Site plan Ground and first floor plan

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Views of the new building Section AA' Section AB'


"Architecture implies the distance between our work and ourselves, so that in the end the work remains alone, self-supported, once it has acquired its physical consistency. "

V I RNA ROSSE T TO Architectural portfolio

+39 3479532239

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