President’s Annual Report 2020 At our last AGM, a large number of new members were voted in to join the executive team and after being the treasurer for a number of years previously, this was my first year as president. As we worked together through our initial learning curve and getting to know each other to leverage strengths, everyone maintained their enthusiasm and I’m proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish this year, despite the unexpected challenges. We finished up 2019 with the popular, annual Port Renfrew run but unfortunately, we had to cancel our Autocross and Chili Challenge due to low entries and wet weather.
In March, we hosted the Zone 6 Presidents’ Meeting at the Grand Pacific hotel in Victoria. It was attended by all ten regions in our zone and was led by our Zone 6 representative, Mark Prusynski, who travelled from Boise, Idaho. The executive was busy planning for a lot of events for 2020, when we were hit by the pandemic shutdown and the restriction on activities that lasted until June. It was disappointing that we had to cancel our Black Rock multi-day event, but we are hopeful that it will run again in 2021. Once the restrictions eased, we started holding drives and social gatherings again within the health official restrictions and guidelines. The 14 drives, organized in all areas of Vancouver Island, proved to be very popular. We also managed to hold a track day at Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit and a TSD (Time, Speed, Distance) Rally. Almost all events were full and most of the drives had waiting lists. With continuing COVID-19 restrictions and what appears to be a lack of interest in autocross events by our members, the Autocross and Chili Challenge was not scheduled this year. Looking ahead, 2021 marks our 25th anniversary as a Club and a planning committee has been formed to plan events to celebrate this important milestone. There’s a lot to look forward to next year, with new anniversary events added to the Club’s social calendar. Finally, I want to thank all of the Executive team, who do so much to make the Club a success and ensure the members can enjoy their cars and meet their fellow members.
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