Porscher 2021 08

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Voice of the Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America

Volume 24 Issue 6, August 2021

In This Issue Sun Peaks, Parade 2021. Member Profile, Anniversary Gear, 25 Roads Update & Photos, President’s Drive Photos, Summer Rally

Porscher Advertiser Index

000 Magazine

Porsche Centre Victoria


Jason Good Custom Cabinets

900 Degrees Pizza

HAGERTY MotorsportReg

Garage Kings Victoria Please show your support for these companies by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their money is well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA

CONTACT : Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the Club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Please send submissions via email to the Newsletter Editor at: Newsletter@virpca.org NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The deadline for the next issue is the 23rd of the month. PHOTO CREDITS: Wyman Lee, Gary Glover, Henning/Tanya Wulff, Ann/Dean Aikenhead and Steve Fairbrother. Others are credited in articles. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies, please advise us and we shall credit you next month.

Click here for our Facebook Group page

Advertising Rates $210 Outside back page $200 Inside front cover $190 Inside back cover $150 Full page $ 90 Half page $ 50 Quarter page $ 30 Business card Please contact the Editor for more information VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER


Porscher is the official publication of the Vancouver Island Region of the Porsche Club of America and is published approximately monthly. EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor. Copyright © 2017-2021 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved.

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Cover Photo Sun Peaks’ Cars By Dean Aikenhead VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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President Tim Evans president@virpca.org

Vice President Garth Webber Atkins vicepresident@virpca.org

Secretary Ross Mosher secretary@virpca.org

Treasurer Trevor Ross treasurer@virpca.org

Director—Up Island Wendy Woodley upisland@virpca.org

Director—Mid Island Dan Bourlet midisland@virpca.org

Director—South Island Imogen Burr southisland@virpca.org

Newsletter Chair Steve Fairbrother newsletter@virpca.org

Webmaster Chair Dave Nickel webmaster@virpca.org

Membership Chair Dan Schuetze membership@virpca.org

Rally Chair Klaus Kreye rally@virpca.org

Competition Chair Vacant competition@virpca.org

Tech (Classics) Chair Paul Rossmo paul.rossmo@prhistorics.com

Past President John McGurran pastpresident@virpca.org

VIR Business meetings are normally held on the 2nd week of every month, refer to “Around The Bend” for dates and places. Meeting minutes are available upon request from the VIR Secretary VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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VIR President Tim



till lots of upcoming events to enjoy!

We had a very busy month in July with Escape at Sun Peaks (see my article), the South-Island Picnic, TSD Rally, and the President’s drive to Genoa Bay for breakfast. August looks to be equally busy with an event almost every weekend, starting with the Gimmick Rally and Up-Island Picnic in Courtenay, the Mid-Island Picnic, and the Fairwinds Lunch and Drive in Nanoose. I look forward to seeing you at one or several events! Keep up-to-date with what is going on by making sure you read club emails, follow the social media posts and check the website calendar regularly to stay informed of upcoming events and information on registration. The 25th anniversary planning committee has been very busy planning the three summer picnics (one each in South-, Mid- and Up-Island), producing the 25th anniversary clothing and merchandise and now planning the year-end Grand Gala planned for Saturday, October 23rd in Victoria. Look for more details and registration to open in the next two weeks for the Grand Gala. As always, our Club activities only happen because of the wonderful people, who volunteer their time to either serve on the executive or help out with putting on events. Without them, we would not be able to offer the variety and number of events we do. We now know that there will be a number of vacancies on the Executive next year, so this is your chance to serve on the Executive team and get involved with the running of the Club. It’s great to see that so many members have been participating in the 25 Roads for 25 Years challenge. My goal is still to do all 25 by the end of September. With a big road trip planned for this month up to Port Hardy, team auf Achse sein will cover seven of the drives during that trip. This will leave the last few in the Mid-Island area to knock off in September. Finally, congratulations to our newsletter editor, Steve Fairbrother, for winning first in class for Porscher at the PCA Parade at French Lick Indiana. Next time you see Steve make sure you let him know you appreciate his efforts, I know I do.

Porscher Editor Steve



am absolutely thrilled to be awarded 1st place in the PCA Newsletter Awards for our club size this year. There are others who contribute towards this publication regularly (and not so regularly), but everyone who has done so in 2020 can feel a part of this award— thanks to you all!

No doubt there will be some photos in Porscher of the trophy when it arrives in Canada from PCA Parade at French Lick. That is two trophies now, dare we go for a third? Keep sending in your articles and photos!! VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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PCA Zone 6 Representative Mark


August Zone 6 Update


uly was Parade month. I am writing this on the way back from Parade—sort of. We decided to follow Route 66 as much as we could from Illinois to California, then stop to visit our daughter on

the way back up to Boise. We are stopping in Tucumcari, New Mexico. The Parade in French Lick was everything that the veterans of the 2015 Parade in French Lick said it would be, including the rain showers. The roads may have been the best Porsche roads we have ever been on. It was tough to maintain the correct speed on the rally, although the Roberts from Inland Northwest and Robinsons from Silver Sage seemed to do well enough to bring home trophies. I brought home a second place trophy in the golf tournament, solely due to pairing with Caleb Kiebert, a former Silver Sager, who also brought home the long drive trophy. Zone 6 members captured several trophies in the autocross and Technical and Historic

Quiz. The Zone’s greatest recognition, however, was in the National Awards. Oregon earned a second place and Inland Northwest took third in the Website Contest. Vancouver Island took first in the Newsletter Contest. Silver Sage received an Honorable Mention in the Public Service Awards, but the big surprise came as they were reading the award for Region of the Year. It sounded awfully familiar. Silver Sage was chosen as the first place winner. I am so glad I talked President Lindsey Robinson into attending the Parade this year and she is, too. I hope she and Ken could carry all their winnings home in Lindsey’s Boxster. Silver Sage also won the Region of the Year Award in 1996 at the San Antonio Parade. I didn’t attend, so I couldn’t share the honor with other Silver Sagers until they got home. It was

great to share it in real time with Lindsey, Ken and Linda and send the news back home as it happened. This was my last Parade as Zone 6 Representative and I thoroughly enjoyed bragging about all of our Zone 6 members. I hope to visit more of you soon.

Mark Editor—Congratulations to Mark and his Silver Sage region for their wins.


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Membership Chair Dan


Membership Report July 2021


ancouver Island Region has 591 members. We have 365 primary members and 226 affiliate or family members. PCA has 91,729 primary members, 49,041 affiliate members and 21 life members for a total of 140,791 members.

New Members to VIR — Welcome! Member

Affiliate /

Location / From


Matthew Arsenault


1999 Boxster

Gregory Brennan


2020 Macan S


Tim Langevin

Ramona Langevin


2007 911 Carrera S

Dusan Markivic

Jill Kelly


2021 718 Cayman GT4


2002 Boxster S

Central Saanich

2021 718 Boxster

Saltspring / Red River

2016 Boxster GTS

Wayne Mcstravick Susan Whitson

Gregg Whitson

David Turner

2005 Boxster S

NB. If you do not have your partner/friend listed as an affiliate, please contact PCA to add them. The Club receives extra funds from PCA for that! Renewals: Lapsed: Transfer in/out:

23 7 1/1

Membership Anniversaries in July – Congratulations! 15 years: Harold Grass, Karen Grass, Jeffrey Smith, Jane Smith 5 years: Chuck Romain, Lorraine Romain 1 year: Jane Kettner, Mike Pellat, Fred Stock, Cyndi Mcleod, Madison Mcleod, Karl Darrall, Rob Grant, Karim Karmali, Tammy Despins, Eric Shafonsky, Adrian Ortiz-Mena, Shane Hoag


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VIR Vice President, Garth

Webber Atkins

While I am looking forward with excitement to our 25 th Anniversary Gala on October 23rd, a date that looms even larger in my mind is October 30th. It may seem a little early to start thinking about the Annual General Meeting, and the elections for Board of Director positions, but for me, at this point, it is top of mind. The Board has canvassed its Directors and Chairs to see who will stand for a position for 2021/2022. Five of the seven elected Board of Director positions are stepping down, including Tim, having concluded his two years as President. I have indicated my willingness to run for President. If I am elected, then the positions we know will be vacant are: Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, South Island Director and Mid-Island Director. You can see why this is a matter of some concern to me. Of our seven Chair positions, 4 have indicated that they are staying on (thank you, Steve, Klaus, Dave and Paul), with one position currently vacant, one unconfirmed, and one leaving. The Chair positions are focused on specific operational programs or areas of activity for the Club, and are appointed rather than elected. They can be created or dissolved as the needs of the Club change, and are a great way to get involved and get a feel for how the Executive Committee works. Chair positions are non-voting, but included in the discussion around decisions. The Membership Chair will be vacant. This is an important position for the Club, as the Membership Chair is often a new member’s, or prospective new member’s, first point of contact with the Club. The current Executive has been a highly effective team that gets things done. Many of them were new two years ago when they first stepped up, but they learned the ropes and did their best for the Club. I hope some of you will be inspired to do the same. It was a great group to work with. I am sure the next group will be too, because our members are great people. If you are curious about any of the upcoming positions, please feel free to ask questions of me, Tim, or any of the current Executive. Over the next few weeks, I will provide more information about the positions in Porscher and endeavour to post position descriptions on the web site. In the meantime, let’s enjoy the summer and the events we have coming up in August. I am attending several, so perhaps I’ll see you there! Happy driving!


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Note: The PCA discount can only be applied to one order per year



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VIR President Tim


A wonderful day at Saanich Fairgrounds for the South Island picnic where members enjoyed refreshments, snacks, lunch and a special treat after. Congratulations to Ron Dempsey who won the People’s Choice award. Thanks to all the volunteers, and there were lots of you that made it happen, especially Betty Choy and Sandy Lee. Thanks to Solomon and Jan from Chicken-on-the-Run for the tasty lunch boxes. Looking forward to the Mid Island and Up Island events in August!


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Treasurer & Member Trevor & Sonia Ross 25 Roads for 25 Years Challenge – July Update The circumference of the Earth is slightly more than 40,000 kilometres, and so far, the total mileage logged for the Challenge is roughly 20,000 kilometres with nine weeks still left to go! It’s great to see how many of you love to drive your cars, there are lots of smiling faces in the photos that have been submitted and it’s wonderful to be welcomed back into our more remote communities with the easing of COVID restrictions. Congratulations to Team gary987 for completing all 25 roads, joining Team Gosse as the only two teams with those bragging rights (so far). As of writing, team Dempsey and yours truly are tied with 18 roads completed, and there are many other teams hot on our wheels. For more details, go to the VIRPCA website and click on the 25 Roads Challenge under Events. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see a “RESULTS” button that takes you to “Results by Road” to see which roads have been driven the most, and “Team Statistics” to see which teams have been out driving. Click on a road or a team’s name for stories and photos. The only road update I’m aware of since the last issue of Porscher comes from Team Dempsey, who reports lots of construction and gravel all around Yellow Point, likely 5 km in all (Drive #17). This reminds us to check road conditions and closures before heading out as they are always changing. They can also be a good excuse to get off the main roads and do some exploring! There is still plenty of time to register and get some drives in; even if you only go out once or twice, I would appreciate you letting me know so I can include you in my stats and add your name to the draws that will take place during the Gala in October. You could also combine your drives with some of our upcoming events, so I encourage you to check out the routes you could incorporate during your trip. The Challenge runs until October 1, so you still have time to register by emailing your team’s name to 25Roads@virpca.org. Take photos during each drive and send them in so I can keep track of your progress. Complete rules and instructions can be found on the VIRPCA website (under Events, 25 Roads Challenge) and in the Driving Log you received in the mail. As always, be sure to check out the VIRPCA Facebook page and #virpca25roads on InstaVANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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gram for photos and stories. Good luck, stay safe and see you out there.


Team: Old Red, Older Blue


Steve Peers route # 4

Many thanks to all members who sent in their photos to Trevor & Sonia and/or posted them onto the Club Facebook page for other members to enjoy. Please keep them coming—lots of time left yet VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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25 Roads

Team Name

Roads Km Hours



2040 40.5





Old Red, Older Blue








Mayne Maniac




Pastry Patrol




Cayman Islanders




Bidibodi Bidibu








Skeeles Scooters




auf Achse sein












Island Mike 911
















not listed,





Grey Haired Gear Heads




why not

Porscher Head Ed




911moji The Red Baron and The Baroness



















Blue Bird Bliss








Black Blue Turbo Trio




Steve and Laura




No Name 2








No Name 3








No Name




Wild West




Kalahari Cruiser








No Name 4




team standings (as of July 30th) If you are



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Here are some more of your Facebook 25 Roads posts that you submitted for the 25 Roads for 25 Years challenge. Click here for the Club’s Facebook Group page.

Franz-Albert Burgund routes 13 and 14

David Bramley route 24

Ron Dempsey’s son route 11 Gary Glover route 16 Chandra Bea route 7


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Trevor/Sonia Ross route 13

Steve Peers Brad Blaney, Dan Bourlet routes 10, 17, 20

Chandra Bea routes 11, 15, 17


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Franz-Albert Burgund routes 12, 18

Don Gosse route 24


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VIR Members

Tanya & Henning Wulff What year did you join the PCA? 2005 Which Porsche do you own? 2013 Boxster S and a 2010 GT3 Where are you from? Tanya and I both grew up in Alberta, then spent our working lives in Vancouver. Datsun 240Z. We ordered it before the first one arrived in Edmonton, and wound up with What line of work are you in? the 3rd one in Alberta. It had been designed I am a retired architect and photographer, and to some degree developed for CaliforTanya is a retired psychiatrist. nia, and the engine came with first generation emission controls which throttled it to Next upgrade? 125hp. The first half year the cars that came The Boxster GTS 4.0 looks good, but I’m not into Canada didn’t have emission controls, sure I’d have more fun than in the 2013 Box- and made somewhere close to 200hp. We ster S. drove many times Edmonton to Jasper where I was on the Ski Patrol, leaving early Favourite car adventure? Saturday morning to get to Marmot Basin by While driving in the Ukraine, I got stopped 6:30am to be ready at the bottom of the lift by a cop. I don’t speak Ukrainian, and he by 7 in time to be first up the hill. At night the didn’t speak anything I could deal with. only police on the highway were in Edson at Through ’sign language’, grunts and facial a known coffee shop. I had mounted Cessna contortions, I understood that I had crossed landing lights below and back of the bumper. solid line when I shouldn’t have, even though I could get someone to dim their lights 2 it was inscrutably marked, and agreed that I miles down the road. More importantly, I had done wrong. He showed me an A3 sized could see caribou and coyotes on the highform, with about a hundred fields to be filled way from far away. The car had a top speed in and made it plain that this was a lot of work that he’d rather not do. He also communicated that I would then have to stay in the nearest town overnight to see the official in charge the next day. We agreed on a $10 payoff, and both went on our way smiling. Any fun cars growing up? Tanya and my first joint purchase (about a year before we actually got married) was a VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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above 135mph (225kph), verified on the Ed- car without ever discussing it with me or monton track on which CanAm races were knowing that that was it. run, which was very fast for 1970. To get to Jasper by 6:30am we left Edmonton by 4:00. What region were you in when you joined PCA (VIR didn’t come into existence until Favourite vacation destination? 1996)? Anywhere. The last 4 months before Covid-19 I first joined Canada West Region in 2005, included Australia, New Zealand, Bora Bora, and am still a member there as well. Barbados, Guyana and Suriname. All fantastic. We’ve driven on 5 of the continents in all What car do you have now, and how do you sorts of cars, and it’s all been great. Some of mostly use it? the cars, not so great but at least interesting. The Boxster is the last of the line before the turbo everything era kicked in. It gets used What drew you to Porsche? when the top is better put down, when a My dad was very interested in cars and great drive along beautiful 2 lane roads are bought a 1959 Porsche 356 on European de- available that don’t need as much speed to livery, was a PCA member and took part in a be enjoyed. The GT3 is used when the focus Porsche Parade in Aspen, Colorado in 1960. is more on the driving than the scenery and Unfortunately he died in a car crash a few when I want to feel the car more. It’s the last years later. In spite of my interest in Por- GT3 with the Mezger engine, hydraulic steersches, out of respect for my mom’s feelings I ing, relatively few electronics and of course, didn’t buy a Porsche myself until she was it has a 6 speed. The Boxster also has a 6 bed bound. Tanya, who was also very inter- speed, although after some years of ownerested in cars, bought me a 2004 GT3 for my ship I now realize it would do just as well 60th birthday in 2005, getting me my dream with a PDK.


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What has kept you in the club? People; friends we’ve made

Best driving experience – ever? One of the best: driving the Jasper-Banff highway on a gorgeous warm sunny day in my first Boxster, a 2006.

What was your first car? A 1967 VW 1500 Beetle, which cost $1500 Cdn cash at a dealer in Hamburg, Germany. Right up there with the least pleasant: DrivIt was the first car I drove around the Nür- ing highway 11 through Northern Ontario in mid-May 2019 after having bought our 2013 burgring. Boxster S from a fellow in Ottawa. The tires What's been your favourite club experience were cracked and nearly bald, and it started snowing. And on this awful, boring and never so far? Hard to pick a favourite: Black Rock, Gold ending road the speed limit was 90, which River, Cars & Coffee; they’re all worthwhile the kind officer pointed out to me. He let me and have their highlights. Track days are off since it was my first day in the car. great, but the best times are with lots of friends.

Editor—Many thanks to Henning and Tanya for their interesting Member Profile. I have previously used Henning’s photos in Porscher especially from Black Rock.


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VIR members can find VIR logo’d clothing range at our special PCA webstore here... www.pcawebstore.org/regions/VIS VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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VIR Member & PCA Parade Committee member

Keith Glover Dispatch from Parade 2021

The debate continues. PDK versus manual. Which is better? This debate will continue well beyond the last manual 911, however the answer is simple, there is no right answer. I love my PDK and would not have my Boxster GTS without its manual gearbox. Porsche Parade is the perfect forum for all things Porsche and the multitude of watering holes, the perfect back drop for solving the unsolvable, PDK or manual? The 997 Club Coupe brought by Porsche is a manual! Has Porsche spoken? Ha! Number 1 was produced with a manual. Porsche likes both! Porsche Parade 2021 is now in the books. Second only to the 2014 Monterey Parade in the number of participants, 2021 Parade at French Lick Indiana was very well attended. Without COVID-19 related restrictions, French Lick would likely have been the biggest Parade ever! Initially, 200 Canadians were registered. Unfortunately, all but one Canadian (me) understandably stayed home. Had the Canadian contingent been able to be at Parade, this year might have become the biggest of all time. The schedule of events at Parade progresses from Concours to Rally to Tours to Autocross to the Gimmick Rally, then Tech Academy and wrapped up by the Parade of Porsches. The site of 500 plus Porsches from 8 decades stirs one’s emotions and is a fitting wrap-up event for a busy week of fun with Porsches. The sight of two Porsche 550 Spyders, sitting side-byside on display was amazing. Porsche only built 100 of these cars with their four cam engines placed in front of the rear axle. To see them driven, rare, but these owners did. The sound of a Porsche 550 4 cam will stick with you forever. Nowhere but Parade can you watch a fully restored Porsche 914-6 place third in Concours on Monday and then head off in the Tuesday morning mist on the TSD rally to come home in 5th place overall in the unequipped group. Have you ever attended a Gimmick Rally that ends at a Drive-in theatre where they played Steve McQueen’s master piece Le Mans? Memorable. Where else can you participate in a Porsche drive that includes a 40hp 356 and a 700hp GT2? Parade is a special event for Porsche people, and different from many car events, Parade emphasizes participation along with your favourite Porsche. This year’s edition of Parade was, as you might expect, a bit different than previous years. Access to the resort facilities was controlled so to limit access to the facility to “Paraders” only. Social distancing practices were employed for our safety. Though fully vaccinated, I limited my participation to my duties at Parade and that as a socially distanced observer. I skipped the banquets and without my trusty Porsche, skipped the road events, so for me Parade, was not the same. Or the same without all the Canadians. Perhaps next year. VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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VIR President Tim


It was announced at the last Whistler event in 2019 that Canada West would be moving their annual “Escape” event to a new location. Then the pandemic hit and everything was put on hold for 2020. Late in 2020, when it looked like things were getting better, they announced the 2021 event would take place at Sun Peaks, which had hosted Canada West events in the past, but the event moved from there to Whistler some time ago. Normally, these are large events with PCA members coming from all regions in British Columbia, Alberta, and Washington. This time, it was limited to 70 participants from only the three BC regions. It quickly sold out and then we waited to see if it would actually happen. Thankfully, we got the go ahead from our Provincial Health Officer and off we went. Nine cars and 18 members travelled from the Island to Sun Peaks to participate in the multi -region event organized by the Canada West Region from July 9 – 11th. On the Friday, Marilyn and I left on the 9am sailing out of Swartz Bay, along with Rob and Aurelie, and Steve and Heather. Later, we met up with Trevor and Sonia at the Chevron in Chilliwack, where we filled up for the next leg of the journey. We stopped at the Briton Creek rest stop on the Coquihalla for a bite to eat and to stretch our legs, and then again in Kamloops to fill up and have a full tank of gas for the drives on Sunday. The other Island participants had either gone to the mainland the day before or decided to take different routes to get to Sun Peaks. Upon arrival, we checked in at the resort and the event registration desk, where we picked up our name tags and swag bag. Unfortunately, due to water restrictions, we were unable to wash our cars in preparation for Saturday’s concours lite in the village but we did our best with the detail products we brought with us and the Chemical Guys spray-on products and the microtowels we received in the swag bag. That evening was a social, where we got together for a buffet of snacks, drinks, and to meet up with members from our own Club and the other clubs. Saturday brought an early start as we had to line up the cars by 8am so that once the gates were opened, we could start positionVANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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ing the cars to showcase in the village. All event participants and the general public were invited to vote for the “People’s Choice” award. The rest of the day was spent exploring the village, although that doesn’t take long as it is quite compact, compared to Whistler. There are certainly a number of good places to eat and the atmosphere was quite vibrant with lots of families, mountain bikers, dogs and golfers. We took the cars back to the resort garage at 2pm and then we’re off to the Morrisey pub for a 68question Porsche trivia test. Needless to say, Marilyn and I failed miserably as our Porsche knowledge was lacking and our guesses were mostly wrong. Where is John Clark when you need him?! That evening was a “Hawaiian themed” event and we enjoyed a fantastic buffet dinner. Warren and Karen Lee from Port Alberni were the big winners in the fun “make like a Hawaiian” contest. The winners of the concours lite were also announced and Warren and Karen finished second. This was well-deserved as Warren was still there working away, meticulously cleaning his car every time I made one of my numerous trips to the garage on Friday evening. It was a beautiful 356 with props (a pair of wooden skis and a worn, leather suitcase), which came in first place. On Saturday afternoon, a wildfire had started off in the distance but the event organizers were still going ahead with planning the drives on Sunday. Unfortunately, by very early Sunday the situation had changed and we received a notice slipped under our hotel room doors that we had been advised that it would not be wise to leave the resort, as we may


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not be able to return. There was only one road in and out of the resort that would be passable by a Porsche and the fire could move in that direction, while we were away for the day. At a morning meeting, we were briefed that the evening banquet was still a go, so we teamed up with Trevor and Sonia and headed up the mountain for a hike. The views were amazing and next time we will take the lift up to get up even higher and explore the mountain meadows. We were back down in the village in time to get a seat in the hotel bar and take in the Italy – England football match. After the match was over, then came the bad news. An evacuation alert had been issued for Sun Peaks and most of the businesses had started to close up and send their employees home. The event organizers then made the difficult decision to cancel the remaining banquet and most participants starting checking out and leaving for home. Eight of us decided to stay. Even though there was an evacuation alert issued, we were told that there was minimal risk with the wind forecasted to continue in the opposite direction. There was also only a very slight trace of smoke in the air and we felt reassured by the fact that the hotel was checking in fire fighters! We took the opportunity to enjoy the pool and then the eight of us got together for a wonderful meal in the hotel. After dinner, we got to meet the chef to thank him in person and as it turns out, he was from Stuttgart. We then said our goodbyes and retired for the evening. We were up early the next day and managed to catch the noon ferry from Tsawwassen. The organizers are already planning the 2022 event, when they hope to double the size of the event and include those from south of the border again. It’s a wellorganized event and the fact that they were able to address, manage VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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and stay on top of an uncontrollable situation, speaks volumes. I’m sure that next year will be a fantastic event and I look forward to experiencing the full event. I highly recommend you consider planning to attend next year, as it is a very fun weekend. Hopefully, I will see you there and we will have a bigger island presence!


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MSR Registration closes August 3rd 5pm msreg.com/2021-Up-Island-Picnic


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VIR Rally Chair Klaus Kreye Rally Ramble

The first leg of the annual TSD rally season was run on Sunday 25 July – we could not have asked for better weather or fiercer competition! Pencils had been sharpened amongst the top contenders with the past champions given car #1 – no pressure eh! A field of 8 vehicles lined up for the start and we figured there would be two groups – four teams competing for the podium finish and four new rally teams trying this out….. 7 regularity (competition) stages took us through interesting back country roads from Cobble Hill, around Duncan, Chemainus and Yellow Point. The route ended at the Wheatsheaf Pub, just south of Nanaimo, for refreshments, a late lunch and unwinding while the scores were added. The results were unexpected in that the new team of John and Daniel Rogers beat everyone to the finish, albeit by a whisker! ….. and our past champions must have taken a wrong turn and the resultant demerit points took the team right out of contention. Remember the score is demerit points, so the lowest score wins.

1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5th place

111 points 112 points 121 points 308 points 333 points

John Rogers / Daniel Rogers (pictured below & overleaf) Don Gosse/ Glen Fraser Paul Rossmo / Klaus Kreye Brad Blaney / Steve Fairbrother Geoffrey Melneychuk / Sue Frew

The second round rally is scheduled for Sunday 26 September – Save the date! For those looking for more rally opportunities: 14 August November December February

- Mission TSD – Totem Rally TSD – Big White closed stage – Thunderbird Rally TSD

Full details on rallybc.ca Any questions or feedback from the event are welcome.

Klaus rally@virpca.org VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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The Club has some 25th Anniversary items for sale on the MSR site, however they are either limited stock or ending soon so we can get the order in. Please order early to avoid disappointment. Further details and ordering via the MSR links below.

Golf Umbrella $50 msreg.com/25th-Umbrella

Picnic/Camping Chair $70 msreg.com/25th-Chairs

Vacuum Tumbler $30 msreg.com/25th-Tumbler

Blanket $55 msreg.com/25th-blanket

Laptop / Messenger Bag $25 msreg.com/25th-Bags

Curved Brim Hats $30 msreg.com/25th-hats


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From the August 1996 issue…….


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here is always a Cars & Coffee meeting near you at weekends! Pop in, meet old friends and make plenty of new ones. You never know, VIR may even pay for your coffee occasionally too!

There are 3 locations across the Island to meet Club members regularly:-

Up Island 2nd Saturday of month, 10am Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay

Mid Island Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville

South Island Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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Ferry Porsche shown on the Black Forest cake at the 25th anniversary coffee & cars Up Island


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Luckily there were many experts around to fix Wendy’s puncture!


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“It's not just the cars, it's the people!”


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f you have received a discount from anywhere that you believe would be applicable to others in the Club, please advise us via email to newsletter@virpca.org and I’ll add to this list. Note: The discount details may change after publishing, if Porscher is not advised.

Please mention that you saw their advert in PORSCHER if you visit/talk to these sponsors




Up to 30%

Mention Porsche Club of America (show PCA card)

Porsche Center Victoria

Up to 15%

15% for in-house work, 10% over the counter parts



Show your current PCA card


At checkout, use code Pelican-PCA2021- followed by your 10 digit PCA MEMBER ID (not login ID). Note: You can only use this code once.

Pelican Parts



elow are some Porsche related sites that Club members may find useful. If you know of any others please forward them to the Editor. Zone 6 website zone6.pca.org

Best forum for 986 owners, run by Pelican Parts 986forum.com/forums PCA Boxster register, another great resource for Boxster owners boxsterregister.org

See the PCA site for other models www.pca.org/special-interest-groups Macan Forum, everything related to Macans www.macanforum.com General car auction site https://bringatrailer.com Pelican Parts forums and classifieds http://forums.pelicanparts.com/ Below are some USED parts web sites:https://www.partsheaven.com





AUGUST 2021 Page 51

Up Island Mid Island South Island

Saturday August 7 Saturday August 7

Ongoing Cars & Coffee Times

2 Saturday of the month, 10am—Noon, Crown Isle Plaza (next to Starbucks), 444 Lerwick Road, Courtenay. Sundays 10am, Serious Coffee, 9-1209 East, Island Hwy E, Parksville Sundays 9am, Starbucks, Eagle Creek Village, 29 Helmcken Rd, Victoria nd

25th Anniversary Up-Island Gimmick Rally

Drive through Comox valley. Details and registration on MSR msreg.com/2021-Rally-in-Valley

Canada West VIMC Track Day

Canada West Region is hosting a Porsche only track day at VIMC. You can find the details and register here

Up Island 25th Anniversary Picnic

Sunday August 8

Held at the Filberg grounds in Courtenay/Comox and includes a show-n-shine. Details and registration on MSR msreg.com/2021-Up-Island-Picnic

Wed August 11 7pm

Club Executive/Business Meeting via Zoom

Sunday August 15 Sunday August 22

The monthly Executive/Business meeting via Zoom. If you wish to join, advise Ross so we have an idea for online capacity

Mid Island 25th Anniversary Picnic

Contact Can West Contact Trevor Contact Ross Contact Dan B

Now changed to the Rocking Horse Pub in Nanoose. Details and reg at msreg.com/2021-Mid-Island-Picnic

Fairwinds Golf Club Lunch & Drive

Contact Dan B

Full details and registration link at msreg.com/2021-fairwinds-aug-lunch-drive

VIR Fiscal Year End

August 31

Sep 9 7pm

Contact Trevor

Club Executive/Business Meeting via Zoom

The monthly Executive/Business meeting via Zoom. If you wish to join, advise Ross so we have an idea for online capacity

Contact Ross

Sunday Sep 12

New Members’ Lunch

Contact Dan S

Saturday Sep 18

Gold River Drive

Contact Dan B

Sunday Sep 26

Fall Rally 2021

Contact Klaus


Details TBA

Details TBA

Details TBA

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Sunday Sep 26

Drive-In Movie Night

Contact TBA

Sunday Oct 3

Port Renfrew Drive

Contact Tim

Saturday Oct 23

25th Anniversary Gala Night

Contact Tim

VIR Annual General Meeting

Contact TBA

Saturday Oct 30

Details TBA

Details TBA

Come celebrate the Club’s 25th Anniversary. Details TBA

Details TBA

For Sale Authentic and fully functioning VDO tachometer and speedometer removed from 911 Carrera. Good condition. $380 each David Barss 250-216-5782 Please reply with name and phone number

PCA Test Drive

Do you know someone with Porsche ownership intentions or aspirations? Tell them about the PCA Test Drive program. For US $40 they get 6 months access to PANORAMA and defined access to browse the online PCA Mart to find their Porsche. Contact membership@virpca.org for details VANCOUVER ISLAND — PORSCHER

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